#Leicester Landing
pixiesfz · 10 months
Hi how are you and love your fics and would you write for Charli grant also Katrina gorry
heya!, I'm doing well thankyou I actually have a cute idea of Charli and the reader going to the Australian woman of the year awards together!!
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plot: Y/N and Charli are injured and can't go to the Matildas camp in Canada, therefor they are asked to represent the Matildas at the Australian Woman of the Year awards (imagine reader in the red mini dress Margot Robbie wore for a barbie premiere)
Warnings: fluff, mentions of anxiety (ik dates don't add up...live the fantasy)
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When you sprained your ankle at the Leicester vs Arsenal game you were upset that you couldn't take part in the last international camp of the year, you considered all of the girls like family.
Then Charli also injured herself, ruling you both out of the camp. It was then you decided that you could both go home to your families in Australia and spend your week there.
You forgot about your injury and instead got excited, you hadn't physically seen your girlfriend in about three weeks and you had missed her so much.
Kyra gave you so much shit for it.
When the plane to Sydney landed you knew she would be at the Airport waiting so you flashed a smile quickly to the person who thankfully didn't snore who sat behind you and made your way out of the plane.
You saw her from a mile away with her bright perfect smile and blonde wavy locks. She was the definition of sunlight in your eyes and every time you saw her you felt like you were falling in love all over again.
When you quickened up your steps to get to her you let go of your suitcase and engulfed her in a bone-crushing hug.
"hello to you to babe" she laughed and you squeezed her tighter "I missed you Chaz"
"I missed you too" she said and relaxed into your touch. You both stayed like that before she let you go and reached into her bag, bringing out two tickets.
"I may have agreed to something" she sheepishly smiled and you laughed "what did you do?" you ask and she held out the tickets to you.
"Woman of the year awards" you read out before she pointed at them again "you missed something"
You looked back down at the ticket and furrowed your brows until you saw it.
"Surprise!" Charli smiled cautiously as she watched your face "I know they're last minute but it would be you and me representing the Matilda's whilst they're at camp and plus we get to dress up" she added on, grabbing your hands.
You gave in and smiled "Okay," you told her "I don't have a dress though, I didn't think 'big event' would've been something I should've packed for" you said and Charli laughed "They've got us dresses babe" she told you before giving you a soft kiss on the lips.
"Can we go home?" you asked with an overexaggerated pout "if I'm going to this thing I'm gonna need a rest to get rid of these eyebags" you pointed at your eyes and Charli grabbed the tickets out of your hand.
"Oh please you will be the most sexy woman there" she encouraged and grabbed your hand "let's go".
You were both at your family home, laying on your childhood bed, napping with your legs entangled together.
You watched Charli sleep with a smile, she was gorgeous, you didn't know that she was doing the same thing ten minutes ago when you were fast asleep.
You got up to the end of the bed and checked your phone for the time, three o'clock. You knew you had to wake Charli up to get ready.
But before you did you looked at the door that had the dress that Vanity Fair had chosen for you both, Charli had an elegant yellow gown and you had a red silk mini dress that you knew you would probably be thinking about the shortness of the whole night.
"We can switch" a voice popped up behind you and you faced Charli "No, you would look perfect with the yellow" You smiled and Charli moved up from the bed to you and snuggled into your side "You will look fabulous" she told you and kissed your shoulder "you always do"
"I'm just a little bit scared is all" you admitted and Charli nodded "like what if I fall-" "you want fall" "but I could" you told her before looking down "I have bruises on my shins from soccer it will be unattractive and the media would be-"
"hey" Charli turned your head delicately with her fingers to face her "We are there to accept an award because of our sport, it would be a little stupid if they think we walk out of the pitch with nicely tanned shaved legs with no damage to our bodies, plus we are only going because we have done damage to our bodies" she joked, hoping it would bring a smile upon your lips, which it did.
"I don't want you thinking about anyone in the media y/n" Charli told you as she stroked her fingers in your hair "think about you, or me, or even you and me, think of anything" she encouraged and pressed a small kiss to your lips.
"You always know how to make me feel better" you smile at her "anything for my girl" she smiled, and for the 1000th time that day you felt your heart melt.
"I love you"
"I love you too, now lets get ready"
It wasn't long until the hair and makeup people came and 'did you up' as Charli called it, her hair was curled and her eyes had a shimmer on them that somehow made her shine even more than her natural self.
You didn't think that was possible.
Your makeup was similar, only with a sharper eyeliner and you hair was in a low bun with strands curled at the front.
You walked out to your girlfriend talking to one of the media girls that you recognized from the world cup who was filming Charli answering a few questions in her dress which she stopped when you walked out.
"y/n freaking y/l/n" she stated before walking up to you and giving you a hug "you look gorgeous she told you before stepping back and looking at you upside down "and bloody sexy!" she added, making you blush.
You weren't gonna lie you did feel glamorous and you did catch yourself looking in the mirror a bit longer than intended.
"You're not too bad yourself" you told the blonde who couldn't stop smiling.
You both answered some questions, even including questions about your relationship that the viewers on tik tok would love.
"Cabs here you ready to go babe?" you called out as you got the text of the arrival of your uber driver, you turned around to your girlfriend taking pictures of you "Charli!" you called out and she laughed.
"You just look so good!"
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thou-babbling-brook · 2 months
Maria Thorpe Character Analysis
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Well, I simply can’t disappoint the people – aka, the five of you that will read this, lmfao. I’m so serious about this that I’m actually drafting this on a Google doc before I post this rather than just typing random thoughts on my phone. This is going to be a HUGE ramble that probably won’t make a ton of sense, but I hope it’s entertaining regardless. 
Maria Thorpe – a character that Ubisoft probably spent MAYBE thirty minutes thinking about, but that I have not stopped thinking about for like, five years. What a gal. So glad I was not in this fandom in 2012 to witness how HEINOUS people were about her for simply being a woman “in the way” of a M|M relationship. I hope by the end of this ramble, you, too, will see her for the baddie she truly is. 
In this essay, I will delve into Maria’s character to explore why she is so fascinating to me, the implications of her story, and why Ubisoft can actually catch these hands for dumbing her down in AC Revelations. (I'm putting a cut here because it's so fucking long I'm sorry gang)
First off, to understand Maria Thorpe as a character, you have to understand her background. I’m not going to copy and paste her Wiki or anything, but I am going to outline her life (stated and implied) before we meet her.
For those that don’t know, Maria was born an English noblewoman in 1161 – four years before Altaïr was born (okay cougar). Because she was a tomboy and defied many of the social norms for women in the 12th century, she was ostracized by both her parents and her peers. She mentions in The Secret Crusade that her parents tried to force her to conform, which culminated in her first marriage at the age of 18 to Lord Peter Hallaton. She mentions that he was a decent husband, but he didn’t exactly appreciate her more boisterous nature. After all, in 12th century England (especially among nobility), women were to be seen, not heard. She also failed his expectations as a chatelaine and a wife, as she bore him no children. The Bishop of Leicester granted them an annulment to avoid embarrassment to both Peter and Maria’s family. When she returned, she was “persona non grata” to her family and the whole of Leicestershire, especially when her father had already spent her dowry. With no other options, Maria ran away to join the Third Crusade, where she eventually met Robert de Salbé.
You may notice that we don’t actually know a lot about Maria and her life before AC1, which is probably intentional. To me, though, that’s what makes her backstory fascinating – the implications of her environment and what we can reasonably deduce she went through based on historical context. I think anyone who’s taken a seventh-grade social studies class could tell you women had, like, zero rights in 12th-century England – even more so, noblewomen. Maria was raised to be a glorified broodmare – say nothing, have children (two boys and a girl, as she jokes), and run her husband’s household. Clearly, she was the exact opposite of all of these things. Something interesting about Maria’s first marriage is the fact that while it was an annulment, she specifically mentions in The Secret Crusade it was an annulment to save her family further embarrassment – which implies that the marriage was consummated, but all parties wanted it done with. I don’t think I need to elaborate on how common and horrific an experience like that could be, but I think it fuels Maria’s relationship later on with motherhood, especially since she mentions that she was completely uninterested in childrearing and birth (this is a key point I’ll touch on later).
So what? Why does her background matter? It matters because of how historical and cultural context tie in to help form who she is by the time she leaves for the Third Crusade – a desperate, twenty-two-year-old woman, divorced, ostracized from the only family and society she has ever known, having no other choice than to ditch England and head for the Holy Land unless she wants to become a nun. For many men and women alike in the 12th century, this was their only opportunity to become something more than what they were born as, whether it be a serf, a blacksmith, or a noblewoman. Many who left for the Third Crusade left to “take back the Holy Land,” but also to escape or improve their current standings. To me, Maria falls in the second category, and it is this desperation to escape her life that forms her most notable (and later, tragic) characteristic: her undying loyalty.
As a side note, it is also interesting to me that Maria chose to be a soldier rather than a nurse. This is more so my characterization of her, but I think that’s because a) she’s too damn proud and loud to be a nurse, and b) because if she was a nurse, she would more than likely live and be treated the same way she was at home. Truly, if she wants to escape the patriarchy, the only way a woman like Maria could at the time was to join it by blending in. Girly get some therapy.
We’re now at AC1 in the timeline. Hooray! We don’t know when exactly Maria joined the Templars or when she first met Robert, but we can probably assume it was not long after she joined the crusade. As we know from AC1, AC Bloodlines, and The Secret Crusade, Maria disguised herself as a man (more than likely a young boy since she’s got a voice that would fit right into Alvin and the Chipmunks) and was able to keep up the rouse long enough to rise in the ranks and show promise to people like Robert. For Maria, when Robert finds out she is a woman and yet elevates her further, it is the first time in her life that someone has appreciated her for her masculine qualities. It is why she develops an intense loyalty for Robert to the point of being willing to be his decoy, despite the fact she fully anticipated dying. For Maria, it would be her ideal end – fighting to the death for a cause she truly believed in. Not even really a cause, as we figure out later, but more so for a man she truly believed in – Robert. It would not be through the pain and subjugation of childbirth like most women of her standing, but a brutal fight like any other man.
And yet – she doesn’t. When Altaïr meets her, he’s undergone a whole development arc, whereas Maria (at this point 30, which is SO funny to imagine her fistfighting this 26-year-old frat boy) is at the start of hers. And it starts with Altaïr sparing her – the worst possible fate that could become her at this point in her life. Think about it: the only person who has given her an OUNCE of respect has asked her to essentially die for him by acting as his decoy. As Maria mentions in AC Bloodlines, by this point, she is also a step away from becoming a knight – and at this point, she’s also known as a woman among the Templars. And yet, she believes they have become her family, and she is willing to die for their cause and for Robert. When Altaïr spares her and kills Robert, he’s sentencing her to the life she ran away from and feared – being nothing more than a woman who is looked down upon with condescending snarls and disgust for who she is.
This is why when we meet Maria in AC Bloodlines, she is rightfully PISSED. We literally see her realize that any ounce of respect and power she had is completely gone because Altaïr spared her. She is so pissed, in fact, that she tries to kill Altaïr again. This is even funnier when you remember how much of a BITCH it was to fight her in AC1, but I digress. Altaïr has destroyed everything she has built in her life for the last eight years. He has taken her home, her mentors, her family, and her honor. And bro doesn’t have a clue in the fucking world.
It’s at this point that I’ll also analyze more about Maria’s relationship with the Templars. At first glance, yes, she was a Templar and believed in their cause. Really, though, it goes far deeper than that. It’s not necessarily that Maria believes in their cause – otherwise, it would’ve taken a lot more for Altaïr to sway her to the Assassins – but that she believes in the people. Again, from Maria’s perspective, the Templars (especially Robert) were the ONLY people in her entire life to treat her with dignity, and she is willing to die for them. She is willing to throw her honor to the ground and beg for forgiveness in front of Bouchard because, without the Templars, she is nothing. She is back to square one as a silly little girl trying to run from a life that would only subjugate her. It’s that recurring characteristic of undying loyalty to those who have given her the life she has always wanted.
And for Maria, it is immediately spat back in her face.
When Bouchard takes over in AC Bloodlines, he is a strict Templar Grandmaster. No consorting with women, periodt. And he flaunts this over Maria, taunting her. He is tearing the last ounce of respect she’d ever received and throwing it away. Every sacrifice she made for the Templars for the last eight years meant nothing, and it is crushing to her. She continues to be pissed off at Altaïr, who mentions that she’s more pissed at the Templars than at him. Once again, she is nothing more than a woman – an imprisoned one at that.
This is where one of my favorite Maria scenes (not that there’s many) comes into play. When she and Altaïr are sitting on the ship to Cyprus or wherever it doesn’t matter, Altaïr does something that no person has done for her before: he treats her with unconditional respect. As funny as his autistic ramble about Empedocles and philosophy is, there are so many assumptions that go into Altaïr’s conversation that I think help sway Maria to his side. When he talks to Maria, he speaks to her as an equal. He talks to her about philosophy because of course she would know about philosophy in his mind – to him, she is a soldier and a person first, and a woman second (shut the fuck about The Secret Crusade and him thinking about her as a lioness shut up shut up I low key hate it even though it’s funny). He is the first person in her life to speak to her as an equal and with respect with no strings attached. In fact, when Maria taunts him for leaving her cuffed even as he talks about free will, he lets her go. She may not like him at this point, but after this scene, you can certainly see that she respects him in how she speaks to him. BONUS: she’s not trying to outright kill him anymore! Hooray!
You can see the impact Altaïr and his conversation had on Maria when she confronts Shahar in her courtesan fit. There’s so many layers to Maria willingly dressing in such an exposing, vulnerable, and feminine way (keep in mind this bitch is Catholic, I know her guilt was going crazy), but what I’m going to focus on is her conversation with Shahar. When he speaks to her, he is gross and all but catcalling her, calling her a “little fox” and using a sultry tone. Maria is having NONE of it, and one can only assume this is a tone she has dealt with a thousand times over. This is also where we see the gears turning in Maria’s head. I’ve seen people criticize Maria for how quickly she flip-flopped, but I think that’s overlooking the reason that she WAS a Templar – they were the only people who provided her a home when she had none. If you’re desperate for anyone to treat you with an iota of respect, you’d do whatever they ask. After she talks to Altaïr though, and especially after realizing Robert was simply manipulating her, she is questioning the Templars’ ideologies and realizing this is not what she wants. It low key is like Alicent in House of the Dragons right now – she’s shocked that fighting against women fucked herself over. Maria is similar in that sense – she thought that by being what the Templars wanted and fighting for what they believed, it wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass. But it did. She’s a woman before she’s a Templar, and the ideology of the Templars would see her subjugated just as she was before. It isn’t until after Altaïr’s spiel about free will and the challenges it brings that she realizes she has other options.
And that’s ultimately what brings Maria to the side of the Assassins – realizing her errors in thinking and wanting a way to redeem herself. The Assassins are her second chance, which is ironic given how many stories after hers would follow this same format of second chances. But it isn’t just the ideology change, either. It’s Altaïr. No, she does not have undying loyalty by the end of AC Bloodlines, but he’s certainly earned her trust and respect. He’s treated her like any other person without ever holding power or loyalty over her head. He does not manipulate her or exploit her – he respects her, and he earnestly tells her of the creed’s ideologies not to lure her in, but because he genuinely believes in the idea of dispelling the illusions of the world and wants to share it with her, whether she becomes an Assassin or not. That is what turns Maria into an Assassin at the end of the day: his respect for her and his understanding of the creed. And despite their issues, Maria chooses to follow him to the ends of the earth.
Now we’re at a really funny part of Maria’s story: we know basically NOTHING about what happens in between AC Bloodlines and AC Reflections. We know that sometime after traveling to Masyaf, Maria and Altaïr became a couple. We know they married in 1195 and gave birth to Darim the same year. Two years later, they would traumatize Desmond Miles by fucking on top of a castle, which is so fucking funny and only supports my characterization of Maria as a gremlin, because who the fuck else would make their husband climb up a giant ass tower for sex? We know she officially became an Assassin and would beg Altaïr to stop looking into the Apple. We know she would join Altaïr and Darim to Mongolia to kill Genghis Khan. And that is all we know for an approximately 30-YEAR PERIOD.
While there’s a lot I could talk about in that gap, like Maria’s relationship with other Assassins, I’m going to focus on her relationship with motherhood. As we established earlier, Maria had ZERO interest in being a mother or giving birth. This is a personal headcanon but I do not care because it’s MY analysis and I can do as I please, but I feel like she would’ve dreaded childbirth, especially given how English nobility acted about it (e.g., how people treated it like a scandal or disease) and how it was the leading cause of death for women until the 20th century. Yet, despite this, she had not one, but TWO children. She was like one away from the goal, and even then Sef had two daughters so really she fulfilled it. But why? What changed that she would be willing to do the very thing she left England to avoid?
I think it goes back to the reason she was disinterested in it in the first place. Like Maria says in The Secret Crusade, she didn’t want to just be a mother or a wife. Her ideal husband would treat her like any other man, taking her hunting or whatever else bullshit medieval stuff they’d do instead of scrolling through TikTok. She never said she didn’t want to be a mother. I think her hesitance stems from the fact that she didn’t want to SOLELY be defined as a mother or a wife. With Altaïr, however, that fear is pretty much gone. Since the moment she met him, Altaïr has always treated her with respect and admired the things she was once shamed for. Her strength is valuable as an Assassin. Her bluntness keeps him in check. Her ideas are admired rather than ridiculed. To Altaïr, Maria is not just a woman or even just an Assassin. She’s a person with her own experiences and ideas and fears and strengths and dreams. He loves her for every aspect of herself that was once frowned upon.
I remember a while ago seeing a Tumblr post from ye olden days (like 2012) talking about how because menstrual cycles were extremely irregular back in the day due to medieval diets and exercise, Maria would have to purposefully chill out to regulate her cycle to become pregnant. What that implies is that she trusted Altaïr so much that she was willing to settle down and have children because she knew it would not influence how he treated or loved her. Personally, I think this is true of Darim, but that Sef was an accident because it’s funnier that way, but regardless, the point still stands. Maria getting pregnant and becoming a mother is the opposite of what she thought she would ever want, but because she loved and trusted Altaïr so much, she was willing to have a family with him because she knew it would not come to define her. I think that is unbelievably sweet.
We also don’t really see Maria interact with her children very often, which I think is a fucking shame. When she does interact with Darim (we never see her with Sef, though we do see her reaction to his death), Maria is always supportive and encouraging. Again, this is more my headcanon territory but I really don’t care because I can do what I fucking please, but Maria low key feels like a boy mom to me, but not in the weird Freud way, lmfao. Like we established earlier, Maria’s key trait is her loyalty. I think this loyalty would be extended to her children. We know she’s loyal to Altaïr (it ends up killing her), but I feel like it would go insane with her children. When she learns of Sef’s death in The Secret Crusade, this woman breaks down in tears instantly. WHERE THE FUCK WAS THE MOTHERLY RAGE WITH ABBAS, UBISOFT. WHERE WAS IT. Anyways.
Masyaf is a pretty cutthroat environment to raise a child, especially when you consider that Abbas is apparently lurking in the background scheming during Altaïr’s reign. Something I wish we learned more about (and something I just find fascinating in general) is the political environment of Masyaf. Altaïr implemented a lot of changes to the Brotherhood that faced backlash, one of the key ones being allowing women in the order again (ahem, Maria). I know Maria said she was uninterested in the politics of running a house, but I do think she’d kind of have to play her hand in politics in Masyaf, kind of how Altaïr realizes he’s not exempt from politics since he’s literally shaping them. If Maria wants her kids to be safe, especially as sons of the Master of the Assassins, she’s gotta play her cards well. This is why I think it does make sense for Maria to calm down after having children to be more similar to the Maria we see in AC Reflections and AC Revelations. She can’t just fight everyone like she did when she was relying solely on herself. Now, she has people relying on her, and I think it makes sense for her character to chill out more (though without losing her spunk) to ensure her family is safe.
For those that have ever watched Magnificent Century, basically think about how Hurrem went from fighting everyone to playing her cards wisely so her kids wouldn’t die or do stupid shit. That’s how I feel like Maria would be.
Something else that’s interesting about Maria to me is her relationship with Altaïr. Duh, you’re probably saying, but hear me out. We know that while she and Altaïr were inseparable during their marriage, there was one thing that strained it: the Apple. It makes sense why Maria would be so pissed off at it. She’s seen Altaïr control men’s minds with it. She’s seen how it takes him away for days at a time with its secrets, to the point she is begging him to throw it away. Back to the point about loyalty to her family, whereas Altaïr seeks knowledge, Maria just wants her family protected and safe because she loves them – including her dumbass husband. It’s ironic that the very thing she fought about with Altaïr is the thing that killed her.
So we’re finally at AC Revelations, and I am truly shocked that you’re still here. Kudos to you. At that final confrontation scene with Abbas, that loyalty for those she loves comes to a head. When Altaïr whips out the Apple, Maria begs and pleads him to stop, because she knows if he uses the Apple to control someone, he will only be proving Abbas’s point, which will only fuck them over. In The Secret Crusade, we also have Malik’s head on top of this scene to make it worse. Maria’s position is again one of desperation. Her son is dead, one of her best friends is now just a head, and her husband is about to go sicko mode. She is screwed and she knows it. What she doesn’t know is that she’s about to be stabbed by Swami (I’m going with the revelations version shut up) in a last ditch effort to stop Altaïr from using the Apple. Altaïr doesn’t listen to Maria, and it kills her. He kills her.
I think Maria dying from the Apple makes sense, I do. That’s not my problem. My problem is how AC Revelations basically dumbed her down to this motherly, homely figure which is the like, ANTITHESIS of what Maria is. Where was the feminine rage??? You’re telling me this woman would not be about to SLAUGHTER someone after learning that Sef died?? You’re telling me she would just pull an AltaïR thiS iSn’T yOu???????? Are you so fucking for real right now??? It pisses me off because it nukes her character. While yes, it makes sense for her to be a much calmer woman and 67 compared to 30, this is still Maria. Don’t act like she and Altaïr don’t have fucking anger issues and be so fucking for real.
Here’s my ideal scenario for what should’ve gone down. I think once they pulled Malik’s head out, there should’ve been all-out chaos rather than this bullshit “We killed everyone loyal to Altaïr before he arrived.” Maria should’ve been right there with them with a sword out. Altaïr, in a desperate attempt to calm everyone down, would take out the Apple and try to control everyone. If you’ve seen the long ass discussion about how Revelations fucked up Altaïr’s character arc, this also helps remedy that because Altaïr is pulling out because of his arrogance in believing he can control the Apple. News flash: he can’t. Maria, while fighting for Altaïr, would somehow be killed either by the Apple or like similar to how Swami accidentally killed her. Something along those lines where it is Altaïr’s fault. That’s how she should’ve gone out, not some weird pick me bullshit.
Anyways. RIP Maria Thorpe you would’ve loved Crusader Kings 3.
I definitely missed some points about her character but this is already 7 pages long on Google docs so I am NOT writing anymore. God bless.
TLDR she's a baddie and I need her so so so bad
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jaegeraether · 9 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 44)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (39) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (3)
Masterlist (other parts here)
((**This is now my largest chapter at 7.5k. Enjoy!**))
YFN had instantly fallen asleep in her seat on the plane and woke to the jolt of the landing gear absorbing the impact on touchdown. She shook her fatigue away and took her phone off flight mode. 11:15am UK time. She gave a sigh of relief that the flight had been quicker than usual. She knew she’d been cutting it close with the flight time and instead of Ruby picking her up as planned, she’d told her to go to the stadium instead so she could get an Uber. It worked out well, because it meant she had time to speak to Jordan without feeling rude talking in front of Ruby.
She collected her bags and timed the Uber well, hopping in immediately as she exited the building. The stadium was thirty minutes from the airport so she’d be arriving just at kick off. She wasn't too concerned, though. Bridget and Emily were also in Manchester for a 1300 game between Man City and Brighton and were getting a bit more experience up onsite with Ruby at her game. She was lucky to have such good workmates.
She slid into the cab with a polite hello and found the only contact with a fish in it.
“Hey chicken! How was Barcelona?”
“Oh my god, Dory, it was amazing. Absolutely amazing. But I’m dead on my feet.”
Jordan laughed. “I’m guessing Lucy didn’t let you sleep much?”
“Don’t be cheeky. But you are correct.”
“How many hours are you running on?”
She counted. “I had two hours sleep on the plane so…about five hours?”
“I think…I remember we had a ‘midnight snack’ but that was about 4am so…”
“You’re unbelievable. Priorities, right?”
YFN chuckled. “I have no regrets beyond the struggle to walk-”
“Oh god! I don’t want to hear it.”
They both laughed together.
“How are you? Tell me everything.”
Jordan hummed and then proceeded to tell YFN about her dreams and the flowers and note that morning.
“Why didn’t you lead with that?!”
“I don't know. Good news before bad?”
“You think the flowers and note are bad news?”
“I don’t know. My head’s all over the place from the dreams. They were good and bad, but it’s just wrecked me emotionally.”
“I understand that…it’s not great for game day. Are you on your way there now?”
“Yeah, I’m on the bus. We have another hour and a half to go.”
“Well, you can’t resolve these emotions before the game because that would be a miracle. So how about you put a movie on and distract yourself? Don’t sleep, you won’t be able to.
“Yeah, I think I’ll do that to be fair…”
“Perfect. Have you messaged her?”
“No. I can’t do that today. Trying not to mess with my head before the game.”
“That’s all good, I was going to suggest maybe not responding until after the game.”
“You’re doing two games today, aren’t you?”
YFN’s mouth almost dropped open. “You have no idea how proud I am that you remembered that? I told you a while ago...”
“Oh, sorry, I should probably keep up my forgetfulness, right? Who are you again?”
YFN laughed. “I love forgetful Dory. She’s my favourite. Along with cuddly Dory. Football Dory though…jeez she’s terrifying.”
“I definitely will be today.”
“Get those emotions out, girl! Just don’t hurt anyone or get red carded please.”
“No promises.”
“As for your question, yep. I have the 1200 Man United versus West Ham game at Leigh and then the 1845 Arsenal versus Leicester game at King Power.”
“Oh that's right! Kyra…”
YFN had obviously told Jordan about Kyra. They both thought it was cute.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Our bus will drop us back at Villa Park about 7pm tonight…I can drive and meet you there?”
YFN could tell that Jordan needed comfort, and most of her friends were in London. She did the timing math in her head.
“You’d arrive about 8pm tonight with the traffic…how about you get a lift with my guy, Matt? He’s relocating to my game and then driving me back to Birmingham after it’s done.”
“Oh, yeah! That works out brilliant, that does. God, you’re so good at this logistics stuff. I just kick a ball around.”
YFN had a giggle at the visual image and messaged Matt. “And you look great doing it. Plus, you do more than that and you know it.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
YFN bit her lip as she thought a little. Jordan needed some love, and she knew just what to do. “What do you think about us asking Katie and Caitlin to stay the night? We’ll all finish up around 9pm in Leicester so they’ll have overnight accommodation. If I message them then they’ll have time for the team to cancel their room. They can come home with us.”
“Ohhh I didn’t think of that! See, this is why you’re the best.”
YFN grinned at the sound of genuine happiness in Jordan’s voice. She knew she missed them a lot.
She looked up and could see the stadium approaching in the distance. “I’m excited! Okay, I’m almost at the stadium. I’ll message the group.”
“Okay, love you!”
“Love you more. I’m so excited to see you tonight! Have a good game today, please. Smash it.”
They hung up happy and she opened a message from Matt that replied with an excited yes. Being a Villa supporter meant his dream just came true. YFN wondered how the car ride with them would be to Leicester and couldn’t help but be amused.
YFN then put a message in their little four-way group. Caitlin was usually the first to respond whether it be message or Instagram, and today was no exception. She’d answered an unequivocal yes for the both of them before she’d even stepped foot into the stadium.
The national anthems were playing just as she arrived and met up with her workmates. Bridget was running the boundary line, excitedly videoing the singing while Emily and Ruby were taking photos.
“Hey, Em.”
“YFN! Hi!” She gushed, wearing her purple and yellow Lumos hoodie. YFN was wearing Lucy’s hoodie so she opted for a beanie instead. “How was your flight?”
“I slept the entire trip,” she admitted with a chuckle.
Emily snapped a few shots of the starting line-ups.
“How are you and Bridget?”
“Oh, great! Yeah, we’re excited to be staying in Manchester tonight. Because we all have tomorrow off, we have plans to sight see and visit some family.”
They chatted for a little longer when YFN recognised the photographer from the last game she’d been to. The one who followed her home. She pretended to not notice him as she kept speaking to Emily and then made her way around the field to get a few good videos and say hi to Ruby and Bridget also. Bridget was running a mile a minute as she usually did, and Ruby mentioned that she had a date with Matt the next day. Ruby also ran a mile a minute, just with her mouth rather than her legs like Bridget. The whistle blew.
“Oh are those two already leaving already?” She asked rhetorically as Bridget and Emily waved on the way out. “Aw I didn’t say bye! Anyways, Matt said he’d take me on a date but I don’t know where-” she snapped a few photos and then cringed at the tackle she’d just captured, “-and I know it’s going to be amazing because we’ve been talking for a while now and…well not a while but since we all met and we were first partnered up-” she jogged further up the field to take another and came back when she was satisfied, “-and we’ve both been talking about supervising this next group of people coming in and we’re so excited for them to join us-” she took photos while YFN pulled her phone out to get a good Instagram video of Man United’s goal as they were both standing just a few metres from the West Ham goal. Goal number one, just three minutes in. YFN uploaded the video straight to their social media with an update on the score, “-and I just think it’s going to be amazing to have so many people with us. Is that guy staring at us?”
YFN turned to the photographer who’d been following her around the boundary, more focussed on her than the game.
“Yeah…just ignore him. He won’t hurt us.” She said, repeating what Catherine had said to her. Phone still on video mode in her hand, she pressed record but before she could lift her arm up to video him, they were interrupted.
“Now, now, physical violence isn’t my thing.” The voice teased from behind them.
YFN didn’t even have to turn, but she did out of polite habit as Mark stepped next to her, his eyes focussed on the game. She kept her phone on record and down near her body, but angling the mic towards him.
“YFN. I hear you had a lovely trip up to Edinburgh to meet your…controversial leader.”
Ruby frowned, not understanding.
“He’s just teasing,” she assured. “Could you give us a minute?”
Ruby nodded and headed back up the field.
“So none of them know then?”
“What could you possibly be referring to, Mark?”
“Joanne.” He almost hissed. “That heartless woman.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Well let me be clear, then. I know your boss. She took something from me, so I’m going to tear her whole fucking business down.”
“Which business would that be?”
“The only one not protected by a board. Lumos. Her baby that she’s trying so desperately to hide. And you know exactly how I’m going to start?”
“By getting a photographer to follow me?”
He gave a grin that sent shivers down her spine. “Something along those lines.”
He handed her a large yellow envelope. Against her better judgement, she took it and looked inside. She found several printed photos of herself and Lucy kissing at the airport. The photos weren’t the best quality, they looked like they’d been taken on a phone, but still…it was disturbing.
She turned her attention back to the game as if she were unbothered. “Congratulations. You gave me photos of my girlfriend and I. You do realise that we are public? We have nothing to hide.”
“You don’t think that someone in your position dating one of the most famous footballers of all time is a conflict of interest? Let me give you some advice…people will care. Whoever Joanne has investing in her company will. And this is just the start. I’ll get more and more dirt on not just you, but your workmates also. I’ll drag you all into the fucking ground.”
She sharply breathed in. “You want to ruin a good thing for a little rivalry?”
“A good thing?” He scoffed. “Nobody wants to watch women play. Look around you. The stands are only filled with friends and family. As for everyone who works at Lumos…” He shrugged. “Collateral.”
YFN let herself look at him. He was determined and deadly serious.
“See that photographer? Get used to seeing him around. As for Joe…tell her I’m going to tear down her company before it even begins.”
It was a dominant display by Manchester United who ended up winning 5-0 with five different goal scorers. YFN felt for West Ham who she’d grown a soft spot for since her visit, and especially felt empathetic for their Captain, Mackenzie Arnold, a fellow Australian, as she was the goalkeeper. She couldn’t imagine how hard it must have been mentally after a game like that. You’d feel like it was all your fault while having to be the one to pull the team together.
A few of the players wandered over to her after the match, one being Mackenzie. She gave her a hug and surprisingly agreed to an interview. She interviewed her alongside Mary Earps, letting the two talk business. Mary didn’t exactly have a quiet game, she’d had shots that she’d saved and they both bantered about that, with YFN steering the questions when and where she wanted. The fact that they both pointed out the brilliance in several different moments of each teams and gushed over not just their team but the opposite was the exact reason she’d fallen in love with women’s football. After those two, she interviewed Kirsty Smith and Riko Ueki with Ella Toone and Lucia Garcia. The dynamics of who she put together were interesting and got the results she wanted. She felt like she was Graham Norton putting interesting guests on and leading them here and there with questions, making sure they each felt acknowledged and appreciated for their time and their skill on the pitch.
They finished up around 2:30pm and stopped for a late lunch and some quick editing and posts before they started their two-and-a-half-hour drive to Leicester for their next game. It was only early evening, and YFN could already feel herself getting tired.
As they got into the car, Ruby noted that and told her to get some sleep. She had no idea that Ruby could be quiet for long enough and was pleasantly surprised.
Just before she went to sleep, she sent the video recording of Mark’s voice to Catherine who she knew was busy with few royal duties, and then she fell asleep just after she put her phone on charge.
YFN woke to the loud sound of her phone ringing and she jumped, her face feeling half numb from the window. The car was stopped and she looked outside to Ruby who’d noticed her wake and gave her a thumbs up from the fuel bowser. She gave one back and answered the phone without checking the caller ID.
“YFN! Are you okay?!”
She recognised the voice immediately. “Cath- I mean. Joe? Wow, you really did a great job of sounding not yourself before we met.”
Catherine gave a light chuckle. “One of my secret talents. I listened to your video. Did he threaten you?”
“Not physically, just what you heard on the video.”
“He’s absolutely insistent and much more of a pain than I’d expected.” She sounded annoyed and that was amusing to YFN as she was always painted as the perfect Princess. “I’m so sorry. I spoke to Joe and even she is surprised. He will not hurt you. If you feel unsafe at all, I will hire security.”
“That’s okay, I think we’re okay for now. He seems to be all bark at the moment..”
“He is, I assure you. Also, there is no conflict of interest here. I’m aware of your relationship. We are not even covering her games yet and when we do, it is absolutely not a conflict of interest. The man doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I know you, I chose you for a reason and your judgement, and your actions won’t be compromised by your relationship. Not only that, but there’s nothing in which to base these allegations on just yet. I understand the implications that may occur with you interviewing her and potentially being seen as biased, but I’ve seen your work, I’ve seen you interview friends and colleagues without that bias. I chose carefully.” She sighed. “My plan was for us to build your reputation in the field so high it would surpass any of these allegations before they even occurred.”
“I appreciate the support, and I promise that anything to do with Lucy or her team against another team will not be an issue. I want everyone and every team to be represented, regardless of if they’re against her or not.”
“Perfect. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, I think. In the meantime, you don’t need to hide your relationship. I’d never ask or expect that of you.”
“Thank you…also I’m assuming part of your security check on us is that you look for anything controversial which may be used against us like this?”
She hesitated. “Yes. I don’t like it, but we need to protect ourselves and the business from any potential threats…”
“I understand, and I agree.” Ruby hopped back into the car then with a grin. “You have my support…Joe.”
Catherine took the hint. “He won’t find anything controversial on the other employees because there is nothing. We just need to stay a tight knit group and continue our jobs.”
“Copy that, will do. Would you like me to send out a group memo about him?”
Ruby started to drive again.
“Yes, absolutely. If you don’t mind, I’ll write it and you send it?”
“Perfect, that saves me the work.”
“Lastly, the office won’t be ready tomorrow.”
“Oh?” Her interest peaked at that. She could be with Lucy on her day off. Jonatan had been giving her more days off with her knee. She only had to train four days this week, Tuesday to Friday.
“It’s all related. Mark somehow managed to talk to the local council…anyways I’m sorting it. It’ll be ready by Wednesday, I promise you.”
“Okay. That’s perfectly fine. I’ll meet up with the real estate agent and then the original ten of us will settle in and prep for the new group to arrive.”
“I thought it would be best to start the new group on Thursday instead because of the timing with the office date moving, but I wanted to check with you first to make sure you weren’t losing too much preparation time with them for the next round?”
YFN thought about it a little. Their first game was Saturday, and it was the only one. Catherine had gotten permission for ten employees at that game which allowed her to send two original crew with a full new crew to train. “I think Thursday will work. It’ll give us two full days to cover everything which is enough, and for eight of them, they’ll get experience on Saturday at Stamford Bridge. If I feel we need more, I’ll organise Saturday with the others not at the game to prep more.”
“Agreed! We think very much alike, you know.” It was a compliment that made her blush.
Catherine asked if she had any more questions before the call ended. She wasn’t surprised it wasn’t a long conversation, as she knew she’d been busy all day with regular duties and then Mark’s drama in the background. She couldn’t help but think about the possibility of booking a flight to Barcelona to spend the next two days with Lucy, as she knew she had the next day off. She could explore Barcelona with Narla and do a bit of work on the Tuesday while Lucy was training… She bit her lip and shook her head. Jordan needed her. Jordan was her priority. Thinking of, she looked up Jordan’s game which was almost finished. It had been fairly even all game and Jordan had been subbed on in the 65th minute, having a goal attempt in the 66th minute. YFN smiled as she watched Jordan running around, looking frustrated which was so opposite to her everyday self. Aston Villa were up 1-0 and she watched while Ruby listened to the end of the game. Multiple fouls were made by both teams. Aston Villa scored a second goal. A foul by Jordan at the 90 minute mark. And then it was over. Jordan had only played 30 minutes, but she’d made an impact. YFN sent Jordan a message saying how proud she was of her.
They arrived in Leicester around 5:45pm and stopped at a local café for another snack and a drink before the game. Being too early at the stadium meant boredom. They made sure to arrive around 6:15pm and set their equipment up, capturing the players during warm up. The Leicester players exited first to warm up and a few came over to chat. Luck have it, Courtney was one of them. Australians tended to flock together outside of Australia, she realised. YFN asked if she’d do an interview after the game and she agreed for the price of a hoodie. She liked Courtney and could see why Kyra did too. They were both cheeky.
“Hey stranger.”
YFN turned to see Leah’s smile as she stepped next to her. She was alone and not in kit, not quite ready to play after her ACL.
“Leah!” She smiled, pulling her into a hug. She liked Leah, regardless of her issues with Jordan, and she’d previously spoken to Jordan about their little growing friendship. She was okay with it, of course, otherwise YFN wouldn’t have been so forward. “How are you?”
“Oh mate, desperate to get onto that field, I’m telling ya.” She looked longingly at the pitch and then back to YFN. “I watched your interviews. They’re great! I don’t know why anyone hasn’t interviewed like that before.”
“The ones from last week?”
“Yeah and this morning. I loved it, honestly. I’ll be happy to do interviews anytime with you, just let me know.”
“That’s just given me an idea…” She hummed as she thought.
“Taking me up on the offer already?” She laughed.
“Actually I’ve been trying to work out different segments and ideas that would make us stand out from other companies….you’re not playing today. There are always players who are not playing but watching their teams. So it might be a good idea to get players willing to on the sidelines with us to interview and to film some of the snippets we upload with their own perspective and jokes and insight. Sort of like when you’re excitedly screaming motivation at the girls from the bench, but this time they’d be in snippets for our social media. It’ll promote the team and show just how supportive all of the players are with each other. Plus, I think it'd be hilarious.”
“Sort of like when they mic up the cricket players?”
“Put me in, coach. I love the sound of that. Plus, if it mucks up, you can just blame me.”
“You are 100% my scapegoat if it goes bad.” She laughed. “You’d be willing to today?”
She shrugged. “I have nothing else going on and I’m used to the camera so why not.”
“Perfect! Yeah, oh that’s so exciting-” She stopped and bit her lip as she thought of Jordan.
“What is it?”
“Um…maybe not today? Maybe next game?”
The frustrating thing was that she didn’t know yet if she’d even be at Arsenal’s next game. It depended on the roster.
“YFN, just tell me.”
“So…hm…here’s the thing…”
“Please don’t tell me this is about Jordan?” She asked, a little upset. “I was hoping that wouldn’t affect our relationship…”
“It won’t! Dory’s fine with us being friends. It’s just…”
“Spit it out, mate.”
“She’s going to be here in under an hour.”
She swore Leah paled. She definitely froze. “Oh.”
“Yeah…so she’ll already be with me on the sidelines for company.”
“She just finished a game…” she looked at her watch. “…so if she’s coming here I guess it’s to talk about us?”
“She told you about this morning?”
“Okay.” She groaned and ran her hand through her hair. “Look, I don’t know your opinion on everything and I don’t want to drag you into it all, but I promise you I just want the best for Jordan.”
“And the best for Jordan is you?”
Leah held her eye contact. “Yes. Just…I know I don’t have the right to ask but I will. Can you please maybe tell Jordan it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to go with me this Friday night to the awards? I want to win her back, to be there for her but I can’t without opportunity to actually be around her.”
“I won’t convince her to do something she doesn’t want to…”
“I wouldn’t expect you to. Just…advocate for me? You don’t have to push it. Just…please?”
“I’ll have a talk to her,” she murmured.
The Arsenal players were headed out for their warm up and most were headed her way led by the Irishwoman who was being overtaken by a smiley, wavy Kyra.
“Thank you, I really appreciate it. Also, I can still do that thing with you, I can be over the other side away from Jordan if she doesn’t want me near.”
“Thanks Leah, I’ll ask her about it when she gets here,” she replied with a smile.
“Ask who about what?!” Kyra asked as she landed on YFN’s back. YFN’s hands immediately caught her legs.
“Oof. You do realise I’m small, right?”
“Yeah, but I knew you’d catch me. When’s Nobbs here?”
A few of the Arsenal girls looked awkward because Leah was there. “It’s okay…” she assured them. “She’ll be here during the first half.”
“Oh, also Kyra invited herself tonight.” Caitlin said as she wrestled Kyra off of YFN so she and Katie could give her a hug.
“Tonight? Where was our invite?” Beth asked.
YFN grinned sheepishly. “Our apartment isn’t big enough for the entire Arsenal squad…”
“I’m just joking, this one wants an early sleep anyways,” she said as she nudged Viv who looked unimpressed as usual.
“Aw what a granny!” Kyra teased.
YFN couldn’t help but laugh at the look on Viv’s face. Kyra giggled at her joke, ducking away from Caitlin’s motherly swat to the back of the head when a blue shirt appeared amongst the red and Kyra stilled.
“Courtney!” YFN replied, making sure she didn’t feel left out. “Hey!”
Courtney looked around, her eyes finding Kyra and then tearing them away pretending she hadn’t looked at her. “Just letting you know Sam and Sophie are both good for the interview after the game. Do you know who it’ll be with?”
“Awesome! Yeah, I was hoping Beth and Frida would be up for it…”
“Me? Yes please! Not sure if I’ll be subbed on though,” Beth said eagerly.
Viv rolled her eyes. “She’ll be subbed on.”
“FRIDA!” Katie yelled.
“FRIDA!!” Beth yelled shortly after. Viv covered her ears and YFN chuckled at that.
The blonde spun around and jogged over. “Yes?”
Frida Maanum was a Norwegian midfielder who’d been with Arsenal since 2021. She was rarely chosen to be interviewed and softly spoken, so YFN thought it’d be great to involve her and help her confidence out with Beth who she could always rely on to talk if she didn’t.
“Want to do an interview with me after the game? YFN wants to know.”
Frida looked over at YFN with a polite hello wave. “It’s going to be with Sam Tierney and Sophie Howard from Leicester. You can absolutely say no if you want.”
“You want me?” She sounded surprised.
“Of course she wants ya, you’re amazin’.” Katie said with a playful grab of her shoulder.
“O…okay. Yeah.” She smiled at YFN which made the Australian feel good for asking.
“Aw, I’ll look after you mate! No need to be nervous!” Beth said loudly, extending an arm around her shoulder.
“So…Beth and Frida,” YFN said to Courtney with a smile. “And then you and Kyra. Is that okay Kyra?”
“Yeah that’s cool.” Kyra said, suddenly quiet.
Courtney’s eyes widened hearing that she’d be interviewed with Kyra. YFN knew it was sneaky of her but it was an opportunity for Courtney to reject the idea before she surprised her with her ex. Not that they were ever public knowledge.
“Okay. I’ll see you after the game.” She said, directed straight at YFN but she knew it was more for Kyra from the tone of it.
Caitlin and YFN shared a sheepish look.
“Come on girls, Jonas is about to kick our asses. Let’s get warmin’ up!” Katie ordered.
“If you see me shouting from the sidelines, it’s because I’m mic’d up!” Leah warned them and received some amused looks in return.
“You’d better not be focusin’ on my ass.” Katie teased.
Caitlin messed up Kyra’s hair. “You’d better be focusing on this one’s debut!”
They all jogged off and Leah turned to YFN.
“Okay boss, where do you want me?”
Jordan and Matt arrived just after 7pm, both with wide grins. Matt because he’d just spent a car ride with Jordan and Jordan because of YFN.
“Dory! Come here!” She took her friend in a hug big enough to lift the footballer off the ground and a few Arsenal fans spotted Jordan and shouted their love for her as she did so.
“I missed you.” She mumbled into Lucy’s hoodie.
“It’s been a day. Needy, hm?”
“I’m always needy.” Jordan grumbled as she put her down.
“I missed you too.” YFN chuckled before turning to Matt. “You look excited, mate.”
He was still grinning ear to ear and nodded.
“I think I tired him out with all the talking, to be fair.”
“I’m glad you two got on for the drive then. Matt, are you okay taking a few of us back to Birmingham tonight? If not, I can ask Ruby…”
“Yes!” He almost shouted and then cleared his throat. “Um, yes, of course. Who..?
“Uh Dory, Katie, Caitlin, Kyra and myself. Oh actually that won’t work… Ruby will have to take some of us anyways… maybe those three and I’ll ask Ruby if she can take Kyra and I.”
“How was the game?”
“Yeah, great. Noel and I got some great footage. A few of the girls were asking about interviews but I said we’d start next week.”
“Next week hopefully… and congrats on Aston Villa’s first win for the season?!”
“Yeah!” Jordan grinned. “I wasn’t on for long but I think I did alright.”
Loud noises from the crowd turned their attention to Leicester running towards goal. The ball was pushed out by Lotte for a corner.
“I’ll go record that.” Matt said as he ran towards the goal up the side of the pitch. Jordan spotted Leah behind the goal then.
“You had to have expected her to be here,” YFN teased.
“Well yeah but…is she recording with a phone?”
“I have her mic’d up for some footage. Trying something new out and she’s helping.”
Jordan frowned but her eyes remained on her, mixed emotions in her eyes.
The crowd went wild as Leicester scored from their corner. Jordan swore. The game reset.
“She really wants you to go with her on Friday..”
Jordan’s eyes flicked up to meet hers. “She said that? What else did she say?”
“Nothing you don’t already know… that she wants the best for you, she wants to win you back, and she wants an opportunity to do so.”
Jordan groaned. “I can’t. We rarely went to events together before. Now she wants to show me off to the world like I’m hers when I’m not?”
“I think she just wants a night with you, Jords…”
“Nope. No way. Unless she has another plus one and you come to chaperone us.”
YFN tilted her head. It wasn’t football but… “I could get an invite?”
Jordan spun back around. “You could?”
“My boss can 100% get me a ticket. Now, did you mean it?”
“I mean…” she looked over at Leah. “If you’re going, I will.”
“And is this really what you want?”
Jordan got a little frustrated and pouted, trying to think. She was a bundle of confused emotions and the dreams wouldn’t have helped. YFN put her arm around her and pulled her close.
“What do you think?”
“I think whatever this is, you need to resolve it. The best way to do that is communication. I think you should go. Sooner or later it’s going to be clear to you if you do or don’t want to have her back in your life.”
Leah looked over at the pair, her and Jordan looking at each other. She nodded. “I’ll go.”
“You’re sure?”
“I think I wanted to, I just didn’t want to admit it. Plus, you’ll be there now so it’ll be less awkward.” She grinned up at her.
YFN rolled her eyes and messaged ‘Joe’. Just as she finished the message, Leicester was surging forward, forward, forward, and tucked away their second goal. Two goals in two minutes. A terrible start for Arsenal.
Jordan settled next to YFN, following her and her camera around, watching the game intently. She always wanted the best for Arsenal. They had more of a catch up in between photos that she’d changed to as Matt was now doing the videography. YFN didn’t miss Leah off and on staring across at them just as longingly as she stared at the pitch she missed. Jordan and YFN gradually moved closer to Leah through that first half, though Leah ducked away to the change rooms for half time with her girls.
While it was half time, Ruby, Matt and YFN on worked on their footage while they talked.
“New office tomorrow?!” Matt asked excitedly.
“Oh…no. That’s been delayed until Wednesday. Waiting on approvals. New group are now starting Thursday.”
“You’re not going to Barcelona?” Jordan asked. “Doesn’t Lucy have tomorrow off?”
“You spoke with her?”
“Yeah she messaged me. I assumed you suggested it,” she laughed, “she’s terrible at messaging.”
“Not with me.” YFN winked. “Also that was all her, I promise.”
Jordan rolled her eyes and nudged her almost off her chair. “She misses you.”
“I was there this morning…”
“You miss her too.”
“Dory…” She groaned.
“No.” She said, putting her hand on the camera YFN was playing with which made her look up at her. Ruby and Matt shifted a little nervously as they could do nothing but listen. Jordan looked serious. “Don’t you dare stay here tonight just for me. You barely get any time with her as it is. She’s my friend too, and I like to see her happy. And you happy. And you’re both never as happy as when you’re together.” YFN opened her mouth to argue but Jordan continued. “Let me live vicariously through you. You’ve already done enough, I have Katie and Caitlin and Kyra tonight! They need a bed.”
“You’re kicking me out of our apartment?” YFN laughed.
“Only if you can find a flight.”
She put her camera down and took Jordan into a warm, long hug, mumbling into her. “I love you, Dory. You know that? If we’re both single in five years, I’m going to propose.”
Jordan laughed but they were both emotional. They just wanted the best for each other. “Okay but Blu will be ring-bearer.”
YFN laughed back into her and sat back, wiping tears away that she didn’t even know had formed.
“You’re putting Kyra on the couch?”
“I’ll let her share my bed if she shuts up.”
“She’s only small, she’ll be asleep before you all finish dinner. She tends to tire herself out fast, the little baby.”
“Little baby,” Jordan mimicked adoringly. “Now look for flights. I’ll message Lucy.”
“Or…how about we make it a surprise?”
“I love it! If she thinks you’re robbing her and knocks you out though, that’s not on me.”
She did wonder what Lucy’s reaction would be. She found a flight from Birmingham to Barcelona at 11pm.
“Won’t you need her to unlock the door?”
“I have keys…”
“You two are adorable.”
“I found an 11pm flight from Birmingham…”
“Do you think you’ll make that?!” Ruby asked. “I’m happy to take you…”
“That…sort of works out perfect because then the girls will all fit in Matt’s car. Um…the game finishes at 8:30pm. Interviews until 9pm. Arrive at the airport around 10pm. Cutting it close for international but it’s a late flight and nobody will be there… I think we can make it?” She shrugged and booked the flight anyways. If she didn’t make it, it wasn’t meant to be.
Jordan grinned. “Tell her to thank me when you get there.”
“Honestly, I’m probably going to be passed out from fatigue all day and not even get the chance.”
Her phone buzzed. It was the flight confirmation.
“Are you sure?” She asked Jordan. Sure, she’d already booked the flight, but it was cheap and she didn’t care. She wanted Jordan to be okay.
Jordan grabbed her around the shoulders and smiled. “I promise it’s okay. You’ve really cheered me up today and helped with my Friday night decision. Plus, I have the girls tonight. We both know you’ll just pass out anyways.”
“How dare you…” she laughed as the crowd began cheering loudly as the players re-entered the field. Ruby and Matt got to work. She stood to do the same when her phone buzzed again.
Joe: Done, they sent us through two invitations. Check your emails. Enjoy!
She grinned at the message and then at Jordan.
“What?” She handed her phone over and Jordan took it, an ecstatic look crossing her face. “Yes mate!”
She took her phone back and pocketed it, holding her camera up to take photos of the players as they ran out.
“One condition.”
She jerked her head towards Leah who was wandering over to the pair. “You tell her.”
Jordan groaned. “Okay but at the end of the night. She can sweat until then.”
YFN chuckled at that.
Starting the second half 2-0 against them meant Arsenal had to push deep. And they did. Arsenal kicked six goals in the second half. Their first came at a hesitation from Courtney which YFN felt terrible for. She was next to Leah when that happened who filmed a mic’d up scream of joy from behind the Leicester goal as the shot went in. Slowly Jordan gravitated towards Leah more during the match, Leah managing to let her come at her own pace. The rest of the match was an absolute riot. Caitlin with an assist and a goal, Katie with an assist, and Kyra with multiple attempts at goal. She was shocked when she saw Courtney take Kyra down in the 83rd minute and wondered just how much of the history between them she didn’t know. The game ended 2-6 Arsenal. A complete second half dominance that had Leah screaming with joy on the sidelines. It turned out to be the perfect day to test the mic’d up segment, as she posted the live updates with video’s Leah had taken of her yelling at the girls running towards goal and screaming, turning the camera around on herself to show her celebrating. It was great content.
Regardless of the outcome, the Leicester players still came over for their interviews. First she had Sam, Sophie, Frida and Beth who actually did get some game time and almost a first goal since she’d come back from her ACL tear. Beth was the loudest, of course, and helped Frida to open up a bit. Frida had some back and forth with the Leicester girls talking about some of the plays including Sam’s goal. Overall, she was happy with the results of the interview, and how much the girls had come out of their shells.
Next was her interview with Courtney and Kyra who seemed equally nervous next to each other. They knew each other well though. YFN waited to sense the overall mood before she allowed herself to go in with some cheeky questions about Courtney’s tackle on Kyra, and Kyra’s debut. Her goal was to get them to start teasing each other, and it worked. At first, they didn’t want to address each other, and after a few comments here and there, it was more them talking and throwing cheeky comments to each other, and YFN could almost sit back and enjoy watching the show. She had to steer it a few times of course, both were young, but the tension between the two was obvious. For the sake of the viewers and their privacy, YFN made sure to make it known to the camera that they were teammates and brought up that they went to school together as justification which started a whole other line of questioning about their start in football.
Only when she was satisfied that she’d helped them break whatever awkwardness they’d previously had, did she end the interview, but not before she told Kyra how proud she was of her on camera for her debut. Courtney gave her a proud shove for that too.
Being Australians, and women, they all hugged their goodbyes, Kyra whispering a thanks into her ear. As they were packing up, she could see them still chatting as Courtney was being called away. She gave Kyra her phone and she typed into it what YFN assumed was her number. Courtney gave an awkward wave, obviously not knowing whether a hug was appropriate, and ran into the change rooms. Kyra turned to YFN with a grin and a little fist pump. It was adorable.
She looked past Kyra to where Leah and Jordan were standing, Jordan telling her she’d go on Friday. Leah’s expression flashed excitement before she contained it, and then it went a little shy as she pretended to be calm about it. They didn’t speak for long, just enough for Jordan to agree before she wandered off with Leah’s eyes following her longingly. She watched for a while until she met YFN’s eye and blushed, having been caught. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ to which she gave a smile in return.
“We really need to go.” Ruby stressed. She looked at the time and groaned. She only had time for quick goodbyes with everyone and a threat to Katie and Caitlin to not have sex in her bed. Katie seemed to enjoy the idea of the threat, to be honest, and that terrified her.
She rushed through security as quickly as possible and was the last person to board the flight, sweating and grateful she’d made it, though cursing herself for having to stay longer just to make sure Kyra and Courtney were good. As with her morning flight, she passed out immediately and wished she had a chance for a shower before seeing Lucy. Instead of a shower, she tidied herself up in the bathroom at the Barcelona airport when she touched down, changing her clothes and washing away the day. She brushed her teeth and did her nightly makeup routine, ignoring some funny looks. She sure as hell wasn’t going to let her skin suffer more than it already was with the change in weather between the UK and Spain.
Her Uber dropped her off at just before 3am and for some reason she was nervous, jiggling the keys Lucy had given her in her hands and playing with the little flags. At the front door she took a deep breath in and unlocked the door, entering as quietly as possible so as to not wake Lucy or Narla. She kicked off her shoes and left her suitcase in the entrance, not wanting to risk the wheels waking them. The smell as she walked into the house was home. Vanilla and bitter orange, and whatever the hell Lucy had been cooking for dinner. She swore she could even smell the big breakfast they’d had that morning. She looked at the trophy Lucy still had out and smiled, putting her phone on charge next to it before tip-toeing her way into the bedroom.
Lucy was quite literally dead asleep. She was on her back facing YFN’s side of the bed, one hand touching the pillow YFN had been sleeping on the night before. She was beautiful. She loved seeing her so vulnerable and herself. Her dark hair was spread out over the pillow, another thing she loved. Lucy with her hair down. She clicked the door closed quietly and snuck around to her side of the bed, avoiding Lucy’s collection of shoes around the bed. She carefully laid down and when she touched Lucy’s hand to move it, she jerked awake, her head rising and her eyes opening.
“It’s just me.” She whispered and put a hand to her cheek, coming closer so Lucy could see her better without her glasses.
“What? What?” She was dazed and confused, her body tense.
“Shhh. Shhhh.” She comforted and cuddled up to her, her head finding Lucy’s collarbone. “It’s okay, it’s just me. I’m sorry for scaring you.”
“Little one?” She asked, unbelieving. “You…you’re here.”
Her arms wrapped around YFN tighter than they ever had before, holding her close to her body, her own body softening into her. “Is everything okay?!”
“Everything’s fine, Luce. I have the next two days off. I’m all yours.”
Lucy groaned happily and kissed her wherever she could reach.
“Sleep now, Luce.”
“You’re home,” she whispered huskily with emotion, her voice already fading.
“I’m home.”
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slotumn · 2 months
On today's edition of 3H worldbuilding that makes the setting even bleaker:
Headcanons about/overview of intra-Fódlan forced displacements throughout history
Nabatean exodus from everywhere north of current day Garreg Mach to the south, caused by genocide; my headcanons that the various other "saints" aside from the Five Saints were all Nabateans in disguise
Adrestia-Faerghus population exchange after Faerghan independence, mediated by Church; I'd wager that over centuries under imperial rule, plenty of ethnic Adrestians went up north and plenty of ethnic Faerghans came down south and mingled, but to make the independence process "cleaner" and "prevent future conflicts," they forced people to move (it sucked, many died in the process)
Ethnic cleansing of Adrestians in Leicester during Leicester rebellion; as there are no records of any treaties that ended this and instead just said that Faerghus annexed Leicester, I assume this was a violent shitshow. Also due to precedent of number 3, Faerghan government would also have been perfectly fine with continuing to kill/expell Adrestians in order to solidify their control over the region (little did they know this would backfire on them)
Ethnic cleansing of Faerghans in Leicester during Crescent Moon War; also a violent shitshow, remember that this war went on for 20 years and probably took on the form of multiple civil wars within each territory rather than a big organized Leicester vs Faerghus clash, which probably made death tolls worse. I think there wouldn't even have been any official treaty/plan for population transfer like with Adrestia-Faerghus, as instead of mutually expelling people under a treaty, Leicester probably just exterminated Faerghans until Faerghus couldn't justify controlling them anymore and went "ok fine have your independence"
Ethnic Leicesterians in Adrestia/Faerghus being killed or sent to Leicester alongside/in response the above two, although the degree to which the movement was forced varies compared to most others on the list; plenty moved to Leicester voluntarily for economic reasons
Faerghan (Machian?) exodus to Leicester or outside of Fódlan + Adrestians moving into western Kingdom and southern Leicester during Unification War; top down on the Empire's part to solidify/justify control over those areas
The recently moved Faerghans in Leicester and Adrestians in western Kingdom/south Leicester (alongside Faerghan/Adrestian minorities who managed to stay in the other lands through the previous waves of displacement) getting kicked right back out after/near the end of the Unification War, depending in the route; led or started by violent mobs but allowed/encouraged by authorities
Displacement/transfers/immigration waves outside of Fódlan/Fódlanis
Elites exodus to Dagda, caused by defeat in War of Heroes; confirmed in Balthus and Hapi paralogue
Srengi exodus further north or across Whitehorn to Almyra, caused by Faerghan land seizure, but also Faerghans from Gautier moving across Whitehorn Sea to Almyra because of the ongoing conflict
Some people from Southern Church moved not to Eastern Church but further abroad (Almyra? Morfis?)
There are probably some Leicesterians who moved to Almyra during Crescent Moon War, although there probably was/continues to be immigration for economic reasons
If there was an Almyran minority in Leicester at any point they mostly got killed/expelled/forcibly assimilated after the big Almyran invasion
Probably a sizeable Brigidan population in Dagda? Maybe some in Adrestia after the most recent subjugation, although it's far more limited compared to Dagda due to Fódlani isolationism
I'd put Duscurians here but the implication seems to be that enough didn't survive to flee elsewhere post-Tragedy
I'd also put the Sothis vs Agarthans war somewhere but that just seems to have been near-annihilation for both sides
All this does assume that Adrestians/Faerghans/Leicesterians consider themselves to be different ethnicities from one another, rather than everyone being "Fódlani." But I think that's more likely to be the case than not; dev interview said Fódlan is about 2/3 size of Europe, which is about Europe minus Russia, and there's certainly more than one ethnicity in there. As a matter of fact I'd actually think that there are further divisions than just Adrestian/Faerghan/Leicesterian, ex: Machians and possibly people in different territories of Leicester consider themselves to be different ethnicities. (I think Adrestians for the most part all consider themselves Adrestian though, due to how old the Empire is)
I like to think that there aren't any more forced displacements/ethnic cleansing post-unification (esp when Byleth is ruler) since it's all one country now, but the real problem would be the fact the worst of it already happened and they gotta figure out how to give reparations for that + not make the resentment split the nation apart again. All while the economy is in the shitters because they just got out of a continent-wide war.
Really I think that would be the biggest post-war challenge no matter the route; the "you were fighting and killing them until recently, now you gotta rule over them and integrate them into the nation." Especially because, again, I don't think the Adrestians/Faerghans/Leicesterians, including the laypeople, would have good sentiments towards one another post-Unification War. Like I think they already didn't like one another before, but the war re-opened every single past ethnic resentment/made the simmering tensions underneath the veneer of peace explode.
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Leicester University Engineering Building
James Gowan and James Stirling
Images from Drawing Matters and Archeyes
Modernism Beyond Metro-Land
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hellframe · 8 months
Henry Winter, flirting
The first day of his visit to Francis’s country house Richard had a little voyage with Henry and Camilla in a boat. And here we have this introduction to Henry’s habits:
“He had a habit, as I was later to discover, of trailing off into absorbed, didactic, entirely self-contained monologues, about whatever he happened to be interested in at the time"
Richard was wrong, of course. Henry’s monologues were not ‘entirely self-contained’, they had particular purpose — at least, two of them were an instrument of mild pressure on Camilla, including this one which Richard heard during their voyage:
"That day he was talking about Elizabeth and Leicester, I remember: the murdered wife, the royal barge, the queen on a white horse talking to the troops at Tilbury Fort, and Leicester and the Earl of Essex holding the bridle rein… Camilla, flushed and sleepy, trailed her hand in the water… It was many years later, and far away, when I came across this passage in The Waste Land: Elizabeth and Leicester beating oars…”
T. S. Eliot left notes for these lines of his poem, citing History of England:
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Author of this letter, Alvaro de la Quadra, was a Spanish diplomat and Catholic clergyman, he apparently had a right to marry a couple. For many years Leicester was queen’s favourite and suitor for her hand, but she didn’t want to marry — didn’t want to share her power with anyone, and used her claimed virginity as a political asset. Eventually, Leicester got tired of waiting, and married another woman, which broke the queen's heart.
In view of these facts, the boat scene in TSH looks so ironic. Richard’s surname, Papen, means ‘priest, cleric’ in North German, and he also was a foreign figure in their group, like that Spanish bishop in England. However, Richard wasn't able to marry anyone.
I guess, in such a manner Henry was telling Camilla: "I’m ready to be with you right here, now. But don’t make me wait for too long". And Camilla was flushed, because she understood this reassurance mingled with warning.
Another instance of this mild pressure was quoting passages about Emma Bovary, whose chaotic love choices ruined her life: Sa pensée, sans but d'abord, vagabondait au hasard, comme sa levrette, qui faisait des cercles dans la campagne… “Her thoughts were wandering at first without any purpose” — could it mean "Camilla, make up your mind, or you’ll end up like madame Bovary''?
From Henry’s point these monologues were probably a sort of flirting, an indirect way to show romantic interest towards Camilla.
Come on, Henry, why spend so many words, when you can say Cubitum eamus?
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chelseachilly · 1 year
THIS LOVE - prologue | high tide came and brought you in
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pairing: ben chilwell x reader
rating: T
word count: 1.5k
summary: you and ben have been best friends since you were kids. there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for him, including pretending to be his girlfriend to help his career when his public image has taken a hit. what’s the worst that can happen?
A/N: hi everyone! welcome to my latest ben fic! thanks to everyone who voted in the poll i made recently, ultimately i couldn’t decide so ended up going with both fake dating and friends to lovers lol. the title is from this love by taylor swift (taylor’s version obvi) <3
view all chapters
When you woke up today, becoming Ben Chilwell’s girlfriend is the last thing you would’ve expected to happen. Short of an alien invasion or a complete nuclear apocalypse, there is hardly any conceivable scenario that you would’ve had a harder time believing.
The day starts like any other.
You wake up after hitting snooze a couple times then hurry to get ready for work. You don’t have time to make coffee at home, so you grab a latte and a bagel from Pret on your way to the hospital.
It’s a typical, stressful day in the life of an A&E nurse, with a few major traumas coming in and the usual NHS understaffing issues.
You have lunch with your favourite coworker talk close friend Valerie, who you met in uni, and talked shit about your least favourite coworkers while eating mediocre salads from the cafeteria.
By the end of the day, you’re totally exhausted, practically dragging your feet as you walk up the stairs to your flat and collapse on the couch.
You’ve just mustered the energy to change into your pyjamas when there’s a knock on your door, and you excitedly run over to grab your dinner.
Unfortunately, it isn’t the Indian takeaway you’ve ordered waiting for you on the other side, it’s your best friend Ben.
“I thought you were Indian food,” you groan.
“Sorry to disappoint,” Ben chuckles as you step aside to let him in and he kicks off his shoes. “Tough day?”
“Long day,” you reply, walking back over to your couch and plopping down as Ben walks into your kitchen to get a drink, making himself at home.
You and Ben have been best friends since you were six, when you and your family moved and you started at the same primary school as him. He was the first kid to show you some kindness by asking if you wanted to join him and his mates for a game of football at recess. Obviously, at the time you couldn’t have predicted that the childhood pastime would turn into a massively successful career for him.
You two grew closer over the years and remained close even when he started at Leicester’s academy and you didn’t get to spend nearly as much time together. You almost never missed a home game, regardless of if it was a friendly in the academy days or a monumental Champions League match once he made it to Chelsea.
Likewise, Ben has always been there for you, supporting you as you worked your butt off to make it through uni and get your nursing certification. He was elated when you landed a job at a hospital in London not long after he signed with Chelsea, immediately offering you a spare bedroom.
Although you did take him up on that offer for a couple months while you saved up and looked for a decent flat, you eventually got your own place to be closer to work. And because you found that guys you went out with were either threatened or way too excited when they found out you lived with a Premier League footballer.
You’ve both been living in London for about three years now, and while you’ve made your fair share of friends in the city, there is something special about the bond you have with Ben. He knows you better than anyone else, just as you know him, and hanging out with him always feels right.
He feels like home.
Ben joins you on the couch with two beers he stole from your fridge, one of which he passes to you.
You raise an eyebrow, accepting the drink and taking a sip. “Since when are you allowed to drink the week of a game?”
“I’m just having one,” Ben retorts, kicking his feet up on your coffee table. “I’ve had a long day, too.”
“Oh, right, the PR meeting was today,” you recall. “How did it go?”
“Not great,” he sighs. “Do you think I’m a man whore?”
You nearly spit out your beer, trying very hard not to laugh as Ben looks at you with complete earnestness.
“Well, um, I wouldn’t say it like that,” you chuckle. “But…”
“Oh my god,” Ben groans. “If my best friend thinks that, no wonder my publicist says my image is shit.”
Frankly, Ben’s reputation has been better. Lately, he’s been spotted with more models and influencers than you can keep track of, none of whom stick around for very long. The media has been loving it, branding him as Chelsea’s resident playboy and splashing photos of him leaving clubs with beautiful women all over the tabloids.
You try not to judge, as it’s none of your business who Ben hooks up with, but you do think it’s a bit unlike him to be so reckless about it. Nevertheless, you’ve kept those thoughts to yourself.
“Isn’t that sort of the norm for footballers, though?” you question. “I mean, it’s not like a cheating scandal or something. Some of those guys are way worse than you, at least from what I’ve seen online.”
“Yeah, but according to Shreya, my publicist, times are changing and people don’t like the playboy shit anymore. Apparently I would have more luck getting brand deals and stuff if I seemed more…wholesome.”
You love Ben, but you struggle to see the man who proudly told you he left Jack Grealish’s party with two girls a few weeks ago as wholesome.
“So, what’s the plan?” you ask, taking another sip of beer. “Be more discreet with your hookups?”
“Not exactly,” Ben replies. “The team thinks…and I know this sounds crazy, but they want me to get a girlfriend. Well, a fake one. Someone to improve my image.”
You can’t help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation, and Ben narrows his eyes at you.
“God, I didn’t know famous people actually did that,” you say, trying to hold back your laughter. “Who’s she gonna set you up with? Please say it’s Taylor Swift. She’s single now!”
Ben laughs for a moment before setting his beer down on the table and turning to face you with a slightly more serious expression on his face.
“Actually, they had someone else in mind,” he says sheepishly. “Someone I already know.”
“Who is it?” you ask, trying to rack your brain to think of what girls Ben knows that would improve his image. Outside of his family and his mates’ girlfriends, you’re pretty much the only woman who is a constant presence in his life. “Wait, are you - don’t tell me you’re asking me?”
Ben pauses for a moment before hesitantly nodding, looking a bit as though he’s afraid you’re going to hit him. Which, frankly, you’re considering.
“The PR team asked if I knew any girls that would work and Mark started going on and on about how you’re my best friend and a nurse and they all said you would be perfect-“
“Ben, I can’t date you!” you exclaim, cursing his agent, Mark, for even suggesting something so absurd. “Who would even believe that?”
“We don’t need people who know us to believe it, just the public,” he states. “And you don’t have to actually date me, we just have to pretend in public for a couple months.”
“I know, but…”
“Please, Y/N?” Ben says, looking at you with wide eyes that you’ve found hard to resist since he was using them to get your extra biscuits in fourth year. “I know it’s a weird request, but it could really help me out.”
It’s really hard to say no to that. Ben has always been there for you in every way imaginable. He once flew to Leeds, where you went to uni, on a moment’s notice because you were stressing over finals and needed a friend. A couple years into his time at Leicester, your dad lost his job and Ben insisted upon covering your parents’ mortgage for six months to help out, claiming he “owed them for all the Sunday roasts” and refusing to accept repayment even when your dad found work again.
He would never use any of that as a bargaining chip or try to cash in a favour, but you really do feel as though you owe him one. And more importantly, you want to help him.
“Okay,” you sigh. “I’ll be your stupid fake girlfriend or whatever.”
“Really?” Ben’s face lights up and he pulls you into a tight hug. “Thank you so much. God, you’re a lifesaver.”
You hug him back just as tightly, breathing in his familiar scent - a mix of his aftershave with a bit of grass and something else.
“You’re welcome,” you say, rolling your eyes slightly as you pull back. “I feel like I’m gonna regret this.”
“You won’t, I promise,” Ben assures you. “I’ll give you a cut when I land the next big brand deal, how’s that?”
“Ew, no, that makes me feel a bit prostitutey,” you chuckle. “It’s just a favour, no need to compensate me. Although you can pay for the food when it gets here, since you’re gonna end up stealing half of it anyways.”
“Deal,” he grins, grabbing your TV remote and putting on an episode of New Girl you’ve both seen before.
As you settle in with your beers and samosas, laughing at the television together, you can’t help but wonder what you’ve just signed up for.
Oh well. What’s the worst that could happen?
A/N: i hope you enjoyed this first part, please let me know what you thought!! should have the next up soon! 💕 (also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!)
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ancestorsalive · 4 months
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Photo: Statue of Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, who passed away in 918. Her nephew Aethelstan, future king of all England, looks up at her.
"Aethelflaed was one of three daughters of Alfred the Great, and her name meant "noble beauty". She married Aethelraed of Mercia at some point during the 880s and while this union meant a strong alliance between Wessex and Mercia the pair embarked on a "Mercian revival" with the city of Worcester at its centre.
When Aethelraed died in 911 after years of ill-health Aethelflaed remained as Lady of Mercia and held this position until her death, making her the only female ruler of a kingdom during the entire Anglo-Saxon era. The only compromise she made was to agree to her brother Edward, now king of Wessex, taking some of Mercia's southern lands under his control.
Their father Alfred the Great had fortified dozens of Wessex towns as "burhs" and Edward continued this work, connecting his burhs with those in Mercia to represent a united front against viking incursions, and it wasn't long before this was put to the test.
A force of vikings, pushed out of Ireland, landed in the mouth of the Dee after unsuccessfully trying to take land in Wales, and asked Aethelflaed if they could settle for a time outside the old Roman walled town of Chester. Permission was granted but the Norsemen raided and robbed the area at will so Aethelflaed led a force to shut them down. She had Chester fortified and waited for the inevitable viking attack, it came and was repulsed, the Scandinavian chancers sent packing in complete disarray.
This same Norse army was brought to battle at Tettenhall near Wolverhampton where Aethelflaed's forces destroyed them. The writing was now on the wall - the vikings had to go. Together with Edward she raided deep into Danelaw territory on a mission to rescue the bones of St Oswald - who had been killed and ritually dismembered by the pagan king of Mercia Penda - from a church in Lincolnshire then brought the relics down to Gloucestershire where a new church was built to house them...more on that presently.
The burhs continued to be built, and the Dane strongholds fell as Aethelflaed campaigned hard against them. Her forces defeated three Norse armies before finally taking the city of Derby, then Leicester, before the Danes of York came to her to pledge their loyalty. The vikings in Anglia capitulated to Edward and so all of England south of Northumbria was now back under Anglo-Saxon rule.
Aethelflaed died at Tamworth in 918 and so will be forever associated with the town, but she was carried down to Gloucestershire to be buried in the church she had built for St Oswald. Unfortunately the monastery there fell into decline over the centuries, was dissolved in 1536, then almost completely destroyed during the English Civil War. Nobody knows where Aethelflaed's resting place is now, but the ruins of St Oswalds are as good a place as any as a pilgrimage destination for those wishing to follow in the footsteps of the Lady of Mercia." - Source: Hugh Williams via Medieval England on FB.
Photo: Statue of Aethelflaed and Aethelstan at Tamworth Castle, by EG Bramwell, unveiled in 1913.
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daisyblog · 1 year
Team Niall
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN at The Niall Horan Charity Football Match.
Growing up with Louis as a brother, YN learned a few things about football or two. She wasn't a massive fan but she didn't dislike it either. She had been to a couple of the Rovers games with him and of course, Harry and Louis shared their love for Manchester United. Niall had spoken about arranging a football charity match and the boys (except Zayn) had jumped at the chance to play, knowing Niall couldn't due to only having a knee operation early in the year. YN ears perked up as she sat in the dressing room with them.
"Can I come?" she asked out loud, directing her question at Niall. She wasn't going to miss watching her boyfriend in a football kit. Louis eyeing his sister up suspiciously from where she sat with Harry opposite him.
"Yeh 'course you can, you can stand on the side with me and boss all these idiots about" Niall joked, but secretly enjoying the fact that he's going to be managing the team and for once being able to tell others what to do.
Louis still suspicious about why his sister, who wasn't a big fan of football, suddenly wants to go. "Thought you were going home during our couple of days off?" Louis remembered YN saying she was going to go home with their family after the Dublin shows, before heading to Sunderland.
"I'll go after the match, it's not too far" YN shrugged her shoulders, wondering why her brother was making something out of it. "Why..worried I'll show you up with my football skills?" she teased him, knowing she couldn't play football if her life depended on it.
"You're shit at football and any sport that requires a ball Tiny" Louis shot back, Niall and Liam chuckling at the siblings. Harry remained silent, knowing either way he didn't want no part of the conversation.
"Hey!" YN whined, sitting up slightly to turn her body towards Harry. "Tell him I'm good with balls aren't I?". The innuendo caused Niall and Liam to roar with laughter, holding onto each other for support. Louis closed his eyes, wanting the ground to swallow him up. Harry's were wide, lips twitched threatening to smile. Even some of the crew had left the room, trying to hide their laughter.
YN looked around, confused at why they were reacting like this. "Why are you laughing, what have I said?".
Today was the football match. The boys had just finished playing three shows in Dublin, Niall was ecstatic that he played near his hometown. Louis and YN's family had even flown over for the weekend to watch the shows, but had now sadly gone back to Doncaster.
It was an early wake up call for the boys and YN today. They had to catch an early flight back to London this morning to travel to Leicester for the match as it was being held at the King Power Stadium. Once they had landed back in London, they said their goodbye's to Zayn who was going home for the day and were escorted to the bus for their two to three hour journey.
YN wasn't certain about who was playing on the opponents team, except there was some playful banter going on between the boys and Piers. But she was glad they were putting the Twitter jokes to use and doing something for charity.
It was unusual for YN to be on the tour bus with the boys, she was usually in the other one with Lou and the other women that was part of the tour team. She didn't like to admit it but she was glad she didn't travel on this bus because it screamed that five boys lived in there. Louis was the worst, where he put things, they stayed meaning there was random stuff thrown into the spare bunk.
Louis and Liam were enjoying some free time and were in the lounge area of the bus, both holding remotes as the game of Fifa played on the screen in front of them. Niall was writing out tweets about the match this afternoon and talking YN and Harry's ears off about how he was so excited but still upset he couldn't play.
“So do I know anyone who’s playing for your team?” YN asked the Niall. Her body pushed up against Harry’s side as his arm is wrapped around her, his fingers dancing along the skin of her arm. 
“James is playing” Harry mentioned, referring to their friend James Corden. 
“And Ronan Keating” Niall mentioned the Boyzone singer. YN’s eyes lit up, remembering how she would listen to their album on repeat growing up and Louis shouting at her to turn it off.
“And I will keep you safe and strong…sheltered from the storm” YN began to sing a Boyzone song that she loved when she was younger and still did. It was no secret that she was a boyband fan. “No matter where it’s barren…a dream is being born” YN continued, Niall joining in as he too was a fan of the band growing up. 
Before they could continue their duet, Louis shouted from his position in the lounge area. “OI YOU TWO..SHUT THE FOOK UP WILL YA?”. YN rolled her eyes and continued to sing even louder, knowing how much her brother wasn’t a big fan of boybands growing up. 
After a two and half hour journey from London to Leicester, they had arrived at the stadium. There was still a few hours until the match was due to start. But fans were gathered outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boys and the other celebrities that were playing today.
Once the bus had parked and Paul and the other security had given them the clear, they all made their way towards the back entrance of the stadium. Hearing the fans cheers in the background. 
Being on the road since early this morning meant they had all worked up an appetite and decided to make the most of the hospitality that the venue was putting on for them today. Whilst they all sat together eating, some people came over and greeting the boys. One being James who also wrapped YN into a warm hug, and making a joke about how much she must love Harry if she’s spending her day off at a football game. 
YN knew it was going to be a loud and wild day. The build up to this match had been brewing for a while. But the loudness coming from the men’s changing rooms, was a tad too much, even for her. She was sat a bit further down, scrolling through her phone, waiting for the boys to get changed into their matching kits. 
The sound of the changing room doors opening, caught her attention but to her disappointment it wasn’t who she was hoping it would be. It was just some other players that were on Team Niall, ones she wasn’t too familiar with. After a few minutes Louis and Liam walked through the black double doors. Both dressed in the black and white kit, a long sleeved white football top covering their body and black shorts hiding their thighs.
“Tiny..ya coming out with us?” Louis called down to where his sister was now standing with her back against the wall. “We’re going to head out to warm up a bit, referring to the ball he was holding between his fingers. 
YN shook her head, not moving from her position. “No I’m gonna wait for Harry and Niall, I’ll see you in a bit”. To which Louis gave her a thumbs up and continue to walk with Liam in the direction of the pitch.
When Harry finally appeared, YN’s eyes thought they were tricking her. Instead of wearing the kit that Louis and Liam were donning  a few moments ago. He was dressed in a black tracksuit, matching Niall. 
“Well that’s a bit disappointing” YN pouted as her and Harry walked towards each other.
“Oh thanks Babe…just what I wanted to hear” Harry joked. Slightly confused at what his girlfriend meant.
“Was hoping to see you in a football kit” YN explained why she was disappointed. “At least you’ve done a bun” she referred to the small bun that rested on top of his head.
“My kits underneath, I’m not playing straight away” Harry unzipped his jacket showing the white football tap that sat beneath, before zipping it back up. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to hers as they were still pouting slightly. As their lips moved in sync, Harry’s hands found their way to YN’s jaw and YN’s were now holding onto his hips, pulling him closer.
Lost in each other, forgetting where they were for a moment as their lips moved messily together, hands wandering slightly, they didn’t see James leaving the changing rooms, smirking as he notices the couple up against the wall.
“OH GET A ROOM YOU TWO” he shouted towards the pair, both startled by James’ voice. Both wide eyed, like two deers in headlights. Once Harry realised it was James, he chuckled and relaxed but the blush on YN’s cheeks was rising by the second. 
“Fuck off James” Harry still chucking as he pulls YN into his chest, knowing she would be slightly embarrassed to be caught in a heated moment, despite it not being the first time. 
Knowing James’ sense of humour and how he would love telling the others about him catching Harry and YN locking lips in the hallway, the couple decide it’s time to head out to the pitch and join the others. 
Waking towards the tunnel, they spot Niall and Ben. Both chuckling as the see the couple walking towards them, hands intertwined. “Lunch wasn’t enough for you was it?” Niall teases. The couple instantly knew that James has bumped into them both and filling them in.
Harry chuckles and gives Niall a playful shove on his shoulder and YN rolls her eyes and flips him a finger. Niall still giggling and moving to try and mess YN’s hair up.
As the four enter the pitch area, screams and cheers are heard from the seats where some fans had already entered and sitting patiently waiting for the match to begin. But were excited at the sight of two more members of One Direction entering the stadium. The green pitch was filled with a mixture of both teams warming up, kicking the ball back and forth or doing laps around. Harry had gone to join Louis and Liam as they were kicking the ball back and forth. 
There was a group of girls around the age of fifteen or sixteen calling YN’s name as she stood on the sidelines, slightly in front of their seats. YN always loved meeting fans of the boys, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t wary at times. She turned around and walked towards the group who all sent her wide smiles. 
“Hey” YN shyly greeted the girls, giving them a small wave as she stood in front of them. She noticed how two of them were holding onto each other in excitement. She wasn’t famous, she was just Louis sister, well and Harry’s girlfriend but she was wondering how they would react if one of the boys were in front of them. 
“Hi, sorry to bother you but we’ve made you and the boys some things” the smaller girl of the group, with long brunette hair held up a few items that looked like personalised jumpers with their names on them.  
YN’s heart warmed at the thought that they’d spent money, time and kindness on making things for not only the boys, but her too. “Aww thank you girls, that’s so kind of you”.
“We’re massive fans, we love the boys and you too, we think you’re so funny” the blonde girl, standing in the middle of the group spoke, leaving out a shy giggle. 
“You’re too kind” YN pretend to blush at the comment, causing the girls to laugh. “Who’s your favourite?” YN asked, knowing that although fans loved the boys as a group, deep down everyone had a favourite. Four of the girls answered Zayn at the same time and laughing with each other.
“Oh Zayn’s not here but I’ll definitely tell him I met his biggest fans and give him this jumper” YN explained to the girls who still looked just as excited to be there. YN noticed that one of the girls didn’t answer when she asked who their favourite was. “What about you babe, who’s yours?”. 
YN noticed the slight blush on the girls cheeks and how she shook her head shyly “I like all of them”.
Before YN could accept her answer, the taller of the group interrupted “She’s lying, Harry’s her favourite, she’s just too shy to tell you because you know…you’re his girlfriend”. 
“Oh that’s okay babe, he’s my favourite too…well after Niall” YN joked with the girls, once again making them all giggle. YN turned to find Harry in the chaos. Spotting him stood on the side talking to Ben, she called his name and waving him over. The girls now wide eyed and trying to hide their excitement as Harry walks closer to them. 
“Hi” Harry waved and greeted the girls. “Are you excited for the game?”. Each of them just nodding their heads, too starstruck to speak. Making YN giggle at how chatty they all were just now. 
“They’ve made us all jumpers with our names on, look” YN spoke to Harry. Motioning her head towards them gathered in her arms, making Harry smile with happiness. 
“Oh waw, thank you so much girls” Harry took one from YN and took a better look, now that I was opened up. 
“You’re welcome” they said in unison, still a tad shy to make conversation with him. YN took note of this and offered to take a photo of them with Harry. 
But to YN’s surprise they asked if she could be in the photo too. YN took one of the girls phones and set it to front camera before holding it up, making sure everyone could be seen. The girls huddled closer together as they were still behind the barrier. Harry ducked down slightly behind YN, resting his hand on her shoulder so his tall frame wasn’t hiding the girls. Giving back the phone, the girls thanked them before waving at them as they walked back to where the players seats were. 
“That’s probably the nicest fan encounter I’ve ever had” YN admitted to Harry as she wrapped her arm around him, her hand landing on his hip. Naturally Harry’s arm followed and rested around her shoulder. 
“Really?” YN nodded as she looked up as he stood tall “They did seem nice to be fair”. Harry pecked her temple, keeping the affection calm, knowing that their every move was being filmed.
YN and the boys were standing on the sidelines, waiting for the game to start, when the music playing through the stadium changed to Best Song Ever. Of course, heating music from their favourite band, the fans in the audience begin to sing along. YN being a massive fan too, couldn’t help herself either. 
And we danced all night to the best song ever We knew every line, now I can't remember How it goes but I know that I won't forget her 'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
YN continued to sing along, dancing and actively annoying Louis in the process; trying to get him to join in with her. But to her disappointment, he wouldn’t budge. But if anyone would join in with her singing and dancing along to One Direction, it would be their other biggest fan, Niall Horan. 
When the game began, Niall, Harry and Ben were up on their feet, pacing up and down the sidelines and shouting encouragement at the players on the pitch. 
YN followed their movements, with no idea what the rules of football was, she copied their lead. Cheering when they cheered, acted sad when they let out a sign of disappointment. And if she asked Harry once when he was going to go on to play, she must have asked about thirty. To which he patiently replied “not yet babe”, “soon baby” “be patient” “ask Niall”.
After half time, Niall told Harry that he needed to swap with another player. Harry removed his tracksuit jacket and trousers, revealing the white football shirt with the number 12 on the back and black shorts. Then to warm up, James decided that Harry needed help and began to rub his leg and shoulders; earning a playful but slightly serious "Hey..keep ya hands off my man" from YN.
Now having Harry to stare at on the pitch, running around chasing the ball, YN could see why people were so passionate about the sport; as she stood with Niall and cheered loudly for their team. Team Niall was currently losing as Team Piers had already scored one goal.
Harry was guided to take a penalty. Niall and YN were standing on the side, both hands up to their mouths in a praying position as they watched the scene in front of them. Running towards the ball, he kicked it towards the goal, everyone watching in suspense and as the ball hit the net, the crowd cheered.
Harry had scored the first goal for Team Niall. Niall and YN hugged each other tight, jumping up and down together, celebrating the goal. The other players from the team, including Louis and Liam had surrounded Harry trying to pull him into to celebrate.
But Harry pushed passed them and ran towards YN and Niall. Picking YN up from the ground and spun her around in circles as her she held onto his neck in a tight squeeze as they celebrate his goal. Placing her back down, YN was quick to peck his lips, a way of showing him how proud she was. Niall pulled Harry into a brother hug, and Harry telling Niall "That was for you".
And despite Team Niall losing Niall expressed his appreciation at the end of the match. “Although my team didn’t win, I still enjoyed every minute of this game! I would like to thank all the players who donated their time free of charge to support this event. I am looking forward to making this even bigger and better next year.”
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liked by annetiwst, gemmastyles, and 765,554 others
yntomlinson I'm now a football fan ⚽️😍 View all 8,541 comments
annetwist My boy ❤️
zaynfan5 Me and my friends met YN and Harry today!! YN is so lovely and sweet! 💜 ⌞ynharryfan Story time please...? ⌞yntomlinson So lovely to meet you girls today! Thank you again for the jumpers, me and the boys love them 😘
harryfan3 I'm now a fan too x
1dfan2 Omg! I was there today, Harry running over to YN after he scored was so cute 💘
niallhoran TEAM NIIIIIAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!! ⌞yntomlinson BEST TEAM EVER!! ❤️
louist91 Well done H!! Lovely penalty mate!! ⌞louisfan8 Louis completely ignoring YN's comment 😂
1dfan7 YN is such a Harry fan!! ⌞yntomlinson I am his number one fan 😉 ⌞1dfan7 omg you replied!! ily so much!!
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney fanfictioncafe lilfreakjez jerseygirlinca iamahallucinationnn @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @indierockgirrl @or-was-it-just-a-dream @theekyliepage @hittiesontour @bunnyharold
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dessertgeek · 11 months
The Mari Lwyd Twitter saga (2020 - part two)
This is part of my efforts to transcribe @seananmcguire's holiday Mari Lwyd Twitter threads. The hashtag for now is #Mari Lwyd Project, the first post is here, the thread's source is here.
(Many thanks to @dor-min on finding and linking this one!)
This round is Seanan with Shepherd/@neolithicsheep protecting the cheese. Full credit to the authors, support their works!
CWs for caps, food, and alcohol.
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randomnameless · 2 months
The quintessential problem with Claude and the deer is that they should not have been involved in the war at all, or at least not Claude. What does he have to gain participating on it? Nothing, and he makes it even more explicit in azure moon when he dissolves the alliance. He could've pretty easely given the power to Lorenz or Hilda and nope out of there (what he does in silver snow), as it is clear througouht white clouds that he doesn't have as much of an attachtment to Fodlan as he does Almyra. And it isn't like the devs couldn't take the deer studients out during post-TS, when Marianne unless recruited is pressumed dead, and Lorenz unless recruited joins the imperial forces and dies helping the empire.
Outside of the problems with racism and the bigoted tropes related to "savage cultures" the Fodlan games perpetuate, the devs did not know how to use one of their house leaders for the main plot of "church vs empire", and idk if that's because they bit more than they could chew, or if it was intentional taking into account who gets the short end of the stick in both games happens to be mixed and from one of those "savage cultures".
It's on the devs for having wanted to add a third lord to their game, but failing to, well, link him to any of those plots.
Supreme Leader's war of unification?
Well, Nopes gave him a part this plot - and yet there's no third choice in this plot : you bend the knee or you die. Nopes' wise, Clout decided (in his route) to bend the knee with his "alliance" that is totally supposed to make Supreme Leader reconsider her desire to roll over Leicester and make it part of Adrestia again!
(Granted, Nopes don't tell us how his plea to stop the war after killing the evil lizard lady will play out and leaves an open ending...)
In Houses, well, he doesn't want Leicester to be flattened, and goes on the offensive (counter offensive?) when Billy pops up with basically what is the plot events of Silver Snow (down to using the same strategy with disguises) with the Gronder Map.
And that addition radically changes... well, everything regarding Claude's relevance : he cannot form an alliance with the Blue Lord or the Kingdom to get rid of the Empire because "plot convenient myopia" and apparently Dimitri BaD enough that he attacks Alliance troops for no reason.
Forget SS, GW (and AM, in a way) is just using plot contrived excuse to... not have an united from to face the Empire. Why? IDK. Each Lord must be the hero of his story, or the unification boner means only one of them can "win" an unified Fodlan i'd guess.
Nabateans and the plot ?
No one gives a fig about that "plot", so it's basically pursuing a side-quest for no payoff.
Now, as @fantasyinvader wrote, Claude's story and journey as one who is ignorant and gets to learn and clear his misconceptions + the background of the land we're living in could have been interesting, doubly so given how Billy is voiceless and cannot play the "protag discovers the world at the same time as the player does" role.
But it has... no payoff.
Much like Rhea's infodump about the World, Relics and Nabateans... Claude reacts to the mention that Billy has a rock for heart, and not about his crest, his shiny bow or the fact that Rhea also had a vested interest in, uh, getting rid of prejudice against people who are perceived as "different" because her family was genocided for that.
Hell, the entire "prejudice" angle from Supreme Leader's war is swept under the rug, so we can have the Deers say nonsense like wanting to rekt Thales for Supreme Leader's sake, while only Flayn and Seteth can hear her "nabateans shouldn't have power over the people"...
There's no parallel drawn in the game about Claude and Rhea's situation - since she's at the center of this subplot - about being perceived as "outsiders" and not being able to do various things from existing to "rule over the people" because of what they are, or even faking their identities and building metaphorical walls between them and the people they're living with because they are afraid of rejection.
Nah, we can't have that, Rhea must be irrelevant to the possible, while also being the biggest scapegoat/dragon of this saga at the same time as a nebulous red herring to sell pots of tea.
Ihthe "fight against prejudice and make people accept each other" angle was that relevant to his route, Claude would have most likely talked or interacted with Dimitri and learnt of his plan to cleanse Duscur's name in his Father's assassination, raised a brow at Petra being a hostage and done something else than give a surprised pikachu face at Rhea's infodumps.
He could have reacted at her reveal that if you might want to live in peace with some people, if those people don't want that and label you as nothing more than fodder or things to be looted, it's not going to work.
And of course, gave a reaction at your second in command (unofficially?)'s reveal that, uh, her house keeps identured Almyran children as war prisoners?
Some people already made some AUs or "what ifs" routes for a proper Claude route and not the nonsense that we got in FE16 where it's basically "I react to the same plot events that happen in the other routes but top it all with a zombie".
The Deers could have been "better introduced" in a plot about getting rid of prejudice, or learning the causes of this prejudice : Marianne was/is hunted because of her blood ties to Maurice - not because what she did, but because what Momo did back then! - Lysithea was treated as a guinea pig and her house rolled over by Adrestia who has a less than rosy views about the "offshoots" that are called Leicester and Faerghus, Lorenz could explain that prejudice, just like piety, are tools used by people whenever they're relevant, like, some people being pissed at foreigners and some who aren't because they make money through international trading like Margrave Edmund does, Hilda justifying her House's animosity towards Almyrans because they lost many people in those pointless skirmishes (maybe a closed ones? Her mom or Uncle or whatever?) which would make Claude realise that "ending prejudice" is a much more difficult quest than, idk, just killing one or two randoms.
The commoner trio might share Claude's views about prejudice and welcoming foreigners, but have more "mundane" worries like being able to have a roof and food to eat, which might be the case of some people in Leicester, or tell us more about Leicester and how it works (give us more insight about the different countries if Fodlan ffs).
Maybe we could have add a Claude who learns and discovers Fodlan, and along the way, starts to love the land as much, if not more, than Almyra and really wanting to protect this land from whatever Supreme Leader's cooking, or becoming an Almyra v.2.
I don't think making Claude the third wheel of the plot was maliciously intentional because of the, uh, implications with RL cultures and Almyra, but more like they didn't know where to put him.
I noticed you wrote the conflict as one that is "the church vs the empire", but I do not really agree - if that was the case, the war would have stopped in VW/AM/SS the second Rhea was caught.
The main conflict is Supreme Leader's war of conquest - with the twist that the devs were really banking on their brilliant idea of making the red emperor the titular waifu of the game that each person/lord/whatever Rhea is must find a way to excuse and/or justify her actions.
With this in mind, AM is basically Dimitri's fall (and rise!) because of his ties to Supreme Leader.
In VW? The game cannot explore too much outside of the Supreme Leader scope so we're left with.. well, what VW was.
Claude cannot go on a journey to discover Fodlan and get rid of his misconceptions... because part of those same misconceptions are used by Supreme Leader to start her war, or the sheer concept of a conquest, aka a nation being rolled over by another is anathema to his, supposed, ideal of wanting people to accept each other despite their differences.
I ranted about it since day 5, but the Nabatean subplot (and Fodlan in general) is accessory to Supreme Leader war, there is no point aka no payoff for learning all of that, because you cannot challenge the one who wants to unify the continent.
As such, Claude cannot deviate too far from this plot - while receiving infodumps about "the lore" - and we end up with third wheel of a bike and characters who, at first and second glance, appear to be irrelevant.
Fodlan ends up unified despite starting as three separate countries, we feel bad for Supreme Leader and mourn her unknown ideals, Rhea is gone and the Agarthans aren't a problem anymore.
the second the devs said leicester was a republic, claude was doomed. Merchant republics are always irrelevent or straight up useless in the FE series!
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Sir Christopher Hatton is perhaps the least well known and well understood of major Elizabethan political figures. He rose further in his lifetime than any of his colleagues – from the lower levels of the gentry to become Lord Chancellor. He was a major political figure for twenty years: first from about 1571 as a prominent royal favourite, then from 1577 as a privy councillor. At the peak of his power, during the last few years of his life, he was the Queen’s most important living favourite, he was Lord Chancellor, the most senior layman in England; and he was the regime’s leading spokesman in Parliament, one of its most important public faces. He had not one but two palatial houses in his home county, one of them, Holdenby, the largest house in England. He was a power in the land – and all this in his late forties, before an untimely death barely into his fifties. In terms of his importance in the politics of the reign, he should probably be placed after only a handful of figures – the Queen herself, Burghley, Leicester, Walsingham, Essex and Robert Cecil.
Neil Younger, Religion and politics in Elizabethan England: The life of Sir Christopher Hatton
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maelor321 · 7 months
The wasted narrative potential of the Church of Seiros' weakness.
 The church of Seiros is rather infamous, as it is the organization overseeing the main Faith of Fódlan, akin to the Catholic Church in medieval Europe, including for the small territoires. 
The Church is seen by the Fandom and by many in-universe as truly powerful, controlling the Land through the devotion of the people, with a goal of ruling all of Fódlan as puppet masters at best. 
That however is factually false. 
The Church of Seiros is not some all-powerful organization, and isn't even unified. 
Rhea refuse to use her power to dictate policies of the nations, in fact, she many times is too meek, though it make sense.
The Eastern Church are weaponless and puppets of the lords of Leicester, the Southern Church was destroyed, and Faerghus is divided between the western and Central church, with the Western Church and it's aligned lords being traitors to both the Crown and central Church, and puppets of the Agarthans. 
Furthermore, the ideology of the Church, that promote the restraint from abusing Crests, is utterly ignored whenever convenient. 
And just look what happened with the Central Church being invaded! Many lords of Leicester and Faerghus swore themselves to Edelgard, and even in Adrestia, Edie didn't seem to face opposition. 
Though that last point is a bit horseshit, I'm French, and our own first revolution caused a Civil War with the Vendée region's commoners being the most famous for fighting to defend Crown, lords and Faith, it also show how Hresvelg propaganda against the Church, Hresvelg, not merely Edelgard, destroyed the ability of the Church to call to aid anyone south of Garreg Mach, or even East of it.  
The matter really is a wasted opportunity narratively, because the Church being all powerful is something done often in fiction, but beside the actively treacherous and xenophobic Western Church, none of the Churches is really doing manipulation, and the western Church's plots are guided by the Agarthans anyway.
I think there's a lot of possible stories from a Church-centric POV about how the Faith's weakness and scapegoat status, and the fact that so few care for it in favor of treating the organization as the genderbend Catholic Church on steroids is disappointing.
I've seen the comparison with the schrodinger cat being done with the Church and Rhea, the idea being that they're blamed whenever they "overstep", ignoring how their actions are usually justified, but at the same time blamed when they stay out of shits.
If anyone do know stories which exploit this potential, do tell.
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐢'𝐦 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 - 𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: @chilwellspulisic
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐤! 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 :)
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The reception party was in full swings after a beautiful ceremony which saw the groom Nate solidify his love for his bride Hayley in front of all their friends and loved ones underneath the beautiful bright skies of Italy, and amongst those in attendance were two individuals that had been trying to avoid one another for the past three years, Y/N and Ben.
Once upon a time, during Ben's days as a Leicester player - the pair were as thick as thieves; so much so that everyone around them had firmly believed that they'd get married one day, only for Ben to up and leave her the minute he received an offer from Chelsea, his claim was that their relationship would hold him back.
And being the prideful woman she is, Y/N had taken that as a sign to cut him off entirely, refusing to answer his calls and messages and going as far as to warn his former Leicester teammate, James Maddison to tell him to stop calling her.
Three years had passed with her dating every now and then, only for the flings to end abruptly or in this case, Y/N refused to admit the real reason every single fling ended.
" The venue is lovely! " Her date for the wedding, Daniel comments as they sat down in the reception venue, amongst the numerous crowds who were either drinking or dancing on the floor after the bride and groom danced.
" It is, Nate has great taste " She said with a smile, looking around before her eyes landed on him.
He was sitting at the table across from the table she was sitting in, and next to him was a beautiful brunette she'd come to deduce as his date, the pair were chatting and laughing together when Ben looks up to meet her gaze causing her to immediately look away and try to converse with Daniel, making the effort to appear as though she was enjoying her time with him.
A few minutes later, Daniel excused himself when his phone rang leaving her alone before she made the decision to walk to the bar and grab a drink, once she ordered her drink - she felt someone stand next to her, she turns to find Ben standing there with a smile. " Hey love "
" Benjamin " She replied curtly.
" Oh come on, three years pass and you still hate me " He rolls his eyes.
" That's an understatement, I'm only being curt because I don't want your girlfriend to think you're accessible to anyone " She retorts.
Ben chuckles, " She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend "
" Hm, I bet you say that to every woman " She laughs, taking a gulp of her drink.
" Even if I did, why does it affect you? " He asks. " Jealous? "
" Me, jealous ... yeah, right " She laughs, " I don't have to be jealous of someone that finds it easy to leave the people they care about and besides, I have a date as well "
" Yeah, Bryan, right? " He said.
" Daniel " She responds with a groan, " A very sweet guy I have been seeing "
Ben shakes his head and says with a sarcastic tone, " So sweet "
" What's wrong Chilwell? Jealous? " She asked with a teasing tone.
Ben grows silent, which causes her to look at him with wide eyes and say. " You are jealous! "
" Can you blame me? " He retorts, " You show up, looking insanely gorgeous with him, when you could have been with - " he trails off.
" Could have been with you " She said.
" Yeah " He whispers.
" Ben, you broke it off, not me " She reminds him.
" I know " He sighs, " But I miss you, a lot ... "
She sighs, she would lie to herself if she said she didn't miss him, there was a reason why her relationships never worked out, " I miss you as well " she murmurs.
The confession caused him to smile, " Maybe when we go back to England, we can talk things out " he said with a hopeful tone.
" Maybe " She said.
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slotumn · 6 months
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Dialect/language map headcanon for Fódlan and surrounding lands
My headcanon is that Adrestian is approximately a Romance language spoken with a Germanic accent, Faerghan is approximately a Celtic language spoken with a Slavic accent, and Leicesterian is Slavic language(s) spoken with a whole bunch of different accents depending on the dialect, as they're much less centralized compared to the other two nations.
Specifically my ideas for what each Leicester dialect speaker's accents would be like if they spoke modern day English is:
North Leicesterian = North Italian accent
East Leicesterian = Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian accent
Central Leicesterian = Romanian
South Leicesterian = Greek
West Leicesterian = some mix of Celtic and Germanic
Isle Leicesterian = Albanian
You can read the full details of the brainrot here
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ym-loreposting · 2 months
The Gloucester Conspiracy
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses is home to many story threads that are only really explored in side content such as supports and paralogues found in it and its spin-off Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. One of these storylines has to do with the death of Raphael's parents and might reveal more about a hidden power struggle going on in the Leicester Alliance. Spoilers for both games follow.
The 'accidental' death of Raphael's parents
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Raphael is a character from the Golden Deer house in Three Houses, which represents the Leicester Alliance in the east of Fódlan. Three years before the start of the game, his parents were killed by monsters according to his in-game profile. In his support line with his friend and fellow Golden Deer student Ignatz in Three Houses, more details are given about the event. Both Raphael and Ignatz's parents were merchants working in the Alliance and Raphael's parents were attacked while they were traveling for work. This happened after Ignatz's parents declined to work that job because they had other business, so they recommended Raphael's parents instead.
This all seems straightforward enough, but is complicated in the Paralogue Death Toll, which involves both Raphael and Ignatz. It is revealed at the start that merchants traveling from the lands controlled by House Gloucester of the Alliance to those of House Riegan suffer far more monster attacks than those traveling in the opposite direction. Of note is that House Riegan is the leading house of the Leicester Alliance.
The battle of the Paralogue involves saving merchants from such a monster attack. However, there are also some people mixed in with the monsters who seem to be controlling them. These are identified as Alliance Generals who speak of performing some duty and not looking forward to telling a count if they fail to kill the merchants. In the aftermath of the battle, a surviving merchant speculates that Count Gloucester is behind the attacks because he is unhappy with the merchants contributing to House Riegan's wealth.
More pressingly, it is also said that such a scheme was behind the death of Raphael's parents. At the time, they were traveling with the incumbent Duke Riegan, called Godfrey, because Count Gloucester had invited them to strike a deal about some art pieces. Raphael's parents were brought along to assess the value of the pieces in question, but all met their demise at the hands of monsters.
Vying for control of the Alliance
This is not where the story ends however, as both the Shadow Library added in Three Houses's DLC and Warriors: Three Hopes elaborate on these events. The Shadow Library is a library located in Abyss where forbidden books end up, likely those discarded by Seteth from the surface library of Garreg Mach Monastery as explained by a Monk in Chapter 4 of Three Houses:
There are numerous books in this library that you cannot find anywhere else. But once you are here, you can read them easily enough. I doubt someone would go to the trouble of stealing one. Sometimes Seteth will dispose of books that are deemed inappropriate for the monastery, but that's about it.
In the readable book Burnt Remnants of a Report, the following is written about the situation:
… son of the Alliance’s leader, Duke Oswald Riegan, has died in an accident. This follows an incident involving the previous successor, and even the Knights of Seiros suspect it was at Count Gloucester’s command, though it seems too conspicuous. There is some concern that this could spark a war. With Duke Riegan gravely ill, the situation is…
It seems the Church of Seiros also suspected something was going on, but war between Gloucester and Riegan was averted according to the Japanese version of the report due to the sickness of Duke Oswald Riegan (the father of Godfrey and grandfather of Claude von Riegan, see family tree for clarification).
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The question becomes as to why Count Gloucester would orchestrate the assassination of Godfrey von Riegan, leaving House Riegan to the leadership of his elderly and ailing father Oswald. Given that Oswald dies during the timeskip in Three Houses, it is save to say that the goal was to cause a crisis of leadership in the Leicester Alliance. At the time Godfrey is killed, the existence of Claude is not yet known in the Alliance after all as he only came to Fódlan two years later. A power vacuum would have been created in Leicester without Godfrey after the death of Oswald. House Gloucester is also an important house in Leicester and Lorenz, Count Gloucester's son, often emphasizes how he wants to lead Leicester in Claude's stead in the main game. The bid may have been for House Gloucester to take control of the Alliance.
Schemers in the dark
However, the Burnt Remnants of a Report also emphasize that Count Gloucester might not be behind this conspiracy. It seems too conspicuous in the words of the report and there is implied that there might be another party at play.
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Three Hopes further elaborates on this idea, first of all by giving a name and a face to Count Gloucester: Erwin Fritz Gloucester. He is shown to be a pragmatic leader who wishes to protect the people of his lands and is willing to switch sides between the Adrestian Empire and the Alliance during the war that breaks out between the three nations of Fódlan during the game. He is less focused on becoming leader of the Alliance than his son Lorenz as well.
Furthermore, Three Hopes directly gives more details on the incident wherein Raphael's parents and Godfrey von Riegan were killed in the Paralogue Unsettling Truths. In the Paralogue, Lorenz (now Count Gloucester after his father retired), Ignatz and Raphael go to confront a group of bandits wreaking havoc in Gloucester territory. It just so happens these are the same bandits who worked as mercenaries for Erwin and were responsible for the death of Godfrey. The bandits are apprehended and questioned by Lorenz, where more information is revealed.
The bandits claim that when they still worked as mercenaries, they first had normal jobs like protecting villages. However, they one day received orders from an envoy of Erwin to threaten merchants going to Riegan territory. They balked at this idea and instead chased monsters into the path of the merchants to scare them away. This worked at first and might be what was seen in the Paralogue Death Toll. The people in that Paralogue were identified as Alliance Generals instead of mercenaries, but this might be an oversight or translation error in either Three Houses or Three Hopes (given the fact that Godfrey is also erroneously identified as Claude's grandfather instead of his uncle in Unsettling Truths).
Nonetheless, this all eventually led to the incident where Godfrey and Raphael's parents were killed. It seemed the envoy was someone from House Gloucester acting alone and by the time Erwin learned what happened according to Lorenz, the culprit had vanished. Instead Erwin punished the mercenaries and they became bandits afterwards.
The question remains as to who this culprit is. In Unsettling Truths, it is said that Erwin refuses to discuss these matters with Lorenz and instead changes the subject when it comes up. Ignatz meanwhile calls out a scheme like this one seems ill befitting of Erwin's character and motivations of protecting the reputation of the nobility.
It does however fit the modus operandi of another group in Fódlan very well, and that is that of Those Who Slither in the Dark or the Agarthans. They have the ability to shapeshift and so one of them could have easily impersonated someone from House Gloucester to orchestrate the death of Godfrey von Riegan. The Agarthans had also been sowing political turmoil in Fódlan in the years before Three Houses and Three Hopes take place, as they also had hands in the Insurrection of the Seven in the Adrestian Empire and the Tragedy of Duscur in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
If Erwin was aware of the Agarthans' involvement is hard to say, as he is never seen directly commenting on these events. Three Hopes seems to clear him of most suspicion, but if he believed the death of Godfrey could benefit his people, he might have turned a blind eye, given his pragmatic attitude. And what exactly the Agarhtans were trying to gain with this whole scheme is perhaps best left for another time. Their involvement in this incident seems pretty clear either way, as the Remnants of a Burnt Report seems to cover incidents in which the Agarthans were involved as well.
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