#Life was never supposed to be about living hand to mouth. We surpassed that way of living as soon as agriculture became a thing.
iknowicanbutwhy · 1 year
12 hour shifts should be illegal. Holy hell.
#venting. Feel free to scroll past#so tired of being stuck in a hole of a town#you try to look for a job and it's like hey! your options are: 10 jobs where there's never enough people working and you have to do#5 tasks at once or 3 jobs where you slave your entire day away in a factory with hypersurveillance and no social interaction#and hey haha maybe you'll get a break?? It's totally not guaranteed in your first 10 options hahaha#FUCK#the nearest marginally okay job is an hour away#gas cost is up the fuckin roof#but hey! there's ways of getting around earning money. You could buy something and make other people's lives more miserable by letting them#borrow it and holding power over them because there's no place to escape to except for another person who owns their shit :)#LIKE YOUR FUCKING HOUSE#AND YOUR CAR#AND THE MONEY YOU SAVE FOR YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR CAR THAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO USE MOST OF THE TIME#GOD KNOWS I CANT FIX MY GODDAMN TEETH#you could join the shitshow that is online investing- sorry i mean advanced pyramid scheming with a little bit of actual stake in the world#please. please oh my god#the only way to make things even a little easier is to live in a housefull of 5-6 working people but god. At least kids don't have to#work anymore because of government assistance. But once you're an adult with anything a tad over minimum wage? You're on your own buddy#Life was never supposed to be about living hand to mouth. We surpassed that way of living as soon as agriculture became a thing.#automation. surplus. the ability to relax can be mass produced.#please. i just want a job to support the few people i have without turning into some stressed asshole that either sleeps or rages at them
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ammy246 · 2 years
Ed “Sketch” Analysis Part 3: Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki
English Translation: https://youtu.be/vcjRuKHrrBI
Warning: Contains future season 6 episode & manga spoilers
Note: 00:00-1:31= Kacchan, 1:39-2:49=Deku, and 2:50-3:50=Both
“‘Wishing for another heart’ don’t say something so sad. Just like you can’t see your face, you need a mirror to reflect your heart. So please...”
This could potentially be some clever foreshadowing for the current chapters where Katsuki is literally getting a new heart. Seeing Katsuki’s body shook Izuku to the core, and made him suppress his emotions to the max in order to cope. He was supposed to be there by Katsuki’s side, but he couldn’t because of an unfortunate situation outside of his control, and the worst happened as a result. Also, Izuku always covers his face when in peril (vigilante arc, black whip mouth cover) hence the ‘you can’t see your face’ line.
The last thing in Katsuki’s thoughts were his regrets about Izuku, and how he could never hold his hand. He would gladly die in order to protect him, but his death was indeed for nothing since Shigaraki still lives and is more dangerous than ever. However, he will indeed be getting the second chance he always wanted, and all of his wishes may end up coming true thanks to Edgeshot becoming a new heart for him. He may now have an opportunity to not only save Izuku and help him defeat the villain, but tell him his true feelings, so they can become closer than ever before. In what way? Only time will tell.
“Don’t disappear on me, you too. We made carefree promises as we punched each other on the shoulder although one of us always failed to keep up our end.”
In the end, they both acknowledge the errors they made with their communication over the years. However, they do not want their bond to end, and instead want to do whatever they can to make it stronger, so they never split-up again.
“But love is about enveloping what we take for granted.”
Key words: Love, envelop
Love? As in, romantic love!? There is nothing about friendship stated in this song, yet love is very clearly stated. Perhaps after they confess to each other and there is no longer any confusion, the two of them will become close to the point there bond surpasses friendship and turns into love? (one can dream, but it that’s what this seems to be saying).
Envelop= Wrap up, cover, or surround completely.
This is about them embracing everything about each other including their flaws, and learning to learn each other (and themselves) for who they are. Their doubts and insecurities will no longer hinder them, because they will no longer run away from each other, and will be by each others sides for the rest of their lives no matter how difficult things may get along the way, because they have already been through bad things before and made it through them because they were together. They fall in love, because they complete each other in a way no one else can, since nobody else knows either of them as well.
“It looks more like I’m more likely to give you my sketch of you. It might surprise you a little. But, see this is how beautiful your smiles are.”
Could ‘sketch’ possibly be a metaphor for a love confession!? The entire song is about repressed emotions, so it would make sense if this was about revealing true feelings to someone else. Neither Izuku or Katsuki would expect a love confession from the other after everything they’ve been through, so it would indeed be a surprise, especially for Izuku who has been pining the longest. If there’s a confession, Katuski would have to confess first, because Izuku is repressing his emotions to an unhealthy degree right now and would rather die than be honest about his feelings, but Katsuki will have the perfect window of opportunity when he comes back to life.
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heshoes · 3 years
Uni Daze
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She was his best friend and they shared everything together already anyway. What difference would it make if it were a hat, shampoo, or the same bed sometimes? So what? That's what the Uni Daze were about, having fun, traditions, getting serious, new relationships, friendships, heart ache, break-ups, make ups, secrets, the occasional/casual bajingo here and there, and possibly, just maybe, finding the love of your life and hoping that it all works out.
Warnings: Slow burn, smut, angst, mentions of abortion, mentions of verbal abuse
Pairing: Harry Styles x OFC ( face claim Zendaya)
Uni Daze Masterlist
Chapter 4 (word count 11.2k)
Usually a busy day keeps me grounded and out of any possible trouble that Michelle could help get me into, but today was different. It seems like whenever there was something toolook forward to, the day seems to drag and the minute and second hands on the clock move at a non existent pace. Any other day I would almost dread going to work the front desk in the first year halls though I know it had to be done. Today, however, I looked at it as four hours that I could use to talk to Rion.
There was a two hour gap in my time frame today due to a professor sending out a bullshit email telling us the reasons as to why his class was cancelled. He was one of the youngest professors at the university with a track record of hanging out with his student's. But what he did behind the closed doors with Lumen, the girl who lived down the hall from Michelle and I was none of my business.
After I'd taken the spare time to shower, change clothes, and read a chapter and a half ahead in my anatomy text I found myself antsy and ready to go to work, much to Michelle's amusement.
"Just sit down. You have twenty minutes left yet. Did you not have some kind of I'm an important person meeting that you could have went to? Or any equations that you could crack in hopes to surpass both Galileo and Einstein combined? Over achiever."
"Michelle, your grade mark average has been higher than mine since birth and I'm older than you."
“True. But I just don't put as much effort into it as you do."
"That's what makes it all the more annoying. No, I don't have any meetings lined up for senior class. You could be a part of it you know. All you have to do is come to a meeting."
"I'll pass on that. Thanks."
"It looks good on job applications."
"And so does First Class Honors at an Ivy League Uni." Michelle spoke, paying little attention to me as she smiled down at her phone. Ten minutes had passed before I stood from the couch, drawing Michelle's attention again. She smirked at me while shaking her head.
"I'm gonna walk. It's a nice night out, plus if I work a little earlier I get paid more and that doesn't hurt."
"No, I'm sure it doesn't. Especially if you're not really in it for the money in the first place, Hershey. Ask her out today, yeah?"
"I just enjoy talking to her. I don't want to ask her out. It's too soon. It's cliche."
"Says the man who was turned down once and then gave up completely. You don't have to date her Harrow, but stop lying to yourself. It gets you nowhere fast. Ask her to the party."
The walk to the first year halls was quicker than I expected. I wasn't sure if it was due to the distraction of the scenery change or my pace, but a fifteen minute stroll was cut down to one that only took ten. When I walked into the double doors I saw her again, seated at the front desk with her eyes focused on the pages of her book taking in each word with a lazy grin on her face.
“Hi Rion. How are you?" I asked somewhat loud, causing her to jump. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you."
“No, it’s fine. I didn't see you walking up. I should pay better attention sitting here. Sometimes I just get so engrossed in the words that I forget what's going on around me. How are you this evening?"
I grinned at her before running a hand through my hair and taking the hair tie that I'd stolen from Michelle off of my wrist before pulling it halfway up.
"I'm alright, but I think I asked you a question first.” Rion looked down at her half way finished novel that she had barely scratched the surface of on Monday and then smiled up at me as I made my way around the desk, taking the seat next to hers.
"I'm doing quite well actually. I have no real complaints." Her face dropped.
"That face that you're making is telling me that the last thing that you said was a lie. Clearly."
"Go on. Say it." I grinned while pushing my chair back and resting my feet on the shelf of the desk in front of us.
"My flatmate."
"She had company last night.” Rion's voice lowered to a whisper and her cheeks twinged the lightest shade of pink.
"And they were very...loud. I didn't get much sleep and every time I had time between classes and I went back to my dorm to take a nap I would always oversleep. I could swear I was late to almost every class today, but my professors were kind of understanding. They all cut me a break because I'm new." Rion rested her head in her hands before she began to shake it back and forth. "I mean I don't want to be that girl who switches dorm flats because their flatmate makes them uncomfortable. She's a really nice girl you know?"
"Uh-huh." I chuckled. I didn't mean to laugh at her misfortune and bad day, but she looked so distressed while explaining it all. No wonder she was rushing about today.
"But I can't risk being late to class, or miss classes because her and her girlfriend insist on having loud goes at each other. My parents had to pay so much for tuition here and I'm working at least three jobs to pay the loans I've taken out myself."
"Yeah that's-Wait what did you say?"
"I said I'm working three jobs to pay off loans and my parents for school and-"
"Wait, no. Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, but what did you say before that?"
"My flatmate and her girlfriend have loud goes at each other."
"Your flatmate is a girl?"
"Yes." Rion tilted her head, looking at me as if I'd lost it. When you live on campus, the dorms are usually co-ed, but the actual rooms aren't.
"And you said she had a girlfriend?" It wouldn't be her. It can't be.
"Yes she's a les-"
"Yeah. And it's not that, that makes me uncomfortable. I believe love is love no matter who you find it with. It's just that they were so loud and I think sex is a very private and sacred thing… And I mean it was so disrespectful because Alison knows that I have to be up so early for my first class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but she was— they were both...and then there was this buzzing sound. I think toys were involved."
I laughed out loud. I couldn't help it. The mix of the story, the situation, and the toys made it too good to be true. Rion pouted, but I could still see a trace of a smile on her lips.
“Sorry. It's not funny. You were just making a funny face. Did you say your flatmate's name was Alison?"
"Yeah. Do you know her?"
"No." It's really not a lie. I don't know her.
"Oh. She's a really sweet girl, but I need sleep."
"You do. Three jobs is a lot to juggle. It makes me feel like I'm not doing enough."
"You do though. You work, you have more classes than I do, and you're president of senior class. We both are tackling a lot…But, I can't help but feel like something is missing from the equation for the both of us. I just can't quite put my finger on it."
“Yeah, me either. Do you know Alison's girlfriend. Have you seen her?" I don't know why I'm hoping that there's a chance that this Alison is playing the same game that Michelle is or that it's a completely different girl.
"No. I'm sure that she said it at some point last night, but I put my earphones in to try and muffle the sound as much as possible." Rion sighed as she turned around to face the desk again, looking back down at her book.
"It kind of sounds like you need an escape." I say, hoping that she would turn back around to face me.
“It's only the start of the year. Usually I'd be fine, but I'm already tired. Cambridge comes with a price, but I'm more than willing to pay it. A get away sounds good."
"Well, there's this party on Saturday that practically the whole school contributes in. I've even seen some professors there, the younger ones at least."
"Really? At a school like this?"
"Rion, Cambridge may seem mysterious, with all of its prestige, low acceptance rates, and student's who attend with big brains, but it’s a university first. Parties exist here and because we're not supposed to be considered a school known for parties, they exist a little bit more than your regular university. We just keep it a secret. You should come."
"I'm not really that much of a partier. The last one I went to was after I finished all of my GCSE. I was talking to this boy that I liked and I'd never really drank that much, but I was with my friends and peer pressure and all... It just didn't end well."
"Let me guess. You threw up on him?"
"No... I— I can't! I can't tell you it was so embarrassing!" Rion laughed covering her mouth before she stood up to help a first year out. I swear its only Wednesday and more than a fourth of the first years who live in this building have already lost their keys. I'm sure that after the party on Saturday and the excessive drinking that's going to take place there's going to be a line outside the door for key replacements.
Chelle: I'm so bored so I'm gonna clean the apartment. Starting in the living space, then your room, then mine. Anything that might stick to my fingers if I touch it this time? 😜😷
To Chelle: Don't clean my room! It's already clean! And please don't tell me you touched anything in my bin?😨😳
Chelle: I haven't, but I assume the worst. And I may or may not have changed your name in my phone to Mr. Tissue. I will never let you live that down.
To Chelle: Call one of your bitches and leave my shit alone, pimp daddy. I'm buying a lock for my door.🔒
Chelle: 😼Bitches? What good will a lock do when I'll have the spare? 🔐👀
To Chelle: We'll discuss this when I get home. I’m Busy.  🗣DO NOT TOUCH MY SHIT!
"You alright?" Rion asked pulling me out of my text war with Mitchell.
"Oh, yeah. Just texting my flat mate."
"Mitch, right?"
"Yeah," I snickered, shaking my head while thinking about the well being of my things, "So are you going to tell me what happened when you were at this party years and years ago talking to the boy you liked?"
"Ugh, no I can't. I absolutely can't embarrass myself that much again. It would be like reliving it."
"I'll tell you one of mine. My most embarrassing, but you've got to tell me yours first.” Rion hid her head in her hands peeking out at me between her fingers and laughing.
"Fine. But please don't judge me. It was my first time being drunk. Promise?"
"I promise that I might not be able to not laugh and I won't judge you but tease you for it later."Rion squinted her eyes at me processing what I said before she turned around facing away from me in her swivel chair. I heard her take a deep breath before she started.
"I'd never been drunk before and we were at this party because everyone finished their GCSE. We weren't really old enough to drink-"
"No shit?"
"Don't interrupt," she laughed dragging out the words, "All of the toilets were taken in the house so I was waiting outside of this one when Flynn came up to talk to me-"
I laughed out loud for the third time today and the story wasn't even over. "His name was Flynn?"
"Yes. He was very cute! Let me finish!"
"Okay, soz."
"So we were talking and I was really drunk and I really had to go and....I peed! Don't laugh! You said you wouldn't judge me!” Laughing was an understatement. My stomach hurt and my eyes started to water.
"You pissed yourself?!"
"I didn't talk to anyone for a week, even my best friend for letting me get that drunk."
"Why didn't you go wee outside?"
"Well it's so easy for boys to do that isn't it? You can just whip it out, shake it off, and put it away. Girls have layers that they have to get through, and I'm a lady."
"A lady who wet herself."
"And what's your story?"
"And it appears that we're out of time."
"Oh no you don't!" She laughed wiping the corner of her eye and pouting, "You promised!"
"Alright I guess. I was out with one of my friends and his parents had just gotten divorced so he was living with his mum at the time. We'd went to a bar and I'd gotten so drunk that I forgot where I was-"
"That's it?"
"No, I wish it was but no. We went back to his place because my mum doesn't like me drinking and I didn't want to hear her nag. But when I got back to his place, I started stripping off."
"You didn't!"
"I did. I took off everything.... Everything. My friends mum was at work at the time but when she came home the next morning I was ass naked in her hallway sleeping on the floor...on my back...and it was morning...My friend had went in his room and closed the door. But, now every time I come home to visit him and his mum is there she winks at me and pinches my bum."
Rion was in tears the same way that I was a few minutes ago and I didn't even care that the story was embarrassing, because her laugh was as cute as she was. I looked at my phone to check the time and our shift would be over in five minutes. Any other day time would have dragged on, but it always seems when I'm here with her it goes by a little faster.
"I can't believe that." Rion spoke while wiping her eyes again.
"Well believe it, because it happens every time. Makes for a good story though." We both started to gather our things to leave but before we left the building, Rion tore a sheet of paper from her notebook and began to write on it.
"Here. Um, that's my number. I don't know about the party just yet because I have to check my work schedules and everything else, but I don't know. Just text me sometime before then?"
"Sure. I mean yeah of course I will.”
Rion grinned at me while biting her bottom lip before walking away and the walk home that usually took fifteen minutes now felt as if it only took five.
I closed the door behind me with an exhaled  breath and  a smile on my face before  inhaling the scent of pine and citrus. Michelle poked her head out into the hallway that led to the door where I stood before she stepped out of the kitchen fully wearing pink rubber gloves, a pair of my favorite Green Bay sweats, and a t-shirt that also happened to be mine.
“Honey, I'm home."
"Excuse me?" I looked at my best mate confused as she crossed her arms across her chest after removing the gloves from her hands,  tilting her head to the side as she spoke again.
"You said I have bitches, Styles. Apparently there's more to discuss."
I walked away from the door removing my work shirt and tossing it at Michelle. She tried to move out of the way and dodge the laundry that I'd threw at her but it still landed on her shoulder. She shrugged it off, causing it to land on the floor before shouting at me.
"I've just cleaned this entire apartment and you come in here making a mess! Pick it up and take it to you're room you quadruple nippled fuck."
"Girls don't mind my bonus nipples. It even sometimes becomes interesting foreplay, when I was having sex that is."
I laugh and duck when she launches the shirt back to me causing it to land in in a pile on the kitchen floor. We both look at it and step over it before I grab two beers out of the refrigerator, one for myself and one for Chelle.When I try to hand her the beverage, she frowns at the twist off cap and then pouts at me causing me to scowl before I open it for her.
"You're so useless sometimes, Chelle."
"Says the man who doesn't clean, yet looks around at a spotless household that smells of cinnamon. I wonder who did that? Ah, it must have been the useless one. Now," Michelle spoke before clicking the neck of her beer with mine and then taking a sip, "What's this about my bitches?"
I chuckled as I took a gulp of my drink and headed for the living-room with Michelle close behind. We sat on the couch on on opposite ends of each other, relaxing after a long day as we usually do.
"Maybe not bitches in the plural sense. Maybe there's just one?"
Michelle stretched out on the couch putting her mitch-matched sock clad feet on my lap, drawing a displeased look from me but ignoring it entirely as she dramatically massaged her temples with her free hand.
"I can't deal with your game of clue today. The chemicals from the cleaning made my brain go fuzzy and I don't think the beer is helping. Just tell me what you think you know so I can tell you that you're wrong as usual."
I smiled at her, placing my half finished beer bottle on the table in front of us and then began massaging her calves causing her to close her eyes and hum in appreciation before taking another swig of her drink.
Michelle opened one of her eyes before quickly closing it again.
"What about her?"
"Was she a part of your plans B and C last night? Because something or someone tells me that she may have been." Michelle's eyes snapped open and she looked at me in shock. "It's okay if you like her. You can't help who you like."
"I don't like anyone," Michelle looked down briefly at her lap as she shrugged off my discovery. If I've learned anything about her from being her friend its that when she fails to make eye contact, she's lying. "Gianna stood me up last night and Alison was my backup plan. It's simple. I got what I wanted and left in the morning before she even woke up."
"Okay," I smirked at her before picking up my beer again, finishing what was left of it.
"I'm serious. I don't like anyone. I don't feel anything for anyone anymore. Senior year, up the ante, remember? I barely like you."
"Alright," I chuckled before pushing her legs off of me, returning to the kitchen to grab another drink.
"I believe you, I believe you. You you're an emotionless drone," I spoke as I opened the refrigerator, "We need to go to the grocery store. This is getting ridiculous. We don't have anything in here besides beer, fizzy drinks, and water."
"There are plenty of noodle cups in the cabinet. We'll just tell people we're on an all liquid diet if we ever get visitors. We're not done talking about the other thing. Stop changing the subject. How did you even know I was at Alison's last night?"
I closed the door to the refrigerator with a smirk on my face walking past Michelle to go back into the living room. She followed behind me while lighting a candle that smells like oranges to keep the citrus scent going.
"Well? Come on Har. I don't want to have to chase you around the apartment all day for answers."
"Make me a noodle cup and bring me a bottle of water and I'll tell you."
"You were just in the kitchen!" Michelle speaks as she throws her lighter at me but does what I ask.
When she gets back, she hands me a fork and places the bottle of water on the table in front of me. I smile at her as a thank you before I speak.
"Small world right? Or, small campus? Rion, is Alison's flatmate and she kind of, she heard you two last night. I mean, unless that wasn't you and there's another girl named Alison on campus? She said you guys kept her up because you both were too loud."
"There very well could be another Alison, Harry. It's not like there are only four lesbians that exist on earth. But Rion? The girl that you work with? The one that you have the hots in the pants for, Rion?"
"Yes and I don't just like her that way."
"Hm. Of course you do, you've only known her for three days..."
"What, hm? What do you have to say about her?"
"Oh, nothing except Alison calls her prudence. She says she's a real goody good and she's annoying."
"Thats sad," I say as I finish all that I was going to of my noodles leaving the rest for Michelle to eat. She takes the cup from my hands and takes a bite while looking at me to finish what I was going to say, "Rion says Alison's really nice and sweet."
“Well, I don't know. Rion may very well be Princess Peach. You know I don't do girly gossip. It gets on my last nerve. Alison just feels the need to talk to me when I'm there and its like shut the fuck up, girl. I didn't come over here to hear you talk, now get between my legs and-"
"Woah! Okay, and Mitchel is back. How are ya bro? I haven't really seen you in a few days."
"Fuck off Harry." Michelle laughs. "I hear the sordid details of you and the lads sexcapades all the time...well not you so much now, but you know what I was getting at."
"Yeah but, it's kind of different..."
"How?" Chelle quirked an eyebrow and turned her head looking to me for an answer that I'm not sure that I wanted to give her.
"Well, because... I um... and it's just that sometimes-"
"Wait! Harry you pervert! You get turned on by it don't you? It gives you a stiffy?"
"Yes! Yes it does! You're turning all red!"
“No it doesn’t, Michelle!"
"Then what's your valid reason?"
I couldn't think of a lie fast enough and Michelle started to laugh, nasty snort and all. I took a pillow from the couch and threw it at her, making her fall backwards on the floor and stay there, using the pillow to her advantage as she lied down on the throw rug that covered the majority of the hardwood flooring in the living room. Our apartment was pretty nice considering that it was still school property, then again we did luck out putting in our bid in order to get into the newer buildings.
"Okay Hersh, I'll keep my dirty details to a minimum for the sake of your tight trousers. I can only imagine that, that gets uncomfortable. Anyway, did you ask prudence- sorry, Rion, to the party this weekend?"
"I did." I smile as I think about the neatly folded piece of paper in my pocket with her number written across it.
"What did she say?" Michelle looks up at me from her place on the floor.
"She said that she's not really that much of a party person." I smiled again a bit harder than I had before.
"So she's not going and she turned you down again? Maybe she is a prude. Don't worry about it Harry, there are plenty of other girls out here on campus just as smart, if not smarter than she is, prettier, and who will appreciate you for- What are you smiling about? Why are you so giddy from being turned down twice?"
I chuckled to myself while shaking my head and standing from my place on the couch, stretching before going towards my room.
"I didn't necessarily get turned down."
I could hear Michelle's footsteps close behind me as I walked into my room. She'd been in here. I can tell not only because of the clothes that she wore to clean that were mine, but because I could still faintly smell her perfume. Nothing was on the floor anymore and she even made my bed. I looked around the room and then back at her before I sat, grabbing one of the neatly placed pillows to put under my head, then lied back on it with my legs hanging over the edge of the mattress.
"Before you say anything, you'll be able to find your things. I just put everything where it’s supposed to normally go."
"I wasn't going to say anything besides thank you. I'm still buying a lock for my door, but thank you."
Michelle rolled her eyes. Something she calls a brainless trait. When she catches herself she covers her face in embarrassment before she continues to bother me, taking a seat  next to me on the bed. "So how is Rion's telling you that she's not a party girl, not necessarily turning you down?"
"She gave me her number. You know, for someone who doesn't like to hang out with girls you surely do a lot of girly gossip. You're so nosey, Jesus."
"Oh please, Harrow. You wanted to tell me just as bad if not worse than I wanted to know. Are you going to call her tonight?"
“No. That's too forward and desperate. I'll text her tomorrow or something."
"You're such a teenaged girl. You think about things too much instead of just doing them. Sometimes I wonder if you have a bajingo where your penis should be. If she gave you her number its because she wants a call.”
"Go fuck off somewhere else Mitchel! And by the way, those joggers and that shirt are mine. Thief."
Michelle stood from the bed with a smirk on her face before she took off my shirt and my sweats, folding them precisely before she put them in my washing basket. I kept my eyes on her face when she looked back at me and I swear that I tried to keep my eyes on her face the entire time, but I would be lying if I said that my eyes didn't roam over her  smooth skin when she wasn't looking at me. I closed my eyes quickly and turned my head away. Hearing her laugh was the only evidence that I had to let me know that she was still standing in my room.
"I didn't say take off my clothes right now. God, Chelle don't be so literal. Go dress yourself!"
"I have on underwear! And you took off your shirt when you came through the door. AND I've seen you walk around in your boxers plenty. Is there some sort of double standard because I'm a woman?”
"That's not the point! And yes there is! Please go put on trousers and a shirt?"
“Whatever, Harry. I'm going to bed. Clearly I'll have to sleep this way because it's hot as hell fire in my room. It's a shame that this is a new building but they still didn't bother to make sure that the ventilation was right before they stuck people in it. Good night and all that."
"Night." I looked towards Chelle and then looked away again as she began to walk out of my room, her nicely rounded bum bounced as she closed the door behind her.
Saturday came quickly. Too quickly for my liking, and I hadn't text Rion or called her at all. I didn't want to seem desperate, but perhaps waiting three days made it seem like I wasn't interested? I hadn't seen her at work for the past two days because she has two other jobs to juggle. I'd hoped that she could get off for today, however, even though I haven't said a word to her.
"Just call her. Stop being a chicken shit. The party is tonight, and I'm rooting for you, Styles." Michelle spoke as we walked down the aisles of Sainsbury Supermarket. We'd been here for nearly half an hour and had nothing in our cart except beer, noodle cups, frozen pizza's and a bottle of Goldschläger for tonight. Broke college students can afford alcohol when they can't afford anything else.
"Are we going to buy any real food, or is this about as good as it gets?" I asked, ignoring Michelle's comment.
"What? We've got plenty. Plus I think there are chicken nuggets in there and that's a delicacy for us. Don't avoid what I've said to you."
"I haven't avoided anything, and we would be able to get more than chicken nuggets and noodles if you would just call your parents."
Michelle hesitated before she looked back at me and then back down at her list. She doesn't call her parents much to ask for money if she can avoid it. Her mum isn't doing so well health wise and to the best of my knowledge she hasn't been for some years now. The doctors thought that she had leukemia, but apparently they've only just discovered that's not the case. I think it's what drives Michelle's dream to become a doctor. She's eager to find out what's going on with her mum so that she can be the one to cure it.
She glanced at her phone having an internal battle with herself on whether she should ring home or not. I felt bad for asking her and I normally wouldn't, but I'm running low on funds myself. I usually get a stipend every other week from my mum and paid every other Friday from my shitty job, but unfortunately I'm between pay checks and for some reason my mum is late.
Michelle decided against my idea putting her phone back in her pocket.
"We're in our last year of uni. What would it look like if we resorted to calling our parents to wire us food money? You call yours if you're so hungry."
"It would look like we're both working shit jobs barely making wage and paying to rent out the apartment that we have so that we can finish out this last year with a roof over our heads. I wouldn't ask you to usually, but is an emergency. I asked my parents last time. It's your turn."
“Well, we can just get rid of something then if we don't have enough." Michelle stopped the cart and began to sift through the contents inside it, moving over ten cups of noodles out of the way and the one bag of chicken nuggets that we had. When her hand landed on the alcohol, we both looked at each other and shook our heads no. "Fuck," Michelle groaned under her breath, "Fine I'll ask my parents tomorrow. Let’s just get this for now and get out of here."
When we left the grocery store, after loading all four of our bags into my car, Michelle got quiet while looking out the window. I still hadn't told her that Louis is planning on meeting up with me and the lads to drink before we go just to prove that he's not one of those people and usually, now days anyway, wherever Louis is Michelle is far away and vice versa. I figure that there's no better time to tell her rather than now while she's quiet, but at the same time I don't want to hurt her feelings. She seemed lost in thought, but there's still a smile on her face.
I cleared my throat causing her to look at me quizzically with an eyebrow raised.
"Um, so.."
"About the party tonigh-"
"No you don't!" Michelle cut in not allowing me to finish what I was going to say as we pulled up to our apartment. "You're not cutting out of this. Gosh, Harry, I know that you want to be more serious and that this year and I'm sorry for not using the Ultimate Alarm the other day when you were in an alcoholic hibernation, but it's a Saturday. Can you not have fun on Saturdays?" Michelle frowned pouting a bit.
"I'm going to the party, if that's what that speech was pertaining to at all? I wasn't going to say that I'm not going."
"Oh. Well then by all means continue." She smiled this time, happy with herself because she didn't have to argue her case any further.
"Yeah, I um, I'm going to the party, but Louis wanted me and the lads to meet up with him before we go. Pre-gaming and all that." I spoke quickly hoping that she didn't mind or hear what I said for that matter. Her eyes stayed straight forward, looking outside the windshield before she replied.
"All of you?"
"Yeah. He kind of asked about it earlier this week when I saw him...But you know we'll hang out at the party and stuff."
She nodded her head. It was the only response she'd given as her eyes stayed on the boot of the car in front of us.
"Are you alright with it? I can always-"
"Don't worry about it, Harrow. You were his friends first after all, and we live with each other. I'm tired of seeing your ugly mug anyway." Michelle laughed while patting my cheek and I shoved her hand off of me. "Plus, we all know I have bitches that I need to tend to so it's fine."
She covers up how she truly feels with a joke and all of a sudden I feel guilty.
"You're sure?"
"Yeah it's fine. You're very much a pleaser, Harrow. Did you know that?"
"What are you talking about?" I asked as I parked the car and grabbed the groceries out of the back seat to go upstairs.
"You can't please everyone. In the end someone is going to have to be let down or hurt. That's the way of life. It's okay to be selfish sometimes, Harry. That's what I mean."
Michelle sighed as she walked ahead of me, using her keys to unlock the door to our flat. I put the groceries and my things down in the kitchen before I went for a wee, all the while trying to figure out where the hell that last bit of our conversation was coming from, but when I came out of the bathroom she was back to acting like her normal self.
"Since you're leaving me to fend for myself tonight," Michelle spoke holding up two double shot glasses filled to the brim with alcohol, "We didn't buy this for nothing." She spoke in reference to the Goldschläger that ate up the majority of our money and bit her bottom lip while smiling at me.
I winced, already feeling the burn of the liquid going down my throat, before looking at my watch.
"It's only five. No one is going to start drinking until at least nine. You're trying to kill me. I said sorry for agreeing to go with Louis and the lads. Why are you making me do this?"
"Harry, when we were first years we drank early all the time."
"And my liver paid for it."
"Oop, Harry what's that?"
I looked over my shoulder confused before I looked back over to Michelle.
"What's what?"
"Is that a bajingo between your legs where you penis should be?" Michelle started to laugh while pointing in that general area.
"Piss off Chelle!" I spoke before walking up to the table and grabbing the shot that she'd placed there for me. I held it up to eye level inspecting it first. There was something floating in the glass.
"It's actually gold," Michelle said seeing the confusion written clean across my face, "hence the name Goldschläger."
"So we can afford to drink gold flecks in alcohol, but we can't afford real food?"
"I'm going to call my parents tomorrow I said, Mr. Sensable. Now shut up and down it!"
I looked at Michelle shaking my head as we clinked glasses and turned the shot up to our lips. The burn of it made my eyes water and when I looked at Michelle, hers were doing the same. I picked up the bottle on the table and read it before Michelle took it from my hands, pouring us both another shot.
"This is forty-five percent alcohol."
"Yes. It's strong. So, so strong." She nodded as if she already knew.
"We'll be trashed if we keep drinking this. We probably wouldn't even make it to the party." I spoke before I walked over to the refrigerator to grab us beers, hoping that she would switch substances.
"No we won't. I won't let us miss it. But legend has it that this is supposed to get you drunk quickly. The gold flecks supposedly make microscopic cuts in your esophagus so the alcohol can get into your bloodstream faster. Cheers." Michelle handed me the shot glass again as if after hearing that I would want to drink it again.
"Michelle that's horrible. I don't want to-"
"Just take one more shot of it and then we'll just sip beer until you leave to go meet up with Louis and the rest of the lads."
Her eyes were pleading and I couldn't tell her no. We both flipped our heads back as he downed the shots and with in a peer pressured hour, ten shots and two beers later, there was a sloppy grin on my face and I my vision was doubled. Michelle however seemed fine.
"Your alcohol tolerance has lowered dramatically. It’s almost seven. What time were you going to go to Louis'?"
"In an hour."
"I'll drive you." She spoke as she sat against the couch taking out her phone and laughing at my facial expression.
"You had just as much to drink as I have. You can't drive."
"I can. I've got a buzz but that's all. You're trashed. I only had three shots. The other seven you took alone." I looked at her in shock. How could she have tricked me that way? I swear she was drinking too. Michelle laughed and I could already tell that she was recording me. "I'm putting this on instagram."
"Don't! I really hate you." I slurred while pointing at her, only causing her to laugh more.
"You need to loosen up, especially for your hot date tonight. There's no point in you being so uptight at the start of the quarter. I'll let you go back to your boring self when Monday comes around again." She pulled her phone away from me as I tried to take it from her. "You might want to check your phone by the way. It seems you have a message."
I looked down at the notification that showed on the screen, squinting my eyes to try and focus on what was there. When my eyes adjusted, I almost felt sober.
Rion: I was starting to think that maybe you'd forgotten about me. I checked my schedule and I'm actually free tonight. I don't know how long I'll stay, but I'll meet you there. Alison is going so I'll just be with her.
My eyes widened before I scrolled up to see what I supposedly said.
To Rion: Hiiiii, It's Harry. Sorry for being such a stupid arsehole and not texting you sooner, but would you still want to go to that party tonight?
"You texted Rion?"
"But I-I'm not...Fuck!"
"What? You like her right? I've done you a favor."
"Yeah, but—“
"No but's. You either like her or you don't and if you do and if she likes you, which she does, obviously, then you have the go ahead to call. She wanted you to call. She clearly likes you. She's excited and so are you. You're just nervous. You haven't been on a date in six months or maybe more? But, this should be like riding a bike, if you will. I've removed your kickstand, now all you have to do is pedal."
I looked at Michelle and shook my head before I went in my room to find something to wear for tonight, deciding on the usual skinny jeans and oversized shirt, leaving a few of the buttons in the front undone as I stumbled into the living room to wait for Michelle. She reappeared from her room shortly after I did wearing black leather looking tight pants and some sort of red cut off shirt along with her fake glasses and red lips. She looked beautiful and I could only think that she was doing so for Alison.
As much as Chelle would doubt it, I think the player may have taken an interest in one that's supposed to be a pawn in her dating game. All I can hope for is that Alison treats her right. She deserves someone who would.
"What's the point of wearing a shirt if it’s barely buttoned, Styles? And it's see through. I mean I guess kudos for buttoning the three buttons you did bother with correctly." It could be because I'm drunk, but I could have sworn that I saw her look me up and down...not necessarily in a friendship manner. I ignored her while grinning and standing from the couch before she grabbed the Goldschläger again pouring us both another shot. "One for the road?"
"I'll take it if you take it first you lying Judas. I'm already drunk enough as it is."
Michelle cringed before she threw her head back downing the shot, eyes watering again by how strong of a burn the cinnamon schnapps left behind. I did the same and then took another for the hell of it since I wouldn't be driving tonight. Michelle eyed me as I walked down the stairs and to her car as if I would fall.
"Stop watching me and walk yourself."
"Someone has to watch out for you. You're clumsy enough as it is, bambi. Adding alcohol to the mix is a disaster waiting to strike."
"Says the absolute asshole who got me drunk in the first place."
"Oh yeah...That's right." Michelle smiled victoriously before she spoke again, clearing her throat before hand, "Uh, so, since I'm taking you to Louis' place where does he stay? I know he must have moved from where we lived before..." Her face dropped slightly.
"With his bird about five blocks over... Sorr-"
"It's fine." Michelle started her car, looking through the windscreen straight ahead like she did earlier as she drove and listened to the directions I gave her, telling he where to turn.
When we pulled up in front of the house, Niall was outside on the porch with a beer in his hand, smoking a cigarette. No doubt because Hollie put him out of the house, not wanting anything to smell like stale smoke.
"Harry! Hi Mitch!" He waved to us as he stumbled over to the car clearly drunk himself and louder than usual. "You're staying too, Michelle?" She shook her head no while smiling half way at Niall as I got out of the car. "You should stay. This thing, whatever it is, between you and Lou is ridiculous. You guys were so close and it can get there again. Just get out of the car and-"
"I can't Ni, I have somewhere to be, myself." Michelle's eyes begged Niall to be more quiet but he didn't get the hint. He was going to speak again, but was cut off by Lou as he walked out onto his porch with Hollie close behind. He didn't notice that Michelle was with us until I moved to walk towards the house.
I looked from Michelle to Louis then back to Michelle again and as I did I saw her eyes widen right before she cursed under her breath. Louis paused in his steps, and his eyebrows drew together slightly before he spoke.
"Michelle." He nodded at her as a greeting gesture making everything more awkward.
"Mitch can stay right?" In that moment everyone looked at Niall as he took another drunken, oblivious drag off of his cigarette and it appeared that everyone wanted to punch him in the face, including me.
"No actually I was just leaving. Enjoy your night boys. Be safe, Harrow. I'll see you later yeah?"
I nodded my head before she spoke a simple "good," and sped off as quickly as her car could take her. Louis took a deep breath, shaking his head before smiling at us and inviting us in for more booze. I honestly didn't think that I would drink anymore tonight, but after that I felt the need to.
Niall dropped his cigarette and stepped on it while shrugging his shoulders at me as we followed behind Louis into the house where everyone else sat.
“Read the room next time, yeah?” I spoke under my breath hoping that only Niall would hear me.
“What room? It’s stupid that they don’t talk anymore. For fucks sake he was going t’ marry—”
“I know, Niall. I know.” I interrupted Niall mid sentence and could not help but notice the hitch in my jaw, that became more sore than it had been in a while.
 We all spoke as we walked in the house and I put the topic behind me in order to proceed on with the rest of the night and  for the first time in a while I was happy that the liquor continued to flow. It  seemed to put me and everyone else around in the right mindset for one of the biggest parties of the year, but Louis still seemed somewhat flustered about seeing Michelle for the first time since they called things off. I know Michelle probably didn't feel the best either and I tried to text her to see if she was alright, but I got no response.
Chelle: Are you okay, Chelle? I'm so sorry about that. Didn't know that he would come outside.
Though I got no response to my text, I expected to see Michelle as soon as we got to The Barn. The title of the bar was fitting as it was out closer towards farmland and covered in red paint as it actually was previously a stable. It was crowded with everyone from students to professors indulging in what the night had to offer, but as I skimmed the crowd I began to get more anxious. We had been here for an hour. I was sure that by now that I would have run into her. Taking out my phone, I’d opted to give her a ring, but before I could unlock my screen my phone began to buzz in my hand.
"Hello?" I slurred on the line while closing my opposite ear with my finger so that I could hear whoever it was I was talking to.
"Harry?" The deafening music and noise in the background made it almost impossible to hear.
"No, this is Harry." hiccup “Who is this?"
"Harry, it's Rion can you hear me?"
I walked away from Niall, Darragh, and the rest of the lads as they prepared to make Niall do a keg stand; swaying as I went.
"Who is this?" I repeated trying to hear better, hoping that it was Michelle calling me back in response to the text I’d sent.
"Harry, it's Rion. Can you hear me now?"
"Hi." I smiled as if she were in front of me, when in all actuality I was in the middle of the crowded street surrounded by a sea of strangers. A car honked at me just as I was about to cross back towards the party, causing me to step back so that I didn't get hit.
"Where are you?" She laughed into the phone causing me to smile again.
“Outside enjoying the weather. Are you here? At the party I mean."
"I am," when she spoke I could hear the smile in her voice, over the excessive chattering and music in the background. "Can you come to the doors near the front of the pub and meet me there?"
"Sure. Stay on the phone with me? You know, just until I find you." I slurred into the phone but Rion laughed again nonetheless.
"Of course...Is that you in the middle of the street? Please be careful if it is."
I looked around, confused as to how she could see me but I couldn't see her. I walked towards the pub again forcing my bleary eyes to focus until I spotted her, standing on a large rock that was just outside the door. When I reached her, I held out my hand to help her down. She took it and called me a gentleman before I said anything else.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked as I looked down at her in her jean jacket and simple black dress that clung to her chest then flowed down to her feet.
"I guess. It's not that bad. Ten times better than the last party I went to already."
I laughed.
"You haven't drunk anything?"
"One mixed drink, but I didn't really finish it. Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked me as we began to walk to nowhere in particular.
"I am. A little bit more now, actually.” A slight blush came to Rion's cheeks before she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and I cleared my throat to continue. "Where's your flatmate?"
"Alison? I'm not sure. She said she was going to meet up with a friend of hers. The same girl that she was with the last time no doubt."
My mind went to Michelle as I checked my phone again and still I had no messages from her.
"So, she left you here?"
"I haven't seen her in the last hour... She could have. But if she did, I have no real way home now. She was my ride. I knew I should have just driven on my own."
I didn't say anything more, but I had the feeling that Alison bailed. I might have an idea as to who with and where to as well.
"Well, are you ready to go?" We ended up closer to the street facing in the direction of the campus. "The night is oddly nice for the end of August and the sky isn't as cloudy as it could be. We might miss getting rained on if we leave now."
"Do you have your car?" She asked looking towards me as if it were a deal breaker.
“No, but I would walk back with you. The parties aren't really my thing anymore. I just came to catch up with some friends. It was nice to get out. We're only about a 15 minute walk away from campus."
Rion looked towards the pub and then back at me again before she smiled and answered me sweetly.
"I'd love to get out of here with you."
Rion and I began walking, but as soon as we got a little bit past the corner where the party was being held at she stopped, causing me to stop as well and look back at her with an eyebrow raised.
"Are you going to tell any of your friends that you're leaving?" She asks while holding her dress up just past her ankles so it doesn't touch the ground.
I grin at her, absolutely ecstatic that she's giving me the chance to walk her back to her dorm room. If those tossers want to know where I went they know how to call. I guess Mitch really did do me a favor and I might owe her one after this.
"Oh, um...No. They're having a good time. I'm sure they won't even notice that I left. It's okay. Besides, I'm getting kind of tired anyway. I could always just shoot them a message."
Rion nods her head in agreement before we begin to walk again. Bunching the material of her dress in one hand in hopes not to step on it, I couldn't help but chuckle as I looked at her.
"Its so long. I love this dress but it's a bit of a hassle to wear." Rion comments, already knowing the reason for my amusement. I gently grab her hand to stop her once more and this time she looks at me with as soft smile forming on her lips.
"Here, let me..." I trailed off, gently taking her hand that had the fabric of her dress, causing her to let it go. Our eyes met as I slowly went down on my knees in front of her. If I would have gone too fast I'm sure I would have lost my balance or worse. It's almost a wonder that I can form a coherent sentence. All that I can hope is that I don't completely reek of alcohol.
I take the hem of the dress and tie a knot in it that's hopefully loose enough to undo when she gets home if she wants, and high enough so that she doesn't have to worry about stepping on it or have it sweep on the ground to get torn or dirty; just above her ankles. I'm not going to lie, when I was down there I looked at her feet and what I could see of her legs. I won't say I have a foot fetish or anything weird like that, but if a girls toes looks like they can pick up an orange with ease and whip it at the back of your head, it's kind of a turn off for me.
Her feet were beautiful aside from a few cuts here and there on her the tops of them. She even had a plaster or two on one of them, but somehow she even made that okay because they matched the purple coloring of her nail polish.
I stood after I was finished, and by the look on her face I must have been down there for a reasonable amount of time to make a knot, at least I hope I was. When I was looking at her feet, I had to make it not so noticeable that that's what I was doing. I don't want her to think I'm some kind of a freak.
"Thank you," she exclaimed while smiling, "I don't know why I didn't think of that."
"Yeah I saw some other girl do it and thought it made sense."
Rion smiled at me again and as we walked next to each other, her hand grazed mine; once, twice, three times before I grabbed it in my own. I saw her look over at me through her peripheral vision. It was a quick glance but I saw it nonetheless. I also saw her bite her bottom lip to try to prevent her smile from getting any bigger than it already was.
I didn't want to bust her out and embarrass her, but I did want to tease her a little. I gently squeezed her hand while biting my bottom lip to stop my smile from spreading much like she did, causing her to laugh before I changed the subject.
"The sky is really clear tonight. I can see Orion's Belt. It really might not rain after all."
"My namesake." Rion smirked.
"Sorry, what?" I spoke noticing that the party sounds were fading farther and farther into the distance.
"My mum is really into Greek mythology and constellations, so my name and its spelling came from Orion himself." She pointed towards the sky and the huge constellation before she looked back at me, slipping her hand back into mine purposefully.
"Cool story. And I'm not being a sarcastic asshole or anything by the way. That makes your name original." hiccup "And I like it a lot. I think my mum named me Harold because it was the only male name that begins with H and that comes after G that she could think of. Her creativity stopped after she realized that she wanted to put her kids names in alphabetical order." Rion laughed and nudged my arm.
"Don't talk about your mum. I think she might have chosen the name because Harry fits you. I've always liked that name."
"Have you now?" I asked with a smirk on my face and an eyebrow raised.
"I have."
"It's because of Prince Harry isn't it? Be honest."
"No it's-"
"Tell the truth."
"He's just so cute. He's the dreamiest ginger I've ever seen besides Ed Sheeran. All due respect to his royalness." Rion spoke causing me to laugh and shake my head before she continued. "Then again, all of the Harry's I've had the pleasure of meeting were pretty fit." She said looking over at me and then back up at the velvety black night sky speckled with beautiful stars.
"How many of us have you met?"
"Well...Just one so far."
I looked over at her as we finally reached a street that had lamp posts and she let out a small chuckle that sounded as if she were clearing her throat. Her eyes caught the light that lined the streets making her irises seem to brighten even though her eye color was dark brown.
We'd finally reached campus just as the clouds started to roll in at two in the morning and from there, I followed Rion's lead back to her dorm. In my three full years at Cambridge, I'd never been to this one in particular, but apparently, Michelle has. I saw her car in the parking lot. Something told me that she would be here, seeking comfort for the blow she received earlier. The sooner that she realizes that fucking doesn’t fix what hurts her, the better off she'll be. Part of me wants to bang on the door as soon as we get to the room, but I decide against it. All I cab hope that she’ll talk to someone eventually. If that someone happens to be Alison, then I'll be happy for her, I guess.
"Thank you, Harry. For getting me home safe and asking me to come out. I had fun for the amount of time I was there for." Rion leaned against her door, smiling while looking up at me.
"It was no problem. Thank, you for, you know, coming." I could hear myself wanting to ramble before I closed my mouth.
“Good night, then." Rion spoke, still smiling and then pausing.
Rion turned to unlock her door and when she got it open I turned to leave, but before I could go I could feel her pull my hand. When I turned she had a pout on her face.
"You know, you're really horrible at picking up on signals."
"I waited so patiently as well."
"Three days. You didn't text me or say anything for three days. I didn't know what to think. I still don't."
"Oh shut up, Harry."
Rion crossed her arms over her chest and out of shock I closed my mouth, not really sure what to say or do. Rion squinted her eyes at me before shaking her head and turning to go into her little dorm before I stopped her, pulling her to me before I kissed her deeply, pushing her against the wall a bit to show her how it should be done.After it was over Rion sighed in content with her eyes still closed before reopening them slowly. I grinned against her lips before speaking knowing that I’d won her over.
"I didn't know what to think either to be honest. It's been a while."
Rion grabbed me by the front of my shirt, bringing my lips back down to hers.She pulled away, kissing the corner of my mouth making a trail to my ear and then kissing me right beneath my earlobe. There was no tongue involved at all but it still had been the most action than I'd gotten in months and it was still enough to leave us both breathless at the end of her antics. 
"Do you know what to think now?” She pushed her door open, speaking before she closed the door behind herself with a cheeky smile.
I’m not sure how long I stood there with a goofy grin on my face after it was all said and done, but when I got to the stairs my drunken mind allowed my legs to work properly and carry me down while still having the memory replay in my head.
I'd only gotten through the doors of the exit of her dormitory before my brain went to my pants, thinking that I might be able to get a good wank before I fell asleep with Rion's lips pressed against my jaw as the mental muse. Just when I thought about flushing any possible tissues instead of putting them in my bin, my phone rang.
"Harry?" Rion whispered into the phone, sounding on the agitated side.
"Rion? What's wrong?"
"She's at it again." Rion exhaled into the phone before I heard the creaking of a door, sounding as if it were being shut.
"Who's at what?"
"Alison and her, friend."
I started to chuckle, thinking of all of the ways that I would tease Michelle tomorrow when I saw her. I know that she's been active, but damn. She's got to be insatiable. I pictured her and Alison, terribly sweaty, gasping for air-
"Sorry, what did you say?" Rion's voice snapped me out of getting too carried away in inappropriate thought again. Thoughts that I shouldn't venture into about my best pal.
"I really want to be able to sleep without being disrupted. Do you mind if I come to yours? I'll sleep on the couch, the floor, a chair. Anything you wouldn't mind sparing really."
“No, of course I don't mind."
Oh god.
"Are you sure? Should you ask your flatmate first? I wouldn't want to intrude on you or him."
My mind was swimming with a thousand things. Minor details that had the potential to be major. Is my room clean? When is the last time that I had a girl in my room that wasn’t Michelle? Do we have water bottles that I can offer Rion when we get into my flat if she's thirsty? Why does Rion think that Mitch is a guy?
“No… I uh, I'm alone for the night, actually. My flatmate is staying somewhere else I think." In your roommates' room, disrupting you currently.
"Thank you so much." Rion breathed out, sounding somewhat relieved.
"Yeah no problem. I'll turn around now."
"Oh shit, did you get far? I'm so sorry."
"No it's fine. I just got down the street a bit." I spoke as I neared her building again.
I saw her walking out in the same clothes she was wearing before. When she got to me, she thanked me again before we took the surprisingly short walk towards my flat.
"You live in the new buildings? Fancy."
"Yeah, it's alright. For it being new, the ventilation sucks in Mitch's room, but that's the only complaint we have."
I unlocked the door and turned the knob saying a silent prayer as we walked in, but I'd forgotten that Michelle cleaned the whole place, including my room despite my protest for her not to.  It was the first time that I’d been happy that she didn’t listen to me.
"It's really nice, Harry. You were being modest." Rion spoke as she tiptoed through the apartment, stopping in the living-room and taking a seat for herself before removing her sandals. "Really clean for two lads."
"Oh, actually-"
"Sorry, Harry. I don't want to interrupt, but do you think I could use the restroom first? I'm bursting to go."
I laughed while running my hand through my hair. "Sure. It's just down the hall. We wouldn't want a repeat of your last party."
Rion turned red, covering her mouth in a laugh and speaking to me as she walked down the hall.
"I really still can't believe I told you that."
While she was gone, I grabbed extra blankets from the linen closet and laid out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts of mine for her to wear on my bed. I also grabbed a bottle of water and put it on my desk for her in case she was thirsty, thankful that I made Michelle put some of those noodle cups back in exchange for it. Before I made my bed on the couch, I went into Michelle's room to steal one of her pillows but I’d gotten distracted easily. On her bedside table was a picture of the both of us taken last year. We were both pretty out of it and you can clearly tell in the photo, but in the midst of all the insanity Michelle was still alert and smiling at me while I was laughing and pulling her shirtsleeve with my teeth.
When I heard Rion leaving the bathroom I quickly left from Michelle's room, placing the photograph back down where I got it from and closing her bedroom door behind me.
"You'll be in my room. I've laid you out some things to make you more comfortable."
"Awe, Harry. I can take the couch really. I don't want to kick you out of your bed."
"No you won't. Now, go to bed. Good night, but for real this time."
Rion eyed me as she nodded her head in agreement, a slight grin on her lips. 
“Yes for real this time.” She spoke before her bottom lip was drawn into her mouth. The liquor I consumed tonight made me do the same as I looked her up and down shamelessly, grinning as I did so.
I started to take a step backwards only to notice that Rion advanced forwards causing me to stop in my tracks. Our lips connected again more fervently than they had before, before I started to walk again leading Rion back into my bedroom.
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Shuu [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ー The scene starts in front of Karlheinz’ castle
Yui: ( His answer...? )
Shuu: Basically you’ll quietly let yourself get killed?
Karlheinz: ...No.
I will kill you.
Shuu: !?
Yui: Shuu-san!!
( Karlheinz-san’s hand is reaching towards Shuu-san...! Don’t tell me he’ll actuallyーー! )
Shuu: Kuh...!
Yui: ...!!
Shuu: ...
...You never change.
Yui: ...Shuu-san...?
Karlheinz: ...Hah...
Yui: ( ...!! There’s a knife stabbed inside Karlheinz-san’s chest...! )
Karlheinz: Kuh...
Shuu: Like you did just now...You see right through my plans, always making sure you’re one step ahead.
Expecting me to follow in your footsteps is unreasonable. I simply had no other choice but to give up.
Karlheinz: That is exactly.... how those standing at the very top must be. It is how, you will guide your people down the right path...
Next....I must guide you. 
Shuu...In what lies ahead of you, you will surely be thrown into a state of disarray.
However, that is your...destiny. One which you could never escape, from the second you were born as my son...Your dark fate. (1)
However...You have already decided you will no longer run away, no? For the sake of those you wish to protect.
Shuu: ...Yeah.
Karlheinz: ...Perfect.
You have fully awakened as Adam. I shall give you my answer as well.
Shuu...You did more than a fine job trying to reach my level. And right now, you have even surpassed me. 
You, who has learnt how to love and feel, should now possess powers much greater than my own.
Go ahead, my son. Take my head...
The head of none other than the King. I am sure it will be useful to you in many ways...
Shuu: ...Ugh...
...Yui, close your eyes. You don’t have to see this.
Yui: ...No, me tooーー
Shuu: It’s fine.
In return...Whenever I will recall this moment in the future, please quietly stand by my side.
Yui: ...
ー Yui closes her eyes
Karlheinz: I’m leaving everyone in your care...
Yui: ...!?
( What is going on...!? This overwhelming forceーー... )
( I can’t...I can’t endure it... )
ー She collapses
Shuu: Yui!?
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Ayato: ーー Take a look at the sky...
Kanato: Is that enormous magical energy...Father...?
Laito: ...It’s Shuu.
Subaru: He actually killed him...?
Reiji: ...!
Laito: Isn’t this for the best? To us Vampires, death is a blessing.
I’m sure he yearned for it as well.
Ayato: So he finally took his final breath? Well...He lived for long enough.
Laito: You’re being awfully optimistic, Ayato-kun. The King of Vampires just died, you know? Furthermore, the Vibora are without a leader right now as well.
Kanato: I can only imagine chaos will break loose in the Demon World. I’m sure there will be many wars as well.
Subaru: You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me...As if this place isn’t enough of a hellhole already...
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Oi, Reiji. Whatcha gonna do?
Reiji: ...Let us go meet Shuu.
There are a hundred and one things...I want to ask him, and say to him.
Laito: Let’s go pay our dear older brother a visit then.
Subaru: Cut it out, you’re makin’ me gag!
Reiji: ...Father...
Shuu: ーー Oi, Yui.
Yui: ...
ー Yui wakes up near the castle
Yui: ...Shuu...san...?
Shuu: ...You’ve regained consciousness, huh?
Yui: I...
Shuu: You had fainted. I assume from the magic energy.
Yui: Magic energy...?
Shuu: ...When the Old Man died, his power was let loose. You witnessed that right before your eyes.
His magic energy was the strongest of anyone in the Demon World. I guess a human simply couldn’t endure it. ...Are you okay?
Yui: Yes...
...How about you, are you alright?
Shuu: ...
...To be honest, I’m not quite sure myself yet.
Part of me regrets killing him, but at the same time, I also feel somewhat relieved.
Yui: ...Do you believe you made the wrong choice?
Shuu: I don’t know that either.
I never thought of him in terms of ‘like’ or ‘hate’ but...
Right now, I understand very well that my Father has always been an impactful figure in my life.
All in all, I might have actually viewed him as my family. For some reason, I feel as if I’ve lost a part of me...
Yui: Shuu-san...
Yui: Ehーー...?
Yui: Ririe!?
Yui: Ririe...!
Shuu: ...He was alive?
I figured he had died because we gave him that name but...I guess you weren’t that weak after all.
...Come here.
Shuu: Even when something is lost...Life goes on. That might be the true meaning of a family.
Haah...My list of things to protect just keeps on growing.
Yui: ...Will you protect us? Both me and Ririe?
Shuu: You’re still asking that now? Isn’t that what it means to be a family?
...I’ve made up my resolve. I will take responsibility. I will go head-to-head with my own destiny.
Yui: Shuu-san...
Ayato: ーー Oi, there they are!
Yui: You guys...! Is everything okay now?
Ayato: In what world? My whole body hurts like hell!
Laito: But I’m glad to see you safe as well, Bitch-chan.
Kanato: That being said...Where did that cat come from?
Yui: Ah...Ririe, you can’t! Come here.
Subaru: Ririe...?
Shuu: ...Shut it, you guys.
Where’s Reiji?
Reiji: I am present, right here.
ー Reiji walks up to him
Reiji: ...Shuu. Do you remember what I told you?
Shuu: The part about not forgiving me if I were to kill the Old Man?
Reiji: ...So you did kill Father after all. 
Shuu: Yeah.
Reiji: Did he have...any final words?
Shuu: He asked me to take good care of all of you.
That isn’t what brought forth this decision but...I’ll be playing his role from here on out.
Reiji: ...!
Kanato: You’ll ascend the throne?
Ayato: A sloth like yourself? ...For real?
Reiji: Are you saying...You will become the Vampire King?
Shuu: That’s what it’ll boil down to. The late King has died.
From here on out, I will lead the Clan of Vampires as their new King.
Yui: ( Shuu-san... )
Shuu: The Demon World is in disarray ever since what happened to the Vibora. Once the news of the Vampire King’s death hits the masses, it’ll only get worse.
After losing their leader, the Vibora were swiftly conquered by the Founders and lost their clan’s pride.
I can’t let the Vampires go down that same path. I won’t allow for that to happen.
I can’t let those guys...run loose forever.
Even if my struggle is in vain, I will fight till the bitter end.
We haven’t seen the last of this yet...
Ayato: ...But can you pull that off though? Us Vampires are already running low in numbers after the recent attack. 
Shuu: Of course, I don’t believe I can fix this all by myself.
I’ll obviously rely on you guys’ help as well. I won’t take no as an answer. As members of this family, you’ll follow my lead.
Laito: Good grief...Seems like we got ourselves another tyrant on our hands.
Shuu: Reiji. You’ll be my right-hand man. Lend me your strength as the second son of the Sakamaki household. Understood?
Reiji: ...
...I did not fathom a day would come on which I get to hear such a clear order from you.
Very well. For the sake of our family, and our clan, I shall do everything within my ability.
Yui: ( Reiji-san... )
Shuu: First we must retroop our people. Then we can move on to uniting them.
Reiji: You make it sound so easy.
Shuu: Of course, I don’t believe it’ll be a breeze. Therefore, first upーー Yui.
Yui: Eh? Yes?
( I wonder what he’s going to say? He’s staring right into my eyes... )
Shuu: I’ll marry her.
Yui: ...Eh?
Ayato: Hah?
Kanato: ...What are you saying?
Shuu: That’ll increase my prestige, no?
Subaru: You’re marryin’ her over that reason!? Don’t you feel bad for her!?
Shuu: Haah...Ridiculous. You really think I would go through all the trouble just for that?
I’m obviously marrying her out of love.
Yui: ...Shuu-san!?
Laito: Haah...I didn’t think I would hear those words come from Shuu’s mouth one day.
Kanato: Seems like he won’t even bother listening to Yui-san’s reply.
Shuu: Because I don’t need to. ...Right, Yui?
Yui: ...No fair...
Shuu: You’ve been stuck in this destiny with me since forever. You can no longer escape.
So you should make up your resolve as well.
Reiji: Haah...You decide such an important thing on the spot. I fear for the future...
Well, I suppose it is fine. Right now, we have something to celebrate first.
The birth of a New King, and his spouseーー 
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Yui: ...I didn’t think I would one day get married in the Demon World.
Shuu: Really? I anticipated this.
I told you, didn’t I? That I was aware this moment would come one day.
You were naturally there as part of that imagination as well.
Yui: I...How should I know without you telling me?
Shuu: I’m not the type of guy who expresses himself with words. I’m pretty sure I told you that before as well?
Yui: Gosh...
Yui: Ririe. Did you wake up?
Yui: Fufu, come here.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“What? You think I look lovely in these clothes because it’s so different from my usual attire? ...Haha. Dare I say you don’t look half bad either?”
“I’ve had let alone time with you ever since this little guy came along. ...However, from here on out, you’ll always be only mine.”
Shuu: ...Don’t you think you spoil him a little bit too much?
Yui: You think so? Not as much as with you though...
Shuu: What do you mean?
Yui: I think I spoil you much more than I do Ririe.
Shuu: ...Hah, you tell me.
Shuu: In that case, make it a little more obvious.
You always claim you don’t understand me but...Your behavior is confusing as well.
Yui: I-Is it...?
( I always thought I was pretty straight-forward...I wonder if that didn’t quite convey to him...? )
Shuu: Don’t look so anxious. ...It properly got through to me.
Yui: Ah...
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Shuu: You’ve made it more than clear that you love me ...Nn...
Yui: Nn...
Shuu: Nn...Haah...
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Shuu: Haha...Now you are one of us as well.
Yui: Am I?
Shuu: Even if your body is human, you’ll marry the Vampire King, so I’m sure that will happen.
The King’s spouse is a human, huh? Well, I don’t think that’s such a bad thing?
Yui: Yes?
Shuu: Chaos still washes over the Demon World to this day. I can only imagine the war will get intense.
Yui: ...Yes. 
Shuu: As long as you stand by my side like this, you will surely get involved with this dark fate as well.
That must be rough as a woman, and a human on top of that. I can understand why you would rather turn a blind eye to it.
Yui: ...I’m prepared.
I’ve always stuck by your side, well aware that this would happen.
Shuu: Heh...I guess I worried for nothing.
Well, not that I was going to let you go either way.
Father was right. I...lose all meaning in life when you’re not with me.
Stay with me until death. I’ll protect you till that day.
Become my new family, and live by my side.
Yui: ...Yes.
Shuu: Then kiss me.
Yui: ...Where did that come from!?
Shuu: Just words aren’t enough. Promise it with your body as well. Come on...
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Yui: Nn...
Shuu: Hah...I really like this way much better than just mere words.
Shuu: ...Don’t interfere. She belongs to me.
Yui: Oh come on, don’t compete with a cat.
Shuu: I guess every time we welcome a new member to our family, I’ll have to reconfirm that you’re mine.
Haah...I fear for the future. Having a family really is a drag after all.
Well, I guess I can live with it if they’re directly descended from you. 
Yui: ( Does he mean...? )
Shuu: From here on out, I’ll protect both you and my family with my own two hands.
To live alongside my precious family, and the woman I love...
Yui: ...Yes.
Shuu: ...We still haven’t said it, huh?
Yui: What exactly?
Shuu: The oath to become a family.
Komori Yui. I...love you.
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Karlheinz drops this term in the general prologue as well. He says 闇の運命 or ‘yami no sadame’ which means ‘the law of the dark’. However, ‘sadame’ is written with the characters for ‘unmei’, which means ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ instead of 定め.  
Within the DL franchise, ‘the dark’ is often used as a synonym for demons/those who live in the Demon World. For example, in HDB, the boys will often call themselves ‘yami no juumin’ or ‘residents of the dark’. Personally, I believe he implies that all Demons are born with a set path in life already drawn out for them and in Shuu’s case, it was his destiny to one day become Adam, kill his Father to inherit his powers and become the next Demon King.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Nine
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chapter nine
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: date night!! this is very fluffy, very emotional and extremely horny. edgar allan poe is rolling in his grave at what they did in his enchanted garden
exhibitionism, public sex (no ones there tho), drug mentions at the end (let me know if I should tag anything else!!!!)
word count: 5.4k
from the beginning <3
He spent all of Thursday afternoon with Penelope in Richmond, setting up for his date that night.
Stringing lights on the trees, mowing the grass and trimming the flowers back, the staff ensuring that the museum was in pristine condition for them tonight, it was perfect. The cats were brushed, there were rose petals the fountain and the most beautiful picnic set up in the garden.
Penelope packed their dinner for them, keeping it in the museum fridge for when they finally arrived, it was the only thing Spencer needed to remember.
Y/N: just got home, about to get ready! Can’t wait to see you at 6 ♥︎
Spencer smiled at his phone, about to text her back when Penelope laid a hand on his back, “change into your suit and head back to her, traffic might be bad?”
“Thank you, for everything. You’ve always been my best friend, more of big sister actually,” Spencer pressed his lips together tightly as to not get emotional. “You’re wonderful Penelope, thank you.”
“Awe!” She swooned, wrapping him up in a big hug. “I will always love you, Spencer, you deserve all of this and so, so much more, now go before I cry.”
He laughed, pulling back, hand lingering on her shoulder as he walked into the museum. They let him change in the backroom, it felt incredibly strange to be putting on a suit inside Edgar Allan Poe's house to go pick up his wife. Not too long ago he dreamed about bringing a girlfriend here someday, life was moving too quickly, he needed a breather.
He kept his suit jacket folded and on the passenger seat as he drove home, where he lived with his family. Even just thinking that as he paid attention to the road made him smile. The wind hitting his face, his hair blowing in the breeze, he felt free at last.
He was where he was supposed to be, all roads lead to here.
Travelling up her driveway with a smile on his face as the dust followed him to her doorstep. She was waiting in a red dress on the porch, Amoreena and her nanny eating pizza on the steps as they waited for him.
Stepping out of his car, he straightened his tie and pulled his pants up more, looking at his wife like she was a star plucked from the sky, landing in this Virginia field for him.
She stood then, her satin dress flowing and exposing a leg as she walked down the steps to him, “Is this what you wanted?” She twirled in front of him to show it all off, her hair getting stuck in her lipstick and making her laugh.
“I love you,” is all he can say as she leaning in with a wide grin, surpassing the smile to kiss him gently, using her thumb to get all the lipstick off his bottom lip and chin.
“Love you too, cutie,” she winked, taking his hand and turning back towards Amoreena, “listen to Nanny, remember we love you and we will see you no earlier than 7:30 tomorrow, okay?”
“Yes ma’am!” She saluted, mouth full of pizza.
“And what are the new rules about coming into our bed in the morning?”
“Knock first, wait till you respond, don’t come in unless you say it’s okay,” Amoreena replied, sticking her tongue out at her as she remembered it all.
“Smartie pants,” Y/N smiled at her, “come give us a hug, don’t get pizza on my dress, please.”
Amoreena wiped her sleeve over her mouth before running into her mother's open arms, they shared goodbye kisses before it was Spencer’s turn. She held him so tight it felt wonderful, “goodnight Lovey, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, have the best sleep ever for me?”
“I’ll see you in dreamland,” she replied, kissing his cheek gently before she pulled back.
“Have fun!” Nanny called from the porch as Amoreena skipped back to her.
“We will,” Spencer replied, taking Y/N’s hand and leading her to the passenger side, he opened her door and helped her inside, insuring her dress was inside before closing the door.
Jogging back to his door, he got in and put on his seatbelt. He threw the car in reverse and turned around by the barn, heading down the driveway, not saying a single thing as Y/N stared at him.
“You’re really not going to tell me anything?” She shook her head, licking her lip before biting it as she huffed.
“We’re going to Richmond, Virginia, to read,” he gave her one hint.
“Hmm,” she smiled, “I’m sure you won't tell me the title, so Mr. I can remember every book ever, what’s a random line in it?”
“You’re smart,” he teased her, “but for the brilliant green of the huge leaves that spread from their summits in long, tremulous lines, dallying with the Zephyrs—”
“We’re going to the Edgar Allan Poe Museum!” She cut him off with a cheer.
He slows down on the barren dirt road, mouth wide open as she got it right, he turns to her as they come to a complete stop, “how the heck did you get that?”
“Yes!” she laughed, tossing her head back as she clapped and kicked her feet a little, so proud of herself, “I’m a librarian, Spencer! Did you think I wouldn’t know Eleonora?”
“That’s the most random sentence in the whole poem?” Spencer was shocked, she recalled it faster than he thought he would be able to if she read a line to him.
“My brother’s first motorcycle was a Zephyr,” she smiled at him, raising her eyebrows. “My brain is kinda like a filing cabinet, if you give me a word I can remember everything I’ve ever heard with that word included.”
He started to drive again, shaking his head as he paid attention to the road but still astounded by how amazing she is. “Amoreena gets that from you then, she could have both our eidetic memories together, that would be very interesting to see.”
“Eidetic memory?” She questioned.
“It’s what most people call photographic memory,” Spencer explained. “You can remember everything you hear which is why you and Amoreena are able to recall songs, books and movie facts so fast, while I can read back to you anything I’ve read without having to see it again, it’s forever in my mind.”
“So we’re both geniuses, cool,” Y/N smiled at him again, “sorry I ruined your surprise.”
“You just know where we’re going,” he reminded her, laying his hand on hers, interlocking their fingers as he drove.
They had an hour alone before the real date started.
So she showed him all of her favourite songs, including some of Amoreena’s playlists so he could get familiar with them before their trip to Rhode Island. Her voice was impeccable, she knew all the words and harmonies, often opting to cove background voices he wouldn’t have even known were there if it wasn’t for her.
She loved music in a way that intrigued him, she enjoyed music with a story. Much like the reason she loved books so much, she enjoyed picturing the happy places in her mind that the songs were able to take her to, they filled her with glee and hope as she sang to her heart's content. Taking short breaks to explain the meanings of songs, to recite the best lyrics and why the songs are close to her heart.
“Do you want to hear the song that reminds me the most of you?” She asked between songs, pausing so that nothing else would start.
“Sure,” he blushed, nervous for what it could be and how she imagined him in her mind, hoping he could live up to it.
“I'm perfectly fine I live on my own, I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone. We met a few weeks ago, now you try on callin' me, baby, like tryin' on clothes,”
She stares at him with a beautiful smile as she waits to see his reaction to the opening, finally singing when the beat drops, dancing softly in her seat as she belted the words out to him.
“So prove to me I'm your American Queen, and you move to me like I'm a Motown beat, and we rule the kingdom inside my room,” She brushed her hand across his jaw, teasing him as the words flow from her lips to his ears, she loves him and he can feel it with every syllable.
“And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for, King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa! And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa,” she sings so softly, with a purpose, turning it down a little so that he can talk to her.
“I love you,” he reminded her, “so much it hurts sometimes.”
“It’s like your heartstrings are tugging on each other, right?” She agreed, “like they want to jump out of our chests and run to each other.”
He nodded with a soft smile, reaching for her hand again holding it as he brought it to his mouth for a kiss, “queen of my heart.”
“Hmmm,” she thought over his words, “I’m pretty content with being princess still, Lady Amoreena is in line for the thrown, it’s part of her namesake after all.”
“Does the kingdom have a name?”
“You know the Elton John song Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?” She waited for his nod, “my grandma called it Ozellous so it’s like wizard of Oz but I added the 'ellous' because people always said they were jealous of our farm.”
He’s trying his best to keep his eyes on the road when all he want’s to do is look at her smile, to see her pupil change as she recalls the loving memory, it’s his favourite thing to do. Better than any movie or play, seeing her face was better than looking at the most expensive art piece. He was so in love with all of her.
“Were you like Amoreena as a kid?”
“Oh yeah,” she laughed, “bullied hardcore for it too, kids always told me to shut up cause I’d add facts to conversations I wasn’t a part of.”
“I would have loved to listen,” Spencer replied softly, knowing the feeling all too well.
They were only a few minutes away now, turning into the small town and passing quaint little homes and cottages. “Amoreena would love this drive, these are some interesting townspeople homes for her imagination, we should come back sometime this summer.”
His heart was going to actually explode, she was everything he never knew he needed.
“I’d love that,” he added as they pulled into the museum. “I’m a museum member and I’m a patron, so sometimes I donate rare pieces I find, they love me here.”
Her mouth opened to speak, but her eyes got caught on the twinkling lights in the distance, mesmerized by everything. Old cobblestone streets, brick buildings and wooden gates, it was straight out of the 1800s and absolutely fantastical.
“And it’s all ours for the night,” he put the car in park and turned to her, “wait here?”
She nodded, speechless as she continued to look out the window at everything. Spencer got out of the car, opening the back seat to grab and put on his jacket, straighten out his suit before opening her door and extending a hand to help her out.
“Princess,” he extended his arm for her to tuck her own under, he closed her door and escorted her through the gate and towards the garden.
The sun was just starting to set, 7 pm in early June being the most beautiful time of year in rural Virginia, the sky was a perfect purple as he leads her through the stone arches towards the picnic.
Her eyes sparkled with all the lights, wide and pupils blown as she took it all in. It was a fairytale, she was in a princess dress, he was the king of her heart and this was just the beginning of happily ever after.
“Spencer, whatever your middle name is, Reid,” she gasped, swatting his arm lightly with a smile growing on her face.
“It’s Walter,” he smiled right back.
He let go of her hand then and walked over to a table, turning on the record player and dropping the needle in the right spot. He did his research into some Taylor Swift songs, finding one that reminded him the most of Y/N and how much he loved her.
“May I have this dance?” He asks as she notices the all too familiar guitar strumming.
He reaches a hand out for her, pulling her in as she takes it, “I was so so lost before I found you in the park,” he explains the first verse, barely a whisper beside her ear as they start to sway.
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face
“All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you,” he whispers once more, feeling the goosebumps bursting on her bare arms.
He spun her around, extending both their arms as she twirled out and then back into his embrace again with a giggle. She swayed back and forth, dancing with him like the night they got married in her field.
Your eyes whispered "have we met?" Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
“And it was enchanting to meet you, All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you,” he sings them this time, spinning her out again as the chorus hits, her eyes widening as she began to smile wider than he’s ever seen before.
They sang the words together as they danced, smiling and laughing as they moved around the cobblestone. Finding a rhythm so perfect, so them, it was silly and not on beat in the slightest, mostly spinning, it was a spinning song if the album cover was any indication.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
“The lingering question kept me up, Two a.m., who do you love? I wonder till I'm wide awake! Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door, I'd open up and you would say, hey! It was enchanting to meet you, all I know is I was enchanted to meet you,” Y/N’s voice softer than ever as she sang her anxieties into his ear, remembering the day at the museum where she wondered if she could have him all to herself.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you
Spinning around in circles she leaves his grasp, dress circling in the wind and he watches her. She takes both his hands and spins around with him in a tight circle before pulling back in, their chests bumping as they laughed, happier than he’s ever been in his entire life, and she’s made him pretty happy in the last few weeks.
The girl of his dreams, dancing around him with a smile like she was making her own music video. This was a dream of hers he didn’t know, making it come true as it became a dream of his own.
He places his hands on her cheeks as he stares into her eyes, “this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you,” he whisper’s the words, barely singing, more talking.
“Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you,” she sings right back to him, staring into his eyes as they stand still in the garden.
She pulls him into a kiss, breathing in deeply through her nose as they hold each other’s cheeks, unable to get closer as they kissed. Pulling away with a loud smooch sound, smiling before taking her hands in his, once more.
Spinning her around again as the beat drops once more, her smile more beautiful than the first time he saw it. He was so madly in love, he firmly believed he was in heaven.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew!!
This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
Please don't be in love with someone else Please don't have somebody waiting on you
“Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did,” Taylor Swift's voice cuts into the beautiful moment as her songs change and the mood drastically changes.
Y/N bursts out in laughter, jumping lightly as she enjoyed the song, head-banging along as she danced by herself until Spencer turned the music off once again, “you’re so cute.”
“Thank you,” she bowed, “this is cute!”
“There’s a picnic basket in the fridge inside, and some wine if you think that’s a good idea?” Pointing towards the main house, she followed him towards the door.
“Oh, hello?” Her voice changed as she noticed the two black cats on the window, letting Spencer head inside for the basket as she talked to them.
“That’s Edgar and Pluto, the groundskeeper found them in the shed in 2012,” Spencer explains as he comes back out, basket in hand but she’s too busy with the cats to notice.
Petting both their faces, they stretch into her reach and bask in the feeling of her nails on their skin, Spencer would agree it felt nice. He loved the feeling of her hands in his hair, he must have been a cat in his last life.
“Amoreena wants her own indoor cat,” Y/N smiled wide at him, “she always wanted to call him Hercules like the Elton John song, almost like she knew you were her dad all along.”
She took his free hand then, following him towards the blanket in the grass, “how?”
“There’s a line in the song about Greek gods, but it says Hercules on her side and Diana in her eyes, and she does have your mom's eyes, right down to the colour of her iris,” Y/N looked at him like he was everything to her.
Spencer couldn’t speak, he just set the basket on the ground and ushered her to sit down beside him. She held the skirt of her dress up so she could sit crisscross applesauce on the blanket, draping her dress over her legs so she didn’t show anything off just yet.
“Every time I look at you I understand all her quirks and her facial expressions,” she added like she was trying to make him cry, “I’ve been looking at her for almost 8 years now, wondering who you were and now I know, and you’re so much better than I ever imagined.”
“Would you have looked for me when she turned 18?” Is all he can ask through his sniffles, trying to hold it together for her.
She nodded, “I was going to tell her soon anyway, she asks a lot of questions I’m not sure if you noticed.” Her giggle was priceless, “she had lots of questions when the goats were born this year and that meant her asking more about making human babies and I just said a special man helped me make my dreams come true, and she thought it was Rumpelstiltskin.”
Spencer couldn’t fight the laugh that erupted from him, leaning forward as he chuckled, making her laugh too. “Does she even know the whole story?”
“She’s only seen the 4th Shrek movie with him, she has no idea that he also takes the babies,” Y/N placed her hand on his knee gently, “If I get pregnant again, I’m going to tell her about how it all works as simply as possible, I want her to feel included in this and she’ll be less jealous if she sees this as a learning opportunity.”
“That’s a good idea,” he agreed, “I still can't believe she almost punched Michael for hugging me.”
“Oh, I can,” Y/N laughed again, “she was being bullied last year by an older kid and I said if someone upsets you or hurts you, sometimes it’s not that bad to hurt them back. Make them know you’re not weak and you care about yourself, and she gave a kid a black eye for tugging on her braid.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling, “that’s my girl.”
Y/N opened the picnic basket then, taking everything out with a smile as Spencer stared at her, thinking a million different thoughts about future kids, how Amoreena would grow up, seeing her as a big sister to hopefully many.
They both leaned forward and kissed softly, smiling as they pulled back, “so you like charcuterie?”
She laughed, “Amoreena called it shark coochie once, I can’t not think of that now.”
“How many kids do you want?”
“Have you ever read cheaper by the dozen?” She teased him. “As many as I can have, I have the funds thanks to my job and the farm and not having to pay a mortgage, I was going to have another baby next year anyway, I had an appointment and everything scheduled, I even tried to get them to contact Amoreena’s father for another sample but they said they couldn’t ask you outright for me.”
“They asked me if I wanted to give another sample when I asked if I could know my kids,” Spencer remembered the words exactly, “she said ‘You have four offspring so far, none of the other samples used have produced a child, the women were all IVF as well so it wasn’t your swimmer's fault if you wanted to donate again.’”
“I don’t want to know the truth, are you okay if we let her decide if she wants to find out at 18?” Y/N asked softly, “I’m content thinking you’re her father, I don’t want to know if it’s some other tall who-lookin’ genius, okay?”
“That’s perfect actually,” Spencer agreed, “and on the kids front, you don’t mind me being in my 70s when they all start going to University?”
“My dad is 68 with no signs of stopping, and he’s still fantastic with his grandkids,” Y/N always had a fact to combat his anxiety. “You have a lot of life left in you, I’ll take good care of you so that they have the best dad ever for as long as possible.”
Spencer was so in love with his family he felt like he was floating, laughing and smiling all meal long as they shared facts back and forth about their lives. Getting to know each other more and more as the seconds passed, he imagined it would be like this forever. She was like a bottomless pit of information, facts, stories and secrets. He loved every single one she shared with him.
She poured herself a second small glass of wine, “you know they say that one glass of wine every once in a while is actually good for the baby?”
“It doesn’t work that fast,” he reminded her, more like he reminded himself. He didn’t want to hope in the chance it didn’t happen right away.
“I had a nightmare last night for the first time in a long time, so I think it worked,” she teased him. “I won't know till June 10th, that's when my next period would be.”
“Nightmare?” It was the only part he picked up on, worried for her and wondering why she didn’t wake him up.
She nodded softly, “I found out I was pregnant and you never came home, and I got lost in the forest looking for you and then I remembered I could wake up.”
He rests his hand on her knee, rubbing his thumb against her bare skin softly, “I’m always coming home to you.”
“I know, when I got pregnant with Amoreena I had bad dreams in the first few weeks too, mostly about giving birth to nothing and being alone all over again, the subconscious and pregnancy hormones are mean as fuck when they hang out,” she laughed away the pain, “I know none of it is real.”
“Good,” he whispered, not knowing what really to say, he wasn’t used to soothing other people yet. Most people didn’t want his facts or concernment when something happened, just a hug normally.
She took a deep breath, pushing everything away, “good news, either my anxiety disorder is back in full swing or something’s working in here,” she laid her hand over her stomach, “either way, I’d like to try again tonight?”
He laughed, “we don’t need to make a baby every time you want to have sex?”
She got onto her knees then, crawling over the blanket and sitting right in Spencer's lap with her hands on both of his cheeks, “I want all your babies.”
He held her waist, pulling her in closer to his chest, “right now?”
She nodded, moving her dress out of the way to undo his belt, “no one is here right? It’s not like anyone would know?”
“Mhmm,” he agreed, kissing her neck as she unzipped his pants, moving his underwear out of the way just enough to free his hardening cock, she stroked it right there in the middle of the garden, staring down between their bodies in awe as he came to life.
Sitting up on her knees more, the slit of her dress made it a lot easier for her to show him her underwear. She was wearing just a thong, perfect for pulling to the side as she lowered herself onto him, ever so slowly.
She fixed her dress around them, completely calm and composed as he was fully inside of her, “you’re okay with this?”
He huffed a laugh out of his nose, dropping his forehead to her shoulder so he couldn’t buck into her and ruin the moment she was making, his hands moving to her hips, guiding her back and off him slightly before back down again, making her gasp.
“I thought you wanted to read?” She teased him as she started to ride him more, moving her hips in a way that took him in and out of her at just the right angle, her hands on his shoulders as she bounced on him lightly, he couldn’t even think straight. “Go on, read to me.”
He took a second to remember the words, mind totally somewhere else and not interested in a book at all when her boobs were right in his face.
“I am come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion,” the first sentence slipped past his lips as she kept going, he took a moment to kiss right under her ear before continuing.
“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence—whether much that is glorious—whether all that is profound—does not spring from disease of thought—from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.”
“Shit,” she moaned, pushing his hand down towards her clit, “you can multitask, smartie pants.”
His thumb was on a mission then, rubbing small circles against her pleasure point, she tossed her head back with her eyes closed as she continued to ride him, “I don’t hear you reading?”
He moaned softly in her ear at the feeling, and the fact she wanted to get off to hearing him recite something from memory, it was more euphoric than he could have ever imagined.
“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in ah- awakening, fuck,” he was trying his best to stay as composed as she was when he really just wanted to lay her against the blanket and fuck her into next week.
“to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret,” Y/N whispered the end of the sentence, grinding down on him harder than before.
“In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good,” she whispered into his ear, biting his earlobe softly with a moan and he kept rubbing her clit, “you’re so good, Spencer, so so good," she paused to enjoy the moment before whispering in his ear once more, "And more of the mere knowledge which is of evil. They penetrate, however, rudderless or compass-less into the vast ocean of the "light ineffable," and again, like the adventures of the Nubian geographer, "agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.”
Her words softer than ever and they were never going to get to the end of this poem, he'd never know how the rest of the words sound on her tongue, she pulled him into a kiss then, moaning into his mouth as they ground against each other, finding a perfect rhythm to bring them to the end.
“There, yes, fuck,” she whispered against his lips, pushing against him as she arched her back slightly, slipping away from his mouth as she did so.
He slammed into her then as he chased her lips, making her whimper one last time before she was shaking in his lap, her legs quivering as she finished on him, sending him over the edge and stilling as he came with a shudder. He held her so close, both of them breathing into each other's mouths as they came down, kissing and smiling as they stayed connected.
“We’ll name her Eleonora,” Y/N teased, pulling off him and laying back against the blanket.
He made sure her underwear was back in the right spot before covering her with her dress again and sliding himself back into his underwear.
“Amoreena and Eleonora have a good ring to it, we just need 10 more names,” he teased right back.
“Hopefully we have a little boy one day too,” she smiled as she tugged him down beside her, cuddling into her side as they stared up at the newly dark blue sky and the array of stars that decided to join them this evening.
“Even if it’s just Amoreena, I’ve never been happier in my whole life than when I’m with you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
“For what?” She asked, purely to keep hearing his voice.
“Making me want to get up in the morning again, giving me a reason not to buy drugs for something euphoric to happen to me, showing me real love and proof that happiness is possible if you just chose to be happy,” he gave example after example.
“I thought I learned everything the world had to offer, but you’ve been showing me new little life hacks that make the world so much better, I see a future of bright colours and happiness and laughter for the first time ever, so thank you.”
She held him closer, “it’s been a pleasure falling in love with you, together, you deserve to love yourself. You’re so wonderful Spencer, it breaks my heart to know that anyone has ever made you feel the opposite.”
He couldn’t speak anymore, turning to kiss her neck and cheek so he had something to do that wasn’t crying. He loved her so incredibly deeply that he felt like he was an anchor, dropping to the bottom of her deepest ocean, without a single plan to leave.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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justagost · 3 years
Face him head on - A Narumitsu Fic
So I got into the AA fandom recently and... I love Bratworth??? And I like seeing Bratworth/Feenie content? So I wrote this:
Basically, Post SoJ Edgeworth and Wright get teleported (with some Magatama incident) in the years where they were young, aka Bratworth’s and Feenie’s (Pre-Dahlia) years, but, Wright appears in the courthouse with young Miles, and Edgeworth in Ivy University with young Phoenix. So, the old counterparts, to get back together, make their young selves meet again.
I know this sounds complicated af, but I swear it’s a LOT easier to understand if you just read it
Spoilers for: Most of AA: Trials and Tribulation and Turnabout goodbyes 
Warning: Mention of blood, fluff, and a bit of horny Bratworth for Older Phoenix and his fancy suit. Nothing explicit  
Words count: 3.700
Edgeworth paced the tribunal’s hall, his shoes clicked on the smooth pavement, Von Karma was to arrive soon for a trial and he was sure the man was going to want to meet him for a regular check-up on victories and progress. Miles wasn’t really ecstatic about it, but he had no choice, so he used this time to prep-talk himself, that was until a voice from a man he had just surpassed stopped him, “Excuse me, um… what year are we in?”
How could you not know the current year? “What a foolish question, you should be out of this world to not know.” He turned around with his eyes close, “We are well in two-thousand and–” but as he opened his eyes, his words were cut off by the sight of a well-dressed man in multiple shades of blue.
The stranger’s eyes widened, “M-Miles?” he stuttered, and Edgeworth flinched at the use of his name, making him forget all about the suit, “H-How dare you call me by my first name?! It is highly inappropriate and unprofessional, especially from a stranger” the annoyance from his own situation with his mentor arose and he turned around to leave with a “Hmph!” as he was stopped again: “What do you mean ‘stranger’ Mi- Edgeworth? It’s me, Phoenix!”
He scanned his memory for that name, but only one person came to mind- and it definitely wasn’t them. They were part of his past and also the same age as Miles, so it was impossible.
The man shifted behind him, “Really Edgeworth? Does the name ‘Phoenix Wright’ not ring any bells?”
His breath hitched.
With an expression full of surprise, he turned back to the man and stared: the spiky hair, the ocean-deep eyes… an attorney badge?!
No, it wasn’t the Wright, it couldn’t be.
He shook his head, “There is no logical way you are the Wright I’m thinking about-” a soft smile welcomed his confused gaze, “But I am- “ He fished for something in his pocket, “Here” and opened his hand to present it to him, Edgeworth accidentally gasped out loud: Signal blue, worn out and slightly faded.
“H-how?” he let out a shaky breath, clutching his arm with the one that wasn’t carrying his bag, “You are my same age- yet you look much more mature-” and hotter, “And what are you doing in a courthouse? Why do you have a defence pin- no” he stopped himself, “You are trying to fool me. You are not who you say you are”
A deep sigh came from the supposed Wright, “I know it’s hard to wrap your head around it- but it’s me, from the future”
His confusion disappeared in an instant, replaced with anger, “What nonsense are you spouting?!” He almost took his leave for the third time, “You want proof, Edgeworth?” his words stopped him once again, as Phoenix shoved his hands in his pocket again, “Then there is proof!” he fished out a device he had never seen before, he deduced it was a cellphone, but much more technological: it didn’t have a keypad and it lit up to show an image with various people in it, just for it to change. The man pressed the screen and there was a calendar which showed the same date but another year– so far away from the current one.
“See? This is almost twenty years ago for me, of course I look older, but it’s me” He placed a hand on his chest for emphasis, “Here- I’ll even show there is an older version of you!” he clicked the screen again and a cellphone contact with the name ‘Miles Edgeworth’ was there: the number was his.
He still couldn’t believe it, but the longer he stared at the man, the longer he could see Phoenix Wright, the kid with the biggest brightest smile he had ever seen, something in his chest was bubbling at the memories of his childhood friend.
“Edgeworth I know this is confusing and very sudden but– you need to help me find my Edgeworth” those words deepened that feeling, my Edgeworth…
“If I’m here with you, that probably means he’s with twenty years old me– you have your car already, yeah?” He stuttered out a reply, “Then please Edgeworth, help me find him” Phoenix grabbed both of his shoulders and stared at him with his glittery eyes.
His instinct was to say yes, but the fury of Von Karma about making him wait would be inevitable… but those eyes… his touch…he was so close…
“Yes…” he panted out, his breath missing from the closeness of his childhood crush, and the next second, he was being dragged down the hall: Phoenix was holding his hand.
His face lit up and the fire within him started to crackle louder: the man was well-toned, the blue suit was perfect for him- made for him, and that light blue vest… made him wild, it made his sculpted chest and thin waist even more obvious, the gold chain to his pocket and his shiny attorney badge complimented the look: Miles had to look away in shame for thinking such thoughts.
Without realizing it, Phoenix had dragged him all the way to the parking lot, like he was more than familiar with the courthouse layout… which he guess backed up his pin. “You already have the red sports car?” he looked at Edgeworth with a serious expression, which made him quiver a little, “Y-yes!”
He was dragged again until they arrived at the car, he managed to fish out his keys and unlock it, Wright stole them from his hand, his skin warm against his left a tingling sensation, “I need to drive, you don’t know where we’re heading. I know you don’t like that other people drive your car, sorry, but it’s an emergency” He flushed again as he entered the passenger seat, the question of how he knew such a thing was answered by the fact that Phoenix knew him in his… timeline? World? Either way, any type of complaint died in his tongue, too overwhelmed as the man started the car and Phoenix’s cologne filled the air: it was fresh and pleasant, it complimented his looks just as the suit did.
While they were speeding somewhere, the car was silent: mostly because Edgeworth was overwhelmed with... Phoenix, everything about him was too much to process.
How the little boy in his memory became this handsome man, why he was a defence attorney, how he came from the future… how the butterflies in his stomach hadn’t stopped since his name was brought up.
Yes, Miles had a bit of a childhood crush on Phoenix, but he had to stuff away his feelings since Von Karma had subtly introduced him to daughters of powerful friends of his multiple times, and had expressed how ‘He could choose between marrying a proper woman or dedicate his life to his job’.
But seeing a mature, sexy version of Phoenix had reawakened that old fire he thought he had extinguished.
The man driving fumbled with that device again and then placed it on his lap, the beeping made him realize he was calling someone.
“Phoenix? Are you alright?” a voice that sounded awfully like his own replied, Wright picked up the device, “Miles! I’m on my way!” So this was the older him! And they used their first names! This meant they were friends!
A wave of happiness washed over him knowing they reunited after all this time.
“On your way?! Phoenix how do you know where I am?!”, Wright turned left using only one hand to steer, which was… hot…
Edgeworth looked away and realized how much the sight had affected him… he could feel his pants become a little tighter... “I awoke at the courthouse, not too far away from twenty years old you, I presume you must be at Ivy university with twenty years old me”
“Yes…” They accelerated a little as the confirm came in, “I’m glad I caught him as he was leaving class… I swear I saw… Her… in the distance” Wright’s grip on the wheel tightened, his face winced like he was in pain: Who was… her?
“I should be there in five minutes or so, bring young me with you at the entrance: visitors aren’t allowed inside” an okay arrived from the device, “I’m… not wearing the sweater… am I?” The question was so weird Edgeworth snapped his head towards Wright in confusion, why what he was wearing matter?
A sight came from the other line, “No, fortunately you aren’t… I think you haven’t started da-” he stopped his older version of him on the phone, “Don’t Miles…” the man driving the car looked at him for a brief2 second, “You’re on speaker”.
A mortified “Oh” came from the other line, “I’ll see it for myself, bye” he placed the device on his lap again, not before a concerned, “Drive safe Phoenix” came as a goodbye.
Silence fell again, and it stayed that way for a while, Edgeworth was becoming restless, Phoenix could tell by how hards he was grabbing his arm, so he talked, “Say… you had your first trial already, yeah?” He winced at the memory of that man falling backwards, with blood spilling from his mouth… that girl smirking…
He shivered and nodded, a hand softly settled on his shoulder, “I’m sorry to bring back the bad memory, but I need to find out at what time both you and young me are living in right now” he nodded and dared a peek at Wright.
His brows were furrowed in concentration: he was thinking: “How do I ask this…” he mumbled, “Um.. Did you make it on the news?” The question threw him off, “Uh… Y-yes… an article about me was released not too long ago” Phoenix nodded, “Alright, so young me is aware of you”
A confused “Huh?” slipped past his lips. Phoenix shook his head, “Young me saw that article, that’s how…” he paused.
Wright had seen the article? A chill went down his spine… they didn’t talk too well about him on there… it mentioned all sorts of bad rumours. Did Phoenix hate him now?
“No, I can’t say more than this, you’ll see for yourself once we arrive”
It struck him that he was about to see Wright, well, the Wright he spent that blissful year of school with… his Wright.
“Hey… don’t overthink this, I can assure you everything will be fine” A comforting smile came from the man, Edgeworth nodded.
Now that he had seen older him, he couldn’t think how twenty-year-old Phoenix would look.
Phoenix parked and scrambled out of young Edgeworth’s car, the man was walking so fast he had no time to register where they were, thank god for the massive sign saying “Ivy university”. So this is where Phoenix ended up huh.
They approached the entrance by the big stairs, and once on top of them, there they were: The older version of himself reminded him too much of his father, the glasses were– as best as he could remember – the same model. He was wearing a long jacket a shade slightly different than his, the cravat was at its usual place and the black vest, he realized, matched with Phoenix’s, different colour, but it looked like the same model.
A smaller boy was standing almost behind him, gripping the sketchbook to his chest, a red scarf hid his reddened face: he was looking directly towards him. His stomach dropped: that was Wright.
“Phoenix!” His counterpart ran into adult Wright’s arm, embracing him for a few seconds before pulling away and cupping his cheeks, “Are you ok? Is everything all right?” the man with the spiky hair smiled, “Yes Miles I’m ok”.
After a sigh of relief, his old self looked right at him and scooted away from Phoenix, a little blush lit his cheeks. An awkward silence fell in the middle of the chaos of students leaving school.
“So… how do we go back?” Wright asked, adult him looked down in thoughts, “I’m not sure… but Maya shoved the magatama on me as soon as it started to lit up” He grabbed the side of his jacket and pulled a shaped rock out of it, “I presume we’ll have to use this… although you’re much handier with it than I am” He gave it to adult Wright and then looked back at him, he looked away: he looked so much like his father it hurt.
“M-miles…?” A broken voice called his first name, both Edgeworths looked at the young boy with the spiky hair. He was about to say how childish it was to call him by his first name, but his heart dropped as he realized: Phoenix was crying, subtly sobbing in the scarf, “Why didn’t you reply to my letters?” Edgeworth gripped his arm, “Why did you suddenly disappear?” he cringed, “Why are you a prosecutor?” he choked out the final question, Miles internally cursed von Karma and that damned earthquake.
“I..-” he attempted to reply, but Phoenix threw himself at him, making his briefcase drop: “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!”  
The boy gripped him desperately, his first instinct was to shove him away, yell at him to stay back and disappear. Wright was part of his painful cursed past.
But the warmth of another body surrounding him… the closeness of his friend made him realized that he was the cause of his sadness: he had hurt Phoenix.
His brain screamed at him to free himself, but every inch of his body, touch-starved for years… and his instinct to protect him… they held his negative thoughts back from becoming true.
Adult Wright was holding that greenstone, absorbed in thoughts, but older him stared at his soul, smiling. Phoenix was a sobbing and shuttering mess, his suit was going to be ruined after this, but as if older Edgeworth read his mind, like this was a situation he’d been before, he whispered softly enough for only him to hear: “Don’t run, face it head-on”
After a few seconds of confusion, he almost physically recoiled as he realized what older him was saying: his suit getting stained, his pride being hurt, what von Karma taught him… they were all excuses to run away from an uncomfortable situation: this situation.
Face it head on… Phoenix’s feelings, all of the memories he reminded him of, the mistakes he had made, his hurtful past… He had to face them head-on.
But his feelings for Phoenix! The butterflies he got when a nine-year-old Phoenix smiled at him or grabbed his hand… the insecurity of preferring boys over girls that had started with the man in his arms-
Older him sighed and held out a hand in Wright’s direction, “Hm? Yes Mile- Hmf!” and grabbed older Phoenix’s tie, pulling him to… kiss him.
Miles’s eyes widened as he observed how Wright’s surprised expression melted into the kiss, his eyes closed and a hand crept up onto older Edgeworth for support: Edgeworth had told Wright his feelings, and he reciprocated them.
Every ounce of logic flew right out of the window and Miles hugged the still sobbing Phoenix tight, pushing him against his chest. He stiffened as a small gasp came out of the boy in his arms, he was just waiting for Phoenix to shove him away, to say that he hated him, to see his angry face… but Phoenix never moved away, actually, he whispered: “I missed you so so much…”
The gentle voice hit him straight in his heart, so he replied, “... I…  missed you too…” and closed his eye as tears threatened to spill out.
They broke the kiss before it became too heated, panting, Phoenix, after recovering, asked, “What was that fo-” but he was cut off again as Miles took his chin and turned it to their younger versions directions, hugged as both of them cried. His husband smiled at the sight.
Edgeworth remembered how Wright told him, (when pretty drunk once after Edgeworth’s trial, and again, after Phoenix had almost died due to the bridge) how when he saw the ‘Demon prosecutor’ article, all he wanted was to hug Miles and ask him what happened.
Of course, Edgeworth knew that even if they had met back at that time, his phobia of the past and his repressed feelings toward men and Phoenix (because yes, they were two separate things), wouldn’t have allowed it, ever. Especially with all of von Karma’s hate for romantic relationships with ‘normal people’ in general, planted in his head.
He never told Phoenix what he wished would have been impossible, it wouldn’t have been nice. But as soon as he saw twenty years old Phoenix threw himself at twenty years old him, he knew exactly what thoughts were going on in his head. Denying young Phoenix of the hug would have hurt both older and younger Wright… and of course, his younger self too.
So, he thought to himself, that a little encouragement and reassurance wasn’t going to hurt. In fact, it was all worth it when his husband flashed that big soft smile of his at the sight.
After he stopped staring at the two young adults, he turned towards Miles, “I’m pretty sure I know how to go back: all we need to do is hold the magatama in our hands and think to walk back to Kurain village” he whispered, Miles nodded, “Thank god I caught it when Maya threw it at me” he replied, earning another smile from Phoenix.
They waited another minute before their younger selves untangled out of the embrace: Miles guessed their habit of long hugs was something that had always been there from the start.
After wiping their tears aways, Phoenix spoke first, “Alright, we are ready to return in our year-” Miles placed a hand on his husband’s shoulder, “Before we go, I’d like to speak to my young self… privately” Young Edgeworth looked away while older Wright nodded, “Ok… just, don’t say anything… risky” Miles flashed a smirk, “I have no intention to”. With that said, he walked towards twenty years old Edgeworth, “May I have a word with you?”, young him stuttered out a yes, and followed him a bit away from the Wrights.
“von Karma is going to be furious when you show up late, so say confidently that you were stuck in traffic. Don’t say that there was an incident unless you run into one on your way back, he will probably check” Young him recoiled by how detailed the plan was, “O-ok…” he gripped his jacket, older him smiled, “Keep Phoenix close, no matter what the consequences” he placed both hands on young Miles shoulders, “You like him, don’t you?” After a pause and a cringy expression, he slowly nodded, “Don’t be ashamed of it, he won’t judge you. Phoenix will be there for you if you ever need anything” The wide-eyes stare he received made him smile, “You simply have to allow him in, and trust me: you’ll never regret it”
Edgeworth realized that his wedding ring was in full display, and maybe the news wouldn’t ease his younger self’s nerves, so he shoved his left hand in his pocket, and spoke right after to cover up the perhaps too rushed action, “At first, it may hurt to explain your situation to Phoenix, but it will only be at the start. Again: if you allow him in, he’ll only be of help and support. You just have to face him head-on”
Young Edgeworth was still a little confused, but as he took a quick glance behind his older self (probably to look at Wright) he nodded, “I… I’m scared…”
Of course he was, hell, he himself was scared when Phoenix came crashing into his life, shuttering everything he had built up until then.
“I know, your first instinct is to run, but unless you want to hurt him, it’s better that you explain your situation first thing first”
After letting young Miles elaborate a little more, they went back to the Wrights, and each Edgeworth took their rightful place next to them.
“Well, I guess it’s time we head back” Older Wright broke once again the silence, “I hope you too keep in touch from now on” they looked at their younger version look at each other and gaze away as a flush crept onto their cheeks, “T-thank you for bringing him to me… me” Young Phoenix bowed, as young Edgeworth’s blush deepened.
“Let’s go or we’ll worry Maya and Pearl” Miles waved at the two and grabbed Phoenix’s hand, leading him away. After they climbed down the stairs, they disappeared.
Wright and Edgeworth were left standing next to the other, “So… that really really just happened, huh…” the boy with the spiky hair huffed, turning to face his silver-haired friend: “So uhh… sorry for–” “I’m sorry Phoenix but I have to go, now” he cut him off, startling the boy, Miles dug into his briefcase and pulled out his business card, the one von Karma had him make before he even became officially a prosecutor, “We have a lot to catch up on but– there is a very inpatient person waiting for me and I’m already–” a soft hand crept on his shoulder, pulling him out of the small panic he had gotten into when he intterrupted the other boy, “I understand” Phoenix took the card and brought it to his chest, “I’ll text you and we can see each other with less rush” he smiled, and that made Miles relax, “Just- promise me something… “ a small hint of pain in his eyes made him look like a lost puppy, cute, “Please answer me this time”.
Edgeworth realized that not answering his letters might have hurt Phoenix more than he thought, but he nodded, “I will, I promise” and after a quiet goodbye, he rushed to his car, speeding carefully along the road.
von Karma, as his older self anticipated, bought the excuse, not after a little scolding, of course.
He was thankful that they were walking while talking, and he didn’t have to pay actual attention to the conversation, because Miles’s mind drifted off to how sexy Wright looked with that blue suit, and how cute Phoenix was with the red scarf.
Yes, the childhood friend was going to be a constant thought from now on, distracting him from his work, but as older him said: he wasn’t going to run away, he wanted Phoenix back into his life, and no von Karma or murder case was going to deny him that wish.
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themoonmunchkin · 4 years
Pairing : Katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
Genre : fluff
Warnings : mild cussing, slightly suggestive, not proof read
Word count : 1.4k~
Synopsis : You and your boyfriend are studying in his dorm room when he reminisces in how lucky he is to have someone as beautiful as you in his life.
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It was a warm summer afternoon in the city of musutafu. You and your boyfriend were settled in his dorm room. It was the first Saturday of the month of August.
You were studying for an upcoming math test that ectoplasm's supposed to hold on monday or at least....one of you were....He doesn't mean for it to happen, in fact he has no idea as to why his eyes just can't stop lingering his beautiful girlfriend.
You were both seated on the floor with a moderately big teatable in the centre of his room on which your textbooks and notebooks were scattered on. You were busy writing down some calculations in your notebook...while he...well lets just say that the great exposive boy of class 1A was currently a little distracted.
It's currently 4pm in the dorm rooms of U.A., the sun shining mildly bright through the balcony window of katsuki bakugou. The warm and gentle colors of orange, pink and yellow of the sky hitting your right side beautifully, your (s/c) skin looking soft and supple at the contact of the light, your (e/c) eyes looking like delicate pieces of glass, your (h/c) hair shining more than usual, the pink of the sky bringing out a soft blush on the apple of your cheeks and your plump lips sporting a warm cherry red at the tone of the light.
Everything about you looked so ethereal right now. Of course he had always thought you were irresistibly attractive but, something about you right now made it even harder for him to look away. He didn't know if it was the way your brows were slightly furrowed in concentration or the way your lashes fluttered everytime you blinked or was it the way you bit your soft lips which he absolutely adored everytime you found a sum harder than you'd thought it'd be.
He was so invested in his thoughts that he didn't even realize you were talking to him even when he saw your mouth moving. "Katsuki", he finally caught your voice and snapped out of his daze. He looked at you questioningly and your brows furrowed a little in concern and slightly tilted in confusion, "Katsuki baby, you ok? You've been spacing out for a while now, if there's something on your mind then you know you can always tell me", you say with a small warm smile.
Thats it, there it was that same smile that he fell head over heals for, the same smile that could melt his heart anytime of day. That beautiful smile that could cure his depression everytime he'd be depressed. The smile that was all his and his alone. You were the light of his life, the drug that he was addicted to, the oxygen that he needed to breathe, the only person that he'd ever lose his pride for. You were the one, the only one that would ever be his equal and the only one that he'd need for as long as he'd live. You were his everything for now and forever and no extra could ever change that.
You were always there for him through his darkest times, even when he pushed you away you where there for him, even when he'd tried to cuss you away you stayed. You were the one person he'd never lose his trust for and the only person who'll ever have all his love and just the mere thought of losing you crushed him into more than a million pieces. Even when he first laid eyes on you he knew there was something about you that no one else could compare to and after your first time beating him during a practice match he just knew that you where going to become someone important in his life and oh boy was he was more than right about that, not only were you an important person in his life, you were the most important person in his life and it became one of his number one missions to protect you at all costs.
"Oh fuck it!", he cussed and before you could even question what was wrong he grabbed you by your wrist pulled you into his lap "c'mere", you blushed bashfully and stuttered "K-katsuki?", he snaked his arms around your waste and pulled you further into him while his face was buried in the crook of your neck and he gently placed feathery kisses on your neck all while taking in your amazing cocoa butter scent, "lets just stay here like this", even though you were a little surprised at your boyfriends clingy demeanor, you wrapped your arms around him none the less.
The moment he fell for you was when he knew that you were someone he wanted to keep happy even through the toughest of times. In his eyes you were easily the most beautiful person he's ever seen and ever will see both inside out. It didn't matter what others thought of you or even what you thought of yourself and it absolutely did not matter if they thought you were not beautiful, although if they didn't then they were just some shitty extras that needed some thick glasses because in his eyes you could be standing next to aphrodite and even then the great godess of beauty wouldn't be able to surpass you. You were more than perfect for him and you were all his.
"Mmm.....Katsuki as much as I'd love to stay like this, we still have to finish studying you know." You said while giggling a little, he smiled a small smile while his lips were still on the skin of your neck, "shut up dumbass, we can still study tomorrow." "But-" and before you can even finish your sentence, he's kissing you on your lips while picking you up bridal style and carrying you to his bed. He slightly tripped over the edge of his bed making you giggle and fall onto his bed with your back hitting the mattress and him on top of you one arm at the side of your head and the other still wrapped around your waste while still kissing you but smiling at your little giggles.
"Mmfph...you're so godamn gorgeous you know that". He said while looking into your eyes finally releasing your lips but not for long as he captured them once again, "mmfph....so perfect...Mmm....so beautiful....so amazing.....mmfph...my baby....all mine...." and at this point you had a zoo of butterfies in your stomach. You had practically turned into jelly in his strong arms and loving gaze. When he finally stopped kissing you and looked at you, he wanted to laugh at your bashful expression but once again his throat was left dry when you flashed him a beautiful closed eyed smile and said, "I love you so much Katsu-".
"Tch, you idiot I was supposed to say that first". Despite his harsh words his voice was soft, and you giggled at him which made his heart skip a beat and for a while the two of you just kept your loving gazes locked on eachother until you surprised him by pulling him down as you initiated the kiss this time, he of course kissed back even though his eyes widened a little with shock but soon enough melted into it. He pulled you as close as he possibly could and held you like he was making sure that you were real because he still couldn't believe that someone as amazing as you could ever date a brute like him but sure enough it was true and he wouldn't change a thing about it.
Chests flush against eachother, hearts beating at every loving touch and his hand gently moving up and down your side, stopping at your thigh while giving you an affectionate squeeze. It was all so perfect, you were so perfect, every flaw and every imperfection only making you more beautiful to him and he knew that there was not a thing that could take you away from him, not even yourself....he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you and he knew you wanted the same and for that, he was gonna make sure to make it happen no matter what, "I love you too- don't you ever forget that you're my baby and I'll always love you."
You deserve the best of this world he was going to give it to you no matter what.
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implexedactions · 4 years
Naga Enji - Halloween Collab
Hey! So this was part of a server wide event I did with other members of Lovesick! They’re all super amazing and you should DEF check out the others who took part!
I really like this one!
Warning for yandere content
Beta’d by best person:  @tod0oki
[Edited after posting]
You walked calmly through the forest, admiring the lush foliage. It really was a nice spot to spend the day. You came here a lot; it was relaxing and serene. The area didn’t have any trails, but it was an easy walk, regardless. Looking up, you noticed clouds were starting to gather. Hmmm, yeah, okay, better head back to the entrance. It was going to be late enough already; you didn’t want to have to deal with rain.
Before you could leave, you noticed a cave. It caught your interest, and you moved towards the entrance, it seemed to be quite deep.
“Hello, human.” A deep voice called out from the darkness.
“W-what?! Whose in there?” you shakily question.
“How much do you know of Naga’s?” The voice called back from the darkness, still not visible.
“Oh. This is a joke, right? Well, I’m not in the mood. And I’d suggest you head back soon, rain clouds are starting to form, and it looks like it’ll be bad.”
“Oh, but this is not a joke. I…I am real.’
A snake person emerges from the darkness, his human body has short jagged red hair and a scar near on his face. His human half ends around the waist, before turning into a striking red, orange, white, and black snake body, like a red-spotted garter snake. His torso and shoulders are broad, which makes his snake body huge. The diameter of his snake body is the same height as you. He is giant, over 10 meters long. You try to step back but fall instead.
“I…but…you’re…snake?” You stammer, failing to deal with the reality presented in front of you
“Naga, you uneducated primate. And I have taken a tremendous interest in you.” He says, slithering closer, eyeing your form.
“Me…? But…why?” you say, your feet finding purchase on the ground, trying to move away from him. Shoving you away from him, just a tiny bit.
He looks disappointed at you trying to move away from him. He reaches to grab your ankle, but you kick his hand away. He jerks away before looking you in the eyes, glaring at you.
“How dare you! Do you have no respect?! You should feel honoured that I chose to even approach you!” He says, looking outraged and annoyed.
“Why DID you approach me?” you say cautiously, realising how unfavourable this situation is for you.
“Well, I need to talk to my mat- I mean…visitor. Yes, you are my visitor. You stepped foot into my cave, that makes you my visitor.” He says hastily, slowly moving around your form, which was still lying on the ground.
 “I…uhhh…I need to leave, it’s going to rain soon, and I need to make it back to the forest entrance.” You try to stand up, but a large hand on your shoulder keeps you in place.
“Oh, I insist, please stay with me for the night. You deserve my hospitality” He says, still moving around you in a…circle.
Oh dear…
You force yourself up.
“Oh no, I need to make it back. I’ve got…people waiting for me, yeah! T-They’ll get concerned if I don’t show up!” It was a lie, but he shouldn’t know that.
He sighs, the circle around you now completed. His snake body is about as tall as your shoulders, so you can’t jump over it. He towers above you, looking down on you
“Uhmm…Can’t help notice that you’ve accidentally encircled me here. Can you let me go? I can come back to visit if you want? I promise?” you say, nervously looking around.
His face falls into an unimpressed bored look.
“Hmmph, I wanted to give you a few peaceful nights, to show you how nice life with me could be, but I guess you don’t want that. Such a shame, but you will grow to love it, I am sure.”
His arms grab you, despite your weak flailing, and he pulls you into his chest. You go quiet as you pray this is all a bad dream. He slithers slowly further down into the cave, the darkness growing. He seems to know his way, though. He brings your head up to his face and looks into your eyes.
“My name is Enji Todoroki, one of the strongest Naga’s, a fierce hunter surpassed by no one. You are my mate; I promise that I will treasure and protect you like no other.”
He arrives at the end of one of the tunnels. It is a large open semi-spherical area with a fire in the middle. He circles around the fire, and places you inside the circle, next to the fire.
“I know humans are not as resistant to the cold as I am, please, utilise this fire. The rain will not disturb us here.” He says, eyes trained on your every move.
You try to jump over his colossal snake body, but you struggle to get over it. He simply leans over and grabs you, before forcing you to sit down next to the fire. He leans in close, resting his mouth by your ear.
“You know, my mate does not technically NEED legs. If you would like to keep yours, I do suggest that you stay put.” He leans back, resting his human body on his snake half, keeping the coil around you complete.
“O-okay…I just…I don’t want to be here?” you say, pulling your legs up to your chest, crying into your arms.
He looks at you, anger surging through his veins. He grabs you by the shoulders and stares deep into your eyes.
“Why not! Do you think I cannot provide?! I am insulted! I have lived hundreds of years on my own! I am the most skilled hunter ever! Obviously I can provide for my mate!”
You quickly try to reassure him.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that! I’m sure you can provide for me!”
He scans your face, then hugs you and calms down.
“Of course, of course. You do not know me yet. You can live a great life here; I am certain of it. Just do not tell me I cannot provide for you. It is one of the most disrespectful things to a naga, okay? You did not know that, so I forgive you.”
“T-Thank you?”
“Do not fear! I will show you how comfortable a life you can lead in the coming years with me! You will be happy, I guarantee it!” He looks at you as if waiting for validation.
“But…I have a human life, and I have other human needs?” You try to put as much softness into this as possible, you think there is a chance he might let you go. His face darkens briefly.
“As I just said, do NOT suggest I cannot provide for you. You will be fine here, I can offer everything you require! Humans rely on a few critical things for survival, but all of these things will not be a problem for a naga like me! I will easily provide food and water; we have this cave for shelter from the elements. I can defend you, that takes care of safety! And as for your need for friends, family and community, well, you have got me obviously. And you will have the hatchlings and-“
“Wait? What do you mean hatchlings?!” you go stiff, staring at him with concern. You hope it doesn’t mean what you think it means
“Well, I suppose humans call them babies, and humans don’t lay eggs…but hatchlings sound so much better, no?” He seems to ponder it for a second while looking away from you.
“But I-“
“Oh wait, is your concern because of anatomy? Do not worry darling! I do not know much about human reproduction admittedly, so I do not know if we can produce children together. If we can, great! If not, I will just steal another’s hatchlings. The important part is having a family together.’
“I don’t WANT kids you freak! Especially with you!” He frowns, his eyebrows twitching. The silence in the cave is overwhelming.
“Do not say things one will regret. Like I said earlier, you do not need to have legs to be my mate.”
“I just don’t want kids!” His glare hardens as he stands up to his full height. Towering over you, looking down at you from his nose.
“Listen to me. I will not have my mate be some ungrateful brat. We WILL have hatchlings. They WILL all grow up to be fierce hunters like me and carry on my legacy! And you WILL stop complaining about it! It would be wise for you to accept that.” His eyes peer at your now sobbing figure.
His face softens, and his body down dips to your level. He reaches out and pulls you against his chest, trapping you against it with his arms. He slowly strokes your back.
“Shhh…Shhh…It will all be okay. There is no need to cry. Do you want some food? I can go get a cow for you? I know humans try to cook their food, so we could use the fire?” He looks down at you with empathetic eyes.
“I…I just want to go home! You realise I won’t be happy here, right? You should find a naga mate instead. Please!” Your eyes are watering as you meet his gaze.
“I love you, my dear. I watched you walk by every time you come to this forest. Your beauty, your gait, your personality. You were so appealing, I was trying to find the perfect time to introduce myself, but then I saw this storm, and you walked up to my cave and…I took a chance.”
He looks at you, but you stay silent.
“I meant what I said, darling. That I wanted your first night or two to be calm and happy. I think you would have adjusted so much better if you had just accepted my invitation. I will admit I came on a bit strong there, but I was so worried you would never come back. I just could not let you leave when you were so close to being mine.” His tears run down his face and drip onto your head. He wipes his eyes.
“Please love me, that is all I am asking. The hatchlings can…wait. It was wrong to bring them up so soon…just…please love me. I love you.” He gets his face close to yours, mere inches away from yours. His slit eyes looking directly into your circular eyes. You can see his eyes watering, as he scans yours.
“I can’t love you though…Especially not with the fact you clearly want kids. I have a life that I NEED to live. I can’t live out my life with you. Please, just let me go.”
“But I can provide for you! I can provide everything you need! No human can match what I can give you! I am certain of it!” His body seems to be heating up as his posture straightens and his arms around you get a bit too tight.
“But I-”
“Silence!” He roars, before looking down at your scared form. Confusion crosses his face before he cools down.
“Ah, I understand! You do not mean to be so rude and inconsiderate; you are just tired. It is understandable. Do not worry, my love, let us sleep.” He doesn’t let you speak as he uses his tail to put out the fire. Darkness returns as he slithers into a corner.
He forms a coil inward with his human body and you at the centre, his back lying against his tail. He crosses his arms, hands at opposite shoulders in an ‘X’ or ‘W’ like pattern, with you in the middle. This prevents you from moving, keeping you trapped against his chest.
“You will love me in time, I am certain.”
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klonoadreams · 3 years
Chapter 1: Circumstance
A/N Okay, this is my first time ever really posting any of my works on tumblr. This is also for convenience sake, before I eventually move these chapters onto AO3 and FFN.
IN THE MEANTIME, understand that there is a shit ton of worldbuilding and headcanons at work here, most of which involves a huge difference between shinobi life and civilian life. So if something seems off, then understand that it is a likely result of that.
We also got a bunch of OCs incoming, so if you hate OCs, I wouldn’t recommend this story (this is a warning I give nowadays, after someone gave me shit for it). With that said, read on!!
(do tell me if there’s anything in particular that you’d like me to put warnings in. I’ve never had anyone talk to me about it, in the past six years this fic has existed, but I don’t mind starting now - just let me know what)
(let me know what you think in my inbox)
Aburame Shinjiro is someone who has never held interest in romance nor sex. It’s something that his clan has never questioned him for—why would they? How he lives his life is entirely up to him. The most they can do is support him, as they have done since his birth.
His friends, however, felt differently—not out of malice, but rather, out of ignorance. It’s why Shinjiro still considers them his friends. After all, friends can sometimes be idiots—especially when they’ve been around civilians for most of their life. Sooner or later, his words will finally reach them, and they can all laugh it off.
In the meantime, Shinjiro decides to humor his friends in whatever form of celebration that they want to throw him, as soon as it comes to their attention that he’s been promoted to Jounin. He is by no means the first of their graduating class to reach Jounin. He is, however, the first in his team to do so, at the age of seventeen.
Anything can happen at this rate, and it just so happens that Uzuki Tsukiya and Gekkō Shō have decided that an appropriate celebration for their dear teammate is to drag him to the most popular brothel in the Red Light District.
“Ah.” Shinjiro can’t say that he isn’t impressed, especially with what he sees. There is a first time for everything, and more likely than not, this will be the last time he will ever set foot in a place such as this, so he indulges in his curiosities. Not helping are his friends, who only enable him throughout the trivial conversations they have between drinks.
One thing leads to another, and before Shinjiro knows it, he is waking up the next morning with a massive hangover. There is a sense of apathy that he feels towards the loss of his virginity. It never really meant much to him before, and even now, it still means nothing as he processes last night’s events.
It was…fun?
Well, it was certainly something. It’s not completely terrible, though it’s not anything that Shinjiro would ever actively seek out again. He looks towards his companion from last night—a young woman with long, green hair and fair skin. She is looking at herself in a mirror, preparing herself for yet another day of work.
She is completely uninterested in Shinjiro, as he is her. Yellow eyes shift towards him, framed by thick eyelashes. She is undeniably pretty, with a voice that is just as lovely. Even though she tells him to leave, the way she says it sounds almost like a song.
“I do not think we will be seeing each other again.” All things considered, this is a one-time fling.
“It is regretful—though, it would be for the best, as I doubt you can afford me for another night.” She laughs to herself, hiding her mouth behind her kimono’s sleeve. “I hope you enjoyed your time with Monaka.”
Monaka—he’s heard that name before, coming from the mouths of people he’d sometimes pass. It’s the name of a high-ranking oiran—a tayuu—that had caught the eyes of many. She is of impressive fame, and he’s somehow spent the night with her.
Undoubtedly, his friends will be congratulating him for the feat, alongside the fact that he is no longer a virgin. And yet, as he leaves the brothel and makes his way back to his clan’s compound, he finds that he still does not care at all about anything.
Yes, he was always certain that he never had an interest in sex, though this most certainly confirms it. Nothing is wrong with him—this is just who he is. And Shinjiro has never felt so comfortable, knowing that this part of himself will never change.
He accepts the apologies that he receives from his friends, who have since realized the error of their ways.
“We should have never pushed you…” Shō averts his gaze.
“We should have been better friends.” Tsukiya is full of remorse for the way he has treated his friend.
“Then start now.” Shinjiro does not hide the smile that forms on his lips. “Show me how you can be better.”
His friends can be idiots, yes—but they are not terrible people. He knows they can do better, which is why he gives them this second chance.
“Shinjiro!!” they wail, in a manner that almost seems comical, were it not for the way they grab his hands. He can feel their resolve—can see how much he means to them, through the tears they shed out of relief.
Yes, things could have gone better…but Shinjiro is okay with this. He appreciates the better understanding he now has with his friends. It’s why he nearly forgets about his evening with that high-ranking courtesan.
And then one late evening in the winter, during New Year’s Eve, Shinjiro finds his past fling has left him with an infant in his arms.
Motherhood was always something that Monaka had kept in the back of her head. It’s why she kept calm, even when her birth control had failed, and her stomach started to grow. She could no longer see any clients—not while she considered her options.
But she didn’t mind—it gave her enough time to think, as she continued to watch over the kamuro, and aid the hikikomi with their training. Often, it brought her back to the time she was once like them.
She’s come so far, since the day her parents had sold her off to this brothel. Through hard work and perseverance, she became an oiran that was admired and love by many people. It’s a good life—certainly better than the one she had before she was sold.
Her parents had sold her to give her a better chance at life, but Monaka never forgets the way she was left behind. Never forgets the spite that fuels the way she keeps moving forward…
Yes, she’ll certainly become a better parent than them.
“Monaka will keep you.” That is the decision that Monaka made that day.
She does not regret it—not even when she has complications giving birth. She still doesn’t know who the father is, but that doesn’t stop her from holding the crying newborn close to her chest.
She breastfeeds her child, and then lulls it to sleep with a gentle song. The medic-nin makes a comment, but Monaka is too busy ignoring them. Shinobi are the least deserving of her attention, when there are people far more important than them.
Ahhh…Monaka’s baby is so very pretty, with yellow eyes that are exactly like hers. No doubt, this child will grow up to be quite the beauty.
“Maybe you’ll even surpass me.” Monaka has her doubts, but it’s still a thought she considers anyways. It’s fun thinking about the future, when there is so much that can be done with all the money that she’s earned over the years. She will miss this brothel very much.
No doubt, everyone else will miss her as well. So many fans of hers will cry when they hear that she’s left…
“How tragic.” All things must eventually come to an end, and Monaka feels like she’s had a good run. Maybe now, she’ll finally have a husband… “Yes…a husband…”
Obviously, he’ll have to be just as pretty and rich as she is. It’s only fair, if he wishes to spend the rest of his life with her. Only the best for her child (and Monaka, of course).
And then the medic-nin mentions her baby’s developed chakra coils.
“Ah.” The revelation drags Monaka back to reality in the harshest of ways. After all, most babies aren’t supposed to have developed chakra coils—not unless one of their parents is a shinobi. And Monaka is not a shinobi… “So it’s the father’s fault.”
The father is at fault for this mess.
“Tch.” Monaka absolutely loathes shinobi. Certainly, they make for great clients, with the money they earn from missions. But outside of work, Monaka can barely even tolerate medic-nin. And knowing that this child she had given birth is one of them—or will be, with the appropriate training…
Well, she can’t have that, now can she?
The future is uncertain, though that doesn’t change the fact that this child has already been tainted. Knowing this, is it really worth it for Monaka to give up everything she had worked for, just to care for a child like this?
Monaka thinks long, and hard about it as she grows more and more repulsed by the tiny body that she holds in her arms.
“Is it possible to find the father?” Monaka wishes to know, so that she can make her next decision.
“It shouldn’t be too difficult, if that’s what you’re asking,” so says the medic-nin. “Is something wrong?”
There is something off about the look in Monaka’s eyes. It stays there as she hands over the infant to the medic-nin. When asked again, if something is wrong, all that comes out of Monaka’s mouth is, “I don’t want it.”
She averts her gaze afterwards, refusing to say any more than that. She doesn’t want to think about it. To think about the mistake that she had almost made—the regrets she almost forced upon herself.
“Maybe next time,” Monaka thinks to herself as the medic-nin walks out of the room.
It takes a while for the shock to wear off. All things considered, Shinjiro thinks he is handling this discovery a lot better than expected. It’s unpredictable, yes—but accidents happen.
It’s just that this accident made him a father.
“A father…” He isn’t against the idea of being one, though he feels that his circumstances could be a lot better than this. Of course, the same could certainly be said about his (his?) child. “Mine…?”
Does he want this child?
His own mother had wanted him and his younger brother, unlike the person who had given birth to this child.
“I am not her…” But he doesn’t have to take care of this child either—he has options, too. There are plenty of relatives that he has who are willing to care for another child, in place of him. He doesn’t have to say goodbye, but he also doesn’t have to accept this responsibility either. “Is that what I want?”
Shinjiro does not know, so he continues to stare at the sleeping infant that he holds in his arms. He doesn’t hate this—doesn’t hate the way this feels. Just what is this feeling that won’t leave him?
It’s been stirring deep inside of him, from the very moment he had accepted his (hishishis) child. This child…
“I made this…” the thought finds its way into Shinjiro’s mind, as he traces his finger around a tiny hand. A small gasp leaves his mouth when that tiny hand suddenly wraps itself around his index finger. Slowly, a pair of yellow eyes open up, blinking a few times as Shinjiro continues to stare. “I made this…”
He says it out loud that time, finally recognizing what he had been feeling this entire time.
It’s pride.
Unlike the mother of his child, Shinjiro wants this child—this little girl with yellow eyes and black hair. He wants the responsibilities that come with raising a child, even if it’s at the cost of his own career. It won’t be easy, but Shinjiro has never been one to give up so easily.
And when his daughter starts wailing at the top of her lungs (likely out of hunger), Shinjiro holds her close to his chest. He murmurs comforting words to her, as that familiar sensation prickles his skin.
“There, there, Shiki—Otou-san is here.” Shinjiro smiles tenderly at his daughter, who is no longer nameless. It’s saddening to know about her circumstances—the way it had brought her to him… But he won’t let that get in the way of his parenting.
Shinjiro doesn’t do romance…but he can still love. And he has so much love to give to this child.
That’s what he called her.
“Is that my name?” It seems like it, from the way this man keeps repeating it. It’s hard not to cry right now, when this body still doesn’t feel like hers.
The confusion has yet to leave her, feeling so disoriented, amongst other things.
The last few hours have been one mind-boggling mess after another. She wouldn’t be surprised if the entire experience left her traumatized—coming out of that woman was not fun.
Speaking of that woman…where is she?
Was that her mother? That woman had been so loving to her, comforting her through the fear that overwhelmed her. It’s terrifying, being thrust into a world of cold brightness, after being enveloped in comforting darkness for so long.
The way her body reacted to pure instinct, not even allowing her full control of it…
Even now, it still acts on instinct—the way her mouth latches onto the bottle that’s brought to her lips. It’s a different experience altogether, though her body doesn’t care as much as her mind does. Food is food, and her body will take whatever it can get.
Her vision isn’t the best, but it’s enough that she can make out the features of the man that bottle-feeds her.
Well, it’s definitely not that woman. That woman was beautiful—or at least she thought she looked beautiful. The vision of a newborn isn’t the best, but what she was able to see…well, it was certainly something.
Not to say that this man isn’t handsome. It’s more that his face is obscured by dark lenses. The best she can make out is a smile on his face. He doesn’t sing, like that woman had. Doesn’t…have the same beauty that left her so awestricken.
Regardless, he still makes her feel so warm and safe, as she hears other voices around him speak. She doesn’t understand a thing that they are saying, but she can feel her skin starting to tingle.
It feels weird…
Ah—there’s that name again.
My name?
Yes…this is her name.
I’m Shiki.
And Shiki is her.
This is her new life.
Her second chance…
Did that woman ever call her anything?
The question lingers in the back of Shiki’s head, filling her head with more and more thoughts as she questions her surroundings. She knows next to nothing about her situation.
It still feels unreal…
And it’s so difficult to stay awake, when she feels so warm and safe…
So she falls asleep, to the soft humming that comes from the man she can only assume is her father.
The next time Shiki wakes up, her head is so much clearer. She fully understands just how baffling her situation has become. One day, she was just a typical college girl, struggling to make it through the school year with some money and good grades. And then…
And then…
There was nothing but darkness.
It was scary, but…in time, it became comforting. It helped that there was a voice around to talk to her. She never understood what it was telling her, but…that didn’t matter.
It made her feel safe. And sometimes…sometimes—she heard music and singing.
Now, all Shiki can hear is the soft breathing that comes from the person sleeping right next to her. She can barely move, with how bundled up she is in blankets. She opens her mouth, letting out a small yawn.
Sleep is imminent.
Despite her confusion, she still feels so safe, due to the way that man has treated her. He’s been nothing but kind to her, like that woman had been… Except unlike her, he gave her a name.
She still has so many questions…so, so many of them. But slowly, she finds herself easing into the fact that she has been given a second chance at life. She knows nothing about the way her first life had come to an end, but she does not care.
How it happened does not matter.
What matters is that it did happened. And knowing that, makes her feel sad about the life that she left behind.
“Shiki…” But then he calls out to her, in that soft voice of his. She feels fingers gently brushing her hair, her body carefully being pressed closer to his. She can hear his heartbeat—it’s a lot different from that woman’s.
But it still makes her feel so safe. It lulls her to sleep, taking her attention off the prickling sensation in her limbs.
The sensation continues, well into the next morning. It causes Shiki to become quite fussy, flailing her tiny limbs around as her father dresses her in white clothes. He is patient with her, despite how much trouble she gives him.
His patience never wavers, even when she suddenly spits up her food. He just wipes her mouth and continues to talk to her in such a comforting tone.
Soon, Shiki finds herself being passed from person to person, in a room filled with a multitude of people. She hears her name being spoken, in the string of words that leave their mouths. She doesn’t know exactly what it is that they are saying to her, but the meaning still reaches her anyways.
These people are happy to see her.
Happy that she exists.
Happy to welcome her into this family…
Her father holds himself quite differently now, when she is returned to his arms. His smile is far more visible on his face. She can actually make out the blush on his pale skin…
He calls out to her again. “Shiki…”
She lets out a yawn, feeling far too tired from the experience. So far, so good—the only thing she doesn’t like about her new life are the diapers…
But that’s a problem best left for another hour. Despite the setback, she still considers this better than college. No responsibilities for her just yet—all she has to do is continue living.
That’s all.
Though, as she grows more and more comfortable in her father’s arms, her thoughts begin to wander. Just where is that woman?
Why isn’t she here?
Shiki doesn’t know…and she certainly doesn’t know why her body feels so prickly. It’s not uncomfortable—just there. It keeps her mind from drifting, keeping her tethered to reality. It’s annoying, but…not too terrible.
As things are right now, it’s fine.
This is fine.
The days that go by are such a blur, and yet…
Despite this…
Shinjiro can still remember every day, in such vivid detail. The way he spends every little moment with this tiny bundle of joy.
“I made this,” he tells his teammates, on the day he introduces Shiki to them.
“You most certainly did,” says Sho, who never thought Shinjiro was the type to say something like that.
Hell, he looks damn proud of it, too. Just what happened to his stalwart companion, who had intimidated so many with his presence?
“Well, she certainly has her mother’s eyes.” Tsukiya feels a shiver go down his spine when those yellow eyes suddenly focus on him. “Everything else is all you.”
From the way such a tiny infant can still inflict such worrying fear with just a mere gaze.
“Speaking of her mother—where is she?” Shō notices the oiran’s glaring absence. He has a few guesses of where she could be, but he wants to hear it from Shinjiro first.
There is a slight pause.
Slowly, Shinjiro brings Shiki closer to his chest. He considers his words carefully, before bluntly responding, “She did not want her.”
There is no better way to say it.
Not while he still feels the sting of rejection. She doesn’t know any better, but one day…
One day…
She will, and those feelings he experiences in place of her…
Well, it’ll likely feel even worse for her.
“I guess it’s a good thing that she takes mostly after you, then…” There isn’t much that Tsukiya can see, while Shiki is nestled comfortably in her carrier. But what he can make out are features that are very much Shinjiro’s.
Pale skin, with such dark hair…
Even with the features that she does manage to share with that oiran—none of it matters, while she is in Shinjiro’s care.
“I am so sorry…” Shō bows apologetically to Shinjiro, the guilt practically eating away at his heart. “I didn’t mean to bring up such a—I’ll shut up.”
Shinjiro shakes his head. “It is fine. Shiki has me.”
They have each other.
“I thought you didn’t do love?” Tsukiya scratches the back of his head, still inexperienced to the various paths of life that a person can walk.
“I said I did not do romance—I never said anything about love.” Shinjiro sure has a lot of it toward his daughter, who is currently sucking on her thumb. “Love comes in many forms. You two should know better than to limit it to just romance.”
“I suppose that there is still a lot we don’t understand,” Shō admits, knowing fully well of the faults that he still has. It’s hard to shake off some of the things that he and Tsukiya have learned, during their time at the orphanage. “It’s hard enough learning how to love someone.”
Taking so many risks, despite the short lives they have as shinobi.
“Isn’t it frightening?” Shō asks. “Having a child?”
How many more risks are there?
“Hmm…” Shinjiro does not know how to answer that question just yet.
“Well…at least he’s not like Yūhi-san.” Tsukiya heaves out a sigh at the mere thought of that child. “I hear his daughter, Kurenai, is turning one this year.”
“Oh man—you’re only a few years older than him…!” It’s finally starting to sink in for Shō. And yet, he still can’t believe it—even though the evidence is right there, in front of his face. “You are seriously the last person I ever expected to be a father.”
“Who decided that it was appropriate to celebrate my Jounin promotion by going to a brothel?” Shinjiro eyes his teammates suspiciously. Had it not for that night, then Shiki wouldn’t be here, in this carrier that he had chosen so carefully out of a catalogue.
“Yeah, you got us there…” Tsukiya pinches the bridge of his nose. “Sorry about that, by the way—we should have just listened to you.”
“You…really deserve better friends…” Shō shifts awkwardly under Shinjiro’s gaze.
“I have you.” Shinjiro has not changed his stance. “You two who are so willing to learn from your mistakes…”
It took them time, but here they are—doing much, much better, in the nine months that have since passed.
“I am glad to have you around—more than that…” More than that—Shinjiro stops for a moment to smile at Shiki. She’s staring at him again… “More than anything else…I have you two to thank, for giving me Shiki. These circumstances could have been better, but I would not trade it for anything else…”
If Shinjiro was ever given a second chance to relive his life, he’d still allow for these events to happen. All so that he could continue holding Shiki so close to his chest…
“Thank you,” he says, with smile that almost leaves Tsukiya and Shō breathless.
It takes a few minutes for the two to recover, with how fast their hearts were beating within their chests. Every so often, they forget just how handsome Shinjiro is…
“Say…” Shō swallows hard. “What are you going to tell her, when she’s old enough to ask?”
It’s a simple enough question—one that he asks out of concern. It’s better to think about it now, instead of waiting until the very last minute.
“I might have to lie…” Shinjiro has certainly considered that option… “I doubt I will be able to, though…”
But he also knows better than to keep such important information from his own child. She deserves to know the truth…
He just hopes she doesn’t ask so soon.
“Shiki-chan is the bastard child of an oiran…” Tsukiya knows just how difficult such a life could be, having been one himself. At least now, he can hide behind his rank as a Chuunin. “Gossip spreads like wildfire here…”
It’s even worse, amongst civilians. The way that title hangs over one’s head, no matter how much distance was put against it…
“What will you do?” Shō bites his lip.
“I will do everything to ensure that Shiki grows up without any problems…” Happiness is essential for his daughter, Shinjiro thinks to himself. “The Aburame clan does not discriminate. Whether it is heritage or background—family is family. That is all that matters.”
Their clan has gone through too much to ever regress to such beliefs, held by civilians and some clans.
“Shiki is really lucky to have you for a father.” Shō pats Shinjiro on the back. “So…how is she doing with the, you know…”
Shinjiro stares at Shō for a minute before nodding his head. “We are still observing her for any negative reactions. Usually, members of the Aburame clan are introduced to kikaichū at birth. Shiki is…an exception.”
“I still can’t get over the fact you’re covered in bugs—how does it even feel?” Tsukiya looks questioningly at Shinjiro. It is a question that he had asked countless times, despite already knowing the answer. Shinjiro suspects that he was just checking to see if he is keeping any more information to himself—which isn’t too far off from the truth.
Shinjiro likes his privacy, as did most of members of his clan. If he wishes to be open, then he’ll do so, when he feels most comfortable. It’s just that this topic in particular, isn’t one that he likes to discuss.
“It is a sensation that one grows accustomed to over the years,” Shinjiro explains for the umpteenth time. “Though, I would be lying if I said it did not bother me for the first two to three years of my life…”
Shinjiro hopes that won’t be the case for his daughter. She deserves to have a better experience than him—one that she can actually talk about and not be so ambiguous about.
“Is that why Shiki looks about ready to cry?” Shō suddenly says, nearly seconds away from losing his composure.
As if on cue, Shiki starts wailing at the top of her lungs. She squirms in the carrier, as if trying to escape its confines.
“There, there…” Shinjiro does his best to calm her.
Tsukiya and Shō have known him long enough to understand that there is more to his impressive stature, and intimidating appearance. And yet, despite this, they still have a hard time processing the sight of him acting like a completely different person towards his daughter. It’s so surreal, yet…oddly endearing.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for parenthood…” Tsukiya murmurs.
Shō only nods his head in agreement.
Shiki knows next to nothing about Japanese, beyond words she would often hear, watching undubbed anime and Japanese dramas. Despite this, she is still able to pick out words, here and there—even at her current age of not even a week old. The conversation between her father and his friends isn’t any different.
Initially, she thought it was just a coincidence to hear the names Yūhi and Kurenai thrown around. Maybe her father and his friends were fans of Naruto. It sure explained their hitai-ate…
But then the word, “Jounin,” was thrown around and Shiki started to grow a little concerned. And again, maybe they’re just hardcore Naruto fans… It certainly happens.
And then she immediately fixated on the term, “oiran.”
When the fuck was she born?!
The only oiran around should be reenactors, preserving a cultural heritage. And these guys certainly weren’t talking about that. Not with the way her name was mentioned in that very same sentence!
“Why did they even—oh…” Is that…is that who her mother is? Well…that explains her absence. Of course, there could be other reasons, and Shiki is trying her best to remain optimistic…
But it’s difficult, when there is too much going on for her to remain calm. Not helping is when she suddenly hears her father say something about the Aburame.
Why is he talking about Naruto again?
“Where am I?” The question alone makes her blood turn cold. The prickling sensation in her body returns with a vengeance, and when Shiki heard her father mention the term, “kikaichū”—the pieces fall into place so easily, that it’s actually horrifying.
There is absolutely no fucking way that it was all just a coincidence. Shiki had been many things in her past life. Slow, she most definitely was and still is, but when she connected the dots, she connected the fucking dots.
The dark eyewear her father and relatives all wore. The hitai-ate her father and his friends wore—hell, if her crappy memory served her well, she recalled some of her relatives were wearing hitai-ate as well. And then there’s the prickling sensation that she felt on a daily basis. Something is completely off about her.
She suspected it a few days, but this only confirms that something is definitely wrong with her. And knowing—just knowing where the source of that sensation was coming from…
“Oh fuck…” Right now, with each breath that she takes, Shiki has thousands of tiny insects crawling inside and outside of her body.
Kikaichū, a species of small, beetle-like insects that are bred and utilized exclusively by the Aburame clan—a clan that is known to offer their newborn children to kikaichū, allowing the insects to nest and breed within them, thus creating a life of symbiosis between symbiont and host. It’s a clan that is supposed to be fictional, and yet…
And yet.
Here Shiki is, possessing enough evidence to confirm that fiction has since become fact.
This is her new reality.
She is a living, breathing example of an Aburame who has recently gone through the process of becoming a host for a species of insects that fed on her chakra… That was also supposed to be fictional—but isn’t, because Shiki is no longer has any right to say what is fact, and what is fiction. Not since the exact moment that she realized she was reborn into the world of Naruto.
Shiki’s immediate reaction is to cry. And honestly, it’s all she can really do, because her vocal cords aren’t exactly developed enough to allow her to curse up a storm. And her brain didn’t have the capacity to handle the wave of emotions that she is currently experiencing.
Oh boy, does her brain enjoy that.
Shiki doesn’t cry too long, as a result of her father’s soothing presence. He knows exactly how to calm her down, and with how tired out she is from all that thinking and emotional duress… Well, it’s not that much of a surprise that she soon fell asleep.
Obviously, she’ll have to deal with full reality of her existence.
But that is something best left for another day.
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edendaphne · 4 years
“Discordant Sonata” Chapter 17
>>Click here to read on Ao3<<
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(Mood Music: Quiet Beauty - James Todd)
One Chilly Sunday Evening
Chat Noir laughed so hard he was practically gasping for air, and his heart thumped like a drum in his chest.
How many times had they done this? Was it five? A dozen? A hundred? Racing Ladybug across city rooftops felt so normal, so natural, as if he’d done it a million times across countless different lifetimes. Whatever the case, there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
“I win!” he announced, breathless, as he landed on the solid ground of the Dupain-Cheng bakery’s balcony, promptly followed by his partner.
The light of the moon illuminated her graceful frame as she caught her breath, and it took all of Chat’s willpower not to gawk as a bead of sweat made its way from her temple to her cheek, then trailed down her jaw and onto her neck.
“Only because you cheated!” Ladybug chided, trying (yet failing) to hide an amused smile.
Chat put a hand on his hip, cheekily cocking it to the side as he caught his own breath. “I bet you could’ve won if you really wanted to. Were you trailing behind me on purpose to check out my assets? Or don’t tell me that you’ve never been tempted to take a peek?”
Ladybug raised a quizzical eyebrow, and a beat later replied with an impish smirk, “Well... I never said I haven’t.”
Chat’s eyes grew wide, his bright, chartreuse-green sclera becoming more visible than Ladybug had ever seen, their faint glow a stark contrast with the red color that bloomed on his cheeks.
Ladybug giggled (How dare she be so adorable yet still so attractive?!) and stepped towards him, placing her finger under his chin and closing his mouth with a small click. When had his jaw popped open??
“What’s the matter, Chaton? Can’t handle when somebody flirts back?” she teased, her face mere inches from his.
Chat suppressed the urge to squirm under her touch. They’d flirted countless times before, but why did his chest feel so tight when they did so lately?
Trying to compose himself and insert as much confidence as he could into his voice, he cleared his throat and straightened his posture. “I’ll have you know that I’m a very desirable bachelor in my day-to-day life! I happen to have more suitors than I can shake a stick at!”
He’d said it jokingly, expecting to get rebuffed; but Ladybug gave him an exaggerated pout, tapping her mouth with her fingers (a gesture he couldn’t help but follow closely with his gaze).
“Ohh, I see…. Should I be jealous?” she said as she looked up at him through her thick eyelashes. “Do I have competition?”
Chat reached for her hand, slowly bringing it to his lips with a slight bow. “Never,” he replied, with a bit more conviction and candor than he’d intended. “Nobody could ever hold a candle to you, Milady. Your wit, kindness, and beauty surpasses them all. It is you alone who holds the key to my heart.”
Now it was Ladybug’s turn to get caught off guard. His words were theatrical and over-the-top, as usual; but there was sincerity behind them. There was something about the way he’d said them that made it feel… real. She couldn’t help but shyly look away, her cheeks a bright crimson hue, and she tucked some hair behind her ear as she always did whenever she was flustered or nervous.
“Flatterer,” she said timidly, attempting to deflect the compliment.
“It’s not flattery if it’s true,” he replied with a wink.
Ladybug stared slack-jawed, and could only stutter out an ever so eloquent “I-I-I...” By this point, her entire face was as red as her suit, and she covered her face with both hands in embarrassment. “Chaaaaaaaat!” she cried helplessly in defeat.
Chat let out a hearty laugh, giving her a quick, comforting squeeze. He’d won this round of impromptu chicken. Deciding to have mercy and spare her from any further teasing, he changed the subject.
“Anyway, it’s too bad I can’t be the one to drop you off at your house, Bugaboo. It would be the gentlemanly thing to do. But alas, I’m lacking in the whole ‘majestic white steed’ department,” he remarked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the brick wall.
She laughed lightly through her nose. “Well, we’re not exactly your average, run of the mill coupl– uh, partners. Plus, I already know where you live, so that’s easy to do.”
Chat ignored her slip of the tongue, since he didn’t dare to hope for more. At least... not yet.
“That’s for sure,” he replied with a small chuckle. “We’re a rather unique situation. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Ladybug leaned next to him against the wall, pressing her back against the cool surface of the bricks as their shoulders bumped.
She hesitated for a few moments, seeming to gather her thoughts. He eyed her curiously, waiting for her to speak her mind.
“So…” she began, looking out into the dark autumn sky. “Which part is true? That you think I’m... beautiful, or that I hold the key to your... t-that I…”
A jolt of lightning traveled down his spine and he stared at her like a kid who’d just broken a window. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out– not even a flustered stammer.
He hadn’t meant to blurt out his feelings so casually a minute ago. In fact, he’d been working on an elaborate speech for when the time was right! It still needed lots of work; he was only on the seventh draft.
He paused to consider. Would it be so bad, though? If he were to confess to her right now?
It wasn’t how he’d planned it. There wasn’t an elegantly decorated rooftop full of roses and strings of lights, or soft romantic music, or any of the other things that would have made it perfect. He was supposed to carry her to a surprise location (bridal-style of course), her lithe arms wrapped around his neck, with a snugly placed blindfold around her eyes to amplify the mystery and anticipation.
And maybe, just maybe, she’d be impressed with his efforts enough to accept his feelings before she could realize that she was too good for him.
Truly his adoration for her knew no bounds. So much so, that he’d asked himself whether it was truly love, or if just an overblown obsession or infatuation.
And yet, he knew that wasn’t the case. He knew she wasn’t perfect. She didn’t need a pedestal. He’d placed her on one when they’d first become allies, but she pulled him up to her level, never allowing him to lower himself or place himself beneath her. She made sure that he always knew he was her equal, and not her subordinate. I mean, how could he not fall in love with her?
So, despite the fact that it wasn’t at all how he planned and he’d suddenly blanked out on his entire speech... he wanted to tell her. Now was as good a time as any.
Ladybug must have sensed the shift in his mood because she recoiled somewhat, jolting away from the brick wall.
She hastily began to backpedal, “N-nevermind, forget I said anything!! Um, anyway, have a good night!”
Chat shook himself out of his daze, then lunged forth to catch her arm as she reached for her yo-yo.
“M-milady, wait!”
She turned to face him, her face full of regret and embarrassment. “S-sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to tease you. Well– I mean, I did, but I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just–”
“No! N-no, don’t worry, you didn’t. It’s just that I’ve been… wanting to tell you something. Something important.”
He felt her stiffen at his words, and her eyes grew wide with apprehension.
Crap. He hadn’t meant to scare her.
“It’s nothing bad, I promise!” he tried to reassure her. “Or… at least, I don’t think it’s bad. I mean, I hope it isn’t. To you, that is. What I mean is…” He rubbed the back of his neck with a groan, then let out a nervous, shallow breath.
She quirked her head to the side, as she unknowingly did whenever she was feeling curious or inquisitive. He tried (in vain) to ignore how cute she looked so he could focus on the task at hand.
This is it. You can do it. Be brave like Marinette!! She’d believe in you!
The butterflies in his stomach multiplied tenfold; there was no going back.
And yet... how do you even begin to tell someone that you can’t imagine your life without them? That you’d sacrifice absolutely everything for their happiness; that you’d rather suffer a thousand deaths than to ever see them in pain? That the thought of losing them kept you awake at night more often than you’d like to admit?
How could he put into words that until she came along, he never imagined he’d be able to feel happiness again?
No; words could never suffice. There was nothing he wanted more than to grab his Lady by the waist and give her the most passionate kiss he could muster so that he could show her his love instead.
But he couldn’t. He had to know how she felt in return before he did something that rash, something that could potentially wreck their partnership if his actions were unwelcome.
He didn’t want to ruin anything. He was utterly terrified. And yet… he yearned for her to know.
He had to try. It might be selfish, but he had to tell her how he felt. Just in case she might maybe, possibly, someday, feel the same way.
Ladybug gently touched his forearm, her slender fingers skimming up and down the fabric of his gloves. “Kitty,” she began, concern written all over her face, her piercing sky blue eyes searching his own. “Is everything alright?”
Chat did his best to offer a reassuring smile, placing his opposite hand on top of hers. “I’m fine,” he answered. “I just have a bit of a confession to make.”
Ladybug’s face softened, and she returned a small smile as she waited for him to proceed, still unsure but relieved.
He swallowed thickly, and tried to steady his voice. “I know we haven’t known each other for very long. Well, I mean– technically we’ve known each other for years– but what I mean is that we haven’t really gotten to know each other ‘til recently. Uhh, that is––”
Ladybug gave a small giggle. “It’s okay, Chat. I know what you mean.”
Chat smiled back. “Anyway, I want you to know that our friendship means absolutely everything to me. And I would never want to do anything to jeopardize that, not ever. With that said, I still need you to know that I… that I...” he trailed off, looking away and biting his lip.
A few seconds passed, and he felt Ladybug’s soft hand touch his cheek, which gently turned his head to face her once again.
“Talk to me, Chat. You can tell me anything.”
Those eyes. Those big, gorgeous, absolutely amazing eyes. She was the sun and moon and stars all wrapped up in a tiny, polka-dotted package, and all he could offer her was himself. Was he enough? He silently prayed she hadn’t noticed how much his hands were trembling right now.
“I know I shouldn’t. I don’t know anything about your civilian self. Not really. Where you live, where you go to school, who your friends are. Whether you already have a special someone in your life. Or whether you–” he gulped “–whether you could ever feel the same way about me as I do about you.”
She stepped closer, sliding her hand down his arm and wrapping her fingers around his own (he’d never been as grateful that his suit had gloves as he was now, given how sweaty his palms were at the moment).
“And… how do you feel about me?” she asked, with a– dare he say– hopeful tone in her voice.
Her eyes bore into his own with such intensity and heat that he could no longer feel the chilly night air. He forced himself to hold her gaze, so she could be sure that his words were genuine.
“I wasn’t sure whether I should say anything or if it should wait until after we defeated Hawkmoth. I didn’t know if I was ready to… to open myself up and risk getting hurt in the process. Because I am so, so afraid of losing you.” He bit his lip, but continued, “But I don’t think I can wait that long. You have to know, because I might not get another chance...”
His posture straightened a bit, and he took both her hands into his. (Was it his hands that were still shaking, or hers?)
“I love you,” he finally uttered, his voice husky and low, as if it were a declaration far too sacred for others to hear. He heard her breath catch slightly. “I love you so much, My Lady.” Chat’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, and he let out a shaky sigh. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. When you’re with me, I can’t help but feel truly happy. Happy to be your teammate, happy to be your friend… happy to be alive. You make me want to become a better person, and I just needed you to know that.”
He shrunk into himself somewhat, taking an unsteady, quivering breath, having expended all his bravery with his proclamation of love.
He’d done it. He’d confessed.
...Now what?
A few moments passed in silence. He bit the inside of his cheek anxiously, unsure of how to continue.
Mayday. Mayday. The hairs in the back of his neck stood up on end; his mind nervous and uncertain.
“A-anyway, that’s all I wanted to say,” he blurted out. “I know it’s a lot to take in; you don’t have to say anything back.” He let go of her hands and crossed his arms, suddenly feeling quite vulnerable. “I mean, I’m not gonna lie, I’d prefer if you said something back just so I know where we stand, but you definitely don’t have to,” he continued to ramble. “I don’t want it to be awkward or uncomfortable between us, so I won’t mention it ever again if that’s what you want. I’ll always respect your wishes and do what you think is best, ‘cause I have complete faith in you and I–”
His nervous ramblings were cut short by warm, delicate lips delivering a featherlight kiss to his cheek, and Chat let out a small gasp despite himself.
“Was that alright?” she asked, her voice breathy and soft.
Chat practically swooned in disbelief. “More than alright,” he exhaled. “S-so… does that mean that you like m–”
Ladybug stood on her tiptoes and surged forward to capture his lips, answering his question in a way he never would have imagined when he woke up that morning.
There was no way this was actually happening. Was he still breathing?? The girl he loved not only liked him back, but was doing something he’d only ever dreamed about.
He decided to take a chance. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, to which Ladybug responded with a small, surprised moan, and then wrapped her arms around his neck. At some point, his hands had ended up on the small of her back, pulling her flush against him, and he was sure she’d be able to feel his heart pounding.
Several blissful moments later, they separated to catch their breath but didn’t pull completely apart. Chat was sure that if he let go of her, he would surely melt into a puddle on the spot.
Ladybug panted lightly. “So… does that answer your question?” she asked, still smiling, her lips almost brushing against his.
Chat cleared his throat, then managed to stammer out in a raspy voice, “Uh, yeah, that works.”
He bent his neck forward so she wouldn’t have to stand on her tiptoes anymore, pressing his forehead against hers and closing his eyes in contentment. Surely this was too good to be true, right?! Was he asleep??
But as always, the overthinker in him struck again and a thought came to him. He furrowed his brow in concern as he became acutely aware of the fact that just because she liked him back didn’t mean she wanted to become anything more than partners. Maybe the kiss was a one-time thing and she wanted to keep things professional? He wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
Why can’t I just be satisfied with what I already have? This is more than I could ever ask for, so why press my luck?
Ladybug, perceptive as ever, noticed his unease.
“What are you thinking about, Chaton?” she whispered with a slight frown.
Deciding to be honest, he loosened his hold on her and stepped back, his jaw tensed. A few thoughtful seconds later, he tried to explain, “I just… What do you want me to be to you? I know we can’t exactly act like a ‘normal’ couple. It’s not like we can go to the movies or amusement parks together, and you can’t exactly take me to your house to meet your parents. So, umm… what happens next?”
Ladybug reached for his hand, squeezing lightly. “If you’re worried that I’m only interested in a fling or a friends-with-benefits type of relationship, I’m not. I don’t know how this is gonna work, and I do want to take things slow, but… you are so special to me, Chat. All I know is that I want you in my life. As more than teammates. Do you want that too?”
“Yes!” Chat exclaimed (a bit more emphatically than he’d intended) and nodded. “I want to make this work! I really do.”
She reached up to cup his cheek, stroking it gently with her thumb, and he couldn’t help but lean into her caresses. “And, while I don’t think we really need a formal label for what we have, if giving it a name makes you feel better, then… What if we’re ‘dating’? What do you think? Sound good to you?”
Chat grinned, lifting his hand to run it through her long, dark hair. “It’s more than I could’ve ever hoped for,” he replied, completely elated. “I’ll make you happy, I swear it.”
She stepped back into his space and wrapped her arms around him, letting her hands wander until they settled on the base of his back. And even though he was much larger than her, her hugs always somehow managed to completely envelop him in feelings of safety and comfort.
“You already make me happy, you dork.”
Chat shifted his body so he could make eye contact with his beloved once again. His hand wandered to her jawline, which caused her to shiver with what he hoped was pleasure and anticipation. He made his way down her jaw towards her chin, his movements slow and deliberate, relishing how absolutely beautiful yet adorably shy she appeared in this moment.
Tilting her chin upwards with his forefinger, Chat leaned down and Ladybug’s eyes fluttered shut, her blush still visible under the faint glow of the balcony lights. Chat shut his own eyes in preparation…
...Only to bolt upright in alarm. His ears twitched and he whipped his head around, searching. Without a word, he scooped up Ladybug and bounded up onto the rooftop, landing behind the balcony wall. Ladybug let out a less than dignified “EEP!!”, clinging to him as she was whisked away.
Upon landing, she was about to ask Chat what was going on but he gently placed his finger on her lips. Then he moved it to his own lips, shaking his head. Ladybug understood and nodded. Then they stood there, still as a statue, and waited.
Hinges creaked as the hatch door swung open, and the pair heard someone climb out onto the balcony. Said individual took a deep breath of the fresh evening air, then walked towards the railing to look out into the city.
A few minutes passed, and Chat finally realized the rather intimate position he and Ladybug had put themselves in during their hasty escape. There he stood, back pressed to the wall, with his partner essentially plastered up onto him, their limbs an intertwined mess, leaving not even a sliver of free space between their bodies. Ladybug seemed to realize this at about the same time, and they looked to each other with matching flustered grins, blushing furiously. She made to move away slightly and give him some space—
But her yo-yo had partially unraveled during their clamber onto the roof, and had wrapped around them, becoming tangled in both his cape and his tail. She giggled awkwardly, then began squirming— first lightly, then a bit more vigorously when it became clear that that was ineffective. Chat bit his lip almost painfully, trying very hard not to think about their current situation, lest he unwillingly embarrass himself in a more... somatic way.
A voice cut through the silence of the nighttime air, jolting them to a halt, and they ceased their struggles once again to listen in. Chat twisted his mouth, frowning. He wasn’t normally the type of person who enjoyed eavesdropping; but he didn’t exactly have a choice at the moment.
“What are you doing up here, Tom?” asked the voice of Sabine Dupain-Cheng as she climbed out onto the balcony.
“Oh, nothing. Just, uhh... getting some fresh air. No other reason,” Tom replied, with a tone that wasn’t entirely convincing.
Sabine made her way to stand next to her husband. “You wouldn’t happen to be waiting for a certain housecat to return from the akuma attack that happened earlier tonight, would you?” she asked knowingly.
Tom stammered, “N-no! No, of course not! I’m not waiting for anyone! And I’m certainly not worried! Nope, definitely not worried sick whatsoever; not at all.”
Sabine leaned into him with a playful giggle. “That’s what you say, dear. But I can tell you’re very fond of him.”
“I-I am not!” he sputtered. “I just… wanted to make sure he was going to show up at work tomorrow, that’s all. We have that big shipment of sugar coming in and—umm— my back is sore, so I’ll need the help! Yeah, that’s it. I’m just making sure he acts responsible.” He nodded solemnly, crossing his arms.
On the other side of the wall, Chat couldn’t help but crack a smile at Tom’s poorly-hidden concern. He’d never seen this side of him before, at least not as Chat Noir.
Sabine patted Tom on the back. “Well, you should come back inside. It’s pretty chilly tonight and we can’t have you catching a cold. He’ll be back soon. He’s probably just having some ‘alone time’ with Ladybug.”
Chat and Ladybug practically jumped at this statement, whipping their heads towards each other, then back down at their current predicament. Chat shrugged apologetically with a rather sheepish expression on his face, and it took all of Ladybug’s willpower not to laugh at how cute he looked.
“Hmph. You’re probably right,” they heard Tom say, and then footsteps as the married couple made their way back indoors.
“Come on, I’ll make us some tea.”
With that, the balcony hatch closed, and the pair remained still for a few moments to verify that Tom and Sabine wouldn’t come back, in case they’d left anything behind.
Chat was the first to break the silence. “So, uhhh… Now what?”
Ladybug did her best trying to find and figure out where the biggest tangles were, but the range of her movement was quite limited.
“It’s too dark, I can’t see anything,” she replied. “And even if I could, I can’t move my arms much.”
“Same, my arms are pinned down. What should we do?”
Ladybug scrunched her face, deep in thought. A few moments later, her brows raised as an idea came to her.
“Uh… I have an idea, but it’s a bit risky.”
Chat cocked his head to the side with curiosity, waiting for her to elaborate. “Go on.”
“Well, umm… don’t freak, just hear me out. What if we detransformed?”
Chat looked at her like she’d suggested that they throw themselves into an active volcano, and she quickly added, “W-with our eyes closed, that is! That way, we can re-transform and everything will be in its proper place.”
Chat pondered her words. It did seem like the simplest, easiest solution.
“Well… Okay,” he replied. “Let’s do it. I swear I won’t look.”
Ladybug grinned widely at him. “I know. I trust you.”
She leaned into him, placing her head against his chest.
“Ready?” she asked.
“Yeah. Claws in.”
“Spots off.”
A flash of neon green and pink briefly illuminated the rooftop, and then it was dark again.
A detransformed Chat couldn’t help but let out a gasp. This was the very first time he’d ever touched Ladybug without the barriers of their near-indestructible suits. Her shirt was made out of some lightweight fabric, much too thin for this kind of weather, as if she’d been lounging at home when the akuma attack had begun earlier and she’d left her house in a hurry. He took the opportunity to savor this moment, wrapping his arms around his Lady’s shoulders, keeping her close and warm.
His fingers touched something silky and sleek, and he almost gasped again in awe. “Your hair is down,” he uttered, almost too quiet for Ladybug to hear.
He felt her smile against his chest. He took this opportunity to glide his bare hand down her long, thick locks, relishing the feel, knowing he wouldn’t be able to touch her like this again. At least, not for who knows how long. He wished with all his heart they could stay like this forever.
Her body shifted slightly, and a beat later he felt her fingers sneak into his own hair, massaging his scalp in a comical manner.
“If you get to touch my hair, I get to touch yours,” she stated, her voice impish and playful. “Good Lord, what shampoo do you use?! Your hair is so soft!!”
Chat let out a hearty laugh. “I bet we look ridiculous right now, just two people on a roof groping each other’s heads. Good thing it’s too dark to see anything.
Ladybug snickered as she lowered her hands, holding onto him to help keep her balance. The rooftop was relatively flat, but the physical contact made her feel safer regardless. “Yeah, I don’t think anyone could see us if they were to look out their windows; it’s a new moon tonight. But we should still keep our eyes closed, just in case.”
She laid back into him and they embraced in silence, enjoying the calm. His hand traced gentle patterns on her back, and she nuzzled even closer to keep warm.
“Your voice,” Ladybug said, cutting through the stillness.
Chat raised an eyebrow. “Hmm? What about it?”
“It sounds different somehow. Kinda… softer? I dunno,” she said, shrugging slightly.
“Now that you mention it, you sound kind of different too,” he agreed.
The glamour magic must be stronger when they’re transformed, he realized. The magic was still present while in their civilian forms, albeit weaker. Out of costume, Ladybug’s voice sounded more… familiar somehow? He tried not to think about that too much; this wasn’t the time or place.
“D-do you like it?” he added, his tone tentative.
“Yeah!” she blurted out. “I-it’s nice. Really nice. I like it.”
He made a pleased sound, then replied, “And yours is lovely. I can’t wait til I get to hear more of it in the future.”
“Same.” Ladybug let out a long, contented sigh. “We should probably get going. They’re waiting for you inside. But you heard Mr. Dupain-Cheng; he’s most definitely not concerned about you,” she said with a snicker.
Chat busted out laughing. “He’s pretty great. Just cautious, is all.” Then he added jokingly, “He probably doesn’t want to get too attached, just in case I suddenly decide to go on a feral murder spree one day.”
Ladybug blew a raspberry and smacked him lightly on the chest. “Noooooo, I am one hundred percent sure he does not think that! I’m sure he’ll warm up to you in no time!”
“I hope so,” he replied with a chuckle. He hesitated before speaking again. “Umm, Bugaboo… Before we transform back, would it be alright if… if I kissed you again?” Ladybug’s entire body twitched in surprise. “Just once, as our real selves.”
He felt her chest rise and fall as she let out some flustered noises. She managed to settle down a bit, and replied in a hushed voice, “Yeah. Th-that would be nice.”
He moved his hand, blindly feeling around until he found the side of her face. He cupped her cheek with a featherlight touch, his other arm snugly around her waist, keeping her steady. She placed both hands on his chest, craning her neck back, eagerly awaiting what was to come. He lowered his face slowly, to avoid bumping their heads together. Their breaths mingled, shallow and nervous. Their first kiss out of the masks… would it feel any different, he wondered?
Their noses touched, and then—
They let out a simultaneous “Ow!” and he had to remind himself to keep his eyes closed in his confusion.
Ladybug reached up to feel his face, then gasped in disbelief.
“Chat! You… you wear glasses!”
He snickered at her surprised reaction. “Is that so shocking? Do you not like glasses?”
She sputtered, “N-no! I mean, yes! I mean, th-that’s not it. I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all!”
Chat couldn’t help himself. “So would you say that you made a… spectacular discovery?” he said cheekily.
Ladybug let out a long, exaggerated groan at the pun as she plopped her head onto his chest, causing him to break into a barely-contained giggle fit.
“My soul just died a little from that terrible joke,” she croaked out.
“I apologize; that’s just how eye roll!”
Ladybug made an even more dismayed sound that resembled a deflating balloon, which only made Chat crack up even harder.
“You’re soooo awwwwfuuul,” she groaned, but he could hear the smile in her voice.
“Here,” he said, sliding his glasses off his nose and onto the top of his head, resting just above the hairline. “Now they’re out of the way.”
“Good,” Ladybug giggled. “Because I’d really like to try again.”
He chuckled, angling his head down. “Whatever My Lady desires,” he replied, more than happy to comply.
Marinette glided across her bedroom, half-dancing, half-skipping, humming along to the music coming from her computer while she brushed her teeth. She paused to pick up her mannequin, spinning it around as if dancing with an imaginary partner.
“Marinette, you probably shouldn’t do that with a toothbrush in your mouth,” Tikki advised, though an amused smile tugged at her mouth.
“Hnn-kay,” Marinette replied with a giggle, setting down the mannequin, then made her way to the sink to finish up her bedtime routine.
When she was done, she walked over to where Tikki was resting at the desk, in a little handmade bed that could pass for a stylish pin-cushion or phone rest.
“Ready for bed?” she asked in a chipper voice, scooping up the kwami into her hands then heading up to her loft bed.
Tikki snickered at her charge’s excitement. This was definitely one of her favorite parts of mentoring a Ladybug. “Today was a good day for you, wasn’t it, Marinette?”
“Gosh, you can say that again!” she replied, voice high and giddy. “I just can’t believe it, Tikki! It feels like things just keep getting better and better. Now I get to plan our dates, gifts, anniversary milestones–”
Tikki raised a brow. “Uhh… Marinette, what happened to ‘taking things slow’?”
The girl pouted. “I am taking it slow! It’s not like I’m planning our wedding or anything!” The kwami rolled her eyes fondly in response.
Marinette set Tikki down on the pillow next to hers and flopped down stomach first. She turned around, still holding the pillow, and screeched happily into it, kicking her legs into the air. Tikki couldn’t help but giggle.
“Think you’ll be able to sleep with all this excitement?” she asked.
Marinette turned off the lights and snuggled under her blankets, squeezing her giant cat plushie.
“Yep! Boy, am I beat! I’m totally gonna sleep like a baby tonight.”
Tikki smiled warmly. “Great to hear. Good night, Marinette.”
Marinette let out a long yawn and rubbed the top of Tikki’s head with her finger. “G’night, Tikki.” ------
(Mood Music: The Lonely - Christina Perri)
This was most certainly not a good night. Marinette’s bleary eyes glanced over at the clock next to her bed.
3:00 AM, it said.
She groaned inwardly. She’d woken up about an hour ago and hadn’t been able to go back to sleep, despite being completely bushed.
Something just felt… off. Her stomach was churning and her skin felt like pins and needles. Should she check to make sure the front door is locked? Did she forget to do any homework? Was there a test tomorrow in one of her classes? She just couldn’t think of anything that would require her attention. Why was she feeling so stressed?? Frustration had set in, and she dreaded having to go to school tomorrow (or rather, later today, in a few hours’ time).
Maybe she just needed some water to calm down her nerves. Because that’s clearly what it was, right? Just some subconscious anxiety, maybe about the future, or getting into a good university, or having to defeat Hawkmoth.
Well… when put in that way, she supposed there were a few rather stressful things happening in her life. But even still! She hardly ever had a hard time sleeping before, because she was always exhausted!
She slowly scooted out of the bed, careful not to wake Tikki, and climbed down from her loft. Letting out a lengthy yawn, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. Maybe that would help settle her stomach.
And yet somehow, now that she was here, the uneasy feeling intensified.
What the hell?!
The last time she'd felt this kind of unexplained restlessness and malaise was when…
...When she’d found Chat in that alley after his confrontation with Hawkmoth.
Panic sunk into her gut and she bolted towards Chat’s bedroom. She reached the door and was about to burst inside, but she paused. Maybe stampeding into someone’s room uninvited while they were asleep was a bad idea. Not wanting to wake him up, but not willing to leave until she was sure of his safety, she instead crouched and placed her ear against the door.
Expecting to hear nothing except maybe some light snoring, Marinette’s eyes widened when instead she heard whimpering and sobbing. Needing no further invitation, she entered the room.
Chat was curled up in a fetal position facing away from the door, shaking and crying. It was too dark to see clearly, but she could tell he wasn’t transformed.
Is he upset? Is he sick??
She called his name with a small voice, “Chat Noir?”
The panting and sobbing continued, getting stronger and stronger with each second that passed.
“Chat, what’s the matter?” She sat on the bed and placed her hand on his back. The fabric of his shirt clung to his skin; his body was drenched in sweat.
Again, there was no response. By this point he began to toss and turn, almost thrashing in distress and terror.
He’s still asleep, Marinette realized.
“Chat, wake up!” she cried, shaking him vigorously, trying to rouse him from his nightmare. “Kitty, please! Wake up!”
He turned towards her, hair covering his face and sticking to the damp skin, and she had to force herself to not look at him directly to keep his identity a secret.
Seemingly out of nowhere, he surged forward, seizing her by the upper arms, his grip tight as a vise, and Marinette cried out in surprise.
His head hung down, and he sobbed as he squeezed even harder, “No! I won’t do it! I won’t hurt them! You can’t force me!”
She ignored the pain in her arms and called, “Chat! Please wake up! It’s me, Marinette!”
“No!! I’ll never hurt Marinette! Not ever!” he cried in a quivering, desperate voice; then he groaned and hissed in pain, in a way she could only describe as the sound of someone being tortured.
“I’m here, Chat! Marinette is here! You’re safe at home! You’re having a nightmare! Open your eyes!”
He seemed to respond slightly, his hold on her slackening somewhat, and she took this chance to slip completely out of his grip. She threw her arms around his shoulders and he seemed to go limp. She whispered into his ear, “Shhh… It’s just me… You’re okay… you’re safe now. Everything is going to be fine. I’m here to help. Don’t be afraid...” She began to rub his back, making long strokes up and down his torso, hoping that touch would help to awaken him.
Her calm reassurances and rubbing of his back continued until Chat’s hyperventilating stopped, and he slowly seemed to come to. He let out a shocked gasp and threw his arms around her.
“M-Marinette?! Marinette!! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he cried, and she felt fresh tears drip onto her sleeve.
She cradled the back of his head. “Chat! Why in the world are you apologizing?!”
“For everything. For being so weak. For being nothing but trouble for you ever since I came into your life. I never meant for all this to happen. It would’ve been easier for you if you’d left me in that alley that first night. It would’ve been easier for you if you hated me, just like everyone else.”
“Minou, I could never hate you,” she reaffirmed fervently, which only made him sniffle harder. “No matter what you’ve done or what mistakes you’ve made, you are deserving of love. You’re a good person, and more people love you than you might think. Things will get better. I promise.”
She held him as he continued to cry quietly, the pair still wrapped in each others’ arms in the otherwise silent darkness.
After a while, she dared to ask, “You don’t have to tell me what it was about, but… How often do you have these kinds of dreams?”
She felt him hesitate, unsure of whether he should divulge this information; but a few seconds later, he relented, and answered in a small voice, “I’ve had vivid nightmares every night for as long as I can remember, ever since I became Chat Noir. But I haven’t had one this bad since before I moved in with you guys. And… I’ve always been able to wake up on my own.”
“Oh, Minou…” she lamented, then kissed the top of his head.
He sniffled a little, rubbing her arm up and down gently in silent apology. “Marinette, I’m sorry to ask, but… c-could you stay? Just for a little longer? I-I don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Of course, Minou. I can stay.”
“Oh, Mari… I was so scared,” he cried. “Please don’t leave me.”
She closed her eyes so she could lower her head and kiss his forehead, barely able to contain her affection for him; immensely relieved that he’d finally calmed down. They situated themselves in the bed, arranging themselves into a position that would be comfortable for them both, and she was careful to avoid looking directly at him. He nuzzled into her, hugging her waist, and thanked her quietly. She ran her fingers through his still slightly damp hair, hoping to help him get as relaxed as possible.
Before long, she noted that his breathing had finally slowed, and she was content to watch his torso rise and fall in a tranquil rhythm until, eventually, she too was lulled into a restful slumber.
Meanwhile, outside the slightly ajar guest bedroom door, a certain baker pursed his lips in dismay... and regret.
Discordant Sonata Music Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYhk0HianmrUJWi61Hkbux08qc9oCTdB  
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} - Law x Fem Best Friend ♥ CH.2
♥ Daily living with the Heart pirates crew AU  ♥ Spoilers after Dressrosa Arc. Law´s backstory.  ♥ Female reader. Little physical description. Everybody is 18+, canon ages.  ♥ TW: Nightmares related to PTSD. Little NSFW. no further warnings. If you think I should include some feel free to tell me ♥Thank you for the likes and follows, I appreciate it them so so much! If you wanna know when I’ll be updating the next chapters, you can follow me on Twitter @LawIsMyWaifu, come interact I love to have mutuals that love Law and One Piece as much as I do ♥
Word count: 4.1K
» List of parts: {CH1}  {CH2}  {CH3}  {CH4} {CH5} «
Chapter 2.
The sound of his low, raspy voice resonated all over my head, making my body react instantly. I gasped as I felt a strike of pleasure travelling down my stomach to in between my legs. Closing my eyes, unable to move, I didn’t want to move, I wanted him to keep whispering, to kiss my neck… “Hahahaha, I’m sorry, I’m just fooling around, your face, you look astonished Y/N-ya”, he said while laying back on the bed, laughing. I chuckled as I stood up brushing my clothes as if I was trying to fix them. “Stop it, I’m not into that you ass. Goodnight”, I said trying to dissimulate how agitated and embarrassed I was.
Almost running, I left the room, directly to mine, holding on my hand my underwear. I jumped to my bed resting violently on my back. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” ... a little time passed until I passed out.
Hard knocks on my door woke me up. “Vice-Captain!! wake up! breakfast is ready!!!” Clione shouted from the corridor. “God damn how many times I have to tell this whole crew I fucking hate being awakened with shouting?” I mumbled annoyed, covering my face with the sheets.
I was brushing my hair when I remembered my “memory box” for some reason. Opened my drawer and found the little velvet red box that holds my “treasures”. Inside, there is a photo of my parents with me when I was 7, happy, eating some ice cream with them. It was taken during one of “the white parades”, on Flevance, before everything turned into hell. A little blue bow that my little sister used to wear, some photos of Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin and me when we were the only members of our crew. And, a necklace Law made with some seashells as a gift for my 15th birthday, were also inside.
I got watery eyes while looking at it, “I must be getting old”, I thought, “I got emotional over the memories” ... laughed and put everything back to its place.
“Morning..” I said, greeting the whole crew that was already devouring their breakfast. I noticed Law wasn’t there, so I had to ask. Uni told me he was in the control room preparing for the arrival at the next island. I took a few pancakes and some tea and headed to the control room to ask my captain if he needed help.
“Good morning, doc”, I saluted him. Law that was seated facing the controls, turned the chair to look at me nodding. He has more dark circles as always, so I asked him, “Oi, did you sleep last night? are you feeling sick again?”. “I’m ok, I didn’t get much sleep last night. I got caught up with the book I was reading”, he answered with his usual unfriendly tone. “Yeah, right” I answered back, rolling my eyes, and proceeded “Let me know if you need something before we get to the island”.  Left the control room and went back to my room.
I knew him well to know he hadn't slept because something was worrying him, and not because he was reading the old comic book of “Sora, the warrior of the sea against the evil Germa 66”. But hey, Law never shows any emotion besides annoyance if he is not sick.
A few hours later, the submarine got to the shore of some winter island, and we all got ready to accomplish our assigned tasks.  “Ok everyone, we will meet here at 7 pm, is that clear?” told my crew members, everybody agreed and headed to the island.
The temperature was pretty low, and it was snowing. Law was wearing the long black coat with yellow dots and our Jolly Roger that he used to wear at Punk Hazard, his hat and of course the Kikoku over his shoulder. I love when he wears warm clothing, he looks so cozy, hiding his mouth behind the collar. (He does it so his lips don’t get chapped with the cold breeze, haha).  I don't like to wear the boiler-suit when we get to explore islands, so I decided to wear a long yellow coat with a hood, also with our crew's Jolly Roger emblazoned on the left side of the chest.
We asked a few civilians where to find a pharmacy and headed to the destination following their instructions. Law didn’t say much during the walking, as he normally does.
The island seemed a little bit deserted, yet it had picturesque streets, full of colour that stand out from the snow.  It has cobbled lanes, some canals of crystallized water, there were wooden houses and shops with little lights that garnished their architecture giving the place a romantic aura. The scenery behind the city center included big snowed mountains and a big castle over one of the highest peaks.
I saw a boutique with some cute sweaters on display that caught my eyes and I wanted to try them on. “Law, would you mind if I enter here? I want to buy a new sweater.”, I said. Law looked at me and made a gesture with his hand as he was saying to go ahead.
While searching for the sweater I like on one of the clothing racks I saw through the shop window that a few kids approached the captain. The seller asked me if I needed some help, so I stopped looking at him and l directed my gaze to the girl in the shop. So, I forget about him.
After buying two cute pullovers, we continued walking through the picturesque streets.
When we finally arrived at the pharmacy shop, it seemed like it was closed, but the door was open, so we entered. I rang the bell over the counter and waited for someone to show up. Law walked in front of me and had his hand over his sword. I knew he was alert and trying to protect me even if he didn’t say a word. I didn’t think we could be in danger, yet he never fully relaxes when we are outside. After all, he is one of the most wanted pirates of our generation, so it's understandable he trusts no stranger.
After a minute or so, an old lady approached the counter from the inside of the store. She seemed a little weak and perhaps a little sick. She coughed, covering her mouth with a handkerchief, and then greeted us. “Good afternoon, how can I help you?”, she asked. Law handed her a list of supplies we needed, and we waited. “Oi, don’t you think she looks bad? I mean, she is probably sick, should I ask if she is ok?”, I told Law who gave me a disapproving sight. I rolled my eyes, and said, “Fiiiine…”, “You know that I hate you rolling your eyes at me, you did it yesterday and now too. Stop it.” I looked at him with an “excuse me?” face and while I was about to spit an insult to him the granny appeared. “I’m sorry, I put on the bag some of the supplies, but I don’t have everything you need. We are short on medicines'', she informed us and started coughing harder. “Excuse me, Mrs. Are you alright? are you sick?”, I asked as she seemed to lose composure from all the nagging coughing. Law, that hated when I don’t give a fuck about what he had just said, gave me the look of death. “Oh young lady, we are pretty much sick, a strange illness is hitting the island. Even the only doctor in town fell ill. The orphanage, though, is getting the worst part. All of the kids are bedridden”, as she said, the memories of Flevance and the amber lead disease hit me.
Law's expression changed to a more compassionate one and asked about the symptoms they were experiencing. He might be serious, he might not want to get involved in a lot of things, but he is a true doctor. And he can't let people die if he can help.
We decided to visit the orphanage in hopes of helping the sick people, so we asked the old lady to give us directions to it. She said it was pretty far from the city center and told us her husband would take us there with his cart.
"Thank you so much for offering your help, young doctors", said the old lady's husband that later told us his name was Gerald. The cart was pulled by two brown percheron horses that opened their way through the white landscape.
We had a small talk during the journey, until Gerald asked, "how long have you been together? Are you already married?". Despite the freezing cold weather, my cheeks turned to fire, and I could sense Law hiding his head even more into his coat and hat. Almost as if clarifying that we were no couple was a life or death situation I said, "WE ARE JUST BEST FRIENDS!". I realized I almost shouted and felt mortified. Gerald looked at us with a little smirk and kind eyes, excusing himself for the mistake.
A few minutes after we arrived at the orphanage. It took us almost 30 minutes to get there and the sun was starting to set on the horizon.
When we entered the place, the situation was worse than we thought. There were kids and adults lying on the ground, some of them shivering, others coughing while others were straight unconscious. A few nurses were working in order to maintain them, but the situation had clearly surpassed them.
Immediately Law and I started working. While I helped the nurses, Law used his ope ope no mi power to scan the bodies of the sick people.
We got to the conclusion that what they were suffering was a type of bacteria that caused the respiratory symptoms and the fever.
During our duty, there were times when our eyes interlocked, and we smiled at each other. I wouldn't say we like people suffering, but, we certainly enjoyed working to save lives together.
A few hours passed since we arrived there, the sun was already set, and outside it seemed as if a snowstorm was beginning. I've lost track of time until my portable Den Den Mushi started to ring. "Oi, y/n, where are you? Is Law with you? Are you alright? We've been waiting for you on the shore! It's 9 pm already and we were supposed to meet at 7!", shouted Shachi from the other side of the line. "Oh my God I'm sorry I forgot to tell you!... you see …" I explained to them what we've been doing and that we were probably not going to return to the submarine in a few more hours.
The kids and the other people began to get better and those who were helping there offered us some food that we accepted happily.
While we were having dinner, Gerald got back from outside, who's been in the forest collecting some firewood. He informed us that the weather was getting really bad so coming back to town would be pretty dangerous.
Law and I agreed that staying there for the night was the safer choice.
One of the nurses, Sister Alley, told us we could spend the night in the cabin next to the orphanage. "I'm really sorry guys, I wished we had a better place for you, we owe you so much. The cabin has a fireplace, Gerald would start a fire to keep you warm”, she said. We both smiled at her and thanked for it.
We walked some meters through the forest until we started to catch sight of a wooden cabin. Despite being a strong pirate, I’m the queen of the clumsy people, so I slipped off with what I assume was an ice patch on the already snowy ground. I was about to hit the ground when Law grabbed me by the waist and saved me from a few bruises. His face in front of mine, the feeling of being safe on his arms, I wished it has been eternal. But the romantic moment was destroyed by Law mocking me. “It must be the devil fruit; how come you are so clumsy? Be careful”, he said, and I told him to shut up, this time I wasn’t embarrassed, but I was almost angry at him.
“Here we are, let me help you with the fire”, Gerald said, opening the wood door that creaked as it moved. The inside felt cozy, there were a few cushions and pillows on the ground next to the fireplace. There were no separate rooms, so in the middle of the lounge there was some kind of mattress with a few blankets over it. Our “host” asked for forgiveness about the lack of separate beds, but Law intercepted him and said, “It’s ok sir, we are grateful to have a warm place to stay until tomorrow. If you need help with any patient during the night, just please tell us”. It might be ok for you, damn Law. Was I supposed to sleep with him? - I mean, I wanted to, but, he was still my best friend, and those thoughts should have been erased.
Gerald wished us a good night and returned to the main building.
I hung my coat and as I love to explore, I started to do so around the little wooden house. The kitchen seemed really equipped, so I grabbed a kettle and some cups. Gerald was kind enough to give us some tea bags, so I thought making some tea was a great idea.
Law was next to the fireplace, wearing only a sweater and his jeans. Apparently he has already hung up his coat and his white spotted hat. I saw him once more with a lost sight that seemed to contemplate the firewood.
Looking at him with my face resting on my arm that was over the breakfast nook, I got lost worshiping his profile. I’ve always adored his upturned nose, his spiky black hair, his facial hair, the contrast between his grey eyes and the tanned skin. How come he has always been so handsome, but I’ve never seemed to fully realize?.
The whistle of the kettle intensified as the water started boiling, but I was so into admiring my best friend's beauty that I didn’t notice. Law turned to me and woke me up from my reverie shouting “Oi, Y/N, the kettle!”. My stupid smile quickly erased from my face, and my whole skin turned red. “Sorry”, I said straight away and turned off the burner.
I served two cups, noticing that the tea has an amazing scent. I believe it was hibiscus mixed with some other spices, perhaps some cardamom and maybe a little hint of clover. The smell of the tea mixed with the slightly one from the logs burning, was wonderful.
I walked to where my captain was, “Here, I think you may like it”, I said and handed him a cup. Our fingers brushed softly when grabbed the tea, he looked at me and said “Thanks”. I sat not so near him over one of the cushions and sipped a little bit of my tea. Law looked at me and stood up from his place. I could sense how awkward he felt when he made a little pause, and then walked away.
Why is he leaving? Did I make him feel uncomfortable?, I asked myself trying to hide little stings of pain on my chest that traveled to my throat. Somehow I felt like crying, and when my eyes started to get slightly watery, Law approached me placing his hand over my right shoulder.
I turned my face to him, looking up with a slightly pouty face. I was about to cry, and I didn’t even know why when I noticed a blue little box on his hand.
He sat next to me and said, "Do you remember when we were 15?, that day when I gave you that necklace I made myself for your birthday? I looked at him confused but I answered, "yes, of course, I got it on my memory box, I'm afraid to wear it outside the polar cause it might get lost and I wouldn't forgive myself if I lose it". He was now looking at the little box moving it around nervously and finally said "I got you a better one". He handed me the little box still not looking at me.
"A present?? OMG Law, thank you very much!" When did you buy it??" I almost shouted in excitement while opening the box. Inside there was a fine rose gold necklace that has a little anatomical heart figure as a pendant. I grabbed it and admired the beauty of the jewelry I had in my hands. The heart had a little red stone crimped on it, that shined with every movement.
"Law, this is too much! It must have cost you a lot of Berries, I don't deserve such a fine jewel!, thank you so much", I expressed with a big smile on my face.
"You do deserve more than this, you know. I'm glad you like it", he said, a little embarrassed. “When you were buying the sweaters, I asked some children there if they knew a jewelry store, turned out it was just around the corner”, he confessed.
“Thank you so much, it is just perfect! You know how I adore hearts; they remind me of you.. “Doctor Heart Stealer”” I almost shouted, realizing I have said too much…
I tried to put it on my neck, but I couldn’t clip it right, so I asked him for help. He stood up, kneel at my back and passed from behind the necklace around my neck.
Some branches hit the window violently as they were suffering the merciless wind of the snowstorm outside.
He struggled a little and finally fastened the collar and when he did, the electric power went off. The fireplace was the only source of light, the dance of the fire created figures with shadows and highlights all around the walls of the cabin. We remained silent, maybe a little scared or even surprised, but enjoying the sound of the weather and the creak of the fire.
He was still behind me, and after a few seconds he placed a soft kiss on my back that sent a shiver through my spine. Once again I was unable to speak, did he… did he just kiss my back?.. Before I could say or do something Law stood up and headed to one of the windows. “The storm seems to be even worse than earlier; don’t you think?”, he said, trying to device something through the window.
I couldn’t focus on anything else than the kiss he softly planted on my nape, minutes ago.  He suddenly yawned and walked to the mattress that was in the center of the room, on the floor. He then took his jeans off and hopped inside the bed, naturally. I remained on my spot, contemplating his actions. “How could he be acting so normal?, I’m right here. He just gave me a necklace, kissed my skin and now he just goes to sleep?” I said to myself, still with a confused expression on my face.
“Oi, aren’t you coming to bed?”, he asked me, freely. “Yes… give me a second”, I said, and ran to the bathroom. The toilet was pretty tiny and basic, but enough for me to hide for a few minutes. “Come on, Y/N you slept with him two nights ago, it’s ok, he is like your brother, it’s ok…” I thought, trying to calm myself down.
I finally left my hiding place and headed to the mattress. Law was lying there, he took off his sweater, probably while I was in the bathroom, so he was only using a white tight undershirt, that molded his torso anatomy. Some blankets were covering the under part of his body from his hips. He had his forearm over his eyes, covering them with his neck stretched back.
I bite my lip, as a reaction for such a tempting scene. I was enjoying it, watching him breathe peacefully. I started feeling hot, so I took off the sweater but not my jeans and approached the “bed”.
I thought Law was already asleep, so I got in bed trying not to wake him up. I muffled myself up with the sheets. I remained still, hearing the snowstorm, fixing my eyes on the wooden ceiling, as the memories of my childhood flooded my mind. It must be the snowstorm, the wind, the cold that triggered these memories. eventually I fell asleep.
“No, stop it, my family, leave us alone!!!!”, I screamed. “Y/n-ya! Y/n-ya!, wake up!” said Law, pulling me out from the terrific oneiric world I was submerged in. I got lost into his eyes, and remained there with tears streaming from my eyes, rolling into my cheeks. Law was holding me close to his body around his arms. “Are you having those nightmares, again? why didn’t you tell me?”, he asked, worried. “This is the first time in ages, I think it must be the storm, perhaps the orphanage, the children…”, I expressed amid tears. My best friend brushed his tattooed fingers through my hair, moving it out of my face, and then wiped the tears from my cheeks.
“Oi, do you remember what happened when I gave you the first necklace?” he asked, trying to distract me. A feeling of warmth invaded my insides, suddenly I felt happy. “I do...” I said, laughing timidly, and continued, “It was my first kiss”. He smiled back at me, and said, “Mine too”.
For a second we both closed our eyes. I was grabbing the pendant with my left hand cherishing it and the memories of our younger days when we kissed for the first time. We haven't had much time to think about love while striving to survive so we forgot about it, letting the days, months and years pass, leaving the experience as a mere child’s play.
Suddenly we started laughing, Law didn't let go of me, and our faces were pretty close. “Everything's better when you laugh, I hate it when you cry, it makes me so sad…” he said, rubbing his thumb over my right cheek. I stopped laughing, as he got even closer. Almost as if the point of our noses were about to touch. I could feel the warmth of his breath over my lips, and he did too. My heart started racing, and the only thing I could hear was the blood pumping on my ears. I wasn’t moving, I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted to kiss him… I just didn’t care that he was my best friend, I just needed him to kiss me.  What is taking him so long? Why am I not moving if I wanted this more than anything?. After a good minute, that felt eternal, he exclaimed “Fuck it”, and plant the sweetest kiss over my lips. A feeling of happiness filled my insides, I’ve never been so joyful in ages, it felt the same way as the first time. I was like a teenage girl experimenting love for the first time. Both smiled still with our lips pressed. I doubted for a second if succumbing to my deepest desires was the right thing to do until he decided to turn the cute kiss into a more passionate one. From then on, the desire I’d been accumulating inside of me took control of my body…
We kept on kissing; Law slid a hand under my shirt timidly caressing the skin of my tummy. The kisses migrated from my mouth to my neck, mixed with little bites that surely would turn into hickies tomorrow.
“Law…” I gasped when his hands reached my breasts. “What?” he replied, whispering next to my ear and pinching one of my nipples in between two fingers…
Chapter 3
Ch1: Link
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
Hi, I just want to say that I really love your writings and they actually really help me relax after a hard day!😊But today i just wanted to feel pain, so can I please have a dying! reader headcannon with Chrollo. If you do write for these, Im really sorry if you dont.
Oh, anon, who hurt you? I'll make myself cry, most probably 😭
Anyway, thank you and I'm glad to hear that! 😄 And thank you for the request as well! I hope you'll enjoy this! 🙇
A/N: the idea sorta came while listening to A Grave Mistake by Ice Nine Kills (I love the live version from SiriusXM, like please 😭💞). And I was so close to writing a scenario and then I read headcanons and I just kinds stopped like oh, yeah 😂
Warning: very long, angsty, description of injuries and death
you’d never thought it could hurt so badly
or that there’d be so much blood
but, alas, that was the unfortunate situation you found yourself in
the several gashes you’d acquired during your fight were making you dizzy from blood loss
your attacker had died a few seconds before, blood still flowing from the stomach wound you gave him
that was also the only serious hit you managed to land on him
unfortunately, you just knew that it only saved you for a bit more time
you had barely managed to get out your phone, only to see the screen cracked
and you were honestly scared it wouldn't work, but you felt relief when the screen lit up
you called Chrollo, but you had to put the phone on the ground, next to your ear
you had never felt happier to hear his voice
if only you could see him one last time as well...
Hello, love! And Happy Anniversary! Where are you? I hope you're on your way because I wouldn't want dinner to get cold-
he suddenly went quiet as he heard you and you could hear shuffling in the background
(Y/N), where are you?
you told him, wheezing when you felt a sharp pain in your side as you tried to breathe in more air
you heard more shuffling before the city noise filled the background on the other end
Stay on the phone with me. Tell me what happened.
it hurt so badly to talk
your throat felt as dry as bone and also wet and the taste of blood was prominent
but you tried to talk, telling him about the one who attacked you while on your way home and how you tried to defend yourself, but their Nen far surpassed yours
apparently, your attacker had friends who wanted to destroy the Spider as well
and they would cling to anything that would hurt them or get them closer to the Phantom Troupe
you’d rather tell your boyfriend about this face to face, though
you did laugh and you heard his chuckle when you told Chrollo about the fatal hit you inflicted on your attacker
but when he asked you how bad your injuries were, you couldn’t answer
what were you supposed to say?
that you’d never seen so much blood in your entire life?
or that you could feel yourself slipping away?
(Y/N)? Talk to me, darling. I’m almost there. Just keep talking.
you told Chrollo about the cake you had bought and how you wanted to go on a date the next day or just sleep in and spend the entire day celebrating at home
he only hummed, hurrying over to you as fast as he could
good thing Shalnark installed an app on your phone that allowed Chrollo to pinpoint your location with accuracy
he swore he’d only use it in case of emergency and he’d kept his word
Chrollo felt his heart drop into his stomach when he saw your figure and all the blood surrounding you and the figure a few meters away from you
(Y/N)? I’m here now. Everything’s going to be fine, okay?
his hand caressed your cheek while the other hovered over your waist, where most of the blood seemed to come from
you leaned into his touch, smiling at him despite all the pain you felt and the numbness that started to overtake your limbs
Chrollo had already called Machi to heal you and Feitan, more for reinforcement than anything
and a few seconds later you could both hear them rapidly approaching you
Machi, please.
she only nodded and got to work, with Feitan going over to your attacker and inspecting him closely
Chrollo held your hand the entire time, smiling down at you and kissing your knuckles, hoping that you’d be saved and coming back with him injured, but alive
Machi managed to stitch most of your wounds and the bleeding stopped, but you were still pale and trembling from all the blood loss
How are you feeling, love? Better?
you wanted to say yes, just to keep that hopeful sparkle in his eyes
but you couldn’t
No... It hurts a lot... I don’t think I’ll-
Stop. Don’t say it.
Machi had gotten up and taken a few steps away from the two of you, still hearing you, but giving you some privacy
she’d done her best and you were thankful for that
you had felt her hands tremble slightly
you were friends and her boss’ lover
the idea of someone else she grew close to dying was making her sick
and Chrollo felt the same way
despite being around death so often and for his entire life, he still hated the idea of someone he cared about leaving his side like this
it was too soon
he still had so many things he wanted to experience with you and show you
he couldn’t lose you just like that
it wasn’t fair
there were tears forming in his eyes and you felt your heart clench in pain and pity when they started descending down his cheeks
your fingers wiped them away, the dry blood on your fingertips leaving faint marks where they got the blood wet again
Shhh... Don’t worry, we’ll meet again one day. Okay? And I’ll watch over you. So don’t cry anymore, please.
you were no better since you were crying as well
it really wasn’t fair
you didn’t want to die
you didn’t want to leave Chrollo
and seeing him actually react like this really moved you
as cool and charming as he always acted, even with you for the most part
you really didn’t think that he felt so strongly about you
you kissed the top of his head lightly as his face rested over your neck, lips pressing over the still warm skin and moving as if he was mumbling
or praying
Chrollo, sweetheart, please, look at me.
his eyes were teary and a little bloodshot as his hands were holding tightly onto yours
you looked so pale, but you still smiled at him
and Chrollo felt his heart crack
because it was his fault
he should’ve kept you safe
he was still trying not to be loud
and only you could see his face and feel his trembling hands
It’s not your fault. Understood? Don’t blame yourself. I want you to promise me this.
he couldn’t do that and you knew it
he’d always feel some guilt because this could’ve been avoided
if only he’d been with you, he could’ve protected you
just like he promised you
and he broke it
I promise.
he knew how stubborn you were sometimes
you wouldn’t take no or I can’t for an answer
not this time
I love you, (Y/N). I’ll always do.
his voice was anything but loud
this was only for you to hear and no one else
not even Machi or Feitan
So will I, Chrollo. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone, alright?
you smirked playfully, though even you felt like it was a pitiful attempt at making everything more light-hearted
he cracked a broken smile and kissed your forehead, arms slowly lifting you up so he could hug you properly
you hugged him back tightly, hand going through his hair as his hands clung to your torn clothes, feeling the dry blood that had soaked through
it honestly hurt to stay like this
but it didn’t matter anymore
even now, you felt safe in his arms
his cologne always brought you this feeling of familiarity and home
and his skin was so warm that you never wanted to part with him
but you slowly started feeling even more sluggish
there were black spots gradually growing in size and numbers and you closed your eyes, letting your other senses heighten
his breathing was ragged but still quiet
his fingers were digging into your skin only a little
his grip tightened just as yours started to weaken
you could only press a kiss to his shoulder before you felt a few more tears fall onto your skin
if only you could apologise for making him cry, you would’ve done it
but you could barely open your mouth to utter a whimpered sorry
and the last thing you heard was Chrollo, thanking you for loving him
as he got up, with your lifeless body in his arms, cradling you protectively
Chrollo looked down at your face
you looked as if you were sleeping
just like that time when you went to an amusement park and he had to carry you home because of how tired you were
if only there wasn’t so much blood and your body was warmer
Machi and Feitan were looking at the both of you without saying a word
Machi’s eyes were shining with unshed tears
while Feitan grimaced behind his mask
things would never be the same now that you were gone
he could already sense the change in Chrollo
Feitan, do you know who he is?
Yes, seen him before. Yakuza from the northern side of the city. Had a clash a few months ago.
Chrollo only nodded and his fingers tightened their grip a little over your skin that was growing colder
Let’s head back. After all, we should forgive our enemies. But not before they are hanged.
Chrollo and the other two Spiders walked away from the scene in silence
every memory the two of you had built over time, good or bad, was burnt into his mind and kept replaying
he glanced at you again
you would never be forgotten
you would always be loved
Chrollo swore this
and swore to get even and kill them all
revenge is a confession of pain
and he had never felt so much of it before
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When We First
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Boba Fett x fem!reader Rating: G (subject to change) Warnings: discussion of bounty hunting, mentions of spice and alcohol, passing mentions of violence (pretty tame start tbh) Summary: How were you to know the role Boba Fett would play in your life when you first crossed paths? A series of firsts between Boba and his partner as their lives and the galaxy unfold before them, an expansion on my one-shot, We Never Stopped.
[Masterlist] [Chapter One] [Chapter Two]
When we first started did you know we’d never stop?
You’re not sure when you first heard of Boba Fett and his infamous escapades across the galaxy, but you were plenty familiar with his reputation by the time you find yourself working for the Hutt families. Everything about the man shouted ego, and maybe he had earned the right to think so highly of himself. You couldn’t help but be in awe the first time you watched him cross Jabba’s throne room in his dusty green beskar. Spurs clinking along, you followed his every move, and he didn’t even spare you a glance. You were nameless, just another one of the multitudes of bounty hunters trying to make a living in a ruthless galaxy. To be hired on by the Hutts, or any of the other syndicates, meant your skills surpassed most others in your field, but you were no Boba Fett.
At least not yet.
One day you would walk around the palace, head held high, like the Mandalorian. You would show the scum here that you had not clawed your way out of the gutter for nothing. One day you would strike fear into the hearts of all those who looked down on you.
There was no way for you to know then that Boba was not looking right through you. No, Boba saw you. From the first moment he laid eyes on you he recognized that gleam in your eyes; that spark in your soul that made you want to prove the whole galaxy wrong. If you could cut it with the Hutts, you would be a force to be reckoned with. Female hunters didn’t typically last long with the Hutts, considering Jabba was an utter pig, so you had your work cut out for you. Boba would keep an eye on you. He wanted to watch to see if you would sink or swim.
Jabba too recognized the look in your eyes and was happy to put you to use. He was ready to put your skills to the test not long after you first crossed paths with Boba. You were happy to oblige.
One of Jabba’s lieutenants had defected to a rival syndicate, one would assume in order to undermine the Hutt Empire and make a few credits to boot. It was a rough blow to the Hutt. If he couldn’t keep his subordinates in line, how was he supposed to run an enterprise that spans systems? Jabba needed to send a message, one that would be heard through all his organization. You would be the instrument of his rage; you would send his message. Bring the traitor back alive or bring him back in pieces.
Being the overachiever you are at heart, in an attempt to earn your new employers favor you don’t just drag Vale back to Tatooine, but you haul back the half a million credits worth of spice he’d skipped town with. The idiot had tried to unload the stolen spice on dealers who already had the fear of the Maker branded onto their souls by the Hutts. None of them would buy goods stolen off the Hutts if they wanted to live to see another day. You’d just had to go down the line of skeazy drug dealers to track down the quarry. Considering Vale had been working for Jabba you’d have thought he’d have a little more common sense than to try and offload spice while on the run. You chalked it up the fear of the chase. More often than not the terror of being caught, and the consequences of such capture, seemed to lead to more irrational behavior. He wasn’t the first quarry to do so and probably would not be the last. Nonetheless, you knew better to look a gift bantha in the mouth and happily went along for the quick chase. He did have the common sense to no put up too much of a fight when you did catch with him. You had him significantly outgunned and obviously outmatched in terms of skill. Poor sap barely knew how to hold his blaster properly (it looked like a pitiful attempt to mimic some shitty holofilm shootout).
While the traitor did not fight, he was quick to try and bribe his way out of your grasp. He offered up the stolen spice (which you would have had to been suicidal to accept), information and credits.
“Name your price, bounty hunter.”
“What makes you think you’d be able to pay me more than the price Jabba’s placed on your head?”
No, there was no price this man could offer to free him from his fate, even if the offer for information on Jabba was tempting. You dragged the sniveling excuse of a man back to your ship kicking and screaming through the underbelly of Corellia. The damned planet proved to be a better foe than your quarry. There was more than one scumbag hanging around who would happily steal your prize out from under you and try they did. You manage to throw Vale into the hull of your ship through a hail of blaster fire, mostly unscathed. As you threw the ship into gear, flipping switches and adjusting controls with practiced ease, you give Corellia the finger and speed off into space.
Returning triumphant to Tatooine you throw Vale at Jabba’s feet and received a small fortune of credits in return. When you mention the stolen spice stowed away in the safety of your ship Jabba grinned, well as much as the fat slug of a Hutt could, and directed Bib Fortuna to provide you with another case of credits. You swear the twi’lek almost looked forlorn as he passed you the additional payment. Despite your best efforts you couldn’t help but feel the pride swell in your chest as the praise you were showered with that night. Maybe flattery from thugs was not what you should be wishing for but that’s what you had, you could live with it. This was the life you chose for yourself after all.
There were more than a few drinks purchased for you while the party watched Jabba throw the traitor to his beasts, but only one made you pause. The gloved hand passes you a glowing glass of spotchka as you lounge near the back of the throne room. It is impossible to read the blank stare of his beskar helmet when you meet his eye (or where you think his eyes are) but he appears almost relaxed as he leans up against the booth. Neither of you speak; you tip the glass to him in a mock toast, and he nods back. His own silent recognition for your achievements. You try to blame the warmth spreading through your veins on the alcohol, but you know you’re just kidding yourself. The acknowledgment from Fett was worth more to you than all the credits in the galaxy.
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inimoo · 2 years
Operation: Eradicate the Homoerotic Energy Between Our Dads
Chapter 14 - Remnant
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Michael overhears his father calling Uncle Henry 'babygirl' and is mortified to a point where he enlists the help of his best friend Charlie to attempt to eradicate all forms of sexually charged tension between their dads.
Consequentially, this leads to the discovery of a freakishly humanoid robot that looks and is exactly like Charlie's long dead mother abandoned in their parents' old college so, in hindsight, they probably should've just let them make out.
“How is she alive?” Charlie asks from across the kitchen island, a bowl of cereal in her hands. It’s 6 in the morning, which is unfortunately the only time they can have these types of conversations at home without someone hearing. The two them are discussing what had happened the previous night while eating breakfast. Well, while Charlie eats breakfast. Michael already finished by the time she had left the washroom.
Michael runs his hands over the kitchen rag after setting his freshly cleaned plate aside, “She said something about remnant.” “Remnant is something that remains.” Charlie muses, “But you can’t bring a robot to life. You can’t give robots blood and thoughts.” Michael sighs, leaning over the island as his mouth twists in frustration, “How can a robot remember things from a dead woman’s memory?” “And why on god’s green earth does she have such… human emotions?” Charlie shudders.
After a very strange night and finally falling asleep, the realization that there was an actual humanoid robot person that shouldn’t even exist had talked to them like that was a little more confusing than exciting. 
“She has memories of the last time she was turned on too,” Michael says thoughtfully, looking out onto the yard where a group of birds is hopping around, “Your dad said that he’d come back for her, right?” “But he never did,” Charlie sighs, “God, why the fuck were we the ones found her? It could’ve been anyone else.” “At least she doesn’t want to kill us.” “That’s not exactly a very high bar to surpass Mike.” she deadpans, giving him a look. “We have to go back to see her again though.” “Yeah I’m not going to like, turn her on and then learn her tragic backstory and not go back to see her.” Michael leaves the other side of the kitchen island and rummages through the drawers of the living room before pulling out a piece of paper and returning to stand beside Charlie.
“There’s not really any privacy in this place so we can’t have one of those huge whiteboards,” he says, uncapping a black sharpie, “But it’d be good to write down what we know.” Charlie looks over his shoulder as he writes in big bold and messy letters, ‘robot woman (aka. Aunt Sam’.
“That’s totally not incriminating evidence.” Charlie says sarcastically and he rolls his eyes.
“So she doesn’t want to kill us.” he says writing that down, “But she does want us to bring her to Uncle Henry, which isn’t exactly possible because she’s supposed to be dead.”
“Sucky situation.” Michael writes the words ‘Remembers:’ under that, “She remembers everything from when she was alive, but not the person who killed her.”
“That’s wonderful news.” she sighs sarcastically, “She remembers her feelings though, right?” “Yeah,” Michael answers, making a thought bubble over a dead stick woman and writing down words as he spoke, “Sadness, fear and… what was the other?” “Betrayal.” Charlie supplies, “Lots and lots of betrayal.” “Truly a tragedy.” “We shouldn’t joke about this.” Charlie says, but her mouth quips up in the corners. 
“Stoppp.” he laughs, looking at the way she suppresses her giggles. “It’s not funny.” “Yeah yeah,” she says, “What else?” “She… well she doesn’t really have control over her emotions.” Michael remembers, “Like she told us she didn’t want to cry in front of us.” “Who wants to cry in front of people in general?” He laughs, “Yeah but it was really sudden. Like if she were to even think something bad she’d freak out and start to cry.” “I think that’s what one calls a mental illness.” Charlie says, a small laugh threatening to leave her lips.
“Robots don’t have mental illnesses Charlie,” Michael reminds her, “And if they did, I’m not really sure if they can work through their feelings by going to therapy or something.”
“Maybe she’s broken?” she offers, her eyes sweeping over the photos on the wall. There’s this one specific one that looked like it was decades old. It technically was actually, because it was taken at Henry’s high school graduation with him and a few friends whose names she didn’t know posing with bright smiles on their faces. Her mom’s in there too, smiling in the background with her friends, eyes not even glancing at the man she’d have kids with. It’s a little amusing to think about honestly.
Michael tilts his head. “Broken as in…?”
“Like,” she lets out a breath of frustration, “She told us that this ‘remnant’ thing gave her memories of her life. What if something was wrong with it? What if it makes her freak out when something goes wrong? She’s made out of code, right?” At the mention of that, Michael groans in annoyance. “How can she have blood is the question here. Where does she even get that from? She’s a robot, a robot made out of code and electricity!”
“Fuck if I know man.” Charlie sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose as she closes her eyes in aggravation, “I’m just. Wow, she seemed a lot less confusing last night.” “Heck I loved talking to her.” he says, “She sounded so… human.” She lets out a breath and spins around on her swirly chair therapeutically, “I just. Why was she even made? And why would Dad tell her that he was coming back? She’s- god he’s an idiot. You can’t bring people back to life.” Michael pauses, his lips tightening, “I mean… she is sort of alive.” She looks at him, “She’s - I don’t know what she is.” “Your dad probably knows.” he comments in a subdued voice. “But we can’t tell him about the fact that we woke up his grief human robot and then told her that we’d come see her again when we were supposed to be stargazing safely in the woods and not exploring abandoned buildings that probably has like, 700 different safety hazards.” “I don’t want to turn her off.” “Wouldn’t it be nicer if we did?” he asks, “I mean, she can’t really live normally.” He hears a door open down the hallway and he glances back. He makes short eye-contact with his father, dark circles and messy hair, before swiftly turning back to Charlie with a look that said ‘hurry up this conversation’. She looks behind him, catching William’s retreating figure enter the bathroom and sighs.
“First we have to find out why she is alive in the first place.” Charlie laments, “And it has something to do… with that remnant.” “And we have no idea what ‘remnant’ is in the first place.” he groans, burying his head in his hands. “All of our answers are at the college and we can’t keep going there. Your dad barely even let us last time.”
She rests her head on the table.
“I hate this.” ~
When William pulls both of them into the unused office room, he has this strange glint in his eyes that makes both of them miles more uncomfortable than it should be. He even asked politely which wasn’t in character for him at all. He’s wearing a suit again though which gave them the small comfort of familiarity.
They sit down on the opposite end of the wooden desk and it feels comically familiar to every time they’d been sent to the principal's office in elementary school. Or that time Charlie had offered to be moral support to Jessica on her first job interview. Both of these instances were truly one of the worst experiences of their life.
William looks at them in interest like he had never seen them before. As if they were completely different people in his eyes. They gulp nervously, hands intertwining under the table like they always did when they were in trouble together (although they weren’t exactly sure if they were in trouble yet). 
“Charlotte,” he says suddenly, looking towards her. She smiles awkwardly cursing the fates for giving her the attention of the world’s most intimidating man.
“Hi.” she greets, waving her hand. “Uncle William.” she adds quickly. “Hi Uncle William.”
He beams like a switch had flipped in his head and had turned on his charisma levels. “When did you wake up this morning?”
“Um, I don’t. Really remember?” she tells him. “Around 5 or 5:30.”
“You’ve been up for quite a while.” “I’m not a deep sleeper.” Charlie offers, not knowing what else to say to that, “Couldn’t really sleep much either way.”
“That’s a shame,” he says, but she guesses that he couldn't care less. Then he leans forward with this weird shine in his eye like he always did when he sees opportunities in something. “I couldn’t help but overhear a part of your conversation this morning.” Michael and Charlie glance at each other. Oh, we’re fucking screwed.
They don’t really remember most of the conversation looking back, but somehow they walk out with a secret deal and are now in the car with an uncharacteristically smiley William driving to the old abandoned house that they used to live in 17 years ago. Michael and Charlie exchange panicked looks the entire way there, internally freaking out in every possible way. Something about remnant, robots and tragic incidents all seemed to somehow fit into this annoying situation they’ve found themselves in and they’d really rather not involve themselves more than they’d already had but it seems like they didn’t exactly have a choice.
William brings them down into the basement (they didn’t even know they had a basement) of the house, turning on lamps that really shouldn’t be working and uncovering piles of somethings from under dirty old sheets of fabric. The work environment would be terrible if he was trying to make them actually do things in here. 
There's a multitude of random half-finished robots, drawings of animals and characters supposedly drawn by Henry, and, what took up the most attention, was the random fucking metal sketelon thing that William pulled out of an inconspicuous closet in the corner of the room.
Literally skeletons in a closet.
“Is that -?” Michael starts but William doesn’t let him finish. “It’s sort of an endosketelon,” he explains in a quick pace like the two words that left Michael’s mouth were already the biggest interruption the world had ever seen. “It’s the flesh of a robot.” ‘ Okay,’ Charlie thinks, ‘that’s a self-contradictory sentence.’
“He never let me touch this,” William trails with a hint of wonder in his eyes as he looked down at the flesh robot thing, “But you two… you reminded me of it again.” He beams at them and it’s not even that weird manic grin that he has normally with them. It’s not that fake business-man smile he does when he’s with the public. It’s one that’s perfectly crafted to appease people he’s known his entire life. That knew him more than business partners or parents at the pizzeria. William realized a while ago that none of the expressions he’d practised back in high school worked on Henry and Charlotte and especially not on Michael. William had noticed a lot of things about the people he’s spent the important period of his life with. He did kind of need to to cover up the whole murder thing.
Charlie and Michael’s friendship is just as infuriatingly strong as Henry and Samantha’s was. It has the same understanding, the same amount of memories, they have the same mannerisms and Charlotte wears the same smile that Henry had for Samantha when she looks at Michael. On paper this was sweet. To William, it made his heart burn with annoyance. Anything that reminded him of Samantha was a reminder that he was a bad person. A horrible, dastardly being. Not because he didn’t know that, deep inside his heart, but because he had convinced himself many many years ago that what he did was beautiful. It was a mercy on the children he slaughtered. They didn’t have to learn the anguish of the world if their life ended before they experience it. He knew he was lying to himself but he thought that maybe if he said it enough times it would become true.
Samantha though? She loved being alive. She had been through everything the world hated her for and she still loved it. She loved loving. She loved Henry. She loved being with Clara. She loved her life, her job, her friends. Everything around her, she found a way to love it. She loved William too. And she still died. 
He doesn’t like thinking about Samantha. They were the same, but she found a way to love her world. He never did. Samantha was loveable. He was not. She had the same shitty parents that convinced her that she would never be someone worth anything and she became everything they said she wouldn’t be. William just became exactly what they predicted.
He hates being like Sam. Because Sam was proof that he was a bad person, and he didn’t want to admit that.
Michael, he hasn’t seen someone like him before, which is one of the many reasons his existence and his very personality was annoying. He hasn’t experienced it before. Michael isn’t like his mother and he isn’t like Henry and he isn’t like him. He has habits from other people that William’s never met and he has these quirks that make him so annoyingly human that it’s tiring to hate him so much. But even if it was tiring, he still feels rage burn in his chest when he looks at his face, at his smile, at his eyes. He looks like William. He has the same voice as William. Visually, he is the exact copy of him but so much better. He hates Michael because he’s better than him, and that he still was even after he killed Evan.
But he supposes he can work with the two just for a little while to finally, finally figure out what Henry had hidden from him for so long. He can feel excitement shoot up his body, his fingers tingling with anticipation as he gazes at the two teenagers with the smile he had made just for them.
He can change them; He can make them just as bad as he is.
Maybe he’ll hate a little less after that.
The deal was simple enough on paper. Charlie and Michael help William’s research and in turn, the pressure of deciding what to do with Sam would be off their shoulders. And he wouldn’t tell Henry about accidentally turning on the robot he left behind.
The first phase of the cooperation is named questions. They sit on the old fraying couch that split at the seams, with coffee in their hands. When William pretends, it’s easier to be nice to him. It’s easier to enjoy having conversations with him.
William stirs the spoon he got from god knows where in the cup of his black coffee, “Who did you meet that has possession of remnant?” Charlie answers first, “A robot we found at the college.” she tells him, desperate to get the load off of her chest, “And I know we weren’t supposed to go near it or anything but- but we did and we found this robot and accidentally turned it on.” “It was an accident.” Michael stresses, “Like the second we touched it just. Opened its eyes.” William’s mouth twisted, “Was the robot an animal or?” Michael and Charlie look at each other, then back at him with uneasy expressions. “You can tell me, you won’t get in trouble.” Which is weird because every time Michael’s ever told William anything it wasn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows.
“It sounds fake when you say it out loud.” Charlie attempts. “Like really unbelievable.” “I’ve seen a lot of unbelievable things in my life Charlotte,” he says, “Tell me.” There’s a short silence that envelops the three as she physics herself up to open her mouth again. “I - well,” she falters, trying to find the best way to explain it. “It’s my mom.” William’s eyes flash with something they don’t quite catch. Other than that he seems to be patiently waiting for the explanation from Charlie. Though the inexplicable spark of hesitancy is infuriatingly clear to him.
“Or well, she was made to be a copy of her.”
Henry’s a liar. He said he’d never go that far.
“And she has,” Charlie waves her hands around trying to turn her thoughts into words in an understandable way. “She has all these memories from when she was alive. She remembers us when we were babies and she - well, the only thing she can’t remember was who killed her.”
He’s more than grateful for that. He hates (and loves) thinking of her face the night she died. What a perfect, kind woman, dying because she was too good for her world. His world. The one they all shared together - the four of them.
It was always quite curious to his professors. The development and the evolution of his friendship with Henry and Sam. Add the way Clara seemed to hate every thing about him the first time she met him but kissed him at midnight on their first date. It was always just something that existed in the lecture halls and campus cafés. Samantha Rogers, Henry Emily, Clara Shmidt-Castro, and William Afton.
Charlie looks like Samantha. The only similarity she shares visually with Henry is his hair and eyes. Other than that, she is the carbon copy of her mother. But the way she talks, the way her charisma fades and shoots back up depending on who she was talking to, the way she smiles at people, the way she talks to children like they were all wonders of the world: That was all Henry. 
Looking at Charlie was like looking at everything he could never be. Looking at Charlie and Michael together was like looking at everything that fell from his grasp when Clara died.
He doesn’t like thinking about that either. 
“And,” Charlie continues, “Well, she’s alive. She says she’s alive at least and - I don’t know, I’ve never thought about whether sentience gives you life or not because I’ve never had to decide whether a robotic copy of my mother is considered alive or not.” she laughs, a bit erratically honestly. She talks like Henry. Acts like Henry. Loves like Henry. It’s infuriating. “I don’t know. I don’t - she… she wants to see Dad but like, she’s supposed to be dead and, I mean get why, he told her that he’d come back for and ten just… didn’t” Charlie sighs. “I guess she wants to know why maybe?”
William hums in acknowledgement, eying her with all the attention in the world. It’s as much he’d ever given her multiplied by ten. But William always seemed to find her interesting. He just stopped acknowledging her after Sammy died.
“If she’s alive then turning her off is just, essentially killing her and - God, no one wants to do that.”
There’s a spark in William’s eyes - almost like it’s amusing to think about. Depressingly, horribly, amusing. “You’ll be okay Charlotte, you’re much too young to deal with this.” But Sammy was too young to die, he reminds himself, the ghost of morality seizing his mind, so maybe Charlie was old enough to kill.
Michael is younger than Charlotte, albeit not by any more than a few weeks. He hasn’t said anything, all of his attention is on Charlie. The two think alike, he doesn’t have anything to say that Charlie wouldn’t. The way he looks at her - the way they look at each other - is so horribly similar to the way they used to look at each other. The way Henry and Sam used to be.
It’s sickening, It’s sweet. It’s a reminder of everything he took from him.
She leans back into the sofa (she was always better at speaking to him than Michael). “She likes when I call her Mom. She likes it when Michael calls her Aunt Sam. It’s like she wants to convince herself that she’s still her real self. And like, really there’s no difference except for the fact that she’s 17 years too young and that she’s a robot. A freakishly human robot.”
“How often does she wake?” he asks. “I don’t think she can turn off in the first place.” Charlie says miserably, “She wasn’t meant to turn off. She was built to be human, right?”
“That’d be annoying.” William says. “She’s not annoying.” Charlie tells him, “She’s really, really fun to talk to actually. She’s so human. Which is why I’m asking you right now, what is remnant?” And it’s kind of funny, if he’s willing to be honest, to see how Charlie’s so clearly curious and willing to learn. Because she’s sweet and kind and such a caring person. It’s funny to see her want to know so much about remnant which, really, isn’t something for sweet and kind people like her to know about. Henry shouldn’t have created it. William shouldn’t have learned about it. And he shouldn’t be teaching Charlie about it.
But he tells her, and he waches how her eyes widen, and how she moves closer to him, captivated by the story he tells her.
Michael watches him a bit more warily from afar.
He would be harder to convince.
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yuzukult · 4 years
effortlessly pt. 6 || jungkook & reader
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title: effortlessly pairing: jungkook x reader genre: fluff, romance, school!au, smut (no smut in this chapter) words: ~4k notes: longer than i thought but closer to the end!! possibly 3 chapters left if i planned this right ;___; sorry for the delay! days pass by so quickly... and i’m always napping after work....
series: part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || epilogue 
“Hey, you okay?”
His palms are clammy, you take note of this because the leather of his steering wheel evidently shows the residue left from the moisture on his hands. He’s anxious, it’s more than obvious, and you could potentially pinpoint the reason behind his uneasiness but you want to hear it from the man himself.
“Uh, sure. Kind of. Something along those lines.”
“You’re acting rather suspicious,” You say, paraphrasing the words he had used on you previously. “Talk to me, I’m supposed to be your best friend.”
The windows are rolled down and the sunroof is open, with the breeze flowing into the car yet you can still feel the heat of tension radiating between the two of you. He’d been silent the past couple days, head so focused and lost into just swimming during his practices, but that was all he did. Practice. Practice, practice, practice. Jungkook did it like a ritual, every single day at the same time, and performed it as if it was his religion. He hasn’t cooperated by eating enough meals during the day and although you guys didn’t share every class together, it had been apparent that he was behind on schoolwork. 
He’d completely gone insane.
“So... the finals are coming up soon,” He manages to choke out, hands still tightly gripping on the steering wheel and eyes never leaving the road. He never said where the destination was when he sent you a text, prior to picking you up from your house on a Saturday afternoon, but you figured as much that he needed some time out so you complied. “And I heard that recruiters are coming. Well, rumor has it.”
“Hey, that’s great! You can finally show those guys your talents.”
“Yeah, but... what if I don’t get anything?” His voice is shaky, full of fear and angst. Although he wasn’t looking directly at you, you could tell that his chocolate orbs were mixed with ambiguity. Jungkook lived his entire life with the prospect that his dreams and aspirations were unattainable because he didn’t have the means to reach them. He lacked what many of his colleagues had— experience in competitions at a young age, training by professional coaches, and support financially from his family. He was at the bottom of the totem pole, knowingly still attempting to climb to the top despite of the downfalls, yet dismay always lingered.
The drive is quiet. The only sounds are coming from his old car, so worn out that the bumper is hanging on by duct tape. You regularly questioned Jungkook how the tape is so strong, and oddly enough, figuratively you realize that no matter how fucked up things are, you are the tape to Jungkook, who is holding onto his bumper of dreams. This situation wasn’t any different.
“Jungkook, I’m sure you’ll hear something. But even if you don’t, that doesn’t mean your journey ends there. And... you’re not alone. I’ll be with you even surpassing the end.” 
It takes a moment for your response to sink in, but the edges of his mouth twist into a soft smile, your comforting words warming his heart. He feels as though he’s on top of the world when he’s with you, and it’s a reminder that nothing is out of reach if it means that you’re by his side.
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Weeks later, Jungkook spends less and less time with you as time progresses on.
You’re trying to be understanding— again, emphasis on the trying, because he’s leaving classes and briskly moving straight to practices. He had made it through consolations with ease, but moving up to finals meant that the biggest competitors would be there however his colossal adversary is himself. Nonetheless, you miss your best friend, and it hadn’t been long after you’d been dating that he’s back immersed with his passions, long forgetting you. Or so, you mention dramatically. 
“Why do you look so... sad?” Yura says, almost hinting disgust in her words. The two of you were out, looking for something to eat yet again, with Yura’s never ending black hole of a stomach. 
“Because I haven’t hung out with Jungkook in forever.”
“You just saw him yesterday. Is this what puppy love is?” You roll your eyes at your friend, pushing her to a food stall on a street when the aromatic scents coming from the vendor invitingly enhances your senses. “No, I barely actually hung out with him. I came to his practice then he drove me home.”
Grabbing a couple sticks of fish cakes, Yura shamelessly shoves one in her mouth in one go. “What about today? I’m surprised you’re even hanging out with me despite the fact he has practice.” You frown, knowing that the guilt would eat you alive later, but you told your significant other you were ditching the one session since you’d been going back-to-back every single day. It had become a bit exhausting trying to keep up with his antics. “I... was going to go, but I’m tired. I’ve been going everyday for the past three weeks, I need a break.”
“A break from Jungkook?”
“No, not a break from Jungkook, a break from going to his practices.”
“Hmm,” She hums, cheeks full of rice cakes as you lean over and steal a stick of fish cake from her. “Well, you look hella sad. Why don’t you just tell him that you want to spend one on one time with him without the smell of chlorine in the air?”
“It’s so hard to talk to him.” 
“No, you’re just being a weak ass bitch,” Yura snaps, your eyebrows raising at her choice in words. “You can tell Jungkook these things when you guys weren’t dating, why is it so different now? Because you actually care about what he thinks of you? Stop being so stupid, he loved you back then and he still loves you now.”
“OK, but won’t he think I’m too needy?” Immediately, it’s Yura’s turn to roll her eyes, groaning at your response. “Stop being one of those people! You want something, go get it. Beating around the bush doesn’t get you anywhere, yaknow.”
Yura makes a point. She always does, but like usual, you don’t let her know that. 
“Did I tell you that Taehyung confessed to me?”
She coughs— nearly choking on the rice cake that she stuffs into her mouth momentarily before you mention the confession. “What the fuck— what? Kim Taehyung? The prodigy that graduated before any of us then got that wicked ass scholarship to study abroad and swim?”
“The one and only.” You remarked, taking a bite out of your food. “I rejected him, obviously. I told Jungkook about it since then, and we talked. Everything was fine, and still is fine, but I guess with the paucity of attention, it’s starting to eat me up inside and believe that it’s why he’s been ignoring me.”
“I mean, I doubt it. You rejected Taehyung. What else did the guy say?”
Fingers fiddling with the stick, you’re waving it in front of Yura’s face playfully as her eyes follow the goodness. “He just wanted me to know. I think it didn’t sit well with him if he didn’t at least try.”
“Do you think it bothers Jungkook knowing that if he didn’t confess, you’d be in the arms of the great Kim Taehyung?”
“Possibly. But he’s been so focused on swimming lately, I don’t think he even notices.”
That’s when the feeling drowns into your stomach— you know it’s not the food because it only happens when Yura mentions the words that bring your mind into overdrive. You’re overthinking now, there’s no way around it, and although you want to confront Jungkook about his new actions, you know he’d be the old him again soon after.
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Your hands are equally muculent as if you’d just dipped your hands in the pool water with how much sweat you’re perspiring. 
The chlorine in the air is an all too familiar feeling that you resent but yet again, you’d find yourself here frequently that the smell doesn’t quite grind your gears anymore. You’ve gotten used to it since you and Jungkook had become a thing, your love for him is a lot more indisputable and something you want to display.
He’d been giving you less attention lately, but he never fails to drop a quick peck on your lips before starting his practices. Today was different though.
Today was the finals.
You showed up in his locker room with an apple in hand and a cute little post-it note for support and motivation, and he gifts you his signature before-practice kisses, despite today being a swim meet. He’s distressed and fidgety; you’re pretty much the same. His team pats him on the back, pushing him with an inspirational chant which he lets out a laugh to—a laugh that is so nostalgic it reminds you of a time before the release date for the finals.
Sitting in the bleachers feels weird today. It’s not the bleachers at your school, for one, and two, there were just so many people in the crowd, you think Jungkook won’t be able to find you.
“Hey, if you sit here, Jungkook will be able to see you.” His name perks up your ears, turning to the owner of the assumption when you meet your eyes with Taehyung.
He looks... unfamiliar in this lighting. More mature, if you had to describe him in a word. 
“Sure, I guess I could join you,” You respond, exchanging a smile with him as you settle yourself on the bleachers. The humidity in the arena was disgusting and you could almost feel your hair going insane with the frizz. But that was the least of your worries. “I’m kind of scared for Jungkook, even though I know he’s going to do fine.”
“Of course he’s going to do fine, he’s going to do better than fine. He’s Jeon Jungkook. Plus, he has us, his personal cheerleaders on the sideline for him and the rest of his team backing him up. He has all the support he needs, and he’s full of talent so he doesn’t even need luck on his side.”
You want to believe him because everything he says is true. But the word luck doesn’t sit well with you.
The introduction starts, informing the audiences what the relays would be, and a couple of the matches begin. Your brain can’t even fixate itself to watch the other players on Jungkook’s team because of how restless you are about Jungkook’s portion, but from what you hear beside you, Taehyung says that they’re all doing well.
Then it’s Jungkook’s turn.
He’s standing on the platform, dressed in his swim tights and cap, goggles in hand. Shaking to warm and loosen up his body, he looks like he’s shivering in fear. You don’t think he even takes a glance up at the crowd to find you and a bit of disappointment settles in.
Back crouched over, he’s taking in a couple breathes before preparing himself for the initial push. It’s like any other swim meet, is what he repeats in his mind but he knows that this isn’t just any swim meet. He knows that amongst the people in the crowd are recruiters, people who could determine the fate of his future, and he couldn’t bring himself to look at the sidelines. Too many emotions would sit in him and he possibly won’t even be able to swim if he did.
The whistle blows.
Jungkook dives off the platform, swimming away in freestyle mode. He’s admirable when he’s swimming, like he has all the freedom in the world without any burden on his shoulders. The words he mentions previously about his aspirations ring in your ears again. When I’m in the water, I’m floating. Floating without a care in the world, without anything pushing down on my shoulders. All I can think about is how I’m just surrounded by the water, how it sounds in my ears and how it feels on my fingertips. 
Seeing him in his true happy place made you a bit envious. Envious that you didn’t find anything in close resemblance to how swimming made Jungkook feel, how you couldn’t even commit yourself to hobbies. What he said in the car weeks ago is a reminder that it’s okay for you to feel this way, that no matter what happens to you, Jungkook would always be there. There was some comfort in that.
He’s doing well, from what you can tell. He’s not overexerting himself in the water, and he’s switching between different types of strokes in order to ease the pressure off himself and quicken his speed. He’s neck and neck with his opponent, and you think nothing of it because it’s the exact scenario as some of his swim meets.
But then— you’re unsure what happens. It’s a moment of hesitation, possibly, but his opponent does one last push and he makes it.
Jungkook won second place.
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It’s hard to tell exactly how he’s feeling. His eyes that once were bursting with excitement and happiness were filled with despair and anger yet his voice is calm and soft when he speaks to his teammates.
He doesn’t even look directly at you and you feel a certain way, but you don’t let that feeling eat you up inside knowing he’s upset with his performance.
The car ride is utterly quiet. So quiet that you don’t even hear the engine of the car sputter or roar during the drive, almost like even the car could feel the tension in the air. 
“Jeon, you okay?” You barely say, voice as quiet as a mouse squeaking. He’s like a ticking time bomb at this point, and there’s uncertainty on what can detonate his anger.
He doesn’t respond for a couple minutes for exasperating a long and heavy sigh. “You already know the answer to your question. What’s the point of even asking? It’s a waste of breath.”
“Hey, you won second though. That should take account for something. You did well, I’m sure you’ll be okay.”
“Are you definitely sure?” He snaps. His tone is harsh and the volume is increased a bit but you brush it off thinking it was an impulsive decision on his end to respond that way.
“Of course I am.”
“Listen, don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t have dreams that just got ruined. Your goals don’t even exist for that— this swim meet was my chance to show those recruiters what I’m capable of. These were the fucking finals! I could be living the way Taehyung is, training for my life, given a coach that actually has the ability to show me tricks and tips that ours couldn’t.”
This... wasn’t the Jungkook you’ve come to know and admire. His aspirations were eating him alive, and for a brief moment, he’d abandoned the love he had for swimming, and just swimming alone, the only thoughts flooding his mind was winning finals. Swim meets weren’t even his favorite thing, he’d only did them because they were stepping stones to continue swimming and to do it as a career.
You push the tears back from brimming in your eyes, arms slipping into your jacket in preparation to get out the car. “Yeah, no, you’re right. I’m just some lost chick who stood in the bleachers, so dumbfounded and blinded by your love and affection. I won’t understand because I never will, I don’t have those passions or goals like you do.”
“Wait—“ Glancing over at you and before he can finish and say your name, you sling your backpack over your shoulder. “Stop the car. I can walk home or grab an Uber.”
“I was just mad in the moment—“
“You said what you said, and you meant it. I’ve been trying to be patient, but I’ve had enough. Stop the car, Jungkook.”
Abiding by your instruction, he pulls over to the shoulder of the road, turning to look at your expression. His face didn’t shone in antagonism anymore but that same fear he had before he went in for his swim meet earlier. 
“Where are you going?” He says, voice wary. “Don’t go.”
“Home,” You respond abruptly and sharply, unlocking the seatbelt that embraces you before opening the door. “I can walk myself home. Don’t follow or wait up for me.”
He doesn’t comply with those orders though. Instead, as you’re walking on the sides of the street, he trails behind you silently, understandingly giving you your space despite the fact he didn’t want to. All he wants is to pull you into his arms and apologize. Apologize for letting his anger get to him, saying things to you that he didn’t mean. 
Cars are beeping behind him, cursing and sticking their middle fingers up at Jungkook as they go around him, but he could care less. His day has gone so far down— potentially losing the love of his life and the route of his career.
Finally reaching to the front of your houses, he watches as you enter in as he makes his way into his own. Once he reaches his room, he quickly attempts to get your attention from his window. Jungkook figured, even when you’re mad, you couldn’t resist seeing his cute face from across the little space between your houses. 
Excited with a smile on his face, he peeks through the glass, only to see that you’d already closed the window and dropped the blinds. His smile dissipates within seconds.
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Jungkook concludes he’d let you calm down for the night and try again tomorrow.
The sun peers through his blinds, and shone on his face as he grunts in displeasure. His body is sore from the amount of practices and the swim meet from the day before, but nothing in comparison to the thought of hurting you.
His phone rings and almost immediately, he jumps out of his bed, still in his boxer briefs and without hesitation, he exclaims a “hi!” without checking the caller ID. Once he realizes that the voice on the other line doesn’t belong to you, his enthusiasm sizzles out.
“Jeon Jungkook?”
“Ah, yes. That’s me. Can I ask who’s calling?”
“I’m one of the recruiters that came to your swim meet yesterday. I’m so sorry for not getting to meet you afterwards, I’ve been so swamped in my personal life, I didn’t get the chance. Do you have a moment to speak?”
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hii I was wondering, if it’s not too much, could you write a little something that’s like childhood best friends to lovers with Naruto? I’m such a sucker for those. Being friends with him since the beginning even though everyone hated him, & just him being confused on why you’re friends with him and it leads to a confession?🥺. Thank youuu🧡🖤
Ooh, it has been a loooong while since I wrote anything for Naruto, I feel. Let’s see what I can cook up for ya! 
Fandom: Naruto
Character: Naruto Uzumaki 
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The kyuubi attack had left many orphans, both young and old, including you. Within one night you found yourself all alone in this world before you had even a consciousness in which you could realise the loss you had faced and properly mourn it. A loss you hadn’t even realised you had, nor any understanding of what had happened for you to lose everything that you were supposed to be born and grow with. And with the village in ruins the adults were too preoccupied to cumber over yet another orphan. You, along with many others, were left to your own devices and that was a bitterness you could understand.
“These adults are stupid,” you had exclaimed one day after that the hokage had visited you once more. Barely of any age you had to fight and you had to grow faster than any child in the village who did keep their parents. “Thinking they can pick on us just because we have no adults to spit on them,” you continued your complaints as you turned towards a certain blond, a young boy who was just like you, an orphan.
“Is that why you spat on him?” the boy had questioned, eyes wide and a little dirty. It was just another day for him, where he was cursed and glared at, pushed and ignored for whatever reason other than that he had no parents.
“That was nothing compared to what I was about to do! If only I wasn’t held back,” you exclaimed with a scoff before turning to the boy.
“Those adults should feel bad for bullying us kids. But we gotta stick together as well. After all, there is no one else who will stick up for us.”
The statement rang true as you offered your hand to the other. A peer, one of the many, but for some reason that you couldn’t comprehend, even more rejected than you and your lot were.
“What’s the name?” you question the boy and once more stark blue eyes and whiskers on the face looked up at you, a suspicious glare on his face first before he mumbled:
“Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki.”
And to this you flashed a grin, grabbing hold of his hand as you shook it wildly, just as you had seen people greet each other. How you had seen friends bump into each other.
“Well, Naruto, let’s be friends!”
The exclamation rang true and it did so for years, with the two of you doing everything together. Mischief, pranks, growing up in general. Even attending the academy was done together, but where Naruto was held back by some unseen force you had managed to move on, soon making yourself a known name, a talent to behold, a figure to look up to.
It left Naruto with a bitter distaste, for the two of you always had been together, always had been equals and now you suddenly were not. But he never let it show, encouraging you to pursue the path the both of you had chosen.
“I will wait for you to catch up!” you had promised and Naruto only flashed a grin back;
“Don’t wait too long, or I might actually pass you by!” he had said, sparkling that bright and optimistic aura of his, never beaten down by a failure it seemed. How you admired his determination and strength for that, for you knew that you weren’t half as strong if it wasn’t for his stubbornness at your side.
“Still a genin?” you smirk as you welcomed your old friend back into the village. The years had passed and the two of you had grown into teens, fine teens that were allowed to be proud of their accomplishments.
“Just you watch, I will catch up soon and be a chunin like you!” the male exclaimed, bright and cheery, always encouraging and never with a cloud on his mind. Confident as ever, despite all the setbacks he had faced, despite the horrible truths he had to learn about himself and the village. You as well were aware of them by now.
You laughed, hands on your hips as you let your head fall back into your neck. A precious friend he was indeed. The same old Naruto, with or without that monster within him that had taken away so much, but given you even more.
“I’m a jounin by now,” you revealed, expecting Naruto’s eyes to grow wide as sausages as his lips would fall agape like a fish. You were waiting for his surprise, just as you were expecting him to congratulate you with that same old cheer.
There was silence instead, and when you peeled open an eye you found that your best friend was looking down at the ground, his fist balling up before he finally lifted his face with a forced grin.
“I really can’t beat ya, eh?” he sighed instead and you instantly knew there was something amiss.
“Haha, what else could I have expected from you, my role model?” the male continued and you felt a stab in your chest, wondering why he was referring to you as an example instead of a friend, for were you not?
“I will have to work extra hard to live up to your standards, or else I fear you won’t be hanging out with me anymore,” he continued to exclaim and yet again you felt a stab to your chest, wondering why Naruto spoke so distantly.
“Because we’re friends?” you tried, brows furrowing to which Naruto scratched his face, not really sure what you meant it seemed before he sighed.
“Hey, now that you’re a jounin you get access to all these super secret files, right? Maybe you can look into Sasuke’s file for me?”
You felt your heart break at the mention of that male’s name. The one that had so quickly surpassed you as a friend. The one that Naruto had thrown himself into entirely and devoted so much of his time to. The one that seemed to have pushed you out of his life so completely.
“If I were in Sasuke’s place, would you have been as desperate?” you suddenly find yourself questioning the blond who freezes at your tone. This time his eyes did grow wide and his mouth fell open agape, like you had hoped it would do when you would reveal your new rank to him.
“There is no need to save you from evil. How could you ever be as dumb as that Sasuke?” Naruto exclaims instead, earning a grit from your teeth as you clench your fists. You were being unfair, you knew that, but it hurt all the same.
“Perhaps I should, because all you ever talk about is Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke. What about us? Aren’t we friends? I was your friend before he was,” you spit out the vitriol that is building up within your lungs, but you regret the words immediately as you see Naruto’s expression fall, hurt in the same way you were.
“Whatever, I had hoped you would value me more,” you ended the conversation and left.
That this was the way you guys parted left a bad taste. Nonetheless, the both of you were of the stubborn kind and neither wanted to approach the other to speak of the hurts within their hearts. You missed him, but you didn’t dare to admit your fault, didn’t want to face your shame.
When the Akatsuki attacked the village you once more made another realisation. One that you should have realised so much sooner, but that your anger and your bitterness had prevented you from realising. When your friend, the bestest you had, was thrown up into the air by the crowd, hailed a hero despite his low rank and his former image, finally earning his place in the village. It was then that you realised that, as Naruto shared his magic and his warmth with the people around him, that you had lost him.
“Hey,” you greeted him one late night. You had gone home early that day, on purpose, so that you could wait at the window for your friend to appear. The same window that you guys shared, for neither of you had ever moved despite life looking up.
“Hey,” came the greeting back from a boy that had grown into a fine male, a hero like he had always imagined himself to be. Naruto had been late to get back that night, what with the village now occupying him.
“Congratulations,” you spoke, and to this Naruto seemed confused, not really understanding what he was being congratulated for. “Congratulations for surpassing me,” you clarified and to this Naruto’s eyes drooped a little, an understanding settling in.
“Listen I--”
You cut him off, hand rising as you shrug your shoulders, trying to find your words.
“I shouldn’t have made you choose between Sasuke and me. I know we both hold a different meaning in your life,” you start, eyes downcast as you remember the words ‘role model’ and ‘example’. When you had become such you weren’t sure, but it still bit.
“I never thought of myself as better than you, or someone you needed to surpass,” you smile, knowing that it took you long enough to realise what your feelings were and that it was better to let it out now, now that your friendship seemed to have grown to a natural end. “You were my best friend, still are,” you trail off as you gather your courage to continue.
“And also the person I like the best in this rotten world.”
You knew that after his ascension to legendary heroes that Naruto had received the attention of many. Even more had fallen for him, as there was a daily and steady string of confessors each day that wished to share and convey their feelings to him. You just hoped that none of them were as dear as you had once been, that you still held an edge because of your longstanding friendship.
The silence that followed after was even more suffocating than the silence you had shared before, clear blue eyes focussed upon you, confused and conflicted, and could you blame him for that?
“I,” the male started, letting the words sink in. How familiar you were to that expression of his when Naruto was truly and really trying to progress something.
“I think you are also the best in this world!” he exclaimed loudly and you scoff out a laugh, nearly ramming your head into the side of your window as you try not to launch yourself into a drum against the wall.
Somewhere you had expected this answer to come from him. Dear as Naruto was, he simply wasn’t the brightest, but definitely the dearest. You were fine with giving him the time and room needed to realise what you really meant. There was time after all, you weren’t planning on leaving him alone after all. 
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