manchesterau · 7 months
why was this such a 'i need to look away' moment
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somaybeimbiased · 6 years
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SHINee 5 | FlowerBois AU
Shinee high school flower boys au. where 2min looks like a couple (they like each other) also 2min : Come on we are just best friends! since kindergarten. (the dumb pair / also high fives when the teacher says some word in the sexual education part.) Jongkey (are together) has so many fans. Onew hits on teachers but everyone thinks he is a innocent bunny. plz! I love your woks so much! u r so amazing!     -I dont remember who sent this soz
This guy
THE guy
A senior student who is like one of the most well-liked students in the school.
Nice to everyone
Especially the teachers ;)
But not like just any teachers, mostly the teaching assistants
Lowkey loves making them blush and stuff when he gives them compliments
Always early to class with an apple and a cheeky wink for them
But really just a good student so no one says anything
They just dress really cute and are really sweet and they love soft things
Jinki realllyyy likes being able to express himself freely with his best buddos
Like before meeting Kibum and Taemin he never would’ve been comfortable wearing pastel colors
But after becoming their friend and learning about how they are so comfortable not conforming to gender stereotypes
Kibum smacked the back of his head “It’s not like we are dressing like girls! We just think cute things can be for boys too!”
Then it all made sense and Jinki was on board.
Like “yes please lets dye my hair i’ve always wanted it to be a more pinkish red color~”
He also gets into colored contacts.
Jinki is just a huge popular softie who everyone seeings as the image of innocence.
Oh boy when this big softy transferred to this school and showed up on the first day wearing a oversized pink sweater he expected one of many things to happen
What he didn’t expect was to be in the same calculus class with a cute nerd wearing fake glasses and a floral button up how invited him to eat lunch with his friend group at lunch.
Yes pls omg
He fit right in with the nerd’s friends and was introduced to all of them, the nerd, or Kibum, has such a nice group of friends and Jonghyun knew he wanted to be apart of their flowerbois group.
Only knew Kibum for like a month before the younger asked him out and omg yes pplsss
Jjong is so soft for love and he loves Kibum so much and ugh
They are so in love and grossly soft with each other that the entire school soon knows that twoMOREof the flowerbois™ are dating
He is really just an average student who loves his new school because no one bothers them here. He isn’t sure if it’s because they have a cool senior student in their friend group, because all of them have such cool ‘i don’t care attitudes’ or because Minho is a really intimidating flowerboi™
But he is just so happy to find a place be belongs plus he got 3 best friends and a cuttteee boyfriend out of it.
Him and Taemin started the flowerbois™ because neither of them ever really cared about how other people thought of them.
Best friends since elementary and they are still super close even though Taemin is a year younger (Sophomore)
He is known for his many styles of fake glasses and impeccable style. But also for his ‘don’t care attitude’
He has always liked things considered feminine, and one day him and Taemin went to the mall and just decided to buy some sweaters out of the women’s section.
The rest is history.
Really enjoyed teasing Taemin about his neighbor, Minho who had a crush on Taemin since forever and would stare at him when he wasn’t paying attention even though they were friends since like kindergarten
Also liked giving Onew crap about liking older women, just for kicks and giggles.
What he likes most though is Jonghyun.
The little pup in his big pink sweater made his heart fly out of his chest the first time the met.
Forced the elder to become friends with him and his pals
The rest was history,, and Kibum could not be more happy with the way high school is going for him
Definitely the leader of their little flowerboi™ group
The hard Flowerboi ™
Like lowkey just joined the group at first because a lot of people were paying attention to them
And he didn’t think they could really protect themselves from the people who disliked them
Like mayyyybe Jinki and Kibum, but he knew his best friend wasn’t really cut out for that
He also mostly joined the group bc Taemin and Kibum started it, but mostly for Taemin.
He had had a thing for him since they were in kindergarten together, and he saw him all the time because he was also close with Kibum.
So after Jinki joined he also hopped on the wagon, even though his style of flowerboi is a little edgy also.
But at least now he has an excuse to spend even more time with Taemin and talking to him
Everyone thinks they are together, and even if they hold hands sometimes, or maybe makeout when they are alone, they haven’t defined anything
So they just deny it when someone brings it up.
But him and Taem are big goofs and like messing with the others in the group bc they are the youngest.
Honestly the softest.
Loves wearing soft whites and cream colors.
Just really enjoys showing his feminine side to people.
Kibum really helped encourage that out of him from a young age.
He was so grateful when Jinki decided to join their group and embrace himself
He was also really touched when Minho joined them, he knew it wasn’t 100% Minho’s style, but he was so glad he could spend more time with his crush
Definitely denies it when people say they are together, even if he 100% wants to be. He just assumes dating him would be too flowerboi ™ for Minho to admit
Also his parents are hella catholic and wouldn’t accept it :/
But at least he can be himself at school without caring about people judging them.
He stopped caring a long time ago, but he also knows that mango would stand up for him.
Really glad when Jonghyun came to their school because it changed Kibum a lot.
It was the first time he’d seen his best friend so happy.
And that made him so much happier.
What more could he ask for?
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