#Latin Names of Chemical Elements
interretialia · 4 months
Formatio Verborum Latinorum / Formation of Latin Words
Fluorum -i n. “Fluorine”   [fluor “flow” + -us adjectival suffix]   [fluor- + -o-] stems   [fluoro-] new stem   [fluorus] masculine nominative singular   [Fluorum] neuter nominative singular
(Fons Latini Nominis Elementi.)
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Writing Reference: Symbolism of Colors
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Colors are proven to have a profound effect on the human psyche and moods.
Territories use colors to represent themselves on their flags.
The significance of colors is proven by the high value that our ancestors placed on certain plants or substances that could be made into dyes, such as the Imperial Purple of Rome that was produced from a mollusk that was valued more highly than gold, or the saffron crocus that produced the sacred color of the same name.
Prior to the development of chemical dyes, the creation of colors that did not fade in the Sun or wash away was a combination of art, science, and magic, akin to an alchemical process.
The impact of the Sun shining through stained glass, painting the interiors of churches with living colors that shimmered and danced, in a medieval world where color was often a privilege of the wealthy few, can only be imagined.
The 7 colors of the rainbow—which break down into 700 shades that are visible to the naked eye—are associated with the seven planets, the days of the week, the Seven Heavens, and the seven notes of the musical scale.
Symbolic Meanings of Some Colors
Night, the absence of light; mourning, sobriety, denial; authority; perfection and purity; maturity and wisdom.
Although it’s the opposite of white, both shades are, in fact, due to an absence of color, and technically speaking black is not a “color” at all. This doesn’t stop it having a wealth of symbolic meaning.
Truth and the intellect; wisdom, loyalty, chastity; peace, piety, and contemplation; spirituality; eternity.
There’s something cool and detached about blue that gives rise to its reputation for spirituality and chastity. Above all, blue is the color of the sky. Like the sky, blue is infinitely spacious. It contains everything, and yet contains nothing. The color is therefore associated with ideas of eternity.
Poverty, humility, practicality.
Primarily associated with the Earth, soil, the raw element before it is covered with greenery. The word for earth, in Latin, is humus, which carries the same root as humility. Religious ascetics wear brown as a reminder of this quality and also of their voluntary material poverty.
Sobriety, steadiness, modesty.
Gray is the midway point between black and white, and tellingly the “gray area” is an area of indetermination, indecision, or ambiguity. To be described as gray is rather less than flattering, since gray is such a subdued and neutral color, and implies that the person blends into the background.
However, gray is also a color of balance and reasonableness and is the color used, in photography, to balance all others.
Because people’s hair turns gray with age, the word is often used to describe elderly people and is also a color of wisdom.
New life, resurrection, hope; the sea; fertility and regeneration; recycling, environmental awareness; a lucky color; an unlucky color.
Green is an amalgam of blue and yellow, and is the color of the fourth chakra. Green is the universal symbol for “Go!” to red’s “Stop!”
Wealth; a chameleon personality.
Not strictly a color as such, but a combination of many other colors. The word is generally used to describe cloth or clothing. The rainbow nature of motley means that whoever wears it has as many aspects as there are colors, a chameleon personality, and it can indicate the trickster or fool (as worn by the jester, or the Fool in the Tarot) as well as kings, emperors, and deities.
In the Bible, Joseph’s coat of many colors is the object of much envy.
Balance between spirit and sexuality; fertility and yet virginity; energy; the Sun; like yellow, orange is believed to be an appetite stimulant.
Orange has two aspects that we see time and time again, pivoting between the material and spiritual worlds, which is not surprising given that the color itself is a balance between red and yellow. As such, it represents the second chakra, the first being red, and the third, yellow.
Femininity, innocence, good health, love, patience.
Pink is the ultimate feminine color, being flirty, girlish, and innocent at the same time. Pale pink is used as the symbol for a baby girl, just as pale blue is used for baby boys. This feminine angle is why the color pink has been adopted as a symbol of gay pride. Pink is the color of universal, unconditional love.
Royalty and pomp; power, wealth, majesty.
Purple, or indigo, is the color associated with the sixth chakra. Since it was first discovered, purple has been the color of choice to denote wealth and power. Emperors, kings, and the more powerful members of the clergy—such as bishops—choose the colour as a way of defining their status. This is because the dye itself was originally available from one source and one source only; the secretions of a certain gland of an unfortunate sea snail called the Murex brandaris. Therefore, purple was extremely costly to produce and strictly the color of those who could afford it, since the dye itself was more expensive even than gold. The most popular shade of the color is called Tyrian Purple (named for the city of Tyre, where it was manufactured).
Vitality and life-force; fire, the Sun, the South; blood; good luck and prosperity; power and authority; masculine energy; war and anger; passion, energy, sexuality.
One of the three primary colors, bright red pops out of whatever environment it happens to be in and grabs our attention more than any other color. Moreover, it is the first actual color that is seen by babies.
Spirituality, holiness, good fortune.
Named after the saffron crocuses whose stigmas create the color, the harvesting of these delicate plant parts is a labor-intensive and time-critical matter and so the actual dye is costly to produce.
Knowledge and intelligence; piety, sobriety, humility, temperance; peace and spirituality.
Violet is the color associated with the seventh chakra. There are many shades of violet ranging from ethereal pale shades through to the darker mauve, considered the only color acceptable as a relief from the relentless strict mourning convention of black and gray in Victorian times. Violet is a combination of red and blue, and its association with temperance is indicated in some Tarot suits.
The humble qualities of violet as a color come from the flower. The tiny violet grows close to the ground, hidden modestly in among the grass, yet noticeable because of its striking color.
Purity, virginity; death and rebirth, a beginning and an end; in the Far East, mourning.
White is both the absence of any color and the sum of all colors together, so in a sense it can mean everything or nothing. This combination of all colors has given white the name of the “many-colored lotus” in Buddhist teachings.
The Sun; power, authority; the intellect and intuition; goodness; light, life, truth, immortality; endurance; the Empire and fertility [China]; cowardice, treachery.
Yellow is one of the three primary colors and is related to the third chakra which lives in the region of the solar plexus. This is apt, since yellow, like red and orange, is one of the Sun colors. It could be argued that yellow is the most dazzling of the three, so the association makes good sense.
Because leaves turn yellow and then to black with the onset of fall, in several places, including Ancient Egypt, yellow is a color of mourning. A yellow cross was painted on doors as a sign of the plague, possibly for the same reasons, and even today yellow marks off a quarantined area.
Source More: On Colours
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melanie-the-artful · 10 months
Genshin Character Names' Meanings
Hello there! So, I remember I once saw a post about meanings of some characters' names in another fandom, and while some of those names probably were given to those characters just because they fit, some of them certainly were chosen for their meaning, and well, it was just interesting to read! And yeah, here I am, in today's series of "I have freaking nothing else to do" I brought you a list of meanings for Genshin characters' names (today only Travelers and Mondstadt).
Aether | Comes from the highest air layer - where the gods live, and from the god who embodies it in Greek mythology; Also not sure whether it's connected, but fun fact: in Latin "Iter" means «Journey»
Lumine | Literally «Light» in Latin
Kong (Chinese Aether) | «Heavenly», «Air» or «Sky» - Chinese Name
Ying (Chinese Lumine) | Literally «Glimmer», «Twinkling» or «Light» in Chinese and a Chinese Name
Sora (Japanese Aether) | Literally «Sky» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Hotaru (Japanese Lumine) | Literally «Firefly» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Paimon | Comes from King Paimon, the 9th of Goetia Demons 
Amber | Well, in her case it obviously references her eyes that carry that color, and it is also similar to the word «ember», which underlines her being a Pyro wielder; Also «Fierce» as an originally Arabic or Celtic Name
Kaeya | «Monsoon Flower» - Sanskrit Name
Lisa | «God's Promise» - German Name
Jean | «God is Gracious» - Originally French Name
Barbara | Although in our world it is believed to come from barbarians, in context of Genshin she might've been named so after Barbatos, the Archon rulling over her nation. It also makes sense considering how her father also serves at the church; Also «Foreign», «Strange» as an originally Greek Name
Diluc | Comes from «diluculum» - Latin for «Dawn»
Noelle | «Christmas» - Originally French Name
Klee | Literally «Clover» in German
Albedo | Term for the fraction of sunlight that is diffusely reflected by a body; also a Latinicized alchemical term meaning «Whiteness» and «Purification»
Sucrose | A chemical element, also known as C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁, or just sugar
Mona | «Solitary», «Adviser» or «Wish» - German Name
Fischl | Considering German grammatics, literally means «Little Fish» 
Amy | «Beloved», «Dearly Loved» - German Name
Bennett | «Blessed» - Originally French and Latin Name
Rosaria | «Rosary» or «Wreath of Roses» - Derives from originally Latin Name Rosarius/Rosarium
Diona | «Goddess» or «From the Sacred Spring» - German Name 
Eula | Could be based on the german word for owl Eule or the German Name Ulla which means «Will»
Mika | «Who is like God» - German Name 
Venti | Sounds similar to the word «windy», also literally «Winds» in Italian
Barbatos | Comes from Duke Barbatos, the 8th of Goetia Demons 
Crepus | Comes from «crepusculum» - Latin for «Dusk»
Seamus | «Supplanter» - Originally Irish Name
Frederica | «Peaceful Ruler» - German Name
Alice | «Noble» or «Exalted» - Originally German Name
Rhinedottir | Originally Rhine was a name for someone who lived by the Rhine river in German, yet the word itself originates from the word 'renos', which means «Flowing Water» or «Raging Flow»; meanwhile "dottir" is «Daughter» in Icelandic
Barbeloth | May derive from the Gnostic aeon Barbēlō, a supreme, androgynous entity in Gnosticism known as God's first thought, being his "feminine aspect" and the Mother-Father of the aeons
Nicole | «Victory of the People» - Originally French Name
Varka | Likely based on the Old Persian 𐎺𐎼𐎣 (varka), meaning «Wolf»
Decarabian | Comes from Marquis Decarabia, the 69th of Goetia Demons
Dvalin | Comes from a dwarf in Old Norse tales, meaning «The Dormant One» or «The One Slumbering» (akin to the Danish and Norwegian "dvale" and Swedish "dvala", meaning «Sleep, «Unconscious Condition» or «Hibernation»).
Durin | Overally associated with a dwarf named Durin, who is also from Norse tales, though some say it is of Latin origin and means «Firm», «Enduring»
Yeah, here it is! I know, I basically made a compilation of things you can find yourself in Google, buuuuuut in case you were too lazy or not curious enough to do so, I did so in your stead! And I have to admit that those are not names of my homeland, and I may not know all their variations or significance, yet I'm still interested, and I'll be happy if you're willling to correct me. And maybe I will even dig in deeper into the topic next time!
So, see you!
Edited: Yeah, I added a few more meaningful characters and Travelers' names on other languages + a few other tiny additions. I think now it seems a little more complete. Next up is Liyue!
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noosphe-re · 5 months
Etymology of 'phosphorous'
1640s, "substance or organism that shines of itself," from Latin phosphorus "light-bringing," also "the morning star" (a sense attested in English from 1620), from Greek Phosphoros "morning star," literally "torchbearer," from phōs "light," contraction of phaos "light, daylight" (related to phainein "to show, to bring to light," from PIE root *bha- (1) "to shine") + phoros "bearer," from pherein "to carry" (from PIE root *bher- (1) "to carry," also "to bear children").
As the name of a solid, non-metallic, combustible chemical element, it is recorded from 1680, originally one among several substances so called; the word used exclusively of the element from c. 1750. It was discovered in 1669 by Henning Brand, merchant and alchemist of Hamburg, who derived it from urine. Lavoisier demonstrated it was an element in 1777. According to Flood, "It is the first element whose discoverer is known."
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xunzilla · 4 months
Having resolved to investigate the dubs vs. subs question, the DYEWSPH2TER SOCIETY watches the new Dungeon Meshi.
IZUTSUMI (DUB): The name of your race is pretty strange. I heard it came from your kind getting one of their legs chopped off for committing too much thievery!
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: She would not say that.
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: "Committing too much thievery"? She's a slave bought from a freak show and she speaks fluent Ciasslcal English?
SIMPLICIO J. RHETORICUS: Is the language of the island diglossic?
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: They're ruled by the elves. But let's not get into translatology. (A horrid, ill-formed word: two parts Latin, one part Greek.) The manga renders Senshi's dialogue in an atrocious fantasy accent, but it makes clear a nuance of the original: he's a weird foreigner who lives alone in a cave and his only friends are orcs.
SIMPLICIO J. RHETORICUS: Does Izutsumi's country have a different language?
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: Izutsumi's country is fantasy Japan. Look at their names. "Shuro" is a mispronunciation of a name Laios is unfamiliar with.
SIMPLICIO J. RHETORICUS: The dwarves' names also fit Japanese phonology. Senshi, Namari...
DICTIONARY: 鉛 なま̅り̅ nàmárí, lead (chemical element). Perhaps related to Goguryeo 乃勿 *namur; cf. Korean nap, OC (Zhengzhang) ra:b.
TYPESETTER: U+0305 COMBINING OVERLINE should render above the characters ま and り, but on some systems may display as spacing characters following them. We apologize for our inability to reliably display simple linguistic text without platform-dependent markup in 2024. 😔👎💩
ENCYCLOPEDIA: Vowel length in Zhengzhang Shangfang's reconstruction of Old Chinese represents Type A syllables.
SIMPLICIO J. RHETORICUS: Is that an official name? The scan thought Laios and Falin Touden were Laius and Farlyn Thorden.
ENCYCLOPEDIA: Lajos is a Hungarian masculine given name, cognate to English Louis. People named Lajos include Lajos Kossuth, who in 1849 presented the Hungarian Declaration of Independence. A bust of Lajos Kossuth was added to the Small House Rotunda of the United States Capitol Building in 1987.
ENCYCLOPEDIA: "A Gift to the People of the United States from the American Hungarian Federation"
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: Did you think he was more important? At any rate, he was a nobleman.
ZEPHANIAH EZEKIEL THUD: It sounds Greek to me.
HANPHECIUS HUMBUG: Hungarians don't have saunas.
ZEPHANIAH EZEKIEL THUD: Didn't you think he was Faroese? It's a fantasy west.
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: Why would Japan care about Hungarian names? But this is a stupid diversion. Where were we?
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: Of course! A critical matter. A noble pursuit. In this fallen world, in which the noblest by nature are forced to toil in drudgery while petty-minded merchants build generational fortunes that their mediocre heirs piss away, many are unfortunately unable to read Japanese. So we debate dubs vs. subs.
SIMPLICIO J. RHETORICUS: I grew up on 4Kids. I can't stand the English VA voice. The Japanese one is bearable.
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: Thank you for your valuable contribution.
VRISKA: why do you all have the same voice
ZEPHANIAH EZEKIEL THUD: We live in a bourgeois republic.
SIMPLICIO J. RHETORICUS: Let's grant that Izutsumi's country speaks a different language. "Committing too much thievery" is a clumsy phrase. "Thievery" sounds silly compared to "theft". And it's a vague Latinate verb that lets the noun carry the meaning - very indirect! We don't live in the kingdom of nouns.
ZEPHANIAH EZEKIEL THUD: Why couldn't Asebi, Toshiro's retainer, have been taught to speak like that? Toshiro went to the island for training. But would they pay real islanders to teach them the nuances of the language?
SIMPLICIO J. RHETORICUS: She was bought at the age of six; even if the circus had the same language as the island, that's well within at least the tallman critical period.
ZEPHANIAH EZEKIEL THUD: She would've been taught out of dictionaries, which don't say anything about connotation.
VRISKA: okay not to be rude but can i say something about some of the papers i've read
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: I didn't pay that much attention to "thievery". It's simpler, more regular. For all I know "theft" might be too hard a word to put in a mass-market translation. "Committing too much theft" would still sound too classical. It seems like the wrong intent.
ZEPHANIAH EZEKIEL THUD: Why couldn't a slave learn the acrolect?
GIANLUCA D'BOVRIL: How broad-minded. Would your escaped slave also write her own sermons?
VRISKA: oh my god shut up
VRISKA: what does the sub say
IZUTSUMI (SUB): That odd name for your race. I heard it's because lots of you got a foot lopped off for stealing.
VRISKA: the manga?
IZUTSUMI (MANGA): I hear that the reason your race got that name is because a bunch of halflings got punished for theft by having one of their feet cut off! Guess they had to deal with having half as many, huh?
VRISKA: yea the dub is bad
ZEPHANIAH EZEKIEL THUD: It could be a deliberate choice. I personally think that "thievery" is awkward, but it's a possibility to keep in mind. We'll see if what follows bears it out.
VRISKA: marcille sounds like a college republican horse girl
VRISKA: #notwrong
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Energy Across Cultures Pt 1 - Coin's Notes
I ended up having to break this up into a multipart series, otherwise, the post would have ended up way too long. Here is part one of an overview of energy across cultures!
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What is energy?
In scientific terms, such as physics, energy is “the capacity for doing work” (britannica) and it exists in various forms such as potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, and so on.
In esoteric terms, however, energy takes on a different and yet very similar meaning. Many cultures and religions have different views on what energy is and how it works, some of them more different than others.
Here are just a few ways that energy is viewed throughout various cultures and history:
Subtle Body
The subtle body is the English term for a belief seen across many cultures. While there are similarities in how each culture or practice experiences and defines the subtle body, they should all be treated as separate and distinct in their own right, using the correct names when talking about them in the context of the cultures and practices respectively.
This idea of a semi-physical semi-spiritual aspect of the human body is seen mostly in Asian cultures such as Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism—though not every branch may accept this belief.
That said, there are some Western practices that have adopted the idea of a subtle body. Many people’s personal practices may employ this belief as well.
There are those who consider the subtle body as the vehicle in which one astral projects, seeing it as a non-physical but not entirely spiritual existence.
Animal magnetism
Also called Mesmerism after the German doctor Franz Anton Mesmer who developed the theory, animal magnetism is the theory that an invisible force naturally permeates every living thing. Mesmer would claim that this force could be manipulated and could have physical effects—including healing. According to Mesmer, this force, or “vital fluid” flowed through all living things and was made from fire, air, and spirit; vital fluid, as with other fluids, tends to maintain an equilibrium.
When out of equilibrium this imbalance could cause a range of problems, from mental issues such as depression or anxiety, to physical issues like nausea and other illnesses. This could be fixed by putting the body back toward equilibrium.
He began at first by using actual magnets, later abandoning this in favor of human touch. Mesmer would stroke or make sweeping motions above the patient’s limbs to manipulate their vital fluid and return it to equilibrium.
An aura is generally seen as a sort of energy field that enclosed a human, animal, or object. Some describe the aura as a subtle body. This subtle emanation of the body may change in size, shape, or color according to some beliefs.
The etymology of the word comes from Latin and Ancient Greek aura, meaning “breeze” or “breath” and would later come to mean “gentle breeze” in Middle English before turning into its modern definition.
This concept was spearheaded by Charles Webster Leadbeater, a member of the Theosophical Society. He introduced the modern idea of the aura in his book “The Inner Life” by incorporating chakras from Tantric beliefs. Leadbeater reinterpreted the beliefs of Tantric philosophy and mixed them with his own ideas all the while not acknowledging the sources.
Ether, also called aether or ather, is sometimes seen as the “fifth element” or quintessence. Originally Aether was the Ancient Greek concept (and later the personification) of the “upper air”, what we now know of as the atmosphere. This element was the material element of the cosmos.
Even as time passed it was seen as the material that fills the “space” in the universe not taken up but celestial bodies or other forms.
This term would later be borrowed and transformed by a number of scientists and theologists. Namely Thomas Edison, Sir Isaac Newton, and more.
Chakras (Sanskrit चक्र; Romanized as cakkra; possibly wheel, discus, or cycle) are psychic or energy centers across the body, how many chakras vary by sect and personal practice. Unfortunately, the concept of chakras has been heavily misappropriated--see above where I mention Leadbeater.
Originally the concept of chakras came from the practice of Tantric Yoga and gained popularity, eventually reaching Western occultism.
Please read this post, this post, and this post to get a clearer understanding of chakras.
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fimproda · 7 months
Gwynriel fic chapter titles
As I did for the Elucien fic, I'm emerging from my hiatus just to drop this thing and then going back into hibernation as soon as I hit post.
Prologue – Hydrogen
Chemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1. Stars such as the Sun are mainly composed of hydrogen in the plasma state.
Chapter 1 – Phosphorus
Chemical element with symbol P and atomic number 15. Its name, taken from Greek mythology, means ‘light-bearer’ (Latin Lucifer), referring to the ‘Morning Star’, the planet Venus.
Chapter 2 – Sodium
Chemical element with symbol Na and atomic number 11. It’s a highly reactive metal and an essential nutrient for many living beings.
Chapter 3 – Chlorine
Chemical element with symbol Cl and atomic number 17. It’s extremely reactive, strongly oxidizing, and corrosive.
Chapter 4 – Chromium
Chemical element with symbol Cr and atomic number 24. Its name is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘color’, since many chromium compounds are intensely colored.
Chapter 5 – Nitrogen
Chemical element with symbol N and atomic number 7. Its other suggested name, azote, comes from a Greek word meaning ‘no life’, suggesting its use as an asphyxiant gas.
Chapter 6 – Iron
Chemical element with symbol Fe and atomic number 26. Iron and iron alloys have been historically used to make weapons, and their low cost and high strength often make them the materials of choice to withstand stress or transmit forces.
Interlude – Sulfur
Chemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16. Hell is thought to ‘smell of sulfur’, likely due to its association with volcanic activity.
Chapter 7 – Fluorine
Chemical element with symbol F and atomic number 9. It’s extremely reactive, as it reacts with all other elements except for the light inert gases.
Chapter 8 – Lithium
Chemical element with symbol Li and atomic number 3. Lithium-based drugs are useful as a mood stabilizer and antidepressant in the treatment of various mental illnesses.
Chapter 9 – Argon
Chemical element with symbol Ar and atomic number 18. Its name is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘lazy’ or ‘inactive’, as a reference to the fact that this element undergoes almost no chemical reactions.
Chapter 10 – Cobalt
Chemical element with symbol Co and atomic number 27. Cobalt-based blue pigments have been used since antiquity.
Chapter 11 – Carbon
Chemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6. Its unique characteristics enable it to serve as a common element of all known life.
Chapter 12 – Oxygen
Chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. Many life forms require oxygen for cellular respiration, and it’s a fundamental element for combustion.
Epilogue – Helium
Chemical element with symbol He and atomic number 2, the first of the noble gases. Large amounts of new helium are created by nuclear fusion of hydrogen in stars.
Remember that Nucleosynthesis and its companion Elucien piece, Sol niger, are intricately connected.
What happens in Nucleosynthesis's prologue, interlude, and epilogue also happens in Sol niger, and these chapters share the same titles in the two stories.
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bagskate · 8 days
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Antimony is a chemical element; it has symbol Sb (from Latin stibium) and atomic number 51. A lustrous grey metal or metalloid, it is found in nature mainly as the sulfide mineral stibnite (Sb2S3). Antimony compounds have been known since ancient times and were powdered for use as medicine and cosmetics, often known by the Arabic name kohl.
Elemental Haiku, Mary Soon Lee
part of @simmyfrobby's nhl periodic table poems series
"yankees stadium hosts its first outdoor hockey game, rangers vs devils 2014", dave sandford / p.k. subban, 2011 heritage classic, jeff vinnick / from the hector leblanc collection / photo unsourced, most likely by jay capers
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callsign-bubbles · 8 days
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Molybdenum is a chemical element; it has symbol Mo (from Neo-Latin molybdaenum) and atomic number 42. The name derived from Ancient Greek Μόλυβδος molybdos, meaning lead, since its ores were confused with lead ores. Molybdenum minerals have been known throughout history, but the element was discovered (in the sense of differentiating it as a new entity from the mineral salts of other metals) in 1778 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele. The metal was first isolated in 1781 by Peter Jacob Hjelm. Molybdenum does not occur naturally as a free metal on Earth; in its minerals, it is found only in oxidized states.
On June 22nd, 2018, Dahlin was drafted first overall by the Buffalo Sabres. He was the first Swedish player to be drafted first overall since Mats Sundin in 1989, and the second Swede overall to accomplish the feat.
(x. x. x. x.)
part of the nhl periodic table of poems featuring elemental haiku by mary soon lee, created by @simmyfrobby
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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As Above, So Below....
"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul" - Hermes Trismegistus As above, so below
The term, "As above, so below" was recorded in the Hermetic texts from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, which states: "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."
In the heavens above, the planet's energies are that which is so below on earth. We humans who live on the so below are made of these same heavenly energies of that which is as above. Hence, the microcosm is oneself, and the macrocosm is the universe.
Manly P. Hall had said, "We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe"; and Paracelsus says that man's spirit comes from the stars, his soul from the planets, his body from the elements. More recently Carl Sagan had said quite simply, “we're made of star stuff.”
Our immortal souls belong to the Creator like the stars in the heavens.
Humans are made of the heavens who are found among the stars and planets. The heavens on the AS ABOVE is the macrocosm, and we humans on the SO BELOW, the microcosm. The same chemical energies found in the AS ABOVE stars such as phosphorus, hydrogen, sodium, Sulfur, magnesium, and iron can be found in almost all living organisms including we humans on the SO BELOW.
Like a star that burns bright, we can also burn out and fall like Lucifer. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. A dying star that once belonged to the Creator becomes ash, just as with the fall of man, his immortal essence also becomes mortal ash.
The as above so below is also the hidden secret biblical alchemical science of the allegorical stories behind the veiling of 666, the beast or Revelation, Lucifer, and Jesus Christ. I have written about this hidden alchemy in the bible many times before in articles such as The Science of 666, The 7 Stars and 7 Golden Lampstands of DNA and From Atom to Adam to Red Man.
The number 666 relates to the carbon atom and man. Carbon is abundant in the Sun, stars, comets, and in the atmospheres of most planets. Carbon-12 is one of the 5 elements that make up the human DNA; being composed of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons, which equates to 666. Its abundance is due to the Triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars.
John the Baptist said of the coming Antichrist and the Number of the Beast: “ Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast : for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” John was telling us that we are that beast, and the antichrist. 666 is simply the number of man, and this can be proven by modern science.
Lucifer, the fallen angel is the Latin word for the Greek word phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros); a name meaning “Light-Bringer.” The phosphorus atom is of the nitrogen family, but having that characteristic of firing. Hence, the term light bringer for this is the very chemical energy that next to calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body used primarily for energy production, growth and the repair of body cells and tissues. It is the very energy that you need to think, live, create and yes, even have sex with to create babies to further evolve or devolve your family blood line.
God said, let there be light, and there was light.
The very chemical energy known as the Greek phosphorus that makes us human; and like the Latin Lucifer, we too can fall and devolve. Or we can simply rise above the matrix and become like Jesus; leaving the earthly world behind by dying on the cross on the so below, in order to rise to the heavens on the as above to become spiritual beings who are lights in the world. Illuminated teachers and angels that guide those people who are less fortunate to do the same.
These truths are the basis of the human science of chemical energies of the as above and so below known as alchemy, and the science of an inner spiritual knowledge called gnosis. Two ancient sciences that are some of the least understood by current humanity. This selfish ignorance of their pasts that often leads to their early mortality, in which the evolution of their soul is simply not occurring.
Our goal with our lives is to evolve, not devolve. To rise above, not fall below. To love and be loved. Hence, those humans who do not know their pasts, simply never last. Those who live a lie always die, and those who live by truth never die.
Life is a journey in which we each take our own paths, and find our own truths. To find truth and happiness, we all need to play our own tune in accordance with each of our own chosen paths, spiritual gifts and worldly talents. Be still, withdraw from the world of illusions and just be yourself. In a sense, be happy with what the creator has given us and also do not waste our lives by becoming fallen angels doomed to devolve in our own man-made hells for eternity.
If we all play our own tune with these spiritual gifts that we have been given, we can then begin to repair our damaged selves, and then be a light in the damaged dark world that we live in. Find that philosopher's stone that is within each one of us.
In a sense, create heaven on earth.
{{The Seven Principles of the Universe}}:
1. Principle of Mentalism: “All is Mind”
2. Principle of Correspondence: “As is above, so is below. As is below, so is above.”
3. Principle of Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
4. Principle of Polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has an opposite, and opposites are identical in nature but different in degree.”
5. Principle of Rhythm: “Everything flows, out and in; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left- rhythm compensates.”
6. Principle of Cause and Effect: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.”
7. Principle of Gender: “Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”
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mundmutter · 7 months
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Significant Creatures of Alchemy / various important names and theories related to her Alchemy and story
Nymph / Undina ( latin ) - Element Water. Sylph / Sylvestris ( latin ) - Element Air Pygmy / Gnomus ( latin ) - Element Earth Salamander / Vulcanus ( latin ) - Element Fire
The Sprites of fiery Termagants in Flame Mount up, and take a Salamander's name. Soft yielding minds to Water glide away, And sip, with Nymphs, their elemental Tea. The graver Prude sinks downward to a Gnome, In search of mischief still on Earth to roam. The light Coquettes in Sylphs aloft repair, And sport and flutter in the fields of Air.
alchemical properties and future creatures and theories based upon the works of Jābir ibn Hayyān and Paracelsus Hohenheim. Jabir's ultimate goal was Takwin, the artificial creation of life in the alchemical laboratory, up to, and including, human life. He analyzed each Aristotelian element in terms of four basic qualities of hotness, coldness, dryness, and moistness. According to Jabir, in each metal two of these qualities were interior and two were exterior. For example, lead was externally cold and dry, while gold was hot and moist.
Thus, Jabir theorized, by rearranging the qualities of one metal, a different metal would result. By this reasoning, the search for the philosopher's stone was introduced to Western alchemy. Jabir developed an elaborate numerology whereby the root letters of a substance's name in Arabic, when treated with various transformations, held correspondences to the element's physical properties.
The atomic theory of corpuscularianism, where all physical bodies possess an inner and outer layer of minute particles or corpuscles, also has its origins in the work of Jabir, while Paracelsus pioneered the use of chemicals and minerals in medicine and wrote, " Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what virtue and power may lie in medicines
there is so much to sift through, so much, but piecing it all together and shifting into a true world for her is going to be fun! her basic principles will be the same, but the beginning of that universe will be different. i cant wait to piece it all together properly
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interretialia · 2 years
Formatio Verborum Latinorum / Formation of Latin Words
Lithium -ii n. “Lithium”   [λίθος “stone” + -ium element suffix]   [λιθο- + -io-] stems   [litho- + -io-] λιθο- Latinized   [lith- + -io-] o disappears before i   [Lithio-] new stem   [Lithium] nominative singular
(Fons Latini Nominis Elementi.)
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Periodic Table Championship: Round 1, Day 1, Molybdenum vs. Tungsten
The final matchup of day 1 pits two refractory metals against each other: element 42, molybdenum versus element 74, tungsten. Let's meet our challengers:
Molybdenum has one of the lowest coefficients of thermal expansion among commercially available metals. The primary application of molybdenum is in steel, high-strength, and superalloys, where it tends to form carbides that add to the strength of these alloys. Its name comes from the Latin word for lead, as its ores were often confused with lead ores.
Tungsten has both the highest melting temperature and the highest boiling point of all the elements. It is well known for is use in light bulb filaments, as well as for its hardness in the form of tungsten carbide. Its name comes from the Swedish for heavy stone, but historically is has also been known as wolfram, ultimately from the Latin for wolf's froth, and this name survives in the element's chemical symbol and some modern languages.
They are both transition metals and refractory elements that crystalize in the body-centered cubic crystal structure at room temperature.
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Crystals Indepth: Selenite
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Hi my badass bitches and badass witches, It's me Mai. With a random crystal of the day that we are going to learn about. I am just going to pull a card from my lovely Crystal Oracle deck and take a moment to learn about it in depth.
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Ironically the first card pulled was Selenite, which is honestly a great place to start especially for those that are just starting out.
What is selenite?
Selenite is a part of the gypsum mineral, you may also know other types of gypsums such as desert rose or satin spar. Selenite is formed from Calcium Sulfate dihydrate and is a monoclinic crystal. The name comes from the middle english word, selenite which derived from the latin word selenites and also from the Greek Word selēnítēs líthos (σεληνίτης λίθος) translating as Moonstone. This crystal can be found in places like Mexico, Russia, Morocco, Greece, Poland, German, France, Australia and the US and other deposits can be found in many different countries. It was originally believed that the crystal would grow and shrink with the phases of the moon.
True selenite usually comes as a translucent stone, and has a 2 on the Mohs scale. Selenite Forms as a result of an accumulation of salt that has been evaporated from saltwater. For millions of years, the water will build up and evaporate and leave behind a layer of salt and then the process repeats. When the water becomes concentrated with a high level of saline solution in a cool environment when the mineral gypsum is present, the gypsum will start to crystallize. Selenite will form from the wet condition that they crystalize in and will often trap particles of sand and other minerals within the crystal. While selenite is often translucent it varies based on location and environment.
Selenite Vs Satin Spar
You might be very aware of satin spar, it's sold in many stores and shops and are usually labeled as selenite, but there is a difference between the two. Both Selenite and Satin spar are both from the Gypsum family, and are basically made with similar compound formulas.
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satin spar
Selenite is clear, almost transparent and has a more crystal like structure that you can see in other crystals such as rose quartz. While satin spar is a bit more milky and opaque and is more fibrous in structure. Overall they have similar properties, just one is built a little different from the others
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Zodiac: Cancer, Taurus
Element: Water
Planets: Moon
Number: 8
Deities: Luna, Selene
Properties and uses
Selenite can be used for many things such as bringing balance, blessing, cleansing, creativity, inspiration, motivation, protection, and cleansing.
Selenite can be helped to bring awareness, harmony and balance. One can also use it to help keep one focused or to keep away negative spirits. Many believe that selenite has healing abilities as many healers have used selenite by placing it outside of one's home when they were sick to promote healing and Wellness.
It is often very widely known to keep away negative energy and to attract positive energy. It is also why I personally keep a piece of selenite above my door as to leave any negative energy from the day behind and bring positivity into my home.
So now it is also really great for meditating to help one connect with their own spirituality as well. Some people use it to better connect with their personal spirit guide. Selenite can also be used for scrying and can be used to help one connect with their higher self.
Because of the stones' association with the moon it's often that the crystal is used for Moon associated spells. And since ancient times my husband used to channel Divine energy from different planes which is why many use it to direct to energy during their work
Selenite is a crystal but I often don't tell people that they have to cleanse due to the fact that all night is self-cleansing because it brings a positive energy and reflects negative. Because of the chemical compound of selenite however and because it's part of the gypsum family, Selenite is not ideal to cleanse in water if you do choose to cleanse it. and we also for these reasons we do not leave selenite in salt because it can cause the crystal to corrode. Also please remember that Selenite t especially satin Spar is a bit fragile and it's important to Handle With Care as they can be very brittle. If you are to handle selenite in general please make sure to wash your hands after wards so that you do not accidentally cause splinters into your eyes etc.
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creation-help · 2 years
For the "helping people name their OCs": My OC is a god. He's the god of all metals and is protecting a realm. (yes he's a mk oc) He's able to manipulate every kind of metal, and I want his name to be related to that. His previous name was Demiral which in Turkish means "Iron hand". The new name can have the same meaning. Since I also want his name to be unique, feel free to apply random changes to words.
I hope the information helps.
Hopefully I don't need to know mk (mortal kombat..?) lore to help in this. Also, God of metal, is one of the coolest concepts I've heard in a while now! Demiral "Iron hand" is, also, one of the coolest names! I applaud you.
If you'd be fine with a more "basic" name, Uranium or Mercury - which are types of metal, could also make for names! For word remixes/combos of the two, I present: Marconium (nickname could be Marco lol), Ercura, Mercu, Raecury
Antimony is one that I liked the sound of. From some brief searching, I found it to be the name of an element which is classed as a half metal. Maybe not as accurate but it's a cool word! If none of my suggestions are satisfactory I recommend just googling names related to metal.
For the different languages route, I present:
Ferro/Ferri (Italian for iron) or any remixes of the word (ex: Ferocia, Ferriel)
Rauta (Finnish for iron)
Argentum (Latin for silver, also where the Ag name comes for the chemical component) or any remix thereof (ex: Argan, Argun, Argen, Grentum, Gernam)
Just based on vibes:
Voclun, Falkus, Graneon, Asfel, Signum, Krome, Endyon
That's most of what I could come up with on the spot (kinda). I hope it helps!
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rosietrace · 2 years
Mercury Menodora
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“It may look like a peaceful safe haven, but once you're in the lion's den, there's no way out.”
— Mercury Menodora
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General Information
Full Name — Mercury Menodora Ludwig Von Monarch
↳ Mercury: Meaning to trade or wages in Latin, taken from the Roman God of trade, merchants, and messenger of the Gods of the same name. It also happens to be the name of a metallic chemical element.
↳ Menodora: Of Greek origin, meaning ‘gift of the moon’.
↳ Ludwig: Taken from the Germanic name ‘Hludwig’, meaning Famous in battle.
↳ Von: A term used in the German language as a nobiliary particle indicating a noble patrilineality.
↳ Monarch: A term used to refer to the sovereign head of state, while also used to refer to a large migratory orange and black butterfly that mainly occurs in North America.
Japanese ver. — マーキュリー メノドラ ルートヴィヒ フォン モナーク
Romaji ver. — Mākyurī Rūtovihi Fon Monāku
Twisted from: Vidia
❐ — Vidia (Tinkerbell/ティンカーベル)
V/A(日本語): Tetsuya Kakihara(柿原徹也)
↳ Voices Wanderer, Genshin Impact
V/A(英語/EN): Patrick Pedraza
↳ Voices Wanderer, Genshin Impact
Age: 16
Birthday: December 17th
Horoscope: Capricorn ♑
Species: Wind Faerie
Height: 154 cm
Hair color: Purplish Blue
Eye color: Light Blue
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/They
Sexuality: Aromantic
Dominant hand: Right
Extra Information
Homeland: Shaftlands, 「 Northern Region 」
『 Family:
Yona Von Monarch Rhys (Aunt/Legal Guardian)
Minami Rhys (Uncle/Legal Guardian)
Kiara Rhys (In-law)
Victoria Shard (Cousin) 』
Dormitory: Bystro Letyuschiy
School Year: 1st Year
Class: 1-A(seat no. 17)
Club: Spelldrive Committee
Best class(es): Physical Education, Navigation
Worst class(es): Water Dancing
Like(s): His family, Spelldrive, combat training, lockets, fashion, gossip, calligraphy, lounging around, reading, spending time with friends
Dislike(s): “Gossip”, loud noises, arguments of any kind, Camilla's singing, Grimhilde, failure, abandonment
Hobbies: Reading, playing spelldrive, combat training, gossiping with Watatsumi and Ivy /hj, combat critique
Talent(s): Calligraphy, bilingualism, physical strength, flexibility, combat critique, navigation
Flaw(s): Judgmental, resentful, easy to annoy, condescending, overprotective, ignorant of the impact his words bring, afraid of change
Mercury… Sweet boy, when he wants to be.
He's considered one of the best students in Bystro Letyuschiy, in spite of the obvious fact that he's only a first year. Many in the staff — and student body — see potential in him.
Mercury grew up believing that he had to live up to certain expectations from other people. He resents the outlook most of his family shares, and tends to keep his distance when it comes to most of them.
Only ever agreeing to Scepter Hall to start his life anew, Mercury tries to not sound as judgmental when it comes to the people around him…. And fails. The boy can't keep his mouth shut, he has an opinion and he can't help but want those around him to know it.
Unfortunately, the result is him being completely ignorant of the impact of what he's saying has on other people. His words, his tone, down to the way he conveys it through his body language — It has an impact on other people that he's yet to properly realize.
He loves and cares for the people in his life, truly, but that often comes off as overprotectiveness on his end. Despite his wish for a change in his life, it seems Mercury's afraid of going about that change.
He's not heartless. At the end of the day, he's yet to have truly discovered the kind of person he is — and what people genuinely think of him.
Unique Magic: Faster than sound (音よりも速く)
◊ Allows its user to move faster than the speed of sound. How this ability operates goes as follows;
The user builds up a good portion of their magical energy on a certain part of their body — eventually channeling that mana and using it to increase their typical speed.
The effects of the ability will last for as long as the user can manage their mana. Once that portion of mana has been depleted of usage, the user will return to their normal speed of movement.
Albeit with the limitation of falling unconscious if they ever tried overexerting themselves.
Thoughts on them
“Oh, don't you nary a peep about my nephew. He means well, truly, he does. Alas… Well, you'll figure it out eventually.”
— Yona Von Monarch Rhys, Mercury's Aunt
“I didn't realize he was so…. Honest? Is that the right word? I'll admit, his words cut through me for quite some time since we first met. Yona said that he's warmed up to me since then, but I'm not so sure anymore.”
— Minami Rhys, Mercury's Uncle
Additional Trivia
✑ Main Theme: Deviltown by Cavetown
✑ Backstory: 『 The Finer things in Life 』
✑ OC Playlist: TBA
༝ㅤ・ㅤ˚ㅤ。ㅤ.ㅤ⋆ㅤ↛ ❝🦋❞
◊ Mercury has a soft spot for certain people in his life. He doesn't like to admit it openly, but he's particularly softer around the following individuals:
↳ Yona Von Monarch Rhys, who raised him ever since his parents ‘disappeared’
↳ Watatsumi Kiyomizu, one of the first friends Mercury made in SHI (belongs to @jasdiary!)
↳ Kiara Rhys, his in-law that he grew up with after Yona and her brother got married
↳ Meryl Hollow, the daughter of his school's headmistress who he wants to protect the innocence of
◊ Mercury likes to make it known in SHI that he doesn't really like to associate much with the Shards. He loves his distant relatives, but his knee jerk reaction when they do something moderately messed up is 😬
◊ He spent a lot of time with Kiara and his cousins growing up, as Yona didn't want him to grow up alone.
↳ He only really maintains contact with them just to receive important news.
◊ Mercury claims to dislike gossip, but c'mon. He's had his moments, and every once in a while, he likes to gossip with Watatsumi and Ivy.
↳ Before coming to SHI, he also liked listening to the gossip Camilla had acquired!
◊ Literally can't stand Sinan. Great Sevens, it always feels like a bloodbath every time Sinan annoyed Mercury a little too much.
◊ Unintentionally took up the unofficial occupation as Meryl's babysitter. Eclair noticed the attachment her daughter had to Mercury, and took it upon herself to appoint him as her ‘unofficial’ babysitter.
◊ Mercury owns a locket — that he doesn't wear in public — that contains a picture of him and Yona when he was 2 years old. (He thinks he was an ugly baby, but finds the photo to be nostalgic and endearing)
◊ Mercury is fluent in English and German!
↳ Victoria was appointed by Yona to be the one who taught him the language at a relatively young age.
◊ Always brings a pair of soundproof earplugs. You never know, he could encounter a singer that's just as bad as his cousin! /hj
◊ More or less owns a mini library in his dorm room. When Watatsumi first visited for a sleepover, she was genuinely surprised to see the number of paranormal romance novels on the shelves! (Mercury refuses to openly admit he unironically likes the genre)
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Mercury's Tags
#mercury von monarch • #『 mercury 💜 』
#mercury menodora (lore)
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