#Learner Personas
Crafting Compelling Microlearning Scripts: 10 Essential Tips
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Microlearning has become a highly effective approach in modern corporate training and education, delivering quick, targeted bursts of content that are easy to digest and apply. The key to a successful microlearning module lies in crafting a compelling script that ensures engagement, retention, and application of knowledge. Here are ten essential tips to help you write compelling microlearning scripts.
1. Know Your Audience
Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of effective microlearning. Knowing who your learners are, their background, learning needs, and preferences is crucial for creating relevant and engaging content.
Develop Learner Personas: Create detailed profiles of your target learners. Consider factors such as their job roles, levels of experience, and learning styles. Tailor your script to address these specifics to make the content more relatable and impactful.
Conduct Surveys and Interviews: Gather direct insights from your learners through surveys and interviews. Understanding their challenges, preferences, and learning habits will guide your scriptwriting process, ensuring it meets their needs.
2. Focus on a Single Learning Objective
Microlearning is most effective when it concentrates on a single, specific learning objective. This focus ensures the content is concise and the message clear.
Define Clear Objectives: Start by defining what you want the learners to achieve after completing the module. This will guide the scriptwriting process and keep the content focused on delivering this specific outcome.
Avoid Information Overload: Stick to the essential information needed to achieve the objective. Adding unnecessary details can dilute the message and overwhelm the learners, reducing the effectiveness of the microlearning experience.
3. Start with a Hook
Capturing your learners' attention from the beginning is essential. An engaging hook will pique their interest and encourage them to continue.
Use a Provocative Question: Start with a thought-provoking question related to the topic. This can spark curiosity and set the stage for the learning content.
Tell a Story: Begin with a short, relevant story or anecdote that illustrates the importance of the topic. Storytelling is a powerful tool that connects with learners emotionally and makes the content memorable.
4. Keep it Short and Simple
Microlearning is about brevity and simplicity. Your script should be concise and easy to understand.
Use Simple Language: Avoid jargon and complex language. Use clear, straightforward language that is easy to follow, ensuring that the content is accessible to all learners.
Limit Length: Aim for scripts that can be delivered in 5 to 10 minutes. This ensures that learners can easily fit the module into their busy schedules and helps in maintaining their attention throughout.
5. Use Active Voice
Using an active voice makes your script more engaging and direct. It helps in creating a sense of urgency and action.
Be Direct and Personal: Write as if you are speaking directly to the learner. Use "you" to make it personal and engaging, fostering a connection between the learner and the content.
Keep Sentences Short: Short, active sentences are easier to understand and retain. They also make the content more dynamic and lively, which can help in maintaining learner interest.
6. Incorporate Multimedia Elements
Enhance your script with multimedia elements such as images, videos, infographics, and animations. These elements can break up the text and make the content more engaging.
Visual Aids: Use visuals to support and reinforce key points in your script. Visuals can help in better understanding and retention of the information, making the learning experience more effective.
Interactive Elements: Include interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and scenario-based questions. These engage learners and reinforce learning, providing immediate feedback and enhancing retention.
7. Make it Relatable
Relate the content to real-world scenarios that learners can connect with. This helps in making the learning practical and relevant.
Use Real-Life Examples: Incorporate examples from the learners’ work environment. This makes the content relatable and shows its practical application, helping learners see the value in what they are learning.
Scenarios and Case Studies: Use scenarios and case studies to illustrate key points. This helps learners understand how to apply the knowledge in real situations, enhancing the practical relevance of the content.
8. Provide Immediate Feedback
Incorporate opportunities for learners to get immediate feedback. This helps in reinforcing learning and correcting any misconceptions.
Interactive Quizzes: Include short quizzes after key sections of the script. Provide immediate feedback on the answers to reinforce learning points and ensure learners understand the material.
Practice Activities: Design activities that allow learners to apply what they’ve learned and receive instant feedback. This hands-on approach helps in solidifying the learning.
9. End with a Strong Conclusion
Conclude your script with a strong summary that reinforces the key takeaways. This helps in solidifying the learning and ensuring it sticks.
Recap Key Points: Summarize the main points covered in the module. This reinforces what the learners have learned and helps in retention, making the content more memorable.
Call to Action: End with a call to action, encouraging learners to apply what they’ve learned. This motivates them to take the next step and reinforces the practical application of the knowledge.
10. Review and Revise
Writing a compelling script is an iterative process. Review and revise your script multiple times to ensure clarity, engagement, and effectiveness.
Get Feedback: Share your script with colleagues or a small group of learners to get feedback. Use this feedback to make improvements, ensuring the content meets the learners' needs and preferences.
Edit for Clarity: Revise the script to eliminate any ambiguities or unnecessary content. Ensure that the language is clear and concise, making it easier for learners to understand and retain the information.
Test the Timing: Read through the script to check the timing. Ensure that it fits within the desired duration and adjust as needed to maintain brevity and focus.
Crafting compelling microlearning scripts requires a thoughtful approach and attention to detail. By understanding your audience, focusing on clear objectives, and creating engaging, concise content, you can develop effective microlearning modules that drive knowledge retention and application. Incorporate multimedia elements, real-world scenarios, and interactive features to enhance engagement, and always end with a strong conclusion that reinforces key takeaways. Lastly, review and revise your scripts to ensure they meet the learning needs and preferences of your audience. With these ten tips, you can create compelling microlearning scripts that deliver impactful and memorable learning experiences.
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cobaltfluff · 7 months
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baby's first chess game
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megumi-fm · 9 months
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moonastro · 3 months
groom persona chart
venus in the house
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what is a groom persona chart? this chart exhibits qualities that your husband will have and possible placements that can be seen in their chart. it is simply a chart all about your spouse in a woman's chart. the asteroid groom can be identified using the code 5129.
venus rules love, aesthetics and desires, it is the planet of beauty and is a benefic. in the GPC the planet signifies your husbands love language, their needs and wants and aesthetics that he may be interested in.
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reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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venus in 1st house: fs is the definition of love. will shower you with sweet talk, make you feel like a queen and the luckiest person in the world. can look beautiful and have a beautiful appearance and aura. fs can look aesthetically pleasing and can just display themselves as someone ethereal. this is a placement where they tend to be the jewel in the room it reminds me of a prince placement, people forget or don.t establish their flaws and are mesmerised by their charm and beauty. their love language can be to compliment on your looks and compliment you on your appearance, hair, make-up, jewellery and all that sorts of stuff. fs is very self aware and can be into small detail and self awareness however may do so in their mind and keep it to themselves. fs may crave attention though and may want to be praised by their looks and appearance considering their efforts maintaining their looks.
spouse can have natal venus in aries, 1st house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 2nd house: fs is gracious with his words and is patient. he likes the more high end things in life and will make sure that you have the same experience with that. likes to spoil so your spouse can spend and love to spend money on people that they love. can be strict but only to the point where he may receive pleasure from his actions so spouse can be quite controlling at times. however, sometimes it can be for the best in order to get out of your comfort zone. spouses aesthetic can be laid back, an admirer and can be full of lust. whatever he has his eyes laid on he needs it in an instant, so he may approach you within your guys first meeting. can be quite sensual and a bit un bothered at times, they can have the mindset of everything will work out for me anyway so why worry kind of thing. since venus is in its own house, venus is comfortable and spouse may be very open and comfortable the idea and commitment of love, they see it as an opportunity for them and can also claim it to be a gift for them. spouse is very attentive to what you have to say to him, he memorises each detail that is said and makes it his best effort to use it to his advantage like for special events and whatnot.
spouse can have natal venus in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 3rd house: usually spouse can talk abruptly when they have interest in something they love. they tend to give lots of words of affirmation and can talk sweet nothings just so they can hold your attention to them that much more. has love and interest in academics and may be quite the study type. loves to learn new things and is a very quick learner. spouses aesthetic is quite the study type, loves to know the fact that he knows stuff that others may not. loves to be one of a kind, and loves to be special. spouse likes to be in his own space but values socialising just as much, they need others to recharge themselves. can think very precisely about things and be quite analytical and precise with their thoughts. love to follow schedules and have plans, this eases their mind and makes them be certain that that plan is still going on.
spouse can have natal venus in gemini, 3rd house, air sign, air house.
venus in 4th house: fs can be the non-dominant one but can try to reach the needs of their partner. even though if they dont agree with your views or opinions they will follow them just to make you happy and fell like you can trust them. traditional roles are important to them so most likely they will have traditional views of what should be done in the household but with that they will carry out their task and provide for their family and will not think otherwise about it. fs can have a firm mindset that family is the most important thing in the world. fs love language can be providing for their family and their loved ones. are interested in his family needs and is very loyal to his wife. fs aesthetics may be based on what they were brought up with as a child or most likely what they are most familiar with, they tend to dislike change and stick to one thing.
spouse can have natal venus in cancer, 4th house, water sign, water house.
venus in 5th house: spouse is a hopeless romantic and loves to tease their partner and be playful. this is them simply being themselves and being comfortable around you. spouse can attract great prosperity and luck in his life. may be gifted in many talents and hobbies and may even be interested in the entertainment industry. can be interested in music and the arts and can be really good at it also. the spouse aesthetic is relatable to a lot of people which can be the reason for their likeness. spouse can have many followers and many admirers themselves. they aren't the awkward type and will make everyone feel welcome in the presence of them, are extremely friendly to everyone also. spouse can have a particular interest in other people, they are curious of other peoples lives and lifestyles.
spouse can have natal venus in leo, 5th house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 6th house: doing things and doing tasks for their significant other is very important. its even more important when they get praised for it as well because they will continue to do it and with contentment as well. they tend to love very practically and not take things overboard. they respect boundaries of their partner and can be invested in your day to day routine and life. can have a beautiful body and may really take their energy into taking care of his health which can include having healthy habits, eating balanced meals and having good physical activity. may dedicate his aesthetic towards his occupation and may spend most of his time and efforts trying his best at his work. spouses work place may be quite aesthetic and they spend most of their time there as well, could also have items in the workplace for convenience.
spouse can have natal venus in virgo, 6th house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 7th house: spouse likes to be equal individuals in the relationship. they love it whenever them and their partner can share roles equally within their time together, it makes them have a sense of completeness. however, the spouse can be liked by his charm and balanced nature and can attract enemies that are jealous of how many admirers he may have. there's no good without the bad also it comes both ways. spouse loves to be on everyone's good side and can show their charm to win hearts of others. spouse may feel relieved knowing that others think highly of him. loves being friendly to people and loves it back from others. in romance, spouse can be quite the romantic since venus is in its own house. they love being commitment and love taking care of their partner with the extents of sharing moments that couples like to do. can romanticise dates and events that you guys will attend in order to make it that much memorable.
spouse can have natal venus in libra, 7th house, air sign, air house.
venus in 8th house: the fs can be so deeply in love that they can have no where to be attentive to but you. they feel very intensely and most of the time when you are making out your fs will have lots of willpower because they will most likely want to turn the make out session into something more. they will have to resist a lot. can have lots of intrusive and spicy thought about you. this image just came into my mind of them just staring at you and you noticing and calling them out on why they are staring, them saying nothing but in fact👀they were probably imagining the beyond lets just say. your fs can be full of surprises and can hide their affection from you very well so when he does something out of the blue it can leave you feeling confused. their aesthetic is full of mystery and and chill vibes, its really them teasing you as well. they can tend to do that pretend to not be interested when in fact they are just so you can chase them. they tend to crave s*x and sexual activity. this is the type though to keep in private until it is only the two of you. is the silent freaky type.
spouse can have natal venus in scorpio, 8th house, water sign, water house.
venus in 9th house: spouse requires attention in order to satisfy their love for you. may acquire random bursts of love for you at spontaneous times. they love to go and explore things they haven't yet experienced and love to go with their partner. they prefer to explore new places with their loved one by their side rather than by themselves. can be experienced in love matters and may be confident and know what to expect in relationships which will acquire them to be like a mentor within the relationship. the fs aesthetic is quite loving and prosperous, they give and dont expect to be given back. people trust what your spouse may say or do, he may be the type that is very reliant and people notice how gifted and talented he is.
spouse can have natal venus in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 10th house: fs will have an acute sense of the world around them. they will have certain expectations of how the world can see them. can be quite precautious of what other people think. can be quite professional and mature when it comes to love. for example can be mature when conflict occurs and so forth and may establish sensible outcomes for problems within the relationship. spouse can handle professional matters very well and may be the one to act carefully when it comes to their profession. spouses aesthetic can be profession biased and may be serious about their authority. they dont like disappointment and making mistakes however in the end they realise that they are valuable lessons to which they take their time to reflect on. as a partner they are responsible and will take care of you very well. when in need of their help they like the fact that they are needed so will gladly help you out. can feel like they are responsible for you so will look out for you a lot.
spouse can have natal venus in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 11th house: fs can enjoy company of other people but know how to identify the ones that have caused them harm and they tend to stay as far away from them as possible. will go to great lengths to fulfil their needs and wants. can be interested in alliances if it benefits them so your fs can become friends with someone to help them forward. usually can have goals related to their outcomes in life that benefits them. since this house is the house of good spirit, spouses charms and personality may benefit them through many things. may not have many enemies unless afflicted or other placements show otherwise. in relationships, spouse is affectionate and cares about their partner, can give needed space for you and not cross any boundaries. will respect your views and decisions in addition to being a supportive husband overall, so expect him to be your no.1 fan.
spouse can have natal venus in aquarius, 11th house, air sign, air house.
venus in 12th house: spouse can be quite delusional at times but thats just the nature of them in order to make their situation and life that much better. they tend to make up situations in their head that never happened before and that confuses them if that occurrence has happened or not which can go two ways. its not bad at all, they are dreamers and manifesters, they may have manifested you or you could be the exact spitting image of the girl they have manifested. spouses aesthetic may be quite delusional, they may be influenced by their dreams and thoughts and may achieve great lengths because they can easily envision their future reality. spouse may love the idea of love but can be scared of actual commitment in fear of losing their freedom and routine. however, as a partner they will shower you with deep love that goes beyond the scale. they can experience things differently but can give you the world if he could. would go through great lengths to make you happy and may even displace their own happiness to fulfil yours.
spouse may have natal venus in pisces, 12th house, water sign, water house.
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thank you so much for reading and supporting!!!
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disprzblog · 2 years
Understanding Learner Personas and Archetypes for Human-Centric L&D
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The best way to train your employee is to first understand their learner persona and the archetypes, and then create the experiential learning intervention.
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xeeljii · 2 months
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I clear my system, I don't need no other  This is my persona, secret lover, she’s my collar 
WARNING! Explicit RPF! 
EDIT! Prequel available, you can read that first if you want.
Summary: You don’t want a relationship and he does, he should know better to keep falling in your trap but the feel of your soft legs wrapping around his hips is too tempting to quit so like a fool he keeps coming back to you.
Word count:  5.4k
CW: 18+, f! reader, friends with benefits, mentions of past sex, mutual pining, set in Berlin but reader is not specified to be German or anything, no specific body descriptions. 
You had met Joost some months ago, before the incident and before he blew up too. There was an instant connection. Not just psychical but he was easy to talk to, so funny and kind, really unlike anyone you had ever met. He was incredibly charismatic and the people around him seemed to adore him, you honestly had a crush as soon as you started talking but you had an amazing poker face too so you did well to hide it. The night you first had run into each other you were at a private event at some club in Berlin that a well connected friend had invited you to. He caught your eye and apparently so did you. The rest of the night was a whirlwind, you drank heavily, danced wildly and laughed together until your jaw started hurting, all to end up back at the place where he was staying.
You hadn’t even slept together that first time, well you had in the sense that he had let you sleep on his bed, wearing his clothes. However, in the morning when you woke up  he had fucked you within an inch of your life, still heavy with sleep but so deliciously slow savoring every thrust. He was a generous lover, always preoccupied with your pleasure first and he was a fast learner, sweet and eager to please. You liked fixating on the many beauty marks and tattoos that littered his body, enjoyed sharing a shower together and falling asleep on the couch after a make out session. It was never awkward, it just felt so good from the get go. The lines were not entirely clear, you would have casual sex together but also go out for lunch, and hang out like normal friends. You had bought him his own toothbrush for your place at some point, he didn’t say anything as not to fluster you but he appreciated it. He didn’t leave right after he finished, always made sure you came first too, he liked cuddling and he would help you clean up softly between your legs when your limbs were still too heavy for a bath. He was usually in town only for a day or the weekend at most but he made an effort to see you every time. He would bring food to have dinner before trying to get you in bed, he also brought you other trinkets form his travels and always texted and called you when he was away so you wouldn’t forget him in the meantime, as if that was even possible. It was nice but it made your heart hurt a bit, scared and expectant for when the fantasy would stop and your idilic “friendship” would end.  
You felt a little out of place in his life, he would always invite you to his shows and there you would see how you were not the only one enamored by him. It was fine really, you weren’t together, there was no expectations and furthermore you had no right to even feel jealous when it was you who coyly stopped his advances every time he tried moving the goalpost from casual to serious. He couldn’t complain, he felt so at ease when he was with you, you were smart, funny and beautiful, he really felt you came straight out of one of his dreams. But you seemed so far away at the same time, perhaps exactly like an illusion you wouldn’t let him get any closer. He knew you had a life of your own, friends and a job you loved but he also wished you would actually take him up on the multiple offers to fly you out with him, yet you never did.  Through the months you had known each other he had found himself in your bed countless times, he liked it more than taking you back to whatever place he was staying at. It felt like home in a way that made him greedy. Your place was nice and tidy, a little on the old side but it just made it more charming in his eyes. He wanted to bring you back to his home, to show you around the places he liked and where he grew up, to have you on his bed waking up every morning, yet for whatever reason you wouldn’t let him. Still, like an idiot knowing he was playing for the losing team he kept coming back to you every time.
One of the many nights you had gone out drinking together you ended up, as usual, getting separated from the group and wandering the streets alone, just the two of you, hand in hand. There was never an uncomfortable silence with you, his thumbs traced shapes on the side of your hand while you pulled him seemingly aimlessly under the street lamps. “Look!” You said happily pulling at his hand to follow, there was what seemed like a little run down playground and some old looking photo booths, you pulled him inside one. You both squeezed into the small bench, you were almost sitting on his lap. “You have to put the bill here” You pointed at a metallic slip. “I don’t have cash on me” He replied. “Oh! you owe me big time then” You said smiling poking out your tongue at him, you pulled some bills from your pockets and the machine started making strange noises before a bright light blinded both of you. You immediately erupted into shared laughter “Okay, quick pose!” The machine kept snatching pictures one after the other and you kept feeding it money amused. At some point he became too distracted by the faces you were making and didn’t even bother looking towards the camera, he thinks that is probably when he truly fell for you. You had noticed his stare and looked down at him. “You are wasting my photo money if you don’t pose!” You whined, he couldn’t bring himself to speak a single syllable, he just pulled you further into his lap and kissed you deeply. It felt like the world had started and stopped right there inside that photo booth. After an eternity in your lips he softly spoke up again.
“Can I walk you home?” He said a breath away from your lips.
You nodded, face red and pupils dilated “Yeah” Your voice was so pretty when you were breathless, he couldn’t wait to have you moaning under him or over him, however you wanted, he was just a fool at your mercy.
Before you left he had picked up the photos you almost forgot and shoved them in his back pocket, back home in the Netherlands he had carefully placed them on the drawer of his nightstand and kept coming back to them on days when he was feeling particularly homesick for your arms. 
Now he was in Berlin again, for a show, you knew because he had texted you days before asking you to come. You had told him you couldn’t, that there was some important work meeting you had to prepare for. Truth was, it wasn’t that important, but you were trying to put some distance between the two of you. Every time you had sex it became more tender more gentle, addicting in a way you knew you couldn’t allow yourself, it felt like making love. You felt bad about not getting to see him, guilty about the disappointed little face he made in a selfie he sent you as a reply, but you felt it was for the better. Like this, soon he would get tired and move on so he could become a fun memory that hopefully wouldn’t hurt you too much when you thought about him years down the line.
But you weigh heavy on his mind and on his heart and when the show is over and the alcohol is all gone he feels an impulse that gets him to his feet. He wants to see you. He knows you are busy but also distantly feels like you are avoiding him, like you caught on the fact that he is falling, or more like already fell, for you. But so what if he likes you? What if he is in love for real? What you don’t know cant hurt you and if he gets hurt in the process then that is fine, it doesn’t bother him, maybe only bothers a little bit. He knows the way to your apartment by heart, could probably get there blindfolded, has been there so many times he feels it is a second home, wants it to be a second home. He is drunk and deeply melancholic, he is feeling down on his luck but maybe a beautiful woman can save him, but only if it is you. The venue he is at is luckily close enough to your pace, he makes his way on foot, somewhere along the night it had started raining, fitting for his mood. He is only wearing a light hoodie, that quickly gets soaked, he honestly can’t even feel cold he is just moving on instinct trying to reach you. Soon enough he gets to the entrance of your building and pulls his phone out, texts you before his brain can stop him. 
You are rolling around in bed not able to fall asleep at all, not worried about the stupid meeting but knowing that Joost is in town and your idiot past self denied him makes you feel terrible. You should just enjoy the moment as much you can, take everything he is willing to give you and when you get thrown away there will be more fun memories. You don’t really know why you are tying to be the responsible one in this situation, you should just bet everything on your losing horse and let future you worry about how to deal with the unpleasant consequences. Right as you unsuccessfully try to close your eyes again and let the soft rain outside lull you to sleep, you hear the little ping of your phone on the nightstand. You already know who it is without having to check in the way your stomach does a summersault. But still, you pick up the phone and read “I’m outside, can I come in?”. Idiot, it is raining, he probably doesn’t even have an umbrella. You have to let him in or he will catch a cold, it is a kindness really, you have no hidden motives, you are just being nice, your hands are tied. You try to convince yourself as you immediately stand from the bed and walk quickly towards the door. 
You ring him in and wait right by the door with your heart threatening to pound out of your chest. He all but races pathetically upstairs, two steps at the time, like he can’t be fast enough to reach you. You wait on held breath and you hear his heavy footsteps right outside but wait until he knocks, then you make a show of waiting a few seconds, pretending like you are just getting up and open the door slowly rubbing your eyes as if you had really been asleep.  You move aside to make way for him.
“Come in” you mumble after a small yawn leaves your mouth, he walks in and takes his shoes off, then you notice that he is dripping wet. “Joost did you walk here?” You drop the sleepy act immediately.
“It wasn’t that far” he mumbles looking away, there is a small blush blooming on the high of his cheeks.
You stand in front of him taking his hoodie off “Go get in the shower, you are gonna catch a cold”.
He does as he is told there is a strange cozy feeling in this interaction that goes straight to his heart.
In the shower he keeps trying to come up with what to say to convince you to date him seriously. For a songwriter he feels he is not very good at this words things right now or maybe he is too drunk or maybe he cares too much about what you will think of him. He gets under the warm water, reaches for your soap, not the expensive one because you will get mad that he used it, but the one you use for everyday, his favorite one. He likes this, smelling like you, it makes him feel like he is a little bit a part of you, makes him wish you would become a little bit a part of him too. After a few minutes you open the door of the bathroom to drop a warm towel for him and take his clothes to dry. You say nothing, it feels too domestic, like it is a built up habit the two of you have. He wants to keep you all to himself. He never asks if you are seeing someone else and you do the same, it is common curtesy but he feels the question itching at the back of his throat every time he sees you start dressing right after you are done. He could take care of you, he makes good money, make it so you could be at every one of his shows. The rational part of his brain thinks he is being cruel. You love your job and your career, it would be like keeping a bird on a cage he can’t bear the though while at the same time he just keeps having this vivid fantasy of coming home to you every day, of waking up by your side, seeing your tooth brush next to his, have your hair clog the drain of his shower, actually buy groceries to have at home and not just the pre-made meals and beer he is used to. He wants to treat you right and be good for you and yet you are standing firmly on your side denying him even the chance. It hurts him, he feels a little inadequate for as much as he is sure of himself he still wants to ask what is stopping you from taking a chance on him. 
Outside you try to fix the bed a little bit after putting his clothes on the dryer. You feel electricity right under your skin, to have him naked in your bathroom, the man that just few hours ago had so many people screaming his name. It feels like a beautiful secret in your tongue, only for you. The reality is you like him as much as he does you, you really do, you are eager to see him every chance you can and your chest start beating so hard when you get a text from him. Since you met there has been rarely a week you go without talking and it feels nice, you want to keep it going. But he is a budding star, when you met him you could see it, that he was made of something otherworldly it was just waiting below the surface for the whole world to see and now they finally did. You are so incredibly proud of him, but it is exactly because of it that you can’t have him. He is young, can have so much fun with as many people as he wants, you don’t understand why he would want to tie himself down to you, knowing you can’t even follow him around like he wishes. He should be free, you would feel like you are cutting his wings too early and you can’t bear the thought of him deciding half way through that you are boring, that having a girlfriend is boring and the world is his oyster and he should just enjoy himself as much as he wants without you stopping him. He is not that type, not at all and you know it, but it still won’t let you take the step even when he has his hand out expectantly waiting on you. 
You hear the water from the shower stop, you are probably not getting lucky tonight and that is okay, you just like having him near you, with the weather now he works as a personal heather. You haven’t really just slept together without sex as an excuse, not since the first time at least, and it makes you a little nervous. You think briefly about changing into nicer pajamas but he already saw the ones you are wearing so no point, you feel a rush of nervousness raise on your body. Before you get more anxious, he comes out of the bathroom, hair leaving little droplets of water on your floor as he walks. White towel hanging low from his hips, you appreciate the softness of his belly, the happy trail that disappears under the towel, the way the hair there is darker than anywhere else in his body and even more noticeable when wet. You can’t help but scan all over his body, ogle at his chest, his soft pecs and the thin hair on them that looks white usually and now a dark golden yellow, his wide shoulders littered with freckles because he can’t be bothered to ever use sunscreen, he is so beautiful it hurts. Without the excuse of sex you feel shy looking and maybe like a little bit of a creep, you try to avert your gaze. If he notices the staring he says nothing about it and slowly walks towards you. You are holding a towel in your hands “Let me help you” You say raising your hands above his head, he stands right in front of you making you look up, you start gently moving your hands to dry his hair a little, he places his big hands on your hips and pulls you closer, wants to kiss you so bad but stops himself, he doesn’t want to get kicked out in the middle of the night when your unmade bed looks so delicious and inviting. You feel your cheeks heat up under his gaze, his thumbs drawing circles in the exposed skin under your sleeping camisole, you want to make this last forever. “Done” You say almost in a whisper, you throw the towel on chair nearby. Almost on instinct you raise to your tip toes and kiss softly at his cheek, too late you realize what you just did, infinitely more intimate than what you should, you just look away quickly and clear your throat.
“Lets get some sleep yeah?” You say turning around to hide your blushing face, you climb on the bed and raise the comforter, patting at the empty space beside you motioning for him to move.
You make it so incredibly hard not to like you and he is such a weak man. He takes a few steps before reaching the edge of the bed, takes the towel off and throws it to the chair before climbing up behind you. 
Your breath gets caught in your throat, of course he would sleep naked he has no other clothes here but it also makes you fight a great urge to stare at his pretty dick hanging heavy between his legs. You turn over on bed and have your back face him, you cannot deal with any more of this tonight so you will just have to avoid it and try to figure out the best diplomatic solution on the morning. As you start to settle down you feel him move behind you, for a moment he stops and then you feel his strong arms wrap around your torso and pull you to his chest. Your heart is beating wildly, he has to be able to feel it trough the thin fabric of your pajamas that is doing very little to separate you from the heat of his body, you can’t be expected to sleep like this. He thinks even if you were surgically sewn together it would not be close enough, you feel so soft under his touch so tender he wants to, no, needs to fall asleep just like this for the rest of his life. 
You close your eyes really hard trying to ignore everything around, you still actually need to sleep. There is a long moment of silence that feels like an eternity, then you feel him take a deep breath. You fear you know what is coming and you fear you are not strong enough right now to stop it.
“Why don’t you wanna date me?” He asks, the words come down on you heavy like rocks, you can feel a strain in his voice, you hate to be the reason why his usual cheerful tone is fully gone.
“Do we really have to have this conversation again?” You say your eyebrows knitting in worry.
“Yeah actually I want an answer.” He swiftly turns you around like you are weightless, he looks directly at you, deep blue eyes expectantly, you feel yourself shiver under his gaze, the tension is rapidly building up, you want to put distance between you but he has your legs trapped, tangled between his.
“Joost you know-” He cuts you off before you can give him the usual excuses.
“I’m serious about you, about us, would it be so terrible to date me?” He has a kicked puppy kind of face, you accidentally laugh at his dramatics, he adores that sound so much never tires of it. You snake your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer into a short kiss trying to distract him, he deepens the kiss eager explore you mouth, all but melts under your touch and you far too soon pull away before he can do more.
“You are hard” You mumble against his lips in between giggles.
He rolls his eyes at you, he is trying to be serious here “Ignore it, I am in the room of the woman I like where everything smells like her, give me a break.”
If there was any light in the room you would be able to see how deeply red his face is now.
“What are you a dog?” You say shaking your head entertained by his reactions.
You try to pull away but he grabs your hand again and rests it square against his heart like this way he will make you understand. “I really like you” He is not letting it go this time, you shake your head lightly again and pull your hand away, you cannot face this proximity, you untangle yourself from his embrace and raise into a sitting position, he does the same. 
“Joost you are great, really I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like you and I don’t think I ever will again.” There is a horrible pause, he knows what is coming next, the awful fear of rejection becoming reality far too quick. You continue “But you are traveling all over the world and that is so cool, I just can't be part of that.” He doesn’t understand why you look so sad when he is the one being let down here.
“We could make it work you know, phones exists and I come here all the time, it is only like an hour by plane” He is pleading at this point, feels so pathetic doing so but can’t stop himself. You make an effort to meet his gaze, he is being so sincere it feels bad not to.
“You could have someone new every night, at every city. You are young, you can enjoy yourself, you don’t have to tie yourself down to me, it would be such a waste-”
“Not to me, not when it is you” He is indignant at your proposal, he hates the idea that you could be so easily replaced, he feels like an idiot, like none of his efforts to make you understand how precious you are to him have reached you.
“I don’t want that” He is so exasperated now, it is like you are not listening to any of the words he is saying or not believing them which is even worse. “I don’t want any of that I don’t like it, I know I could but I don’t want it. I like you, I want you”. He pauses for a second to give himself strength to get it all out "It is my business and you can reject me if you want but you don’t get to tell me what I should do” He feels offended that you seem to not understand at all.
You had never seen him this angry. He goes speechless wracking his brain trying to come up with something else to say to convince you, maybe drinking before coming here was bad, he should do this sober, maybe bring some flowers and wear the blazer you like, maybe then you would not throw him out like an old toy. He is looking at you waiting for anything, his eyes are glossy, his lips almost tremble into a pout, his hands are clenched into nervous fists at his sides, he is pleading and you can’t help but reach out for him too. Fuck it, if you are gonna ever get hurt you want it to be him, if you get heart broken you want it to be him, whatever happens good or bad, you want it to be him, he is worth everything.
You close the distance between the two of you again, move to sit on his lap just to have him as close as possible, he has become a rock in your bed, feels like if he breathes he will break the spell and you will disappear right in front of his eyes. You grab at his hand, unclenching his fist with you fringes, softly stretching his palm and placing it right above your fast beating heart before speaking again.
“I really like you too Joost” His eyes shine impossibly bright, he looks at you stupefied, he can’t quiet belive what he is finally hearing, he feels your heart beating fast right under his palm, hard proof that you are just as gone for him as he is for you, his brain is trying to catch up to what is happening, but you help him.
You caress his cheek with your other hand and bring him into a sweet kiss. Your lips move together slowly like you are kissing again for the first time, his tongue pushes softly into your mouth, he wants to taste you, he traces the back of your teeth, you suck softly on his plump bottom lip, you smile into the kiss and pull away gently but continue to pepper soft kisses on his lips, on his  jaw, on his cheeks. You wonder if he was always this handsome or has your love made him even more beautiful now. He pulls you closer hugs you thigh, happy just to be in your embrace again and feel like he truly belongs there. He chases after your lips kisses you like he is drowning and you are the only source of air, he feels the softness of your mouth it takes him back to the first night he met you, he wants to stay here forever, live on this moment until the end of time, only you and him in a soft unmade bed kissing for eternity. 
Finally with lips kissed raw you pull away leaving one last small peck on the little beauty mark underneath his bottom lip. He holds you close, traces soft circles with his palms on your back under the camisole savoring every inch of exposed skin he can touch. You let him relax under you for a bit before you speak again, with a new world of prospects opening in front of you you want to share some more ideas with him now that all the cards are on the table.
“You know…my company is thinking of opening a new branch in Nethera-”
“Yes” he cuts you off immediately, you laugh at his eagerness.
“I didn’t finish talking” You push the hair away from his pretty face so you can see him better.
“You can stay with me yeah? I have a guest room you can stay there if you feel more comfortable, I am not trying to imply we have to sleep together but I mean we could if you wanted to” He is running his mouth all nervous and impatient like he is just a few steps away from winning the race of his life, you don’t reply, all too amused at his monologue, but it makes him fear he might have overstepped and scared you too fast with commitments. “I mean, until you get settled and you find an apartment, I could help you with that…” He trails off and looks away shyly, then looks up again holding your gaze. “But you could stay there too if you wanted, it could be your home too.”
He looks up at you from under white eyelashes, eyes full of hope. The possibilities seem endless, at this moment you feel like you can touch the sky with your hands and that if you couldn’t reach he would pull it down for you. You nod speechless, bite your lip and kiss him again, because you can, because he is yours. 
You keep playing with his hair as rest his head on your chest, feels your heart beat under his ear, he wants to memorize it, now knows he has all the time in the world to do so. You move slightly on his lap.
“But we really do have to sleep now” You say, your voice sounds suddenly so groggy, every worry you have had the past months, that would keep you up at night, seems to have melted away in an instant and your body is feeling so tired and heavy.
He nods against you and moves you softly into laying down position again. He wants to start getting used to taking care of you, he thinks it will come easy, already feels so satisfied with so little, he lets you settle on the bed then moves behind you again snaking his arms around your torso pushing his palms under your shirt to feel the soft expanses of your belly as you breath in and out, you let him, between his strong arms it feels like home. 
You feel your eyes close heavy, the sound of his calm breathing behind you lulling you to sleep, the steady beat of his heart perfectly in synch with yours, but you can’t fully let slumber take you since somewhere in the kissing his dick woke up again and is now pressing against your back.
You laugh to yourself before speaking. “Joost you know I can feel your dick, right?”.
He hums in acknowledgment but makes no further move, he just keeps holding you on his embrace, his chest against your back soft and deliciously warm. “Ignore it” He says in a sleepy mumble that transforms into a yawn right above your head. “My girlfriend has work in the morning, you have to let her sleep.” He loves how that sounds coming from his mouth, gets excited thinking about using that word again.
If you turned around at that moment you would see the beautiful smile that paints his features, he looks like he just won the lottery. He can’t wait for tomorrow, to wake up and have breakfast in your table, gets excited over the prospect of all the mundane with you. He falls asleep quickly with the warmth of your body nestled between his arms, in his  dreams he sees even further ahead, dreams of taking you with him everywhere you will let, of changing your contact name to “Liefde” and of continuing to call you his girlfriend forever and ever until one day if he is lucky, he can upgrade it to wife. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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rosesnbooks · 5 months
Taurus placements🍃
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💚Sun in taurus-i believe that they have one thing in common: they have hobbies that fulfill them. you won't catch them overworking themselves to the point that they do not take a break to do something they love. they are good at different things as well and are often fast learners. no matter what other placements they have, i think they have a pretty approachable nature. i have met people with this placement who are quite intelligent. i think they are a bit impatient at times and want to do things their own way, and it's up to you whether that offends you or not lol. loving and sensitive people at their core<3
💚Moon in taurus-some of the warmest people you will ever meet. they value the people in their lives and they are often a voice of reason when you need it the most. they know how to pay attention to you and converse with you respectfully, even when you disagree on things. they have specific worldviews that are difficult to change, but if they think you're sensible and kind, they may try to change their perspective. that being said, in any other scenario, good luck changing their mind. they're pretty chill most of the time, so when you provoke a strong reaction out of them, you probably made a huge mistake (good luck). they're also soft honestly, but do not be mistaken, they are strong people. i have noticed that they are usually closer to their mums than dads, and their dads have a distant character. main love language: acts of service<3
💚Ascendant/rising in taurus- um, stunning and magnetic. this is well-known though, but they deserve to hear it every time. they are charming and the women give off girl-next-door vibes. i feel like they all share similar eyes, just google the celebs and you'll see what i mean, just a warm look overall. some may appear intense, depending on their other placements, but as soon as you talk to them it feels like you're talking to a friend. oh and the elegance some of them have? amazing. intelligent as well🙏
💚Mercury in taurus-i have to say, i did not expect them to be so talkative. they are a bit shy when talking to new people or those they do not feel that comfortable with, but as soon as they relax with someone, they are yappers lol. when they like a topic, it's possible they have given it a lot of thought so they have a lot to say. similarly to aries mercury, they have strong opinions but they can be more open-minded when they want to. they can sound too objective sometimes, and give a bit harsh advice. they also love to gossip, sometimes even too loud when they're into it. to me, they have a specific voice, it kind of stands out among others. some men with this placement are known for having a really nice voice
💚Venus in taurus-they adore the idea of love. you'll catch them watching rom-coms every once in a while so they could satisfy that part of them. if they don't show their romantic side when they're with you, you're wasting your time cause they're clearly not that into you. they want you to share some of their interests, possibly because they want to spend even more time with you and feel like you get each other. i think they can also be guilty of idealising their partners a lot and create an image of their persona that's not real. one of their main love languages is gift giving, heavy emphasis on this.
💚Mars in taurus-intimidating when you cross them. they are pretty good at going after what they want and although they experience a lot of stress until they achieve things, they still excel at it. they may hide their frustrations pretty well, and then when they're alone or with people they can be themselves with, lmao they let out so many emotions. at this point i'm even ashamed to describe them as "stubborn" because that's their middle name, everyone knows it. out of all the placements i feel like they lean the most toward conservative views? do let me know if im on the right track here. they also need to watch out for being insensitive at times
💚Jupiter in taurus-i'll have to be brief here (sorry) because i don't know anyone with this placement, but only what i've read over the years. they usually have a good eye for aesthetics and appreciate following one themselves, they know how to cook and in general provide a sense of a comfortable home. they are good with all things material, and they are quite sensual. they know how to enjoy life and use their sensibility and charm to succeed, and get far in life. i respect them tbh!
💚Saturn in taurus-it isn't easy for them to focus on the material world and focus on what's right in front of them. they're often in their daydreams and are quite capable people, but they need a push sometimes to actually start doing things (khm procrastinators) that does not mean they are irresponsible, but they experience difficulties with the worldly expectations (hope this makes sense). they are sensible and wise, but the part that requires to act on it can sometimes shut down🫂i've read this many times and can confirm it since i have this placement: scared of losing things-property/money/land, you name it. lastly, they just understand how people function and they are wise!
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thank you for reading this, hun! i would love to hear your feedback💌
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minarinnn · 10 months
ok so imagine rin itoshi; fast learner, really good grades, top of his class, just a perfect student overall
and then there’s you; slow learner, average grades, late to class, forgets to do homework, and barely passing your classes
so what happens when rin itoshi somehow develops a crush on you?
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academic! rin who whispers the answers to you in class
it was another normal day in class. you found yourself with your head laying on the desk farthest from the front, slowly dozing off and cancelling whatever it was your teacher was talking about
“miss l/n… miss l/n!” you heard your teacher yell at you from the front of the class. you lift your head up in slight panic, noticing your teachers furrowed brows and angry pout. “what’s the answer to question number 7?” she inquired, raising her brows and crossing her arms. waiting for you to get it wrong so she can, once again, scold you for dozing off in her class
your eyes roamed the board as they found question number 7. you didn’t want your teacher to scold you again, but was there really another outcome? you didn’t know the answer and you were put on the spot with little to no time to think
“uhh” you spoke, swallowing and taking a shaky breath as your eyes roamed the classroom. “it’s D” rin whispered from next to you. you give him a quick side glance. his teal eyes were focused on his notebook but he was the smartest in the class so you had no choice but to trust him
“it- its D!” you call out. your teachers eyes widen in disbelief as she looks back to the board once more. “c-correct..?” she muttered, still in shock over you getting it correct. she continued to give her class. “thank you” you whisper to rin, his eyes shooting you a quick glance. “don’t worry about it” he muttered, a slight heat rushing to his cheeks
academic! rin who allows only you to copy his homework when you, yet again, forgot to do it
“fuckk” you groan, banging your forehead on the table. “what’s up with you?” rin questioned from his seat. you both sat in the library because you had a free period. “i forgot to do the math homework” you spoke, worry and frustration visible in your tone and face “and i won’t be able to do it in time”
rin said nothing. he simply rummaged through his backpack, looking for his math notebook and upon finding it, pulling it out. he roamed the pages, landing on a specific one and sliding it your way. your brows furrow in confusion, looking up at him for answers. he’s looking away, almost as if he was embarrassed of something. “you can copy off mine” he says, his tone soft in contrast of his normal stoic tone.
“really?!” you gasp im excitement. he nodded his head, finally landing his gaze on your smiling face. “i could literally kiss you right now” you joked, pulling your notebook out and beginning to copy his homework. he rested his cheek in his palm, looking at you with the most loving eyes. “i wish you would” he muttered into his palm.
your ears perked up, not quite catching what he said. “what was that?” “i said i wish you wouldn’t” he lied through his teeth. you rolled your eyes playfully, dismissing his mean persona with a breathy laugh
academic! rin who volunteers to be your tutor as an excuse to spend more time with you
“you seriously still stuck on that question?” rin asked, his face scrunched up in disbelief. you glare at him, letting out a huff before speaking “not everyone has a big brain like you”. he rolled his eyes, secretly liking your compliment disguised in an insult
“i seriously don’t know what i’m gonna do for the test on friday” you sigh “i can’t seem to remember anything”. a light bulb lit up in rins mind. “i can tutor you if you want” he suggested
“you’d do that?” you questioned while he just shrugged, nodding his head a little. “wont i just stress you out?” you question again, not quite sure why he’s doing this
he let out a chuckle, scoffing a bit before speaking “you’d stress me out even more with all your babbling id you fail”. you open your mouth in shock but quickly close it again, knowing that was he spoke was nothing but the truth
“fine. i guess you can tutor me” you rolled your eyes playfully. rin fought every fiber in his body to not smile. spoiler alert: he failed
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© MINARINNN 2023 - please do not plagiarize or upload my content on any social media platform.
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star-whores-a-new-hoe · 5 months
The Comfort of Strangers //Padawan! Obi-Wan X Fem! Reader
A/N: Well...Hi! I haven't written in two years! I'll post a little update soon but I was INCREDIBLY horny inspired after seeing the Phantom Menace in theaters! Hope you enjoy this lil smutty Padawn Obi fic!
Summary: You and all of Queen Amidala's handmaidens are stuck on Tatooine waiting for Qui Gon to get the hyperdrive parts you need. With all the stress and anxiety of escaping Naboo, the good-looking Palawan stuck on the ship with you looks like a good distraction.
Warnings VERY IMPORTANT: I know Padme and her handmaidens are pretty young, but for the purposes of this story READER IS OVER 18!!!!! That being said, this fic contains, smut, kinda a hookup, using sex with a stranger as comfort, risk of being caught, P in V action, unprotected sex, pull-out method, handy, some finger-banging action, dirty talk, some implied Qui Gon x Reader x Obi-Wan action for a minute there oop, and probably some spelling and grammar mistakes!
Word Count: 2.8 K
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With the whirlwind of events that was the invasion of Naboo, one would think that boredom would bring some welcome relief. They would be sorely mistaken. 
The rush of adrenaline that had flooded your veins as you and the other handmaidens frantically dressed sabé, hands, and hearts a flurry, before chasing you up the ramp of the starfighter with gunfire at your back had finally subsided. Now, with the monotonous heat of Tatooine creeping into the ship, there was nothing but dull numbness left. 
Padme had left over a day ago to experience this strange outer-rim world you all had landed on. That left the rest of you with nothing to do but worry. Senator Vancil regularly sent updates urging Queen Amidala to contact him. Each of his messages was more dire than the last. News of your people in camps, starving, dying, surrounded by those damned battle droids, those disgusting Numoidions watching gleefully from the high walls of the Theed palace. 
You could practically feel all of the handmaidens' hearts sink in tandem with each new update. That young Jedi, Obi-Wan, simply reminded the Queen, (or who he figured to be the queen) to send no reply. Had he no empathy?! Obviously, none of you were dumb enough to risk the safety of your mission, the safety of your people, in transmitting any kind of message but could he not for a moment let down his Jedi knight persona and give you all some grace?
Jedi learner actually, I suppose. You thought to yourself. Curled up in an out-of-the-way nook, the hood of your orange handmaiden dress hung limply down your back. Normally you were grateful for the thick velvet robes in space, but even with the ship's cooling systems still online it seemed that they were no match for Tatooine. The oppressive heat sat thickly in the stale air, leaving everyone on board anxious and irritable. 
You couldn't lie to yourself. Between your fear and anxiety, the sight of that young padawan was a welcome distraction. You were positive you weren't the only one who thought so, you had definitely caught your fellow handmaiden's eyes flick over him from under their hoods. There was just something about him. Maybe it was the cocky banter he had shared with his master, even in the flurry of battle, or maybe it was the way the collar of his Jedi robes opened just enough for you to want to see more. Or perhaps it was the way you could imagine tugging on that padawan braid as- 
“Oh, apologies, I didn't realize there was anyone back here.”
You start, ripped from your thoughts by the man himself. He stood, palm braced against the doorway to your little hideaway. He’d discarded his Jedi cloak, leaving him the tan robes. 
“Sorry,” You say sheepishly. “Just…taking a breather.” Truth be told, in a ship this size there wasn't much space for ‘breathers.’ There's a beat of awkward silence before he clears his throat. 
“I assumed you would be with your queen and fellow Handmaidens in the royal quarters.” You resist the urge to scoff. Little did he know your queen was off in the deserts of Tatooine. 
“I think we’re all just processing that last message from the senator. I just needed a moment to myself I guess.” He gives you a tight-lipped smile.
“I’ll leave you to it then.” He turns to walk away and you scramble for anything to keep the conversation going. 
“What’s it like being a Jedi?” You cringe at the question. He looks back over his shoulder at you. 
“Well, Padawan.” He corrects, sheepishly.
“Right, yes. What’s it like to be a Padawan?” He turned to face you full-on, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorway. 
“It’s a life of service and peace.” He says simply. “I am devoted to the service of the Republic and the force.” You hum in response. 
“What’s it like being a handmaiden?” He asks, a teasing edge in his voice. From this angle, with you still curled up on the floor, he towers over you, looking down at you with a seductive smirk that makes your stomach do cartwheels. 
“It’s a life of service and peace.” You repeat. “I am devoted to my queen, my people, and my planet.” 
“My, my, sounds like we have quite a few similarities.” You crack a weak smile. 
“Why not take a seat?” You offer, motioning towards the cramped bit of floor in front of you. “I highly doubt you have anything better to do.” He raises an eyebrow at you before obliging. “You must live in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, right?” You ask as he squeezes into the cramped space, his knees knocking against yours. 
“Indeed, Coruscant has been my home for as long as I can remember.” 
“I've always wanted to see Coruscant. My family went when I was very small but I don’t remember it. I always meant to visit. I just never thought it would be under such…dire circumstances.” There's another beat of silence. 
“How are you and the others fairing?” You pause, debating your response. None of you had discussed it with each other. Your grief was so profound, deep, and shared in the way only sisters know. There had been no need to speak of it. But perhaps voicing it would help. 
“I think this is going to be the hardest part. At least I, we, were all doing something by escaping the planet, almost getting shot down. But this, just waiting… maker it’s eating me alive.” He nodded solemnly. 
“I understand.” 
“Do you?” It’s not meant to be a cruel question, but definitely a pointed one. “I thought Jedi didn't do emotions?” 
“Jedi don’t do attachments. We are encouraged to feel emotions, they bring us closer to the force, closer to all the living things around us.” Maker, you wanted him closer. 
A part of you hated yourself for wanting distraction, for seeing the first person in front of you, and wanting to find that special kind of escape and comfort. But a bigger part of you craved the young man in front of you, the release from this monotonous boredom and anxiety. 
“And what about…entanglements?” You purposefully tap your knee against his, letting a sultry gaze flood your eyes. He straightened slightly, his quizzical gaze raking you over. 
“Is that really what you want?” His question wasn't accusative or disgusted but genuinely curious, soft, and gentle. The seductive fire in your eyes dies down slightly. Your eyes flick down to the floor.
“Is that so bad?” It comes out barely louder than a whisper. A gentle hand lifts your chin till your gaze meets baby blue eyes, nearly the same shade as the lightsaber you watched him wield earlier. Oh how his hands had moved with such skill and grace, you couldn't help but imagine how those calloused, practiced hands would feel running over your body. Obi-wan smiled. 
“If that's what you feel, then it’s not bad at all.” Abruptly he pulled back, the sensation of him leaving your bubble had you feeling cold even in the burning ship. “Yes, Jedi are allowed to have entanglements.” 
“Oh.” you flash him a sly grin, confidence slowly seeping into you. “Good to know.” 
“Indeed.” His eyes bore into yours, the tension between the two of you was electric.
“Well if you ask me,” You say, placing a hand on his knee. “We have quite some time to kill before your Master gets back with the parts we need, don’t you think?” Obi-Wan’s hand came up to play with the hem of your skirt. 
“I’d be inclined to agree.” 
“Why don't we kill some time then? Hmm?” Obi-Wan’s face lights up in a devilish smirk as his hands glide up to your waist.
“Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.” 
You lean forward, a soft smile on your lips that matches his before the young Jedi captures your mouth with his. It’s not the quick frantic touches one would expect of a hidden tryst. It’s soft and comforting like you both know you need the solace of another, the soothing touches of a lover not the hard and fast pace of a quick fuck. 
You sigh against him, melting into his touch. Your hands slide over the expanse of his broad chest up to rest on his shoulders. One of Obi-Wan’s hands slides up over your spine, sending shivers through your body before he tenderly cradles your neck. His tongue teases the seal of your lips and you gladly let him in, pulling yourself closer to him as his tongue explores your mouth. 
Pulling you fully into his lap, you can feel the bulge in his pants press against you. Simply the thought of it makes you wet. You grind your hips against him testingly and he hums his encouragement. One of Obi-Wan’s hands moves to your knee. Ever so delicately he slides his hand upwards over your thigh, the hem of your dress pulled ever upwards with his movements. His hand resting on the bare skin of your upper thigh, he gently moves you to grind against him again. 
As you rut against him, Obi-Wan’s lips leave yours to place open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, down the expanse of your neck, and over the limited bit of collarbone exposed by your dress. You expose your neck to him with a sigh, letting your head fall back into the reassuring weight of his hand cradling your head. 
This was it. What you so desperately needed. The reassuring touches of another that sent electric currents through your body. The safety of being held in someone's arms. Here, in this little nook with Obi-Wan, even if it was for just a moment, was paradise. 
Your hands sneak their way between the two of your bodies. Reaching for his hand that gripped the pillowy flesh of your thigh, you guide him to rest it on your breast. Taking the queue, Obi-Wan gives your tit a gentle squeeze, smoothing his thumb in little circles over the fabric right where he knows your nipple is. 
You practically whine at the sensation, grinding against him even harder. Your hand comes to rest on his crotch. 
“Help me take these off?” Your voice comes out much more sultry than you expected. He flashes you a smile that makes your heartache. 
“Why of course.” Together, you work him out of his trousers so that his erection stands tall and proud, a tiny bit of pre cum already beading at his tip. Your mouth waters at the sight. Without another thought, you spit in your hand before reaching down to grasp the base of him. He sighs at the contact and without missing a beat you begin to slowly move your hand over the length of him. 
“Is that alright?” You ask, his hands slowly wandering over your thighs, ever closer to where you crave him. 
“A-a little harder if you don't mind darling.” A part of you swoons at the pet name, and a bigger part of you smirks at making such a fine, confident man stutter. 
You oblige, squeezing a bit tighter as you work his length and Obi-Wan throws his head back in bliss. 
“Oh yes, just like that.” Seeing an opportunity in front of you, you lean forward to kiss his exposed neck, his padawan braid tickling your nose. A small blush creeps up his neck and over his cheeks as you continue to pleasure him with your hand. 
Obi-Wan’s wandering hands finally reach under the skirts of your dress, his fingers dragging along the center of you, feeling the wetness that undoubtedly stains your undergarments. 
“Oh my, all this for me?” He teases.
“Just shut up and touch me please.” You groan. Obi-wan places a sweet peak to your cheek.
“How could I say no to someone as lovely as you?” If you weren't flushed before that comment certainly did it. His hands push aside your drenched undergarment, letting two of his fingers leave teasing touches across you, never once letting them brush your aching clit. 
“If I’d known you'd be such a tease I would have approached that master of yours.” You tease. Obi-Wan scoffs. 
“I’m not a tease, you’re just impatient.” He replies slightly breathlessly. “Besides,” He adds finally drawing little circles in your clit. He leans in close to whisper in your ear. “You must be very naive to think Qui Gon Jinn wouldn't be a merciless fuck.” 
For a brief moment, the thought of both of them pleasuring you enters your mind. The older Jedi taking you from behind while he instructs his learner on how to fuck your throat. You’re pulled from your thoughts by Obi-Wan capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, rougher than the last, full of need and lust. 
“Obi-Wan,” You pant breathlessly, pulling away from his kiss. “Fuck me.” He groans, taking his cock in his hand to line it up against your entrance. You shimmy forward, knees on either side of him before sinking down. 
You both sigh in unison, inch after glorious inch fills you up, stretching you out perfectly. He’s barely inside of you before you start moving, grasping his shoulder to help lift yourself on and off his cock. He grasps your waist, helping you move as you work yourself open on him. 
the two of you build up a steady rhythm, it’s all you can do to bite your lip and keep from your moans of delight escaping the room. Obi-Wan hits a certain spot inside of you that sends a sudden gasp from your lips. His hand quickly reaches up to cover your mouth.
“Careful now, wouldn't want the other handmaidens hearing, would we?” You whine quietly in agreement. He smirks. “Think you can handle yourself without me keeping you quiet?” You nod eagerly. “That's what we like to hear.” He practically coos, his hand leaving your mouth to work at your clit, heightening your pleasure tenfold.  
Every stroke of his cock inside of you leaves you a bigger mess than the last. You grind against him desperately, hungry for every touch, every current of pleasure he sends through your body, every sensation that takes you further and further from the predicament you’re currently stuck in. Everything was building up, threatening to spill over at any second. 
“M-make, I won't last muc-ch longer.” Obi-Wan sighs. His movements on your clit are frantic, his thrusts sloppy like that of a man on the edge. “Please, need you to cum for me.” He practically begs. He slots his head between your neck and shoulder, his teeth nipping at your earlobe. “Need to feel you come around my cock.” 
He hits the perfect spot inside you as he whispers his filthy words in your ear, sending you right over the edge. Wave after wave of pleasure courses through your body, your cunt squeezing him like a vice, his ministrations on your clit never ceasing. 
“Oh yes, just like that.” He works you through your orgasm, not even ceasing as you slump against him. It’s only when you push his hand away from your overstimulated pussy that he ceases. Reluctantly, you move yourself off of his cock, taking him in your hand and watching with immense satisfaction as he falls apart, spilling his seed over your thighs. 
You both sigh, sweat beading both your brows and the air between you hot and heavy with a mixture of your previous actions and the stale Tatooine air. 
Swallowing dryly you break the silence. “Thank you.” 
“Sincerely my lady, the pleasure was all mine.” He nods to the evidence of such on your thighs which raises a chuckle from you. You produce a handkerchief from a tucked-away pocket and start cleaning his cum from your thighs. 
A content quite settles over the two of you as you tidy up, helping each other straighten your clothing. As you tuck Obi-Wan’s padawan braid behind his ear, the high-pitched beep of a comlink interprets the tender moment. 
“Obi-Wan, are you there?” His Master’s voice sounds through the device on Obi-Wan’s belt. He gives your hand a slight squeeze as he picks up the com with the other. 
“Yes Master, any luck acquiring the part for the hyperdrive?” 
“I'm afraid the situation has grown more...complicated.” Obi-Wan sighs. 
“Why do I sense that we’ve picked up yet another pathetic life form?” Obi-Wan casts you an apologetic glance as his master continues. Tucking your hair back into your hood, you give him a small smile and nod for him to go. With a soft smile of his own in return, he turns toward to cockpit, the comlink in his hand updating him on the situation. 
With a sigh, you turn and walk back toward the quarters where you know the others will be. The dull ache of the tragic events around you was still present, but somewhat subdued thankfully. Who knew you could find so much comfort in strangers? 
Taglist:@rentskenobi @mysteryofkokoro @highpriestessrebek @sarapixieelliott08 @princessxkenobi @dexthtoyounglings @book-hoardingdragon​ @cosmic-rich​ @laserbrains @hugmekenobi @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @profkenobi
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writers-reach · 6 months
Slow dancing headcanons with Makoto,Ren and Yu?
persona 3/4/5: slow dancing headcanons (makoto yuki, yu narukami, ren amamiya)
notes: gn!reader, fluff, pretty short
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makoto yuki
asks you to take the lead! he's seen those dancing lovers shadows in tartarus, but otherwise has no clue what he's doing.
mumbles to himself as he learns; he's a pretty quick learner, so in no time, the two of you are dancing about your room
ends up loving dancing with you! likes slow, more waltzy styles than anything else
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yu narukami
he's got some dance experience under his belt, what with helping with that festival for rise. he takes the lead, but making sure you're keeping up!
every time you look up from your feet and into his eyes, he smiles, and you feel yourself trip slightly. damn him and his charming looks!
definitely tries to dance with you at the summer festival or something like that, to some dumb, cheesy ballad or another
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ren amamiya
kind of like a mix between makoto and yu, i feel. like, has no idea what he's doing but pretends he does to appear confident. fake it til you make it, right?
despite not quite knowing what to do, he's trying his best and it actually turns out pretty well! he's got good body coordination, so you're never too worried about being stepped on
can't stop cracking jokes about being your "dashing prince charming" or "roguish lover". it's okay, though, since seeing you smile and roll your eyes makes it all worth it!
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a/n: tysm for your request! hope you enjoy!
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A First-Timer’s Guide to Implementing Microlearning with Ease
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Microlearning has rapidly become a favored approach in corporate training and education, offering a flexible and efficient way to deliver bite-sized learning content. Its appeal lies in its ability to cater to the modern learner’s need for quick, targeted learning experiences that can be seamlessly integrated into their daily routines. However, for first-timers, the process of implementing microlearning can seem daunting. Fear not, as with the right strategies, you can navigate this terrain smoothly and effectively. Here are five essential tips to help you implement microlearning with ease.
1. Understand Your Audience
The success of any learning initiative begins with a deep understanding of your audience. Knowing who your learners are, their preferences, learning habits, and specific needs will guide the development of effective microlearning content.
Conduct a Needs Analysis: Start by conducting a thorough needs analysis to identify the knowledge gaps and learning requirements of your audience. Surveys, interviews, and focus groups can provide valuable insights into what your learners need and how they prefer to consume content.
Create Learner Personas: Develop detailed learner personas that represent different segments of your audience. Consider factors such as job roles, levels of experience, preferred learning styles, and technological proficiency. These personas will help you tailor content that resonates with your learners and addresses their specific needs.
Leverage Analytics: Use existing data from your learning management system (LMS) or other training tools to understand learner behavior. Analytics can reveal patterns such as which types of content are most engaging and which learning formats are most effective. This data-driven approach ensures that your microlearning content is both relevant and impactful.
2. Start Small and Scale Gradually
Microlearning’s modular nature makes it ideal for a phased implementation approach. Starting small allows you to refine your strategies and gradually scale up as you gain experience and confidence.
Pilot Programs: Begin with a pilot program targeting a small group of learners. This allows you to test your microlearning content, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments before rolling it out to a larger audience. A pilot program also helps in identifying any technical issues or learner challenges early on.
Focus on Key Topics: Initially, focus on key topics that address critical knowledge gaps or skills. Choose content that is essential and can be easily broken down into bite-sized modules. This focused approach ensures that your initial microlearning efforts are impactful and manageable.
Iterative Development: Adopt an iterative development process where you continuously create, test, and refine content. This agile approach helps you to adapt quickly to feedback and improve the quality of your microlearning modules over time. Each iteration allows you to build on previous successes and learn from any challenges encountered.
3. Design Engaging and Interactive Content
The effectiveness of microlearning lies in its ability to engage learners and facilitate active learning. Creating engaging and interactive content is crucial to maintaining learner interest and promoting knowledge retention.
Use Multimedia: Incorporate a variety of multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive simulations. Multimedia not only makes content more engaging but also caters to different learning styles. For instance, visual learners may benefit from infographics, while auditory learners might prefer podcasts.
Keep It Short and Focused: Each microlearning module should be concise and focused on a single learning objective. Aim for content that can be consumed in 5 to 10 minutes, allowing learners to easily fit learning into their busy schedules. This brevity ensures that learners can quickly grasp and retain the information.
Interactive Elements: Include interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and scenario-based activities. These elements encourage active participation and reinforce learning by providing immediate feedback. Interactivity also helps learners apply what they’ve learned in a practical context, enhancing retention and understanding.
Storytelling: Use storytelling techniques to make content relatable and memorable. Real-life scenarios, case studies, and anecdotes can help learners connect with the material and see its practical application. Storytelling adds a human element to the learning experience, making it more engaging and impactful.
4. Leverage Technology and Tools
Effective microlearning implementation requires the right technological infrastructure and tools. Leveraging modern technology can enhance the delivery and accessibility of your microlearning content.
Learning Management Systems (LMS): Utilize an LMS that supports microlearning. An LMS can streamline content delivery, track learner progress, and provide valuable analytics to measure the effectiveness of your microlearning initiatives. Choose an LMS that offers features such as mobile compatibility, easy content integration, and robust reporting capabilities.
Mobile Learning: Ensure your microlearning content is mobile-friendly. Mobile learning allows learners to access content anytime, anywhere, making it convenient for those who prefer learning on the go. Design your content to be responsive and compatible with various devices, ensuring a seamless learning experience.
Microlearning Platforms: Consider using dedicated microlearning platforms that offer specialized features such as micro-lesson creation, gamification, and social learning components. These platforms can simplify the process of developing and managing microlearning content, providing you with tools to create engaging and interactive modules.
Content Creation Tools: Invest in user-friendly content creation tools that enable you to design professional-quality microlearning modules without requiring extensive technical expertise. Tools like Articulate Rise, Adobe Captivate, and H5P can be valuable assets, allowing you to create visually appealing and interactive content with ease.
5. Measure and Evaluate Effectiveness
Measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of your microlearning initiatives is essential to ensure they are meeting their intended goals and to identify areas for improvement.
Set Clear Objectives: Establish clear, measurable objectives for each microlearning module. These objectives will serve as benchmarks for evaluating the success of your microlearning efforts. Define what success looks like and what metrics you will use to measure it.
Collect Feedback: Regularly collect feedback from learners to understand their experiences and identify any challenges they may face. Use surveys, focus groups, and informal check-ins to gather qualitative insights. Learner feedback is invaluable for identifying areas of improvement and ensuring the content meets their needs.
Analyze Data: Leverage analytics to track learner engagement, completion rates, and performance metrics. Analyze this data to identify trends and areas where learners may be struggling. Data analysis helps you make informed decisions about content adjustments and future learning initiatives.
Continuous Improvement: Use the insights gained from feedback and data analysis to make continuous improvements to your microlearning content. Regularly update and refine modules to keep them relevant and effective. An iterative approach to content development ensures that your microlearning initiatives remain aligned with learner needs and organizational goals.
Case Studies and Success Stories: Document case studies and success stories that highlight the impact of your microlearning initiatives. These stories can provide evidence of effectiveness and help to build support for future microlearning projects. Sharing success stories also motivates learners and demonstrates the value of microlearning to stakeholders.
Implementing microlearning for the first time can be a rewarding endeavor when approached with careful planning and a learner-centric mindset. By understanding your audience, starting small, designing engaging content, leveraging technology, and continuously measuring effectiveness, you can create impactful microlearning experiences that drive real results. With these five tips, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges and harness the full potential of microlearning in your organization. Embrace the journey of microlearning implementation and watch as it transforms your corporate training and education landscape, making learning more accessible, engaging, and effective.
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jay-m3 · 6 months
*Warning: Minipulation, Toxic relationship, depression, stalking, power imbalance, abuse, dead dove, toxic, obsessive reader, delulu reader, I'll add tags that you guys think I should add.
Read at your own risk. Male reader! This is how I imagine Alastor gets a partner
A bit of time with Rosie for some gossip did wonders for Alastor, especially since he's been gone awhile.
Can you imagine his curiosity of a sinner called (M/n) is quickly climbing up the social ladder? A new Overlord seems to be quite famous from what he has heard.
When he finally meets you in the Overlord meeting room, his eyes seems to stay on you.
The sinner who is dressed so... cheap. This is your first impression? He has to call you out on it of course.
The insults from him irrated you so much over the past few months that you decided to change your wardrobe. He wants style? Fine.
The next time you see each other, Alastor can't help but smile wide in victory. This he could get used to.
With that, the more he interacted with you, the more desire you felt for him. The familiar feelings of your human self is returning, that feeling of sweaty palms, heart thumping, and scenarios inside your head play wonderful interactions with him.
That glance he gave you? He was totally checking you out!
Oh! He's questioning about the extermination? You need to jump in and support your man!
Alastor has noticed the change immediately of your bored hollow self to this Vox like persona. No, worse than Vox.
Sure Vox has cameras around to keep an eye on him but you... you were basically crawling at his feet with a tail wagging behind you.
Like a mutt, eager to please even if he says something out of pocket towards you. It seems he can't get you off his back unless he kills you.
But that will be unproductive. You are an Overlord no matter if you were new to the scene. You must be powerful and he doesn't have history with you unlike Vox.
This is a chance for him he can't miss out on so he'll play along a little.
He'll give out compliments as rewards for you when you comply his orders like a treat to a puppy.
Slash at you when you step out of line, for example trying to hold his hand. You pout up at him, not getting up from the ground, wallowing in sorrow. You disappointed him.
Next time you're around him, you don't touch but stay close. Almost purring when he pats your head with a 'Good boy. You're a fast learner.'
That was it. That is what you wanted to hear. The snap inside your head connected that you're his as much as he's yours.
No matter how much you flinch when he initiate physical contact, your mind tricking you as excitement of affection from the man.
But sometimes, you return to that hollow person. The one that stares off to space. The one Alastor seems to get the most entertained from.
This switch is something he can't predict but its always fun to watch.
That glaze in your eyes as you talk to someone. Imitating aura oozing out as you seem to get more aggravated towards everyone around you.
The way you display your powers sends tingles down his spine, especially when he's the only one that can snap you out of that trance, looking up at him like some sort of god.
And you do. Which is the reason why you sold your soul to him.
But not so fast, you are an Overlord for a reason though. The contract was thoroughly read and rewritten which was unfortunate for Alastor.
It seems like this contract was more of a...relationship term. Alastor had a decision to make and if he didn't like it, nothing can stop him from leaving.
'Alastor, the owner of the soul, can dictate expectations, boundaries, and responsibilities within the relationship. (M/n), the seller of said soul, must obey and follow the guidelines and maintaining it.'
What a waist of power if Alastor doesn't agree.
It's a good thing he does though.
Cause you'll be lost once again to that hollowness if he doesn't.
A blast of green and (f/c) crashes around them both. A thick silver chain around your neck connects to the other side of the chain which Alastor holds on to, the handle rusty heart shaped.
'Now let the fun begin'
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daenysx · 2 months
hi ceo!aemond truther back again, re-reading blurred boundaries and ahhhhhhh😩🫠🥴 i’m obsessed !!
for your sad girl sleepover do you have any more hcs or drabbles about these two lovebirds? i feel like ceo!aemond would be such a secret softie, spoiling his girl constantly but can definitely turn on his more dominant boss persona in the bedroom because woah 🫶🏻🥵
lmk ur thoughts if that’s okay xx
thinking of ceo!aemond who is obsessed with praising you. he just loves the way your eyes shine every time he's satisfied with the outcome of something you did. did you offer a helpful solution in the meeting? his chest fills with pride. did you put an amazing work on something he asked you to do in the office? he can't control his smile. he gives you a secret look when no one else can see when you're working, a look to let you know you've done so well. you try to control your smile, your hands play with your pen to distract yourself.
when it's just you and him? he appreciates you the right way. gifts, flowers delivered to your apartment, little notes on your office table, your favorite wine. anything to put a smile on your face when he shows you how much he knows you. it's a nice step to take in your secret relationship.
at first he was cautious with gentle touches, like hugging you the way he wants or holding your hand. but as the time passes he gets better. his touch is welcomed on your skin. he likes the cute reactions he can get from you.
(nsfw from here)
i've always believed that aemond is a quick learner. once he learns how to turn you on, or how to get you in that hazy space you love so much, he doesn't hesitate to use his knowledge.
in this story, i imagine him to be more dominant than i usually think of the way he is. he is your boss after all and he likes using this in bed to tease you. he'd be giving you anything you want, expecting the same from you.
what he enjoys the most is reminding you who's in charge, being the one to give you pleasure, seeing your eyes roll back without having any coherent thought. i think sex is an important part of your relationship, neither of you can keep your hands to yourselves. aemond loves the way you give him the control of your pleasure, it makes him wanna put more effort in your relationship.
"look at you, turning into such a pretty mess for your boss." just imagine him whispering to your ear as he gets on top of you. "don't have to think about anything now that i'm here. don't have to worry about anything." he definitely likes teasing, overstimulating, edging, literally everything that makes you clench hard around him.
and finally, the aftercare. never skips, never ever leaves you without making sure you feel okay, never neglects cleaning both of you up. at first he wasn't sure if you wanna cuddle after sex but when you put your head on his chest he pulled you closer. since then, cuddles are a part of everything and they feel way better than aemond could ever imagine.
sad girl sleepover ♡
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adiluv-moved · 1 year
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⚜️୧・꒰word count꒱ 1129.
📕୧・꒰warnings꒱ none!
👑୧・꒰adi moment꒱ unfortunately i am writing for french 'people' now… how sad… /j lol—to be real, though, i’ve actually started playing identity v again and ended up sparking some interest for joseph ꒰netass gave me tranquility, as a treat꒱, so here we are! feel free to send in requests, whether it be for him or other characters! hope you enjoy! ꒰ㅅ´ ˘ `꒱
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꒰⚔️꒱・A closed-off aristocrat with a slight tendency for egotism, Joseph is certainly one of the more tedious residents to woo. Congratulations for ꒰somehow꒱ managing to do so! Beneath his haughty and withdrawn persona, he’s an incredibly observant, caring, and loyal individual—and he does his best to make sure that you feel loved whenever he’s by your side.
꒰⚔️꒱・Although I consider him to be far from optimistic, considering everything that’s happened within his pre-manor days, I do still imagine him to be a sort of hopeless romantic. This is a sentiment you’ll become well aware of through the many dates that he plans for the both of you—whether they be candlelit dinners, strolls in the garden, or something else. These dates do occasionally go astray due to the ever growing amount of inhabitants sharing the space, though he does his best to keep/get things back on track. Please reassure him if things get a bit too hectic—he’s very much prone to panicking.
꒰⚔️꒱・As a man of the arts, you’re quick to become his new muse. He loves taking photos of you at any and every moment he can, regardless of how mundane it is. Depending on your own sentiments of the matter, this could potentially be a root of disagreements—especially considering that the camera seems to follow him every time you’re together. Similarly, he’s a big fan of painting you, originally using the photos he took of you as references, though he quickly abandons them once he gets the hang of things—he’s a fast learner when it comes to you.
꒰⚔️꒱・Of course, though, he values your happiness far more than his desire to preserve you, and he’ll try to stop taking so many photos of you if you ever express discomfort. ꒰Of course, the keyword here is ‘try’.꒱ He slips up on occasion, so please try to be patient with him—it’s his way of showing love, and he tends to get a little over dramatic at times.
꒰⚔️꒱・Joseph is also a rather clingy type of lover, and jealousy is ever quick to sink its fangs into him. The fear of losing you, whether it be physically or emotionally, is relentless in haunting him once you start dating. Even so, it isn’t something he vocalizes often, due to his fears of being considered as weak. Whether it be him hovering close to you whenever you’re too close to another survivor, or the way that he subtly begs you not to leave his side, it is something that you come to notice.
꒰⚔️꒱・Ignore his signs of jealousy, and you might just find that other survivor being targeted during matches—but he’ll ꒰reluctantly꒱ catch himself if you call him out on it. Afterwards, he’ll just resort to being a pouty mess around you, though some extra affection is quick to restore his good mood. You might even catch the Joseph Desaulniers apologizing to the other survivor afterwards—though you’d best bet that he’s swearing them to secrecy. It’s embarrassing, truly! You know nobles like him are meant to be composed at all times..!
꒰⚔️꒱・When it comes to facing you in matches, well… It really does depend. His most common strategies include going friendly for your entire team ꒰and spending the time by your side꒱ or simply avoiding you until everybody else has been chaired and he can give you dungeon. However, there are times that he’ll have to go full swing on you—he fears that the baron might punish the both of you, otherwise. He tries to be gentle on you when this happens, grazing you ever so lightly with his rapier, but he’ll always come running to Emily’s infirmary once the match is over… just to make sure.
꒰⚔️꒱・Assuming that you haven’t been hurt by him in a match, though, it does take some time for him to catch back up with you. Joseph is a massive cleanfreak, and absolutely despises the idea of being dirty—something caused both by his social status and the illness that took Claude away from him. He tends to make a beeline to his shower whenever he returns from matches, a habit that you’ve gradually come to pick up due to his hesitancy to cuddle with you when you haven’t. All things considered, it is a good habit, so you don’t mind it all that much.
꒰⚔️꒱・When it comes to things like PDA, I do imagine Joseph falling more on the conservative side ꒰once again due to his upbringing꒱. He’d really only engage in it when he’s feeling jealous, and for the most part prefers to keep all amorous gestures private… though he won’t complain nor attempt to stop you if you give him a quick kiss on the cheek, or something similar. He does, however, use a lot of French nicknames and terms of endearment for you—both in private and public. Mary enjoys teasing him for it, and offers to translate them for you if you don’t know French.
꒰⚔️꒱・Circling back to his fixation on cleanliness, the worst thing for him is falling sick. He’s quick to become upset if he notices himself falling under the weather, and he’ll quickly try to find something to blame for it. While this can grate on the nerves of whoever’s caring for him, being angry distracts him from his fear—though he’ll try to tone things down if he notices that he’s riling you up. Regardless, he’s grateful that you’re putting in the effort to care for him, even if he initially tries to shoo you off for the fear of getting you sick, too.
꒰⚔️꒱・If you’re the one sick, however, things tend to go much differently. He’s a mix of worried and distant whenever it happens, constantly obsessing over your condition and endlessly pestering Emily—begging her to make sure that you’re alright. At the same time, however, you won’t catch a single sight of him while you’re still ill—the thought of seeing you in such a state causing his stomach to churn. He’s quick to apologize once you’re better, pressing kisses on every part of skin that he can reach… Though expect a slight scolding to accompany his tenderness.
꒰⚔️꒱・Ending this with a cuddling headcanon..! Joseph absolutely adores having you close to him. Whether it be you sitting in his lap while he reads a book or him having an arm wrapped around you as he rants about bad matches and annoying survivors, cuddling is a necessity for him. He’s not against the idea of falling asleep while holding you, either, but be warned that his grip gets shockingly tight once he drifts off. While attempts at escape don’t fully wake him, he’ll try to convince you to stay with half-asleep murmurs of ‘don’t leave, mon ange…’ or ‘stay a little, mon amour…’. Unfortunately for you, they’re rather effective.
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Sometimes when Harry looks at Tom, he's reminded of a lesson one of his muggle teachers gave on reptiles. Chameleons that can change their skin colour to blend into their surroundings or anoles that shed their tails to distract a predator and escape – adapting in order to survive, no matter what it takes.
Harry is himself, to a fault. He spent so long beaten down and trying to disappear so he wouldn’t draw his relatives’ ire that he now refuses to hide or apologise for who he is and what he wants. It probably helps that his wants are pretty basic – good food, good friends, a warm, comfortable place to live, someone to love him – and that he inherited the money and name to easily achieve them.
Tom, on the other hand, is so used to being smoke and mirrors and disguising what he wants and what he is in order to pretend to be what others want or need. 
He’d been unapologetically (and tyrannically) himself in his childhood, his magic giving him the power to exert his will over others. But Tom is brilliant and a quick learner, and his first interaction with Dumbledore, which he’d described late one night to Harry when the shadows hid both their faces, had proven a subtler touch might be needed.
Now, Tom reflects other peoples’ desires back at them in order to draw them in, and deflects the conversation away from himself so he never has to clearly define his own position. He doesn’t change himself, but everyone seems to believe Tom is on their side – that they’re on the same page. And because of his power and charm and good looks, everyone wants Tom on their side.
Harry has seen this happen many, many times, and he’s still in awe of how Tom affably manipulates those around him into doing what he wants. How Tom determines what someone wants, says just enough to convince them he does too without committing to anything, and twists that connection into a shape that best suits him.
In fact, the only reason Harry believes Tom actually likes him is because Tom never pretends to be what he thinks Harry wants him to be. Tom is petty and says cruel things and lets Harry see him when he’s less than perfectly put together. And Harry treasures each of Tom’s sharp edges, because he’s the only one who gets to see him as he is. He hoards each truth and preference that Tom chooses to share with him like a squirrel preparing for a long, hard winter.
The trouble comes when people talk to Harry about Tom. By virtue of association, Harry’s had to learn to deflect and prevaricate and lie, though he’s still not very good at it. He does a lot of nodding and smiling and making thoughtful “hmm” sounds as people ask him what Tom thinks of this or that. It’s easier than keeping Tom’s machinations straight in his head.
There are moments when Harry isn’t sure Tom even knows who he is at his core. He is so meticulous about his public persona that Harry doubts anyone else knows which foods Tom actually likes (given the chance, Tom would eat ice cream every day), or what he actually thinks about quidditch (he finds it unbearably dull), or what he thinks of muggles (he’ll never be fond of them due to his treatment as a child, but he doesn’t particularly care beyond that) or muggleborns (new blood is necessary for the magical world to continue, but the mages with the deepest pockets are the most bigoted and ‘traditional’) or purebloods (gullible).
And after the tenth meal of eating foods he doesn’t like, or the fifth quidditch match or ministry event or pureblood soirée in a week, or the nth political tapdance before the Wizengamot, pretending to represent everyone’s interests at once without alienating anyone – and quietly getting his own agenda voted through – Harry has to wonder how Tom stays sane. How it all seems worth it. It certainly doesn’t to Harry.
But that’s Tom. Ambitious to a fault, and willing to sacrifice almost anything in order to achieve his goals.
And whatever other people might think, Harry’s not naive. He knows there’s a chance Tom is lying to him, too. He knows it’s possible – even likely – that Tom figured out that the best way to get Harry on his side would be to give him the best illusion of the truth. Show him some darkness and Harry will believe he’s getting honesty. He’s made his peace with this and decided he’d rather give Tom the benefit of the doubt and be a fool than abandon the other man when he’d chosen to be vulnerable with Harry.
So, when Harry brings home Indian takeaway and offers Tom a bite of his rogan josh, only for Tom to casually say, “I don’t really like lamb,” Harry is fascinated and utterly thrilled.
Especially since he’d seen Tom eat lamb chops at a dinner party two weeks ago with nary a moment of hesitation or complaint.
Harry makes sure to leave plenty of the chicken tikka masala for Tom and mentally notes this new preference down. He’s collected a new fact about Tom.
He spends the rest of the meal with a silly little grin on his face.
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ttlurking · 24 days
While I keep working on the design for the Cipher twins AU here's some more things i thought to add!
They both have Ford's 6 fingers hands, since they're mostly made of his genetic material it was a high probsbilty that it'd be passed down.
I'm not sure about Canon but in this au the twins are partially responsible for their parents divorce, not for a fault of their own but because their parents think they're too freaky and contributed greatly to the cracks already existing in their marriage. So they've been sent to who they think is their actual father/creator, not knowing its Stanley.
They have shared dreams/dreamscape (this is actually inspired by real life because when me and my brother slept in the same room as kids we'd sometimes have conjoined dreams? It's a story for another time anyways) plus the fact that Bill is technically on of their fathers means they can always lucid dream and have a pretty good control on their dreams. They have their own separate dream areas, almost like they "split" their rooms, especially as they grew. This is to give eachother privacy in their dreams and also because their tastes in dreams are vastly different.
They can talk telepathically, being linked through the dreamscape has their consciousnesses closely linked. They keep it as radio sort of situation, as neither is keen to look in the other's thoughts. It could be a completely open channel. It used to be when they were younger, which greatly contributed to their freakishness as they used to talk together, as if they were one being.
Dipper and Mabel have personalities that stick pretty close to canon, with Dipper taking more after Ford and Mabel after Stan. Tho as they're Ford's kids I'd say they've both inherited his genius in different ways, Dipper is smart and logical, a bit too calculating and probably on the spectrum. He likes to study things because he wants to know more and likes feeling in control. He has a quick mind, good for puzzles, equations and observation. Very fast learner. Mabel is creative and a tinkerer, while she still loves to make sweaters (and bedazzled eyepatches) her inventiveness is cranked up. She's made some pretty complex sweaters, some that could light up, so it's not even too much of a reach. She likes to make useful machines to help around the house, and while they do work, they're usually weird looking and usually made for unnecessary tasks: like glitter dispensers, disco toilets, rainbow colored shower water etc.. although she's good at making things on request, like Stan's beloved automatic backscratcher.
Stan started wearing the eyepatch as his Man of Mystery persona to make the kids feel more welcomed. He says that it's so they can sell the while "Mystery Family" deal and make more money but he always thinks of his brother and how it was for him as a child to be a "freak"
Dipper's constellation glows when he's sleeping.
The twins don't know they're not completely human. They just think they've inherited the "Family weirdness" that they've heard about.
They still think Stan is their Grunkle. Things start to click after they first meet Bill. They have an easier time in this Au, since they're used to their own dreamscape, they're much more of a threat to Bill, who retreats after he realises just what the twins are.
Their realisation about Bill is complex, along the lines of "We're connected but I don't know how."
They have heavily suspected that the author is related to them since the first season because what are the chances of a 6 fingers handprint on a diary.
When they meet Ford they're like "oh ok- Stan has a twin? So we have two great uncles, makes sense, we must have the 6 fingers mutation in our genetic makeup, a family thing. He's our dad. He's our dad???"
Granda and Candy are still awesome best friends and they never make Mabel feel bad for being different. To them, she's just as weird as they are.
Dipper doesn't have a crush on Wendy. He thinks he does, because he has no experience with this sort of things, but it's actually a mix of admiration and envy, he'd like to be more like her.
And that's it for now cause I'm really sleepy, sorry for the rant~
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