#Leo Dilisnya
ilariel · 2 months
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Girl help they're rezzing the totally not evil™ man
Human version under the cut
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vanhelsingapologist · 10 months
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Leo got his sword arm cut off by Rahadin so his portrait had to change a tiny bit.
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Also one of our party members assured him of his morality and he laughed out loud <\3
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calebisdrawing · 11 months
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I know Halloween is over, but have a late entry to the spookiness. This is an alternate visual take on the gallows speaker, a particularly scary beastie from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft. The gallows speaker is a sort-of folded-in mob of unquiet dead that haunt the gibbet, or the guillotine, or some other site specific to the act that ended them, crying doom to any that find them.
(Like this? Consider visiting my Patreon)
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crowholtz · 11 months
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Random assortment of curse of strahd npc picrews I made using my favorite picrew.
Strahd, Vasili, Rahadin, Sergei, Van Richten, Leo Dilisnya
I'll gladly post more if people want! I love doing these so much
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godfreygwilym · 1 year
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another exciting episode of "stupid cos drawings i found that i completely forgot i drew"
sir vladimir takes a trip to the beach (give the big man some space)
rictavio fat doink
billy being leo's barely-willing blood donor
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tantaliart · 2 years
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lady wachter
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moldwood · 2 years
im looking around at shit has no one else seen the web strahd weaved in vallaki. nobody talks about it they all just want to talk about his tits. what about his machinations
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1. I establish rules for vampirism in my campaign. One of them is that a vampire can never truly "starve" to death, that they simply become more and more of a mindless, ravenous beast as time go on.
2. I read "I, Strahd," get to the part where he seals Leo Dilisnya in the tomb.
3. "Huh, that's pretty cool, but I guess I can't put it in my game, since he wouldn't have died after a month... or... ever...."
4. "He'd just be starving and insane for centuries, still alive when the party gets to Barovia for them to stumble on...."
5. "Holy shit he's still there I'm gonna put him in one of the tombs in Ravenloft ready to jack in the box out at any chump who hears him screaming yes shit yes....!!"
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femcelforums · 7 months
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So we found Leo Dilisnya in the Wachterhaus, and he is now a little too attached to Crow (and she doesn’t necessarily hate it but she hates him)
They have very quickly become my favorite heterosexual toxic yuri ship
(Leo’s design is from @vanhelsingapologist!)
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mx-lamour · 10 months
I, Strahd fic ideas:
Despite Fear
Instead of just eavesdropping on the situation between Strahd and Vampyr, Alek busts in and prevents Strahd from making a deal with it.
With Alek alive and Strahd still somewhat sane, they thwart Leo Dilisnya entirely. Sergei and Tatyana live, marry, and go off to visit the Von Zaroviches' homeland.
A party of Strahd, Alek, Ilona, Victor Wachter, probably Tatra, and maybe Ivan Buchvold find the Amber Temple and make sure the Dark Powers fucking stay out of Strahd's head.
Strahd doesn't consider the idea of settling down with someone or having kids until Alek suggests it to him. He says having a kid is like holding your own immortality in your hands.
Unfortunately, everything goes wrong. Alek is dead. Tatyana is dead. Castle Ravenloft is desolate. Strahd is more alone than ever.
Eventually, he remembers to track down Leo Dilisnya and make him suffer. After he and Lovina Wachter have their revenge, on his way out of Vallaki, Strahd catches sight of a familiar figure.
It's Alek's son, now nearly 50 years old, and the resemblance to his father is uncanny.
The Empty Closet
Alek wakes up in Strahd's closet with an ache deep in his gut that feels like a black hole with teeth.
It's a mess as he tries to figure out how he's alive, what the hell Strahd is doing, and deal with the awful coup that erupts within the castle.
(In which Alek becomes a [gravetouched] ghoul as part of the many curses on Ravenloft and remains Strahd's steward.)
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petalpierrot · 3 months
The first thing Eidys and Rahadin do after they rest are plots to steal Leo Dilisnya's bones.
Your honor, they were left unsupervised.
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terrified-spider · 8 months
To CoS DMs,
What sort of stuff do you make a point of including when changing Strahd's diary?
I've never been fond of 5e's handout, it feels far more like a lore drop than a personal diary, and while using I, Strahd would be nice, I've made too many changes to the lore to use it as is. (not to mention that my players and I are all busy, and won't have the time to read a full novel)
I've outlined the key elements that need to be included, I just need to pad it out a bit.
Thank you for any help (:
My current outline is under the cut (:
cw for canon typical depression and violence
Taking Castle Ravenloft:
Summary of the arrival at the castle, naming it after his mother, in her honor
With the death of their parents, Sergei will be coming to the keep
Introduction to Alek and Rahadin, the two working and training together
Meeting Tatyana:
Introducing our sexy lamp
Passing mention of Sergei giving up his place in the clergy for her
Focus on Tatyana's physical traits, her hair in particular. As much as the lamp thing is a joke, she isn't important to Strahd as a person, only a prize. As Strahd is really the only source of information on Tatyana for the party, she doesn't really get much in terms of development.
Alek has raised concerns once again about the assassin
Tatyana & Sergei, Wedding Prep:
Strahd moping while Sergei and Tatyana have a good time.
Mention of Alek going to the Amber Temple for research purposes, to find something that might help the situation.
Night Before the Wedding:
Strahd is starting to hear whispers
Alek and Rahadin have been patroling the castle, questioning the guards, etc.
Wedding Night Aftermath:
Quiet castle, only him and Rahadin alive.
Some sacrifices had to be made, but Alek is still alive, gifted to Rahadin, so that the two can remain brothers.
Alek died as he does in I, Strahd, but is the first Strahd brings back from the dead. He botches it though, and Alek returns as a Nosferatu, rather than a spawn. Strahd is denying the problem, shrugging off the issue as best as he can. He's good at it.
Meeting Marina:
The only section I've fully written out so far, but still up for revisions.
I returned to Castle Ravenloft late yesterday evening with no issue. Rahadin was right, the girl looks exactly like my dearest Tatyana did, with the same red hair and bright eyes. I do not think I know the entirety of what happened to her in the years since her death in the Mists, but she did not remember who she, or perhaps more importantly, Sergei or I, was.
Now, she goes by Marina, and is the adopted daughter of the burgomaster in Berez, Lazlo Berezovich, who plans to marry her in just a few years. Of course, i cannot have such things happen to Tatyana, no matter what name or face she wears now, and I have already begun to teach her of her old life. She seemed invested, though that might simply be due to the prospect of minor nobility taking romantic interest in her. Still, even with having only spent a night with her, the results seem promising. My brother will not have any influence this time, and at long last, Tatyana will finally be mine.
Rahadin also brought news of the Abbot, the “angel” having taken up residence in the old monastery in Krezk, where I had found Leo Dilisnya. While Tatyana is of the highest priority, I will have to visit Krezk soon, to finally welcome our newest guest. Even if his healing magic has been greatly exaggerated, his presence should provide at least some degree of entertainment for myself, and perhaps some assistance for Barovia’s people.
Death of Marina:
Most recent event in journal, so that it works out when Strahd leaves the diary buried under the monument to Marina. A good segment of unmarked pages are left at the end of the journal.
Cursing the men who killed Marina, description of their bodies after their deaths.
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vanhelsingapologist · 2 years
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So pick your weapons up and throw your mercy down.
DILF ALERT, we have uhh Leo Dilisnya. Spoilers for our campaign below and in tags.
So we resurrected Leo Dilisnya, who was living as a bag o’ bones before my PC stole him out of Wachterhaus by some miracle of god. She resurrected him in the middle of a field using her blood, and it turned out that he was just a 400 year old starved vampire who really needed a drinky and hates Strahd more than anything.
So now he’s just hanging out with us and nothing will go wrong ever again because he is DEFINITELY not evil.
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darklordazalin · 10 months
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Camille Dilisnya
Domain: Borca Domain Formation: 684 BC Final Score: 💀💀⚫⚫⚫ (2/5 skulls) Sources: Domains of Dread (2e), Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Gazetteer IV (3e)
Ah, Borca, the land of petty noble bickering, backstabbing, and, of course, poisoning. Made up of rugged valleys and small forests, the land of Borca is seeped with poisonous flora and fauna. If you ever find yourself unfortunate enough to travel there, I suggest only partaking in food and drink you prepared or find a way to alleviate yourself from reliance upon such substances for the duration of your visit.
Before the dual Darklordship of Ivana Borritsi and Ivan Dislisnya, Camille Dislisnya was the Darklord of Borca. After Leo Dislisnya’s failed coup during the infamous von Zarovich wedding in Barovia, his descents fled throughout the lands of the Mists until they were able to reestablish themselves in Mordent.
Camille’s story is rather typical of the Dilisnya family as it involves betrayals and their favored method of murder – poison. She married Siegfried Grymig, a boyar from Barovia and after three years of marriage discovered he was having an affair. She created a rather gruesome poison that killed both her husband and his lover by melding them together into a pile of mucus and flesh. Poetic justice, some would say, yet murder is still a crime. Though the Mordentish authorities lacked the skill to discover the culprit, Camille’s family arranged to send their daughter to their relatives in Invidia to ensure their daughter’s continued freedom and perhaps their own freedom from Camille. Likely this clued in the incompetent Lamplighters of Mordent, but it was a bit too late for them to do anything about it. After all, international law is rather messy in the demiplanes of dread.
During her “escape”, Camille was sentenced to a different type of prison by our tormentors. The Mists took her and formed Borca with Camille as its Darklord. Camille quickly spread word to her family of her newfound Domain, taking pride in her gilded cage. She was, so kindly, gifted with the ability to create any poison imaginable, but cursed to always be betrayed by any man she came to trust. This betrayal most often took the form of infidelity until Camille swore off all men, murdering (using poison, of course) any that even attempted to court her. I believe most woman would just turn to other women at this point, but to each their own, I suppose.
Camille ruled Borca from 684 to 711 BC. She did all she could to pass on her hatred of men to her daughter, Ivana, but this only resulted in Camille’s death by her daughter’s poisonous hands and Ivana inheriting the Darklord title of Borca. I shall save this tale for another time and well, another review.
Although Camille’s methods of poisoning are elaborate and quite creative, she is still an accomplished poisoner who was murdered with poison. When one uses such a tool all the time, you think one would be a bit more careful around everything they touch and consume. The ability to create any poison she can think of is quite formidable, but besides that one tool, she is nothing more than another petty noble. Like a spider, while hidden in the shadows and webs of protection she builds around herself, she is a worthy appointment, but once exposed, she is easily destroyed.
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crowholtz · 3 months
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I can't believe I almost forgot to post this lovely art of Leo Dilisnya and my dusk elf pc Ksenia, done by the gorgeous and talented @kinothecleric .
Lighting someone's cigarette is one of the most intimate acts imaginable, to me. Leo certainly agrees.
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dilfstrahd · 4 months
I am obsessed with that leo dilisnya tag you left on a post rbed from me I need to study you in a good way lemme into that brain. twinkstrahd will do science experiments on dilfstrahd
was that not what you meant by tagging it strahdposting. I would love to be experimented on though but only if you prommy to be weird about it
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