#Leprechaun 5
jeandejard3n · 6 months
Leprechaun | Ambient Music
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coolscreenshotsbro · 2 months
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jasonsutekh · 1 year
Leprechaun films: 1 (1992), 2 (1994), 3 (1995), 4 In Space (1996), 5 in the Hood (2000), 6 Back 2 Tha Hood (2003), Origins (2014), and Returns (2018)
A magical being is inadvertently summoned to wreak havoc until he can retrieve his gold, no matter how much slaughter it takes.
Most of the films in this franchise have a decent balance between the comedy and gore elements which contrast nicely while varying the style of entertainment. They aren’t all the same as the third one twists the narrative into a more interesting dynamic by making the protagonist more powerful. There’s also some inventive magical lore involved and developed at times.
Some of it is inconsistent to say the least. The fourth film in particular is so bizarre that it’s irrelevant and the leprechaun is played out as an alien in it, despite still being Irish and cliché. It’s not the only sequel to get a little too silly to take seriously as a horror, or even a comedy horror, but others compensate in the opposite way by becoming too blood reliant.
Warwick Davis is the main actor for most of the title role and he has an odd kind of charisma about him, as some of the other great horror monsters do, the ones that can talk at least. What is occasionally a surprise is that some of the jokes, gags, and even limericks are actually pretty good, though they’re peppered into the general one-liners.
Despite the niche comedy in some sequels, Origins is probably the weakest as it doesn’t chronicle the actual origins as the title suggests, it relies entirely on the horror genre, but the leprechaun doesn’t talk so it may as well be any monster. In each film the characters are very variable in their reactions or inventiveness, even the smarter ones can show a profound lack of insight or sense.
Leprechaun: 5/10 -Can’t find a better example of average-
Leprechaun 2: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
Leprechaun 3: 5/10 -Can’t find a better example of average-
Leprechaun in Space: 3/10 -This one’s bad but there’s some good in it, just there-
Leprechaun in the Hood: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
Leprechaun Back 2 Tha Hood: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
Leprechaun Origins: 3/10 -This one’s bad but there’s some good in it, just there-
Leprechaun Returns: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
-The sorority house in Returns is named AU, the chemical symbol for gold, however the Greek symbol for u is Upsilon, the upper case of which is a capital y (Y).
-The clover patch in the original was planted on set and lit with green light. The four-leaf clover was so rare, a three-leaf one had to have an extra leaf glued on.
-In the third one Davis can briefly be seen without the horror make-up playing on one of the slot machines.
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rosalie-starfall · 5 months
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Sally Phillips
Taskmaster - The Leprechaun or the Lesbian
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SUMMARY: When three rappers want to get even with a pimp, they accidentally unleash a leprechaun who goes on a killing rampage in the 'hood.
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foggydayinspace · 1 year
i think we should talk more about Mark with paint on his face
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hosttos · 3 months
There's one class I'm taking this semester that is actually making me reanalyze my whole life, it's called Digital Electronics 1, doesn't sound very exciting (and it isn't), yet my experience with it has been nothing short of surreal, like The Twilight Zone surreal, it may not seem so from what I'm about to tell, but I'm currently considering the possibility that the devil's messing with me for funsies.
The first couple of classes were as normal as they could be, from time to time this weird geeky teacher would say some things I didn't understand, however pretty much everyone else in the class seemed unphased by them so I didn't think much of it at first. As weeks went by I couldn't help but notice it happened more and more frequently.
This class also has a lab component, which has never been my strong suit, but in this case I thought it'd be much easier since pretty much all work would be on the computer and not an actual lab. It was hell. First two classes or so were meant to install special software in our computers to control a FPGA board (a board whose hardware you can manipulate via software through your computer), I could not for the life of me follow a four step tutorial on how to do it. The tutorial was as good as a tutorial can be, or so I think, but ok the second step I was already losing my mind: files that were supposed to appear didn't exist, lines of code in my computer were blocked for some reason, packages were asking for money even though I had a license already, etc. This went on for two weeks.
After having to talk for hours with the lab assistant I ended up with an erased hard disk running only Linux on my ONLY computer (as opposed to having a half partition for Linux and half for Windows, what it was supposed to be) but most of the required software was running just fine, I thought this was acceptable, nothing I could complain about since I was already two weeks behind on the required lab reports, the teacher said he was flexible with the established dates so I didn't worry much.
When I actually started reading the lab guides my second personal hell started, I understood in full everything I was supposed to do but had absolutely zero idea on how to do it, I gave it a couple of hours at home to try but got nothing from it, before giving up I thought maybe if I was THAT lost I wasn't the only one struggling with it, so I waited for the next class before trying again. I was, apparently, very wrong.
Next class for some reason everyone was having trouble. To be precise, they were all having a problem I did not even understand, and they all had easily overcome the trouble I was having when they faced it. I was so embarrassed I had to wait for the class to end to ask the teacher for help, which she very happily did: she pointed out what was wrong with the hardware description (fancy talk for "code"), manually corrected some things that were keeping my software from running correctly (which I should have noticed) and gave me some general advice. I was so embarrassed to admit I didn't understand any of what she said that I just thanked her and left.
I started sleeping less, some nights I would try to make a sense of what she told me and I could make nothing of it, nada, nothing at all, I understood all the individual words that made up the advice she gave me but the sum of them made no sense in my mind.
Non-lab classes were good though, I understood all the theoretical components and all the topics covered, although from time to time the teacher would zone out for a while and say some truly insane shit I couldn't even begin to grasp the concept of, but since these didn't seem to affect the over all course of the class and I seemed to be the only confused one, things went by just fine.
As weeks went by I got more and more embarrassed just walking into that lab, every week at home I thought I finally made some progress just to find out my labmates had done thrice my work in half the time. But the worst part is how I just stopped understanding anything at all in that lab room, the teacher would explain something and everyone just kind of nodded in agreement for hours at a time, I felt dumber at the end of every class. I tried asking friends, they seemed as cursed as the teacher, with all the goodness in their hearts they'd start explaining things to me but at that moment my brain would lock completely and no knowledge could come in, I could tell they meant well, they were very nice too, and explained in very simple terms, it is absolutely clear at this point the problem is me.
I spent most of my class time wondering how all these people understood so well a programming language none of us were familiar with. They just went along with it, it was easy for them, and it seemed easy too, none of the reports required more than 20 or so lines of code to work. But once I stared at the screen for one hour trying to understand what the first 10 lines of code meant, I saw YouTube tutorials and Reddit forums looking for help, but it just didn't click.
I finished 4 lab reports in 8 weeks, a true miracle considering I didn't understand most of them. The remainder of the semester is to be spent making a project based on all we learned, and as such, the lab teacher would only be available for advice regarding the project. I tried to be optimistic about this.
First class that was meant to be spent solving problems about said project (a Tamagotchi). I went in with the hopes of asking for help but when I saw some of the other projects and how advanced they were I died a little. Some people asked some questions that seemed so much more advanced than mine I just couldn't bring myself to ask, I'm normally not so shy about asking teachers for help but this was different, my question really seemed like an offense to ask at that point. I felt the strongest need to leave that room I had just walked into five minutes prior.
At this point I feel like I'm truly losing my mind, I can't walk into that class and not feel I'm the dumbest person in the room, sometimes I even feel they're all aware of it too, I don't think it's the way they look at me, because as I said they're all very nice, but I can't help but feel they are all acting like they don't notice the toddler in the room that wants to act like an adult.
I couldn't take the psychological damage I was getting from that class so I started working on the project at home, not nearly as fast as I'm supposed to but I got some things accomplished eventually. When time came to test things I was not so surprised when nothing worked.
I made several attempts to get things running without any success at all, a few weeks went by and I finally asked for help from a classmate. She lent me some code and, fascinatingly enough, her code did exactly the same thing as mine, the only difference being hers does work. So I tried her code on my computer and, surprise, it didn't on mine. I'm absolutely certain all my components work (because I had to replace some) and my computer and the board both work fine because I actually ran stuff from the labs on it, so no reasonable explanation so far.
Once again I feel like the universe just fucking hates me, and the fucker knows where to hit me for maximum effect, I see that fucking code in my dreams, I can't sleep at night thinking about it, there is a leprechaun living on my walls changing my connections and ruining my code everytime I look away as a running joke for an audience I can't see. It's going to be the last thing I see before I die, I know for sure.
This class is nothing different to what I have taken before, the required courses to take the class I passed with high grades even, it can't be such a jump, and it isn't apparently. Most people seem okay with this class, some of my friends have taken it already and said it was a pretty tame experience?!?but I'm on the verge of insanity and nothing a person in that class says can seem to help me in any way. I'm truly on the verge of something fundamental in me changing, I don't want to know what and I especially don't want it to happen.
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juney-blues · 4 months
spelunky 2's game balance feels weird to me i think
like maybe it's because i'm a fake scrub baby gamer who needs to get good, but it feels like the game's levels are like twice as *dense* as the first game's.
and like, on it's own that'd be fine! great! even!
but the game's timer is a lot, tighter, relatively speaking, than the first game's.
it gives you 30 extra seconds, sure, but you have like twice the stuff to do each level compared to the first game! so that's a 100% increase in shit to do and only a 25% increase in the time you're given to do it!
it makes every level feel almost like a desperate rush if you're trying to get a high score or do all the shit you've gotta do for the secret areas or just, do literally anything other than make it to the end of the level.
and like that wouldn't be *so* bad i guess, the only penalty for the timer running out is the ghost showing up, i could see an argument for "playing around the ghost is just expected of you now, she's a bigger part of the game so learn to deal with her"
and sure that would be *fine*
if she didn't have two extra phases where she gets even harder to predict and work around and avoid!! like yeah maybe i *should* get good but it really fuckin feels like the game is saying "hurry the fuck up and get out of the level, asshole!"
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501st-rexster · 7 months
I CANNOT express how excited I am for March 10th, because that's when the Worcester, MA St Patrick's Day parade is. And this year I have been handed the great honor...
Of being Lucky the Leprechaun.
I get to wear the Leprechaun costume and channel my hyperactivity in the most fun way possible. I am VERY excited, to say the least.
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fanofspooky · 8 months
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Leprechaun 5: In the Hood
2000 • R • 1h30m
When three rappers want to get even with a pimp, they accidentally unleash a leprechaun who goes on a killing rampage in tha 'hood.
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wineandthrandy · 2 years
Thrandy had too much green beer tonight and thinks he's turning into a leprechaun ☘🍀🍻🤢🤮🤪🤭🤣🤣
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chantireviews · 1 month
BOOK Of LEPRECHAUNS: The Lore Gatherers by Jonathan Uffelman - Myths & Legends, Middle-Grade Adventure Fiction, Fantasy
Three leprechauns, Molly, Shaun, and Dorker, have their lives turned upside down when a sinister figure returns to their peaceful village with greed and revenge on his mind. In Jonathan Uffelman’s middle-grade fantasy, Book of Leprechauns: The Lore Gatherers, they embark on a treacherous journey to recover their lost home. Shaun McClanahan struggles to support his daughter Molly as she fails a…
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coolscreenshotsbro · 2 months
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
God DAMN I was like 'okay well one sangria on top of a full meal should leave me okay to drive, if not I can go to the tea place across the street and sober up'
That was NOT a sangria that was almost all vodka. That was a glass of vodka with a bit of peach juice. What the hell
Thankfully my mom went with me so she drove home but holy shit. Who makes a sangria that's 75% vodka.
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rosalie-starfall · 7 months
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Sally Phillips
Taskmaster - The Leprechaun or the Lesbian
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jackalopefreckles · 2 years
Sometimes I forget I grow random face hairs sometimes so I just lmao pluck them out. Just adhd "huh this doesnt go here" and plucking out a red hair from my chin lmao
Every so often I shave but lmao if I keep plucking them no way am I ever gonna grow a decent amount of fuzz lmao
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