Voltron Fic Idea: Opaline
Set during the time where Keith was the black paladin.
Voltron had been invited to a planet they had previously saved from Galran control for a ball. They were asked to arrive a few days earlier than when the ball would occur, so they did. The locals seemed nice enough, welcoming them like one would welcome their savior and what not. However, they seemed to have a preference among the paladins. They adored Pidge and Keith for their ability, while they were mostly neutral towards Hunk, Allura, and Coran. But as for Lance, they treated him as if he were just dirt on the bottoms of their shoes.
No matter how poorly the locals treated Lance, the team couldn't see it. The locals were practically geniuses when it came to keeping things on the down low while still having an impact on their target.
The ball finally arrived, and the team attended. They mingled with the locals, discovering that only the highest classes of people on the planet were in attendance (think nobles and royalty). In the center of the ballroom sat a large ornate well of some sort, filled to the brim with a bright shimmering liquid that seemed to shift colours with the light. The team noticed, however, that none of the locals entered about a 3 meter radius of it and when asked what it was they managed to veer the conversation away from the topic smoothly and without raising red flags.
Eventually, the ballroom dancing began. The paladins danced well, Lance in particular danced like he was born for it. Each of them were constantly changing partners throughout the dance but were able to see each other for most of it. Soon enough, Lance vanished. Nobody thought anything of it until the music stopped and all the locals immediately turned towards the well in the center of the ballroom. Where Lance was being cornered by multiple guards, all with weapons out and ready, should Lance prove to be violent. The guards backed Lance up until his heels hit the edge of the well and then pushed him. Lance vanished beneath the surface of the shimmering liquid.
The team was furious and about to attack when the planet's leader spoke up and talked to them. They informed the team that the well in the center of the room was filled to the brim with liquid quintessence.
If you choose to write with this, you can finish it however you like but my idea was that Lance would be fished out of the well and the first thing everyone notices are his eyes, which would have become like beautiful opals (hence the title). Enjoy!
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ewkeith · 2 years
Chapters: 3/3
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Additional Tags: Lance (Voltron)-centric, Lance (Voltron) Angst, Langst, Major Character Injury, References to Depression, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Suicidal Ideation, Team as Family, Kidnapping, Torture, Near Death Experiences, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Mild Language, Hurt/Comfort
 Lance had known something bad was going to happen from the second they arrived. There was something about the way the inhabitants of Oyhiri had looked at them when they landed, like they were nothing but a bunch of kids with glorified toys at their disposal. 
Their upturned noses as they took in the lions with a sort of that's it? expression. It had been enough to fill Lance's heart with this sinking dread until it was heavy enough to drop into his stomach.
The Oyhirian's were a hostile species, sporting sharp horns that curled above their heads, smooth lilac skin, and pitch black eyes. They were stunning in a way that had nothing to do with their features and everything to do with the fear they instilled in you. They were not known for showing any sort of kindness to others, but rather for their ruthless hostility that had prevented any alliances being formed on their own soil for thousands of years. 
At least until now. To the Oyhirian's, Zarkon was nothing but a thorn in their side. Which, in Lance's opinion, said a lot about them. They didn't see the Galra as the danger that they were, and the paladins had come, hoping to open their eyes to the threat that was staring them directly in the face. If they could get the Oyhirian's to join the Voltron Coalition, then they were adding another solid force that would solidify their chances of defeating Zarkon when it was finally time to take the fight to him. 
Unfortunately, they were not being easily persuaded... 
They had been on this planet for what felt like an eternity and they were no closer to convincing Gagn, the leader of this planet, to join their forces. He had an argument ready for each statement they made, and it was obvious to everyone present that this negotiation was going nowhere. Lance just wanted to go. Get out of there while they still could. His heart was beating steadily against his chest, that feeling of unrest that wouldn't shake. Their confidence was unwavering in words, but in reality, it was a thin veil between uncertainty and optimism.
"With your help, our forces would grow undeniably stronger," Shiro was saying, "We would be just that much closer to being prepared to take this fight to Zarkon,"
Gagn seemed to consider this with a slow nod. He sat at the head of a large table where they had escorted the paladins to upon their arrival.
"But not close enough, hm?" He said with a cruel sort of twitch to his lips. Lance sucked in a breath. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. It was bad enough when he heard the civilian Oyhrian's make snide remarks about how 'underwhelming' the paladins were as they walked past, now they were getting it from their ruler...
"We're stronger in numbers. With all our forces unified it would guarantee our success. We don't want to go in there with any doubts," Shiro countered calmly, but Lance had spent enough time on these diplomatic missions to see the tight line set to Shiro's jaw, to see the slight twitch of his brow, and he knew their leader was at his breaking point just like the rest of them. Gagn nodded again.
 "So you do have doubts then?" Lance rubbed his temple and judging by the looks of his friend's face's he wasn't the only one who'd had enough. Keith was glaring so hard that Lance thought he was going to pop a vein soon. Hunk was looking at Lance with a can you believe this guy? look on his face. Pidge's face was slowly turning a deep shade of red... "Where do these doubts lie? Your fellow paladins? Lack of skill?" Gagn continued.
 "We have no doubts in any member of our team," Allura cut in sharpy, "Our paladins were chosen for a reason, and they all contribute greatly to the cause."
"All of them?" Gagn questioned, eyes moving to all of them. They landed on Lance, and Lance quickly averted his gaze. There was something unsettling about Gagn. his dark eyes seemed like they could see into the inner workings of Lance's soul and he hated every part of it. Gagn hummed a laugh, and when Lance looked up, he saw Gagn's gaze still fixed on him. He swallowed a lump rising in his throat. Maybe Gagn was right to question the skill of the paladins... 
After all, they were a bunch of kids... Weren't they just kidding themselves that they would be the ones to take down Zarkon? Maybe the Oyhirian's were just seeing them for exactly what they were. 
"Yes, all of them," Allura said, pulling Lance from his thoughts.  "We don't have any doubts in them. We just want to be cautious. Zarkon has ruled for ten thousand years. We need to rally all the forces we can to take back what's ours."
"Well, that is something I can agree with. If you are to take down Zarkon, you will need all the help you can get," Gagn said, "I feel confident that we will be able to reach some sort of agreement." He said snapped his fingers at a few guards and made an intricate signal to them before standing. "Now please, join me in the gallery and we can draw up a contract."Lance exchanged glances with everyone. 
This was the last thing he'd been expecting to hear. But still, Lance was just glad that the hard part was over. He stood, along with his teammates and made to follow Gagn out to the gallery. Lance was just a few paces behind his friends when he noticed that someone was standing very close to him. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed that three of the servants had closed in around him.
"Make one sound, and we slaughter you all right now," one of them whispered in his ear.
 "What-!" A hand clamped over Lance's mouth and nose, an acrid smell assaulting his nostrils. Then two more had his arms pinned against his chest as he was grabbed around the torso. He fought, twisting, and bucking to get rid of the weight of their hands. He stared at the backs of his friends, willing them silently to turn around, to see what was happening, to help him. Lance stood there, wriggling with a last attempt to break free, but the Oyhirian's held on tight, their claw-like fingernails digging in and refusing to let go no matter which way Lance twisted. Horrified, Lance saw the giant doors shut behind them, and then the world around him started to tilt and blur, until the room in front of him was nothing but a kaleidoscope of colours, fading into black.
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callmelyc · 8 months
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This is a Lance based on a langst/slow burn klance au where he goes undercover and gains a second scar right over his pre-existing one.
So the gist of this au is that Lance is sent alone to attempt to investigate a partial lead on a massive druid energy harvesting operation. No one else they've sent in has managed to get in deep enough but they note that all the ppl who do (none affiliated with the coalition) have scars that the Queen on this planet favors.
One such scar is a back scar which Lance just so happens to have and they send him as a tourist to see if it gains attention. It does and he ends up deep undercover alone and with no contact. During his stay he quickly gains the queens favor as his back scar mirrors one on her favorite gods from her home planet, the god of freedom Asteus.
This god gave up his freedom (his wings thus the back scar) so that their people could gain eternity so she grows possessive of lance, thinks his freedom is hers to harvest.
She starts calling him by the name Asteus and brands his back taking not only his voice (so he can't share any information he's learned) but his freedom and life energy.
The brand is a tracker, a seal, and a quintessence drain. Lance is unable to escape alone and has all the information the coalition needs to save millions.
He's freed by the aid of two others also trapped by the queen (two that were too weak to take the same brand) and Keith holds lance close as the brand is removed through the silent scream and tears.
It scars though and lance hates it, he won't look at it, has lost confidence bc of it. He has lost parts of himself to the trauma. It's Keith that helps him learn to heal, it's Keith that helps him as a support and helps him learn to be empowered again by not concealing the scar as it continues to fade.
Keith gifts Lance jewelery made of gold to drape across his back to help him feel beautiful again To help him feel free (bc it's his choice to wear or show the scar with pride and the gold helps lance see that he doesn't have to fear it anymore, bc he is safe)
Dark ik but it's a very dramatic au like the word doc for it has 5k words of just info in it. It's a mystery mostly but with the added langst (and slow burn kl) there's so much more to it but this scene wouldn't leave my head so I drew it
A gift of love and care that lance wears as he learns to heal again. I will be writing it one day but it's still in the planning phases.
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danceylancey · 1 year
Shiro being guarded around Lance, less open and quicker to trigger or set off. Shiro never gets angry or rude to him, but he shuts down and doesn’t give him the same soft patience as the others. It’s Keith who figured out why and one day he goes to Lance and explains who Adam is. Lance and Adam don’t look very similar, but the way Lance jokes and laughs is so close it gave Keith whiplash the first time he heard it. He doesn’t mean to be and it’s not his fault, but Lance is a walking reminder of what Shiro lost. Lance eventually talks to the older man about it and finds out that Adam actually adored Lance and talked about him all the time, making it even more difficult to distance the two from one another. Lance, whose had a big family and knows lose in both a spiritual and physical sense, helps him and shows him understanding.
He doesn’t mention the pain the feels at Shiro only liking him because he reminds him of someone else.
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dampkiiwi · 2 years
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= Dragon Lance Full Drawing =
This whole piece is a mess tbh, I didnt even do lineart and ended up just using my messy sketch, I started highlights before I was even done the sketch, I never even finished the sketch *cough* left hand *cough*, and just didnt add things I was thinking about.
Nonetheless I’m still proud of it and hope you guys enjoy it too :)
I tried to make a more water-like theme with blues and greens and kinda used the yellow/gold as a slight reference to sand 🧍‍♂️ I also tried to add a bubbly design on the spine (??? Idk what to call it) of the dragon. Tbh this was just a fun drawing I decided to start during physiology classes that I should’ve been paying attention to 🕺
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f1squirrelie · 2 months
Doing F1 because I have no other personality at present, but I hate how Lance’s Judaism is glossed over in a lot of his fandom representation. It’s only mentioned if it’s a plot point or it’s just not mentioned at all. I know that fandom representation is inherently different from Lance the Actual Person, but I just wish that there would be more care shown regarding his faith, the way that people would talk about the drivers’ nationalities. I also know that Jewish communities can vary in a lot of ways, but I do wish people could acknowledge that Lance grew up at least conversational in Yiddish and actually I just want people to acknowledge his faith in a positive way or just at all
Also Christmas in July is an annoyance and I hate it
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klanced · 2 years
PLEASE elaborate on how Lance affected the ao3 tags
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Keep in mind that these are only some of the Lance-specific tags. There was so much #langst content that people began tagging specific tropes 😭😭😭
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meowdy-all · 7 months
Yall im UPSET! There are nearly 3k fics for Bones (TV) on ao3, and i can't fund any on Booth! We have Sweets centric and Bones Centric, hell even ZACK centric fics, but i can't find any on our favorite badass sniper!!
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LOOK AT HIM!! There's so much to do with his character! Abused as a child? Give him angst. Ex Army Ranger? Give him Trauma. He's literally a main character, and we dont have more on him? Why dint yall LIKE HIM?? I Love Him! He's great! He's sassy!
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I just want a good LENGTHY fic centered on him.
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pitconfirm · 2 months
hear me out lance/fernando feel better sex ft. checo
I’m assuming you mean a threesome but the way you wrote this made me imagine nando and lance having make up sex while checo just sits across the room and observes wistfully
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rileyh20 · 5 months
What's the longest fanfic you've ever read?
I'll go first
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icypantherwrites · 6 months
Fic Update: Here, Chapter Four
“He is planning something.”
Shiro was not the only one who turned to look at Coran, who was watching the monitor screen where Lance was now tipping the bowl of food goo and using two fingers to shovel it into his mouth, a heavy set to his face.
“He is planning something,” Coran repeated quietly, turning away from the screen. 
“What do you mean, Coran?” Allura frowned. 
“I felt it,” Coran’s hand lifted to press against his heart and Shiro’s eyes widened.
That’s right.
Coran had told him before that between his orange colored quintessence and the fact he was Altean he had the ability to read emotions.
And he…
He thought that…?
“He is still scared and confused,” Coran said, “make no mistake those are the forefront emotions he is projecting. But when I made mention that more food goo would be provided there was a flicker there. A flicker,” Coran’s expression was grim, “of not just focus but of killing intent.”
“An ambush,” Keith said bluntly, arms crossed.
Coran nodded. “I fear the same. He has made the realization that for food to be brought in a person will need to accompany it. And with that realization he has no doubt concluded therein lies his chance for not just to escape, but,” Coran swallowed, “to complete his mission.”
Which, given the events that occurred on Zlato, they could figure out what that was.
To kill them.
“He doesn’t have a weapon,” Pidge pointed out. 
“And there’s the cuffs,” Hunk added, even as his gaze flicked back and forth, hands nestled inside one another. “They’d, they’d stop him.”
“They will stall him,” Shiro said quietly. “But they won’t stop him.”
He knew that better than anyone.
He’d fought Lance three times now and all three times…
He’d lost.
Lance was beyond dangerous and despite the fact he had no real weapons at his disposal that would not stop him.  He was a trained assassin and if he had moved on from the mindset of being a trapped prisoner then it meant he was contemplating his mission and how to finish it. 
And that tenacity, Shiro knew, was not just from the conditioning. Lance didn’t give up and it was a trait the Galra had no doubt twisted for their own use. 
“So we don’t give him the chance,” Keith said. 
Read it here
Here Summary: [Third and final part to the Sniper trilogy] Voltron has rescued Lance but the person with them now is not the same boy they once knew. Even outside the Galrans’ influence Lance believes himself to be Sniper, an assassin to the Galra Empire with his final mission to eliminate Voltron. It’s going to be a long, difficult journey that they know won’t end even when Lance does remember them as then he’ll also remember all of the horrors he committed as Sniper and have to come to terms with what he did. But they do know they’ll be there for him every step of the way because Lance was gone, he’s been found and now he’s here, with his space family, to stay.
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What if: when Lance was revived by Allura instead of it just being a singular event that bore no further consequences (other than trauma) to Lance, his quintessence was screwed up?
(So, quintessence. The essence of all life, energy and vitality. Certain species are more in tune with quintessence and are able to control and interact with it. This includes Alteans. There is a limited amount of quintessence within everything. This amount dictates the lifespan of the creature. The longer the lifespan, the greater the quintessence held within them, and the less likely they are to succumb to injuries and illness.)
When Lance was brought back, instead of his quintessence remaining stored within his body 24/7 with no regeneration or leakage, the containment type thing was broken. Quintessence is constantly ebbing in and out of his very being. His lifespan is greatly increased to near immortality, at times the quintessence flow can greatly weaken to the point where his body may collapse, and he gains the ability to manipulate it to his will. However, this ability does not come without danger. To use this ability he must widen the flow, allowing more quintessence to leave and enter him. This makes him extremely unstable and susceptible to collapse and quintessence overflow or quintessence deficiency.
Quintessence Overflow: when the amount of quintessence within an entity far exceeds the physical limitations of its being. This can cause emotional instability, susceptibility to illness and injury, spontaneous injury, high risk of poor moral choices (such as murder, arson, thievery, etc), increase of negative thoughts, etc.
Scientific explanation: human brains create and release chemicals responsible for maintaining and creating emotions. Quintessence, while it is an energy outside of most physical limitations, effects the chemical and hormone releasing cells in the brain. If there is too little quintessence it may cause the brain to attempt to fill in the gaps by releasing excessive chemicals including serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. Resulting in manic episodes of pure euphoria, and a loss of inhibitions. However, if there is too much quintessence the brain may try to create more room for it by releasing less chemicals than is healthy. Resulting in depression, self-loathing, an increase in murderous/suicidal thoughts, and more illegal tendencies.
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callmelyc · 4 months
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Decided to make the julance prompts this year since I noticed the usual prompt people are off living their best lives (happy for them Fr they deserve it) so here's one for the fandom to utilize for our boy lance during July 💪
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danceylancey · 2 years
I imagine Lance and Hunks meeting was like this
Lance, first day at the garrison: I don’t want a annoying roommate! I need someone cool and funny, like a total badass with like cool scars or something!
Hunk: *trips over a plant and apologises profusely*
Lance: I want that one.
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dampkiiwi · 2 years
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AIGHT BUT FR I NEED HELP ON WHAT TO ADD TO IT BEFORE I CONTINUE, like idk the part of the dragons body on the left looks pretty bland (though it could be cause I’m not done) and idk what other colours I could add, more blues? Purples???? Idk???? OR JUST SUGGEST SOME DESIGN IDEAS ETC, PLEASE 🧎‍♂️ head empty rn
Ignore his left arm ✋lmaooo
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ronihilator · 12 days
writers block has me fucked up because it doesnt put my creative inspo on pause. wdym i have an in detail, world built, fully fleshed out story in my head but the second i sit down to write? open that doc? i wanna tear my jaw off and cry because WHATTHEFUCKK
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