This is the team from my Emerald Arc au
Laghan Brunswick:
His first name is derived from the Irish god of light. His last name is a shade of greenHe’s based on the story of Cu Chulainn
He has warm eyes like honey, tanned skin, auburn air, and wears warm greens and dark yellows
His weapon is a spear that has fire dust infused into it
His symbol is a spear with a wolfs head behind it
He’s a dog fanus with dog ears that are a little droopy
His family comes from the agricultural district in Vale. It’s just him and his mum because his father died shortly after Laghan’s birth
His father was a hunter before his death, hearing stories about all the people he protected is what pushed Laghan to attend Beacon
He has a strong desire to protect people and is very loyal to his allies
But he holds a strong grudge against anyone who crosses him or his friends
He likes to goof around a lot and has a general disregard for rules and this gets him in trouble with Ms. Goodwitch
His semblance allows him to see his opponents move before they act, however, he’s still training it and often misinterprets what he sees
Emerald Arc:
She is the adoptive sister of Jaune Arc and often acts as his defender or ward
She is thought to be based on Alladin or Cleopatra
We all know what Em looks like right?
She wears a lot of white and gold to match with the Arc family, but she has some deep greens here and there to add her own personal flair
Her weapon is two daggers on chains
Not a gun or infused with dust
She’s often questioned over her use of such a simple weapon
She’ll still kick most peoples asses
Her symbol is the same as in the original show
She’s loyal to Jaune to a fault but also her friends
She has a patent and understanding personality 
She’s a good student despite not having the best grades, her favorite class it is Professor Oobleck’s because she finds history interesting
Her semblance is empath, she is able to see what someone is feeling by touching them
Magnolia Lacus
Her first name is a cream shade as well as a flower that is white and sometimes has some pink in it. Her last name is the Latin version of the word lake
She is based on the Lady of the Lake in the legend of King Arthur 
She has very pale skin and dark blue hair that falls to her mid back. Her eyes are a beautiful crystal blue
Her clothes are mainly white with shades of blue, she wears a necklace around her neck that is a simple pink flower. It was a gift from her mother. She also wears heels all the time
Devil shoes!
She comes from the upper class in Vale. Her mother came from a wealthy family who made jewelry, and her father came from a well-known hunter family. The two met when they attended Beacon together and Magnolia has similar hopes for her time here
Magnolia is normally level-headed and calm, much like the calm water of a lake. However, many people seem to forget how destructive a lake can be. When needed she can be very violent and harm any who get in her way
Her weapon is a sword that uses mainly water dust, however, she has also been known to use the secondary types of steam and ice
Her symbol looks a lot like ripples in water along with a flower blossom in the middle
She’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of meeting her prince charming
Her sentence is the ability to see peoples potential. This is useful when deciding who to fight, making her the main strategist of her team
 Based on Enkidu from the Epic of Gilgamesh
He has dark skin and hair, and his eyes are a warm brown-red color much like terracotta clay.
He is a lion fanus and has the tail of a lion
He comes from Vacuo
While most view Nickle as they type of person to be brutish, immature, and an idiot due carefree and often rash nature he can actually be quite intelligent and gentlemanly when he wants to be
When Magnolia first discovered this she began to have a crush on him until he revealed he was already in a relationship
They’re soulmates
They’re based on Gilgamesh so they have to be
While he has a weapon, a spear that doubles as a gun, he prefers hand to hand combat and enjoys getting in his opponents personal space to mess with their head
His symbol is a pot with water flowing from it
His semblance is the ability to mimic anyone’s movements given he’s seen them for at least ten minutes
Team LEMN:
Emerald and Nickle are partners and Laghan and Magnolia are partners
When Emerald and Nickle bumped into each other she groaned because it means she’s not guaranteed to be with Jaune
Nickle was not amused by this reaction
“I’m not that horrible to look at am I?!”
Magnolia and Laghan’s first meeting was less annoyance filled as they helped each other not die to a grim, they had each other’s backs and have been closed since
Although Magnolia doesn’t view him as a possible love interest due to his disregard for rules
They are all very loyal people so if you hurt one of them they’re all coming for you!
Nickel’s partner attends Haven academy and he introduced his team to them when they came for the Vytal festival
During the festival Emerald experienced her first ever crush, that being on a boy called Mercury from haven
They danced together at the party in Vol2 and she was over the moon
Someone help her she’s got it bad. She’ll stay up all night thinking about him
Then the fall of Beacon happens and she’s heartbroken over his involvement
Her team is pissed
Magnolia likes to drag Emerald shopping with her, Emerald looks good in a lot of colors so she likes to try out different styles on her for reference
Magnolia has an interest in fashion design and uses Emerald as her muse
Nickle and Laghan like to cause trouble together. They pull pranks a lot and the girls have to get them out of trouble
That’s it for now. I might do some more but I’m not sure on what.
anyone got any ideas on what romances could happen, or just ideas hit me up
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improbablecarny · 5 years
The Best Good Parts of Moonglow
As according to me
(This was the first one of these I wrote but I’m updating it to match the format of the others.)
Hey-ho, it’s Moonglow - the latest (and some may say greatest) in the catalogue of charisma that is Avantasia.
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Storyline: Cast into a world of light, a lonely Homunculus tries to understand love and beauty, but always comes back to the comfort of the night and the moon.
Quick Notes:
We’re back to vaguery with the storyline this time, to the extent that there is no character list to accompany the cast (that I can find, anyways!)
This is the beginning of a two-parter, though most info on the second part is TBA.
Stream the entire thing on Youtube or Spotify!... Or else! :D
Ghost in the Moon
The literal first seconds of the song
when the choir comes in like DAAAARK FRAME A FIIIIRE
The first instrumental guitar thing (especially if you are on a train)
When the drums kick in at “tender loving all around”
They...teach..YOU love... they make you beLOOOOOOOOOOONG
Asking, wondering/look at me/waiting, prompting (scream-crying cat dot jpg)
Rise from the smoke and the fire from maniacal dreams
Crucible born and unseen
IN THE MOOONGLOOOOW *chorus goes nuts and so do I*
 Book of Shallows
Rise above confusion...AND LEVERAGE THE WEAAAK
All the freakshow references being on brand for yours truly as usual
The time signature change at the end of the chorus
Sudden Jorn!
M͚̯̤̳͉ͅͅIN̺͎̥͢E ͙̮͕́N̻͙OW͎̹̺̣̜ ̟S̤͍͓͖͎̹̮͘U̫͚̮͉Ḅ̵̻U͉̙R̗̯͇̻B͉͞I͎̲̻̦͕A̢ ̹T̸̪̥̳̹̱̪O̷̻͎͔ͅM̶̪̜̼̯O̺̼Ṟ̞̩̩R͈̟̥̟O̷̝̬̪̻͓W͢ ̟̺I͢T҉̩’͔͇̘͓̪͎S̬̰̲̫̘̘͟ ̵͓̞̻͉͓̯T҉̤̮̙̱̬̻̟H̗̗͍̝̦̼É̠̺͖͕̟̰̳ ̡̲N͚A̻͟T̸̳͍̬̰̱ͅͅI͙͜O͏̗̪̩̖̣̬̱O̙͙ON̷͔͔
In this...enchanted...magic night
This song is generally just nice it wasn’t surprising but it was nice
I like how the music video is clearly tobi standing in front of a green screen with no idea of what they will put on it in post
The Raven Child
This was the album’s first single. It’s 11 minutes long. That one was a funny conversation, so I hear.
The ENTIRE intro but especially
Jorn’s entrance
Jorn’s run at the chorus
The intro melody reprisal from “Light breeze in the crowns of the willows...” on until...
Jorn Scarecrow callback run
Literally whenever Ronnie flicks between clean and rough vocals
If only I’D burn out bEFORE I’d HIT the GROUND
Orphan star... shine on me...  🥺
Tinky dinky Danny Elfman bells solo
When Geoff really kicks in at “Shady recollections...”
The smoky quality to the instrumentals in the beginning verses
The first run at the chorus
The last run at the chorus
When those crunchy guitars start up at the beginning and it sounds like you’re being seduced by a frankenstein
The melody at “Refusing to adjust yourself to the flow“ is dead sexy period
We’d never dare to lie to you / you’re just spared the part of truth
That doesn’t make... any sense to you....
Piper at the Gates of Dawn
That main guitar melody is a tasty tasty salmon colour
Eric appears!
The entire vocalist tradeoff that starts at 3:41
“Get me outta here / take me away”  🥺 🥺
Weird theramin-sounding intro
The violin synth drop-in in the first verse
The chorus just every time
But especially when it changes to “wish I didn’t have to see now / what back then I didn’t see” crying cat jpg again
The plinky plonky guitar thing after the first chorus
Requiem for a Dream
That JUICY, JUICY bass solo
Kiske can definitely speak to whales
It’s Tobi Sammet and Eric Martin doing a Michael Sembello cover. the whole thing owns
but also they need to do the flashdance water bucket thing
(no I don’t care that that’s the wrong song. make it happen)
Bonus Track: Heart
It’s the emotions
Many have said it before but this could easily pass as a real Journey song
The vocal layering in the chorus is super cool
“I tried to run forevermore...in a LOOOOONELY charaaade”
an honourable mention goes to literally every other part of every song.
Cast List:
Tobias Sammet as ??? Jorn Lande as ??? Ronnie Atkins as ??? Geoff Tate as ??? Bob Catley as ??? Eric Martin as ??? Michael Kiske as ??? Candice Night as ??? Hansi Kursch as ??? Mille Petrozza as ???
...and I just want to give an additional shoutout to Adrienne Cowan, Ina Morgan and Herbie Laghans, who KILLED the live performances for the Moonglow world tour.
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odishaphotos · 3 years
Santali folk culture
Santali folk culture
The Santals are the third largest tribal people in India. They live mainly in Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Assam. In October, the Santals celebrate the city festival. During this time, the Santals worship the cows. The festival comes once a year. On that day, cows are worshiped because they help in the production of grain. They believe that it produces good crops.
Folk dance-- Santal society is based on an ancient civilization and a rich culture. There are many types of dancing in this society. For example, Dantana dance, Da dance, Lagene dance, Baha dance, Karam dance, Saharaya dance, Dahar dance, Singaraya dance. Different dances from the above dances take place at different times. Danta dances and Saharaya dances are performed mainly during Kali Puja. The dance is performed by people dancing outside. Outdoor dances are mainly performed at outdoor parties.
Folk music-- Music is a lifelong art. It promotes active human beings and the pursuit of fulfillment. Therefore, the daily connection of human life with music is divine. The folk songs of the Santali tribe include Laghane Geet, Da Geet, Baha Geet, Sauharaya Geet, Dasaya Geet, Dahar Geet, Bariat Geet and many more. The music of the Santal tribal community is called Santali music. It is mainly based on the culture, traditions, origins, etc. of the Santal tribes. It is also a means of entertaining people. Santal people like to sing and dance. Like other nationalities, their music has reached the mainstream of Indian music. But the traditional music of the past has not yet reached the mainstream. Santal music is a little different from Hindustani music. A lot of people are researching it. The tradition of the Santals uses the two main musical instruments in the last song, namely tobacco and tum-dai.
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misneachdalba · 6 years
Dh’fhoillsich Misneachd ‘Plana Radaigeach airson na Gàidhlig’ aig a’ Mhòd ann an Dùn Omhain san Dàmhair 2018. Tha am pàipear seo a’ mothachadh gu bheil a’ Ghàidhlig a’ lagachadh gu luath mar chànan coimhearsnachd, agus a’ cumail a-mach nach eil an Riaghaltas agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ toirt aire gu leòr dhan ghnothach.
’S e tha fa-near do Mhisneachd leis a’ ‘Phlana Radaigeach’ freagairt bhreithneachail, ach cuideachail, a thoirt dhan treas Plana Cànain Nàiseanta Gàidhlig (2018–2023), a chaidh fhoillseachadh anns a’ Ghiblean 2018 fo chumhaichean Achd na Gàidhlig (2005).
Nuair a thàinig am Plana Nàiseanta a-mach, ’s e cùis iomagain a bh’ ann nach tug luchd-poileataigs agus buidhnean Gàidhlig luaidh air rannsachadh a tha a’ sealltainn staing na Gàidhlig ann an coimhearsnachdan anns na h-eileanan, leithid aithisg air Siabost, Leòdhas, a chaidh a dhèanamh airson Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus fhoillseachadh ann an 2011.
Sheall an aithisg seo gu robh lagachadh mòr air tighinn air toirt seachad na Gàidhlig dhan ath ghinealach, agus gun robh i air a h‑àite chall mar phrìomh chànan na coimhearsnachd. Is dòcha gu bheil seo fìor mu na h‑Eileanan an Iar san fharsaingeachd, mar a tha rannsachadh eile gus sealltainn a dh’aithghearr.
B’ e na prìomh mholaidhean ann an aithisg Shiaboist dà-chànanachas uile-choitcheann  a bhrosnachadh gus am biodh cothrom aig a h-uile duine anns an sgìre pàirt a ghabhail tro Ghàidhlig ann an tachartasan, coinneamhan is beatha na coimhearsnachd uile gu lèir. Bhiodh seo air a choileanadh le barrachd taic do theaghlaichean le Gàidhlig, goireasan agus maoineachadh na b’ fheàrr airson Gàidhlig a theagasg do dh’inbhich, agus le bhith a’ toirt a-steach foghlam tro Ghàidhlig airson a h-uile pàiste anns na prìomh choimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig, gus nach biodh pàiste sam bith a’ call a’ chothroim a’ bhuannachd chultarail is eacanomaigeach chudromach seo bhith aca.
’S e cùis bhròin a th’ ann nach eil buaidh nam molaidhean seo ri fhaicinn anns a’ Phlana Nàiseanta ùr.
Tha Misneachd a’ gabhail molaidhean aithisg Shiaboist mar thoiseach-tòiseachaidh, ag argamaid gu bheil e riatanach na coimhearsnachdan anns na h‑eileanan a neartachadh ma tha prìomh phoileasaidhean eile, mar leudachadh foghlam tro Ghàidhlig agus craoladh, gu bhith seasmhach ann an Alba air fad.Tha am ‘Plana Radaigeach’ ag aithneachadh gum biodh suim airgid nach bu bheag a bharrachd bhon riaghaltas a dhìth airson na h‑amasan seo choileanadh. Ge-tà b’ urrainnear poileasaidhean a th’ ann mar-thà mar siostam nam planaichean Gàidhlig agus sruthan maoineachaidh a th’ ann an-dràsta chur gu feum nas èifeachdaiche cuideachd.
Tha Misneachd a’ dèanamh ceangal làidir eadar brosnachadh na Gàidhlig agus cùisean nas fharsainge a thaobh ceartas sòisealta agus cumhachd a thoirt seachad do choimhearsnachdan a chaidh iomallachadh. Tha e cudromach crìoch a chur air poileasaidhean cronail a thaobh nua-libearalas, teannas, meadhanachadh, laghan fearainn seann-fhasanta agus poileasaidhean taigheadais mì-fhreagarrach ma thathar gus coimhearsnachdan ath-bheòthachadh, agus a’ Ghàidhlig leotha.
A bharrachd air ceumannan fada nas làidire bho riaghaltas nàiseanta is ionadail is buidhnean eile, tha am ‘Plana Radaigeach’ ag aithneachadh gu bheil iomairtean aig ìre an t‑sluaigh le beachdan adhartach a dhìth airson an còmhradh mun cuairt air a’ Ghàidhlig atharrachadh, agus airson poileasaidhean oifigeil agus ìrean maoineachaidh a leasachadh aig a’ cheann thall.
Chaidh am ‘Plana Radaigeach’ a thaisbeanadh is a dheasbaireachd ann an sreath thachartasan air an cur air dòigh le Misneachd ann an Dùn Omhain airson am Mòd 2018 a chomharrachadh.
Leughaibh am Plana an-seo!
PDF ri fhaighinn an-seo!
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dontcoveryourears · 7 years
J. Wiltshire - Laghan Pux
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Team LEMN fighting styles
His weapon is a long spear that can be used with fire dust. When the dust is used the spear is engulfed by a flame in the air as it is thrown
He has a tunnel-vision style of fighting, focusing on one enemy at once. This is common among the users of spears due to the weapon requiring a deep focus
This makes him an easy opponent when he is alone as someone can easily sneak up on him
He sometimes uses tactics that aren’t considered fair, using trickery and deception in order to gain the upper hand
Using her daggers and chain she has a large area of attack
She’s very aware of her surroundings and is not easily snuck up on
However, her weapons are easy to doge if you learn to read her as they are hard to change the direction of when they are thrown
She is excellent at reading body language and uses this in battle where she can
Magnolia’s weapon is a sword infused with dust, water being her main focus and steam and ice being used as a secondary
While she is normally very honorable in battle, using her own ability over anything else, her teammates use of deception has rubbed off on her and she has been known to use sexuality and beauty to gain an upper hand in the direst situations. If ever confronted she will deny it
She is the slowest in the group due to her determination to wear heels during battle, causing her to have trouble running
But her balance is amazing because of this
While he also uses a spear he is far less tunnel-visioned than the group’s leader. His spear doubles as a gun but is often carried on his back due to his preference for hand to hand combat
He is highly intelligent and very aware of how people view him due to his large size and uses this to his advantage. He will get close to his opponent and study their movements with the use of his semblence before using their own movements against them. He has also been known to coordinate with his team and distract their opponents in battle while Magnolia or Emerald sneak up on them from behind
He enjoys diverting peoples attention and can be very cunning when a situation calls for it
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improbablecarny · 5 years
The Best Good Parts of Ghostlights
As according to me
The second half of the story that began with The Mystery of Time, Ghostlights is a promise of similar bombast, excitement, and generally killer music that sure ghosts my lights. ... Is that anything? No? Whatever. Let’s get on to the part we all actually care about:
The spooky skeletons.
Or, you know, the music:
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Storyline: The Antiquarian’s shop has burned down, the little clock is as enigmatic as ever, and Aaron Blackwell realizes that the scientists he’s found himself entangled with are really a cult set on controlling the passage of time... and the minds of all at its mercy.
Quick Notes:
Character name changes! The Nobleman is now the Magician, the Antiquarian is now the Mystic (I think he’s the same dude, anyway).
The story is a little harder to follow now, as we’ve done away with the journal entries. However, there’s still a good amount of character interaction, you can suss out a thing or two. What do you think?
There isn’t as much orchestration this time, but the trend of cool, time-themed sound design continues, so keep an ear open.
You know the drill. Official playlist. Stuff it in your earholes.
Mystery of a Blood Red Rose
The Meatloafification is complete. Literally: this song was written for Meat Loaf, who ended up passing on it despite initial positive reception. Ah, well.
This is also the song entered to Eurovision, putting Avantasia in the running to become the German representative. They did not win. Ah, well.
Those points aside, this song really rules. It’s upbeat, catchy, and has a lot going for it.
...”while the HOUR DON’T WAIT FOR A BLINK TO CRAM THE PAST” (yes!... what?)
“BOY REACH OUT FOR WHAT IS DUE!” legiterally thought was Bob Catley. Was Tobi. A+
Let the Storm Descend Upon You
Big dramatic piece, soaring and mysterious with multiple vocalists... including the return of Jorn Lande as a spirit known as “Temptation”, or as I like to think of him, “Stupid Sexy Satan”.
“Light... breathe and sleep tight...” fakeout prechorus getting me hyped
“It may be your vault... NOW IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!”
“Oh that’s where I’ve been too... there’s nothing but a void over the sanity of foooools!”
Now the CHORUS FOR REAL: bright, almost gospel-esque 🤘😩🤘
“LIGHT... bring me the LIGHT!”
“I will bring uncertainty on a silver plate / like a mantlepiece / I will wipe out darkness!”
The “and I Will Make You Mine” lines first sung by Jorn and then Ronnie are both so wickedly ominous I love it
I said the chorus was fantastic in general but there’s something in particular about the last couple lines that musically always makes me go bonkers
“For all the world will see it... tower to the stars...” Ronnie’s ACTING
“Let the storm descend upon me / let aurora fall upon me!” AARON...
Jorn does a Jorn thing, it’s badass, so it goes
The whole thing is badass, really.
The Haunting
Look out, Dee Snider is a spooky ghost on our next Sinister Theatrical Evil Guy song!
Again nailing the atmosphere. This is a “running through my mansion halls in a nightrobe holding a candlestick wailing as I’m chased by ghosts” song
S̺͚͙L̯̕E̞̞̼͙̤͝E̗P̟̖̣̟̣̝͉ TI͎G͖̥̭̦͈͉H̤̙̫̤͞ͅT̹͍̫͘ ̧̪͔̥͈S̫͕̱̼͖̮̞O̙̱̥͚̠͎͉M̤̥͔͠E̵̫̗͓̝O͙N̩̫̲E̞̯̱̩̞̣̟’͖S̵̺͖ ̺͍̼́A̖L̜̪WA͡Y͇̫͓̩̟̺͘S̝͇̬͇̟ ҉͓̘͍̯̣̗B͕͇̪͍̥͓͉̀Y͓̭̹͢ ̴Y̼O̰̥̯̭̻͍̖͠U͚̪̭̬̯R̘ ͈S͏̗̣̖̻͈̖̤I̸͎͎̟DͅE̮̺͍̠͙
“Don’t you waste your time to try / and understand this figment of the night” + crazy cool background instrumentals
This song is like if the Trans Siberian Orchestra’s thing was Halloween instead of Christmas
S̱͔̤̟̹̺͞W҉̭E̜̲̟̱̹͇ͅE͓̝̙͖ͅT̟̭ ̲͚̥̩͖͙͍D͔Ṛ̴͖̗̠E̬͝A̭͚M̖ͅS̴̪̲̙ͅ ̱̲͙̼̤S̲͎̖͈̝Ę̜̼̞̠̳̠͖E͙ ̺̗͎̞̞͍̫Y̛͖̭͔̠̭̜O̧̭̫͓̖͖̦U̘̯͘ ̳̦̼̯̘͉͝IN҉͔ ̡̥̯̥̳T̵͇͚͈̻̺H̶̫E̛̖ ̝̪̤̘T͚W̭I̛̼̦̣̘͉L̖̬̳̱̘̱IG̦͇̣̟͕̯H̤̱͎̦̳̝T ̜͕̻Z̠͍̣̩̥O͓̖̹̪̖͖ͅN̦͙̩̥͓͘E̷͓͓̬̮ͅ
😱: God I must contain my wayward fantasy!
👻👻👻: AHHH Ahhhh ahhh!
“I’m the spark they refuse to conceive...” DRAMATIC PIANO
Seduction of Decay
Hello, Geoff Tate. Welcome to Avantasia!
Cool instrumentation!
“You... m̠̻͉A̴̟Ý̳͖͍̱ ͍̦͠N͏̣̮O͇̘͕͖͈͘T̨̞̫ ̼̹̖̮͕̺F̞̩̼͇̯͓͎É͉̫͖È͖̞͎͇L͇̥͚̯̲ ҉̰I̘̰̪̪͓͖̱T͎̱͕̩ ”
This is a slower-paced one but it’s cool to chill out to when you’re in the right mood.
Wait, we’re four songs in, it must be time for: the Michael Kiske power metal anthem!
“I don’t know if I’m right or wrong! I don’t know if I shall go on!”
“MINDS fly FREE when the gates fly open! Walk on through...”
“GHOSTlights DANCE will you HEED the TOKEN??? Blaaazing LIGHT...”
Time signature changes in the chorus... whew
“Fireworks surround me... wherever they GO THEY TELL ME always home!”
Sudden Jorn!
Draconian Love
You shed draconian love, you shed draconian love 🎶
Taking a hard turn into goth with Herbie Laghans, revealing to the world that he has a deep liquid chocolate voice apparently
“Tell me how should I embrace? / Like roses we’ll wither on the vine” 👀
The whole “infiltrate us with mercy” verse is Big Sexy
“Of an unbred cause / an unborn will / whatever THAT MAY MEEEEEEAAAAANN”
The last chorus and pre-chorus? Yes???
Seriously, does Herbie sing like this anywhere else ever?... Can he do it more?
Master of the Pendulum
There wasn’t a Sinister Theatrical Evil Guy song on TMoT so Ghostlights gets two
This one has Nightwish’s Marco Hietala, being crazy good at being a Sinister Theatrical Evil Guy (Ronnie also slays it in live performances)
SUPER cool atmosphere, the Watchmaker is wild.
Catchiest chorus EVER
“That’s WHO I AM! I’m the MASTER of THESE haaaands...!”
“I feel your breath on my neck / I feel you behind my back / and as I’m turning around there’s just this frightening sound” 😱😱😱
“I feel it EVERYWHERE... oh I KNOW that you’re there....” 🕯👀
Alternating vocalists on the second run at the chorus!
The interlude with all the clocks ticking argh it’s SO COOL! SO COOL!! STOP BEING SO COOL!
Isle of Evermore
Sharon den Adel is here, it’s a sad ballad.
I like the weird quality to this one. The electronic quality to it reminds me of the intro to Savior in the Clockwork as well, it seems to be a way of representing dreamscapes in this duology, which is interesting.
Float away on Sharon’s voice... sail away through that opening door...
Babylon Vampyres
“A lot of good advice nobody’s keeping for themselves!” is a mood.
“The future ahead is not what it used to be” Tobi keeps using that line and it wrecks my shit every time
AND no one can tell... if we’ve been for real...”
Tobi and Rob’s tradeoff
The “Ever since I could remember...” passage
Beautiful mournful ballad, intense emotion, will melt some faces
Jorn as the embodiment of temptation is nothing new after The Wicked Trilogy but I think it’s interesting how his character takes a sympathetic turn in this one
“Morning star embrace me on these grounds” the plaintive desperation... INTO it
He WILL Take You Home Tonight
“I’ll make you fume with fury and rage / I’ll make you see what you’re made of tonight” 🤘😏
Unchain the Light
That intro sounds like revving machinery. MUSICAL PICTURES. Have I said “this is SO COOL” enough yet?
The Kiske/Ronnie/Tobi tradeoff chorus is DIVINE
The second verse... I LOVE this character! Jesus CHRIST!
The “you look above to see inside yourself / and find time standing still” part... Aaron’s character turn...
“You turn this moment into what you think it ought to be / DEMYSTIFY THE DAAAAARK”
Great energetic climax. Just. 😭
A Restless Heart and Obsidian Skies
UGH THIS SONG. Again closing the album on a Bob Catley note, but this one is not 10 minutes long for once.
Beautiful beautiful denouement. 😭
The part after the first verse in the instrumental when you can hear time restart 😭😭😭
“Tender feet on stony ground” 🥺
“Sacred heart will you usher me now” 🥺🥺
The whole-ass chorus
“Wake to the SHADOWWW OF A DREAM / NOTHING’S what it seems!” 🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Ghostlights and matter / you know what is real / perception and facts all the same / truth’s what you feel” 🥺🥺😭😭
The whole “and the wind and the rain...” part
This song kills me based on what I think is happening in the story, the atmosphere, the melody, the everything
Cloudy’s “WE’RE UNDER OBSIDIAN SKIIIIEES” rip in the outro chorus 🤯
Bonus Track: Wake Up to the Moon
For a little bit of reference, I have “Wayward child / Wake up to the moon” tattooed to my leg.
This is a bonus track that seems to work as a thematically-related-but-out-of-character credits song, and yet is ALSO a sneaky Moonglow prologue! 💫
The driving melody in the verses... the continual Tobi/Jorn/Kiske/Ronnie/Bob tradeoff... 10/10
“Strange and magic, hear us CAAAAALL YOUR NAME” is a GOOD melody
And there we have it. The end... or the beginning? The past, or the future, or the present itself? Whatever it is, it’s fucking awesome. Thanks for hitching a ride with me, and see you next time!
Cast List:
Tobias Sammet as Aaron Blackwell Jorn Lande as Temptation Michael Kiske as The Mystic Ronnie Atkins as The Magician Robert Mason as Scientist I Geoff Tate as Scientist II Herbie Laghans as Eclipse Dee Snider as Nightmare  Marco Hietala as The Watchmaker Sharon den Adel as Muse Bob Catley as Epiphany
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improbablecarny · 2 years
did herbie laghans EVER record vocals like he did in draconian love again or did he just hit us with that and dip
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