#Leather Repairs Great Milton
leatherreapirsoxford · 11 months
Your go-to resource for anything leather is Leather Repairs Leeds.We can handle anything from fixing scratches and dings in your beloved items to restoring worn-out leather furniture. Our team of professionals is committed to offering all kinds of leather items the best possible care, repairs, and continuous upkeep. Put your faith in us to revive your cherished possessions with our expert craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail. Every time, excellent service is assured!
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daniel5946 · 1 year
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maxxmesii · 6 days
Leather Pants Dry Cleaning: A Total Guide
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Leather pants talk volumes almost design and continuance. In any case, being a Leather article of clothing, Dry Cleaner LUTON it requires exceedingly proficient care to protect its surface, see, and life span. Leather pants include a ageless request and are genuinely sumptuous; they require a bit of extraordinary consideration in care to keep them as great as modern. Pants are a exceptionally critical portion of clothing; this is to a great extent since of their flexibility for distinctive occasions, such as commerce gatherings and indeed casual strolls. Over time, they get recolored and exceptionally messy from the ceaseless wear and washing, which gets to be exceptionally risky to handle. This is where proficient dry cleaning plays an critical part in the cleaning and support of your pants in great condition. Welcome to Leather Trouser Dry Cleaning Bedfordshire, where the upkeep of calfskin tastefulness is an craftsmanship frame. This is a benefit for your calfskin trousers: How Leather Dry Cleaning is Carried Out When your calfskin pants go to a proficient dry cleaner's shop, there is very an expound prepare included for the best results: ● Inspection: Pants are to begin with reviewed for stains, tears, or any other harm that needs consideration some time recently genuine cleaning. The dry cleaner checks what sort of calfskin it is and distinguishes regions where extraordinary consideration will be needed. ● Pre-treatment: Stains and spots are given uncommon items outlined for calfskin. It is a exceptionally critical step, as ordinary texture recolor removers would crush leather. ● Cleaning: The pants are cleaned utilizing arrangements that are especially planned for calfskin. These solvents break up earth and oils without wetting the fabric. This handle keeps up the leather's unique grain and polish. ● Conditioning: After cleaning and conditioning, the pants are delicately squeezed to return them to their shape. Any repairs, such as zippers or sewing, are commonly done amid this last organize of finishing. ● Finish: At long last, the pants will get one last check for quality agreeing to the dry cleaner's guidelines. All minor modifications are done some time recently the article of clothing is given back to the customer. Benefits of Leather Jacket Cleaning Milton Keynes and Leather Pants
Professional dry-cleaning has certain focal points over self-cleaning methods. ● Preserves Surface: The cleaning solvents that the proficient cleaners utilize guarantee your calfskin pants stay delicate and supple, fair as before. ● Removes Intense Stains: Leather Pant Dry Cleaning close me employments extraordinary items to expel resolved stains viably and without harming the leather. ● Prevents Harms: Discoloration, shrinkage, or solidness from a few DIY cleaning strategies may happen to calfskin. Proficient cleaners spare you from those damages. ● Longer Enduring: Normal proficient Leather Pant Dry Cleaning Luton cleaning makes the life of your calfskin pants final longer by routinely supporting their best texture quality. Why A&Z Dry Cleaners? If you require your Leather pants cleaned and Leather Skirt Dry Cleaning Bedfordshire, at that point A&Z Dry Cleaners is the title you can instantly believe. With a few a long time of encounter with Leather articles of clothing, their proficient group will take the best care of your pants. This cleaning organization makes beyond any doubt that your calfskin pants are returned as great as unused with high-class strategies and quality items that protect the surface and color. For greatest comes about, believe your Leather pants as it were to A&Z Dry Cleaners, where values are built upon quality and client fulfillment.
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ebonetnoir · 3 years
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The Tongue of Time, Star of the States, Joseph Comstock, 1st Ed, Occult, 1840 The Tongue of Time And Star of the States: A System of Human Nature, With the Phenomena of The Heavens and Earth. American Antiquities, Dress, Remains of Giants, Drinks, Geology, Diseases, Volcanoes, Sleep, Egyptian And Indian Magic, Somnambulism, Trances, Diet, Resuscitation. Also An Account of Persons With Two Souls, and of Five Persons Who Told Colors by the Touch. By JOSEPH СOMSTOCK, M. D. FIRST EDITION, RARE ILLUSTRATED Publisher: Joseph Comstock (Self Published) Copyright: 1840
--CONDITION-- This book is in poor condition. Leather. Front board is completely detached. Hinges cracked. Binding square. Good candidate for repair. Rare and hard to find book of curiosities. There is evidence of some moisture damage to text block; slight buckling, etc. Pages are fine, not sticking together; text block is crisp and clean. Four bands on spine. 481 pages plus index. --ABOUT THIS ITEM-- This book was self published by Joseph Comstock, a doctor and is wildly esoteric and inclusive of occult topics. TOC listed below. CНАРТER I. Preliminary Address, to all people who read, reflect, and reason. Varieties of style. Chaucer. Cicero. Biography. Milton. Addison. Celebrated Women. The Chinese. National Characters. Literature. Languages. Use of evil. The Crusades. The Holy Land. The refutation of atheism. CНАРТER II. Man, Matter, and Mind. Prolongation of Life. Fossils.' Remains of Giants. Volcanoes, and submarine Volcanoes. Geology. Niagara Falls. Theories of the World. Falling stones. Showers of stars. Formation of solids in the air. Stumps of trees ninety feet below the surface. Rafts. Coal beds. Mounds. Skeletons. The Deluge. American Antiquities. CHAPTER III Ancient Mounds and Fortifications. Remains of work shops, Walls, Pyramids, Palaces, and Cities. The Flood. Mr. Evans. Gov. Pownal. The Potatoe. Tobacco. Creation. CНАРТER IV. Superstition. Idolatry. Witchcraft. Dreams. Egyptian and Indian Magic. Somnambulism. Judicial Astrology. Phrenology. Animal Magnetism. Death of Julius Cæsar. Salem Witchcraft. Cases of Nancy Hazard, Jane C. Rider, Mrs. Cass, and Miss M'Evoy, who told colors by the touch. Seeing with the fingers. Hearing with the eyes. Optics. Sir Isaac Newton. Dr. Newton. Mr. Locke. CНАРТER V. Of burying, embalming, and burning the dead. Of visions, voices, and impressions. Cromwell. Lord Herbert. Pausanias. Anaxagoras. Ros-common. A premonition defeated. Prediction of snow in June, fulfilled. The Indian and his tamed snake. CНАPТER VI. Enthusiasm. Bonaparte's Russian Campaign. French and American Revolutions. Roger Williams. William Penn. Edmund Burke. Robert Morris. CНАРТER VII. Of Sleep. Dreams. Sleep watching, sleep working, and sleep talking. Hippocrates. Question of the legality of telling certain dreams. Remarkable cases. Opium and the Poppy. CHAPТER VIII Universality of deception. Fascination of serpents. Inquiry after universal opinions, and the common lot of mankind. Bishop Heber. The Veddahs. Mr. Marsden. Locke. Reid. 8tuart. Brown. The Craniology of Gall. The Quaker. Evil Spirits. Socrates. Plato. CНАРТER IX Life. Health. Death. The Soul. Sadden death of a Beauty. CНАРТER X. Theology. Ethics. Diet. Dress. Drinks and Diseases. Alcohol. Exercise. " Famine. Priestley. Johnson. Josephus. Trances. Resuscitation. Heat and Cold. Bishop Beveridge. CHAPTER XI. Of the Senses, passions of the mind, memory, judgment, association. The Will. Mr. Áléxander Alexander, and Point no Point. CHAPTER XII. Something of Politics. Vattel. Patrick Henry. John Randolph. Volcanic Waters. Thorlakson. Comets. Stimulus of Necessity. Uses of the Spleen. CHАРТER XIII Some farther notice of the sleeping preacher. Different opinions of her sleeping aud waking soul. Herod the Great. The Gymnosophista. Case of William Blatchford, Jr. Women bearing children at sixty years of age. CНАРТER XIV History and anecdotes of women. Of the best method of females managing property, and preserving their estates. Of prayer. Deceit. Singular Case. Hortense on optics. Conclusion. Item Dimensions: 8.25 inches x 5.0 inches
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scotianostra · 5 years
The Author's Earnest Cry and Prayer.
To the Right Honourable and Honourable Scotch Representatives in the House of Commons
Further to my post earlier regarding the illicit stills on Arran and snuggling, I mentioned Burns himself being an excise-man/ here ihe is, before he himself joined their ranks, poking thirsty fun at 'damn'd Excise-men'. The poet's exasperation with what he took to be Parliament's bias against the national drink of his native land sums up too, his larger discontent with London's prejudice against the national interest. Isn't in Britain's interest to defeat France? '
Scotch' Acqua-Vitae maked for braver soldiers than French wine, he argues disingenuously. His complaint was provoked by the legislative attempts of the British parliament to disadvantage local distillers and those using domestic stills to provide a needful dram,
Dearest of distillation! last and best- -How art thou lost!- Parody on Milton Ye Irish lords, ye knights an' squires, Wha represent our brughs an' shires, An' doucely manage our affairs In parliament, To you a simple poet's pray'rs Are humbly sent.
Alas! my roupit Muse is hearse! Your Honours' hearts wi' grief 'twad pierce, To see her sittin on her arse Low i' the dust, And scriechinhout prosaic verse, An like to brust!
Tell them wha hae the chief direction, Scotland an' me's in great affliction, E'er sin' they laid that curst restriction On aqua-vitae; An' rouse them up to strong conviction, An' move their pity.
Stand forth an' tell yon Premier youth The honest, open, naked truth: Tell him o' mine an' Scotland's drouth, His servants humble: The muckle deevil blaw you south If ye dissemble!
Does ony great man glunch an' gloom? Speak out, an' never fash your thumb! Let posts an' pensions sink or soom Wi' them wha grant them; If honestly they canna come, Far better want them.
In gath'rin votes you were na slack; Now stand as tightly by your tack: Ne'er claw your lug, an' fidge your back, An' hum an' haw; But raise your arm, an' tell your crack Before them a'.
Paint Scotland greetin owre her thrissle; Her mutchkin stowp as toom's a whissle; An' damn'd excisemen in a bussle, Seizin a stell, Triumphant crushin't like a mussel, Or limpet shell!
Then, on the tither hand present her- A blackguard smuggler right behint her, An' cheek-for-chow, a chuffie vintner Colleaguing join, Picking her pouch as bare as winter Of a' kind coin.
Is there, that bears the name o' Scot, But feels his heart's bluid rising hot, To see his poor auld mither's pot Thus dung in staves, An' plunder'd o' her hindmost groat By gallows knaves?
Alas! I'm but a nameless wight, Trode i' the mire out o' sight? But could I like Montgomeries fight, Or gab like Boswell,^2 There's some sark-necks I wad draw tight, An' tie some hose well.
God bless your Honours! can ye see't- The kind, auld cantie carlin greet, An' no get warmly to your feet, An' gar them hear it, An' tell them wi'a patriot-heat Ye winna bear it?
Some o' you nicely ken the laws, To round the period an' pause, An' with rhetoric clause on clause To mak harangues; Then echo thro' Saint Stephen's wa's Auld Scotland's wrangs.
Dempster,^3 a true blue Scot I'se warran'; Thee, aith-detesting, chaste Kilkerran;^4 An' that glib-gabbit Highland baron, The Laird o' Graham;^5 An' ane, a chap that's damn'd aulfarran', Dundas his name:^6
Erskine, a spunkie Norland billie;^7 True Campbells, Frederick and Ilay;^8
An' Livistone, the bauld Sir Willie;^9 An' mony ithers, Whom auld Demosthenes or Tully Might own for brithers.
See sodger Hugh,^10 my watchman stented, If poets e'er are represented; I ken if that your sword were wanted, Ye'd lend a hand; But when there's ought to say anent it, Ye're at a stand.
Arouse, my boys! exert your mettle, To get auld Scotland back her kettle; Or faith! I'll wad my new pleugh-pettle, Ye'll see't or lang, She'll teach you, wi' a reekin whittle, Anither sang.
This while she's been in crankous mood, Her lost Militia fir'd her bluid; (Deil na they never mair do guid, Play'd her that pliskie!) An' now she's like to rin red-wud About her whisky.
An' Lord! if ance they pit her till't, Her tartan petticoat she'll kilt, An'durk an' pistol at her belt, She'll tak the streets, An' rin her whittle to the hilt, I' the first she meets!
For God sake, sirs! then speak her fair, An' straik her cannie wi' the hair, An' to the muckle house repair, Wi' instant speed, An' strive, wi' a' your wit an' lear, To get remead.
Yon ill-tongu'd tinkler, Charlie Fox, May taunt you wi' his jeers and mocks; But gie him't het, my hearty cocks! E'en cowe the cadie! An' send him to his dicing box An' sportin' lady.
Tell you guid bluid o' auld Boconnock's, ^11 I'll be his debt twa mashlum bonnocks, An' drink his health in auld Nance Tinnock's ^12 Nine times a-week, If he some scheme, like tea an' winnocks, Was kindly seek.
Could he some commutation broach, I'll pledge my aith in guid braid Scotch, He needna fear their foul reproach Nor erudition, Yon mixtie-maxtie, queer hotch-potch, The Coalition.
Auld Scotland has a raucle tongue; She's just a devil wi' a rung; An' if she promise auld or young To tak their part, Tho' by the neck she should be strung, She'll no desert.
And now, ye chosen Five-and-Forty, May still you mither's heart support ye; Then, tho'a minister grow dorty, An' kick your place, Ye'll snap your gingers, poor an' hearty, Before his face.
God bless your Honours, a' your days, Wi' sowps o' kail and brats o' claise,
In spite o' a' the thievish kaes, That haunt St. Jamie's! Your humble poet sings an' prays, While Rab his name is.
Let half-starv'd slaves in warmer skies See future wines, rich-clust'ring, rise; Their lot auld Scotland ne're envies, But, blythe and frisky, She eyes her freeborn, martial boys Tak aff their whisky.
What tho' their Phoebus kinder warms, While fragrance blooms and beauty charms, When wretches range, in famish'd swarms, The scented groves; Or, hounded forth, dishonour arms In hungry droves!
Their gun's a burden on their shouther; They downa bide the stink o' powther; Their bauldest thought's a hank'ring swither To stan' or rin, Till skelp-a shot-they're aff, a'throw'ther, To save their skin.
But bring a Scotchman frae his hill, Clap in his cheek a Highland gill, Say, such is royal George's will, An' there's the foe! He has nae thought but how to kill Twa at a blow.
Nae cauld, faint-hearted doubtings tease him; Death comes, wi' fearless eye he sees him; Wi'bluidy hand a welcome gies him; An' when he fa's, His latest draught o' breathin lea'es him In faint huzzas.
Sages their solemn een may steek, An' raise a philosophic reek, An' physically causes seek, In clime an' season; But tell me whisky's name in Greek I'll tell the reason.
Scotland, my auld, respected mither! Tho' whiles ye moistify your leather, Till, whare ye sit on craps o' heather, Ye tine your dam; Freedom an' whisky gang thegither! Take aff your dram!
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Junk Chair Removal Service Furniture Chair Disposal Chair Loveseat Haul Away Service and Cost Wichita KS | Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving
More information is at: https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/chair-removal-near-me/
Looking for a chair removal near Wichita KS? Call Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving free estimates! Whether it’s a kitchen table chair, living room loveseat, poker table chair, or heck, even a lawn chair, Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving Junk Removal Crew will take it. Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving will handle your chair & loveseat removal with care, and courtesy. We make the entire process of removing your old chair, or any other junk for that matter, seemless and easy. No matter where the chair is in your home or office we will go in and get it, and do all the lifting and loading for you. So once you call Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving for your chair & loveseat removal needs, your work is done. Cost of Chair Removal Service ? Free estimates! Call today book online or email us for a quick estimate!
Are you one of those people that has that chair? You know the chair I’m referring too, that chair or loveseat that’s been sitting in the basement collecting dust for 20 years? Have you thought about that chair from time to time, but just never knew what to do about it or how to get rid of it? If the answer is yes, then don’t worry any longer. I have the answer to all of your old junk chair or loveseat issues.
Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving  Junk Removal Crew!
Whether it’s a kitchen table chair, living room loveseat, poker table chair, or heck, even a lawn chair, Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving Junk Removal Crew will take it. Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving will handle your chair & loveseat removal with care, and courtesy. We make the entire process of removing your old chair, or any other junk for that matter, seemless and easy.
No matter where the chair is in your home or office we will go in and get it, and do all the lifting and loading for you. So once you call Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving for your chair & loveseat removal needs, your work is done.
ABOUT CHAIR REMOVAL SERVICE Most chairs, especially loveseats, are some of our biggest and most popular donation items. They seem to hold up better than other furniture items over time. In most situations they are extremely useful to someone else out there. Which is why we make such a point to not just ‘throw’ your old chair out. We want to do what we can to find a new home for it.
If your chair is junk to you, it doesn’t mean it’s junk to everyone else. You can leave it to Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving Crew to determine that one. When hiring us for your chair & loveseat removal needs you can feel reassured, because that old chair of yours, that has been so good to you over all these years will find a good new home. We will make sure of that.
Chairs & Loveseat Removal Couch & Sofa Disposal Desk Removal Dresser Haul Away Mattress Removal Entertainment Centers Removal Old Beds Disposal Patio Furniture Removal Appliances Removal Household Junk Hauling Hot Tubs Removal
How much does chair removal cost in Wichita KSbraska? Chair Removal Cost in 2018-2019!
Time to upgrade your office chair? Find out how to recycle, reuse or donate it!
There are plenty of reasons to get rid of your old office chair. They seem to break easily, which can cause a safety hazard. Over time the fabric on the back, seat or arms can wear out, leaving you with an unprofessional looking seat. Using an unstable or poorly designed office chair (or one that is not the right height) can lead to a sore back or aching neck. Many people have switched to yoga balls or desks that allow them to stand, meaning they do not need their old office chair anymore. And even office furniture goes out of style over time, so your old office chair may need to go if your company upgrades its furnishings. When it comes time to dispose of an old office chair, what are your recycling options? Unfortunately, there aren’t many. Office chairs are made of many different materials that are hard to separate out when the chair reaches the end of its usable life. It is not a very cost-effective process, which is why not many places recycle office chairs. You can always take apart the chair yourself and recycle some of the components. Or, if your chair is in usable condition, you can find a person who would like it for their office at home or work.
Office chairs are often made with plenty of metal, which is easy to recycle. It can go to a scrap metal dealer who will melt it down and turn it into other products. Most communities will have a metal bin at the recycling center. Everything else in a chair, including the wood, plastic, leather and fabric, is likely to go to a landfill or incinerator. The wood is typically treated or a composite like chipboard, which means it cannot be recycled. The rigid plastics that make up office chairs are one of the toughest categories to recycle, and there is no good way to find out exactly what type of plastic is in the chair. Markets for used waste textile material are few and far between – and again, there’s no good way to know if that textile material is cotton, polyester, a combination of both or something else entirely.
There are a of couple companies out there that recycle office chairs. Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving in Wichita Bellevue Papillion Elkhorn NE, takes old office chairs for recycling (along with strollers, weight training equipment and other hard to recycle items). Price Moving Hauling Wichita will also pick up and recycle all kinds of office equipment (although many of the materials in office chairs end up going to waste-to-energy plants, which is not really recycling). Entities that recycle office chairs are very tough to find, however. If you really want to recycle your old office chair, you may have to disassemble it and recycle the metal yourself. Most of the other items, including the seat and the back, will need to go in the trash unless you can find a creative use for them (see below).
Sell or donate old office chairs
Assuming your office chair is still in good shape, you can probably find a way to reuse it. There are lots of companies that will purchase used office equipment (including office chairs). Nationwide Office Liquidators, Office Furniture WICHITA are a few examples. Some of them sell office furniture as well. Check them out the next time you are in the market for an office chair or any other type of office furniture. If you work for a large institution such as a university, find out if they have office equipment recycling and reuse program. Many of them will take people’s unwanted office furniture and get it to people who are looking for new items. Some thrift stores will take office chairs that are in good shape, but others find them difficult to sell and will turn them down. Check with your favorite local thrift store to find out their policy. You can also try to sell your office chair on your own through a website like Craigslist.
Keep in mind that you may be able to reuse your old office chair in a creative way. If the only problem with the chair is that the covering is worn (or boring), consider reupholstering it using these instructions from About.com. Several people have turned old office chairs into cat toys or cat beds, like this creative person on Makezine.com. If the whole chair cannot be salvaged, see if you can repurpose some of the components around the house. A post on the blog Sew Many Ways details how the author removed the wheels from an old office chair and attached them to a shelf, giving her a nice rolling cart for storing tools and other supplies. The wheels can be spendy, so getting a set for free is a great deal.
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CONTACT US: Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (316) 500-7551 CLEANING CALL (316) 448-5733 JUNK REMOVAL & MOVING CALL (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Wichita, KS Open Monday to Sunday 7 Am – 11 PM Located in Wichita, KS 67211 WEB: junkremovalhaulerwichita.org SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:  Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KSColwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178 #junkremoval #haulingservice #handyman #moving #Wichita #Kasnas #residencialjunkservic #commercialjunk #officejunkremoval
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Ned’s early years in the Thistle
I was asked to write a bit about the Thistle from when I joined in 1955 till the 70`s. I hope you enjoy it. Ned Carnegie
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Picture: Thistle Juniors 1955. Left to right Ned, Ginger Chalmers, Ian Hunter, Ian Auchterlonie, Alan Conela,  ?  , Donald Robbie, Frank Somerville, Norman Norrie, Crystal.
I`ve been in the Thistle club for 61 years (Born1941) and still ride the bike albeit a good bit slower! Some of my mates of over 50 years are still in the club. However there`s nothing like the feeling of winning a road race after a lone break or in a tight sprint finish!
1955 – my early years.
The first proper bike I had was a Sun, black steel frame with chrome front forks, with drop handlebars and cantilever brakes. The wheels were 26” steel rims and gearing was a single chainring and a four speed Simplex gear.
I rode to places like Arbroath, St Andrews and Perth with some of my pals from school. At the age of 14 I decided to leave the Boy Scouts, where I was a patrol leader, and join a cycling club. A few of the older lads at the Morgan Academy were in the Dundee Thistle so I plumped to join them.
Club meetings.
The Thistle Club had its own room, a large wooden building in Milton Street. This was near where I lived in Provost Road. Inside there was a toilet and a small cupboard which was used as the club tuck shop. The place was heated by gas radiators lining both walls.
Meetings were held on Thursday evening at 9pm. The Chairman, Secretary and treasurer sat at the top table facing the members who sat on long wooden benches with the junior section sat at the front. The meetings were quite formal with race and run reports, followed by SCU business and then any other general business. Runs for the coming week would be decided. These runs were published in the Saturday edition of The Courier. On Monday there was a full report of the weekend racing, sometimes even a half page with a photo of the winner. This was a feature of the Courier well into the ‘70s’.
In the winter the club opened on Tuesday and Thursday about 7pm for activities such as table tennis, darts Rollers and weightlifting. Once we even had a real boxing ring, ropes and everything as one of the members, Nobby Clinton, was also an amateur boxer.
There were some great characters in the club back then, guys like ‘Ulcer Wullie’, ‘Jack the House’, ‘Dave Dave’ and ‘Davy Husband’. Bike shop owner Jack Nicholson (Nicholson's Cycles can still be found on Forfar Road) was a great servant to the club acting as Chairman, then treasurer. He also acted as a timekeeper and organised the Wednesday night training races.
In the club there was a sizeable group of 18 year lads called ‘The Shower’ as they were quite a wild bunch, into drinking and dancing in the Empress Ballroom down at the docks. They did a lot of cycling though and a fair bit of racing. Most of them however packed it in when in their twenties, some were called up into national Service, a few got married early (not always by choice).
Two members who did stay riding after successful racing careers were Jim Nixon and Geordie Penman. Jim won the Scottish Road Race Championship in 1954 and went on to ride as an independent semi-pro for Viking Cycles. Jim worked for Myles on the Hilltown, an electrical shop which also sold bikes. Their slogan was ‘Ride for miles on a Myles bike’.
Jim and Geordie taught me how to ride a bike properly and gave me a hard time on ‘Tully’ most Sundays.
There were only two other juniors in the club at that time, Ian Hunter and ‘Ginger’ Chalmers. Although not long after that Lionel Wylie joined (who is also still an active member) and the four of us would do long runs at the weekend.
Club Presentations and dinners.
The club had an annual presentation and dance usually held at various hotels in the area. These were always well attended by the members and their wives or girlfriends. The men were always smartly dressed in suits with collar and tie. The ladies with dresses, no trousers in those days! The Trophies were hotly contested as most of the members raced in those days.
The club also ran a Hogmanay Dance in the clubrooms. The first footing bottles were taken at the door as no drinking was allowed in the clubrooms. I remember on one occasion a couple were drunk and causing bother so both were thrown out into the snow by big jack Nicholson and his equally big brother Les.
Club Runs.
There were quite a few clubs in the Dundee area at that time including the Dundee road Club, Forfarshire RC, the Western CC, the Charles Star, the Strathmore and the St. Christophers CC. There was also a ladies club called the Heatherbell. There was a fair bit of romance between the ‘Bell’ ladies and the lads from the local clubs, many proceeding down the aisle!
The clubs all met at Camperdown Gates on Sundays, sporting their individual club jerseys. Club runs then were all day affairs, leaving 9am / 10am and not returning home until 7pm or 8 pm. The routes were usually the Moulin Moors, Sma’ Glen, Blair Lochs but occasionally we would do Callendar and Loch Earn, Lochearnhead and Loch Tay. Even longer was the Moors, Trinafour and Schiehallion (over 100 miles).
There were no café stops, it was always a ‘Biley up’. Sometimes even two in one day!
The ‘Biley ups’ had names such as the ‘Barrier’ which is just outside Dunkeld or the ‘Flowerpots’ near Ballinluig, the names coming from the shape of the woods across the river Tay.
Hostel weekenders were very popular on the annual holidays riding up to the west coast or down to the Lake District.
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Racing Season.
From March till October most Sundays were spent racing, mostly time trials over distances of 10 to one 100 miles and usually two 12hour events.
The Scottish Best All Rounder  Competition was very popular then run over TTs of 50, 100 miles and 12 hours.
The Thistle had a set of standards, Gold, Silver and bronze for the various distances. On the Thursday before the event you paid Two Shillings and if you got within the standard time you received a small trophy in the form of a shield at the club presentation. This was a good system to encourage riders to achieve something as most didn’t have a chance of winning the event. If you did not achieve the time then your ‘two bob’ was forfeited.
Back then most clubs promoted events so there was a race on every weekend and also evening 10s and 25 time trials.
The race Headquarters then was at the transport café on Snobs Brae near Longforgan by the name of ‘Mrs Forbes’. This was a large wooden shack with an area round the back where riders prepared their bikes and stripped for the event. There was a Belfort sink and cold water tap out the back which was used to clean up after the race.
After the event we would congregate in the café where the results wear read out over mugs of tea, no coffee back then, and home made cake all went down a treat. The noise in the place was incredible and the atmosphere had me hooked on this racing lark!
After the events which usually started around 7am or 6am if it was a National Championship or 100 miler, we would ride home for a descent breakfast then be out at the (Camperdown) Gates for an afternoon ride to the ‘Biley up’ at Loch Clunie.
Pranks were the order of the day. One time we took one of the young lads bike to bits and hung them up in a tree! On another occasion Li (Wylie) was climbing a tree so we lit a fire below!
On the way home there was a stop at the ‘Jollymount Café’ Birkie or a hot orange in Coupar Angus.
Getting to races.
As hardly anyone had a car, we would ride to Edinburgh, Stirling or Aberdeen on Saturday and stay in the Youth Hostel. Sunday we’d ride to the race, then ride it, before the long pedal home.
When I started road racing I would get the train through to Edinburgh or Glasgow then ride to the outskirts and the race locations.
My Bikes.
The bikes ridden in time trials were mostly ‘Flying Scots’ track frames with a fixed gear of 82” – 86” and only a front brake. Wheels were ‘Fiamme rims with ‘Airlight Hubs’ and 8oz D’Allesandro's tyres or tubulors. Dunlop made a very light 6oz tyre, and I borrowed a pair but punctured twice before the finish in a 25TT.
I had a track frame custom built by ‘D.W. Lindsay’ who were on Victoria Road. Lime green main tubes with black forks and rear stays. 8oz orange tubulars and shining chrome stem and handlebars. A beautiful bike on which I won my very first race up in Aberdeen on a cold wet March morning.
Winter bikes were always a fixed wheel with a gear of 66 – 69 inches. A carrier and sadllebag to carry the usual tin of soup and ‘Biley Up’ can. Everyone carried a yellow cape and puncture repair outfit and full size pump on the frame.
Road bikes were mainly ‘Flying Scots’ but I had a French made ‘Helyett Speciale’ as used by Jacques Anquetil my hero at the time. It was a lovely dark green colour with a picture of Jacques on the seat post. This bike had a 5 speed block 14 – 23 sprockets and 42 -52 chainrings. I had yellow bar tape and green brake cables, the same as the great man himself. Fiamme rims and q/r Campagnola hubs were my choice for wheels. Mafac brakes, Campag pedals (very expensive) and a leather Brooks saddle.
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Like the cool riders from Glasgow, I used to drill out the rivets and replace them with larger copper ones, trim the leather from the nose and back of the saddle. This made for a really good looking bit of kit.
Needless to say my bedroom wall was covered in pictures of the great Jacques Anquetil!
The lack of lights.
Lights back then were very poor, the batteries did not last long and sometimes petered out before you got home. We called them ‘Bobby Dodgers’. Sometimes you would get stopped by the police for not having lights, and asked your name and address. One Sunday Li and I were stopped on the Kingsway, we were only young boys, and the cop asked where we had been. Li replied “Comrie and the Braes Mister”. The Cop said “None of you lip lad, you can both walk home”. When he disappeared we rode home on the pavement of Clepington Road.
Clothing back then was very limited, a hand knitted jersey in club colours was usually worn. In our case black with a white horizontal band. Jeans were the order of the day with leather cycling shoes with shoe plates screwed to the sole to engage with the pedals.
Later on pantaloons became popular with knee length socks in colourful patterns, this was a fashion thing from France. In the Summer shorts were worn made of corduroy as racing shorts were never worn on a club run.
My first racing jersey had a shirt type collar and pockets front and back. The racing jersey was grey with two maroon horizontal bands. This was the Spanish national jersey at the time. Socks were always white.
Racing shorts were woollen with a real chamois leather insert which we had to rub in lanolin cream to soften it up and prevent chafing!
Bike Shops.
There were plenty bike shops in Dundee including Nicholsons which was the most popular with the club men. It was a great meeting place on a Saturday. Jack Nicholsons used to let us by stuff on Hire Purchase. You got a wee blue card and paid a fixed amount each week. This earned him the nickname ‘Ticky Nicky’.
I bought a pair of brakes for £4 when I was a schoolboy, paying it up sixpence a week. My mum and dad found my blue card and I got a ticking off for buying something on ‘hire purchase’. ‘Save before you buy’ was the mantra of the time.
Other shops included Lindsays on Victoria Road, Charlie Gibbs on Victoria Street, and McRobbs on the Hawkhill who supplied ‘Milano’ frames to the road racing guys.
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Ned still in the Thistle and riding his bike, although not this one!
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