#LOOK... the half updo was cute
marzennya · 6 months
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Notification: The peerless jade fairy of Cang Qiong's Mountain Sect is smiling! Looks like he's easily amused by his disciples' antics...!!! What a surprise!!! +300 Overwhelming Beauty Points!
Ok now for my silly little notes in fashion and other nonsense about this piece:
This is specifically Shen Yuan during the pre-abyss arc, mostly because I have a very, very different interpretation of him when he's already married to Binghe- Empress Shen is a whole other, much more decked out beast I will one day tackle.
His clothes are based on late Qin to early Han dynasty clothes for women, mostly because I can, and it seemed perfect for him; it's completely covered, and thus respectable and elegant! Nothing wrong to see here. It's also tight-er around the legs, which leaves things to the imagination...half of the mountain is definitely thinking about his long, slender, lily-white legs at any given time.
Is it technically crossdressing? Yeah, but it is a shitty Xia-Xia world, who's gonna stop me? Airplane? That guy would be on my side, actually.
The see-through outer robe is a flex, look at all that expensive fabric...just hanging off of him...a rich kid in one life a rich kid in all of them.
Binghe does his hair because he's terrible at it and can only do half-updo's or ponytails, he's too distracted by the mere thought of touching Shizun's hair to stop and think why Shen Qingqiu can't do it all of a sudden thankfully.
The hair, on a more serious note, is a bit more realistic to ancient-Chinese hair than an actual half-updo. Though it is more similar to late Han or Tang dynasties hairstyles than anything. Again, shitty Xia-Xia, don't play with me.
There's a little turtle in his fan because I think he'd be like awn that's so cute and either Liu Qingge or Yue QingYuan would be immediately like. I'll buy it!!! He acquires many-a-thing by simply looking cute and staring at it until one of them gets it for him I'm sure.
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matchingbatbites · 6 months
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somehow we're here
Explicit | 6.5k | Modern AU | Full Tags + Read on Ao3
Steve only downloaded the app because he was drunk. 
At least, that’s what he’ll tell himself in the morning, once he’s back in the light of day and not half-gone on a few fruity cocktails and multiple shots of tequila - at least three, though it’s realistically more like five or six. Nevermind that he’s been home for almost an hour at this point, is only still awake because of the vague nausea still rolling in his stomach. 
It had been incredibly easy to set up an account, even in his drunken state - something he thinks might be a feature and not a bug - and he’s been scrolling on it for about ten minutes when he realizes-
He’s still bored.
Because that had been the real reason, hadn’t it?
Steve is bored. Bored of first dates that seem to go nowhere, of relationships that seem to fizzle out after a few weeks, and for whatever reason, Tequila Steve seems convinced that a gay dating app would be a fun thing to sign up for. It’s not like he has anything to lose, he’s just bored and kind of horny and definitely not lonely and desperate.
So Steve flips through profiles, taking in photos of the same waifish boys and beefy gym bros. He’s just about ready to give up and try to sleep through the nausea, when he stumbles across a profile that makes him stop cold. 
The photo looks like it’s from a concert or something; the guy is on a stage, clearly mid-show, with a wicked looking guitar in his hands. Steve’s eyes get caught on those hands, the veins and the painted nails and the chunky, silver rings. 
His hair is a riot of dark curls haloed by the stage lights, and Steve regrets that he isn’t able to see the man’s face. He focuses instead on his clothes, the black t-shirt and ripped jeans, his exposed forearms littered with black ink. 
The photo is so honest. It’s pure, simple emotion and Steve is instantly drawn in, eager to know more about this person.
The next photo is closer, clearly cropped down from a larger picture, and Steve gets his first good look at the man’s beautiful face. Deep, chocolate eyes that house a delighted sparkle, a blinding smile that sets loose a swarm of butterflies in Steve’s stomach. Not to mention the piercings; two just below his lower lip and another through his eyebrow - Steve briefly wonders if he has more, maybe his tongue or his nipples - fuck, that would be so hot.
In the last photo the man is seated on a couch, holding an acoustic guitar this time, and he seems focused on whatever he’s playing, clearly unaware of the camera-person at all. Those brown curls are pulled into an updo, revealing ears littered with even more silver jewelry, and there’s a cute little crinkle between his brows that Steve wants to smooth out with his thumb.
Steve scrolls down to actually read the guy’s profile, and sees that his name is Eddie. He’s 27 and local to the area, he likes metal music and D&D, and he definitely seems to check a lot of Steve’s boxes. Nerdy? Yeah. Hot? Fuck yeah. Confident? If the concert photo is anything to go by, this man has confidence coming out his ass. So yeah, check there too. 
He adds the guy without hesitation, and will once again blame Tequila Steve for what’s next once he’s sober. He sends Eddie a message.
‘Hi, i’m straight, i literally just got this app cause im kinda bord and kinda drunk. But you’re actually my type. Can I be honest?’
Steve doesn’t really expect an immediate response, considering that it’s two in the morning and all, so he decides to flip over to a different app, already knowing that he isn’t really going to care about anyone else he might come across. He’s surprised when only a couple of minutes later, he gets back a simple ‘Sure lmao’, and scrambles to flip back over to the messenger.
‘I didint think i’d message anyone on here but your cute and hnestly i geuss i kinda like that you won’t get pregnant.’
He decides to wait this time, to see if he’ll get another quick response, and he holds his breath when the typing indicator pops up, only to disappear again. It does this a couple of times, like Eddie is writing and pausing, or erasing and starting over, and Steve just waits, so curious to know what the other man is going to say.
‘Are you free tomorrow? I need to know if you’re as adorably endearing when you’re sober.’
Steve gasps in delight. Eddie wants to meet him! He kicks his feet a little in excitement and messages back ‘I can be as endering as you want me to be baby.’ It takes him a second to realize he hadn’t actually answered Eddie’s question, and he sends a follow up ‘Yes i am free tomorow.’
‘Meet me at Hank’s on 6th? 7pm?’
He confirms the time and place, and even as giddy as he is, Steve’s barely able to exchange a few more messages before he’s out like a light.
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Steve wakes up the next morning with a headache. It’s nowhere near the level of one of his migraines, but it’s enough to be annoying as he gets up and starts his day. He’s thankful it’s Saturday, that all he really has to worry about are some errands and brunch with Robin.
A quick shower and a cup of coffee has him feeling more alive, but meeting up with Robin makes him feel better than anything else could. She looks about as bad as he does, which is interesting considering that she didn’t even come with him to the club last night. 
They chatter on for a while, with Steve letting her rant again about the situation she finds herself in (she refuses to drop Vickie even though the girl bounces between her on-again-off-again boyfriend and Robin like a fucking ping pong ball, and she also refuses to admit her growing feelings for Chrissy, her roommate turned friend with benefits. It’s a whole mess.)
She asks about his own dating life, and he honestly has nothing new to report. He’d gone out last night intending to at least find someone to take home, but once he actually got into the scene, the effort just didn’t seem worth it for a temporary fix. 
Instead he drank, and he danced with strangers until the room started to spin, and then he made his way home. He’d had fun, even though he'd ended his night alone. Robin hums and pours another drink from the pitcher between them - White Peach Sangria this week, and it’s good, though Steve prefers the Bloody Mary they had last time. 
“We're kind of pathetic, huh?”
“I mean, you are,” Steve replies, and shrugs when she gives an affronted Hey! “I might be single, but you're the one who's letting a great girl slip through your fingers because you can’t say no to your fickle ex.”
“She’s not fickle-”
“Where was she last night?” Steve asks, staring Robin down until she says “With me.”
“Mhm. And where is she now?”
Robin frowns hard and grumbles “With Jack.” 
Steve gives her a look, and she sinks down a little in her seat. 
“You know, sometimes I forget that you were friends with the mean girls in high school, and then you hit me with that fucking Carol Perkins face and it all comes flooding back,” she says, and Steve rolls his eyes. 
“Stop being a drama queen, and stop waiting for Vickie to change her mind about Jack. It’s not fair for her to come running to you every time they have a fight if she has no intention of actually leaving him for you. You deserve better, Rob.”
Robin groans and drains the last of her glass. “When did you get so wise and shit?”
“Fuck you,” Steve says, no heat behind it as he kicks her under the table. “I know how relationships work and shit. You’re the one who doesn’t listen to me.”
She kicks him back with a “Yeah, yeah. Come on, let’s finish this pitcher so I can go home and wallow.”
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The notification comes in after brunch, once he and Robin have parted ways and Steve’s just parked at the grocery store (he doesn’t take Robin with him to the store anymore, for both of their sakes). 
‘Hey, just want to make sure we’re still good for tonight?’
Tonight? What’s tonight?
It takes him a moment to remember his actions from the night before, to remember the app. Steve’s stomach flips at the vague memory of a conversation and he opens the messenger. He scrolls up, reading his message history with this Eddie person, and oh god. 
Is it possible to get secondhand embarrassment from your own actions? Your very drunk and somewhat horny actions? The guy seemed to take it pretty well, at least, and Steve taps over to his profile out of curiosity.
And yeah, okay, Tequila Steve had a point. He’s never thought about dating a guy before, but this man is hot, just absolutely sexy in a way Sober Steve isn’t prepared for. He had been planning on telling this Eddie guy that he was drunk when he agreed to meet, that he wasn’t interested, but now that would be a lie. Because he’s definitely interested.
He sends a ‘Yup! Still good :)’ and then quickly follows it with ‘I was so drunk last night that I kind of forgot about our conversation, so I’m glad you messaged me!’
Eddie’s reply takes a second, that starting and stopping going on just long enough to make Steve nervous before a message comes through. 
‘Oh damn! I’m glad I did too. Though you did tell me last night that you’re straight, so I won’t hold it against you if you don’t want to meet anymore. I know alcohol can make us do things we normally wouldn’t.’
Oh, he’s sweet. Steve actually does decide to think about it, and flips back over to Eddie’s profile as he does. He goes through the photos again, imagines what it would be like to be close, be intimate with Eddie the way he has with women. It doesn’t scare him the way he thinks it should, because he doesn’t actually think it would be that different. Sex is just sex, right? It’s the person that makes it fun, makes it special. And Eddie definitely seems like a special one.
What reaffirms Steve’s decision is the last photo, where Eddie is holding the acoustic. His eyes catch again on those ringed fingers, on the rough, clearly hand cut neckline of Eddie’s shirt. He thinks about what it would be like to lick the jut of Eddie’s exposed collar bone, and the shiver that runs down his spine has him immediately flipping back to the conversation.
‘I definitely still want to meet. As embarrassing as I was last night, I was telling the truth.’
‘Oh good! Nice to know that sober Steve also thinks I’m cute and is glad I can’t get pregnant.’
Steve groans and drops his head onto the steering wheel a few times. He's never gonna live that one down, is he?
Another message comes through before he can be too mortified, though he almost regrets looking when he sees ‘Unless sober Steve is more upset by that than glad’ which is followed rapidly by ‘It’s okay baby, we can always pretend if you want ;)’
This man is gonna fucking kill Steve.
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Hank's on 6th is a little dive bar that Steve has actually been to a few times, when he and Robin had wanted to go drinking but hadn’t wanted to deal with the noise and bustle of the club. It’s cozy compared to other bars in the area, and Steve is happy for the familiarity of the location as he steps inside. He pauses inside the door and glances around, looking for- oh.
Sitting at a nearby table is Eddie, in the flesh. He’s even more stunning in person, with his hair pulled up into a bun, showing off the jewelry in his ears and the long line of his neck. He’s wearing a dark t-shirt and jeans, and Steve can see a leather jacket slung over the back of his chair.
Eddie spots Steve about the same time and waves, inviting him over. He does his own once-over as Steve approaches, and Steve knows what he looks like. He spent long enough in front of the mirror agonizing over his appearance, making sure everything was perfect. His red sweater is comfortable even though it’s a smidge too small, and he can see Eddie’s eyes catch on the way it stretches across his shoulders, on his forearms where he’s rolled the sleeves up. 
“Not gonna lie,” Eddie says as Steve sits down. “I’m kind of surprised you showed up.”
“I said I would. Tequila Steve might not be the smartest, but sometimes he has good ideas.”
Eddie laughs and Steve is overwhelmed with the desire to dig his thumb into the dimple that appears in the man’s cheek. “Well I hope I get the chance to thank him someday.”
Eddie’s photos don’t do him justice, don’t properly convey the energy he has. They get on better than Steve would have imagined, and while the conversation lulls every now and then, it never truly stops. His piercings catch the light, pulling Steve's attention down to his mouth, to the way it moves while Eddie speaks. It’s distracting, and the teasing smile Eddie wears for the conversation tells Steve that he knows.
Steve learns that Eddie works at an assisted living facility, something he never would have guessed based on the man’s appearance. It’s not a job Eddie ever expected to have, but he loves it, loves helping people who need it and gossiping with the old biddies that have taken a shine to him. In exchange Steve talks about his job as a physical therapist, how he recently started his experiential hours so he can specialize in pediatrics. 
(“I feel kind of dumb now,” Eddie says. “Knowing that you’re a whole ass doctor and I just have a CNA.”
“Eddie, I majored in kinesiology. You’re probably better in a medical setting than I ever will be.”)
They talk about their hobbies and interests, pleased to learn there’s a little bit of crossover with everything. They may not know the ins and outs, but Steve has absorbed some knowledge on D&D thanks to the kids he used to babysit, and Eddie likes to watch sports with his uncle to keep him company on his off days.
They sit and talk for a long while, completely unaware of the time passing until Steve looks at his watch and realizes it’s been nearly four hours since they sat down. 
“Holy shit, it’s almost eleven,” he says, and Eddie blinks in surprise. “Oh wow, I had no idea.” 
It’s like they’ve been snapped back into reality, and Steve notices the half dozen beer bottles littering their table along with the bill that’s been there for who knows how long. Steve pays the check - nearly shoves his card into the server’s hand so he can beat Eddie to it - and they both leave cash for the tip before heading out of the bar.
It’s outside Hank’s that the hesitation sets in. This is one of the best dates Steve has been on in a long, long time, and he really isn’t ready for it to be over. He thinks Eddie feels the same, if the way he reaches over to thread their fingers together means anything.
“Do you want to come back to my place?” Steve asks, practically on impulse, and Eddie smiles.
“I would love to, Stevie.” He takes a breath like he wants to say something else, but pauses, and Steve squeezes his hand gently.
“What are you thinking?”
“I’m trying to figure out how to tell you that I want to have sex with you without sounding like a slut who puts out on the first date.”
Well, that’s fair. Steve doesn’t usually have sex on the first date either. He likes the connection that comes with knowing someone emotionally before learning them physically, but there’s just something about Eddie. Steve feels like he knows the man inside and out after just four hours together, and he knows it’s fast but he wonders what it would feel like to wake up next to him in the morning. 
Steve just grins at the blunt honesty and tugs Eddie closer. “If you’re a slut then so am I, because I’m definitely down for that.” 
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The drive back to Steve’s place doesn’t take long, and before he knows it he’s locking the door behind them as Eddie sheds his leather jacket. He drapes it over the back of the couch as he looks around, taking in Steve’s apartment. It’s not much, but it’s comfortable, cozy, very different from the sterile house Steve grew up in.
Eddie smiles as he sees the trinkets dotted about, a mix of gifts from the kids Steve used to babysit and his own little knick knacks, but pauses when he sees a photo collage of Steve and Robin on the nearby wall. Steve doesn’t like the way his smile dips down into a frown, and he walks over to wrap his arm around Eddie’s waist.
“That’s Robin,” he says as he pulls Eddie into his side, needing to quell any doubts or misconceptions he might be having. “She’s my best friend in the entire world, and a lesbian, so you can stop pouting now.”
Eddie gives him a bit of a side-eye and says “Not pouting. Just want to make sure you’re not doing this behind the back of an unsuspecting girlfriend or something.”
Steve smiles at the consideration and shakes his head as he turns Eddie to face him. “No girl, Eds, I promise. Just you and me.”
Something about that seems to be the final straw for Eddie because he surges forward, hands landing on Steve's neck as he leans up to press their mouths together.
The first kiss with Eddie is easy. It’s not earth-shattering or life changing, not like Steve thought it would be kissing a man for the first time. It feels like a normal kiss, and honestly that’s more of a comfort to Steve than anything. The fact that it’s Eddie on the other side of the kiss is what makes him shudder, makes him press closer. 
Eddie’s hands push up into his hair, messing up the styling as Steve dips his head to kiss along his jaw. He hums into smooth skin and slides his own hands down to Eddie’s ass, squeezing it briefly before using his grip to drag Eddie’s hips against his own.
He can feel the line of Eddie’s dick through the layers of denim and yeah, that’s different, but not bad at all. Steve warms up to it pretty quickly actually, especially once Eddie starts moaning into his ear, a low “Fuck, baby,” that only encourages Steve to continue. Their mouths meet in another kiss as Steve grinds their hips together, each thrust working to drive Steve absolutely insane.
Eddie’s hands eventually make their way south to ruck up Steve’s sweater, and he breaks the kiss just enough to mutter “Off, get this off,” against Steve's mouth.
Steve laughs but steps back, pulls off his top and drops it carelessly to the floor. Eddie groans and reaches out, not even hesitating before he pushes his hands into Steve’s chest hair. “God, I’ve been wanting to do that since I saw your photo last night,” he mutters, and it takes Steve a moment to remember the picture he’d drunkenly added to his profile. 
It was just a typical shirtless thirst shot he’d taken before a run one day (though he had put a shirt on before he actually left, thank you), because he’d felt good about the way he looked - and clearly Eddie had appreciated the picture as well. Steve shudders as Eddie scrapes his nails down his chest, and he half-expects Eddie to start purring in delight. 
“Is it as good as you imagined?” he asks, biting back a chuckle, and Eddie nods. 
“Better than. So fuckin’ hot. Don't ever shave it, I beg you.”
Steve does laugh at that. He lets Eddie get his fill for a moment before swooping in to kiss him again. He slips his fingers into Eddie’s belt loops and mutters a “Bed?” against his mouth. Eddie hums in agreement and Steve tugs him along, guiding him to the bedroom and only stopping once to grind their hips together.  
He steps back enough to pull off Eddie’s shirt and groans because his nipples are pierced, and fuck if that isn’t doing something for Steve. Thumbing over one makes Eddie shiver and gasp, and he knows that he needs to get his mouth on them as soon as possible. He feels like a predator as he pushes Eddie back, not stopping until the man is sprawled across his bed, a beautiful feast meant just for him.
Steve crawls on top of Eddie and presses his lips to the spider decorating his shoulder before moving down to lick over his nipple. Eddie shudders and pushes his hands into Steve's hair, holding him in place as Steve seals his mouth around the pink bud. The piercing is warm, and the stark contrast between metal and flesh has Steve groaning into Eddie's skin.
He sucks on it, earning a stuttering moan from the man under him and hands tightening in his hair. “Fu-uck, Stevie.” Steve thumbs over the other nipple and pinches it just to hear him gasp again, before continuing his journey southwards, pressing kisses into the tattoos he comes across along the way. He pauses for a moment to suck a bruise into Eddie’s hip, just above his waistband, and the man is practically squirming.
“God, when I agreed to come over, I didn’t think you were gonna be this much of a tease.”
Steve rolls his eyes and bites into the bruise he just created, pulling a low groan from Eddie. “It’s called foreplay, you ass.”
“I’d rather you foreplay my ass,” Eddie mutters, and Steve laughs into smooth skin. He does concede, though, and pulls back so he can slide off Eddie’s jeans and underwear, discarding them to the floor. Eddie’s dick is pretty, a smidge thinner than his own but just as long, and weeping heavily from the pink tip. Steve wants to touch it, taste it, wants to feel the weight of it on his tongue as Eddie fucks his mouth.
“Feel free to touch it, not just look at it,” Eddie says, and Steve smirks. 
“Normally I would, but someone wanted me to skip the foreplay.”
Eddie groans dramatically in response and Steve ignores him as he reaches over into the nightstand to grab the lube and a condom. He drops the items next to Eddie, and the man gives an “Oh shit!” as he grabs the tube. “You actually have lube?” 
“Uh, I'm a grown man, Eddie. Not some 15-year-old that still uses lotion to jack off.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and smacks the bottle against Steve's chest. “Twenty-four hours ago you told me you were straight, excuse me for making some assumptions.”
“Stereotypical assumptions,” Steve tacks on and Eddie rolls his eyes again harder. “Also you might be surprised to learn this, but some women also enjoy anal, so I'm not actually a complete newbie when it comes to this.”
“And here I was thinking I'd have to hold your hand through the whole thing.”
Steve huffs a laugh and slicks up his fingers. “Oh, do you not want to hold hands while I fuck you into the mattress?”
Eddie gasps and brings a hand to his forehead, like a mockery of some swooning maiden as he says “Why Stevie, I think that's the most romantic thing you've said so- ohhh my god.” He groans as Steve pushes the finger deeper, and kicks his shoulder gently when Steve just grins.
“Shut the fuck up,” Eddie spits, but Steve can tell there's no real heat behind it. He just hums, says “I dunno what you're talking about,” as he slides a second in alongside the first. He hooks his free hand under Eddie’s knee and pushes it closer to his chest, exposing him a bit more. 
Steve leans down to press a kiss to Eddie’s neglected dick and curls his fingers at the same time, trying to hit Eddie’s prostate. He knows he’s successful when hands jerk down, sinking into his hair once more as Eddie keens.
“Shit, Stevie-!” 
“Wanna suck you off next time. Wanna pin your hips to the bed and see how much I can take, wanna tease you until you come on my face, in my mouth.”
Eddie shudders and nods, bucks his hips as best he can with Steve’s fingers in him. “Oh fuck, yes. Gonna let me paint your face, baby? Gonna let me be the first cock to fuck that pretty mouth?”
Steve groans a “Fuck yeah, Eds,” and pushes in a third finger, eager to finish his prep but not wanting to rush. He spreads his fingers wide as he leans in again, sinking his teeth into the junction where thigh meets groin, and Eddie's entire body jerks at the bit of pain.
He tugs at Steve's hair, trying to pull him up as he says “Fuck! That's gotta be good enough, need you in me fucking last week, sweetheart.”
Steve shudders and nods with a “Yeah, baby,” as he pulls his fingers free. He stands up and strips off his remaining clothes, not worrying about where they land before he climbs back between Eddie's legs. He can feel Eddie watching as he rolls on the condom, and he's about to make a remark about it when the man says “You know what kind of sucks?”
Steve just hums in response as he scoots closer, until his thighs are pressed against Eddie's ass and all he has to do is push forward just a little more-
“That we’ll have to get tested before we can put my ability to not get pregnant to good use.”
A groan rips through Steve and he drops his head back at the mental image that creates. “Fuck, you can’t just say that.”
Eddie grins, all Cheshire and taunting as he says “Oh, I can’t? I can’t tell you how excited I am for you to come in me, to fill up my ass until I’m fucking leaking- mmh!”
Steve dives down to shut him up with a kiss before he can say anything else, and he can feel Eddie laughing into it. Arms wrap around Steve’s shoulders, holding him close as they take a moment to just make out, all slick and languid like they're not both on the verge of desperation. Steve wraps a hand around his dick and blindly rubs the head against Eddie’s hole before he finally pushes forward.
Even after prep, Eddie is tight, and Steve groans as he slowly sinks in, not stopping until his hips are flush with Eddie’s ass. He rubs his hands over Eddie’s sides as he just waits there, giving the man a chance to adjust. It only takes a moment before Eddie gives a soft “Okay, I'm good,” and Steve holds good on his word. He leans forward, lacing his fingers with Eddie's and pressing them into the bed as he starts a slow pace.
Eddie goes all starry-eyed as he glances at their joined hands, and mutters “Didn't think you were serious about that.”
“I don't joke about hand holding, Eds. It's very important.” That pulls a soft laugh from Eddie and Steve leans closer until he can kiss that smile, can taste the laugh at its source.
It's hands down the best sex Steve has ever had. Eddie is so responsive, all noisy and twitchy and eager. He quickly figures out what Steve likes and doesn't even attempt to keep his mouth shut, just offers a stream of encouragement that’s only broken when Steve finds and abuses that sweet spot inside him.
“Right there, Eddie? Is that it, baby?”
“Uh-huh, fuck, so good!”
Eddie's a fucking vision, with his brown curls slowly escaping the confines of the bun and his eyes glazed over in pleasure. Steve releases Eddie's hands and slides his own down to clutch at the man's slim waist, his fingers digging into the tattoos decorating his skin. He fantasizes about leaving bruises, about leaving his own mark alongside the black ink and fucks into him harder at just the idea. 
“Shit, Stevie! Gonna come, gonna-”
Eddie gets a hand around his dick and barely gets in a few strokes before he’s coming, a loud “Fuckfuckfuck!” escaping him as he spills over his hand and onto his stomach. It’s so fucking hot, and Steve’s hands tighten around Eddie's waist at the sight. His thrusts are a bit wild as he chases his own orgasm, and all it takes is Eddie's reedy “In me, Steve, give it to me-” before it hits him like a fucking truck. 
He doesn't remember the last time he came this hard, his hips grinding against Eddie's ass as he fills the condom before eventually collapsing down onto the other man. They just lay there for a moment, waiting for their highs to settle and their breathing to return to normal, and Steve smiles when Eddie starts to giggle.
“What's that about?” he asks, using the opportunity to press a few kisses along the line of Eddie's shoulder and neck. The man just grins and shakes his head.
“I haven't bottomed in like- three years. Forgot how good it feels.”
That surprises Steve a bit, actually. “Three years? And you just break that streak for some random person you met on the internet?”
“Mhm. You sent me those messages and I was like ‘Wow, I can't believe I'm gonna let this guy fuck me’.”
Steve laughs and nips at Eddie's shoulder. After a few minutes he carefully pulls out and reluctantly leaves Eddie on the bed as he goes to the bathroom to trash the condom and grab a wet hand towel. He cleans Eddie up before tossing the cloth to the floor and laying down beside him. He's instantly wrapped up in Eddie's arms and he sighs happily as they huddle close together.
“Stay the night? I'll make you breakfast in the morning,” Steve offers, and Eddie hums into his temple. 
“With coffee?”
“With coffee.”
Another hum before Eddie nuzzles into his hair, and Steve can feel Eddie press a kiss to the crown of his head. “Then I'd love to stay the night, Stevie.”
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Steve wakes up slowly the next morning. The sun shining through the window bathes the room in golden light, making Eddie look ethereal where he lays curled into Steve’s side. He takes a moment to just watch the man, to admire the relaxed lines of Eddie’s face as he slumbers on, unaware.
He doesn’t know the last time he felt a connection with someone this- profound. 
Actually, no - the last time this happened was probably with Robin, the girl who became something closer to him than a sister, the one person who probably knows him better than he knows himself. Being with Eddie feels so similar to those early days with Robin - after they’d gotten locked in the bathroom during a mall fire, not the actual early days when Robin seemingly hated him.
So Steve knows deep in his soul that there’s something about Eddie. Something so special ingrained into his very existence, and Steve’s sure that, if he just gives it a chance, Eddie could change his life.
After a few more minutes of basking in the morning silence, he tries to slip out of bed without waking Eddie, but he knows he’s failed when the arms just tighten around him. Eddie groans out a “Noooo,” and Steve grins. He presses a kiss to Eddie’s hair and says “Gotta let me go if you want me to make your coffee.”
A muffled “Man of my dreams,” as Eddie releases him has Steve chuckling as he climbs out of bed. He throws on a pair of sweatpants and heads downstairs, and puts on some coffee before he does anything else. By the time Eddie joins him, dressed only in his boxers from the night before, the coffee is ready and Steve is stacking pancakes onto a couple of plates. 
Eddie seems more awake as he wraps his arms around Steve, pressing a quick kiss to his shoulder along with a soft “Morning, sweetheart.”
“Morning, baby. Coffee’s on the counter, sugar’s in the jar and milk is in the fridge if you want it.”
Another kiss meets his skin, this one just below his ear, before Eddie is pulling away. Steve finishes plating the pancakes while Eddie makes his coffee, and they converge at the kitchen island. They eat mostly in silence, but it's not uncomfortable. It's easy, actually, to let the quiet settle around them like a warm blanket. But that doesn't mean Steve's thoughts aren't racing.
“So, uh.” Steve pauses, feels almost bashful as he looks up at Eddie. “It's been a really, really long time since I've felt a connection like this, and I may be a little dumb, but I'm not an idiot.” Eddie frowns at Steve's little self deprecating dig, but doesn't say anything as he continues. “I really want to see where this goes, if you're up for it.”
A slow grin breaks out on Eddie's face and he leans in, getting into Steve's personal space. “Why Stevie. Are you asking me to be your boyfriend? After only one date?”
Steve huffs a laugh and slides a hand up to the base of Eddie's neck, feeling and tangling his fingers with the soft hair there. “I’d ask you right now to move in if it wouldn't make me look fucking insane.”
Eddie's expression instantly goes slack with shock, and fuck, Steve's done it again, hasn't he? Said too much, too soon, and lost something good before it even had a chance to go anywhere. He starts to pull away, wanting to give Eddie some space, but he's stopped by two hands settling on his waist, practically clutching the bare skin.
“My lease is up for renewal in three months,” Eddie says, and Steve blinks in surprise. “So maybe at that point we can see where we are? Because you're right. I don't think I've ever just clicked with someone like this before. It feels like- like fucking destiny or something. And I also really, really want to see where this goes.”
Steve gives in to the urge to pull Eddie forward into a kiss. It’s intense and passionate and a bit sticky, the maple syrup making their lips tacky and causing Eddie to giggle into Steve's mouth.
They’re interrupted by the sound of Steve’s phone ringing with a video call, and he knows who it is before he even looks at the device. He answers with a “Morning, Robin,” and is met with a manic “You’ll never guess what happened this morning!”
“I would hope something with Chrissy, but I’m guessing it’s something with Vickie-”
“Vickie called! Jack fucking proposed to her last night!”
Oh shit. “And she said..?”
“They’re on good terms right now, so of course she said yes!”
Steve takes a sip of coffee and hums. “Sounds like it’s time for you to put on some big girl panties and ask Chrissy out on a real date.”
“Steven, you know I hate that word.”
“I will record it and set it as your ringtone if you don’t make some kind of move, Robin. Before Chrissy gets tired of waiting for you to make a decision and makes one herself.”
She groans pathetically and Steve watches her scrub a hand over her face. “I hate it when you make sense. Can we stop talking about me, please? Distract me with something else.”
“Oh, well, uh,” Steve glances up at Eddie who has been watching the interaction with an amused smile. His heart swells with affection and he blurts out “I have a boyfriend.”
Eddie beams at him as Robin blinks, most likely processing before she says “You just told me yesterday that your dating life was practically nonexistent, and now you have a boyfriend? How did that happen?? And moreover, how long have you liked men??”
She sounds incredulous - rightfully so, honestly - and Steve shrugs. “At least twenty-four hours, but it could realistically be closer to something like thirty-six. I downloaded a dating app the night before last and met Eddie on it. We went on a date last night, he stayed over, and I asked him to be my boyfriend this morning.”
“You asked me to move in this morning,” Eddie says, and Robin must catch it because she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. 
“You’re gonna put every U-haul lesbian in this city to shame,” she mutters before looking at Steve again. “Are you not like- freaking out? I mean, in the near decade I’ve known you, you’ve only dated girls, and now you’re dating a guy? Just like that?”
Steve shrugs and reaches out to take one of Eddie’s hands. “I guess so. You know I’ve always been a roll with the punches kinda guy. And Eddie is- Special. He’s special.”
Eddie is looking at him with those big, brown eyes, wide and a bit awestruck, and Steve can’t resist reeling him close for a quick kiss.
“I am so happy for you,” Robin says, pulling Steve’s attention back to his phone, “but also incredibly upset because now I know I have to follow your advice about Chrissy. Which is just absolutely terrifying.”
“You should have been listening from the beginning. Seriously though, go get your girl, Rob. You deserve to be happy.”
They say their goodbyes after another moment and Steve focuses back on Eddie. “Did you have anything to do today?” he asks as he collects their empty plates and takes them to the sink. Eddie follows, draining the last of his coffee before he replies “Not today. Why, did you have something to do?”
Steve grins and takes Eddie’s mug, setting it on the counter before he scoops the man into his arms. “Other than you?”
Eddie barks a laugh at the line and shakes his head fondly. “Jesus Christ, how did I get my hands on such a dork?”
“Just lucky, I guess,” Steve replies, and tugs Eddie into another sticky kiss. 
Much love to @bramble-berries for brainstorming this with me! (Even if she didn't know it at the time lol.) Also thank you to @sidekick-hero for cheerleading me through the last bit of writing on this! You're an absolute dear! <3
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lovingseventeen · 11 months
matchy-matchy with seventeen
a/n: me in my single era pt 2093520395 and here’s me projecting just a little bit yk. also i tried really hard to make these creative i hope it went well
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seungcheol: jackets
✧ specifically varsity jackets or those racing jackets
✧ maybe not exactly the same, maybe it’s the same style of jacket but in different, but complementary colors
✧ absolutely loves knowing that it’s so easy to tell that the two of you are a couple when you walk together
✧ his lock screen is a mirror picture of the two of you :’)
jeonghan: hair accessories
✧ matching hair accessories oh myyy
✧ it could be in simple barrettes or clips with little cutesy designs
✧ or ribbons !!
✧ one day he sees you tie back half of your hair (like a semi-updo) and he just asks you, “can you do that to me too?”
✧ you two can be dainty together 🫶🏽
joshua: rings
✧ perhaps he’s a simple romantic
✧ rings can go with any outfit and he wants a reminder with you everywhere he goes
✧ loves seeing his ring on his finger in all of his daily activities
✧ also loves to hold your hand to look at the ring on your finger only to follow with a soft kiss to the back of your hand too
jun: earrings
✧ maybe he’s a little more subtle with it
✧ but he finds earrings as an easy way to be connected with you, knowing you have the same pair
✧ all that matters to him is that it’s something that the two of you know about - and maybe others if they’re paying attention
hoshi: tiger phone cases
✧ ofc you support his tiger agenda and one day he just surprises you with matching tiger print phone cases
✧ falls a little more in love with you when you don’t hesitate to swap your current case with it LOL
✧ loves taking mirror selfies where you can see your cases and as the two of you make the tiger claw hand gesture
✧ if you’re with literally anyone else together, he’ll just grab both of your phones to go “look!”
wonwoo: headphones
✧ thought of this because he games but headphones are also pretty necessary in general
✧ you each pick sticker packs and you place some stickers on your own pair
✧ then you swap headphones and fill up the rest of the negative space of each other’s :’)
woozi: pajamas
✧ he’s someone who’s also very lowkey methinks
✧ he doesn’t feel the need to flaunt his relationship too much, or go out on his rest days either
✧ he likes the moments you have just between the two of you and pajamas are a cute way to still have that
✧ whether you’re cuddling on the couch or just walking around the house, his heart is content seeing your matching home outfits
seokmin: shoes
✧ just felt like this would be soooo cute with him
✧ it gives you both freedom with your outfits and individual styles but anyone looking at you two together would know that you’re dating
✧ he love love loves taking those pictures of your matching shoes
✧ maybe he even takes a short video for his story and you can tell he’s happy in it because he can’t stop his feet from doing a little dancey dance
mingyu: hoodies
✧ adores seeing the two of you matching so obviously in the reflection of windows, mirrors, etc. when the two of you are out
✧ takes so so many pictures of you two
✧ you definitely have more than one matching hoodie
✧ will fall in love with you more if matching couple clothes was your idea first LOL
minghao: nails
✧ i had to, i HAD TO, just imagine the two of you with the prettiest hands ever
✧ maybe he lets you pick a color first and then he’ll pick a second to complement it aaa
✧ and even if you aren’t too much of a nail person, maybe you just get one nail painted with a little image or design to match the color scheme of his
✧ also imagine the intimacy of painting each other’s nails and he’s holding your hand close to his face and blowing on your nails to dry them
seungkwan: bracelets
✧ the two of you make your matching bracelets at one of those shops meant for dates
✧ i just know he would try so hard !! to make yours so pretty
✧ his heart ACHES when you find these 2 bear charms to represent the two of you (so you can have a little bear of each other)
✧ “this one’s me and this one’s you, don’t you think?”
vernon: beanies
✧ he’s always giving you his beanies when it’s cold out anyway
✧ then on this day he’s shopping and he can’t pick between 2 options (they’re both the same 2 colors but in different combinations)
✧ vernon just gets both and lets you pick the one you like more
✧ he knows you’ll look good in either one :)
chan: crewneck/hoodie-sweatpants-set
✧ this is various things but here me out, he’s a dancer and he probably has a good amount of athleisure
✧ sometimes you visit him during his solo dance practices and he likes to try to convince you to dance with him
✧ one day you stopped by without the intention to dance and he just casually pulls out the set for you that coincidentally matched with his
✧ he’s so giddy when you change. so so many recordings of you dancing together (regardless of how coordinated the two of you actually are) and mirror selfies to capture your outfits
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slvttyplum · 8 months
choso was a wreck; he couldn’t control himself when pleasure was running through his dick so fast he couldn’t keep up.
his eyes rolling back, different words coming out of his mouth, his hips moving by themselves, trying to get more—he was a mess.
the both of you have been on each other kim sweating and moaning for the past two hours, no stopping nor any breaks, just straight fucking, so as expected, choso was delirious.
he couldn’t tell his left from his right; his head was spinning, and the only thing on his mind was fucking you and busting again.
you were on top of him, cum tripping out of you and onto his shaft, then the base. as you kept bouncing on top of him, cum was plopping back onto your cunt.
the sensation was something serious; it only made you crave more of him. whenever he came inside of you, it was like a personal lube that you could use over and over and over again.
choso loved it as much as you, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he looked at your pussy go to work on his cock.
“fuck, i love it; i love you, fuck baby.” those words kept slipping out of his mouth as you bounced up and down on him without thinking.
neither of you could stop if you wanted to; it felt so good, like you were floating on a cloud of orgasms.
this was the longest the both of you have gone, and there was no stopping.
choso’s grip even started to loosen on your hips, his arms turning into noodles, and his eyes squinted from how good you felt wrapped around him.
"tighten, baby, fuck!” his voice getting loud as he can feel his orgasm, your walls gripping onto his when you feel him pulse inside of you.
warm liquid pumping inside of you, but you didn’t stop, nor did you want to, and neither did choso.
he leans up and switches positions with you, pushing you into the mattress and fucking into you.
his warm cum and dick pushing into you was enough to have your eyes rolling so far back you could see stars, your thighs wanting to close from the overstimulation, but you keep them wide.
his eyebrows furrowed as he’s focusing on what he's doing, making sure to roll his hips to push his dick deep inside of you.
his breath was hitching, trying to get and feel the ultimate pleasure you were giving him. even though his head was spinning, he needed more.
“baby… fuck, you’re so fucking tight.” his words spilling out as he pushes one of your thighs up and fucks into you harder.
he can feel all of you—the cum that’s deep inside of you running down and out, the way your walls clench around him when he’s about to pull out, and how tight you were.
it made him so weak that he was about to cum again. he was losing his breath, but his stamina was good.
taking one of his hands and pushing down onto your neck as he fucks into you harder. the pleasure was so great, you were on the edge of passing out.
even though he wanted to close his eyes and take in all the pleasure you were giving him, along with feeling like he was elsewhere, he looked straight at you, which was a bad move on his part.
once his eyes landed on you and your demeanor and how your lower half was bucking up on him, trying to feel and get all of his cock, he lost it.
a lump getting caught in his throat before he released, a full load of his cum pumped deep inside of you.
“fuckkk… i love you so much.” his words drag into the warm air as his disheveled hair hangs above your face and his grip around your neck loosens.
your eyes are struggling to stay open, and your leg is collapsing down as cum drips out of you, his wet dick sliding out and resting on top of your cunt.
he takes his hand and trails it over your puffy and bruised pussy and runs his finger down your slit, then into your entrance.
“i… want all my cum to stay inside you.” his voice is low and croaky, and your body is jerking from the sensation.
now that he was out of you, you were more sensitive. pulling his fingers out, he pushes them to your lips, sliding them into your mouth with a smile on his face.
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borathae · 5 months
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↳ Index [Chapter 01 - Besuch]
• Besuch (German; noun: visit)
Focus on Pairing: Taehyung x f.Reader
Warnings: so many fluffy sweet moments, talks about polyamory & sexuality, Tae suffers from PTSD, but he gets so much comfort, Yoongi is a nervous cutie, Jungkook is so sweet <3
Wordcount: 14.5k
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“Okay. Are you ready?”
“I am.”
“Me too.”
“Where’s Yoongi?”
“He said that he’ll be here soon.”
“I could call him.”
The door opens.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I couldn’t get the button to close”, Yoongi says, running to get to you and the others. You are busy closing the safety circle while the others are waiting on your floor surrounded by your travel bags.
“Why are you dressed like this?” Taehyung asks, following Yoongi with his eyes.
Yoongi looks down at his own body. He is wearing a black suit with a small white boutonniere in his front pocket.
“What’s wrong with my outfit?” he asks with a pout, “you’re wearing a suit too.” 
Taehyung, dressed in an emerald green suit, shrugs his shoulders.
“It is just that these are my normal clothes, but you look as if you stumbled out of the wrong movie.”
“Why? What’s wrong with my clothes?” Yoongi whines, “I’m meeting her grandma. Can’t I dress up for that?”
You and the others laugh fondly. 
“Stop laughing, you brats”, he hisses, crossing his arms in front of his chest.  
“I’m just laughing because you’re so cute, my love”, you tell him, sitting down cross legged and patting the spot next to you, “sit down.”
Yoongi follows, tugging and pulling at his clothes insecurely. He can’t even look at your eyes because he feels so insecure in them all of a sudden. 
You lean in and give him a smooch on his cheek, “you look so handsome.” 
Yoongi blushes, “thanks”, he mumbles.
“I also think that you’re handsome, hyungie”, Jungkook says. He is dressed in a fancy shirt and slacks and has his hair in a neat half-updo.
“Thanks”, Yoongi says.
“I still think that you look peculiar”, Taehyung teases.
“Tae, stop that”, you say, hitting his leg gently.
“Fine. I won’t say anything again”, Taehyung gives up and snickers.
“You’re a brat”, Yoongi says.
“Can we start now?” you ask, looking between him and Taehyung fondly. 
“Yes, of course”, Taehyung says and takes your hand. Next he takes Jungkook’s hand, holding it tightly.
“I guess. It’s so mean, I dressed up for the occasion and I get made fun of”, Yoongi murmurs with a pout as he takes your and Jungkook’s hands.
“I wasn’t making fun-”
“Hush, you guys. Focus. I need to channel your powers and I can’t concentrate when you talk”, you stop them in a chuckle. 
The two bickering vampires stop, looking at you with the most innocent of eyes. 
“Now”, you begin, “close your eyes and relax. It’ll tingle a little.”
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The next time you open your eyes again, the scent of pine and wild herbs tickles your noses.
The ground beneath your feet crunches like small, angular stones. You run your eyes over your surroundings. Your lovers are beside you, looking around with awe in their eyes.
A high, dense forest surrounds you. The call of a blackbird echoes high above your heads and the humming of thousands of insects hangs in the air.
“Remarkable”, Taehyung gets out under his breath.
“Yeah right”, Jungkook whispers.
You find yourselves on a narrow gravel road. The road is just wide enough for one car and on the parts where no tires run along, high grasses and forest flowers grow. They tickle your legs as you stand in them. It is a nice sensation.
You know this road. Behind your backs, it leads into denser forests and high mountain paths. In front of your eyes, it will bring you to your grandmother’s house. You took this path a hundred times when you were younger. You will always find your way on it.
“Are we right here? Where are we? It looked different the last time we were here”, Jungkook asks.
“Yes, we’re right. It’s just not the back entrance”, you assure him, “come, follow me. I know the way”, you say and shoulder your bag, taking confident steps into the correct direction.
The three vampires lift their own bags and follow you with their eyes sparkling in awe. At least those of Taehyung and Jungkook, Yoongi’s eyes are glued to the ground. 
“I can’t believe that you truly managed to get us here”, Taehyung says, following a squirrel with his eyes as it escapes through the trees, “a squirrel! Right above our heads!”
“Where?” Jungkook gasps.
“There. Right there”, Taehyung shows him and after some intense searching, Jungkook finally finds it.
“Wow a squirrel! So cute!” he exclaims in a terribly cute voice. He and Taehyung share giggles and hold hands, swinging them back and forth happily.
You hold hands with Yoongi, who has been worryingly quiet until now.
“My love?” you call his attention with a soft pull at his hand.
His head snaps to you, “mhm?” his eyes are widened.
“Are you okay? You’re really quiet.”
“I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?”
He nods his head, “nervous”, he confesses and looks away.
“You’re nervous?”
He nods his head, rubbing the side of his neck.
“I never really did the whole, uhm, meeting my partner’s family and stuff before. Uh, yeah, it’s new to me. Scary, uh, yeah.”
“Aww my love, don’t be nervous. My grandma will love you so much.”
“Yeah, uhm”, he lowers his head shyly.
“I’m serious, love. She told me that she saw glimpses of you in my memories and that she can see how well you treat me”, you assure him, hugging his arm, “don’t worry, she’ll look at you and see a kind, sweet and very loveable person. Yeah?”
He nods his head and glances at you. He squeezes your hand just once and leans in to kiss your cheek.
“Thank you”, he whispers.
“I’m only saying the truth”, you say and pull Jungkook and Taehyung closer by holding Taehyung’s hand, “as a matter of fact, she’ll love all of you. Oh, you guys”, you begin skipping in happiness, “I’m so, so happy to be back and to see my grandma again and to introduce her to you.”
“I’m really happy too. I can’t wait to see grandma again”, Jungkook says, watching you with sparkling eyes. You are so happy. He likes that you are.
“I am very excited as well, my darling. I cannot wait to try her raspberry pie.”
“Yes, god you really can’t”, you say and wiggle your shoulders, “it’s so, so yummy.”
Another squirrel scurries past you, crossing the narrow gravel road in small jumps. Jungkook giggles.
“It’s so cute.”
“It truly is”, Taehyung says, “however, I cannot find an explanation as to why there are animals and insects living here. Isn’t this a realm for the souls of deceased witches and warlocks? How come there is other form of life in this realm?”
You all look at Yoongi for an answer.
“Why are there animals and insects here?”
“It’s just the way it is. I don’t know.”
“But didn’t Namjoon create this realm? Shouldn’t he have talked to you about his plans for it?”
“He did. I don’t know, it’s been too long. Maybe it’s because he loved plants and animals back then. I don’t know, sorry I’m nervous”, Yoongi says, ending his rant by exhaling loudly and blinking his eyes at you.
You give his hand an encouraging squeeze.
“It’s okay, love. Thank you for telling us.”
“Okay, okay I apologise for asking”, Taehyung says and reaches past you to caress Yoongi’s arm, “don’t be nervous, hyung. I am sure that you will be welcomed splendidly. If there is someone who should be nervous, it should be me.”
“Don’t say that, Tae. She’ll love you as well”, you insist.
“Yes, well”, Taehyung lets out a nervous chuckle, “she saw how wonderfully Yoongi treated you, so I am sure that she must have seen how awfully I acted.”
“Even if she did, that means she also saw how much you changed for the better. Don’t worry my darling, she will love you just as much as she’ll love Yoongi and Kookie.”
“Okay, okay”, Taehyung says and grins shyly, “thank you for saying this.”
You hug his arm against you and give it a little kiss.
“Of course, my sweetest”, you say and straighten up, “now let’s go. I can’t wait to see her again. Oh, I’m so happy. Do you guys think that she can feel that we are coming?”
“I am certain that she could sense it.”
“Yes, I get the feeling as well”, Jungkook assures you, while Yoongi is still lost in his nervous thoughts.
The walk to your grandmother’s cottage is a long one, but a terribly beautiful one. Being in nature is truly the best thing one can be. The long grasses and colourful flowers brush against your legs as you wander. The trees sway in the warm breeze and the sun shines through the canopy and makes light dance all around you.
“Did you know that there is a word in Japanese which describes the light shining through leaves?” Taehyung asks.
“No, I didn’t”, Jungkook says to which you agree with a shake of your head.
Yoongi seems to know already, because he doesn’t react. Or perhaps he is currently completely dissociated in nervousness. That would explain why he is staring into the distance with dazed eyes.
“Indeed there is”, Taehyung says, “komorebi. It is a beautiful word and I would say that it is rather fitting for such a beautiful view.”
“Yes”, you agree, letting your eyes follow the light. It is as if it was in a dance with the shadow, creating ever changing paintings, “yes I agree. Komorebi. I have to remember this word.”
“Thank you for telling us. I learned something new”, Jungkook says, painting great happiness onto Taehyung’s features.
The cottage is within reach. You can see the cozy house and the colourful, loved garden surrounding it. The rather unwelcome wooden stake fence doesn’t greet you this time around. A normal wooden fence stands in its stead. There are high wooden pillars on each side of the road and a wooden arch on which roses climb up and bloom. The gates are currently open, inviting you inside.
“It’s so peculiar not to see grandma’s staked fence”, you say.
“But it was there the last time we visited her, right?” Jungkook makes sure.
You nod your head, “it must be because we accidentally switched from my memories to this world. Remember? There were no stakes when we left the realm again, but because we were too preoccupied with our emotions, we didn’t really notice it.”
“Yes, right. Right, now that you mention it, I didn’t see any stakes when we left. So that means that we’re right, ___. You actually took us to the safe realm where no vampires are present.”
Jungkook breaks away from Taehyung and gets in front of you and the others. You all come to a stop. He steps closer and puts his hand on the chests of Taehyung and Yoongi. While Taehyung smiles at him, Yoongi seems to come back to reality with the touch. He blinks rapidly, gawking at Jungkook.
The latter smiles and bounces on the spot.
“You’re human”, he says, “you guys are human. We’re all human again”, he says and touches his own chest, “my pulse is back. Wow!”
Taehyung and Yoongi touch their chests and while Taehyung seems marvelled by it, Yoongi exhales shakily, blinking away the emotion in his eyes. He tightens his fingers around the fabric of his shirt, furrowing his brows.
“Oh how fascinating”, Taehyung gasps, looking at you, “darling, I can feel my heart beat.”
“I know”, you say, touching him gently, “I can feel it too, Tae.”
Taehyung smiles and places his hand over yours, pulling you closer this way, “sweetest”, he whispers and kisses you. It is a nice revelation that his first instinct upon being human again, is to kiss you. You kiss him back with a racing heart and in return, you can feel his heart race in his chest. Oh, how good it feels to kiss him.
By the time you pull back for air, you are just a little dizzy. He smiles at you, squeezing your hand gently. You retort his smile.
Jungkook’s giggles make both of you turn into his direction. He is giggling at Yoongi, while the latter is looking into Jungkook’s face. Their hands are on each other’s chests, feeling the other’s heartbeat.
“I can count the beats, hyungie”, Jungkook says, “your pulse is real.”
“Yeah, I know”, Yoongi answers him.
“It’s beating so fast.”
“Yeah, I know…”
You join their sides, caressing their arms.
Jungkook pulls you into a group hug instantly, smothering you between his body and Yoongi’s.
“Oh? Okay”, you accept your fate with giggles, which only grow when you can feel Taehyung join the group hug as well.
“We are human again”, Jungkook says and begins jumping in a circle. You join him soon even if Yoongi whines about it. It’s just way too exciting to be with each other.
“Honeybee!” someone calling your nickname breaks the group hug. The boys release you, watching with curious eyes as a couple seem to hurry to you. They are dressed in flowy summer clothes and seem to be in their forties. Jungkook is smiling, waving his hand.
“Grandma! Hello!” he calls out, but you can’t hear him anymore.
Your grandfather is next to your grandmother. Safe and sound. And alive. He is actually alive.
“Grandpa?!” you gasp, “you- oh”, you stop talking to instead run to them.
They welcome you with open arms, engulfing you in the kind of hug only loving grandparents can give. Despite promising yourself not to cry, you still do. You went so many years without them and to see both of them again, well and alive, overwhelms you in the best way possible.
“You’re alive! Grandpa, you’re alive!”
“Hello my little forest strider, how have you been?”
“Oh grandpa, I missed you so much”, you choke out and sob into his chest.
“Mhm, my girl”, he says and pulls you closer.
You break away after a few moments of emotional hugging, eyes switching between your grandparents’ faces.
“You guys are so young and, and you’re both here. I don’t understand. How can you be here?”
“This is a peaceful world. A good world. I am here because Agatha wanted me to be here.”
“And you are real? You are truly real?”
“I am”, your grandfather smiles and tugs your grandmother closer, “she just couldn’t say goodbye to me, could she?”
“How could I, Harald? I need to have someone I can annoy”, she jokes, which makes him laugh and kiss her cheek. She takes your hand afterwards, “there is a way to make sure that your loved ones will find peace in this world even if they aren’t born witches.”
“There is?”
“Yes, yes there is, but I will tell you later. My boys, welcome”, she says and turns to your three boys with open arms, “I’m Agatha, but you can call me grandma as well. Jungkook my dear, welcome back.”
“I’m so happy to be back, grandma”, he says, bowing his head.
She however tugs him into a hug, forcing a squeak out of him as he stumbles into her loving embrace. He is so much taller than her, lowering himself for her comfort.
“Welcome back, my boy. How have you been?”
“Good, really good. I missed you.”
They break the hug, but she keeps holding his hands.
“It’s so nice to have you back for a happy occasion”, she says to which he agrees with an enthusiastic nod.
Afterwards he turns to your grandfather, giving him a tight handshake.
“It is so nice to meet you. I’m Jungkook.”
“Agatha already told me a lot about you. It’s good to finally put a face to the stories”, he says and grabs his upper arm, “you’re a strong one. I can feel it. Are those tattoos?”
“Oh, uhm…” Jungkook blushes, “yes, I guess they are.”
“Aha, I see. How far up do they go?” he asks, trying to tug Jungkook’s shirt further up his arm.
Jungkook laughs nervously, glancing at you as a call for help. But before you can save him from your grandfather’s nosy, yet kindly meant, hands, your grandmother does.
“Harald, don’t be nosy. Dear god”, your grandmother swipes his hand away, turning her attention to Yoongi next.
“You must be Yoongi.”
“I am”, he croaks out, “sorry”, he says and bows deeply, clearing his throat as he does, “nice to meet you and thank you so much for housing us”, he says and bows at your grandfather as well.
“I’m happy to have you, my dear”, she says and gives his arm a soft caress.
“Agatha told me that you enjoy woodworking. I was a carpenter in my time”, your grandfather says and takes both his hands to inspect them, “mhm good worker hands. They don’t fit your face.”
“Uh? Thank you, yeah, uhm.”
Your grandmother rolls her eyes at him because he is being nosy again.
“___ told me that you were a carpenter. Yeah, uhm”, Yoongi pulls his hands out of your grandfather’s hold and scratches his own ear shyly, “I think woodworking is good. Yeah”, he mumbles and clears his throat again.
Your grandfather smiles. Yoongi is shy. Just as Agatha had told him.
Taehyung bows at both of your grandparents as well, “I am Taehyung. It is truly wonderful to finally meet the people who are so utterly important to ___.”
“We could say the same about you”, she says and studies him from head to toe. There is just the slightest, smallest, faintest mistrust in them. 
“I, uhm”, Taehyung begins fumbling in his bag, “I have something for you”, he says and pulls out a box.
Your grandmother accepts it, opening it. 
“Oh? Seeds?”
“Yes, indeed. They are seeds from our garden. ___ told me that she inherited her enjoyment for gardening from you and I thought that growing seeds from our garden in your own could be a special way to connect our families.”
Your grandmother exchanges a look with your grandfather. They smile, reaching out for a warm caress to Taehyung’s arms.
“Thank you, boy. We will cherish them.”
“This is such a wonderful gift, thank you my dear”, your grandmother says and points at the house, “come, I bet you must be really exhausted from the journey.”
“Not really. ___ did a really good job at sending us here”, Jungkook says and looks around, “it looks a lot nicer here than last time.”
“That’s because you entered this realm willingly and not accidentally. That is also why your heartbeats feel so real and why you can take bags with you. Because your bodies are actually here.”
“Woah, that’s wild to me. Did you know that, hyung?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “no, I’m sorry. I don’t know a lot about this world”, he murmurs shyly.
“I see. That’s okay, but you seem to know a lot, grandma.”
“Oh? Oh no”, she laughs, “I know enough to know that this world is safe, but that it will also be punishing to people who aren’t dead yet.”
“What do you mean? Are we in danger?”
“Only if you die in here. You will be lost forever, which is not a nice fate to have.”
“Oh god. You guys gotta be extra careful from now on. Okay?” you tell your three boys.
“We will, don’t worry”, Jungkook assures you to which the others agree.
“I’m sure nothing will happen”, your grandfather says and places his arm over your grandmother’s shoulder, “are you hungry? We were just about to start dinner when Agatha felt you enter this realm.”
“Dinner sounds lovely, Harald?” Taehyung says, “please forgive me if I got your name wrong.”
“You got it right. Name’s Harald, but you can call me grandpa if you want to.”
“It is lovely to meet you, Harald. ___ told me a great deal about you. You mean a lot to her.”
“Oh, she means more to me. My little girl, she’s my treasure.”
Taehyung feels warm in his chest. He loves to know that you have family who truly and honestly love you.
“We made raspberry pie as well”, your grandmother says.
“Yes, pie! I’m so ready to eat at least three slices!” you exclaim happily and take her hand, “grandma, can I have the recipe? I forgot to ask you last time, but I would really love to make it at home.”
“Of course, my honeybee. Do you have raspberry bushes at your home as well?”
“I do. Yoongi wants to teach me one day how I can make them grow like you make yours grow, but for now I have to learn better control.”
“Control is really important. I’m impressed that you managed to get all of you here unharmed.”
“I know. Oh god, grandma I was so nervous you have no idea.”
You take off your shoes by the front door. Your grandmother scurries off to prepare lemonade, while your grandfather leads you upstairs. He is carrying your bag because he insisted that it is a grandfather’s job to carry his grandchild’s bags. 
“It’s so cozy here”, Jungkook says.
“Aye, cozy it is”, your grandfather says, leading you to your bedroom, “I built all of it myself. Not in this world, but the real one. The house was already there when I came here. Don’t ask me how it works, Agatha’s the one with magic, I’m just here to be her support.”
He makes you laugh with it. He smiles fondly, putting your bag on your bed.
“Two of you can sleep here. The rest can sleep in the guestroom. Ignore the mess on the desk. I use it as my hobby room when it’s just the two of us.”
“What do you enjoy as a hobby?” Taehyung asks, walking next to him. They are the same height, carrying themselves with good posture.
“I’m a collector of old weapons. Without the ammunition of course. I spend a lot of time cleaning and restoring old weapons.”
“Oh, that sounds wonderful. I have quite a few rare pieces in my own collection. I shall bring some of them with me next time we visit.”
“So you’re a collector too?”
“I am sure not as passionate as you, but my age automatically comes with many trinkets and pieces, which I find myself collecting.” 
“I see, well anyways, that’s the guest room. Make yourselves comfortable”, he says and studies you, “however that will work. Do you pull cards to decide?”
“We prefer to decide spontaneously.”
“I see, well anyways, rest for a bit, get comfortable. I’m downstairs for now”, he says and turns to leave. He gives you a hug before he does, patting your head, “my girl.”
Once it is just the four of you, Taehyung speaks.
“I got the feeling that he wanted to ask more about our situation, but he didn’t know how.”
“Knowing my grandpa, he really did. Especially because I came back dating three men, who also date each other.”
“Mostly. Some are only acquaintances”, Yoongi corrects you, making Taehyung gasp dramatically.
“Acquaintances? Excuse me? Have we not spent enough centuries together to at least be friends?” 
“I don’t know. You made fun of my outfit.”
“Oh, hyung you”, he nudges his arm, “you know that I was only jesting. You look very handsome.”
“Whatever”, Yoongi says and looks around the room awkwardly.
“Do you guys like it here?” you ask them.
“It’s so cozy. I like it a lot.”
“It also smells very good.”
“It does, gosh. And look, you can see the forest from here”, you say, hurrying to the small window. 
Your three boys gather behind you, trying to get a glimpse.
“I spent a lot of time in this forest. I can’t believe that I get to walk in it again. We are gonna take walks in it, aren’t we?” 
“Of course. I even packed my walking shoes for this occasion.”
“I’m so happy, you guys”, you say, following your grandmother with your eyes as she is hurrying through the garden to pick some mint, “I wanna go downstairs and help them.”
“We’ll come with you.” 
You spent the rest of the day together, talking and laughing. You tell your grandparents everything which happened in the years they weren’t with you anymore and it felt so good to do because this time around, you know that you had no rush in speaking. Yoongi was with you again. Taehyung and Jungkook as well. Everything was well and you are allowed to waste time telling silly stories of your life. Your grandparents are so very happy to listen to every single one of them. And so you spent the day talking until the moon replaced the sun in the sky and the crickets sang their nightly songs.
Yoongi helped your grandmother with dinner. You could listen to them bond over food. They even exchanged recipes and chatted about bread making. It made you feel really good inside to hear how Yoongi talks to your grandmother. Respectful and in a soft spoken voice. He is such a gentle person.
You and your other two boys wanted to help as well, but then your grandfather dragged you into a game of cards. He was sure that he could win, because he always won when you were still a child, but soon had to realise that his little girl was all grown up now. It made him a little sad and so you let him win the next round, which made him tease you in the adoring way he always teased you when he won. It made you really happy. You missed the game of cards with your grandfather.
Dinner has been served by now. You sit around the table, sharing the food your grandmother and Yoongi prepared with utmost love. It tastes so good that everyone goes for a second serving. You even go for a third because the combination of Yoongi’s cooking and your grandmother’s cooking is quite frankly, the most delicious combination to ever exist. Two cuisines which taste like home mixed into one. Truly, food couldn’t get any better than this.
You talk about food for most of it. Soon your grandfather leads the conversation to a different topic however. It was during dessert when tea was shared with your grandmother’s raspberry pie. You feed a spoonful to Taehyung and then to Jungkook, doing so with giggles on your lips.
“Is it yummy?” you ask them.
“Really, I missed your pie so much”, Jungkook murmurs.
“It is so sweet and rich in flavours. I truly enjoy it”, Taehyung gushes.
“Well, thank you my dear”, your grandmother says with fondness in her eyes. She likes to know when people enjoy her food. Especially her pies. She is very proud of her pies. All the recipes are her creations and she takes great pride in them. She wipes down the counters with a happy smile on her lips, listening to the conversation.
You break off another piece of the pie and turn to Yoongi.
“Now you, my love”, you tell him.
Yoongi meets you in the middle with an open mouth. He takes the pie off your fork gently, meeting your eyes shyly.
He chews and swallows, nodding his head.
“Mhm”, he lets out, “really good. How are you getting the raspberry flavors to stay so intense, Agatha?”
“I couldn’t tell you. I think my raspberries really like me. It’s how they taste naturally.”
“Mhm, I could have figured. As a nature witch, you have a talent for gardens.”
Your grandmother chuckles mischievously and that is the moment when your grandfather stirs the conversation into a different direction.
“___ my girl, now I must ask something.”
“Yes, grandpa?” 
“Why are you all dating?” 
“Harald, you can’t ask that out of nowhere”, your grandmother gasps, dropping the wipe on the counter to run to him and nudge his arm.
“It’s not out of nowhere. I really thought about it before I asked”, your grandfather defends himself.
“It doesn’t make it okay”, she throws back, but you assure her that it was alright to ask.
“I understand that it’s not really common to see, questions are allowed. Right, guys? Is it okay for you as well?” 
“Of course. We are very open to answer your questions”, Taehyung says.
“I don’t have a lot of experience with polyamory, but I’m okay as well”, Jungkook says.
“Me too. I’ll try my best to answer”, Yoongi says, “I was honestly just waiting for you guys to ask us. I know it must be weird to see your granddaughter return with three men by her side.”
“Not weird just…uncommon.”
“Gosh Harald, stop being so negative.”
“What? I’m just saying. It must be uncommon for you too. I’m sure they know that it’s not something you see every day.”
“It’s really okay, grandma. We know it’s not seen a lot. It would be weird if you weren’t confused.”
Agatha gives up with a sigh and sits down by her chair.
“Fine, okay. I admit that I’m a little curious as well.”
“What do you want to know? I don’t want you guys to have a bad idea of polyamory so I’m really open to all questions”, you say.
“What does it mean to be poly? Is that what you call the dating you are doing?”
“Yes, that’s the official name for it.” 
“It sounds really stressful to me”, your grandfather says.
“It can be stressful if you don’t communicate and understand each other. If you talk and respect each other, it’s not stressful at all.”
“But how can you spend enough time with every person?” 
“It’s easy for us because we live in the same estate, so sometimes we spend time by being in the same room.”
“I would also say that it really helps to make a schedule”, Taehyung says.
“A schedule?” 
“Indeed. We sit down and make a plan of when someone wants to spend time with another. We plan dates, schedule holidays and decide on who wants to spend time with whom.”
“So you decide on special date days just for this one pairing? Are you even couples? How does it work?”
“Yes, we plan special couple days so nobody feels left out. Not all of us are dating however.”
“How can I understand that?” 
“I’m dating Yoongi, Tae and Kook”, you say, “while Yoongi is only dating Kook and me.”
“I am dating ___, Yoongi and Tae”, Jungkook says, “but Tae only dates ___ and me.”
“So you and you”, your grandpa points at Yoongi and Taehyung respectively, “are just friends?” 
“Indeed we are.”
“I guess.” 
“But how does that work?”
“We aren’t interested in each other”, Yoongi says, “but we respect each other enough not to want to break up the polycule.” 
“Indeed. We spend friendship time with each other, isn’t that so?”
“I guess”, Yoongi murmurs, avoiding Taehyung’s eye contact shyly.
“This is really mindboggling to me. All of it”, your grandfather says and looks at your grandma, “do you understand it, Agatha?”
“Oh Harald, why must you be so negative? If it makes our___  happy, then I understand everything I need to understand.” 
“I wasn’t judging. I am just really confused. Don’t you get jealous or insecure?”
“Sometimes”, Taehyung says, “I think that jealousy can’t even be prevented in monogamous relationships and there are definitely more opportunities to get jealous in a polycule. Sometimes a person wants attention from someone, but the person they want affection from is busy with someone else. Jealousy or insecurities are unavoidable.”
“Exactly, sometimes you also feel as if your time spent with them is shorter than that of the others and you get jealous of that”, Jungkook agrees.
“Or as if you received less love than others, which can make you feel insecure”, Yoongi says.
“But the most important thing to remember is that jealousy is human and that it is important to talk about it. When one of us gets jealous or insecure, we sit down to talk and fix the issue together”, you say.
“It really helps because almost all of the time, the insecurities are gone after the conversation”, Taehyung says.
“And we realise that the jealousy was useless”, Jungkook says.
“I see. I might start to understand a thing or two. I thought that you never get jealous and found it unbelievable. It’s good to hear that jealousy happens, but that you talk about it”, your grandpa says and reaches out to caress your hand, “my girl, you have this from your grandmother. She always wants to talk about everything.” 
“Talking about the issue is important. Otherwise it will linger and become an unwanted curse on your heart.” 
“That is true, my darling witch”, your grandfather says and kisses her cheek.
She leans in with a mischievous giggle.
“Now one last question. You know me, I’m too nosy.”
“Does it mean that intimacy is always together?”
“Harald, you are inappropriate”, Agatha says with a slap to his arm.
“I’m just saying. You know, the seventies were a wild time. Your grandmother and I have some experiences with org-”
Your grandfather lifts his hands in defeat. 
Your grandmother clicks her tongue, “crazy. Please don’t listen to him, he is being childish.”
Taehyung and Jungkook chuckle knowingly and exchange a boyish look with your grandfather.
“Do not worry. I find it very important to make sexuality a normal topic and to remove the negative stigma around it. Without sex, none of us would be here right now and intimacy can be a very important part to show affection to the people you love. So I believe that it is important to see sex as something positive and normal, instead of demonising it. Of course it is very important to keep such conversations age appropriate, but I see no evil in talking about it between adults”, Taehyung says.
“I agree, yes”, your grandfather says, “I don’t even want details, just a yes or no.”
“May I answer it?” Taehyung asks to which all of you consent to with a nod. So he looks at your grandfather and talks, “sometimes we share intimacy between more than two people, but most of the time, intimacy is shared between two people.”
“What about you and Yoongi?”
“We do not sleep with each other.”
“I see. Forgive me for asking.” 
“Worry not. I hope that I could answer your questions.”
“You could”, your grandfather says and looks to the side. He seems just a little embarrassed to have asked such a question.
“Now I have a question as well”, your grandma says.
“Does polyamory mean that you like men and women?”
“It can, but not always. There are also strictly same sex polycules or non binary polycules.”
“What does non binary mean?” 
“Well, to put it very short. It means when you don’t identify as female or male. In a sense the person can identify as both or neither. This is the very short answer.” 
“I see. And in your case it means that you are all attracted to men and women?”
“Yes, in my case it does. However I identify as queer. Gender isn’t important for my attraction to form, as I am drawn to the person and not their gender identity and I feel most comfortable in identifying as queer.”
“Gender doesn’t matter to me either, so I resonate most with being bisexual”, Jungkook says.
“I don’t do labels. I like who I like”, Yoongi says.
“I don’t know what I am. Sometimes I think about kissing a girl”, you confess, “I never told this before. Please don’t tell mom and dad, they don’t know.”
“How should we tell them?” your grandmother says with a fond laugh on her lips.
“Ah yeah, I totally forgot that this isn’t the real world. Damn, it’s insane to think that we’re in a magical afterlife right now. It feels so real.”
“In an unexplainable, but wonderful way this is real.”
You smile at the thought, reaching out to hold your grandparent’s hands.
“I’m so happy that it is. I really missed you so much.”
“We missed you too, my honeybee.”
“My girl, hm, my girl.”
“How is it possible for grandpa to be here? You said that you would tell me later.”
“Ah yes, I did”, she says, shifting into a more comfortable position, “there is a ritual you can do to mark the soul of a person so it is worthy to live in this realm after death.”
“There is?”
“Yes, yes there is. Harald, get me the book”, she says and gestures to the bookcase in the living room.
Your grandfather stands up, “the purple one?”
“No, the black one with the moon on the front.”
He looks for it for a moment, returning with it once he found it. He places it on the table and sits down. Your grandmother opens it in the middle. Drawings of spell materials are on the right page while the left describes the ritual in detail.
“It is a very difficult ritual and dangerous too.”
“Yeah it really is”, Yoongi agrees, “if you get the mixture wrong, the soul ends up cursed.”
“So you know the spell?”
“No, I haven’t heard of it before, but I know what citrine powder mixed with too much beryl dust does. Especially when you use it in this kind of way and with these enchantments. It can curse the soul so that after death, it dissolves into nothing.”
“You know a lot about magic, don’t you?”
“Yoongi was a student of Nilrem.”
Your grandmother widens her eyes in surprise.
“Nilrem? The creator of magic?”
“The bringer of magic, yes. He always said that he came from another universe, but he was honestly crazy so I don’t know if he just made stuff up.”
“This is actually very shocking to me. ___ told me that you had knowledge in magic, but I never connected the dots that it is because you were one of Nilrem’s students.”
“Yeah no, I was”, he says shyly, scratching the side of his neck.
“Fascinating”, she says and giggles shyly, “please forgive me, but this feels as if I am meeting a celebrity.”
Yoongi blushes and looks to the side. You give his cheek a little kiss.
“He’s so cool, isn’t he?”
“Don’t say that”, he whispers, nudging you under the table.
“Mhm, he is the coolest”, you say and smooch him a second time despite his protesting nudge.
Your grandmother watches it fondly before looking back into the book.
“I bet you already know what you have to do for the spell to work, don’t you?”
“No please, don’t feel inferior in my presence. I seriously don’t know a lot about magic”, he assures her. He is being humble for her sake. It is obvious to all of you that he is.
“Did you enchant grandpa with this spell?”
“Yes I did. I measured the ingredients multiple times and practiced the spell many times.”
“So you can practice spells?”
Your grandmother looks at Yoongi.
“Please go ahead, Agatha”, he tells her, giving her enough confidence to continue.
“Yes you can. There is a method where you can enchant a hay puppet with it and then throw it into flames. When the smoke turns black, the spell would fail but if it turns white, the spell is correct.”
“I see. This is actually so helpful. When Yoongi was in a magical coma, I got help from Meredith and her coven.”
“I know Meredith.”
“Yes, we got help from them and they tested spells by drawing blood from Jungkook and inflicting the portions with the curse. It was really fascinating and I never thought that it was possible.”
“Oh you know so much already, my honeybee”, she says with great melancholy in her eyes, “it’s correct that you can find an antidote against blood curses by testing it on small amounts of the right blood”, she says and looks at Jungkook, “that would mean that you are from Yoongi’s bloodline.”
“I am. Wow, how did you know?” Jungkook gasps.
“The vampire curse is just a little different in each Creator’s blood, which means their creations are each just a little different because the change is based on the Creator’s blood. Which means that Meredith could only successfully test out the different antidotes on your blood because you shared Yoongi’s specific curse properties. It wouldn’t have worked otherwise.”
“Wow, I didn’t know that”, Jungkook confesses, “did you?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “not so detailed. I knew that my sire line shares the same curse as me, but I didn’t know that my curse also changed their blood to be the same as mine.”
“Does that mean that they’re the same in here as well?” you ask.
“No”, she shakes her head, “in here no curses can reach. You are all how you were when you were still human”, she glances at Yoongi, “or witches.”
Yoongi looks at his hands with widened eyes, as if he just realised what it meant to be free of his curse.
“Wow, this is so cool”, you are too occupied with being excited to notice, “you know so much, grandma. This world is so cool and this spell is even cooler. Does this mean that I could make sure that they find peace in this world if they ever die?”
“You could, but you have to be careful”, she furrows his brows in seriousness, “this curse isn’t to take lightly. I only started practicing it once I knew I had complete control over my powers and I only put it on your grandfather after practicing it for months.”
“I understand. I won’t do it without practice, I promise.”
“That’s what I want to hear, my honeybee”, she says and caresses your cheek, “I’m so proud of you.”
You lean into her touch, feeling so very warm in your chest.
“Thanks, grandma.”
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Taehyung helps with washing the dishes after dinner, while Jungkook and Yoongi help your grandfather outside with the animals. You stay with your grandmother and Taehyung, telling her more about how you think that your boys are the coolest people ever. She listens to you happily. After cleaning up, you play cards until your grandparents get too tired and excuse themselves for the night.
Your grandparents are the first to wash up, while Jungkook and Taehyung say that they will unpack their bags a little. You are the next to wash up, now currently leaving the bathroom in your coziest pyjamas.
“Oh? Oops”, you stop in your tracks after almost crashing into Yoongi.
He lowers his hand, having wanted to knock.
“Did you want to knock?”
He nods his head.
“I didn’t hear anything, so I didn’t know if it was empty already. Human hearing and shit, it’s useless”, he says, making you chuckle.
“It’s empty now”, you tell him and step out of the doorframe, “if you’re quick, you even get the warmth.”
“Yeah, thanks uhm”, he says and disappears inside.
You study the closed door for a moment, having to smile. He’s especially cute tonight. Really awkward. You love when he’s awkward, because he gets so adorable when he is.
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Jungkook is in your bedroom, turning to you when you enter. He looked at your desk before that. His eyes begin sparkling, his lips curl into a smile.
“Hey there”, he says.
“Hey there”, you say.
“Wow, I love the pyjamas. Purple. The colour fits you so well.”
“Thanks, heh”, you say, posing for him in a cute way.
He appreciates it with sparkling eyes and the brightest smile ever. 
“And they’re really soft.”
“I can tell”, he says and continues with a shy gleam in his eyes, “I didn’t wanna be all alone downstairs, so I waited for you. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Did you find something you like?”
“I looked at the drawings on your desk. Are they yours?”
“Yup, my childhood drawings.”
“Wow, you had talent.”
You close the distance between you and him, travelling your eyes over the drawings.
“I did, didn’t I? I mostly painted the cottage, my grandparents and the animals. This is Moo and this is supposed to be Jumper”, you say, pointing at the childish drawing of a cow and a brown rabbit.
“I can totally see the resemblance. You really nailed Jumper’s long ears.”
“I did, yeah”, you say, having to snicker.
Jungkook snickers as well, rubbing his hand up and down your back in an innocent show of affection. He ends the adoration with a little massage of your neck and a soft brush down your hair. You really love receiving it, feeling safe in his presence.
“The fabric’s really soft. You’re right”, he says, caressing your back again.
“I know, it’s so comfy.”
He leans in and sniffs you by your shoulder.
“Hm, smells good too.” 
“It’s the detergent we always use.”
“It’s nice.”
He kisses your shoulder in an innocent show of affection, then straightens up to look at the drawings on the wall. More drawings of the cottage and its animals, a few drawings of flowers and other plants and some are family portraits of you and your grandparents. 
“It’s kinda cute that they kept all of this even in the afterlife”, he says.
“I know, it’s so cute. Do you think that it looks different here than it did last time?”
“Yeah, totally. More alive I would say and a lot more lived in.”
“Yeah, I think so too. Did you test out the bed yet?”
He shakes his head, “I didn’t know if I could. I’m still in my clothes and all.”
“No, you totally could have”, you assure him and walk to your bed. You throw yourself onto it, bouncing on it with a big grin on your lips.
Jungkook laughs in fondness.
“Come here, the bounce is great.”
Jungkook closes the distance and sits down next to you, laughing loudly when you bounce next to him, making him shake around this way.
“Do it too.”
Jungkook does as he is told, bouncing on the mattress with silly laughter on his lips. You have to laugh as well, wiggling your toes because it’s so fun to be silly with him.
“Ah, I love it here”, you say, dropping into the sheets with your arms stretched far from you.
Jungkook rests his weight on his hand, having his torso turned to you.
“It’s really nice here, yeah”, he agrees.
“It also smells so nice”, you say, sniffling vividly.
Jungkook breathes in deeply, “yeah right. Like fresh laundry and hay.”
“Yeah, so nice.”
“My nose is so weak though. It’s a little weird not to smell a million scents all the time.”
“Gosh, this must feel like a holiday.”
“It does. I can only smell the laundry, the hay and your soap. At home I would smell your emotions and your blood and the animals outside and, and, and”, he huffs out air, “damn, I really smell a lot don’t I?” 
“You really do.”
“Ah, it’s nice to take a break from it.”
Silence overcomes you where Jungkook gazes at you and you gaze at him. You end up having to smile at him. He retorts it and shifts his eyes to your stomach.
“You’ve got a little skin showing”, he says, reaching to fix the slipped up shirt.
“I know, the movement made my shirt slip up.”
“Mhm”, he hums and does the unthinkable thing of pulling the shirt further up your tummy so he could lean down and blow raspberries on it.
“No please!” you squeak, lifting your legs and grabbing his head because it tickles so much.
Jungkook does it again, forcing the loudest cackle to escape you.
“Koo stop”, you complain, trying to push his head away.
“Sorry”, he laughs and pulls the shirt down. He lies down next to you and attacks your neck next.
“This isn’t better, Kook stop it”, you complain in cackles and little squirms.
Jungkook smiles against your skin. His heart is racing like crazy in his chest.
“You’re so fucking cute”, he whispers and goes to attack you again.
“Please”, you squeal, having to laugh honestly and loudly. He is tickling you, but it doesn’t feel awful. It feels good. Safe. Tingly. You can’t stop laughing, trying to fight him off with soft tugs at his strong arm.
But Jungkook is stronger than you, pinning you down even more by lying some of his weight on your chest and attacking the other side of your neck.
He probably would have teased you to the point of tears of laughter if someone hadn’t knocked on your door. He stops instantly, lifting his head. Did you wake your grandparents?
Knock. Knock.
“Yeah?” you call out.
“It’s me”, Yoongi says. 
“Come in.”
The door opens and in steps Yoongi. He is in his black pyjamas with his hair unstyled and his cheeks looking especially dewy. He closes the door, waddling to your bed. Then he stands. Stands and stares and rubs his own tummy. 
“Do you need something, my love?” you ask him, sitting up in bed. 
Jungkook sits up as well, looking at Yoongi with curious eyes. 
“I was maybe thinking that, I don’t know, maybe uhm maybe, uhm”, he stutters, blushing shyly, “nevermind, it’s stupid”, he says and tries to flee.
You however stop him with a gentle touch to his inner wrist.
“You can talk to us”, you assure him, giving him a sweet smile, “what’s the matter, love?”
“Uhm”, Yoongi begins, “uhm, uh. Do you wanna, uhm, share a bed tonight?” he finally gets out, looking at Jungkook.
“Me?” Jungkook makes sure.
Yoongi nods his head, touching his own ear to soothe himself. 
“I was thinking maybe it could be nice. I don’t know, it’s stupid. Sorry, it’s stupid.” 
“No, it’s not. I love this idea”, Jungkook says and reaches out to touch Yoongi’s waist, “I would love to share a bed with you, my hyungie.” 
“Okay. That’s cool”, Yoongi says dryly but with flushed cheeks. 
“Is that okay with you, ___?”  Jungkook makes sure. 
You look between them. Jungkook is excited, while Yoongi is nervous.
“Of course that’s okay with me. You two deserve all the bed snuggles in the world”, you say and grin, “I also get to snuggle Tae, so that’s a win for me.”
Jungkook chuckles fondly while Yoongi relaxes in relief.
“That’s true, Tae snuggles are very nice”, Jungkook says and pecks your cheek, “is the bathroom empty?”
“Yeah”, Yoongi confirms.
“Coolio, I’ll wash up and I’m expecting you in the guest bed once I’m done”, he says and snickers, rolling out of bed to leave the room.
He closes the door. 
Yoongi sits down on bed instantly, taking your hands. He squeezes them so tightly, one might wonder if he wanted to crumble them.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?” 
“I don’t wanna make you feel as if you’re not important to me. I, I love sleeping next to you, but I, I wanna spend time with Jungkook too. Sometimes. I’m sorry, Please don’t be too mad at me.” 
“Gosh Yoongi, you’re worrying for nothing”, you say in a fond chuckle and kiss his cheek. You keep close afterwards, running your fingers through his hair, “I’m not mad at you. This is part of what being poly is. Sometimes you just wanna spend time with a certain person, but that doesn’t mean the other automatically loses value. I don’t feel mad that you crave Kookie time tonight.”
Yoongi relaxes his shoulders, gazing at you.
“Thank you for understanding, you’re so…” he sighs and speaks in a softer voice, “I’m a mess and you’re calm. This is all new to me. I haven’t done poly before. I’m a mess. I practiced outside ‘cause I was scared of your reaction. You’re so calm. I feel peaceful.” 
“Gosh Boongie, you cutie. I’m glad that I make you feel at peace”, you say and kiss his cheek a second time. 
He leans into the affection, closing his eyes halfway.
“I also understand your feelings about doing poly for the first time. It’s my first time as well and I’m really scared to mess up, but I think that our little family can make it work.” 
“Yeah me too”, he agrees, nodding his head.
“We’re doing really well, I think.”
He nods his head, shifting his eyes to your intertwined hands. He traces your knuckles with his thumbs, following the movement with sparkling eyes.
“How are you liking the stay here?” you ask him because you crave just a little more of his voice.
“Good. I think it’s good”, he says, nodding his head.
“Yeah? Me too. I really love it here. Gosh Yoongi, it was my dream to show this place to you. It makes me so happy that you can finally see it.”
“I like it, yeah”, he meets your eyes, “I���m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I didn’t talk a lot.”
“At dinner?”
“That’s okay, my love. You were perfect. I can assure you that my grandparents love you.”
“I hope. I’m really nervous.”
“I can tell, but don’t be. You’re doing really well”, you assure him, combing your fingers through his soft hair.
“Thank you”, he whispers.
You kiss his cheek, rubbing his back afterwards.
“I spent so much of my early childhood in this room. I have really dear memories of it.”
“It’s a good room.”
“Yeah it is”, you agree and stand up to get the drawings from the table. You sit down next to him and show them to him, “I painted a lot in my free time. Mostly the cottage, the animals and my grandparents. Do you recognise the cow?”
“Is it the one outside?”
“Correct. Her name’s Moo. I named all of the animals here, which is why the names are very unoriginal.”
Yoongi smiles softly and takes the drawing with careful fingers.
“Moo is a good name for a cow.”
“I guess so, yeah”, you snicker, “the bunnies are called Jumper, Flopsi and Daisy.”
“Yeah, they’re so cute. The second cow is called Milky.”
He laughs.
“Don’t laugh, I told you the names are very unoriginal.”
“It’s cute, I’m laughing ‘cause it’s cute”, he says, meeting your eyes shyly. You give him a grin, kissing his lips afterwards.
“You’re cute.”
He looks away, blushing instantly.
“You’ve been freaking cute the entire day. Do you know that, my love?”
He shakes his head, touching the side of his neck.
“Now you know.”
“Okay”, he mumbles and tries to change the topic by flipping the drawings, “do the chickens have names too?”
“Of course they do. I was obsessed with Greek mythology back then, so I named all the chickens after Greek goddesses, except for Jolene who I named after the song because my grandparents always played it and I was obsessed with it.”
Yoongi smiles. He thinks that you were very adorable as a child. 
“The second brown chicken is Helen, the white ones are Aphrodite and Hera. The two black ones are Persephone and Hades.”
“I was obsessed with him. I genuinely thought that he was so cool.”
“You think the weirdest dudes are cool.”
“I think you’re cool.”
“Yoongi, come on”, you nudge his arm, “you’re not weird. In some strange way you remind me of him.”
“I do? Why?”
“He really loved Persephone and dedicated a lot to her. He’s this scary dude to so many people, but secretly he is just a big softie for his wife.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. I’m soft for you”, he says, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
You accept his affection with closed eyes.
“Didn’t he also kidnap her and force her to marry him and live with him? I don’t think that’s what a softie would do. He forced her and that’s definitely not me.”
You laugh, “no, that’s definitely the part we’ll ignore. You’re not like that at all.”
“Yeah, he’s a fucking asshole”, he agrees.
“God, you and your harsh tongue.”
“I mean it. He’s an asshole. I don’t think I’m like him at all. I would never force you to do anything.”
“Okay fine, I admit it. You’re not like him at all, sorry. You’re a cutie patootie”, you say and kiss his cheek.
He smiles, leaning in with a fluttering heart.
“But you are a softie. Don’t fight me on that.”
He laughs, “I can live with that.”
You snicker.
You and Yoongi look at the door where Jungkook is standing in a light blue pyjama set.
“Are you coming?” he asks Yoongi.
Jungkook steps into the room, grinning cutely. He struts to the bed and takes Yoongi’s hands. It results in Yoongi gawking at him with big eyes and parted lips.
“I told you to wait for me in bed, but you’re still here. Get your butt over here”, he says, tracing his knuckles gently.
“Sorry, I’m already coming”, Yoongi murmurs and looks at you, “sleep tight, my princess.”
“Sleep tight as well, my prince. And you too my honey, sleep tight.” 
“You too, my honey”, Jungkook says, stealing a loving kiss.
You smile, smiling brighter when Yoongi steals a kiss as well before he finally stands up. The two men turn to each other and soon after, leave the room.
“What are you thinking, hyungie? Do you wanna make music together?” 
“Only if you want to. I don’t know, maybe, yeah. Or no. If you want to.”
“Why are you so nervous? It’s just me”, Jungkook is teasing.
“Shut up, you brat I…”
Their conversation drowns out as they close the door behind them, but seconds later, Jungkook’s bright laughter can be heard. 
You sigh in fondness, grinning to yourself. You are so happy that they have each other. To think that they will spend a lovely evening with each other, doing stuff they enjoy doing together, just makes you so incredibly happy. You really hope that their night is wonderful and filled with safe intimacy. 
You roll out of bed and leave your room in search of Taehyung. You can’t wait to spend time with him. 
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The cottage is empty. How weird. Where could he be? You look around for a bit, noticing that your grandpa left the lights on outside. You open the front door, which is surprisingly unlocked. How weird indeed. Your grandpa is normally very particular with locking the doors at night. 
You turn off the lights to see better. There are candles burning where the small table is. Someone is sitting by it. You squint your eyes. Taehyung. Taehyung is sitting by the table. Your heart flutters. There he is, you finally found him. Oh, you can’t wait to get to him.
You wrap a blanket around yourself and grab one for Taehyung, leaving the house afterwards in your slippers. The good thing about this magical realm is that it never gets dark enough that you feel blind. You can still walk comfortably even now that it is night. And yet somehow when you are lying in bed, trying to sleep, the night feels like the darkest night you have ever experienced. Perhaps it is the magic infused in this air, which makes the night as bright or as dark as one needs it to be.
Taehyung doesn’t hear you. In the real world, he would have lifted his head the moment you stepped out the door, but not here. He is still oblivious to you. Only when you tap his shoulder, does he finally react.
“Oh heavens”, he gasps, flinching vividly.
“Sorry, oh dear”, you get out, placing your hand on his shoulder, “it’s just me, don’t be scared.”
“Darling”, he whines, looking up at you with big eyes, “you frightened me. Do not sneak up on me like this.”
“I’m sorry”, you say and snicker, “gosh, this was hilarious. You should have seen your face.”
“Yes, yes make fun of me all you want, but the truth is that I almost died right now”, he says and touches his own chest, “my heart is racing. Feel it.”
You reach down and place your hand on his chest. He wasn’t lying. His heart is hammering against his ribcage.
“That’s true. Your pulse’s going crazy”, you say and giggle.
“Yes, because you frightened me”, he says, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
“I’m sorry, really”, you chuckle, “but I have to make use of you guys’ weak senses. You guys keep startling me in the real world, so this is all just part of my revenge plan.”
He laughs.
“Oh how terribly mean of you. I will pay you back.”
“Will you now?”
“Yes.  Yes, I will”, he says and hugs your waist, squishing his cheek against your stomach this way. He giggles, scrunching his nose.
He is such a cutie. You feel so incredibly soft for him. You ruffle his hair, making him look up at you this way. The candle light shows his sparkling puppy eyes. His features look so timelessly beautiful. You trace them gently, which makes him open and close his eyes at you slowly. 
“Okay, okay. If you really have to”, you say with a fond smile on your lips, brushing your fingertips down the slope of his nose. 
Taehyung giggles and nuzzles his nose into your stomach. A kiss comes next. He turns back to the table afterwards. 
You follow his line of sight. He is drawing. Using what formidable light the candles emit to sketch your bedroom. He uses a photograph as reference, drawing it with impressive accuracy.
“Are you drawing my bedroom?” you ask him, running your hand up and down his back mindlessly. He is already a little cool to the touch.
“Indeed I am”, he says, “I want to sketch it so I can finally start on designing the murals.”
“Really? Wow Tae, I’m so excited.”
“Yes, me too. I haven’t worked on murals in years, although I truly enjoy the process of them. Working on your wing will be a lot of fun.”
“I can imagine”, you say and rub his back more vigorously, “gosh darling, aren’t you cold? You feel so cold to the touch. Here, let me.”
You place a blanket over his shoulders, smoothing it down carefully. Taehyung looks up at you with big puppy eyes, holding his breath. You end your affection with a soft brush of your fingers against the underside of his chin. He tilts his head as he chases the touch.
“Why?” he asks in a whisper.
“What do you mean?” 
“Why did you put a blanket over me?” 
“Because I know how chilly it can get and you don’t have superpowers keeping you warm right now.” 
“I see. That is correct”, he says, lowering his eyes shyly. His pulse is racing. It flusters him terribly whenever you take care of him. 
“Can I stay with you a little while?” 
“Yes, of course. Of course, you can”, he says, scooting to the side to make space.
You take it instantly, looking into the notebook. Your left hand is resting on his thigh.
“Are these sketches for the flower murals?” you ask him, pointing at the opposite page.
“Indeed, they are. What do you think of them?” 
“They look lovely.”
“Do you like them?”
“I really do. I’m already excited to have them on my walls. I love them.”
Taehyung giggles and rests his cheek on your shoulder, grinning brightly.
“Thank you so much. It makes me so happy to hear this”, he says and nuzzles. 
You turn your head, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. Taehyung sighs and chases your kiss. 
You and he share a sweet moment. He tastes like smiles and chocolate. It is a lovely combination. You break the kiss with a stub of your nose, caressing his skin with it afterwards.
“You taste like chocolate.”
“I am eating chocolate”, Taehyung says and sits up, “do you want some?” he offers.
“Thank you”, you say, breaking off a row. You bite off a good piece and let it melt on your tongue, the other piece you feed to Taehyung. He allows you with a fluctuating pulse. Truly, you make him feel so giddy. 
“What do you think of it?” he asks you in a soft voice.
“It’s slightly bitter but with a sweet aftertaste. I really like it.”
“I like it as well”, he says and lowers his eyes, letting out a shy giggle. He turns his head away, “oh heavens.”
“What’s the matter?”
“When I look at you, my heart races. The feeling is so unfamiliar.”
“Can I feel it?”
Taehyung nods his head, holding his breath when you place your hand on his chest. 
Badums. Badums. Badums. 
His pulse is rhythmical and steady, keeping him alive here in this magical realm where no curse can reach and the world is alright. You circle your thumb in a gentle caress, lifting your eyes and meeting his shy gaze.
You smile. Taehyung retorts it. 
“It’s racing.”
“It is.”
You kiss his cheek, speeding up his pulse for the duration of it. You pull back. Taehyung touches the spot you kissed, gazing at you with parted lips 
“It fluttered when I did that”, you whisper. 
“I know”, he breathes.
“It feels so strange, but in a good way.”
“I cannot get used to it.”
“You can’t?” 
He shakes his head, “my heart stood still for centuries, but all of a sudden it beats again. I keep having to take deep breaths because I am so aware of it.” 
“I can imagine. It must feel crazy to be alive again after all these years.”
“Crazy. I guess one can say it like this”, he whispers and turns away so he can draw again. Except that he doesn’t draw, twirling the pen in his fingers as his eyes race over the sketches. 
You slide your hand to his side, hugging him and resting your cheek against his shoulder.
“Do you remember our first time?” you ask him.
“Our first time?” 
You nod your head, “when we snuck away from acting class and hurried to my apartment. You were so touchy and I felt so giddy because you hadn’t been like this until then.”
Taehyung smiles softly, listening to you reminisce with a fluttering heart.
“I could barely unlock the door, but got nervous once inside. Do you remember?” 
“I do.” 
“Do you remember how we talked and shared some tea?” 
“Of course I do. You told me that you didn’t have a lot of experience.”
“And you were so sweet about it”, you squeeze him gently, “do you remember the dreams we talked about?” 
“You said that you wanted to make people happy.”
“And you told me that you wanted to be alive. That you wanted to be happy again.”
Taehyung lowers his eyes, tightening his jaw. 
“I do”, he whispers.
“Well, now you finally know how it feels to be alive”, you say and lift your head to gaze at him.
You furrow your brows.
“What’s the matter?” 
“Tae, what’s the matter?” 
“I don’t know”, he says and turns his head away when you try to cup his cheek.
You try again, doing it with both hands. You succeed, meeting his eyes. 
“What’s the matter, darling?” 
“I don’t know if I’m happy”, he whispers, forcing your brows to furrow. He attempts to look away, to hide because the worry in your eyes embarrasses him.
“Taehyung my darling oh god, this is so awful. Is there a reason why you feel this way?” 
“I’m sorry, I just…I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, please don’t be embarrassed. Talk to me, my darling.”
He meets your eyes again. Worry and love meet him there. Honest, deep love. The kind of love that wants to welcome and heal, to hold and cradle, to stay and grow. He remembers the last part of his wish then. That he wanted to be loved for who he truly is. He remembers it and realises that he can find this kind of love in your eyes. And as he realises it, his heart races unbearably, reminding him that he is experiencing the first part of his wish as well. He is alive and he is loved unconditionally.
Only the second part is hard to do. It wasn’t always difficult, or perhaps it was and he pretended that it wasn’t, and lately he is very aware of it, finding it hard to accept. 
“Talk to me, my sweetest”, you whisper.
“It”, he begins and looks away because it is too embarrassing otherwise. 
You allow him, holding his hand instead and listening to him with all your attention.
“It is difficult to be happy. I do not know what to do with myself now that I am…” he falters.
“It’s okay, take your time.”
“Namjoon is captured. He won’t ever hurt me and Jimin again. I should be happy, but I am not. I feel so lost.”
“Because we don’t have to hunt anything anymore?” 
“What then? If you want to tell me.”
“I want to tell you, but it is difficult to speak.”
“Do you want to write it down instead?” 
He looks at his book. His pen. He picks it up and opens an empty page, writing down what he can’t speak. You allow him the time he needs, scratching his scalp all throughout. 
Taehyung doesn’t take long. The unspeakable words aren’t much, but you know that sometimes the hardest words to speak are the shortest. I love you. I’m sorry. I need help. The words aren’t long and yet they are some of the hardest to speak for so many people. The way to the heart is short with them, which perhaps makes them so difficult to speak. Taehyung slides the book to you. You pick it up and read it.
“I feel lost and shaken, as if I am still drowning even now that I am on safe land. A scrambled mind and tortured body were my reality for decades and now I am to believe that I am free? How do I be free?”
You lift your eyes. He can barely keep up contact, but does it because he craves it.
“Oh Tae. My beloved, gentle Tae”, you get out and cradle his cheeks.
He leans into your safe touch, closing his eyes.
“I understand that the words are difficult to speak. This is a lot to feel all alone. How long have you been feeling this way?” 
“Too long.”
“Gosh, come here”, you say, pulling him into a hug. You sway him gently, playing with his hair because you know that this soothes him.
Taehyung lets it happen with closed eyes and his arms tight around you. His nose is buried in the crook of your neck, his skin shares warmth with yours. The once scary words feel manageable in your arms.
“I’m so sorry that you feel this way, my darling. It must be so unfamiliar to be free after so many decades. I don’t know if you want advice from me and I honestly don’t know if I can even give you some, but I want to be there for you. That much is sure, you’re not going to figure it out alone because I’ll help you with it.”
Taehyung smiles and it is honest. He nods his head in understanding.
“Yeah, exactly. I’ll be with you. We’ll do it together. Everyone always says that healing is easy, but it’s not. Healing can be ugly and hard and scary. But we’ll do it together, okay?”
“Yes, okay”, he whispers, having to lift his head to make sure that you were truly real. 
You cup his cheeks, caressing his skin. He smiles and so you smile as well.
“I’m happy right now”, he confesses in a quiet voice.
“You are?” 
He nods his head.  
“I doubt a lot in my life. I think the love I receive is an act of pity.”
“Except yours. I don’t doubt your love for me. I gaze at it in wonder and awe because I find it unbelievable that you still love me after all I did, but I never doubt it.” 
Your heart flutters.
“Thank you so much. You told me that your wish was to make people happy. Well, you are making me happy”, he smiles shyly, “at least happier for now.”
You laugh softly. He does too.
“You’ll be happy again, I promise”, you say and tug a strand of his dark hair behind his ear, “also thank you for saying this. I love you so, so much and it makes me happy to know that I don’t make you doubt it.” 
“I love you too. I have done so ever since we snuck away from acting class and will always do so.”
“Oh my darling Taehyung”, you whisper, leaning in until you can rub your nose against his’ slowly.
“Yes, this will never change”, he whispers, matching your rhythm with his eyes closed. 
“Oh my sweet, gentle Tae”, you breathe, kissing him softly afterwards. 
He kisses you back, holding you in his hands as if you were the greatest treasure. And in some way you were. He feels lost and vast of happiness most of the time, but not right now. You gave him support again, an anchor to hold onto and hope to cling to. Maybe the feelings won’t last forever, but at least for a little while, Taehyung feels safe again. And that is perfectly alright for him, because sometimes just a little while is already enough to keep the soul going. 
Taehyung breaks the kiss so he could hug you against his chest and feel your heartbeat this way. He cannot hear it, but that is okay for him because he can feel it match with his’ tonight. He is alive with you. He is alive and safe and loved. Taehyung presses you closer, inhaling the scent of you to make all of this realer.
“Our hearts are beating the same”, he whispers.
“I can feel it too”, you whisper.
“Wow, I really love you so much.”
You smile, “I love you too.”
“Holy fuck, I really love you.”
You laugh, “I fucking love you too, Tae.”
He laughs, “you have me cursing. That’s what you are doing to me.”
You snicker, “it’s cute.” 
Wind rushes in the trees and reminds you of your own vulnerability. You and Taehyung tug the blankets tighter around your bodies, but the cold remains.
“I am very cold.”
“Yeah, me too. Maybe we should continue the cuddles inside”, you suggest, “after a warm shower and under the sheets.”
“This sounds very cozy.”
“It is cozy. Come on, we’ll get warm inside.”
“Yes, okay okay”, he says, standing up and packing his stuff so you could get inside.
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Taehyung allows you to brush your teeth first because he still has to wash up for the night and will therefore take longer. So after brushing your teeth, you go to your room alone. The slit under the door of Yoongi’s and Jungkook’s room shows no light anymore. They must be asleep already. You wish then a silent good night behind the closed door and slip inside your room. 
Taehyung comes inside not long after, still wrapped in a towel and nothing else.
“My bag is in the guest bedroom”, he says with a pout, “I forgot to take out my sleeping clothes.”
“Oh dear. Do you want to borrow some of my clothes?” 
“Your clothes?” 
“Yes, wait”, you roll out of bed to get to your bag, “luckily for you, I have another sleeping gown with me. You’ll look really fancy in it. I could also offer you some of my panties.”
He laughs, “I have to decline. My good parts are not going to stay in such little fabric.”
You snicker, “I bet it would look pretty, though. Here, I can offer you this”, you say, unravelling a long night gown, “tada.”
It is made out of lilac cotton fabric and has a rather straight cut to it. It isn't at all the prettiest nor the fanciest dress, but it is comfortable and that is all which matters.
“Oh pretty. It will do”, he says and exchanges the towel for the dress. He twists and turns in it, fixing the creases in the front, “how do I look?”
“It actually fits you perfectly, wow, you are so handsome in it. You also kind of remind me of Ebenezer Scrooge.”
“Hey”, he gasps, having to laugh, “if you were attempting to compliment me, it did not work.”
You laugh, “no, it’s cute. It fits you really well.”
“It is so comfortable. No wonder you took it with you”, he says and wiggles his hips, “oh? I feel so very free between my legs this way”, he jokes, gyrating his hips in a funny way and making you laugh with it.
“You look so handsome. Gosh, Tae you cutie you, com’ere”, you hug him, using the momentum to pull him into bed.   
He falls onto you with a squeaked laugh, burying you under his weight, which makes you laugh and hug him even closer.
“Careful, ah, darling you are going to expose my bottom this way”, he giggles, trying to fight you gently.
“Com’ere you cutie, god you cutie”, you care rather little about his complaints, rolling around the sheets with his body in a tight lock.
After some rolling around and soft wrestling, you have him on his back with his face under your lips as you attack it with kisses. Taehyung lets it happen with giggles and squirms, feeling so goddamn giddy that his heart might burst in his chest. 
“Mwuah”, you end your love attack with a loud sound, lifting your head so you can grin down at him. You slide your hand down his torso so you could fix the messy dress, caressing his waist afterwards.
“What?” he whispers.
“I just love looking at you.”
“Oh”, Taehyung blushes and scrunches his nose shyly, “I love looking at you too.”
“Hehe”, you let out and give him a kiss, lying down next to him afterwards.
Taehyung sits up, tugging you in under the blanket. You let it happen with a fluttering heart. 
“Thankies”, you say.
“My darling should stay warm”, he says and rubs his hand up and down your covered arm, “are you warm this way?”
“Yeah, I am.”
He leans down to litter your cheek and temple with kisses. He even kisses your ear and leaves a few tender love nibbles on your neck. 
“My sweetest.”
He snuggles into the pillow, holding your hand. He gives you a cute grin.
“You are right, this is very cozy.”
“Right? It’s this place. Something about this room makes everything ten times cozier.”
“I truly believe that it is because everything is placed perfectly so the energies can flow.”
“Yeah, this could actually be it. It always felt healing to be here.”
“I can imagine. I find great healing here as well and it hasn’t even been a day.”
You smile, “I’m glad that you are healing. You deserve it.”
Taehyung kisses your knuckles in gratefulness.
“Thank you”, he breathes.
“I mean it. You and Jimin, you both deserve it.” 
“Thank you.”
“Mhm, I mean it”, you say and kiss his lips.
You and he stay closer afterwards, still holding hands. You gaze at each other, feeling so connected that nothing could separate your souls. 
You do not know how much time passes like this, but it must have been enough to allow sleepiness to settle in your fibers.
You yawn, setting off Taehyung as well.
“Oh dear, this sleepiness came out of nowhere, wow”, you say. 
“Indeed”, he agrees mid-yawn.
“Do you want to turn off the lights?”
“Yes, we could do that.”
“You have to do it, you’re closer.”
“Okay, okay”, Taehyung says and reaches for the lamp, “I started saying okay, okay because of you”, he says, switching off the light, “it is addictive, I can’t seem to want to stop.”
“It’s cute, don’t stop”, you say, “it means that we’re spending so much time together that we started picking up habits from each other. I catch myself adding rather in front of words because of you.”
“I noticed”, Taehyung says and intertwines his hand with yours, “it is like we became versions of each other.”
“Yes, definitely”, you say and close the distance between you and him to rest your forehead against his’. You kiss his nose, nuzzling your own nose against it afterwards, “I love you, Tae.”
“I love you too, my sweetest”, he says, closing his eyes.
“I hope you’ll have a good sleep tonight.”
“I will. I am with you. I will.”
You smile, burying your hand in his hair to play with it until sleep drags you down. You are with him and he is with you. Sleep is going to be good. It truly will be.
“Yes, Tae?” 
“I just…I don’t know why I called your name, I guess that I wanted to talk some more.”
You chuckle.
“What do you want to talk about?”
“Whatever. I really enjoy the sound of your voice.”
“Gosh Tae, you’re so sweet. I love your voice as well.”
He relaxes in a small wiggle, running his fingers over your scalp as best as your hair texture allows him to.
“What is your favourite colour?”
“My favourite colour?”
“Yes. Do not ask why this is my first question, I didn’t know what to ask.”
You laugh softly, “it’s a good question. Mhm, I guess my favourite colour is the colour of your blush after I called you mine.”
“___”, he gasps, “why would you say such a thing? Oh, heavens.”
He makes you laugh. He is so adorable when he flusters.
“I’m serious. It’s a very pretty colour.”
“You”, he wraps his limbs around you, shaking you around gently, “I will cuddle you to silence. Stop it.” 
You giggle into his chest. Taehyung lets you go after a few moments, heart racing very noticeable.
“Do you have more questions, you cutie?”
“I do not know. I am afraid that you will use them to fluster me again.”
You laugh, “I would never do such a thing.”
“Yes, you would. You became such a flirt. I remember how shy you were in the beginning, how I always managed to fluster you and now look at what you have become.”
“Hey, do not complain about the monster you created. If you hadn’t been such a smooth talker with me all the time, I never would have learned all this stuff.”
He laughs, “I cannot even argue you on this one. You have shown me the truth.”
“See? I’ve simply learned from the best.”
Taehyung hums and tries to kiss your lips but because of the blinding darkness, he ends up snogging your nose. 
“Ew Tae, that was so wet”, you whine, wiping your nose on his shirt.
“Forgive me, I aimed for your lips but I…ew? Excuse me, did you just call my kiss ew?” 
“I did. Loud and proud. You completely snogged my nose.”
Taehyung closes his lips around your nose again and drags his tongue over it as sloppily as possible.
“Tae”, you squeak, fleeing him, “why did you do that?”
“This is for calling my kiss ew. Now I gave you something truly ew.”
“You’re so gross, dear god”, he makes you laugh. Wiping your nose on his shirt again, you snicker and chuckle. He does the same. 
You tilt your head, touching his chin to feel for his lips. Once you found them, you make your move, claiming them in a kiss. He kisses you back eagerly, ending it with a soft bite to your lower lip. You stay close, smiling goofily.
“This was wonderful.”
“It really was. Gosh Tae, I love kissing you. It’s been so long since we shared a night of kisses.”
“Indeed, far too long. Either danger kept us apart or we fought or were forced to be separated. These past few years haven’t been very kind to our bond.”
“Yeah, they really haven’t.” 
Taehyung feels for your lips and kisses you. He tastes minty, his lips are soft and so nicely moisturised. His big hand cradles your face, soaking you skin in his warmth. You touch his chest because his racing pulse feels amazing to you.
The kiss breaks because Taehyung is so human here and humans need air way sooner than vampires.
“Oh heavens”, he gasps for air, “I genuinely became out of breath.”
“Now you finally know why I have to keep breaking the kiss in real life.”
“Now I truly know. Is this also how you see when we kiss in darkness?”
“Yes, it’s exactly like that.”
“Well, this is just heartbreaking. All this time, I believed that you were seeing me at least a little bit, but there is nothing. How are you even able to figure out where to kiss?”
“Practice. I’ve only known nights to be dark, so I learned how to navigate it.”
“I see. This is still very sad, you cannot even see me.”
“I know, it’s sad. But it’s also exciting because it feels like sensory deprivation without the blindfold.”
“Oh? Oh, yes it does. Oh how exciting, if I wasn’t so utterly exhausted I would have asked you to play.”
“It’s okay. I’m really exhausted too. Bringing you all here was really tiring.”
“I can imagine”, he rubs your back, “you are truly remarkable. I do not know if I told you already, but I am very proud of you.”
“Thank you, wow”, you whisper, feeling like floating. Being praised by him will never lose its spark. 
“My darling witch”, he says with a kiss to your lips. One he only breaks when air is sparse and you are both just a little droopy from it.
You touch each other innocently, both having your eyes closed without managing to open them again. Sleep is so very close. The safe intimacy and love you exchanged only strengthened the tiredness. 
“What do you imagine our days to look like from now on?” he asks in a sleepy whisper.
“Peaceful. Probably exhausting for me because I need to learn control, but once I did and we managed to get rid of Superior, I think our days will be peaceful.”
“I truly hope that they will be. I wished for peace for too long.” 
“I promise you that they will.”
Taehyung sighs, hugging you against his chest. 
“My sweetest ___”, he whispers, “I am so entirely grateful that I never lost you. There were so many chances where you could have been taken from me, so I am entirely grateful that you never were.” 
“Me too, Tae. You’re very important to me.”
He sighs again, tangling his legs with yours. He yawns into your hair and smacks his lips.
“Sleepy”, he whispers, making you snicker.
“Me too.”
“Sleep tight, my darling. This time for real.”
“Sleep tight, you cutie.”  Yes, sleep will be peaceful. It really will be.
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summerslashers · 1 year
Dinner: Thomas Hewitt x Reader
Summary: You have dinner at the Hewitt House. (takes place during tcm the beginning well before the cannibalism)
Warnings: Charlie/Hoyt, Swearing
Author’s Note: This took so long pls forgive me. This is the end of this short series but I will write more small stories that are based off of this series where you live across the street from Tommy :)
You stood on the porch of the Hewitt home with two thick oven mitts protecting your hands and a hot apple pie fresh out of the oven. You just barely had enough time to make a nice dessert without being late, but you didn’t want to show up empty handed after the polite invitation you received. You stood there awkwardly for a moment, trying to figure out how you were going to knock on the door without a free hand to do so. Suddenly, as if someone had read your mind, the door swung open to reveal Thomas.
He was dressed nicely in a button up shirt with a striped tie and a pair of khaki pants. He looked clean, his curly hair soaking wet as if he had just stepped out of a shower. You looked up into his soft blue eyes, a blush warming your cheeks as he gazed at you gently.
“Hi Thomas.” You smiled up at him. “You look really handsome.”
Tommy felt his cheeks grow warm at your sweet compliment, his eyes glancing off to the side and fingers twitching at his sides anxiously. You always made him flustered with your pretty smile and kind words. It was nice.
He stepped aside politely to give you room to come inside, a silent invitation that you gladly accepted. He used a strong arm to hold the door open for you and you joined him in the house, thanking him for the kind gesture.
The inside of Thomas’ home seemed just as big as the outside. It was huge- much bigger than your own small home- with tall ceilings and a large, open foyer. Immediately, there was a delicious, garlicy smell in the air that made your hungry stomach growl, and you could hear the clattering of pots and pans coming from the kitchen in the distance.
“Your house is so nice.” You smiled at Thomas, but before you had the chance to say anything else, an unfamiliar man rounded the corner dressed in a pair of blue jean overalls and a plain baseball cap. He was old- much older than Thomas.
“Well I’ll be fuckin’ damned, Tommy! You didn’t tell me you had a fuckin’ girlfriend!” He grinned, giving Thomas a firm pat on the back. “And she brought dessert too! Shit, I like her already!”
You laughed, and Tommy was sure he had never heard a more beautiful sound in his entire life. Your eyes met his and he swore his heart skipped two beats. It wasn’t a mocking laugh- no. It was a happy, joyful laugh. He couldn’t help but look away again, a cute pink tint to his cheeks that peeked out from behind the black leather mask.
“Oh, mama’s gonna want to meet you.” He smiled, and there was something just a bit off-putting about it. “Mama! Our guest is here!”
“Now I done told you to quit yellin’ in the house, Charlie.” A woman came from what you assumed was the kitchen, scolding the man who simply rolled his eyes in response, muttering a half-hearted apology.
The older woman was dressed modestly, her blonde-gray hair pulled up into a gentle updo and a pair of glasses rested on the bridge of her nose. There were deep wrinkles on her face, her expression stern with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips. Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead- a result of working in the hot kitchen you were sure. Her expression seemed to soften when she noticed you standing next to Tommy shyly, still holding the hot pie.
“Now aren’t you just the sweetest thing?” She smiled warmly. “You must be y/n.”
“Yes ma’am.” You returned the kind smile. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“You can call me Luda Mae.” She looked down at the pie in your hands. “Come join me in the kitchen and we can set that down.”
You nodded, smiling back at Thomas before following Luda Mae into the kitchen and setting your apple pie down as instructed. You were relieved to finally take the hot oven mitts off of your hands, and you set them off to the side where they wouldn’t get in the way. It was then that you noticed the small vase with the wildflowers you had gifted earlier that day with a soft smile on your lips.
Luda Mae turned away to stir a pot on the stove, adding what looked to be salt and pepper to whatever it was she was making. It still smelled wonderful.
“Not often we get new folk ‘round here,” she spoke as she made her way around the kitchen, working quickly to finish things up. “Almost didn’t believe it when word got out that someone moved into that house-” She chuckled softly before continuing.
“And you’ve been so kind to my boy, Tommy.”
You smiled brightly. “Thomas is wonderful. I was so nervous to introduce myself earlier, but he was really sweet about everything.”
“He’s a real nice boy,” Luda Mae gushed, happy that someone else could appreciate her son just as much as she did. “Been treated poorly his whole life- nothin’ but cruelty and ridicule from folk that don’t take the time to know or understand him. Never did nothin’ to deserve it either. It’s nice to see someone finally treatin’ him the way he ought to be.”
“I could never be mean to Thomas.” You spoke fondly of the man, your brows furrowed sadly at the thought that he had been mistreated. “He’s too kind.”
Luda Mae smiled softly and hummed in agreement, turning off the stove and setting the pot aside on a cold burner where it could cool down a bit. She turned to face you, her eyes wandering down to the apple pie you made. It turned out just shy of perfect. The crust was golden brown and it had a crunchy cinnamon sugar crumble on the top.
“Thank you for providin’ dessert.” She smiled at you warmly. “Nice of you to go through the trouble of doin’ that.”
“I didn’t want to seem rude,” you smiled shyly. “It wouldn’t feel right showing up with nothing after your nice invitation.”
“Well that’s awful’ polite of you.”
You smiled, looking around the messy kitchen for a moment. “Is there anything I can help with?”
“You really are just the sweetest thing,” she said. “How about you help Tommy set the table while I clean this mess in here.”
You nodded in agreement, glad that you could be of some help.
“Thomas Brown Hewitt, get in here and go help set the table,” she said firmly as she set a stack of wide rim soup bowls, silverware, and napkins down on the countertop beside you.
The man lumbered into the room, his eyes meeting yours. You smiled at him softly as he walked over to you, picking up the bowls and silverware that suddenly seemed a lot smaller in his large hands.
“I’ll get these,” you grabbed napkins before turning to face the large man. “Will you show me where the dining room is?”
He nodded, waiting and making sure you were ready before leading the way. He guided you through the house to a large, open room. In the center was a large dining table with an elegant table cloth and white lace table runner. Above the table were high ceilings and a chandelier style light. There were six chairs around the table, and at each spot at the table there was an empty glass. You silently wondered if there were one or two more people you hadn’t met yet.
You moved to stand next to Thomas as he set the bowls and silverware down on the table. You did the same with the napkins. You both reached for the stack of bowls, your fingertips brushing together for a moment. The two of you looked up at one another and retracted your hands slightly, a small laugh escaping your lips as your cheeks grew warm.
“Sorry,” you smiled and awkwardly gestured for him to go first.
You and Thomas spent the next few minutes working together to set the table in comfortable silence, exchanging glances every so often. Each time your eyes would meet you would smile at him warmly, something that made his heart flutter and cheeks turn pink.
As the two of you finished, Luda Mae called for Charlie and another man named Monty, letting them know that dinner was ready before entering the room. She set the large pot of what you could now see was stew onto the table. Neither Thomas nor Luda Mae had taken their seat yet, and you were still waiting for Charlie and Monty, so you stood politely to the side near Thomas to wait for further instruction.
After a short moment, the unfamiliar man, Monty, entered the room. He looked to be close to Luda Mae’s age with lots of deep wrinkles on his face and gray hair peeking out from beneath his baseball cap. His eyes met yours from behind his glasses and you offered a small wave.
“Y/n, this is my brother Monty.” Luda Mae said, noticing your silent interaction.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You offered a polite smile.
“Somethin’ smells damn good, mama!” Charlie announced loudly as he entered the room, standing above what you assumed to be his chair at the head of the table, resting a hand on the polished wood. “Now everyone take your seats and bow your damn heads so we can say grace.”
Luda Mae shot him a disapproving glance and shook her head, but said nothing as everyone began to take their seats. You ended up sitting between Thomas and the empty chair at the end of the table, silently grateful that Thomas had put himself between you and Charlie.
“Now,” Charlie said, still standing tall and proud at the head of the table. “Let us give thanks for this meal which the Lord has provided us. Bow your heads.”
After the short prayer, everyone passed their bowls to the front where Charlie put a generous helping of stew in each one. Soon, everyone had their food and a tall glass of water in front of them, and it was finally time to eat. You were so hungry after a long day of unpacking at home and the stew looked absolutely delicious. It was steaming hot and contained large chunks of meat, plenty of vegetables, and potatoes all sitting in a thick broth. Everyone began eating and as expected, it was delicious.
“Thank you so much for dinner.” You said to Luda Mae, who was sitting across from you. “It’s very good.”
“Why thank you, dear.” She smiled. “It’s a pleasure havin’ you here with us.”
“Thank you.” You smiled back shyly. “It’s really nice being here.”
The two of you continued to make small talk over dinner, the men at the table remaining mostly quiet as they ate their food. The only exception was the occasional comment or question from Charlie who always seemed to have something unpleasant to say. Even then, you were happy with how well everything was going with your new neighbors.
After everyone had finished their meal, you and Luda Mae went to the kitchen where you brought out dessert and plates to serve it on. You gave each person a large piece of your apple pie and everyone seemed happy to indulge. You were given several compliments. Even Monty told you that it was good and he hadn’t said a word for the entire meal. Thomas, on the other hand, didn't need to say anything. You could always see the gratitude in his eyes when he looked at you. It made you smile.
Soon, everyone was done with dessert, and the table was littered with dirty plates, crumpled up napkins, and empty cups. Charlie excused himself from the table, and Monty did the same, both carrying a stack of dirty dishes to the kitchen. It was just you, Luda Mae, and Thomas.
“Would you like me to help you with the dishes, ma’am?” You asked Luda Mae as you placed your own dishes, silverware, and napkins into a neat stack in front of you.
“Don’t you worry about that, dear.” She said appreciatively. “I’ll take care of it.”
“Are you sure?”
“‘Course I’m sure.” She smiled, standing up from her seat. You and Thomas did the same. “Besides, it’s gettin’ late. Tommy, how’s about you walk with her ‘n make sure she gets home safe.”
Thomas nodded his head with sincerity in his eyes and body language. Of course he would keep you safe. He wanted to be by your side, to protect you and care for you.
You smiled up at him. “Thank you, Thomas. That would be really nice.”
You stood in the foyer at the front door with Thomas at your side, and Luda Mae returned your cookie platter, empty pie plate, and oven mitts.
“Thank you so much for everything,” you smiled at the woman. “It was really nice meeting everyone and the meal was wonderful.”
“Thank you, dear. It’s been a pleasure havin’ you here with us.” She looked at Thomas. “You get her home safe now.”
With that, you and Tommy were on your way, walking side by side down the long driveway towards your house. The sun had just gone down, the orange sunset fading away and darkening into the night sky. It was peaceful, the only sound was the gravel crunching beneath your feet and the insects chirping in the distance. You liked being by Thomas. It was nice.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence until you reached the front door of your small house. You turned to look at Tommy with a content smile on your lips.
“Thank you for walking me home- and for having me over. It was really nice.”
Tommy looked at you fondly, with that usual softness in his eyes that brought warmth to your cheeks and butterflies in your stomach. He didn’t need to speak, because you could always understand what he was trying to tell you simply by the way he would look at you.
“I hope I see you again soon.” You smiled, though you were sad that the night had come to an end. “You’re welcome to come over here any time... I really like spending time with you.”
Tommy felt his cheeks grow warm, his hands fidgeting at his sides and his weight shifting just slightly. You were so kind to him and he was sure that he would never get used to your sweetness. It made him feel so warm, so happy inside. There was a twinkle to his eyes as he looked at you, a joyful expression shown only through his eyes and nothing else. That was all you needed.
You stepped inside of your home, not yet closing the door as you looked so fondly at the man on your porch.
“Goodnight, Thomas.”
Tag List: @ostricx @sagis116 @motomamita @dij-ology
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sonarspace · 6 months
appointment, fem!geto
a/n: fem suguru is constantly on my mind so here's this... content: fem!geto. laser tech!geto. x reader (fem). nsfw. wc: 906
𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆.
you walk in to the clinic right on time for your appointment. the receptionist lets you know that your usual laser technician hasn't come in today and someone else will be replacing her.
not expecting that you're nervous as you wrap a towel around your body and lay onto the bed - waiting for your new laser tech. she walks in with a big smile, "hii, my name's suguru. i'll be taking care of you today" she chirps.
she was beautiful, you thought. the kind of beautiful that drives all coherent thoughts out of your brain and jumbles your words. her long black hair tied into a half bun while the rest drapes over her shoulders and back. her bangs frame her face perfectly.
"i take it, you're not much of a talker," she chuckles lightly — bringing you out of your thoughts. you meek out a "sorry" as you introduce yourself. she undos her half updo and grabs all her hair back into a bun. your eyes move over her face and then over her neck. you wondered how smooth the skin of her neck would be. how smooth it would feel under your lips.
you breathe in heavily when she moves closer to where you're laying. scared that she might've read your thoughts. "i've done this a lot, so you don't have anything to worry about. just spread your legs a bit and stay still for me, okay?" she tries to comfort you.
you hum and do as she says. spreading your legs enough so she can get a perfect view of your cunt. you gulp when you feel her soft hands on your thighs.
so soft, suguru thinks when her hands move over your thighs. eliciting goosebumps across your skin. you looked so pretty laying like this. a cute nervous pout on your lips. a wetness coating your cunt. was this because of her? she wonders.
your hole clenches around nothing as her eyes move between you and your cunt. a small smirk plays on her lips. "you okay?" she teases. her thumb rubs smalls circles into the skin of your inner thigh. close to where you needed her.
not thinking it through, you whine out a "please". it was a gamble really. you weren't sure if she wasn't into women. you think you'd die on the spot out of embarrassment if she rejects you. but you were lucky. cause she was into women. especially the ones who looked like you — innocent but far from it.
"what do you want, pretty girl?" her hand inches closer — a finger grazing your wetness. "you," you whisper in desperation. as soon as the three letter word is out of your mouth, a carnal need takes over her and she's pulling you closer to her mouth.
you gasp as her mouth makes contact with your pussy. a peck to your clit, as if she was greeting it. a peck to your folds. a peck to your hole. "suguru," you lean on your elbows as you call out her name. growing needy and undeniably wet.
she licks a stripe from your hole to your clit. her lips wrapping around your nub and sucking hungrily. she hums in satsifaction at the taste of you. sweet with a little bit of a kick to it. loving the feel of your fine hair that entrapped your wetness, she tugs it lightly with her teeth. eliciting a deep groan from you.
"you're gonna get us caught," she huffs a laugh. you try to but can't keep quiet as she continues her assault on your needy cunt. your body was reacting to her every touch. her hands move over your towel, tugging and letting it fall around you.
her mouth gapes slightly as she takes you in your bare body. she keeps her eyes on your face as her hand cups your boob - squeezing lightly and moving her thumb of your hardened nipple. your eyes squeeze shut as her tongue moves in and out of you.
she moans at the way your hole clenches around her tongue — the sound reverberating throughout the room. she pulls back from your cunt in need for a proper breath. her chin coated in your wetness. before she can go back you pull her towards you. "kiss me," you plead her.
you both hum as your lips make contact. you can taste yourself on her lips. on her tongue as she pushes it in. moving over yours languidly. taking her time. completely opposite to her hand in between your thighs which moved at a vigorous pace. "so close," you whine into the kiss.
the pleasure takes over your body and she keeps her lips locked with yours, swallowing your moans. if this was her bed, she would have you screaming her name as you cum, but she can't take that risk here.
you fall back on the bed breathing heavily as you watch her eyes roll back at the taste of you on her fingers. she grabs a towel and cleans you up quickly. "i think you need to let it grow a little longer," she jokes. and you both laugh.
"can i take you on a date, tonight?" she asks breaking the silence. "yeah," a blush creeps up your neck. an innocent smile on your lips and she's instantly thinking of how it would look around her strap. would you be into that? she can't wait to find out.
𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆.
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sophswritingthings · 10 months
whoever wrote that feminine reader and them buying mizu cute charms for her sword ILY 😭😭 i love the dynamic of mizu being masculine (having to pretend to be male and stuff) and reader being all feminine.
thinking about hyper-feminine reader who loves all girly stuff like hair pins, jewellery, perfumes, makeup. mizu knows this and she buys / chores them to gift reader as they travel place to place and never shames her for it, she encourages it. like reader has princess treatment 24/7. 🤤
pairing: mizu x fem!girly!reader
warning(s): swearing, but otherwise fluffy <3
a/n: yes!!!! masc/fem pairings are my favorite!!! mizu constantly gifting you thinks and encouraging your feminine interests is so cutttttteeee
summary: you and mizu have been traveling for months, and every town you stopped at you swore she bought you something new. not that you didn’t like it; it was like being a princess everyday. and being mizu's princess was the best of the best.
word count: 430 words / 2,300 characters 
you'd been traveling for a few months; and you swore you had a whole basket full of trinkets that your lover had bought you.
mizu would try and buy you everything that you liked; hair pins, jewelry, perfume, new makeup—things that would make you happy. she loved seeing you happy.
it always made you blush, whenever she bought you something knew. seeing her care and attention to what you liked, half the time buying it without your knowledge.
she never put you down for being feminine, despite her masculinity. if anything she loved it.
though she did get a little pissed when you attempted to put make up on her; but she explained why she didn’t like it, due to her past, you stopped in your tracks and never asked again. making her uncomfortable was the last thing on your mind.
your heart jumped out of your chest whenever she called you that. but you knew she meant it; you were her princess. pampered and cuddled at all times.
“ah, yes, my love?” you raise an eyebrow at her. 
though you were quickly distracted by something shiny catching your eye; a hairpin with the depiction of a sun dipping down behind the waves.
she watched as the pin caught your eye; chuckling a little. she stepped over to you, slipping the pin out of its holder.
you watched as she did so; your eyes wide. you knew exactly where she was going, and what she was doing.
you smiled brightly, hugging your partner from behind as she paid for the hairpin.
part of the reason she was buying all these for you was because the hairpins did double as a weapon, if you were in trouble.
she turned, letting the hairpin roll off her palm and into your hand.
you stood on your tippy toes, placing an excited kiss to your cheek.
“you have no idea how cute you are when your excited,” she ruffled your hair, stepping back as she watched you do your hair into an updo, sticking the pin in your silky black locks.
“oh, shush. you're not much better,” you giggled. “look at you! lovesick fuck.”
she rolled her eyes, beginning to make her way out of the shop. she thanked the shopkeeper and held the door for you to step out.
“thank you sir,” you smiled as you hopped down the steps.
“and,” she hugged you tightly from behind, kissing your neck. “I may be a lovesick fuck; but I’m happy to say that I am. for you and you only, my princess.”
a/n: soft mizu…
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nevermorgue · 2 months
Nevermore Pool day headcanons!!
- Pluto wears a swim shirt
- in fact, he tries to avoid getting in the water as much as possible. the most he’ll do is dip his feet (until duke pushes him in)
- Annabel tries for like 10 minutes to keep her hair dry with a very intricate updo but someone splashes her so quick. - likely splash culprits: any of the misfits minus morella, monty - will puts on sunscreen and lays in a chair, falls asleep, and nobody wakes him because he is just so forgettable. he burns. - + slight chance morella catches him and applies sunscreen on him while he's half awake. she's a ginger, she burns too easy and is very careful with being in the sun - morella wears a super cute hat so her scalp doesnt burn - duke and berenice yank each other under by the ankle when the other least expects it - eulalie can hold her breath for a scarily long time. nobody has beaten her record yet. - montresor is too rough. chicken fights are banned because he would take down the other team and nearly drown them - prospero reads under the umbrella the entire time, only gets in if he can lounge on one of those long floaties and not get touched - montresor innocently pushes him around the pool and flips him over without warning - lenore likes to float around on her back, her ears in the water. just listening to the muffled voices. - ada wants to tan so badly. she never succeeds. - ada wears a really intricate bathing suit that keeps loosening so she has to keep asking morella to retie it - pluto gets too used to the water temp and doesnt want to get out because the air is colder than the pool - after will wakes up completely sun burnt montresor purposely touches him more to watch him wince. he finds it funny - ada says she too has a sun burn so montresor can pay attention to her too - prospero does not take off his gloves. not even to apply any sun screen, so he looks like an idiot later when he takes them off and their slightly lighter than the rest of him - lenore blows underwater kisses at annabel - every time someone goes down the slide will is too close to the vicinity and either gets splashed or hit by a body - duke dramatically pretends to faint in the water too frequently. its expected.
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shibaraki · 1 year
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tags: GN reader, no quirk au, meet-cute, strangers to lovers, people watching, mic is fluent in JSL, pining, mutual attraction, flirting, fluff as promised !!!
wc: 1.7K
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You aren’t afraid to admit that your life is a little mundane.
Rather than resent it you get by with the little wonders. The path is much the same but never the people, and your favourite part of the day is the train journey home. A precious twenty minutes when you can sit and watch the lives unfold around you. It’s during this time that you notice him.
You’re familiar with the regular passengers—not personally, rather, they’ve taken up space in your memory, each dedicated an intricate and fabricated backstory to pass the time. This new regular is definitely somebody you’d remember. Because he’s, well.
He’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Tall and lean, decently thick arms and a trim waist often hidden beneath a signature leather jacket. Bulky headphones around his neck. A trimmed moustache and vivid green eyes peering over red rimmed glasses. Waist length blond hair, like spun gold in the train cars cheap fluorescence, never worn in the same style. You’ve seen it draped around his shoulders, a sleek updo, half down, and pulled back into a braided ponytail that mimics a mohawk.
Today it has been haphazardly shoved into a messy bun, wisps falling to frame his face as he smiles at his phone. Your heart beats a little faster at the soft sight. He’s sitting closer than usual, driven deeper into the carriage by the lack of seating; close enough to catch a glimpse at the music note sticker on his phone case and the chipped red paint on his nails. Before he can look up and catch your inquisitive stare you turn it toward the window, watching the rivulets of rainwater race in the wind as the cityscape passes by.
Thoughts wander, veering toward the faint shadows under his eyes. You’ve theorised plenty and settled on him being a musician of sorts. Piano or a guitar judging by his fingers. Guitarist would suit his aesthetic, but you find the image of him as a pianist strangely romantic.
As the train rushes through a dark tunnel you’re faced with your reflection, and his own in the background. For a split second you’re certain that your eyes meet. Then the darkness vanishes, and you squint against the pale eventide light.
Your close friends have heard a lot about Train Guy. They’ve teased you to no end, finding amusement in your lack of action. Writing a plotline for a beautiful stranger might be slightly piteous but it’s all you’re going to get. It’s not like you were ever going to do anything about your attraction.
You slump against the back of your chair and fiddle with the zip on your jacket, soaking up the heated murmurings between a couple from across the carriage. Train Guy seemed the chatty type, though he always hung up whoever he was on call to as he boarded you’d caught an english word or two. They sounded natural in his mouth—a fluent accent that inferred plenty of practice. You wanted to hear him speak more, but after the doors are closed silence is sternly expected.
As your thoughts drift, so does your attention. Your heart leaps to your throat. Train Guy is reclined comfortably, baring the pale column of his throat as he keeps an ear tucked against his left headphone speaker, bouncing his leg to a tune you’re not privy to. What grips you is the suggestion of a smile hanging on his lips as he looks back at you. It’s more hesitant than it is coy. Almost as though he might be just as unsure about his footing as you.
Pointedly, he nods in the direction of the bickering couple. His mouth downturns into an exaggerated grimace, tugging at the collar of his shirt. You laugh and quickly smother the sound with your hand, heat crawling up your neck as a nearby elderly man peers up.
Train Guy’s eyes are softer now. There’s a shallow dimple by the right corner of his mouth that deepens with his grin. He sits up straighter when you smile back and butterflies hatch in your stomach. You feel their paper thin wings beat behind your ribs. Holding his hands out to draw your attention you watch his pointer fingers stop a few inches apart and bend toward one another.
At your confused frown he down it again, this time mouthing the word ‘hello’. Then he points at his chest. He silently sounds out the name ‘Ya-ma-da’ in time with his movements. His name. Your lips part in soft surprise. Mirroring the initial position of his hands, you cautiously repeat the motion, fingers bending inward. It’s JSL—and the sign quite literally mimics the image of two people bowed in greeting.
The train creaks as it slows in preparation to approach the next stop. Disappointment hangs in the air. He shuffles in his seat, getting ready to stand. He flashes you an encouraging thumbs up, eyes smiling over those yellow tinted glasses. Then his forefinger uncurls once more, forming an upside down ‘L’ shape. He draws his hand in an arc across his face and lies the opposite palm flat, swiping flat across it.
You pout after him as he gets to his feet, this time without clarifying what he’d said. He simply shucks his leather jacket closer to his chest, pulls his headphones over his head—concealing the pink blush staining his ears—and waves as the doors open.
A gust of wind plumes into the enclosed space, petrichor briefly filling your senses. Your neck turns at an awkward angle just to catch a final glimpse in the crowd as the train pulls away.
The first thing you do upon arriving home is search up basic signs. It pulls up a website with dedicated categories; signs for greetings, for navigating daily life, for family and friends. Then, as you scroll further, your mouse hovers over the embedded images for flirtatious signs. Your living room takes on a hazy, mauve rose glow, perhaps from all the blood rushing to your brain.
Unless you are misremembering, Train Guy—Yamada, had called you beautiful.
The knowledge sits restlessly with you. An amalgam of giddiness and impatience bursts through your body like a babbling brook. This sort of thing never happens to you.
You wanted to see him again. To somehow reciprocate his efforts to connect with you in the pervading silence of that train car. Clicking back on the screen, you open up the menu bar and find fingerspelling. You repeat the motions, signing out your name until fatigue from the work day wears on your bones.
The next morning starts with vigor. Your excitement only seems to make the hours drag longer, each slower than the last. Coworkers remark on your eagerness to leave—making playful comments about a new secret lover, only to be spurred on by the sheepish expression on your face.
There is no lover to speak of, not yet. Just a pretty stranger who may or may not be a musician with which you share part of your journey home.
Yamada is there when you board, already perked up and waiting. His hair is braided today, draped effortlessly over his shoulder. You immediately duck your chin to hide a smile, teeth gnawing your inner cheek as you take the spot across from him.
A hush falls over the passengers when you hear the doors click shut. You glimpse up through your lashes. Yamada leaned forward, elbows on his knees, cheek resting in his palm. Anticipation swoops through your belly. You can’t help a nervous glance at the people around you as you sign hello to him.
Before he can respond, your finger points to your chest. Something flashes in Yamada’s eyes, now raptly watching while you sign out your name. Brighter still the instant you point at him, arc your forefinger and thumb across your face, and wipe across the opposite palm.
Pink looks good on him, you think. Oscillating between flustered and frustrated, Yamada’s hands clench and unclench in his lap, seemingly agitated that he can’t use his words. You exhale a long held breath as he pats down his jacket pockets, tongue peeking out the corner of his mouth while he types.
Once he finishes he leans across the gap to offer you the phone. You grip the seat handle and stretch to take it, static zipping down your spine when your fingers brush. Written up on the open notes app is:
Do you want to get off at my stop so I can take you out for coffee? YEAH! or no :-(
You huff a laugh through your nose, bringing the screen close to your front and typing your reply with a furtive glance as if it were a big secret just between the two of you.
YEAH! ✔️ I’d love to.
Yamada peeks at the response and dramatically holds the phone to his heart. This time when the train slows at the familiar stop you stand with him. Close enough to smell his warm scented cologne and leather. Shoulder to shoulder as you wait for the doors to open you feel those lithe fingers extend to brush your own. He doesn’t take your hand but it’s a close thing.
The arm resting a hair's breadth from your lower back guides you onto the platform and through the oncoming influx of passengers to a quieter spot. Alone together you drink each other in. Nervously tugging your sleeve to your wrist, you wet your lips and say, “…Hi”.
Yamada’s eyes squinted under the magnitude of his grin, nose wrinkled enough that his glasses slipped just a fraction. “Hey,” he returns. The low baritone of his voice settles over you like silk and you get the inkling that your life is about to become a little less mundane.
Even then, you’re certain that your favourite part of the day would always be the train journey home.
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els-wonderland · 3 months
Ranking Bridgerton Outfits: Season 1 Penelope
Photo credits to Tv Costumes on Pinterest!
Penelope's Debut Dress, Episode 1
I love this dress! It's one of the only Penelope dresses this season with the Season 3 fit that doesn't cut the bust in half. The undertones of greenish-yellow on the cream fabric look lovely with her red hair, and the jewelery is understated and elegant for her presentation to the Queen. No notes.
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2. Pink Floral Dress, Episode 2
She looks so fru-fru in the best possible way. The floral embellishments pop here and there without looking garish, and the accessories of her frilled sheer gloves and the flower-and-ribbon headpiece tie everything together so sweetly. Her hair is great too, with the one long ringlet.
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3. Lacy Green Dress, Episode 3
Give Penelope more greens like this! Her hair almost reminds me of 1960s updo, and the diadem and necklace tie in well with the lace overskirt. I love the scallopy pattern of the flowers on the lace, it makes her look a bit mermaid-y!
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4. Pink Feather(ington) Dress, Episode 6
This one is just so delicate and ethereal, the feathered appliques against the pink satin bodice make her look like an angel. Do you see her walking down the hallway, with that pleated skirt flowing behind her? The only thing that doesn't work with this look is the necklace, it's just too harsh for the softness of the other accessories.
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5. Pink Fern Dress, Episode 3
1989 Little Mermaid, take notes. This is how you do red hair with a vibrant shade of pink.
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6. Garden Ballgown, Episode 1
So pretty, almost fairy-like with the sprinkling of little flowers in her hair. Something about the overskirt with the flowers climbing up over the already flowery fabric reminds me of a rambling meadow. I don't even mind the polyester gloves, because at least they match decently well.
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7. Butterfly Ballgown, Episode 1
Is it in your face? Obviously. Is it giving more Art Nouveau than 1813? Yes. But a little campy? Her prettiest yellow dress? Inexplicable how she could blend into a crowd in something like this? Yeh
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8. 'Sunflower' Dress, Episode 3
Probably one of the most historically accurate costumes all season. In certain lights it gets into the nauseating yellow green that I hate on Pen, and the pink gloves are heinous, but I give love the froofy like gathered sleeves, the lower cut of the bust, and the details of the train.
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9. Regency Barbie, Episode 7
Nicola Coughlan and the costume designers really predicted Diplomat Babrie all the way back in 2020. The little band of posies around the bust really makes this look for me, thought I could do without the big chunky necklace. Portia definitely picked that out for her.
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10. Yellow Walking Dress, Episode 4
Cute! So cute! The shimmery polka dots remind me of a Barbie doll yet again, and the light pink trimming and rosettes under the sleeves make this one memorable for me. Surprisingly simple for a Penelope look.
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11. Flowered Promo Dress, Episode 3
I do prefer the promo version with the tiara to the flower, but I'm not mad at it. I think I'd find this dress very over-the-top if it had flowered appliques all the way down, but the way they peter out into tendrils across the skirt puts me in the mind of a country garden. It's nice to see some pops of red on Pen.
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12. Orange Leaf Dress, Episodes 1 and 3
I wish they gave Penelope more over-the forehead curls as opposed to the little clusters on either side of her face. Little curls on the forehead feel more 1810s than the latter. The yellow adds a lot more dimension to this fabric, and I do prefer the yellow/ruched trim to the yellow and orange ribbon/plain neckline.
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13. Engagement Dress, Episode 6
I don't even mind the black waistband. In fact I'm kind of a fan-it's giving Parisian-themed bedroom-but the white lace descending from it rubs me the wrong way. Love her big, fluffy ringlets.
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14. Floral Spencer, Episodes 3 and 5
It's giving a bit of Hawaiian shirt, but I kind of love the combination of the froggy green, saffron yellow, and flamingo pink. I like how the appliques overlap the edges of her spencer, the slightly overgrown vibe of some of her flowered looks really scratches my brain.
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15. Yellow Flowered Dress, Episode 8
Abhor the way they did her hair here. The fabric is so dainty, but the dress is a little boring, and I hate the chunky necklaces on her.
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16. Grandma's Couch Dress, Episode 7
Grandma's couch/pos. A very soft, cushy, slightly musty-smelling couch. Don't like the centered corsage, it doesn't match anything else on the outfit, and they need to stop putting that necklace with so many otherwise nice looks.
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17. Pilled Dress, Episode 8
This dress looks like it's wool covered with pills, and the dark green and hot pink of her necklace and hair ornaments respectively pull my eye from the dress, which I honestly don't mind, because the fabric looks itchy as all hell.
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18. Yellow Floral Promenade Outfit, Episode 2
If they'd just take away that waistband, give her a gauzier shawl, and stop piling her hair so high, this one wouldn't be half bad.
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19. Yellow Dinner Dress, Episode 4
I truly do believe that pinks and greens suit Pen better than these bright yellows, or even just a more pastel yellow.
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20. Dandelion Dress, Episodes 3 and 6
I understand why Pen is holding her arms like that, because having those little yellow balls rubbing against my bare skin would drive me absolutely crazy.
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21. Meeting Marina Dress, Episode 1
The hair and that big ol' bow really ruin this one. The fabric looks so peachy and light with her red hair, and I just think some soft curls falling around her shoulders would make her look like such a doll.
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22. Yellow Upholstery Dress, Episode 5
This looks like a Target throw pillow. Burn than necklace.
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23. 'Mine Is Yellow' Evening Gown, Episode 8
I CANNOT STAND the greenish-gray look of the embroidery on the bodice, which is sad because her hair looks perfect. The cut of the bodice is cutting her bust in half.
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24. Chartreuse and Pink Dress, Episode 8
Frankly pukey-looking. The pink trim makes it infinitely worse.
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25. Tadpole Dress, Episode 1
Something about this fabric just reminds me of those Tiktoks of people putting frog eggs in jars. That pink shawl is not necessary.
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26. Black and Chartreuse Dress, Episode 1
See above- the green, the pink, the black-no.
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crow-raven-crow · 11 months
Hellooo can you do reader and g!p Larissa make a sex tape? Then Marilyn sabotages them and leaks it then some angst where Larissa and reader fight but a good ending?
𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐞
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 - [𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝟏𝟖+]
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐟!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: ~3.2k 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, angst, small argument, plot twist, good ending, NSFW, recorded sex, g!p Larisa, dom!Larissa, sub!Reader, scratching, begging kink, degradation, praise kink, mommy kink, dumbification, alludes to future smut
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: see above
AO3 link in title ✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
𝐚/𝐧: I think the smut in this is so… its so yummy LMAO but I do understand that people sometimes don't like angst mixed in with it SO the angst starts after the squiggles, so if that's not for you then that's your sign! i changed it slightly bUT this was fun to write heheeh
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
"You gonna be a good girl for mommy? Wanna be mommy's beautiful plaything?" Her accent echoed through the room, her hot breath traveling along your neck and erupting goosebumps in its path, as her lips attached themselves back onto your exposed skin.
Your back arched into her touch, and she gladly took the opportunity to trace along your sides, moving her hands along the expanse of your back after dipping them underneath the fabric of your shirt. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders and pulled her down closer to you, moving one hand to tangle into the silver locks of her hair and bring a mess into her perfect updo.
"Please- yes, Mommy.. I need you..ple-please please.."
What was once a careless make out session had morphed into something much more when the camera had been turned on. It was something you two had been thinking about for months, but with the long weekend ahead of you, now was the perfect time.
Her teasings lasted longer, her actions grew bolder and it all added to the growing pool of your own arousal between your legs. You should've known what night was ahead of you the moment you walked out of the bathroom with one of her shirts on, the only thing keeping you away from the woman was the fabric of the shirt and your panties. The way she took you in from head to toe was the only warning you got before being pulled towards her, her hands immediately landing on your hips and her head dipping to place her lips against your neck.
"You're so cute when you beg for me, sweet thing…"
Her hands made their way to your front, her fingers immediately smoothing against your nipples and making moans leave your lips. You threw your head back against the mattress, turning it to the side and looking at the camera with your half lidded eyes.
A new wave of need flooded through you at the thought of what you looked like in this moment, how well Larissa was treating you with her body on top of yours, and how much you loved, savored and drooled at each one of her touches. Your body was a temple to her, and she just so happened to be the goddess you worshipped.
Her lips made their way back to yours, a stronger fire lingering behind each kiss as they grew more needy and desperate. Your shirt was lifted over your head, quickly being discarded to the floor, before her eyes raked over your body.
"Such a pretty little thing all laid out for me.. all ready for me to take.. Isn't that right, sweet girl?" Her hands smoothed over every inch of your skin, one landing on your hip while the other cupped your sex at the end of her words. The gasp that escaped you from her actions cut off your answer, something she knew she caused but something that made her add more pressure against your core.
Her fingers moved along the fabric, feeling your wetness seep through, feeling your hips buck into her touch with your growing need for her. "I expect an answer when asking you a question, slut."
"Y-Yes- yes, all yours.. I'm all yours, please.." The increase in her dominance made you shiver, especially when you looked up at her through your lashes and watched her eyes grow darker with your response.
Satisfied with your answer, she pulled away, but before you could protest, you watched as her hand reached behind her, a zipping sound filling the air, and groaned at how her dress fell to the floor. Your eyes raked over her body, over every curve, every detail of the white lace against her skin, over the bulge that was hidden behind the fabric..
She watched as you look your bottom lip between your teeth, how your eyes stayed there, how your thighs rubbed together ever so slightly… She slowly started to take off the rest of her garments, enjoying the growing blush that settled on your cheeks as everything was now exposed to you.
After a moment, she lowered herself back down slightly, her lips hovering over yours as her hands worked to remove the last piece of clothing from your body as well. While pulling the fabric down your legs, she backed away along with it, only making you chase her lips in the process.
"On your hands and knees… You've been so good that mommy thinks your deserve your reward.." You moved with a rush flowing through your veins, the thought of her fucking you like this on recording making its way back to the forefront of your mind.
You felt the mattress dip behind you, a warm hand smoothing against your side and slowly pushing your chest down against the mattress. Her nails dug into your back as they made their way to your backside, the sweet burn making you whimper and take hold on the sheets.
"Poor baby.." Her fingers traced along your slit and you couldn't help but release your moans at the contact. They collected your slick and traveled through your folds until she started rubbing small circles against your clit. "You're practically dripping.. You need mommy, sweet girl?"
"Yes.. F-Fuck, yes.. Gods, fuck me.. please fuck me mommy.." Your hips moved on their own accord and rolled against her fingers, your body chasing a release that was built up so deliciously. Her actions stopped as a dark chuckle was released from her chest, the sound of her sucking her fingers and releasing them from her mouth following soon after.
"Oh? Seems like we should fuck that foul language out of you.." You let out a groan at her words, knowing she only really cursed during moments like these. Feeling more movement from behind you, you held your breath waiting for the pleasure to consume you, waiting for her to take all she wanted, waiting for you to take everything she would give you.
You felt her member run along your slit, coating it in your juices before meeting your entrance. She slowly pushed into you with a deep groan, savoring the beautiful moans and high pitched whimpers she was able to pull from you, until her hips met your backside. "Ah, look at you.. Taking all of mommy's cock like a beautiful little slut.."
You pushed back into her, and she took that as her sign to move. She started at an agonizingly slow pace, making you push back and beg for more, meeting her thrusts with every slow movement she made. When she picked up the pace and grew rougher, the sound of your skin slapping against each other filled the room along with the moans coming from the both of you, the change in pace made you see stars.
The pleasure that took over you took your breath away, the air being forced out of your lungs in loud moans as the grip you had on the sheets tightened. Feeling her constantly pound into you, feeling her cock move in and out of you at a delicious rate, made you drunk on ecstasy, a moaning mess as she constantly slammed into your sensitive spot.
With every thrust, it was like she was reaching deeper and deeper, moans leaving your lips each time her hips thrusted into you. A warm feeling flooded your lower abdomen, making the pleasure increase tenfold as your high was fast approaching. A loud moan left the woman behind you, the feeling of your walls clenching around her making her curl forward in overwhelming pleasure.
"You're close, aren't you, sweet thing.. Cum for me.. Cum for mommy and show me just how good I make you feel.." Curses spilled from your lips, each one growing in pitch until ecstasy took you in its hold, a loud gasp leaving you before your body shook in the waves of pleasure that captured you. She was quick to follow suit, the way your walls fluttered around her making her cum right after you, her thrusts slowing as she rode out both of your highs.
She was gentle with you immediately after, knowing you were so far consumed by the chase for pleasure. Her lips met your back and peppered your shoulders in kisses as she slowly pulled out of you, her hands rubbing soothing circles along your arms and sides as she took you in her arms and moved you to rest against the pillows.
It was always the moments that followed that warmed your heart, how she took care of you in such a sensitive state as the fog that took over your mind slowly cleared. When your eyes opened back up, you were met with a soft smile and a glass of water after the camera was turned off, something you took with full appreciation. You had your fill, then moved to sit up a bit more even as the blonde protested, but as you lifted the glass to her lips and made sure she drank some, you were met with love filled eyes and easily found your way into her arms.
A few days had passed, and the blonde found herself going through her packages as a break from responding to emails. Mixed in with the stack of letters was a large envelop, making her lick her lips and smile. With a few tugs, the disk was revealed in all it's glory - something that you'd both know where it would be kept, something that was truly for your eyes only.
As the hours passed, it got stuck between the papers and folders that cluttered her desk, easily getting lost in the growing sea to be found later when you entered her office. A knock at the door stole her attention from her computer screen, the redheaded botanist filtering in quickly after.
They both beamed at each other, the comfortability that they created in the short year translating in the energy that filled the room. The closer Marilyn got to Larissa's desk, the more attention she gathered from the blonde, her notes being placed aside for a moment and her glasses coming up to rest on her head.
"Marilyn, hello! What can I do for you, love?" She held her hands together and rested them on top of the desk, allowing herself a full moment away from her work to feel refreshed from the blue light illuminating off the laptop screen.
"I was wondering if you had that student file I was asking you about? They came up and asked me about it again today, and I said I would have it for them next class so they could reference their family file on their project."
Larissa stood from her desk, swiftly making way to the large filing cabinet that sat at the side of the room, long fingers tracing over folders and filtering through names before finding the right one.
Marilyn took this time to look over the items that littered the woman's desk, her eyes landing on a disk with your names on it. Knowing she could get some sort of information out of it, she took it from the pile and hid it within her own documents that she held in her arms.
Larissa turned back around after finding the file, not knowing a single movement that had taken place as her attention was elsewhere. With the file in her arms and the new potential for dirt on the two of you captured, she quickly made way back to her classroom with the intent to look over it when she was finished with her own work.
About an hour later, you walked into Larissa's office with a soft smile accompanying you. The smile that lit up her features as her eyes caught sight of you made your entire soul swell with love for her, making you quickly walk over to her and capture her lips with yours like a reward.
"Hello, my love.." You whispered against her lips, the smiles growing and apparent on both of your faces. "How was work?"
"Hello, darling.. It's been busy, but not anything I'm not used to. Something did come in the mail today, though.." You watched as her eyes scanned over the documents that littered her desk, your hands coming to her shoulders to massage them softly as you waited for the little surprise.
You watched as her calm movements turned quick, anxious and rapid, a crease slowly forming between her brows making an unnerving feeling fill your stomach. "What is it, love? Maybe I can help look?"
You wrapped around the other side of the desk, carefully lifting up papers to try and help her land her sights on the item, only to look up and be met with a fearful expression. "Riss? What is it? If everything-"
"The disk.. Our.. tape- It came in today, and I swore I opened the package and placed it on my desk.. It's not here, but I haven't moved. Y/n, I'm so sorry-"
Panic seeped into your veins, taking over your lungs and stilling your breathing as the reality of the situation set in. This was bad for the both of you.. Being so exposed and so explicit with each other and losing a tape like that in a place like this could ruin everything for the both of you, but she seemed to only focus on herself for a moment..
"My reputation- My ability- Gods, if that gets found- I'm ruined.. There's no going back from that, and if it gets spread-"
"Larissa, you're not the only one who is in danger here." Your voice was strong, heavily contrasting your current physical state as your eyes launched themselves around the room, as your palms grew sweaty and your body started to shake.
If people saw this, they would see this as a way to take advantage of you in more ways than one. They would see you as weak, easy to manipulate, just a woman who needed her desires filled, who needed to get fucked like a slut and could be pulled any which way they saw fit.
"Yes.. Well.. Gods, Y/n.. I'm so sorry I let this happen.. It was here and then it wasn't and I should've kept a better eye on it and I should've put it somewhere safer and-"
"This is bad for the both of us.." You circled the desk and brought her face into your hands, your touch gentle to calm her and get her to back track everything since she got her mail. "But we can get through it, okay?"
Your thumbs rubbed her cheeks softly, allowing her to catch her breath as her eyes fluttered shut for just a moment and her hands came up to rest on the backs of yours. She nodded softly, before opening her eyes again. "How are you so calm about this?"
"I'm not." You let out a quick, short laugh, one that translated the amount of anxiety coursing through you. "But being anything else won't help us. Riss, think about everything that happened since you opened that package.."
"Well.. I placed it at the corner of my desk and threw the envelope away.. I answered some emails, then had a business call.." You watched her as she looked at each item on her desk, recalling the exact moment in which she finished each one and in the same order she did so. "I was able to fill this out, then took some notes about what we should do for the next school event.. After that-"
The moments seemed to click for her, her heart dropping as her words stilled, her body turning back slowly to look at you as the realization truly hit her. You waited for her answer, seeing the uncertainty and pain course through her eyes, before she spoke again.
"Marilyn… stopped by.. Asked for a file, and I went to the cabinet to look for it.. That's the only explanation.."
You brought a hand to your chin, your eyebrows knitting in intense thought as you tried coming up with a way to get the disk back. After a few minutes, you looked back at your love with a wide smile and reassured her that it was going to be okay.
You would go to Marilyn's classroom, when she wasn't there - something that the blonde goddess would make sure of when she'd call Marilyn back to her office, saying that there was a piece of the file that she forgot to give her. You'd use that time to grab the disk immediately after she'd slip out, coming back through the secret door that led to your shared quarters without being seen by the redhead.
You pressed your ear against the door, listening for mumblings to come to a stop and a door to close on the other side. With the noticeable sound of the heavy doors closing, you waited just a few more moments for reassurance, before knocking on the door that separated you two.
You heard her stand from her seat, her heels clicking rapidly against the floor, before the door swung open. She rapidly made her way over to you, moving from the door to the couch within seconds, worry laced within her features and consuming her whole. "Well??"
When she met your side, you swung your arm out from behind you, holding the silver disk in its clear casing in front of you for the woman to take hold of. You watched as her shoulders relaxed and a deep breath leave her chest, the worry being washed away within seconds.
"It seems she didn't even touch it - the seal on the side hasn't even been touched. We got lucky, but please be careful with the next one.. We can keep them in the safe.." You sat on the plush cushions, the material dipping as she sat right beside you, wrapping her arm around your side and pulling you to her.
"I'll take some sort of action against her for this.. but.. the next one? Did you like it that much, sweet thing?" Her lips met your exposed shoulder, the light touch making a small shiver course through you. She moved her ministrations up to your neck, smoothing her tongue over the marks that were barely noticeable from the events on the disk. "Why don't we watch it now?"
She stood, placing the disk into the player and turned on the television that hung from the wall in front of you. She came back, lifting you and placing you on her lap, as her arms snaked around your torso. She pulled you close to her, your back resting flush against her front as she noticed your growing eagerness to watch the tape.
You turned your head around, placing your lips against hers and whimpering as you felt her shift underneath you, a clear bulge poking against your core. You turned your gaze back to the tv, as you heard the first moan echo from the speakers, a hard blush taking over you at the realization that it came from you.
This was going to be a fun night..
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
right after i wrote my last one, this was stuck in my mind like the plague like oh my. i wrote this a couple days ago and still thought about it
i've seen a few like camera themed fics course around through here recently so i thought it was pretty cool (and validating) to get the prompt and join the party
I hope you liked this, anon :) it was pretty fun to think about
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
@weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @finnja555 @barbarasstar @vendocrap8008 @gwendolinechristieiscute @lilfartbox1 @agathaandgwenslesbian @lvinhs @elvira-dear @kimiinou
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Blue Bow
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT AF
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Requested (can I just say first that I'm a HUGE fan of your work i love you💗) but anyway could you write an imagine where Y/n works at the hospital with Jack but he never notices her until he finds her..pleasuring herself to the thought of him and then soon he starts to notice her and falls in love with her?? that was a lot I'm sorry but that would make my life complete (could you also add smut between them??)
I groaned as the light from my window flooded in across my face caused my skin to heat up, I forced my body up out of my bed and made the bed behind me, I went to my wardrobe and got some clothes on for today before headed to the small stove made myself a cup of tea and some toast to try and bring me into this world a little more. I finished my toast and was about halfway down my tea before I heard my door. I looked up and saw one of the nurses, I didn't know her name opened my door. This was very usual most nurses don't bother to knock or anything mostly because if they're getting me there isn't often really time to knock I guess. 
I looked at her and took her in a little, a pair of small black boots laced up to her knees, I would assume stockings but I don't know, the usual grey-washed-out nurses dress around her with an apron over it, nothing overly spectacular or noteworthy about her. She was cute I guess, but the main thing I noticed about her was her hair in a ponytail with a blue ribbon bow to tie it up.
"Doctor Dawkins?"
"Yes?" I asked, 
"The surgery is starting,"
"Right, I'll be down in a second." 
She nodded and went off back to her business, So I finished my tea and headed down to get on with work. 
I set up for surgery this afternoon and sorted everything I needed in the prep room, I heard the nurse who was to be helping me today arrive at the prep room, I didn't bother to look up at her I'm sure whoever it is can do her job. 
"Doctor," She smiled as she brought the leather apron over, 
I saw her and noticed it was her again, her little boots, grey washed-out uniform, and her hair with its blue bow ribbon keeping her hair in a bun. Ohh right that one, "Ahh Afternoon," I told her as she happily handed me the apron which I slipped over my head and she cheerfully buckled it at my back,
"Good Afternoon Doctor Dawkins," she smiled, 
"You know what we're doing?" 
"Yes sir," 
"Good, shall we get on then?" I asked her as I turned and handed her what we needed to take into the theatre, 
"Of course, yes." She nodded as she followed behind me like a little lost kitten,  
I sighed as I headed into the storage cupboard looking for, well peace for a few minutes. I shut the door and leaned against the wall, I took a moment to breathe and to straighten my head after today's madness. I let a few breaths out but I perked up as I heard another sound, I heard a gasp but not like a gasp of surprise. I looked into the cupboard and saw someone standing leaning against the side of the wooden shelf used to store towels, bedsheets, and other such things, given the angle they were mostly hidden. But I saw a foot around the shelf with a black knee-high lace boot, an exposed leg with some pale stockings, and the pulled-up fabric of a washed-out nurse uniform. They gasped and shifted their body a lot, I was almost worried they were hurt whoever they were. 
"Uhhh... Doctor Dawkins..." Her voice moaned softly,
Ohhh... What? What was that? she- she just moaned my name? Ohhhh this is gonna be fun.
"Uhh...uhhhh... ummmm..." Her voice muttered as she tried to be quiet, 
It was then as she moved her head I saw her hair in a half updo with a blue ribbon bow, 
Ohh! it's Blue bow. It's her. that- that one. who's the name... damn it still escapes me. I moved a little closer to try and see her better, Her back was against the wooden shelves and Her dress was tugged up around her waist exposing her white bloomers, she had moved the table close to her and perched herself on the corner of the wooden table she shifted and moved her body slowly to the rounded edge of the wooden table rubbed against her clit to pleasure her. Ughh fuck she looked so good... Umm my naughty little nurse. I had to admit watching her grind on the table moaning for me with that innocent little blue bow in her hair was more than enough to get me excited. But she moved off the table and I almost whined from disappointment, but she unbuttoned her dress and slipped her hand in plaid and fondled her breast she leant against the shelf and slipped her hand between her legs as she rubbed her clit and slipped her fingers inside herself. 
"Ughhh! Doctor Dawkins..." She moaned,
Ummm... you naughty little girl, locking yourself away to touch yourself thinking about me. Fuck I just wanna go over and get my hands on you... but, then you might stop and we don't want that. 
I watched her for a creepy amount of time but I couldn't tear my eyes away, I bit my lip as I watched her so eagerly play, I couldn't stop myself from unbuttoning my trousers and I pulled out my stiff erection, I smirked as I rubbed my hand down myself as I watched her, listening to her gasps and moans, I did my best to keep quiet made sure my hand kept pace with hers, But she was overexcited already going a little too fast for me but I soon got to that point of desire too, 
"Ughhhhh!" she whined clearly desperate,
I wanted to go over and finish her myself but she was doing just fine without me, and she was so much fun to watch, as her own wetness coated her hand and even began to drip down her legs, until it suddenly hit her, she lent her head back her eyes rolled back and her mouth hung open as she uncontrollably moaned as she reached her orgasm. Just watching her was amazing and I hit my own only just after her own, so I clamped a hand over my mouth so my moans wouldn't alert her to my presence, I quickly cleaned up and calmed down. 
"Umm..." she sighed and fanned herself with her hand as she fixed her clothes, "Ohh Doctor Dawkins..." she sighed happily as she blew a kiss,
Awww she's cute, I silently blew her a kiss too before I quickly did my trousers up and left as quietly as I could, as soon as I shut the door I bolted across to the small room under the theatre standing and shut the door to be alone. "Fuck..." I gasped slightly recovering after all that, "Ummm you naughty little thing. I'm gonna have to start paying more attention to my little blue bowed nurse." 
I smirked leaning on the wall across from the ward, looking through the window watching the nurses work, or well... the nurse work. My eyes square on her. In her little boots, her cute little dress and apron, her hair in a braided half updo with her blue ribbon plaided into her braid and then in a bow at the bottom to hold the braid, a broom in her hand as she worked making sure everything was cleaned. I admit my eyes lingered longer than they should have, and it had been like this for days now, ever since the storage cupboard incident I couldn't stop looking at her, reminded of what I saw. But even so, I couldn't help but notice so many things about her, how she always wiggles her hips as she sweeps, how she dusts off her hands when she's finished working, how every day she finds a new way to put that little blue ribbon in her hair, her sweet gentle smile when she makes the patients, I have to admit... I do think she's cute, and sweet, and... Ohh crap. I like her, don't I. 
"Ohh Good Morning Doctor Dawkins," she smiled as she hurried past with her broom,
"Morning," I smiled, "You're always so busy," I chuckled as I followed her with my arms behind my back, 
"Well, so much to do." she chuckled,
"Yeah I imagine there is, you don't have to work so hard you know. You can leave some of it to the other nurses?"
"No, it wouldn't be right, I don't mind."
"You're sweet, such a precious little thing," 
She blushed, "Aww that's so kind of you, Doctor Dawkins," she giggled, "I uhh I think you're very sweet too,"
"Hum... you're too nice to me." I smirked, "You sure you don't take any breaks during the day?"
"I do try not to doctor," she said, "always something to do,"
"Right you are," I nodded, "But uhh you ever do want a break, the uhh... the storage cupboard is a very peaceful place."
Blush formed across her cheeks, "It uhh it is?"
"I'd say so,"
"I uhh I wouldn't know I don't often take a break, let alone in the uhh storage cupboard."
"no, course not. You're far too busy." I told her, "But if ever you do fancy a break I do enjoy the storage cupboard,"
"You do?"
"I do, often find myself in there of a busy day,"
"Yes uhh I uhh I will have to take your word for it," 
 "You have a nice day Nurse," I told her before I headed off to get on with my work, unable to hide my smile for hours.
I stood by my mirror and fixed my hair a little to make sure I looked decent, I knew she'd be coming up to drop off some clean laundry for me and I was eager to see her. As soon as I heard feet up the stairs so I went and sat on my bed doing my best to look attractive grabbing a book to look mysterious and busy as she came into my room in her usual dress and apron, her hair in her usual blue bow tied around her head with the bow on the top of her head like an adorable little present, the basket in her hands with the folded laundry.
"Ahh There you are," I smiled,
"Good Evening doctor Dawkins," She cooed as she set the basket down by my wardrobe as usual,
"Thank you very much,"
"You're welcome," She smiled before our eyes finally let and immediately blush dusted her cheeks,
"Yes?" I smirked at her blush,
"Uhh Doctor Dawkins..." She began, "Are you reading your book upside down... on purpose?" 
I glanced at the book in my hand and saw the pages and their words upside down, as I was in fact holding the book upside down, "...Yes," I answered, "I was trying to observe a medical diagram from an additional angle..." I lied, 
"Oh, of course, do excuse me." she smiled, "Is that all or is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Yes actually, I uhh..." I began as I got out of bed and set my book down, "I wanted to ask you how you came into this line of work?"
"Ohh? Me?"
"Yes, you." I told her as I moved closer to her,
"Well, My uhh my father got sick when I was young, just sort of lived my life as if I lived in a hospital always cleaning and caring for him, after he died I suppose I just thought I should use my years of experience." 
"That's very sweet."
"Thank you, may I ask how you came into this line of work doctor?"
"Much the same I suppose, just sort of fell into it." 
"Well, I'm glad you did,"
"Yeah, I'm glad you did too."
"If that's everything Doctor I should be heading back..."
"There is one more thing,"
I couldn't wait any longer so I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips to hers, her lips soft and almost sugary, she kissed back her hands settled on my chest and gripped my shirt, I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer so not an inch remained between us, she pulled back for some air and gasped quickly. 
"Umm... Don't stop." I told her as I caressed her cheek and pressed kisses all over her face and jaw, 
"Don't stop, Please... just let me kiss you." 
"Doctor dawkins I-"
"Please. I need you. I want you so bad..." I groaned, "You've wound me up like a bloody spring all this time, now you've let me go... you can't expect me to just stop-" 
"I didn't know you- you even looked at me?"
"I've done nothing but look at you for weeks." I told her as I ran the tip of my nose up her own, "Humm ever since the storage cupboard..." 
"Ohh god- You-"
"Ohh I know." I growled, "I watched you..."
"You wa-watched me?"
"I did."
"Ohh I'm so so sorry I-"
"It's alright, I was too."
"I was, I joined in with you. Took all my strength not to go over and replace your hands."
"You should have,"
"Should I? Would you have wanted me too?"
"I would,"
"Well... how about we repeat the cupboard events then? but this time I'll replace your hands."
"On one condition,"
"I'll replace yours too."
"deal!" I smirked as I pulled her back into a kiss, 
she very happily kissed back, our kisses becoming lustful and passionate immediately, our hands lost on each other our lips battling one another but there was no way on this earth she was winning over me. I set my hands on the back of her thighs just under her ass and lifted her up before I threw her down on my bed not wasting a single moment to get between her legs, she giggled her hands either side of her head on the pillow before she grabbed me by my hair and pulled me down to her, I didn't argue pushing myself against her pinning her whole body down pressing it into my mattress as we kissed her hands tugging and knotting in my hair as our moans flowed freely, I pulled back kissing down her neck as my hands grabbed her hem and forced up her dress,
"Let's see what you're hiding under this study little dress," I growled in her ear as I pushed her dress up she happily lifted her arms letting me push it off over her head and throw it off my bed revealing her cream corset and white bloomers, and that body... Fuck! "Urrghhh! That is a fucking crime to lock that body in that boxy stuffy dress... Ummmm look at you!" I groaned kissing down her chest until I reached her corset, her hands began tugging at my waistcoat so I did deny her I sat up and unbuttoned it throwing it to the floor too I peeled off my suspenders and tossed my shirt to the side and Immediately her hands found my bare chest and wouldn't stop petting and stroking me, 
"Oooohh Look at you," She smirked, 
I admit... that made me feel very loved and very desired, not had a girl go so excited about seeing me before, and... I cannot be blamed for my response. 
"Ummmmm!" I groaned wrapping my arms around her and pushing her so hard into my best as I kissed her on the the bed springs actually broke below us, 
"What was that?" she pulled away at the shocking sound, 
"I don't know- I don't care-" I told her, "the bed still work?"
"...Yes?" She said quickly giving it a test,
"Then I'll deal with it later!" I told her kissing her again, my fingers quickly found her corset ties tugging and pulling on them until it was undone and tossed that off the bed pulling back to see her perky breasts "Fuck!" I groaned just looking at her, "I can't wait anymore." I groaned yanking her bloomers off and kissing her stomach as I did all to get her naked on my bed already she was insanely beautiful and I held her thighs to spread them a little to get the most perfect view of her laying on my bed her hair against my pillow with that cute little blue bow in her hair, her perk bare breasts, her smooth seductive stomach, her glistening pussy with her legs wide open for me. I kissed down her body already feeling myself throbbing in my trousers for her, "I want you so bad..."
"Then you can have me doctor Dawkins..." she gasped, 
I didn't need to be told twice burying my head between her legs to lick and suck on her clit not even needing to warm up gently as she was already more than ready for me, Hearing her gently whine and squeal under me was the most erotic sound I'd heard in my life, her body often wiggling and flinching under me from how overwhelmed she was at merely my touch, and her taste! fuck I could eat her for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still not be satisfied. My hands held her thighs stroking the cotton soft skin her own knotted into my hair tugging and pushing on my head often to guide me where she needed me, 
"Ughh! Doctor Dawkins! Stop please I'll-" She whined, 
I didn't stop I got faster moving a hand up to grab her breast fondling it in my hand as I kissed her and her orgasm hit suddenly her legs shaking, her hips twitching and her squirting down my bed her hands gripped my hair tightly and she loudly moaned,
"Ohh my god you look so good-" I groaned as I watched her cum, "Ummm, you're doing that again!" I smirked trying to kiss her again but she clamped her thighs shut,
"No, no please -" she gasped, "At least let me rest for a moment..."
"Alright, you think you have the energy?" I smirked unbuttoning my trousers and pulling out my cock, 
"yes doctor," she nodded excitedly, she happily kissed my neck and chest before taking every inch of me in her mouth,
"Ughhhh fuck!" I groaned one hand holding the bed and the other holding her bow as she so passionately worked, moans and groans tumbling from my lips as she worked moving her head back and forth using her tongue to run circles all the way around my head, I couldn't stop looking at her as she worked, "Ummm you look so gorgeous... Ummm you naughty little thing," I groaned I knew I was already close to her sucking so I pushed her back flat on the bed which made her giggle teasingly "Ohh? you like winding me up?"
"Maybe I should torture you see how you like it?" I smirked thrusting two fingers inside her fast and hard,
"Ughhhhhh Doctor Dawkins please!" she screamed over my fast and merciless thrusts I smirked and grabbed her breast fondling her perky breast again and hardening her nipple rubbing and pinching it which made her scream more, "Ahhh ughhh uuuuhhhhh!"
"Aww you like that?" 
"This what you want?" I growled taking my hand from her pussy to grab her other breast and playing with her nipples with both hands 
"Ughhh yes!" she whined,
"Ummm, you naughty girl..." I growled kissing her neck as I mercilessly plaid with them, "Umm I wanna suck on them so bad-"
"Yeah- sorry that was probably kinda-" I began trying to apologize as I realized how weird that sounded only after it left my mouth but she grabbed my hair and forced my head down, I smirked and kissed down her neck and chest picking the left biting gently on the soft smooth skin of her breast before flicking my tongue across her hard nipple which immediately made her tense, I made sure to be slow watching her face as I ran my tongue in a clockwise circle around it before sucking hard on her nipple even gracing her skin a little with my teeth and flicking my tongue across her harder. 
"Uhhhh! Please! doctor-" she gasped, "No more please,"
"No? What do you want instead?"
"I want you inside me."
"Ughhh! You naughty girl!" I smirked immediately stroking myself to make sure I was at my best for her, "Ready?"
"Ready," she nodded, 
I smirked and pushed inside her, immediately losing myself in pleasure. She felt amazing! more than I could have ever imagined I held her hips hard and thrusted hard and fast listening to her intense screams, I let my moans fall without concern I knew I wouldn't last long so I rubbed on her clit mercilessly as I thrusted harder and faster hearing her scream and plead for more. She pushed me back until I pulled out I was confused for a moment but she smirked and turned over to kneel on her stomach moving her hips back until they met my own, "Ummmm you naughty girl." I growled grabbing her hips and thrusting fast and hard, listening to the sounds of her moans and squeals mixed with the bed squeaking and the sound of our skin hitting each other, I smirked and grabbed her breast tugging on her nipples making her scream in pleasure, "Ummm you like that? Fuck! You naughty girl, my naughty, naughty girl." 
"Doctor Dawkins..." she moaned, "Yes! Please!"
"Come on my little nurse, I'm not stopping till you cum." I smirked pulling her hair and that sweet little blue bow until, she tightened around me and squirted again as she reached her orgasm I kept going to let her ride it out as long as possible but it made me reach my orgasm too so I quickly pulled out and finished across her back. She collapsed on the bed and I quickly laid down beside her as we both gasped quickly, "Fuck... I uhh I think I'm in love with you,"
"I... I think I'm in love with you."
"I... I love you too..." she smiled, "You really mean that?"
"I do," I nodded, "More than anything," 
"Ohh, that's very sweet doctor Dawkins," she cooed moving to lay her head on my chest I smiled and pet her hair softly, 
"It's Jack." 
"Jack," she smiled, "Jack Dawkins, it's a very pretty name."
"Aww you're a sweet little thing," I told her,
"Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n."
"Y/n," I smiled kissing her head, "that's a beautiful name." I told her kissing her sweet face, "I really do love you y/n."
"I love you too Jack," She smiled nuzzling closer into my chest so I held her tight and tucked the covers around us, letting her lay there comfortably as I plaid with her cute blue bow. 
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loz-furbies · 20 hours
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Zelda ages based on when their games came out. Welcome to the team EoW Zelda!
Characters and design thoughts under cut:
For starters, I did a similar Zelda piece a few years ago and ran into the problem that I can't really draw anything else than anime teen girls, which is kind of a problem in a drawing where half the characters are above 20 and their age differences are the whole point. And in addition almost everyone is supposed to be royalty with very similar clothes too. But in my defense, in general it can be pretty hard to tell the ages of 25 to 40 year old anime women anyway.
I needed a reference for the body proportions in order to even get started, so I quickly thought "who is an anime woman who doesn't look like a teenager", and used Yor's character sheet for assistance. The younger characters' proportions are a little inconsistent, since I couldn't choose if I would look at realistic growth chart or go with the anime look (where teens and children are often shorter than they would be in real life) so the result is this weird hybrid.
Four Swords (December 2, 2022) & Four Swords Adventures (March 18, 2004) - Chronologically they are different Zeldas even though they use the same promo art/character design, so I used the promo art design for the original FS Zelda and drew the FSA Zelda based on her sprite. There's not much to these designs, they have very little going on in terms of story or personality to use as inspiration and their character design doesn't offer much anything original when compared to the other more well known Zeldas either. Their only distinct element is the big red hair bow, but I thought it would look too childish when they're supposed to be in their twenties here.
Minish Cap (November 4, 2004) - There's not a lot MC Zelda that I could use for inspiration. But then I remembered that a while ago I wrote about how the pointy hat Queen Ambi wears should be used more often, so I thought I should put my money where my mouth is and draw it here, since Zelda does wear a red cap for a couple seconds in MC. In general the MC Zelda and both FS Zeldas are at a little awkward age for this picture, since they're too old for youthful child designs but not really old enough for more mature queenly designs either.
Skyward Sword (November 18, 2011) - Her design is based on her concept design, which I assume is meant to be her casual look and not the ceremonial costume she wears in the game.
Ocarina of Time (November 21, 1998) - I decided that age-wise she makes the cut of when I start using updos. Why do the Zeldas have such similar canon hairstyles anyway, it was surprisingly boring to work with them. Still not sure about the curls though, my fancy dress design artbook that I used for inspiration had so many cute curly hairstyles but I couldn't really use any here because I worried the characters would become unrecognisable. But since OoT Zelda had some curls in her "sideburns" she fell victim here.
Hyrule Warriors (August 14, 2014) - HW Zelda has a distinct enough design from the other Zeldas that it gives a lot of elements to work with, though her age here limits it a little since she's too young for bikini armour. Also because HW is a spin off, I also considered including the Cadence of Hyrule Zelda, but that led to the realisation that it would have opened the doors to CDI Zelda as well. Which I guess would have been fine, but this is already a pretty wide drawing full of adults, so while a Cadence of Hyrule Zelda would have been easy to fit on the front row, I couldn't justify adding even more adults just for the CDI games. So only HW is included because I've played it and actually like it.
Zelda 1 (February 21, 1986) - The original Zelda is at an age where it's a little awkward how there's little difference between her (38 years old) and OoT Zelda (25). But I couldn't think of any anime that would help me as reference here, and I don't think she's old enough to have that "this character is getting old" wrinkle under her eye (you know the one).
Echoes of Wisdom (September 26, 2024) - I think she looks a bit too old here to be a zero-days-old newborn but work with me here.
Breath of the Wild (March 3, 2017) - She's actually at the age where her mum died, poor girl. She's very refreshing to work with since her look is so different from the other Zeldas.
A Link to the Past (November 21, 1991) & A Link between Worlds (November 22, 2013) - Originally I also had the Oracles Zelda in this since she does have a unique design, but then again I consider the Oracles Link to be the same as in aLttP which ought to apply to Zelda as well, plus the design isn't unique in any interesting way and is just a combination of the OoT & aLttP designs, so in the end I just gave the Oracles Zelda sprite's hair buns to aLbW Zelda. Overall having to use the essentially same design for both aLttP and aLbW Zelda wasn't much fun, especially when neither really offers anything notable in terms of story or personality, but at least they're pretty far apart when it comes to age.
Twilight Princess (November 19, 2006) - I haven't played her game so I don't know a lot about her (other than reading the manga which didn't give me anything to work with either) and she's also close to her canon age (?) here so she ended up looking pretty similar to her canon design.
Spirit Tracks (December 7, 2009) - This was a tough one because technically ST Zelda does have a lot of elements to her story and character that could work for a redesign, but not really for the purposes of this picture. Anything train related is more of Link's thing, and anything ghost related doesn't really fit either since she's not supposed to be a ghost at this age. And as for the Phantom, I got the impression that while she learned to appreciate it, she didn't exactly like using it, and that personality-wise she would prefer not to go on another similar adventure. So In the end I just replaced the regular armour parts many Zeldas have in their designs with the Phantom armour and used the ghost palette for the rest of her look, and I kind of like the result. Her personality looks a little out of character though but I couldn't resist the opportunity to draw this with Grandma Tetra.
Wind Waker (December 13, 2002) - I haven't played WW so I'm not sure how accurate this is, but drawing her with the pirate design definitely added some much needed variety to this picture. I really like her twirly hairstyle in canon, but I also really wanted to draw her with short hair, so it had to go. Maybe ST Zelda can style her hair in a twirl when she gets older to compensate?
The Adventure of Link (January 14, 1987) - Really don't know what happened here, not particularly happy with the end result. I prefer to draw the Zelda 2 Zelda with her sprite design because just reusing the OG Zelda design is boring, but I really should have kept it closer to that since now she's practically unrecognisable.
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mirrorsims · 2 years
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Sooo.. I may have a tiny bit of an obsession w the 60s, 70s & 80s, and therefore I've accumulated a lot of CAS custom content both made for and capable of working in that time-frame! Here is a (very non-finalized) master list of said CC. I will most likely edit this, or post a part two. (I am also 100% open to WCIFs regarding these decades, vague and specific!) Full list below the cut, but creators shown in the preview are @ridgeport @simduction @ice-creamforbreakfast @feralpoodles @hezzasims @simstrouble @joliebean @zombietrait @its-adrienpastel @deathpoke1qa, @leeleesims1
(an * denotes a TSR link)
@enriques4 & @serenity-cc's Back to the 60s set is a must have for bright 60s basics to mix and match
@sentate & @trillyke's 1990s-themed 2020 Collab has pieces that are perfect for mod fashions
From babydoll to boho, Sentate's April 2021 Collection has it all for late 1960s & early 1970s looks alike
For some gorgeous turn of the decade looks, be sure to nab @ice-creamforbreakfast's Date Night Collection
Clothing & Footwear
Create more early 1960s looks with @gilded-ghosts Earth Angel dress!
I love @ridgeport's Birdie skirt as a mod mini! It comes in tons of colors & excellent patterns
amythesailor's Twiggy dress is full of fun patterns and colorways!
If you need something bright, @deathpoke1qa's 60's dress and matching go-go boots are the way to go
@simduction's blog is full of big fun retro hairstyles, but their Nancy, Peggy, & Beecky hairs are some of my favorites of the bunch.
@daylifesims also has a ton of fun picks, Shades of Cool, Hammer Horror, Heavy Bangs, & their Daphne and Fred Hairs are best suited for 60s style
@joshseoh's Blaire hair is cute and curly for a peppy 60s chick!
@feralpoodles' Monique & Monica Hairs are sleek and modish, they're perfect on their own or with some accessory bangs
Lets talk beehives. @ravensim's Terri Hair is loose and wavy, ridgeport's Fleur Hair is stacked and layered. @candysims4 has two beautiful beehives, Follow Me & the long and sleek Bee Hair.
@glimersims' Sugar Hair is an adorable flippy half-updo
A more 50's style like @birksche's Higher Twist Hair is perfect for your older sims
And @okruee's Bordeaux Hair is a wonderfully messy bun
Lets start the decade off strong with Gilded-Ghosts & @surely-sims' Perfect Party Set, which includes some gorgeous Build/Buy items as well (and BB could and should be a masterlist of its own..)
@joliebean & @clumsyalienn's Slavic Allure set lends itself perfectly to hippie and prairie style looks in a gorgeous Eastern-European inspired package.
On the topic of hippie, clumsyalienn's Heatwave Pack is perfect for all your free-spirited Sims
And so is serentiy-cc's Bohemian Child collection- that fur coat is a must have
Now for something bold and fun, straight out of Sears, ice-creamforbreakfast's 70s-inspired November 2022 set
Clothing & Footwear
@glumbut has never let me down with their Sonny and Dahlia jeans, and their Aroa top is recent favorite of mine
I love using ridgeport's Phia Suit for some good late-70s professional girl vibes
I've got some more feralpoodles hair for you, her Diana Hair is perfect for all your flower children & the layered and windswept Lara & Farrah hairs are straight out of the late 70s
And of course more ice-creamforbreakfast, another Fawcett-inspired look with their Farrah Flip, and their Milla Afro is a must have, whether you make vintage sims or not.
@simstrouble's Mirela hair also lends itself to a more subdued 70s style
And if you're looking for a long shag, @kamiiri's got you covered with their Phoebe Hair
Joliebean's 5th Avenue Conversion is great for both 80s business & 80s-does-40s looks.
@zombietrait's 80s Goth Pack is perfect for, well, trad goth looks. It's a must.
@dogsill's Upside Down Pack is full of great basics and rockin hair.
A multiparter, @aniraklova's Wild and Stylish 80s sets are over-the-top in the best way possible. Make sure to check out all 3 parts!
Clothing & Footwear
Now, it wouldn't be the 80s without some Wall Street goodness, and @quiddity-jones' Double-Breasted Suit is perfectly patterned for all of your business needs.
Part 2 of @jius-sims' Retro Collection is sweet and classic, perfect for the 80s housewife, or your girl-next-door.
@cooper322's Blondie Jacket is just so splendidly rocker-chic.
More from joliebean, their Ultraviolet & Daytona dresses are wonderful for all sorts of patterned & neon looks
joliebean's Beatrix Hair is a fun cropped style, it works for all sorts of fem looks, but I especially love it combined with a classic powersuit
@goamazons' Gloria Hair* is equally classy, and even bigger
Now, it wouldn't be the 80s without curly (often permed) looks, so here's some, ranging in volume. Goamazons' Floris Hair*, simstrouble's Beatrice Hair, & @softerhaze's Rhiannon Hair are all long styles with cute curly bangs. simstrouble's Eddie Hair is similar, works for both frames, and rocks a shaggier mullet-style.
@candysims4-ccfinds' Bonnie Hair is a shorter curled look with plenty of volume
Kamiiri's got two hairstyles I *love* for this decade, the Simone Hair is a full, long, curly style, and the Celine Hair is shoulder length with beachy curls and just the right amount of volume.
As hilarious as it is, ice-creamforbreakfasts' half of the My Wedding Trauma Set has some awesome pieces. The Kelly-Marie Hair works great for 80s looks, and the dresses involved are right out of the class of 1987's prom. It even has an Elvis-inspired jumpsuit. (Check out surley-sims' half for the matching sunglasses)
Clothing & Footwear
@melonsloth's Jolene Outfit is a wonderfully classic outwear piece
@casteru's Bodycon Wrap Dress is just that! It's simple and works great on 70s-80s ladies.
Jius-sims' Retro Collection has some great footwear as well, they're simple and classic enough for all sorts of decades looks
@hezzasims released some beautiful 50s-inspired pieces, though I think they work great in any decade!
daylifesims' Long Rose Petals hair is simple enough for any decade, though I particularly love it in the late 1970s & early 80s.
The same goes for simstrouble's Rhoda hair, it reminds me so much of my mom's when she was a teen in the 70s & 80s.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 3 months
Prompt for Frosie from 100 assorted prompts!! 2, 10, 11, 25, 32. Sorry if that’s too many but I was reading through them and I thought they would add up to be a cute little oneshot❤️❤️❤️
Thank you, Rachel!! I see the vision, and I raise you postwar domestic Rosenthal family 🙏🙏 PROMPT LIST
2 -> pyjama bottoms / 10 -> old playing cards / 11 -> chipped green nail polish
25 -> slept-in braids / 32 -> a tattered patchwork quilt
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Frankie woke with a groan, morning sunlight streaking in through the bedroom window as hairpins poked uncomfortably at her skull. It had been a long night of drinking and charming, stuck at one of Rosie's fancy lawyer dinners, her distaste of which she always downplayed for his sake. They had been so exhausted by the time they arrived home, that neither of them had quite managed to properly undress - Frankie's hair still pinned in its updo, although in a significantly less-dignified state after a night's sleep. Rosie had only had the energy to change his trousers, pyjama bottoms peeking out from beneath an expensive (and now horribly crumpled) dress shirt, the sight of which made her chuckle as he continued to doze quietly beside her.
Pushing herself upright, she sat cross-legged on the bed, hands raised to finally release her hair, scalp aching in all the places it had been relentlessly tugged at all night. Frankie grimaced, feeling one of the hairpins slip and gouge a chip into her nail polish as she tried to retrieve it, tossing the pins with a clatter onto the nightstand once she was done.
A sudden press of warmth against her back almost made her jump, turning to look at where Rosie was stirring, hand instinctively worming its way beneath her button-down to rub circles along her spine. "Mornin' honey," He mumbled, face still half-burrowed into the pillow.
"Good morning," Frankie hummed, leaning over to press a kiss to his temple. As she pulled away, he turned his head up to her, and with a faint chuckle, she leaned in to press her lips against his, a self-satisfied grin creasing his cheek. "Now get outta that shirt."
His brow raised with a teasing curve. "Is that an order?"
"Well, now it is. It's expensive, and I'm not ironing it for you."
"You don't iron my shirts anyway," Rosie chuckled, pushing himself up to sit as he fumbled with the buttons. She let out a huff of amusement, smiling as she began to untwine one of her braids.
Once he had discarded his shirt, Rosie took a deep breath, leaning across to rest his chin on Frankie's shoulder. "Y'know. It's a nice morning."
"It is," She agreed.
"And there's nowhere we gotta be."
She was catching on now, a chuckle lining her words as she spoke. "There isn't."
"Sooo, I was thinkin' we might as well just stay here," Rosie beamed. Frankie had begun to smirk, a hand on his cheek bringing his lips up to meet hers, only millimetres away when a sudden cry pierced the silence - and then another - infant wails echoing down the hall towards them.
She sighed. "Right. Well, I'm staying here - you go get 'em."
"On it," He nodded, stealing a quick kiss before sliding off the bed, the bedroom door creaking as he disappeared from the room.
The cries grew louder as Rosie slipped into the nursery, then steadily began to fade as he returned, tapering off into little more than a mournful whine as he pushed the bedroom door open again with his foot. "Here she comes," "There she is," They both cooed, voices overlapping as he stepped inside, the baby cradled in his arms, her little chubby legs dangling against his front as she squirmed in his grip, arms outstretched towards her mother. In one tiny hand, she had the corner of Frankie's old quilt held in a vice grip, having dragged it all the way from her crib.
"Hello Miss Maggie," Frankie beamed, taking the child in her arms as she gurgled and babbled away to herself, slotting perfectly into her mother's lap. Rosie climbed back into bed beside her, pressing a kiss to the almost invisible whisps of hair that covered Maggie's scalp. Not a sound of discontent had come from her since the moment she'd entered the room, utterly content now as she sat between them, wrapping a fat little hand around one of Frankie's fingers and she gently bobbed up and down on her knee.
"Y'know, a couple guys from your work invited me to play cards next Saturday," She spoke nonchalantly, gaze fixed on Maggie, absent-mindedly stroking her head with her free hand.
"They did? Oh, that's nice," Rosie smiled, bending over to fix the child's sock, which had twisted backwards in her sleep.
"Yeah, but I'm not gonna go."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't wanna spend my Saturday nights hangin' around with lawyers," Frankie chuckled, a teasing glint in her eye. "I already have to live with one."
"Oh, you poor thing," He groaned. "Just for that, I'm gonna make sure Maggie goes to law school when she's older."
She gasped. "Nuh-uh - she's got a legacy to protect!"
"A legacy of fixing cars?"
"Precisely," Frankie hummed, letting out a chuckle as Rosie leaned over to kiss her, grinning against his lips. "Now go get me a coffee will you, dear?"
"Yes ma'am," He nodded, pressing another kiss to her forehead and an identical peck to Maggie's, before pushing himself up from the bed, almost tripping on the hem of his pyjama trousers as he walked.
"Oh, by the way," She called. "Bucky's gonna be in town next week."
"Oh yeah? Should we ask him to babysit?"
They were both silent for a long moment, before simultaneously erupting in laughter at such a prospect.
"Yeah, funny," Frankie chuckled before suddenly sobering up. "No."
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