#Lifestyle changes for cholesterol control
iconhub2023 · 2 years
Lipid Control Plus Cholesterol
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Lipid Control Plus is a multi-ingredient food supplement designed for people who want to take comprehensive care of their cholesterol levels, liver health and cardiovascular system. The product has been created on the basis of 8 natural ingredients. Take control of your cholesterol!
Regular use of Lipid Control Plus helps to take care of the lipid profile. The product supports detoxification and the flow of digestive juices. Lipid Control Plus also prevents the accumulation of fats and improves their removal by the liver. Consumers will appreciate that the product supports heart health and supports proper liver function. 7 benefits of taking Lipid Control Plus!
Lipid Control Plus is a multi-tasking food supplement sought after by informed consumers. Reach new customers with your offer - promote Lipid Control Plus Comprehensive support for the body Product Ingredients!
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sabrgirl · 1 year
ramadan series: benefits of ramadan ♡
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staying away from temptations and negative influences → less harm to the brain
waking up early every morning and establishing a routine increases mental strength, willpower and discipline
patience is developed/practised/maintained
increased dhikr leads to greater happiness and contentment
fasting improves one’s mental focus, which causes the body to produce more brain cells
practising righteous deeds → improves lifestyle → reduces stress
doing more on less energy, sleep and food trains us to create productive habits
fasting helps overcome bad habits or addiction
fasting and ramadan as a whole detoxify the body, which leads to a healthier lifestyle
fasting lowers cholesterol which reduces the risk of heart disease
it also lowers inflammation and high blood pressure
fasting, in general, can improve the quality of sleep in the long run, regardless of whether throughout ramadan you’re on less sleep
improves digestive system
more interactions with the community at the mosque through congregational prayers, taraweeh and iftars together (for those who are able)
more social interactions through preparing iftars for family/friends (for those who are able) and breaking fasts with them
less social media throughout ramadan = less loneliness/anxiety/depression
fasting (and ramadan as a whole) helps practise empathy by understanding those less fortunate than us, as well as developing patience, forgiveness and increasing the purification of our hearts. this benefits our wider relationships and interactions with family, friends, the ummah and the world.
strengthens our imaan
increase in piety and taqwa (righteousness)
a closer bond to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
increased awareness that every intention, action and deed is aligned with our purpose of serving Allah and obtaining His pleasure, which helps our spiritual development
blessings are multipled → chance to change our bad habits → prevents hellfire
practising self control → closer to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
weakens nafs and desires through fewer temptations
increase in worship → stronger relationship with Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
increased chance of entering through the gate of Ar-Rayyan (where those who fast with sincerity are able to enter)
increased chance of entering through the gate of Al-Dhikr (where those who constantly remember Allah are able to enter )
developing spiritual/worshipping habits which should be maintained after ramadan → greater spirituality and relationship with Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ throughout the rest of life.
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Natural Cholesterol Supplement
Our vision is to work with our customer’s lifestyles without asking them to make unsustainable changes.
Extensive research shows that Red Yeast Rice (RYRE), oat beta-glucan, and olive leaf extract significantly reduces cholesterol levels. After multiple clinical studies, our research team developed the perfect dosage of these ingredients packaged in a pill form.
One in three American adults have high cholesterol – but only half are actively attempting to reduce it. We understand that people have jobs and family and do not have time for drastic lifestyle changes. We want to improve cholesterol health for everyone, no matter their lifestyle.
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pudgecuddles · 1 year
Jungkook’s Fat-Filled Fad Feast
Jungkook reads in a health nut news magazine that high fat foods are good for you and helps control cholesterol. JK, who eats a ton of red meat and eggs because he’s a gym nut, latches onto the idea.
Soon he’s adding multiple avocados to his everyday diet. Some in smoothies, some in breakfast bowls, some as guacamole in burritos, etc. An extra 300 calories per large fruit, with him packing down 2-3 of the things a day.
He also heard that adding a tablespoon of olive oil a day is healthy, another 120 calories.
He snacks on an ounce of macadamia nuts between work outs, adding another 200 calories to his daily intake.
One cup of Greek yogurt in his morning shake, and a cup of the frozen variety for desert in the evening rack up an extra 440 calories.
Of course he had to have his healthy cheat foods, such as creamy cheeses and dark chocolate. An ounce of aged parmesan here (110 calories) a bar of sugar free, 70% dark chocolate there (170 calories).
Over all, he added a near additional 1,800 calories to his everyday diet, which already consisted of 3,500 calories per day on average.
The cherry on top? The same magazine that told him to consume more fat, also recommended less cardio as it puts more pressure on one’s joints in the long term.
Slowly, but steadily, his new routine catches up to him as he changes in size. His washboard abs melting into delicious subcutaneous fat, his once perky rear bloating into a wobbly, soft bubble butt.
His perfect pecks joined the rest of him in their expansion, becoming inflated pouches of fat. Nipples peeking up and poking through every shirt he owns.
His college classmates and hyungs Namjoon and Hoseok watched in confusion as their once fit friend changes into a new man over the course of the semester.
Even his football coach notices, changing his role to being a lineman, a position that requires less running around.
Jungkook, oblivious to his weight gain, and delighted by his new “healthy” lifestyle choices, starts recommending his diet to others. Including his fellow health nut classmates Namjoon and Hoseok.
Namjoon initially questions the diet’s choices, but after reviewing the science explanation in the magazine gave in and was hooked. Hoseok on the other hand has always been open to fad diets and techniques, drifting between things like keto, vegan and celiac for years prior. He didn’t even need to read the magazine to start adding avocados and Greek yogurt to his shopping list.
Even after all of that, all of the extra fats, the additional calories, his snowballing weight needed more. And well, since he’s been eating so well recently, why not have a true cheat day? Or two… or three…
Soon enough, every other day becomes a cheat day. Even inviting his now chubby Hyungs over for pizza and ice cream and fried chicken…
A full school year has gone by at this point, and there are now three permanent dips in Jungkook’s couch seats. You see, it was cheaper for Jungkook to cater to his new, more expensive diet when he had roommates…
Those roommates being the newly inflated Hoseok and Namjoon.
Both boys were squarely in the chubby category, plump and out of shape. Jungkook at this point however was bordering on being solidly fat.
The three of them spend a lot of their time on the couch binge watching old TV shows and movies, chowing down on both healthy and unhealthy fatty foods. Adding more and more calories to their daily intake as their self-control lessened by the day.
Their waistlines grew wider and their shirt tags became XXXL’s. The dips in the couch grew wider and squeakier until one day under their combined weight of 1,120 pounds the three seater gave up the ghost and collapsed.
A jostled Namjoon blinks as he looks down at his now 350 pound body, gently lifting and dropping his no longer new beer belly. Watching the mass wobble, he realized just how far gone he was. Just how heavy he’d grown, how uncomfortably large his gut was.
Shrugging, he grabbed another handful of fries. He was already so big, a little more wouldn’t hurt…
The arguably healthiest minded of the three, Hoseok also took a moment to look over his own flabby belly and wide thighs before blushing heavily and attempting to stand. Unfortunately from the current lowered state of the couch, he had quite of bit of trouble, attempting and failing to stand upright only made his heavy body bounce and jiggle. He blushed harder, panting and wiggling. What had they done?!
Jungkook didn’t even notice the couch breaking, too busy stuffing his fat face full of fried chicken, a leg in each hand as he barely took time to swallow before moving on to his next bite. He wouldn’t realize what happened until he cleared his bucket, licking the grease off his pudgy fingertips and noticing his lowered point of view.
They broke the couch?!
Huh, their bulking must be working then.
Onto dessert…
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Royal watchers who labeled Meghan Markle "Ozempic Meg" were on to something.
NOprah's WeightWatchers purchased obesity drug semaglutide and is directing clients to their own telemedicine company for prescriptions.
One of the controversial things about this drug, though, is that a lot of people who are trying to get it don't necessarily medically qualify for it and they just want it so that they can get skinny. How is Weight Watchers going to deal with that?
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Weight Watchers has recently moved into the obesity drugs market with the purchase of semaglutide, which works by helping the pancreas release insulin to move sugar from the blood into body tissues, slowing down movement of food through the stomach and curbing appetite. Ozempic and Wegovy are brand names for semaglutide.
Ozempic is approved to treat Type 2 diabetes in adults while Wegovy is approved for weight loss in two groups: those 12 and older with obesity and adults who are overweight and also have least one weight-related health condition, such as high blood pressure or cholesterol.
for the longest time, its whole kind of reason for being is to help people control their eating and up their fitness, and now they are getting into a medical approach to it, and that is a big shift.
Ryan Knutson: Is it possible that these drugs could just be another fad?
Andrea Petersen: I haven't heard that from anybody I've talked to. I think people do believe that this is a significant scientific advance and that it marks a real shift in the treatment of obesity.
Ryan Knutson: Welcome to the Journal, our show about money, business, and power. I'm Ryan Knutson. It's Tuesday, March 14th. Coming up on the show how a new class of drugs is revolutionizing the weight loss industry. For decades, Weight Watchers was one of the most popular ways for people to lose weight. And they did it by pushing lifestyle changes. The company has weigh-ins, branded food, and a famous point system.
Andrea Petersen: What they've done is they've assigned a point value to many, many, many foods. I mean most foods that you can think of. And you are given a certain number of points that you can use each day. And so you decide how you're going to spend those points. And the goal is to stay within that number of points to sort of achieve your weight loss goals.
Ryan Knutson: How has Weight Watchers' business been doing in recent years?
Andrea Petersen: They have been struggling. It's been a sort of turbulent time at the company. So in 2018, Weight Watchers actually really shifted away from this tight focus on weight loss. They actually changed their name to WW. And they largely stopped using the word diet and they tried to refocus their mission as being sort of more broadly about wellness. They also launched and scaled back a number of initiatives. They tried kind of personalized diet plans that many members found pretty confusing and also harder for members to talk to each other and about their experience because everyone was sort of on a different plan and so the kind of community support and sharing recipes and tips and tricks was really not working as well. And also their stock price has really struggled, and their membership has been down. They just reported their fourth quarter earnings, and the number of subscribers slid to 3.5 million from 4.2 million in the year ago quarter.
When I look around this room, I can't help but wonder, is Ozempic right for me?
Andrea Petersen: A lot of celebrities started saying that everyone they know is on it. One of my colleagues did a story about how it was really the talk of the Hamptons over last summer. So it seems to have just really entered the cultural conversation.
Ryan Knutson: Andrea says that some people have been using the drugs who don't meet the FDA's guidelines for it.
Andrea Petersen: These drugs are not for people who need to lose 10 pounds. I mean, these are really, the clinical indication, the FDA approval for Wegovy, which is the drug for obesity, indicates that the drug's for people with a BMI of 30 or more, or a BMI of 27 or more, plus at least one weight related condition such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or type two diabetes.
Ryan Knutson: The CDC says a healthy BMI is between 18 to 24. The company that makes both these drugs, Novo Nordisk, said it complies with the law and doesn't condone off-label use. And that, "We trust that healthcare providers are evaluating a patient's individual needs in determining which, if any, medicine is right for that particular patient." This drug sounds revolutionary, but are there potential downsides?
Andrea Petersen: Well, I mean, there's definitely side effects. The most common side effects are things like nausea and vomiting. The FDA approval does note a potential increased risk of thyroid cancer. And then anytime there's a new drug on the market, sometimes it takes a while for us to know what some of the longer term side effects are. That's an issue with any medication. Sometimes you just don't know until things are on the market for several years.
Ryan Knutson: Despite the unknowns, a bunch of businesses have popped up to connect people with doctors who can prescribe the drugs.
Andrea Petersen: So we've seen this sort of story before. I actually covered Pfizer's Viagra back in the late '90s. I'm dating myself. And I remember you had online companies selling it. You had people who were doctors who were advertising home delivery services.
Ryan Knutson: And the same thing is happening now with Ozempic and Wegovy.
Andrea Petersen: I think anytime there is a drug that is meeting a demand, you get this sort of gold rush mentality. There's going to be people that are trying to meet that demand.
Ryan Knutson: After the break, Weight Watchers gets in on the gold rush. Last year, Weight Watchers got a new CEO, Sima Sistani.
Ryan Knutson: Sequence says it doesn't prescribe the medications to anyone who doesn't meet the FDA's BMI guidelines. Weight Watchers says offering access to the medications is a, "natural next step," and that it's in line with the company's focus on providing science backed weight loss programs.
Andrea Petersen: Talking to Gary Foster, who's the Chief Scientific Officer of Weight Watchers, he was saying that they plan to actually create specific programs for people who are on these medications. So specific sort of Weight Watchers plans, because when you lose this amount of weight, you tend to lose really important muscle mass as well. And there are things that you can do to help counteract that. And so he told me about an emphasis on strength training will be really important for folks on these drugs as well as consuming high protein foods. I mean, these can all sort of help counteract that potential loss of muscle mass. So what they were telling me is that they really see what Sequence offers as an adjunct to their existing services.
Ryan Knutson: One of the controversial things about this drug, though, is that a lot of people who are trying to get it don't necessarily medically qualify for it and they just want it so that they can get skinny. How is Weight Watchers going to deal with that?
Andrea Petersen: I mean, I asked this question. I said, "This is a kind of minefield to walk into." And they told me that they are going to follow the science. They're going to really adhere to the letter of what the clinical indications are. They were very explicit in saying that they do not have plans to offer this drug to people who don't qualify for it. When I talked to Dr. Foster, he said to me, "This is not a drug, we're not going to be prescribing this for people who want to lose 10 pounds before their high school reunion."
Ryan Knutson: Part of me is kind of surprised that these drugs have become so popular because I feel like as a society we have started to really move away from pushing weight loss and moved more toward a culture of body positivity.
Andrea Petersen: Well, I mean, that's the interesting tension. This is an interesting cultural moment in our discussion of weight loss. I mean, this also coincides with, we've had several years of the body positivity movement, that really tried to push back against the kind of shaming around people's bodies and people's weight. But at the same time, there's this really growing understanding that excess weight does have real health implications. And so companies who are in this sort of weight loss business have had to speak to both of these realities, and that can be a tricky thing to navigate.
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bharat-moringa · 8 months
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Title: Unveiling the Green Marvel: Moringa's Impact on Overall Health and Wellness
Introduction: In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, individuals are increasingly turning to nature's bountiful offerings to meet their nutritional needs. One such powerhouse of nutrients that has gained prominence in recent times is Moringa oleifera, often referred to as the "drumstick tree" or simply "Moringa." This remarkable plant has been celebrated for its exceptional nutritional content and numerous health benefits. In this blog post, we delve into the myriad ways in which Moringa contributes to the overall development of health.
Rich Nutrient Profile: Moringa is a nutritional powerhouse, boasting a diverse array of essential vitamins and minerals. It is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and iron, among others. These nutrients play crucial roles in supporting the immune system, maintaining bone health, and promoting overall vitality.
Antioxidant Properties: The leaves of the Moringa tree are loaded with antioxidants, such as quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and beta-carotene. These antioxidants help combat oxidative stress in the body, which is linked to various chronic diseases and aging. By neutralizing free radicals, Moringa aids in protecting cells from damage and supports overall well-being.
Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Chronic inflammation is a root cause of many health issues, including heart disease and arthritis. Moringa possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and alleviate associated symptoms. Regular consumption of Moringa may contribute to a lower risk of inflammatory conditions.
Blood Sugar Regulation: Research suggests that Moringa may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a valuable ally for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. The plant compounds in Moringa have demonstrated potential in improving insulin sensitivity, contributing to better blood sugar control.
Cholesterol Management: Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is crucial for cardiovascular health. Studies have indicated that Moringa may have a positive impact on lipid profiles, helping to lower bad cholesterol levels while promoting the increase of good cholesterol. This dual action supports heart health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Nutritional Support for Malnutrition: Moringa is an excellent source of nutrition, especially in regions where malnutrition is prevalent. The plant's leaves are a cost-effective and sustainable solution to supplement diets with essential nutrients, addressing nutritional gaps and promoting healthy growth, particularly in children.
Enhanced Energy and Vitality: The combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in Moringa contributes to increased energy levels and overall vitality. Regular consumption may help combat fatigue, boost stamina, and promote a general sense of well-being.
Conclusion: Incorporating Moringa into your diet can be a simple yet impactful step towards enhancing your overall health and well-being. Whether in the form of Moringa tea, powder, capsules, or fresh leaves, this versatile plant has much to offer. However, as with any dietary supplement, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have existing health conditions or are on medication. Embrace the green marvel that is Moringa and unlock its potential for a healthier, more vibrant life.
Certainly! Here are some hashtags you can use to amplify the reach of your blog post on Moringa's health benefits:
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abhinavayu21 · 2 months
PMS Relief: Find What Works for You
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PMS is a state experienced by many women whose symptoms show up within 1 to 2 weeks before the start of menstruation, and they revolve mostly around hormonal changes affecting physical, mental and emotional conditions. Identifying ideal therapies for PMS that would improve daily functioning, is also useful. This blog will address: natural and non-pharmacological approaches to treating PMS symptoms, which will be explained through recommendations on lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and other medicine for premenstrual syndrome.
What is PMS?
PMS is a hormonal disease that focuses on the fluctuations in levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones. Such hormonal changes have several effects on the body, including tender breasts, weight gain, mood swings, irritability, and constant fatigue. As for the present article, it is important to understand the origins of these symptoms in order to find the cure.
Symptoms of PMS:
PMS symptoms can vary widely but often include:
Mood swings
Breast tenderness
These symptoms are due to alterations in interact function between steroids and hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.
Natural Ways to Manage PMS:
1. Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally:
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which has an impact on person’s feelings. It has been preceded that inositol enhances serotonin signaling and that low levels of serotonin are associated with mood swings and depression, both of which are symptoms of PMS. Here are some types of foods that directly enhance serotonin:
Diet Tips:
Make sure to consume products containing complex carbohydrates such as rice, fruits and vegetables.
One should take products rich in lean protein for instance chicken fish and beans.
Take monounsaturated fats in nuts, seeds and avocados since they help reduce cholesterol levels.
This means that one should refrain from consuming foods in boxes, sugary foods, and foods that contain caffeine.
2. Stop Being a Night Owl:
Another crucial principle of daily life and hormonal balance is wake-sleep cycling or rhythmicity. It was also found that lack of sleep would lead to aggravation of PMS.
Sleep Tips:
The recommended amount of hours for sleep is between seven and nine hours for a competent level of functioning.
Stay on a regular sleep-wake schedule and avoid sleeping during the day hours.
Ponder on the creation of a relaxing bedtime regimen of reading or bathing with warm water.
This means that activities that involve use of screens or anything that would stimulate the brain should be avoided just before sleeping.
3. Take Sun Baths and Engage in Physical Activity:
In addition to affected mental health conditions, natural sunlight exposure and subsequent physical activities can improve many PMS symptoms. It assists the body in the synthesis of vitamin D, which plays a critical role in mood as well as in the body’s general wellbeing.
Activity Tips:
Get 15 to 20 minutes of sunlight exposure per day.
Perform activities such as yoga, exercise, Surya Namaskar or morning walking which enhances the secretion of endorphin thus helping to calm the nerves.
Physical activity contributes to the regulation of hormonal levels, elevates one’s spirits, and combats bloating.
Understanding the Role of Neurotransmitters:
Neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin are known to cause or exacerbate PMS symptoms.
Dopamine: Associated with pleasure and reward system. Whereas, low levels can cause depression and lack of aspiration or motivation. The levels of dopamine can be increased through exercises as well as fun activities.
Serotonin: Closely related to mood control and modulation. Tasty foods, drinks, and regular exercise help to enhance the serotonin level in the human body.
Oxytocin: It is popularly referred to as the ‘cuddle hormone’ since it aids in the bond formation and the calming effect. Oxytocin level can be boosted through participation in activities such as those involving yoga, interpersonal communication, and touching.
Finding the Right Medicine for Premenstrual Syndrome:
While lifestyle changes can manage PMS, some may need medication. Consult a healthcare professional to explore options like these:
Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin.
Hormonal treatments like birth control pills to regulate hormone levels.
Antidepressants, mainly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), for severe mood-related symptoms.
Moreover, “Upasham Tablets” by Abhinav Healthcare are natural remedies that have shown fairly promising results for PMT patients. This Ayurvedic medicine effectively helps in treating various PMS symptoms through the use of natural ingredients that balance hormones and reduce discomforts.
Effectively managing premenstrual syndrome necessitates a holistic approach including dietary improvements, changes in lifestyle and medical interventions when necessary. Appreciating the hormonal and neurotransmitter aspects of PMS enables one to make decisions on how to minimize these symptoms and improve quality of life. Importantly, what works for one person may not work for another; therefore it is important to find the right combination of approaches that will suit you best.
Upasham Tablets from Abhinav Healthcare could be worth considering by anyone searching for Ayurvedic medicine for premenstrual syndrome and menstrual irregularities. The right blend of dietary modifications along with an appropriate drug regimen can go a long way towards managing PMS effectively while also enhancing physical issues.
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The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy: A Deep Dive into Reversing Heart Disease
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Hey there, Tumblr fam!
Today, I want to share a revolutionary program that's changing the game for heart disease: The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy. This isn't your average cholesterol-lowering approach; it tackles the root cause of heart problems: oxidized cholesterol.
What's the big deal about oxidized cholesterol?
Unlike regular LDL (bad cholesterol), oxidized cholesterol is the real villain in plaque buildup, leading to heart attacks and strokes. This program goes beyond just lowering numbers; it focuses on reducing oxidized cholesterol and promoting its removal from your body.
So, how does it work?
The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy rests on four pillars:
Diet: Ditch those oxidized fat sources like vegetable oils and processed foods. Embrace healthy fats like olive oil, butter, and coconut oil instead.
Lifestyle: Get moving! Regular exercise, stress management, and good sleep are key to optimizing cholesterol and boosting your heart health.
Monitoring: Track your progress with cholesterol level monitoring and plaque buildup assessments. This allows for personalized adjustments and ensures you're on the right track.
Holistic Approach: It's not just about cholesterol. This program promotes healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight management for long-term well-being.
Science-backed and success-driven!
This isn't just talk; the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is backed by extensive scientific research. And the results speak for themselves! People are experiencing:
Complete reversal of plaque buildup
Drastic reductions in cholesterol levels
Increased energy and mental clarity
Enhanced appearance and overall well-being
Ready to take control of your heart health?
The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy offers a compelling and effective way to reverse heart disease and improve your overall health. Check out their website for more information and start your journey towards a healthier future!
#OxidizedCholesterol #HeartHealth #Cholesterol #Reversal #SuccessStories #HolisticHealth #Wellbeing
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lastoneout · 3 months
You know I have been wondering my whole life if I might be intersex for a number of reasons(my mom was literally told by a doctor when I was a baby that my hormones looked fine but based on the way my junk looks it was likely that I was exposed to too much testosterone in the womb) but like I always kinda just ignored it because I figured something would have come up by now on a test...
But I'm also the only adult woman I know who has high cholesterol. Last year I had a scare where mine was like almost lethally high, and my doctor really seemed convinced I was just eating garbage 24/7, but I went on medication and made lifestyle changes and probably eat way less than the average person now...but my cholesterol is still on the high side of normal.
I assumed maybe it was stress? And that might partially be it, but I swear I do not eat enough fried foods and butter for my body to be doing this naturally.
I was going to talk to my PCP about getting in with an OB/GYN because I need to find a new form of birth control that helps me manage my period because my periods are regular but really painful and I bleed a ton and they make me so nauseous it's hard to eat and trigger my IBS and give me hellish migraines, but I think I might want to push for a hormone test of some sort since this appointment is technically just about checking my cholesterol and deciding what we should do. I am genuinely wondering if I have PCOS and just have mild symptoms so no one ever caught it.
Bcs really the ONLY people I have ever known with high cholesterol are men, cis and trans, and again I do not eat a lot of cholesterol heavy foods anymore. There has to be something else going on here I s2g. And while I don't have excess hair growth or hair loss and my periods are regular despite being very heavy, I have had horrible acne all over my face and shoulders and back that only goes away when I'm on birth control, my voice dropped when I was like 20?? For seemingly no reason??? Like I was having full on cracking and when it went away my voice was deeper???? And the stuff about my birth and body like....idk things just aren't adding up imo! They really aren't!
I just hope she doesn't get weird about it or act like I'm crazy or something :/ I know doctors can be really fucking strange about intersex conditions but at this point I have done everything short of stopping consuming anything with cholesterol in it at all and it's still higher than it should be. I think it's time to look into potential causes outside what I put in my mouth.
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molsons112000 · 4 months
They found this drug can melt away plaque in the circulatory system.
Artery drug 'feasible' in humans after mice tests
The drug Trodusquemine was given to mice on a high fat diet in 2017 and was shown to "melt away" the fat inside arteries that can cause heart attacks and strokes. Follow-up tests carried out this year on human white blood cells found the same success.Dec 21, 2023
https://www.bbc.com › news › articles
Artery drug "feasible" in humans after Aberdeen mice research - BBC
Here are some foods that will help with plaque in the body.
What drink opens up arteries?
Pomegranate juice also has nitrate, which can widen blood vessels and facilitate blood flow.
https://cfvein.com › blog › blood-ci...
What Are The Best Drinks For Blood Circulation? | CF Vein
How to reverse 20 years of arterial plaque naturally?
There is no fast way to unclog arteries once plaque has built up. The best evidence for stabilizing and regressing plaque is with a combination of cholesterol-lowering medications, such as statins along with healthy lifestyle habits.
https://www.healthline.com › health
Can You Unclog and Reduce Plaque in Arteries? - Healthline
What will dissolve plaque in arteries?
There is no easy way to unclog an artery once plaque has built up. However, dietary choices, exercise, and avoiding smoking can improve cardiovascular health and stop blockages from worsening. In some cases, medication or surgery may be necessary.
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
How to unclog arteries: Treatment and preventing blockages
Eating certain foods, like cayenne pepper, pomegranate, onions, cinnamon, garlic, fatty fish, beets, turmeric, leafy greens, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and berries, can help increase blood flow and circulation
Yes, improving circulation can help prevent plaque buildup in arteries. Normal blood flow protects against plaque development, while disturbed blood flow can promote it. Regular exercise, which can improve circulation, can also help reduce plaque buildup in other ways: Lowers bad cholesterol, Boosts good cholesterol, Increases nitric oxide production, and Strengthens the heart. 
How to unclog arteries: Treatment and preventing blockages
In addition to eating a healthful diet, regularly exercising or getting enough physical activity may help a person to maintain a moderate weight and reduce their risk of heart problems. Taking part in cardiovascular exercise, otherwise known as cardio, on a regular basis may also help strengthen the heart and reduce plaque. Simple cardio activities that raise the heart rate include: jogging. cycling. running. brisk walking. swimming. playing tennis. doing aerobics. It is best for a person to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of strength training per week.
Restoration of normal blood flow in atherosclerotic arteries ... - NCBI
Blood flow is a key regulator of atherosclerosis. Disturbed blood flow promotes atherosclerotic plaque development, whereas normal blood flow protects against plaque development. We hypothesized that normal blood flow is also therapeutic, if it were able to be restored within atherosclerotic arteries. Apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE−/−) mice were initially instrumented with a blood flow-modifying cuff to induce plaque development and then five weeks later the cuff was removed to allow restoration of normal blood flow.
NYU Langone Health
Lifestyle Changes for Lower Extremity Arterial Disease
Exercising Regularly. Regular exercise improves the health of your arteries in several ways. First, it lowers bad cholesterol and boosts good cholesterol, which can reduce plaque buildup in arteries. It also increases the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps dilate the arteries and improve blood pressure in the cells that line the arteries, enhancing circulation. Exercise helps control the symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, and even stress, which can worsen high blood pressure—one of the leading causes, along with plaque buildup, of lower extremity arterial disease.
Some other ways to improve circulation include:
Cardiovascular exercise
Activities like jogging, cycling, running, brisk walking, swimming, playing tennis, and aerobics can help raise your heart rate and improve circulation.
Stretching before and after exercise can help boost circulation.
Drinking enough water throughout the day can increase oxygen levels in your blood, which can lead to better circulation. Experts recommend drinking 8–12 glasses of water per day.
Eating certain foods, like cayenne pepper, pomegranate, onions, cinnamon, garlic, fatty fish, beets, turmeric, leafy greens, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and berries, can help increase blood flow and circulation.
Quitting smoking
Smoking can inhibit blood flow, damage blood vessel walls, and cause plaque to build up in veins. 
Henry Ford Health
https://www.henryford.com › blog
How To Boost Your Circulation (And Why It's Important!)
Oct 27, 2020 — Try any of the below: Increase cardiovascular exercise. Running, biking or walking can help boost circulation—and the same goes for stretching ...
Web results
https://www.smilehavendentalcenter.com › ...
General Blood Flow / Circulation - SmileHaven Dental Center
Exercise whenever you can to boost your circulation. · Stretch Make sure to get up every hour to stretch your body or exercise for 3-5 minutes. · Massage · Elevate ...
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc
Restoration of normal blood flow in atherosclerotic arteries ... - NCBI
by MA Schake · 2023 · Cited by 1 — Decuffing to restore normal blood flow promotes increased stability of plaques in the unstable (upstream) plaque region comparable to treatment with ...
Now also using massage to boost blood flow.
https://www.thegoodbody.com › ty...
19 Different Types of Massage: Which Is Best ...
Massage therapy is when a therapist manipulates your soft tissues and muscles, by rubbing and kneading, to evoke a healing or relaxation response. However the t
What type of massage is the strongest?
Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage uses more pressure than Swedish massage. This is a good choice for people with chronic muscle problems such as soreness, injury or imbalance. Deep tissue massage helps relieve muscle tension, chronic muscle pain and anxiety.
https://www.vinmec.com › news › 1...
12 Types of Massage: Which is Right for You? - Vinmec
Indigo Spa
https://indigospa.co.za › Blog
20 Most Common Types of Massages and their Benefits ...
Nov 26, 2021 — The term refers to kneading, rubbing, soothing or working in and out. Lomi Lomi massage includes using the Palms Knuckles elbows, fingers, feet, ..
So the Swedish massage boosts blood flow and lumpatic flow most. This will help you deal with plaque in the body. Plus before the athletes do performance, they should have a massage.
A Swedish massage improves circulation of both blood and lymph flow. Friction created between skin and fingers encourages an improved in circulation. Improving circulation of blood and lymph flow promotes heathier, stronger muscles that are less likely to fatigue and weaken during any type of activity.
https://www.physio.co.uk › treatments
Improved Circulation - Benefits Of Massage - Physio.co.uk
So when giving the Swedish massage, they should use peppermint oil. The further enhanced improvement of circulation.
Peppermint oil
Peppermint: Minty and refreshing, Peppermint oil is known to improve circulation efficiently when topically applied with a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut oil.Feb 22, 2022
https://www.edensgarden.com › w...
Which Essential Oils Improve Circulation and Blood Flow?- AAA
Taking a combination of the below supplements before a massage can further stimulate circulation and help the massages defeat plaque buildup.
What is the best supplement to increase circulation?
1. B-complex. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are important for your blood flow because of how they manage homocysteine levels.Aug 16, 2023
https://www.takecareof.com › articles
Top 17 Vitamins and Supplements for Blood Flow | Care/of
Substances such as capsaicin, beetroot powder, and Omega-3 fatty acids may help dilate blood vessels and reduce inflammation.
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
Can vitamins help increase blood flow? - MedicalNewsToday
If you want a faster acting, take the liquid form.
What is the best supplement to increase circulation?
1. B-complex. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are important for your blood flow because of how they manage homocysteine levels.Aug 16, 2023
https://www.takecareof.com › articles
Top 17 Vitamins and Supplements for Blood Flow | Care/of
Substances such as capsaicin, beetroot powder, and Omega-3 fatty acids may help dilate blood vessels and reduce inflammation.
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
Can vitamins help increase blood flow? - MedicalNewsToday
So before massage, besides the supplements above you can drink this combination of teas mix the 3 of these 1/3 of each.
Green and black teas are packed with antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals, which can lead to heart disease. Additionally, ginger tea has been found to improve blood flow as a natural vasodilator, widening blood vessels and enhancing blood flow.
https://cfvein.com › Blog
What Are The Best Drinks For Blood Circulation? | CF Vein
Dynamic stretching increases blood flow the most. They recommend the downward dogs.
Dynamic StretchingDynamic stretches improve circulation and flexibility using movement. These include exercises such as: Walking downward facing dog: To perform a walking downward facing dog, place palms on the floor and walk feet backward approximately two to three feet. Hips press up and chest presses toward legs.Jul 20, 2021
https://drmotionsocks.com › blogs
Stretches To Increase Circulation | Dr. Motion Blog
Here are the different forms of dynamic stretching.
There are a wide variety of dynamic stretches you can try, especially if you're looking to warm up for a run.
Leg pendulum (Swinging each leg back and forth 10 to 12 times. You can also do this swinging your leg side-to-side).
Walking lunges.
Walking lunges with a torso twist.
Small hip circles.
May 28, 2020
https://health.clevelandclinic.org › ...
Dynamic vs. Static Stretching - Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials
Taking a couple drops of a regular oil orally, each day helps with bacteria in the mouth. You could put it on a toothbrush and brush your teeth and tongue.
https://aestheticfamilydentistry.com › ...
Oregano oil benefits for oral health - Aesthetic Family Dentistry
Feb 16, 2018 — Used in a tiny dose a couple of times a day, oregano oil helps fight the bacteria in the mouth. Integrated into a daily oral health
Rejuvenation Health
https://www.rejuv-health.com › ho...
11 Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay Naturally
Jan 4, 2023 — Oregano Oil Oregano essential oil can help prevent infection from forming in a tooth cavity. It can also destroy harmful bacteria in your
Here are the best sexual positions for a Woman to do with a man who has a rectal dysfunction or needs to improve circulation. These work for men with heart issues. I wish Kelly would do this with me.
Traditionally, doctors concerned about blood flow during sexual intercourse have recommended a sex position with the woman on top.
https://www.everydayhealth.com › ...
Best Sexual Positions for ED Treatment - Everyday Health
Watching 2 and a 1/2 men as I put this together.
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atxcleo · 5 months
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On July 8, 2023, I began my lifestyle change. No more fast food, no processed foods, no added sugars, artificial ingredients, preservatives, etc. I increased my proteins and fibers. My exercise stayed the same: 5 days a week of minimum 30 minutes of activity. And any activity; walking, HIIT, kettlebells, etc. Just some sort of activity.
Why? I was pre-diabetic. My blood pressure was high, as was my cholesterol and triglycerides. Fatty liver, to boot.
It was either get on medication to control it OR change my habits. I opted for the habits.
It hasn’t been easy. But goodness, the reward has been great. I was almost a size 20, now I’m comfortably a size 12. I wore XXL shirts and pants, now I’m a medium in shirts and large in pants. Not only am I physically healthy, I’m full of confidence. Confidence I hadn’t had since my early 20’s.
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Only difference is I have technology that wasn’t available to me before. Especially when it comes to the camera. I’ll admit, I kind of feel vain, taking photos of myself. Before the weight loss, I relied on filters and selfies. Now, I’m learning to model. I want to shine, show off my confidence and joy. But I still feel… like I shouldn’t?
It’s so foreign to me, taking photos of my entire self. Something about it just feels weird. Like maybe I shouldn’t? But why not, I ask myself.
I wonder if this feeling will fade the more I do it. I’ve pulled my husband into taking videos of our outfits of the day (on days we make the effort to get out of our sweats), because it feels less cringe if I don’t do it by myself. But he can’t be my crutch forever, right? LOL
It’ll be strange to me, but I’ll keep doing it. Because it reminds me of WHY I changed my habits. Of the hard work I’ve put into my health. Because it’ll build my confidence, something I never had.
So, excuuuuuse me as I learn to “serve looks”. 😘
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Heart disease encompasses a wide range of cardiovascular problems. Various conditions fall under the heart disease umbrella, each affecting the heart or blood vessels in distinct ways. Understanding these types can help in recognizing symptoms early and seeking appropriate treatment. This article explores the primary types of heart disease, their causes, and potential treatments.
1. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Coronary Artery Disease is the most common type of heart disease. CAD occurs when the coronary arteries, responsible for supplying blood to the heart muscle, become hardened and narrowed due to the buildup of cholesterol and other materials, known as plaque, on their inner walls. This process is called atherosclerosis.
Chest pain (angina)
Shortness of breath
Treatments include lifestyle changes, medication, and possibly procedures like angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
2. Heart Arrhythmias
Arrhythmias are irregular heartbeats. The heart can beat too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or irregularly. This can be due to a fault in the heart’s electrical system.
Treatment might involve medications, lifestyle adjustments, and in some cases, implantable devices like pacemakers or procedures like catheter ablation.
3. Heart Valve Disease
The heart contains four valves: the tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, and aortic valves. These valves open and close to direct blood flow through the heart. Valve disease occurs when one or more of these valves do not function properly.
Swollen ankles or feet
Shortness of breath
Treatment may include medication, surgical repair, or valve replacement depending on the severity and specific type of valve disease.
4. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Heart failure, sometimes known as congestive heart failure, occurs when the heart can’t pump blood as well as it should. This can result from any condition that damages the heart muscle, including CAD, high blood pressure, and heart valve disease.
Shortness of breath
Persistent coughing or wheezing
Swelling in legs, ankles, and feet
Managing heart failure involves a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and possibly surgery or devices like ventricular assist devices (VADs) or implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs).
5. Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy refers to diseases of the heart muscle. These diseases enlarge or make the heart muscle rigid and more prone to arrhythmias.
Swelling of the legs
Treatment focuses on controlling symptoms and may include medications, lifestyle modifications, or devices to help the heart pump more effectively.
6. Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital heart defects are structural problems with the heart present from birth. They can involve the walls of the heart, the valves of the heart, and the arteries and veins near the heart.
Symptoms vary widely and can include cyanosis (a bluish tint to the skin, lips, and fingernails), breathing difficulties, and fatigue.
Treatment depends on the type and severity of the defect and may involve medication, catheter procedures, or surgery.
Heart disease is a broad term that covers various conditions affecting the heart’s structure and function. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of these different types can lead to early diagnosis and treatment, significantly improving quality of life and outcomes for those affected. Regular check-ups and conversations with healthcare providers about heart health can help individuals understand their risks and take proactive steps towards heart disease prevention.
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gettingthebestofyou · 8 months
Today marks my first Zepbound shot. I’m nervous.
I don’t actually think I’m excited. If anything, I’m a little disappointed that I was able to get here in my own. In a little over a year I’ve managed to change my sugar, my cholesterol, and my liver function tests…
…and my whole lifestyle, really.
But I haven’t changed my weight. And my A1C is somehow WORSE than when I started.
I would be lying if I didn’t say that today felt like a”last hurrah” food-wise, and I know I shouldn’t do that, either. But the nausea scares me SO MUCH. And I LOVE food. I love the flavor and the feel and the comfort.
So I had steak and a glass of Prosecco and a bag of chips and there will be ice cream later. Today is NOT a day that exemplifies the changes I’ve made to my diet or my relationship with food. Today is a major backslide.
My dietician might tell me there’s no bad foods, but my lifetime of diet culture tells me I should be ashamed of how I ate today.
But in some ways I’m happy, because in 10 years I haven’t been able to get what’s going on with me under control, even with getting my thyroid treated. And I hate myself.
I hate myself.
I hate the way I look, I hate the way I feel.
Even with trying to cone to terms with the idea of being overweight for the rest of my life if I could JUST GET HEALTHY I still hate myself.
Today is February 3, 2024. I weight 210 lbs. I am 43.8% fat. My A1C is 5.9.
Tonight, I take my first Zepbound shot.
I’m going to use this blog as a diary of sorts, and keep it as anonymous as I can make it. Hopefully so I can see how far I’ve come one day in the future.
If you feel like coming along for the ride, please do.
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Clinically Approved Natural Cholesterol Control Supplement - Naturachol
You can save $5 per bottle every month by purchasing monthly subscription OR use the code to save $5. Naturachol provides numerous benefits for your cholesterol without any lifestyle changes. Not only that, it is Vegan, GMO free, Gluten Free, Preservatives free! Check out the customer reviews on the website: https://naturachol.com/
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Why Women’s Wellness: Understanding High Cholesterol and Heart Disease in Women
At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we prioritize women's wellness and recognize the unique health challenges they may face. In this article, we delve into the critical topic of high cholesterol and heart disease in women, shedding light on the importance of understanding these conditions to promote better heart health.
Heart disease is a leading cause of mortality among women worldwide. While it has long been associated with men, women also face significant risks related to heart health, particularly concerning high cholesterol levels. Understanding the connection between high cholesterol and heart disease is vital for empowering women to make informed decisions about their health.
The Impact of High Cholesterol on Heart Health:
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that our bodies need to build healthy cells. However, when cholesterol levels become elevated, it can lead to the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, restricting blood flow to the heart. This condition, known as atherosclerosis, significantly increases the risk of heart disease and related complications.
Unique Risk Factors for Women:
Women may experience specific risk factors for high cholesterol and heart disease that differ from those of men. Some of these risk factors include:
Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations throughout a woman's life, such as during pregnancy, menopause, and the use of hormonal birth control, can impact cholesterol levels and heart health.
Smoking: Smoking is a prominent risk factor for heart disease in women. Female smokers face a higher risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues.
Diabetes: Women with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing heart disease compared to men with diabetes.
Sedentary Lifestyle: Physical inactivity can lead to weight gain and unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels, contributing to heart disease risk.
Stress and Depression: Chronic stress and depression have been linked to higher cholesterol levels and an increased risk of heart disease in women.
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Recognizing Symptoms in Women:
Women may experience different heart attack symptoms than men. While chest pain is a common symptom for both genders, women may also present with other signs, including:
Pain or discomfort in the neck, jaw, or upper back
Shortness of breath
Nausea or vomiting
Lightheadedness or fainting
Pain or discomfort in one or both arms
It is essential for women to be aware of these symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if they experience any of them.
Preventive Measures for Women's Heart Health:
Preventing heart disease begins with proactive lifestyle choices and regular health checkups. Here are some preventive measures that women can take to improve heart health:
Healthy Diet: Adopt a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit the intake of saturated and trans fats, as they can contribute to elevated cholesterol levels.
Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling, for at least 150 minutes per week.
Manage Stress: Practice stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises, to promote emotional well-being.
Quit Smoking: If you smoke, seek support to quit smoking and improve your heart health significantly.
Regular Checkups: Schedule regular visits with healthcare providers for preventive screenings and cholesterol level assessments.
Promoting women's wellness involves understanding the specific risks and challenges they may face concerning heart health. High cholesterol is a significant contributor to heart disease in women, but with early detection and lifestyle modifications, it can be effectively managed and even prevented.
At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we are committed to providing comprehensive care to women, empowering them to take charge of their health. Our team of healthcare providers offers personalized guidance and support to enhance heart health and overall well-being.
Educate yourself about heart disease and high cholesterol, make informed choices, and take proactive steps towards a healthier heart and a happier life.
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code-of-creation · 1 year
Everyone is being so kind and supportive on my blazed post to find my Prince Sidon figure!
This makes me so happy! So many people are trying to help me, a complete stranger, and wishing me good luck. People are giving me so many compliments and good messages about how Im using blaze, how I approach the proper compensation for artistic work, and how I view supporting tumblr.
I have really been struggling lately. I'm a medical marvek of multiple illnesses, both mental and physical. I've had a really hard year and I'm currently on medical leave working closely with psychiatric services to get my debilitating bipolar disorder under control. I am at a place where medication isn't helping me, and I've been relying strongly on family and friends.
I've never had a bipolar episode so intense, so prolonged, and so debilitating. But that is just the most forefront of my problems right now. I've been struggling to take care of NAFLD, Or non alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is very common in my family and often tied with developing diabetes. I need to change my whole lifestyle permanently to prevent further issues. If any of you have ever tried to quit an addicting processed American diet to a fresh minimally processed-low fat-low sugar-low cholesterol-No red meat-Whole wheat diet, then you know how hard it is. Not just the physical cravings for junk food that are so bad they nearly consume ones thoughts, but the societal and family pressure to socialize and bond through food, the mockery and unwarranted cruelty for refusing "normal" food, staple foods, or red meat.
Thats not all however! I had to have all my upper teeth removed at a young age due to a combination of a genetic defect, poor dietary upbringing, and medications that damage teeth greatly over time. Medications I'll likely be taking for the rest of my life. It took me a few years, but I saved up enough to get the "cosmetic" surgery to have screws implanted in my jaw that teeth could be affixed to. In the time it took to raise the money, the medication and genetic defect caused the reabsorbtion of my upper jaw to the point I barely have any upper jaw bone left. There isn't enough left to have a good chance with a bone graft, never mind enough to put implants in. This news was devastating to me. My face is caved in now, and I'm only in my mid 20's.
Then there's the normal assorted fun bag for my body. Wait list to remove heavy fat deposites that cause strain on my back and hinder my breathing. Migraines I can only try to sleep through as doing anything else is too painful. Shortness of breath and stamina from a sudden dramatic weight gain related to a new medixation. I need new glasses as I can't read the signs in windows with my current ones. Painful cysts on my scalp that I cant get removed yet. A new and very persistent rash that Ive been taking antibiotics for, for a month, while my doctor struggles to figure out what is causing it. Constant fatigue and executive disfunction to the point someone has to wake me up every day, and I barely eat because the effort is so much.
I have very little mental and physical energy. Life is hard. Kindness from strangers and the prospect of having my unconditionally supportive shark friend is invaluable to me right now. I felt good today, and I am so thankful.
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