#Legend and Twi’s spiderman meme moment
brendathedoodler · 2 years
Ooh I love this concept, can tell me I guess some differences between the journey you thought out so far?
Most of my focus so far has been on the differences in their previous adventures and how it might affect their interactions with each other, rather than any specific plot points on the journey itself. I do have some ideas, though!
First: the meeting. All the links are tossed through a portal all of a sudden and end up in an unfamiliar era with each other. Some handle it better than others.
Wind has seen enough portals in his life to know how this usually goes. Yup, another adventure. He’d been expecting it, since his last adventure had just ended.
Hyrule takes it very well too, especially once he sees Sky and Time. He recognizes them both from a few years prior. For him, anyway. The war across ages was almost 20 years ago for Time, and a mere 3 months for Sky. Poor Sky was just settling down from the war and was in the middle of a much needed nap when the portal yoinked him.
Twilight had a moment of panic when he couldn’t find Midna, but soon she’s back to resting in her spot on his shoulders and he can focus on the situation at hand.
Warriors is cautious and staying back, letting the other links interact with one another first before he joins. He’s used to danger, and doesn’t trust the others at first.
Wild panicked right away, since he couldn’t feel his loftwing anywhere. They’re soul bound, so he knows full well that his loftwing isn’t anywhere near them. His loftwing was his guide since the day he lost his memories, so having that comforting presence taken from him isn’t something he handles well.
The one who takes it the worst is Legend. His adventure took him through many different dimensions (all of which had been put in danger through Zant’s attempt to conquer the Twilight Realm), and his experience with portals is not good at all. He’s quick to lash out at the others, grief stricken and fearing that he’s lost everything all over again.
Beyond the first meeting, there are a few distinct plot points!
The first revolves around Wind. Being the youngest but having the most experience is a tricky thing. Wind is used to people underestimating him. It happens time and time again; every new adventure comes with a new set of people asking him if he’s too young for this. Having his fellow heroes go out of their way to protect him irks him when normally it doesn’t.
Another scene is meeting Marin. By the time this happens, they’ve passed through a few eras that the others recognize, and Legend has stopped showing so much animosity towards the others now that he knows he’ll be able to return home. Legend likes to be a bit mysterious, and hasn’t revealed much about his girlfriend, but he has dropped some hints about her. They arrive at Legend’s place, and he leaps into the pond next to his house. Before he can hit the water, a very large mermaid snatched him out of the air and drags him under (much to everyone’s alarm). He surfaces a moment later, telling them to stop gawking and put their stuff inside, he’ll join them in a minute. Legend doesn’t surface for another half hour, but when he does emerge from the pond, he introduces everyone to Marin! Immediately everyone is teasing him. He’s very easy to get a rise out of.
There’s plenty of other little scenes, but that’s all I have for now.
(Have a pic of Marin and Legend in his mermaid form, taking place sometime during his adventure)
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
I’ve mentioned once that everyone found out about Twilight’s transformation much sooner in the adventure swap au, but I haven’t elaborated much on who started figuring things out first, or what others might’ve had as misconceptions before he properly revealed it.
So let’s start with the first person to figure it out: Legend. As someone with several other forms, seeing Twilight disappear and a strange wolf reappear with a similar magic signature to his sword? Yup, he figured it out immediately. Didn’t say a word about it to anyone, though. Twi has his right to secrets as much as Legend does. Later, they’d have a spiderman meme moment when Legend catches Twi transforming into a Hylian while Legend is in his mermaid form. Neither says a word about the other’s secret, though.
The second person to figure it out is Wind, if only because he can see Midna. Twilight vanishes and then a wolf appears later with the same minish that hangs out on his shoulder? Yeah, it’s Twi. No doubt about it. Wind does admit that he figured it out to Twi privately though, so it’s pretty calm between them.
Hyrule had a suspicion that Twi might’ve been Wolfie, but he also couldn’t rule out the possibility that Twi just summoned Wolfie or something else like that. He was extremely curious, but didn’t want to pry into his secrets. He respects his companions too much, and would prefer they come to him in their own time.
Proxi figured it out before Warriors did (thanks to both Midna and the magic she sensed from him), but didn’t tell him. Back when the two were traveling together alone, she’d tell him everything she saw, to the point where in rumors about the hero she’d be referred to as his third eye. Proxi doesn’t tattle to Wars about the others’ secrets, though; it was something the two agreed on when they started traveling with the group. Warriors wants to know everything so he can account for it, but he also doesn’t want them to be wary around him and Proxi if they felt she’d go to him for everything. He did find out after doing his own investigations, since he didn’t quite trust this strange wolf showing up randomly. Twilight admitted it to him to ease his nerves and build trust between them once again.
Time was completely and utterly convinced that not only did Twi summon Wolfie, but he used something similar to the command melody to control him, which is why the two were never in the same place. Why did he come to this conclusion? Well, it just made sense to him honestly. He made no effort to correct his misconception and never brought up it up when Twilight admitted it to the group.
Four figured out Legend’s rabbit form well before he figured out Twi’s wolf form. After all, he’s a little pink rabbit with a missing foot, and Legend has the same shade of pink hair and obviously has some secrets about one of his hands. He wasn’t at all surprised when Twilight admitted he was Wolfie, but he hadn’t quite put the pieces together on his own yet.
Wild honestly didn’t make the connection. He hasn’t really seen a wolf before, but he looooves animals. It was kinda weird that Twilight would vanish, but he didn’t entirely notice or realize. He wasn’t incredibly shocked to discover they were the same person, but he was pretty embarrassed because he’d done and said some dumb shit in front of Wolfie. Whoops.
Sky had absolutely no fucking idea. He was completely and utterly oblivious to the fact that Twilight and Wolfie had much (if any) connection, and was the only person genuinely surprised by it when he admitted it to the group.
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