switch-writer · 2 years
Past and Present
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(WARNING: THIS IS A TICKLE FIC, so, if you dislike that or tickles in general, I’d suggest scrolling. Thank you!
(A/N: SO. Villainous, amazing show. One of my favorites, however I’m pretty new to it so I’m not the best at writing the characters just yet. So this is one of like, 2 or 3 times I’ve actually written for it? And the other two I’m not proud of so this is good enough for me. So, hopefully it’s enjoyable! And Ngl, this has been sitting in the drafts for a few days because I was kinda scared to post it, sooo, I’m finally just gonna post it and hope for the best. Also! This fic is Lee!Flug and Ler!Demencia over all, though the roles swap briefly at the end, along with there being a little flashback. But anyways. Feel free to send requests about it or just ramble with me about it. Hopefully you enjoy!)
(Summary: Demencia, out of boredom and a need to mess with Flug, launches a little tickle attack on him, which reminds the doctor of some fond memories from the past.)
A day like any other, Blackhat sending off orders to Doctor Kenning Flugslys, 505 cleaning around all areas and quarters other than Blackhat’s quarters, Demencia doing… whatever she does, but let’s focus in on Doctor Kenning Flugslys, or rather, as he’s most known by, Dr. Flug.
Why just Dr. Flug instead of Flugslys? Well, let’s just say the man who most often wore a bag knew that most people pronounced his name wrong, so he can’t be bothered to constantly correct people, so he keeps it as short as possible. He could’ve used his first name, buttttt he didn’t like that either. A certain someone (cough cough, Demencia.) would call him Ken… too similar to the Barbie doll Ken for his taste.
But besides that little tangent, he was in his laboratory close by to his bedroom, attempting to concept works for devices he was asked to make, and he was currently focused in on his work, relaying every detail he could down to the actual thickness and thinning of the lines in his base concept sketch, following by beginning to write small notes around it.
However, this day was going to turn out just a little different than Flug expects.
How so you may ask? Well, there’s a certain human reptile slithering her way throughout the vents, managing to crawl into the laboratory and all throughout it into the doctor’s room. The doctor’s room was neat and precise as expected. Not that she cared too much about that, she didn’t give a damn about that frankly.
What she did care about is that the doctor wasn’t present, aka, her little plan of action was still in action and not cut short, hell yeah! Demencia did a small fist pump to the air out of her own excitement before continuing to quietly slither and sneak out of Flug’s room and right into the current room he was researching and working in.
Awww, he was so unexpecting. How perfect.
With the doctor distracted, it made it easy to slip right behind him. Flug, despite all odds, lifted his eyes away from his paper to right in front of him, somehow having a sixth sense he wasn’t alone, like someone was in the room with him. Surely not… but Flug tried to finish the note he was writing before his premonition sparked so he could look around afterwards, he didn’t wish to break his train of thought.
So, the doctor wrote as following, ‘Make sure to keep the model sleek and be sure to keep in mind-‘
“EeEEK!!” The Doctor screamed a tad in fear considering the fact he was pulled backwards, his chair going back right with him to fall, but the lizardish woman caught the chair before hitting the ground, saving the doctor while scaring the piss out of him. Demencia was just giggling away like she didn’t take 5 years off of his life with that scare, which Flug tried to straighten himself up and go into his little yelling mode in an attempt to scold her.
“Demencia! How many times have I-“ “Can it, nerd! You were sooo distracted! And I’m bored!” Flug huffed in frustration at the excuse, especially since his writing (which already was sloppy) had trailed off his page because his hand spazzed in surprise thanks to her, but he took a moment to think back since it reminded him of something.
Way back in his highschool years, a certain gal who had well managed pink hair would often do such things similar to get his attention, like scare him to get his attention. And when he would question why she’d do it, it was for his attention as previously stated.
Ah memories. There was one time she did that because she needed assistance with studying since she’d lack to do so the nights leading up to the assignment. Of course he’d refuse to just cough up the answers since according to him, it was very inefficient and she should’ve put more effort into studies instead of going to bug him for answers.
So, since he would refuse, said gal would turn to other methods. Like…
His train of thought was cut short because of how those memories never failed to fluster him. However, the small blush creeping on his neck was beginning to happen. Shit. “Well, maybe you should-“ “bug you!” Demencia finished his sentence for him, causing more frustration to come from the doctor staring up at her.
“No! Make your own entertainment like using the TV? Playing with 505?” “Sooo, I’ll make my own entertainment by messing with you!” He’s getting nowhere with this.
“Ugh. Whatever Demencia.” He mumbled, crossing his arms to be all defensive over it. “Hehehe! At least admit it was a good scare!” “It was nothing of the sort!” “But you got all scared, doc!” Demencia added more expression into her movements, her hands going claw shaped as she raised them over Flug.
That again reminded him of those ‘other methods’ the gal would use, the claw shaped hands, the wiggling fingers that followed and the teases that came before the storm. The ones that would be said as she’d request the answers ‘or else’ she’d do it. Cecilia, oh Cecilia, by god she knew how the hell to drive him up the wall.
Oh, yeah, he was still with Demencia. “Hm?” “What’s with your neck?” Flug paused to remind himself, thanks to the flustering memories, his neck and face was going a little pink. “…Uhmmm, it’s uh-“ Shit. THINK OF AN EXCUSE! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!
“I’m just uh- very hot! Whew it’s heating up here! I tell you these lab coats don’t help either!” He spoke very quickly while trying to say his excuse, geez he was a horrible liar when it came to those close to him. Demencia however huffed at this, her brow raising with her expression that truly showed she knew he was lying. Hell, it was hardly lying with how horrible he was at it.
“You’re a horrible liar, nerd! Spill! What’s going on?!” Demencia pried at Flug for the truth, Flug looked side to side before shaking his head. “No! There’s nothing to spill!” A little more convincing, but still horrible. “Liar!” Demencia racked her brain for a moment, claws… hovering way over him.
So, in a pathetic attempt to figure it out, Demencia did the same thing again, this time instead of her claw shaped hands being all the way up, it was closer to the doctor’s torso but still mostly above it and away from it. This provoked him to tense up, if she finds out, she’ll destroy him to no end. “D-Demencia! Please! It’s n-nothing!” “Then cough it up!” “No!” This was going nowhere for Flug, however, Demencia was slowly becoming wise.
She lowered her hands lower and lower to his torso, all while Flug tried to stay perfectly still to not give away anything as he squeezed his eyes shut, quite nervous and getting flustered at the mere thought.
There’s a moment of silence. What? Demencia usually wouldn’t go so quiet, if anything she should be asking more questions! Flug slowly opened one of his eyes, trying to look at Demencia.
“D-DeEHEHE- NOHOHO! NONONONO! NOHOhohHOHOT THIHIHIS!” Flug was already laughing away, the surprise attack going through any resistance of his as his back arched before flopping right back on the ground. His tummy always was a sweet spot. Which, Demencia had a big chaotic grin on her face that was only growing. “This? This is what’s making you all red?! Really?!”
Oh dear god, the teasing already?!
“NOHOHO! PLEHEHEE- NAHAHA- NOHOHOT THE NAVEL!” Demencia made sure to keep him on his toes with her attacks so they were all the worse. Flug ended up thrashing side to side and out of the chair he’d previously fell with, going and laying down, his tummy to the floor to stop the tickles there. “Ehehe….ehee…” Flug had leftover giggles since the tickles had stopped, burying his face into the floor and his arms.
However, once he felt himself getting straddled, he began to start trying to squirm again. “Nohohooo… Demencia pleheease!” “Hmmm, nope! I wanna know why it makes you all flustered! Soo spit it out or else!” Oh hell no- “Demehencia! Do not! No! Don’t even!” Kenning tried to scold the chaos driven girl in order to get her to not do so. But if anything, his refusal to say why it made him all giddy and flustered determined her even more.
So while Flug tried to scold, his lab coat was flipped over his baghead, covering his vision other than the dimmed light showing through the whiteness of his coat. “Hey! That’s uncahAhHAAhalled fohohor-!” The simple finger slide up the back worked well too, not that any spot didn’t at this point.
“Pff- wow Flug! You’re just a ticklish mess!” He groaned in embarrassment upon the reminder. “Actually, I think I should call youuu…” she paused to think, even doing the ‘hmmm’ sound to think. “Giggle bag!” “Eh?! You will n-“ He cut himself off as Demencia got off him.
“Eh?-“ he looked up at her, raising a brow, quite confused. “Is that all?-“ wait- wrong wording! “I-I mean! Not like that! I don’t need more!” He scrambled to correct himself as Demencia laughed at that, quite entertained. “Hahaha! Don’t tell me you want mor-“
“More isn’t necessary, Demencia.”
There’s the boss himself, sparking fear within Flug and excitement within Demencia. “S-Sir!-“ “My Lord!” Demencia immediately shouted, beaming with energy upon the sight of the refined and fancily dressed demon as Flug was practically scrambling to his feet.
Blackhat however seemed unamused at the two, glaring down Demencia. “You dare distract the doctor while working?” He said, clearly here to scold, she didn’t even care much about that and skipped right over to him. “A little, but that doesn’t-“ “Demencia.” He cut her off, his glare piercing through her, causing her to gasp slightly as she looked at him.
Blackhat kept the cold stare, gesturing to the door for her to get out of the room, which she begrudgingly did so. “…Now. Doctor.” Flug squeaked in surprise as the boss approached him. “I-I swear I tried to get her to stop, S-Sir Blackhat!” Blackhat rolled his eyes, his cane in hand. “Don’t act as if you pushed her away, you didn’t even try!”
Wait. He saw the whole thing? And didn't stop it sooner? How else would he know that he didn’t push away.
Flug however wasn’t gonna dance with the devil, so he just hung his head, staring at the floor. He was at a loss for words before Blackhat scoffed. “Head up, Doctor. Now, do me a favor and get back to work!” He demanded, using his cane to gently push Flug back over to his desk before gently elbowing the doctor in the ribs, causing a squeak. It sorta stung but also surprisingly tickled.
“… that tickled, didn’t it?” Blackhat said in a disappointed tone, not at Flug, but rather himself as if he just tried to tickle him intentionally. Flug gave a shy nod as he rubbed the rib, trying to ease the sting it caused after the sensation, causing the demon to groan and facepalm. “Get back to work.” He ordered before walking out of the room, grumbling to himself in frustration and slight anger the nudge to Flug’s side was somehow a tickly feeling.
Flug let out a sigh of relief before putting his chair right back up, pulling it out to sit on it to go back to work.
“EeeEHEHEAHA! WAHAHAIT!” Flug thrashed his hips away from the tickly hands, turning himself around to see Demencia. “That should’ve been me!” “Wh-Whahat?!” “That tickle jab thingie! It should’ve been me!” She voiced her major anger/frustration. So. Demencia grabbed him right by his hips, causing Flug to be extra squirmy, pleading for mercy and rapidly apologizing as he was picked up and put into his bed, getting his legs sat on.
“Pleeeease! Pleheheaseee! I’m sohohorry!” Flug was in a fit of nervous giggles before Demencia mercilessly dug her hands into the hollows of his hips, causing a shriek followed by high pitched squealing and even higher pitched laughter. “NAHAHA! I'M SOHOHOHORRY! I'M SOHOHOHORRY!” He apologized a bunch, Demencia refusing to let up. “I don’t care! You deserve this for stealing what should’ve been mine!”
“IHIHIT WAS JUHUHUST A LIHIHIHITTLE TIHIH- THIHIHI- TIHIHICKLE! PleHEHEHease HAVE MEHEHEHERCY!” “No matter if it was bunches or just a little one, it still should’ve been mine!” Mercy isn’t going to exist in this case.
But… this felt eerily familiar… didn't it?
“P-PLEHEHEASE! CECILIA! NOHOHO!” “Giveeee me those test answers Fluggy!” “NOHOHohoh! I cahAHAHAN’T!” Cecilia, soon to be Miss Heed, had her major doubts about his answers thus far. “Awww! But you can! Unless you just want more and more tickles!” She teased, causing Flug’s face to heat up as he laughed freely.
“I DOHOHOHON’T! I PROHOHOMISE I Dohohon’t!” “And yet, here you are! Refusing to give up the test answers! I really wanna keep tickling you to pieces Fluggy, I’m sure you definitely want me to as well, but I still need those answers!”
“I- I dohoHOHO NOT- PLEHEHEASE! NOHOHOT THEHEHERE! NOHOHOT THE HIPS! YOUR NAHAHAILS!” Flug was in hysterics, squirming side to side to try and get the tickles to stop despite Cecilia being correct. “Hm? Oh! My nails! I just got them done and everything, aren’t you lucky?” That was replied to with a shake of Flug’s head.
“No? You aren’t? But you’re loving the tickles! Just admit itttt!” “I'M NOHOHOHOT!” With that, Cecilia stopped the tickles, causing the soon to be doctor to catch his breath, looking at her. “E-Ehehe?” “What? Why so confused?” Flug ended up flustered, but managed to mumble an answer. “Wh-why did you… you know…”
“Stop you mean?” Replied to by a nod. “Well, clearly if you aren’t loving the tickles, you shouldn’t need them, nor care.” “T-That isn’t what I-“ “It isn’t what you what?” This was embarrassing to no end, his face going red by his point, luckily he still kept his face hidden from view mostly. He really liked the bonding experience and just being able to laugh… especially with her, but…
“Well?” “It isn’t… it isn’t what I meant.” He finally vocalized his thoughts despite how flushed his face was, which he got a ‘awww’ from her in response as he huffed. “Welllll, I’m glad! It’s adorable tickling you to bits! Especially considering you’re supposed to be here to become a villain.” She reminded him so he’d get even more adorably flustered.
“Mmm…” he crossed his arms, whining before sighing, turning his head back to her. “If I give you the answers… could you just… you know.” She flashed a smile at him, quickly hugging him. “Thank you!” The nerdy man gently hugged her back, a small smile on his face. “Mhm. But please, you should study more.” “I know I know.”
Cecilia chuckled before checking her phone upon getting a notification about Goldheart, her attention being stolen by the hero rather than going to Flug, much to his disappointment. After a minute passed, he ended up getting up, knowing it was pointless to even try and take her attention off of the one she’s recently started to admire…for some reason, I mean, he wasn’t even that great- but anyways. He knew it was pointless.
“Now wait just a minute!” “aAAaah!” Flug was pulled right back down into her lap. “I’m not done with you just yet, Villain.” “E-Eh?” “Where.” “Where what?” “Where are the test answers?!” “I- Cecilia! I’m not playing this pretend game!” “Who’s this ‘Cecilia’ you villain?! I only know test answers!” She said dramatically, squeezing at his hips, causing his little shrieks and squeals to start again.
“Where are the answers!?” “CECILIA!” “Whooo?” “PFF-EHAHAH! I'LL NEHEHEVER TELL YOHOHOU! I DOHOHON’T CONVERSE WIHIHITH HEHEHEROS!” “Much better! I mean, ahem. You shall! Or else!”
Cecilia and Flug, what a duo they were, however, due to the slowly growing obsession of Cecilia’s, it’s a shame they wouldn’t get to be more. After all, it’ll all end with Miss Heed, formally Cecilia, to be locked away and the doctor to give his advice before leaving. Still. Even with the heartache, the memories are cherished by Flug, and luckily, it seems like Demencia will gladly make new memories like this with him. That’s all he can ask for…
Speaking of Demencia…
“DEHEHEMENCIA!” “Admit it! It should’ve been mine!” “IT SHOHOHOULDVE BEEN!” Demencia, upon realizing how easily he admitted that, decided to loop back around to the original goal. “Oh. Wellll then admit why this flusters you too!” “NEHEHEVER!” “Hmph! Thennn tickles forever! All until you’ll never stop giggling!” Demencia grinned, being evil about this, causing the doctor to gasp and shake his head to refuse.
“NOHOHO! NOHOHO MOHOHORE! I DOHOHON’T WANNA GIHIHIGGLE FOREVER!” He played into the drama, Demencia’s grin only growing as she took a breath, blowing a merciless raspberry right on his hip, causing Flug to practically scream, but still shriek over all.
“DEHEHEME- I- HEEHEHEHAHAH!” Flug was past the point now on forming sentences, just a ball of laughter before the tickles finally eased. “Now, are you gonna fess up?!” “Eheheha… heheh! Mhmhmh!” He giggled his ‘mhm’ out, finally catching his breath as he grabbed Demencia by her shoulders to pull himself up, only for his head to fall in her lap.
“Pff- come on! Just cough it up before I do it again!” Demencia made her claw hands to playfully threaten him, causing Flug to hold his hands out in front of him. “Okahay! Okay!” Flug giggled before sighing in relief.
“It’s juhust… I can’t explain it.” “Eh?! You what?!” Demencia was in slight disbelief since Flug’s logic usually never failed. “I can’t! I promise! It's just… I dunno… it makes me kinda happy and leaves me in a positive mood…?” He was at a loss of words.
“Hmph! Boring!” “I’m being honest! It isn’t my favorite thing ever! It’s just flustering!” He huffed. “Think about it! You’re the one always poking at me a bunch! Why do that?”
After a moment of silence, Demencia did exactly that by poking his tummy, causing his squeak of surprise. “Nonono! Do not!” Flug poked her right back, before squeezing her thigh just once, causing a squeal. Thennn Flug just sat up and pulled her over to continuously squeeze at her thighs, causing her to break into small bursts of laughter, along with squealing and occasional shrieks.
“FLUHUHUG! DOHOHON’T DO IT BAHAHACK! STOHOP!” “Nope! You didn’t stop so fast. Tell me how this makes you feel!” He became stubborn. “You’re gonna understand why it’s flustering and makes people all happy, well, unless the big strong wrestler can’t take some tickles.”
With a slight pink tinted face, Demencia decided to take him on. “I CAHAHAN UNLIKE YOHOHOU! MEHEHEANIE!” “I am not a- you know what? That’s it!”
Needless to say, those two were gonna be having some fun with challenges and squabbling about things. It all makes for a fun time and a bonding moment, and frankly, that’s what they’ll both like about it.
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gabygirl1243 · 2 years
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sophyahria · 3 years
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Happy 4th Anniversary!
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angelssfeathers · 2 years
“This...This is a scientific discovery!” Flug practically squealed in excitement, almost in a similar manner of his squeaks whenever he gets startled or scared. “I can’t believe it... you... you have a laughter button right here! Nonono, no squirming away from me!” The doctor followed, making sure that he could get a chance to actually be a teaser and make someone laugh. Namely you. “Anddd... got you!” He claimed as he got you into his grasp, which he gladly pulled you into his lap for simplicity and ease to reach for the ‘laughter button’ or rather, your navel. “Aaaa...tickletickletickle! Yep! Definitely a laughter button right here. Just listen to how adorable you sound!” He teased as he continued wiggling his finger into your navel, being silly as usual. He always got super silly when tickling someone. It made it lighthearted and sweet, so, nothing to complain about. “Truly, I’m surprised it’s scientifically possible for someone to be this ticklish. I think I should keep going. Someone has to document how ticklish you are after all!” He would’ve been obviously smiling if he wasn’t wearing the paper bag, his tone was obviously giving that away. “So, allow me to test and document this. Are you ready? Mhm? Very good! Tickle tickle tickle! Kitchee kitchee koo!”
(Enjoy your Ler!Flug once again!)
(- 🌃 anon)
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simpingragdollcat · 6 years
Why Hatbot-lers don't speak
Dr. Flug: Hatbot-ler, come.
Hatbotler: *comes to Flug*
Dr. Flug: Hatbot-ler, sit.
Hatbotler: *sits*
Dr. Flug: Speak!
Hatbotler: Fuck.
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bo-bo-bean · 6 years
Black Hat's Smile
505, Dr. Flug and Dementia sneaked to Black Hat's main room, which was his library, a roaring green fire burning. He was looking at the fire, covered in a fleece blanket. "... s-sir...?" "Leave." "S-sir, is there something wrong?" Flug entered slowly, Dementia crawling on the walls, hoping to find Black Hat's diary. 505 just sat down on the ground. When he looked up, he saw a suit of armor. He yelped and hid behind Flug, who was nearing Black Hat cautiously. "I said leave!" he roared, teeth sharp and eyes turning demonically red. Flug stepped back, eyes wide and knees quaking, 505 hugging Flug close. Even Dementia fell off the walls. "Can't you see I'm busy!?" "... w-with...?" Black Hat opened his mouth, hoping an excuse would fly out, but that's not how mouths work. "Does it matter!?" "... our sales are going low," he lifted a screen, it showing a graph. The line was going down. Black grabbed it and broke it into two over his knee. "I don't care, just leave me alone!" Flug couldn't believe his ears. Didn't care? This wasn't like him. Not at all. Even 505 detected there was something wrong for he was coming closer, then made a sound of concern. "I said leave me alone!!" 505 ran back behind Flug again. "S-sir! What's going on...!? You usually care about sales going down...!" "I just... don't feel it today," he sprawled on his armchair. He had on some black sweatpants, a white tank, still his top hat and was barefoot. "Don't... feel it?" Dementia fell from the bookshelf as Flug gained composure and some pity. He knew Black Hat was evil and did a lot of mad things, but he was still his boss. "... can... we help?" "Help by leaving! I don't need anyone!" "I think maybe he needs a kiss!" Dementia offered excitedly. "I would gladly offer myself!! Kiss me, you fool!!" She ran after Black Hat, but he stopped her by placing his hand in front of her face. He felt her tongue lick his hand. "Ack!! Dementia!!" he pushed her down, wiping the saliva off on Flug's shirt. Flug looked down at Black Hat... and bent down a little, poking his side. Quickly, Black Hat curled his arms by his sides. "What was that!?" "... sir... are you... ticklish?" "No!" he shouted. "N-now leave my room!" "Well, I never knew!" Flug sneered, though it wasn't present through his paper bag mask. Black Hat sunk into his chair. "I-I said leave! And don't even think about it, or else!" "Tickle attack!!" Dementia growled playfully, squeezing his sides. Black Hat yelped and let out laughter, holding his arms to his sides, but it didn't help much from the sensations. "D-Dementia!! Haha haha!! Nonohahahaha!!" 505 smiled happily. He always wanted to hear Black Hat laugh. He went over and nuzzled his belly, Black Hat shrieking. "G-gehehehet away from meeheeheehee!!!" Flug smiled and grabbed his ankles. "My my I hope you don't have ticklish feet...!" he made his voice clear over Black Hat's laughter. Black Hat peered and gasped. "Nohohoho!! Gahahahaha!! Don't you dahahahahahare!!!" Flug smiled and wiggled his fingers over Black Hat's feet. He let out a pained, yet playful laughter as if he enjoyed it, but most certainly, he did not. He actually despised being tickled. It made him feel weak. He felt his arms being hoisted in the air. "Now 505!!" Dementia shouted. He opened his already teary eyes, seeing and feeling 505 blow a raspberry again his quivering belly. Sure, he was gentle, but 505 blew a mean raspberry! "AAAAAAAAAAHAAAAHAAAAA!!!!!" he screamed. "NOOOHOHOHOOOOO!!!!" "Woah!! Do his sides next!!" 505 obeyed cheerfully, Black Hat going into near silent laughter, tears running down his cheeks. Dementia leaned herself down and pinched Black Hat's hip bones, him squealing along with the sensation of Flug massaging his soles quickly. Dementia smiled and decided to tease Black Hat a little. "Does this tickle wickle, Bwack Hat? Does it? Huh? Huh?" "E-enouahahahahagh!!!" "Nope!" She then blew a raspberry on his belly, Black Hat feeling himself about to pass out. Before he did, though, he noticed everyone stopping and leaving the room quickly. He panted in a wheezing tone before taking a deep breath. "Just wait until you get yours!!"
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paper-gold-theories · 3 years
Hero Flug AU (Heart-Bots)
(Hero Flug AU Summary: Flug didn’t manage to escape on an ominous aircraft after his battle with GoldHeart and work for BlackHat. GoldHeart convinces him to "reform" and become a Hero)
I headcanon in Villainous that BlackHat requested Flug to design the HatBot-Lers to feel emotional and physical pain, like humans so that he can get satisfaction when he feels like torturing them. While HatBots-Sentinel are more durable and appear to not feel pain because they act as guards, they have a somewhat sadistic personality so that BlackHat would get some entertainment watching them torture or beat up their victims.
In the Hero Flug AU, GoldHeart prefers Flug to create robots which are emotionless, obedient and do their jobs without question (like a normal robot). So the Heart-Bots (despite the name) are emotionless, soulless, lack of personality, and have one permanent facial expression on their face.
They also have less sharp features (e.g. claws) to make them look less evil and are themed in GoldHeart/Golden Rule colours and designs.
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eldritch-muppetshow · 4 years
((oh boy yet another fic for puppet hat. yeah, i’m having way too much fun writing this lmao. also ft. one of the hatbotlers))
It seemed like a good idea at the time, leaving Black Hat under a HatBot’s care. Flug would get a break, Black Hat would be able to move around more freely, and the HatBot— well, there was no real benefit for the HatBot, but that’s just how things worked at the manor.
When Flug sent HatBot M4-NN into the city to run a few errands, he expected the bot to be gone for a little while, especially since Black Hat would likely want to spend plenty of time in the city. What he didn’t expect, however, was for M4-NN to be gone for over twenty four hours and return to the manor with the groceries, but no sign of Black Hat on his person.
The bot rolled his way into the manor, lightly scuffed and sporting a small dent, but otherwise no worse for wear besides the absence of Black Hat. Wheeling further into the mansion, he pushed past 505, dropped the bag of groceries on the floor and tried to head for the elevator. Flug, however, wasn’t as oblivious as he thought, quickly following the small robot to the elevator and lightly grabbing him by his boxy shoulders.
The scientist’s worst fears were confirmed as he realized that M4-NN did not have Black Hat on either claw. “... M4-NN? Where’s Black Hat?” The robot shrugged, but the slight quivering of the corners of his “mouth” indicated that he knew more than he was letting on. Flug narrowed his eyes behind his goggles. “I sent you into the city with Black Hat so he could get some fresh air. Where is he?” His question was more forceful this time, but the robot instead tried squirming out of his grasp, still trying to get to the elevator. “M4-NN—“ Flug lifted the bot off the ground so he couldn’t roll away, starting to panic. “I’m gonna ask you this one more time: Where is Black Hat?!”
M4–NN’s only response was a sharp-toothed grin eerily similar to that of his boss.
Flug followed M4-NN through the halls, panicking all the while. “You didn’t lose him, right? You had him with you when you left, I know because I said goodbye to him and wished him a safe trip!”
The robot was unresponsive.
“Where did you go in the city? You left, you got the groceries.. where else? Where’d you get all those scuffs?”
Silence, aside from the faint squeaking of M4-NN’s wheels.
“Did— you didn’t leave him somewhere on purpose, right?” Flug gulped, praying that the bot was better than this.
The smile spreading across M4-NN’s face told Flug everything he needed to know.
Flug’s heart dropped into his stomach. “You did?! At least tell me where you left him! You and I both know he can’t be left alone out there!”
M4-NN ignored Flug and headed for the elevator instead.
“M4-NN, get back here before I—“ he was cut off by the elevator doors slamming shut in his bag-clad face.
“That little— give him to me, I’ll tear him apart, have you put him back together, and— and then tear him apart again!!” An absolutely furious Demencia paced back and forth across the lab, much to 505’s discomfort.
“I wish, but he can’t tell us where he left Black Hat if he’s dismembered.” Flug deadpanned, looking over the blueprints for the HatBot-lers again.
Demencia flopped down exasperatedly onto 505, causing the bear to yelp in panic. “Can’t you just look at the footage he took while he was outside?”
“The problem is that they’re supposed to be servants, not recorders..” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose through his bag.
Several hours later, M4-NN still refused to tell Flug or Demencia where he left Black Hat.
“Please! You have to tell me where you left him, or I’ll lose my job! Y-You don’t want to be sold off to someone else, right?” Flug begged, kneeling down to meet the robot’s eye level.
Demencia had joined Flug’s pleading, but not necessarily for the same reason. “If you tell me where he is, I’ll adore you almost as much as I adore Black Hat!”
M4-NN ignored both of them, instead opting to try leaving. He was quickly thwarted by Demencia, who jumped in front of him and slammed the door shut behind her.
Flug swallowed the lump that formed in his throat from what he was about to say. “I-If you tell me where he is, I’ll take whatever punishment Black Hat probably has planned for you! Promise!” With an evil grin befitting of the entity on which he was based, M4-NN nodded.
One trip to the laundromat later, Black Hat was finally returned to the manor safe and sound (albeit slightly damp and smelling distinctly like artificial wildflowers). Flug was forced to endure roughly an hour of being screamed at, several bites to his other hand, and being smacked many, many times by stubby puppet arms. The last one didn’t hurt, but he was forced to act like it did to avoid further hurting Black Hat’s already-bruised ego.
Stumbling out of Black Hat’s office, he winced as Demencia’s voice irritated his ringing ears.
“How’d it go?”
“... Not saying it wasn’t painful, but I think I was expecting a lot worse.”
“Aw, he’s losing his touch.”
M4-NN wheeled his way out of his recharging station and into the halls of the manor. He smiled widely, happy to have gotten the upper hand on his boss for once. And to top it all off, Flug decided to be nice for once and took all the punishment! He would have been skipping for joy if he actually had legs. In fact, he was so ecstatic about the events of yesterday that he didn’t even mind when he bumped into Flug— Wait.
He looked up at the scientist, the lenses of his goggles meeting his optics. He offered his constructor a nervous smile, only to yelp when Flug picked him up and carried him up to the lab.
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this that easily! Trying to cost me my job, leaving Black Hat alone where anyone could pick him up and take him.. I’m not trusting you to run errands unattended ever again!” M4-NN was placed on a lab table, and he watched Flug take what looked like a set of lenses wired to a chip out of a drawer. “In fact, you’ll never be unattended. You’re getting a camera installed behind your optics to ensure you never try something like this again.”
The restraints locked into place before M4-NN could even think of escaping.
Flug’s expression was unreadable behind his goggles as he placed a hand on the robot’s face, but M4-NN could tell he was livid.
“Now, hold still.”
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words4bloghere · 5 years
Flug: Why wouldn't you send me? Is it because I'm not ruthless? *pulls a lever to drop an anvil on a Hatbot-ler* I'm ruthless!
Flug: Or evil?! *zaps a Hatbot Sentinel with a raygun* Is that it?! You don't think I'm evil?! Whataya call this? *Sentinel falls on the struggling Hatbot-ler*
Flug: Am I not strong enough for ya?! I can be strong! *tries to lift a marble bust* 5.0.5!
5.0.5: Bawr?
Flug: Pick up this statue and throw it at the Hatbot!
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jc · 5 years
Rekordabsteiger vor dem neunten Aufstieg? – Der #FCN-Saisonausblick 2019/2020
Da capo. Der Aus­flug in die Bun­des­li­ga war kurz. Nach nur einem Jahr been­de­te der Club die Sai­son mit der schlech­tes­ten Leis­tung in die­ser Liga aller Zei­ten. Die zwei­fel­haf­te Ehre des Titels „Rekord­ab­stei­ger“ haben wir seit­dem allei­ne inne, sonst bleibt nicht viel Nen­nens­wer­tes von der letz­ten Spiel­zeit.
Posi­tiv ist, dass alle – auch und vor allem die Fans! – von Anfang an wuss­ten, dass der Auf­stieg eigent­lich zu früh kam, dass das Team nicht erst­li­ga­reif ist. Die Zeit, sich mit dem Abstieg anzu­freun­den, war erfreu­lich lan­ge, eigent­lich stand es spä­tes­tens mit dem 0:7 in Dort­mund fest, wohin die Rei­se gehen wird. Ent­spre­chend sanft war der Auf­schlag, ent­spre­chend gut­mü­tig die Fans, ent­spre­chend schnell der Blick wie­der nach vor­ne gerich­tet.
Und das tue ich jetzt auch. In Nürn­berg wur­de viel umge­krem­pelt, haupt­säch­lich auf der Manage­ment­ebe­ne. Der neue Sport­vor­stand Pali­ku­ca ver­folgt ein ande­res Modell als sei­ne Vor­gän­ger, er lässt sich fach­lich unter­stüt­zen und bin­det Alt­stars in die Ver­eins­ar­beit mit ein. Er schafft damit eine Auf­bruch­stim­mung, die nicht ein­mal von schmerz­haf­ten Abgän­gen und zwei­späl­ti­gen Test­spie­len getrübt wird.
Apro­pos. Wie üblich wer­fe ich mal einen Blick auf die, die weg sind und die, die neu dabei sind. Es darf aber der Hin­weis nicht feh­len, dass das Trans­fer­fens­ter noch über einen Monat lang offen steht. Bis Anfang Sep­tem­ber kann noch viel pas­sie­ren.
Dass Edu­ard Löwen nicht mit in die zwei­te Liga gehen wird, war eigent­lich klar. Her­tha BSC bekam letzt­lich den Zuschlag und zahlt dafür ver­mut­lich sie­ben Mil­lio­nen Euro – für den Club eine wahn­sin­ni­ge Sum­me.
Ewertons Abschied kam dage­gen über­ra­schen­der. Der Innen­ver­tei­di­ger war Sicher­heits­an­ker in der Auf­steigs­sai­son und hielt auch gegen Ende der letz­ten Sai­son oft­mals die Defen­si­ve sta­bil. Kon­kur­rent HSV sicher­te sich die Diens­te des Bra­si­lia­ners. Es ist ein Ver­lust, der mit zwei Mil­lio­nen Euro ein wenig ver­süßt wird. Und ob der mitt­ler­wei­le 30-Jährige noch vie­le gute Sai­sons hat, wird sich auch noch zei­gen müs­sen.
Trotz aller Loya­li­täts­ver­spre­chen ging auch Tim Lei­bold – eben­falls zum HSV, die sich den Vor­wurf gefal­len las­sen müs­sen, die Liga kaputt­zu­kau­fen, damit es kom­men­de Spiel­zeit doch mal mit dem Auf­stieg klappt. „Lei­be“ macht die Ham­bur­ger angeb­lich um 1,8 Mil­lio­nen Euro ärmer.
Nach­dem Tor­wart Chris­ti­an Mathe­nia einen Fünf­jah­res­ver­trag unter­schrie­ben hat­te, war für Fabi­an Bred­low klar, dass sei­ne Chan­cen, Stamm­tor­hü­ter zu wer­den, kaum noch vor­han­den sind. Der 24-Jährige hat noch was vor in sei­ner Kar­rie­re, also muss­te er wech­seln. Mit­ab­stei­ger Stutt­gart gibt Aysl und zahlt sogar noch 300.000 Euro dafür. Bred­low wird sich aber auch in Schwa­ben erst ein­mal auf die Ersatz­bank set­zen müs­sen.
Edgar Sal­lis Ver­trag wur­de nicht ver­län­gert. Er wur­de in den letz­ten Jah­ren oft für sei­ne Ent­schei­dun­gen auf dem Rasen kri­ti­siert, dem gemei­nen Fan war nie so rich­tig klar, war­um er immer und immer wie­der auf­ge­stellt wur­de. Schom­mers war das Ende letz­ter Sai­son auch nicht mehr klar. Sal­li hat noch kei­nen neu­en Ver­ein.
Der viel kri­ti­sier­te ein­zi­ge Win­ter­zu­gang Ivo Illi­se­vic wur­de in der Rück­run­de drei Mal ein­ge­wech­selt, hat ins­ge­samt 36 Minu­ten gespielt und muss sich jetzt schon wie­der einen neu­en Arbeit­ge­ber suchen. Trans­fer­tech­nisch ein abso­lu­ter Fehl­schlag.
Yuya Kubo wur­de einst mit viel Vor­schuss­lor­bee­ren geholt. Manch­mal zeig­te er auch, wozu er in der Lage wäre, wenn ihm das rest­li­che Team dabei hilft. Meis­tens muss­ten sei­ne Ein­sät­ze jedoch unter „stets bemüht“ ver­bucht wer­den – das hat er mit dem kom­plet­ten Team gemein. Kubos Lei­he ende­te ver­trags­ge­mäß, der Club mach­te kein Kauf­an­ge­bot.
Auch die Lei­he von Robert Bau­er ist been­det, er kehrt zu Wer­der Bre­men zurück (die ihn wohl auch nicht wirk­lich wol­len).
Timo­thy Till­mann kam zu Aus­bil­dungs­zwe­cken von den Bay­ern nach Nürn­berg, hat eini­ge Spie­le in der zwei­ten Mann­schaft bestrit­ten und auch ein paar Startelf-Einsätze in der ers­ten (aller­dings nie über die vol­le Spiel­zeit). Auch sei­ne Lei­he wur­de plan­ge­mäß been­det.
Aus­ge­lie­hen von Spor­ting Lis­sa­bon war auch Matheus Perei­ra, defi­ni­tiv einer der bes­ten im letzt­jäh­ri­gen Team. Der Club war durch­aus an einer Über­nah­me inter­es­siert, es fehl­te aller­dings das nöti­ge Klein­geld in der Kas­se.
Extern aus­ge­bil­det (lies: an ande­re Ver­ei­ne aus­ge­lie­hen) wer­den Jakov Medic und Domi­nik Stec­zyk.
Ins­ge­samt hat der Club über elf Mil­lio­nen Euro an Trans­fer­erlö­sen gene­riert. Kauf­män­nisch war das also ein Erfolg. Dass dahin­ter aber auch schmerz­haf­te Abgän­ge ste­hen, soll­te das nicht kaschie­ren. Rich­tig gute Spie­ler wol­len halt nicht zwei­te Liga spie­len und man­che fol­gen ein­fach nur der Ver­lo­ckung des Gel­des – selbst, wenn es in die glei­che Liga führt.
Der teu­ers­te Neu­ein­kauf (kol­por­tier­te 2,5 Mil­lio­nen Euro) ist Nivo­la Dove­dan, der von Hei­den­heim kommt. Er mach­te schon in den Test­spie­len einen guten Ein­druck als Offen­siv­kraft. Hof­fen wir mal, dass er das Geld wert ist.
Mit gut 2 Mil­lio­nen Euro eben­so nicht im Son­der­an­ge­bot war Iuri Medei­ros, der wie Perei­ra von Spor­ting Lis­sa­bon kommt, im Gegen­satz zum Rück­keh­rer aber mit einem fes­ten Arbeits­ver­trag. Perei­ra habe nur Gutes über den Club erzählt, sag­te er zum Ein­stand. Er wird eben­falls die Offen­si­ve ver­stär­ken.
Als Ewerton-Ersatz ist Asger Sören­sen für eine hal­be Mil­li­on aus Salz­burg in die Noris gezo­gen. Der 23-Jährige mach­te in den Test­spie­len schon gehö­rig auf sich auf­merk­sam.
Robin Hack kommt aus Hof­fen­heim, angeb­lich auch für eine hal­be Mil­li­on Euro. Die Offen­siv­kraft ist für mich noch ein Fra­ge­zei­chen.
Für 450.000 Euro haben wir den Mit­tel­stür­mer Fabi­an Schleu­se­ner bei Frei­burg ein­ge­kauft. Ich habe sonst noch nichts von ihm mit­be­kom­men. Laut Trans­fer­markt besteht bei ihm noch ein Trai­nings­rück­stand.
Tim Hand­wer­ker hat nicht nur einen boden­stän­di­gen Namen. Der für 300.000 Euro von Erst­li­ga­auf­stei­ger Köln kom­men­de 21-Jährige ver­stärkt die Defen­si­ve.
Oli­ver Sorg kommt von Mit­ab­stei­ger Han­no­ver 96, sogar ablö­se­frei. Er dürf­te inter­es­sier­ten Fuß­ball­fans bekannt sein. Dem Ver­neh­men nach ein schmerz­haf­ter Abgang für Han­no­ver, ein erfreu­li­cher also für uns.
Felix Lohkem­per kommt vom Mag­de­burg und hat sich dort einen Namen gemacht. Die Offen­siv­kraft hat viel für Mag­de­burg geleis­tet, konn­te aber auch nicht deren Abstieg ver­hin­dern. Bis­her wur­de er sei­nen Vor­schuss­lor­bee­ren gerecht.
Andre­as Luk­se ist Tor­wart und wird sich ver­mut­lich mit Patric Klandt um die Num­mer 2 hin­ter Mathe­nia strei­ten. Da Klandt schon vor­her Num­mer 3 war und Luk­se Trai­ner Cana­di schon aus Alt­ach kennt, ist das Ergeb­nis ver­mut­lich erst­mal klar.
Fabi­an Nürn­ber­ger hat natür­lich den bes­ten Namen aller Club-Spieler. Der 19-Jährige wur­de aus der U21 beför­dert. Es kann gut sein, dass er eine Stamm­kraft in der ers­ten Mann­schaft wird.
Rund sechs Mil­lio­nen für Neu­zu­gän­ge bei rund elf Mil­lio­nen an Trans­fer­ein­nah­men – der Club hat zumin­dest wie­der das Ziel erreicht, einen ordent­li­chen Trans­fer­über­schuss zu erzie­len. Des­halb gilt aber auch wie so oft die ban­ge Fra­ge: Sind die Neu­en eine ech­te Ver­stär­kung? Kön­nen sie die Abgän­ge aus­glei­chen, am bes­ten noch über­tref­fen? Sind die Lücken gefüllt, die im Kader herr­schen?
So oder so, es wird ziem­lich sicher noch wei­te­re Neu­zu­gän­ge geben, das hat der Club bereits ange­kün­digt.
Der aktuelle Kader
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Der Kader des 1. FC Nürn­berg 2019/20 (Foto: 1. FC Nürn­berg)
Der Kader (Stand: 23.07.2019) setzt sich also wie folgt zusam­men:
Tor: 26 Mathe­nia, 1 Klandt, 30 Luk­se
Abwehr: 2 Goden, 4 Sören­sen, 22 Valen­ti­ni, 28 Mühl, 33 Mar­greit­ter, 15 Nürn­ber­ger, 25 Sorg, 6 Hand­wer­ker
Mit­tel­feld: 8 Dove­dan, 10 Kerk, 18 Beh­rens, 31 Petrak, 20 Jäger, 21 Pala­ci­os, 29 Erras, 35 Fuchs (Mit­tel­fuß­bruch), 38 Rhein, 17 Hack, 40 Medei­ros
Angriff: 7 Lohkem­per, 9 Ishak, 11 Zrelak, 19 Knöll, 23 Schleu­se­ner, 24 Mis­id­jan (Kreuz­brand­riss)
Der Club will „in den nächs­ten zwei Jah­ren“ auf­stei­gen. Dass da direkt ein Back­up instal­liert wur­de, mag vor allem dar­an lie­gen, dass die kom­men­de Zweit­li­ga­sai­son mit drei Bun­des­li­ga­ab­stei­gern nicht ein­fach wird. Auch Stutt­gart und Han­no­ver wol­len sofort wie­der rauf, der HSV ist auch noch am Start (und kauft gera­de die Liga kaputt), an wei­te­ren ambi­tio­nier­ten Ver­ei­nen man­gelt es dem Unter­haus auch nicht. Ob der Club in die­ser Gemenge­la­ge tat­säch­lich einen der ers­ten drei Plät­ze ergat­tert, ist des­halb frag­lich.
Frag­los will der Club oben mit­spie­len. Wenn sich das Team gefun­den hat, traue ich ihm das obe­re Drit­tel zu, also irgend­was zwi­schen Platz 1 und 6. Aber ehr­lich gesagt glau­be ich auch dar­an, dass es ein Jahr spä­ter, wenn die gro­ßen Fische weg sind, rea­lis­ti­scher wird.
Wie immer jedoch las­se ich mich ger­ne posi­tiv über­ra­schen.
* * *
Ende des Tex­tes. Bit­te wer­fen Sie eine Mün­ze ein!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2019/07/fcn-saisonausblick-2019-2020/)
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switch-writer · 2 years
Mayday! Mayday! Oh! Stress averted!
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(WARNING: THIS IS A TICKLE FIC, so, if you dislike that or tickles in general, I’d suggest scrolling. Thank you!)
(A/N: So! This was a request from @594moongeo (sorry for the @ if it’s bothersome Geo!) who’s seemingly very sweet and has given me some lovely ideas and compliments! Said idea was 505 cheering up a stressed Flug, and I decided to write a fic on it! I’m not sure if I’d qualify this is as a complete fic since it’s a little shorter than I’d like, but I might as well post it! I will also say some causal villainous accounts ended up liking/reblogging the original ask so that sparked me to go ahead and write it [despite being a little nervous ^^”] so here it is! And it was written a little quicker than normal, but hopefully it’s still enjoyable!)
(Summary: Dr. Flug is feeling quite stressed, so, 505 decides to assist the doctor!)
“Good morning 505.” Flug greeted happily, the blue bear perking up due to the headpats and kind tone of his father-like figure. “How are you feeling today?” He asked 505, to which the bear replied with his little babbles and sounds, clearly indicating he was happy.
“Ah! That’s quite nice 505. Well, let’s go get our morning started… Blackhat has called me to come into his office in about 10 minutes, so just clean up around here for me while I’m meeting with… B-Blackhat.” He was nervous about this little ‘meeting’ considering it didn’t seem to be a client type of thing, after all, most of the time when he was called, it was through a painful method. So this…was… nerve wracking for Flug.
Luckily, 505 seemed to notice his nervous shivering and expression his goggles portrayed and gave him a nice big bear hug, which surprised Flug but didn’t cause his little surprised squeak. “Awww… 505…” he mumbled before doing his best to return the hug, only to get squeezed.
“aH! O-Okay! Careful! You have remarkable s-strength!” He quickly spoke as he tried to get air in his lungs, but greatly appreciated the hug still. 505 did end up loosening his grip again, allowing Flugslys to enjoy the hug again despite him being lifted off the ground due to it. “Hehe… I’m grateful for this. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous 505..” he mumbled as 505 placed the delicate doctor down to the floor.
“Thank you…” Flug dusted his lab coat off, wanting to get the blue fluff off him to make himself presentable, then he said his little bye to his lovely bear and went to go see Blackhat.
—————————[After the meeting—————————
So, now, here Flug was, dragging himself back in the lab after that usual dreadful experience that was also majorly stressful. 505 looked up from where he was cleaning, getting extremely happy over Flug’s return but was quickly saddened upon seeing Flug, clearly stressed or upset as he sat back at his desk to look over papers since there was much work to be done.
“I could skip my break… I really could skip lunch, that’d give me extra time…” he mumbled to himself as if his 5 second break would help him much before he glanced behind him seeing 505 coming over. “O-Oh… hi...505.” He greeted, clearly forcing his kind and sweet tone despite his stress levels being very present. He was stressed out… endlessly stressed out.
505 easily saw right through the forced tone. How so? Well. Flug is the worst liar in existence. But! 505 gave a big bear hug as he did previously that morning to ease the doctor. “Ah… thank you… I don’t know. It’s just… you know…” Flug failed horribly to make any sort of sense with his words before realization dawned on him, causing a groan towards himself, followed by a facepalm. He didn’t like not making any sense. “Mm…” he whined before 505 nuzzled up to him.
“Thank you again.” Flug smiled slightly underneath the bag, sighing. “Frustration…” he mumbled, trying to think about what to do next since he had lots of work to do. 505 ended up nuzzling up to him again, his fur brushing against his neck, causing a unexpected squeak from the doctor who turned his attention to 505.
“C-Cahahareful!” He’s enjoying the affection he was being given, expressing it through his giggles and little squeaks since the tickly feeling was present. “505, plehease, dohohon’t! I’m nohohot in the mohohood! Ehehe!” Flug waved his hand to swat at 505, though judging by the fact there was no effort in the swatting, he was fine with it. It was a distraction.
505 ended up pawing at Flug’s tummy after placing him down for easy access, causing a surprised but giggly squeal or two from the man. “W-Wahahait!” The doctor tried to stall the tickles, doing his best to detour 505 from his goal, but to no avail! 505 knew Flug way too well, including how he’d try and stall such attacks, and including good tickle spots, like his tummy!
So, 505 kept pawing away, but switched to what cats often did to show some affection, biscuits. Right on his tummy.
“505! Plehehease! Ehehe! What are yohohou even dohohoing?! Bihihiscuits?” Flug questioned as his words were overswept by lots of his high pitched giggles and occasional squeaks, and his question was answered by a small babble from 505 that was practically gibberish to anyone but Flug. “Eh?! Thahahat’s what cats dohoho! Yohohou’re nohohot suhuhupposed to!”
Dr. Flug voiced his meaningless words to 505, who decided to take that advice, no more biscuits… how about some nuzzles to the neck? It seemed to make him all giggly earlier, why not? The blue bear kept Flug in his hold, just to rub his head up against his bag and neck.
It was very comforting to Kenning, but it also was quite- “Tihihicklish! 505! Ihihit’s tihihicklish, plehehease!” 505 simply shook his head, followed by more noises the bear would often make. “I- Whaha- I’m nohohot stressed!” Flug stated, clearly not convincing enough since 505 nuzzled right up to him while the biscuits started back up to get him to talk and for the truth to be said.
“Pff- Ohohokay! Ohohohokahahahay! Just anything buhuhut the biscuits rihihight theheHEHERE!” His laughter spilled right out, his resistance was easily broken by the biscuits to his tummy and navel. “A LIHIHITTLE STREHEehehessed! Now plehehease! Mehehercy!” Flug fessed up quite fast since he trusted 505 with his life at this point.
Fortunately for Flug the tickles eased and were instead replaced with the bear hug again, which the doctor gladly returned, a little tease since he was a little concerned this would turn into another tickle attack on him, but that’s more of Demencia’s forte rather than 505’s. 505 was… a big teddy bear. So he quickly did his best to loosen up and relax, enjoying the big hug given to him.
“Ehehe…. Thank you, 505. Even if that was quite mischievous for you!” Flug was being playful with his words while 505 seemed extremely happy his little father figure was much less stressed it seemed.
“… WAIT! Waitwaitwait! That wasn’t supposed to happen, now I’m behind!”
And just like that his stress and squirming became apparent. However, with some tickly nuzzles to the neck, his stress disappeared like clockwork as his giggles came right back, distracting his mind and taking his need for control away. “Pff- 505! I’m sohohorry? I cahahan’t- S-stop ihihit! I’ll behehe fine! Nohoho mihihindless pahahanicking!” The doctor tried to reason, and actually convinced his creation! So, like that, nuzzles halted again and he took a few breaths.
“Hehe… ehhh…. I don’t recall making you a tickle monster now, am I mistaken?” Flug joked with a halfhearted smile likely under his mask, but judging by the look in his goggles, he looked quite happy, which made his bear greatly happy as well, giving another hug of affection which was promptly returned for a moment.
“Alright! Alright. I have to get to work.” Flug vocalized as he turned to the big bear, gently rubbing his gloved hand on where 505’s shoulder would be, then took a seat to go ahead and get to work. However, the doctor froze for a moment, looking back at 505 who was taking a seat next to him, causing a small chuckle from Flugslys.
“Heh, alright. You can watch me.” 505 gave a big nod, deciding to watch Flug work away and ramble on about small ideas that may become a part of what’s requested from his boss, and with that, everything much calmer and less stressful…
Although, if things just so happened to get stressful, 505 will gladly assist the doctor into being reasonable with his thoughts and little spurs of panic and stress.
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dumb-and-salty · 7 years
20 Questions Tag
Nice! Thank you @romance-soldier and @onlygerardwaypic for tagging me ♡ Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers who would you like to like to know better. Name: Katherine! Nickname: Katy, smol bean, Katt Zodiac: Taurus Height: 4'8" :') Orientation: Bisexual Nationality: British Favorite Fruit: Apples, Mangos, Strawberries and Grapes! Favorite Season: Winter! Favorite Scent: Chocolate, Candy or anything sweet Favorite Animal: DOGGOS, WOLFS AND FOXES Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Tea all the way :D Average Hours Of Sleep: 8-10 hours :) Favorite Fictional Character: Party Poison, Fun Ghoul, Jet Star, Kobra Kid, Dr. Flug, The Once-Ler and Sonic! >:3 Dream Trip: NEW JERSEY!! (you know why ;3) or London Blog created: I think January or February?? I tag: @zy-drateanatomy , @macaroniimom , @jayslos , @nekodorei , @lizardwithbagels , @ask-the-nightmareler , @cozmicbrothers , @psycoticmessup123 , @canned-spinach, @incubai , @ghostlymcr , @officialwemo , @leafystaco , @leafythepositiveviber , @interruptus , @kikikid1412 , @allmightymuscles , @croctus , @jayslos , @the-punk-ler and @psyducktiv3
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sophyahria · 5 years
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Don't mess with Black Hat Organization!
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angelssfeathers · 2 years
“Awww! You’re so adorable! Truly, I really could just squeal from how cute this is! Butbutbut! Let’s not focus on me here, we need to focus on how sensitive you are!” Flug exclaimed, clearly quite…excited about his little discovery. “Come on, don’t be shy. I know I know, your face maybe reddening by the moment and you’re flustering more and more by the second but just humor me a little! Please? Only a rib count or two, it’ll be easy. It’d be like this, ooone rib! Tttwo rib! ThreeRibFourRibFiveRib- see? You’re already laughing and I’m hardly doing anything! You can’t tell me this is scientifically not adorable.” Flug was teasing to no end, mostly since he was trying to make you laugh so he had a excuse to do it again. “Ahem. Now, what rib was I on… you made me loose my train of thought, oh well, I’ll just have to count again! And please, do stay still this time. Now… oneeee…twooo…thr- already giggling away again?” Flug acted surprised as if he wasn’t elongating his words, trying to be just a little silly to make you laugh both at his playfulness and the tickly sensation. “Ah. My my my. I’ll have to keep counting over and over until you stop giggling and squirming away from me… but I’m sure you won’t mind, right…?” The doctor stopped, waiting for just a moment. “…I don’t hear a objection! Let’s try again. One…twooo…”
(Enjoy your Ler!Flug :]
- 🌃Anon)
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Der Malaysia-Airlines-Flug 370 war ein inter­nationa­ler Linien­flug von Kuala Lumpur nach Peking, bei dem eine Boeing 777 der Malay­sia Air­lines am 8. März 2014 um 1:21 Uhr Orts­zeit aus der Über­wachung der Flug­verkehrs­kontrolle des Subang Air­ports ver­schwand. Seit­dem gilt das Flug­zeug als ver­misst. Nach­dem die Behör­den zu­nächst von einem Flug­zeug­absturz im Golf von Thai­land ausge­gangen waren, wurde im Ver­lauf der folgen­den Tage be­kannt, dass das Flug­zeug offen­bar den Kurs gewech­selt und bis zu sieben Stun­den nach seinem Ver­schwin­den aus der zivi­len Luftraum­über­wachung noch auto­matische Sig­nale an einen Satelli­ten gesen­det hatte. 
Trotz der teuers­ten Such­aktion in der Ge­schichte der Luft­fahrt mit Kosten von fast 150 Millio­nen Euro wurden das Wrack und der Flug­schreiber bisher nicht gefun­den. Bis­lang wurde keine offi­zielle Ur­sache für das Ver­schwin­den des Fluges MH370 genannt. Es gilt als eines der größ­ten Rätsel der Luftfahrtgeschichte.
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poltixnet · 6 years
Die Mau­er muss hin!
Rede zur Lage der Na­ti­on –  die glei­che alte po­la­ri­sie­ren­de Dem­ago­gie
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Da Prä­si­dent Trump ge­zwun­ge­ner­ma­ßen sei­ne Rede zur Lage der Na­ti­on ver­schie­ben muss­te – we­gen des von ihm ver­ur­sach­ten „Shut­down“, also der zeit­wei­sen Schlie­ßung der Re­gie­rung und Be­hör­den, hat­te er ja nun mehr Vor­be­rei­tungs­zeit eine Rede ab­zu­lie­fern die in­halt­lich zu Über­zeu­gen ver­mag.
Aber es kam na­tür­lich wie es kom­men muss­te. Sei­ne Rede zeig­te durch­aus eine ge­wis­se Aus­dau­er und auch fast eine ge­wis­se Elo­quenz. In­halt­lich leg­te Mr. Trump lei­der nur ei­nen dün­ne Lay­er der „Ein­heits­wün­sche“ und der über­par­tei­li­che Zu­sam­men­ar­beit über die alte po­la­ri­sie­ren­den Dem­ago­gie, die sich wie ein ro­ter Fa­den seit sei­nen Wahl­kampf­ta­gen durch sei­ne bis­he­ri­ge Amts­zeit zieht.
„Wir kön­nen alte Spal­tun­gen über­brü­cken, alte Wun­den hei­len, neue Ko­ali­tio­nen bil­den, neue Lö­sun­gen schmie­den“, er­klär­te Trump. Wenn dies wirk­lich sei­ne Zie­le wä­ren, hät­te er sich ver­bind­lich ver­pflich­tet, kei­nen fal­schen Not­stand zu er­klä­ren, um sei­ne Mau­er ge­gen die Wün­sche des Kon­gres­ses zu bau­en. Er hät­te nicht wie­der die Angst­keu­le mit fal­schen Be­haup­tun­gen ge­schwun­gen und von ei­nem „ge­wal­ti­gen An­sturms“ il­le­ga­ler Ein­wan­de­rer ge­spro­chen, von über­füll­ten Schu­hen und Kran­ken­häu­sern. Vor al­lem aber nicht ab­sur­de und ner­vös klin­gen­de Be­haup­tung auf­ge­stellt, dass „lä­cher­li­che Er­mitt­lun­gen“ den Wohl­stand und die Si­cher­heit der USA ge­fähr­den. Zu deut­lich wur­de da­durch sein Wunsch man möge nicht wei­ter ge­gen ihn er­mit­teln.
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Do­nald Trump be­grüß­te die Leis­tung sei­ner Prä­si­dent­schaft, die Re­form der Straf­jus­tiz. Er er­wähn­te auch Be­rei­che „mög­li­cher künf­ti­ger“ par­tei­über­grei­fen­der Ver­ein­ba­run­gen, wie etwa In­ves­ti­tio­nen in die Stra­ßen, Schie­nen und Flug­hä­fen des Lan­des und die Sen­kung der Prei­se für ver­schrei­bungs­pflich­ti­ge Me­di­ka­men­te. Aber selbst in die­sen Be­rei­chen wird es kaum ei­nen Fort­schritt ge­ben ohne ernst­haf­te Ge­set­zes­än­de­run­gen und deut­li­chen Kom­pro­mis­se bei­den La­ger. Bei Fra­gen wie der Fi­nan­zie­rung ei­nes In­fra­struk­tur­pa­kets be­ste­hen ex­trem gro­ße Lü­cken und Un­ei­nig­keit. Der un­ein­heit­li­che Ver­hand­lungs­stil von Herrn Trump, Un­kennt­nis der De­tails, kur­ze Auf­merk­sam­keits­span­ne und ma­xi­ma­lis­ti­sche For­de­run­gen ma­chen ei­nen sol­chen Kom­pro­miss na­he­zu un­mög­lich. Hier wur­de wie­der deut­lich, dass wer mit Trump „zu­sam­men­ar­bei­ten“ will muss es zu sei­nen Kon­di­tio­nen und An­for­de­run­gen tun – sich beu­gen. Wenn es in die­sem von den De­mo­kra­ten kon­trol­lier­ten Kon­gress zu von bei­den Par­tei­en ge­tra­ge­nen Be­schlüs­sen und Ver­än­de­run­gen kom­men soll, muss jede Leis­tung von bei­den Par­tei­en ge­tra­gen wer­den. Ob aber nun Trump über­haupt zu Zu­ge­ständ­nis­sen, Kom­pro­mis­sen und po­li­tisch Ver­hand­lun­gen fä­hig ist bleibt ab­zu­war­ten – sei­ne bis­he­ri­ge Amts­zeit lässt in die­sem Punkt je­doch gro­ße Zwei­fel auf­kom­men.
Tat­säch­lich hat die Rede be­tont, dass der Ge­setz­ge­ber das Vor­recht des Kon­gres­ses in Be­zug auf Han­del, Au­ßen­po­li­tik und an­de­re Schlüs­selthe­men von ei­nem im­pul­si­ven, ziel­lo­sen Prä­si­den­ten zu­rück­for­dern muss. Zu sei­nen un­be­grün­de­ten Be­haup­tun­gen ge­hör­te auch sein Be­har­ren dar­auf, dass das nord­ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Frei­han­dels­ab­kom­men eine „Ka­ta­stro­phe“ sei, dass die Ver­ei­nig­ten Staa­ten sich in ei­nem „gro­ßen Krieg“ mit Nord­ko­rea be­fän­den, wenn er nicht ge­wählt wor­den wäre, und dass Ve­ne­zue­las Zu­sam­men­bruch zeigt, war­um die Ame­ri­ka­ner „Stim­men für ei­nen US-So­zia­lis­mus“ ka­te­go­risch zu­rück­wei­sen“ müs­sen.
Man soll­te dar­auf drän­gen, dass der Prä­si­dent nicht wei­ter die na­tio­na­le Si­cher­heit als Vor­wand be­nutzt, um Han­dels­hemm­nis­se zu er­hö­hen. Über­par­tei­lich soll­ten die For­de­run­gen an den Prä­si­den­ten nach Un­ter­stüt­zung für de­mo­kra­ti­sche Wer­te und Men­schen­rech­te sein, Überg­rif­fen au­to­ri­tä­rer Staa­ten stand­zu­hal­ten, tra­di­tio­nel­le Al­li­an­zen zu ver­tei­di­gen und ge­gen ei­nem vor­zei­ti­gen und has­ti­gen Rück­zug aus dem Kampf ge­gen den Ter­ro­ris­mus in Af­gha­nis­tan und im Na­hen Os­ten.
Der Kon­gress könn­te auch ver­su­chen, bei den größ­ten Her­aus­for­de­run­gen der Na­ti­on vor­an­zu­kom­men, die Mr. Trump in sei­ner Rede wie in sei­ner Re­gie­rungs­füh­rung ver­nach­läs­sig­te. Er er­wähn­te den Kli­ma­wan­del nicht, auch wenn die Aus­sich­ten des Pla­ne­ten im­mer alar­mie­ren­der wer­den. Er sag­te nichts über die wach­sen­de Un­gleich­heit des Wohl­stands, was sei­ne Steu­er­re­form noch ver­schlim­mer­te. Er dis­ku­tier­te auch nicht über die rasch stei­gen­de Schul­den­last des Lan­des, die sich auch wäh­rend sei­ne Re­gie­rungs­zeit ver­schlech­tert hat.
Ob dies un­ter dem Strich wirk­lich eine Rede zu Lage der Na­ti­on ist bleibt zwei­fel­haft. Ein Prä­si­dent der sich aus­schließt von jeg­li­cher Zu­sam­men­ar­beit mit sei­nen ei­ge­nen Ge­heim­diens­ten, Be­hör­den und Mit­ar­bei­tern, ein Prä­si­dent der kaum je­man­den im ei­ge­nen Um­feld zu ver­trau­en scheint, der ein nie da­ge­le­ge­nes „Hire and Fire“ selbst in Schlüs­sel­po­si­tio­nen sei­ner Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on ein­ge­führt hat und dem Fox & Fri­ends nach ein­zi­ge Nach­rich­ten­quel­le völ­lig ge­nügt – bei so ei­nem Prä­si­den­ten darf man sich fra­gen, ob er die Lage sei­ner Na­ti­on über­haupt kennt.
Sei­ne Rede auf ei­nen Satz ge­bracht:
Die Mau­er muss hin, Er­mitt­lun­gen ge­gen Trump müs­sen weg – der Rest ist nicht wich­tig.
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