#Lady Clef r1999
fruityfroggy · 7 months
So…..just me testing the waters for posting about my r1999 OCs…..here’s their incantation card descriptions! (As a teaser maybe?)
This post and the format of it were inspired by @authorchia, so ty<3
(6* Star) Lady Clef:
“The night is young, so stay a while, darling. I’ll show you a night to remember.”
Kiss of Smoke (Attack): - "Catch it, before it's gone."
Deals 150% Mental DMG to 2 targets. Gains 1 stack of [The Coveted]. If a target was defeated by the caster in the previous round, this attack steals 1 Moxie from the target.
Melodic Entrance (Attack): - "Each melody envelops tightly."
1-target attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG and gives self a stack of [The Coveted]. If an enemy's HP is below 50%, additionally deals 40% Genesis DMG.
Glorious Closer (Ultimate): - "Let this sparkling bliss end your night, mon cheri."
Mass attack. Deals 700% Mental DMG. Purifies all [Stats Down], [Negative Status], and [Control] statuses from all allies, while dispelling all [Stats Up] and [Positive Status] statuses from all enemies.
[The Coveted]: If [The Coveted] is at 6 stacks, consumes all stacks and casts [Plaything] as an extra-action.
[Plaything]: Drains all Moxie from the enemy with highest amount of Moxie. If 2 enemies have the highest amount of Moxie, the effect goes to the one with highest HP, while inflicting [Bleed] on the other.
(6* Plant) Verdigris:
- “Hm? Oh, sorry. I didn’t notice you coming in. I lost track of time again…”
Sway With the Brambles (Attack): - "They're just excited to see you."
1*: 1-target attack. Deals 180% Reality DMG.
2*: 1-target debuff. Deals 200% Reality DMG. Inflicts [Seal] and [Failed Prototype] on the target for 2 rounds.
Upkeep (Health): - "Just some maintenance should do the trick."
Mass healing. Restores HP equal to 80% of the caster's attack to all allies. This healing effect gains an additional 40% Critical Rate; An additional 30% Critical Rate is given to a random DPS ally.
Staticize (Ultimate): - "The inanimate can be beautiful too. So don’t be afraid to be one of them. Frozen, unmoving, and motionless."
Mass attack. Deals 400% Reality DMG. If [Plant Fiber] is at 6 or more stacks, consumes 6 stacks and casts either [Sucessful Prototype] or [Fibrous Friend] (depending on circumstances).
[Plant Fiber]: Gain [Plant Fiber] when any team member actively uses a character incantation or when an ally takes an extra action.
[Failed Prototype]: The target’s Critical Resist -25 and is unable to score critical hits.
[Successful Prototype]: Critical Resist +25 and +40% Critical Rate for all allies. [Successful Prototype] is cast when more [Plant Fiber] are obtained from character incantations than extra actions.
[Fibrous Friend]: All DMG from enemy attacks deflect and redirect back onto the enemy team for one round. [Fibrous Friend] is cast when more [Plant Fiber] are obtained from extra actions than incantations.
If you have any questions about them, pls ask! I’ll be happy to post more about their lore if there’s anyone who's interested in learning more:) Okay byeee
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nonsensepond · 4 months
A little something something from my cranium flesh (clefurion edition)
People. People were gathered in clumps all around the spacious main area; talking, laughing, having a few drinks. Centurion scanned the clustered groups, trying to keep a somewhat lower profile. She didn’t feel like having idle chatter with any of the others here. Just a bunch of wealthy socialites she wanted nothing to do with.
She has to be here somewhere…
She remembers the first time she saw her at the casino. No one could’ve missed that woman with a presence like that. Her dark auburn hair obscures parts of her face like it’s hiding a secret she wants to tell you, the smile on her lips like a poisoned wine; intoxicating, with a certain undertone that could leave you laying in your own blood. Just one glance from her felt like a dagger against your skin, making such precise and calculated incisions into your flesh with each drag of her blade. She knew it was likely just a twisted rumour that the singer killed off her lovers, but she wouldn’t mind it if she tried to kill her. To have her life be sought after by a woman like that…a woman like that could easily do such a thing.
She’s played a couple rounds with Centurion before, but that just wasn’t enough. Just one game with that woman and she knew, she wanted to experience her. Experience everything she has to offer. It would be a luxury no money can buy. The psychological damage she could do to her leaves Centurion excited just thinking about it.
But Lady Clef: La Dame de la Nuit…she’s so unattainable, so unknowable. Her mysterious and…angular demeanour….the gambler found it thrilling just to talk to her. Their last conversation was from a year ago, she still thinks about it sometimes. “You’re a bit young to be pursuing me, don’t you think? Unless…it’s my reputation you’re after heheh~,” her words rung loud in her mind. She remembers that slight smirk on her lips when she said that; not a condescending smirk per se, but one as if she just challenged her to a competition. She’d let her kiss her just once at the time, so she made sure to take her sweet time with that kiss. Oh the taste of her lips…she’s craved it ever since.
That was a year ago. She’s grown now, right? Things can go differently this time. It’s not wrong anymore…right? Yes. Of course it is. Of course it is. This is just like any ordinary gamble at a casino. As long as she believes, the coin will do its thing. Last time was simply an…exception. It won’t happen again.
Suddenly, a familiar hue of red flashed by the corner of her eye, causing her to turn and look in its direction. Dark auburn hair headed in the direction of a dimmer lit corridor, with Centurion following as if by instinct.
Lady Clef stood in the darkened corridor, her hair still wavering slightly as her back faced the gambler. She held a glass of champagne, taking a long sip with grace. Her figure was still as magnetic as Centurion remembered so fondly. She wanted her hands all over each curve of that atom bomb of a woman. It felt like she was being teased with each slight shifting of her body.
“You’ve come back for me, lucky girl? You’d really do anything to have me, don’t you?~”
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nonsensepond · 4 months
My ocs’ sexual orientations, cuz why not:
Lady Clef: (problematic) bisexual
She fucks everyone nasty seduces and manipulates everyone, she doesn’t discriminate. Though she only has situationships with women. So maybe she does have a preference…
Verdigris: lesbian
It’s unclear whether she became a lesbian before her event story took place, or if hanging around Vertin and co. had made her realize some things about herself. But I like to think that she stopped being attracted to men around the time Victor started falling for her, for extra angst purposes. Both interpretations are good tho.
Pristine: ace demisexual pansexual
She doesn’t really know how to express love or affection yet, but she does feel it. Her situation is a lot more complicated than the other two, but she doesn’t really care as long as she likes someone. It’s a little hard to communicate with her at first, but she’s able to grow attached and fond of people if they spend enough time with her (this process happens faster if she finds the person interesting and/or if the person is consistently nice to her).
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fruityfroggy · 7 months
🧠and📖for both characters, perhaps? :3c
YAYYY I’m officially in the game :Dc
Okay, put on your reading hats, here goes nothing
Lady Clef:
🧠: What was their original character concept? Do they have any specific theming?
Lady Clef was originally just going to be a flirtatious nightclub singer (I was going for that flirty r1999 woman vibe, iykyk). But after a while, I decided to base her off of the femme fatale trope in film noir, with a bit of a twist (kinda like a Bonney situation). So now, she’s a cunning yet alluring nightclub and lounge singer with questionable intentions. But she always gets away with all the mind games she plays with her obsessed “minions”. Though some do mysteriously disappear without a trace……
📖: What would an event/story featuring them be like?
It’s a good thing I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while already! But basically, I was thinking an event based on the film noir genre (similar to 1.2 essentially), since it ties in her theming.
The event is called “Quilted Shadows, Golden Guile” (yes I named it) and the storyline focuses on the layers of deception that can form in the social circles of wealthy/high class people in order for personal goals to be achieved. Lady Clef is seen as the main antagonist of the event, when she’s actually a victim of the true villain too (she’s still not a good person though). Oh and spoilers: Tennant makes a cameo (cuz double the toxic yuri, double the fun)
Since Lady Clef is one of the event 6 stars, she has a character story game called “Smoke and Mirrors”, which is kind of her villain origin story, and a meaningful choices mini game where you try to gain fondness from the right people at a fancy social gathering as Lady Clef. Special cameo characters have special effects too! (Special characters are: Tennant, Centurion, and Ringmaster (the second event 6 star, I just didn’t feel like fleshing him out))
🧠: What was their original character concept? Do they have any specific theming?
Oh when I tell you I struggled when creating her. She was kind of a mess of different parts for a while, and I couldn’t figure out how her personality should be (all I could think of was “calm”, as a contrast to a canon character). But I eventually landed on the concept of a steampunk inventor who builds and creates new prosthetic/mechanical limbs for people. Her arcanum can create a special plant fiber that she incorporates into her inventions for elasticity and strength to the mechanical joints. Verdigris has also created these blobby critters called Dendrogues out of the same plant fiber to cure her loneliness.
📖: What would an event/story featuring them be like?
Even though I’ve pondered about this for Verdigris as well, I do have less of a clear concept when it comes to this one. The thought process is that she’s part of a story chapter since I had the thought of a specific angst between her and a childhood friend of hers where the “Storm” needs to be involved.
ANYWAYS, I was thinking maybe the storyline revolves around something to do with the arcanum in the woods near her home? The woods that bring back memories, better left in the depths of brambles. Yet an odd sense of comfort and serenity is felt by Verdigris here.
Though it might make more sense for it to have something to do with a historical event. Idk, I’ll think on that, cuz I don’t have any coherent enough ideas for it yet (there will be yuri tho, that’s all I know for sure).
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fruityfroggy · 4 months
💝 - How much effort do they put into appearances? Do they have a favorite article of clothing
about all of your reverse ocs
Lady Clef:
She most definitely puts quite a bit of effort into her appearance. She doesn’t necessarily need to, but she is a performer, so she has to look her best. Plus, she’s also out to seduce, to gaslight, gatekeep, and girlboss. So that adds to it as well. I’d say that Lady Clef’s i2 garment, which is this red satin dress, is likely her favourite article of clothing, because it’s what I like to call “her murder dress”. It’s the dress she committed her first murder in, the dress that gave her a taste for blood. It’s significant for sure.
Not that much effort…to her. Like, it’s just nothing special and fairly casual under the standards of her time period, but it’s technically a good amount of effort to look how she usually does (and she does look pretty put together). Favourite article of clothing for Verdigris would probably be her equipment belts. They’ve got the pockets to store all of her essential tools and what not, so she has them on hand when she’s out and about.
See, in Pristine’s case, she technically puts no effort into her appearance. But it’s in the sense that she doesn’t really need to change or get ready in any way. Unless she gets dirty from an outside source, hygiene is not a necessary thing for the unidentifiable creature she is (all she needs is a wipe-down with a damp cloth most of the time). But basically, she kinda just stays in the same clothes? She’s only ever worn one outfit her whole life, she probably doesn’t even understand the concept of wearing different clothes for anything ever. Pristine’s had her hair brushed during her “check ups” back in her Manus days, but she’s never been given a comb or hairbrush before. This would also mean that she wouldn’t have a favourite article of clothing.
Perhaps some of the suitcase members would dress her up in different clothes because of how doll-like she is. She wouldn’t mind it either.
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fruityfroggy · 7 months
📖 📞 and potentially 💕 for Lady Clef, i want to know about the toxic yuri event 👀
Hehe, the toxic yuri you say? There’s a couple spicy interesting dynamics there, I tell you what. We’ll get to that later…
(I’ll start calling Lady Clef by her real name, Madeleine Norvellaire, btw)
📞 : Are they associated with any canon characters? Who and why?
So, the thing is, the detective protagonist of the event, Gaëlle, associates Lady Clef with Manus Vindictae. And to be fair, she isn’t too unreasonable for this, since Norvellaire does know Arcana, and has even been invited to join her before. But, she declined that offer, which happened years ago.
The character she’s actually associated with is a man by the name of Ringmaster; Who, I suppose isn’t a canon character, but he fits as being associated with Madeleine a little better than Tennant and Centurion, who she’s simply friends with. I’ve very briefly mentioned Ringmaster before, but he’s essentially the owner of a famous circus and casino, and he’s helped Madeleine out of a sticky situation in her past.
I’m pretty sure I’ve done 📖 last time, but I can definitely expand on Lady Clef’s event a little more (if that’s what you meant). Last time, I ended off on her character story pretty quickly, so I’ll cover that this time.
So for Lady Clef’s character story, it reveals more about how her personality turned out this way, as her parents had a big influence on her thinking processes. Growing up in a family filled with deception and infidelity, she was simply a trophy that needed to stay pretty for the next beauty pageant; a source of pride who’s used like a drug. Her personality goes through a couple major shifts (fearfully obedient, to cold and jaded, to her current cunning self), which is shown in the different parts of the story. But hey! She went from being taken advantage of for her looks, to using her looks to take advantage of others! So good for her!
💕: Do you ship them with any characters, canon or otherwise? Who and why?
Okay, TOXIC YURI TIME! There’s three characters that Norvellaire is shipped with atm: (as you’ve probably guessed) Tennant, Centurion, and Gaëlle.
“You’re such a tease, my lady. Don’t you get tired of it?”
“If it means I get such priceless results, why would I waste the opportunity?”
So, let’s start with the double toxic yuri, cuz why not? Oh these two are complicated, but they were kinda meant to meet at some point, y’know? It’s a game recognizes game situation, where both Lady Clef and Tennant are just throwing their player tricks at each other to see who breaks first. Though, a major part of their dynamic is how Norvellaire likes to outsmart Tennant’s flirtatious lines to frustrate her, since she’s always so calm and polite “She can’t possibly play good forever.” They’re many things to each other (which will take too long to explain fully), but to put it very simply, they’re in a situationship, since they’ve kept each other around for way longer than their dozens of other lovers (To the point where they’ve kept track of some of each other’s lovers, just to ask about them like they’re pets or smth. It’s a whole thing).
“Aren’t you afraid I’m stealing your spotlight, darling?”
“No. I’m afraid you won’t steal more than that.”
Next up, we have Lady Clef’s other situationship, which is with Centurion. They know each other through fame and- well, being at Ringmaster’s casino (it’s a given). Norvellaire knows that she’d never win when playing against Centurion, so she only accepts one game with her (with a side of flirty banter) if she receives her enthusiastic invitation. And Norvellaire doesn’t even gamble that often, which essentially makes her attention a gamble on its own, which Centurion obviously likes. Yeah, that’s kind of their dynamic honestly. It’s a very confident chaser of a prize that never stays for long; And in that sense, Lady Clef is the kind of danger that Centurion craves.
“And why should I trust you?”
“You’re a sharp shooter, aren’t you? I’ll let you take a couple shots where it hurts…if I turn out a traitor. I promise I won’t even fight back.”
And lastly, we’ve got the classic detective x femme fatale, enemies to lovers film noir trope between Gaëlle and Lady Clef. In the main event, Lady Clef is Gaëlle’s top suspect for the case she’s working on. But, Lady Clef is still a big flirt, even in the face of a literal detective accusing her of crime…and it’s working? Yes, she’s made Gaëlle more hostile towards her, but she’s also made her start to question her entire being for finding her actions enticing and not knowing what to do about it (aka she gave Gaëlle the most confusing gay awakening of her life). Their dynamic is essentially the definition of this meme audio, where Gaëlle’s just over here like:”You…evil woman! You can’t just get away with…this!”, then proceeds to let her get away with exactly that. (They do join forces after a lot of push and pull tho)
(Now two of the playlists from this post makes a lot more sense, doesn’t it?)
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fruityfroggy · 6 months
I need to yap about my ocs so badly, so pls give me some asks about them or I might explode thx
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nonsensepond · 4 months
Not so fun fact about Lady Clef: Lady Clef has a complicated relationship with her real name (that ties into her complicated relationship with her inner child honestly). She only goes by her stage name (Lady Clef) and her last name (Norvellaire), but never by her first name (Madeleine). It’s practically a deadname to her. The reason for this is that she associates that name with her past and her past self, the trophy child Madeleine of the Norvellaires. She refuses to associate herself with her past.
(Yappadeedoodas under the cut)
But she hated being Madeleine, for that was the girl who had to be perfect for everyone and make everyone happy except for herself. And even with her efforts, they were always unhappy with something about her. It was an impossible task, yet they didn’t understand that. She got hurt no matter how hard she tried to fulfill how they wanted her to be. There was simply no right answer. But Lady Clef is a woman who learned the rules of the game, even if it meant that she had to be cruel like they were to her. Cruelty is nothing when everyone’s cheating their way across the board. She wasn’t frightful and obedient. She was the one who was feared, yet desired. She was the one who they wanted to please, yet nothing they do will be enough for her (or at least not for a long time).
She wants nothing to do with that girl, but she just can’t quite kill her. So she just lives locked up in the depths of her being. She’s tired of listening, but she won’t usually say a word if she tells her to stay quiet. Otherwise, she ignores her. It’s not like that’s anything new to her anyways. It doesn’t hurt as much when it’s habit. Plus, she did always prefer the solitude type punishments over the verbal and physical ones anyway. Suppose that’s just her own way of treating her a little better.
If anyone found out about her first name, and dared to use it, they were never seen again. The only people who still call her Madeleine are her parents, but she chooses not to talk to them much anymore. They treat her much better now that she’s famous, but that doesn’t really feel any better. She could have killed them off as well, but there’s too much that goes into that, and it requires a lot of interactions with them. It’s best if she just treats them as strangers.
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nonsensepond · 4 months
OUGH…Centurion enabling Lady Clef to murder more of her boytoys cuz she’s a jealous bitch like that (in this ship at least)
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nonsensepond · 5 months
Oc Ships Masterlist
Verdigris (wholesome yuri zone)
Lilygris - Lilya x Verdigris (main ship, implied yuri in event)
Medigris/Verdicine (Pocket) - Medicine Pocket x Verdigris (not implied, fuelled by interactions)
Verdikke/Digris - Dikke x Verdigris (rarepair, fuelled by minor interactions)
Toothigris - Tooth Fairy x Verdigris (rarepair, fuelled by minor interactions)
Throuple Ships:
Lilygris Pocket - Lilya x Verdigris x Medicine Pocket
Druvilygris - Druvis III x Lilya x Verdigris
Lady Clef (toxic yuri zone)
Clefant/Tennellaire - Tennant x Lady Clef (main ship overall, implied situationship)
Clefëlle - Gaëlle x Lady Clef (main ship of event, implied yuri)
Clefurion/Centurellaire - (implied situationship)
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nonsensepond · 5 months
"And why should I trust you? In fact, why should I trust anything that you’re saying?"
"Mmm...you're a sharp shooter, aren't you? I'll let you shoot a couple shots where it hurts...if I turn out a traitor. I promise I won't even fight back."
“…! You…are a sick woman. You know that?”
“Oh, why of course darling. My mind may be sick, but my brain works better than you’d think…much better.”
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nonsensepond · 5 months
She was sick and tired of that gorgeous…yet sinister face looking down at her, and distaste spelt itself across her face. “You…You’re here with ulterior motives, aren’t you?” Gaëlle spoke firmly. “Don’t think that I’ll fall for your tricks again. As my main suspect, you’re not helping your case at all. I can have you dead by tomorrow with the way you’ve been acting.”
It was a threatening gesture, truly. But not even the slightest sign of discomfort appeared in return. Contrarily, a sly and amused grin pulled at Lady Clef’s lips. But, her eyes filled with a look so sharp and rigid, it felt like a glistening shard of obsidian against her skin. Before the detective could even process it, a hand swiftly slid itself under her chin, grasping her jaws firmly, making her breath hitch.
“Are you sure about that, darling?” Her voice was slick with venom. Danger filled Gaëlle’s senses to a suffocating degree, but she found herself unable to speak.
“I wouldn’t say that if I were you. Not to a woman who can have you dead by tonight” Norvellaire continued. “Now, I’m simply here to give you an offer. But maybe I should put a good girl like you to bed instead. I’ll gladly make a change of plans for you~”
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nonsensepond · 4 months
OC Playlist Masterlist:
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Character/Event (related) Playlists:
“Sing with me, Spring Breeze. Dance with my branches and leaves.”
Lady Clef
“We’re all a part of this game of pretend, but we’re not children anymore, aren’t we? The rules have changed…”
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Ship Playlists:
- Lilygris -
I’ve been soaring so swiftly, til you came along. Now I’m falling through the clouds in your warm embrace.
- Medigris -
Let’s see where this goes…let’s see what we find in each other’s company…
- Verdikke -
A gift of friendship , but my heart begs to differ. My blood will spell the truth, if you’d accept my bloodied petals.
- Toothigris -
Love like lullabies under the covers. Please…stay a little longer…
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- Clefant -
Love is a game to the both of us, so let's test our skills, shall we?
- Clefurion -
A gamble I can’t resist, a danger I desire so carnally…
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nonsensepond · 4 months
Tennant: I'm the dom in this relationship
Lady Clef: Haha, tu es très drôle, mon cheri! Sit back down and stfu.
Tennant: I am sat.
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nonsensepond · 4 months
So giving Lady Clef a kitune alt garment, I’m just not drawing it. But we can think about it (^-^)
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nonsensepond · 4 months
Lady Clefcore songs be like:
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Hush - The Marías
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Breakfast - Dove Cameron
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APHRODITE - Ethan Gander
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Cirque - Sub Urban
I can’t believe I’m putting myself through this again but I’m going to draw her istg. She’s too cunty not to be drawn
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