#Let's all remember to take care of each other and be gentle and kind
lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
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3 notes · View notes
Snakebite || (Peacekeeper) Coriolanus Snow x Reader ||
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Outline: Coriolanus has his eye on the new nurse of the caserne and he’d do anything to have her.
Word count: 5’593
Warnings: Peacekeeper Coryo is a warning in itself, blood, virgin/first time sex (and it’s not gentle), breeding/marking, pain, possessive behavior, rough sex, explicit smut.
Author’s note: If you’ve read my other stories, you know my way of writing peacekeeper Coryo is pretty wild. If not, please take the warnings seriously before reading this one. This is prompt # 4. (sorry I didn’t feel like writing another arranged marriage one for now but I hope this will be good enough.)
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“Good to see you back on your feet !” Smiley said, as a greeting when Beanpole entered the cafeteria and joined them at their table.
“We were worried, you hit your head pretty badly on the ground when you fainted today.” Bug added.
Coriolanus watched as his comrade took place in front of him, his tray overly filled with an array of different foods. He was still pale and had a bruise on his forehead from where he had hit the ground but despite all that, he seemed happy. So happy in fact, that Coriolanus wondered if they had drugged him at the infirmary to put him in such a state.
“I’m honestly starting to wonder if you don’t do that on purpose each time we train outside, just so the new nurse gets to take care of you.”
“There’s a new nurse ?” Coriolanus inquired, his curiosity piqued by something finally remotely interesting.
“I think she’s an apprentice.” Beanpole corrected.
“Didn’t you notice the amount of guys lining up in front of the infirmary door these days ? I heard everyone talk about how beautiful that girl is.” Smiley added.
Coriolanus thought about it for a moment but couldn’t really recall noticing anything out of the ordinary. Not that he paid much attention to life in the barracks anyway. Or in District 12 in general. He missed the Capitol and his thoughts often drifted back to his old life rather than focusing on his current situation.
“She really is beautiful.” Beanpole commented, to answer Smiley, with a stupid smile on his face. He may as well have heart shaped eyes from how obvious his crush on the girl in question was.
The other soldiers at the table laughed of their friend’s amorous daze and everyone soon focused their attention back on their meal, knowing that they needed to gain some strength for what the commander had planned for them on the next day.
Smiley and Bug stood up as soon as their trays were empty, but Coriolanus lingered a moment at the table, watching Beanpole stuff his face with green beans and spinach leaves. He wondered how someone who lacked basic knowledge of table etiquette could be from the Capitol too. People there, even poor, were more refined and elegant usually. Was District 12 slowly turning him into some kind of feral animal ? What if it was happening to Coriolanus too ? What if he didn’t remember how to behave properly once he’ll be back in the Capitol ? The thought terrified him, the one thing he had promised himself was that he refused to let District 12 change him.
“Crap, I forgot to ask for painkillers.” Beanpole managed to say, despite his still full mouth.
“Didn’t you have a whole tablet of those in your trunk from the last time you hit your head against a tree ?” Coriolanus asked him, unable to conceal his sucpicious tone. He was wondering if, indeed, the young soldier was faking being of such fragile composure and in weak condition just to be granted extra trips to the nurse’s office. Not that he cared about his friend’s whereabouts, he just cared to know if Beanpole was this good of an actor, able to hurt himself just to get something he wanted.
“I used a few after I burned my fingers when I was on cooking duty and sold the rest on the black market.” He answered, totally and foolishly honest with Coriolanus. He attempted to stand up, his tray still half full but almost lost balance, barely able to catch himself.
“Are you alright ?” Coriolanus asked him, standing up to help steady him, even though he really didn’t want to.
“Yeah, it’s just the concussion.” Beanpole assured him. “I need to go back for some pills and then I’ll go to bed.”
“I’ll walk you there.” He offered, not out of the goodness of his heart but by sheer curiosity for the apparently very pleasant new nurse. He wanted to judge for himself, even though he didn’t expect her to be anything special, his comrades were so sex deprived that their standard barely reached the floor.
With a hand gripping his arm to help him walk steadily, the two peacekeepers made their way to the infirmary, Coriolanus almost dragging Beanpole behind him from how impatient he was to see what was really going on there.
At first glance, it seemed that Smiley told the truth, there were a line of more or less injured soldiers waiting for their turn behind the door, even skipping supper in hopes to be cared for here.
“It might take a while.” Beanpole sighed, ready to join the back of the line.
The door opened and a peacekeeper walked out with his arm in a cast, his face visibly upset but not because of the pain he had endured but because he was escorted out by Flavia, the old nurse instead of the new one. She gestured to the next man in line to enter her office and he shamelessly sighed in disappointment.
Beanpole and Coriolanus barely had time to take a step in direction of the end of the line when the door in front of them opened again, revealing you, wearing a white blouse and your hair tied up in a messy updo.
“Next please !” You called, and a soldier excitedly sauntered in your direction. But your gaze landed on Coriolanus for an instant, before noticing Beanpole leaning onto him for support. “Oh, is the concussion getting worse ?”
Coriolanus had to admit that you were very pretty indeed. Even with the worry that suddenly appeared on your face, you reminded him of the expensive dolls Tigris used to play dress up and hold tea parties for.
“I just need something for the pain.” Beanpole told you, trying to sound self assured but the sight of you made him smile stupidly again.
“He’s barely able to stand.” Coriolanus said because, as time went by, he kept leaning his weight more and more on him and at this point, he was starting to worry that he might have to carry him back to their dorm.
“Come in.” You said, standing aside to let them in the infirmary. There were a few whispers of indignation and protest as they passed by the line of eager soldiers, the one who almost got in taking his place back at the front while glaring daggers at them.
Coriolanus helped Beanpole to the bed placed in the middle of a small room, of which you closed the door and searched a shelf for a file, before stepping to the counter to retrieve some medical tools. He watched you as you carefully shone a light into Beanpole’s eyes, observing his pupils with attention before turning the small flashlight off and on in his face. You scribbled something in the file you had placed on the bed next to him, and exchanged the light for a stethoscope.
As you leaned forward slightly to reach his heart, your blouse hunched up, revealing some of the curves of your body to Coriolanus, who had a very privileged view of it all as he leaned against the wall behind you, his arms crossed over his chest.
He observed you carefully, starting to understand why all the young soldiers in the building were interested in you. There was something about you that was particularly enticing, maybe it was the alluring curves of your body, or maybe it was your pretty face and the way you made sure to be gentle as you examined your patients ? Whatever it was, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to forget it. And, as you turned around to take one more tool from the counter, you glanced at him in a way that made his whole body buzz with electricity, he could tell that you were disturbed by him, by his presence and by his appearance, the same hint of curiosity in your eyes than the one he felt for you.
The sun was shining bright in the sky, yet it still did very little to ease the humidity that saturated the air. Coriolanus was assigned to patrol the borders of the District in the heat, while forced to wear his peacekeeper uniform and helmet, hand on his gun, always prepared. However, for once, it didn’t seem so bad. He knew that if he had a heatstroke and fainted, he might have the chance to see you again and the idea oddly excited him.
Actually, he had been thinking about you for most of the night, reminiscing of the perfection of your body underneath your white blouse and how you had looked at him, even smiled at him once when you had cleared Beanpole to go back to his dorm. He had seen with his own eyes the impressive amount of soldiers lining up by the door with the hope to spend a few minutes in your company and, this morning during breakfast, he had heard a group of them talking about how each of them was planning to attempt to ask you out before the weekend. You truly were the talk of the caserne.
He didn’t like that you had so many admirers, but what claim did he have on you ? He hadn’t even spoke more than a few words to you… And yet, he felt extremely possessive of you. Like you were some kind of precious treasure that should only belong to him. And maybe he had good chances to make everyone else jealous if he convinced you to give yourself to him, judging by the way you had looked at him, all he had to do was ask…
And, just for the sake of not waking up with a very painful and frustrating erection again - after dreaming of you, naked on your exam table for him - he was determined to shoot his shot at you. He knew it only was a matter of time until you’d agree to go out with one of the idiots who probably pestered you about it on a daily basis, so he had to act quickly.
He wasn’t sure of how he could fake a convincing heatstroke. And if he pretended to have fainted, he might stay there on his own all day until someone eventually found him and helped him. So he needed a better idea, something that wouldn’t require him too much theatrics to be convincing. In fact, being in real pain would probably help to coerce you into taking care of him before everyone else.
His fingers danced on the handle of his gun as he tried to imagine how bad the pain could get if he shot himself in the foot or in the knee. It would make him a pretty useless peacekeeper which might grant him a few weeks of forced vacation to recover but he was worried of where he might be sent to next if he wasn’t fit to be a soldier anymore…
He looked around him, seeing nothing but tall grass swaying in the wind and a rocky dirt road leading to a row of delabrated shacks that people from this District called homes. Not much to help with his plan.
Suddenly, something slowly undulating further down the road, moving the peebles on its way caught his attention. He approached carefully, realizing that it was a green snake trying to go back to the tall grass that it could use as shelter.
Coriolanus didn’t know much about snakes. Actually, his knowledge in the matter was so limited that he never would be able to tell the difference between a venomous snake and an inoffensive one. However, it seemed to him that this one was very similar to the one that had bit another peacekeeper’s ankle when they were running laps around the barracks. As far as he knew, the guy was still alive so it might be his best chance to get to see you again.
He kneeled down on the road and tugged the sleeve of his shirt up, offering his entire arm for the nervous snake to bite into. But it wasn’t aggressive enough to gratuitously attack a human being it seemed so Coriolanus picked the reptile up, feeling the cold scales under his fingertips before letting it fall on his bare arm. Nothing happened, except that the animal was now terrified and tried to slither away in the grass, at a surprisingly fast speed.
He barely managed to catch it before it vanished in the grass the same color as it was. He pulled it back to him and the reptile’s head snapped back to dig its sharp fangs inside the soldier’s exposed wrist.
Coriolanus grimaced, immediately pulling on the snake until he was able to pull his fangs out of his skin. He sent it flying across the road, not seeing where it landed as he focused his attention on his now aching wrist and the two dots of blood rapidly bubbling at the surface of his skin.
“Shit.” He breathed, the pain in his arm sharply stinging. It was almost as if he could feel the venom, slowly invading the blood in his veins.
He stood up, applying pressure to the bite so that he wouldn’t bleed too much despite the pain it provoked, and took off in direction of the casern. He was hoping that his plan would work and that he wouldn’t end up being treated by Flavia instead of you but, above all things, he hoped that he wouldn’t die from such a stupid action. You may be absolutely gorgeous but he wasn’t ready to die for that. Not yet.
When he knocked on the infirmary door, blatantly ignoring the queue in front of it, his main concern became reality as Flavia opened. The old nurse’s gaze was strict and unwelcoming, the polar opposite of your warmth and beauty.
“Another heatstroke ? Go wait in line for your turn.” She said, authoritatively.
“No, I was bitten.” He told her, showing her the mark on his now inflamed skin. Even if he was hoping to see you, his bite still needed urgent medical attention and he wasn’t sure he would survive if he had to wait in line before treating it.
Thankfully, as if on cue, your face appeared behind Flavia, eyes wide in surprise.
“I can take care of that, I just finished treating Armstrong’s heat rash.” You suggested and he could tell that you were hoping to see him as badly as he was hoping to see you.
“Alright. I was planning on taking a coffee break after this one, anyway.” Flavia nodded, before disappearing in her own office where a distressed soldier waited for her.
Coriolanus followed into the room where you had taken care of Beanpole the day before, but this time it was his turn to sit on the examination table. You repeated the same gestures as he had observed last time, fetching his file from the overflowing shelf before approaching to examinate his bite.
“Did you see what the snake that bit you looked like ?” You asked, as you ran your gloved fingers over the two deep holes in his skin. He noticed the worry that instantly showed on your face, making him wonder if you truly cared this much about your patients.
“It was green, and pretty small.” He recalled, momentarily forgetting about the pain in his arm because of how close you were to him. He could smell your perfume and see the subtle variations of the specks of color in your eyes from here.
“Mmh, I don’t think it’s a venomous one but it’s probably going to hurt for a few days.” You announced, going back to the counter to take a small glass jar in your hands. Then, you carefully applied an herbal salve to his wound, instantly giving him some relief from the stinging pain that lingered there. “But I only have one jar of this salve so you’ll have to come here so I can apply some to the wound and change the bandages every day.”
“Alright.” He answered, struggling to contain his excitement at your words.
You gently wrapped his wrist up in an immaculately white bandage, soothing the last bit of pain he still felt from the bite. He saw it as the perfect opportunity to ask you what every soldier in this building was dying to.
“I was wondering if you’d like to get a drink with me sometime ?” He suggested, trying to sound as confident as he usually was but his heart was racing in his chest.
You lifted your eyes up to meet his, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
“That sounds nice but unfortunately I’m not allowed to do that. The only time I can be seen with peacekeepers without risking my job is here, in the infirmary.” You replied and he silently stared at you for a moment, trying to determine if it was an excuse or if you really would have accepted if your position allowed you to. “But maybe you could spend more time here ? With me ?”
Your voice was hesitant and a lovely blush creeped to your cheeks as you said that, a risk you seemingly were ready to take for him.
“I could.” He smiled, charming as ever. “But how would we pass the time ?”
“Maybe we could get to know each other ?”
His smile grew wider as the vivid images of last night’s dream filled his mind again, visions of you naked for him, begging for his dick, that he was determined to make come true right now. He stood up, stepping closer to you, his hands already tugging at your blouse to get it to slide down your arms.
“I’d love to get to know you more… Intimately.” He whispered, his lips brushing over yours. And, since you didn’t step back or push him away, he finally pressed his mouth to yours, in a chaste kiss that still managed to get his whole body buzzing with adrenaline.
Your professional blouse dropped to the floor and his arms closed around your waist, pulling you into him, where you could very obviously feel the hard bulge that had formed in his pants pressing against your stomach.
His lips moved to your neck, peppering it with wet kisses as he eagerly tried to find the hem of your shirt so that he could pull it off of you and see what was hidden underneath. You let him, even though your heart was about to implode inside of your chest.
He only stopped kissing you to be able to take a good look at your now bare chest in front of him, the sight worth a thousand snake bites.
“Oh gosh.” You whimpered, as he roughly squeezed your boob in his hand, taking a bite at your lower lip to shut you up because you could say anything else.
He probably should have taken his time to enjoy every inch of you as he uncovered them one by one, giving attention to your very appetizing breast before attempting to remove your pants but he was never one to be patient, nor could he possibly renounce to something that he so ardently desired.
“Wait, wait.” You pleaded against his mouth, your hands on his chest to gently push him away but even like this, he had trouble to let go of you.
“What’s wrong ?”
“It’s just that… I wasn’t expecting this. I… I never did this before.” You stuttered, your eyes fixed to his with a bit of panic on your face.
“Well, it’s not that uncomfortable in here.” He remarked, briefly looking around before focusing his attention back to you. You were shorter than him and almost naked, chest bare and pants tugged down to your thighs. All he had to do was reach between your legs and he’d be able to catch a feel of your panties, see if you were already wet for him or if he’d have to work for it. As for him, he was already rock hard, his cock begging to be released out of his pants so that it could be shoved inside you. But he enjoyed being in his uniform in front of you, while you were about to be naked and vulnerable, at his entire mercy…
“No, I mean… I never did it” Your words had the effect of a cold shower over his head, pulling him out of his hungry contemplation of your body and getting his full attention on you. For the second time, he stared at you while trying to decide if he believed you or not, the idea of you still being a virgin making no sense in his mind, how could you be ? You were far too gorgeous to not have had many opportunities to lose your virginity to someone in the past, even here, soldiers lined up at your door every day, desperate for your attention. Surely one of them would have convinced you to do it by now. Or at least, if you were so concerned about the rules, some coal miner from your district or a free spirited muscician would have done it.
“You… How come ?” Was all he managed to say, the question burning his lips since it seemed entirely impossible to him that you’d still be so innocent and unaware of the pleasure you were missing out on.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “I guess I wasn’t interested enough in anyone to go this far…”
Coriolanus couldn’t help but smile at your answer. He felt insanely pleased imagining you refusing all these filthy miners and weak soldiers. You had standards. And you definitely were the only person that he had met in District 12 who was this reasonable.
“I can show you what it’s like if you want me to.” He suggested, trying to sound detached but the idea of being the one to take your virginity, the one to corrupt your innocent body, was making his cock ache in his pants.
You seemed hesitant, looking around at the office. He could understand that it probably wasn’t how you had imagined your first time would happen, not here, not with him. Yet, when your pretty eyes landed on him again, you quietly nodded.
He had to be cool about, appear as if it was a regular thing for him, like he had done it before many times and would be doing it again with other girls, but his blood was boiling with excitement. When he had asked you out for a drink, he was expecting to have to work for it. He would have been proud of being seen with you at The Hob by all the recruits lining up for your attention, and he would have made sure to charm you into taking things further, probably in a dark alley outside where no one would have seen your perfect body except for him, but where surely some people would have heard how good he was making you feel.
Unable to wait any longer, he reached down to open up his pants and free his hard erection from his underwear, stroking it in his hand, enough to get it to develop to its full length but not too much, in case he might cum just from the way you were staring at it, with wide eyes and shock on your face.
“You’re so big, I’m not sure I’ll be able to do this.” You told him, worried.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to take it.” He assured you, with a proud smile on his face. He always liked when women noticed how well endowed he was. Even better when it made them nervous. “Sit down on the table.”
You obeyed, even though you still seemed very uncertain. He pulled your pants and panties down your legs, discarding them on the floor so that you really were completely naked now, beautiful and vulnerable.
“Maybe it’ll work if you enter just the tip.” You suggested, and an amused chuckle left his lips.
“Alright.” He agreed, but only to reassure you. He had no intention of depriving the rest of his length from entering you so you would have to take it fully eventually.
“Okay.” You sighed in relief but your body remained tense as he approached and forced your legs open. He held his cock in his hand and gently stroked your exposed folds with the tip, groaning from the pleasant warmth and wetness that instantly coated his sensitive skin.
He knew he should have been a gentleman about this and made sure that you were ready for him but he simply couldn’t wait. His desire for you was consuming him, he needed to have you and that instantly made him forget how cautious he should be to make sure the experience would be enjoyable for you too. So he lined himself up to your entrance and pushed forward.
“Just the tip.” You reminded him, your entrance stretching out for his wide dick, causing a sharp burn in your lower stomach.
“Right.” He said, with a smile, as he kept increasing the pressure that already felt unbearable inside you, very slowly but surely pressing his hips further against you.
“That’s too much.” You cried out, tears welling in your eyes.
“You can take it.” He said again, because one way or another, he was going to break that dam inside you and then, he’ll fuck you until he’ll be close enough to mark you as his with his cum.
“No, I really can’t.” You replied, your voice breaking. Coriolanus felt a pang of guilt in front of your distress, the grimace of pain on your face and the tears silently rolling down your cheeks weren’t exactly what he had imagined when he had fantasized about taking you on this examination table.
“Just try to relax.” He instructed, momentarily putting his eagerness and need for relief aside to focus on you. He pressed his hand between your legs, his thumb finding your sensitive spot and gently massaging it to ease you into it, mixing the pain of his intrusion inside you with the pleasure of his caresses.
With two fingers, he opened up your folds so that he could see his big cock shoved halfway inside your tight and aching pussy. He could see it sliding further inside inch by inch, his way of teasing your clit seemingly helping your body accept him.
And then, suddenly and without any warning, your pussy engulfed him. You cried out once more, as something inside you was teared apart to allow him to finally be completely buried in your tight warmth. Your arms instantly closing around his neck for support. He almost came from this alone, the force with which you clenched around him from the pain you felt almost making him dizzy.
“What’s going on ?” You asked, panicking. “Why did that hurt so bad ?”
“Your pussy just swallowed my cock on its own accord. Because despite the pain, you want me to fuck you, right ?” You want to feel me inside you, want me to show you what real pleasure is.” He explained, breathless, doing his best to calm down before his ejaculation might end this all too soon. “Say it, tell me what you want.”
“I want to feel you…” You told him, wincing when he started pulling away.
“And ?”
“I want to have an orgasm. I want to be fucked until you have one too.”
“Fuck.” He groaned, realizing that his plan to calm himself down by getting you to talk to him was failing miserably. He almost entirely pulled his cock out of you, only to shove it back inside slowly. As eager as he was for relief, he now wanted you to enjoy it too.
The more he gently slided back and forth inside you, the more your face eased back into a peaceful expression, the pain visibly fading as he tried his best to replace it with pleasure.
“Look how well you’re taking me now.” He told you, and you both looked down to his impressive cock, his length coated in your arousal and faint traces of blood as it went back and forth at a peacefully steady rythym. As tight as your entrance was, he still fitted inside you, managing to hit deep.
“Am I bleeding ?”
“Yes, but that’s normal, that’s how we know you’re no longer a virgin.” He explained, even if you probably knew that already.
“Is it going to be like this every time ?”
“No, now that I broke you in, you’re going to enjoy it when someone fucks you like this. You’ll be able to take it fast and rough with a little bit of practice.”
“Is this how you like it ? Fast and rough ?” You asked him, curious.
“Most people do.”
“Will you help me get used to it then ?”
“I already am, sweetheart.” He replied, his hands gripping your thighs to bring them up against his hips and give him better access to you. His movements amplified as his rocked his hips more rapidly now and you pressed your forehead against his, still fascinated by the way you could see his hard cock disappearing inside your folds and slamming deep inside you.
You closed your eyes, feeling something powerful building inside of you. A loud sound that carried the whole intensity of the pleasure that he was giving you escaped your lips. Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth with your hand, embarassed.
“Don’t, I want to hear you.” He told you, moving your hand away and pinning your wrist to the table. “And I want everyone outside to hear you too. Let them know I’m the one taking your virginity.”
“But… Flavia.” You warned him, breathlessly.
“She said she was going to take a break, she’s probably at the cafeteria.” He replied, trying to reassure you but in reality, he had no idea of what the other nurse was up to. He knew that you were risking your career if you got caught by anyone in such a compromising position but it didn’t really matter to him, not now, because he was pretty sure that if anyone bursted inside the room in hopes to interrupted him, he’d still keep fucking you until you truly belonged to him. Now that he had started, nobody would be able to stop him.
You didn’t object. You couldn’t. He could tell from the way you arched your back and rolled your eyes that there wasn’t a single reasonable thought in your head anymore. You needed relief as badly as he needed it too and that was exactly what he intended to give you.
“Oh… It’s starting to feel really good.” You panted, your nails digging in his shoulder to steady yourself as his thrusts grew a bit more brutal.
“Good.” He groaned, making sure to slam himself as deeply as he could inside you. Damnit you felt too good, he wasn’t going to be able to restrain himself much longer, the tightness of your virgin pussy around him and the knowledge that he was the first one to ever penetrate you so deeply was too much and relief instantly washed over him as warm cum spilled from his cock into you.
“Oh !” You exclaimed in surprise, not because he had climaxed without giving you a warning but because his twitching cock unexpectedly pushed you over the edge too. You were shocked by the strength of the orgasm that hit you, imploding in your core like a firework and washing over your entire body, ensnaring him inside you in reaction.
You moaned again, the pressure around him caused by your own climax felt unbearable. He was trapped in you and the contractions of your body were so intense that he groaned and felt his cock shoot another load of his seed inside you.
A moment went by during which only the sound of your panting breaths filled the room. Then, you relaxed and he was able to pull himself out, both of you watching as his soaked length dropped out of you. He adjusted his uniform, making sure he was presentable again as you did the same, putting your white blouse back on as if nothing had happened.
“I… I’ll need to take care of that bite again tomorrow.” You told him, still a bit breathless as you walked him to the door.
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” He promised, with a grin.
Everyone stared at him as he walked out of the office. He smugly smiled at the line of soldiers and stood straighter, feeling extremely proud of himself. Not only had he managed to fuck the new nurse everyone was after but he had also taken your virginity and marked you as his. Of course, the soldiers waiting in line had no way of knowing that your blood was still on his cock and that his cum was probably dripping down in your panties by now but, if they were observant enough, they might notice how you were leaning against the door for support because your body was sore, or the trace of faint lipstick you had left on the collar of his peacekeeper uniform.
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eclecticmiasma · 3 months
I kept thinking what if Chilchuck or Laios had been kidnapped by the monster! reader, how the reader saw them hurt or mistook them for chicks and saved them from being killed by another monster.. Now the reader monster is taking care of him in his nest/house, as if they were his own chicks (reader is a gentle monster who doesn't want anyone getting hurt or dying), and the reader being a sentient monster where she knows the dungeons are dangerous...
Note: the reader's appearance is similar to that of a human but with some animal characteristics, thus confusing the adventurers, who may think that she is a human cursed by the mad wizard and thus has the monster part... But the reader is a cool and conscious monster
Large brained thoughts, honestly! Perhaps reader could be the ghost of a creature that lost its young and uses shape-shifting to lure dungeoneers and other monsters to her nest as replacements? I would imagine that she would become extremely protective of her targets especially once they have been tricked into becoming one of her offspring. We don't see any examples of monsters being benevolent per se, but there is a benevolence/kindness to reader's selfish desires.
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I think reader would appear very different to Laios and Chilchuck, and their reactions would be completely 180 degrees. Some slight anime spoilers ahead! SFW, canon typical violence.
Reader appears to Laios in a form that's nearly identical to her original. She has thick claws and black, wet eyes. Her teeth are sharp but framed by soft human lips and her ashen hair is silken and braided like a Northern maiden. She might have a long scaly tale and feathers on her abdomen and thighs because, due to Falin's current condition, it's a form that Laios finds subconsciously comforting.
She lures Laios while the others are asleep. A monster that he's never seen before is too intriguing to pass up- the party is safe enough where they are. Just a peak, a chance to learn-
Before he knows it, Laios is somewhere wholly unfamiliar. The thick dungeon bricks lining the walls slowly give way to moss and grass. The air is warm and smells like petrichor.
Despite a small, nagging anxiety, he presses further. The creature smiles as she leads him farther into the jungle atmosphere, a smile so sparkling and human that is makes Laios blush.
Before long, he's walked right into reader's nest. It's a cozy hovel carved into the base of a tree. Laios is delighted to find smaller monsters of all sizes in a daze, lounging around on the thatched flooring. As he steps inside, he feels a veil of calm close around him and vaguely realizes that its why the monsters aren't hostile towards each other.
Laios succumbs, at first. He lets reader take him into her arms, drag her long claws through his hair and sing a tune that numbs his mind into a pleasant mush.
Reader feeds him, gives him her milk (a high he'll never reach again until the day he dies), lays out the comfiest spot for her newest treasure and goes on her way to find the next target.
Genuinely, if Laios wasn't on a quest this would be his life for eternity. His own mother wasn't very loving, so a meld of monsters and mothers is more than a guy could ever ask for.
It could be hours, it could be days, but eventually Laios begins to remember that this isn't where he's meant to be. He sees a monster that reminds him of Falin, and all at once knows he reluctantly has to return to reality.
Once reader realizes Laios is gone, only killing her will end her crusade to get him back. While the others simply see a deranged monster, Laios sees a terrified mother desperate to drag him back to the safety of her home. Laios hesitates before killing her, too torn apart by the tears in her eyes. Marcille has to take the final blow.
Senshi and Laios briefly consider cooking the inhuman parts of reader into a sort of beef stroganoff as tribute, but Chilchuck's screeching reminder that they are not to eat humanoids leaves them to bury her instead.
Is just off the heels of grumbling about being treated like a child when he spots what looks to be a small figure huddled in the darkness.
He calls out to the others but doesn't hear a response, only the soft whimpers of whoever has managed to get themselves into this state.
Chilchuck is much more on guard than Laios would ever be. He immediately assumes that it could be a trap or an illusion, so he calls to the figure from afar.
She answers, desperation coloring her tone as she sobs, relieved that someone has come across her.
"Th-they're dead, I don't know where they are but they're dead and I..."
As Chilchuck gingerly steps towards her, he realizes that what he sees is another half-foot. A small archer that's bloodied and bruised. Something about her reminds him immediately of his wife.
All logic leaves Chilchuck as he finishes approaching her, asking what's wrong and tearing off a piece of his sleeve to prepare to bandage the deepest of her wounds. When he goes to wrap the material around her forearm he stares in confusion. The wounds are gone.
He doesn't even have time to react before reader cups his small face in her. "You're lonely," She says, a matter of fact. The half-foot can't deny it, "It's time you stop doing these dangerous things. The only end for a half-foot in the dungeon is in the mouth of a monster. Let me take care of you."
Her words are like honey, her touch even moreso. Feeling the touch of a woman isn't a luxury Chilchuck had been afforded in many moons. But even in the fog of reader's touch, Chilchuck feels that something is off. Her hands are too cold, eyes too deep and dark- almost like black pools of liquid.
The sharp tips of her teeth set him off, and he knows he has to get away. She's no different than a mimic, he tells himself. Even if part of him desperately wants exactly what she has to offer.
Chilchuck mimes as if he is going to fall into her allure, cupping his hands over her own and giving her the most smitten look he can muster. All before kneeing her in the face and dashing at speeds only half-foots can muster to get away.
Reader chases him desperately, form filling the room as she wails in sorrow. "Can't you see they're using you? You're going to end up as bait. You're going to die down here, you'll never see your family again!" Chilchuck mentally bats away at each assertion even as they hook into his skin.
The others finally come running, proximity close enough to hear the commotion at last. With a few well-placed blasts and a slice to the throat via Kensuke, reader is felled and left for good. Even in death, she seems to be in mourning.
Chilchuck doesn't sleep well for weeks.
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*do not post elsewhere without explicit permission. please consider reblogging, as Tumblr tends to hide darker content!
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euphoricfilter · 9 months
the silent ‘i love you’
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au
summary: sometimes you don’t need words
word count: 1.1k
tags/ warnings: fluff!!!! just very soft and nice and easy to read for tonight. intensional lowercase. sort of sleepy thoughts about love <3
where you can find my other works :D
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
some days jungkook simply felt like those three words weren’t enough. that the warm glow of his fragile soul couldn’t scream loud enough for your own precious existence to know how much he truly loved you.
that the whispered words of love as the both of you woke, or a gentle kiss before you both slept and met in your dreams— it simply was only the surface of how he felt. that the silent ‘i love you’ the both of you shared each day was somehow louder than the words themselves.
tender souls touching in a whimsical dance between your existence.
tangled so tight, unmoving, seeping out of you with that fluttery sort of love.
the kind of love that pulls a smile onto your lips at the mere thought of them. gentle touch enough to have your skin alight. obsessive, itching greed consuming every fibre of your being, needing them closer than humanly possible. bodies pressed together and heart beats in sync, tied together by a string of fate and life times you shared before this one.
and some days neither of you had to say ‘i love you’ but that didn’t mean the love wasn’t there. that either of you loved the other any less than you had the day before. or more than you would tomorrow. because it was ever-growing. blooming in both your chests, a flower that would live through all of eternity.
it would be him waking before you, purple and blue toothbrushes sat beside one another in the cup on the sink. or how on some days he’d pick your shower gel over his own. for no other particular reason that he loved everything about your existence, that he felt that little bit closer to you in the hours you had to part.
or remembering to tuck one of your hairties in one of his pockets, just in case.
the same hair tie you’ll find in the washing machine days later, smile tugging at your lips. because as much as you remind him to take everything out his pockets before putting them into the washing machine, there were things you could never get mad over. not when he thinks of you, even when you’re not there. a silent show of care that you never bring up because that was his secret to keep, dissolved into the back of your mind for safe keeping.
he likes to hold your hand as you cross the road, fingers interlaced. because he knows sometimes you get too caught up in your own head, unaware of the wider world around you. so he keeps you glued to the pavement before tugging you across the road. fingers squeezing yours when he knows the both of you are back to safety and you’ll let him pull you around, blind trust in him to take you where you need to go
you like picking him up from work, sat outside on a bench with a box of treats for the walk home. and he would indulge you, even if he had the car parked a block away. not caring if it would mean he had to walk the next morning. because he would never abandon those gentle moments with you, shoulders knocking as you kiss sweet cream from his lips, desperate to hear about his day just as much as you want to share yours
you liked to say ‘i love you’ through the stars. tugging him to the roof of the apartment building, legs tangled as you lay on a blanket.
you both look up at the sky.
so many questions slipping off your tongue. where you talk of fate and destiny and how you loved to believe that two souls so intricately intertwined like your own was probably crafted by something as beautiful as the stars, or another celestial being that just knew what the future held. speckles of fine stardust crafted and moulded, so, when you found a mortal body there would be no doubt he was the one for you, just as you were the one for him.
he likes sending you photos of cats. adopting the habit of carrying a small bag of treats around with him; though neither of you have a pet.
he remembers the frown that would tug on your face each time you’d come across a stray. and he’d stand there for as long as you like as your fingers pet over fluffy heads and behind furry ears. another silent vow of love to a lonely creature.
you liked to pack him lunches, hours spent in the kitchen of a nighttime experimenting, because you never wanted him to have a dull meal. and he’d sit there at the table, reading as a piano piece plays over your phone. not a word spoken between the both of you, and some nights you scuttle his way with a fork-full of something for him to try.
there was love in the tv shows you watched together, the music you shared, the space you both lived in. the closet was a muddle of clothes and accessories that he liked to steal from you just like you steal from him. racks of both your shoes line the entry way of the apartment, collection of mugs a sudden birthday tradition that will go on for as long as you’re alive.
you lived in his mind like you lived in the plants around the house. or the posters you’d put on the walls. and he lived in your mind with gaming consoles and photos of you hung up that he had taken, loved and forever cherished; thriving in the memory of you and how much he loved you then and how much he loves you now.
jungkook had tried to find a better word.
hours spent laying in bed, with your head on his chest, moon spilling into the room as he mulls over the thought of you.
how he likes how warm you are, how he likes sharing this space with you. that he’s glad he’s found you, grateful that you exist within the same time line as him.
your silly little stories of a wonderful sweet sort of love filling his own mind— because maybe you really were crafted for one another. and even if he forgets three simple words, the both of you know love lives within the sphere of your existence.
because maybe that’s what the both of you are when you’re together. maybe even in those moments you’re apart. perhaps you’re the epitome of the word love and that’s why all the silent ‘i love yous’ equal more than words ever will
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strawberrygyuuuu · 6 months
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Genre —> Fluff
—> what it's like being in a relationship with them.
ˎˊ₊˚﹕﹒₊‧ ﹒₊˚𓂃・୨୧・ˎˊ₊˚﹕﹒₊‧ ﹒₊˚𓂃
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• He's so cutie
• loves having at least a hand on your thigh or around your waist bc it makes him feel at ease
• it's also js a natural reflex to just swing his arm around you or sum
• I can see him liking physical affection; or just any affection at that tbh
• he's just so opening loving especially to you so even if your love language isn't physically affectionate it's not a problem to him at all
• I believe his love language is a little bit of everything but more heavy on gift giving, quality time and physical affection.
• he loves gifting you stuff, he has the money and he may not always have the time so gifting you something he knows you'll like or heard you said you wanted is a way to show you that he still cares
• quality time because he knows y'all can't always be together because of his schedules and stuff but he tries
• anytime he can he'll send you a quick text to check up on you or a quick I love you text, maybe call for a few minutes or a quick visit on his lunch break to you
• physical affection because idk I feel like he's so cuddly, esp when he's sleepy or it's been a long day, a long time since he's seen you (like after tour for example).
• he lets you glam him up
• like...full on you can dress him how you like, makeup, heels, cute hair clips, babe have fun he's just happy to be there and that you're happy
• happy you = happy Junnie
• he's also a guy who would stare at you in such a lovesick way just in full adoration staring at you
• soft giant
• yeah, he's tall asf but he's so gentle and sweet
• he was shy in the first month or two in the relationship before getting more comfortable with initiating things first n stuff
• if y'all were good friends before dating I think he'll be a little less shy, but not by much. Just a little more confidence
• he gives you piggyback rides, sometimes you don't have to ask like, if your feet hurt from walk or sum he'll gladly put you on his back or tell you to get in his bsck
• I think his love language is quality time and gift giving
• just being in the sa room as him doing your own thing, vibing
• or clinging to each other and talking, or just clinging to each other doing your own thing
• gift giving because I think he wants you to remember he loves you even if he can't always verbally tell you
• he's shy leave him alone😭
• he's trying to get better at words of affirmation tho so it's ok
• tucks you into bed and kisses your forehead, tell me I'm wrong you can't.
• It's definitely never boring
• the dates? Always spontaneous
• like..it can be a random afternoon on Tuesday and he'll just start getting ready and you have no choice but to follow him lol
• it could js be a walk, walking to nowhere in specific and if y'all find a cafe or a store you guys haven't seen before best believe you guys are going to explore that shit lol
• not all dates ofc, some are planned and romantic
• teases you a lot and is very playful but knows when to stop
• he doesn't over do it, usually just to get your attention tbh
• and this boy almost always wants your attention but it's okay bc you love him
• loves putting your hair in little ponytails on the top of your head on each side and literally pouts so much if you try and take it out or complain about it
• he giggles and is happy tho so ig it's worth it
• I think he sometimes try and wake up a little earlier just to spoil you; gifts, food, ur fav snacks and drinks and some new clothes or orders lots of stuff from online websites just to surprise you
• ofc there are moments where he knows to be serious or to calm down and enjoy the moment together w you
• he's the sweetest and is just v playful, pls be kind to him.
• he may seem cold or mean ig but he's so gentle and nice like he is the dream
• he's okay with physical affection but it's not his favorite, doesn't mean he'll complain or try and get you off if you initiate some from time to time though
• when sleeping, he will cuddle you because that's how he gets good sleep at night so enjoy it babes
• words of affirmation and quality time
• hes good at telling you words of affirmation, compliments and even tho he says I love you in special moments, he still tells you things to let you know he does love you, so much.
• I feel like quality time is obvious; I think he's more kept to himself but can be very fun and expressive at times
• spending time with you in the same room is something he likes doing
• it's comfort to him just by you being near him or beside him
• loves going places with you even if you've been there multiple times before. He just wants to be with you even if it's walking for ten minutes
• he writes cute & short notes to you before leaving for work usually because he leaves and wakes up earlier then you
• he DEF has a memory box of the things you've gifted him to cherish
• he adores you and loves you so so much, he trusts you and you're his first priority; over his work too.
• idk guys he's a keeper
• soft giant pt.2
• memory box of things you've given him pt.2
• you guys gift each other plushies and stuffed animals bc it's like a cute little thing y'all do
• def keeps the stuffed animals/plushies you give him somewhere special separate from his plushies
• physical affection, words of affirmation
• he loves to cuddle, hold hands, kisses, hugs, literally anything he adores you
• he's so sweet and kind and gentle and soft ARUGH OTL
• he is the golden retriever bf
• really likes telling you how pretty you are or how he thinks your hair looks cute that day and expects you to also give him compliments
• actually, you better give him compliments and love him with all your heart bc he worships the ground you walk on so pls take good care of this big baby he's a sweet thang
• never had a bad word towards you or raises his voice at you
• I can see him sometimes trying to wrestle you a little but it's so gently it's just cute and y'all are a giggling mess
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wholoveseggs · 6 months
Me again :) I'm just requesting those as they come to me, so feel free to ignore. How about Elijah and reader being in a relationship, but Elijah being pretty vanilla and gentle in the bedroom. So, reader sits him down to share each other's desires and kinks. He finally opens up, revealing a world of dirty thoughts inside his mind, one of them being da breeding kink. I picture it very conversation driven as they build tension.
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gif credit @winchesster
18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You get Elijah to open up about his desires and he discovers a few of yours, leading to a night of fun and exploration.
♡♡ Thanks for the request sweet @originals23 I adore all of your requests ♡♡
4.8k words - Warnings: smutttt, discussions of kinks & sex, lots of cum & orgasms, praise, breeding kink, public sex, fingering...
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When you started dating Elijah, you expected a lot of things. You expected him to be the perfect gentleman and he was. You expected him to be kind and considerate and he was. And you expected him to be the perfect, loving partner and... Well, he was that too. He was everything you wanted and more, but sometimes... Sometimes, he was a little too gentle.
The first time you had sex with him it surprised you, mostly just how sweet and tender it was. He had you on your back, pressed into the mattress as he made love to you, taking his time, kissing your lips, your neck, and even your forehead before he came. You didn't expect it and you had to admit it was a little frustrating.
He was one thousand years old, an immortal creature of immense power, a man that had seen and experienced so many things, and yet, in bed he was just… the complete opposite. He was a soft lover, a romantic, a gentleman in the bedroom and you adored him for that, but there were times when you wanted more.
At first, you chalked it up to him wanting to make sure you felt good, but it soon became clear it was just the way he was. He wasn't shy, not exactly, but he wasn't open about his desires either. He was quiet in bed, mostly just letting out the occasional groan. The wildest thing he had done with you was smack you on the ass while you were riding him and, well, that just wasn't enough. You loved him so much, and you wanted to explore your sexual fantasies with him, but... You didn't know how to tell him.
All of this was on your mind when the two of you were at Rousseau's, cozied up in a quiet corner booth, drinking bourbon and chatting about everything and nothing at all. His arm was draped behind you on the booth, his hand idly stroking the nape of your neck and he was laughing, a deep and beautiful sound, his head tipped back as the corners of his eyes crinkled.
You loved this version of him. Relaxed and happy, with no care in the world, no responsibilities, no Mikaelson family drama, no nothing. Just the two of you and your love.
You'd had a few drinks, making you extra chatty. Your hand was on his knee and you were leaning against him, telling him some long winded story about something. You couldn't quite remember what it was, because his fingers kept brushing the nape of your neck and distracting you.
He noticed, of course, and when you trailed off and fell silent, he leaned down and whispered, "What's on your mind?"
"I..." You shook your head and finished your drink, setting it down on the table a little harder than necessary. "Can I ask you a question?" You said softly, turning towards him, your eyes flicking from his lips up to his eyes.
"Of course." He smiled at you, his eyes sparkling. "Anything."
"You tell me all these interesting stories about your past, but you never talk about... your... uh… sex life." You flushed red, stumbling over your words. You had no idea why you were so nervous. He had touched on the subject a few times, but never in any sort of detail.
He chuckled, looking away briefly, his smile growing, the corners of his eyes crinkling once again. "You want me to kiss and tell?" He asked, amusement in his voice.
"Yes. No. I don't know." You huffed, reaching for his hand, needing some kind of connection to him. "It's just... We've been dating for a while and... Well, I feel like I know almost nothing about your desires. Like… what you're into."
He took a sip of his drink, watching you curiously. "Tell me yours first," he said. "Then I'll share mine."
"Yes, yours." He chuckled. "We all have them, don't we? Fantasies we like to indulge in."
"I... sure, I have them." You bit your lip. You knew your face was bright red.
"What is the wildest thing you've done?"
You hesitated, thinking about your past. You'd never been in a serious relationship before and the only thing that had been somewhat close was the occasional hookup, but those were few and far between.
"Uh... Well, this one guy I dated really liked roleplaying, so we used to pretend to be strangers in public places and stuff." You felt your cheeks flush as you looked down at the table, avoiding his eyes. "It was... It was fun."
"What else?" He was leaning back, relaxed, watching you intently, but there was something about the way he was staring at you that sent heat straight to your core.
"It's your turn," you said quickly, wanting to steer the subject away from you. "Tell me about one of yours."
"Mine?" He smiled that knowing smile of his, his eyes sparkling, but he didn't hesitate to answer. "I enjoy watching."
"Yes. Watching." He laughed, finishing his drink. "There was a witch I was with for a short while and she would touch herself while I watched."
"Oh." You shifted in your seat, biting your lip. "And... And did you touch yourself too?"
"Sometimes," He set his empty glass down on the table and leaned back, stretching his arms out over the back of the booth. "Other times I would simply enjoy the show."
"That sounds hot." You licked your lips, picturing him sitting back and stroking his cock, watching some naked girl touching herself.
"It was." He turned his head towards you and looked you up and down, a playful glint in his eyes. "Your turn, tell me a fantasy of yours,” he said, his voice a low purr.
"Oh, okay." You shifted in your seat again, fidgeting. This whole thing was getting a bit intimidating.
"Come now, don't be shy." He said softly, his hand brushing against your arm. "I told you mine, didn't I?"
"Fine, fine, uh..." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. You weren't embarrassed, not exactly, but it was hard to open up. This wasn't exactly going the way you planned. "I've always wanted to... I've always wanted to be dominated, but like nothing too rough, just..." You paused, taking a shaky breath. "I don't know how to explain it, but I've always had this fantasy of a man pinning me down, making me do whatever he wants, making me submit."
"Is that so?" He asked, his hand settling on your shoulder. His touch was light and gentle, but his fingers squeezed lightly. "Have you ever done that before?"
"Not really. You have to really trust someone to let them have control." You opened your eyes and found him looking at you, his eyes dark, his lips parted slightly. "Also, some men just aren't very good at it, they have to enjoy it as well."
Elijah chuckled, nodding in agreement. "That is very true."
"What about you?" You asked, your eyes searching his. "Have you ever...?"
"Done what you just described?" He cocked his head to the side and thought for a moment. "I've been on both sides plenty of times, but I prefer the dominant role. I find it..." He trailed off, his eyes roaming over you, his gaze lingering on the exposed skin of your thighs, the swell of your breasts. "I find it very appealing."
"Of course you do," you teased, relaxing a bit. "What else do you like?"
"Well, now, I couldn't possibly reveal all my secrets to you, could I?" He said, his hand settling on your thigh, his thumb stroking the skin there.
"What is a kink if not a secret?" You laughed, reaching out to touch him, sliding your hand under his jacket and rubbing his chest. "What about, uh, what's the most bizarre thing you've ever done?"
"That would depend on what your definition of bizarre is," he grinned, his fingers slowly slipping beneath the hem of your skirt. "I've had sex with vampires, witches, werewolves, humans..."
"No, not what," you rolled your eyes, trying not to giggle. "I mean... I don't know... Like... What's the wildest kink you've ever explored?"
"Ah." His eyes sparkled as he moved closer to you, his hand slowly inching lower. "Are you sure you're ready to hear it?"
"Yes, of course." You shifted, spreading your legs apart for him, wanting him to touch you.
"Hmm, maybe another time." He slid his hand higher, his palm pressing against your pussy. "I'd like to hear another one of yours."
"Elijah..." You sighed, moving your hips, rubbing against his hand.
"Tell me, sweetheart," he whispered, his breath warm against your ear.
"Fine, okay." You closed your eyes and leaned back against the booth, focusing on his hand, his fingers. "There was this one time, with this one guy..." You gasped, his fingers pressing against your panties, stroking you.
"He wanted to... To come inside me and... I didn't let him, obviously." You opened your eyes and glanced at him, finding him watching you, his eyes dark and intense. "But... I've thought about it a lot since then."
"Oh?" His fingers slid beneath your panties and he groaned, feeling how wet you were. "You're soaking," he murmured, his eyes still locked on yours. "Tell me more."
You could tell by the look on his face that this was definitely something he was into, his eyes burning, his lips slightly parted. "He said he wanted to fill me up," you said softly, biting your lip, trying to ignore his fingers. "He wanted to make sure I was... uh... filled with his cum," you whispered, feeling yourself blush. "I told him no, but... I couldn't stop thinking about it."
"Is that so?" His fingers brushed against your clit, making you whimper. His lips were inches from yours, his breath hot and sweet.
"Yes," you moaned, closing your eyes, your hands gripping the edge of the booth. "I would think about him, about what he'd do if I let him."
"Would you like to explore that with me? This fantasy?" He asked, his thumb circling your clit, his fingers teasing your opening. "I'd love to try it with you," he whispered, his tongue licking the shell of your ear.
"Yes," you whimpered, spreading your legs wider, wanting more.
"What would you like me to do?" He asked, his teeth gently tugging on your ear.
"I'd like you to... To pin me down and..." You took a deep breath and forced yourself to say the words, knowing that's what he wanted to hear. "To fuck me, fill me up with your cum, and leave me a mess."
"A mess?" He laughed, his fingers slipping into your cunt, pumping in and out. "Like you are right now?"
His lips were still by your ear and you could hear the smirk in his voice, his fingers pumping firmly, you gripped his arm, squeezing him tightly. 
"Wait. Eli- someone could catch us," you gasped, glancing around the bar. You couldn't see anyone watching, but there were still a few patrons at the bar.
"Relax, no one can see you." He kissed your neck, his thumb stroking your clit, his fingers fucking you. "Now tell me," he murmured, his tongue sliding over the soft skin of your throat. "Would you like that? To be left a mess, your thighs slick with my cum, your pretty pussy dripping?" His teeth scraped across your skin and you shivered, unable to hold back a moan.
"Answer me, darling." His fingers curled inside you, hitting a spot that made you see stars. "Would you like that?" He asked again, his lips trailing lower. "For me to fuck you, make you mine, claim you?"
"Yes," you whimpered, bucking against his hand. You couldn't remember ever being this wet. "Yes, yes, please," you moaned, your nails digging into his forearm.
"You have to stay quiet baby," he said softly, his lips brushing against your collarbone. "Can you do that?" His thumb pressed against your clit and you couldn't help but cry out, a loud moan slipping past your lips.
He chucked, his hand stilling inside you, his other hand cupping your jaw, turning your face towards him. His eyes were dark, his pupils blown wide, his lips slightly parted. He kissed you, adding a third finger, stretching you. You couldn't take it anymore, your orgasm crashing through you, moaning into his mouth.
"Elijah," you whined, breaking the kiss. You were still shaking, his fingers still inside you, his lips brushing against your jaw. "Fuck," you gasped, trying to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let you go. You had completely forgotten where you were. Thankfully the bar was practically empty, only a couple of people around, no one sitting near you, but it was still a public place and you were completely exposed.
He smiled, pulling his fingers out of you and bringing them to his mouth, licking them clean. "We should be getting home." He murmured, his lips ghosting over yours.
"Yeah, yeah, we should." You sat up, adjusting your skirt, smoothing it out. You were still shaking, still wet. He was watching you with amusement, he had never seen you so turned on. "You should call a car," you said, not meeting his eyes. Your cheeks were flushed and you could feel your heart beating in your chest.
"I could." He reached for his phone and started typing out a text. "Or I could get a hotel room." He looked up from his phone and smirked at you. "You can finish telling me about your fantasies," His eyes raked over you, his smile growing. "Unless you'd rather just show me." He winked and hit send, his phone vibrating immediately with a reply. "Car's on the way," he said, standing up. "Shall we?"
He led you outside and you followed him blindly, not saying a word. It was late and the streets were mostly empty, the streetlamps casting a warm glow over the city. The wetness between your thighs was cooling and you shivered, wrapping your arms around yourself.
Elijah put his jacket around your shoulders, taking your hand and leading you to the waiting car. He opened the door and helped you in, sliding into the seat next to you. You sat silently, staring out the windows as the driver took you to the hotel.
"I can't believe we did that," you whispered, a bit nervous.
He kissed the side of your head, intertwining his hand with yours and bringing it to his lips, "I guess we both enjoy a bit of exhibitionism,"
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The hotel he rented was incredibly fancy. The lobby was massive, filled with plush chairs and couches, a grand piano in the corner, soft music playing in the background. You stood by the desk, Elijah talking with the receptionist, signing papers, making arrangements.
To the untrained eye he looked the picture of composure, but you could see how worked up he was, his shirt slightly rumpled, his tie loose. You could feel the heat from his body, the warmth of his hand on the small of your back. The two of you barely spoke the whole way here, both of you eager for what was to come.
The room was on the top floor, overlooking the city, the lights sparkling. You took in the sights, admiring the view, before turning towards Elijah, smiling. He sat on the bed, pouring two glasses of champagne. He held out a glass to you and you took it, taking a sip.
"This is nice," you said softly, setting the glass down on the nightstand and sitting on the edge of the bed. You felt nervous now, you didn't know what to expect from him.
"It is," he said, his voice soft. His fingers trailed up your leg, "come here" he gestured, and you obliged, moving to straddle his lap, his hands on your hips.
You kissed him, his lips warm and soft, his beard tickling your face. He pulled away, smiling, and kissed you again, deeper this time, his tongue sliding into your mouth. You moaned, grinding against him, his cock hard beneath his pants. He slowly peeled your clothing off, tossing it to the floor, leaving you in just your panties. 
His eyes roamed your naked form, his gaze hungrier than ever. He lowered his mouth to your breast and swirled his tongue around your nipple, sucking on it lightly. With his other hand he gently massaged your other breast. You moaned softly, your head falling back as he worshiped your body.
He looked up at you, admiring your flushed skin, half-lidded eyes and puffy, pink lips. He couldn't wait to fill you with his cum, have you dripping and full.
His hand went up your thigh and dipped below the waistband of your panties. His finger slid between your pussy lips, gathering your arousal, before moving up to circle your clit. You moaned, grinding your hips, chasing the pleasure.
He hummed in approval, watching your face as he teased your clit, before pushing two fingers inside. He pumped them in and out, curling them slightly, searching for that sweet spot.
You gasped as he found it, clinging to him, your nails digging into his shoulders, your legs wrapping around his waist.
"I can feel how you tighten when I touch here," he whispered, his lips against your ear, his fingers pumping firmly. "Your pussy will milk my cock so well, won't it?"
You whimpered, feeling yourself grow closer. His thumb brushed against your clit, his fingers never ceasing. You arched your back, bucking your hips, your body begging for release.
"I didn't hear you," he said in a soft lilt, his lips ghosting along your neck.
"Yes, yes, it will," you moaned, panting heavily.
He smiled and pulled his hand away, making you whine at the loss, he left you so worked up. You felt his erection twitch against you, his hands gripping your hips.
"You'll have to be a good girl for me, won't you?" He said, his voice husky. "So I can give you what you need."
"Yes." You sighed, your fingers working at his tie, struggling to undo it. His words making you flustered, he had never been much of a talker in bed before. This vocal, dominant side of him had you reeling, the way he was speaking to you, touching you. It was driving you mad, and you needed more.
He watched you pull his tie off, his hands on your hips as you fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Your fingers finally succeeded, pushing his shirt open and running your hands over his chest. You leaned in and kissed him, sucking on his bottom lip.
He broke the kiss and grinned at you, suddenly flipping you over onto your back, his weight pressing you into the mattress. He looked down at you, his gaze hungry, his eyes dark. You reached out, grabbing his belt, undoing the buckle, wanting to feel him. He leaned back, letting you, his cock straining against his pants.
You pulled his belt off and threw it aside, his pants and boxers quickly following. You stared at him, becoming wetter from the sight, he was so beautiful, so big, his cock was thick and long, already hard, a drop of pre-cum leaking from the tip.
He smirked at you and reached down, taking himself in his hand, slowly stroking.
"Touch yourself," he said, his hand moving up and down. "I want to watch you."
You bit your lip and obeyed, opening your legs, running your fingers along your pussy, gasping as they glided over your clit. He smiled, his gaze heavy, his eyes hooded.
"That's a good girl," he praised, his hand speeding up, his grip tightening. "Does that feel good? Do you like it?"
"Yes," you whimpered, nodding eagerly. You couldn't believe how much his words were affecting you, your fingers slipping inside, the sight of him above you, stroking himself, it was too much.
"I bet it does." His voice was thick, his breathing heavy. "You look so beautiful when you're enjoying yourself."
You couldn't help but smile, blushing at the compliment. He smiled back, letting go of himself and crawling over you, his cock brushing against your core. He kissed you, his lips soft and warm, his hands roaming down your thighs, lifting them up, pressing them into your chest. Your hips sprung up and he tapped his cock against your pussy, his hips grinding into yours. You groaned, the friction making your cunt ache. He continued to tease you, his cock sliding over your clit, your wetness smearing all over his length.
He kissed you again, his lips bruising, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip. He grabbed his cock, lining himself up, the head of his cock spreading you open. He pushed in slowly, his eyes never leaving yours, his hands found yours, intertwining and pressing them down onto the mattress.
He groaned, burying himself to the hilt. He stayed there for a moment, letting you adjust, before starting to move, his hips moving slowly, rocking back and forth, his cock sliding in and out of you. The sight of him above you, his hair disheveled, his chest rising and falling with his breathing, his eyes locked on yours, was almost enough to make you come.
He kept a slow pace, his cock stretching you, filling you, his hips rolling into yours. The hot, wet sounds of your pussy making him groan.
He let go of one of your hands, his free hand reaching down, his thumb brushing over your clit. You gripped his forearm, holding onto him, your eyes locked on his, as you both lost yourself in the pleasure.
He was letting out these soft groans and grunts, his jaw clenched, his breathing heavy. His hips were starting to falter, his cock twitching inside you. He was so close.
He leaned forward and kissed you, his hand squeezing yours. You felt him tense, his hips thrusting forward sharply, burying himself to the hilt. He let out a strangled groan, his body shuddering, his cock pulsing, filling you with his cum.
You looked down, watching as he pulled out, a string of cum connecting you, his fingers pushing inside, fucking his cum into you, his thumb circling your clit.
He leaned forward, kissing you deeply, his fingers pumping in and out, his thumb teasing your clit.
"That's it," he murmured against your lips. "Such a good girl, letting me fill you."
You could feel his erection pressed against you, he was still so turned on. You could feel the pressure building, his fingers pushing into you, his thumb stroking your clit, filthy wet noises coming from between your thighs.
He pulled his fingers away and replaced them with his cock, your combined fluids slick and warm, dripping down your thighs. You groaned, his cock sliding back inside you easily, his hips meeting yours, his body flush against you.
He pushed your legs up further and you hooked your arms under your knees, spreading yourself open for him.
You watched his thick cock sliding in and out of you, a trail of white fluid clinging to his cock every time he pulled out. The sight of it was enough to push you over the edge, your orgasm tearing through you, a strangled cry falling from your lips.
"That's it baby, squeeze my cock." His voice was low, his breath hot against your ear.
Your pussy pulsed around him, your orgasm continuing, making you feel like you were floating.
He buried his cock deep, his hips circling, his pelvis brushing against your clit, another wave of pleasure washing over you, the aftershocks of your orgasm intensifying. You felt his cock twitch, his hips jerking forward, a fresh wave of cum filling you.
"Fuck, baby," he groaned, his cock pumping his cum into you, his body shaking, his hands gripping your thighs tightly. He kissed you, his lips soft, his tongue slipping past yours.
He continued to rock his hips, his cock throbbing inside you, his cum spilling out, trickling down your ass, soaking the sheets. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close, your hips moving in tandem with his. You wanted to stay like this forever, to keep him inside you, his cum warming you.
"Elijah," you whimpered, your pussy clenching around his cock.
He chuckled, kissing you slowly, his tongue exploring your mouth.
"You like being filled, don't you baby?"
You nodded, feeling a fresh wave of arousal hit you, your pussy growing wetter.
He grinned, kissing you again, his hips grinding against yours. You gasped as his cock brushed against that spot inside you, the pleasure building. He started to move again, his pace slow and deep, his lips never leaving yours.
"I'm going to keep filling you, until you can't take anymore." He whispered, his voice heavy, his hips thrusting forward, his cock hitting that spot again, sending shivers up your spine. "You want that don't you?"
"Yes," you whined, feeling a bit dizzy. You felt so full, so warm, your cunt was stretched so tight. His cock was rubbing against all the right spots, his lips brushing against yours, his beard tickling your skin.
"Do you want to have my baby?" He asked, his lips ghosting along your neck, his teeth nipping at the tender skin. "Want to have me pumping you full, filling you, making sure my baby grows?"
"God, yes." You gasped, his words making you moan. He was so close to you, his body covering yours, his cock buried inside you, his hot breath fanning over your face.
He leaned back, his cock coated in white, pulling out slowly, before pushing back in, a low moan escaping his lips. He was so turned on, his eyes hooded, his cheeks flushed, his pupils blown.
"Look at your perfect pussy." He growled, his eyes fixed on the place where you were joined, his cock covered in your combined fluids. "You're so full, aren't you? My cum spilling out of you."
He was fucking you so slowly, his hips rolling into yours, his cock stretching you. It was too much, too intense, you couldn't take it. You reached down and rubbed your clit, desperate to find release, desperate for him.
He grinned, watching you touch yourself, his eyes glued to your face, your eyes screwed shut, your mouth falling open. He started to fuck you faster, his cock pounding into you, his pace rough and demanding.
You felt yourself start to fall apart, the pressure building, your clit throbbing. He was pounding you so hard, so deep, his hips snapping forward, his cock bottoming out.
He kissed you again, his lips hot and slick, his tongue caressing yours. You moaned into his mouth, another orgasm hitting you, making you see stars, your pussy clamping down on his cock. He groaned, his hips stuttering, his cock swelling inside you before releasing another hot load of cum, your combined fluids spilling out, pooling between your thighs.
He kept moving, fucking you through your orgasm, his pace slower, his hips circling, riding out his own release.
His hips stilled, his cock resting inside you, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He let out a low moan, his cock twitching, the last of his cum filling you.
You watched him slowly pull out, the tip of his cock brushing against your clit, more white fluid pouring from his cock. He groaned, tapping the head of his cock against your swollen clit as he softened, his cum dripping onto your stomach.
You were still reeling, your whole body tingling. You felt so empty, so warm, his cum coating your thighs.
He kissed you again, his hand moving up to stroke your cheek, his other hand resting on your thigh.
"You were so good for me." He said softly, his voice hoarse, his eyes meeting yours. "So beautiful."
You blushed, smiling up at him, the praise washing over you. He smiled back, leaning in, his lips brushing against yours, his kiss tender and sweet. He moved off the bed and went to the bathroom, returning with a warm cloth.
He cleaned you gently, wiping away the mess, before lying down next to you, pulling the covers up over both of you. He held you close, his hand stroking your back, his breath warm against your skin.
"There are so many fantasies to explore," he murmured against your skin. "So much for us to try."
"Oh yeah?" You asked, running your hands over his shoulders, your fingers tracing the marks your nails had left. "Like what?"
He grinned, his hand trailing down your side, cupping your ass.
"Well, I did have this idea for next time…" he said, his voice low.
You laughed, pressing closer to him. You loved him so much, and knew there was a lot more love to give. You were already looking forward to his next fantasy, and hoped he was looking forward to yours.
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luveline · 1 month
i hope you’re feeling better jade!!🫶🫶
i’d love to request zombie!au steve of when he starts to realize he has feelings for reader if you haven’t already done smth like that
zombie au —Steve has some deep thoughts about you. 1.3k
“How are you feeling?” 
Steve bats a branch out of his face. “I’m okay.” 
“Yeah?” You hold the next branch out of his way. “Sorry, guess I’ve asked you that too many times today.” 
Four times, by his count. Steve takes a deep breath, the warm summer air filling his nose, the smell of earth and tree bark an assault for the senses. He has the heavy backpack strapped tight against his chest, the buckle rubbing his skin raw. His thin t-shirt offers no protection. Your coats have been packed away in the second backpack hanging from your left shoulder. You carry the canteens on your right, all six of them heavy with fresh water. You don’t complain. 
“I’m fine, I swear,” he says, squinting at the white sky. 
“You won’t say anything if you don’t feel fine. I just… I don’t want you to throw up again, and I think we can avoid it if you take it easy. If you’re not feeling up to it, that is. Not that you’re not feeling up to it.” 
Steve softens at your overexplaining. You’re used to caring about him a lot and having him snap back at you. He can’t explain it, not without deep introspection —is he emasculated? Defensive? Or just worried he can’t take care of you?— so he doesn’t think about it if he can’t help it. 
It’s harder to ignore when you worry about him. 
“I don’t feel sick,” he says, a promise as he bats another low branch aside and guides you into a clearing, where he pauses. 
“Okay, good.” 
Steve spent the last two days throwing up and recuperating in a shack of a house a few miles back. He gave himself food poisoning eating spaghetti hoops he should’ve known were bad. He doesn’t remember the first day in detail, too busy yacking and feverish, but he does remember your hand on his back. Your gentle hand, your careful fingertips. Remembers you stroking hair away from his mouth. 
It was the first time he’d realised you were his friend. It’s a shameful thing, to have been with you for this long, and to have been ignorant to you this whole time. It’s not that Steve thought you were evil, he just never let himself think about you too much. Never enough to think Hey, this girl I’ve brought with me, she’s good to me. She’s kind. 
He knew you were, obviously. It’s complicated. It’s giving him a headache. 
“Maybe we should stop here.” 
A few days ago he would’ve said No way, are you dumb? You can’t stop here, a clearing doesn’t protect you from the elements, nor a hoard, but he knows you know those things and peacocking his survival skills won’t actually keep you safe. 
He has to stop being in survival mode. Or, in huge jerk mode. 
The feeling of your face pressed to his chest as you slept, each exhale a warmth that settled him. Later, your hand feeling against his forehead, sure he was asleep. You love him. He’s not sure what kind of love, but you do. And he loves you, too, but he’s not sure what kind of love it is either. He estimates that it’s the feeling that comes with surviving a traumatic event (or, in your case, many events) together, caring for each other, tending to each others wounds, mixed with the beginning of a crush. 
Like, he loves you in that he cares very, very deeply for you, and would be wrecked now if something happened to you, but he’s not in love. Not yet. 
He looks out over the clearing. Finally, some clarity.
Steve turns to you and knows he might fall in love with you.  
“I think we should keep going. The tree cover is better, in case it rains again tonight. Maybe the heat’ll break, I don’t know. And I don’t like this, I feel like we could get ambushed from any angle.” He tries not to waver in his explanation. 
“A little rain would be nice,” you say, wiping your eyebrows, “I don’t know about that ambush theory.” 
“Oh, you don’t?” he asks. 
“What are the trees gonna stop?” you ask. 
He recognises an urge to pinch your side and stomps it down. “I don’t know, okay? Leave me alone, my head hurts.” 
“Want some tylenol?” 
He accepts. You walk for another hour or so through the woods until you can see the dark asphalt of a highway. They’re more intimidating, and so you backtrack for fifteen minutes and set up camp beside an incline. It’ll protect you from one angle, at least. 
“You okay?” you ask again. 
Steve lets the canteen he’d been holding fall into his lap. “What can I tell you to make you stop asking me?” he asks genuinely. He doesn’t want you to worry this much about him. 
“We could go back in time and stop you from eating those spaghetti shapes,” you say. 
He likes the way you say it. You look behind you suspiciously, spreading your jacket out and laying the backpack on it before you lie down. You face toward him, your eyes half-lidded. 
You hate the idea of bugs crawling into your hair or ears. Steve bites his lip. 
“What?” you ask. 
“You can lie on me, if you want.” 
“I’m not going to sleep yet, don’t worry.” You curl into yourself. “Let’s make a fire tonight. I know spoiled food is spoiled no matter what, but I think heating that soup’ll give it less chance of upsetting your stomach. It’ll taste nicer, too.” 
“Yeah,” he says quietly. “Just a small one, though, when it’s really dark. We’ll stay up.”
“Okay.” You smile, wide and subtly beautiful. 
Is this because you held his hair back while he was sick? Could it be something that minimal? 
You reach across leaf litter to play with his shoelace. After a few minutes, you curl your fingers around the loop. 
You’re starved for touch. He knows how much of a difference it makes at night when he ushers your face into his lap, hand behind your shoulders to hold you. He’s never not given you affection when he thought you needed it, even when he began to suspect you liked him as more than a companion. You’ve never taken advantage of this fact. If you like him, you don’t burden him with it. If anything, your growing crush has made you shier. You're more self conscious. 
He takes your hand. “You already have dirt on your hands,” he says, rubbing your fingers. If you’re hands are dirty, he can’t see it. 
“Your shoe,” you explain. 
He rubs at nothing. Then he holds it just to hold it, feeling the weight of it in his. 
It’s a relief to realise he likes you. He’s confused, but it feels good at the same time. You’re a very easy person to like, even if he’s insisted otherwise before. You can ask questions he finds irrelevant and self explanatory, but for every agitating misunderstanding, you’ve a moment of sweetness. 
You can disagree with him a thousand times, and it doesn’t change how moments like this make him feel. Like he’s found a rare slice of peace. Your arm goes limp, your hand his to do with as he pleases, and he can finally take a breather for the day. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. “You’ve been asking me all day, but I didn’t ask you.”
“I’m fine.”
“How’s your mouth?” he asks. You get toothache from grinding your teeth in your sleep. Some nights, it makes you cry. 
“Fine, really. Doesn’t hurt.”
“How’s your head?” he asks, giving your hand a weak squeeze. 
Your lips twitch, eyes fluttering with something he doesn’t know. “I’m fine, Steve. Great, all things considered. I’m glad you’re not sick anymore.” 
He threads his fingers through yours. “Yeah, me too.” 
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Steve Rogers x Avenger!Reader
a vague sequel to Warning Signs (not required to read before this)
Summary: Steve takes your mind off a recent tragedy for the team.
Fluff, hurt/comfort with emphasis on the comfort, references to death and trauma but not explicit, SEVERAL sweet kisses 😍. Adjusted (from its languishing, dusty doc) for @bigtreefest's Summer Lovin' Celebration using the elements: hand kink--although this work is for all-ages--and "ew gross, that's not what I thought would happen today"--except I fudged that a bit. You're welcome even though, yet again, no one asked for this! WC ~2.3k
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It’s a dreamless sleep, the kind that feels like you blinked but hours passed. Awareness comes long before awakeness.
Your head aches. You feel as shriveled and puckered as you were laying in the bath tub, soaked but thirsty, letting water steadily drip between your paralyzed, parted lips for so long yesterday. Your eyelids are sandpaper, but they’ve not opened yet.
Minutes tick by—perhaps another hour—and you attempt to remember what’s happening or happened.
Two people died. Gone. Brought back in the belly of the same plane you arrived home in, they are now lost, lost somewhere dark like this, lost like you are for so long as you can stand to keep your sore eyes closed.
Well…you are home but not home all at once.
You’re in a bed, that’s clear, but the pillow isn’t your own. The scent is off. Heavy. Musky. Not unpleasant. Somehow still familiar.
You tick through snapshots of sullen faces trying to remember.
Over you lies a soft, thick blanket. Again not yours. Again pleasing. It has heft. It comforts without constraint.
The hardest sensation to figure out is your hands.
They are…sticky and weighted. You’ve sweat and clammed up upon yourself. Your hands are not clasped in each other. Why the feeling then?
It’s cold—or cool, rather—but not beneath the blanket. The contrast to the battlefield’s heat yesterday is stark though no less repressive. The external pressures of fighting have turned inward, pushing your emotions to the brink. Your won the fight, and after, you lost the war with yourself.
You remember losing that war alone, so what are you holding?
Finally, you look.
There’s someone else in this foreign bed, one of the faces from the sorrowful slideshow behind your eyes.
Steve Rogers sleeps beside you, recognizable only by his size and his crown of golden hair because his head is bent, his hands encasing yours. He’s pressed himself to the bundle of fists between you.
The numbness has yet to lift. That’s why it all reeks of distance and projected celluloid. Yesterday happened but only in that far away world playing on the back of your skull. All you can process as real is that he’s right there and you are right here, simultaneously.
You try harder.
You try to flood color and sound onto the memories until they come closer.
The mission, the deaths, the flailing sense of loss, the unending bewilderment of “what do I do now?”: they become…undeniably tangible. They happened, and they happened to you. You heard the captain promise to stay with you. You heard him…
He called you ‘sweetheart.’
That’s the first thought that stirs something soft among the sharp recollections. That’s when existence returns.
Rogers came to your room. He wouldn’t leave until you were safe. He took care of you, and he called you ‘sweetheart.’ In your months of working with the Avengers, the captain has never once casually assigned an endearment. He says ‘ma’am’ more often than not and barely has nicknames for the teammates he’s worked with for a decade. 
Everyone is Agent, Sir, or Miss. Your last name has always been enough.
You were none of those things last night. You survived a horrid battle, a crippling loss, and a solitude which almost drowned you; it’s silly to admit how he heals your wounds with one simple word.
Sweetheart. A warm cocoa hug to your chest. A gentle embrace. A guidance back toward the light.
Maybe he’ll never say it again. Maybe he meant nothing by it. He only tried to help you. He only wanted you to feel better. Since no one else was around, it’s an easy assumption that Steve simply—
He’s Captain Rogers to you. A coworker. A teammate. That’s all.
It’s difficult to even call him a friend because the man is so professional, so shy.
That shy professional probably saw you naked last night. Whoops.
You shimmy deeper under your covers, tilting your gaze down to the shirt and shorts Rogers dressed you in—his shirt and shorts—but those movements stir the man with your hands.
In a split second, you clamp your eyes shut again and wait in the dark, fighting not to twitch at the dry-sand prickle.
He shifts with a quiet scratching of the sheets, and he sighs, the hot air grazing your knuckles.
One traitorous eye gives a curious peek.
Rogers’s head cranes back to show his sleepy smirk.
“Morning,” he rasps, blinking slowly. He ducks away again to yawn, his face stretching to life, before softly continuing. “How you feeling? Can I getcha anything?”
You tuck your lip under and say nothing. Words have left you.
After allowing the pause, Rogers lets go of your hands, cold flooding your damp skin.
“I’ll get us some water then.”
He doesn’t rumple your blanket. He doesn’t hold eye contact. He just dutifully rolls out of his bed and gets two glasses.
The paralysis is making you quake slightly. What do you say? Will he take you out of the field for this? If not already, will he bench you from how you act next? How will you act next?
He leans a knee onto the still-warm spot he abandoned and tsks.
“Come on. Couple of sips and I’ll leave you alone. Sleep all day if you want, but first—“ He inches the offered water closer.
You rake your eyes up his arm until meeting baby blues.
“Do you mean—“
Rogers’s phone rings. “Shoot, sorry. One second.” He plunks both cups down on his bedside table and answers quickly. “Yeah, Sam, I—no, no run today, I think… Seen her? Um, yeah, she’s…she was—“ glancing back at you over his shoulder, he pulls his hand over his mouth in thought “—I’ll look in…okay, sure thing. Talk later.”
You’re offered another smile and chance at water. “Where were we?”
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“So this is where you go to be—“
The failed observation echos in the garage while Captain Rogers kneels by his bike (one of half a dozen). You can’t say ‘alone’ since you’re here, too, so you awkwardly kick your feet over the edge of the steel table he told you to sit on.
Captain America is important enough to be assigned one of the coveted, private garages along one side of the jet hangar, and he assured you, no one bothers him as soon as he closes that door. Where else was he supposed to take you? It’s hot outside, just like yesterday, your room is still trashed, and his room is not exactly neutral territory.
Rogers simply smiles, ticking his head to one side. “Hand me that socket wrench?”
Quick as a rabbit, you hop down, and suddenly, as his fingers drag the cool metal handle from yours, you get it. You forgot all about everything for a split second.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he whispers, smile still gentle, eyes still brilliant blue.
Your insides swoop more than the mid-air jump from your perch. You tuck your lip in your teeth to stifle the glow threatening to shine out. It feels wrong. You can’t be happy today. You shouldn’t. It’s not right.
Twice. Twice now he’s slipped. Maybe. Yesterday is mostly a blur. It’s hard to imagine he means to say that. It’s not like the captain to be kind. Well, of course Steve is kind, but in a professional way, a distant way. Instead, this is a tender sort of kind, tenderness like holding onto your hands while you sleep.
He’s watching your every reaction, probably to make sure you don’t fall apart again, probably to make sure you don’t shut down entirely, but you’ve a new focus: him.
“Help me?” Rogers asks, tongue swiping out, nervous. “If you want,” he adds with a shrug.
You shrug, too, but sit on the floor next to him.
He exudes unending patience, explaining the basics of what he’s working on, mentioning nothing when you clearly zone out. You lose whole minutes to either staring at him or staring at nothing. More flashes of yesterday overtake your vision from time to time, even though your eyes are open.
“Should have taken you to the infirmary,” he mutters as you shake off your latest blip.
You drop the tool dangling in your limp hand, and despite knowing there’s an object falling to the concrete floor, you jump violently at the clattering it makes.
You grip at your temples, shielding your face. “Perhaps you should have.”
A warm, steady hand lands on your knee.
“I can finish up here and take you.” He hurries to do something on the bike, and you’re sure he’s about to send you for a psych eval.
That’s the last thing you want. You have to convince him you are fine, better than fine, strong.
You grab for his wrist to get his attention back, but the move makes him twist a cap too hard and thick brown oil comes steaming out all over both of you. It drips from your forearms down and splashes from the drip pan up, the flow quickly tapering off with a thick glug from the pipe.
“Ew, GROSS,” you blurt without thinking. You resist the urge to shake it off. No need to cover more of the room in your shame. “Sorry, Cap. I—That was—“
“No, no.” He’s just laughing, thank goodness. “My fault. Was gonna change that anyway…in a couple months. You alright?” He waits for a nod. “Let’s get this mess off at the sink, yeah?”
Rogers carefully points to the corner. You maneuver onto your feet and alternate raising and lowering your arms, thick rivulets threatening to paint the floor if you let the oil run too far in one direction.
“Wipe what you can off with the towels first.”
You sort of knock the roll over and nudge it across the counter. A strategic elbow turns up the tap and depresses the soap dispenser.
“‘Steve’ is fine,” he says as he massages lather over your palms, “by the way.”
You’re damn right Steve is fine.
Your breath catches while he continues to work the oil off your skin, avoiding eye contact.
After a minute or so, rubbing around and down your fingers, specifically scrubbing along your nails, he clears his throat.
“I’m glad it wasn’t you—“ Steve concentrates on circling each knuckle “—horrible as that sounds.”
You take control of the hand helping you, applying pressure as you feel a small tremor rattle the fine bones, unable to see the clear truth of his words beneath righteously long lashes.
He lets you wash him for a while, rubbing between his fingers, scrubbing along his nails, lathering over his palms.
His voice is so quiet, a low breeze from the distant, retractable ceiling letting in the world.
“Not supposed to say that,” he rumbles, inches away at most, “diminishing as it is to the dead.” Steve halts you and slides his hands up your forearms. “But that’s the point, yeah?” He looks up finally. “Focus on the living…”
You’re frozen, hanging on every word you’re convinced he can’t be saying.
“Is that a quest—“
Steve’s long lashes descend to narrow his path, supple lips grazing yours for the briefest moment before a curt “no.” He moves in for a proper kiss then, head tilting to take full advantage of your shock. A new shock. A different kind of shock from the one you’ve barely recovered from since…
Twenty-four hours. Horror. Sweetheart. Limbo. Sweetheart. Bliss.
He’s right. The heat of him signals life and passion, desperation and spirit for the best kind of danger: a leap of faith from the heart.
A sweet heart.
It’s at this shocking and romantic turn that you realize, you’d follow him anywhere, just as he’s followed you onto a doomed battlefield, into your chaotic mind, into a cold and lonely shower. You had nothing but doubt; he offered nothing but hope.
Your weight leans into the clutch of devoted sinew and reverent tendons. Steve takes that as a welcome encouragement.
One day it might be him or it might be you, and as difficult and painful as that would be, it helps to focus on who is still here. Both of you. Together. Now.
He’s lavish and indulgent, intense because his wet hands can’t pull you closer. His tenderness and decency saturate every atom of connection between you. Each generous touch conveys something undying and pure.
Your hold on each other slips in the running tap when Steve get a little greedy, his body pinning yours to the rim of the sink.
Immediately, he apologizes, retracting into a shell of chivalry and sympathy.
You swallow to compose yourself, minimal effect achieved.
After a fair few thundering heartbeats pulse past you ears, you manage, “that’s not what I thought would happen today.”
The baby blue irises are the picture of horror. “Bad? No?”
Steve steps back only once before you follow.
“Why me?” you counter softly.
He huffs in his infinite patience with you and rolls his eyes in disappointment with himself. Steve hangs his head, propping his arm on either edge of counter nearest him. A dark, bitter chuckle escapes before he finally confesses.
“Because every other day I feel very little, but with you, I want so much more.”
Is this how you looked to him yesterday? A raw wound begging for help in blinding light? Did he have this fear that he couldn’t offer enough?
It is enough though. It has to be enough to try for what you want, to live even in kindness and duty. He’s taken a step, and so can you.
You smile, close the remaining distance, and whisper one word into Steve’s waiting mouth.
Question or statement, it doesn’t matter, or perhaps, you’ll figure it out on any other day. Today it simply means you're both alive.
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
A/N: Hope this turned out okay and that you enjoyed the fluff! If not, don't worry. I've got a smutty lifeguard!Steve one-shot in the works, too!! Tags will be in a reblog since they've been so wonky lately.
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n0tamused · 27 days
dottore having to dispose of a faulty clone (maybe bc they were threatening reader) and then handfeeding reader parts of it like cannibalism as a metaphor for love…. do we see the vision or is this a little too 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 💔💔
A/n: pookie you're all good, thank you for feeding my brain worms with this idea I'm sending you smooches. I do hope I executed this well. I had a lot in my head that I wanted to write for this but I didn't want this to turn into a word scramble so here's this. Enjoy <3
Content: Dottore x GN reader, dark content(?), a bit yandere, implied unhealthy relationship, implied cannibalism, cannibalism as a metaphor for love, idk what else to tag as I never posted something like this so if anything else needs tagging feel free to lemme know
Words: 735
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Several candles lined the polished oak table, its surface smooth and almost sticky, the light rippling over the dark lines of the carvings on top like little light bugs chasing one another. The golden hues danced over the plates as well, but the dim light scarcely allowed for a good look at the dishes.
The fork extending forward to your lips was the only thing that held your attention long enough to be observed, taken in fully, lips closing around the bit of meat and vegetables. The juice and oil fills your mouth, sinking past your teeth and around your gums, the taste is rich yet stale all at once. You couldn’t comment on it, you didn't know what to say about it. Not with the Doctor sitting at your side and being the one to feed you so, so gently.
It's hard to remember when was the last time he looked so gentle, kind even, perhaps when he was lighting up the candles with such care, as if his own breath would blow the flames into a blaze, allowing you to see your plate in full.
The meat was well done, seasoned to your liking, and something told you it was Dottore’s own hand who prepared it, gave it his all to make it so perfect for consumption. Parts of him were laced through every sensation, every smell and every bite. Your own plate is set before him and he's cutting all your bites, spearing pieces of meat and salad onto the fork before feeding it to you, making sure you ate well.
The dull ache in your arms is brought back into memory as you languidly chew on a bite, and your fingers absentmindedly touch over your sleeves over where the bruises lay, feeling the ache grow.
“Do they still hurt you?” His voice called out amidst smoky smells and brown fog, calling you to the present. “Have you gotten any rest at all, my dear?” He added, his head tilting in your direction, his bird-like mask not allowing you for a glimpse of his ruby eyes, but from underneath you can see glimpses of the scars peeking through, teasing your eyes. For some reason he chose to wear it here, now, only puzzling you further. 
“No.. no.. they're fine… I’ll get some rest later tonight, sir..” you reply as you swallow and watch how he grimaced at the title, and you nearly cough from how big this bite was, but you would have taken a bigger bite had Dottore allowed you to feast yourself. Perhaps not, but you told yourself you would. Be it the rich taste or some other factor, you yearned to take up each bone from the meat and lick it clean, sucking out the marrow from within and letting it melt into your guts.
Would he be satisfied then?
Would you be?
The candles flicker. He's still looking at you
“Are you still afraid? I've already told you so, and explained it many times. You have nothing to fear here. This was just an error in the system which will not ever happen again.. and you shouldn't have been around to witness it, anyhow..”. You have to wonder how he can say all this with so little fear. Then again, the clone was his creation. He knew it inside and out, every crevice and every wire.
“I understand.. it's just that.. I'd rather not face the others now..not after that..” 
Truth be told, having him around was also slightly unnerving, as he wore nearly an identical face as the one that harmed you. They were the same, but also not. He was gentle, but he was not.
The one that hurt you was long disposed of and would never harm you again, but Dottore was once the one that hurt you, and now he has poured himself out before you, all for your pleasure and the sweet poison of safety and love.
He hopes to convey it to you through each meticulously put bite, every sip he graces your lips with. He had cut himself open for you and would do so again, just as he hurt you through that error. It came as easy as drinking and breathing. 
“That’s understandable. I assure you are safe, and however dark the night may get - I'll be there with you… But for now, you must eat, not fear. Open wide..”
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 11 months
♡ Message From Your Soulmate ♡ 
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Take what resonates and leave the rest and know that you're the one in control of your life at the end of the day. . . .
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P I L E 1 - Through the Fire
Five of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune (Reversed), Page of Cups, The High Priestess, Justice
Okay. First off, your person wants to say that you are their gift and that you are their surprise. They are so lucky to have you! (omg, I'm gonna cry!!!) Your person is saying that they know that you feel like they have abandoned you and you may have doubts about if this person even exists. They do exist. Your person is real, and they are working so hard to get to you. There have been delays in your union because you are trying to be too in control of the situation. Your person wants you to focus on your own growth and being the best version of yourself for yourself. They are going to come in so unexpectedly and it's going to feel so magical. This is not an ex. I'm serious. Let it go. I'm also getting the communication will be so good and so full of passion and romance! Your person wants you to listen to your inner voice and find the strength to be who you really are. You can look forward to learning a lot from each other. There is a balance in this relationship that you may not be used to. This person sees you as their equal. For some of you, there is a specific person who comes to mind when you read about soulmates, divine counter parts and the person that you want to spend this lifetime and every lifetime with. I want you to know that you aren't crazy. It's them. Just give them some time. Everything is going to work out and you will be together.
Extra channeled message: I love you, I love you, I love you, my sweet star. Hold on to me as tightly as I am holding on to you. Just remembering that you are out there for me, keeps me going; keeps me coming toward you.
Channeled Song: Through The Fire - Chaka Khan
Through the fire, to the limit, to the wall// For a chance to be with you// I'd gladly risk it all// Through the fire Through whatever, come what may// For a chance at loving you I'd take it all the way// Right down to the wire// Even through the fire//
if you want a personal reading, you can e-mail me at [email protected]
if you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage
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P I L E 2 - my love is mine, all mine
King of Pentacles, Temperance, The Chariot, Ten of Cups, Nine of Pentacles (Reversed), Strength
Baby, you are so safe with me. Your person is so sweet and kind! I'm getting that they are a protector and very cuddly. I am going to be so gentle and so caring with you. You will never have to worry about anything when you are with me. Even if I am not with you, consider it taken care of. I am getting that this person has always been yours. In every lifetime, they have found you and made you so damn happy. This lifetime will be no different! Every universe, every life; I will love you, deeply. I cannot wait to grow old together. This person is a very dominate type, especially when it comes to you. One who likes to take the lead... in more ways than one. (my lord...) Your soulmate sees you as their happiest ending and they want you to know that they will never truly be happy if they don't have you. Unlike the previous pile, I am getting the energy of this being someone that you may know already, maybe even someone who is currently an ex. They have changed in some way, or the stars have aligned for you two to be together again. I'm getting that this person is really successful. Like... really freakin' successful. On the outside looking in, this person seems to have it all, but they don't feel complete because they don't have you but once they do, they are never going to let you go. You are theirs. (Okay, maybe this person is a little bit possessive but not in a toxic way. Definitely set boundaries about that kind of thing.) This love is so strong, so powerful. Wow.
Extra Channeled Message: You have consumed me; mind, body and soul, you have consumed me. You make ruins of me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I gladly give you my heart to do as you please. If all I can have of you is your destruction of my heart, I will take it. You have me.
Channeled Song - My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski
My baby, here on earth// Showed me what my heart was worth// So, when it comes to be my turn// Could you shine it down here for her?
if you want a personal reading, you can e-mail me at [email protected]
if you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage
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P I L E 3 - My babe would have me
Eight of Swords, Nine of Cups, The Chariot, Seven of Wands, Knight of Pentacles
I have been through a lot when it comes to love. My heart has been broken over and over again but with you, it's different. You are a dream come true, my love. There is an energy present that is telling me that your person is going through a lot right now. It feels like a Dark Night of the Soul. They are definitely going to come out on top though. They are a fighter, and they have the upper hand in whatever they are dealing with. Part of the reason that they are doing this work is because they want to be the best for you. They want to be good enough for you. (Even though they already are!) This person is worried that they aren't good enough and that you will leave them or won't choose them! They are so sure about you though. They know that you are what they want in this world. They are working hard on a lot of parts of themselves because you are so worth it. I feel like, just like the previous pile, you may already know or be in union with this person or this may be about an ex. Like, I need you know that this person is working so hard. They are going to show, not tell you how much they have changed. Like this is a whole new person.
Extra Channeled Message: I want you to know that yes, I am working on me so that I can be better for you but it's also for me, too. It has been so hard to go through this healing, but it has been worth it, and I am glad I decided to change. I am glad that I decided to heal, and I like the person that I am now and who I am becoming. I am going to make sure we have a really good life together, my love. I refuse to make your day harder or to make you cry. You are far too precious for that. I love you to the moon and back.
Channeled Song: Work Song - Hozier
My babe would never fret none// About what my hands and my body done// If the Lord don't forgive me// I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me//
if you want a personal reading, you can e-mail me at [email protected]
if you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage
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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. These readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
page dividers created by @bunnysrph and @eloquentreverie
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webshooterrr9 · 9 months
Take Care
Act Two Astarion x gn!reader
just fluff and angst if you squint, no smut
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Sigh. "You don't have to do this, darling. I'm not some sort of child in need of coddling."
Despite his standoffish tone, Astarion makes no attempt to move away as you tend to the cuts on his arm. It had been a long day of adventuring, and your party most unfortunately ran into a horde of goblins on your way back to camp for the knight. Being stronger after a recent feed, Astarion fought most of them - giving him the most injuries.
You're being far too gentle. He watches closely in the dim lantern light as you wet the rag for cleaning. A part of him wishes you'd just hurt him instead. He knows how to deal with pain. He doesn't know how to deal with this.
Whatever this is, his mind tells him it needs to stop. Stop before he starts to care. He doesn't want to care about you. If he does, you'll be another thing for Cazador to use against him when the time comes.
He can't have that.
"Oh, shut up." you wave a dismissive hand before resuming your cleaning, gently wiping away the dirt and grime from his wounds. You sat comfortably in his lap as you worked. Another form of intimacy he was unsure about.
"I've received worse and lived, love. I'll be alright without your babying."
He would never admit it, but Astarion almost... enjoyed the way you so carefully tended to him. But it felt wrong. Why would you do this? It wasn't like his life was on the line, the goblins only inflicted minor injuries.
"I know you have, I've seen the poem that... he carved into your back. You showed me, remember?"
Astarion winces at the memory, and you feel sort of bad for bringing it up. But he just rolls his eyes, covering up the discomfort with a scoff.
That wretched devil. That evil, evil man.
"We're still travel companions, so I want to help you. Regardless of how minor it is." you continue, speaking slowly as you bandage up the cuts.
"Because I'm incapable?" there's a bite to his voice, one that he didn't mean to be there. But he couldn't help it. This was so... odd. "I managed to take care of myself just fine before you came along."
You look up at him, almost with a glare at his accusation. "I never said you were incapable, 'Starion. But you have to let others help you once in a while."
Gods, he hated it. He hated how caring you were, how sweetly you spoke to him, even when he was rude. How fondly you pictured him in your mind, even when he had done nothing but manipulate you so far.
How could you he so naive? He was obviously using you. And yet, you seemed to care about him, which pissed him off more.
He doesn't deserve someone as tender as you. As kind and caring.
Astarions grits his teeth as he speaks. "I don't have to let you do anything. I don't deserve that."
Why did he say that? How stupid of him so seem so vulnerable around you. And why does he want to curl up against you and let it all out? Why does he want you to wrap him up in your arms and whisper into his hair and tell him everything is going to be okay?
What is wrong with him?
You wrap up his cut tightly, giving him a glare. "You're wrong." you replied, short and direct. Your stare made it clear that this wasn't up for debate.
"You deserve just as much as everyone else. If not more, given what you've been through."
Astarion glares right back. If there was one thing he could do, it was argue. "You know nothing about me. I barely even told you half of it."
You don't know why he has to be so stubborn about this. Maybe it's his nature. Or maybe he's just too much of a coward to admit that he's actually starting to develop feelings for you. Astarion doesn't know which.
"I'm objectively the worst person on this team. You should be helping the others. Lae'zel got all scratched up too, you know."
"They've got each other." you argue back, just as stubborn as the elf. "But you, you've closed yourself off from everyone. Shut them out."
"If I don't take care of you, no one will. The Hells know that you wouldn't take care of yourself, either. You're too self-loathing for that."
When the hell did you become so perceptive? How in the world did you come to that conclusion? He wasn't self hating, he was just telling the truth. He was awful, evil. He knew it to be true.
Shit. Maybe you were right.
"Fine. Maybe your words have some truth in them." he sighs, not daring to look you in the eyes as he admits it. "You're right. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
Damn it. Now he wants to hug you. The feeling he's been trying to avoid the entire time is bubbling up, threatening to engulf him.
Does it make him weak to want to be coddled and comforted by you? Would it make him just as pathetic as he was under Cazador's thumb? Would allowing himself this pampering, this affection, be nothing more than something to regret?
"I'm always right." you scoff. "You'd have picked up on that by now if you weren't so aloof."
You slide off of his lap once you're done bandaging, giving him some space. But you don't leave his tent.
You stay there, sitting in front of him, as a silent show of solidarity. "I'm not going anywhere. No matter how much you try to push me away."
The urge to pull you close and never let you go is overwhelming him. Astarion's not sure if he can trust himself to resist it.
"Why are you doing this?" he asks quietly, lowering his head a bit shamefully. "Why are you so insistent on helping me? I'm not worth it."
"Because you are worth it. And I won't stop until you believe it."
"I will not allow you to fall into tragedy when you can be so much more than that. I've seen your potential - on the battlefield and in camp. I refuse to let you waste your life in solitude."
Astarion wants to believe you. Desperately.
The evidence is staring him right in the face: the way that you care for him, how he feels secure in your presence.
But if he believes you, he can't hide any longer. He can't seek shelter behind the walls he's carefully erected within himself. And he can't shield himself from the vulnerability of admitting that he needs you. So instead he just says:
"Shut up."
You sigh. No matter how much you try to break him down, he stays persistent. "Fine."
"I'll stop talking, but you'd be a fool if you think I'm leaving."
He scoffs. "So what, you're just going to sit there and watch me all night?"
"If that's all you'll allow me, yes."
Allow. Such a sacred, unheard word to him.
Astarion didn't even have a response to that. In the end, he didn't have enough energy to make a snarky counter. And before he can form a coherent sentence and protest, his body makes a decision for him.
The elf slumps forward and places his head in your lap, curling up in a way that resembles a kitten. A stray seeking shelter.
Despite his efforts of stubborness, he closes his eyes and lets his body go slack.
He wants this.
You're relieved. For a moment, you sit still, not wanting to scare him away with any sudden movements. He needed this peace, and you wouldn't dare take it from him.
Slowly, you start to rake your fingers through his curls. Slowly, gently. Like a mother comforting her child.
He needs it. More than ever.
When you begin to run your fingers through his hair, it's like all his defenses dissolve away. Astarion lets out a quiet hum of contentment and presses his head further into your warmth, making himself as comfortable as possible in this precious moment.
Time seems to slow down as you sit there. There's no need for words. After so long of being taken and abused by his master, Astarion finds himself oddly calm. Safe.
It's strange to feel this comfortable. Even now he should have to urge to try and escape your touch, but he's not feeling those impulses.
He takes a deep breath and relaxes into your touch. The tension and discomfort that seemed to define his existence is melting away. For the first time in centuries, he feels he's where he belongs.
As you continue to pet his hair, you hear a quiet whisper come from your companion.
"Thank you."
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 23
part 1 | part 22 | ao3
cw: alcohol, recreational drinking
Steve fusses with his hair in the side mirror again, tugging awkwardly at his borrowed clothes. He feels stupid, standing here fidgeting in the parking lot like some kind of nervous freshman, but half of Hawkins seems to be here tonight and Robin’s got him dressed like a loser — worn green flannel and a ripped black tee with a faded picture of The Smiths. Jesus. “Did you really have to dress me like this?” 
“What? You look cute!” 
“I look like I raided Jonathan Byers’ closet.”
“No, you look like someone a certain neighbor is going to be drooling over all night.” Steve’s grateful for the dark then; for the blush it hides on his cheeks. “It’s not my fault you don't know how to make a deal; if you wanted to borrow a specific shirt, you should have said so before we shook on it.”
“Besides,” she ignores him when he rolls his eyes at her, “you wouldn’t even let me smudge eyeliner on your lower lash line like I wanted to, so I really don't feel like you’ve earned complaining privileges.” 
“I’ll complain if I fucking want to,” he grumbles under his breath. He runs a hand through his hair one more time, then forces himself to look away from the mirror. Rolls his shoulders back and down. “He’s not even here, anyway.”
“Ah-ha! So you did check.” She links their arms together, starts dragging Steve across the uneven gravel, her ankles wobbling in her low-heeled boots. “‘Just looking for a good parking spot,’ my ass. God, I’m always so right about everything. I'm, like, cosmically correct. I should really play the lottery next time I visit my grandparents..."
“Uh huh.” He’s not sure what luck and correctness have to do with each other, but sure.
She stumbles over a rock; pushes into his side, grinning, “I’m serious! I’ll play the lottery, and I’ll win big, and then you’ll see. Might even split my winnings with you if you’re nice to me.” 
“I’m literally so nice to you all the time, but okay. Can’t wait to take half your earnings when you get ten bucks off a scratcher.” 
“Hey, five bucks is five bucks! That’s like an hour and a half of our lives.”
Jesus Christ. “That’s just depressing.”
They walk arm and arm down the narrow footpath to the party — ferns brushing their calves, dry dirt beneath their shoes kicking up tiny clouds of dust — and as the path opens up Steve sees the place is packed. More packed than the overstuffed parking lot let on. There are people scattered over the picnic grounds in groups of fours and fives, a full dance floor under the main pavilion; a DJ set up at the front with food and drink stands to the side; a giant bowl of spiked punch; a tower of solo cups; a couple of coolers filled with beer.
In the surrounding grass he sees more tables, more people. A couple of guys he remembers from swim team rally around an arm wrestling match; another group plays beer pong on a brown fold-up table that they definitely stole from someone’s church. There's a circle of burnouts playing hacky sack behind a tree.
The bonfire burns brightly on the hillside in the distance, and beyond that he spots the faint glow of trail lights leading up to a bridge under the falls. 
Part of him wants to follow the trail. Shake Robin off, pretend like he’s going to take a leak. Find a nice rocky overhang to camp under for a while.
Listen to river sounds. Gentle slosh; cricket buzz.
Maybe he gets drunk up there alone. Maybe he just enjoys the solitude; lies on a rock on his belly by the icy river’s edge, swirls his hand in frigid water and doesn't dream of dark brown curls.
“Steve?” Robin nudges him. “You good?”
Another, much less annoying part of him reminds him that he’s Steve Goddamn Harrington. He knows how to have a good time at a party.
Who cares if he feels too old to be here, or if it’s weird to see so many faces that used to call him Captain or King? Who cares that he's one smudge of eyeliner away from looking like a full-blown new wave art freak?
He’s not about to slink off to do depressed weirdo wallflower shit when the DJ’s playing Wham!
“Yeah.” He squeezes her shoulder. “You want a drink?” 
“Yes, please.” 
The drinks are strong.
Steve’s pretty sure the punch bowl is a lot more hunch than punch, but there’s still no sign of Vickie, and Robin’s getting that sad little stress wrinkle between her brows about it, so Steve says bottoms up and starts chugging. 
They wince their way through two cups each. Robin plugs her nose on the second one like she’s about to do a high dive, and Steve laughs and takes her hand, leading her into the crowd just as Take on Me comes on. The lights all blur together as they shimmy and shake and twirl, moving like a couple of dorks, but Steve’s having a great time. Bobbing his head to the beat; a big, dumb grin on his face as he moves his hips. Robin shouts “Watch this!” over the music, and the next thing he knows they’re competing to see who can bust the worst dance move. 
He brings out all the big guns, the full-groan dad maneuvers.
The sprinkler, the lawn mower, the fucking disco finger. 
Robin answers with a sloppy attempt at the robot, so he makes up a new move he calls be kind, rewind, and she laughs like a horse and pretends to walk down a flight of stairs.
She’s crouched into a goofy lunge, two steps into the ascent back up, when the song fades out and a ballad takes over. The crowd presses in to slow dance; Robin steps on someone's toes.
“Hey, watch it!” the person hisses.
Robin startles hard; knocks herself off-balance when she tries to stand up straight, babbling, "Oh, my god, I'm so sorry! Are you- are you okay? I'm such a klutz, oh, my god, I'm—"
Steve snatches her up under the armpits; puts her back on her feet. Then he looks up and realizes who exactly she just stepped on. 
Well, shit.
part 24
tag list part 1 below the cut, let me know if you want me to add you tomorrow (21+ only, please confirm your age if you're asking to be tagged)
@a-little-unsteddie @ahsokatanoss @aliea82 @alyelf @anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @awolfstudio @bambibiest @bananahoneycomb @bookbinderbitch @bronwenmarie @cheonsazu @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @courtjestermunson @cuips-not-cute @dauntlessdiva @dawners @dontwasteyourchances @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @eriquin @estrellami-1 @fandomfix8 @gregre369 @griefabyss69 @grtwdsmwhr @hallucinatedjosten @hellion-child @hiimlevi @honoragreyskull @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @kas-eddie-munson @kingelyx @lifeisacrisis @littlebluejane @marvel-ous-m @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @milklechee @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @munsonslure @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @phoenixtheone @questionablequeeries @runninriot
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eeunoia · 3 months
ENHYPEN Reactions
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synopsis: mafia boss enhypen reaction to your death. (hyungline)
genre: angst
warnings: mentions of death and violence.
note: this is just short. been checking my drafts and saw this one. anyway, let me know if you want maknae line version! replies and reblogs are highly encouraged. ily and stay safe.
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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lee heeseung
lee heeseung won’t take it very well. he will be beyond broken. he didn’t just lose the love of his life, his other half but also the one who kept him in peace.
he will not stop until he took his revenge for you. making sure none of those people involve to your painful death will be alive. he will make them suffer. he will inflict every pain you went through but in much worst way.
after revenge, he will vanish into the mafia world like as if he never even existed. he will buy a beautiful house in a very isolated place, somewhere peaceful. a place you will surely like.
“its beautiful here, right love?” he whispers softly while leaning over the railings of the balcony. the clear blue ocean can be seen from the house, it was the perfect scenery.
“i should’ve listened when you said we should leave that kind of life...” his voice cracks and tears slowly pools at the side of his eyes. his chest tightening just by remembering your beautiful face, regret and longing poisining his whole system.
his grip over the metal railing tightens, knuckles turning pale. “it was my fault.” he bit his lower lip as a tear escapes his eyes.
heeseung lived there ever since. he starts to living his life through the memories of the two of you he kept inside his mind. he made himself believe that you are still there with him. he doesn’t care if he feels pain by this method. his wounds from losing you never healing but he doesn’t care. he just wants to feel you around. he wants to be with you. he wants to hold and kiss you like old times. he will live his remaining days acting like as if you are still alive, making himself suffer even more.
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park jongseong
“i’m so sorry, jay.” he pushed his friend away and went to grab his gun before heading towards his car.
he ignored his friends calling his name and just starting driving towards somewhere. the image of your pale skin and lifeless body kept flashing back in his mind. and every time, it feels like a new knife is being stab to his heart. each one deeper than the first ones.
“i’m going to kill all of you.” he coldly spat and continued ending the lives of the people who wronged you.
he can’t believe it. he wanted to scream to the world. curse everyone out for what’s happening. he has never hated being alive this way before. he just lost his other half. he feels like he's already dead as well.
“hey, baby.” he greets lowly, trying to pull a small smile while he sets down a new flower to your grave.
his eyes settles to the flower he just brought yesterday. “i miss you so bad.” his eyes shakes, tears attempting to escape.
he never felt this vulnerable before. he felt lost and dead inside. nothing excites him anymore. he stretches his arm and rests his palm to touch your gravestone. he was gentle, like you’re the one he was holding.
“i wish you are here, baby. i won’t be this miserable with you.”
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jake sim
jake held your hand tightly, his lips rests on top of it while staring at your pale face. he’s been like this for hours ever since you passed away. he was denial. he never spoke a word for hours, his tearful eyes enough to show how much pain he’s going through.
“you’re so cold, sweetheart...” his lips shakes a bit as he tries to pull up a smile, still being denial of losing you.
“you’ve been sleeping for a while now,” his voice cracks along with his heart. “please wake up now, hm?”
jake cries even harder when he didn’t receive any response from you. he stayed that way until one of his friends pulls him away because you’re body needs to be taken away. it wasn’t easy to do that as he fights while thinking of being separated with you.
“jake, you have to eat. you will get sick if you keep doing this.” his mother cries while staring at him. he looked lifeless.
“better. in that way i will see her again.” he spat mindlessly that made his mother cry even more, pulling him in an embrace.
“stop saying that! do you think she will like it if you keep acting this way?”
jake looked emotionless. he feels bad seeing his mother cry. but he just can’t continue living if you aren’t with him anymore. he loves you so much. you are the love of his life, the one who kept him alive. and now that you are gone, life is meaningless.
“if i die, i will see her again, right? we will be together, right?” he hopes, tear escaping his eyes making his mother rub his back carefully, crying even harder feeling bad for his son.
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park sunghoon
sunghoon’s feet are glued at the floor, body stiffened while staring blankly at your cold body. his eyes went blank, doesn’t want to believe it.
“what the hell...” he utter, “is this?” while trying to deny the reality.
sunghoon will be disruptive. hell will rise, he will explode. he just lost the only person that kept him sane and his the perso he cherish the most.
he hovers somebody and kept stabbing that person straight to his heart. he ignores his whimpers and just continued, blood splashing to him but he’s unbothered. his eyes are dark and deadly.
“s-stop!” the man pleads but he couldn’t hear anything. his mind sets for nothing but to avenge his woman.
“bring her back! fucking bring her back to me! i will make sure you will end up in hell!” he screams continuously, tears streaming down his face.
“bring her back to me!” countless dead bodies scatters around and he was already showering with blood.
he exploded and there's no stopping him. he will be more ruthless, worst now that you aren’t there to calm him down. the monster inside him awoken.
“you are killing too many people, sunghoon. this is not good, many mafia families are bothered by your behavior. if you continue, you will make more enemies. they won’t stop until you’re dead.”
sunghoon ignores it and reloads his gun silently. “this world sucks anyway.”
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permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @love13tter @candewlsy @simpforniki @classicroyalty @hime98 @moonsclassyslore @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamjerky @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @axartia @all4haru @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @ayayiiie @aeyeree @heeseung-min @in-somnias-world @psh-pjh @hveanlyanqelic
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bitchiswild · 3 months
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A Sweet Love
G!P Mina Myoui x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Smut and fluff :3
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"Fuck! you're so tight, baby," Mina moaned as her cock thrust deep into your pussy. She had just returned from a grueling 24-hour shift at the hospital and all she wanted was to be near you, to love you, to please you.
"Mina!" you whined, your voice a mix of pleasure and desperation. Your back arched off the bed as waves of ecstasy coursed through your body.
Mina's touch was both tender and demanding, she was so needy for you. Her hands roamed your body, caressing your skin and sending shivers down your spine. The intensity of her gaze locked onto yours, her desire burning bright despite the exhaustion from her long day.
She leaned down, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth with a fervor that made your toes curl. Her hips continued their relentless rhythm, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge.
"You feel so good," she whispered against your lips, her breath hot and heavy. "God I missed you so much." Mina grunted as your cunt clenched around her cock. Your hands found their way to her back, nails digging into her skin as you pulled her closer.
The sound of the bed banging against the wall and the wet, soppy noise of your pussy filled the room, mingling with your whines and Mina's grunts. The symphony of your passion echoed around you, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.
As the pressure built within you, your cries grew louder, matching the intensity of Mina's thrusts. She felt you tighten around her, and with a final, powerful push, she sent you over the edge into a mind-blowing climax.
"Mina!" you screamed, your body trembling uncontrollably as waves of pleasure crashed over you.
“Fuck, baby, take my cum,” Mina moaned against your neck. Her voice was thick with need as she spilled her seed inside of you. She wrapped her arms around your spent form, pulling you close. You could feel her heart pounding in her chest, a steady, reassuring beat.
Your legs shook from the aftershocks of your orgasm, still quivering as you clung to her. The room was filled with the heavy scent of sex.
Mina's touch became tender, she pressed gentle kisses to your forehead, whispering sweet words of love and adoration. "I love you," she murmured, her breath warm against your skin. "Always."
"I love you more," you told her with an adoring smile.
Things had turned out wonderfully since your first date. You and Mina went on multiple dates and slowly fell in love, a journey that felt like a dream. There were moments when the two of you fought, mainly because Mina's demanding job as a doctor left her with limited time and always busy. This caused a major fight, but Mina cared too much about you to let you go. She made a promise—a promise to always make time for you and to love and cherish you as you deserved.
The love you felt for her was like a dream. Like you finally found your other half, the person who completed you. Despite the challenges, the love you shared only grew stronger, each moment together deepening your bond.
As you lay in each other's arms, the memory of your journey together played in your mind. You remembered the laughter, the tears, and the countless moments of joy and connection. Each date had brought you closer, each fight had made you stronger, and each promise had solidified the love you shared.
Mina's commitment to you was unwavering. She balanced her demanding career with the love she had for you, ensuring that you always felt valued and appreciated. Her dedication to making time for you, despite her busy schedule, was a testament to her love and determination.
You looked into her eyes, seeing the depth of her love reflected back at you. It was a love that was strong, enduring, and true. It was the kind of love that dreams were made of.
"Thank you for loving me," you whispered, your heart full of gratitude.
Mina smiled, her eyes softening with affection. "Thank you for being mine."
The two of you have been together for three years now. Your friend Nayeon had always told you that Mina was going to stick around forever. Even by your second date, Nayeon was already saying how Mina would marry you. At the time, you brushed it off, thinking it was too soon to make such predictions. But oh, how Nayeon was right.
Mina was planning on proposing to you, and she knew she needed to get your best friend Nayeon's blessing first. Nayeon had been a part of your life for so long and knew you better than anyone else. Mina wanted to make sure everything was perfect.
One sunny afternoon, Mina invited Nayeon out for coffee at your favorite café. The air was filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the soft hum of conversations created a cozy atmosphere. Mina felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as they settled into a quiet corner.
"Nayeon, there's something I want to ask you," Mina began, her voice steady but her hands slightly trembling.
Nayeon looked at her curiously, sipping her coffee. "What's up, Mina?"
Taking a deep breath, Mina gathered her courage. "I love her more than anything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. So, I wanted to ask for your permission... to propose to her."
For a moment, there was silence as Nayeon processed Mina's words. Then, her eyes widened, and she burst into tears. The sudden outpouring of emotion caught Mina off guard, and she looked around awkwardly, unsure of how to handle the situation.
"Oh my god, Mina! This is amazing!" Nayeon sobbed, her voice choked with emotion. She reached across the table and grabbed Mina's hands, squeezing them tightly. "I knew you two were perfect for each other from the start!"
Mina smiled, feeling a wave of relief and happiness wash over her. She gently patted Nayeon's back, trying to comfort her. "Thank you, Nayeon. Your support means the world to me."
Nayeon wiped her tears and took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "You have my full blessing, Mina. I know she'll be so happy. Just make sure to make it special."
Mina nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "I will. I promise."
As Nayeon calmed down, she fixed Mina with a serious look. "But Mina, if you ever hurt Y/N, I swear I will kill you. Got it?"
Mina's eyes widened slightly, but then she chuckled, appreciating the fierceness of Nayeon's loyalty. "Got it. I promise I'll do everything I can to make her happy and never hurt her."
Nayeon's expression softened, and she smiled. "Good. I know you will."
With Nayeon's blessing secured, Mina moved on to the next step: picking out the perfect ring. You and Mina had always discussed rings, and she knew exactly what kind of cut you loved. She went to the jeweler with a clear vision in mind, ready to make your dream ring a reality.
Mina meticulously handpicked the diamond, ensuring it was of the highest quality and the exact cut you adored. She spent hours at the jeweler, discussing settings and designs, wanting every detail to be perfect.
To make absolutely sure she was making the right choice, Mina took Nayeon with her to the jeweler. Nayeon's excitement was palpable as she examined the ring. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the diamond, and she nodded approvingly.
"Oh, Mina, she's going to love this," Nayeon said, her voice filled with certainty. "It's perfect."
Mina felt a surge of relief and happiness. With Nayeon's confirmation, she knew she had made the right choice. The ring was beautiful, elegant, and exactly what you had always dreamed of.
The two of them spent the rest of the afternoon finalizing the details, Nayeon's enthusiasm adding to Mina's excitement. By the end of their visit to the jeweler, Mina felt more confident than ever. With the perfect ring in hand and Nayeon's unwavering support, she was ready to create a moment you would cherish forever.
On the day of the proposal, you had no idea what was about to happen. Mina had always been good at planning dates, and the two of you made it a point to go out at least once a week. So, when she told you that you were going all out today, you didn't suspect a thing.
"Mina, what's the occasion?" you asked, curious but excited.
"You'll see," Mina said with a mysterious smile. "Just get ready for an amazing day."
She had planned everything meticulously. The day started with a luxurious brunch at your favorite spot, followed by a visit to the botanical garden where you both loved to spend time. Every detail was thoughtfully chosen to reflect the journey of your relationship.
As the day went on, Mina's excitement was palpable, but she managed to keep the surprise hidden. The final stop was a beautifully decorated garden, lit with fairy lights and filled with your favorite flowers. It looked like something out of a fairytale.
"Mina, this is incredible," you said, taking in the enchanting scene.
Mina took your hands, her eyes full of love and sincerity. "Y/N, from the moment I met you, my life changed in ways I never thought possible. You are my rock, my joy, and my inspiration. You've shown me what true love means every single day, and I can't imagine my life without you."
Her voice trembled with emotion as she continued, her eyes locked with yours. "You are not just my best friend, but my confidant and the love of my life. I cherish every moment we've shared and every dream we've built together. Today, in this beautiful place that symbolizes our love, I want to ask you the most important question of my life: Will you marry me?"
Your eyes filled with tears as her heartfelt words washed over you. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the garden and the depth of Mina's love, you felt a surge of overwhelming joy and gratitude.
"Yes, Mina," you whispered, your voice filled with love. "A thousand times yes."
Overcome with emotion, you pulled Mina close and kissed her passionately, sealing your answer with all the love and joy in your heart. The world around you faded away as you melted into each other's embrace.
Mina slipped the ring onto your finger, and it fit perfectly. The ring was everything you had ever dreamed of, Mina knew you so well.
Cheers erupted as Nayeon and your closest friends emerged from their hiding spots, having witnessed the magical moment. Nayeon, tears streaming down her face, ran up to hug you both.
"I told you she was the one," Nayeon whispered to you, her voice full of emotion.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Nayeon, who stood nearby with a knowing smile. In that moment, you realized she had been right all along—Mina was the one for you, your other half, your future. You were her dream as she was yours.
After celebrating with your friends and relishing in the joyous moment of the proposal, you and Mina finally made your way back home. The air was filled with a sense of quiet contentment, both of you still glowing with the happiness of the day's events.
As you stepped through the door of your home, Mina wrapped her arms around you, pulling you close. "I can't believe today actually happened," she whispered, her voice still filled with awe and love.
You smiled, leaning into her embrace. "It was perfect, Mina. Absolutely perfect."
She pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, her touch tender and full of affection. "You deserve nothing less than perfect," she murmured, her words carrying the weight of her commitment to you.
She pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, her touch tender and full of affection. "You deserve nothing less than perfection," she murmured, her words carrying the weight of her commitment to you. Her lips lingered, brushing softly against your skin, before moving to your cheek and then down to your neck. You tilted your head to give her more space, feeling the warmth of her breath against your skin.
"I love you," Mina whispered against your neck, her voice echoing the sentiment engraved in both your hearts.
"I love you too," you replied, your voice shaky with emotion and want
Her hands roamed your body, gripping your hips as she slowly guided the two of you to your room. Once inside, Mina grasped your head and pulled you into a passionate kiss, eliciting a soft moan from your lips. Feeling the surge of desire, you gently turned her around and pushed Mina onto the bed.
"Strip," you commanded, your voice laced with anticipation. Mina smirked, her eyes locking with yours as she slowly began to shed her clothes. Each garment fell away, revealing the contours of her body, her gaze intense as it roamed over your form. You mirrored her movements, undressing deliberately under her watchful eyes.
Mina's eyes darkened with desire, her hardening member evident as her breathing quickened.
Deliberately and sensually, you walked towards her, your gaze locked with Mina's, you straddled her, pressing her clothed mound against her hardened cock. The friction sent a shiver through both of you.
Mina gasped softly, her hands finding their way to your hips, pulling you closer. "God, baby, you're so beautiful and sexy," she murmured, her voice filled with admiration and desire. "My girl, my fiancée."
You sighed softly in response, the sensation of her against you igniting a deep longing. With a subtle movement, you raised your hips to remove your panties, revealing how soaked you were. Mina's eyes widened at the sight, a low groan escaping her lips, her desire palpable as she gazed at you with hunger.
"God, I can't wait to put a baby in you one day," Mina groaned, her voice heavy with desire, as she deftly flipped the two of you over, positioning herself on top.
"Yes, put a baby in me," you moaned, arching your body into Mina's as she trailed kisses and left marks across your chest.
"You'll make such a good mommy," Mina moaned, her grip firm as she teased her cock, rubbing the tip against your clit. Your body reacted instantly to the sensation, a jolt of pleasure causing you to gasp and shudder under her touch.
"I'm gonna fill you up so good, my love, till you're full of me," Mina whispered huskily, her voice thick with desire, as she pushed herself inside you. You gasped at the sensation of being stretched, feeling her penetrate deeply until the tip of her cock kissed your cervix.
Mina's thrusts were slow and deliberate, each movement drawing a needy whine from you as desire pulsed through your body. "What's wrong, baby? Too slow for you?" Mina teased mockingly.
"Please, Mina," you whined, your voice filled with longing.
"Please what, my love?" Mina teased, her thrusts still deliberate, teasingly slow.
"Please fuck me harder and faster," you begged, your desperation evident.
"Harder?" Mina questioned with a smirk, then suddenly jerked her hips forcefully, causing your body to jerk in response to the sudden intensity.
"Yes!" you cried out, the pleasure and desire spiking as Mina began to thrust harder and faster, meeting your desperate plea.
"Yes!" you cried out, the pleasure and desire spiking as Mina began to thrust harder and faster, meeting your desperate plea. Her movements became more urgent, driving you deeper into the mattress with each powerful thrust.
"Oh, you love it when I fuck you like this, don't you?" Mina growled, her voice low and husky with desire. Her hands gripped your hips firmly, guiding her movements as she pounded into you relentlessly.
You moaned in response, unable to form coherent words as the pleasure surged through your body. Mina's dirty talk fueled your arousal even more, pushing you closer to the edge.
"You're mine, baby," Mina whispered fiercely, her breath hot against your ear. "I'm going to make you come so hard."
You gasped as she hit just the right angle, sending a shockwave of ecstasy through you. Your back arched, toes curling as you felt yourself teetering on the brink.
"Come for me," Mina demanded, her voice a seductive command. "Let go and come all over me."
Her words were your undoing. With a primal cry, you let yourself surrender to the intense pleasure, your body trembling as waves of orgasm washed over you.
Mina continued to thrust through your climax, prolonging your ecstasy until you were breathless and spent, completely at her mercy.
"Good girl," Mina murmured, her voice suffused with satisfaction as she finally stilled, pressing a tender kiss to your shoulder. Her movements continued, causing you to whimper at the heightened sensitivity.
"I know, baby, just one more," Mina said gently, as she flipped you onto your stomach, raising your hips and guiding herself inside you from behind.
“Fuck mina” You cried, feeling Mina's powerful thrusts causing your body to jerk. Your pussy, sensitive and responsive, reacted eagerly as Mina reached down to rub your clit. The sensation sent shivers through your body as your climax approached.
Your cunt gripped her cock like a vice, tight and intense. Mina's hips stuttered as her own climax drew near. "That's it, baby, cum on my cock," Mina moaned. You arched into her as you reached your peak on her cock. Mina followed suit, spilling her seed inside you, painting your walls white.
"Fuck, baby, take my cum," she groaned as her hips jerked. Mina pulled out slowly, her gaze fixated on where her seed spilled out of you. With a gentle touch, she pushed it back inside with her fingers, eliciting a shiver that ran through your body.
"Keep it inside you," she whispered hoarsely, her breath still ragged from the intensity of your shared climax. She then pulled you close, wrapping you in her arms as you both lay there, catching your breath together.
As you nestled into Mina's embrace, the room filled with a comfortable silence, broken only by the soft rhythm of your breathing. Her fingers traced lazy circles on your skin, soothing and intimate. The aftermath of your passionate encounter lingered in the air, a mix of sweat and lingering desire.
After a while, Mina leaned in to press a tender kiss against your forehead. "You okay?" she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of concern and affection.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips as you gazed into her eyes. "More than okay," you replied softly, your heart still racing from the intensity of the moments shared.
She smiled back, a warm and content expression crossing her features. "Good," she murmured, pulling you closer as you both drifted into a peaceful embrace, savoring the closeness and the connection between you.
Later, as you lay intertwined, you glanced at the ring on your finger, your heart swelling with emotion. "I can't believe we're getting married," you whispered, admiring the sparkle of the ring.
Mina's eyes lit up with joy, her smile widening. "Me neither," she admitted, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. "I can't wait to spend forever with you, you're my future, Y/n," Mina said.
"And you're mine, Mina," you told her, your voice filled with love and certainty.
With that, you leaned in, your lips meeting in a soft, tender kiss. It was a promise.
Tags: @keervah HERE KEER!!!
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
I am such a simp for Scara Nobu omg. I'm in love with him being AFAB 🥹
Thinking about him cumming completely untouched just from your praise :(( He needs to hear it so badly, he's your good boy and just wants you to say it all the time <33
♡︎ 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙖𝙧 ♡︎
characters: AFAB!sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
warnings: praise, markings, dirty talk, praise, degrading, thigh riding, cumming untouched, virgin scara my beloved<3
notes: currently on my last fucking line of sanity as i think of transmasc scara squeezing the life outta me with his thighs
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wanderer, formerly known as balladeer or scaramouche, was not exactly the most gentle of lovers. he’s always on the defensive, ready to protect himself whether it be verbally or physically. years of trauma, torture and manipulation at the hands of the second fatui harbinger - il dottore - doing nothing to soothe his harsh personality and snappy attitude.
he hated everyone and everything. each and every disgusting trace of emotion other than hatred and sadistic glee being frowned upon, slightest bit of gentle touch met with a harsh glare and a smack. yes, he hates everything.
everything and everyone except you.
he doesn’t really remember how it all started, how the swirling emotions of affection in his chest started. perhaps it was when he first met you when you were with the traveler, during his mission of finding out about the truth of the stars and meteors?
maybe during the lantern rite when the two of you stumbled upon each other as he held his bleeding side, denying your kindness of treating his wounds verbally but never doing anything to live up to his words?
he doesn’t remember and frankly he doesn’t care, not when his smaller frame is sitting on your lap, greedily whining as he chases after your lips in a drunken haze.
his own lips was already cherry red, swollen with small hints of blood, giving chase every time you pull away with a low whimper of a plea slipping from his mouth. his white and blue fabricated kimono top already sitting discarded at the edge of your shared bed, shorts halfway taken off, pooling at his ankle as he grinds himself on your thigh with a bright blush.
"hey now, let me breathe for a bit darling" tugging on his short, messy purple locks, guiding him away from yourself you took deep breaths in and out. wanderer whined at that - stupid oxygen. keeping him away from his lover.
taking your other hand in his smaller one, he guided it towards his side where the zipper to his bodysuit is - silently begging you to undress him. understanding his silent, unexpressed words you fulfilled his wishes, fingers grabbing at the zipper of his bodysuit, slowly pulling them down as your lover wiggled on your thighs with a beautiful deep shade of red blooming on his cheeks.
slipping your hand under his tight bodysuit, you felt him jolt at the sudden feeling of your fingers brushing on his sensitive nub. a quiet, poorly muffled whine escaped his throat as his hips bucked when you decided to give an experimental tug to his puffy nipple.
"ooh? so you like having your nipples played? who knew my sweet little kuni was such a whore" tugging down the turtleneck collar of his bodysuit, you bit down on his sensitive spot of jugular between his neck and shoulder, making the puppet in your arms whimper loudly. face burning up in shame, wanderer wanted to deny your words but deep down he knew it was true. especially with his body reacting so deliciously to each and every last one of your touch on him.
"aww you're this wet for me already? just from a simple tug on your nipples dear?" feeling his wetness soaking through his bodysuit and wetting your pants, you couldn't help but coo at his adorable flushed face. pinching and tugging on his sensitive bud, you leaned down to wrap your lips around his other nipple through his bodysuit. at that, wanderer let out a moan, gazing down at you with a completely red face, a hand over his mouth to muffle his noises. archons, this was all so perverted but he would be lying if he said he didn't like it.
"aanh... w-wait [name]~ wait wait wai-!! mmngh!♡︎" squealing as he threw his head back, your sweet lover spasmed. hips bucking on your thighs before a sudden wetness soaked through your pants more. did he just-?
letting go of his sensitive nipple, you looked up to gaze upon wanderer's face burning up in shame with tears welling up in his pretty blue eyes. hiding his face in your shoulders he let out a whine before asking you a question that made you giggle.
"can we do that again...?"
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absfawn · 9 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 a.anderson
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤbased on this song.
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Abby doesn’t remember when she fell in love with her best friend— okay that’s a blatant lie, she knew exactly when she fell in love with you and everyone else around her knew, except you. Maybe it was because she wasn’t as obvious about her feelings and love for you when she was with you, or maybe it was due to the fact she couldn’t have you. Someone already had that luxury and she just stood by and watched you be happy with someone who wasn’t her.
Her small crush started when you moved into the dorm across the hall from hers. With some Brunette who smelt like cherries and always had the brightest lipstick on, even when the days were harsh and the winds were cold. She spotted you standing outside the door, a box in your arms, another beside your feet on the ugliest salmon-colored carpet she’s ever seen, just sitting there almost like it was calling her to help you. Of course, she would help you, why would she let you stand there, in soaking clothes for your new roommate to come home? 
Abby was the first kind person you had met that day, offering to help you settle in, to set up anything you needed help with, that being a bookshelf, your bed, or even a goddamn microwave just so you could eat something after the busy day you’ve had. She was gentle with you, having told her this was a shitty day because not only did your car break down halfway here but you had just gotten your heart broken by a girl that you deeply cared about and loved. You didn’t have to tell her how you felt because she could simply see it in the way you looked at her with a thankful smile, but sad eyes that she wished would blink and return to a happiness she couldn’t wait to see.
Her crush got bigger and developed quicker into love than she would have liked as she then started spending almost every day with you if she wasn’t studying for a test or hanging with her other friends. It was you and her. Always. She saw you on your bad days. The days where you couldn’t even climb out of bed, and rather spent curled up under your blankets after classes. She saw you on your good days. The good days when she would be woken up by the playlist you had both made together, from across the hall as you giggled. Abby even saw you on your tired days, the angry days, the days where you didn’t feel enough and she helped you through each one. Everyone had left, and she stayed with you, made sure you were eating, made sure you were showering, and just taking care of yourself, but if you couldn’t do that? She would be there doing it for you.
So why did it hurt her so fucking much when you came home from a date that she also cried about when you mentioned it, to tell her you were finally dating this cute girl from one of your classes? Why did it feel like her heart just got broken by a few simple words? Why did it feel like the floor opened up underneath her, and crumbled her into tiny little pieces? Why did it feel like you were slipping further and further away from her?
She couldn’t do anything but smile at you, she was happy for you, you were her best friend and if anyone deserved to have so much love and happiness, it was you. You had gone through so much to fix your heart once, and she wasn’t going to ruin it now, not by telling you she loved you when you were already so happy with someone else. But there was still that feeling of being left by you, clawing at her head.
You were hers. As she was yours. Or so she thought. Who was she going to watch cheesy romance movies with? Who would make her popcorn the way you do? Who would curl up in bed and read with her? You won’t do that anymore. She can’t wipe the tears that fall when you watch a sad movie and all you do is seek out her comfort. To hold you in her strong arms at 2am while she tells you that it’s okay and it’s just a movie, you have nothing to worry about. She can’t tell you how pretty you look in a dress that you bought at one of the stores, anymore. She can’t even look you in the eyes without wanting to cry her poor heart out.
But what could she do? Tell you she loves you while you’re already with someone you care deeply about, and have the friendship you both spent so many years making, broken? She would rather try and move on than lose you altogether. If she lost you, she would truly lose herself and she can’t afford to have you hate her, and never speak to her again.
As the rain fell, she couldn’t help but watch you. You both decided to get ice cream and hot chocolate, ironic huh? But it was you. She would do anything for you. Even if it meant having a cold snack with a hot drink. And she smiled, not because you had something she knew you loved, but because she still had you. Even if her feelings for you were stronger than ever, you were happy, and having you happy meant more to her than anything. even if you were happy with someone else.
You were so pretty. The drops of rain ran down your face as you turned to her and smiled brightly. The way your hat was almost on the floor with how windy it was. How your fingerless gloves were doing absolutely nothing at all to help you keep warm from the cold. She admired you. She adored you. You might not be hers romantically, but in her heart you were. She loved you.
It was hard to keep her heart under control when you were close to her. Sometimes she had to excuse herself from trying to touch your hand when it would rest beside hers. It was hard to stop herself from kissing you when she had so many chances. She had to remind herself so many times she couldn’t. That it would break a relationship you spent months trying to get.
And when you would smile up at her, she knew she would always be the one to walk you home. That wouldn’t ever change.
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