#Lando’s eyes compilation
artemispt · 7 months
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foreveradreamaway · 3 months
streaming- MV33/1
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summary- a compilation of moments from maxs streams
i really loved writing this as i always have small idea that aren’t long enough to be their own post, if you have any small idea that goes with this or just in general then please comment it or send it to me and i will make a part two or another post similar <3
max loved to stream every now and then. he loved the interactions with fans and getting to play with his friends. you also loved when max streamed because it gave you some peace and quiet for a while, it also allowed you to do some house work without max following you like a lost puppy.
you had made numerous appearances in his streams and his fans loved it. probably enjoying seeing you both as actual humans and getting to see how you both live your daily lives together. some fans had made a compilation of the many times you made an appearance in one of maxs streams.
max sat in his gaming chair immersed in whatever game he was playing. you needed something from the room he was in and it couldn’t wait.
you opened the door as slowly and quietly as possible and creeped over to the thing you needed. apparently you weren’t quiet enough and he heard you. he moved one side of his headset off his ear.
“sorry, i just needed to grab the end thing for the hoover.” you sheepishly smiled. he only grinned in return. you took this as the opportunity to walk up behind him so you were in the frame.
“what are you playing?” you questioned as your face finally came in shot.
“im playing cod with lando, charles and carlos”
“aww cute” you sent a quick wave to say hello to everyone that was on the other end of the camera. however your eyes were quickly caught by the top of maxs head.
“can they hear me?” you questioned, he nodded. “okay. hello everyone, it’s your favourite person in the world here and i just needed to show you something” max had a confused look on his face as he watched you through the camera, wondering what you were about to show.
your hands reached for each side of the head set that was on his head and slowly removed it and handed it to him. your hands then went to either side of his head and tilted it down.
“max gets really bad headset hair guys and it will literally stay like this for the rest of the day” max’s hands quickly went up to his hair to attempt to fix while you and the chat couldn’t help but laugh.
“shut up” he grumbled as he lifted the head set back onto his head. “love you baby!” you called over your shoulder as you left the room.
“i hate her”
“i heard that!”
“mijn liefste, wil je zo pasta? Ik ben er nu een paar aan het maken” you can’t be seen as you poke your head round the door.
“Het gaat goed, dank je schat” he replies while not taking his eyes off the game but removing one side of his headset. “welke pasta ben je aan het maken?”
“i know i’m learning but im not that good yet max” you laugh.
“i said ‘what pasta are you making” he replies, suddenly feeling hunger bubble his stomach.
“i’m not sure yet. are you sure you don’t want any? i’ll surprise you” making food has always been one of your love languages, your mum had shown you to cook as soon as she could and you picked it up quick.
“yeah go on then” he finally turns to you and smiles as you walk away. when he finally turns back he sees the chat filled with questions and people telling him how cute you both are.
“yeah she is learning dutch. i’m teaching her” his face lights up as he talks about you. “it’s very easy for her though because she already knows other languages so she picks it up quickly” his smile never leaving his face.
max is looking intensely at the chat in-front of him, reading everything is the chat. answering a couple questions. he does this until he sees a familiar name come up.
“‘answer your phone’ what?” he quickly picks up his phone to see that he has ten missed calls from you. he is quick to call you back.
“max stop putting your phone on do not disturb and silent” you scold. he always did when he was streaming, he always said it was because he didn’t want to be disturbed however sometimes it was important. like now.
“sorry schat.”
“do you want anything from the shop? i’ve already got your m&ms and tomato soup.” max had a soft spot for m&ms and everyone knows about this man’s love of tomato soup.
“no i’m okay thank you baby. what are we having for dinner” max had a massive smile on his face. half because he was talking to you and because he knew how much everyone watching would love the conversation.
“well you’ve got mean prep” you couldn’t help but laugh as max groaned loudly and threw his head back. he hated meal prep. don’t get me wrong he loved being healthy and eating nice food but sometimes he just craved your cooking. “and i’m having a stir fry.”
“ugh whatever. i want stir fry”
“i know baby. ill make you one as soon as your nutritionist will allow me too”
“okay fine. when will you be home?” max kept the phone close to his mic to make sure everyone would be able to hear you on the other end of the phone.
“not long, i took the ferrari so it won’t take me long to get home. i don’t have my keys so be ready to pick up your phone and open the door! okay, i love you bye” you ended the phone call quickly before he could say anything about you taking his car.
“i swear she prefers my cars over her own” he laughed as he read through the chat again.
when you moved in with max you demanded that a sofa be put into his gaming/office room. he got you the cosiest sofa he could just to make sure you were comfy. max spent a lot of time in the room and you missed him when he was in there.
before you lived together, you tried to sit on the floor when you were round but you just weren’t comfortable enough so that’s when you demanded a sofa. if max was streaming or just had some admin stuff to do, you would just sit on the sofa and enjoy each-others company.
max was streaming, as per usual, while you sat all snuggled up on the sofa across the room. you had one the comfiest jumper of his that you could find, his joggers, a blanket covering your whole body and tucked under your chin and you glasses that sat on your nose.
max had specifically bought a pair of joggers that were too small for him. one day he came home to see you wearing a pair of his that were far to big for you and when he questioned you, you said that you just enjoy wearing his clothes. so the next day he went and bought a pair that were to small and placed them in his waldrobe. from then on they were yours.
you were also a secret iPad kid at heart. your iPad was literally your prized possession and you took it everywhere with you. now was no different as you sat there with your ipad resting on your legs as you watched tik tok.
“look” you turned the ipad around so that it was facing max, he leant on the arm rest of the chair to get a better view of what you were showing him. it was a cat.
“we should get sassy and jimmy one” he laughed as you nodded. he sat back into his chair and caught what the chat were saying. many people asking where you were.
he grabbed the camera from its holder and turned it to face you, showing you under the blanket. he got up out his chair and moved to sit next to you on the sofa.
“you are actually such an old man” you laughed as he struggled to hold the camera so that it would get a view of both of you. “give it to me” you took the camera from his hand and wrapped your other arm around his neck to bring him closer to you.
“hey guys, it’s your favourite person in the world here” the camera now had a perfect view of both of you as you put a quick peace sign up to the camera. you quickly nudged max and his fingers quickly went to the same position as yours. “i want to show you all my outfit, hold this baby” you handed the camera to max and threw the blanket onto him as you stood from your seat.
“max, show them my whole body my love” you laughed as he was only showing the camera your legs. “i’m trying Schat” you leant forward a bit and moved maxs hand so it faced where it should be.
“okay so my glasses are from specsavers, they are the only people i trust with my glasses. even if i need a new pair i would rather fly home than get a pair from anywhere else. because if they messed my glasses up i would just hear my mum in my ear saying ‘should have gone to specsavers’. my jumper is maxs- where is this jumper from?” you questioned him.
“umm its a zara one i think”
“okay so the jumper is from zara and these joggers are from nike. can i even say that? do they even sponsor you?” max’s laugh could be heard from behind the camera before he replies. “yeah it’s okay. i think” his face fell into a sheepish grin behind the camera.
“my socks are from god knows where. and the blanket is from also god knows where.” you gave the camera a big smile as you fell back into your previous position.
“you are the new version of maxplaining”
“shut up”
“can we play fifa?” you were sat on the floor, cross legged, next to max while he sat in his gaming chair. “you only want to play fifa because you always beat me” he huffed.
“exactly” you grinned at him.
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cherry-leclerc · 6 months
the set up ☆ ln4
genre: fluff, humor, parent trip vibes from oscahhh, strangers to lovers (bc of course it is), uni!reader
word count: 2.12k
Caught up in work, you find time to join your friends at the McLaren welcome dinner; meeting a certain British driver along the way. Whom you don't make the best first impression with.
req!...oscar+lily playing matchmakers? cute cute cuteeee. quick one for my lando lovers mwahhh
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It takes a lot to convince you; like—a lot. Partial credit is due to your pride, but honestly, it drove your friends mad. 
Let's go out and celebrate! Just a good ‘ol round of drinks. I have to study. Maybe next time.
Oh! I heard of this new place down the street where you custom make your own jewelry. Fun, no? I have enough already, thank you.
Five minutes—let’s just go grab coffee! Too tired. Go on without me.
“It’s my welcome dinner, mate. You can’t do this to me now.” Oscar’s brown eyes flicker between you and his girlfriend, to which she apologetically shrugs. Deep down, it's like she can forehear your excuse. An essay is due, your internship, helping out at your local library. There's been too many times where you’ve flaked, and they were starting to worry. The pile of clothes makes her wince as you greedily type away. 
“I-I’m sorry, but I have to—”
“Reckon you don’t have anything on your agenda that is as important as you make it out to seem,” he hums. Narrowed eyes burn down, flipping your screen towards him.
 Compile a series of current events…BLAH BLAH BLAH. He stops caring, already bored.
“I wish I could—seriously, Oscar—but I’m needed elsewhere.” A beat. “Lily will keep me updated! Go Mango!”
The Australian rolls his eyes, sharp brows expanding with desperation. “Papaya, mate, papaya.” You giggle, mimically apologizing. The clicks continue; round eyes laser focused. He tries getting your attention once more, but you don’t look up at him at all. The driver’s girlfriend purses her pink lips, crossing her legs gingerly against the couch.
“I can help you write your paper. All of it. Just please, come with us.” Blue eyes wink back as you come to a halt, temptation swirling. “We’re your friends and we want you there. Pretty please?”
The McLaren rookie thinks it has to do with his girlfriend's cute pout, but that is so far from it. It was well known that Lily Zneimer had a wicked talent for conducting a killer research essay. From her resources, to her dialogue. It’s astonishing how smoothly it gets done too. With her, it’s a guaranteed pass. Now that was what you needed. 
Berry lips twist back and forth for a second before stretching out. “Touch up on globalization effects in different cultures and we have ourselves a deal.”
The paper was coming along so perfectly that you almost wanted to cry. Your eyes buzz with excitement as you jot down a row of bullet points, conversing with Lily before settling on what to write. 
“This is not what I had in mind when you both made this stupid pact,” Oscar groans for the millionth time as he passes by, spotting you and his girlfriend crouched down on a table; computer, notebook, pencils, index cards, books—everything—in hand.  
“Mate, this is worth half of my grade,” you shriek, jotting a few more possible ideas. Finally, your dazy orbs connect back onto him. “As in fifty percent.” You gag. “Do you realize how terrifying that is?”
Lily shoos him. “We’re almost done anyway, darling. Go enjoy the party.” The Australian’s jaw drops and she huffs, raising her neat brows. “Go, go, goooo.”
Despite his girlfriend and his best friend ignoring him, he has a splendid time. He curses beneath his breath when a large hand sprawls against his back. Lando laughs. “Don’t worry, my date ditched me too,” he teases, blue eyes sparkling against the fuzzy lights. The rookie sighs plainly.
“I wasn’t ditched—'' He angles his head to face back to where you and the dirty blond hunch over, whispering, attention drawn onto the bright screen. A few people even go as far as to try and take a peek, probably thinking you were working on anything McLaren. “Yeah, uh, I guess you could say I was ditched.”
His teammate rubs his watch a couple or times, nothing but music lingering between them. No one really speaks up until Lily delicately makes her way. Oscar tilts his head politely. “Done?”
“No quite yet, but she has it all under control.” She faces the British driver with a sheepish line formed between her pink lips. “Hello, you must be Oscar’s new teammate.” A beat. “I’m Lily.”
“Lando,” he can feel himself proclaiming. “I thought she was Lily…” A lousy fingers points over to you. They both let out a weak chuckle. That’s my friend from back home, Oscar confirms. Her and Lily are super close, too. She beams, light blush feathering her full cheeks.
All of a sudden—the Australian sparks up. “Come, let me introduce you two.”
The twenty-four doesn't really have anything better to do; business convos that have him apologizing profusely, cameras being shoved straight into his face, girls who never get the hint. “Sure.” 
First thing he notices is the faded scar that hugs the bridge of your nose. It's almost completely gone—and he really shouldn’t even be able to spot it—but it's there, almost a glassy color that shines back at him. He notices how quick you are at typing, fingers flying at a constant speed. He’s impressed. Or the way you barely spare him a glance. 
“Don’t be rude, he’s talking to you,” Oscar hisses as he and Lily tower over you like a strict parent duo. You can distinguish the panic that laces through her when you didn’t first respond, too worried at making a bad impression, even if it wasn't her leaving it behind. 
“Of course, I…um, I’m sorry—shit!” The laptop blinks back at you as a warning before settling in its death. A groan slips by, hands pressing harshly against the keys, then the screen. Nervously, you look up at Lily, biting your bottom lip. “What do I do? What should I do? What should I do?”
“Charge it when we get back,” Oscar advises, still waiting for you to greet the older McLaren driver. Lando stands back amused. “As I was saying—”
“It’s due at midnight, dimwit!” It’s eleven-fifteen. “I need to find a charger.”
“O-okay, lets just all calm down.” Lily turns to her boyfriend. “You always carry one with you, let her borrow it.” He winces. Only during races, sweetheart, not an important event. She rubs her temples, curly hair running against the wind. “Let’s just calm down!” she screeches.
“Not helping,” you wail. “That’s it—I’m leaving.”
Oscar is quick on his feet, already tugging you to stay firm. “We haven't even gotten to the speech!” A familiar fire rushes through your orbs, burning him along the way. I don’t give a shit about that right now! I need to turn this in. 
“I’m sure Charlotte has one,” a friendly voice slides in, leaving you three to turn and face it. Lando awkwardly shrugs. “She’s really well organized, you know her. I’ll be right back.”
“Can I go with you?”
Blue eyes shift over, surprised to hear you speak. Anxiously, you bounce up and down against your heels. He gulps. “Of course.” He turns back to the Australian, who is busy comforting his girlfriend as if it was her grade on the line. “I’ll be right back.”
There’s a sort of tension that hangs steadily—or maybe he’s the only one who thinks so—but he tries his best to push past it. Of course, he was right, and Charlotte did have an extra charger, so that’s quite nice. As if this were the one and only resource of water in a hot desert night, you immediately take it from him, plugging it fiercely.
“You don’t know how grateful I am. You’re an absolute angel.” You’re quick to pick up where you left off. If you try hard enough, you can remember exactly what you need in order to have it done in a few minutes. 
“Glad I could help.”
He should probably leave, he thinks. He’s done all he could, but he doesn’t. Instead, he takes a seat across from you, contently closing his eyes as the sound of your keys brings him to a deep sleep. The sound of a computer shutting gently is what nudges him awake. You grimace. “I’m sorry, I should’ve been more quiet.”
Lando scrunches his eyes, rubs them for a couple of minutes. “It’s alright. You done?”
“Yes. Just in time—you really saved my ass, thank you again.”
A large hand waves you off, reclining against his comfortable spot. “You’re pretty dedicated to your work,” he mutters.
“I sort of have to be if I want to graduate on time and on top of my game. All those sleepless nights couldn’t have been for nothing.”
“Well, I don’t really know you that well…but I hope you pass,” he says. “Lando, by the way—you were probably too busy to catch it the first time.” He cocks his head to the side, a cheesy grin playing out. “And the second, as well.”
You giggle, shaking his humid hand. You don’t even seem to mind. “Third times a charm, no?”
“It appears it is.”
The objective was quite clear. Get you to leave your rotting bed. It was astounding how long you could go without getting up. You always blame it on the fact that—I’m finally done with my most important courses and I can sleep all I want—and—I never wake you up, now do I?
So, naturally, when they march into your room, flashing a phone—you curl a full brow. “What am I looking at?”
Oscar smiles. “Save his number. Right now.”
Lando Norris—winks back at you, digits causing a migraine to stir. You huff, reaching out for the blankets once again. “And why would I do that?”
Lily hums. “I tried to stop him, I really did.”
Beady eyes peek demandingly. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s really just one date—”
“And if it doesn’t work out—”
You sit up straight and agitated. “What?”
“—then you won’t ever have to see him again?” The Australian flinches at your cold stare. “He thinks this was your idea…because I told him it was, but…” He winces harder. “Don’t make me look bad and please go!”
Lily squeals when you fling up, hunting him down your flat. “I am going to kill you!”
The Brit beams sweetly at you, pinching his hand a couple of times to pump his circulation that was suddenly lacking. “I’m a bit surprised you wanted to see—”
“This was all Oscar’s idea.” He blinks and you purse your lips. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this. I think he does it because the third-wheel act is starting to get to him. Asshole,” you hiss at the thought of the rookie.
Lando coughs, playing with his bracelets. “You’re not dragging me into anything. I want to be here.” Now it’s your turn to stare back at him, caught off guard. He chuckles. “I take it you haven’t gone on a proper date in a while?”
“Is it that obvious?”
“Nah,” he yawns. “Oscar told me.”
Pounding your fist against the table, you yelp. “That little—he wants to ruin my life, I see.” You force a tight smile. “I’ve been busy with work…and…I’m—” A flash goes off from somewhere far away and you flinch. “A total catch. Like—total.”
Blue eyes flicker to the careful watchers surrounding the restaurant. “I don’t doubt that.”
“Good,” you respond, finally allowing yourself to rest easy. You raise a sharp brow. “Don’t you get tired of this?”
A few murmurs dance across the room, blinding lights continue. He sighs apologetically. “Right now I am. Let’s get out of here?”
You blush. “The bill…”
“My friend owns the place. I’ll pay him later.” He grabs your hand. “Let's go.”
The moment you slip into his car, panic rises fast. “I don’t hook up on first dates,” you spit out. “It’s not in my nature, I-I-I would rather get to know the person—”
“Then let’s get to know one another. I wasn’t looking for anything like…that,” he whispers, timidly. His blue eyes burn against yours. “I only wanted the chance to get to know you now that you don’t have your nose pressed up against a screen.”
A kind smile. “Okay.”
The more you two converse inside his crowded vehicle, the more you find yourself giggling against the rich seat. “You’re quite the charmer, Mr. Norris.”
“Thank God,” he jokes. “It’s working.”
Another giggle erupts when you nod. You’re sure that you're flustered, burning bright red from all his pick up lines, but you don’t have the strength to look away. “I’m glad we got the chance to talk. For real this time,” you add, sheepishly. 
“So am I.” 
And something inside of him tells him this isn’t the last.
taglist: @blueflorals @starmanv @coolio2195 @lovrsm @weekendlusting@chanshintien @brune77e @myownwritings @timmychalametsstuff @milasexutoire@alesainz @c-losur3 @darleneslane @togazzo @urfavnoirette @namgification @lpab @d3kstar @anniee-mr @nebarious
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vivwritesfics · 10 months
Mr All American
Just cute moments between Logan and his not American girlfriend
Godamn I want him so bad - in something non fanfic that I've written one of my main characters is called Logan and, ugh, it's such a pretty name
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Y/N held her phone up towards Logan, giggling away as she filmed him. "Can you do your best British accent?" She asked him, phone shaking in her hands as she giggled.
He rolled his eyes, but Logan was unable to hide his smile. "What do you want me to say?" He asked, looking down at her.
If it was possible for a person to have heart eyes, Logan would have. His heart would have been beating out of his chest like a cartoon character. "What do you want me to say?" He asked as he leaned against the wall.
"Fancy a cuppa."
"Fancy a cupper?" He said in his usual American accent.
Her giggles grew into full blown laughter.
Logan let out a huff and rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "Alright love," he began in an incredibly bad British accent. "D'you fancy a cuppa?" He asked, emphasising the A.
It was hard to see Logans face in the video, not with the way Y/N was laughing uncontrollably. Her tiktok was a goldmine of Logan videos, where most of the fans got their content.
It was rare for a video of Y/N to go viral. Her videos of Logan always blew up, and she was always seen liking the compilations fans made of them. But she never got herself in the videos, that wasn't her style.
But then she logged onto tiktok. Her phone was silent as Logan slept behind her, his arms wrapped around her and his face pressed into his neck.
They didn't spent the entire night cuddled up. As much as Logan wanted to, it was near impossible. He fell asleep holding her, but when Y/N woke up in the middle of the night Logan was almost always no longer holding her. But then she woke up and once again Logan was holding her.
She had a theory. She suspected that Logan would wake up at, like, 5am, just to wrap his arms around her and spend the next the next few hours asleep and holding her.
So, Y/N had her phone on silent as she watched Tiktok. There were a few Logan edits, too many clips of Lando Norris streaming and at least thirteen Charles Leclerc edits.
And then Y/N came across another video. It was from the live sky sports feed that played during the last grand prix, focusing in on the Williams garage before the race.
Logan was there, walking to his engineer. And Y/N was in front of him. He had his arms around her, swaying her from side to side as he spoke. It was subconscious, he didn't even realise he was doing it, but it was so cute.
At least the fans thought so. Careless Whisper by George Michael played in the background of the video as Logan put his chin on the top of her head.
Groaning, Logan slowly woke up. He kissed the back of her neck and sat up slightly, tired eyes looking at the screen over her shoulder. "What're you watching?" He asked as Y/N saved the video.
She showed him. In response, Logan kissed her shoulder and tightened his grip on her.
This is a couple who loved to tease each other. It could be about anything, but their main targets were spelling and pronunciation.
Well, it depended what grand prix they were at. If Logan was caught spelling 'colour' as 'color' during the Silverstone weekend, Y/N wasn't going to let it go.
But the same went for her at any of the US grand prix.
When she landed for Miami, the first thing she did was text Logan. 'God, I didn't realise I was so tired,' she texted him as she climbed into the taxi.
'Couldn't hear you, what was that?' Logan responded.
'You didn't realize you were so tired?'
There was no response for a good minute. He could see that she had seen the message, but she didn't reply.
And then...
'I hate you'
'I wanna marry you'
When they got dinner that night, Y/N wanted a burger, something stereotypically American, but with no tomato.
Logan sat opposite her in the restaurant, hand covering his mouth, hiding his laugh as she ordered. "Can I get a burger with..." She looked at Logan, the enthusiasm dropping from her voice. "With no tomayto."
Logan couldn't hold himself back. his sniggers turned into full blown laughs as she gently kicked him under the table. "You're adorable," he said as she glared at him.
Oscar had known Y/N just as long as Logan had. He loved her like an annoying little sister that he pretended he couldn't stand but actually couldn't live without her.
He, Lando and Logan stood together, talking before the first practice session. Y/N hadn't arrived yet, set to arrive on Saturday, and Oscar missed her.
Not as much as Logan missed her, though.
He hadn't stopped talking to her, managed to slide a mention of her into every conversation.
Lando hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Y/N yet. "How did you guys get together?" He asked him, and Oscar sighed. He audibly sighed and rolled his eyes.
They'd been friends for years, since Y/N's karting days. But she'd quit to focus on studying, focusing on getting into a good university and landing her dream job.
When Logan was in F3 and Y/N was completing her first year of university, he missed her. Oscar missed her too, but not as much as Logan. So, during the summer, after her first year of university, he invited her to Florida.
It was maybe the most incredible summer of her life. Not because anything in particular happened, but because she was spending time with Logan.
Y/N knew he liked her. She knew she liked him too. But Logan wasn't going to do anything about it.
Actually, he tried. He tried to do these ridiculously subtle things that she was never going to pick up on. So, she took matters into her own hands.
They were in the back of the truck she had rented out for the summer. They'd done maybe everything, from go karting to carnivals. They were underage so they couldn't really experience spring break at its best.
In the back of the truck they looked up at the stars. "This has been sick," she muttered as she laid against him. "Properly, properly sick." (Genuinely can't imagine an american person using sick to be cool, pls correct me if wrong)
"I can't believe you have to go home tomorrow," Logan replied as he wrapped his arms around her.
Y/N snuggled closer to him. It was warm, but she didn't care. Music played from her stereo, and Logan hummed along.
"I'm gonna miss you," he said as Y/N sat up and stretched her arms up.
She faced him, crossing her legs and getting comfortable in her new position. "Are you gonna miss me? Or are you gonna miss me?"
Logan didn't answer, and that told her all she needed to know. "Dude, just ask me out already," she said, emphasising the 'dude'.
Again, Logan didn't answer. His cheeks were red as he looked away from her face, looking back at the stars.
So, Y/N leaned forward and kissed him.
Once Logan finished his story, Oscar shook his head. "You forgot the most important bit," he said and continued the story. "So Rick Astley started playing on the stereo, so Y/N pulled him up from the bed of the truck and made him dance with her. It's disgustingly cute."
Logan was a grinning, blushing mess. Oscar was right, it was disgustingly cute.
Fuck, he couldn't wait for Y/N to get there.
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dumbseee · 1 year
moving on.
f1 au: in which y/n breaks up with her longtime boyfriend who also happens to be a footballer. she finds comfort in her brother’s best friend: lando norris.
lando norris x sainz!singer!reader
fc: cindy kimberly.
note: english isn’t my first language!
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liked by sainzz55, fairyyn, jaimeebellfort and 1 008 others.
footwags: y/n sainz and dele ali have broke up after two years. the footballer apparently cheated on the singer.
fan1: noooo i loved them together
fan2: ooop carlos isn’t going to be happy with that
fan3: he fumbled so hard
fan4: cheating on THEE y/n sainz??
fan5: the break up album is going to be FIIIIRE
fan6: what a dick
fan7: he didn’t know how to handle a baddie like her that’s why
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, francisca.cgomes and 6 799 098 others.
y/nsainz: ‘exile’ is out now on every platform 🕊
fan1: y/n we love you!
fan2: ‘you ripped my heart out to play soccer with it.’ :(
carlossainz55: i love you corazón, you’re so strong
liked by y/n.
landonorris: the strongest woman i know ❤️
liked by y/n.
lilymhe: your voice never fails to make me cry y/n.
liked by y/n.
fan4: these lyrics are so heartbreaking srs
fan5: so he cheated on her and made fun of her in his friends groupchat? wtf is wrong with that dude
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liked by carlossainz55, y/nsainz, maxfewtrell and 356 997 others.
lando.jpg: y/n through my camera because i miss her.
y/nsainz: missing you too pretty boy <3
fan1: lando trying to cheer her up :(
fan2: that’s so cute omg
fan3: brother’s best friend trope coming to life or…?
carlossainz55: how come you capture my sister in such a beautiful way and my pictures all look like shit?
landonorris: @.carlossainz55 y/n is a natural and you’re not.
fan4: i love them
fan5: missing the besties
landonorris just posted a story!
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tagged: @.y/nsainz.
lando norris just posted a story!
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, gigihadid and 3 789 997 others.
y/nsainz: needed that xx
landonorris: when did you took the first one? i don’t remember seeing you around wtf
y/nsainz: @.landonorris you’re always behind the camera and you looked pretty
fan1: okay i ship that
fan2: cuties omg
fan3: lando taking her on vacation 🥹
carlossainz55: why wasn’t i invited?
danielricciardo: @.carlossainz55 you wanted to be the third wheel?
landonorris:@.danielricciardo DANIEL
y/nsainz: @.danielricciardo JOSEPH GET OFF MY COMMENT SECTION
fan4: not daniel exposing the lovebirds
fan5: awww
fan6: we need more pictures of these two
fan7: i missed their friendship so much
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, maxfewtrell and 3 799 008 others.
y/nsainz: he always take pictures of everyone and everything but hardly has any pictures of himself, so here’s a compilation of all the pictures i took when pretty boy wasn’t looking <3
fan1: ‘pretty boy’ 🥹🥹
landonorris: i prefer the word handsome but i’ll take it
fan2: he’s so pretty wtf
danielricciardo just posted a story!
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tagged: @.landonorris / @.y/nsainz.
this story isn’t available.
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liked by y/nsainz, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 4 789 678 others.
landonorris: since daniel is too old to know how to use instagram correctly, me and y/n have been outed, before anyone starts speculating we’re taking things slowly and i want her to heal her heart before loving anyone else after what she went through a few months ago. i’ll wait for you and your heart to be ready to welcome me in it. mine is ready for you, it’s always have been. to my muse, i’ll always treasure you.
y/nsainz: i don’t know what i’d do without you, thank you for being so patient and loving with me pretty boy <3
liked by landonorris.
carlossainz55: even if i still can’t believe what my eyes witnessed these past few days, you’re the only one i actually trust to love my sister the way she deserves to be loved (but be careful muppet)
liked by landonorris.
fan1: this is TOO cute
fan2: lando being a patient boyfriend we love to see it
fan3: this is what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, seriously y/n deserves all the love
fan4: we haven’t heard from daniel since the ig story is he alive?
danielricciardo: @.fan4 they locked me in my OWN basement for a WEEK with only water and bread to stay alive call the police.
y/nsainz: @.danielricciardo you’re such a liar joseph
carlossainz55: @.danielricciardo don’t give me ideas.
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spiderbeam · 1 month
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LN4 + MERCEDES DRIVER!READER — the rivalry between you and lando is no secret. hell—there’s an entire drive to survive episode dedicated to exploring and exploiting that animosity that exists between the two of you. pointed remarks on the radio during races, snide comments during media interviews. “where do you think you lost the podium?” one of those grating journalists would ask. adrenaline high. sweat on your back. mercedes cap on your head. your hands would grip the railing, feeling members of your pr team eyeing you carefully. “gosh, i don’t know, maybe when lando tried to ram me into a wall at turn 6?” media interviews are promptly cut short after that. clip compilations of the two of you. camera lenses that seem to sharpen whenever you walk near each other. you’re representing mercedes and picking fights like this is unprofessional. you’ve had it drilled into your head by one too many people. you get it. formula one is not just about racing—it’s about public image. and so, the next time an interviewer tries to get you to make a comment about lando, you take them in stride. no unprofessional behavior, no rude reply, no swears aimed at the mclaren driver. because you’re professional. you can handle it. even if it makes you wanna tear your eyes out. and, well, if you must find a silver lining to it, you happen to enjoy just how much it seems to be throwing off lando. puzzled looks. furrowed brows. taking a moment too long to answer a question after you. and if any fans point out that you seem to grin at just how utterly thrown off lando looks… well, then they’re surely reading too much into it.
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c0eu4 · 10 months
Indication : Sweet ☁︎ Smut ♡ personal fav pf
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- OP81 | Overstimulation ♡☁︎
She wanted to try role-play but she can't take it anymore. He takes care of her after it.
- OP81 | Crash ☁︎
After the biggest crash of Oscar's life, y/n go to see him at the hospital.
- OP81 | Hard work ☁︎ (pf)
After the biggest exam of her entire life, y/n found Oscar in front of her university, waiting for her.
- OP81 | Babies ♡
Oscar is looking for y/n around the paddock but can't find her until he saw her with Lando's niece.
- OP81 | Secret relationship (pf)
Y/n and Oscar are in a secret relationship, nobody knows about them. Until they are caught.
- OP81 | Mirror sex ♡ (pf)
y/n is a stressed student and Oscar helps her to take her stress away.
- OP81 | Caught ♡ part one - part two
Y/n is the apple of Lando’s eye. He always protected her from everyone. Well, that's what he thought until he realized that she's not that innocent... Especially with his teammate.
- OP81 | Spa session
Oscar is quietly at the spa and is disturbed by Y/n.
- OP81 | Valentine's Day evening
McLaren had the wonderful idea of revealing the new car on Valentine's Day evening..
🏎️_ _ _ _ _
OP81 | the dad compilation
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LANDOSCAR x reader
- OP81 LN4 | Cuddles ☁︎ • blurbs
Y/n and Lando always cuddle together, and Oscar starts to get jealous.
- OP81 LN4 | Who is it?♡
Oscar and Lando wonder who Y/n knows best.
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- LN4 | Welcome home ♡ (pf)
He found y/n in his hoodies, her favorite toy in her.
- LN4 | Tits (♡) part one - part two
Lando meets Y/n at a club and she asks him to sign her tits. A few days later, Lando is looking for her and they become friends. So she surprises him by coming to see him in Las Vegas.
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- CS55 | Breakfast ♡
She wakes up before Carlos to prepare breakfast but he's not going to eat food.
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- CL16 | Depress girlfriend ☁︎ (pf)
Charles comes back to his shared house after three weeks of intense race. But the thing he didn't expect is to find her girlfriend having a relapse.
- CL16 | Real orgasm ♡ (pf)
Summary: Y/n confess to Charles that she doesn't know what true orgasm is. And he shows her what it is.
- CL16 | Dirty boy ♡
Y/n keeps bothering her boyfriend until he gives in and shows her how to be a good girl.
- CL16 | Mine ♡
One of y/n's friends was too close to her at a party and Charles makes it clear to her in the evening when they returns home.
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lnfours · 1 year
Helloooo prompt (maybe reverse) "i pictured you with other girls in love... then threw up on the street." With Lando x reader (she is a legal expert for McLaren) having a fight because he underestimate her job. So during a social event, after seeing her smiling and talking with Charles about her work activities, he gets jealous and afraid of losing her.
god anon, thanks for killing me! tom’s-gf has been found dead!!
this also got so long omg i’m sorry
10k celebration
lando felt sick. physically ill, almost like he was going to throw up.
“you okay, mate?” oscar asked his teammate and friend, worry etching his face. lando was unaware of his paleness, his eyes visibly sad as he looked over towards where you were standing with charles.
he had his arm wrapped around your waist, head leaning down towards your face so he could hear what you were talking to him about. you had a bright smile on your face and he could tell you said something funny with the way his friend’s eyes squeezed shut, both of your giggles almost loud enough to be heard over the noise.
his attention flipped back to the aussie next to him, shaking his head and furrowing his eyebrows as he desperately tried to fight off the nauseating thoughts of you and his friend that snuck into his head. anxiety was a fucking bitch.
“yeah, i’m good. why?”
“you look pale,” oscar stated, “and you keep looking at y/n and charles with this weird look in your eyes, almost like you’re sad.”
lando shook his head, swallowing the sip of his drink, “nah, i’m good, mate,”
oscar quirked an eyebrow, “did something happen between the two of you?”
lando immediately was transported back to the hotel mentally, where a little over an hour ago the two of you had it out. he was frustrated, and he took it out on you, which he shouldn’t have done. and one thing led to another…
“seriously, lando, i don’t fucking tell you how to drive the car! why’re you trying to tell me how to do my job?!”
“i’m just saying that maybe you should try getting behind the wheel of a literal rocket before you complain about your job to me.”
he didn’t mean to sound like he was underestimating you or your job, he knew you worked hard for the company. he knew how many late nights you had pulled at the office to get extra work done and to stay ahead of things. he wasn’t entirely sure why he said what he said, but now he was really wishing time travel was real so he could go back and undo it.
lando’s silence was an answer, “mate, just go talk to her. i’m sure she’s over it by now, whatever it is. you know her, she doesn’t stay angry for long.”
oscar was right. you got over things quickly, only really needing twenty minutes before you moved onto the next thing. but right now, the anxiety was eating at him as he watched charles lean in closer to you for a photo. he just had this overwhelming feeling that you hated him and that this was it. it was the end of the road for the two of you.
oscar grabbed the glass from his teammate before shoving him forward, “my god, go!”
lando compiled, shoving his hands in his pockets as he concentrated on not letting his legs give out as he walked towards you two. your eyes landed on the worried looking brit, your eyebrows furrowing. your confused look caused charles to turn around.
“hey, mate,” charles said, “you’ve gotta hear about this story y/n just told me-“
“actually,” lando cleared his throat, “i was wondering if i could borrow her. i’ve got to talk to her,”
he sucked in a nervous breath as you responded, “yeah,” you grabbed your purse off of the bar behind you, looking over at the man next to you, “i’ll be right back.”
you led lando through the groups of people, the fresh air filling lando’s lungs as he desperately tried to feel better. you stood in front of him, searching his eyes.
“you look pale,” you frowned, placing the back of your hand on his forehead, “you feeling okay?”
his heart was going a mile a minute, his hand grabbing yours. your eyes met his in silent question, “i’m sorry.”
your expression softened, “lando-“
“no,” he said softly, “i’m sorry. i know how hard you work, and i had no right to yell at you or tell you that your job isn’t hard. i could never do the things that you do. you’re absolutely incredible and i’m sorry,”
you let him ramble on, waiting for the right time to speak, “you never complain and it was dick move for me to yell, just please…”
he felt like he couldn’t breathe. you frowned, knowing what was going through his mind all too well. a small tear dropped from his eyelashes and your heart shattered in your chest, “lando,”
he licked his lips, teeth sinking into his bottom lip to keep it from quivering. his shoulders shook and you reached out to him as he let out a quiet sob. you wiped the tears away from his cheeks before wrapping your arms around his neck. he breathed in the smell of your shampoo, immediately clinging to you as he buried his head into your hair.
you rubbed his back, “it’s okay. i promise, it’s okay,”
he sniffled softly, “you’re just the best thing to ever happen to me, and i don’t want to lose you over a stupid argument. i’m sorry. so so sorry,”
you pulled away, meeting his glossy eyes and giving him a soft smile as you wiped away the fallen tears, “it’s gonna take a lot more than a silly argument to push me away.”
he let out a soft chuckle and you smiled, “there’s that smile.”
he rolled his eyes playfully, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, mumbling a soft, “shut up,”
you reached up and planted a kiss on his lips. his mumbling against yours when he pulled away to breathe, “i love you.”
“i love you more, handsome.”
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Omg this is so cute how the man kept looking at her butt the whole . Maybe reader doing this trend with Lando or lewis or maybe both 👀 ( I meant separately not them together, got greedy I want both of them 😞 SEPARATELY)
anyway you don't have to write this if you don't want or if you're not inspired because I love everything you write and consume them in an unhealthy manner hehe . You can ignore this if you like . Xoxo
Flo was the one that gave you the idea, offering to record it after Lando proposed to you.
"Lovie, you look so good", Lando complimented, biting his lip as he twirled you around.
"Thank you - now I understand why mum insisted I wore a nice dress", you giggled before getting into the positions your soon to be sister in-law told you to be.
"You just have to dance a little bit", Flo explained before counting down and pressing record.
Lando hadn't noticed the full cut of your dress until now, feigning that he was hit as he covered his eyes, "you're going to kill me in this dress, Y/N!", he dramatised before smirking.
When you recorded the clip on your wedding day, Pietra kept whistling, "Lando, I know she's your wife now, but there are kids here!".
"She's mine and I'm hers, I get to look all I want!", he argued with her playfully.
The fans couldn't help themselves when they watched the video over and over again once you posted it on your socials, commenting how beautiful you looked and how obvious Lando was.
"It's for a little video so we can look back on it and this was I'll actually wear the dress more than a day!", you told Lewis as his ears perked up, "and no, I'm not going to show the dress, we're going to record this as things happen".
Lewis was quick to pout before he stood next to you while you showed the ring the the camera.
When you signed the legal documents at the notary, your dress was tighter so it became obvious where Lewis was looking at.
By the time you compiled the little clips together for the first time, it was impossible to ignore the ways Lewis' eye smiled and how he looked at your butt.
"The fans are going to love this, I can tell you that much", you hid your face in his chest as you cuddled up to him.
"Can't help myself, my wife is hot", he shrugged as the new title rolled off his tongue.
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artemispt · 4 months
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Fic recs!
This has been in the works for some time and I’m finally sharing it! Here is a list of (almost) all of the fanfics I have read here and absolutely adored. Hopefully more people will get to enjoy them at least as much as I did.
From the oneshots that made me giggle or blush, to the longer works in the form of series that made me swoon or cry, they are all neatly collected here and more will be added in the future. I did not order them in any particular way because it is simply impossible to rank them. 
If for any reason you do not want your fic here and want me to remove it, please let me know. These are not my works and I do not want to present them as such; my only intention is to compile a list of favourites to recommend and share them with as much people possible!
Daniel Ricciardo
Fuck mornings by @hotmencore
Down under by @monzamash
Forever would be pretty cool by @kha0s07
I like noses, big noses by @landologs
Two nights in the bush by @unluckyhoneybee
I’ll be yours if you want me by @landologs
Sanctuary by @curiousthyme
Bad feelings by @violetszone
Brew-tiful by @kiwisa
Nacho fries by @silverstonesainz
Met monday by @hockeyshmockey
Wiping my love away by @libraryoflovesongs
Unless you like that by @monzamash
-unnamed ask&request: husband Daniel with pregnant wife- by @httpsuniverse
Rest & recuperation by @paddockbunny
Paddock by @kii-003
Charles Leclerc
Checkup by @fleetwooods
Honeymooning by @leclsrc
Love Languages by @uglyducklingofthe2000s
The first one by @ferrstappen
No big deal by @nataliawrites
My boyfriend’s not in the mafia by @nataliawrites
Carlos Sainz
Has yet to pass by @leclsrc
Man’s world by @sgkophie (series)
Purple reminders by @silverstonesainz
Pierre Gasly
The better series (Lando & Pierre) by @holllandtrash (series)
Keeping score by @charlewiss-writes
[ 17:28 ] by @thebearchives
Lando Norris
The better series (Pierre & Lando) by @holllandtrash (series)
The chats going mad over you two by @hotmencore
Sight for sore eyes by @charlesslut16
Toto Wolff
Starcrossed by @totowlff
Inappropriate relationship by @whorekneecentral
No longer a secret by @h-c-u (series)
Uncertainty by @h-c-u
Pillowtalk by @totowlff
Last updated: 06.08.2023.
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inchidentally · 5 months
x. com/ln4norris/status/1785872795974652036 thoughts on this?
this is one of those instances where so many ppl have this wildly different take on smth and honestly myself and the moots I talk to didn't even… realize it could be taken any other way ??
I think part of this is also bc some ppl are pretty new to landoscar so I'll put more effort into replying to this than I normally would bc I genuinely didn't and still don't see this as being some dramatic thing that Lando said!
but for better reference, I've actually compiled the full clips from the person who posted them in their stories originally with two clips of Lando and Carlos separately saying how their F1 buddies are NOT the same as their actual private life friendships bc I think it helps contextualize what Lando is talking about here.
I think the funniest misinterpretation about this is ppl taking these Shared Activities as indicating deep and meaningful friendships and that therefore Lando doesn't have anything deep or meaningful with Oscar… just bc no padel or golf ?? lasjfgsjla
"we don't do as many things away from the circuit [as Lando does with other drivers like Carlos and Max]"
like. in what world is that him saying anything but … that ?? it's not deep ??
esp when it corroborates what Lando said in that clip about how his relationships with the drivers he’s friends with depend on shared activities and that they’re not his actual close friends the way Max F and all his buddies in London are (he even says in the video above that his friends are mostly in London not Monaco!) and Carlos corroborated the same thing!
so for one thing, the reason he's fine with saying this is because he doesn't see it as some huge thing that he doesn't happen to have with Oscar ?? bc it's not some deep meaningful thing that he hangs with other drivers sometimes outside of F1! they're buddies sure but they're not his private life friends. that's normal and healthy !!
but the other thing that's honestly funny is ppl deciding to misinterpret this as either Lando being a callous asshole to Oscar or again, taking rpf too seriously and thinking "yaayyy I can pretend Lando is secretly in love with/has a deep bond with/is fucking [insert driver here] and hates Oscar"
and like Carlos, Daniel and Lando literally have identical bromance formats with each other and other drivers which makes the whole rpf competition thing so hilariously dumb?? they all do the common hobbies thing, the playing gay for laughs thing, the posting every interaction to social media for fan engagement thing, the roughhousing physicality thing - all with at least 3-5 other drivers. and when you count up the like rpf ship points that these people use to say which one is "better" then m@xiel shits all the way on dand0 for bonding and being mutually invested and charl0s absolutely dunks on carland0 for gay physicality and mutual affection and norrib0n comes along and reminds ppl that Alex remains a hero to Lando and Lando still gets starry eyes over him in a way he never will for Carlos or Daniel etc etc etcccc
all of which still end up paling in comparison to the actual, deep relationships these guys have with their girlfriends and with their private life friends! the idea that Lando will ever love a male friend the way he does Max F is like going to a rakes lying down park and stamping around to get hit in the face repeatedly like why would you bother to be that stupid bffr
[sidenote that I am SO glad for Lando to say smth like this video if it drives those fans away from landoscar. no joke. we do NOT want them here and we do NOT want them treating Lily the way they treat Heidi and Rebecca and treated Luisa and Isa. please stay in carland0 and dand0 and whatever else with that l@rry stylins0n misogynistic, closeted gay men as a fetish shit]
the reality is that if Lando was just meh about Oscar and disinterested in spending any more time with him than he needed to then why would he even point this out ? why would he bother to point out - with even kind of an exasperated pout in his voice - that Oscar isn't interested in anything they can spend time together doing if he… doesn't want to spend time with Oscar anyway ??
exactly asfgsajgflagf
and for ppl who are new, literally the reason a lot of us are so Compelled is precisely bc Lando and Oscar don't follow the cookie cutter bromance format and their respect and interest in each other doesn't rely on common activities or playing into fan PR. they're literally the anti-PR partnership not bc they hate each other or have drama but bc every member of their team says how much they've bonded as drivers and that every time we get content of them together they're beaming at each other and seem to have all these cute little in-jokes and softness. but none of it is for show! none of it jumps off the screen or has them knowingly trying to bait fans!
their entire dynamic is for their own benefit alone and both of them have said how happy they are to have their future together settled for so many years. and the whole vibe of landoscar fandom is that we were all fine with the idea of them just being work friends! then Silverstone happened and the Austin filming happened etc etc. and now we're all watching it and writing fic and making gifs and edits bc landoscar is gentle and gradual and sweet and boyish and genuine.
it's been this gradual little dance between two guys who each have a unique preoccupation with each other but they don't do any of the usual blokey things to force a friendship. Lando's fixations on Oscar's name and his hair and how he's taller and bigger than him and the weirdly horny verbal burps that come out aren't something he does with any of his other driver friends. Oscar is so chilled about other drivers and doesn't even do the whole hero worship thing, yet his internet history about Lando is it's own extremely unique thing that has carried over as his teammate in a way he's never been about another driver.
they don't roughhouse or make fun of each other or push each other's buttons for fun and they don't even raise their voices around each other ?? everything is so gentle and not macho at all ! Lando strangely feels awkward and looks right at Oscar to explain why he diverted to visit Daniel with Martin as a spontaneous unplanned thing even though Oscar wasn't even in Australia anymore when that happened and Oscar didn't even feel like it needed to be explained! Oscar learns and adapts to what Lando feels sensitive about and needs some help with and sometimes even keeps an eye out for his physical well being.
and I think something that has kind of been missed entirely is that the context for the latest video was Lando saying how he's always been the youngest or least experienced in a driver friendship dynamic and - as he's said many times before! - he finds the idea of having to be the older experienced leader not at all comfortable!
which leads to smth a lot of us have always found the sweetest part of the 814 dynamic, the fact that Lando realized early on that he doesn't have to Try with Oscar and he can just exist in his feelings with Oscar and Oscar does not push and he does not get annoyed or weird or offended! and that means that Lando is yes, free to be the full range of bratty to sweetheart and everything in between bc Oscar will just smile at him and be patient. but !! it also means that unless Lando uses his words or takes charge, Oscar will remain in that quiet patient position in their dynamic and won't presume to take charge.
so Lando wishes Oscar would be the older one and take the initiative and now he's in a pickle where he's saying they only don't hang out bc Oscar won't share an interest with him and you can see for a second he knows what he's saying isn't true bc they all talked on a fan stage about a padel competition between Williams and McLaren and he remembers inviting Oscar out to golf at the last minute one time and that Oscar only declined bc he doesn't know how to play and didn't want to hold everyone up but ugh !!! like that is SUCH a Lando situation to get himself into and to somehow be mad at Oscar about <3<3
but ever since Oscar arrived with very little fanfare and decided not to draw too much attention to himself until literally recently, when the Alpine drama was finally firmly behind him, he's been so intent on showing his deference to Lando and even as lately as the place swap in Melbourne that he fully understands the driver dynamics within the team and respects it. and the thing is that Oscar genuinely is so happy to wait and see what Lando wants or needs that it would never remotely occur to him to push or insert himself into Lando's social life unless invited!
so yes, being a fan of landoscar is just like this! it'll never be the PR friendly bromance or the l@rry stylins0n conspiracy theory.
and yep weirdly enough for how so many ppl are taking it, this video for us is so sweet bc Lando's publicly muddling around about why won't Oscar do a mutual interest with him but also already having admitted that he's not good at taking the role that he needs to and pulling Oscar along into his social life the way Carlos, Daniel, Max etc have always done with him - all while Oscar is oblivious and doesn't think anything is even wrong ! and oh boy, Oscar being too literal and not being the type to be pushy ends up assuming he's doing the right thing by not trying to invite himself along to anything with Lando!
like, this is how it goes! if you want the whole bromance catering precisely to your ship needs OR you're hunting for huge drama and simmering resentments that turn into huge drama then this is NOT the place for you lasfgalfg
don't get me wrong I eat up the bromances and the doomed drama partnerships too but I just don't find them worth writing all these stupid posts about like I do w landoscar bc those partnerships are what you see is what you get. apparently what gets me going is The Yearning and The Miscommunication.
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charlesswife · 1 year
times that charles and y/n showed they are couple but keep saying they are not - video
pairing: charles leclerc x f1 driver! reader
summary: after their public kiss, fans went crazy, one of them made a youtube compilation of your favorites formula one drivers being a wholesome couple but saying they are just friends
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lowercase indeed
[intro with monotone voice]
hello friends, in this video i'm going to show you how charles lechair and my queen y/n y/l/n are a couple, they can't really deny it, they are so obvious they make me sick, specially after the kiss they had on tv.
[cuts to the video playing in slow mo with the intro of careless whisper]
anyways here we go
we start at the 2022 Met Gala, where our queen decided to bless us with her presence, and who is a few feet from her? Charlito. They both looked stunning as how it is and absolutely angelical together.
they both approach one of the interviewers and while the interviewer was asking y/n about what she was wearing, charles was only giving y/n heart eyes, only looking at her.
you ain't fooling anyone charles, you love her.
"We are here with celebrity icon and Formula One driver y/n y/l/n" the interviewer started, "alongside her, it's Charles Leclerc"
"Hello" I greeted her.
"So tell us a bit about your outfit, who are you wearing?"
I said what I had memorized before the MET, explaining about the dress, the collaboration with the designer, and what the theme means to me. typical questions with typical answers.
"I see you came with Charles Leclerc, was that planned?"
I wasn't surprised about the question, I knew people were gonna ask about Charles, but she was so bold for it. I looked at Charles, who was already looking at me.
"He begged me to come," I said, "he almost cried like a baby," I laughed. Just as I did that, a piece of my hair got in front of my face, before I could fix it, Charles' hand was already doing the job.
"Well, we are glad you did. You guys definitely look good together"
[cuts to second clip]
if you thought that pierre and charles were the gossipers of the grid, you are wrong. it's y/n and charles. whenever they are in the same room, they just look at each other and the telepathy starts.
"it's crazy the way Charles and Y/n understand each other" Lando said to his twitch chat, "like they just know what the other is thinking it's scary."
The comments started to flow, chat wanted examples.
"Like the other day, some of the drivers, we were all talking and out of nowhere Charles just hands her like a hair tie? no idea where he got it from but apparently y/n made this 'face'" he quoted with his fingers, "that she was hot, he's such a simp, he says he always has one for emergencies"
after a few seconds he started ranting again about Charles and Y/n
"they like to judge people too, they might laugh and deny it but it's true-- last week Carlos was doing this dance move thing and immediately charles and y/n look at each other and it looked like they were having a mental conversation, mate they are crazy together," he reads the chat, who was asking more about their relationship, "I don't think they are just friends as they say, but whatever"
[cuts to third clip]
In the picture of Formula One first day, Y/n said her favorite song is Ready for it? by Taylor Swift.
The social media person in charge of Tiktok, Sarah (idk their names this is just made up), followed Charles with a tiny mic and asked him
"Excuse me, what are you listening to?"
Charles took out one of the headphones and asked, "What?"
"The fans want to know what you are listening to"
"Oh! I'm listening to Taylor Swift" he giggled as he showed the screen to the camera. The song being Ready for it?
There is a speed up walk to Y/n in her red suit drinking water. She sees Sarah with camera in hand and waves at her.
She repeated the same question from before, "Excuse me, what song are you listening to?"
"I'm listening to my girl Taylor! Look What You Made Me Do from the Reputation album," as she showed the screen, a message notification could be seen 'Charles ❤️ - iMessage' she turned her phone back to her to take out the notification, "Oops" she turned the phone back to the screen, "Here we go" she said with a smile.
The caption of the video was 'Our ferrari drivers being Taylor fans is a big slay'
[back to main screen]
i rest my case, but we cannot forget about this iconic moment from charles and y/n, this moment lives rent free in my head.
"So for today we are going to give you boards, and we are gonna go who's most likely"
As Y/n got her board, she said, "this should be fun, we know each other pretty well,"
Charles nodded, "I think I know more about you than you about me"
"Is this a challenge, lord Perceval?"
He laughed, "I mean that's the whole point of the video."
"Bring it on, big boy"
The camera was recording the whole interaction. As Charles was doing the intro for the video and explaining what they were doing, Y/n was doodling in her board and erasing stuff.
"I am so ready to crush you," she said.
"Let the best racer win"
"Who's most likely to want to do something spontaneous during the weekend"
Y/n started writing her anser, "Guys, this is pretty obvious," she turned her board around and the words Charles were on it. Charles had the same answer.
"Me. 100%"
"Charles is always wanting to do something over the weekend, I just wanna chill at home with my cat," she explained as she erased the board.
"So true, I have to drag her out of her house sometimes"
"Which reminds me that I need to change my lock or take away your key," with her comment, Charles rolled his eyes.
It went on like that for a few more rounds until the game was other.
"I think we did a good job," Y/n says.
"I think so too," Charles agrred.
"High five," she put her hand up for him so high five her, as he did, he grabbed her hand and pulled her chair closer to him.
The scene was repeated in slow motion with Careless Whisper in the back again.
i really need charles and y/n to confirm their relationship so i can be have a nice good night sleep.
dont forget to share, like and comment for more videos of charles and y/n.
is this...? a new series...? anyways, enjoy this while i start to write the new chapter of UNEM, which i'm hoping to upload by monday.
let me know what you think about this imagine and if youd like to see more of charles x f1 driver! reader! because it is definitely fun writing about it.
@fandomxs1 @teti-menchon0604 @moonclaine @amsofftrack @fandoms-stuff @mac-daddy-210 @bisexual-desi @miureiz @diasnohibng @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @im-just-here-toread @tyskills @rafaaoli @heavengirls111 @lighttsoutlewis @leclerc13 @c4ssi4-luv @ynbutbetter @marigoldgasly @vita-di-moda @sbrn0905 @leclercsbae @bhiees @empathypostsf1 @marauderlover22 @ushygushybaby @zendayabelova @lord_leclerc @itsmesofia @sebbybucky12 @notleclerc @dicaprio-leo @starkeyellow @spngi @mskeisha69 @prrttyposts @vex-et-soleil @dessxoxsworld @thesurielscheesecake @severenswife @livsans @67-angelofthelordme-67 @booksobsess @buckleyverse
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lukweer · 1 year
ok so like there are two parts of me, right? well there are a lot of parts but english is hurting me right now and my head isn't working so you will make due/do(?)
anyways one part is like: my sense for gay people is strong, i think i know which f1 drivers are gay and i am confident in my answers
but the other part is like: its wrong to speculate sexuality because if people havent come out then they either aren't ready to be out or aren't gay, but at the same time this generation is moving away from the construct of coming out so like... idk.
today the first part is stronger, though, so i want to share my speculations because everyone in the states only watches nascar and is a hick and i'm scared of them. they also do not like my italian accent :(
1. Max Verstappen
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come on guys, any gay person could tell u he's probably bi. i mean he doesn't even try to hide it, u know? like there are compilations of him being fruity. and they are shockingly long.
he's mentioned using grindr, he's mentioned girls OR guys when talking about dating preferences, the whole thing with the freaking lei (i think thats how it is spelled, the hawaiian thing? the flower necklace?). the list goes on and on.
he's had girlfriends, and i'm pretty sure they weren't beards but i'm not sure. i'm leaning towards bi tho for this reason.
even if he isn't bi or gay or pan or whatever, he's at least incredibly comfortable with queerness and is probably a really cool dude. annoying when i'm watching the sunday races, but love him the rest of the time!
2. Lando Norris
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lando is a bit more subtle with it (as are the other ppl in the list). emphasis on a bit, though.
unless you live under a rock, you've probably seen this gif:
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this has called many aboard the lando is a little fruitcake train. what people don't realise is that he "eye fucks" or like... stares lovingly a lot.
other examples include:
staring lovingly at carlos sainz
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checking out charles leclerc (kind of? i think he is checking him out)
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staring lovingly at carloz sainz
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this weird ass moment with, you guessed it, carloz sainz
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there are a lot of these photos and clips out there, but i'm lazy and don't feel like looking for them so yeah. take my word for it.
i saw a post saying that if carlos and lando pulled up to the paddock holding hands and telling people they were dating they wouldn't be shocked. i agree with this statement entirely. as was stated, it takes a lot to get to that point, and we're at that point.
now i grew up a gay dude to a conservative family, and i know the little mannerisms that are like... a part of being gay? and i know what it looks like to hide them.
i do not know if this is the right way to say it or if it is politically correct, but i believe it to be true. gay men tend to have little mannerisms here and there that give us away a bit, and i think i've seen some of those in lando.
i don't think i will share them though, as i don't want to accidentally push harmful stereotypes or whatever. obviously not all gay men have gay mannerisms and it might be something lando is insecure about so i would rather not put them on blast.
if it's not a bad thing i may come back and edit this and add them in. idk, let me know i guess? i am still learning american customs.
3. Yuki Tsunoda
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this is probably going to be the shortest section (ha).
yuki mostly just makes my radar go off. i don't consume alphatauri content as much, but i know there was a thing with him and pierre that was just crazy last year and the year prior. don't know as much about it as i should haha.
but yeah. yuki just sends my radar into the astral plane (is that a thing? i am doubting myself). if he is not at least bisexual i will eat my own foot.
maybe that one moment between him and michael italiano has just gotten to me, i don't know. i trust in my instincts though.
Honourable Mentions
4. Danny Ric
idk he just gives the vibe! i don't know how to explain my radar. gay people know. i think it is called gaydar.
DR is on it.
5. Carlos Sainz
he is probably on my gaydar the least, but he's still on there. latest vlog he gently combed his finger through ruperts hair. he's probably deeply in love with lando. just little things like that i guess!
6. Oscar Piastri
this may be wishful thinking. i sit in bed at night and pray that he is into men.
that is all! thank you for learning about fruity drivers with me! please do not cancel me if i am doing something politically incorrect! i am still learning!
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f1-disaster-bi · 11 months
Ooo that's a cute idea
A little like my WAG Lando au though
However it would be cute.
Oscar driving for McLaren, being the rookie to watch and name that everyone is talking about while Lando is a famous streamer. Mostly for things like COD and other games but also for racing
Mclaren invite Lando to an event after realising how big of a fan he is, and that's hoe they meet. Oscar is instantly enamoured and spends hours watching old streamers and YouTube compilations until he gets the courage to message Lando and their friendship sparks from their
Fans start to get suspicious when Lando bkushes on stream after getting a text from Oscar and Max teases him, and after Oscar appears in pics giving lando heart eyes
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ship268 · 1 year
BAD268′s Formula 1 Masterlist
 !! I’m a simp bro and I’m breaking up my rpf masterlists !!
Aftermath Affair (Mini Series) OP81/Reader/LN4
Breaking News (Mini Series) MV33/Reader/CL16
Andrea Kimi Antonelli
Separate Masterlist
Ollie Bearman
My Champion –W.C. 1710
Wet– W.C. 365
Loop– W.C. 138
Concussed –W.C. 1123
Everbody’s a Ferrari Fan—W.C. 2027
Contracts –W.C. 712
Boyfriend Of The Year –W.C. 2301
Daisies --W.C. 496
Franco Colapinto
None yet
Felipe Drugovich
Approval –W.C. 358
Why Are We Killing Clem? –W.C. 1003
Pierre Gasly
Scandal – W.C. 391
Liam Lawson
Compilations W.C. 3428
Charles Leclerc
Bouquet – W.C. 369
Lando Norris
Nightmare – W.C. 419
Fish – W.C. 131
Ending –W.C. 509
Oscar Piastri
Castle –W.C. 370
“Just friends” -1k celly
Daniel Riccardo
Breaks on the Yacht – W.C. 663
Saddle –W.C. 318
George Russell
Falling for You -1k celly
Logan Sargeant
All I Ever Wanted –W.C.1759
The Light Behind Your Eyes –W.C. 1338
Lesbian –W.C. 483
Robert Shwartzman
My Priority –W.C. 840
Max Verstappen
Waking Up in Vegas –W.C. 1762
Path – W.C. 367
“You’re so American” -1k celly
As always, my requests are OPEN
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