#Lamia bitties
kevinzhechair · 5 months
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Lil snek Dust x Lust, such goobers
Edit: Gave them names. The Dust lamia is Dustie, and the Lust one is Lover (Yes I know I'm very creative)
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vex-bittys · 2 months
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*I just wanted to let my followers know that there are still other active bitty blogs out there. If you have an active blog and want to be added to the list (or know of other active bitty blogs), let me know!
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@dumplingsspookysweeties has adoptable bitties and scenarios/asks are open!
@fantasy-fields-bitty-center is an active bitty blog with bittybones available for adoption! Make sure to check out the masterpost to see everything they have to offer!
@himesbittycenter is another active bitty blog offering Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk bitties as well as Cult of the Lamb, Rainworld, and original bitties!
@jayedshifter has active bitty adoptions at their Golden Den Bitty Center! Go check it out; there are Undertale and Invader Zim bitties!
@blacksheepbittybones is also active! They offer Asriel, Muffet, Undyne, and Alphys bitties!
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ilexlio · 2 years
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I love these noodley bois
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venelona · 1 year
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Commissions for @rainbowmoonmaiden86 💖💕 Thank you so much for commissioning me! 💖✨
Lockfell Sans (Tag) by me/ @lockfell
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Got a new art book for chrismas, and I was asking some of my friends what to draw in it first, only using the colored pens that came with it, the first request was to do my fav bitty, which is the Firerings, or lamia grillby bitties from @vex-bittys so I did and...
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I love them so much, but they also look a bit demonic lol, but I love them so much! So I was wondering if Vex could give me a matchup scenario with them.
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I'm thinking they are more goth or punk, and like making food and drinks with fake bones or little ornaments or something on them. I imagine they came out looking more like horrortale grillby, but not all the way cuz they aren't one, so they are sad cuz owners are less likely to get them cuz they look kinda scary, and their fire burns higher and looks more wild than others', I'll also probably draw the rest of their body at some point.
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bluemoonbitties · 7 months
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Bubbles | AquaNettles in General
● AquaNettles are an aquatic bitty that can also live on land! They have smooth bodies and can actually be very slippery!
● These bitties come in only one color but they can change their bodies to perfectly match water becoming almost invisible when in a tank or even taking a bath.
● AquaNettles are timid normally and take time to get used to you give them two weeks to settle in and they will be the best companions!
● These bitties are omivors mostly eating fish and plants a favorite being seeweed. Do not give them anything spicy it can make them very sick.
● If you keep these guys in a tank please make sure it is at least twelve gallons of water with a place the can crawl out of the water. They need plenty of room to swim and somewhere to come out and eat.
● AquaNettles love water sports! Get them things to dive after and bring back to you. Cold water is a must they do not do well if the water gets too warm.
● These guys don't do well with lamia bitties if not introduced properly as they are fearful of them. If you own a lamia bitty and are interested in an AquaNettle let them interact while in seperate tanks and slowly introduce them over a period of a few weeks.
● AquaNettles are very social if you plan on leaving them home alone often perhaps this bitty isn't the best choice for you! However getting two aquanettles or having another bitty around will keep them calm and happy.
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Been a bit since I did an update. Rueben got into the Honey
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Rueben is a Honey-Bo Lamia from @vex-bittys
Go check them out!
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itty-bitty-mess · 1 year
Pip was a little pygmy lamia and, like almost every individual of his breed, he was quite the ungrateful brat. He had been adopted from the bitty adoption center and then returned by his previous owner who had spoiled him rotten, making him believe he was the most important thing in the world and that everything had to revolve around him. His brattiness had gotten so bad, that his previous owner returned him without a second thought despite the little pygmy’s empty “apologies”, a futile attempt to not lose the luxurious and comfortable lifestyle he had been so accustomed to.
One day, a young woman entered the establishment in looks for a small companion who could add some sort of excitement into her life. Pip’s eyes landed on that woman and he immediately got to work to be as “cute” and “charming” as possible, playing up the “widdle baby” act as much as he could. Trying to charm his way into a new home and back into his beloved comfortable lifestyle. The woman wasn’t entirely convinced on Pip at first, but after a “cute” tantrum full of crying blue tears and puppy dog eyes, she ended up adopting him with a simple shrug.
Pip was over the moon once he arrived to his new home, slithering everywhere, exploring every corner of the small apartment, calling dibs on the places he would soon mark as his property. The woman or, as he began calling her, “Mommy” didnt really seem that bothered by Pip’s behavior. When night arrived, she prepared him a small makeshift bed with an empty shoebox and some tissue paper and socks. Pip straight up refused to sleep in the box, demanding Mommy to let him sleep on her bed instead.
“Eh, im not doing that but if you don’t want the bed then suit yourself” Mommy said with a shrug as she picked up the makeshift bed and put it on the closet. “But I gotta tell you the floor gets really cold at night and I tend to lock my door.” Pip was a little taken aback by her reaction. He had expected her to beg him to sleep on the box, or to comply and let him sleep on her bed. He tried throwing another tantrum, this time trying to be clear about what he wanted.
“WAAAAHH!! BUT MOMMY I DONT WANT A STINKY BOX, I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU!!!! IM SCARED OF THE DARK!!!!” Pip cried, his fake little tears and screams falling on uncaring, deaf ears.
The woman just shrugged and responded with a “sucks to be you, buddy” and went to her room. Pip followed her and tried slithering as fast as he could to slip into the bedroom before she locked the door but all he managed to do was hit his face straight into the hard metal door. She had entered and immediately locked the door shut, and Pip was way too big to slip through the gap between the door and the floor.
But he wasn’t gonna give up so easily! He started banging on the door nonstop, his tiny gloved hands barely managing to make any noise against the metal door. He tried screaming, directly demanding Mommy to let him in immediately. But what Pip didn’t know was that she was wearing sound proof headphones, allowing her to have a good night’s sleep. He ended up sleeping on the cold, hard floor, trembling and shaking with tears of rage in his eyes. This wasn’t over yet, he was gonna make Mommy’s life a living nightmare and she would have no option but to treat him like the king he was.
From that day onwards, Pip tried almost every trick on the book to make Mommy do what he wanted. He started pissing and pooping on her clothes to “teach her a lesson”, but she simply shrugged and said “Cool, I was gonna throw those old rags away anyways”. Whenever she fed him “cheap and disgusting” Bitty Kibble, he would throw the little food bowl back at her but his aim was so pathetic that he barely managed to flip the bowl. He tried stealing her food which only caused him severe food poisoning because the idiot stole and ate a moldy piece of bread that was many years past its expiration date.
He demanded Mommy to buy him a control remote car and other expensive toys but she just threw a crumpled paper ball on his direction as said “There, play with that instead lol”. He threw constant tantrums but she completely ignored him or just didn’t seem to care enough. Even when he had planned on scratching or biting her, his pathetic and useless little fangs and his weak little “claws” did absolutely no damage
He even tried stealing Mommy’s phone and trying to break up with her boyfriend through text. However, the boyfriend could tell that wasn’t how his girlfriend texted, he could tell that it was Pip by the terrible grammar and childish word usage so he sent Pip graphic images of bitty gore which deeply traumatised him. He told Mommy about this, hoping that maybe she would craddle him on her arms to comfort him but all she did was laugh at him. Pip felt humiliated, he couldnt believe she didn’t even comfort him or tried to pamper him after such a horrible thing!
Tears welled up in his little eyes and he went to the corner to fake cry again, looking behind his back every few minutes hoping to see Mommy looking back at him with a guilty expression, but all he saw was she had left for work again. This wasn’t fair! How could Mommy not care about him! He was Pip, the great and magnificet pygmy! The most specialest lamia of all, who deserved all the love and attention in the world!
Pip suddenly got an idea, he was gonna go to Mommy’s workplace and demand her, in front of everyone, to give him what he wanted, like fancy human food, expensive toys, a shiny new bandana and to let him sleep on her bed! Mommy could sleep on the floor if she wanted! Perhaps he could even make up some lies about him being “abused” and “neglected” to ruin her reputation with her colleagues. Yes! That was a great idea! Mommy would surely listen to him if he isolated her from everyone! Pip was sooooo smart!
Pip spent the entire night planning how he would take his plan into action. The next day, when Mommy left for work once again, he swiftly slipped through the closing gap of the door, trying to no be seen by her. Then, he silently slipped into her car and hid there, standing as still and silent as possible while she drove. Then she finally arrived to her workplace and entered the huge, shiny office building. Oh, this was Pip’s chance! This was gonna be so good!
He got off the car and slithered around, following silently behind Mommy, he was waiting for the perfect oportunity to strike and humiliate her. However, as they entered the building, Pip was immediately greeted with a massive crowd of people walking in all directions like busy bees in a hive. It was overwhelming and loud for the little lamia and, in a moment of disorientation, he lost sight of Mommy!
He panicked and looked in all directions, slithering through the squeaky clean, polished floor and trying his best to dodge the passerby. He tried screaming and calling out to Mommy, surely she would hear him and go to his rescue! Mommy would never abandon such an important lamia like Pip! Surely Mommy would show up and sweep the little lamia in her arms and take him to a warm and cozy bed full of toys and yummy food like he deserved!
However, his squeaky little yells were drowned out by the constant noise of the office building. People calling out each other’s names, machines working and beeping nonstop, loud clicking of keyboards, etc. All louder than Pip’s weak little voice. Pip tried moving through the crowd, and soon he spotted a stranger who had stopped walking to watch their phone. He got an idea and tried making a “cute” teary eyed expression as he approached the stranger, knowing that his cuteness would be enough to capture the stranger’s attention and get them to help him.
“UM.. EXCUSE ME, IM WOST AND TOO WIDDLE TO MOVE THROUGH THIS CWOWD. CAN YOU HELP ME FIND MY MOMMY PWEASE?” Pip said, pouting and about to start fake crying again. But the stranger didnt seem to hear him. Instead, they started to walk back to their office.
“WH- UM, EXCUSE ME?? HELLO??? DID YOU EVEN HEAR ME???? IM A WIDDLE LAMIA AND I NEED HELP!!! ARE YOU DEAF?? HEWWO!!!” Pip yelled, the baby act completely dropped as he was ignored. He was extremely angry so he raised his voice, damaging his throat a little but continuing regardless. “I AM PIP, THE GREATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT PYGMY IN THE WORLD!! HOW CAN YOU NOT HEAR-“
And then another person immediately walked by and “unintentionally” kicked Pip on the rib, breaking it and sending him flying all the way across the lobby, making him hit his head against the marble floor. Pip laid there against the wall, in too much pain and complete shock, trying to process what had happened. Never in his life had Pip gotten harmed before, his previous owner was always so careful and caring, making sure he was always safe and protected. He had never known pain until that moment.
Little blue tears fell from Pip’s eyes, the difference this time was that they were genuine and not fake. He wanted to go back to his first home, where his owner gave him a whole human king-sized bed just for him. Where Pip could cheerfully slither across the long table full of all kinds of delicious food and pick what he wanted whenever he wanted. Where Pip had an entire miniature theme park just for him to play in. He regretted being so ungrateful, he regretted pissing and pooping everywhere to get his previous owner’s attention, he regretted rippin apart his previous owner’s nice chairs and couches whenever he threw a tantrum, he regretted interrupting others and yelling and manipulating his previous owner to get his way, he regretted insulting his previous owner multiple times and calling them horrible things.
Pip started crying, sobbing even. He regretted everything he did and how much of an unbearable brat he had been. He wanted his comfortable life back. He wanted to feel pampered and like the center of everything again. He tried screaming, calling out to Mommy again, he desperately needed her to hold him or at least pat his back or something. But nothing happened. So despite the pain of his now cracked skull and broken rib, Pip pushed himself up and tried slithering around again. Calling out to Mommy and crying non stop, not caring about the ammount of snot that now dripped from his nose cavity.
As he slithered around, Pip didn’t watch where he was going and another person walked by and harmed him. This time, they stepped on his tail, causing the internal tail bone to shatter and the ecto-flesh to rip open, beginning to bleed. Pip let out a loud, ear piercing scream, hugging his tail in pain as he curled up into a fetal position. Then another person walked by and kicked Pip once again, the force of the kick itself caused another couple of ribs to break. Pip could not stop screaming, the pain was too unbearable for him.
Even with his damaged tail, Pip tried dragging his body across the floor, trying to escape the crowd. But another pair of seemingly giant feet crushed his little arms. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!”. He screeched, but the person responsible for it kept walking as if nothing had happened. He tried using his body and his tail to push himself forward but another couple of people walked by, kicking him around between them as if he was a pingpong ball. Every time he tried getting out of the crowd, people would suddenly walk by and either step on him or kick him back to the center of it all. Tears fell from his eyes as he recieved another kick, then another, and so on.
He cried, he screamed, he yelled as loud as he could. Maybe if he was loud enough, people would realize he was there and maybe even help him. But no, nobody cared and they continued on with their day. Now, compared to the treatment he was used to, Pip felt insignificant. He was no longer “The Great and Amazing Pip, The Specialest Pygmy Of The Entire World!”, he was just a worthless little thing, lost in an office building, getting kicked around as if he was nothing but trash.
Finally, Pip caught a glimpse of Mommy in the distance, she was talking with another woman as she held a cup of coffee and a clipboard. Tears of joy formed on Pip’s eyes. Maybe this nightmare would finally be over! Maybe if he screamed loud enough, Mommy would recognize his voice and immediately go to his rescue!
With anticipation and hope in his eyes, Pip took a huge chunk of air and prepared to let out the yell of his life. But life had other plans as a woman walked in. She was wearing tall heels, clicking and clacking against the floor. Without a care in the world, she walked by and interrupted Pip mid-yell as she stepped on his spine. Pip felt the sharpest and strongest pain of his life coursing through his entire body. He wanted to screech in pain but he couldn’t, he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t scream, he couldn’t move the lower half of his body…
Tears fell from his eyes, panic surged through his body as he saw Mommy about to ride the elevator. He used his broken arms and tried dragging himself in her direction with all the strength he had left despite the immense, agonizing pain he felt.
“MoMmy- Mo- ahk! moMmy! hElp mE! It hUrtS.. HURTS! HELP! MO-“ but Pip couldn’t even finish his sentence as a floor scrubber passed by. Polishing and sweeping the floor and picking up Pip along the way. The little pygmy was trapped alongside the dust and trash. Pip could feel everything despite being unable to move. He felt his tiny little body being ripped apart and crushed piece by piece. His arms were first, then his tail, then finally his torso and head detached and nothing but dusty, bloody remains mixed with garbage and dirt were left.
When Mommy returned home that afternoon, she didn’t seem surprised that Pip was nowhere to be found. Instead of panicking or worrying, Mommy just shrugged and started to put away the groceries. Maybe Pip had slipped out and died as he fell from the window, or a stray cat got inside and ripped him apart. Whatever had happened to Pip, Mommy didn’t really care, she had better things to do and she had already been considering returning Pip back to the adoption center anyways.
And so, with another bitty gone, life on the big city continued, for nobody would care about an insignificant and worthless little bitty.
The End.
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kevinzhechair · 5 months
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Izz for meeee
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vex-bittys · 3 months
How would the various lamia react to someone with a severe resting bitch face? Like…they look murderous, but that’s just their face when they’re not emoting?
*Of course the lamias try not to judge people by their looks, but sometimes it's hard not to be sensitive if someone is giving you a murderous look!
Papython (UT!Papyrus): if you're feeling murderous maybe you need a hug!
Corny (UT!Sans): will try a joke to see if he can make you laugh
Krait (Gaster): perceived disapproval makes him very nervous, thinks you dislike him
FireRing (Grillby): being mute, he relies on expression and may think a person with resting bitch face is unfriendly
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): relucant to trust anyone, especially someone who is giving him a murderous look
Pygmy (US!Sans): too busy zooming and playing to worry about facial expressions
King (UF!Papyrus): as a lamia with resting bitch face, he's not bothered by it
Coral (UF!Sans): very sensitive to people having negative feelings towards him, will likely be grumpy and standoffish
Chain (SF!Papyrus): senses SOULs and uses that to gauge character rather than facial expression
Mamba (SF!Sans): thinks the expression is fierce, approves of it
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tails-and-scales · 2 years
Dreamtale Lamia
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Nightmare lamia bitty
Venom causes clotting in the blood that takes hold quick, venom is almost more like an ooze instead of liquid
12-18 inches long
 6 inches ‘standing’
 5-7 pounds
Has a very notable scale color, the top scales are a deep purple while the belly is a dark cyan, on the back of the lamia’s tail is a large, light purple crescent moon
 Prefers to be around his owner and the select few he trusts
*Warning* This bitty is easily influenced by negativity and can corrupt, becoming feral if one is not careful. Handle with extreme care, especially if there is a Lumen bitty that is being mistreated or if you mistreat the Nocturne Bitty. Nocturne is much like Lumen in the way he gives off a slight negative aura in a manner like Nightmare, but having the brothers together is the easiest way to combat any issues
Feral Nocturne  (Note that these are not offered if it can be helped)
Reacts violently when provoked 
More likely to bite
Is easier to provoke without his twin close by
Secrets his venom through his scales and over his bones to give the goopy appearance 
Can be ‘reverted’ from his feral form by time with his twin, must be left alone for a few days for the Lumen to calm and comfort 
Will not easily trust after being soothed from his ‘feral state’
Scales will turn black with a violet Moon, and the underbelly will be a vibrant cyan
Has four tentacles on his back that he will use to constrict prey 
Dream lamia bitty
*Produced an antivenom to Nocturne’s venom
* 9-15 inches long
* 5 inches ‘standing’
*4-6 pounds
*Has a notable deep golden scale color on his tail with a pale yellow belly, and depending on how the lamia is treated/the amount of negativity he has to 'combat’ some of his scales may darken to black. On his back is a very notable yellow-orange sun marking.
*He’s rather energetic and playful, enjoying being around Ink and Swap!Sans bitties. He does enjoy being around Nocturne due to the family bond between them.
*Warning* This bitty is a lot like Dream in the way of he does give off a positive aura, these bitties do try to help but are oft taken advantage of. Be careful if you plan to try and take advantage of them, as if they have a Nocturne nearby, the Nocturne will attack. They do not like being separated from the Nocturne they hatched with, and can be very despondent for a fair while, even with other bitties
NOTE: It is best to adopt these lamia together due to the venom/antivenom correlation. And if the are adopted separately, do try to keep in touch with the person who got the other sibling to arrange playdates, the lamia do not like being separated
Dreamtale belongs to Joku
Art by @calmchapsart
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Lamia bitty: Og type
Name: Starlight
Species: Various pythons and boas,
Size: 8 - 12 inches tall, 2 - 3 feet total(Mini), 2 - 4 feet tall, 5 - 10 feet total(Fullsized), 5 - 7 feet tall, 12 - 18 feet total(Bara)
Venom: No
Personality: Sweet, caring, emotional,
Likes: Their soul bond, games, larger households,
Dislikes: Not being around their soul bond, being alone,
Compatibility: They vary slightly based on what snake they are, like more arboreal snakes like tree pythons like to be up higher, for a more extreme example,
These bitties don't mind going anywhere as long as they have a friend or their soul bond! While they prefer bigger households they can easily handle it just being them and their soul bond!
They very a lot in personality, so it's hard to say much about their type as a whole, hell, they even very in visible gender(some look more fem, others more masc, others not exactly either), and personality wise they can very from angsty or territorial to lazy or aloof, though they always care about their soul bond!
Feeding habits: These bitties vary greatly in what they like to eat! So it's hard to say! Though as Lamias they do tend to like meat!
Additional info: Starlights are soul bond types! They link your soul so you can have a better idea of what you are feeling!
Zone: N/A, [[Inside]],
In Universe: They are seen as sweethearts and perfect for almost anyone!
Difficulty: Beginner
Features: Varies a good bit but more human-like on their upper half!
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Commission for @under-art-reblogs of their sona with @vex-bittys Chain and King lamias 💕 This was so much fun to draw! Thank you again ✨
Commission me!
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shadows-bitty-fun · 2 years
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What could be better than the sun shining, most of the bitties away to some corner to have a quiet moment, hot chocolate for anyone who wishes to grab some... And two little noodles, playing on the ground under careful watch of either their parents or their uncle who is very careful in watching them!
That is.... Until he isn't.... And the little wiggly noodles see something... For not being very old, the twins are rather fast at moving. And still small enough to have... Many.... Hiding places...
Oh dear!
(Just a little something for now! I wanna get back to sharing stories with all my lovely bitties as well as the twins, and I hope to be able to do just that! But, for now, have the twins playing in a ray of sun!)
(Chain Lamia's are by @vex-bittys do go check them out. Also babies are not asleep this time, some squeals can be let out ;) )
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bluemoonbitties · 3 months
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Spark | Electric Blues in General
● Electric Blues are a variant of the Baby Blue bitty and share many of the same traits.
✨ Extra Baby Blue Info: Baby Blues, these are some of the most wholesome bitties, helping is their favorite thing to do, especially when it comes to cooking, though, the most they can do is hand you stuff that you need, pets are no problem, he will cuddle them, and if course, loves to help you take care of them.
● They are mostly canivorous but like fruit for snacks feed them tacos! They will love you forever either way but tacos are a favorite. You can also used fruit for training.
● He is very energetic, and loves it when you carry him or put him in your pocket/breast pocket while jogging or going for a walk, he is a bitty (heheheheh) of a neat freak, and having a constantly clean house makes him most comfortable. If you make him a bitty sized taco, he will be more than happy, he loves being pet, and he would rather sleep with you at night, if he gets sad or upset, hold him while petting him, if he ever starts to cry, tell him some reassuring words, again, petting him and hold him to your chest, by your soul, if he needs some alone time, you should put him in a slightly cracked open cupboard, or in a slightly open drawer, certain places will become his hideout if he gets overwhelmed, when you first get your Blue, he is the least shy out of my bitties here, and won't hesitate to give you and your family an immediate hug, and is one of the easiest to bond with, he won't mind if you are gone for a few days, if he's on his own, he is very good at taking care of himself, but make sure to leave him food, don't let him cook on his own, or you might just come home to a burnt down house, and possibly, a small pile of dust inside
● He will eat off of your plate, and will sometimes offer to feed you, he likes it when you read him bedtime stories. He won't hesitate to berate you if you aren't taking care of yourself, because if he gets attached to you, he will do anything he can to protect you, but it normally ends up with you protecting him. He does pretty good with other bitties, especially if it's an Inky, a Dreamy, or an Error.
● HE CAN PRODUCE ELECTRICITY He will use this to protect himself amd they aren't little zaps either they can do major damage!
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selkiesbittybonanza · 2 years
I have a question, would there be a way for a Dreads and a Rattler to get along?
Absolutely! Rattlers won’t admit it, but they like to be lorded-over by someone.
A Dread is a good choice because your Rattler will become his gatekeeper, protector and architect! He’ll want to build splendid traps to keep everyone safe and protected.
And what Dread would say no to such a zealous minion?
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