thepeachjane · 2 years
Avatar the Last Airbender: Katara MBTI- Why she isn't an ESFJ
I'm going to post this on main because I'm genuinely SO SICK of people mischaracterizing Katara. So sorry to my followers, but my mbti nerd is going to come out.
I truly think that people mistype Katara as an ESFJ because of their focus on stereotypes and thinking that because she is the "mother" of the group, that she is Fe focused and Si secondary. However, I believe that if you really look at her character actions and beliefs, she is an INFP, with a developed Si because of her traumatic past, and enneagram type which I think is 1w2.
For starters, her focus always remains on her personal values, yes she cares about the group, and she would like if people went along with an agreed with her (who wouldn't?), BUT THE KEY DIFFERENCE IS, she is willing to do near anything to follow those values, even if it goes against the group dynamic and wishes, which is not something that comes as naturally to an Fe person. A prime example of this is the Painted Lady episode, but you can see seeds of that natural instinct in her from early episodes.
There's just an inner stubbornness to Katara that isn't really obvious in ESFJs, but is present in Fi types. She doesn't like conflict, but is willing to rock the boat, go against the tribe's wants, happy to in some cases, if she feels as though her values are not being respected.
We even see how she sometimes struggles to communicate her inner most feelings and desires to people (inferior Te), and goes solo or seeks support from someone she knows will support her, hence her strong relationship with Aang (who I believe is an ENFP and explains their relationship dynamic imo), and feeling of betrayal she feels when he occasionally does not. Exmaple being the Southern Raiders episode. And why Zuko in the same episode totally gets her, as an ISFP himself with the same savior and demon function of Fi Te.
Her weak Te also explains her rather childish but honestly completely relatable reactions to her brother who is clearly Te primary. She is a big picture idealist and he is an objective outcomes guy. She rejects reality to pursue her values, and dislikes her brother's sometimes cold impartial attitude.
And I think people conflate her talking about her mother's death, with her being vulnerable about it. But she often doesn't talk about her feelings or how it affected her, and definitely is NOT looking for people's input on how she should feel or think about it.
We know as the audience and it's clear based on her tone and body language, but she doesn't express her own feelings on it except for the rare occasions she is almost forced to, or feels like it will help her connect with someone. She just tells people what happened to her!! Classic Fi. People forget that Fi users are very emotionally private, and while they can be OUTWARDLY expressive (and that can be mistaken for emotional vulnerability), their most private and important feelings are their own, they want to protect them.
And I feel like the Ne and Si are pretty clear, like Katara is open to new experiences, sees potential in things, and gathers ideas to shape her values, but can be surprisingly rigid. Especially when she encounters things from her past which have hurt her (prime example being Zuko). Which can put her in the classic Fi Si grip.
TLDR; She's a big picture idealist who gets bogged down by the logistics of things, often not caring about the objective outcome more than doing what she thinks is right (which makes her butt heads with her brother). And while she cares about the group, her priority is not group harmony, her priority is her own values and whether or not those around her respect and understand that. And if they don't she pushes back. She is the character most true to herself and her values, even more than Aang sometimes. And that's why I think she is so strongly an INFP. I really REALLY don't see the ESFJ and it's weird that people type her as that so much...
If you STILL don't see it, please re-watch with a better understanding of the cognitive functions because just because she cares about the group, does NOT mean she puts the group first.
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