#Leonard who invented the wind glider
gierosajie · 2 years
I wonder if there's a whole little ceremony to get newly made wind gliders blessed (like how people over here have their newly made fishing boats/cars/motorcycles blessed for safe travel), or if whoever made them just. straight up asks the Anemo Archon for it to work like Firnas did for the Sumeru glider
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celestiabyss · 2 years
The Tree's Branches Look Familiar
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So in the 3.3 trailer, we saw this Irminsul with very interesting branches.
It feels like Genshin uses these kinds of lines whenever they show something that's seeping in.
1. Leonard's will (Unreconciled Stars)
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This cutscene shows the backstory of Leonard, an adventurer who lived around 2000 years ago. Among all the mountains he tried to climb, he only failed to conquer Pilos Peak. It used to be a tall mountain, but due to Barbatos' terraforming on Mondstadt, it became the Musk Reef we see now (yes, the island with the Spiral Abyss Portal).
Though he failed to reach the peak, Leonard was not disheartened. He then designed and invented the Wings of Incompletion, the very first wind glider, hoping that someday someone will finally reach Pilos Peak at last.
Leonard's will was so strong that meteorites from his constellation descended onto Mondstadt and Liyue during the Unreconciled Stars event (1.1). Anyone who touches the meteories all fell into a deep sleep and dreamed the same dream: climbing Pilos Peak (with the exception of Scaramouche, who dreamed about the "fake sky" and was able to wake himself up).
2. Zhongli reaching out to Azhdaha (Zhongli Story Quest Act 2)
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This cutscene features the beginnings of Azhdaha, back when he was still a stone deep underground. He had yet to see the light on the surface, so Rex Lapis answered his wishes: "I bestowed him with a pair of eyes to see the world."
I assume that the yellow lines here represent Rex Lapis' Geo energy seeping through the bedrock...quite reminiscent of how he saved Xiao from falling into the Chasm's chaotic space (Perilous Trail cutscene).
3. Forbidden knowledge (Sumeru Archon Quest Act 4)
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Lastly, this cutscene showed us how forbidden knowledge seeped into the world, plaguing King Deshret's ancient civilization. It is said that forbidden knowledge was "not from this world."
When King Deshret brought this knowledge, Eleazar spreaded for the first time, people would hear crazed whispers in their mind, and the land lost its vigor.
In Conclusion...
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It's interesting to see that the lines from Cutscene #2 and #3 flowed downwards while those from #1 and the Irminsul's branches pointed upwards. But that's probably from our perspective 👀
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