#Land Grabbing
awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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hicginewsagency · 4 months
M7 Directs Probe into Land Grabbing in Buganda
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duncangabi · 5 months
SEZ and Land Grabbing in PNG
Land grabbing is a complex issue that has become a significant concern in developing countries, including Papua New Guinea (PNG). In PNG, land is typically held under customary tenure, with ownership and usage rights passed down through generations. However, in recent years, there have been reports of land grabbing in PNG, particularly through the Special Agricultural and Business Leases (SABLs),…
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agent4justice · 5 months
Fake Associate of Philip Blas also known as Mohammad Blas and child birth certificate name Felipe Blas, are Real Pro Con Artist under the Protection of George W. Bush Jr, (International Crime Syndicate Leader) embezzles quadrillions.
I Philip Blas also known as Mohammad Blas, Felipe Blas, and Kawkaw Blas request for a congressional hearing accusing the American Government, Republic of China, Republic of the Philippines, Illuminati, George W. Bush Jr and the Aguilar Family, Veneprado Family, Eulogio Demonteverde Family, Lopez Family, Posadas Family, Salcedo Family, Aldeguer Family, Zerrudo Family, Agutaya Family, Jesena Family, and Manalo family, Lilith also known as Ruby Eyes, Eve, Maoru and Nanay Daphne, Daphne Aguilar, and Mabel Navarro, and Target Corporation for blocking funds and information and instill false situation to induce doubt, infringement of intellectual property, infringement of financial gains, embezzlement of funds, illegal solicitation of funds for my well-being, and new age illegal detention, illegal ownership claim of personal properties, an unjust vexation.
vs. Supreme Court of the Philippines, RCBC Sara Branch, and Land Bank of the Philippines, Sara Branch, Mayabank, and Philippine Airlines. Municipality of Sara
vs. Ferdinand Marcos, Congressman Marcoleta
vs Sara Mayor Aying, Ajuy Mayor Rojas
All these parties to this day still puts in place restraining conditions and entrapment to physically subdue me in an ambush style from their invincible state to tangible inside the bank's premises. The whole world is aware of this but are also inclined in getting a bigger portion than having me finally taste freedom. The world's action only shows how our society's fabric emulates evil ways.
They can contest my declaration and have a group of people vouch for them, this group will also be liable of conspiracy and abetting fraud if fabricated.
I am also invoking my right to file a Writ of Habeas Corpus which was electronically filed through Supreme Court of the Philippines website together with three (3) other petitions.
Up-to-date Disbursement of Used Funds from the 100T Donated to the Supreme Court of the Philippines through the courtesy of Supreme Court Chief Corona to augment old computer system and equip PAO with more pro bono professional lawyers that will be geographically dispersed all throughout the Philippines to ensure that our helpless poor citizens can be protected with their basic rights.
I will stand by the integrity of the Universal Law and swear under oath that all accusation will stand.
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freedomwriter2022 · 9 months
Bacon, Eggs and God
Does Your Yes Mean Yes? But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. One of the things that I’ve seen over and over again is people who promise the world and then simply don’t deliver. They say, “I’ll do this and I’ll do that,” but they do absolutely…
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wearethesame77 · 2 years
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Glaring Reminders
“Woe to those who in their greed buy up house after house to make one grand estate until there is no place for anyone else and only the landowner is left! This is what Yahweh… said in my ears. “Truly many of your houses will become devastated and your large, impressive mansions will have no one living in them!” Isaiah 5:8-9TPT
Lou and I have developed a fascination with videos looking inside desolate, vacant European castles. What caused these families to abandon their castles, leaving everything behind? Various YouTubers trespass inside these castles being very careful to disguise the castles, and exact locations. Vines, mold, and other forms of decay are slowly eating the castles from the outside in, reclaiming the once prized treasures back down to the earth from whence they came. Truly we can’t take stuff with us, often can’t leave stuff to others when we die.
To me, it’s amazing the opulent grandeur and millions of dollars in antique furniture, paintings, porcelain creations, ming vases, etc. left untouched by human hands for ten, twenty, fifty years, such selfishness left to waste away. One place had a full suit of armor, minus the helmet. I look at the furnishings thinking, ‘those owners’ children could’ve sold these treasures in upscale auction houses for $100,000 plus for one piece, rather than abandoning them to be reclaimed through time to rot. Isaiah 34:12-13NIV “Her nobles will have nothing there to be called a kingdom, all her princes will vanish away. Thorns will overrun her citadels, nettles and brambles her strongholds. She will become a haunt for jackals, a home for owls.”
As I read the first few chapters of ThePassionTranslation of Isaiah I thought, ‘this is like reading the daily newspaper.’ Globalists desire to own the entire earth with only a few million slave inhabitants. News tells of Bill Gates and the Chinese gobbling up US farmland. Farmers cry because although they desire to buy these farms, they can’t compete with money in evil land grabbing. Was greedy gluttony for lands what the people of our text had done?
Are the castles sitting in decay glaring reminders of what happens when people ‘lord’ it over the poor? Many castle owners could’ve received these lands, once belonging to the poor, for their military service to the royalty of their nations. Inside these castles are filled with pictures of military men. It’s probable they swallowed the peon’s land and now pledged their military protection becoming ‘lords.' Servants were paid a pittance. Those working at the castles were sent to live on the top floors, furthest away from sources of heat and cool summer breezes.
“In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” John 14:2KJV. Living at God’s house in our own private mansion is one of the promises of Jesus. No earthly castle could ever hold a candle to what awaits us in heaven. Angels assigned to us at birth, serving us all our lives, will still be our servants in heaven, see Hebrews 1:14. All this is a portion of our reward for loving God, loving people, believing Jesus Christ is God’s ONLY Son and receiving salvation. These “mansions” will never be taken away from us or lost to decay.
Living according to Yahweh God’s ways will give us the most joy and peace on earth, and delightful pleasures beyond our wildest imagination in heaven— “…it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him—” 1Corinthians 2:9ESV.
Where will you spend eternity? Heaven with love? Or the decay of a life spent self serving? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Heavenly Father thank You for giving us glaring reminders of what a selfish life produces. Help us to serve You and love like You love, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2023 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
A Summation of the Indian Church and its Controversies
The Unification Church has been active in India since at least the 70s, promoting the group's religious teachings and working on various social and political projects. While the Unification Church and UPF have been praised for their contributions to Indian society, they have also faced controversies and criticism in the country.
In India, the Unification Church has focused on promoting its core beliefs, including the idea of family values and interreligious harmony. The organization has established various religious and educational institutions in India, as well as promoted character education programs aimed at youth. The UPF, on the other hand, has been more active in promoting peace and interfaith dialogue in India, organizing conferences and workshops on these topics.
However, the Unification Church and UPF have also been criticized for their political activity in India. Some have accused the group of seeking to advance a conservative political agenda and of promoting a particular vision of traditional family values that is out of step with the values of many Indians. 
In addition, the UPF's South Asia Peace Initiative has been criticized by some as a tool for advancing the political interests of the Unification Church in the region, rather than a genuinely independent effort to promote peace and security in South Asia.
Some leaders of the Unification Church and UPF have also faced controversy in India. For example, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, was accused of making controversial statements about Hinduism and other religions, which were seen by some as insulting to the religious beliefs of many Indians. In addition, some UPF leaders in India have been accused of engaging in political activities that are seen as partisan and divisive.
The Unification Church and the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) have faced accusations of land grabbing and tax evasion in India. In some cases, the group has been accused of using its religious and political influence to acquire land and properties illegally, or of evading taxes by misusing its charitable status. These allegations have led to widespread concern among local communities and have prompted calls for greater government oversight of the group's activities in India.
The controversy over land grabbing has been particularly contentious, with many accusing the Unification Church and UPF of using their political and religious influence to acquire valuable land and properties, often at the expense of local communities. In some cases, the group has been accused of using its charitable status to acquire land at below-market prices, or of using its political connections to circumvent legal restrictions on land acquisition.
The issue of tax evasion has also been a source of concern, with some accusing the Unification Church and UPF of misusing their charitable status to avoid paying taxes on their income and property. The group has been accused of funneling its revenue through various subsidiary organizations in order to avoid paying taxes, or of misrepresenting its financial activities in order to evade taxes.
These controversies have led to increased scrutiny of the Unification Church and UPF in India, and have raised questions about the group's commitment to transparency and accountability. While the group has dismissed the allegations of land grabbing and tax evasion as unfounded, many in India remain skeptical of its motives and activities, and are calling for greater government oversight of the group's operations in the country. 
The group has been praised by some for its contributions to Indian society and its efforts to promote peace and stability in South Asia, but has also faced criticism from those who view its political activity as divisive and partisan. Nevertheless, the group remains a significant player in the religious and political landscape of India, and its impact on the country will continue to be a matter of ongoing debate and discussion.
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whumpypepsigal · 5 months
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Land Of Bad (2024)
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naamahdarling · 8 months
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loadinghellsing · 7 months
Just a collection of faces Alucard makes when he first meets Anderson;
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"wtf? wtf??? WTF?!?!?!"
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agentfascinateur · 6 months
Six-year-old Mohammed Naeem al-Najar has died of starvation at Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza.
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mensmommymilkers · 9 months
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Had to draw the trio from from my fave book by @sarahreesbrennan as I reread for the millionth time 😮‍💨 They’re so fun
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 73
“What do you mean Nightwing’s tracker just disappeared?!” 
Look, Dick wasn’t expecting to get snatched in the middle of patrol. He wasn’t even in Gotham! There weren’t even any rogues in Bludhaven as far as he was aware of! Yet here he was, having blacked out after getting tackled he thinks? Something like that! Here he was in an apartment of some sort, even though the room looked like it was something more fitting for the manor, with the shadows literally tugging him towards the hall. Look, when he’s kidnapped he’s expecting some sort of fight, not a dude whose visibly not human and visibly very stressed out and maybe close to a panic attack of some sort. 
Why does he feel like he just got dragged into some sort of mess…?
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galaxythreads · 2 years
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it's just. it's the way that loki drops the space stone and doesn't even care what happens to it. It's just an after thought to him. Loki has been chasing that block of glass since the Attack on New York and when it comes down to it, he doesn't even hesitate. It's the way that he tackles Thor, like there is nothing more important in the universe to him. it's the WAY that he grabs Thor, pulling Thor down on top of HIM so Thor doesn't have to hit the metal of the ship and aggravate his injuries. It's the way that Loki and Hulk coordinated SOLEY to rescue thor. How Hulk BARRELS into Thanos' ARM not his back, not his side, his ARM so that way Thanos will be forced to release Thor instinctively.
It's how Thor reaches for Loki as Loki grabs him, like Thor intended to GRAB HIM FIRST, EVEN THOUGH THANOS IS STILL HOLDING HIM. It's how Thor immediately starts to collapse once Thanos lets go of him and Loki is there to catch him.
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freedomwriter2022 · 9 months
Snap Thoughts
Greetings Family, I have been unable to post until just today. My other laptop gave up the ghost, so I had to order a replacement and delivery times to our remote island are sometimes quite lengthy. This is just a quick note to let all of you know as soon as all of the updates have been performed, I will post in Bacon, Eggs and God. For now, please join me in giving a warm welcome to two new…
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