#Like Crowven didn't kick this guy in his genitals because he doesn't have any
arcadekitten · 1 year
Silly question, I know. But do things like deez nutz jokes exist in your works? and if they do how would they work? because to my knowledge your characters Don't have genitalia (My bad if it sounded rude at all)
Doesn't sound rude, no worries!
I mean, things like "Joe Mama" jokes already exist. Also as I've said in the past, none of the characters actually speak real english--the works are just written in english and the work is like a translation from their world to ours. There's no France in my games but I'm sure characters would still describe a french braid as being a french braid.
There's also some moments in my games that seem like they would relate to vulgar things in real life, but they're usually never actually finished and leave the player to infer what said character was talking about. I'm sure many players finish the sentences easily in their heads, but they probably don't think the same things that I know the game is actually referring to. Does that make sense? I feel like I explained it very confusingly. And it might not relate all that much to your original question. oh well!
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For example the above screenshots would make the majority assume the involvement of genitalia, but there is actually none present.
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