arechickensreal · 3 years
✿Our Life headcanons that nobody asked for✿
(disclaimer: majority are my own, but some are inspired by other people's headcanons and fanfics and stuff. these are headcanons for a bunch of different characters, not just Cove (but i have a ton more cove hcs so lmk if yall would want a post just for him! enjoy~~! ) (oh and this isnt in any specific step btw)
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Cove would be probably a bit nervous about it at first but would definitely let you paint his nails.
turns out that he actually really likes it and would have you paint his nails sometimes since he doesn't rlly know how to do it himself (and he also just prefers when you do it)
Cove isn't AFRAID of the dark necessarily, but he has a hard time sleeping without some form of small light, whether it be the light from his fish tank, or the light from the moon.
he cries during sad movies. a lot.
sometimes he uses his glasses as sort of a headband to keep his hair out of his face if he's doing something.
Kyra likes stuff like incense, crystals, and essential oils, and likes to keep them around her apartment to make it smell nice.
she doesn't actually BELIEVE in them, but she really just likes them aesthetic wise, (and she likes the smell)
because of this, cove will always smell at least a *little* like incense and essential oils (specifically jasmine and sandalwood) for a while after he gets back from his mom's
kyra has probably also owned something that has an inspirational quote or 'live, laugh, love' on it at some point in her life.
she takes really good pictures and has an instagram account. she posts lots of pictures of you and cove, and pretty landscapes.
Liz, Lee, Derek, Miranda, and Terry are all Taylor swift fans. (terry only got into her music through miranda)
Lee went through a one direction phase. she still listens to harry styles tho
miranda has a driver's license, but doesn't actually like driving. Terry actually loves driving, so most of the time he ends up driving when they go places together, which works out.
sPEAKING OF DRIVERS LICENSE, miranda would like/listen to olivia rodrigo
the moms are both VERY competitive when it comes to board games.
liz is also very competitive in board games (she gets it from her moms lol). probably really good at jenga in particular tho
both liz and terry are GOD at mario kart. whenever you all play together, either one of them will always end up in first place
liz sometimes gamer rages when terry passes her
"DAMMIT I WAS IN FIRST NOOOO" "suck it liz lmao"
baxter just smells like. expensive cologne.
i think he would write in pretty cursive, or at least just have really nice handwriting in general.
derek gives BONE CRUSHING hugs
sometimes he forgets how strong he truly can be compared to other people.
this is getting long so im gonna cut this post here for the time being. i still have way way more, so ill probably end up making more posts of hcs and a separate post specifically for cove headcanons because i have a lot of hcs specifically of him
ALSO!! i love writing headcanons and fanfics , so if you would want specific headcanons/fics and stuff, feel free to send requests in my asks! ill make an official list of fandoms and rules later, but for now just feel free to send whatevr lol.
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Rules for Requests/Asks || Masterlist || Send asks/requests here!
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zombiejette · 5 years
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My attempt at a Hazbin OC.
Meet Claude, a crustacean-themed demon who died at age 35 in the 70′s. She used to run a roller disco rink that became a swinger’s club and drug den after hours, so eventually got raided out by the feds. When the police came to arrest everybody, they smoked them out with mustard gas, so she died of chemical poisoning. She tried to wash off the gas by jumping into the nearby harbor, but ended up drowning before she could get back to shore. Her body was found washed up a week later, being devoured by crabs. Because of this, and the fact that one of her wardrobe staples was always fuzzy/furry jackets, coming back in the afterlife as a yeti crab demon checked tf out. She doesn’t mind much, since deep sea creatures were always her jam anyway.
-is bisexual, with a preference towards women -her crab hair moves independently, usually emphasizing her moods -the claws snap at ppl when she’s angry or ‘crabby’ -the legs will drum against the side of her head when she’s thinking, much like fingers do against a table -can also lengthen her arms at will, mirroring how a yeti crab’s front appendages are much longer than the rest -is a coffee addict, and is stoked at all the options the latest decades have provided her. will literally kill to get her hands on a quality roast, and will always kill if she’s denied her morning cup -very opinionated, not afraid to speak her mind, especially when it pisses off/terrifies men -gets along well with Vaggie bc of this, both of them simultaneously ranting at people together, later laughing at how often they would shout the same points in unison -also pretty close with Cherri Bomb and the Dust twins -all of them share the same love of dancing, parties, and mayhem -fluff squad -she and Molly end up mothering Angel in opposite ways, often looking out for him when they go out together -Angel usually gets back at them for it by threatening to tell each other about their crush on the other woman -he’s eternally amused that neither of them know and both have sworn him to secrecy about it -clueless clueless lesbians -hangs out with Baxter sometimes bc fish gotta swim together -he always feigns irritation at her interruptions, but can never kick her out bc he secretly enjoys her company -she loves their dramatic height difference and will always try and pick him up to annoy him hug him whenever she can -bc he’s her bestest angler boi! -joined the hotel crew as an event coordinator, throwing parties and teaching some dance classes to raise the residents’ morale/provide a constructive outlet -tho she’s more of a pro at roller dancing, and loves skating far more than she does teaching... -(really was just nominated by Angel to join the staff so they could hang out more/he could keep up with his pole dancing regimen without having to sneak off site and anger Charlie) -adores the disco and r&b hits of her decade, but absolutely loves how far music has come since then, especially with mashups and remixes -whenever they mix in a hit from her time, goes apeshit -plays her faves at all her events -has a legendary poker face and is great at gambling, making her best bros w Husk -also helps that their sense of humor lines up really well, and that they lived through most of the same decades -plus she may or may not be exactly his type... a fact that he doesn’t hide well... -respects what Charlie is attempting to do with the hotel, but isn’t sure if she wants to be ‘redeemed’ quite yet... is actually enjoying the freedom her afterlife gives her now that she’s found her groove -especially since hell is ironically much more LGBT friendly than her previous life -she’s entered her own personal lesbian renaissance and is throwin out big butch vibes -has a jeans jumpsuit and BDE and ain’t afraid to use em
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 11
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AAAAAAHHHHHHH FINALLY Ada leaves Cor and returns to Luche!!!!!! I mean with a declaration of love like that, how can you notI’m so happy. Cor really is a lone wolf tho. So in case you haven’t noticed, I recast Gentiana as this lovely woman next to Ada. @the-immortal-marshal, GIRL. You hopefully will love this. I was CACKLING when I wrote the end of this chapter and hopefully you’ll laugh too. 
So without further adieu. You can go here- AO3 or read below. Enjoy. 
Chapter 11
Cor helped Ada take a shower by taking a shower with her and just held her under the hot water for a long time because he didn’t know what to say so he said nothing while he mentally tried to come up with something to say. But when he was done Ada got to see the full extent of his new wounds.
“What happened to you while I was gone?” Ada asked as he helped her get dressed and ready for bed.
“Don’t worry about it. You have enough on your plate.” Cor waived off as he got dressed in some PJ’s too, grateful that Regis had gone to his house to get him some clean clothes and things.
“Oh come on, just tell me Cor!” Ada pleaded before Cor got her tucked back into bed.
“While you were gone I got close to Gilgamesh, really close, like I saw him from across a warehouse we raided, he was under full guard and I tried to hack my way through to him and I did actually got to fight him but he... he slipped away again. So I may have gotten hit a bit. I was in this hospital for a little bit but I’m fine, besides you were on the cruise to Alaska and I didn’t want you to worry or spoil your vacation and there was no way for you to come home even if you wanted to. Sylva did everything she could from the boat, which thankfully that ship had internet and I swore her to secrecy and not to tell you or anyone else. Granted my stay wasn’t as nice as this was but I didn’t need all of this or want it. So once I got out, I changed tactics and I thought if I could get The Empress and nail her down permanently that Gilgamesh would cave and come for her himself and I’d be able to trap them both and finally end it once and for all.” Cor explained. “I was hoping to do that before you came home. I should have sent you on a plane back to your parents the moment you came back. But I swear to you Ada, I will make this right and the bastard will see justice, I swear.” Cor admitted as he got in the bed next to hers as he held her hands in his as they faced each other before the nurse knocked and came and hooked Ada back up to her IV fluids since the bedding had been changed while Ada was in the shower and there had been warm blankets put on under the comforter so the bed was perfectly warm for her.
“Feel a little more human?” Sadie gently teased since the line she used to get Ada in the shower was to scrub off the grime and blood and ‘feel more human’ which had gotten Ada to crack a smile as Sadie grinned wider when Ada cracked a larger smile.
“Yeah,” Ada nodded, she had needed a shower and a good scrub down and to brush her teeth, put on some deodorant and stuff.
“Good, do you want some more meds to help you sleep?” She asked thoughtfully.
“Yes please.” Ada nodded.
“How about...remeron? It’s an anti-anxiety med and it’s side effect is to knock you out while it calms you down.” Sadie offered.
“Perfect.” Ada smiled appreciatively as Sadie punched that into the computer before she pulled the med out of her pocket and administered it, having already loaded up before she came into the room so that there wouldn’t be a wait time for Ada and within seconds Ada’s eyes grew heavy before she fell asleep.
“Cor? Do you want some too?” Sadie asked thoughtfully.
“Nah, I’m good.” Cor waived off.
“Ok, well get some sleep you two. Let me know if you need anything.” Sadie offered before she pet Baxter affectionately as he curled up next to Ada in her bed.
“Will do, good night.” Cor bid her before she bid him goodnight and left.
The next day Cor took Baxter for a walk to go potty in the little rooftop garden on that floor while Sylva stepped in to check on Ada.
“So how are you feeling today?” Sylva asked curiously as she came into the room.
“A little better. So Cor told me last night that while we were in Alaska he was here in the hospital, so since he told me, can you tell me more about that?” Ada requested.
“Yeah, I can actually, I had Cor sign a waiver before he would be discharged so that when he told you, you would be able to see for yourself the full extent of it, I have it printed out already, I’ll go get it.” Sylva answered before she turned and went and got it and called Rose to come to the hospital before she came back.
“Now if you don’t mind, I called Rose, Gladio’s mother, because she’s the one who brought him in and she’ll be able to tell you what she found when she found him.” Sylva began before Cor came back.
“Oh no.” Cor frowned. “Sylva come on, she’s been through enough, don’t do this now.” Cor pleaded.
“Hey, since you didn’t want to tell me the whole story, I found someone who will.” Ada challenged.
“I told you all you needed to know, more than I should have.” Cor defended as Sylva rolled her eyes so hard they damn near rolled out of her head.
“If you had told me enough, I wouldn’t have reached out to her.” Ada maintained.
“Fine, you two knock yourselves out, I’m going to call into work.” Cor huffed as he put Baxter back up on her bed as Baxter curled up next to Ada and simply sat there.
“As you can see Cor is of the mindset that the less people know, the better, he thinks that he’s protecting everyone by keeping them “blissfully ignorant” obviously that doesn’t work.” Sylva muttered under her breath as she pulled up a chair before Rose came into the room.
“Hey Sweetie, how are you holding up?” Rose asked thoughtfully.
“Well I’m not bawling my eyes out right now.” Ada shrugged.
“So you’re numb, ok.” Rose nodded in understanding as she came and pulled up a chair too before they both went over Cor’s medical history with Ada as well as Rose gave insights with Cor’s past and the nitty gritty of his personality as Sylva had all the medical history to back it up and show the full extent of his injuries as Ada realized, Cor had always been this way and that she simply ‘got in the way’ of his work, his life. He said he had changed and that he wasn’t this way anymore but clearly that wasn’t true.
And he had downplayed it all again, he had surgery again, not just one- he had five. His liver and his kidneys had been slashed and had to be sewn back together, his spine got hit, he could have been a parapalegic, he could have died, he was super close to dying several times. He wasn’t just in the hospital for a day or two he was here for over a week. His life had hung in the balance and he was in the intensive care unit, he had gotten attacked worse than he had ever been before and he didn’t tell her. He didn’t….he kept this from her. If Sylva hadn’t gotten him to sign a waiver to have this released to her, she never would have been able to know. She just sat there and let all of this soak in. She had almost lost him and it was like...he didn’t care that she almost did. His idea of “protecting her” is keeping her in the dark, he had promised to stop doing that and he broke his promise. As she realized how there was no way he was ever going to live up to that either. Had she been foolish to expect that from him? He was never going to change, not for her, not for anyone and he was going to kill himself in the process. He wasn’t going to get her justice, no there was no justice to be gotten, no, this was a vendetta and this was vengeance, she was just collateral damage. What had she been to him anyway? Just a good lay and live in mother to clean his house and do his laundry and warm his bed? To take care of him on his terms because emotionally and mentally he didn’t need her. Obviously, he never needed her. Not really. He had been used to be self sufficient and all she had been was a distraction. One that he thought he wanted and he thought was good for a while at least but now, she clearly just got in his way. She didn’t want this life anymore. She was done. She had thought this was fun and “exciting” oh yeah, loads of excitement, not knowing if he was going to come home to her, not knowing what was going on, always being in the dark, always being on the sidelines and the supportive role while he got all the “action”. This was bullshit. How could he ever protect her when he had never even tried to protect himself. He obviously knew it was just a matter of time before this happened and the risk of her and her safety and wellbeing was worth his quest for Gilgamesh. Fuck this.
After a couple of days, Ada felt it was time to go home and was discharged and was really quiet on the way home which left Cor to do his own thinking in his own head because he felt he couldn’t say anything without starting a fight because the fight that had ensued after Sylva and Rose had left had been big and bad enough that the other patients had called security and he had promptly just left for work and didn’t come back until she had fallen asleep.
Ada wasn’t surprised by that. She wasn’t surprised when he left her alone all day once he brought her back to his house that didn’t feel like home, Ada realized, it never really had either. But because of what happened, she was terrified to leave the house and started to have panic attacks. Crowe was livid when she came by to see Ada having a panic attack and Cor was nowhere in sight and ignoring Ada’s calls. Luche was fuming because he did his best to keep a respectful distance once she left the hospital but at the call from Crowe that Ada was at home alone having a panic attack, he immediately dropped everything and came running and thanks to those books Sylva had loaned him since had done nothing but read those and study them like his life depended on it, he was able to get her calmed down. Luche and Crowe worked out how to get Ada back to therapy. And for a few days more they tag teamed with Ada, if one of them wasn’t with her, the other was while Cor was at work with Crowe taking the evening shifts to be there and make sure Cor came home to her before she’d leave Ada.
Luche even coaxed her into leaving the house to take high tea again. He thought if that if she could see herself looking put together and with makeup on and her hair done, she’d feel a little better about herself, like she was coming back together and coming back to herself too.
“You look beautiful.” Luche praised as he drove her to the tea house as he held her hand tightly, Baxter, Kona and Kahlua in the back seat with them since when Luche came, he brought the dogs to get to know ‘mommy’ and the dogs took to her as such and had always been hesitant to leave her when he would leave.
“Thanks,” Ada whispered as she squeezed back. Grateful he was with her. She preferred his presence to Cor’s because when Cor was home, he was quiet and still wouldn’t tell her shit. At least Luche talked with her, talked her through stuff. And even when Cor was home, Ada felt even more alone in his presence now.
Once at the tea shop Luche escorted her to the private booth in the back so that Ada could still be ‘out’ but not feel ‘exposed’ because the two were different things. So here Luche sat- across from her, pouring her a cup of tea, in his suit since he had been in the office that morning trying to do a little bit of work before he came to take care of her and he was looking particularly handsome today while she still felt a bit raw on the inside despite looking put together on the outside. But she did feel better that they were both dressed up. Cor didn’t believe in dressing up outside of a uniform or simply a Tshirt and jeans for everything, granted they were black jeans and black shirts, but still. The man owned one suit and one tux that Sylva had bought for him for the wedding.
Luche had a whole closet full of suits and shirts with gorgeous ties. All of the suits were tailored to fit him so he looked like a damn suit model half the time. Ada still noticed how it was Luche that got looked at appreciatively once they arrived in a teahouse full of women, he was the only gentleman there and those other women had looked at him like he was a snak. It both made her feel jealous that even hinted at possessiveness and made her so proud to be with him. But to Luche, it was like they weren’t even there.
“I’ve missed you.” Luche finally said after he ate his cucumber sandwich and they were quiet for a few long moments and Luche felt like if he didn’t say something his brain was going to explode because he wanted to say a thousand and one things all at once but he had to really be mindful of her and how she was feeling and make sure she didn’t feel overwhelmed and he couldn’t overwhelm her with his thoughts and feelings and emotions right now. But GOD was it hard.
“What are you talking about? You saw me yesterday. Plus you’ve been too busy babysitting me to do anything other than that, I haven’t been anywhere for you to miss me.” Ada gently argued as she took the tea cup and drank from it again, the warmth of the tea cup warming her fingers as the tea and his presence seemed to warm and soothe her soul.
“Not what I meant and I don’t babysit you, you’re an adult, if anything I just simply hang out with you.” Luche countered gently.
“Then what did you mean?” Ada tilted her head as she considered him curiously.  
“Well... I’m legitimately scared all of this is going to change you so much, you’ll never be the same and you’ll never get to be your old self again, I’m going to do all I can to keep up with you and keep up with how this will probably continue to change you but...” Luche countered before he trailed off and looked away guiltily. He shouldn’t have said that or brought this up, this was dangerous territory.
Ada simply smiled sadly at him, not sure how to answer. “Are you sure you’re not missing something really important back at the office right now?” Ada questioned changing the subject as she felt a deep sense of dejavu.
“Nope, I don’t deal with anything that’s life or death, whatever is there can wait until whenever I get back, I got a new office when we came back and I'm still settling in and Sylva made sure I didn't get anything important that would need more attention than you, nepotism is fantastic sometimes plus you’re always way more important than any paperwork I could possibly do there, something Sylva and I completely agree on.” Luche insisted, looking back up at her, his gaze soft and his grin gentle as it turned reassuring and Ada felt warmed by the sentiment and she could tell he wanted to say more but forced his mouth to stay shut and let her have a moment of peace but part of her wanted to hear whatever he would say.
“What?” Ada asked, hoping that would help him say whatever he wanted or needed to stay.
“Never mind.” Luche shook his head no before he picked his tea cup up and sipped it again, trying to acquire his taste for it.
“Stop.” Ada demanded. “Everyone looks at me like they want to tell me a thousand and one things but no one tells me what they’re really thinking anymore and I hate it. Luche, I want you to be the one person on this planet who doesn’t do that to me. Just tell me what’s going through your head, don’t worry about offending me or hurting me or anything like that because out of everyone you’re the one who’s actively healing me and making me feel better and keeping me safe while gently pushing me towards recovery which is what I need. So just...keep talking to me, keep communicating with me. Stop holding back.” Ada pleaded desperately and Luche caved. She did technically ask for this so he leaned his elbows onto the table and leaned forward and made sure she looked him in the eye. Go big or go home and he was going for broke.  
“Ok. I love you, I’m in love with you and I never fell out of love with you and I have never stopped loving you and the last 9 months have been a living hell for me because I haven’t been with you and when you broke up with me I felt like you took my heart with you and you never gave it back so I’ve been an empty shell ever since and no matter what I’ve done to attempt to move on or find someone else I’ve failed spectacularly because I’ve only ever wanted you. And it’s killing me keeping a respectful distance but if that’s what you need that’s what I’ll do. I thought I was going to lose my mind when this happened to you and only God knows what I would have done if the unimaginable happened to you because the idea of living in this world without you in it is abhorrent to my very soul. You are my whole world. So anything I can do to spend time with you, no matter what the cost to me personally is- is something I’ll always do if it’s for you, I got Kona and Kahlua for you, I got seven tea sets at home just for you, I have a whole cupboard in my kitchen that’s bursting at the seams because I can’t stop buying ridiculously expensive but hopefully really good tea in the hopes that one of these days you might love me back again and you’ll want to go home with me and use those tea sets and drink the tea and find even more tea that you love instead of going home to Cor when Cor isn’t even coming home to you, not in any way that matters anyway. He ignores you and has abandoned you mentally and emotionally and it’s all of my strength to not scream and yell at you and shake some sense into you to see what’s really happening and it’s killing me that you’re hurting and I can’t fix it and make it better and it’s killing me that you will probably never get justice when you are the most deserving person there is of it and I would give everything to go back in time and change everything and as angry as I am at Cor, I’m also angry and frustrated with myself because you deserve better and I’m trying to give that to you if only you would take it.” Luche finally spoke, his voice dropping to a low murmur so that he wouldn’t draw attention to them but it felt so good to finally get that off of his chest. But the look in his eyes brought tears to hers. The words were eating their way out of her throat as she stood as Luche did the same and came into his arms as he hugged her tight.
“I only ever want you too! I love you so much! I never should have left you, it was the biggest mistake of my life and I’ve done nothing but regret it ever since and I’ve been so miserable Luche, please, please forgive me, I’ll never be unfaithful to you ever again as long as I live! I want to be happy again, I want to be happy with you because you make me happy! You make me feel loved and cared for. Please, please take me to Cor’s house to get my stuff and take me home!” Ada wailed into his chest as she felt so safe and warm in his arms again. Like nothing could hurt her ever again.
“Oh thank God! Finally!” Luche exclaimed in relief before he kissed her, letting all the built up emotion over the last few months finally come to a head and kissed her like a man starved as she kissed him back in kind. He tasted better than he ever did. Luche paid for lunch and grabbed her hand and left with her and once in the car they made out again because it had been long overdue and they finally didn’t have anything to get in the way or hold them back anymore and once Luche finally got to drive back, Ada texted Crowe before Crowe texted the gang who all showed up at Cor’s house to help Ada move out as quickly as possible and made sure they got everything that was hers while Ada wrote a break up note to Cor.
Within the hour, they had gotten all of Ada’s stuff loaded into their vehicles and happily and super quickly they had her things loaded into Luche’s apartment. Even Baxter was happy to get moved to the new place and happily laid down on the third dog bed in the living room and stretched out after getting acquainted with the food and water dishes and the premium dog food and the little backyard and Sylva was cheering and dancing and leaping for joy in her office when she got the text from her kids and from Luche about the change. That and her and Tredd did win the pool since their friends had secretly opened a bet as to when Luche and Ada would get back together and Sylva had picked today and Tredd had simply added his bet with hers.
Cor came home and was relieved when it was peaceful and quiet and sat in his chair and relaxed for a moment before he frowned in confusion. It shouldn’t be this quiet. Maybe Ada was sleeping. He went upstairs and found his bed empty but made before he looked around and noticed Ada’s things were gone. Vanished like she was never there to begin with.
“Oh fucking hell.” Cor groused as he looked around and was relieved to find that his stuff was still ok, she didn’t do the whole- dump your shit into your yard- thing. Or destroy anything and everything she could touch- thing.
He went downstairs and found the note Ada left him on the kitchen island. It was surprisingly, sweet, fucking sad but still, he was surprised it was as...well put together as it was as he suddenly realized that Sylva had warned him, everything listed here was exactly what Sylva told him not to do that he had done. Hell, even Regis had repeated it, Clarus and Gladio too, it was all his fault, he had the perfect girl and he lost her because he was an idiot and an ass, he could have had it all but he blew it and she was gone forever. Now he could blame no one but himself for losing her. So he did the “sensible” thing, got into the cabinet and grabbed the first bottle of liquor his hand touched and started chugging.
Meanwhile Luche was all too happy to have Ada settle in and Ada found herself actually smiling to herself as she put her clothes away and put her toiletries in the bathroom and caught herself smiling in the mirror. She felt so much lighter and like she didn’t have to dread...anything. She knew Luche was always going to come home to her. Like she was more than just turning a page, she was snapping the book labeled ‘Cor’ shut and reopening the book marked ‘Luche’ and starting a new chapter in that one.
“You ok?” Luche asked as he came into the bathroom with her to check up on her.
“Yup,” Ada nodded as she finished putting her things away.
“What do you want for dinner?” Luche asked thoughtfully.
“I have no idea.” Ada shrugged with a little giggle.
“Do you want to go out or stay in?” Luche put to her as he leaned against the door frame.
“Stay in.” Ada decided.
“Well I don’t really have “groceries” groceries, but there’s a bunch of places that deliver or I will happily go and pick something up if they don’t deliver here so come on,” Luche invited and gently and reverently took her hand and led her downstairs to the kitchen where there was a drawer full of takeout menus and got them all out as well as got his apps up on his phone so he could order their first official dinner at home. Granted it wasn’t nearly as glamorous as he wanted it to be but at least she was here. He would make it glamorous later. Oh he was going to do the whole, candles, rose petals, sweep her off her feet big romantic gesture soon enough. Right now he just wanted to her to feel at ease and comfortable and not put any pressure on her at all in any way.
“Just tell me what sounds good and I’ll get it here, whatever you want.” Luche invited as Ada looked them over before they ordered several things from a few different places before Luche finally got changed into comfy clothes and came back down stairs to relax on the couch with Ada, happy to practically have her sit on his lap she cuddled so close to him with a throw blanket over both of them as the dogs still laid on them both, Kahlua especially getting as much of herself onto Ada as she could as Luche was damn near pinching himself that she was here with him, in his arms and back with him- while they waited for the delivery and simply watched TV in companionable silence and as usual the dogs alerted that there was someone there when all three got up and stared at the door, their tails wagging slowly but Kona and Kahlua didn’t bark because they had been trained not to before Luche got up and got the door and paid the delivery guy generously before he had to carry the bags high so the dogs wouldn’t sniff holes through the bags before putting them on the breakfast bar that separated the living room from the kitchen and started unpacking everything before handing Ada her food before they relaxed on the couch again, simply eating and watching tv. LIke it was just another day for them but he was happy they could at least be happy and content to just be and Ada was happy to just be and feel settled already.
When they had both eaten their fill Luche put the leftovers away and made a mental note to actually go and do some real grocery shopping with Ada before Ada came up behind and just hugged his back which got Luche to smile and hug her arms back as he couldn’t help but smile wide when he felt her nuzzle her head into his back before she came around and pulled him down to kiss her. Luche was supposed to be controlled when he kissed her but god damn, he couldn’t help it, before he knew it, he had her pushed up against the fridge because she was smiling into the kiss, fisting her hands into his clothes and trying to pull herself up onto him which he was all too happy to help as he lifted her and to have her wrap her legs around his waist had him almost past the point of no return.
“Oh God, wait, uh, I...you don’t have to, we don’t have to, if you’re not…” Luche tried to put on the breaks before he did lose control.
“Lu, if you don’t fuck me until I can’t walk straight right now, I’ll kill you, plus this place needs to be christened properly.” Ada insisted and that was all the permission Luche needed before he let the floodgates of his affections open and promptly carried her up the stairs himself as Ada cackled and started stripping her shirt and bra off.
A few days later they shopped at Pier One and several other places to decorate the place to really make it theirs while Cor after sobering up enough to go to therapy with Dr. Gentiana.
“So where’s Ada today?” Gentiana asked as she sat in her chair and got her notebook out even though she knew exactly where Ada was and what she was up to since Ada had gone to see her only a couple of hours before.
“She left me.” Cor answered as he handed her the note as Gentiana took it and read it over and made some notes.
“Cor, I’ve known you for years, I’d like to think over that time I’ve come to know you fairly well in that time, so now that you’re here, I’d like to do a little exercise.” Gentiana began and reached behind her and pulled out an inflatable bat and stood up before she hit Cor upside the head with it a few times.
“Ow, what the fuck Tiana?!” Cor asked as he shielded himself from her blows while Gentiana finally did what Ada, Sylva and so many others had wished they had done to him by just, wailing on him with this inflatable baseball bat.  
“Really?! You took an 18 year old, exposed her to her first super traumatic experience, purposefully kept her misinformed and in the dark and then left her alone and on her own when you came home for days?! She was having panic attacks left and right and you ignored her! And you’re surprised she left you?!” Gentiana growled once she was done before she got straightened up and sat back down before she put the bat away before she looked questioningly at Cor who only hung his head in shame.
“Just because you’re jaded and callused doesn’t mean that she should be too. So here’s the deal, you knew better, you don’t get to hate Luche for picking Ada up when you clearly dropped her and you don’t get to blame Ada for being a human being and having needs that you clearly didn’t fulfill. This note was a kindness, read it before you think about entering into another relationship because I can tell you right now, every woman would do what she did. Now, let’s move forward shall we?...” Gentiana began as she handed the note back to Cor and continued with the therapy session.
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ethrcal-blog · 7 years
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heyooo i’m manu and i’m 18 and imma be real honest with you guys all my characters are trash and they are all true honest messes but i premisse to do better in the future so i think that should count for something. this post got long af bc i have 0 self control, and after i started talking about them i just wanted to lay out all the important info about them, buuuuuut if you are reading this we should highkey plot (i got some possible connections here but like if you come to me we can talk about something different or something more specific to your character ja feel?). fair warning tho there is some triggering content on my chars backstories so i put triggers related to the character before their facts.
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JOÃO VICENTE DE CASTRO, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met william rafael carvalho da fonseca yet ? the thirty one year old is known for being both enthusiastic and creative, but also very confrontational and reckless. born in são paulo, brazil, liam now lives in southwark, as a reporter.
tw: emotional abuse, substance abuse
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hates figures of authority
liam does shit just because he thinks it’s funny to aggravate people
he will fight anyone and anything at anytime
besides that tho he is really fun guy and most of the time he’ll just try to be nice and have fun with people and make jokes.
he is the kind of person that takes jokes way too far
would 100% fill your house with balloons for a prank
can play the guitar really well but only really plays wonderwall cause he knows people hate it
his family is really rich. he works and he does his own thing totally unrelated to the family business but he highkey lives knowing that if he ever needs anything he can just call up his parents and it will get done.
he lives in an apartment that his mother bought him as a birthday gift.
his father is from brazil and his mother is from london.
he has two younger siblings a sister and a brother
he was born in brazil. when he was younger his parents were married and he stayed around there for most of his younger life
his father wasn’t the best person to be around tho he was really demanding and he was constantly belittling and putting him down bc liam failed to live up to his expectations. 
liam’s mother never really did anything when his father was around but she would sometimes come to his aid after the damaged had already been done and give him stuff as if that could solve the whole issue.
his parents got divorced when he was fifteen. his mother moved back to the uk but stayed in brazil with his siblings.
after that he would go back and forth between brazil and the uk to spend time with his parents but he finished high school still in brazil.
his father wanted him to take over the family business and be someone liam most definitely wasn’t. liam still tried and he went to college for a few months but one day he got home drunk and his father started screaming @ him about how terrible of son he was so he was pretty much done. the next morning he packed up his stuff and moved in with a friend until his mother bought him a ticket to fly to the uk
after that he moved to london and he’s been in london ever since.
he pretty much went to college to become a journalist just to spite his father
he drinks way too much but he also smokes weed and he does cocaine sometimes
he legitimately cannot stand being bored or staying still for a while so he’ll figure something to entertain himself at all times even if it is extremely dangerous or downright stupid
he doesn’t have that great of a self-steem. lots of the stuff his father said still resonates with him and even tho liam avoids thinking about it most of the time he still feels bad for not becoming who his father wanted him to be, and not taking over the family business
P L A Y L I S T ;;
g-eazy - sober ft. charlie puth
g-eazy & halsey - him & I
the weeknd - dark times ft. ed sheeran
blackbear - idfc
blackbear - do re mi
post malone - rockstar ft. 21 savage
eden - drugs
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His siblings bc i’m out here for the family drama honestly. maybe one of his siblings took over the family business and that could aspire some drama bc it could been sort of like a betrayal? or maybe something happened in brazil and they moved to london to stay with him for a while bc reasons and liam thinks he has to be the responsible bigger brother but he is him so that is a problem.
one ex bc why not? and maybe it all ended really terribly bc they were always worried about the kind of stuff he was going to pull next in order to entertain himself. maybe he did something really stupid that put his life in danger and that was how it all ended
maybe someone who goes along with all of his stuff and they both have fun and do stupid shit together but maybe idk they just keep raising the stakes and it’s the type of thing that (if no one stops them or none of them stop to be the voice of reason) they’ll end up in las vegas getting married bc they had a bet that the other wouldn’t get married with a stranger
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FRANÇOIS ARNAUD, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met octavianus bruno gentille yet? the thirty five year old is known for being both loyal and optimistic, but also very unfocused and self indulgent. born in venice, bruno now lives in westminster, as a art history college professor.
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his name is octavianus but he legit thinks that is the dumbest name in the face of existence so he’ll usually go by bruno, his middle name. the only people who know his actual name are his family or people who have seen his id. if you want to annoy him just call him ‘octavianus bruno’ and watch him go from 0 to 100 real quick
legit the best out of all my children which doesn’t say much but still
he loves the idea of love, and the idea of falling head over hills and not really thinking straight only thinking about the other person. and he thinks romantic love is the most important thing someone can have in their life.
he gets himself to fall in love with people and then jumps head first into things, and he turns thing that could be really easy and make it complicated.
he is super loyal to his friends.
he would take a bullet for any of his friends
but he is legit very self involved and self focused he thinks of himself as this great person who is out to help others but he won’t take advice from anyone and he is solely focused on his romantic life + his feelings
besides that tho he is honestly trying which is more than you can say for any of my muses
he is really optimistic and revolutionary and thinks people are supposed to protest and fight for what they think is right and then they’ll turn the world into a better place.
he thinks that if you talk it out you can solve any problem
will not fight anyone tho no matter the circumstances
he is really a huge pacifist who thinks peaceful protest is the best way to get people’s attention
he wants everyone in the world to be happy and have equal opportunities and for everything to be great
he loves art more than anything else
he is the kind of person that starts five projects at the same time and ends up not finishing any of them.
the kind of dude you’ll ask ‘what’s your opinion on cookies?’ and he’ll legit talk for an hour if you don’t stop him.
bruno was born in october 15, 1982 in Venice, Italy.
his father was originally italian, his mother from london.
he spent his early childhood with both his parents in italy, but when he turned five, his parents got divorced and he moved back to the uk. with his mother.
his father stayed back in italy.
he used to come by and visit every so often. once a year his mother sent him spent winter break or summer vacation with his father in italy.
his father used to tell him stories about how he loved his mother and about how ‘he would give her the world if he had been given a chance’ and that created an idea in bruno’s mind about how there are soulmates and perfect relationships out there and now he is constantly chasing it 
but since no relationship is ever perfect his relationships will usually end bc of that
he is really extra about everything honestly especially love
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dive - ed sheeran
all i ask - adele
coaster - khalid
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Maybe an ex that he wronged, someone that love him or they loved each other but it all ended bc bruno has no idea what a real relationship is and he can’t be an adult about his relationships.
Imma be real shitty for a second here but maybe some teacher student type of thing because if this asshole would romanticize something it would be some type of star crossed love relationship
maybe some nice and pure platonic relationship maybe like someone he is teaching art to or just someone who admires art and he is trying to be a good person and he is out there giving them advice and helping them out without asking for anything in return and maybe this person can call him out of his bullshit and they can have some sort of sibling relationship
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met michael john baxter yet ? the forty five year old is known for being both caring and charismatic, but also very unfaithful and selfish. born in london, mike now lives in southwark, as a coffee shop owner.
tw: cheating
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michael sucks honestly 10/10 would not recommend but i love trash so here we are
he is irredeemable, don’t @ me
swear way too much
he wears leather jackets because he thinks he is cool
he is an idiot honestly
he thinks he is funny and he laughs at his own jokes
mostly only really cares about himself and it’s not that he is trying to be an asshole or anything but he’ll legit do shit and after he already shit the bad he’ll be like ‘oh riight that was bad’
he is an asshole but lowkey does not want to be one
he was married for many years and he and his wife had a daughter and things were all fine and dandy but this asshole has no self control and he cheated on his wife a few times,,, she found out and they tried to make things work for a while but he did again and then she throw him out
he lowkey hates himself for destroying his marriage but he isn’t really doing anything to be a better person so here we are
his family used to be very poor and he worked his ass off for everything he’s ever had and he is really really proud of that
he put himself through college by working two jobs and legit the only thing he can commit to are his professional aspirations.
after college he started working for other people even tho that wasn’t really why he went to business school and he saved every single dime until he was able to open up his own business
he started his career opening up night clubs and he had three pretty successful ones when his marriage fell apart
he is really charismatic tho and he’s always trying to make people laugh and trying to entertain people. he legit finds joy and making others happy and excited and that was why he excelled at his business bc he just was constantly making sure the place he was running was a place he would love to go, and a place he knew people legit have fun in.
after his marriage fell apart tho he sold all off them and tried to retire for a while and try to work on being a better person
he couldn’t stand not having a job and not working tho so he opened up a small coffee shop bc it was supposed to be something small he knew he could handle without working as much as he used to
he can be either really chill and sit down and talk about life and give you legit good advice that he totally wouldn’t follow if he was in the same situation or really wild and be the type of person that goes ‘do you wanna break something?’ depending on who’s with him.
he’ll literally go along with any idea you have.
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ain’t no rest for the wicked - cage the elephant
animals - cage the elephant
hate to say i told you so - the hives
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his daughter cause legit i would love to play out this dynamics and see where we could take it? like it could be interesting bc he loves her, but the cheating could have affected the girl and the girl’s life in some way? or maybe it affected how she sees him and it could be some broken relationship or idk angst honestly whatever you have in mind
his ex-wife and idk my fella it could be like some one sided sort of thing where he stills loves her but he is still him aka an asshole? maybe she loves him too but she knows being with him is Not Great? imagine them trying to get back together but how can you trust someone after that type of thing and he is Legit Trying but it doesn’t seem to matter anymore? Imagine arguments and loving someone who is terrible, and throwing blame back and forth ( i put an ex connection in literally every character so far fjaslfj i’m sorry )
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JAKE GYLLENHAAL, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met thomas edmund faraday yet? the thirty six year old is known for being both honest and warmhearted, but also very demanding and proud. born in london, thomas now lives in kensington and chelsea, as a theoretical physicist and college professor.
tw: child neglect, drunk driving, death,
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he was born in a super rich family extremely loaded for generations type of thing
doesn’t know the real value of stuff honestly you could tell him that a cartoon of milk costs 50 bucks and he would believe you.
a heart of gold but also the type of asshole that will argue with you for hours (even if you are done with the argument) just to convince you you are wrong and he is right
honestly stale cinnamon roll been in this world too long too cynical
he went to a boarding private school when he was young, his parents honestly could not give less of shit about him. they were both really young and rich and wanted to enjoy life, so they would often ship thomas off to whatever they could find eg,: boarding school, summer camp, whatever kind of different program they would find
it wasn’t that they didn’t love him, but he would often get in the way of their plans. and they really just weren’t the best parents in town
thomas grew up always dreaming about having a real loving family like the ones in sitcoms and movies and that was his dream for most of his life
he was also highkey biggest nerd in the face of earth who loved star wars and star trek especially star trek because he fell in love with star trek the next generation and science fiction. 
that was when he discovered his love for science.
he went to college and that when he met his wife and thomas was well on his way to make his dream come true
he and his wife got married, had a son, moved to his family’s house in kensington and chelsea and things were great and beautiful
things continued to advance in his career, thomas managed to work with what he wanted.
expect one day his wife and his son were both going back home after she’d picked him up from middle school and a drunk driver hit their car. 
both his wife and his son died in a car accident and he highkey hasn’t been able to actually connect with anyone ever since. 
he threw himself in his job after that and focused solely on his career
knows his family is gone but would never consider moving on bc that for him would be the same as forgetting them
highkey just wants love and a family and someone to care for that cares about him but is too terrified to put himself out there to loose the people he loves again.
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white lie - the lumineers
little lion man - mumfords & sons
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something pure and fine where they slowly build trust and everything is fine?? no angst just love. this is lazy i know but love~ that’s all i want for him
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JON BERNTHAL, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met matthew nathaniel decker yet? the forty one year old is known for being both determined and caring, but also very sttuborn and blunt. born in austin, texas, matteo now lives in tower hamlets, as a criminal.
tw: war, death mention, violence
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the king of grumpiness honestly
annoyed 24/7
i know this meme is dead but honestly ‘looks like could kill you and could actually kill you’
once you are his friend he’ll protect you and love you and respect you
but also grunts about not functioning properly before a cup of black coffee
doesn’t know how to talk to people and be a nice enough human being and he’ll just say the shit that goes through his mind without realizing that he might sound rude.
he was born in a highkey patriotic family in austin texas
the army part of his backstory is pretty similar to frank castle’s in the comics ‘born’ which is also kinda like the punisher’s series but better bc i am petty and i don’t like the show
the first thing he did after turning eighteen was enlist himself in the army.
at first it was about doing his duty as an american and about fighting for the freedom of everybody around him 
and then he just kept going back again and again bc he had become a soldier and he didn’t know what else he could do besides that
after that it was more about doing the only thing he thought he could do
cut to many years later and he became a coronel in the army
in one of the missions tho lots of shit happened most of friends died, he hadn’t believe in the war he had been fighting for a while but this time he had seen enough
i legit love writing about his time in the army so if you feel like reading extra shit for no reason here some links to old drabbles i wrote (x), (x). it’s the same info you got here but a little more in depth to specific moments
after that matteo went back home to the us but he couldn’t quite land a job for a long time. he knew how to follow orders but he was terrible at dealing with people and his formal education had pretty much stopped at the age of eighteen. 
he tried for a while to get a formal job but none of them ever lasted long until one day one guy he knew from the army got him a gig as a guy’s bodyguard, unbeknownst to him he was protecting some very important guy from a gang
it took him a while to realize it, but after that, he continued to do it, bc he needed the money, 
after a while matteo didn’t even mind that the money was dirty anymore
the guy started asking him to get some stuff done. sometimes beating up some people, sometimes scaring people. he used to say it was fine bc he was never really doing anything to anyone that didn’t deserve
until one the guy asked him to kill someone, that was pretty much the line for matteo. that day he acted as if he was going to get it done, and he stole some lots of the guy’s money ( at least the portion he had access to in his office ) and matt ran off to the uk to run away from all of that.
he’s been living around london now and he deals drugs every so often
and he isn’t really feeling That Great about who he is right now and he legit regrets most of life choices but he feels like there is nothing he can do at this point
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beat the devil’s tattoo - black rebel motorcycle club
arsonist’s lullabye - hozier
god’s gonna cut you down - johnny cash
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mAYbe high school a sweetheart or high school friend? someone who knew him before he became who he is today (someone who knew him for being nice and fun and a pretty chill kid who just wanted to protect his country) and like this person could remind him of who he was and who he wants to be and he could also remind them of the past and it could be cute but also maybe angst idk
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