#Latest Book News
indelicateink · 4 months
And even though Lestat isn't really there with Louis, Anderson loved filming all their scenes together because it's such a different relationship than what they shot in season 1.
"Something I really liked about their dynamic this season, which is weird because it is not really them, it's Louis' idea of him, and it's something that I wish that we had more of last season, is them just sort of hanging out," Anderson says. "You see them as friends or people that just enjoy each other's company way more in season 2 than you do in season 1, talking about photos or what are we supposed to do about our daughter? These sort of domestic vignettes. I've really loved doing that stuff."
—Entertainment Weekly
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Yeah! The memory of the person that he chose to be with, aside from the vampire bond and the sensuality of their relationship — there was always something else there. They could make each other laugh. It's a real relationship that has layers to it, and it's nice that you kind of get a glimpse of that at least.
Totally. Without all the violence and gore.
[Laughs] Yes, exactly. Sam and I have talked about how nice it would've been to have had a little mini-series where you just see Lestat and Louis just hanging out in New Orleans.
Being happy?
Yeah. And not even necessarily hunting, just like walking, sitting on a bench, chatting, really like the norm.
— AMC blog
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i just want us to jog back for a mini gentle season 1.5: The Honeymoon Years. they deserve a soft epilogue series of one-offs
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to-the-all-blue · 3 months
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LOOK 🎉 WHAT 🎉 ELSE 🎉 I 🎉 GOT 🎉🎉🎉
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bunnyb34r · 6 months
Something I'll never understand is how apple elitists will find ANY excuse to bring up how they have [apple product] and you have [not apple product]
Like that annoying new guy that was in the breakroom and would not shut up (I get you're bored but it's 7am and we don't care), had walked past me and saw how small my phone is. It's not SMALL but it's not like the length and width of my hand, iPhones are like at least 1.5 the size now.
Anyway he was like "damn what kinda phone is that??" (Meaning what iphone is that) *sees the big SAMSUNG on the top "oh you got samsung. But I bet you USED to have an iphone before right?"
Why would you assume that?? That's such a fucking weird thing to say like unprompted to someone. And I was like no??? I've always had androids?? (And LG before smartphones lol) And it's like they always assume you didn't have a choice, and only got an android bc you couldnt get an iphone. Like no I think iPhones are pieces of garbage, I hate the way the app store works, and the only apple products I've ever had were ipod touches. I like being able to choose where my apps go and can download "non-approved" apps and shit. Bitch I CHOSE this phone bc I LIKE it. I only got my other phone (which IS iphone size) bc this one no longer gets service from the network I use. I use this one for everything but calls and texts, and my actual phone-phone for calls, texts, and sometimes youtube. I paid like $100 max for each phone, I ain't paying more than $150 for a phone that's gonna be slowed down by the company I bought it from in a planned obsolescence scheme to get me to drop another $500-$1000+ in a year or two.
But yeah apple superior you're right 🙄
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regnigt · 2 months
Emily of New Moon, chapter 2: A Watch in the Night
In this chapter, Ellen Greene explains herself, Emily first goes to bed alone, and suffers alone till her father comes. Intensely, despairingly, but not (as I thought for a second) in a not-childlike way. Even as the ground crumbles under Emily's feet, metaphorically (this time), her father comes up and talks to her heart-to-heart, gathering her up and gives her back something to stand on - a faith in, if not events as they happen right now, then at least a kind of distant destiny.
Douglas Starr is by no means a perfect man, he is disdainful of those who he feels are unimaginary, showing ungratefulness to Ellen Greene particularly. He is proud and shows signs of possessiveness in how he didn't want the Murrays to get to know Emily as he fell mortally ill. And in how he still doesn't want to send for them in his last few remaining days. (Is Emily home-schooled because school is too far away from this house, which might have been the most affordable "out-of-doors" house Douglas could find for his poor health? Or did he seek out a distant house in part so he could have full-time company of his beloved, talented daughter with her bright imagination?)
Be that as it may, though. (Personally I find fault with him not contacting the Murrays as this point less for Emily's sake, and more for the sake of poor Ellen Greene, having to do the bulk of his physical care alone). I find myself curious as how Douglas Starr's relationship was with his own mother, the one who Emily is named for, and who she looks like. And his father as well. Did they understand him? They are not around anymore, but did he lose them as an adult or while he was still a child? I forget if we ever learn this. Perhaps he remembers a time when he wished to spend more days with a dying parent, but was whisked aside by uncomprehending other adults. If so, I can definitely see how he would want to spare Emily such an experience.
I also find it interesting that he reacted to the doctor's prediction in the way that would give him the most time possible with his child, yet leave his child with the lesser amount of monetary value. I think we the readers as much as Emily feel that was the right thing to do, but many in his own time might now have agreed. And certainly in other works of fiction one has often seen fathers sacrificing their health to work so their children will have more left to live on, but less time with their fathers - a choice narratives often seem to find sad, yet admirable. Of course, many times there are no Murrays waiting to take physical care of surviving children, so there might be not much of a choice... Sorry, I'm rambling, I'm rambling. (This whole post is probably rather incoherent, for which I apologize! I am several days late in posting it.)
That Emily is able to find her way out of despair and into tenderness and love is testament to her own strong soul and ability to take a leap of faith, but also to the strength of spirit and conviction in her father. Again, he makes her feel seen, listened to, centred, made important. It has become very central to her character to take her father's side in the narrative of her parents' backstory and the feud with the Murrays, and by extension to be drawn away from convention and in favour of non-conformist free thinkers. (Not non-religious thinkers, as faith in a life after death is very central in this chapter, and I don't think atheists are ever shown in a very warm light throughout the Emily books, sadly - but in thinkers who don't conform to orthodoxy - Douglas telling Emily that "You mustn't mix Him up with Ellen Greene's God, of course" is indicative of that.)
But the drawbacks of this is that she doesn't see any problems with her dad's caustic and contemptuous side, that she sees value in self-isolation, that she becomes perhaps rather invested in her own sense of specialness (not that children don't tend to be that in any case!), since after all she is the only surviving result of her parents' meeting... Although perhaps she would have become a nature-loving roamer and a person of great imagination in any case! If so then she surely has become a much happier, stronger and confident person through her father's influence than she would have been with less understanding caregivers in those crucial early years. And all the better, then, that he did make that choice to prolong his life with her as much as possible...!
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lavender-ghosting · 2 months
If I had a nickel for everything I've seen lately that is insinuating I should read the great gatsby...I'd have 4???? Which is not a lot but it's really weird that it's happened that many times????
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bubbles-txt · 1 month
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(septimus.heap.777 on instagram)
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sirendeepity · 7 months
That reading slump is creeping up on me despite my best efforts, so there's only one solution: All For The Game reread
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age-of-moonknight · 3 months
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“Khonshu: Strikefile,” Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu (Vol. 1/2024), #0.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 year
In other news, I had a dream about my hero academia where erasermic came back and got Oboro back and everything turned out fine for them and I don't remember anything about how it actually happened, but they're going to be fine guys. Trust me. If they are not...I will cry. So much.
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deadpresidents · 1 month
What have you been reading since the last time you posted your latest reads?
It's been a few months since I updated my latest reads, so I'm probably going to forget a few titles, but here's what I've been reading since then:
•The Wide Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact, and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook by Hampton Sides (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Pancho Villa: A Revolutionary Life by Paco Ignacio Taibo II and translated by Todd Chretien (BOOK | KINDLE)
•The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War by Erik Larson (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Guardians of the Valley: John Muir and the Friendship That Saved Yosemite by Dean King (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space by Adam Higginbotham (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•When the Sea Came Alive: An Oral History of D-Day by Garrett M. Graff (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Too Rich: The High Life and Tragic Death of King Farouk by William Stadiem (BOOK)
•The House Divided: Sunni, Shia, and the Making of the Middle East by Barnaby Rogerson (BOOK | KINDLE)
•Glad to the Brink of Fear: A Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson by James Marcus (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•The Founders' Curse: James Monroe's Struggle Against Political Parties by Brook Poston (BOOK | KINDLE)
•Decade of Disunion: How Massachusetts and South Carolina Led the Way to Civil War, 1849-1861 by Robert W. Merry (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•The Age of Reconstruction: How Lincoln's New Birth of Freedom Remade the World by Don H. Doyle (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Power and Glory: Elizabeth II and the Rebirth of Royalty by Alexander Larman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis by George Stephanopoulos with Lisa Dickey (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•The Devils Will Get No Rest: FDR, Churchill, and the Plan That Won the War by James B. Conroy (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Ballyhoo!: The Roughhousers, Con Artists, and Wildmen Who Invented Professional Wrestling by Jon Langmead (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•The Rivals: William Gwin, David Broderick, and the Birth of California by Arthur Quinn (BOOK)
•The Book-Makers: A History of the Book in Eighteen Lives by Adam Smyth (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•A History of the Muslim World: From Its Origins to the Dawn of Modernity by Michael Cook (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•The Thought of Pope Benedict XVI: An Introduction to the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger, Third Edition by Aidan Nichols (BOOK | KINDLE)
•Avignon and Its Papacy, 1309-1417: Popes, Institutions, and Society by Joëlle Rollo-Koster (BOOK | KINDLE)
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bonnieshangout · 1 year
Hello Tumblr. My name is Beverly and I am quite new to this. Hope to receive a warm welcome into this new community. I am a university student in a hustle-bustle city hoping to keep my spirit and desires alive. I indulge in a lot of things and would very much like to grow them with you!
My aesthetic appeal: Cottagecore,grunge,boss girl, old money, mystic.
I love to try out new food and recipes that I won't attempt in a long time. I love to watch videos of people cook and drool over my phone because I'm hungry most of the time.
I love cute animals☺️ Dogs,cats,squirrels,parrots, bears, snakes and lots more so keep the pictures coming.
I used to be a book lover and writer. The urge to create and dive right into the magic of books is still there but I haven't dealt with my procrastination. However, I write poetry and can't wait to share with y'all.
A huge over-thinker, hopeless romantic, artsy woman, dreamy dreamer, obsessed with skin-care, can't wait to get out of school tee-hee☺️, plant lover, nail lover, love yoga and a healthy health plan, love clean men and women, erotica, amateur Spanish speaker, fascinated with crocheting, effective hair products are the real deal, nature's representative, and yep...... Thank you for having me.
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danystargaryens · 21 days
I need some good detective tv back. Not something CW or Law and order. (Those are comfort show, i dont need comfort. I need twists) I need a twin peaks mystery. I’m gnawing at wood for some film/tv to bring back insane mystery
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spockandawe · 6 months
.....okay, I'm not stoked about this. Why do i suddenly have a ton of new notes on the months-old post about the repost of raksura short stories that got the patreon nuked? Reblogs have been off for months.
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And while I'm here, any insights on why new followers when i haven't done anything but whine about how creatively dead in the water I've been? These aren't the definitely-spam followers who get elided on the notifications, i got an email for each of these. Or the like on my old old post about the jones trial? Any insights on why all this?
None of these LOOK like spam blogs, and i was curious enough that i went and searched raksura and/or my name on here, reddit, and twitter to see if there was anything likely to have done this. But tbh I'm on the verge of deciding this is the latest shitty iteration of spam bots, now with an extra veneer of pseudoreality and reporting everyone involved for spam and blocking from sheer irritation
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angel---eater · 1 day
i kinda wish sometimes that i had more ppl to just like discuss and jam about meat&candy but im having way way way too much of a good time vibing on my own
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theselkiesea · 8 months
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Just a small bite...
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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