#Lawrence Norfolk
ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Gelesen habe ich auch, es hat nur diesmal etwas länger gedauert.
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Ich hatte mir ja vorgenommen, einen historischen Roman zu lesen und wählte, weil ich gerade soviel Spaß mit Lemprière's Dictionary hatte, Lawrence Norfolks nächsten Roman, The Pope’s Rhinoceros, einem unleugbar wirklich fabelhaften Stück neuer britischer Prosaliteratur, das mich aber dann doch unerwartet viel Mühe kostete. Norfolk ist auch für seinen reichhaltigen Wortschatz berühmt, was für Lektüre nicht in der Muttersprache nicht unbedingt praktisch ist, und legt seine Geschichte darüber wie es kam, daß ein kleiner Heide von der Insel Usedom und Nachfahr der Bewohner der versunkenen Stadt Vineta sich schließlich auf einer Afrika-Expedition wiederfindet, mit dem Auftrag ein Nashorn für den vergnügungssüchtigen Medici-Papsts Leo X. zu beschaffen, außergewöhlich breit an. Es ist ein Erlebnis und Ereignis, aber doch entschieden komplizierter, als ich es in Erinnerung hatte (Die Erinnerung basierte allerdings auf einer Übersetzung....). Minimalismus hat seinen Nutzen, aber historische Romane fallen nicht darunter, schließt eine hilfreiche Goodreads-Besprechung, zu der ich hier mal verlinke.
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Dann dachte ich, unter dem Eindruck unseres Cabaret-Besuchs lese ich doch mal die Erinnerungen von Christopher Isherwood, der hier rückblickend nochmal von der Zeit nachdem er England verlassen und bevor er sich in Amerika niederließ, in der seine berühmten, vielbearbeiteten Berlin-Geschichten spielen, erzählt, diesmal schonungslos wahr und ohne literarische Verfremdung, was ihm Gelegenheit gibt, mit seinen zahllosen sexuellen Erorberungen anzugeben, aber auch einige Rätsel auflöst, wie zum Beispiel die Frl.Schroeder/Schneider-Frage, und warum Sally Bowles’ Charakter doch ziemlich von ihrem “echten” Vorbild abweicht. Er wählt ein gewöhnungsbedürftiges Erzählkonstrukt, das einen “Christopher”, der damals diesunddas machte, und ein “ich”, das erzählt wie der gealterte Autor das deutet, beinhaltet, was es für eine schonungslose Autobiographie wieder ein wenig distanziert wirken lässt, aber der “I am a Camera”-Ansatz ließ sich ja ohnehin nie wirklich durchhalten, insofern macht es nichts, und er scheint wirklich ein netter, selbskritischer, menschenfreundlicher älterer Herr geworden zu sein.
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Peter Grant wird, just während die Flussgöttin Beverly sich zuhause anschickt, ihnen Zwillinge gebären, zu einem rätselhaften Mord in den London Silver Vaults gerufen (die wir in unserem unermüdlichen Bestreben, noch die merkwürdigsten Geheimnisse der Stadt zu ergründen vor Jahren auch einmal besuchten, das ist immer so nett dran). Sie sind so stark gesichert, und überwacht, daß es keine andere Erklärung zu geben scheint, als daß himmlische Mächte, ein Racheengel mit Flammenschwert womöglich, im Spiel seien. Für diese gibt es laut den Unterlagen der Folly aber keinerlei Hinweise.
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Mein Versuch, mich mit den bewährten drei handfesten Richter-Di-Kriminalfällen aus dem alten China auf den Boden der Realität zurückzuholen, wurde insofern ein bisschen torpediert, als gleich wieder eine Flussgöttin eine wichtige Rolle spielt.
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Die Geschichte von Orpheus und Eurydike (ausnahmsweise nicht auf französisch), soviel zur Realität, erzählt uns in modernem Gewand und einer unserer allerdings recht ähnlichen Parallelwelt der immer les- und wunderbare Salman Rushdie. Der Erzähler betet den Boden unter den Füßen der berühmtesten Sängerin der Welt an, in dem sie allerdings bei einem Erdbeben versinkt. Ihr Liebhaber, Gatte und musikalischer Mitstreiter Ormus, Sie ahnen es, versucht sie zurückzubringen.
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diemelusine · 3 months
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Lady Amelia Anne Hobart, later Marchioness of Londonderry (1794) by Thomas Lawrence. Blicking Hall, Norfolk.
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marypickfords · 9 months
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The Stalls of Barchester (Lawrence Gordon Clark, 1971) A Warning to the Curious (Lawrence Gordon Clark, 1972) Lost Hearts (Lawrence Gordon Clark, 1973) The Treasure of Abbot Thomas (Lawrence Gordon Clark, 1974) The Ash Tree (Lawrence Gordon Clark, 1975)
“For all five of these adaptations, Gordon Clark worked with cinematographer John McGlashan and sound recordist Dick Manton, who he credits with establishing the gloomy look that would be the hallmark of the series (as well as editor Roger Waugh who edited all the original series’ James adaptations save 1973’s ‘Lost Hearts’). Central to that aesthetic were the authentic East Anglian locations that have been the inspiration for many a terror tale, even aside from those of M.R. James.
‘James lived in East Anglia—the region that encompasses Norfolk and Suffolk—for most of his life,’ explains Helen Wheatley, citing this as one reason James set many of his stories there. ‘However, there is also a broader sense of the region as being rather out on a limb, a relative hinterland, which lends itself to ghost story telling,’ she continues. ‘In James’ stories, and their television adaptations, the geography and landscape of the region—expanses of flat land, the whispering grasses of the East Anglian coast line, sparsely populated agricultural land—has a particularly haunting quality.’
This landscape is key to the series’ hauntological appeal. Scholar Derek Johnston has an extensive catalogue of writing that examines nostalgia in relation to the Christmas ghost story—and the A Ghost Story for Christmas series in particular—and notes that the Victorian middle class idealization of rural life was subverted by James’ stories, which presented the country as peaceful on the surface but a place of dark, tumultuous secrets. He also points out that East Anglia is a land of invaders and colonizers, writing in his essay ‘Season, Landscape and Identity in the BBC Ghost Story for Christmas’ that ‘The connection to the local soil and landscape runs generations deep, but it has also been built upon the remains of earlier populations, with earlier connections to that landscape, overrun by the incomers...the landscape may encourage identification with the nation, but it also emphasises how the landscape is interpreted through the history of human action upon it.’” — Kier-La Janisse, from Yuletide Terror: Christmas Horror on Film and Television (2017).
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thehutpoint · 4 days
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I've published this photo once, but nów I got IT in better quality, so here you have it again. From the left: Titus, Scott, Kathleen, Teddy. And of course the ponies, right, left and center. Admire the glorious outfit Titus wears and when you are satiated with it's sartorial splendour, imagine yourself a day on the races, Anno Domini 1910. Ladies in sophisticated dresses and elegant hats. Gentlemen in morning coats, silk ties and top hats. Overall atmosphere of elegance, the sun sparks in the shiny shoes of the gentlemen and jewellery worn by the ladies. And then there shuffles in HIM, with his usual gait of a man on skis, but without them, slightly hunched in his worn out Norfolk coat with pockets full of needful things. The weathered tweed bowler sits on the back of his head, the pants certainly saw their better days and the hobnail boots, with seams full of the coal dust, raise the dust with each shuffling step. Here comes the one and only captain Lawrence Oates, absolutely unique gem of a man.
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thiziri · 2 years
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Princess Anne, Prince Charles and Princess Margaret leaving the Norman Church of St Lawrence at Castle Rising, Norfolk, three miles from Sandringham, after attending morning service with the Queen and other members of the Royal Family, on 29 January 1973.
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brokenbluebouquet · 8 months
George Villiers 1st Duke of Buckingham in Fiction - a partial summary
CW: discussions of biphobia and homophobia in historical fiction and current historiography.
Feeling both inspired and outraged in equal measure by the upcoming Mary&George series, and having been fascinated with this remarkable man since forever, I have decided to post this partial overview of portrayals of George in fiction. The ones in bold are the ones I have read. Feel free to add to the list.
The Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas 
The Honey and The Sting, Elizabeth Freemantle 
My Queen My Love, E.M Vidal 
Cavalier Queen, Fiona Mountain 
The Dangerous Kingdom Of Love, Neil Blackmore 
The Fallen Angel, Tracy Borman
Wife Of Great Buckingham, Hilda Lewis
Darling Of Kings, P J Womack
The Queens Dwarf, Ella March Chase
The Smallest Man, Frances Owen
The Spanish Match, Brennan Purcell
Captain Alatriste, Arturo Pérez-Reverte
The Cardinal and The Queen, Evelyn Anthony 
Earthly Joys, Philippa Gregory
Myself My Enemy, Jean Plaidy
Charles The King, Evelyn Anthony 
The Young And Lonely King, Jane Lane
The Fortunes Of Nigel, Walter Scott 
The Crowned Lovers, E Barrington
The Minion, Raphael Sabiniti 
The Murder In The Tower, Jean Plaidy 
A Net For Small Fishes, Lucy Jago 
The Arm and the Darkness, Taylor Caldwell
Les Gloires et les perils (?), Robert Merle
And a few I’m not so sure about where George is mentioned in passing: . 
Viper Wine, Hermionie Eyre
John Saturnalls Feast, Lawrence Norfolk 
Rebels and traitors, Lindsay Davis
The Assassin, Ronald Blythe 
Some observations, in no particular order:
Novels set mostly in James reign often have George as a rival to Robert Carr and will attempt to foreshadow how much worse he will be compared to Carr.
The ones that feature Henrietta Maria as Protagonist or at least POV character, where George is normally a baddie trying to sabotage HM and Charles I's relationship, and his death is often portrayed as some sort of salvation for HM. In these books George will often be lamed for things which were IRL Charles's fault such as the expulsion of HMs French household in 1626.
Three Musketeers is practically a category in its own right due to all the film/tv adaptions but has had relatively few clones or imitators in English which is something of a surprise
George is only a protagonist in one of these books (Darling of Kings, P J Womack) in the rest he's a cameo or a villain
Rumours that I suspect authors know is nonsense are repeated verbatim such as Tracy Borman's baseless speculation about G offing the Manners brothers, king James, and his rumoured involvement with the occult.
Georges relationships with James and Charles respectively are mentioned but not meaningfully explored. neither are any other personal relationships he had.
The insights and shifts in terms of post 1970s revisionist and post revisionist scholarship esp. Roger Lockyer's bio of George have not found their way into any fiction set in this era. Georges capability as an administrator and manager of patronage is more often than not totally absent.
the general view of George and why he's often shown in such a negative light is pretty much "well, he was willing to god knows what with that dirty old man James; who knows what other depravities he was capable of" and its female authors who really seem to lean into this, which I find fascinating and disturbing.
EDIT (can’t believe I forgot this) George’s murder in 1628 is always the result of some sort of aristocratic conspiracy rather than the act of terrorism it was IRL. I do get why authors do this - the amount of world building and foreshadowing needed to make it seem plausible rather than random in universe. However making it the result of personal grudge rather than ideological violence detracts from why it was so shocking and important.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
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Jacob Lawrence, Market Scene, 1966, gouache/paper (Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk)
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ghostcatcherire · 1 year
The Holohan Family Eerie Encounter with the Dullahan’s Death Coach
Read on to hear about a family story involving a brush with the Death Coach of Irish folklore.
Lawrence Holohan and unknown young lady, possibly a granddaughter When I was a teenager, still in high school, I became very interested in my Irish heritage and began tentatively researching my family tree. My grandfather was from Thomastown in County Kilkenny and married my grandmother after he met her in Norfolk while stationed there with the RAF. Sadly, he died quite young, only a few months…
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tunglo · 1 year
Because I am not content with boring everyone in my actual vicinity - this week I’ve been working on Brother Martin and omg I think I’ve finally found him!
Born Walter Taylor Bell in 1846, after the early death of his mother he grew up with his father, younger brother, and paternal grandmother at her pub (The Cat and Fiddle) on Botolph Street in Norwich. When Ignatius arrived in 1864 Walter was 17 and working as a draper’s assistant.
According to Ignatius the lad begged and pleaded to be admitted to the noviciate. Walter claimed Ignatius reeled him in, so successfully he actually converted from Catholicism to become Brother Martin of the Anglican Order of St. Benedict in June 1864.
Walter did not get on particularly well with the other Brothers. At some point in September the Rev. Hillyard refused to administer the sacrament to him as penance for breaking his vow of obedience - he had threatened to punch another Brother in the face that Friday morning. 
After Augustine fled the monastery in mid-September, Ignatius went on a lecture tour in the midlands with Brother Brannock, leaving Brother Dunstan in charge as Prior. Dunstan was just 17 like Walter, the son of a Somerset policeman who would later serve jail time for theft, and when Walter read a copy of the Penny Post without permission Dunstan gave him over 1000 paternosters to say in addition to 17 hours worth of lines to write. (As the London Telegraph commented, it was not a matter of astonishment that Walter’s patience broke down.)
Walter quit the Order in a flounce, sending three letters to Ignatius’ biggest detractors - the Norfolk News - detailing what a sham it all was. But. Only one letter had been printed when (if you believe Ignatius’ account) Walter knelt before his saviour and begged ‘with tears in his eyes’ to be readmitted to the monastery. Ignatius had him grovel on his knees during a service at St. Lawrence’s (the Norwich Argus apparently devoted a few columns to it but I haven’t yet been willing to pay for scans...) and duly reinstated him.
The Norfolk News begrudgingly agreed not to print the other two letters and, over the next few weeks, Walter’s credibility was systematically destroyed by Ignatius. Walter claimed he had been locked in the monastery and not allowed out. Ignatius claimed this was the most ugly slander. Walter’s father demanded to see his son - Ignatius said it was Walter who refused to see him. At this distance it’s kind of hard to pinpoint blame but, given later accounts from Llanthony, it would be entirely inkeeping for Ignatius to all but keep the miscreant prisoner - and make them out to be a compulsive liar if they dared complain about it.
Walter, however, was no Sister Mary Agnes. He slipped the keys, unlocked the back door in readiness, then when he was sent to ring the bells for service he stole some street clothing and all the takings from the collection plate before making his get away! 
The Rev. Ousely reported him to the police, and he returned the clothing on the Monday evening. Letters flew back and forth in the local press over the issue of the money for weeks afterwards. Ignatius also claimed that Walter had sat for a photograph in his monkish robes and was selling them for profit....
After that everything went quiet for a while. Probably because Walter was getting ready to emigrate to the USA in 1868 where he married Jennie Barret in Brooklyn and had three daughters in New Rochelle. There he became leader of the Huguenot Association Lodge No.46 and wrote a book on its history. So far the last reference I’ve found before his death in 1918 is a newspaper article from 1915, when an original stove given to Thomas Paine by Benjamin Franklin - and latterly belonging to Walter - was restored to the Thomas Paine Cottage Museum.
The picture is tiny but, as best as I can make out, the seated guy on the right is Walter! :D
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katyliz415 · 2 years
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lil nas x said mpreg rights | my favorite songs from the plague year (2!)
2020 playlist | 2019 playlist | 2018 playlist
full tracklist under cut
arizona / ms. white // blaze & sybil's lullaby / ben dickey & alia shawkat // don't wanna / haim // brothers / hanggai // guitar song (live) / frou frou // the wellerman / the norfolk broads // julianna calm down / the chicks // let the tall ships sail / walter martin // my lagan love / the chieftains w/ lisa hannigan // ain't got no (i got life) / nina simone // silver dagger / dolly parton // infatuation / sophie // travelers / andrew prahlow // ode to billie joe / bobbie gentry // all together now / ok go // stil love / great caesar // rooftop dancing / sylvan esso // robert henry / the westerlies // doom days / bastille // in waves / house of waters // thunder clatter / wild cub // dear august / pj harding & noah cyrus // slow dancing / aly & aj // pledging my love / fawn wood // sono inochi / kaho nakamura // harlem / jazzboy // whiskey c'est mon ami / pine leaf boys // fabulous / c.u.t. // hainamady town / toumani diabete & the london symphony orchestra // runaway (guitar acoustic) / aurora // difyrrwch / the trials of cato // with you (a sweet little love song) / valeria june // half a mind / freddy & francine // in his arms / jack ingram, miranda lambert, & jon randall // angel island / the brother brothers // montero (call me by your name) / lil nas x // sahara / debanjan biswas & akshay dabhadkar // symptom of your touch / aly & aj // halfway tree / the east pointers // kiss me more / doja cat & sza // jubilee / the war and treaty // mara / jack garrett / ooh ahh! / miguel // fraulein / colter wall & tyler childers // the medicine man / keb' mo' & old crow medicine show // fruits of my labor / waxahatchee // buzz / maddie medley // whipporwill / chance mccoy // train song / feist and benjamin gibbard // garden / nahko and medicine for the people // down the road / stan rogers // rita mae young / the record company // last laugh / elise davis // empty threat / chvrches // find yourself / lukas nelson and promise of the real // dog in a manger / smooth hound smith // don't lose sight / lawrence // krivo polska / hazelius hedin, esbjorn hazelius, & johan hedin // i wish i was the moon / neko case // pizza day / lucky chops // surefire (piano) / wilderado // pilgrim / john mark mcmillan // live for it / moon taxi // remember when / tinashe // this can't be love / dinah washington // getaway / vincint & tegan and sara // without your love / the paper kites w/ julia stone // breath i breathe / ayla nereo // be and bring me home / neko case // jalebi baby / tesher & jason derulo // colors / black pumas // water me down / vagabon // stay (little dragon remix) / valerie june // shade of yellow / griff // cloudy day / tones and i // wine, beer, whiskey / little big town // song of my returning / phil ochs // skate / silk sonic // magnolia blues / adia victoria // i need my girl / aly & aj // rumors / lizzo feat. cardi b // long tailed winter bird / paul mccartney & idris elba // worry no more / amos lee // can't do much / waxahatchee // butter / bts feat. megan thee stallion // love's been a little bit hard on me / juice newton // devil like me / rainbow kitten surprise // in the image / beverly glenn-copeland // hands up / bent knee // verona (stripped) / geographer // coming home / honne feat. niki // oba, la vem ela / jorge ben jor
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crristinaa-level6 · 6 months
MJ: Final Data
Content Rivers 2021-2022
Egypts 6,345.8 – nile 
Nigeria 3,105.5   —--niger 
South africa 3104.5 —tugela
Algeria 2691.2 —-- cheliff
Morocco 2034.5  sebou 
Senegal 1046.4 sine
Tunisia  1023.4   majardah 
Côte D'ivoire  943  —-bandama 
Somalia 436.8  shebelle
Ghana 412.1 —--volta 
Angola  325.4   —cuanza
Comoros 315
Liberia 309.7  —--cavally 
Mauritius 302
Libya 291.5
Tanzania 277.4   —--rufiji
Mozambique 260 —--limpopo
Benin  278.2 —---oueme 
Sierra leone 197.5
Togo 190  —------mono 
Madagascar 178.9
Cameron 141.7    —-----sanaga
Sudan  130.2 —------baraka
Kenya  125.6 —----galana 
Guinea -bissau 109
Gambia 105.3 —------gambia 
Guinea  101.6
Djibouti 93
Congo 90.9
Eritrea 85
Dr congo 80.3 —----------congo
Mauritania 67.4
Capa verde 42.1
Gabon 36.9
Equatorial guinea  34.7
Namibia 31 —---------  orange 
Sao tome 19.5
Seychelles  14.2
China 49.209   yangtze 
Indonesia 12.654.7    bengawan solo 
Philippines 10,240.3  —pampanga
Vietnam 10,021.8 —--mekong 
Sri Lanka  7,654.1    —-moha oya 
Thailand  5,430.9    —-chao phraya 
Malaysia 5,129.6—- langat 
Bangladesh 4,190.8 
India 3,471.7      ganges 
Turkey 2,831.5    orantes 
Pakistan  2746.2  indus 
Myanmar  2,390  irrawaddy 
North korea 1487.3  taedong 
Iran 1504.9
Yemen  890 — wadi mawr 
Syria 831.5
Japan  646.7
Lebanon  350  – kebir 
Taiwan  204.1 —---- jiaoxi
South korea 190.4
Maldives 167.2
Cambodia 160.5
Hong kong 155.7
East timor 125.9
Saudi Arabia 115.8
Israel 103.1
Iraq  75.4    shatt al-arab
Kuwait 67
Singapore  39.5
Palestine   27.6
Oman  24.9
Bahrain  21
Emirates  14.8
Jordan  6
Qatar 4.5
Macao 3.4
Ukraine  670.9   dnieper
Russia 438.3    amur 
United kingdom  402.7 
Spain 286.1
Italy  175
Germany  172.8   elbe 
Albania  165.3    drini
Netherland  150.4 rhine 
France  125.5
Bulgaria 112.2
Croatia 90.2  91.4
Portugal 85
Poland 82     vistula 
Georgia  77.1
Greece  73  evros 
Bosnia 66
Ireland 61.5
Latvia 58.3
Norway  44
Estonia 32.8 
Finland  28.7 
Montenegro  25.5
Romania   20.9  danube 
Lithuania 16.2 nemanus 
Belgium  16
Malta  13.8
Sweden  12.1
Cyprus 10.5
Denmark  7.4
Iceland  4.6
Slovenia 2
Channel island  -13
Jersey -11
Isle of man -7
Guernsey  -5
Faroe island  -4
Gibraltar  -3
Monaco -2
North America
United states 1345.7  mississippi 
Haiti   840
El salvador 732.8   lempa 
Dominican Republic  683.5
Mexico  578.2  grijalva 
Honduras  538 ulua 
Trinidad   512.6
Guatemala  502 matagua 
Cuba  494.1
Nicaragua  432.9
Costa rica 229.5 grande de tárcoles 
Panama 169.9
Puerto rico  85.2
Jamaica  53.4
Canada  46.7  st lawrence 
Santa lucia 35.6 
Guadeloupe 33
Belize   20.9
Barbados 17
Grenada   16.1
St Vincent 10.5
Bahamas  8.2
Antigua 7.3
Dominica 5.6
Martinique 5
St kitts 3.9
Netherland  2.7
Us island -13
Bermudas -5
Greenland -4
Cayman islands -3
British islands -2.5
Anguilla -1.9
Turks island  -1.7
Montserrat  -1
Papua     308 .7purari 
Fiji     256   ba 
Vanuatu  117.9
Solomon island 109.4
Australia  80.1
New zealand  60.3
Tonga    33.9
Samoa  28.2
Micronesia  26.2  24.7
Marshall island  20.3
Kiribati   14.1
French polynesia  6
Palau 5
Nauru 3.2
New caledonia  2.8
Tuvalu 2.01
Cook island 1.4
Guam  1.2
Mariana island -10
Norfolk island  -3.6
Tokelau -1,7
Niue -0.4
South america 
Brazil  2310 amazon 
Peru 931.7 rimac 
Argentina   790.1  parana 
Ecuador  621.9   esmeraldas
Venezuela   600.2 orinoco
Colombia   520.2  magdalena 
Guyana  384.7 
Chile  279.1
Uruguay 126.5  uruguay 
Suriname   40.3
Guiana french  18.9
Aruba 3
Curacao  -10
Falkland island -0.6
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vmonteiro23a · 1 year
THIS IS OUR MUSIC: Lawrence & The Comfortable Society - "Sleeper"/ "Heartache"
THIS IS OUR MUSIC: Lawrence & The Comfortable Society – “Sleeper”/ “Heartache” “The band was formed by Leigh Gracie on vocals and guitars, Nick Hardy on guitar, Jeff Powell on bass, Sara Dimmer on keyboards and Chris Wyatt on drums. All songs written by Gracie. I’m not sure from where exactly in the UK the band members were from but they definitely have ties with Norfolk as they attended…
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marypickfords · 10 months
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A Warning to the Curious (Lawrence Gordon Clark, 1972)
“Gordon Clark followed up “The Stalls of Barchester” with “A Warning to the Curious” (1972). Coming straight off Peckinpah’s Straw Dogs, British character actor Peter Vaughan stars as an amateur archaeologist who is followed by a malevolent force after he uncovers one of the mythical three crowns that protect the Suffolk coastline (although it was actually filmed in Norfolk). “A Warning to the Curious” is perhaps the closest Gordon Clark came to the brooding stillness of Jonathan Miller’s “Whistle and I’ll Come to You”, with its emphasis on coastal exteriors, the obsessive intensity of the central character and the dark spectre that dogs him at every step.” — Kier-La Janisse, from Yuletide Terror: Christmas Horror on Film and Television (2017).
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osarothomprince · 1 year
9 railcars from Norfolk Southern train derails in New Castle PA
NEW CASTLE, PA (WKBN) – The New Castle Police Department and Fire Department along with Lawrence County Emergency Management responded to the scene of a train derailment late Wednesday night. Close Thanks for signing up! Watch for us in your inbox. Subscribe Now WTRF Daily News SIGN UP NOW The derailment reportedly happened near Montgomery…9 railcars from Norfolk Southern train derails in New…
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CHIRO PRAYER Supernatural Body Adjustment by Brother Carlos Oliveira Prayers from Carlos Oliveira on Vimeo.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Mini pony and cathedral cat star in Norfolk Christmas cards
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Mini pony and cathedral cat star in Norfolk Christmas cards
If you’re one of those super-organised folk who likes to get ahead, you might be interested to know you can now get your hands on a bevy of beautiful Christmas cards, created by local artists for Norfolk charities.
From the county’s most-famous pony, to corgis, a songbird and Norwich Cathedral’s cat – the breadth of artistic endeavours is incredibly varied.
Here are some of our favourites.
Jack Brock enjoys Christmas with Bunny and Bertie (Image: Archant)
Jack Brock
The rescued miniature Shetland pony from Wymondham has raised many thousands of pounds for dementia charities – and is now starring with a corgi in his latest fundraising Christmas card.
Every year Jack and his owner, Ali Stearn, raise many thousands of pounds for dementia charities and at Christmas Ali turns one of her paintings of Jack into a charity card. This year the painting ‘Remembering loved ones at Christmas’ shows Jack in his candlelit stable, alongside a corgi – added as a tribute to the late Queen.
“Jack received a letter from the Queen’s representative in Norfolk to thank him for his work in during Covid lockdown,” said Ali.
Jack is used to the limelight as, in addition to his roles as a family pet, dementia ambassador and care home visitor he is also hired to carry confetti at weddings.
He’s known across East Anglia for his visits to care homes, and during the pandemic Ali took him on window visits to cheer up care residents and staff.
Last year he starred on Hello magazine’s Instagram feed – between posts about David Beckham and Jennifer Lawrence. And this year he won a fancy dress prize in this year’s Aylsham Show, dressed as a royal corgi.
Jack always plays an important part in the family’s Christmas, even hanging his own stocking with Ali’s children Bunny and Bertie, and joining them for Christmas dinner.
This year Jack’s card is in aid of Dementia UK but he has also starred on a charity card Ali created to raise money for the Bob Champion Cancer Trust. She was just three when her mum married jockey Bob Champion, who became her stepfather.
The cards are available from jackbrock.co.uk
Winter song – a Christmas card for Norfolk Wildlife Trust (Image: Sarah Bays)
Wild Things
One of the first charity Christmas cards ever created was sold in aid of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust in 1930. For more than 50 years local artist Jack Harrison painted a picture for the trust to use for the occasion.
The tradition continues to this day, with the work of several Norfolk painters and print-makers featured on cards for Christmas 2022.
They include starry seed heads, a skein of wildfowl flying over a wintry, watery landscape, and a songbird perched on a berry-laden branch, all designed by artists living and working in the county including Max Angus, Sarah Bays, Niki Bowers, Colin Burns and Angie Lewin. The money they raise will help protect and restore the county’s wildlife and wild places.
The cards are available from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust website norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk/christmas
Norwich Cathedral Christmas card (Image: Bill Smith)
Cathedral Cat
Norwich Cathedral Close in the snow is pretty much the perfect festive scene so it is no wonder the Christmas cards on sale in aid of the cathedral this year feature its beautiful spire, windows, choir – and cat.
One shows the choir singing in the snow outside the building, and another shows Budge the cathedral cat, cat-napping beside the cathedral Christmas tree.
The cards are available from the Cathedral Gift Shop and all profits go towards the maintenance of Norwich Cathedral.
St Martins chef Robert Lamacraft runs art sessions with residents (Image: St Martins) Helping the Homeless
Robert Lamacraft works as a chef for Norfolk homelessness charity St Martins – but also runs art sessions with residents and has helped them create Christmas cards. One of the charity’s fundraising cards this year was designed by residents of its Highwater House, who are experiencing homelessness, poor mental health or addiction. “Creative activities like art are a successful way of engaging our residents and building up their self-esteem,” said Helen Baldry of St Martins.
The cards are on sale at the St Martins Donation Station in Anglia Square, Norwich, the Original Christmas Card Shop at St Peter Mancroft Church, and online at shop.stmartinshousing.org.uk
One of the cards on sale in aid of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) (Image: East Anglia\’s Children\’s Hospices (EACH))
Helping Children
Internationally-renowned Norfolk artist Lucy Loveheart has created two Christmas card designs for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH).
The charity cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions and supports their families. Its three hospices include The Nook, in Framingham Earl, near Norwich, and this year’s cards include a snowy village scene with the message “Christmas Greetings from Norfolk.” All 20 designs are on sale at the charity’s 44 shops across East Anglia and can be bought online at each.org.uk/shop
Norwich Cathedral by Gerard Stamp – a Christmas card sold in aid of the countryside charity CPRE Norfolk (Image: Gerard Stamp)
Country Scenes
A fine watercolour painting of Norwich Cathedral, by artist Gerard Stamp, is helping raise money for countryside charity CPRE Norfolk.
Its other Christmas card this year is a beautiful photograph of a heron in the snow, taken by by Norman Wyatt, of the Chet Valley Photography Club. The cards are available at cprenorfolk.org.uk and at the Original Norwich Charity Christmas Card shop in St Peter Mancroft church, Norwich.
A stained glass angel in Garboldisham church is the Norfolk Churches Trust card this Christmas (Image: Kate Griffin)
Ode to an Angel
A stained glass angel which glows from the window of Garboldisham church is raising money for Norfolk Churches Trust this Christmas.
The angel is part of a window created in memory of George Molineux-Montgomerie, who died fighting for his country in France in 1915. It was photographed by Kate Griffin, and was one of the winning images in the 2020 Bike Ride photographic competition.
The Norfolk Churches Trust supports churches of all denominations across the county, helping keep the county’s treasury of churches open and in use at the heart of their communities. It also cares for 13 redundant churches.
Its Christmas card is available from norfolkchurchestrust.org.uk/product/christmas-card-2022
The 2022 Redwings Christmas card (Image: Redwings)
The UK’s largest horse charity is based in Norfolk, with visitor centres in Aylsham and Caldecott near Fritton. Redwings began in Norfolk in 1984 with the rescue of a single pony and now cares for 1,500 horses, ponies, donkeys and mules.
Its Christmas cards are available from shop.redwings.org.uk
The John Aves Education Project was founded in memory of Norfolk clergyman John Aves who collapsed and died, aged just 52, in Bethlehem, while helping in a refugee camp. It has helped more than 70 young people living in Palestinian refugee camps go to university to study courses such as science, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, midwifery, nursing and engineering.
John served in Norfolk churches including Attleborough and St Peter Mancroft and St Giles in Norwich and the charity his family and friends launched in his name is selling Christmas ornaments made from fragments of broken glass collected from the streets of Bethlehem as well as cards – one designed by John’s cousin, wildlife artist Bridgette James. jaep.org.uk
Robin by Norwich artist Bridgette James is one of the Christmas cards sold in aid of the John Aves Education Project (Image: Bridgette James)
For lots more charity Christmas cards visit the Original Norwich Charity Christmas Card Shop in St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich. Around 100 volunteers will be selling cards, Monday to Saturday, 10.45am-3pm, until December 18 with every penny raised going to charity.
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