#Laura will sit there and let Chuck talk for days
twotales · 11 months
Chuck absolutely loves Astronomy, especially Astrometry and Astrogeology. You wanna talk exoplanets and star systems? You wanna know all the names?
He's your guy.
He even founded the Exoplanetology club on Atlantis.
Yup, totally canon.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Dogs III
Keira Walsh x Laura Feiersinger x Child!Reader
Summary: You meet Laura
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"She's a kid," Keira says," Not a bomb. You don't have to be so worried."
Laura sits at her kitchen table, back ramrod straight as she taps her nails anxiously against the wooden finish. Her knee bounces as she glances at the door.
The custody schedule for you between Lucy and Keira is fairly fluid. It mainly follows Narla's custody schedule but you can still decide to stay a day or two extra at your other mother's house if you want to.
You were with Lucy and Ona this week and now's the swap over so you're coming back to Keira.
Laura had timed her visits to overlap with your weeks with Lucy just because the boundaries were always a little blurry. Keira had never expressed an interest in having the two of you meet, especially not so early in the relationship.
Laura assumes that there were lots of talks between Lucy and Keira about how to approach your interactions with their partners. With Ona now at Barcelona with you, it was difficult to keep you away.
Keira's described you as highly social so there was no way you'd just avoid someone so, with your meeting with Ona imminent, Keira had put out feelers to see if Laura would have liked to meet you too.
She had gotten into this relationship knowing that Keira had a kid. It was hard not to know when the whole community (players and fans) had blown up one day when you'd been revealed to the public. Laura hadn't gotten into this relationship with the idea of never interacting with you.
She thought she was ready but now all she can think about is how anxious she feels.
The ring of the doorbell feels like a death sentence and Laura remains rooted in her seat as Keira goes to open the door.
"Mummy!" You cheer, slamming into her legs to hug her tight.
Keira stumbles a little, her hand moving to cup the back of your head with a soft smile on her face. "Hi, pup."
"She's had breakfast," Lucy says, unclipping Narla's leash to let her run free in the house," And she's got a few leftover snacks from yesterday."
"Okay. Thanks."
"Oh! And we went to the carnival yesterday and Ona won her a few stuffed animals so they're in her bag."
"I'll chuck them in the washer," Keira says, grabbing your bag," Who knows how long those toys were hanging up there."
"I'm going to head off then. I'll see you at training on Monday."
"Pup!" Keira calls," Mum's going now! Say goodbye."
"Bye, Mum!" You chirp," Love you!"
"Love you too."
The dance swings shut and Laura's breathing picks up a little bit.
You're a bit preoccupied with Keira and don't even seem to have noticed Laura sitting there.
Keira's crouched down at your height as she looks through your overnight bag and all the new toys you have as you try to explain each one and how Ona won it for you.
"Hey," Keira says softly," I want you to meet someone."
You frown, head cocking to the side in confusion. "Why?"
"Well, you know how like Mum and Ona are dating now?"
"I like Ona," You say," Has puppy called Coco."
Keira nods. "Well, I'm dating someone too and I'd like you to meet her."
Laura holds her breath. She'd been warned in advance about meeting you. She knew that you hadn't exactly taken well to Ona at first. She's prepared herself for this kind of thing.
Little steps first.
Keira turns you around and points at her.
"This is Laura, my girlfriend."
You frown at her, hair swaying as your head tilts even further to one side. "Is Laura?"
"Yep. This is Laura."
"Play football too?"
"Does Laura play football too?"
"She does," Keira says," She plays for Austria."
You frown deepens. "Austria is country? Like England?"
"That's right."
You take a step towards Laura, wandering over until there's barely any space between you, head tilted up to stare.
"You like puppies?"
"Er...yes, I do."
Laura crosses her fingers.
You don't talk for a moment before a massive smile appears on your face. "I love puppies!" You point at your t-shirt. "See! Puppy on my top! Is called a King Charles puppy!"
You seem so excited now and Laura feels all of the tension melt away as you rock back and forth on your feet, waffling on and on about dogs.
"We have puppy!" You tell her," My Narla!" You turn around. "Narla! Narla!"
Narla pokes her head up from where she's made herself comfortable on the sofa and you shoot off to get her.
"See," Keira teases," She's not that scary."
"I don't know," Laura jokes back," Any kid with that much knowledge about dogs is a little scary. She's so tiny. Where does she keep it all?"
You haul Narla off the sofa and into your arms, toddling back to Laura.
"Is my Narla!" You tell her and Laura has to smother her laughter at how resigned Narla is to this treatment," Mum says is West Highland Terrier! She's pretty!"
Narla huffs a little bit and cranes her head back to lick you on the nose, sending you into a peel of giggles.
"Why don't you put Narla down?" Keira asks gently," And go and find your big dog book for Laura? I'm sure she wants to learn about other dogs too."
You nod quickly, placing Narla gently on the floor before you're off like a shot to your room.
"She's got a big dog book?"
Keira nods. "Every breed in the world. She likes having it read for her bedtime story. I think I might have memorised it by now."
You come sliding into the room, both of your arms wrapped around your dog encyclopaedia.
Laura slips off her chair and goes down to your height, smiling at just how excited you are.
"So many puppies," You say," What you want to see first?"
Laura glances back at Keira, who nods, before smiling back at you, getting comfortable on the floor.
"Why don't you show me your favourite breed?"
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lepusrufus · 3 years
To bargain for immortality pt.6 END
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There were little things, really, that ended up putting her doubts and theories to rest. Nicole hadn't been an active person since she was five, so the occasional mild fatigue didn't stand out from her normal routine. The headaches that came and went or the tiredness that accompanied nights when she didn't get enough sleep were simply chucked to her body adjusting to its newfound immortality. Sometimes it takes longer for the Cadou to fully settle in, Esteria had reassured her, talking from personal experience as her own mutation took close to two years to be done changing her body.
All the doubt was wiped from her mind when she woke up one evening, the day after another particularly unpleasant experiment run with Miranda, with a splitting headache. It soon turned downright nauseating and hasty steps took her to the bathroom connected to Cassandra's bedchambers, where she all but doubled over, as much as her position leaning on the sink allowed.
Her initial plan was to simply splash some cold water on her face, but that soon went out the window when her throat and mouth were invaded by the familiar sensation of thick blood coming and pouring out. The white porcelain got stained in dark crimson as her heart seemed to beat painfully against her ribcage, making a small whimper escape blood stained lips. This experience in and of itself was not unfamiliar by now, but her own body apparently taking offence to simply existing was a new and unwelcomed development. An attempt to take a deep breath was made, but that only seemed counterproductive as it sent a stinging ache through her chest, so she settled for holding her breath until the pain subsided. A few shuddering intakes of the oxygen her body seemed to scream for later, the room and her reflection finally seemed to stop spinning.
Her eyes landed on the crimson mess in the sink and she let out an exhausted sigh, but before it could be cleaned, the bathroom door that she had left ajar creaked open.
"Heyy- ooo that looks bad," Daniela's voice came from her side, tone as over the top as always with the grimace that pulled at her features.
"Oh this? What do you mean, just a normal Thursday evening," Nicole replied, voice dripping with sarcasm and hands still shaking on the faucet when she turned on the water.
The other redhead didn't seem phased, presumably being Bela and Cassandra's sister does render one immune to sarcasm. Instead she shrugged and occupied herself with her sister's collection of perfumes that were placed on an adjacent counter.
Nicole gave her a look through the mirror while trying to splash some water on the remaining blood stains. "Did you… need something?"
"Dumbass number one and two are practicing some sword fighting in the garden. Thought you'd like to see," came the reply complete with an eyebrow wiggle that gained her a playful shove.
"Give me a minute to change," Nicole said, finally pushing herself off the sink when the nausea subsided back to a mild headache and her face was free of crimson trails.
As promised, when they entered the back garden that stood between the castle and its extensive vineyard, the faint clinking of metal against metal could be heard. It raised in volume as they made their way to an area where a few logs had been set on the grass, that made perfect sitting spots around what the sisters reclaimed as their small personal arena dedicated to occasional training. The vine covered statues and bushes with colorful leaves made for a pleasant spot to simply spend time in too, her wife currently dressed in light training gear and sword fighting coming as a big bonus to the beautiful surroundings.
The moment Cassandra's eyes landed briefly on her, a characteristic smirk pulled at her lips, their ashy tone left visible from the choice to skip lipstick for the time being. Their sparring match got cut short by a sudden low swipe at Bela's feet, that knocked her off balance and sent her on the trampled grass underfoot.
"Show off," she grumbled at her younger sister when offered a hand to get up. She took it, but continued to glare daggers at Cassandra as she dusted off her pants.
Not that the middle sister noticed, having turned and came up to her wife for a tender good morning kiss. She let the hand not occupied by the sword's handle rest on Nicole's cheek, eyebrows pulling into a frown upon noticing the tired look in emerald eyes.
"Are you feeling well? You look pale."
"Yeah yeah-"
"Oh just some mild gut-puking in the form of blood all over your sink," Daniela interjected, giving a fake innocent shrug when Nicole turned to glare at her. "You might wanna get a maid to clean it up, she did a shit job of it."
"I did not!" Nicole protested.
"You forgot the underside," Daniela hummed. "That was some mad splatter there."
She was rendered mute as the youngest sister moved to the small fence portion that was turned into an impromptu weapon holder to choose something and take Cassandra's place in another sparring match. Her glare was interrupted when she noticed her wife's worried expression.
"It's fine, just a mild headache now," Nicole sighed as she brought a hand up to interlace their fingers and pull Cassandra with her so they could both sit where Laura and Anita were. "Any chance I'm getting another performance? Since I missed the last one," she then said, a sly smile making its way on her lips.
That got Cassandra to grin, fangs glimmering in the early evening's soft light in a way that anyone else would find downright menacing. "Of course," she answered, eyes momentarily moving to her sisters.
It looked like Bela was winning, despite Daniela choosing her preferred twin swords that she wielded with an odd mix of grace and chaos. A slip past her guard and a hit with the ornate hilt of Bela's sword was what it took to put an end to their match, the youngest sister stumbling forward and breaking into a swarm before she had the chance to fully lose balance and fall face first into the dirt. She reappeared in front of the blonde, tongue stuck out and nose scrunched in an annoyed grimace, complete with a middle finger. If the Dimitrescu sisters had one thing in common, it was that all three of them were the world’s biggest sore losers.
"My turn to kick her ass," Cassandra perked up, picking up her well polished gladius.
Daniela, still miffed about her previous loss, didn't offer her the grace of getting into a proper stance. A flash of flies later, the clanking of metal ringed around them as Cassandra pushed her back.
"We said no swarm!" Bela called out from where she had found a seat on the grass, right in front of Laura.
The youngest rolled her eyes but complied, the buzzing completely dying down in favor of quick swipes and blocks. What Cassandra might've lacked in speed, she more than made up for in an impeccable defense, being near impossible to get near her body even with the apparent advantage of having an extra sword. Their fighting came to a standstill soon enough, with Daniela unable to get near while also being too quick to let any major hit land.
"My ladies."
Alexandria's voice called out from the entrance of their little makeshift arena, distracting Daniela enough for her sister to quickly swipe at her feet not unlike she had previously done to Bela.
The Steward flinched for a second when a long frustrated growl was heard from the youngest, but cleared her throat and did her best to keep up her characteristic poker face as she addressed Nicole. "Mother Miranda's assistant is here for you."
Her face fell, annoyance and dread both bubbling in her chest at having her pleasant day cut short not even two hours after waking up. She got up and exchanged goodbyes with the rest of her family while grabbing Cassandra's free hand in a silent demand to see her to the door.
On their way out, she decided that old jeans and a slightly oversized shirt that had survived her high school days was an attire appropriate enough to being tortured. It should've been concerning how at peace she had become with that idea, at least to any person with a sound mind. She never declared her sanity intact though.
"I'll see you later," she told Cassandra once they were at the heavy doors of the castle's main entrance, a thumb slowly tracing her jaw.
Emma was impatiently waiting for her just outside and blame the slight inherent meanness she had learned to let free since becoming a Dimitrescu, but Nicole took immense pleasure from the woman's uncomfortable grimace when she pulled Cassandra down in a deep kiss that went on for ten seconds too long. Small victories in the face of doom.
Nicole choked out a sob that walked the fine line between crying and screaming when the knife that looked way too big for the woman's hands came down at her elbow's joint with a gut wrenching crack.
It felt like Miranda had an unbeatable talent to never disappoint when someone thought she had reached the peak of inhumane with her experiments. The poisons were dreadful as was everything before that. The test on how well she can heal bullet wounds from the previous day had been downright cruel, only stopping after the results that showed how only a bullet through the head can incapacitate her for a while. Today's experiment on regenerating limbs was starting to eat away at Nicole's remaining sanity. It obviously started small, with fingers, but Miranda was always so keen on pushing limits.
She turned on her side with the remaining hand pressed to tear filled eyes and nails digging into skin as she desperately tried to find some sort of distraction from the pain and tingling that felt like static in her veins. Her temples were already throbbing with a headache and her vision was spinning due to the nausea. Miranda and Emma were having some sort of conversation to the side, but it felt distant through the deafening ringing in her ears as she put all her effort into not throwing up due to the sheer shock her body was going through.
The amount of time she laid there sobbing completely evaded her, not bothering to keep a mental track nor raising her head towards the clock mounted on the wall. She just wanted the healing to move and get it over with.
By the time she was mentally prepared to stomach the sight, her hand was already stitching together muscles covering the newly reformed bone, together with the beginnings of skin close to the incision. She tried moving her finger and flinched into a whole body cringe at how utterly wrong it felt.
The door creaking open took her attention away from the unsightly muscles twitching as they got placed together and into their places.
"Lord Heisenberg is here," announced a man, donning a white lab uniform not unlike Emma's.
"Just on time," Miranda perked up, a dangerously gleeful look in her eyes.
She got up, leaving the assistant with the job of timing Nicole's healing as she went to greet Karl. It went on for almost another torturous minute before the tell tale click of the timer and Emma noting it down marked that her arm was once again whole.
"How- how long was that?" Nicole asked, tentatively moving her hand. Good as new, with the exact same mobility function and sensitivity. The only thing missing was the beige nail polish applied just the night prior.
"Five minutes and twenty," the woman replied, not looking up from her paper.
Another few minutes of silence passed, that Nicole spent flexing her fingers. A bit of hot rage coursed through her veins when she noticed her ring finger, the matching band she and Cassandra had having been left on the desk upon entering the lab. At least Miranda had the decency of not slicing her hand off with the ring still on it, but she still wanted it back.
It wasn't long before Miranda came back, motioning for her to follow. "Come," she said, waiting for Nicole to push herself off the hospital bed and onto her feet.
A small burst of dizziness later, she was standing and shaky legs were taking her towards the woman. "Can I get my ring back now?" She did her best to keep the edge out of her tone, too tired to face her wrath.
Miranda simply thought for a moment before waving a dismissive hand at her. "Fine, it won't be in the way anymore."
Nicole wasn't sure if that was good or downright horrifying.
Most of the rooms in the underground maze of corridors were unknown to her. The structure twisting and turning in dizzying patterns that were enough to disorient anyone not familiar with the layout. Not to mention the occasional tunnel that stretched for entirely too long that led to one place or the other from the town above.
Nicole found herself following Miranda through one such unknown area, the corridors new to her but the look not dissimilar to every other part of the underground structure. If it weren't for the numbered plaques on the door, she wouldn't even be able to tell this was a different area than the ones she's seen before.
Miranda pushed open a door and led her inside. It was definitely more spacious than the labs and the space was mostly cleared out save from a few tables lining the walls and some cabinets. The only thing at the center was Lord Heisenberg and a long metal table, leather straps fastened to its sides and a circular saw blade attached to a machine above.
Nicole took a couple stumbling steps back, hips hitting the corner of a table and rattling the papers placed on it. It seemed to peeve Miranda, who grabbed her wrist impatiently.
"Come now, we don't have all day," she said while slowly dragging her towards the table.
With every shaky step, her knees felt like jello under her and her ears started to ring anew with the panic and dread settling like ice in her veins. Her legs finally gave way under her and she fell to her knees with a pathetic sob.
"No please. Please I can't," she said, one hand meekly grabbing at the goddess' lab coat.
Miranda bent down on one knee, brows furrowed in the feign concern that only she could have perfected to such an art. "We have to," she started, voice so soft one could easily believe it belonged to someone else. "We must know the limits of your regenerative abilities. You said it yourself that you want to know them."
She had but not like this. Not like this.
"Then use anesthesia. Please just don't-" she choked out a sob before the end of her phrase. Not that it was going anywhere, it was just a pathetic attempt at bargaining for less suffering.
Surprisingly enough, there were few instances since coming to the Village when she felt truly and utterly terrified. Anxious and afraid? Sure. But not even Lady Dimitrescu hiring her, or Cassandra taking an interest in freaking her out or even getting shot made her feel the dread she was feeling then. She would've rather spent eternity on the cold hard stone under her knees than budge an inch.
Miranda pursed her lips and lifted her chin with one hand, expression like a mother hearing her child make an outrageously unattainable request. "You know that will interfere with the results."
"Then local anesthesia," Nicole suggested, holding onto some kind of feeble hope by a thread.
The goddess seemed to actually consider it for a moment before shaking her head. A hundred meek protests and cries fell past Nicole's lips and on deaf ears as she was pulled up by the wrist and back on track towards the metal table. Miranda was incredibly strong despite her rather short stature, so any attempt at pulling back was completely useless.
Once at the room's center, she pushed Nicole against the table, frowning when she refused to get on. With a sigh, she grabbed her chin once again, putting slightly more force in the gesture. Both a warning and witness to her growing impatience.
"If you keep still it's going to be much less painful," she promised, though the validity behind her words were doubtful.
Though there was something in Miranda's tone that almost demanded to be believed without question. It may have been the inherent authority that came with being almost divine, a goddess in all ways that truly mattered. Or something else entirely, common to every piece of the Megamycete's web, down to the finest and farthest roots.
With a barely visible nod, Nicole pushed herself onto the cold surface of the table. It was far taller than she was so Karl had to spend a few good minutes readjusting the leather straps on the sides until they were in the right positions to wrap tightly around her limbs.
"Uh… sorry kiddo," he said in a barely audible whisper as he fastened a strap around her forehead. "Here," he pressed a folded cloth to her lips, that she bit down on to at least try to not crack any teeth.
He seemed almost as much of an unwilling participant as she was, lips pulled into a tight line under the scruffy mustache. The only one seeming rather gleeful there was Miranda.
The leather was digging painfully into her skin, the belts having been tightened slightly too much to prevent movement. Not to mention the uncomfortable position, with her hands tied above her head and starting to feel numb. Her head also seemed beyond foggy, the shallow breaths she was taking doing a poor job of providing her body with oxygen, to which it protested with a heart painfully beating against her ribcage, almost as if the small parasite that nestled around it was taking offence itself.
Another sob shook her body, deafened out by the metal sound of the circular blade when it was turned on. Thankfully it was clean. At least Nicole hoped as much. And sharp. If she was going through this she prayed that she would at least be granted the mercy of a clean cut as opposed to shredding of skin and muscle with everything underneath.
She shut her eyes when Miranda raised her shirt enough to expose her abdomen and, as the saw forcefully came down, screams were muffled both by the cloth in her mouth and the deafening roar of the saw.
The feeble knock on heavy ornate doors was answered by the tall woman positioned on guard duty that night. Nicole did not remember her name and at the moment it was the least of her worries.
She took a handful of shaky steps inside before clearing her throat in an attempt to not let her voice waver. "Cassandra?"
"Out hunting with her sisters and the other ladies," the woman answered promptly.
Nicole simply nodded once and made her way into the castle as the heavy thud of the shutting doors echoed around her. Her movements seemed on autopilot, eyes only focused enough to watch her step as she made her way through the familiar path up to her wife's bedroom. She barely registered passing through the first set of corridors, the paintings and priceless decor she had grown accustomed to every day becoming a background blur.
She felt downright dreadful.
Her ears were still ringing slightly and exhaustion made her limbs feel heavy and aching with every step. The headache from earlier was also back in full swing and throbbing painfully at her temples.
A quick look at a golden clock mounted on the wall in the main hall reminded her that it was near dawn so the rest of her family must be on their way home.
She flinched, a small jump that threatened to throw her off balance, at the heavy footsteps that came behind her. Throwing a look over her shoulder she saw none other than Lady Dimitrescu, her mother in law, making her way under the low arch of one of the doors leading into the spacious room. Thin black eyebrows were pulled into a frown at the sight of the much smaller woman, hunched over and all but shivering, with dark circles under her eyes having taken an almost purplish hue and dried tear streaks on pallid cheeks.
"Oh hi," Nicole greeted with a wry smile. "I thought you were out hunting."
Alcina waved a hand dismissively, eyes still focused on every minuscule shake of her shoulders. "Paperwork had to be taken care of."
At the explanation, Nicole let out an oh and shuffled her weight from one foot to the other, unsure of how to politely book it up the stairs and under the mountain of blankets on Cassandra's bed. There was no escape, it seemed, as a large hand came to gingerly rest on her shoulder, leading her further in and towards one of the plush couches lined in front of the barely lit fireplace. "Come sit," she offered, face softening in a gentle motherly smile.
Nicole just nodded absent mindedly, sitting barely on the edge of the white cushions decorated with a beautiful intricate floral pattern. She passed clammy hands on her jeans, now covered in fine powdery ash from the crystallized remains of the discarded half of her body after she retrieved them following the night's experiments. A disgusted grimace pulled at her lips, deciding then and there that the pants had to be burned as soon as possible.
"How did the tests go?" Alcina asked, taking her attention away from the ruined piece of garment and being met with distant eyes.
"Good," Nicole whispered, but before the word could even be fully out of her mouth a sob shook her entire body, coming out accompanied by choked out gasps as she all but doubled over in an attempt to make herself smaller than she already was.
The Lady's eyes widened at the sudden outpouring of emotion, so uncharacteristic for the woman in the few years she had been part of her family. "Oh child," she whispered, hands resting protectively on small shaking shoulders.
"Did-" Nicole started but interrupted herself with another shuddering gasp. "Did she- do the same thing to-... to you?"
Alcina grimaced, expression unseen by the smaller woman currently curled in on herself in her arms. It had been so long since her infection, the pain caused by her body acclimating to the Cadou a distant memory. Something that would forever remain seared in her mind however was the cruel ice in their goddess' eyes as she ran test after dreadful test, pushing the limits of her body to see how much she can actually heal. It had taken months to finally be content with the results, after her body's defensive response had been mutating and turning into the giant hungry beast she kept carefully at bay from that moment on. Instead of answering, Alcina decided that the better option was to rub her back slowly, not unlike she had done to her own daughters countless times before, to bring some comfort.
"You will get through this," she promised, unwavering conviction in her tone.
Date: 20th May 2012
Subject: Nicole [REDACTED] Dimitrescu
Mutation experiments - 5 (Regeneration- 4)
Testing the limits of regenerative abilities - regrowing body parts
Subject can regrow limbs (arm, served from elbow - 5'20'') and regenerate after being cut in half. If the body is cut with a 50/50 ratio, the upper half will regrow the lower half, prioritizing brain activity and the Cadou's placement. If the proportions are different in favour of the lower half, the upper one may still be the one taking priority; results vary. Up to 80% of body mass can be regenerated. If more than that is destroyed (eg. dissolved using acid) subject will presumably crystallize and enter a dormant state like others infected with a Cadou.
The discarded body parts crystallize and disintegrate into a stony/ashy mass.
Miranda's enthusiasm seemed to slowly dwindle after a few more experiment runs, the same effects John Abbott's mutations that caused his untimely death coming to knock at Nicole's door every so often.
"You see," the goddess had said the last time she had called Nicole down in the underground labs. "John was missing the healing abilities, which led to his infection slowly corroding away at his body until his death. You can heal, so you won't die, but the negative effects are still present. So try not to get hurt too much too often," she finished, not even sparing her a glance.
And that was the last Nicole had seen of Miranda, at least as far as one on one experiments went. The woman would still pay the castle a visit every so often, sitting down with Alcina for a glass of wine and having the rest of the family joining in on occasion, when their discussions didn't stray too far into matters of their cult.
She was right too. There were days when a migraine would rudely wake her up in the morning, or when her chest seemed to ache to the point where she was sure the parasite that made its home around her beating heart was trying to escape. The Cadou truly was a wretched little thing, constantly at odds with her body's defenses and trying to slowly but surely cause damage to the point of death. But if there's one thing that very same parasite had bestowed upon her was just… being really good at not dying. The healing abilities were in a continuous cycle of repairing any and all internal damage the infection may have caused on a not so good day. Those times had her doubling over the nearest sink, or suitable container if unlucky, a waterfall of blood carrying all the damaged tissue that had been replaced flowing from her lips in crimson rivulets.
A cruel fate, one may think. Not her though, for the knowledge of how her family had helped her through the change was at the forefront of her mind each time she had to sit down due to a burst of dizziness. Cassandra rubbing gentle circles on her back while she was coughing up the clogged blood in her throat grounded her beyond belief. Then, when everything was said and done, there was always something to get back to. A short vacation originally meant for business but that Alcina would always prolong for just a couple days so they could all spend some quality time away from the Village and the cult and Miranda's scrutinizing ever watchful eyes. Or the season's first hunting trip, the genuine glee on her wife's face never growing old to her. Even life's more mundane events, like the weekly movie night that had half the family groaning at Esteria's choice of vampire media. Rinse and repeat, forever under the castle's imposing towers and inside ornate inviting rooms, always warm and welcoming, always feeling like home to her.
If that was the price she had to pay for eternity, then so be it.
Subject Name: Nicole Dimitrescu
Cadou Affinity: Favorable
Brain Functions: Normal
Subject can regenerate at an incredibly fast rate, although healing slows down with loss of consciousness. Shows a similar mutation to John Abbott; able to detect illnesses by specific smells. The latter mutation causes the Cadou to have adverse reactions, causing internal damage that is however kept at bay with the regenerative abilities.
An unfit vessel for Eva.
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fuabloboi · 4 years
The Treehouse
Day 2 of @petopher-events March 2021 - Kid fic
“Hey! That’s my tree!” Chris peeked down, rubbing his face with the back of his arm as he heard a high-pitched fierce voice.
He groaned, running a hand over his short bristly hair. All he wanted was some peace and quiet. Chris had just been beaten to a pulp by his father, and he was aware that if Gerard saw him cry, he would be battered all over again. He had ended up on a sturdy tree in the preserve after sneaking out the window, silently sobbing to himself. There was nowhere else Chris could have gone. If he tried to run away, Gerard would have still found him and he would have been returned to the Argent household by someone else. Sadly, his father had way too much influence over the county and its people.
“Shut up, it hasn’t got your name on it.” he shouted back.
“As a matter of fact, yes it does.” the voice cried out in reply.
Chris turned his head and caught sight of the initials ‘P. H.’ engraved onto the bark. He almost fell off when he faced forwards and saw a little dark-haired boy with big blue eyes perched opposite him.
“See.” he tilted his head.
“Well, now it’s got mine.” Chris muttered, fishing the pocket knife he carried everywhere and carving his own initials leaving a gap next to the other.
The boy rolled his eyes but outstretched his arm, “I’m Peter. Are you- are you okay?”
“Chris,” he said, shaking the boy’s hand, “And yeah I’m fine.”
“Don’t look like it.”
There wasn’t a single day he didn’t have a black eye, a bruise, or a cut. Gerard always found some reason to punish him and not even his own mother could do anything about it. He wasn’t even sure of how he was alive at that point.
“It doesn’t matter.” he replied hastily and asked, “How old are you?”
“Six.” Peter told him and continued, “What about you?”
“I’m twelve. And how’d you get up here so fast?” Chris inquired since he was confused as to how a six-year-old could race up such a tall tree.
Peter’s deep blue eyes briefly flashed in a golden yellow, and Chris realized that this kid was what Gerard wanted him to hunt down; a werewolf. However, unlike the vivid picture of bloodthirsty savage werewolves and their young that Gerard had painted in his head, the boy didn’t seem like a threat at all. Chris saw him as a human, not a monster.
Peter gasped suddenly, “You’re one of them aren’t you?”
“One of who?” he raised an eyebrow.
“The Argents.” the boy stated calmly.
Chris flinched and nodded at him. He had expected Peter to be afraid of him, and even run away, but he hadn’t. He sat completely unfazed and Chris was surprised.
“What are you doing here?” Peter questioned again.
“Nothing really. It’s peaceful up here and I like it.” he lied. Peter didn’t need to know why he actually came there. Chris wasn’t even sure whether the wolf would have understood if he had been honest.
“Cool!” the boy stared at him before exclaiming with a grin, revealing the absence of a few teeth, making Chris smile as well.
“Hey!” Peter greeted, hurtling up the tree and settling in front of him.
“Hey, Peter. What’s this?” Chris smiled at the boy and asked when he held out an energy bar packed in a blue wrapper.
“What it looks like, obviously.” he regarded, waving it, “Take it. I got it for you.”
“Me? Why?” he said, taking it from the wolf’s hands and tearing it open.
“You ask too many questions. I brought it thinking you might be here when I came.” Peter answered, digging into another energy bar that he had kept in his pocket.
“Well, thanks.” Chris replied, taking a bite.
He knew his father would have him whipped for accepting food from a werewolf without a second thought, but he was too famished to care. Gerard didn’t only beat him, he also starved Chris as punishment. The bar tasted like heaven and he wolfed it down. He was more than glad that Peter had brought it for him and yet he was also puzzled.
“You were hungry, I sensed it yesterday.” Peter revealed, licking his fingers.
“Really?” Chris said and stuffed the wrapper in his jacket pocket, “Why did you bring it, though? Why did you trust me? You know I’m… one of them.”
Chris didn’t even want to mention his own last name. He detested being an Argent and being referred to by that name.
“You smell nice.” Peter responded matter-of-factly, but Chris was confused.
He had loathed his own scent, however, with time he had grown accustomed to it. Chris knew he smelled of dried blood combined with sweat and he was pretty sure that didn’t smell nice. Horrible and disgusting seemed more likely.
“Excuse me, what?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, Ta said that people who smell nice are good people and I can trust them.” Peter explained.
“Talia, my sister. She started taking care of me after Ma and Pa- after they went to a better place.”
Everyone had heard the term ‘a better place’ at some point in their lives and that was when Chris pieced it together. Peter wasn’t just any ordinary werewolf who lived in Beacon Hills.
“You- you’re a Hale.” Chris stated wide-eyed.
“Yup.” Peter said bobbing his head.
It had taken place about a year ago when he was eleven and Chris could remember it clearly. Gerard had gloated to his fellow hunters about his achievement of being able to capture and kill both Richard and Emilia Hale, the two oldest members of the family, who were also widely known in the supernatural world. He had seen them briefly and to him, they seemed like genuinely pleasant people. His father had told him that Chris wasn’t old enough to understand, but he was sure that Gerard wasn’t doing something right if he could so heartlessly torture him. He had come to acknowledge that Gerard had the best interest to no one and only for himself.
Chris yawned, his legs dangling from the tree and Peter was munching on an apple, murdering it with his fangs. The wolf was taller now and his hair had grown, the fringe covering his forehead and just above his eyes. It had been a gloomy day and Chris had made it to the tree right after training. He had been beaten again and his body had ached so much that he struggled to get on the tree, but Peter had helped him up and offered an apple.
They had been meeting every day for four years now and Gerard, thankfully, hadn’t suspected a thing. It was most probably since his younger sister Katherine had been born three years ago. The young wolf would arrive with food and they’d sit there together, sometimes talking and sometimes silent.
As a result of their conversations, Chris had discovered that Talia, Peter’s older sister was the alpha of the Hale pack and was the mother to a little wolf girl named Laura. He also found out that Peter was prone to have fits of rage, destroying his own toys. However, Peter had mentioned that he felt comfortable with him and Chris had never witnessed such behavior from the wolf.
“Christopher?” the boy called out.
Peter had begun to call him ‘Christopher’ instead of what everyone else called him in his life and Chris found that amusing. He liked the boy and he didn’t mind meeting him each day for the rest of his life. Chris wondered whether things would change by then, whether he’d escape Gerard and there would be no more hunting, a world where he and Peter could meet freely, no violence, no death, just peace, and happiness.
“Yeah?” he replied lazily, yawning again. Chris was still tired and he needed to nap. He couldn’t do that at home, and as uncomfortable as it would be, Chris felt like sleeping up on the tree.
“What do you think about a treehouse?” Peter suggested with a grin, chucking away the remainder of the apple.
“I like that.” Chris smiled, “But… only if you help me build one.”
Peter rolled his eyes and groaned, “Of course you’d say that. Fine, I’ll help.”
“Great. We start tomorrow. I’m gonna nap.” he muttered to the wolf before closing his eyes, cozying himself on the not-so-comfy branch.
“Well, I’ll be here protecting you.” Peter said and Chris laughed a little.
“And what are you going to do if someone tries to kill us?” He opened an eye to look at the Hale.
In an instant, Peter drew his claws and tried to growl menacingly. Chris thought that it was adorable.
“Christopher!!!” Peter exclaimed, jumping off the tree and launching himself onto Chris, wrapping him in a tight hug. The wolf was twelve and several inches shorter than him but was obviously stronger than most kids his age.
“Peter, woah geez I’m human.” he laughed, stuck inside the rib-crushing hug.
“Happy 18th Birthday! Well, late birthday.” the boy shouted, hugging him tighter.
“Thank you, kiddo.” Chris groaned and Peter let go of him, grinning.
It had been Chris’ birthday the week before and he had been in Japan, doing his first gun deal with the goddamn Yakuza. Gerard’s idea of a birthday present was putting him in a near-death situation and Chris wasn’t even surprised. The experience had been extremely unsettling and so terrible, that he wanted to forget his 18th birthday. He had informed Peter about it a few days before but not many details as even Chris had been unaware of what he was going into until he had made it to the venue.
“What happened? You look pretty shaken up.” Peter eyed him, suspiciously.
“Yeah, it wasn’t that great. It was a gun deal with the Yakuza and it didn’t go that well, but I’m alive, right? So that’s what matters.” Chris managed a weak smile. He knew he couldn’t lie and Peter was always worried about him so he kept the details of figures materializing out of the shadows with swords similar to ninjatos to himself.
“The ya- what?” the wolf blinked at him.
“It’s like Japanese mafia, Pete.” he answered, ruffling Peter’s hair.
“Woah geez. Are you hurt?” Peter raised an eyebrow at him.
“Nah, nah I’m good.” Chris smiled. He was telling the truth in a way. Though he was injured then, he was better now and he was used to the pain regardless.
“Well enough of that. We’re going to have a proper celebration.” the boy smirked and Chris wanted to facepalm himself. He was sure that Peter would have planned something. It was just the way he was. Chris had never wanted anything for his birthday but the wolf would get him small trinkets and he appreciated it very much.
Chris had genuinely been surprised when Peter had introduced him as his best friend to the rest of the Hales. Peter’s sister Talia had dinner prepared and even baked a cake with ‘Happy 18th Birthday Chris!’ on it. Peter had made him what seemed like a bracelet with a little piece of wood shaped like a tree, which Chris assumed was to signify how they met. He had almost cried at the Hale House. He had never been so happy and no one had ever done anything so amazing for him. The Hales had treated Chris like he was one of their own and given him a birthday that he would never forget. The next morning Chris had sneaked back into the house, and Gerard hadn’t noticed his disappearance as always.
“Christopher!” Peter yelled, and he could detect the excitement in his voice, “I did it!”
Chris sniggered as he slipped the wolf figurine that he had been carving for the past hour into his left jacket pocket. He sheathed the knife in his boot, stepped out, and settled on a branch before hanging upside down to greet the wolf.
“I did my first evolved shift!” he panted as he came to a halt.
It took a while for Peter to come into view and Chris shut his eyes when he did, almost plummeting onto the ground below.
“Why are you naked?” Chris groaned.
“What do you- have you seen wolves wearing clothes?” Peter whined back.
“Go get yourself some clothes or I’m leaving.” he said, with his eyes still closed.
There was another whine from the younger boy and it made him snicker. He loved how Peter could always lighten up his mood somehow. It was good and he felt lucky to have the wolf in his life. It had been ten years since they had met and Chris’ life had changed for the better though his father still made his life a living hell. Peter made him forget all of it when they spent time together.
“Ughhh will you come with me? Please, please, pretty please Christopher?”
Chris landed onto his feet with a flip without opening his eyes and Peter snorted, before snarling. When he glanced in the direction of the sound, Chris saw a wolf with dark black sleek fur. He lowered himself onto one knee so he could run his hand through Peter’s coat. He let out something like a satisfied purr and Chris got back onto his feet. Then they were off, sprinting through the preserve back to the Hale house. Peter was quick, but Chris managed to keep up with him.
Once they had arrived at the residence, Peter shot up the stairs to his room. He came back down in his usual V-neck and jeans with a pout. His hair was shorter now and in a mess as always, yet Chris considered it to look good on him. The two of them went back to their tree, this time walking slowly.
They spent the day chasing each other around through the trees. Chris felt like an idiot for playing, but he was having fun and soon he became comfortable. It was pretty late when Chris was feeling exhausted, so Peter decided that they should take a swim in the lake. They fooled around for a couple of minutes and it was when they dried off to get dressed that Chris remembered about the wolf he had carved. When they got back to the treehouse, Chris had gifted the figurine to an astonished Peter. The wolf had adored it from first sight and thanked him endlessly. Since it was dark, they silently lied down next to each other on the wooden floor. Chris was an adult so he knew that Gerard didn’t give a damn about him as long as he was at the house in the morning.
“Christopher, can I say something?” Peter suddenly spoke up.
“Yeah?” he responded, turning to the side and propping himself up on his elbow.
“I- I- it’s hard to say.” he chuckled lightly, “Never mind.”
“Just go on Pete.” Chris hummed at the boy.
“I- I like you. A lot. You know- more- more than just a friend. I- I just didn’t understand it before.” he mumbled, stuttering a little.
Chris sighed, closing his eyes and lying on his back once more.
“Peter, you’re sixteen. What you feel- it’s not love. It’s just something you feel at this age as you grow.” he explained, “You will know what it’s like to be in love when you’re older, but this as much as you think it is, it isn’t.”
“Okay.” said Peter, softly and Chris flinched as he detected the hurt in the Hale’s voice.
‘I smiled sadly for a love I could not obey’ from David Bowie’s Lady Stardust started ringing in his head, because that’s exactly what he was doing now.
He had acknowledged that there was more than just a brotherly affection he felt towards Peter. He wanted to wrap the wolf in his arms, love him and protect him, but it just wasn’t right. Peter was a sixteen-year-old. He was still a boy in high school while Chris - he was twenty-two; an adult. Chris was disgusted by his own self for the attraction he had to the teenager. It may just be a six year age gap, but Peter was a kid and he wasn’t. It was wrong and Chris detested that he couldn’t view Peter as just his best friend anymore.
Even if their ages weren’t a problem, anything else between them would only give Gerard more reason to harm Peter if he found out. Chris didn’t give a damn about what happened to him. He needed the wolf to be safe no matter what and it would break him if Peter was hurt. It was a sacrifice that he had to make, so they wouldn’t lose what they already had. To Gerard, it wouldn’t be just about loving a werewolf, but also about loving a man.
Peter was already at the treehouse when Chris got there. They were still the best of friends even after the confession from Peter almost a year ago. Things remained just the same and the younger boy didn’t make any advances. This day Chris had news. News that was going to change his life and possibly affect their friendship as well.
“Hey, Pete.” Chris greeted as he settled himself opposite Peter on the wooden floor.
“Christopher.” Peter smiled at him. He had grown into a beautiful man now and Chris still could recall the six-year-old with the missing teeth. Chris had literally watched him grow through the years.
“I’ve- I’ve got news. I’m getting-” he started to say, but was soon interrupted.
“Married next week,” Peter finished his sentence and Chris frowned, “What? All of the supernatural world knows. A hunter family visiting Beacon Hills? It’s obvious. Besides, news spreads around here fast.”
He stared at Peter with his jaw dropped and then nodded. The wolf was right about all of it and Gerard had planned it to be a grand wedding. The funny thing about that was the fact that Chris had never seen the girl he was going to marry or even heard her name. Obviously, Gerard was doing it for his own benefit. He pondered over the question of what it would be like to live with a stranger for the rest of his life.
“Yes.” he said, confirming what Peter had said.
“Well, I’ve got some news too, Christopher.” Peter spoke again, his tone slightly somber.
“What’s that?” Chris inquired.
“I’m leaving. For college that is.” his voice was soft, and Chris couldn’t believe that he had forgotten. Of course, Peter was going to leave. He had mentioned that he was contemplating that decision some time ago. Maybe Chris had been thinking that it wouldn’t come to that.
“Where to?” he asked the boy.
“Oh, that- no idea yet. I’ve got a little more time.” Peter grinned and Chris cracked up.
They spent that entire day together as there was a possibility that it would be the last one they could meet each other freely. It was as much as he could have. Though Chris loved him too, they would be star-crossed lovers and he just wanted to save Peter from that pain.
“Daddy, where thish?” the little dark-haired fair girl in Chris’ arms chirped.
“We’re going to see my good friend, Ally sweetheart.” he said, kissing the top of her head. She was four but insisted on being carried and Chris just couldn’t say no.
“Okay, Daddy.” she hummed, resting her head against his collarbone.
It had been a long while since he had gone back to the treehouse. Chris had become busier with the business and had the responsibility of sustaining a family. Besides, Peter was away as well and he missed the wolf dearly. It was tough at first, not being able to meet his best friend, talk to him or hear of how he was doing. Even if it got easier with time, the Hale was on Chris’ mind every single day and the feelings were still there though he was a husband, a father.
Talia had secretly informed Chris that Peter would be returning to Beacon Hills because she had figured that he’d want to see the wolf again. She didn’t know of his feelings but knew how close they had been.
“Peter!” Chris called out when he arrived at the tree.
“Christopher!” there was a roar and Peter landed, leaping off the tree. Allison stared in amusement.
Chris caught his breath when he got a proper look at Peter. His hair had grown slightly, but it was still the gorgeous mess it used to be. He hadn’t changed much, but Chris could see that Peter had matured, despite the goofy grin on his face. Peter wasn’t a boy. He was a man. It hurt Chris. Seeing the one he always wanted. The one he couldn’t have.
“And who is this angel, then?” Peter spoke first, beaming at his daughter.
“Allison, my daughter.” Chris smiled at the Hale, “Allison, this is Peter, my best friend.”
The words sounded almost bitter in his mouth. Best friends. That was all they could be, but at least they had that.
“Hello, Allison.” the wolf said, waving at her and Chris removed her from his chest, holding her towards Peter.
“Hi, Peter.” she chuckled at him.
Peter raised an eyebrow and Chris insisted with a nod. The wolf gently took Allison into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck instantly. He gazed at him, thrilled. Chris was glad that Allison was comfortable with him since every time Gerard was nearby, she’d break down crying. He didn’t blame her and kept her away from the man as much as he could. It was also amazing to see Peter so happy after years of not meeting each other.
They chatted as Peter gave Allison a piggyback and played with her, fooling around. Chris got the idea that Peter was great with kids and then realized that he was already an uncle to a sixteen-year-old girl, a ten-year-old boy as well as a four-year-old girl. He tried to picture what it would be like to raise a child with Peter, but soon let that thought go because it hurt too much.
As they talked, the wolf revealed that he didn’t want to go to law school, since he didn’t want to stay away from the pack for much longer and didn’t need a job for himself. He also wanted to be where Chris was. That piece of information made Chris feel better and even if they couldn’t hang out in their treehouse, there was a chance they could run into each other frequently.
When evening arrived, Chris decided that it was high time to leave. His wife Victoria would be paranoid and there was no cell signal in that area. Allison also seemed to be exhausted after playing. They had stayed there for a good amount of time. Before they said their goodbyes, Chris wrapped his arms around Peter and pulled him into a tight hug. He gently ruffled his hair like he did when they were younger, earning a snicker from the Hale in return. It had been forever since they last hugged and Chris missed it more than he could fathom.
“Hey, sweetie. I need you to help me.” Chris told Allison as they got to the edge of the preserve.
“Yes, Daddy?” she asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Can you promise me that you won’t tell anyone about Peter? And if someone asks where we were, will you tell them we were at the park? Can you do that for me?” he requested. Chris had wanted Peter to meet Allison and he knew what could take place if anyone else found out about that.
“I promise. I will do that.” she grinned at him and then frowned, “But why?”
“You’ll understand when you get older, sweetie.” Chris pressed his lips to the side of her head.
“Okay, Daddy. Park.” she yawned, falling asleep on Chris.
Chris crept down the stairs with his flashlight, trying to make the least sound possible. It didn’t take him long to make out Peter and Derek hiding in the dark.
“Pete, Der?” he whispered to them.
He had managed to shake off Gerard and the other hunters before making it to the Nemeton. Peter had brought him there a couple of times and he figured that it would be where Peter and Derek ran off to. Though it would take the others a while to find the Nemeton, Gerard wouldn’t stop at tracking the wolves down, so Chris had to make sure they got away safely. He didn’t want to see what would happen to them otherwise. Peter was usually up to no good and Chris made sure to keep an eye on him as much as he could. It also didn't help that there were three other werewolf packs in Beacon Hills at the time. It could be a jackpot for Gerard.
“Yeah?” Chris heard Peter’s voice answer him, but his tone was more of a question.
“You have to get out now. Gerard- he’s coming.” he informed them and, both Peter and Derek slowly made their way towards Chris.
“Hey.” Derek said, his expression showing slight fear. The boy was about fifteen.
“Hey, Der.” Chris replied with a smile and glanced at Peter. He swore that the older wolf only got more attractive each time he saw him, which really wasn’t much. They met, but not as frequently as they used to and it almost tore Chris into pieces. He missed Peter terribly and when he lay in bed at night, Chris knew that he wanted Peter next to him instead of Victoria, and she was aware of that as well. She didn't know about Peter, but she did know that Chris wasn't exactly in love with her since it was the same with her for Chris.
Peter moved forward to hug him but Chris deflected it by grabbing his arm. He pouted and groaned.
"Peter, seriously, you need to be more careful. Gerard is so much more on alert these days and I- Peter- I don't…" Chris tried to say and faltered because the lump that formed in his throat didn't allow him to speak further.
Peter put his arms around Chris, wrapping him into a tight hug, "Don't worry, Christopher. I'll be fine."
"Don't you 'I'll be fine' me, Peter. I always worry about you. Promise to me that you'll take care." Chris told the younger man, ruffling his hair.
"Yes, I promise." he mumbled, resting his chin on Chris' shoulder.
Chris wished that the hug could go on for longer. However, they had to get moving now and hugs were for a later time. He pulled away from Peter begrudgingly before it got to the point that he couldn’t bring himself to let go of the wolf. It felt like torture.
He led them out from what looked like a root cellar as quickly as he could. There didn’t seem to be anyone else around just yet. Chris glanced at Peter.
“Yeah, I don’t hear anyone. I think we can get back home safely.” Peter said, reading Chris’ mind, “Der, go on. I’ll be right behind you.”
The teenager nodded and hurried off, disappearing among the trees.
Peter gazed at him, “I’ll see you around I guess.”
“Remember your promise?” Chris asked the Hale.
“Yes, Christopher. I promise I’ll take care.” Peter answered with a smirk and then he was gone, leaving Chris all on his own by the Nemeton.
Chris’ heart was heavy in his chest. He had contacted Peter a few days ago and asked to meet him at the treehouse. He and Victoria had decided to leave Beacon Hills and stay away from Gerard. Victoria didn’t want Allison to be exposed to the supernatural and Chris didn’t either. Chris was sure that Gerard would try to snake his way into the little girl’s mind and twist her views like he did with his younger sister Kate. Even if Gerard didn’t take that route, Chris didn’t want Allison to live through a childhood similar to his. He didn’t want his daughter to grow up to hunt those similar to Peter. Those two were the people in Chris’ life that he loved the most and it would kill him if something happened to either one of them.
He climbed the tree and got himself onto the treehouse to see that Peter was sitting there waiting for him.
“Christopher, what’s going on? You asked to meet me.” Peter said, studying him intently.
“Yeah, Peter, I have news.” Chris told him with a sigh.
Peter raised an eyebrow, rising to his feet, “News? Last time you said that you were going to get married. You’re not getting married again are you?”
Chris chuckled softly, shaking head at the wolf, “No, Peter, I’m not getting married again. I’m- we- we’re leaving Beacon Hills.
“Leaving? You’re going? For how long?” Peter inquired, astounded.
Chris shrugged. They weren’t sure whether they’d ever move back and that was what hurt the most. He would likely never see Peter ever again. Though, Chris was ready if that was what it took to not have to watch his daughter hunt down Peter and his family.
The wolf launched onto Chris, taking him into a tight hug. Chris stumbled backward, but regained his footing and wrapped his arms around Peter. His heart shattered when he heard a sniffling sound.
“Hey, Pete…” Chris choked out the words, stroking Peter’s head with one hand and rubbing his back with the other.
“I- I know we haven’t seen each other much lately, but- but you’re my best friend. You- you were always there for me for most of my life.” he mumbled, “I’ll- I’ll miss you, Christopher. What will I do without you?”
“I’ll miss you too, Pete, but that’s how things are. I’m sorry. I just want you to be safe. You’ll do great without me, I’m sure.” Chris said to Peter, ruffling the younger man’s hair.
Peter silently clung to him a little longer and then finally spoke, “Promise me you’d at least let me know you’re alive from time to time?”
They spent the rest of the day walking through the preserve that had been a home to them. Chris tried to take it all in before he left. The preserve had been his sanctuary and had given him his best friend.
In just one night, Chris’ entire world crashed down upon him as he watched helplessly. It started off when Stiles had implied that Kate had set the Hale House on fire and unfortunately, it all made sense to him. The idea that someone of his blood was the reason for the demise of a family that actually cared about him, made his blood boil. His younger sister was the reason that Peter was so badly injured and in a vegetative comatose state. The sole reason Chris had left Beacon Hills was to make sure that Peter would be safe and if he had remained there, the wolf would be happy and full of life, while the other Hales would still be alive.
It had gotten even worse subsequently when it was revealed that it was in fact Peter who was the alpha. The bloodthirsty alpha committing all the murders in Beacon Hills. The alpha that Chris had returned to Beacon Hills to hunt. His best friend was the alpha. His beloved Peter was the monster that Chris was attempting to kill.
That wasn’t all. Peter had murdered Kate, ripping her throat out with his claws, that too in front of Allison. Then Peter had been set on fire before having his own throat ripped out by Derek, right in front of Chris’ eyes and he just stood there, unable to do anything. Everything he was used to and everyone he had known was different and he assumed that was what pain did to people.
Chris wished he could have done more. He could have intervened. He could have tried to help Peter this time. But he didn’t and so now here he was at an unholy hour, back at the treehouse, sobbing to himself exactly like he did twenty nine years ago, except then there was no treehouse then. Chris could remember how he had cried when he heard about the fire and that was nothing compared to the pain he felt this night. Chris thought about how could have saved Peter from his fate, but this time he had lost Peter completely and his mind wouldn’t stop recalling the six-year-old with the missing teeth, the crazy mischievous teenager that would joke around with him, the man Chris had deeply fallen in love with. It was like a hole in his heart, one that could never be filled.
Peter was gone and Chris didn’t want to believe that. It was Peter. He didn’t just die. He just couldn’t. Chris hated everything, he hated everyone including himself. He didn’t give a fuck anymore. Nothing mattered any longer.
This was exactly what Chris had tried to avoid and all he had done was fuel it. Even if it wasn’t directly, Chris was still to blame. He had failed everyone and he wondered what Peter had been thinking when he saw Chris standing there, doing nothing for him. His best friend, not lending a hand when he was dying. Had Peter given up on Chris as he died? It broke him into pieces.
Chris looked over at where he had carved his name next to Peter’s and he raised an eyebrow. Maybe his vision was blurry from the crying but he could make out a plus sign between their names. He rubbed his eyes and looked again to see just that. Had some kid found their treehouse and done that?
Or had it been Peter?
Had the wolf still had those feelings for him from almost two decades ago? Had Peter still loved Chris despite the rejection, despite Chris getting married to a woman? Had Peter yearned for him when he was away from Beacon Hills? Had Peter carved the sign between their names because it was his little secret since no one would know what it meant and since he thought Chris wouldn’t see it as he wouldn’t come back? Did Peter love Chris as he lay on the preserve floor, seconds away from his death? Chris would never have those answers because he was too late, too idiotic, and foolish.
His heart ached even more. If Peter did love him, he would have died thinking that Chris never felt the same way about him, though in reality, Chris did. He wished he would have just told the wolf the truth and then explained why they couldn’t be together.
Chris glanced at his watch, realizing that it was almost 3 in the morning. Here he was mourning a werewolf while his family mourned his younger sister. He had to get back home. Although his heart was in pain for someone else, Chris had his duties. He ran his hand over the carvings of the tree and drew back his sleeve, exposing the wrist he wore Peter’s gift and kissed it. Chris had worn it every single day of his life after receiving it and that was all he had of the wolf now.
Chris wasn’t sure whether his life was getting worse or better. First Kate, then Peter and now Victoria. However, Peter was back and it drove Chris mad. He had mourned for the wolf, cried his eyes out wishing he could have saved the wolf and hating himself for doing nothing. Then Peter had emerged out of nowhere at the warehouse and Chris couldn’t believe his eyes. He felt stupid for crying and he had been right when he thought that Peter didn’t just die. The fact that Peter had returned to the world of the living the exact night Victoria died baffled him. It was as if the universe willed it.
He found himself in the treehouse once again after Allison had fallen asleep. Chris was happy, and yet so furious. Couldn’t have Peter said something? Couldn’t he have left Chris a sign showing that he was alive? Chris wasn’t crying this time. Instead, he had settled on the floor with his head against the wall, eyes closed, rubbing his forehead trying to make sense of all the different emotions churning inside his system.
There were a few creaks accompanied by a shuffling sound and then a voice said, “Christopher, it’s me.”
There was no way Chris didn’t recognize that voice. It made him feel like his heart was about to melt. He opened his eyes to stare right into Peter’s, drowning in the beautiful blue ones that Chris had always had adored. The wolf was sitting in front of him, cross-legged. There was stubble on Peter’s face now and he was as gorgeous as always. Chris wanted to kiss the heck out of the man.
“I fucking hate you.” he mumbled, before springing towards Peter and into his arms, taking him into a bone-crushing hug. The familiar scent felt like home and Chris was warm inside. He melted into Peter as the wolf hugged him, gently rubbing Chris’ back, and whispered, “I’m so sorry.”
Chris had already forgiven the man before the apology and pulled away to look at him again. He couldn’t begin to describe how much he had missed Peter. To Chris, it had been like an eternity until he had seen Peter again. Peter smiled at him and Chris was smiling back naturally, a few tears streaming down his cheeks. He peeked at the carving and Peter cleared his throat.
“About that… It’s probably not the right time to tell you this, but I’m not sixteen anymore, so I’m sure it’s real.” he said, and produced the wolf figurine Chris had given him.
“You loved me?” Chris asked the wolf.
“No, Christopher I love you. Always have and still do.” Peter replied, taking Chris’ face in his hands.
He wasn’t sure if he was hearing wrong. Peter had loved him all along.
“But- but you didn’t…” Chris tried to say.
“I knew you must have a good reason to hide it and just stay friends with me, so I didn’t say anything again. I could still smell it on you though. Talia was the one who told it to me because she could smell it too. Heck at first, I didn’t know and I couldn’t stand myself for falling for my best friend. I was confused why you didn’t want something more between us, but I understood eventually. And now we’re here, Christopher. What have we got to lose?” Peter spoke softly, looking into his eyes and stroking his cheek.
Chris was kissing Peter before he knew it, letting loose of all the emotions that he had been bottling up for years. He had never thought this day would come, and he tightened the hug, not wanting to let go of the wolf. He couldn’t let that happen again. Peter was kissing him back passionately, and Chris got lost in all his feelings. It felt good. The taste of Peter’s lips on his, the wolf’s touch against his skin, the warmth. He pulled back, resting his head against Peter’s neck.
He didn’t know what he had done to deserve this but was glad that there was a chance for Peter and him. Chris could be with the one he had truly loved when he was a boy. It was possible now, though it had seemed impossible back then. They could still have a future. Peter held Chris in his arms as they stayed in the treehouse in silence. They didn’t need to say anything.
When Chris had run off to the preserve twenty nine years ago and sobbed to himself on this very tree, he had never imagined that it would lead him to happiness.
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immortal soul:black survival characters as john mulaney
dunno how i didn’t think of that before but
Adela: Hmm, we’re not so different, you and I. You have your law practice, and me, I have all these fuckin’ markers.
Adriana: Well here goes nothing. You ever seen a ghost?
Alex: A lot of people think that you like bulls, and if you just buh- They assume it! When you search your name, the third thing to come up is like “John Mulaney bull?”
Arda: Or if it’s one of those true or false questions, you should be able to add a third option which is “who’s to say?”.
Aya: “So you saw what happened and you did nothing?” “Yeah, ‘cause I was sitting over on the bench.” “Let me ask you this. In Nazi Germany....”
Barbara:It’s just dads, singing so loud, thinking that’ll somehow get their kids to sing.
Bernice: Let’s change the subject! Why are we even talking about Penelope, or whatever her name was? I didn’t kill her! Whoever did kill her only did it to protect her from this world!
Bianca: Remember the Psalms? They’re not songs, ‘cause they don’t rhyme and they’re not good. They’re perfectly named.
Camilo:He’s played for stadiums of 20000 people cheering to him like he’s a god, for fifty years. That must change you as a person. If you do that for fifty years you’re never again going to be like “Uhmmm, does anyone have a laptop charger I could borrow...?”
Cathy:That guy will get up there and sing into the microphone. He’s not a singer, ‘cause he’s not good at it, but he tries.
Chiara: Now I was raised Catholic. I don’t know if you can tell that from the everything about me.
Chloe: Every room she walked into, she’d be like, “So this could be an office. (shakes shoulders) Or maybe a nursery.”
Daniel: I think he was just doing that dad thing of like, “This is a weird topic and I want to talk about a book I read about World War II”. But the way it came off was that he definitely killed that little girl!
Echion:Sometimes babies will point at me, and I don’t care for that shit at all.
Eleven:Famous people are weird as shit. They’re all weird, your suspicions are correct.
Eva:Marty McFly is a 17-year-old student, whose best friend is a disgraced nuclear physicist. And, I shit you not, they never explain how they became friends. They never explain it. Not even in a lazy way like, “Hey, remember when we met in that science building?”. They don’t even do that.
Emma:My dad was so weird, I’d love to meet him someday.
Fiora:I didn’t mean to make it sound like we don’t want children. We don’t, but I didn’t mean to make it sound like that.
Hart: I love to play venues where if the guy that built the venue could see me on the stage, he would be a little bit bummed about it.
Hyejin: “All right, Petunia, wish me luck.” “(french chainsmoker voice) You will die on August 7th, 2037.” “(shrugs) That’s pretty good.”
Hyunwoo:No one cared about my opinion when I was a little kid. No one cared what I thought. Sometimes, people would say “What do you think you’re doing?”. But that just meant “stop”.
Isol: In high school people were like, “What are your top three colleges?” I was like “top three colleges? I thought I’d be dead in a trunk with my hand hanging out of the taillight by now.”
Jackie: He could look at a child and guess the price of their coffin.
If you left your baby with your mother tonight, you’re not gonna race home and check the nanny cam. But if you left your baby with Gary Busey....!
Jan:My wife and I walk around New York city, pushing Petunia the french bulldog in a stroller, and it’s a big stroller, and it has a big black hood. And people lean in to see the baby.
Jenny:Let’s say a kidnapper throws you in the back of a trunk. Don’t panic.
Johann: “Wait, so they forced you to go?” Yeah, I was five. I was forced to go everywhere. No kid is just going to church, like, riding by on his Huffy, like “Woah! What’s this place! Weird byzantine temple with green carpeting where everyone has bad breath and I wear clothes that I hate on one of my mornings of my two days off? Let’s do this!”
JP: “Okay, I think I see where you’re going here. They go back in time, and they stop the Kennedy assassination!” “Oooaaoh. That’s a really good idea. We didn’t even think of that.” “All right, well what do they do with the time machine?” “Well now I’m embarassed to say.”
Laura: My friends were all like, “Is he nice?” No! Or maybe he is, for his version of life! ‘Cause he has a very different life!
Lenox: You just showed up at 8 AM, and they were like, “Put down your stuff. Go to the gym.” And you’re like, “god, I guess they’re finally gonna kill us all, alright. This is younger than I thought I would be but we are pretty big assholes.”
Leon:I was like twelve years old and my dad walked up to me and he said, “Hello... (chuckes) Hello, I’m Chip Mulaney, I’m your father.” And then he said the following. “You know, Leonard Bernstein. Was one of the great composers and conductors of the 20th century, but sometimes he would be gay. And according to a biography I read of him, when he was holding back the gay part, he did some of his best work.”
Li Dailin: I asked my mom if she’d ever seen a ghost. That’s where we’re at conversation-wise in our relationship as a mother and son, because I’m 35 and I don’t have any children to talk about, and she doesn’t understand my career.
Luke: None of us really know our fathers. Anyway...
Magnus: She came in and she picked up the baby, and she was like “It’s okay, she’s just going through that phase where she says penis and vagina a lot”. Aren’t we all.
Mai: Why don’t you give me a candle for looking in the mirror? And a floppy hat, and I’ll tremble off to bed in my Victorian nightgown!
Nadine: Every time I go to the zoo I’m like “Hey, where’s the jaguar?”, and the zoo guy is like “oh, he must be in the inside part”. The inside part? Tell him we’re here.
Nathapon: You are gathered together as a school and you are told never to talk to an adult that you don’t know. And you are told this by an adult that you don’t know.
Nicky:That’s right- there was always assembly, and then, like, that second assembly to yell at you for how you behaved at the first assembly.
Rio:I”ll be at a wedding reception and someone’ll be like, “Heyy, you coming to the hotel bar after? We’re all gonna get drinks and keep the party going”, and I’m like “Nah nah nah sister, you’re not getting me to no secondary location!”
Rosalio: People walk around on the phone now like, “Hello hello? You still there- ugh, lost him”. And that’s it! No follow-through with that guy!
Rozzi:Yeah, he was not a “spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” kind of guy. He was more like “brush your teeth. Now boom! Orange juice! That’s life.”
Shoichi: By the way, Detective J. J. Bittenbinder wore three-piece suits. He also wore a pocket watch. Two years in a row, he wore a cowboy hat. He also had a huge handlebar mustache. None of that matters, but it’s important to me that you know that.
Silvia: Children, rather than continuing to teach you how to read, we have cleared the entire day for this random guy!
Sissela: You should be able to write in, “I don’t know. I know you told me. But I have had a very long day. I am very small, and I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress that I am under.”
Sua: Some people give off a vibe of, like, right away they’re like “Do not fuck with me”. My vibe is more like “Hey, you could pour soup in my lap and I’ll probably apologize to you!”
William: There are those guys who, they buy the cow, and then on the side, total matador, but...
Xiukai: “And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!” Now that’s debatable.
Yuki: And I have friends I went to college with, and they’re like “oh, you should donate and be a good alumnus”. And they wear shirts that say ‘school’ and it’s like, look....
Zahir: She said, “Okay, I know I don’t get this shit because I wasn’t raised Catholic, and I’m fucking glad I wasn’t because it’s a fucked up organization”, I said “nonononoo, we all know that.”
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, theydraggedmein!
For @theydraggedmein. I hope you like this story!
Fic inspired by Melsephant's Monster of the Week Comic, specifically Solidarity and by the freedom of creation from my Secret Santa giftee
Tags: Supernatural is somewhat known, Stiles is a Selkie, Alive Hales, Friends to Lovers, Quickburn, Workplace Setting, Light/Background Angst, Communication
Read On AO3
Selkie Solidarity
Stiles’ alarm doesn’t go off when it’s supposed to and he wakes up about two hours late for work.
Thankfully, he has an understanding boss with even more understanding bosses, so when he calls in, they just tell him to get himself there safely and don’t worry about it.
Stiles hops in and out of the shower so fast his suit doesn’t even have time to dry before he stuffs his clothing into a waterproof bag, chucks his phone and wallet in too, and leaps off his balcony to do a perfect seal dive into the water below.
He makes good time swimming, but nothing changes the fact that he’s late and he and his office mate were supposed to be running expense reports all day today.The final step before the merge negotiations happening next week.Thankfully they got most of it done this past week, but still, Stiles feels bad about slacking when his office mate is such a good sport. Without him there, Derek’s probably gone a little grumpy around the edges, the way he always does whenever Stiles is inevitably late.
Stiles passes a delicatessen and backtracks. He’s already late, so a few minutes more isn’t a huge deal, and Derek does love everything bagels.
Stiles climbs out of the water, ducks behind some brush, and sheds his suit. He tugs on his clothes, checks his phone for messages—none—and grabs a twenty out of his wallet.
Then, bag slung across his back, he troops into the deli and orders three everything bagels, two for Derek and one for him because he hasn’t had breakfast yet.
Then, it’s an exchange of his clothes for his suit, making sure the bag with the bagels is secured in his bag, and then leaping back into the river to finish his commute.
He’s already apologizing when he races into his and Derek’s office.
“Dude, I know I’m so, so late, but, look, I got us bagels!”
He stops short at the sight of Derek, shifted into his full werewolf form, hunched over his computer and poking at his keyboard.
He looks miserable, his snout long and dripping with saliva where his teeth are too big to retract anymore. His claws keep catching on the keys and he stares at them sadly before huffing out a sigh and starting again.
Stiles digs out the bagels and plops the bag onto Derek’s desk. Comically, Derek’s nose twitches. He looks at Stiles with his baleful eyes before gently opening the top of the bag and with far more care than Stiles is used to seeing from Shifted-Derek, he plucks out a bagel and pops it whole into his mouth.
As Derek chews with the power of a ravenous wolf, Stiles glances at the little calendar Derek keeps pinned to his side of the office.
“Oh man,” Stiles remarks, tracing the outline of the day. “Full moon? That’s rough, buddy. I’m sorry.”
Derek shrugs and picks out his second bagel. “s’okay,” he mumbles, spraying saliva and crumbs everywhere. “T’nks for bagels.”
His over large teeth and flopping tongue make his words nearunintelligible and kind of fascinating. Stiles wishes Derek would talk more during his shifts, but he also knows that Derek doesn’t like making messes even though he’s good at cleaning them up, so he tries not to make messes. And talking with his shifted mouth is about the messiest Derek can be. Second only to eating while shifted.
Stiles takes his bagel and sits down to boot up his computer. Derek hasn’t eaten his second bagel, and instead seems to be waiting for Stiles to start eating his. A quick bite confirms this, and Stiles smiles at Derek.
“So, shall we get those expense reports done?”
No argument from Derek, who seems to be trying to savor his second bagel.
Whatever. It’s cute. That’s why Stiles got them for him. He likes doing things like that for Derek, even when he isn’t almost two and a half hours late.
After a few more minutes of Derek struggling to type with his claws, Stiles turns to him. “Should I shift too?” he asks, gently. Derek barely moves his head, but Stiles feels stared at all the same. “I mean, if you’re stuck in your form, wouldn’t it be less awkward for me to be shifted too?”
Stiles shrugs. “I was late today. How productive am I really going to be?”
Derek looks at his keyboard. It isn’t really functional, and he’ll probably just keep tapping at it and then replace it on Monday when he can shift back. “Broken?”
Stiles waves his hands. “They’re flippers, dude. I don’t think they can do that much damage.”
Derek tilts his head while he thinks about it. It’s such a cute pose that Stiles has to physically turn back to his computer and enter his password before he accidentally squees out loud or something equally embarrassing.
“Okay,” Derek finally says. “T’nks.”
“Be right back!” Stiles grabs his bag and skips off to the bathroom where he exchanges his clothes for his suit and then happily bounces back to his and Derek’s shared office.
Derek straightens for a few minutes when Stiles gets back. At first, he thinks it’s because Derek is laughing at him. Stiles isn’t the most graceful in his human form, but in his seal form, he’s simultaneously better and worse at moving. If the office were water, he’d be grand.
Derek huffs a few times before slowly stepping off his chair and motioning Stiles to his chair. And, whoops, yeah, Stiles forgot that he’d have to climb all the way up there.
He gives Derek a hopeful bark and Derek nods. Together, mostly because of Derek’s brute strength, they get Stiles situated in his chair and ready to do as much work as his flippers can manage on his keyboard.
Surprisingly, despite Derek’s general malaise of being a werewolf in the midst of an uncontrolled shift, and Stiles’ selkie solidarity, they get a lot of work done. And surprisingly, Derek just holds half of the second bagel in his mouth for a long time before it disintegrates into mush and he swallows it.
Their boss pokes his head and shoulders in around lunchtime, some request dying on his invisible lips.
Stiles gives him a happy bark, and Derek follows it up with a less-pained wuff than he’s been giving lately.
“I just wanted to see how those reports were coming along, but I guess never mind.” Kindly, he adds, “If you ever need time off something like this, just let us know. We have a secondary set of time off for supernatural afflictions.”
Derek growls lowly before nodding. He stands up, hands his ruined keyboard to their boss, and walks out.
Stiles waits a few seconds to see if Derek will come back. It’s insulting to call their supernatural abilities afflictions, but Stiles can kind of see where their boss gets it from. He is invisible after all. There’s so many things he can’t do anymore because he inherently gets called a creep. In fact, he has to wear clothes on top of his invisible clothes constantly or risk being called out for being naked.
To him, being invisible is an affliction. To Derek, being a werewolf is like being human: natural.
Same with Stiles and his selkie side. He doesn’t even think of it as an affliction.
Derek doesn’t return, and Stiles decides that he might as well shift back and actually get something done, so he bounces off to the bathroom, tucks his suit away, and walks back to his office.
He finds Derek’s sister Laura standing by his desk. She has a note in hand and a tray of coffees. Stiles doesn’t think he was gone that long.
“Derek wanted to apologize for running off,” Laura says, thrusting the coffee tray at Stiles. One cup is already missing.
She hands him the note after he selects a mocha cappuccino. Then she installs a new keyboard at Derek’s computer and heads out.
Stiles opens the note. It’s a shaky apology written by Derek. Stiles flips it over and, avoiding the tears made from Derek’s claws, writes an acceptance of the apology and leaves it on the brand new keyboard. He’s not insulted by Derek needing time off. This full moon seems rougher than normal.
If Stiles really thinks about it, Derek’s tolerance and control during the full moons has been getting less for a long time. Almost six months. Something to think about.
He decides that he’ll bake Derek some of his prize winning double chocolate chip cookies when he sees him again.
It’s Friday today, so that means that Stiles won’t see him until Monday, and they have a meeting, so maybe he should do the cookies thing on Tuesday?
For now, he focuses on his computer and manages to complete all the expense reports they had planned.
5:00 rolls around and Stiles all but dances into the bathroom, switches into his suit, slides his bag on, and bounces out into the river for his commute home.
~ * ~
All weekend, Stiles does his normal routine, which involves staying up way too late and playing online games with friends halfway across the world. Then, he takes a quick, two hour break to make his apology-accepted-sorry-your-full-moons-suck cookies, because why not?, and clean his apartment.
Monday, he makes sure he has everything, including an actual suit for the meeting with their new clients, the ones he and Derek were doing expense reports for, slides into his suit, and speeds off to work.
He barely gets to greet Derek with the tin of cookies before they both have to change into their suits for the meeting. Stiles slings his bag on his back. He doesn’t like leaving it out of sight for too long, his mom and dad impressing upon him at a young age that selkies can’t trust people with their suits when they’re not in them. In fact, Stiles has a cousin who only just got away from her abusive partner that kept her suit locked away the whole time they were married.
Their boss is standing at the door to the conference room. He is made up to look as if he’s got an actual face for once. He’s wearing gloves and is dressed fully in the required suit. It’s a little uncanny valley, but has the desired effect of making all of him visible.
“Sorry, Stiles, you need to leave your bag somewhere secure.”
“What? Why?”
One of Derek’s ears twitches as he squeezes past them and sits next to Laura, who in addition to being Derek’s sister, is the head of their IT department.
“The clients. They’re human. We’re presenting as human today. I’m sorry, but you have to leave your bag off for this meeting.”
Stiles wants to bite out something about discrimination, but he knows how hard the supernatural world has worked for this. Their firm is the first human-supernatural merger, and if it goes well, there will be others.
“Isn’t this the meeting we reveal ourselves?” Stiles asks. That was the rumor around the water cooler a few weeks back.
“No.” His boss shakes his head. “We merge. Business goes on as usual. Another, more visible, supernatural business merges with another human business. The humans are told at that merger, and if there are any uprisings, we represent cases of discrimination.”
“What if our partners end up being discriminatory against us?” one of the more timid department heads asks. Stiles thinks his name is Boyd. He’s a werewolf, like Derek. It’s a good question, and it’s good coming from Boyd. He was rescued from a hunter farm where they bred and-slash-or forced werewolf creation so that they could “find out what makes them tick.”
Thank fuck that had been shut down right quick.
That’s what these mergers are all about: eliminating the humans’ natural instinct of being afraid of or hurting their supernatural counterparts.
“This firm has been heavily vetted. There can be no room for error here,” Stiles’ boss says. “Unfortunately that means that, for the press release, there can be no evidence of supernatural. Stiles, I am so sorry, you have to leave your bag somewhere. You will be compensated for your time without it.”
Stiles scoffs. “You think you can name a price and buy off my anxiety about my suit?” He looks at Derek, who looks murderous, at Laura, frowning, one hand on Derek’s arm, like she’s restraining him, at Boyd, who looks terrified. He sighs. “Fine. I’ll go hide my bag. But,” he adds, vehemently, “only because not doing so would endanger more than myself.”
“Hurry back,” his boss says. “The meeting starts in fifteen minutes.”
Stiles mutters a curse under his breath as he heads back to his and Derek’s office. There’s no place here at work that he feels safe enough to hide his suit, and there’s not enough time to call his dad to guard it for him.
Then he thinks about the file cabinet. It’s kept locked all the time. Paper copies of all the files he and Derek work on. He and Derek have keys, as does their boss. If he locks it in there, it should be safe for the meeting.
And he can check on it at lunch to make sure it’s still safe and sound. Stiles unlocks the top drawer, shoves the bag as deep as it can go, and heads back to the conference room, pausing to sneeze as some scent tickles his nose a little much. He slinks to his seat next to Derek and sits down.
Derek pats his arm, whispering, “I’m sorry,” without moving his lips.
Stiles shakes his head, turns to watch as the merging firm marches in, and the meeting begins.
~ * ~
Four hours later, Stiles heads back to his office under the guise of a quick refresher break.
When he gets to the room, he stares in shock at the destruction he sees there.
His and Derek’s computers have been knocked over, the towers scratched and smashed. Thank goodness for external servers. At least their work won’t be too disrupted while it’s fixed.
He turns to survey the rest of the room and his heart freezes in his chest.The file cabinet is leaning against the wall, all the drawers jimmied open, their contents spilled everywhere. Derek’s meticulous filing system ruined in a few moments.
But most heart-stopping of all is the fact that Stiles’ bag is gone.
It’s not anywhere in the mess and it isn’t still in the drawer he left it in.
Stiles runs around, digging frantically, in case he missed it. He also sneezes again and again, and finally pauses. He’s been gone too long. He’ll be missed at lunch, which they’re having catered in the conference room.
No. This is too important. Stiles isn’t hungry. He feels rather sick and on the verge of a panic attack.
He knows his nose is good, better than a human’s, but he knows better noses. He remembers when he first met Derek, and Derek was an awkward co-worker who claimed that Stiles stunk of the river even though, at that time, Stiles only went swimming on the weekend and used regular transport like his less aquatically-inclined counterparts.
Stiles hurries back to the conference room, grabs Derek’s arm, and drags him out, muttering something about a number or some shit.
Derek reverses their grip, holding onto Stiles as he leads him back to their office. Derek stares at the mess.
“What happened?” He doesn’t sound like he’s asking Stiles, so Stiles doesn’t bother to answer. He just goes to the file cabinet and points at the drawer where he’d stashed his bag.
Derek nods sharply, inhales deeply, and then points back out to the hallway. Stiles follows him as he goes through the building until they’re out on the street.
Lunch is probably being served now, but Stiles can’t find it in himself to worry about it. He and Derek already presented their expense reports. They’re clear for the rest of the day. It’s just that the firm wanted representation from all departments to be there for the whole of the negotiations. And lunch is also negotiations for some reason.
“Here,” Derek says suddenly, jerking Stiles into a coffee shop down the block from their building.
There’s a few customers in line and they all jump, muttering angrily as Derek budges.
He stops in front of the barista, a woman in her twenties, with long brown hair pulled into a requisite ponytail, green visor “protecting” her eyes.
“Sir, the line starts back there,” she says, bored.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Derek asks.
Stiles frowns at him. Girlfriend? He leans closer, catches a whiff of something spicy on her. It tickles his nose, and he stifles a sneeze into Derek’s back. Oh hell. They’re both still wearing their suits. It makes a hysterical laugh bubble up in his throat. Derek pats at him clumsily but comfortingly.
The barista blinks. “My girlfriend is none of your business,” she snaps.
“She is when she steals something from my boyfriend,” Derek snaps back.
Stiles chokes on his spit. Boyfriend?News to him.
Derek gives him a quick, apologetic glance, before turning back to glare at the barista.
She caves rather quickly then. “Sorry. She’s in the back. What did she take?”
“A green bag, waterproof. Everything that was in it had better be in it when you get it back. My boyfriend will confirm.”
“I’m sorry about this. I thought she’d gotten over it.”
Derek just points to the back.
Behind him, the line takes a collective step back, some of the people mutter about being late, but for the most part, they all look too intrigued to leave. Shame.Stiles really doesn’t want to reveal to a whole roomful of people that he’s a selkie.
Derek grips his elbow and steers him to the far side of the counter so that they’re no longer in the line’s way. Another barista steps up and things start flowing again. No one leaves even after they get their orders. Crap. It’s like daytime TV, so hilariously bad as to be completely riveting. Stiles could do without the starring role though.
The first barista comes back, leading a pinkish-tinged woman with bright pink hair and cat ears headband by the hand.Stiles sneezes as soon as he catches her scent, the same spicy one on the barista, and definitely the same one in his and Derek’s office.
The pink woman has Stiles’ bag clutched tightly in one hand, the other is still being held by the barista.
“She’s sorry about taking your bag,” the barista says. She squeezes her girlfriend’s hand, and wordlessly, she offers Stiles his bag. Stiles grabs it, digging through to see that everything he’d left in there is still in there, including his suit. He strokes it before hugging the bag to his chest.
The pink woman nods at him. “Soft,” she says, voice low, sweet.
“I’m so sorry about that,” the barista says. “It’s just, she’s a pixie, y’know? She has compulsions.”
“Soft,” the woman says again.
“Yes,” Derek agrees. “It is soft. But it’s his.” He draws his eyebrows down, but it’s not his mad face. Stiles has become quite the expert on Derek’s faces after a year as office mates.
He knows they’re friends now because Derek doesn’t make his I-hate-you-and-want-to-rip-your-throat-out-with-my-teethface anymore, but he hadn’t known Derek thought they were dating. They haven’t gone on any dates. It’s an oversight Stiles will have to correct, and soon.Unless, a stray thought mocks, Derek only said that to get the bag back quicker. Stiles’ stomach drops. They’re still friends, so whatever direction Derek decides to go in after today, Stiles will respect his choice, even if it doesn’t include him.
“Soft,” the pixie repeats, making a gimme motion with her free hand.
“I’m so sorry,” the barista says again. “I used to have a coat like that, but it got lost.”
Derek’s brow furrows. “Where did it ‘get lost’?” he asks. Stiles leans closer. Derek has his I’m-going-to-solve-this-even-if-it-means-an-international-incident face on. Stiles has seen that face exactly once: when he ousted a hunter cell that was operating near their firm. Derek’s mother, high level ambassador in the supernatural-human merges, had come down swiftly and kept other hunter groups from retaliating. Stiles surreptitiously slides out his phone and picks out Laura’s number. He doesn’t dial quite yet though.
Derek’s faces, while always a clear sign of what Derek is going to do, are not always indicative of the trouble they may or may not cause. Mostly, it depends on the other parties’ reaction to 200 pounds of pissed off werewolf suddenly appearing in their faces.
The barista makes a face. “My ex-boyfriend stole it one night. And I couldn’t exactly tell the cops what it was, so he’s still got it. I’m unharmed for the most part. Sometimes,though, I can feel him stroking it.”
“That’s good that he hasn’t hurt you through it,” Stiles says. He hasn’t really gotten into dating specifically because of the horror stories from his mom and dad. From the look on Derek’s face, this ex-boyfriend is going to be dead when they meet him.
“What’s his name? Where does he live?”
Derek is speaking lowly, but even the pixie draws back, a look of fear on her face.
Stiles pats at Derek’s arm. “The full moon was just yesterday,” he explains. “He’s really good with control, but it might still be affecting him.” He shows the barista his phone. “This is his sister. His whole family will help you get your coat back.”
She covers her mouth, tears already running down her face. The pixie turns to her and starts swiping at them, making little distressed noises.
“No, no. they’re happy tears. They’re going to help us get my soft back.”
“Soft?” The pixie gives both Stiles and Derek a long, assessing look before nodding fiercely. “Friends.”
They get more information from the barista before she checks her watch, flinches, and says, “I have to get back to work. Thank you for doing this. Bye.”
Stiles checks his own watch. They’ve used up all their lunch break and if they don’t leave right now, they’ll be late for the other half of their meeting.
Derek seems to realize it too, because he deflates a little. “I’ll call my mom. She and my uncle can go get her suit back.”
“Coat,” Stiles corrects. “I call mine a suit. She calls hers a coat.”
Derek smiles then. “Remind me that I have to tell you something when all this is over.”
Before Stiles can attempt to get it out of him now, Derek starts running, and Stiles has to run to keep up with him. As much as Stiles knows Derek, Derek knows Stiles too. It’s frustrating sometimes, like now, when they’re running half a block back to their firm.
When they get back to the conference room, their boss, looking a little less visible with some of his makeup worn off, ushers them into the room. Derek fakes needing the restroom, promises to be back in two minutes, and runs off. Stiles sits down and pretends to pay attention.
Derek comes back in the promised two minutes, sits next to Stiles, and together they just listen as the finer details of the merge are finalized and suddenly, they’ve doubled in size.
Derek and Laura both get a call as soon as the workday ends, and before Stiles can ask what’s up or what Derek needs to tell him, they’re both shifted and gone.
Stiles sighs. There’s always tomorrow.
He changes into his suit, glad to have it back, and swims home.
~ * ~
Tuesday dawns bright and early without sun and with a dripping wet werewolf sitting on the end of Stiles’ bed.
Stiles screams and throws the first thing he can grab—his alarm clock—at the werewolf, and Derek tumbles to the floor with a muted oof.
Stiles flicks on the light and points at Derek. “Explain,” he says. “Why did you try to give me a heart attack in the middle of the night?”
Derek rolls his shoulders in a self-conscious shrug. “’snot the middle of the night,” he mutters, pettily.
Stiles points at his clock. “Well, I wouldn’t know. I had to use my timepiece as an improvised weapon.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll go. I didn’t mean to—” Derek spreads his hands in a helpless gesture. Stiles can’t read it. He’d gotten so good at reading Derek’s facial expressions and tones but he forgot to learn his body language as well.Mostly because Derek doesn’t use body language. He sits still and doesn’t give clues. Stiles takes a metaphoric step back, studies Derek for a long, solemn moment, and then offers his hand to pull him up on the bed.
“Why are you wet?” he asks, more gently.
Derek rolls his shoulders again, like he’s trying to work out a kink, but it’s probably embarrassment that’s pinching his nerves.
“I wanted to update you on the pixie and the selkie,” he says, eyes fixed on his lap. “I only know you smell like the river a lot, so I followed it up.” A flush creeps up his neck, and he ducks his head down more. “I fell in,” he says miserably.
Stiles can’t help the laugh that comes out of him. He slaps his hand over his mouth, but the damage is done. Derek shakes his head once, and moves to get up. Stiles grabs his wrist.
“No, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you—well maybe a little. I mean, you’re a werewolf and you fell in the river?”
“I wasn’t paying attention,” Derek says.
“Why not?”
“Because,” Derek says, and then mumbles the next part too low for even Stiles’ selkie ears to hear.
“What was that?”
Derek repeats himself louder and faster. It’s still just a jumbled mess of syllables that mean nothing to Stiles.
“Couldn’t catch that, dear, repeat again please. And enunciate.”
Derek lifts his head, determination burning in his eyes. “I said,” he speaks slowly, more, Stiles gets the feeling, to get the words out, than through annoyance at having to repeat himself for a third time, “that I fell in because I caught your scent and got distracted.”
Stiles doesn’t know how to respond to that, because, aside from the pretend-to-be-boyfriends to get Stiles’ suit back, Derek has expressed zero interest in Stiles like that. So why would he fall in the river after catching Stiles’ scent?
Stiles decides it’s too early and goes with a less confusing topic of conversation. “You said you wanted to update me on the pixie and the barista?”
Derek nods, grabbing the offered opportunity gratefully. “My mom and uncle found the ex-boyfriend easily. And because werewolves, they were able to locate and secure the coat quickly. Turns out he’s just a regular human obsessed with selkie lore and just wanted to have control over her.”
“Is he in jail?”
Derek shakes his head. “How can we arrest him? Humans aren’t exactly aware of the supernatural yet. My mom is going to keep an eye on him, and my uncle promised to put the fear of Peter into him.”
“‘The fear of Peter’?”Stiles raises an eyebrow. “That’s awfully cocky of your uncle Peter.” He gets a quirked smile in response. Stiles has met Peter once, and that was enough for Stiles to realize that Peter, if he didn’t like you, could make your life miserable.
Thankfully, Peter seemed to like Stiles, and he hasn’t been subjected to more of his particular brand of Peter-ness.
“Anyway,” Derek continues, “I wanted to tell you that Ari got her coat back, and Livie is sorry for taking yours.”
“I get it. She probably thought it was Ari’s.”
“Yeah, and one more thing: I think I love you.”
Stiles blinks at the confession. Blood rushes in his ears and it’s a little difficult to breathe.
“What?” he manages to whisper.
Derek makes eye contact with the wall past Stiles’ head. Choked, he says, “I think I’m in love with you. It’s why my full moons have been getting worse. My anchor is shifting. It’s you.”
“What?” Stiles repeats. Derek’s head drops, his shoulders droop. Confused, Stiles just stares at him.
“My anchor isn’t what it was before. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you. It’s too much. I’m sorry.”
He stands up almost too fast for Stiles to grab him again. “No!”
Derek looks at where Stiles is gripping his wrist. “No?” he asks, and it sounds so, so hopeful.
“No,” Stiles says, settling back, tugging Derek gently until he’s back on the bed. “Don’t go. Tell me more about your anchor. Tell me more about you. ‘Cause, Derek, you’re not the only one who thinks they’re in love.”
Derek’s eyes go to Stiles’ chest—his heartbeat. “I love you,” Stiles says, and the skip in his heartbeat isn’t from a lie. It’s because he’s realizing the truth. He may have been able to reason with himself at the coffee shop yesterday, and even explain away all the little anomalies of being attracted to his officemate as being friends, but he knows with certainty, he wants to be actual boyfriends with Derek.
He wants Derek here, in his space, wants to help him get his wolf back in control during the full moons, wants to get him bagels every morning, wants, wants, wants, so steady, it’s like his heartbeat.
And when Derek leans in, asks, “May I?” so gently and carefully before kissing Stiles’ like he’s the most precious thing in the world, Stiles knows, Derek wants too.
Warmth surges in his veins and he deepens the kiss, holding it like a breath, kissing like their lives depend on it, and trying to climb into the space in Derek’s heart that is already calling his name.
~ End ~
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bloodieorchid · 4 years
Cafe Rouge- CH 1
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Cafe Rouge - Chapter One : Espresso
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A college student finds a job at an elusive coffee and book shop after the disappearance of the past barista. Only after the interview and many confidentiality agreements do you begin to learn the secrecy behind Café Rouge.
CW: This story will contain dark subject matter regarding stalking, abuse, violence, the yandere tag in general, and more to be added as this story is written and updated. I, as a writer, do NOT condone any of the activities in this story and only seek to write a horror romance.
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          It was an early morning when your 5:45 AM alarm went off, calling you to get ready for the first day of a new job. It was a slow morning, the sun hadn’t even appeared over the horizon as you had gotten dressed with the owner’s advice in mind for safety. You tied your shoes before grabbing your keys and notebook before heading out of the apartment you lived in to go to work.
         The town of Ravenswood was still asleep, the only light coming from streetlights lining the town’s streets. There were a few people out, mainly walking their dogs or going on jogs. You could hardly believe a town as sleepy as this had someone as young as Laura go missing. The town was full of confusion and fear, regarding one of their young people and how they suddenly disappeared.
       When you arrived at the coffee shop, the lights were off but it was obvious people were moving around inside. You pulled open the door, stepping into the dark stacks of the book section and looking up to see someone working behind the bar.
      He was a lithe, young man with auburn hair swept off his face. He was young, but with a strong jaw seemingly made of granite. A button up shirt was left slightly undone at the top, revealing a black tattoo that coiled around his collarbone. He glanced up and waved with a large metal contraption in his hand. “You must be the new person, right? Or I’m going to have to break it to you that we don’t open for another thirty minutes,” the man’s voice was calm, but jovial with a tone of joking in the deep tenor.
      “No, I’m the new person,” you confirmed, standing in the door way as he pulled out a cloth to begin wiping down the bar. “(Y/N), right?” his eyes met yours, earning a nod in return. “I’m Shane, Bishop wanted me to help show you the ropes in opening up and I’m going to training you. Go through that door back there and set your stuff in the back. I’ll show you how to get everything set up for open,” he said, giving a light smile to you and pointing to a brightly lit door in the back.
      You nodded, stepping out of the door way and going to the back. The bright room had tile floors covered in rubber mats, a large dishwashing station full of mugs, glasses, and plates, and a desk tucked in the back where Mr. Bishop sat. “Good morning, (Y/N),” Mr. Bishop called out, not looking up from his work. He pointed to a rack to hang up your stuff, which you quickly moved to do. “As a precaution here, we use fake names on the name tags to allow the baristas not to be followed around outside of work. Shane out there goes as Knight and I go by King out there.” he mentioned as he fiddled with an empty name tag.
    “Chess pieces?” you asked, glancing as you shrugged off your jacket. “It’s a simple fake name that everyone knows is fake, but memorable enough. You don’t have to stick with the chess theme, but if you want, we can get your set up with Rook or something,” he explained while pulling out a chalk marker. “Rook works well for me, Mr. Bishop,” you confirmed. He nodded before writing the name in large letters on the black chalk name tag. He handed it to you, allowing you to put it on your shirt. “Shane, or Knight, will get you set up out there and will show you the ropes. Remember to call him Knight in front of customers,” Mr. Bishop reminded. You nodded as you returned to the front of the shop.
     Running a coffee shop seemed daunting at the beginning, but as Shane showed you how to brew the espresso and explained the different coffee items, it seemed less and less scary. You were wiping off the counter when Shane turned on the lights, unlocked the door and smiled at you. “Don’t worry Rook, it’s not as scary as you think,” he reassured as he returned behind the counter.
     The first customers only seemed to order black coffee, but it was an hour after closing that the first regular came in. “Good Morning Mr. Arnold.” you heard Shane, no Knight, call out. You turned over, expecting an older gentleman but were shocked to find someone slightly older than your coworker. He was in a blazer and slacks, hair dark and side parted. His face was steely and his eyes were cold, his pale skin looking ghostly and close to hollow. “It didn’t take King long to replace the last barista,” Mr. Arnold stated while keeping his eyes on you. He was examining you like a fox staring at a rabbit, harsh but his eyes turned lighter once Knight started talking. “Yeah, well you know how he gets. King needs someone to run the front after all. You want your usual today?” he asked, pulling out a small glass.
      The man nodded, pulling out a few dollars in change. Knight placed the order in the register and Mr. Arnold followed by putting a ten dollar bill in the tip jar. Knight immediately got to work brewing the espresso for Mr. Arnold. He turned back to you, his eyes turning steely. “You best be careful here, young Rook. Pawn got in a lot of trouble with some of the people who came in here, it doesn’t turn out well,” Mr. Arnold informed with his dark eyes staring at you. “Pawn, sir?” you asked, confused. He chucked, “My apologies, the last barista, that missing girl went by Pawn here,” he mentioned before grabbing his small cup of espresso and turning it with a small spoon. “Don’t scare them, Arnold. It’s their first day,” Knight mentioned with a frown on his face.
       Mr. Arnold chucked softly before sipping his espresso. “Just being honest, Knight,” he mentioned with a smile. The bell of the door rang again, this time a college student entered. “O-Oh, I didn’t know Mr. King could find a new barista that fast,” the student was skittish, thin and lithe with their hair tied above their head. An undercut was underneath the small bun and they were drowning in a large cardigan over a tee shirt and jeans.
       “Good morning Willow, and yeah, King needed someone else to run the front. It’s their first day, so be nice,” Knight called out from the espresso bar. “Nice to meet you, Willow,” you called out with a small smile on your face. Willow’s cheeks flushed and they offered a small smile in return. “I-I usually get a l-latte with the s-seasonal syrup, w-which one is it?” they asked as you began ringing it up. “It’s lavender today,” you answered, checking the notebook full of notes. They nodded and smiled as you rang them up, pulling out a card to pay. You looked back at the tablet when they were done, your eyes almost going wide. The tip was nearly double their order. “I t-tip w-well, you d-deserve it,” they smiled and you gave one back as they went to go sit at a table in the stacks of books.  
        “Willow’s a medical student over at the college, but they live off campus.” Knight mentioned as he showed you how to steam milk, before pouring the latte. “They always tip well, but only to their favorites. I only seem to get one or two dollar bills off them. It’s good to have favorites, I guess but make sure you don’t mention names.” Knight reminded and he handed you the large latte. “Be careful, it’s hot,” you nodded as you carried the drink over to Willow’s table. “Studying to do?” you asked as you gently set the latte down. Willow nodded, “I h-have an anat-anatomy test today, the c-coffee helps me focus,” they mentioned and took a sip of the latte. You nodded, “Don’t let me distract you then,” you smiled before returning to the bar.
        Mr. Arnold had left at this point, leaving another dollar on the counter underneath his espresso cup and Knight slid it over to the tip jar. “We split tips at the end of the shift, but you get your digital tips on your paycheck,” he mentioned. You nodded as you wiped down the counter. “What was Mr. Arnold talking about with the last barista?” you asked Knight as you took the dishes to the dish bin. “Laura got involved with some of the weirder customers and sometimes didn’t use the alias. Mr. Arnold is a cautious fellow, but he plays his favorites as well,” Knight mentioned. “It seems you’re one of his,” you responded as you pulled out more mugs. “Well, yeah. Everyone likes their stuff done a specific way and Mr. Arnold is no different,” Knight answered.
        The next person who came in was definitely more frazzled. She was a young woman, with long white hair tied into a side braid that had a couple pieces of hair sticking out. She was dressed professionally, holding her bag and a piece of paper in her hands. “Hey Knight, I got another list of drinks again,” she mentioned sadly as she set it down. She looked at Knight for a second, before her eyes flickered to the side, only to stop and stare for a second. “You must be the new barista,” she gave a small smile. “I’m Mona, I work for the Mayor’s office as the secretary over there,” she smiled as Knight rang in the multitude of drinks. “I’m Rook, nice to meet you,” you offered a smile her way. “I’m going to have to come in more. I didn’t know that this coffee shop could have even cuter baristas,” she flirted gently, passing her card over to Knight. Your cheeks flushed and she smiled lightly at that move.
        You missed how in the corner, Willow was frowning at the obvious flirting being sent your way. You did notice how Mona made sure to leave her number at the counter before collecting the drink trays full of various coffees and teas. “Don’t let King work you too hard, Rook,” she smiled before she left the room. Knight took the phone number and set it underneath the counter. “I wouldn’t suggest it, those relationships never end well,” he mentioned. You nodded in return and you returned to wiping down the bar.
        The first day seemed to fly by, leaving you fifty dollars richer at the end of tips and now with a cup of coffee to ease your way back to campus. You were back to being a simple (Y/N) again, not a Rook. You walked away from Cafe Rouge, unaware of just how many people’s attention you have on you. But for now, you merely sipped your beverage and enjoyed the good tidings to come; unaware just of what surprises the Cafe Rouge has in store for you.
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buffyfan145 · 4 years
One Fine Day 7/8
Fandom: The Karate Kid, Cobra Kai, Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso, Mr. Miyagi
Rating: T
Summary: An AU of Johnny Lawrence getting his redemption much sooner and Billy Zabka gets to be the romantic lead. In 1988 former West Valley alum Laurie Thompson reunites with her high school crush Johnny Lawrence in college. Becoming his tutor the two grow close and she learns more about the real him and his side of the story. As she helps him with school she also helps him with his life and letting go of things from the past, while also falling in love. Multiple characters mentioned, others will appear. Title is the song by The Chiffons.
Author’s Note: Thanks again everyone for the likes and comments!!! :D As you can see from above this chapter features Daniel and Mr. Miyagi!!! :D Ever since I read about how Pat Morita wanted to make a 5th “Karate Kid” film about him helping Johnny with his life this idea came to me and I was thinking of scenes, so I had to include it in this fic. I hope I did him justice. :) Also this is my longest chapter of the fic.
Chapter 7
After the semester ended and both passed their exams Laurie and Johnny headed home for winter break and the holidays.  Thankfully Johnny was well received by Laurie’s family and he got along with her parents and her older brothers.  It was nice seeing him with her little nephews, as he her eldest brother was already married and a father.  However, the same couldn’t be said for Johnny’s step father.
His mother Laura was so nice and welcoming, but Sid was so mean.  He said so many degrading comments and even backhanded compliments to Laurie.  Johnny was staying with them, mostly for his mother, and Laurie tried to get him to stay with her family but he didn’t want her parents disapproval.  “It’ll only be for a few weeks.”  He told her.
A few days later they had finished their meal at a restaurant.  As they were leaving he had to use the restroom and kissed Laurie quickly before she was alone waiting by the door.  Suddenly some one called her name.
“Laurie Thompson?”
She looked over in shock and sure enough there was Daniel LaRusso with who she assumed was his mom and his sensei Mr. Miyagi.  They had just entered and walked up to her.  “Daniel, hi!”  She replied with a smile.
They both hugged and Daniel turned back to his mom and Mr. Miyagi.  “This is Laurie.  We went to school together.”
“Nice to meet you.” Both of them said and smiled.
“Nice to meet you too.”  Laurie replied, though she was also slightly panicking. 
“You home from college?”  Daniel asked.
“Yeah, it’s going well at USC.”
“That’s great.  Are you just leaving?”  He asked curious.
“In a bit. Just waiting on my boyfriend.”  She replied and was hoping they’d be gone before Johnny got back but it was too late.  She felt Johnny’s arm go around her.
“I’m ready to go babe.” He said at first but then stopped almost in shock.
Daniel’s eyes went dark as he stared at Johnny and Laurie turned to see that darkness overtake Johnny’s face too.  Even Daniel’s mom and Mr. Miyagi all seemed frozen waiting for what was coming.
Instead Daniel suddenly turned to Laurie disappointed.   “You’re dating Johnny Lawrence?”
“Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that!”  Johnny shot back and Laurie instinctively took Johnny’s hand and faced him.
“Calm down.”  She warned and thankfully she saw his eyes lighten.  Then she turned to Daniel.  “Yes, Johnny’s my boyfriend. We’re at USC together.”
“You got in college!  I’m shocked.”  Daniel replied with a tone of bitterness.
“Daniel!” His mother said in shock at her son acting like that.
“No Ali with you?” Johnny said surprised.
“We split up after senior year.” Daniel replied and Laurie could tell Johnny was as shocked as she was by that development.
Mr. Miyagi came closer.  “Danielson, not proper way to greet old friend.”
Both Daniel and Johnny said in unison, “He’s not my friend.”
Mr. Miyagi laughed and turned to Laurie and Johnny with a smile.  “You two have a nice day.”  And he forced Daniel to walk away while Mrs. LaRusso shook her head and apologized.   
Laurie turned to look at Johnny and could tell he was still angry.  It made her sad he still had this grudge towards Daniel, and vice versa.  If only there was a way to make them see.
“I still don’t know where we’re going.”  Johnny said as he looked out of the car window.  He’d never been to this part of the valley before.
“You’ll see.”  Was all Laurie said as she drove and had a smirk on her face.
She pulled up to a house with a large back garden and old cars in front.  It seemed really out of place.  “Where are we?”
“Just go inside and you’ll see.”  
He looked at her in confusion but did as she said.  After giving her a quick kiss he got out of the car and slowly walked up the drive and into the house.  It had an Asian feel to it and something seemed familiar.  Suddenly the door behind him shut and he heard a heavy lock click into place.  “What is going on?”  He asked concerned.
“Come and join us Johnnyson.”
He knew that voice and sure enough he rounded the corner and saw Mr. Miyagi and Daniel LaRusso sitting at a small table on the floor.  It was a shock seeing them and Daniel’s mother at the restaurant a few days earlier but now he knew he was brought here on purpose and Laurie was involved.
 “I wasn’t involved with this.”  Daniel put up his hands.
“Correct.”  Mr. Miyagi agreed.  “It was my idea with Danielson’s mother and your Laurie.”  He pointed at Johnny.  “Now sit Johnnyson.”
It wasn’t like he could leave so Johnny did as he was told and sat opposite Daniel with Mr. Miyagi at the head of the table.  There was a picture of an Asian woman on the table and what looked to be the yin/yang symbol on a piece of cloth at the center of the table.
“Good, now we begin.”  Mr. Miyagi smiled .  “This symbol here is yin/yang.”  He gestured to the cloth with his hands.  “Light and dark. Everything on Earth made of yin/yang.  Everything has light and darkness.  They go together.  Even in light there is darkness, and in darkness there is light.  They balance each other and not exist without the other.”  Then he pointed to the light side of the circle.  “This Yang is Danielson, even with dark hair.”  He pointed to the black little circle in the white portion.  “Then yin is Johnnyson, also with light hair.”  His finger went to the dark half with the little white circle.  “You two so similar it makes you fight.  So many brothers like that, but you balance each other.  You are friends, not enemies.”
“But he never was my friend.”  Daniel said with a hint of sadness that surprised Johnny.
“Remember Danielson what I said then.  Not bad student, only a bad teacher.”  Mr. Miyagi replied.
“You mean Kreese.”  Johnny said amazed at the old man.
“Yes, Johnnyson.” Mr. Miyagi smiled at him.  “Mr. Kreese taught you some good things, but mostly bad.  He did not have proper sensei best interest with students.”
That was exactly right and it blew Johnny’s mind to realize that.  “I never got to thank you for saving me.”  Johnny looked up at Mr. Miyagi grateful.
The old man smiled warmly.  “I wish I did more to help all of you, but you’re already changing for good.”  That made Johnny feel so much better.  Then Mr. Miyagi turned to Daniel.  “Danielson, you need to forgive him.”
Daniel look at him in shock.  “But he did all these horrible things.”
“Long time ago now and you did things too.  Time to let go and move on .”  Mr. Miyagi said and looked at the both of them.  “You’re better as allies.”
Johnny and Daniel locked eyes as this all dawned on them.  Maybe it was time to make amends and move on.  It was the right thing to do.  “I’m sorry for everything.”  Johnny spoke first, surprising Daniel.
Daniel nodded and then spoke.  “I’m sorry too.”
He placed his hand out over the table and Johnny stared at it for a moment before he took it.  They shook hands over the yin/yang symbol and Johnny felt a weight lift he didn’t realize he’d been carrying and was finally free of.
Afterwards Mr. Miyagi opened the door and Laurie stepped in.  She looked between Johnny and Daniel and smiled.  “I can already tell it worked.”
“We’re not going to be best friends.”  Johnny replied.
“That would be too weird.”  Daniel said and they both laughed.
“Thank you so much Mr. Miyagi.”  Laurie said grateful.
He nodded and picked up one of the little potted trees.  “This is for you and Johnnyson.  A bonsai tree.”
“Thank you so much.”  She held it in her arms.
Johnny looked at Mr. Miyagi.  Thanks again.”
“Johnny be good, like Chuck Berry says.”  He smiled warmly and they all laughed.
“That’s the plan.”  Johnny replied intently.
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the-accidentals · 4 years
Chapter 1
Laura walked in through the door of her shoddy apartment, the lights flickering on as she slumped down on her stained sofa, she wanted to order takeaway but knew she didn't have the money, life was way to expensive and this week had been a pile of horse shit if any one had been, her car was in the garage after it broke down a couple days ago, the bill was so high she would need to not eat for a month. Before getting off shift today she had seen a family of five burn, only 2 getting out alive, a baby and the father. She tried to not let her job get to her but fighting fires was the easiest part, watching the families as they realise that not everyone made it is the worst, you can feel the guilt in the air. We are trained to move on, you can't take every death personally or it kills you from the inside but whenever i see a family torn apart so abruptly the worry stays on my heart, seeing happy families destroyed was definitely the worst part of her job but laura still loved the job and everyone struggles with it so she just tries to leave the worry at work,but today it followed her home, there was just something about today, the fire had started in the oldests room, probably faulty electrics, she was barely out of primary school, just starting to think she was a grown up, it had already killed the middle kid by the time anyone realised and the mother just breathed in to much smoke, it was come and go for a bit but in the end she didn't even make it to the hospital. A happy family reduced to two, a morning father and a 2 month old girl, how she survived I don't know. All that innocence and such young lives torn away so quickly.
Laura stood up shaking her head, it's not good to stay focused on the bad things, noodles and beer and an early night and she can sort everything else out in the morning.She has parents she can beg for money,they won't be happy but they wont let her starve,she just wishes she didn't have to call. For tonight she resigned herself to the sofa with a bottle of cheap beer and some veg noodles, strolling through the internet. Eventually the sun was long gone and the shame came creeping back, she was sitting here running from her responsibilities with beer, noodles and a blanket around her, just trying to hide away on the internet, she was a grown woman, an adult. She closed down reddit and opened her emails, this was an adult thing, she could clear her inbox. Ad,ad,ad,scam,ad,ad, important thing she should of replied too, she was trying to be grown up but that was slightly too grown up, ad, bank statement, don't want to look at that, oh nice easy one, the unit chief is trying to set up a quiz night, he needs to know when i'm free, i can do that. After a couple minutes of checking her calendar, which was embarrassingly empty she had formed an adult but chill response. There! She had been an adult, she had written an email and deleted a few more. She scanned over the rest hoping they could wait a few more days until a quiet moment at work, one caught her eye, an email from a trial company, she did a couple of studies a few years back to get some extra cash and extra cash was just what she needed, she looked into it, it was a medical study looking into a mental health drug, they needed people with diagnosed mental illness so she knew she would fit right in. Drug trials were not her thing but the pay was pretty good, two injections a week, £50 each, it lasted 12 months but you could leave whenever, just under £5,000 for the whole year, she probably wouldn't hang on that long but long enough that she could fix her beat up honda and still eat. Honestly how could she resist? The testing facility was a 15 minute walk away from the fire station as well. Fuck me if was perefect, no nagging from anyone about “being an adult” and “looking after your finances”. Laura finally went to bed that night, slightly tipsy, exhausted but slightly less stressed.
Laura had 2 days until she got paid and she had her first appointment for the trial today, it was a rolling study so there was no set start date. She had promised steve, the mechanic down the road, that he would get paid the bill as soon as she got paid so that he would carry on working with no money upfront, to be honest he totally owned lorna one, she had set him up with an ex of hers about a year back and she had never seen him happier. She walked up to a little privately owned clinic that she had never noticed before, it was smart but felt way to clinical, the lights were so bright it burnt and like all of these places the smell of cleaner was so strong you could taste it, she popped her phone into the pocket of her oversized jacket as she came to the front desk, the lady at the desk looked he up and down, I suppose she didn't really look like she belonged, it didn't look like a cheap sort of place.” hi i'm here for the trial, umm laura burmwell” laura muttered into the ground,she hated reception staff, they always seemed super judgy and this lady was no different, she tapped away at her screen for a few very awkward moments and sighed, pointing me to a section of chairs near the back. Pulling her earphones out she landed in a seat.
“Dont worry she wasn't very nice to me either” a voice chucked next to her, a small grinning woman sat there tapping on her phone, laura smiled back, she was gorgeous, long black hair down to her waist, out shining laura’s dirty blonde mess any day.
“ I’m glad she doesn't just hate me” Lorna joked, internally panicking. Why is such a cute woman actually talking to me? She suddenly felt amazingly underdressed, she was sat next to a stunning women who was clearly ready to go to work in a nice yellow dress and a jacket and she is there look like a gay hobo, hair up in yesterdays bun and a t shirt that has dinosaurs on it, at she is wearing smartish jeans. “I’m laura, are you here for the study?” she smiled.
“Preet, yeah, i'm hoping they can cure the fuckery going on in my head before the end of it” she chuckled but I could see the blush forming over her skin as she processed what she had said, Laura just snorted, tapping her leg on the linoleum floor, trying to think of something to say, her mind in overdrive.
“ nervous?” Preet questioned.
“i just haven't been in a drug trial for years, what if I grow four heads or something?” She joked, Preet actually burst out laughing, tears starting to form in her eyes, which got Laura laughing too, they just sat there trying to hide there laughter from the rest of the very serious looking members of the waiting room, finally after about 5 minutes they both calmed down enough to speak, laughter still glistening in their eyes.
“ but seriously these drugs will of been tested for years before it gets to these sorts of tests, its perfectly safe, they are just proving it and checking out side effects, im sure you wont grow any more heads.” At that moment Preets name was called over the speaker system, Secretly both of them were hoping they had been forgotten about so they could sit here and chat all day but neither of them said it.
“See you later Laura” Preet called as she picked up her stuff and started to follow the now waiting nurse.
Lorna went back to her music, trying to pull a stupid grin off her face.
1941- September 5th
I walked into surgery, on the bench was the patient, a young soldier, barley 19. He was burning up. Nurse Weber was standing there, trying to cool him down while setting up. He had a gun wound that was starting to get infected and the bullet had yet been removed. We set to work, removing infected tissue and finding bits of the shattered bullet but further we got the more futile it became, he kept losing blood and nothing we could do would keep his temperature down, he was pretty much dead in front of us. The nurse looked up, exhaustion in every wrinkle in her face, defeat in her eyes, im sure she had been on duty when he came on, over 10 hours earlier. With an air of defect I started sawing him up, giving him a dose of penicillin and covering the wound with gauze. I doubt he would make the night but we had tried. I removed my bloodied gloves and left. Hoping to be able to rest now. My eyes started over at the dying children and men who fill the halls. when will the war end, when will the suffering stop, have not enough died for the righteous cause? I started towards the boards, I was still on duty for another few days before I could head home. As i passed through the corridors i passed a officer asking about his son, every has someone fighting in this war to end all wars, he came to a halt in front of me desperately asking for his sons conduction, i had treated him when he first got brought in, he was going to make it but he no longer had a left leg, a bomb had hit near trench and had impaled his leg. As he quickly dismissed me, relief clear on his face, you could clearly see the shine on his Swastika pin. “Heil Hitler” I murmured as he marched away into the chaos
This is the first part of a longer story and my first time doing any serious writing, any advice welcome! I know it isn't perfect but I tried so I hope you enjoy it xx
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wuzzybear · 4 years
The Accidentals- A bad fucking week. part 1
A group of broke adults join a medical trial hoping for some easy cash but instead get a lot more than what they wanted. There is something bad at play and they need to work it out if they ever want to be normal, not that they were normal before.
 Laura walked in through the door of her shoddy apartment, the lights flickering on as she slumped down on her stained sofa, she wanted to order takeaway but knew she didn't have the money, life was way to expensive and this week had been a pile of horse shit if any one had been, her car was in the garage after it broke down a couple days ago, the bill was so high she would need to not eat for a month.  Before getting off shift today she had seen a family of five burn, only 2 getting out alive, a baby and the father.  She tried to not let her job get to her but fighting fires was the easiest part, watching the families as they realise that not everyone made it is the worst, you can feel the guilt in the air. We are trained to move on, you can't take every death personally or it kills you from the inside but whenever i see a family torn apart so abruptly the worry stays on my heart, seeing happy families destroyed was definitely the worst part of her job but laura still loved the job and everyone struggles with it so she just tries to leave the worry at work,but today it followed her home, there was just something about today, the fire had started in the oldest’s room, probably faulty electrics, she was barely out of primary school, just starting to think she was a grown up, it had already killed the middle kid by the time anyone realised and the mother just breathed in to much smoke, it was come and go for a bit but in the end she didn't even make it to the hospital. A happy family reduced to two, a morning father and a 2 month old girl, how she survived I don't know. All that innocence and such young lives torn away so quickly. 
 Laura stood up shaking her head, it's not good to stay focused on the bad things, noodles and beer and an early night and she can sort everything else out in the morning.She has parents she can beg for money,they won't be happy but they wont let her starve,she just wishes she didn't have to call.  For tonight she resigned herself to the sofa with a bottle of cheap beer and some veg noodles, strolling through the internet. Eventually the sun was long gone and the shame came creeping back, she was sitting here running from her responsibilities with beer, noodles and a blanket around her, just trying to hide away on the internet, she was a grown woman, an adult. She closed down Reddit and opened her emails, this was an adult thing, she could clear her inbox. Ad,ad,ad,scam,ad,ad, important thing she should of replied too, she was trying to be grown up but that was slightly too grown up, ad, bank statement, don't want to look at that, oh nice easy one, the unit chief is trying to set up a quiz night, he needs to know when i'm free, i can do that. After a couple minutes of checking her calendar, which was embarrassingly empty she had formed an adult but chill response. There! She had been an adult, she had written an email and deleted a few more. She scanned over the rest hoping they could wait a few more days until a quiet moment at work, one caught her eye, an email from a trial company, she did a couple of studies a few years back to get some extra cash and extra cash was just what she needed, she looked into it, it was a medical study looking into a mental health drug, they needed people with diagnosed mental illness so she knew she would fit right in. Drug trials were not her thing but the pay was pretty good, two injections a week, £50 each, it lasted 12 months but you could leave whenever, just under £5,000 for the whole year, she probably wouldn't hang on that long but long enough that she could fix her beat up Honda and still eat. Honestly how could she resist? The testing facility was a 15 minute walk away from the fire station as well. Fuck me if was perfect, no nagging from anyone about “being an adult” and “looking after your finances”. Laura finally went to bed that night, slightly tipsy, exhausted but slightly less stressed.
Laura had 2 days until she got paid and she had her first appointment for the trial today, it was a rolling study so there was no set start date. She had promised Steve, the mechanic down the road, that he would get paid the bill as soon as she got paid so that he would carry on working with no money upfront, to be honest he totally owned Laura one, she had set him up with an ex of hers about a year back and she had never seen him happier. She walked up to a little privately owned clinic that she had never noticed before, it was smart but felt way to clinical, the lights were so bright it burnt and like all of these places the smell of cleaner was so strong you could taste it, she popped her phone into the pocket of her oversized jacket as she came to the front desk, the lady at the desk looked he up and down, I suppose she didn't really look like she belonged, it didn't look like a cheap sort of place.” hi i'm here for the trial, umm.. Laura Burmwell” Laura muttered into the ground,she hated reception staff, they always seemed super judgy and this lady was no different, she tapped away at her screen for a few very awkward moments and sighed, pointing me to a section of chairs near the back. Pulling her earphones out she landed in a seat. 
“Don’t worry she wasn't very nice to me either” a voice chucked next to her, a small grinning woman sat there tapping on her phone, Laura smiled back, she was gorgeous, long black hair down to her waist, out shining Laura's dirty blonde mess any day.
 “I’m glad she doesn't just hate me” Lorna joked, internally panicking. Why is such a cute woman actually talking to me? She suddenly felt amazingly under dressed, she was sat next to a stunning women who was clearly ready to go to work in a nice yellow dress and a jacket and she is there look like a gay hobo, hair up in yesterdays bun and a t shirt that has dinosaurs on it, at she is wearing smartish jeans. “I’m Laura, are you here for the study?” she smiled. 
“Preet, yeah, i'm hoping they can cure the fuckery going on in my head before the end of it” she chuckled but I could see the blush forming over her skin as she processed what she had said, Laura just snorted, tapping her leg on the linoleum floor, trying to think of something to say, her mind in overdrive.
“Nervous?” Preet questioned.
 “i just haven't been in a drug trial for years, what if I grow four heads or something?” She joked, Preet actually burst out laughing, tears starting to form in her eyes, which got Laura laughing too, they just sat there trying to hide there laughter from the rest of the very serious looking members of the waiting room, finally after about 5 minutes they both calmed down enough to speak, laughter still glistening in their eyes.
“ but seriously these drugs will of been tested for years before it gets to these sorts of tests, its perfectly safe, they are just proving it and checking out side effects, I’m sure you wont grow any more heads.”  At that moment Preet’s name was called over the speaker system, Secretly both of them were hoping they had been forgotten about so they could sit here and chat all day but neither of them said it. 
“See you later Laura” Preet called as she picked up her stuff and started to follow the now waiting nurse. 
Lorna went back to her music, trying to pull a stupid grin off her face. 
1941- September 5th
I walked into surgery, on the bench was the patient, a young soldier, barley 19. He was burning up. Nurse Weber was standing there, trying to cool him down while setting up. He had a gun wound that was starting to get infected and the bullet had yet been removed. We set to work, removing infected tissue and finding bits of the shattered bullet but further we got the more futile it became, he kept losing blood and nothing we could do would keep his temperature down, he was pretty much dead in front of us. The nurse looked up, exhaustion in every wrinkle in her face, defeat in her eyes, I’m sure she had been on duty when he came on, over 10 hours earlier. With an air of defect  I started sawing him up, giving him a dose of penicillin and covering the wound with gauze. I doubt he would make the night but we had tried. I removed my bloodied gloves and left. Hoping to be able to rest now. My eyes started over at the dying children and men who fill the halls. when will the war end, when will the suffering stop, have not enough died for the righteous cause? I started towards the boards, I was still on duty for another few days before I could head home. As i passed through the corridors i passed a officer asking about his son, every has someone fighting in this war to end all wars, he came to a halt in front of me desperately asking for his sons condition, i had treated him when he first got brought in, he was going to make it but he no longer had a left leg, a bomb had hit near trench and had impaled his leg. As he quickly dismissed me, relief clear on his face, you could clearly see the shine on his Swastika pin. “Heil Hitler” I murmured as he marched away into the chaos.
This is my first attempt writing, please tell me how to improve! this is the first part of a longer story.
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philester · 6 years
my II Experience
Hey, a bunch of you guys have been asking me my experience and honestly I wanted to tell y’all how amazing it was but I was still on the high from the show and friends last night. I’ll put everything about the show under the cute and everything before the show before the cut! It was honestly one of the best nights of my life and it was so great to meet up with a bunch of amazing people! I will never forget this night :’)
Before the Meet & Greet: 
I didn’t take a picture of the thank you note, but I made a little doodle and thank you note of the II team and I gave it to Ryann as she was by the merch table when I arrived
I was lowkey intimidated by her so I made @haleykynz​ @danisonfire​ @gryphll​ @bellesandtea​ come with me ajhsdka (also I fuckin love these guys...v talented people)
Ryann said thanks and smiled really big and then went inside to show the rest of the crew
While we were waiting outside, some people started airdropping random shit kashdlaskjd (see below...its not letting me post it up here)
when I got to the security check I had my lanyard in my backpack and I always carry pepper spray with me so they told me I couldn’t go in with the spray sakdhkajsd so i literally ran back to the car, chucked the spray, and ran back and then i was v sweaty (thankfully the car was less than a 5 min walk)
Marianne (icon) was organizing us inside and went over the general rules of the meet and greet
they dropped the video right before the meet n greet asldjhaksjd i hate them
DnP came out, and we all lost our shit and started hyperventilating and some of the people around our group were like...wtf???
DnP were both wearing black and god was REAL because I just wanted Phil to either be wearing glasses or black and the universe listened to me and had phil wear black
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Meet & Greet
OMG ailhdsjlasdjaksdkjhaslkjdhajsdhakjsdhljkasdlkjasdkljalksjdlkajsd
for my letter, I actually had a thicc envelope because not only did I have my actual letter, I printed out the entire script of the Bee Movie and I wish I can see their expressions of whenever they saw my letter ajdhaksld
I filmed for Haley, and I freaked out and almost forgot cause they were so beautiful and I couldn’t stop staring at how good they looked
Haley and I switched places, and Dan gave met he softest look EVER and Phil did this cute ass smile and they were both like hello :’)
I looked at Phil again up close and blacked out 
In the time I blacked out I gave them both a hug (they both smelled good, their voices were so much deeper, I almost cried; Phil was so nice to hug cause he is so skinny and I just wrapped my arms around his torso; Dan was like a bear...he was so soft and while it was his usual side hug it was still so nice)
I deemed myself unworthy of looking at Phil because he was just so beautiful so I remember looking at Dan a bit more but I would black out every time I switched to look at Phil
I had them sign a bro post and I lowkey don’t remember if they said anything about it because I was too busy rehearsing my dumb joke in my head
I asked dnp “if their thighs were sore from all the squatting they’ve been doing at meet and greets” KJLHADLKJASD 
They both chuckled and I almost nut because their voices were so deep and then Phil was like “ah quite a bit” and Dan was like “haha yes this is the most exercise we’ve done in a few weeks” 
we did our poses and I was so close to the THIDDIES
after the meet and greet haley and I literally had to stop to catch our breaths and like just not faint akshjdkajsd
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After Meet & Greet and in between show
Our group recollected downstairs and we literally just all were trying to breathe and we shared our experiences with each other
We went out to buy some merch and I saw @philtrovert (hi Amy) and another girl whose name I forgot to ask 
also we met @hey-laura right before the show started! queen!!!
also I met @thesquishtm right at the end after the show !!!
Show under the cut
The Show:
I was sitting in the 3rd row and I was so close I could see them SO CLEARLY and despite my blacking out when I originally saw Phil, I was able to see him during the entire show and he was so hot FUCK
literally felt bad for Alana cause I kept on saying how hot he was every 5 minutes
also Dan does have an ass asjkdhaskd 
Dan did the fuckin naruto run 
one of the truth bombs for what they’ve got hidden from each other was that Dan and Phil have shrines of each other and Dan’s shrine for Phil is just his dead houseplants and Phil’s shrine for him is dan’s head made out of bubble gum
Dan writes shrek x donkey x self insert reader fic from his secret wattpad account
Phil fuckin DABBED because for truth bombs someone was like Phil actually wants to be Part of Team 10 aklsdhlaksjd
also apparently our show was really different compared to the rest of the shows in terms of the survey...a lot of the results they saw they weren’t expecting based on previous shows
There was so much dabbing...why
In the simulation, we chose all the evil ones obviously and Phil ended up being with Satan and a creepy ass picture of Dan popped up and jumpscared me and Dan ended up being dead after going through a Lady door at a furry convention and dying because his tail got caught
Phil was really hot
In Dan’s box the options were hiding snacks from Phil, his houseplant shrine to Phil, and Kidz Bop tickets
Phil was fuckin deaf (poor old man i love him) and he came close to us and tried to hear what we were saying for like 5 minutes when someone said Kidz Bop
also the Kidz Bop on the Scroll was written Kids Bop but the s was crossed out and a Z was written over it ajkhdsakls
they talked a lot about how our actions have consequences and I know they were joking but also like calling the phandom in general out aklsdhasj
Phil was so beautiful and pretty
Our collective name was Linda
Dan was on the wheel and Phil missed all three times but he was close to Dan’s nips like 2/3 times
when phil came out wearing that torturing outfit...GOD HELP ME I FUCK HE LOOKED GOOD
Phil Lester’s nipple kink was THRIVING like nipples were mentioned a total of 6 times throughout the show
everyone started screaming when Dan stripped asdlhjasd
Phil was so cute holy fuck
Dan was cute too I guess I kinda loved him a lot and I wanted to just hold him
They did phantastic facts :’) got bless
Dan literally knew all the Phil questions and he called himself Phil trash #1
the question was “what was Phil’s second music video” and he guessed Toxic which was right
Phil was asked what Dan’s 2nd favorite color was and he literally could have said grey which was a normal answer but he said purple and got it wrong (Dan said it was silver)
the X rated Lester, Phil literally won all the times like UGH HIS MIND!
Dan had to make punching a baby & mayonnaise  sound good rip akldhaskjd
Phil had to make “your sweet old grandma” sound bad and for the other 3 times he literally tied everything back to the sweet grandma actually being evil
god bless @whatthepeoplewant for recording it I owe you my life literally
Dan would have to give up the Internet but Phil would die and Dan chose to save Phil and everyone was like awwwww 
like bitch he couldn’t live a day without Phil,,,,,
for II worst predictions someone was like Kathryn would come onstage and Dan proposes and LITERALLY EVERYONE DIED BUT YALL KNOW DNP they turned around the words and said that dan would propose to kathryn and then Phil called dan his stepdad so...@ fic writers....
phil looked so fuckin amazing
Phil’s disstrack was funny as hell and Dan used a air gun to shoot out capita£ester bucks in the air ICONIC
When Dan and Phil started singing I was clutching my left boob the entire time and I was teary eyed, especially at the part when they said that they never imagined they would get this far
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All in all, it was one of the best nights of my life and I met some amazing people! I wish I could relive it again every day but alas, reality. I’m so happy and the post II depression hasn’t hit yet but I know it will soon and :(. I felt so much love and laughter yesterday, and seeing dnp live was such an amazing experience. I’m sorry if I sounded like I was bragging or something but I’m not I just wrote everything so I have all my memories accurate. Thank you to everyone who sent me an ask or commented on my pictures on instagram! I hope this was a good summary for you guys!
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fanficshiddles · 6 years
I’m still breathing, Chapter 14
Sophie woke up the following morning with a headache again after the amount of alcohol she drank the previous night. She was still in her clothing from last night too, having just fell into bed and passed out.
When she sat up, she noticed Loki sitting on her bed too. He was on top of the covers and smirked at her.
‘What?’ She groaned and fell down on her back again.
‘You were very drunk last night. Do you remember the end of the night?’ He leaned over and pressed his palm to her forehead, concentrating on taking away the pain for her.
‘Thanks… Not really. I remember dancing with you, then taking more shots that Wanda gave me.’ Sophie rolled onto her side to look at him.
Loki lay down on his side too and reached out to stroke the tips of his fingers down her cheek. ‘So, you don’t remember when we were making our way back here?’ He grinned.
Sophie frowned. ‘No… I didn’t do anything stupid did I? Oh god, what did I do?’ She panicked.
‘No, you didn’t.’ Loki laughed. ‘However, you did fall through a wall.’
Sophie took a second to process what he said. ‘I… What?’ She was mortified. Thinking that she had broken through dry wall or something. ‘I didn’t realise I was that strong? Did I do a lot of damage?’
Loki laughed again. ‘Not like that. You simply phased through it.’
She just looked at him with utter confusion written all over her face.
‘Once you get showered and dressed, I will show you what I mean. I’ve called for a meeting with everyone in the surveillance room.’
Sophie had the quickest shower ever, then threw on some clean clothes and chucked her hair up in a ponytail.
‘Impressive.’ Loki commented as they made their way from her room to the surveillance room.
When there, Loki pulled up the security footage of the corridor from last night. It showed Loki turning around to bid Thor goodnight, with Sophie skipping along happily until she stumbled and fell towards the wall. She put her hands out to save herself but simply went straight through the wall instead.
‘Holy shit!’ Sophie’s hand flew over her mouth as she watched in shock at what she did.
‘I also had my suspicions, remember that night in the library? You were asleep on the floor?’ Loki said, typing in another date and time into the system to get another clip.
‘Yeah…’ Sophie trailed off, not entirely sure where he was going with it.
The rest of the team were just watching on in shock too.
The clip Loki showed next, Sophie was on the sofa in the library. She fell asleep and fell straight through the side of the sofa, onto the floor. She’d been in such a deep sleep which is why she never woke when she hit the floor.
‘I think this is why you ended up under the bed too.’ Loki said, turning off the clip.
‘So… I can go through things? But I don’t even know how I did it?’ Sophie looked at Loki, then the others. Who looked just as baffled as Sophie was.
Clint gave her a gentle pat on the back. ‘Well, that’s what we will work on. Help train you to do it without needing to put any thought into it. We’ll help you get it figured out, kid. Don’t worry.’
‘Thanks guys.’ Sophie smiled.
Later that day, Sophie was in the living room reading up on mutant’s history. Something she hadn’t exactly wanted to know about, but with being one she thought it might be best to learn about her history. But she felt her stomach sinking in fear as she did. The realisation that the new laws to protect mutants were still very new. And what with Fury acting all weird on SHIELDs behalf, she was really worried that they were going to use her like some lab rat.
‘You look worried, poppet. What’s wrong?’ Loki asked upon entering the room.
Sophie held up the book to show him the front cover.
‘Ah. I really wish you hadn’t read that.’ He said, concerned as he motioned for her to scoot over so he could sit next to her.
‘I know. I wish I hadn’t either. But I really wanted to know about my history, you know? I mean, it’s good that it’s come so far and there are laws to protect us now. But it’s still a bit scary not knowing what SHIELD really want with me.’ She leaned her head on Loki’s shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.
He kissed the top of her head. ‘I know, love. But you know we won’t let anything happen to you. You’re safe with me.’ He assured her.
‘I know. Thank you.’ She put the book down and wrapped her arms around Loki, hugging into him.
God, she was sure she would never tire of being held by him. In his strong arms, feeling so safe and content. How she’d went all her life thus far without affection was beyond her. She found herself craving it from Loki so much. She only hoped she wouldn’t become too clingy.
‘Now what’s wrong?’ Loki asked knowingly as he leaned back slightly and gripped her chin between his fingers.
‘How do you do that?’ Sophie asked.
‘Do what?’
‘You seem to know what I’m thinking.’ She smiled.
‘I can tell by your body language.’ He smirked cockily.
‘Damn. I’ll need to try and hide it better.’ She teased.
‘Come on, what are you thinking now?’
‘I was just starting to worry that I’m becoming too clingy with you.’ She admitted sheepishly. ‘I don’t want to bug you, ever!’
‘You know, I was worried about the same thing this morning.’ Loki laughed, relieved.
‘You were?’ Sophie’s eyes widened in realisation.
‘I tend to get rather… Possessive over people I love. Clingy too. I was worried I was going to scare you away.’ Loki reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, making her blush.
‘You… Love me?’
Loki faltered slightly, realising he’d let that word slip. Even though it was the truth. ‘Yes, I do.’ It was his turn for his cheeks to turn slightly red.
‘I love you too.’ Sophie whispered, making Loki smile.
Sophie and Loki were both on cloud nine after finally telling one another that they were in love. They made sure to tell each other every single opportunity they could. And most nights they fell asleep together, cuddled on the sofa in the living room or in the library.
Thor was over the moon for his brother. He’d never seen him so happy and in love before. It was clear how much Loki absolutely adored Sophie and vice versa. They were almost inseparable over the coming weeks.
They tried to train with Sophie, not only with her dagger and fighting skills but to try and get her powers under control. But she was struggling to make it happen. It happened, by accident a few times a week. One minute she was leaning against a wall, the next she was disappearing through it. Or she would be asleep in bed and then on the floor when she woke up.
The best one was once when Loki went to kiss her after teasing her about her height, but instead of kissing him she fell right through him. Which was a weird sensation for the both of them.
Pepper, Wanda and Natasha decided one Saturday night that Sophie needed a break from training. So they decided to take her out clubbing in the city. They were going to meet up with Jane, Darcy and Clint’s wife, Laura.
‘Are you sure it’s a good idea?’ Loki frowned while he watched Sophie straightening her hair, it was almost time for her to go with the girls.
‘I will be with one of the world’s most deadly assassins, an incredibly strong witch and some of the best scientists in the world. I’m sure I will be fine.’ Sophie grinned at him in the mirror, he was standing behind her, watching.
‘Oh, I do not doubt your safety in that aspect. But more so that Natasha is a bad influence on you when it comes to alcohol.’ Loki chuckled.
‘I know, but it will be fine.’ Sophie smiled.
Sophie was surprised with how much she enjoyed her night out with the girls. They were at the second club of the night, downing a bunch of shots and dancing around to club music.
They were talking about all the men and the conversation turned to Loki.
‘I still can’t get over how much Loki adores you, Sophie.’ Natasha said, hooking her arm around Sophie’s shoulder.
‘I guess I’m a lucky girl.’ Sophie shrugged, smiling.
Jane then spoke up. ‘Thor told me that he has never seen him so in love before. He’s so happy for you both, as we all are. But Thor really believes that Loki is turning a corner now.’
Sophie didn’t really know what to say to that, apart from blushing.
But Laura came to her defence. ‘Come on girls, we’re embarrassing her! She knows Loki loves her.’
Sophie gave her a smile as a silent way of thanking her. The conversation turned again to the other guys instead. But Sophie couldn’t deny how happy it made her feel inside, knowing that she was making a different to Loki’s life, just like he was for her.
Later on during the night, Sophie ended up with Natasha in the bathroom. They were fixing up their make-up.
‘Can I ask you something?’ Sophie asked Natasha.
‘Of course you can, chick. What’s up?’
‘I… I’m worried that Loki will lose interest in me. I mean, he’s not ever made a move on me yet. But I know that soon he will want sex. But I don’t know if and when I will be able to do that.’
Natasha stopped applying her lipstick and turned her full attention to the younger girl.
‘We weren’t lying when we said that he adores and loves you. Loki doesn’t seem the type to be after just one thing. We are surrounded by a great bunch of guys. I think if Loki was only interested in sex, you’d know about it by now. Why not talk to him about it? Are you nervous because it would be your first time?’
‘Well, not really that. I…’ Sophie sighed and looked down. ‘The one and only time a guy initiated sex with me, was because he was going to rape me.’ She blurted out quickly.
‘Oh, Sophie. I’m so sorry.’ Natasha’s face fell and she put her arm around her again.
‘It’s fine. Really. It was ages ago. But I just… I don’t know.’
‘Does Loki know?’
‘Yeah, I told him about it months ago.’ Sophie nodded.
‘Then I’m sure he already understands. But talk to him about it, see what his views are on the situation.’
‘Yeah, you’re right. I’m just being silly.’
‘Hey, you’re not being silly. You’ve been through a lot, it’s only natural.’ Natasha gave her an encouraging smile.
‘Thanks, Nat.’ Sophie smiled back at her and gave her a hug.
Loki had stayed up in the living room to wait for the girls returning. It was obvious when they had returned, as the noise they were making was enough to wake up the entire base.
He watched in amusement as they all stumbled through to the kitchen, hushing each other and trying to stay quiet but failing miserably. They had takeaway with them and all piled around the table to eat various kebabs, pakora, chips and pizza.
It always amazed Loki how much junk food they could all eat, yet still stay fit and healthy.
He crept up behind Sophie with no one noticing him. Until he put his hands onto her shoulders and whispered in her ear. ‘Welcome back, love.’
Sophie let out a screech in fright, making everyone else jump too.
‘Jesus! You scared me.’ Sophie put her hand over her heart.
‘Not Jesus, even better, God of mischief.’ Loki chuckled and pulled up a seat next to her, stealing some of her kebab meat.
‘How did you know we were back?’ She asked, frowning at him as he then stole some of her chips too.
‘You are all not exactly mice… More like elephants.’ Loki smirked, just as the rest of the team came through to see what all the noise was. All of their faces lit up when they saw the food.
The girls all growled and grumbled when the guys tried to steal their food. But in the end, it became a large feast with everyone around the table tucking in.
Even through her drunken haze, Sophie took in the scene. It was 2am and everyone was laughing and enjoying the food. She’d just had a great night out with the girls, her first time clubbing a great success. And she didn’t have any panic attacks. Now she had Loki’s arm around her waist as they shared food. She couldn’t believe how lucky she had become.
She was home.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
I'm still breathing, Chapter 14
TITLE: I’m still breathing CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 14 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine a mutant has been living on the streets for years, until she is picked up by the Avengers. She’s taken to live with them so they can help her to discover what her powers are. Loki especially, takes an interest in her. The two become very fond of one another as they discover what her power is. RATING: M 
Sophie woke up the following morning with a headache again after the amount of alcohol she drank the previous night. She was still in her clothing from last night too, having just fell into bed and passed out.
When she sat up, she noticed Loki sitting on her bed too. He was on top of the covers and smirked at her.
‘What?’ She groaned and fell down on her back again.
‘You were very drunk last night. Do you remember the end of the night?’ He leaned over and pressed his palm to her forehead, concentrating on taking away the pain for her.
‘Thanks… Not really. I remember dancing with you, then taking more shots that Wanda gave me.’ Sophie rolled onto her side to look at him.
Loki lay down on his side too and reached out to stroke the tips of his fingers down her cheek. ‘So, you don’t remember when we were making our way back here?’ He grinned.
Sophie frowned. ‘No… I didn’t do anything stupid did I? Oh god, what did I do?’ She panicked.
‘No, you didn’t.’ Loki laughed. ‘However, you did fall through a wall.’
Sophie took a second to process what he said. ‘I… What?’ She was mortified. Thinking that she had broken through dry wall or something. ‘I didn’t realise I was that strong? Did I do a lot of damage?’
Loki laughed again. ‘Not like that. You simply phased through it.’
She just looked at him with utter confusion written all over her face.
‘Once you get showered and dressed, I will show you what I mean. I’ve called for a meeting with everyone in the surveillance room.’
Sophie had the quickest shower ever, then threw on some clean clothes and chucked her hair up in a ponytail.
‘Impressive.’ Loki commented as they made their way from her room to the surveillance room.
When there, Loki pulled up the security footage of the corridor from last night. It showed Loki turning around to bid Thor goodnight, with Sophie skipping along happily until she stumbled and fell towards the wall. She put her hands out to save herself but simply went straight through the wall instead.
‘Holy shit!’ Sophie’s hand flew over her mouth as she watched in shock at what she did.
‘I also had my suspicions, remember that night in the library? You were asleep on the floor?’ Loki said, typing in another date and time into the system to get another clip.
‘Yeah…’ Sophie trailed off, not entirely sure where he was going with it.
The rest of the team were just watching on in shock too.
The clip Loki showed next, Sophie was on the sofa in the library. She fell asleep and fell straight through the side of the sofa, onto the floor. She’d been in such a deep sleep which is why she never woke when she hit the floor.
‘I think this is why you ended up under the bed too.’ Loki said, turning off the clip.
‘So… I can go through things? But I don’t even know how I did it?’ Sophie looked at Loki, then the others. Who looked just as baffled as Sophie was.
Clint gave her a gentle pat on the back. ‘Well, that’s what we will work on. Help train you to do it without needing to put any thought into it. We’ll help you get it figured out, kid. Don’t worry.’
‘Thanks guys.’ Sophie smiled.
Later that day, Sophie was in the living room reading up on mutant’s history. Something she hadn’t exactly wanted to know about, but with being one she thought it might be best to learn about her history. But she felt her stomach sinking in fear as she did. The realisation that the new laws to protect mutants were still very new. And what with Fury acting all weird on SHIELDs behalf, she was really worried that they were going to use her like some lab rat.
‘You look worried, poppet. What’s wrong?’ Loki asked upon entering the room.
Sophie held up the book to show him the front cover.
‘Ah. I really wish you hadn’t read that.’ He said, concerned as he motioned for her to scoot over so he could sit next to her.
‘I know. I wish I hadn’t either. But I really wanted to know about my history, you know? I mean, it’s good that it’s come so far and there are laws to protect us now. But it’s still a bit scary not knowing what SHIELD really want with me.’ She leaned her head on Loki’s shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.
He kissed the top of her head. ‘I know, love. But you know we won’t let anything happen to you. You’re safe with me.’ He assured her.
‘I know. Thank you.’ She put the book down and wrapped her arms around Loki, hugging into him.
God, she was sure she would never tire of being held by him. In his strong arms, feeling so safe and content. How she’d went all her life thus far without affection was beyond her. She found herself craving it from Loki so much. She only hoped she wouldn’t become too clingy.
‘Now what’s wrong?’ Loki asked knowingly as he leaned back slightly and gripped her chin between his fingers.
‘How do you do that?’ Sophie asked.
‘Do what?’
‘You seem to know what I’m thinking.’ She smiled.
‘I can tell by your body language.’ He smirked cockily.
‘Damn. I’ll need to try and hide it better.’ She teased.
‘Come on, what are you thinking now?’
‘I was just starting to worry that I’m becoming too clingy with you.’ She admitted sheepishly. ‘I don’t want to bug you, ever!’
‘You know, I was worried about the same thing this morning.’ Loki laughed, relieved.
‘You were?’ Sophie’s eyes widened in realisation.
‘I tend to get rather… Possessive over people I love. Clingy too. I was worried I was going to scare you away.’ Loki reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, making her blush.
‘You… Love me?’
Loki faltered slightly, realising he’d let that word slip. Even though it was the truth. ‘Yes, I do.’ It was his turn for his cheeks to turn slightly red.
‘I love you too.’ Sophie whispered, making Loki smile.
Sophie and Loki were both on cloud nine after finally telling one another that they were in love. They made sure to tell each other every single opportunity they could. And most nights they fell asleep together, cuddled on the sofa in the living room or in the library.
Thor was over the moon for his brother. He’d never seen him so happy and in love before. It was clear how much Loki absolutely adored Sophie and vice versa. They were almost inseparable over the coming weeks.
They tried to train with Sophie, not only with her dagger and fighting skills but to try and get her powers under control. But she was struggling to make it happen. It happened, by accident a few times a week. One minute she was leaning against a wall, the next she was disappearing through it. Or she would be asleep in bed and then on the floor when she woke up.
The best one was once when Loki went to kiss her after teasing her about her height, but instead of kissing him she fell right through him. Which was a weird sensation for the both of them.
Pepper, Wanda and Natasha decided one Saturday night that Sophie needed a break from training. So they decided to take her out clubbing in the city. They were going to meet up with Jane, Darcy and Clint’s wife, Laura.
‘Are you sure it’s a good idea?’ Loki frowned while he watched Sophie straightening her hair, it was almost time for her to go with the girls.
‘I will be with one of the world’s most deadly assassins, an incredibly strong witch and some of the best scientists in the world. I’m sure I will be fine.’ Sophie grinned at him in the mirror, he was standing behind her, watching.
‘Oh, I do not doubt your safety in that aspect. But more so that Natasha is a bad influence on you when it comes to alcohol.’ Loki chuckled.
‘I know, but it will be fine.’ Sophie smiled.
Sophie was surprised with how much she enjoyed her night out with the girls. They were at the second club of the night, downing a bunch of shots and dancing around to club music.
They were talking about all the men and the conversation turned to Loki.
‘I still can’t get over how much Loki adores you, Sophie.’ Natasha said, hooking her arm around Sophie’s shoulder.
‘I guess I’m a lucky girl.’ Sophie shrugged, smiling.
Jane then spoke up. ‘Thor told me that he has never seen him so in love before. He’s so happy for you both, as we all are. But Thor really believes that Loki is turning a corner now.’
Sophie didn’t really know what to say to that, apart from blushing.
But Laura came to her defence. ‘Come on girls, we’re embarrassing her! She knows Loki loves her.’
Sophie gave her a smile as a silent way of thanking her. The conversation turned again to the other guys instead. But Sophie couldn’t deny how happy it made her feel inside, knowing that she was making a different to Loki’s life, just like he was for her.
Later on during the night, Sophie ended up with Natasha in the bathroom. They were fixing up their make-up.
‘Can I ask you something?’ Sophie asked Natasha.
‘Of course you can, chick. What’s up?’
‘I… I’m worried that Loki will lose interest in me. I mean, he’s not ever made a move on me yet. But I know that soon he will want sex. But I don’t know if and when I will be able to do that.’
Natasha stopped applying her lipstick and turned her full attention to the younger girl.
‘We weren’t lying when we said that he adores and loves you. Loki doesn’t seem the type to be after just one thing. We are surrounded by a great bunch of guys. I think if Loki was only interested in sex, you’d know about it by now. Why not talk to him about it? Are you nervous because it would be your first time?’
‘Well, not really that. I…’ Sophie sighed and looked down. ‘The one and only time a guy initiated sex with me, was because he was going to rape me.’ She blurted out quickly.
‘Oh, Sophie. I’m so sorry.’ Natasha’s face fell and she put her arm around her again.
‘It’s fine. Really. It was ages ago. But I just… I don’t know.’
‘Does Loki know?’
‘Yeah, I told him about it months ago.’ Sophie nodded.
‘Then I’m sure he already understands. But talk to him about it, see what his views are on the situation.’
‘Yeah, you’re right. I’m just being silly.’
‘Hey, you’re not being silly. You’ve been through a lot, it’s only natural.’ Natasha gave her an encouraging smile.
‘Thanks, Nat.’ Sophie smiled back at her and gave her a hug.
Loki had stayed up in the living room to wait for the girls returning. It was obvious when they had returned, as the noise they were making was enough to wake up the entire base.
He watched in amusement as they all stumbled through to the kitchen, hushing each other and trying to stay quiet but failing miserably. They had takeaway with them and all piled around the table to eat various kebabs, pakora, chips and pizza.
It always amazed Loki how much junk food they could all eat, yet still stay fit and healthy.
He crept up behind Sophie with no one noticing him. Until he put his hands onto her shoulders and whispered in her ear. ‘Welcome back, love.’
Sophie let out a screech in fright, making everyone else jump too.
‘Jesus! You scared me.’ Sophie put her hand over her heart.
‘Not Jesus, even better, God of mischief.’ Loki chuckled and pulled up a seat next to her, stealing some of her kebab meat.
‘How did you know we were back?’ She asked, frowning at him as he then stole some of her chips too.
‘You are all not exactly mice… More like elephants.’ Loki smirked, just as the rest of the team came through to see what all the noise was. All of their faces lit up when they saw the food.
The girls all growled and grumbled when the guys tried to steal their food. But in the end, it became a large feast with everyone around the table tucking in.
Even through her drunken haze, Sophie took in the scene. It was 2am and everyone was laughing and enjoying the food. She’d just had a great night out with the girls, her first time clubbing a great success. And she didn’t have any panic attacks. Now she had Loki’s arm around her waist as they shared food. She couldn’t believe how lucky she had become.
She was home.
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write-havoc · 6 years
This Is How I Disappear Ch. 57
Summary: A girl named Chuck finds herself in the exact place she doesn't want to be, living with violent men in a desolate nursing home. After her former gym teacher finds her, will he be the savior she was looking for?
Fandom: The Walking Dead AU
Pairing: Negan/Original Female Character
Status: Ongoing
Contains: swearing, violence, sexual assault, blood, smut
Intended for readers 18+ of age only
Harlan had requested Chuck be on bedrest for the next few days. And Negan made sure it was strict bedrest. For two days, Negan did just about everything for Chuck, even escorting her to the bathroom when she needed to go. He also made sure to keep Chuck calm. Carson’s death had hit Chuck hard. Mainly because she felt guilty for never thanking him for everything he did for her. But Negan knew just the right things to say to make her feel better, like he always did.
When Negan had to leave the apartment to tend to his duties, which he did so begrudgingly, he insisted that Laura or Arat sit with Chuck and tend to her. Chuck had apologized to them, assuming that the woman would resent the job, but they didn’t seem to mind. In actuality, the three women had gotten to know one another quite well over the past several weeks and developed a friendly relationship between each other.
Today, Laura is on shift while Negan is out and she’s sitting on the couch flipping through a book. When Chuck sees that it’s The Soul of the Fearless Wave, she wonders how it made its way back into their bedroom. She thought that Negan had gotten rid of it long ago.
“Shit,” Laura calls out as she turns the page. “This is a good book.”
Chuck can’t help but laugh. “It’s... pretty entertaining, actually.” She just keeps it to herself that she thought it was entertaining because of how bad it is.
Chuck shakes her head, her eyes flicking down to notice a wet spot on her chest. She initially thinks that maybe she spilled a little bit of water the last time she took a drink, but when she sees another spot on the other side of her chest, she realizes what it is. “Oh,” she says aloud.
“You need somethin’?” Laura is already standing and coming forward before Chuck can stop her.
Chuck feels her cheeks turn bright red. “Uh...” She tries to cover her chest so Laura can’t see. “N-No. I’m okay.”
Laura pauses at the side of Chuck’s bed and looks down at her. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, Chuck. I have a kid, remember? I know what it’s like to be pregnant.”
Chuck nods and moves her hands from her chest, exposing the expanding wet spots on her cotton nightshirt. “I guess I started to leak.”
“Is this the first time?”
“Yeah,” Chuck answers quietly. She knew that this would happen at some point, but for some reason, she still feels a little embarrassed.
“Do you have any nursing bras up here?”
“Yeah.” Chuck points to the closet. “The dresser on the left. Top drawer.”
Laura follows Chuck’s directions and comes back in with a nursing bra and a new nightshirt. “Before all this shit,” she waves a hand around, “I was a bartender in this biker bar. That where I met Niko’s father. And I worked through my entire pregnancy.” Laura gently pulls Chuck’s soiled shirt over her head and drops it on the ground. “I only took off one week when I had him. Worked up until the day they induced me.” Laura slips the nursing bra onto Chuck’s arms and fastens it behind her back.
Chuck adjusts the bra on her chest and inserts the reusable pads that Laura hands her.
“I remember the first day my boobs really started to leak,” Laura continues. “It was fuckin’ busy in the bar. And this guy was like, ‘Hey! Your tits are leaking!” And I was like, “So?! You want a beer or not?!’” Laura gets the clean nightshirt over Chuck’s head. “I didn’t have time to deal with it, so I just rocked it.”
Chuck laughs. Then she realizes that Laura had told that story to make Chuck less embarrassed about having her clean her up. “Thanks,” she says quietly.
Laura shrugs a little. “You’re welcome.” She picks up Chuck’s nightshirt from the floor and throws it in the hamper.
Before Laura walks back to the couch, Chuck calls out to her. “So Niko was just a baby when all of this started?”
“Yeah.” Laura turns around and sits down on the bed, propping herself up on the headboard beside Chuck. Though Chuck has all the pillows behind her.
“Wow. That must have been rough. I couldn’t imagine being out there with a baby,” Chuck comments. Her mind reels with the thoughts of Laura having to try to keep her son safe after the turn.
“Yup. Niko’s father died pretty early on. He saved our lives, but...” She shakes her head.
“I’m sorry, Laura.”
“It is what it is. He was a good man.” She gives a sad smile. “Negan and Simon found me and Niko and brought us here. There was probably only like twenty people here, then. Sherry and her sister were here. Most of the lieutenants, actually. And TJ.” She lets out a sigh at the mention of the man.
TJ and his group were all murdered by Eldritch and his men at the start of his attack on The Sanctuary. When all was said and done, Negan held a memorial service for the fifty or so people that died, which was rough for everyone. After the service, Negan had a small group go out to find the bodies of the men Eldritch had killed, wanting to give them all a proper burial, but they were never found. Negan had confessed to Chuck that he assumed that Eldritch let them turn and used them in his undead army. The thought had sent a chill though Chuck’s bones. Eldritch was truly an evil man for doing everything he did.
Laura continues. “But Negan was always real good to me and Niko. Even when shit was scarce, he always made sure I had enough to eat because I had to breastfeed my son. There wasn’t any formula or anything here. He was the only kid.”
“Negan has a soft spot for children.” Chuck giggles. “Don’t tell him I told you that.”
“That’s not exactly a secret.” Laura laughs. “Negan can be a scary fucker when he needs to be, but he’s good to the people that do their jobs and aren’t assholes. Everyone knows that.” She clears her throat and shifts to get more comfortable. “When I told him I wanted to be part of his soldiers as soon as he started the whole ‘saviors’ thing, he didn’t laugh in my face. He didn’t tell me I needed to just be a mother and work in the laundry. He shoved a .45 in my hands and told me to show him what I got. He never judged me. Never underestimated me. That showed me what kind of leader he would be and I’ve been following him ever since.”
Chuck smiles, happy in the knowledge of how respected her husband is here. The baby starts to move around, so Chuck moves both of her hands to her stomach.
“Pain?” Laura asks, quickly shifting into bodyguard mode.
“No. Just kicking,” Chuck answers with a smile. The baby has still been kicking regularly and Chuck takes it as a good sign that she wasn’t injured in the fall.
Laura places her hand on Chuck’s stomach to feel. “She’s a strong one!” She laughs. “You’re making me want to have another one.”
“Really?” Chuck giggles. “You don’t even have a boyfriend, do you?”
Laura shrugs. “You think that Alexandrian with the haircut is single?”
Chuck laughs, realizing Laura is talking about Eugene. “You would eat him alive!”
“You think he’d let me?” Laura waggles her eyebrows to accentuate her joke.
The next day, Harlan checks over Chuck as Negan paces their bedroom.
“Everything looks good,” Harlan says as he pulls back from Chuck. “I’d say you can be off bedrest now. We can get you down to the infirmary for an ultrasound to make sure, but I see no reason to worry anymore.”
Chuck lets out a sigh of relief.
Negan pauses his pacing to ask, “We’re good?”
Harlan nods. “Let’s get down to the infirmary just to double check. I bet Chuck won’t mind stretching her legs a little,” he teases.
Chuck giggles. “I would love to walk around.”
The ultrasound looks perfect, to everyone’s relief. When Negan and Chuck get back to their room, he squeezes her in a tight hug.
“I love you so much, baby girl,” he whispers into her hair.
“I love you, too, Negan.”
Negan pulls back to cup Chuck’s face. “Please, Chuck. Will you just take it fuckin’ easy until the baby comes? I know you want to be productive, but please stay up here. Or with me if you wanna walk around.”
Chuck knows that Negan worries about her and the baby. So despite the fact that she doesn’t want to be cooped up inside for the rest of her pregnancy, she agrees to do it. For Negan.
“Okay. I promise to take it easy.” She strokes his cheek and tips up to peck his lips.
The rest of the night, the pair cuddles up on the couch and watches movies, perfectly content and relaxed for the first time in days.
“Negan?” Chuck whispers to him when she realizes that he nodded off.
“Hmm?” is all he answers without even opening his eyes.
Chuck just stares at his face and smiles. Sometimes she can’t believe that she has this perfect man to call her own.
“We should go to bed.” She kisses his cheek.
He smiles, his eyes still closed. “Mmhmm.”
The next day, Chuck is sitting on the couch playing a video game in just a pair of shorts and her nursing bra. Though it’s a cold January day outside, Chuck finds the room hot. She knows it’s just her pregnancy, since Negan hasn’t complained and seems to be just fine in the office as he works on whatever he’s working on.
Negan walks into the bedroom and pauses. “You look hot as shit like that,” he jokes.
Chuck laughs. “Well, I am hot . But not in the way you mean.”
Negan chuckles and sits down next to her. “You’re still beautiful, baby.”
Chuck looks down at herself, definitely not finding anything beautiful. “I’m all sweaty and leaky. And it’s just gonna go downhill from here.”
Negan leans over and kisses Chuck sweetly. “No matter what, you’re still the most beautiful thing I could ever fuckin’ see.” He bends down to kiss her stomach, too.
Chuck runs her hand over his head. “You’re such a softy.”
He straightens up. “You want me to show-“
A knock on the door interrupts Negan’s thought.
“ It’s Simon. Can I come in? ” comes through the door.
“Hang on,” Negan calls out. He searches around for Chuck’s shirt, finding it thrown on one of the chairs and helps her put it on. “Alright. Come in,” he yells then sits back down next to Chuck.
Simon enters the room and gives Chuck a nod. “Hey, kiddo. How ya feeling?”
“Okay. I’m hot right now.”
“Really?” Simon raises his eyebrows. “It’s kinda chilly up here.”
“She’s running hot,” Negan comments. “What do you got, Simon?”
He starts to answer. “Rick was on the radio. He said his guys came across a pretty big settlement in the north a few days ago.” Simon flicks his gaze to Chuck for a second. “He wants you to meet them.”
Chuck looks over to Negan quickly. “No. You don’t know what’s out there. You can’t leave.”
Negan lets out a sigh. “What did Rick say about this group?”
“They’re in some big high school,” Simon relays the information. “He says they got families, children. They’re good people.”
Chuck starts to get a little upset because she knows Negan is probably going to leave. “Negan...”
Negan cups her cheek to silence her. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I don’t want to fuckin’ leave, but I’m gonna have to. I need to size these fuckers up. And I’d rather do it fuckin’ now than closer to your due date.”
Chuck’s eyes well up with tears. “But-“
“Hey,” Negan coos. “It’s safer out there now since the biters are fuckin’ slow. And the roads are pretty fuckin’ clear. Nothing to worry about, okay?”
Chuck nods. “Just... get back quickly.”
“You think I wanna be away from my girls for a goddamn second longer than I need to?” He smiles at her and it makes her smile back.
“Okay,” she quietly responds.
Negan looks up to Simon, who is still close to the door. “Radio Jesus and tell him to get here tomorrow morning. Then talk to Rick and tell him we’ll meet him at Alexandria tomorrow. Then we can all head the fuck out from there.”
Simon nods. “Sure thing.” He nods a goodbye to Chuck before exiting.
Once Simon is gone, Negan looks back to Chuck. “I know, sweetheart,” he says before she can even say anything.
“You said you wouldn’t leave.” Chuck looks up at him with wide eyes.
“Fuck. Don’t give me the eyes. I gotta go. I gotta see these people.”
She sighs. “Fine.”
“Please don’t be pissed at me.”
“I’m not. I’m just gonna be worried about you.”
He kisses her forehead. “I promise, nothing memorable will happen.”
  ——— Negan’s POV ———
Me, Dwight, Arat, and Jesus pile into a car and head out of Alexandria following Rick, Daryl, Michonne, and Carol in their car as they lead us to this new fuckin’ settlement. Rick told me that he spent a few fuckin’ days there just talking to them and getting to know their leader. He said they seem like good fuckin’ people. I’m not just gonna take his goddamn word for it, but it does make me lean toward maybe trusting this fuckin’ group. I gotta form my own opinion, though.
We pull up to this parking lot about fifty yards away from the gate to the settlement and fuckin’ wait. Oh, shit. I fuckin’ know this place. I applied for a goddamn job here right after I graduated. It’s a fancy pants fuckin’ boarding school for boys. Rutherford Academy...? Something like that. I wasn’t fuckin’ waspy enough to get hired there.
After about ten minutes, three fuckers on horseback emerge and trot to us.
“Heh,” I say aloud, no no one in particular. “I was talking about fuckin’ horses to someone a few weeks ago.”
“This way, please,” one of the guys, who’s wearing weird ass cobbled together armor, calls down to us. They lead us in through the gates and dismount.
“I’m Richard,” the tall, middle aged man calls out. “King Ezekiel asked me to show you guys around a little bit.”
I chuckle. “King?”
“Negan,” Rick chides.
I just shrug back at him. This guy here calls himself “king” and I’m not supposed to think that’s fuckin’ bullshit?
Richard glares at me. Whatever. “Follow me,” he says and turns away to lead us on the fuckin’ tour.
It’s not exactly thorough. The guy just points at buildings and says what’s inside. He says they have a fully stocked infirmary with two fuckin’ actual doctors. Big ass cafeteria with a commercial sized kitchen. Dormitory for all the residents to fuckin’ live in. And I can see for myself that they have crops, though they’re not growing right now since it’s goddamn winter. And paddocks for animals along with the stables that the school already had. Fuckin’ rich assholes.
From what I can tell, this place is fuckin’ nice. There are people moving around constantly, so they got numbers. Probably more than Alexandria. And they got a ton of kids. More than what we got back home, even. Everyone looks fuckin’ healthy and happy, so... yeah. I guess they make a good first impression. But I’m not letting my goddamn guard down completely just yet.
Richard stops us outside a building. “We wait here until King Ezekiel is ready for us.”
I fuckin’ roll my eyes which Rick sees and elbows me. “What?”
Rick rolls his eyes back at me. “Just... hear him out,” he whispers.
“Fine,” I answer.
The door opens and a guy comes out to motion for us to go inside.
“Hey, I should warn you about something before you get in there.” Rick continues to talk, but I’m not listening anymore.
My entire focus shifts to the man holding the door open for us. He’s probably in his late thirties with sandy blond fuckin’ hair, kinda portly. And he looks just like... Goddamn, that poor fucker looks exactly like-
“Negan!” Rick’s urgent voice breaks me out of my thoughts from a few steps ahead. “Are you coming?”
“Yeah,” I answer immediately. “Shit.”
We walk up the stairs and through the door, but I try not to look at that guy. I just don’t want to look at that fucker’s face.
Richard leads us through the halls and into a fuckin’ auditorium as I try to forget about that dude. All thoughts leave my fuckin’ brain, though, as my eyes immediately go to the man sitting on a goddamn throne in the middle of the stage and the thing that’s sitting beside him.
“Holy fuckin’ shit!” I yell, completely surprised. “Is that a fuckin’ tiger?!”
The animal raises its head and I swear to Christ I almost fuckin’ scream. Like, who the fuck has a goddamn tiger?! But I reel that shit in and turn my head to Rick.
“You could’ve fuckin’ told me there was an actual goddamn tiger in here.”
“I did,” Rick spits back. “You weren’t listening.”
The man on the stage clears his throat so I fuckin’ turn back to him. “Greetings, newcomers,” he calls out in a fuckin’ confident... regal , I guess, voice. “I am King Ezekiel. And this is Shiva,” he gestures to the big cat. “Welcome to The Kingdom.”
I stare at him for a moment. He doesn’t look fuckin’ real. He looks like a goddamn comic book character, with thick ass dreads and a big leather coat, holding a fuckin’ staff in one hand and a chain in the other. Not to mention, he’s sitting on a fucking throne with a goddamn tiger beside him !
“Is this fuckin’ real?” I say to no one in particular.
“Hear him out, Negan,” Rick pleads.
I turn back to Ezekiel and wait for him to start his fuckin’ spiel.
“I have heard much about you, Negan, from Rick and his men. From what he has said about the alliance between your two groups and his, I believe that joining that alliance will be beneficial to all.”
I shrug a little. This whole fuckin’ thing has thrown me for a loop. I have no idea what to fuckin’ say. “What do ya got to fuckin’ offer?” is what I settle on.
“To start, I would like to aid in your endeavor to rid this land of the abominations that have been plaguing all of us. Rick has told me about your immediate plans to corral the dead and exterminate them once the cold of winter renders them immobile. My people are very skilled at dispatching the dead, and can lend a hand to your efforts.” He looks off to his right to a big guy that I didn’t even realize was standing there. Even though he’s got a goddamn battle axe in this hands. “Jerry, would you get our guests their gifts.
The guy, who is wearing a weird ass knee length red coat, disappears off the stage and then returns with a basket in his hands. He walks up to me and hands me the fuckin’ thing.
“Consider these as a promise of things to come,” Ezekiel starts talking again and gestures to the basket. “Alas, it’s after the harvest, so proper trading of our goods will have to wait until warmer weather, but please,” he gestures to me, “take those as a token of our budding friendship.”
I look through the basket which is full of jars and cans. Some of them are marked as vegetables and some are various jams and jellies, including goddamn raspberry which is my fuckin’ favorite and haven’t had in years. “This looks fuckin’ good,” I downplay how excited I am. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna crack open that jar on the way home and eat it with my fuckin’ fingers.
Ezekiel lets out a sigh for some reason. I mean, shit’s going good so... “Rick informed me about your recent experience with a man named Eldritch. We, too, had a run in with him and about ten of his men about a year ago.”
“What?!” I bite back.
Ezekiel starts to explain. “He and his men came here disheveled and starving, telling horrendous tales of the state of things in Baltimore, to the east, where they came from. We had always stayed away from that area, ourselves, because we, too, had bad experiences there. Once Eldritch and his men got their strength back, he replayed out kindness by trying to raise a coup, but my loyal subjects showed the vehemence of their fealty and refused. We exiled him and his men after that.”
“Exiled them where?” I ask, already getting pissed.
“South,” is all he answers.
“South?” I repeat. “South, to me .”
“We never ventured south,” Ezekiel tries to make the excuse. “We didn’t know about your settlements. Or Rick’s.”
“If you had dealt with that fucker properly, none of that shit would’ve happened!” I yell.
Shiva perks up at my raised voice, but I am fuckin’ pissed, so I don’t stop.
“You have any idea what I lost because of that motherfucker? What I could’ve fuckin’ lost?!”
“Negan,” Rick puts his hand on my shoulder to calm me the fuck down.
“I am truly sorry about that,” Ezekiel states softly. “If I had known about your settlements, I wouldn’t have set him on that course. That is something I will have to live with, but I sincerely hope we can get past this for the sakes of our subjects. An expanded alliance between all of our groups will strengthen all of us.”
I’m breathing hard, but I suppose he’s right. So I nod. From the canned goods, it’s evident that they grow some shit that we don’t. Or even HIlltop. Trading with these medieval fuckers will definitely be better for us. And they got fuckin’ animals, which means more meat. Better diets for my people means better people, so I can’t really pass this shit up.
I turn back to Rick. “Eugene still got some more radio equipment?”
“Yeah,” Rick answers. “I’ve already talked to King Ezekiel about it. But I wanted to get your okay on it before we went ahead.”
“Electricity is not plentiful here,” Ezekiel explains. “We have some solar panels that power the freezers and ovens in the kitchen. But I think we can add the radio equipment and power it without problem. Being in contact with your groups will cement our alliance.”
I nod again and turn to Rick. “Get him the equipment.” I turn back to the king. “We’ll call you about when we’re gonna clear out those fuckin’ dead zones. Probably pretty soon.”
“Yes. I would be honored to help with that endeavor.” Ezekiel gives me a big smile and gestures for us to leave.
If these fuckers hold their own out in the shit, and prove to be not fuckin’ dumbasses or monsters, then come spring, we can get our trade on. And if that she goes well, an official alliance can be made.
Honestly, it fuckin’ surprises me that I’m not fuckin’ fighting with this. When I started The Sanctuary, I fully expected it to be me against the world. But working with Hilltop got me, well, Hilltop . If I told them to fuck off when Jesus first darkened my doorstep, I would’ve never taken control of them. And my people would’ve lost out on the different food they get from the hillfolk. And we’d be out a fuckin’ doctor just in time for Chuck to give birth.
If I wouldn’t‘ve worked with Alexandria, I probably wouldn’t have beat Eldritch. Rick and his guys were instrumental in that shit. As much as I want to say it was all me, it fuckin’ wasn’t. So working with these groups has been fuckin’ better for my people. So I gotta consider that shit when thinking about what I’m gonna do with The Kingdom.
As we all leave the building, that same guy is standing at the door, holding it open for us. And I just can’t deal with it anymore.
I turn back to him quickly, startling him. “What’s your name?”
“Martin Harris,” he answers.
“What’s your father’s name?”
He looks back at me, confused. “William Harris. Why?”
“He your real father?” I just gotta know...
He glares at me for a moment before answering. “Yes,” he bites back. “He’s my real father because he raised me since I was three years old. He adopted me on my fifth birthday and gave me his name. So he is my real father. Not that it’s your business.” He lets out a huff and continues on with a little fuckin’ attitude. “But if you must know about my biological father, he was a horrible man. He pulled my mother off the street while she was walking back home from bible study and raped her. Got her pregnant. She was sixteen .” He takes a breath but still looks fuckin’ pissed at me. “When the police finally found him, he was already in prison for killing his wife and almost killing his son. So excuse me if I don’t want to call that man my anything .”
I fuckin’ knew it.
“Nathan McRae,” I almost whisper. I never wanted to say that fuckin’ name ever again.
His eyes get fuckin’ big. “H-How did you know his name?”
“That fuckin’ monster was my father, too.”
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Love Yourself (Chapter 7)
title: Love Yourself summary: A lot of things about Dan’s life are pretty great. He gets to make the music he wants, he’s got a great fanbase, and his manager is his best friend. A few things about his life suck a bit more. He’s currently lacking inspiration, he’s rather lonely, and he’s stuck in a rut. Dan’s been going to the same coffee shop for years. It’s quiet, it’s quaint, it’s near his home. Most importantly: none of the employees give a shit that’s he a world-famous singer. Things change when he meets the new barista. chapter words: 8.5k story words: 35k (so far) chapter: 7/? rating: m warnings: language genre: singer!dan, coffee shop au, barista!phil, slow burn [[ao3]] [[previous chapter]] [[first chapter]]
Phil ran around his apartment, collecting the things he’d planned to show in his liveshow. He always found that liveshows went more smoothly (and avoided too many personal questions) when he had some concrete, pre-planned topics to talk about — especially when there were hot topics his fans knew about that he was trying to avoid.
Like this week.
It had only been four days since Dan had first tweeted at him and, well, those four days had been packed full with at least a few dozen tweets exchanged between them. If his viewers reactions on twitter were anything to go by… well, it was sure to be a hot topic tonight.
Phil’d spent a lot of the day thinking about how he wanted to spin his interactions with Dan. In fact, he’d genuinely considered canceling his liveshow just to avoid having to get into it. They’d both agreed that giving the proper truth — that Phil worked at a coffee shop Dan frequented — was out of the question. They valued their privacy far too much to disclose that information. But obviously, he had to say something.
Being as vague as possible seemed like the best option: they’d met through his work (not a lie), and had seen each other a few times because of it. Phil didn’t need to divulge the nature of their relationship — and honestly, he barely knew how he’d describe it anyway. They were more than just a barista and a customer for sure. Dan had flat out said several times that he considered Phil a friend, and Phil thought of Dan as one, too. But sometimes… well, sometimes their interactions didn’t feel like friendship. Or at least not any friendship Phil had ever had before.
It felt more… flirty.
Which was insane. For a multitude of reasons. Not the least of which being that Dan had a girlfriend, with no visible history of dating, well, not girls. Against his better judgment, Phil had done a bit of digging on Dan. Which he knew, he knew he shouldn’t have done.
For one, they were friends and it just felt somehow creepier to internet stalk someone he was actually fairly close with. And second, he knew how it felt to have more information about himself on the internet than he was aware of, and imagined Dan was just as uncomfortable with it as he was. Plus, it felt wrong to learn things about his friend that Dan hadn’t explicitly chosen to tell him.
Regardless, Phil had looked him up. Along the way, he’d learned that Dan had had some mental health issues a few years back that were arguably still present, depending on the source. He’d learned that with the exception of Isabella, Dan had never been in a relationship — or at least not one that he’d made public. Phil learned that Dan was incredibly private about his family life, to the extent that almost nobody even knew the names of his immediate family.
If it had been just a normal friendship, Phil would have needed to wait until Dan decided to — if at all — tell him about things. But this friendship was different. They were both very public figures and now he was sitting on all of this knowledge and he wasn’t sure if he should hide the fact that he had it or not.
His only condolence was that Dan had apparently binge watched a bunch of his videos, which meant he undoubtedly knew a lot more about Phil than he’d elected to share so far as well. Hell, he’d finally just confessed that he was kind of famous too (if giving Dan the necessary information to find out on his own could even be considered confessing, that is).
By now, Dan was sure to know that Phil had never had public relationships, with the exception of some dubious, long deleted evidence from his early, early days of YouTube. Dan also probably knew that Phil was incredibly close with his family, to the point of possibly oversharing about them in his public life. Dan had also likely caught on to the fact that his AmazingPhil persona was a bit different, a bit more innocent and bubbly than his day-to-day personality. Oh well. That was what Phil had signed up for when he’d started broadcasting his life all over the internet. And in some ways, Dan had signed up for the same gig.
Once Phil had gathered his… props, for the show, he set himself up on his sofa, and pulled up YouNow. While the streaming site loaded, Phil drafted a tweet so that all he had to do was hit post once he was live.
@AmazingPhil: Lions and plants and socks, oh my! Come hang out with me on YouNow and help me decide if I should keep the stuff I bought on Amazon this week [link]
When Phil saw the green icon indicating he was live, he sent the tweet and waved hello to his audience. He was always astounded at how many people were there at the very beginning of his shows, as if they’d just been lurking on his YouNow, waiting for him. Phil didn’t know if it was flattering or creepy
“Hi guys! How is everyone doing today?”
As he read out some of the funnier responses, he watched the number of viewers steadily climb. “Sarah says she’s watching me instead of doing her maths homework. Bad Sarah! Do your homework. Adam says he’s trying to make a cake he saw on the Great British Bake off. Good luck Adam, I’m not a very good baker but I believe in you.”
As the stream continued, Phil reacted to another handful of comments in order to give people time to arrive. After a few minutes, he glanced at the viewer count to see if he was near his typical audience size yet.
Seventeen thousand. That was a full seven thousand more than usually showed up for his shows.
Phil had a hunch that it had to due with his recent twitter activity. It was probably best to start his pre-planned activity before everyone started nagging him to talk about it.
“Laura wants to know how my week’s been. Pretty good so far, nothing to complain about,” Phil said, scanning the chat for anything else innocent he could answer before switching tactics completely.
“Okay guys, are you ready to help me decide if I should keep the stuff I bought on Amazon? Kelsey asks why I bought stuff if I’m not sure if I want it. Well, Kelsey, it was really late at night, I was bored, and it all seemed like a good idea at the time. Haven’t you ever heard of impulse shopping? It’s a real problem. See this is what happens when you live alone. You don't have anyone to tell you if the stuff you’re buying is cool or not. ‘Get a roommate’ someone said — sorry I missed your name. I only have a one bedroom flat, it’s definitely not big enough to share with —”
Phil was interrupted by a high pitched diiiing from his phone. Oops.
“Sorry, guys, I forgot to turn my phone on silent.” Phil embarrassedly grabbed his phone and toggled it to silent without looking at the screen. “Everyone’s asking who it is. I don’t know, I didn’t check. Let me have a look.” Curious himself now, Phil flipped his phone over.
@danielhowell liked your tweet.
Not so subtly, Phil threw his phone to the other end of the couch as if it were on fire.
Holy shit. If Dan liked his tweet about his liveshow did that mean…? No. No way. Dan was a busy celebrity. Surely he had better things to do on a Wednesday evening than watch Phil’s liveshow.
Phil tried his best to arrange his features into a more neutral expression before turning back to the camera. Naturally, the chat was flooded with people asking why he looked so surprised and who the message had been from.
“Just a twitter notification,” Phil said, aiming for nonchalant. Hoping to brush off the topic, he grabbed his first item off the table. “Okay, so first Amazon purchase is…” Phil attempted a drumroll noise “...socks!”
Phil held the pack of socks up to the webcam, flipping through the different pairs as he described them. “See, they are all plant themed. There’s cacti, and succulents, and bamboo. What do we think, do we like them?”
Not that he was surprised, but virtually no one in the chat seemed to care about his dubious Amazon purchases. Almost every single question was directly related to his interactions with Dan, both on Twitter and in real life. Until now, he hadn’t realized how much their fanbases overlapped.
This might be a harder topic to avoid than he’d initially thought.
Phil filtered through the Dan-related comments until he found a few people reacting to the socks and focused on those. “Amanda says she thinks they’re cute and Ashley bets that they’ll mix and match well. I agree, Ashley. Great. I’ll keep the socks.”
Phil sat the socks down on the table and picked up the next item, showing it to his audience and making another hopefully witty comment. As Phil struggled to push through the mass of comments related to Dan, he went through his next few purchases a bit slower than strictly necessary. He figured the more time he spent on this, the less free time he would have to talk about unplanned topics — namely Dan — at the end.
The charizard plushie and the grow-your-own-terrarium kit were his to keep, but everyone agreed that the Buffy figurine was more demonic than cute and needed to go back. From what Phil could tell, the comments had been split in regards to the aesthetic hat he’d picked out, and he chucked it away with a, “Maaaaaaybe.”
A quick glimpse at the clock told Phil that he’d been live for a little over half an hour already.
“This last one I’m a little more unsure about, guys.” Phil held up the jumper, trying to center it so that the lion on the front was in focus. His uncertainty was mostly for his viewers benefit. Phil was pretty damn sure how he felt about the jumper — it was bloody hideous. The lion design had looked adorable online, but then again that had been a small picture, it had been one in the morning, and he’d had a few mixed drinks by then. In reality, though, the lion was incredibly disproportionate and the quality was something he’d expect from a cheap, knockoff vendor on the street.
Nonetheless, Phil peeked around the jumper to read people’s comments. Those who were engaging in the Amazon conversation were all agreeing with him. “Sounds like most of you don’t like this one as much. I didn’t think so either. I love lions a lot, but this one isn’t very cute is he? Okay, back to Amazon that goes, then.”
Phil made a show of dropping the jumper and throwing it out of sight. He scanned the chat, looking for more reactions. His eyes landed on the word jumper and he read the comment out loud without processing it first.
“Max says to talk about Dan having the same pug jumper that you own.” Oh crap. That’s not what he’d anticipated when he’d seen the word jumper. “I, uh, yeah.” Phil fumbled for a second before pulling himself together and smiling brightly. “Funny, right? Definitely not his usual style. Honestly, when I lent it to him, I wasn’t sure he’d even want to wear it in the moment, much less at his own house when he had other options.”
Belatedly, Phil realized his mistake. He’d just confirmed that Dan didn’t just happen to own the same jumper as him, Dan had Phil’s actual jumper. Phil’s eyes tried to follow the chat, but it was moving too fast to comprehend. The only thing he could make out was Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan.
Well, I guess that topic is officially being discussed.
With a deep breath, Phil finally addressed the questions everyone had been tweeting at him, and he assumed were flooding the chat. “Everyone’s curious how I know Dan — Dan Howell, that is, in case anyone hasn’t been looking at my twitter this week. I met him through work. Don’t get too excited, it’s not like we’re actually working on anything together, I’ve just seen him around a few times.
“Maddie asks why I lent Dan my jumper.” He was well and truly in this mess now. Phil grasped for a story, settling on something plausible. Hopefully Dan didn’t mind too much. “Did you see Dan on Innuendo Bingo last week? It was really funny, right? He got so wet though. I ran into him in the bathroom afterwards. I was just being nice and helping him out because he looked like a drowned puppy.”
Phil chuckled, trying his best to brush the topic off, maybe bounce off some easier questions to answer about Dan before heading off for the week. Suddenly, though, the chat started filling up with the same messages. Half of them appeared to be copy and pasting something into the chat from some other source, and the other half were just keyboard smashes and different variations of “oh my god” and “did you see what he said?”
Phil assumed it was the other message they were freaking out about, the one everyone was spamming, the one he was clearly supposed to be noticing. Warily, Phil froze the chat so he could read what it said.
Daniel Howell: um excuse me i thought we were friENDS but go off i guess
Phil cocked his head, trying to figure out if this Daniel Howell was his Daniel Howell or an impersonator. It certainly sounded like something Dan would say, and Dan had liked his tweet. And Phil knew Dan had a YouNow account because he did liveshows of his own sometimes and… yup. That was definitely the real him.
Oh, great.
“Hi, Dan!” Phil smiled and waved, trying to figure out how the heck he was going to respond. He settled on teasing Dan back. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen you since Saturday. I thought you forgot about me!”
Of course, that started up a whole new flurry of questions. He should have known.
What was he supposed to say? How much was he allowed to say? It was intimidating enough having to talk around his and Dan’s relationship live to so many people, but to have to talk about it with Dan listening? That was so much worse. Dan would know instantly if Phil said something embarrassing, or too revealing, or flat out stupid.
“Everyone wants me to talk more about Dan.” With a sigh, Phil resigned himself to properly answering a few questions about Dan, hoping that if he actually gave his viewers some information they would let him switch topics.
“Justine asks how often I’ve been seeing Dan. A couple of times a week.” Four or five counts as ‘a couple’ right? “Tyler says that it must be cool to be friends with a famous singer. I guess? He’s just Dan to me. He’s a pretty normal guy. I kind of forget that he’s super famous most of the time.”
Phil skimmed the chat for more questions he was willing to answer.
Amee: have you met isabella because ngl she kinda seems like a bitch
Phil snorted, unable to completely control his laughter. From what he’d heard about Isabella, or Izzy as Dan tended to call her, he was inclined to agree. Not that he was about to voice that opinion online to seventeen thousand avid viewers. He looked for a less controversial question.
“Misty asks if he actually sent me a preview of a song. He did! I don’t know if I’m allowed to say anything about it though, so I’ll just say that it was great and I liked it a lot. He’s definitely really talented.”
Phil glanced at the clock in the corner of his screen.“Alright guys, one last question and then I’ve got to go. It’s been forty five minutes already! Samantha asks what we usually do together. Well, we started out just chatting because of work, you know, when we happened to both be around. But yeah, we’re friends now and we, er, we grab coffee or snacks together a lot. Most of the time we just hang out and talk, but sometimes we both work on whatever we need to. If you guys have more questions, you can tweet them at Dan, but I can’t promise he’ll answer any of them.
“I’ve got to go now, guys! I hope you all have a good night.” Phil started waving, making it clear he was going to leave. “Bye Brittany! Tiffany says she’s going to do her homework. Good! Bye Peter, bye Jim.”
Phil moved her cursor to the end button, trying to stop the stream. Like usual, younow was slow to respond. Awkwardly, he kept waving at his viewers while he punched the end button a dozen times. Eventually, the screen turned black, and Phil huffed a sigh of relief.
Now that Phil was finally done livestreaming, he tabbed back over to twitter. There was a new DM from Dan, which surprised Phil less and less each time it happened, but he was especially unsurprised this time — Phil didn’t expect to get away with talking about Dan in a livestream that he was watching without hearing from him. The message had been sent while he was still live, and was neither teasing nor admonishing, which had been Phil’s top two guesses at what Dan might have to say.
Daniel Howell: i’m glad you think of me as a normal guy and not just some famous rockstar
Phil felt his cheeks flush. He was eternally grateful that he’d thrown his phone to the other end of the couch and hadn’t seen that message while he was still live, or else seventeen thousand people would have seen him blushing and Dan… well, knowing Dan, he probably would have noticed the correlation between when the read receipt showed up and when Phil started turning pink.
Phil Lester: :) of course. I mean, it’s cool that you make music, but you’re more than just Dan Howell, Singing Sensation
He left his phone unlocked on the couch while he went to the loo. When he came back, the screen had dimmed but there was no new notification from Dan. Phil wasn’t sure if that meant Dan hadn’t watched the end of his liveshow, or if Dan had started doing something immediately after, or what. But apparently, he wasn’t going to respond now. Phil sighed and shoved his phone into his back pocket.
Phil’s phone was silent the entire time he cooked and ate dinner. By the time he crawled into bed with his laptop at half past midnight, he’d just about given up on hearing from Dan again. But he should have known late hours of the night meant nothing to Dan.
Daniel Howell: thanks. i think you’re more than just a famous youtuber for the record
Dan stared at the message he’d typed out to Phil, debating if he really wanted to send it or not.
Daniel Howell: i’m glad you think of me as a normal guy and not just some famous rockstar
He glanced back at the YouNow tab. Phil was still talking about him, now having moved on to loosely discussing the somewhat shitty snippet of the song that Dan had sent him. That song was basically all he’d been eating, breathing, and thinking about since Isabella had left Sunday night.
Working on his song was easier to deal with than trying to think about the things Izzy had said, than what had happened while she was at his flat, than the possible repercussions of their fight. So instead, he’d been hibernating alone since then, holed up working on his song. The only people he’d talked to were Phil and a few miscellaneous fans on twitter.
Before he could second guess (or third or fourth or fifth guess) it, Dan pressed send on his message to Phil, and shut his laptop, perhaps with more force than necessary.
With a sigh, Dan decided it was time to face the world.
He picked up his phone, and rang Louise. Despite it being nearly eight o’clock at night, she answered on the second ring.
“Daniel, there you are.” Her voice was hushed but stern. Of course. Darcy was probably in bed. Dan knew it was Darcy’s bedtime and he felt bad for calling, but if he didn’t do it while he had the nerve, he would back out. Again.
“Hi Louise,” Dan’s voice came out smaller and more upset than he’d meant for it to. He hadn’t realized just how much he’d been holding back.
“You’re lucky you’ve been active on twitter recently or I would have worried you were dead and just shown up at —”
“Lou,” Dan cut Louise off. “If I ask you for a favor, can you promise to just help me and listen and not lecture me?”
“Aw, love, what’s wrong?” Her voice was instantly softer.
“I just, um, you’re not too bad at arts and crafts, right? Like gluing broken stuff back together?” Dan fiddled with the hem of his shirt, running his fingers through the growing holes at the bottom.
“I’m fairly handy. Do you want me to fix something for you?”
“Yeah, do you mind?”
“Of course not. When do you want to bring it ‘round?”
Dan’s hands moved from his shirt hem to tap at his thigh. “Um, I was thinking now actually. If you’re not busy that is.”
Louise responded without hesitation. “Do you want tea or hot chocolate? Or should I open something stronger?”
Dan felt a wave of relief wash through him. “Hot chocolate sounds lovely, Louise. I’ll be there in fifteen.”
“Be quiet when you come in, please? Darcy’s asleep.”
“I will.”
Dan hauled himself out of bed. He slipped on a pair of black shoes that horrendously clashed with his white joggers, but whatever. He glanced back at his bed, where Phil’s jumper was bunched up, and considered pulling it over his tshirt.
It was just — it was soft. His week had sucked so far. He hadn’t seen Phil in ages, he’d been ignoring all of Izzy’s calls since she’d left, and he was bloody upset. He was allowed to wear something soft and comforting.
He decided it was worth whatever prying questions Louise might ask, pulled it on, and made his way to the kitchen.
Carefully, he stepped over the shards of glass, pots, and pans that still littered the kitchen floor to the breakfast bar. He really needed to clean that up before the maid came tomorrow.
Dan was thankful that he had saved the pieces of the bright pink mug from the floor during their fight. They were still tucked away on the breakfast bar, safe from further harm. Dan piled the pink shards of glass into a container with painstaking care. He glanced around the floor, making sure that he hadn’t missed any pieces. Sticking out from under the ledge of the counter was a bright pink handle. Dan scooped it up and gently added it to the container. With a determined flick, Dan turned the kitchen light off and left.
The night air was colder than he’d anticipated. He probably should have gone back upstairs to fetch a warmer coat. Instead, he pulled Phil’s jumper more tightly around his body, taking care to not jostle the box in his arms too much.
With cold fingers, he dug his keys out of his coat pocket and shakily unlocked the door to Louise’s townhouse. A welcomed rush of warm air hit him when he stepped into the entryway of Louise’s home.
To her credit, Louise was probably the best friend he could have asked for. When he walked into her lounge, he was greeted by Louise sitting on the sofa in front of two mugs of steaming hot chocolate.
Wordlessly, Dan climbed onto the couch, careful not to shake the box too much, and rested his head in Louise’s lap. Louise seemed to switch to full mum mode at the action, running her hand soothingly through his hair and letting him wallow in silence. She didn’t question anything — not the container he was cradling to his chest, nor the bright blue jumper he was wearing that clearly didn’t belong to him, and not even the barely-faded purple marks on his neck that she was bound to have a perfect view of from her position. She didn’t even question why he came over with fifteen minutes notice after three days of radio silence. She just let him be for a few minutes.
His eyes wandered the room as Louise played with his hair. There was a box labeled crafting supplies on the arm chair and a half empty bottle of liquor on the coffee table. He rolled onto his back and looked up at Louise.
“Peppermint Schnapps?”
“Just in case.”
“I love you Louise, you’re the best.” Dan sat and pressed a small kiss to her cheek. He leaned forward and poured a generous splash into both of their mugs, his destroyed mug resting in his lap.
Louise giggled as he handed her one of the mugs. “I know you too well, Dan. Now, are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”
Dan shifted the container of glass in his lap. “Please, Louise. Can you promise not to lecture me tonight? I know what you’re going to say and I really don’t want to — I just want to talk. And fix this. I need you to fix this.” Dan shoved the container into Louise’s hands.
She opened the box and peered inside. “Oh no! The mug from your grandma. Out of all your mugs, this is the one you broke?”
“Erm, not exactly.”
Louise looked at him curiously.
“They’re all broken. Except one. This is just the only one I care about fixing.”
Louise gasped. “What happened? Did your shelf break or something?”
“No, no. The kitchen’s fine. It was... um, Isabella.”
“Isabella,” Louise said tersely. It wasn’t a question, but Dan knew she was expecting him to explain.
“She came over. Sunday. That’s part of why I’ve been… not around.” Louise stayed silent, waiting for him to keep talking. Dan took a deep breath and continued. “She’d been on twitter and seen Phil and I talking. She accused me of being flirty. When she figured out he was Phil from the coffee shop, she lost it even more than she already had. I know she has a temper, I’ve seen it plenty, but I’d never seen her that livid. She greeted me by throwing all of my pots and pans on the floor and when she ran out of those… well…” Dan nodded at the mug in Louise’s lap in lieu of any further explanation.
Louise studied the broken shards for a minute. When she finally spoke, Dan half expected the lecture he’d begged her not to give, but it didn’t come. “Isabella did this. To all of your mugs?”
Dan nodded. Louise’s eyes flickered down to his neck.
“And then what?” she asked.
“She said a bunch of shitty things. You know she’s not quite comfortable with the… bi thing, and she went off about me being gay and not liking girls and… I don’t know. I lost it too, I guess. One thing lead to another and…” Dan shrugged and took a long sip of his hot chocolate.
Louise narrowed her eyes, appraising him studiously. “You know I have to ask, love. Was it all consensual?”
Dan’s eyes grew wide. “Yeah, yeah of course! It was angry and rough, as I’m sure you can see, but of course. She consented.”
“And you? Did you consent?”
Dan had to fight rolling his eyes, even though he knew she was just looking out for him. “Yes, Mum, I consented too.”
True to her word, Louise simply nodded and moved on. “Let’s see what we can do about your mug, then, shall we?” She sat the container of mug fragments on the coffee table and got up to gather a few supplies from her box of crafting materials.
Dan smiled gratefully at her retreating figure. This was exactly what he’d needed. A chance to talk about their fight without being told how stupidly he’d acted, how big of a bitch Isabella could be, or how unacceptable both of their behavior had been.
Louise came back and diligently spread the bright pink pieces across the table. A comfortable silence fell between them as Dan drank the remainder of his hot chocolate and watched Louise’s delicate hands work out the puzzle. Once she’d figure out how the pieces went together, she motioned him onto the floor next to her.
“Come here, love. I’m going to need your hands too.”
Dan clambered off the sofa and curled his legs under him, settling on the floor by her side. Her hand grasped his and wrapped it around the mostly-intact base of the mug. Louise unscrewed a small tube of glue and lined the jagged edge. The next hot pink chunk fit almost perfectly on top of it. Instinctively, Dan reached out and held the piece in place.
“Push them together firmly. Not too hard, though,” Louise instructed as she reached for the next piece.
Together, they worked silently to rebuild the mug. It was nice to have something to do with his hands, to not be alone. For the first time in days, Dan finally let his mind drift, finally properly contemplating everything that had happened with Isabella.
Their fight was bad. He knew it was. The things that Isabella had said, about his sexuality, about their relationship, about Phil — for days Dan had thought he was angry, livid even. But now that he was here with Louise, finally letting himself think about it, he realized that more than anything, he was hurt.
“Look, I know you hate her, and probably with some good reasons,” Dan started.
“Hate is a strong word. How about avidly dislike?” Louise’s fingers were sticky as she manhandled his hands to grip the mug how she wanted.
Dan chuckled a bit, despite himself. “Okay. I know you avidly dislike her, with good reason. At the moment, I’m not her biggest fan either, trust me. Sunday night was shitty — I mean, really fucking shitty — but, I do kind of miss her. And I know, I know this is a dead end relationship. It’s just… comfortable, I guess. And it’s better than nothing, ya know?”
Louise hummed, but didn’t say anything. Dan could tell she was biting her tongue.
“Just say it, Louise. What are you thinking?”
“Are you missing Isabella or the companionship?” Louise questioned without looking up from the mug.
Dan knew his answer instantly.
“Does it matter?” he sighed.
Louise glued the final hot pink shard to the reconstructed mug, and rearranged his hands to cup the entire thing.
“Do you want a real answer?” she asked softly.
Dan sighed. He had a feeling he knew what Louise was going to say. Or at least, the general theme of what her message would be.
“Not really, but go ahead anyway,” he said.
“Of course it matters. I know you like having a person and I can understand that. But companionship is so much better, so much more, when you actually love the person that you’re with. Trust me. And you deserve that. But you’re never going to find that if you stubbornly stay in a broken relationship. Can you honestly tell me that empty companionship is enough?”
Dan contemplated the mug in his hands and slowly loosened his grip. The pieces were fused together. There were dark lines down the sides where it had been glued back together, and there were a few chips missing, pieces that must have been too small for him to notice in the wreckage of his kitchen. There was no way it would be functional ever again. Even if the pieces were glued tightly together enough to hold liquid, the glue probably wouldn’t survive.
But it was intact again. Not whole, not undamaged, not perfect. But intact.
Good enough.
“No, it’s not.” Dan leaned back against the couch. “But it’s good enough.”
The thermostat in Beans and Grind appeared to be broken.
When Phil had unlocked the door to the coffee shop that morning, he had been assaulted by a wave of absurdly hot air. He’d power walked straight to the thermostat when he’d got inside, frantically shedding his coat as he crossed the shop. He’d turned the dial all the way down, pointing the arrow to the lowest temperature option. At the time, it had seemed like a potentially extreme reaction, but forty five minutes later, it was still just as hot and the heater wasn’t showing any signs of relenting.
With a resigned sigh, Phil pushed the sleeves of his fox patterned jumper up over his elbows. He was slightly disgruntled that he was undoubtedly wrinkling the sleeves; he had been hoping to film a video in it later, and now he’d probably have to change into something neater.
All morning, the before-work crowd had commented on how warm it was in the shop, as if Phil wasn’t aware that it was approximately four thousand degrees. He was grateful when the clock struck nine and the steady stream of customers stopped coming in.
Phil waited until the shop was empty for a few minutes before yanking his oppressively-hot jumper over his head. His white tshirt would have to be professional enough. It was better than suffocating, anyway.
In his haste, his shirt got rucked up with his jumper, both getting tangled around his glasses. He fought the jumper, trying to free it from his face and simultaneously pull his undershirt down, but wasn’t particularly successful at either.
Shit, just his luck that a customer would come in at this moment.
He heard a loud, booming laugh.
He knew that laugh.
Suddenly, cold hands were brushing against his chest and tangling in the clothing wrapped around his head. Phil felt Dan grab his tshirt and pull it down his torso, his cold hands grazing his ribcage as he did so. The touch was shocking, and not just because Dan’s fingers were so cold. Everywhere Dan touched, sparks radiated through Phil. Without his consent, his mind rushed to imagining Dan’s hands running up and down his ribs for far different reasons, under far different circumstances. Phil was almost glad his face was hidden because he was positive that his cheeks were flushed red.
When Phil’s shirt was adjusted, Dan’s hands slipped inside the bottom his jumper, sliding inside, and reached up to his face. Carefully, Dan held his glasses in place with one hand and coaxed the neck of the sweater over Phil’s head with the other.
Finally, Phil was free from the jumper. His eyes adjusted to the light again and he was greeted by a smirking Dan stretched far across the counter, Phil’s fox jumper held tight in his hands. Even being as tall as Dan was, Phil was fairly certain that his feet had to be dangling over the other end
“Morning, Philip. I didn’t realize coffee was coming with a show now.” Dan’s face was cheeky, his eyes roaming up and down Phil’s body.
Phil’s cheeks flushed. “You’re one to talk. You stripped your clothing off last time you were here without any concern about customers.” Or me.
Dan shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t see you objecting.”
Phil rolled his eyes and grabbed his jumper out of Dan’s hands. “You don’t seem to be objecting either.”
“You’re lucky it was me that walked in. I feel like not everyone would have taken so kindly to seeing you half-naked so close to all the food.” Dan retreated slightly across the counter, but not much, landing with a soft thump on the floor.
“Shut up, you’re making it sound worse than it was. I was only taking off my jumper.”
“Speaking of jumpers, I seem to have forgotten yours. Sorry.” Dan didn’t sound very apologetic.
Phil giggled. It almost seemed like Dan liked wearing Phil’s jumper just as much as Phil enjoyed seeing Dan in it. “If you want to borrow it for a while, all you have to do is ask.”
Dan flushed red and tried to hide his small smile in his chunky scarf, but Phil caught it anyway. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mumbled.
Phil smiled, secretly pleased that Dan apparently liked his jumper so much. “For here or to go today?”
“For here. I have a meeting at eleven but I figured I’d head out early and see you first.”
“Good, I was hoping you had time to stay for a bit.” The porcelain mug clanked against the coffee machine as Phil shoved it under the spout a little too eagerly. Phil tried to ignore the bit of coffee that splashed out against his arm. At least he was no longer wearing his jumper.
Dan pushed the sleeves of his leather jacket up, probably just as affected by the heat in the coffee shop as Phil had been. Phil’s eyes flickered down to Dan’s exposed forearms, eyes catching on the thin red scratch marks running the length of them. Briefly, Phil wondered if Dan had been playing with a cat or a dog recently. He’d pay good money to see that.
“Mmm, of course,” Dan hummed. “You have some explaining to do, mister.”
Cockily, Phil flashed Dan a smirk. “Really? Seems like you watched enough videos that it should be pretty self explanatory.” Phil wasn’t normally one to pay too much attention to new likes and comments on his old videos, but out of curiosity, he’d checked his first video after he knew Dan had watched it. He’d sorted the comments by date and hadn’t been disappointed. Beneath a string of comments screaming about Dan discovering Phil’s first video was a comment from the man himself.
Daniel Howell: being this precious should be illegal
When he’d found Dan’s comment, Phil had been too curious for his own good and clicked on Dan’s account. Much to his surprise, Dan’s recently liked videos tab was just pages and pages of Phil’s videos. Phil wondered if Dan knew that his likes were public.
Phil had half been expecting Dan to blush when he teased him about watching his videos, but instead, Dan’s lips just quirked up to match Phil’s smirk.
“That’s true, I guess.” Dan reached out to take his coffee from Phil’s hand before he could set it down on the counter, their fingers lightly brushing together. It shouldn’t have affected him the way it did, not when Dan’s hands had been on his bare ribs just moments ago, but Phil had to bite back a gasp at the touch. “I suppose I know a lot more about you now than I did, but all it did was leave me with more questions.
Phil rolled his eyes, trying to appear like he found Dan silly, but really he got it. He so, so deeply understood what Dan meant. The more Phil learned about Dan, both in person and from his dives into the depths of the internet, the more Phil wanted to know.
He’d learned that Dan had a childhood dog at his parents that he adored, but he didn’t know if Dan wanted a dog of his own. He’d learned that Dan was amazing at Mario Kart, but he didn’t know what other games he enjoyed playing. He’d learned that his inspiration for his songs usually came from his own life, but he didn’t know what was inspiring him at this moment.
With a mock resigned sigh, Phil wiped down his work area — he’d accidentally made a mess of it during the morning rush. “Alright, then, Howell. Let’s hear your questions.”
As soon as the words were out of Phil’s mouth, Dan’s questions poured out of him the same way his words always did when he was passionate about something — fast, loud, and all at once.
“Why did you decide to start youtube? Was it hard to get into it? What’s it like working with the BBC? Why the heck do you work at a coffee shop? Do you think —”
Phil threw his drying rag at Dan, smacking him in the face. “Slow down, will you? I can only answer one question at a time.”
Dan’s boisterous laugh filled the coffee shop. “Sorry, I got excited.” He threw the towel back at Phil, sprinkling black coffee grounds onto Phil’s white shirt in the process. “Start at the beginning then. How’d you get started on youtube?”
Between fans, interviewers, and confused adults, Phil got that question a lot and had an answer ready. “I got a camera in a cereal box and just started making videos.”
Dan cocked his head, considering Phil. “That’s it then? You just found a camera and your first thought was I’m going to make youtube videos?”
Something about the way Dan’s eyes bore into Phil coaxed out a deeper answer, an answer he usually kept private. Dan had a way of doing that. Those big puppydog eyes could probably make Phil confess to anything. “At first, it wasn’t a thing. YouTube wasn’t a thing. I just kind of posted the first video for fun, and then, over time, I found myself coming back to it. I was living at my parents after uni. Most of my friends either didn’t live near me or were disgustingly in love and… I don’t know. I was bored I guess. I wanted a way to connect with new people, maybe a way to make some friends. So when I discovered the youtube community, which was so small and close-knit back then, it seemed like the right thing to do.”
Phil wasn’t sure what he expected from Dan after he let all of that pour out — perhaps pity — but it wasn’t understanding. Which was exactly what he ended up getting.
“That’s kind of how I got started in music, actually! I hated so much that was happening in my life, I didn’t have friends, I just needed to do something I loved.”
“Exactly!” Phil agreed. “And I made so many good friends so quickly. It was exactly what I needed. As for getting popular, it was a lot easier back then. Like I said, it was really close knit, so we all collabed together and promoted each others’ channels. I was even part of a few community things, like ApartmentRed. And slowly, my subscribers grew and grew and grew until I woke up one day and I had over four million subscribers. I couldn’t believe it. All I could think was, I’m just Phil, from Rawtenstall.” Embarrassed that he’d been talking about himself for so long, Phil tried to switch the conversation over to Dan. “What about you? How did you get popular with music?”
Phil already knew, sort of. He’d seen clips of Dan talking about how an up and coming producer had come into a bar he was playing at by complete chance one night, and asked him to come to the studio the next Monday to play some of his original pieces for their boss. But Phil was willing to bet that Dan, like himself, only ever told part of his origin story during interviews.
“I was eighteen and I had been accepted to study law at Manchester University, but I hated the idea of it, so I decided to take a gap year and really give music a go. My parents fucking hated it. They said that if I wasn’t going to be working towards a more viable future by taking this horrific internship at a law firm, then I wasn’t allowed to live at home. I think they really thought I’d give in. But. I don’t know. I was young and passionate and reckless and stubborn, so I packed a bag, grabbed my guitar, and left. I got a job at a DIY store — which I was horrible at, by the way — and a really crappy studio apartment, and spent every free night I had playing gigs at shitty dive bars. And eventually, it paid off.”
Phil shook head, a bit in awe of Dan’s courage. He’d never realized how much Dan had risked when he decided to chase his dreams.
“Wow, that was so bold of you. I guess I was really lucky. My parents were really supportive of the youtube thing. I think initially they were just happy that I was doing something, making friends. But when it became clear that it might become profitable someday, they did everything they could to help. How do your parents feel about you singing now?”
“They’ve come around,” Dan answered as he shrugged out of his leather jacket all together, draping it on the stool next to him. Clearly, the heat in the store was beginning to get to him. “I think they were only really against it in the beginning because they wanted what was best for me and, well, I guess you know how difficult trying to make it the entertainment business can be. But we’re close now and they support what I’m doing. What about your family? You seem really close with them.”
“Yeah,” Phil agreed. “We are. They all think it’s cool, and my brother actually does a lot of behind the scenes stuff for me. My extended family is a bit confused by it all though. Like, outside of my grandma, I think most of them are convinced I make a different type of internet video.” Phil attempted a wink and immediately regretted it — he was well aware of how unsexy his two-eyed attempt at winks were.
Dan laughed, loud and unrestrained. “Now there’s an image. Innocent AmazingPhil fucking someone on the internet for money.”
“Hey! I am innocent,” Phil argued indignantly, pretending to be offended.
Dan laughed, doing his best to give Phil an incredulous look despite it. “Right. Do I need to remind you that you called me daddy like three days ago?”
“I was kidding!”
“Right, and we know only innocent people joke about daddy kinks.” Dan tugged at the chunky grey scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. Was Dan okay? Phil was kind of surprised Dan had lasted so long all bundled up he way he was.
“Jesus fuck, it’s really fucking hot in here,” Dan grumbled.
“I know,” Phil agreed. “That would be why I was trying to take off my jumper when you got in. You’ll probably be more comfortable if you take your scarf off.”
It seemed the logical thing to do, but Dan looked unsure, his eyes flickering between his half-finished coffee and Phil, as if the last thing he wanted was to remove his scarf. Phil squinted at Dan, confused
“You have to promise not to give me shit,” Dan tried to threaten.
It occured to Phil, then, that Dan was embarrassed. Cocking an eyebrow, Phil taunted, “I don’t think I can make any such promises, but go on then.”
Dan grumbled something incomprehensible, but obligingly lifted his hands to his scarf. A bit reluctantly, Dan unwound the grey fabric. Suddenly, Phil understood that the scratches on Dan’s arms likely weren’t from an animal — not if the marks on his neck were anything to go by.
Phil could feel his heart plummet into his stomach at the sight. He knew, obviously he knew that Dan had a girlfriend. And she was gorgeous. Of course, of course they were having sex. It was just — he’d never thought about it. Not really. Isabella had always been a distant figure in Dan’s life, one he didn’t even really talk about that much.
But now...
Now, Phil had no choice but to think about Dan and her having sex.
He felt like an idiot. His thoughts of Dan falling apart underneath his felt like distant fantasies all of a sudden. Instead, he was falling apart with someone else — his girlfriend. Girlfriend.
With a jolt, Phil realized he’d been silently staring at Dan’s neck a bit too long. Deliberately, Phil forced out a laugh, which came out weaker than he’d been hoping for.
“Damn,” Phil added.
“I don’t want to hear it,” Dan mumbled into his coffee cup.
With a monumental effort, Phil did his best to revert back to his joking self, trying to emotionally distance himself from the thought of Isabella leaving those marks on Dan. “And here you were saying that I’m not innocent. I don’t think you get those kinds of marks from being a good boy,” Phil teased.
Phil saw a flicker of something flash through Dan’s eyes. He’d forgotten what those words apparently did to Dan.
Evilly, Phil leaned forward on his elbows, resting his chin in his palm. “Were you a bad boy, Daniel?”
Instantly, Dan’s cheeks turned a deep, dark red. The expression was far prettier to focus on then the hickies covering his neck. Apparently bad boy affected Dan just as much as good boy.
“Fuck off. We got into a bit of a fight, if you must know.”
“A fight?” Phil prompted against his better judgment, taken by surprise.
“Yeah, protip: angry sex may feel great in the moment, but it hurts like fuck for days.”
Phil hadn’t been expecting Dan to actually like, admit to being a bad boy. And if Phil was being honest he kind of hated Dan confirming what he’d suspected.
“Those marks are days old?”
Dan huffed. “You should have seen them Monday.”
“Oh, wow. Um, are you guys okay?”
Why did he ask that? There was no potential good answer. If Dan said no, Phil wouldn’t be able to keep himself from feeling kind of sort of happy about it, despite feeling bad for Dan at the same time.. If Dan said yes — well, Phil’s heart just needed to get used to taking a beating when it came to Dan.
Dan didn’t answer right away. His eyes bore into Phil’s, almost as if he was looking for something, but Phil didn’t know what.
Finally, he spoke, sounding defeated.
“I don’t think we ever are. But we’re good enough.”
what did you thinkkkkkkkk? a bit less angsty than the last chapter? right?  
thank you @auroraphilealis for all of your wonderful editing and suggestions. you always make me a better writer <3 
[[next chapter]]
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lifeofafangirl1234 · 6 years
Real Life Love Story Pt.10
The next 24 hours were a blur to (Y/N).
“Laura breathe.” (Y/N) said. “What’s going on?”
The elevator finally started moving.
“It’s dad.” Laura cried. “You need to come home.”
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“What happened?” (Y/N) panicked. 
“He was out golfing and he had a heart attack. He was rushed to the hospital but they say he doesn’t have much time.”
“I’ll be there as soon as possible. Tell him to wait for me please.” (Y/N) cried.
“What’s going on?” Dylan ask as he saw (Y/N) panicking.
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“It’s my dad.” She sobbed. “I need to go home.”
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The elevator door opened and (Y/N) ran to the stairs. She ran down the stairs and stopped at one flight to sit against a wall and cry.
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“Baby, what happened?” Dylan asked as he caught up to her.
“He had a heart attack. He doesn’t have much time. I need to get home.” She sobbed. 
He helped her up and rushed her to the lobby.
“You can’t come.” (Y/N) cried. “You need to finish the tour.”
“I’m not letting you go through this alone. I also have connections at the airport and can get you home quickly.”
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“We need to leave now.” She panicked.
“We’ll get you home before anything happens.” Dylan swore.
They left without their bags and jumped into a cab. Dylan called his friend who was a pilot and got him to give them a flight. When they landed they grabbed a cab to the hospital and ran in.
“I’m here for Rich (Y/L/N)!” (Y/N) yelled as she got to the front desk.
“He’s the last door on the right.” The nurse said. 
(Y/N) and Dylan ran to his room and (Y/N) broke down.
“Please tell me he’s going to be okay.” (Y/N) begged.
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“I’m sorry.” The doctor said before leaving the room.
“Where is my sister?” She asked as she wiped her tears away.
“She went to sign some papers with your lawyer.” The nurse explained. “She’ll be back momentarily.” 
(Y/N) held back her tears once she saw Laura and her boyfriend Chuck coming into the room.
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“(Y/N).” Laura sobbed.
“It’s okay.” (Y/N) said as she comforted her. “It’s okay.”
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“Girls.” Rich whispered.
“Hi daddy.” They cried as they held his hands.
“I love you both so much. There is something for each of you under my mattress at home. I’ll see you soon.”
His heart stopped. 
“Daddy!?” Laura cried. 
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His pulse never returned.
“I’m so sorry.” Dylan cried as he pulled (Y/N) into a hug.
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They were sent home and were told that their dad would be cremated in the next two to four days.
“I can’t believe he’s gone.” Laura whispered when they got home.
“It’s going to be okay.” (Y/N) reassured. “Let’s go to bed.”
Dylan slept in (Y/N)’s bed while Chuck took the couch and (Y/N) slept with Laura.
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(Y/N) spent all night comforting Laura. When Laura woke up the next morning, (Y/N) was no where to be found. She headed downstairs and could smell something delicious.
“What are you doing?” Laura asked.
“I’m making breakfast.” (Y/N) smiled.
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“Why are you smiling?” Laura snarled.
“Because everything will be okay.”
“This is shit. Why aren’t you sad!?” Laura yelled.
“Of course I’m sad.” (Y/N) said shocked. “How could you even think that?”
“You haven’t cried once since you’ve been here. You didn’t even cry when his heart stopped. I thought maybe you didn’t know how to react since you haven’t been with him much the past couple of years but apparently you are just heartless.”
“Laura.” Dylan snapped.
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“Fuck off Dylan!” Laura yelled. “This is between my sister and I!”
Chuck finally woke up to the yelling. 
“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked. 
“(Y/N) doesn’t even care that dad is dead!” Laura cried. “When mom died she sobbed her eyes out but now that it’s dad she doesn’t care.”
“You know what Laura. You don’t know shit.” (Y/N) screamed. “I was so close with dad that you were jealous. You could have gone and lived your life like he wanted you to but you didn’t! You can’t blame that on me!”
“I stayed home with him because he has been sick for years. He didn’t have a heart attack you fucking bitch. The cancer finally reached his lungs.” Laura yelled.
“What?” (Y/N) whispered as she started to cry. “Dad had cancer?”
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“(Y/N).” Laura whispered when she realized what she had said. “You weren’t suppose to find out like this. I am so sorry.” 
“How long have you known?” (Y/N) asked.
“Just listen.”
“How long have you known!?” She now yelled.
“He’s had liver cancer for the past 2 years, it made it’s way into his lungs last month and it finally stopped him last night.”
“You didn’t tell me!?” 
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“I’m so sorry.” Laura cried as she tried to hug (Y/N). “I just wanted to know why you weren’t crying.”
“Leave me alone!” (Y/N) yelled. “I loved dad more than anything and if I knew he was sick, I would have stayed home in a heartbeat.”
“We couldn’t have told you (Y/N).” Laura said. “We wanted you to live your life.”
“I can’t even talk to you.” (Y/N) said as she stormed out of the kitchen.
(Y/N) ran into her dad’s room and fell onto his bed.
“I’m so sorry daddy.” She cried. “I should have known you were sick. Why didn’t I know?”
She remembered what he said in the hospital and looked under his mattress. She found a note.
My dear (Y/N),
I hope you won’t have to read this letter for years but if you read it earlier than either of us expected, I am so sorry that I didn’t tell you. I was diagnosed when you got your first role and moved out to LA. I didn’t want you to come home and take care of me. Laura found out because she was helping me fix my e-mail when she saw my results. She decided to stay home with me so you could live the life you have always wanted, please don’t be mad at her. You are my beautiful baby girl and when you read this I hope that we got to talk before I passed but if not, I have a lot to say to you.
Dylan walked into the room and sat next to (Y/N).
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Please just stay with me while I read this.” She whispered.
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You are your mother and I saw her in you everyday. The way you care for people and the way you hold yourself reminds me of her so much and I know she would be so proud of you. You turned out to be such a beautiful young woman and I am so proud of you. You have accomplished things I never thought were possible. You worked hard and I wish I could tell you how much it meant to me that you got to where you are now. You and your sister are my entire world and I know you guys are going to need each other a lot after this. Please watch out for her because I know she will watch out for you. I love you so much and I can’t wait to watch you from above. You are my heart and soul.
Love Daddy
Dylan held (Y/N) close as she fell asleep in his arms. The next couple days were rough for (Y/N) and Laura but it was even more rough since they weren’t speaking. It wasn’t until the morning of the wake that Dylan and Chuck made the two sit down and talk.
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“We both knew Rich for only a short time.” Chuck started off. “But we know he loved you both more than anything. You need to knock this off and talk through this because you two are all you have left.”
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“And we know how close you two are and we know that it is killing you both that you can’t help each other at this moment. You need to stop being stubborn and talk to each other. We love you and we know you two need each other.”
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“How could you think I wouldn’t be sad about losing dad?” (Y/N) started.
“I didn’t see you cry once and I know how you show your emotions. It made no sense to me and it made me mad especially after everything dad has done for us.”
“Do you remember the night we lost mom? You kept your emotions in because you knew I needed the attention more because I was with mom more since you were at college. When I heard about dad I realized that I needed to repay the favor. You needed all the attention because you have been with him nonstop for years. I didn’t want to take any attention away from you and your loss because I knew it would be harder on you. I loved dad so much and I’m destroyed now that he’s gone but I knew it was going to be a bigger burden on your life because you cared for him for years. I just wanted you to feel loved.”
“I always feel loved by you. I was just mad and I overreacted. It’s been a rough time on both of us and I’m sorry I called you out like that. I love you so much (Y/N).”
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“I just want things to go back to normal.” (Y/N) cried.
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“Me too honey. Me too.” Laura cried. 
The next three days were rough with the wakes and the funeral. The girls stood strong together but needed help from their loving boyfriends. Though it was hard, one week later, (Y/N) and Dylan had to head back to tour.
“I love you so much.” (Y/N) cried as she hugged Laura.
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“I love you too.” Laura cried. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” (Y/N) asked.
“Go.” Laura smiled. “I’ve got my note from dad and I have Chuck. I can live my life. Go and live your’s.”
And with that, (Y/N) and Dylan were heading back to tour.
Part 9 | Part 11
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