#Like Lynxkit and his sisters
bonefall · 2 years
Theres a cat called Silverhawk who trained Thistle, maybe he could give Tigerstar a life? IIRC Silverhawk died attacking a riverclan patrol so maybe his could be something along the lines of never backing down?
Also i think spottedleaf would make her. too involved yknow? Shes already sneaking out to help firestar and is (i think) a major part of the plot, while i DO like the whole curse thing it also makes scourge killing Tigerstar feel cheaper (rule of cool, tigerstar losing all 9 lives was cool as fuck because it meant the stakes were higher and firestar wasnt 9 lives safe anymore. It ruins the moment a bit by saying "yeah scourge just killed him normally it was the space cats who took his 9 lives").
Honestly my two cents i think badgerfang's in canon life was super dope. Tigerstar basically brushing off Badgerfang bc of how young he is and ignoring Badgerfang's blatant warning of "dont underestimate ur enemy", effectively dooming himself. Maybe not Badgerfang who gives the life, but i do think it could fit that someone, a half clan cat maybe? tries to give him a life but its brushed off completely bc Tigerstar refuses to believe that a half clan cat has anything of worth to say.
Silverhawk actually got backstory in TBC-- he tried to kill his leader because his son was deputy, and got them both killed in the process! He doesn't have a confirmed Clan yet, but I keep imagining it was RiverClan tbh.
The one who died on the RiverClan patrol was Thistleclaw himself. In my rewrite, that patrol is now the same one where Sunfish was murdered; Leopardfur killed Thistleclaw in revenge.
Anyway, I was a little worried about using Spotty too much. She's popular and I love writing for her so she does come up a ton. I didn't just pick her for no reason though-- she was actually very close with Tigerclaw when they were kids, and her death in the crossfire of a ShadowClan invasion is one of Tiger's few regrets.
He knows she plays tricks but underestimated her; and she gave him a curse instead of a blessing.
But no no, don't think for a minute I'd legitimately set it up like Scourge only killed Tigerstar regularly lmao. Nooo. It would still be the bloody, painful, suffering-nine-times unzippening that it was in canon, even if Spotty laid a curse on him. It would be more like... giving him an extra second's opening.
But if Spotty's not popular I'll do Leopardfoot's instead, telling him that he can still stop this. But he won't.
I generally don't like the "Reluctance Lives" that happen in canon because they backed themselves into a corner and decided that every ceremony MUST end with 9 lives. Every life being given is probably at least several more months of leadership-- a Spirit that does not want the Leader to live longer simply should not give one.
In spite of everything, his mom would still love him and want him to have another life.
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salt-clangen · 3 months
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More info on Burnpaw!
He’s 8 moons old at the time of Moon 1, 2 moons older than Wolfpaw. A cleric apprentice, he’s insecure, nervous and a restless sleeper. Originally named Redkit, he was apprenticed at 6 moons as a warrior apprentice, but he was very interested in camp keeping work, which includes cooking, maintaining the camp fire, processing food, and keeping the dens cleaned. He got into trouble from his mentor often for trying to help the keepers and learn from them.
Shortly before Redpaw turned 7 moons he was out of camp, attempting to start a fire like he’d seen the keepers do. It was successful but he was caught by Thornstrike and the head Cleric, Burdockpelt. While the cats argued, the fire got out of control, when they finally noticed the blaze was strong. Neither Thornstrike nor Burdockpelt knew how to put out a fire. Thornstrike ran back to camp to get help while Redpaw and Burdockpelt stayed back to try and stop the flames. The cleric got caught in the blaze and the apprentice tried to save him, burning his left eye. Finally help arrived but it was too late for the cleric, he died in the fire.
Redpaw was named Burnpaw as a dishonor title, Jaggedstar struggled to find a fitting punishment, the name change didn’t feel like enough and she was tempted to exile him. But Darkfold, now the sole cleric of a large clan, told Jaggedstar she’d received a sign from Starclan and asked to take Burnpaw as an apprentice. As cold and grumpy as the cleric is, she has a small soft spot for kits and Burnpaw was the first kit she helped deliver when she was an apprentice. So she lied, Burnpaw does know, but he’s eternally grateful to her.
He struggles in his new role, he’s constantly second guessing himself and feels immense guilt for Burdockpelt’s death. He’s studious and tries very hard to learn, but he’s not spiritually gifted and majority of the clan still hate him for the fire. Before Wolfpaw defected he had a tentative friendship with her, bordering on a small crush. He was the one that hinted to Wolfpaw that Darkfold had received an omen about Lynxkit which caused her to spy on her mother, setting the whole story into motion.
His mother passed away in a border fight, his father is a warrior, they don’t talk. He has two littermates, sisters Wrenpaw who is a camp keeper apprentice and Brackenpaw who was a caretaker’s apprentice. Brackenpaw was recently switched to being a nursery apprentice, since the only queen, Willowtail, was forced to retire after Wolfpaw left. Prior to the fire he and his sisters were close, none of them were warrior material and considered weak by their clan mates. Now that he’s a cleric and despised, the three don’t talk much, meeting briefly in secret. Other than Darkfold he doesn’t really talk with anyone outside of medical treatment.
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Honestly, I feel sorry for firestar… if he still trained brambleclaw, he had such high hopes of him, tried his best and everything and bramble still turn out like that?
It gets to a point where "I'm not mad, just disappointed" stops describing it.
"Actually... I am mad. I'm glad you're not a serial killer, but that's a really low bar, and you still acted like this."
He already has so much on his plate with Starclan, having to work to reform everything. He missed his own sister's death just because he was busy speaking to older Starclan cats who wanted to damn his daughters.
Then to look down and see his former apprentice, his ex-deputy who he finally put trust in after everything, having put him into the Deputy position specifically to keep an eye on him, and he goes and mistreats his grandchildren like THIS?
"Juniperkit, buddy, why don't you go ask Nanny (Sandstorm) to play hide and seek with you? Papa needs to do something..."
He sits by the Starpool, watching as Bramblestar snarls at his beloved granddaughter, a cat he raised until he tossed her aside like rotten meat when she didn't have enough of his blood for his liking. He insults his own child, Dandeliontuft, the molly who only ever wanted the love of her father who couldn't bear looking at her.
Firestar watches, embers burning at his paws, flickering through the air as a dark cloud gathers within Starclan. His body is rigid, muscles tensed, tail lashing back and forth as he watches the leader of Thunderclan greedily cling to his remaining lives, refusing to give them up to his rightfully ascending deputy. Firestar's body shakes with rage, and his breath comes in heavy shudders as Bramblestar snaps at Sparkpelt and Jayfeather, making himself bigger as he curses at his daughter and his former son, blaming his long faded father for their doubt in him. Blaming them for his behavior.
But Tigerstar was a murderer. He never hurt his children. Firestar remembers Tigerclaw standing outside of the nursery, looking exhausted as he waited for Spottedleaf to finish giving his tiny daughter Lynxkit her medicine. Cuddling with Goldenflower afterwards in the cramped den...
Tigerclaw was a monster, but not that kind. There are many kinds.
Bramblestar lift a massive paw, claws extended, towards Squirrelflight, who backs away in fear from the threat that, while never meant to be followed through, spoke enough volumes. His eyes flash amber in the bright autumn sun. Fire blazes in Firestar's body. Bramblestar will not hurt his daughter, not ever again.
The next flash is blinding, and suddenly, Firestar feels drained. He looks back over the Starpool... What was that? Was that him? He wanted to send a sign, what happened?
He looks at Brambleclaw's body, cats around him stood still in shock, most of their fur now on end.
"Starclan has spoken..." Hollyleaf remarks in a voice that only barely shakes, steeling herself. "They've made their opinion clear."
The Starpool goes gray again, blocking out the sight of them once more. It's been doing that a lot lately...
Suddenly, Juniperkit bumps into Firestar's back leg, snapping him out of his thoughts. He hadn't realized he'd jumped up in anger.
"Papaaa! I can't find Nanny anywhere! She hid too good."
Firestar's fur settles. "Oh no, silly Nanny." He purrs softly. "Let's go find her together."
He walks off with his little grandson into the beautiful forest. He has a meeting with Thunderstar and Lightning Tail tomorrow, and Juniperkit will go play with his uncle Swiftpaw, or perhaps his cousin Flametail will show him around a new place in Star-Shadowclan's land...
Around the Starpool, the ground is scorched black. The grass smolders where Firestar stood, the embers slowly fading off and drifting into nothing.
A lone spirit lingers, and fades off, unwelcome.
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fallenclan · 11 months
screaming sobbing wailing punching the wall kicking the wall pissing shitting throwing up falling to my knees in a burger king over lionsong's death... HE WAS SO YOUNG!!!!!!!!! HE HAD A MATE!!!!!!!!! HE WAS ABOUT TO BECOME AN UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like seriously if one of salmonmoose's kits is given a big cat name (lionkit, tigerkit, leopardkit, lynxkit, cougarkit) it will actually be so joever for me. I will fall to my knees on the interstate and you're gonna have to clean up my corpse (/J /J /J /J /J)
but I'm feeling the worst for antbite here... like imagine getting married to your childhood friend and looking forward to a long and happy life together... and then your husband just... gets sick and dies suddenly like less than a year into your marriage...
also, If I Die Young as a lionant song. throws up and dies.
LITERALLY HE WAS SO YOUNG!!!!!!!! god it makes me sad :( poor guy. and only one month before his sister gives birth, imagine how torn up she must be
THE SONG... sobs
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
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Swiftpaw and Lynxkit
Goldenflower's first litter, sired by an unknown loner. Goldenflower suffered from Postparturient metritis after giving birth, unable to give Swiftkit and Lynxkit proper care. While Brindleface stepped in to assist with providing milk for the kits, the infection was transmitted to Lynxkit, who continued to grow weaker by the day. At just a moon and a half old, Lynxkit would pass due to the infection, devastating the already struggling Goldenflower and causing a lot of confusion and uncertainty for Swiftkit.
Eventually Goldenflower would be safe to nurse her sole kit again, but Swiftkit was apprehensive. He had grown used to Brindleface, and began acting out after losing his sister. The young tom kit was troublesome and didn't help Goldenflower's depression better. With some clanmates even scorning Goldenflower for her son's outsider blood, it was an unfortunate situation for a mother and son both failing to be there for each other. Swiftkit wanted his mom, but Goldenflower was struggling with very real and difficult issues that she fought tooth and nail to overcome to be there for her child. How did Frostfur make it look so easy? The white she-cat had gotten right up after having her four little angels, practically glowing as the prime example of a successful mother.
Goldenflower truly did feel inadequate, trying to provide for her clan and be a single parent, but everything she did was simply average, and not enough to get other clanmates off her back. She was an absent mother, and then she was lazy and taking advantage of the clan, and then she was gaining weight - rude words being whispered about her that only plagued her each day. And Swiftkit... her beloved Swiftkit... he couldn't go one day without getting into trouble, forcing Goldenflower to apologize for her kit, which only made the stares worse.
She felt so alone, up until an unexpected visitor started coming to the nursery.
Swiftkit wouldn't act out when Tigerclaw was around. He was sharp and stern, keeping Swiftkit under control while Goldenflower did her duties. When exhausted, Tigerclaw looked after Swiftkit. The little tom kit grew very fond of Tigerclaw, admiring his strength and began viewing him as a paternal figure. Goldenflower finally had some time to work on herself, beginning to feel more confident as she got a balance of her clan work, queen work, and her alone time. She started feeling more like herself, more confident and smiling. Swiftkit saw a side of his mother he never saw before, brimming with happiness. Tigerclaw may not be his true father, but for the rest of the time Swiftkit was in the nursery, they really looked and felt like a family.
It didn't take long for Goldenflower and Tigerclaw to officially become mates. Swiftpaw excitedly trained with his new mentor, Longtail, always returning to camp with a proud smile as he told Tigerclaw everything they did that day. The dark brown tabby would laugh and wrestle with him. This was his father in his eyes. The days were bliss, though Swiftpaw certainly kept a big head and a nasty perception of outsiders thanks to Tigerclaw's words. The apprentice began to feel more self-conscious about his outsider blood more than ever, always doing daring tasks in attempts to make up for it. He longed for Tigerclaw's praise above all else, always wishing the brown tabby truly was his father in every way.
He was excited when Goldenflower announced she was pregnant with another leader. Swiftpaw was 10 moons old at the time, and was eager knowing he'd be a warrior soon after the kits came. It was an exciting day, Swiftpaw pushing himself into the nursery alongside Tigerclaw to see the squirming bundles. One was a tortoiseshell she-kit, and the other... well it looked just like Tigerclaw. They were named - Tawnykit and Bramblekit. Swiftpaw saw the way Tigerclaw looked at Bramblekit especially, pride in his gaze. He had a true son, who looked just like him. It made Swiftpaw's pelt tingle with jealousy, and it only continued to boil with what came next.
When Tigerclaw betrayed ThunderClan by trying to assassinate Bluestar, Tigerclaw asked Dustpelt, Longtail, and Darkstripe to follow him, all of which declined at that time. Goldenflower was devastated, but remained strong for her kits. Swiftpaw too was heartbroken, not only by Tigerclaw's actions... but he hadn't even asked him. He didn't want to go. He didn't want to hurt anyone. But why had Tigerclaw not thought to ask him, his almost warrior adoptive son, to follow him? Insecurities spread through Swiftpaw as he battled with what he wanted. He hated to admit it, but part of him wished Tigerclaw offered, and he wanted recognition from the cat he called a father.
Bluestar's grief fractured the clan, and moons passed with no title fro Swiftpaw. He grew frustrated and bitter, especially when Brackenfur, and even Cloudtail received their warrior names ahead of him. Then, right then and there, he began to form a plan to earn Bluestar's recognition, and furthermore Tigerstar's for that matter. His father was a leader, and Swiftpaw began to believe that if he could catch his eye, he might even acknowledge him again. All the while, Bramblekit and Tawnykit grew stronger every day. While Swiftpaw played with Tawnykit, he couldn't even look at Bramblekit without snarling, thinking about the father than ran out on them. He was going to do something so brave that everyone would finally recognize him...
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yuridovewing · 11 months
The Prophecies Begin: Changes
Last edited: 11/29/2023
I wanna start making posts about what I'd change in each arc for this au (I wanna start making art soon) so here we go: Tweaks I would make to TPB. This will be updated overtime and isn't expected to be complete when first posted.
Family Tree Changes:
-Longtail and Sandstorm are Tallstar's nephew and niece from Finchsong (saved kit) and Smokemask (filler oc). They're from different litters, with Longtail being a singlet, but Sandstorm's siblings were unfortunately stillborn, and Finchsong didn't survive the kitting. Because there were no nursing queens in WindClan, she was temporarily sent to ThunderClan and nursed by Nightdapple alongside Dustkit and Ravenkit. When she was weaned, she wanted to stay where she grew up, and Longtail left WindClan to be with her.
-Tigerstar's sisters live(d)! Mistpaw left the clans to live with her father, but Nightdapple became an archivist, keeping track of the clan's history. She's the mother to Dustpelt and Ravenpaw, who's father is an unnamed ThunderClan cat who died before they were born. She dies of greencough either before TPB alongside their mother, or sometime after Tigerclaw is exiled.
-Sandkit did view Nightdapple as her mother, but the Thunderstar dynasty explicitly does not claim her because of her heritage. Tigerclaw especially did not accept her as a niece, so she never knew him as an uncle or anything.
-Spottedleaf and Redtail were Rosetail's halfclan kits, and were extremely close. Spottedleaf is especially torn about her brother's death.
-Firestar and Scourge are full brothers through Jake and Quince, from separate litters.
-Firestar and Sandstorm get together earlier in the story, and Squirrelkit and Leafkit are born during "A Dangerous Path".
-Lionheart and Goldenflower are twins through Speckletail and their litters are close cousins who grew up alongside each other. Cinderkit and Brackenkit are from a slightly older litter than Brightkit and Thornkit. Swiftkit and Brightkit were especially close.
-Swiftpaw and Lynxkit are Tigerstar's kits from an older litter with Goldenflower.
-Graystripe and Darkstripe are full brothers from separate litters, and Willowpelt is their mother. (Willowpelt's parentage is undecided as of now, but she is no longer an Adderswift baby) Their father is undecided, but he is not in his sons' lives, and Willowpelt eventually moves on with her childhood friend, Whitestorm.
-Snowkit lives to become Snowtail and gets together with Ferncloud.
-Brindleface's litter was sired by a loner.
Storyline changes:
-Dustpaw is now Longtail's apprentice, and the both of them jeer at Rusty when he first arrives. Dustpaw is the one who fights Rusty and tears off his collar.
-Both Spottedleaf and Redtail give omens to Fireheart. StarClan's connection to the earth is very limited, and they cannot speak to Warriors very well, so they can't outright tell him how Redtail died.
-Spottedleaf is a morally gray character after she dies and until OotS, she becomes a spokesperson for StarClan and sees their visions as instruction. She believes she died early, so soon after delivering the "fire alone" prophecy, so that she could fulfill this role. She sees it as a personal slight when StarClan is "disobeyed". She isn't like this as much in TPB when she's recently dead and Fireheart doesn't have much of a reason to disobey her/StarClan, but we see this most with TNP and Po3 where she tries to force cats along a set path, IE Jaypaw.
-Whitestorm, Sandpaw and Longtail go with Fireheart and Graystripe to find WindClan. Bluestar isn't sending out fresh warriors to find a new clan on a whim. Sandpaw runs away so she can come along, and this is where she and Fireheart really start to build a genuine relationship.
-Squirrelkit gets poisoned by Darkstripe, not Sorrelkit. This is what breaks Firestar during The Darkest Hour.
-BloodClan is built up to throughout the series: in Fire and Ice for example, Fireheart will meet one of them at the border, though they are unnamed. BloodClan is the result of the clans' violent xenophobia, made up of cats who were brutalized by the clans and driven from the forest. Scourge's relationship to Firestar is also foreshadowed, as Firestar remembers his mother Quince mourning her older kit, Tiny. Firestar realizes their relationship and realizes that all this time, he's been the exception to the clans, not the rule. And even that's a stretch. The clans created BloodClan- this is what Thistleclaw and Tigerstar's ideology did. So when the battle comes, he defeats Scourge yet spares him, gaining his respect. While the clans all heal from the battle, they set up negotiations with the group and start to move forwards and start challenging the xenophobia in their system. Firestar offers Scourge a place in ThunderClan, but he denies. When the clans leave the forest, BloodClan remains a trade spot, similar to SkyClan.
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cat-alyzing · 1 year
Lilyclaw (fusion of Goldenflower and Tigerclaw) ideas at this time:
Daughter of Sunfall and a wanderer which keeps her as the sister of Lionheart. Her mentor was Pineheart tho and him leaving hurt her A LOT. Fueled by a mix of self hatred, bullying by her new mentor Thistleclaw, and him leaving she starts hating outsiders. When she’s just brought into camp the prophet Goosefeather receives a vision of her bathed in dawn light on one side and the other covered in blood, this about the way she could’ve been.
At the beginning of the story as Bon comes into camp she is a scratched queen with a swollen flank but battle hungry look in her eyes. She had just come back from a battle with the unconscious deputy Splotchedtail in her jaws. He soon ends up dying but Spottedleaf finds a lily petal in his mouth clueing her in on his true murderer
LOTS OF REPRESSED LESBIANISM. The clans at this time are a little sexist, have a lot of double standards, super xenophobic, and push a heteronormative idea on most cats. In a better life where she was taught or had some cat to guide her she could’ve been much more of a code changer like Bon but instead she followed the trail of tragedy. Her and Spottedleaf flirt a lot, but Lilyclaw always leaves feeling trapped in her partnership with the still undecided mate of hers.
Soon she has Lynxkit (Swiftkit) and Leopardkit (OG Lynxkit) named for the powerful cats and after her foster mom Leoaprdfoot. Sadly Leopardkit dies soon after complications caused by her fighting while so pregnant, and Lynxkit barely makes it. She is angry grieving mother and Bon ends up overhearing the fight she has with Spottedleaf.
Her ideology is based on wanting a better world where she can be free but also hating it from her past traumas. She wants the clans to fuse so more cats like her with a mixed blood can be seen as just as good but also being aggressive towards half blooded cats for the aggression she faced for her parentage. Hypocrite on purpose.
At some point when she’s joined Star Leopardstrike she has Moth, Hawk and Tadpole who are all renamed. Can’t decide if she has them with Leopard as a symbolism of their pact or some other cat. Either way the kits are just older then newborns when Lilyclaw has the battle that ends her life. They still become rogues tho after a raid is done on Riverclan by a group of Bloodclan cats including Sasha but they are tracked down and taken back, over this time the river floods on their way back and Tadpole dies.
She was never given 9 lives. While Starclan is very nuanced in this they do not want the clans to unite so they refuse her. The note of Scourge dying bc of their atheism is instead towards her as Starclan says Lilyclaw has no extra lives. She’s ripped in half in the fight after far for blood is spilt, taking Fireheart’s live that canon Scourge did and dying to the two brothers attacking her. Scourge gets their iconic kill by splitting her from throat to tail a move so horrific it spawns many tales, writings, and depictions for many generations.
From her death, carnage, and death she brought to the clans she did cause change but not by her owns paws. But instead by the paws of the cats who destroyed her. Her daughter Dawnclaw takes her suffix and spreads the other side of her mother that was fiercely loving, powerful, and so so hurt. She is one of the strongest voices to never let a cat with so much potential to be powerful go down a bloodied path like that.
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What If Scenarios
I asked the other mods to give me some kits or apprentices that died young, so that I could give some ideas on what I'd do with them instead:
Lynxkit of ThunderClan:
(Suggested by Mod Soda Pop)
Potential names: Lynxpatch or Lynxfang
She'd have Patchpelt as her mentor instead of father like canon... Tigerstar is probably her father here but I'm not exactly sure- She's close with her little sister Tawnypelt and the two look very alike! She and Swift aren't... too close. She's actually more friendly with Thornpaw and Fernpaw to contrast with Swift, Cloud and Bright- because I think its funny- She's a lot more studious and very hard headed. She sticks to her own ideals, she reminds me a lot of both her parents and Swiftpaw lmao. Also decided she should be Ferncloud's mate.
-patch suffix because of her mentor and -fang suffix because she's a good fighter and has a sharp tongue
Snowkit of ThunderClan:
(Suggested by Mod Eva)
Potential names: Snowmistle or Snowshine Snowkit beloved... I love the idea of Snowkit becoming a guard of sorts? Like someone who actively keeps watch. I think that's because I remember Smallear sounding an alarm I the first book and well- Snowkit's his son Brackenfur does train Snowkit tho cuz I like Brackenfur and I like their bond. Along with Speckletail helping them! Snowpaw very much looks up to his big sister Goldenflower and thinks she's really cool... I think it'd be interesting if he ends up in a cross clan relationship... and what if... maybe?? Stormfur or Feathertail?? I'm not sure who else is in that age range tbh-
-mistle suffix after his littermate and -shine after how he shone through Bluestar's reign and is kinda like a lighthouse shining the right direction ya know with him being a guard and stuff Also I just wanted something that wasn't hawk related and kinda matched with his siblings!
Willowkit of RiverClan:
(Suggested by Mod Dorito)
Potential names: Willowfall or Willowberry
Willowkit beloved ♡ She's the one I got most attached to as a kid. I imagine she's pretty quiet and basically the polar opposite of her sister with Silverpaw being a bit... stuck up (affectionate) Willowpaw is the type of person to give and give and be humble and kinda later have impostor syndrome... maybe it has to do with her mom- But she sorta eases up when Loudpaw and her start hanging out more... she's kinda like her rock and helps her ground herself when she's *really* spiraling, yes they become mates- I'm not sure who her mentor is here? Probably Sunfish tbh-
- Fall after windfalls... cuz she's the apple of her parents eye ya know? -Berry after... well... who other than Brambleberry ♡ Also cuz she's sweet like berries
Turtlekit of ShadowClan:
(Suggested by Mod Kitty)
Potential names: Turtledove or Turtleskid
Turtlekit is beloved. I love her. She's very close with her cousin Brownpaw... who uh... I'm gonna say is apart of a different litter than Littlecloud and Wetfoot because if not that's just ... weird? Cinderfur was only sire and she and her littermates knew that... but she still wanted to impress him all the same! She's very high achieving and bites off more than she can chew- which is both praised and looked down upon so she's often very confused and seeking out praise while getting in trouble-
She becomes close to Oakpaw and they both just... become frenemies. Both competing yet still respect each other.... it's frenemies to lovers yes. Oakpaw is Oakfur... who is such a nothing character despite training Tawnypelt and Tigerheart lmao. They're both cranky old people yet very much love and respect each other Also I'm giving Tawnypelt to Turtledove/skid to train instead because why not
Rustlepaw of WindClan:
(Suggested by Mod Kitty)
Potential names: Rustlefrond or Rustlegust
Their mentor will be Webfoot... despite him being his uncle (I imagine he's Whitetail's brother) he's kinda the only one who can sorta... keep down Rustlepaw's eager nature, always getting into everything and having leafs and twigs stuck to their pelt- They're very wreckless and were held back on their Warrior ceremony due to that... but eventually they did get their name and were very happy about it!
Everyone's kinda put off about how eager they are to explore... but they soon settled down after their little siblings were born and was immediately attached to Heatherkit. Before then Rustlefrond/gust was genuinely considering leaving clan life to explore... with their best friend Pebblefoot of RiverClan... of course they're still very close with Pebblefoot regardless
-Mod ☕️
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Changes in cannon for my Rewrite/Au for ThunderClan/Forest Camp
*NOTE:* The prequel books (super editions, novellas, field guides, etc are completely discarded in this AU, ages, relations, and names will most likely be changed for most cats
Name Changes:
Bluestar -> Sleetfall
Spottedleaf -> Leafshade
One-Eye -> Fawntrail
Lionheart -> Liondapple
Leopardfoot -> Martenleap
Tigerclaw -> Tigerstrike
Darkstripe -> Starlingswoop
Whitestorm -> Mallowstorm
Mosskit -> Chervilblossom
Longtail -> Rushtail
Mousefur -> Laurelswipe
Willowpelt -> Willowtuft
Dustpaw -> Basilpaw
Graypaw -> Kitepaw
Speckletail -> Cloudcatcher
Goldenflower -> Aspenleaf
Frostfur -> Asterdawn
Brindleface -> Iriscloud
Dappletail -> Turtleshell
Smallear -> Beechmask
Halftail -> Sedgetail
Moonflower -> Duskflower
Stormtail -> Stagcharge
Snowfur -> Snowfeather
Mistlekit -> Chervilkit
Swiftbreeze -> Swiftgaze
Adderfang -> Adderstrike
Mistkit -> Mirekit
Nightkit -> Petuniakit
Family Tree Changes:
Sleetstar is still the daughter of Duskflower and Stagcharge as well as the sister to Snowfeather, all of whom are deceased at the start of the AU. However, she is mates with Stormstone (Crookedstar) and has two separate litters with him, both of which get transferred to River's Camp, the kits being Mistypounce and Stonedive (1st litter) and Silverstream, Shellkit, and Ploverkit (Shell and Plover passed as kits).
Redtail is still mates with Iriscloud in this AU, and father's Ashkit, Tulipkit, and Fernkit (Elderkit doesn't exist lol). His parentage has changed however, his mother is Rosetail and his father is Tawnyspots. He has two deceased siblings, Olivekit and Sloekit.
Leafshade's family is completely different from cannon. She is the daughter of Fawntrail and Beechmask, as well as the sister to Laurelswipe.
Liondapple's family remains decently similar to his cannon family tree. He is still mates with Asterdawn, but he only fathers Brightkit, Thornkit, and Brackenkit. His parentage has also changed, he is now the child of Turtleshell and a deceased tom named Sycamoretooth. He also remains the brother to Aspenleaf.
Martenleap remains as a child of Swiftgaze and Adderstrike, however she is mates with Thrushpelt and is the mother to Starlingswoop and Magpiewing (an OC). She does have two deceased siblings Chipmunkpaw and Mousecatcher.
Tigerstrike is still the son of Pinestar, however his mother is an OC named Frondpelt with his dead siblings Mirekit and Petuniakit.
Starlingswoop is the son of Martenleap and Thrushpelt as well as the brother to Magpiewing. He does end up fathering Ravenpaw with his mate Nettleglare.
Mallowstorm is the son of Snowfeather and Thistlepounce, just like in cannon, however he has a sister based on Mosskit named Chervilblossom.
Chervilblossom mothered Kitepaw with her mate whom passed, Elkleg.
Basilpaw is the son of two of my OCs Firrush and Driftsnap. Notably he is the grandson of Sunstar on Firrush's side.
Rushtail is the son of Sedgetail and a deceased OC named Cherrytail.
Willowtuft is the child of Cloudcatcher and a loner at the barn named Thatcher, she has a few deceased siblings named Bloomkit, Flaxkit, and Podpaw.
Runningwind has two named parents, Elmleg and Wrengaze both of whom are dead. He is also the father to Sandpaw, Cinderkit, Swiftkit, and Lynxkit as well as being mates with Aspenleaf.
Asterdawn is the child of Featherwhisker and Stemfall (OC)
Iriscloud is the kit of two loners named Leonora and Ragweed, she also has a sister who remains a loner named Burnet.
If you have any questions relating to the family trees please do submit a question in my ask box. I love and welcome questions. :)
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greekstar · 2 years
Rewrite idea!! What if Tigerstar and Firestar switched places? Firestar being evil and tigerstar being the good guy? :))
It took me a while to get to this but it took me a while to think of it lol.
Rusty is actually the late son of Pinestar! He looks exactly like him but a little more on the ginger side! (I think of Pinestar Is a mix of a ginger and dark brown tabby.)
Pinestar told Rusty about the clans before he died and Rusty loved the idea so as a kit he ventured out and actually is taken in: but what he learns about it is awful. He learns how ‘controlling’ Starclan is and plans to destroy it and make his own rules.
In this, Mistfall and Nightshine live! Which is why Tigerclaw isn’t bad. Sense he had his sisters to keep him in check.
Tigerclaw sees his younger brothers ambitions and tries to guide him in the right direction before he destroys the clans.
Rustpaw isn’t convinced but acts it so he gets Tigerclaw off his back (he actually looks like Rust now so he keeps somewhat of his name)
When Rustpaw becomes Rustheart, he manipulates Bluestar into believing all he stands for is Starclan, which she then makes him deputy.
Tigerclaw is proud of his brother and doesn’t see anything wrong with it so leaves it be.
Also Rustheart is now 2 years older then Sandstorm but they still become mates.
The fire prophecy never is there but a new one is.
“Tiger will claw its way to the top from the blood of its own”
Which makes Bluestar believe Tigerclaw is Evil, but he’s not. The prophecy is trying to state that Tigerclaw will kill Ruststar as he becomes leader of Thunderclan. But not to make it wrong but to help and save it.
This makes Bluestar very sus about Tigerclaw, mostly because she feels he will kill her deputy after losing Redtail to a fox (not to Tigerclaw and it’s earlier)
Tigerclaw actually has Bramble and Tawny early with GoldenFlower, and later have Swiftfang and Lynxkit. And maybe even a future litter now that they don’t break up due to Tigerclaw being evil.
Rustheart trains Brambleclaw to be evil and believe in his ways. Brambleclaw never looked up to his father who he thought was weak hearted and thought of Rustheart as a father. Swiftfang also looked up to Rustheart and was later trained to him after Longtail dies in a ‘accident’ - Rustheart killed him after teaching his nephew to be weak.
When Bluestar dies under ‘mysterious’ measures, Ruststar is made leader and quickly is to act. Banishing anyone or even killing anyone who disobeys him. Brokenstar is one of his loyal cats who took lead of Shadowclan and their starting to rule cruelly in both clan.
Ruststar doesn’t train cats early but they train longer and have a lot of apprentices take a dark forest mentor. He has the help of One-eye, and a lot of other dark forest cats to help him.
He also is very keen on having kits in his clan, stealing a lot of Riverclan and Windclan kits when he feels he’s running low.
He is always at war with Riverclan and Windclan but always win. He does see the good in keeping them around for kits and prey when he feels like Riverclan and Windclan are becoming cocky.
He does have a soft spot for queens. Mostly cats that are weak. So he does respect elders and probably the most happiest in the clans are the elders.
Sandstorm, Dustpelt, Ravenclaw, Graystripe are some of the cats that follow him greatly. Though Ravenclaw is on Tigerclaw’s side.
Tigerclaw is leading a rebellion no one knows of. His mate, GoldenFlower, daughter Tawnyfoot and friends/kin Nightshine, Mistfall(died though in a battle), A lot of the older cats who used to remember the old clans and Riverclan and Windclan.
Finally, they attack.
At a gathering held by Ruststar(not a full moon) where he’s demanding more territory for his growing clan, Tigerclaw yowls at him and attacks him.
Ruststar is surprised but quickly attacks him, though it doesn’t take long for Tigerclaw to kill him and take all his lives.
Many cats are surprised but then war breaks out. Many cats die, but in the end, Tigerclaw wins and Thunderclan and Shadowclan are restored. Exiling or even killing the cats that aren’t going to follow the old way.
Sandstorm is a queen at this time and Squirrelkit and LeafKit are just born but Sandstorm is exiled, and she leaves Squirrelkit and LeafKit behind where Tigerstar takes them in as his.
Ruststar did band all things about Starclan and even talking about them because he saw them as controlling which he became.
Hehehehe this was EVENTFUL.
Honestly I don’t like the idea of this and this would go horribly for all clans. But hey, it was fun writing. I might to MORE on this if it’s requests a few times but that’s all I’ma do for now.
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blorboclaw · 2 years
List of characters who should have their own SE or novella:
Stonefur (was going to say novella but there’s a lot to write about so SE). Starts when he’s made apprentice, follows him and Mistypaw growing in a Riverclan in which they fit almost perfectly. The battle of the sunning rocks. Oakheart takes Redtail off his back and tells him no Thunderclan cat should harm him. Then Oakheart dies before he can explain. Leopardstar names him deputy. He is forced to chose between dying and killing Stormpaw. LOTS of potential. Ends up giving a life to Blackstar and one to Mistystar. Ends with him welcoming his sister in Starclan. Manga shows him going to the tribe of eternal hunt from times to times to keep an eye on Stormfur’s kits. Title: Stonefur’s Trouble
Goldenflower (SE? Most of it would be covered in Bluestar’s prophecy but there’s still a lot to write about). Girl is training alongside Bluestar. Sister of Lionheart. Mate of Tigerstar I. Saw her family disband, her brother dying, her nieces suffer horrible accidents, Lynxkit and Swiftpaw die, her mate become a traitor, her daughter leave the clan, her son disappear in Midnight, made the Great Journey... Title: Goldenflower’s Blood (as in kin except we already have daisy’s kin)
Willowpelt (novella): both her littermates (Redtail and Spottedleaf) got one. Retconning Thrushpelt as her initial mate, the father of Darkstripe and Graystripe. Actually I just want that novella to be a cute love story between Willowpelt and Thrushpelt (without any “he came on her when she was an apprentice”, more like “she came on him a few moons after having been named a warrior”, since he’s still not over Bluestar at the beginning). Having him be reluctant or have kits after MossMistyStonekit’s deaths. Title: Willowpelt’s Mate.
On the same note could be a Thrushpelt novella actually but I prefer it the Willowpelt’s diary/love story way. Alt Title: Thrushpelt’s Love.
Perchpaw, the guy who killed Mapleshade (novella). I want to see him be named a warrior for avenging Appledusk, and then idk some slice of life about Riverclan, the usual floods and all, until we can make the link with Crookedstar’s times. Perchdusk (named after Appledusk) being the mentor of Appledusk’s kit. Perchdusk being the one to fetch the medicine cat when Appledusk’s kit is having their own litter (from which Shellheart or his father can’t remember will be born). Have him suggest the name Shellkit. Then die as an elder i don’t care. Have him comment on the aftermath of Mapleshade’s rampage, no medicine cat in Thunderclan, all the leaders against Oakstar for forcing three kittens to cross a flooded river... Title: Perchdusk’s Consequences.
Gorseclaw, son of Cloudstar raised in Thunderclan, headcannoned by some to be Oakstar’s father (and how he passed on to Tigerclaw his dna), by some others to be Adderfang’s direct ancestor instead (how the dna passed to Tigerclaw and Spottedleaf), frankly he can be both, or Spottedpelt, his sister, same (novella). Have them be raised in Thunderclan but not belong. Have one of them finally find a mate and give birth to Oakstar and whoever Adderfang’s father (or mother) was. Have the other always feel out of place. Gorseclaw’s Loneliness.
So anyway as a summary: if it were up to me, we’d be announcing two new Super Editions and three Novellas:
Stonefur’s Troubles and Goldenflower’s Blood
Part of A Warrior’s Dawn: Willowpelt’s Mate, Gorseclaw’s Loneliness and Perchdusk’s Consequences
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bonefall · 6 months
which cats would you say are good references for bb clan gender roles? from what i parse bb goldenflower and mousefur seem to be ‘stereotypical’ mollies, and you’ve talked about dustpelt being gender non comforming as a molly-like tom.
For the ideal molly by Clan Culture standards, look no further than Speckletail. Her aggression, boldness, and dedication to her legacy at all costs are above and beyond the basic expectations of yaow-assigned warriors. Even her LEGENDARY death in defense of the camp in BB!TNP is part of that. It's hard to get more femme than Speckletail in the eyes of Clan cats!
She was a VERY traditional person. It's why her kittens are also all good examples of their genders. You clocked Golfy, but her sister Mistleclaw was also a good one (died young of plague). Lionheart is also a great example of a tom.
In fact most of the toms of that era are good examples. Lionheart, Whitestorm... and Tigerclaw most of all. Tigerclaw was perfect as far as toms are concerned.
Until it was known what he'd done to Redtail, his grace and passivity to his Clan was admired. His contributions to Clan arguments were level-headed and measured, unlike the ferocity with which he leveraged against outsiders. He was a wonderful mate to Golfy and a beloved father to Swiftpaw and Lynxkit.
Some folks ask me about Thistleclaw specifically because he's so aggressive, but he's also a decent example of a ssuf-gender cat! Defending BORDERS violently is expected, being xenophobic in the way he is was what was expected. The constant arguing with authority (Bluestar, Redtail) was not-- but his friends would say that's just THEIR problem. After all, whaddaboutsnowfur.
(Whitestorm also has opinions. But he's too mild and passive to enter this discussion.)
I feel like Oakheart is also a REALLY good example, especially after the Forget-me-nots sadly drift apart. Incredible dad, surrounded by friends, fantastic fighter. I imagine it makes it ESPECIALLY hard whenever he has to fight Bluestar because this is incredibly attractive.
(I kinda want Oakheart to accidentally take one of her lives, because they're in the middle of a battle over Sunningrocks and they're suddenly drawn into a battle SO intense and SO passionate that the entire world around them becomes a blur. And then he launches her into orbit and she falls into the swollen river. OOPS. SORRY!!!! Goddamn himbo)
Gib, or meewa-gender, is definitely the most broad. It's about wisdom, foresight, and blessedness by StarClan. There are cats who are assigned meewa at birth, but most discover it in their kithoods.
Duckfur for example has always been sharp as a tack, and when xeir eye started to drift, that was taken as a bit of a sign. They sort of "grew into it" in adulthood, after Mistystar assumed power over RiverClan and suddenly xey were being rewarded for foresight.
Blackstar is actually a FANTASTIC example, with how his lives were given one at a time and he started thinking about the future of his Clan with his bog project. Assigned meewa at birth because of his extra toe, it kinda "went away" as his kithood wasn't consistent with the gender, and now it's back.
Wisdom, intelligence, and foresight are kind of "loose" so the matching third gender is loose as well, if that makes sense.
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salt-clangen · 3 months
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Greyclaw and Ashenstep, Wolfpaw’s half siblings. Their parents are Jaggedstar and her deputy Thornstrike before they broke up.
Greyclaw is a 32 moons old tom cat, he’s Duskclan warrior, he’s confident, competitive, a good climber, and a great teacher. He’s had 3 apprentices so far which is pretty high for a young cat. He had assumed he’d be Wolfpaw’s mentor and was disappointed when Jaggedstar took her as an apprentice. He got his warrior name at 11 moons old after his mentor got their leg stuck in two-leg trap, Greyclaw pried open the trap himself allowing his mentor to escape. His toe was nearly ripped off due to the incident and had to be amputated by both Duskclan’s and Honeyclan’s clerics due to the severity of the injury. He earned his name the evening of his amputation. He resembles his father more so than his mother, but he’s much closer to Jaggedstar, most of the clan assumes he’ll become deputy either after Jaggedstar passes or if Thornstrike retires, neither seems likely to happen soon.
Ashenstep is also 32 moons old and a nonbinary cat, they’re a historian of Duskclan but often patrols with the warriors or code keepers per Jaggedstar’s request. They’re strange, but sincere, a learner of lore and a great storyteller. Ashenstep was previously the black sheep of the family until Wolfpaw was born, they have strange rituals they have to do before certain tasks and specific preferences. Such as never eating birds, no matter how hungry they are, and needing to thoroughly clean their claws before they go to sleep. Eccentricity wasn’t necessarily looked down upon in the clan, but it certainly didn’t make them popular especially since they were so set on being a historian. To appease their mother, they spend half their time as a warrior and is a good fighter as well. They are the spitting image of Jaggedstar, just with short fur and a tail missing since birth, but they get along best with their siblings.
Ashenstep and Greyclaw are particularly close, still playing games together and holding competitions regularly. Both cats were excited when Wolfkit was born, Jaggedstar returned to her leadership duties as soon as possible, leaving Wolfkit with the lone queen of the clan. They were both busy and couldn’t spend much time with her, hoping when she was apprenticed there’d be more chances.
Both cats were devastated when Wolfpaw defected from the clan and took Lynxkit with her. Greyclaw has assumed that she’s dead, but Ashenstep still holds out hope they’ll see their sister one day.
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A fluffy, pale brown tabby molly with a ripped ear, and bright golden eyes, Lynxkit was the lost child of Goldenflower and Tigerclaw who slipped through the cracks of Into The Wild's pages. A Missing Kit.
Now, after careful doting from her mother, father, and Spottedleaf, she manages to pull through and recover from weakness.
Tigerclaw loved her deeply, his firstborn baby girl. He asked Bluestar if he could mentor her after Ravenpaw's "death" and to his surprise, she said yes. Lynxpaw was made his apprentice, and she was excited. Her dad taught her quite a bit before his exile, she could be a tad shy with the other Clans, but in Thunderclan camp she loved to lead games and patrols with the others.
Then... Tigerclaw was exiled. Lynxpaw was devastated. How could her father do that? Now he was forced to leave!
Then she got angry.
How could her father DO that? Good riddance.
After having effectively no mentor for a while, with Bluestar's breakdown, she was reassigned to Longtail's sister, Heatherwish, who she would grow close with, just like her brother was close with Longtail. As she got better at hunting and perfected battle moves, Lynxpaw waited with baited breath for a warrior name...
But it never came. Every night, she would go back into the cramped apprentice den, hang out with her brother and friends, and mope. When Swiftpaw concocted a plan with Brightpaw though, the hair on her spine prickled up. Though Lynxpaw wouldn't rat them out, she did not go along with them.
Fireheart wished he could unhear Lynxpaw's cries when she saw what remained of her brother. She felt that guilt for the rest of her life. When Firestar became leader, he made her and the other denied apprentices into Warriors. Lynxpetal was honored for her perseverance and honesty. She fought hard in the Battle of Bloodclan, and kept a stony face when Tigerstar was killed, fighting the urge to go up to Bloodclan's leader and thank him.
She was a BIG advocate for establishing a connection with Bloodclan, she knew there were good cats, especially when the molly she had been fighting had thanked her for letting her go.
When the Clans move, she helps Longtail out, and fights on Onewhisker's side, though later wishes she hadn't. She hates Onestar and isn't afraid to voice that opinion.
During Dark River, sired by an unknown tom, she gives birth to 2 kits. The first is Deerkit, a black tom with bright yellow eyes, and Clearkit, a dark tabby tom with blue eyes. Sadly, at the end of the book, Clearkit loses the fight, and passes in his sleep. Deerkit lives on as Deershadow, mentored by Graystripe and adopting Stemleaf as his son.
She retires during early AVOS, and is still alive as of River, though has lost most of her sight due to her age.
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florida-star · 2 years
Goldenflower x Leopardstar hypokits?
ive got a lotta requests to do so these’ll just be headshots but! here they are
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Daykit, Lynxkit and Peonykit!
Lynxkit is the oldest, and he very much likes to take charge over his sisters. He snuck out of camp once, and got attcked by an owl, permanently damaging both of his ears. Despite this, he takes the scars with pride, to the dismay of his mothers.
Daykit is a curious kit, and will always follow her brother and his shenanigans. She’s sorta clueless, but the sweetest cat around.
As for Peonykit, she feels much more outcased than her siblings, she’s the runt and prefers to stick to her moms side. Lynxkit sometimes bullies her, so she’s very self conscious and nervous around other cats.
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yuridovewing · 1 year
Now I think Tigerclaw was actually a family man to some extent in this au... I think he genuinely loved Goldenflower and all of their kits together, they were childhood friends, I think he mourned Swiftpaw and Lynxkit's deaths, I think he was overjoyed when Tawnypaw came to ShadowClan because he was glad to know one of his kits would be safe. He cared deeply for his mother and sister and originally doted on his sister's kits before Ravenpaw saw him murder Redtail.
Granted, is he a GOOD dad? ... No not really. He got his own son killed (albeit as collateral damage), Tawnypelt has ptsd from what she witnessed in TigerClan, Bramblestar has a complex, and tbh he just treats Mothwing and Hawkfrost like dogshit. But there's some conflict there, they all have fond memories of him and he tries to appeal to that to get them to join him and conform to his ideology. Tawnypelt has this worst of all because she's now the only living kit who spent the most time with him and saw him at his best and his worst.
He also easily turns on them, his love comes with conditions.
#i like giving villains traits like this. particularly ones who dont seem to get many humanizing aspects in canon#i like humanizing the villains it makes their despicable actions all the more horrifying to me#like... hes a dad. he knows what losing a child is like. he knows the agony of it#and... he still kills gorsepaw in front of his mother. he still believes halfclan kits should be wiped out.#because his hatred is more powerful than that love. love wasnt enough.#also ive been thinking- would he turn on nightdapple and dustpelt to get a higher chance at being deputy?#... nah. the dynasty can be loose at times. thats why bluestar's leader now. no one else was eligible for the position at the time#and dustpelts an inexperienced warrior most of the time and nightdapple just never wanted the position#she was always ''tigerclaw should be deputy when the time comes. hes more passionate than i am. i just want to document things''#oh also he abuses his own nephew. his love is conditional.#i think at first when he mentored him. he was strict and tried to push raven when he could#cause even if thats his nephew. hes got no backbone. that wont do and tigerclaws the tough love type#and raven knows that at the end of the day his uncle cares about him#... and then he sees his uncle kill redtail. and tigerclaw sees his nephew run away#and thats when the silencing attempts start. suddenly the uncle hes known and loved his whole life- his only kin left really-#-is a murderer. and that murderer is now trying to orchestrate his death and he KNOWS it#and hes suddenly so much crueler with him during training and hes becoming more and more isolated from the clan...#aughhhh its fucked up.. tigerclaw is a nasty man#razorverse
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