#Like especially for the hot weather I'm so ill prepared
mellotronmkll · 4 months
I hate all of my clothes I only feel comfortable and confident in like 4 pieces of clothing and I hate everything else but I hate shopping for clothes even more plus it costs money so I feel like I'm just stuck wearing clothes I hate and look stupid in and it's so so much worse in the summer because I own literally one pair of pants that are weather appropriate that fit me that I also don't want to kill myself while wearing and they're not even cute. But I just wear them every single day
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Why Are You So Nice To Me? Joseph Quinn x Reader
Why Are You So nice To Me?
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SUMMARY: This new life is taking a toll on you. Desperately trying to not seem ungrateful leads you to an overstimulated panic attack that Joe helps you through.
AN: A big thank to @creme-bruhlee​ for giving me that one liner that sparked me to finally finish this. I love u
Warnings: None really? Fem!reader, reader has a panic attack/anxiety attack, mentions and descriptions of said panic attack/anxiety attack, Joe being the softest sweetest boy, I love him. (IF THERES ANYTHING I MISSED LET ME KNOW)
Wordcount: 3069
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Since the premier of Stranger Things season four my life hadn't had a moment to slow down. It was interviews after interviews, sometimes multiple ones in the same day, different hosts, different shows, websites, everything. Adding all of that with so much traveling, especially with Jospeh, Jamie, and I being three new characters; our schedules were often linked together because of it; Although now, I stood a few feet away from them, leaning against the wall closest to the elevators.
It was about 6 pm at night and I was standing in the lobby of some fancy hotel in Brazil. A white and black dress wrapped against my skin, the hot weather and sun, giving me a healthy bronzed glow. I stupidly decided on a classic pair of very high all black stilettos. I should have opted for an open toe wedged heel or something. But I wanted to impress everyone. My first acting gig, first round of interviews, first time traveling far without family, it was nerve wracking but I wanted every second of it to go well. Something I didn't think that would bother me as much as it did, was not constantly having my phone on you. I didn't realize how much I relied on it as a coping mechanism when I was anxious, or uncomfortable. It was difficult to not have that immediate distraction.
Picking at the black nail polish on my thumb I sighed heavily, trying to get myself into the proper mindset for this Stranger Things party? Event? Meet and greet? Whatever it was, I was ill prepared and uncomfortable to say the least. Jet lagged, sweaty, homesick, and anxious; but it didn't matter, not when you had fans to impress, people to impress, companies to impress. I never had a moment with my own thoughts for more than five minutes before being escorted to another room, car, or airport, it was always something. Not to say I wasn't grateful for everything because I truly was; just there's simply nothing that can prepare you for something like this. A cliche at its finest. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud at my own thoughts. Only another 'famous' person would understand, and in a way it almost felt pathetic, even if I knew it was true.  
A tap to my shoulder startled me slightly. I turned around to see Joe with a soft smile on his face.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just tired" I lied. I think he could tell by the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly but he didn't comment.
"The heat doesn't help either I don't think" He said laughing.
"God no, it makes me feel like I'm wrapped in a warm hug, but also in a warm bath? Maybe both at the same time? I don't know but either of those sound better than a party right now" I said sighing. Tapping the tip of my shoe against the shiny tiled floor.
Joe looked like he was about to say something but just as he opened his mouth, we were waved over and instructed on where to go and what to do.
The three of us stationed at the entrance of grey double doors. I stood between the two men, both of their arms coming to wrap around my waist, and mine on theirs.
"Let's get this show on the road yeah?" I said forcing a smile, glancing between the two.
The doors swung open and as the three of us sauntered in, the small but crowed room filled with applause and music begun to play. Jamie slipped his hand into mine and gave me a slow twirl to introduce me. I blushed and gave an awkward wave, and a clumsy curtsy to match his energy. Then turning to Joe, I grabbed his hand and twirled him around to do the same as Jamie did to me. Joe was far more graceful as I was and I watched as the girls swooned over him. It was hard not to, if I was being completely honest with myself; but that was another thought for another time. Right now I had to be present, and put my game face on. Which is exactly what I did. I walked around and mingled with everyone, taking pictures and answering questions as best as I could, especially without giving anything away, just incase there was anyone around who hadn't had the opportunity to finish the season just yet. The music was uncomfortably loud and I struggled to hear what people were saying, barely able to make out the often broken English, but I tried my best.
After a while I snuck away to the back of the room, attempting to people watch while I clutched my glass of ice water to my chest. A few minutes alone and hidden from the eye of people I leaned my back against the wall, trying to regulate the beating of my heart. Nothing seemed to help it, and it only became worse, at this point I was facing the wall, desperately begging myself to stop hyperventilating. I could feel my bottom lip wobbling as I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. A hand on the small of my back startled me and I almost dropped the glass in my hands as I whipped around. It was Joesph, once again, a knight in shining armour. "What are you doing all the way over here?" He asked.
I looked at him. My heart still thumping in my chest, and I could feel words on the tip of my tongue but when I opened my mouth to speak they wouldn't come out. My brows furrowed, and the only noise I was able to make was a small whimper, but it sounded more like a choke. "Come 'ere" He said wrapping his arm around my waist. He took the glass from my hand and placed it on a nearby surface. Strategically moving around the people in the room as he lead me out and back into the lobby. Security following us quickly until we were safely out of sight from any lurking people. My chest rising and falling faster now, my hands covered my ears and my eyes were shut tight out of instinct and I didn't even realize I had done it until Joe was facing me in the elevator placing his hands over mine. My anxiety had heightened everything, every noise, and light and moment seemed all too much and I could feel myself getting overstimulated; suddenly hyper aware of how the fabric of my dress clung to me, and the way the tag was digging into my spine.
When I opened my eyes to look at him, the tears hidden behind my lids fall easily down my cheeks. When the elevator dinged he lead me down the hall; his hand still on the small of my back only letting go of me to reach out for the small bag I clutched in my hands. "Key?" He said softly and I fumble with shaky hands, pulling out the keycard to my hotel room. He took the card gently, his free hand never leaving the small of my back while he unlocked the door, encouraging me to walk in before him, stopping only a few feet from the door. He closed and locked the door behind me and came to face me again.
"What's going on?" He asked quietly, while his hands were rubbing both my arms up and down in attempts to sooth me.
"I-I just" I choked out a sob, my head falling to my chest.
"Hey you're okay, everything's okay"
I shook my head. "No, no everything is not okay, I'm not okay" I cried, pulling away from him a little more aggressively than intended. Leaning one hand on the wall I balanced on one foot ripping one of my heels off, and then doing the same with the other shoe. Chucking them onto the floor. I desperately grabbed at the back of my dress, trying to reach the zipper. "I'm losing my goddamn mind Joesph" I mumbled, through snot and tears. "I can't remember the last time I was home, or the last time I slept in a bed that wasn't in a hotel. I haven't seen my mom in months and I'm so fucking lonely and I fuck!-" I stopped trying to reach for the zipper, my hands balled into fists at my sides. I tried again to take control of my rapid breathing, I really didn't want to be having a full meltdown in front of anyone let alone Joesph but he stood there quietly and patiently, giving me the space I needed.
Calming slightly I tried reaching for my zipper again, only for it to get stuck about a quarter way down, stuck on the fabric. I tugged at it harshly before trying to pull it apart but I couldn't get a proper grip reaching behind me.
"Can I get your zipper for you?" He asked after a had a couple of minutes to lose my temper.
"Please?" I said desperately, turning around and walking back over to him, my bare feet padding against the floor. I turned around so my back was facing him, pulling my hair to the side and over my shoulder so it wasn't in the way. His fingers traced lightly against the back of my neck, moving a few pieces of hair I had missed in the process. Goosebumps coated my skin and I tried to control the shiver that attempted to surface, hiding it with a shaky inhale. He pulled at the zipper, bringing it back up and down, feeling it tug at the fabric again, even with Josephs nimble fingers.
"Just rip it-Please I need it off of me" I pleaded.
I felt him tug at it a few more times before I heard him sigh, shifting behind me. I went to turn around when his hands returned to my back and he pulled both ends of my dress apart, ripping it in one go. I gasped in relief, almost losing my balance, one of his hands coming to land firmly on my waist pulling me back into him, my back against his chest, holding me steady for a moment. The dress hung loosely under my breasts, sitting at my waist, my strapless bra keeping my chest covered.
Joesph cleared his throat and I turned my attention back to him, stepping away from him and turning to face him. He avoided looking at me, eyes looking every direction other than the one in front of him. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I just n-needed to get that dress off of me" Stuttering over my words, with my body still wobbly from the anxiety.
"S'all good, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable either" He said laughing a little, his cheeks slightly flushed. "Can I do anything to help?"
"Um, a hug would be nice?" I said clenching and unclenching my hands, trying to free them from the tingling numbness that coursed through them.
His eyes softened, and I felt a fresh wave of tears form as he held his arms out to me. A small cry slipping past my lips, sounding more like a pathetic whimper as I walked into his arms, burying my face into his chest. His hands warm, one of them coming up to the small of my back, while the other cradled the back of my head. "I got you baby, don't cry, m'right here" he said quietly, into my temple. His breath warm as he placed a small kiss to the skin just before my hairline.
He began swaying slowly back and forth, and we stood there like that for a few moments before I leaned my head up to look at him, cheek still resting on his chest. "Why are you so nice to me?"
"What?" He said, pulling me away from him slightly so he could see my face better. Hands held softly onto my elbows. "What do you mean 'why' ?"
I shrugged looking down to avoid his curious eyes, a little embarrassed at my question. "I just... I dunno, I think you're the nicest man I've ever met" catching a quick glance at him, his eyes softened.
"Fucking christ" he breathed with a laugh. "You're just the sweetest thing aren't you? Bet you don't have any idea"
"Any idea about what?" I asked furrowing my brows.
"That I've been crushing on you since you walked into that room on day one of the table read" his hands coming up to rest on either side of my neck, thumbs just under my jaw. "But I don't think now is an appropriate time to tell you all this- I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you being in a vulnerable state, so just ignore me" He was blushing, and fumbling over his words, nervous after his confession. A hand coming to scratch at the scruff on his chin, he cleared his throat, turning away to the rest of the room and said "lets get you into some comfier clothes yeah? We could-"
"N-no" I stuttered, reaching out for his arm quickly. He raised a brow. "Just keep talking? It's helping" I said bashfully, arms wrapping around myself.
He smiled slightly, clearly trying to act more casual about it. "I can do that" he said with a nod.
"Just, sit on the bed o-or something, I'll um, get changed" I said while heading towards my messy suitcase, shifting through the clothes to find something better to wear while Joseph sat on the end of the bed, laying back facing the ceiling with his hands across his stomach.
"Well as I was saying" he said with a laugh. "When you walked into the room, with that big sweater- you were swimming in it but god I thought you looked adorable" he sighed. "You sat next to me, and I remember hiding my pen, just so I could ask you to borrow one, and then when you laughed? I tried so hard to play it cool, but I don't think I did very well" he paused. "I mean how could I when someone as beautiful as you was smiling and laughing, and looking at me with those fucking eyes"
It was almost difficult listening to someone say so many nice things about me, to me, let alone hearing them from Joe himself. The man I had been crushing back on since the first time I saw him.
I smiled to myself listening to the sound of his voice while I finally found the clothes I wanted, a pair of green paperbag shorts and a white t shirt, something comfy enough to relax in, but loose enough to not sweat to death in. Joe was lost in thought, and I watched him out of the corner of my eye while I slipped out of my dress, removing my bra quickly, throwing on a soft bralette in it's place before tugging my shirt over my head. The movement of me untucking my hair from the collar made Joe turn to me briefly and he smiled.
I blushed, looking down bashfully as I tugged the shorts up my hips with a couple of hops. "Distracted?" I teased.
"M'always distracted when I look at you" he said sitting up, holding his hand out to me. I walked over to him slowly, taking his hand in mine.
He pulled me closer to him so I was now stood in-between his legs "How you feeling?" He asked, thumb smoothing over the back of my hand.
"Better" I said honestly. "Still a bit jittery, but better"
"Good" he said smiling.
"I um" I cleared my throat "I have a crush on you as well, by the way"
"I know" he laughed.
"What?" I scoffed "How?"
"You're a great actor when you're acting for the camera, but you're shit when you're with me" He laughed again and his smile spread, all too confident and cheeky. "Every scene we had together you'd tense every time I touched you, and when we had our kiss, I could just feel it"
"O-Oh" I was slightly embarrassed, but I think deep down I always knew that he had some sort of idea, it was getting impossible to hide. Maybe I was trying to hide it from myself more than I was from him. His hand left mine, both of them coming to the back of my thighs, squishing the skin there. I stumbled a little at his touch, my hands coming forward to catch myself on his shoulders.
"Are we going to keep pretending, or can I finally call you mine?"
"I mean we should probably go on a date first" I said jokingly, leaning forward to wrap my arms around his neck, his hands quick to land on my waist.
"Order room service, I'll take you our tomorrow, right now I just want to hold ya, and watch you get all shy when I say nice things about you" he said with a smirk, pulling me into him while he fell back onto the bed, pulling me up and next to him.
"You just want to get me in bed" I teased, playing with the collar of his suit jacket.
"Aren't you already?" he quipped.
I pushed at his shoulder playfully but he only tugged me closer, leaning so he could kiss me on the forehead.
"I'll go get changed while you order food yeah?"
I pouted, holding onto him a little tighter, already not wanting him to be far from me.
"I'll be five minutes, you wont even have time to miss me" he said while pushing some of my hair back and away from my face.
"Kiss me first?" I asked shyly.
Somehow this kiss felt different. We had kissed many times on set, and even had to have a heavy make out session for one scene. But right now, the way he slowly pressed his lips to mine; it made everything inside of me feel aligned, like he was missing from me and it almost took me too long to notice. I sighed happily into the kiss and he hummed in response, breaking away to give me a few extra light pecks before pulling himself from me.
"Five minutes" he said quietly, kissing me one more time before he left, a wide smile on his face.
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causenessus · 2 months
HI NESS MY LOVE <333 i hope you’ve had a good morning evening or afternoon!! how’s your day been? make sure u eat !! today i had dim sum with the family and we’re going to a temple now, the weather is so much better than it has been the last few days like tell me why summer is barely doing it’s summer thing like where’s the WARM weather not the HOT IM GONNA DIE weather
also HAVE A GOOD SHIFT!! or i hope you had a good shift WHENEVER YOU READ THIS and omg some grocery store sandwiches are literally so good idk what premade processed stuff it is but sometimes it just HITS like i eat it up like its some gourmet food like something about it is just so good LOL but omg i don’t trust grocery store sushi like the raw fish especially because like i think i’m just extra scared since i’ve had food poisoning before LOL so now i’m like extra extra cautious, but maybe ill try the non-raw ones and report back!!
but OMG THE ANON APOCALYPSE HELLO LIKE WHATS THAT ABOUT? i genuinely got so upset reading on eggy and wry’s blog because im like guys??? lets be nice??? hello??? why are we attacking our smau writers like i was genuinely flabbergasted that they would get hate or you or like ANYONE it’s so crazy, i was thinking of literally revealing my blog because im like i don’t wanna be lumped into the mean anons… LOL it’s not like i have a problem with going un-anon now but i’ve been graced with the name mango ANON so now i feel weird suddenly coming out like heyyy guysss this is the real me in my full glory (reveals myself as an actual mango) (sorry this is so silly LOL)
also STOP UR SO SWEET i might bcuz i <3 talking to you like everytime you reply i have to sit down and genuinely take in everything you say and im always like omg no way omg wait omg this like it’s at a point where i’m switching through my notes app and tumblr so i can read and respond at the same time LOL
but i’m excited for ur project !!! whatever you have planned! but make sure ur also taking care of yourself and SLEEPING!! SLEEP IS IMPORTANT SO MAKE SURE YOU TAKE CARE OF URSELF!! if i have to sing you a lullaby every night i will commit myself to sing you a lullaby !! ALSO THATS SO SWEET “ness has a mango anon” IT DOESNT SOUND MEAN DW!! ur like the sweetest and nicest person ever don’t even worry about being mean, IM THE ONE WORRYING ABOUT BEING MEAN OR BEING TOO MUCH ur doing perfectly fine!
but take care of yourself!! drink plenty of water and EAT!! make sure you eat at work and take care of yourself!! xoxoxo
HELLO AAAA!! i hate missing a day where i don't answer u but at the same time like getting to talk to you TWICE in a day is such a treat!!!! and honestly it's three times if you count you yelling at me to go to bed earlier this morning 😭😭😭 and AA!!! i have't had dim sum in so long i hope it was good!!! and for me idk the weather is like having a stroke??? it's cloudy and then it rains for five seconds and then there's LIGHTING and then suddenly it's 95 degrees outside??? but that's how my state always is 😭 like genuinely most of the time everytime i walk out the door it's different weather
AND THANK YOU!! tbh omg it was not good 😭 well it WAS good i got some pretty big pieces done i was very proud of it!! because i work in like a framing department :D but then i got called out to help this dude and like??? maybe his daughter or wife idek??? and he was like "i want to frame this thing i have that is this dimensions with a mat so what should i do" and i was like "well you could do this frame we're standing right next to (i didn't say that part) but your mat's gonna be small" and he asked me how much it would cost and BRO I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T ESTIMATE FOR THE LIFE OF ME BECAUSE IT DEPENDS ON LIKE 50 FACTORS AND I'M STILL A LITTLE NEW so i was like "for that size?? $30 probably" (it is expensive </3) AND SORRY I'LL HURRY UP AND GET TO THE POINT but he was like "no. no. how much would it cost TOTAL?" and i'm gonna start writing this as dialogue bc i'm lazy.
(he had two things he wanted to frame)
me: well this frame is $40 so it's gonna be $70 per one
man's wife/daughter/thing: $40 for a frame? that's outrageous
me: 🧍‍♂️ (i cannot control prices. i am a framer. although i did not build this frame u are basically insulting me to my face and i no longer know what u want me to say and i no longer want to help u.)
me: well. they're on sale. so.
and then i POINT to the "on sale sign" that say BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF
man: okay so how much is the sale.
i then stare at the sign i just pointed at.
me: well the sale is buy one get one 50% off. so $60.
him: okay we're going
i then walk away and make a point to glare at his woman for her rude comment
woman: do you have this frame in 16x20? i could only find 14xblahblablah i don't remember
me: no what we have out here is what we have
man: we're going since SHE CAN'T HELP US.
AND THEN THEY CONTINUED TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ME AS THEY WERE WALKING OUT AND SAID I WAS NO HELP AND SOMEONE SHOULD TALK TO ME 😭😭😭 like man bro i told you the prices what did you want me to do barter you and say if you give me a cheese wheel you can have the frame?????????????????????????????? like my coworkers all checked on me afterwards and defended me bc like 😭😭 what did i do 😭😭 SORRY i had to tell someone bc that was lowkey so upsetting and being asked if i was okay right after I ACTUALLY ALMOST CRIED which was a good part!! bc i haven't been able to cry for months (sorry this is so long and such a lore drop) but then i didn't cry bc i didn't want to ruin my makeup LMFAO 😭 and this is probably why my tear ducts gave up on me bc i never let them cry anyway
OKAY SORRY STORY TIME IS OVER AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT THE PROCESSED FOOD 😭 like i KNOW that poke bowl was NOT good for me and tbh i really don't like it but i had nothing else to eat 😭😭😭 AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR YOU ARE GENUINELY SO SWEET AND FUNNY <3 when i imagined you making a burner blog 😭😭😭 i literally imagined you making the user mango anon LMAOAOAO but definitely feel free to do that!! CAUSE I DO THE SAME THING I LOVE READING ABOUT YOUR DAYS AND LIKE KEEPING MENTAL NOTES OF EVERYTHING I WANT TO SAY AND HIGHLIGHT !! <333
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH I WILL DEF SLEEP (i am literally drinking a matcha and it is almost midnight and i start school tomorrow. anyway.) BEING SLEEP DEPRIVED WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA TODAY I LITERALLY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ON THE ROADS TODAY BUT I AM STILL ALIVE AND WELL!!! AND I'M SO SO EXCITED TO HEAR WHAT U THINK OF THE ENTIRE PROJECT WHEN IT'S OUT!! <3 take care of yourself and i hope you have a lovely day mango anon!!!! i hope the weather isn't too bad for you and make sure to eat and drink lots of water!! and sleep!! <3
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tbhchoi · 3 years
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sweater weather
pairing: best friend!mingi x reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers
synopsis: receiving a gift from your best friends mother may lead to a beautiful christmas confession, or also a bunch of teasing from seven guys.
word count: 2.3k
warnings?: none :D
12 days of fluffmas masterlist 🎄
tall boy:
will you be okay getting to the apartment? the weather isn't the best, i could come get you
ill be okay mingi. one person walking in the snow is better than two, ill see you soon <3
after quickly typing out a reply to your long term best friend, mingi, you set your down phone and begin getting ready. every year around christmas, you and mingi's friend throw a small get together. it's never anything big, just you and the eight guys spending time together and eating some amazing food.
pulling out a pair of plain jeans, you slide them up your legs and then start looking through your tops, figuring you'll need something warm due to the heavy snowfall. yanking a grey wooly sweater out of your closet, you pull it it over your head, knowing how sensitive your skin is, you add a camisole undernesth so the wool won't scratch at your skin. telling yourself that you're satisfied with the look for the day, you head out of the room and prepare to leave.
grabbing your winter hat and coat, you trot your way towards the front door. zipping it up and grabbing your apartment keys, you head out and lock up. noticing the snow outside is much worse than you recall and it's definitely colder than what the forecast was calling for. wrapping your arms around yourself, you start picking up your pace to your friends apartment. luckily, it wasn't that far of a walk for you.
"y/n!" wooyoung screeches as you walk through their front door. his remark making all of the other heads turn your way, all offering different versions of hi's and hello's.
"weather outside is pretty bad, isn't it?" yunho asks after noticing your snow covered form.
"it's even worse than it seems," you tell him, taking off your shoes and starting to undo your coat. as you finish unzipping your coat, mingi comes up to you.
"why didn't you let me walk with you," he scolds while taking the hefty jacket off your shoulders.
"i told you, you giant," you quip, "it would've just been two people walking through a blizzard."
"still," he grumbles, "i don't like you walking alone, especially in this kind of weather."
"mingi, i'm okay, i promise," you reassure him. mingi has always been a protective person, but for the last few months you feel as if it's doubled when it comes to you. that's a hopeless fantasy though, you've known for awhile the feelings towards your best friend are not reciprocated. even if they were, you're not sure if that's a chance you want to take, you value the friendship you have with mingi.
"y/n?" seonghwa calls out to you. looking towards where the voice came from, you notice all the guys sitting together in the living room. mingi must have walked away while you were lost in thought... about him.
you walk over to the group, sitting between san and mingi. san wraps his arm around your shoulder, an innocent act he does often. still, this time you couldn't help but notice the way mingi's eyes were trained on his arm. choosing to ignore the stare, you focus on the conversation at bay. it currently being about the food for dinner and how the meal that's in the oven is actually the second one. apparently, hongjoong had to run out and buy another one this morning because san and wooyoung messed the other one up.
"oh yeah, wouldn't put that past them," you joke.
"hey!" wooyoung and san whine together while san lightly nudges you with the wrapped hand. you swore you heard mingi make a noise, but you waved it off as your own imagination.
shortly, the sound of the oven time went off and everyone stood up, most running to the kitchen. never come between these guys and their food, you've learned your lesson about that.
"san don't touch that, it's going to be hot." you hear seonghwa from the kitchen, chastising san. you're still in the living room, waiting for mingi to go in together, as always.
"mingi? you alright?" you ask him, concerned. mingi really has been a tad strange tonight, from all the lingering looks to the possible discreet noises, but you can't figure out why.
mingi doesn't say anything at first, thinking he may have zoned out but then he turns to you. "can i talk to you?" he asks.
"aren't you already?" you lightly joke. he doesn't even crack a smile at your lame joke like he usually does, instead he drags you by the wrist up to his room.
"uh, mingi? what was that?" you question him. you watch has he approaches his desk. attempting to look past his tall figure, you notice a box wrapped in red. grabbing it, he turns back around.
"i saw my mom the other day," he begins, "she, uh, wanted me to give this to you."
you look up at him, confused. thinking you may have heard him wrong. yes, you've known mingi forever and you've even met his family, but this is the first time anything like this has happened.
"me?" you ask, skeptical.
"yeah," he says, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
you can't help but let a smile break out on your face. that's really nice of his mom, of course you're going to be grateful. grabbing the box from his hands, you sit back down and start ripping the wrapping paper. you feel mingi sit down next to you, staring straight at the box, almost like he's avoiding looking at you.
opening it, you come face to face with a beautiful, clearly handmade sweater. seeing intricate woven lines of red and green. the state of awe only last for a few seconds before you're furrowing your brows. you're racking your brain, swearing that you've seen this sweater before. that's when it clicks, looking up towards mingi. he's sitting next to you, adorned in the same exact sweater.
"surprise?" he says unsurely.
"not that i'm not grateful, but why?" you question.
he looks hesitant to answer at first but then he slowly begins speaking, "well, my mom may or may not think we're dating..." the end of sentence getting quieter before he speaks again, "or at least she's been hopeful about it recently."
"what!" you exclaim.
"i didn't tell her we were, but she's been so persistent about it," he explains, "she's always talking about how we should be dating since we spend most of our time together."
"we are best friends."
"i tried explaining that to her but just recently she's been really big on the idea of us dating."
"why though?" you receive no answer to your question, rather an awkward silence begins to envelop you two.
"well," you break the silence, making him look up, "i personally think the sweater is adorable, your mom did a really nice job." hoping what you said breaks some of the tension. it does, luckily. mingi gaining a small smile on his face.
"one of my moms favorite past time. i'm surprised this is the first time she's made you something honestly."
smiling at him, you stand up, "turn around."
"what?" he asks.
"just do it," you whine and this time he obliges.
after he turns around, you pull the wool fabric that's currently on your body off and over your head, replacing it with the new, much more meaningful sweater.
"mingi, you can turn around now," you tell him, watching as he notices the new top you're now sporting. staring at you for a few seconds, almost as if he's lost for words, before speaking again
"you look," he pauses, "nice, yeah nice." you let out a short giggle at him, "my mom's definitely going to want a picture of us," he groans, making you laugh, glad all the awkward tension from earlier has finally faded.
"we should go eat before the other guys complain."
"i'm surprised they haven't already."
you notice that everyone's already seated as you make your back to the kitchen. once you enter, all heads spin towards you and mingi.
"there you guys are, we've been waiting," yeosang complains.
"you guys are matching," wooyoung observes which results in everyone breaking out in comments about it.
"let's just eat," mingi says after you both sit, stopping the chatter about the matching sweaters.
as dinner continues, comments keep getting thrown about the two of you. multiple jests about you two being lovebirds or teasing you and mingi about being together. though a little embarrassing, you can't lie, you like the sounds of it. however, any hope was once again squished when mingi kept telling them to stop or shut up when the idea of you two were dating was mentioned. unrequited love at its finest you think to yourself.
the rest of dinner flies by, minimal comments being made after mingi flung a spoon at san. that being confusing to you, san didn't even say anything.
"are you sure you have to leave," jongho asks, sadly.
"i have to get up early tomorrow, im sorry guys," you tell them, "i'll be by again soon."
"yeah, to see mingi," wooyoung pokes. mingi flicks him before walking over to you.
"tell your mom i say thank you," you tell him, zipping up your coat.
"don't worry, i will," he says.
after putting your hat back on, you shout a last bye to the guys and start your journey back home. except as soon as you step outside, you feel another presence with you.
"really?" you ask up to the tall figure.
"if you didn't let me get you earlier today, then i'm walking you home now," mingi says, clearly set on walking you.
"you really don't have to do that," you tell him.
"i'm walking you home," he insists. you decide not to argue with him. besides, you could use the company, his company.
on the way to your apartment, you and mingi make the usual small talk, cracking jokes here and there, never having any beats awkward between you two. approaching your place, you turn to thank mingi for the night.
"i'm sorry about the guys at dinner," he tells you.
"it's fine, it didn't bother me," you reply honestly.
"it didn't?"
"did it bother you?" you ask him, already assuming the answer due to how he acted during dinner.
"no." it's the only answer he offers, leaving you in a sort of confused mindset. then why'd he act like that at dinner?
"you kept telling them to stop and to shut up."
"i didn't want you to be uncomfortable or to see my face getting red," saying the last part shyly .
"why would it be red?" a silence once again covers you both. as you stare up at him, it seems as if he's debating on saying something.
"mingi, you can tell me anything you know."
"i know," he says but there's a tone to his voice that you can't quite understand.
after what feels like forever but in retrospect has most likely only been a handful of seconds, he grabs your hands.
"mingi?" you question, now staring at your entwined hands. your heartbeat starting to speed up and a little part of your mind starts feeding you thoughts you only wish would be coming true right now. there's no way that is what's happening right now, right?
"i think i need to tell you something," he starts, trying to speak as steadily as possible, "my mother made the sweater for you because i told her something a few months back."
"which was?" once again, a short moment of silence.
"yn, i really really like you. i know we've been best friends for as long as we both can remember, but these last few months my feelings for have become very obvious to me. i didn't want to tell you because if anything were to happen to us, i'd be destroyed but it's getting so hard to ignore it. i wanted to be the one to wrap my arm around your shoulder, not san. i want to wear matching sweaters and have the rest of the guys laugh at us because we're that cringey couple," he confesses, letting out a giant breath, one you could see due to how cold it is.
"i'm sorry," he says, "i shouldn't have said all of that, there's a chance you don't even like me and-" you cut him off by wrapping your arms around his figure.
"shut up," you tell him, "i want all of that too."
he leans back to look at your face, "you do?"
"yes mingi," you confess, "i thought it was obvious." you watch as a giant smile begins to overtake his face.
"does this mean we can make it official?" he asks, happily.
"i would love to," you tell him, not even thinking about it for a second. you might have been worried about the long term future but right now this is a chance you knew you had to take. you and him both stare up at each other, smiles so large, you fear your face might hurt tomorrow.
"now, can we go inside, it's freezing outside. i can make us some hot chocolate," you say, "i mean, if you're not in any rush to get home that is."
"oh? you're inviting me inside already," he teases. you jokingly hit him with your hand, "i'd love that, ill help you the drinks," he tells you as he takes your hand in his, kissing the top of your forehead.
"oh, don't forget, we have to send your mom a picture of us," you remind him, hearing him let out a small groan.
© tbhchoi. all rights reserved. all reposts, along with translations are prohibited.
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Since it’s summer in the northern hemisphere and there’s heatwaves everywhere, how do you think monster characters would deal with the heat? Hope you’re well :D
Why I'm doing well! ^_^ Feeling the heat though, for sure!
Kenzo Tenma: Tenma is notoriously bad at taking care of himself and more than likely has fainted in the heat on occasion. That said he's still sensible, so I imagine after the first lightheaded spell he'd try to take better care of himself, especially since he sets an example for Dieter and Nina. Family ice cream trips are a thing and he carries a water bottle with him when he goes out.
Wolfgang Grimmer: This is a perfect opportunity for him to enjoy a little fun! Fishing, swimming, he'd be out on the water as much as he can be. And keeping hydrated of course! That said I think he's probably the most likely of them all to end up with sunburn.
Eva Heinemann: She strikes me as someone who would avoid things that make her uncomfortable, but not so much as to completely miss out on enjoyable opportunities. She's probably staying on shaded cafe patios, so she can enjoy the sun without melting.
Heinrich Lunge: He has disappeared into his cave. You will not see him until the weather subsides. He’s probably calling and checking in on his daughter and grandson though.
Dieter: Well we more or less know he can't sit around inside, so more than likely he's being passed around by his various found family members for babysitting duty to make sure that he's getting enough water and puts on sunscreen before going outside to release all that kid energy. If not for the adults in his life he would have awful sunburn.
Nina Fortner: Eating ice cream, drinking iced drinks, doing her best to stay cool while not missing out on going out to have some fun! I feel like Nina similar to Dieter needs to get energy out of her, what with all her extracurriculars, so she does some activities like jogging early in the morning when it's not as hot out, and otherwise finds ways to de-stress, like indoor sports with regulated temperatures.
Johan Liebert: Johan would literally burn up and melt if hot sunrays touched his skin. He is in hiding.
Rudi Gillen: Rudi isn't much of an outdoorsy guy anyhow, so while the notion of record-breaking heatwaves unsettle him just on the level of "ah shit global warming again" I don't think they're really affecting his day to day life. I don't think he knows how to wear anything other than suits and would be thoroughly uncomfortable in something casual and easy to breathe in for hot weather, so no he's staying indoors.
Jan Suk: He's probably the least prepared out of everyone in the sense that I imagine he's the type to just be like "whatever the sun's the sun" and keep going as if nothing is different. He has probably fainted at least once and needs someone to really drill it into his head that he needs to drink enough water and keep cool. His coworkers make fun of him for it.
Karl Neumann: Karl is probably especially careful of weather seeing as he spends a lot of time taking care of his father in ill health. He’d spend more time reading to him and doing things around the house. I think that if it weren't for that he would actually kind of enjoy the hotter temps, but he's still sensible. He uses sunscreen and drinks his water but if it's just him against the weather, he'd probably not mind it. He seems like a summer guy.
Lotte Frank: Lotte is incredibly resourceful and good at entertaining herself. She also strikes me as being especially sensitive to her environment. So she would be the type of person to check out a cart full of books and movies the week before a heatwave is supposed to strike so that she can bury herself in them and keep busy while the heat wave is in effect.
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hi there I've been a breeder for a couple of years, I've been looking after quite a few dragon type but now I have a shiny Garchomp on my team and it's my first time caring for one completely on my own.
I know Garchomp can sometimes struggle in the winter so I'm trying to figure out what could help it out and what I should prepare for.
Any other advice on Garchomp would also be appreciated!
Their shiny nature will not affect anything, so thats not important here, UNLESS you or the original breeder did a bad job and picked two mons who don't genetically click so well. I doubt you'd do that, but if the pokemon is sickly, then things may need tailored care. If it's healthy otherwise, no issues. So it's a bit of a misconception that Dragon types suffer in the cold, Garchomp especially have a bit more tolerance for the cold, they fly real high, where its pretty bitter, and then dive down at sound barrier breaking speeds, meaning they rush through some real freezing air. They have also been noted roaming high altitude mountains through snow and sleet, without too much issue, usually the older and larger the individual, the more they can tolerate the freezing conditions. Weather, though extreme in some locations, is not often a big deal to this species, they have temperature regulation akin to fire types, but not as hot, obviously, so while the ice will slow them down a bit, and the cold in some locations may even push a few species to hibernate, this particular pokemon should be just fine. If they are very small or very young, they may become more docile and lazy during colder months, again, nothing unusual, plant types hibernate a lot, this is not really that different, and healthy to do if they want to. Some species will sleep for several days, wake for one or two, then return to a cosy space to sleep until the warmer weather. Again, this is more common in younger individuals, and so with time it will become less prominent.
If they seem more comfortable, i'd advise getting, or making, some kind of clothing accessories, keep their necks warm if you want to battle during winter, so scarves and the likes are great. Flying is fine for short bursts, but thats what this species does anyway, so you shouldn't have problems with that. The tail can stiffen up a bit, so knitting it a snood-like cover to help may prove useful if they seem to be sluggish in the air, especially turning sharp corners. There is a huge difference between sub-zero conditions, frostbite inducing blasts from ice pokemon, and the average winter time in a relatively ordinary location. If you lived in the arctic circle, or the depths of Russia, i'd be concerned, and suggest more severe things, but as a breeder, you probably aren't in a location thats hugely cold all year round, otherwise heating those eggs would be super expensive, and caring for young would become troublesome. Obviously correct me if i'm wrong here.
Health wise the species have a high tolerance for illness, tend to get a fair bit of tooth trouble if they consume bones and such, and can be known to need help after battles, should things get out of hand. They do not know their limits at times, and so they fight hard, and they fight without consequence. This leads to some quite substantial wounds, which if gained, need cleaning, treating, potentially a stitch or two at best, but otherwise, not a lot of fussing.
Pokemon exist without us, without care and fussing, without medicine, shelter or provided meals, they're capable of surviving great things without so much as flinching, and have more chance of walking through a blizzard unharmed than we do. Relax a little, provide blankets, straw, cushions, some even enjoy coals, depending on the heritage, make a cosy den for them in a sheltered position if you haven't already, and if you're not fighting with them, you can stand to reduce feeding a bit. Some dragons don't like to battle in the winter, so listen to them, talk about what they want and need, if they express a want for a more plush life, then sure, go for it, invest in heaters and custom clothing, thermal blankets, whatever. But a lot of dragons are tough, their hide is thick, their blood runs hot, their body fights infection as if it was nothing. They survive centuries in the wild, untouched and untamed, so us humans can really only do so much, before it's more a comfort for us than them. Things to watch for: burning temperatures, painful throat when using blast attacks, swollen painful nail beds, changes in eating habits, mood swings, lameness. If you notice any of the above, go to a pokemoncentre or professional.
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cuntess-carmilla · 3 years
How would you go about approaching a doctor about possible chronic fatigue? I’ve struggled with very similar symptoms along with depression and most have told me it’s Because of the depression, so I don’t think they’ll be especially open to the idea.
I don't want to be a downer but you have to be prepared for the reality you'll be facing if you go to a doctor unprepared and unlucky: I'm afraid that your fears are very justified, most doctors and shrinks will insist it's ~just depression~ 😕
Doctors are usually arrogant yet ignorant lazy shitheads so patients like us have to do all the work for them but making them think THEY'RE the ones who came up with the answer, unless you luck out and run into a decent professional who bothers to test you beyond standard basic tests and believes you when you say it's something physiological. Due to that, my advice is researching yourself what the root of your chronic fatigue is before going to a doctor.
There's many disabled YouTubers who make videos about their different conditions and maybe you'll find someone whose symptoms you'll relate to a little too much. You can also seek online chronically ill communities to either ask around or lurk and learn. I've learned a lot from that. I have a tag on #chronic illness too, but I focus mostly on illnesses that I either have or suspect I might have, so you'll find few posts with detailed information of other illnesses besides mine.
To give you a headstart, I'll list you some illnesses that commonly cause chronic fatigue:
EDS: Check for it especially if your joints are very bendy and/or pop out of place often, if you bruise easily, scar abnormally, have bendy nails, velvety soft skin and dry eyes. Also, A LOT of EDS patiens (85%) are autistic or have ADHD, so if you have either of those, that's even more reason to look out for possible EDS.
Orthostatic intolerance: Most common form of it is POTS, but there's others such as orthostatic hypotension. Check it out if you feel dizzy/weak/faint when getting up too quickly, if you tend to hug your legs a lot for comfort, if you crave a lot of salt, if hot showers or hot humid weather in general exhaust you, and if you often experience heart palpitations especially after getting up or exerting yourself physically.
MCAS: Autoimmunity that expresses itself as dynamic/shifting allergies, migraines or recurrent headaches, fever-like symptoms, and food allergies. Unlike Mastocytosis (which can also cause chronic fatigue!) the problem here isn't an excess of mast-cells, but that the mast-cells are over-reactive and unpredictable, the "A" in "MCAS" stands for "activation".
ME/CFS: Check for it if your fatigue had a starting point. It's usually a post-viral illness, which means that a virus you suffered from wrecked your body in ways that threw it off either for a long time or permanently. Check if you get episodes of exacerbated fatigue after spending more energy than you usually can take (PEM), if you get flue-like symptoms out of nowhere and/or relatively regularly.
Fibromyalgia: It's more talked about regarding its neuropathic chronic pain (your nerves sending pain signals inappropriately), but it also includes chronic fatigue. Check for it if you get random numbness, if you experience chronic pain that makes it difficult for you to get proper rest and function. It also includes autoimmune symptoms (as does ME/CFS) so keep an eye out for that.
Thyroid issues: I'm not as knowledgeable on these, but I'm aware that these commonly have chronic fatigue as a symptom and these disorders are fairly common as far as chronic illnesses go.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Another autoimmune illness in which the immune system attacks your body's tissue and causes inflammation especially in your joints. It comes with chronic joint pain that's experienced as stiffness and inflammation, and, of course, chronic fatigue.
Those are the ones I can think of right now, but there's many more. Keep in mind some of these have high comorbidity, EDS infamously gives you a 90% chance of having POTS and an 89% chance of having MCAS. MCAS and POTS also often are comorbid with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia. EDS and ME/CFS also have comorbidity.
It's confusing as hell and that's why it's important to do thoughrough research. I hope this was helpful.
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kimtaetae16ii · 5 years
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Synopsis : in which the elderly knew about your hidden relationship and make you guys broke apart and at the end he came back to fix it all while you were struggling with depression
Warnings : mental illness, mental abuse, violent, light-smut,using curse words alots, easy English grammar XP too cringy, too clingy, might cause frustration
Pairing : Donghyuck x reader (n ur name is Jeannie Pwark)
A/n : this is my first fanfiction of him ever! So yeah those senpai who sees mistakes in my writing do chat me about tht .
You and Donghyuck had been in relationship for almost 2 years. You were homeschooled back then so did he too. Both of you got same teacher for English subject even for different places. So, to make it easy, the teacher made group chat on WhatsApp so that if anything inconvenient happened she will inform you guys through there. There's many students in there too but Donghyuck attracted your attention. You were the one who started the conversation with him.
He, in the first place actually  dislike you for being too friendly with him and others. He used to hate you too. He hate you for nothing. He thought that you were friendly bitch of no where. Also he was being insecure because he afraid you might be a gold digger to dig all of his family's assets all away. But then, you've proven to him that you are an angel with pure heart so you just being kind towards him until he finally fell on you. Your first-sight crush finally fell on you.
You both lived in rich residents as your father is working as successful businessman while your mother is a successful lawyer in the city of Seoul. Then, both of his parents work in their own business that the profit so fucking higher than Trumph.
done throwback session.
[ Saturday, 1:37 a.m.]
You couldn't close your eyes yet as you already drove in long 9 hours sleep in the late evening. Then you woke at 9 p.m. It just after you woke up, you receive 16 missed calls from him andthe spamming chat is uncountable. Then, you guys been in an arguments which caused he was being mad while you were being sulking.
The clock showed it was almost 2 a.m. and you still cannot close your eyes. The feelings are coming. You want him. You want him to sing you to sleep with his angelic voice. You want his warmth body heated your body so you won't get cold while sleeping in air-conditioner.
then, with feeling guilty you tapped on the number on the light screen after that you pressed the phone on your left ear. hoping he would not be mad at your anymore.
after 30 seconds, he finally picked your call.
"what's the matter now. You disturb my sleep"
his words really hurt your feelings like he unwilingly to answer your phone call but he did anyway.
Donghyuck is not a person who sleep early actually. He's been an owl just want to make sure you are the one who get beauty sleep before him.
"I cannot sleep. will you come over? please ~" you begged him because this is the way for both of you to be peace once again. You need him.
you've heard he sighed.
"i've told you for countless time to not sleep in the late evening or else this will happen. Y/n , you really need good health."
that's why i'm asking you to come over so that my depression will be cured.
"okay. i won't disturb. just continue to sleep. sorry." you end the calls made decision to throw the phone away onto the hard floor.
you hate yourself like the way he used to hate you. you knew who you are. you know how annoying you are how much burden you gave to people surround you especially your family. and because of that, you less attention from them. that's why you need haechan. he's right person to be but not right for you.
You curled up while sitting while buried your face in your lap. Tears finally streaming down on your cheeks.
i hate me. i want to die so bad.
you felt sorry for Haechan to waste his time just for you. you give him nothing in return.
you've been crying so bad that make your body shaking while you mumbling all curse words about how bad you want to die.
Suddenly, you felt hands brushed your hairs from back. When you lifted your face, you saw your precious boyfriend right in front of you. your heart ache but in the same it healed when he pulled you into his arms.
"Haechan-ah~" you called him.
"yes, sweetheart" he replied while pat your back softly like you're a new born baby.
"you still mad at me ?" you broke the hug and faced him looked into his shining eyes.
"Sweetheart, we're good now. do not be overthinking , okay. You'll be fine." he pulled you into hug again then he sang you to sleep.
You fell asleep in his neck then, he changed the position. He laid you down carefully place your head on the soft pillow then he laid next to you.
" sleep tight, Lee's "
[Saturday, 6:40 a.m.]
At the time you woke up, you were left with his fresh cologne on your bed sheets. Your morning felt so good.
you pressed the circled button of your iPhone , then you noticed he leaved you mesage in your personal chatroom saying
'sweetheart, i'm going home. Have a great journey to your grandmother house. XOXO '- 5.35 a.m.
You got big smiled there. You changed the position to sit then after few minutes, you went into the bathroom to wash yourself.
Then, after you already settle up yourself, you went the downstairs and enter the kitchen to get breakfast.
then your 7 years old greeted you.
"hey y/n, i saw man walking out from your room when i want to go to toilet this morning."
you hurriedly cover your little sister's mouth before anybody in this house heard her wrods.
"shhh . don't tell mama"
"mama was with me."
loud of laugh then.
The way to your grandmother's house was very tiring even you were not the one who drive the car but like you've been stopped at rest area so often plus the weather was very hot for you.
Once you arrived at your grandmother's house, you guys were greeted by the the maids. Then they lead you to the living room. There, finally you met your grandma.
"Heeeyyy ,Oh My granddaughters! Miss both of you so bad !"
Grandma opened her arms as she welcomed us to hug her so we running along until we got into her hug. She kissed our top of head also our cheeks.
"How you've been, Nana?" I asked her while sitting next to her on the couch that made by  animal's skin.
"I'm great!  I just missed you guys so so much!
Kyaa~ Haneul yah!  Why don't you often bring them here? You also didn't always visit me. You know I've been so lonely after the death of your father! "
Mama fixed her hairbun prepared herself to answer Nana's question.
"I'm sorry, Ma. I'm just busy with all my clients-"
"Fuck your clients!  Your mother is more important!"
"Ma, don't be like that. I promise you to visit you as often as needed after all of the cases settled up at the court."
"I don't care. I made decision."
"What decision, Nana? " I, hugged her right arms, looked into her eyes.
She looked at me for second then she turned to face mama back.
"I want both of my grandchild to stay with me"
My heart dropped down-
but my little sister cheered up as she like to be with nana just because nana fulfill her needs.
"Kyaa~" I pushed little bit her head bit getting scolded by my father.
"Park Jeannie!"
"Ma, but Jeannie would enter her university so soon. Also Jane gonna have her first homeschool session." My father suddenly exist in that situation.
"I insist. She can took over the chocolate company after she get her training months."
I saw fire in Nana's eyes. So did my parents too.
Yeah. Even they don't mind about me a lot but they seems won't lose me. like I stil need home cause it's not faraway from haechan.
"Okay! Let's have our special meals!" She cut me deliberately.
"Yeaayyy.  Nana did you make my favourite Sandwich?"
"Of course, honeybun! Now let's go all of you."
At night.
"Fuck. I hate this." You groaned alone on the bed thinking how you would be without seeing your boyfriend for not a single day also after you moved into your grandmother's house soon.
You looked up at the white flower decorated ceiling and that things still wandered in your mind.
You didn't get any phone call from him yet for today. He has been busy with his schedule of being an idol.
He always available at middle of the night.
You turned on the screen then got into your personal chatroom with him.
Babe, I have something to say. Really important.
Sent, 12:32 a.m.
You only got one tick from him. So you just decided to go to sleep even you didnt use to sleep at early bed.
[1:40 a.m.]
You can felt something was vibrating in your hand as you held your phone while you drove to sleep. That's make you woke up in the middle of the night.
Without seeing whose the caller, you answered just like that.
"Heelo sweetheart. Already asleep."
"I can't sleep unless I heard your voices, you know."
"Awwwwww~ so sweet talker."
"Shut up. How was your day during the show?"
"So tired but not full enjoyed."
The atmosphere suddenly turned into serious.
"Whyy babe, are you sick while performing?" You were afraid as he worked too hard just to present great performance to gis beloved fans.
"No. I'm not sick. I'm fine thank you."
"Then what?"
"I'm not enjoy it much as you're not here watching my performance with the members."
You dumbfounded.
"Are you serious, bang-chan?"
Bang-chan means side dishes in Korean.
"Hahahahahaha" you heard him laughed so loudly. You just brought that up again because you watched one of the vlive that Jeno called him Bang-chan when he introduced himself.
Then, you also laughed but not that as hard-core as him.
"Are you done, baby?" You asked him after you heard silent voices.
"N-no" his giggles still there.
"Hahahh, i want to see you so bad right now. But i cant As the network is not giving cooperation with me. So, yeah~ "
"So, you feel like you want to go home?" He asked.
"Yes of course. Home is everything." You looked out the glass window. Spontaneous thought came in.
"Am I your everything too?" He snapped you out by his question.
It took several seconds to reply that.
"Lee donghyuck, you are my last destiny after the world end its life."
"Wahh~" at the end of his word, his soothing voice made you melt.
"Go to sleep now , babe. You tired i know that."
"Love you 3000" you added.
"Love you for infinity numbers."
And that amde you laughed.
"Bye. Have a nice sleep, haechan."
"Okay ."
You end up the call. After that you directly close your eyes and drove to sleep.
A/n : I can't add some more parts as it hit the max length. Tf. If it hit 10 likes, I'll post more ♡♡♡
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pomfiores · 2 years
Vil seemed a little adamant in denying being 'sick'. Just 'under the weather' as he's putting it. Still, Naira has seen plenty of Clumsies get sick! Even her own Clumsy back home got sick a few times. If she's learned anything from the nursing-talent fairies, it's that rest and soup can make even the frailest of fairies feel better. So what better thing to do than to make a home made recipe? Naira spends quite a bit of time trying to make it, but she finally gets her result of buttercup squash soup! Wasting no time, she flutters right to Vil's room where he's sure to be and lands proudly on his vanity. Holding out her large bowl of soup to him, she's gesturing at it for him to eat. Especially while it's still hot! Soup makes everyone feel better, and she made a whole pot full for him! Her only oversight is that she is five inches tall. And while this pot is large to her...it's quite tiny to Vil. Oops...
   ... And he meant exactly what he said when he said he was just under the weather.  Vil had reason to deny the tickle in his throat, the smallest headache, the mild aches in his arms as it gradually spread throughout his body.  It could be plenty of reasonable explanations; perhaps his room needed some light dusting to rid himself of the tickle.  The headache, that’s simply just because he stayed up an hour later past his bedtime and he’s paying the price for it now (putting on contacts with less sleep than average is but a small price to pay, it’ll resolve itself).  The aches?  He hadn’t stretched as often this week.
  He’ll be right as rain in a matter of hours if not a day of correcting these minor hiccups from yesterday.  Clearly, Naira wasn’t hearing anything he said which — quite honestly — irritated him.  If there’s anything he disliked almost a little more than being underestimated, it was being dismissed. Especially like this!  Vil expects to be treated how he treats others — which is with basic etiquette that includes listening to what others say (when it’s necessary, of course).
   Arms cross over his chest with his brush in hand as he sits back from his vanity when she reveals the (tiniest) bowl of soup.  Though, his expression softens ever-so slightly at seeing how proud she looked with her achievement.  This doesn’t mean he’s forgiven her for not listening to what he’s been telling her since the early morning: he wasn’t sick.  He couldn’t be, not when he had a full-schedule today.
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  “I told you, I don’t get colds. And yet you still went despite what I told you.” What’s more is he preferred to prepare his own meals (he liked having the control of what went in his meals versus entrusting others to do it for him).  Soup on a warm day?  Unlikely.  Though, the bowl in her hands is comically small in comparison to a proper serving size so would it really do him any harm if he did indulge her just this once (to put an end to her crazy antics in insisting that he was ill when he clearly wasn’t, chest pains aside)?
 Sighing, even as she’s barely begun to realize the difference in portions compared to them, Vil begrudgingly accepts the smallest pot of soup.  It’s awkward to hold but Vil somehow manages to elegantly hold it in his hand despite being the size of a miniature doll’s teacup (if not smaller).  It’s ... an unusual soup.  Quite thick in consistency at first glance but after glancing at her once more, finding that hopeful look in her eyes with determined, flittering wings to match, he takes a small sip.
  ... To his surprise, it’s actually good.  Not quite as enjoyable considering it’s small portion but it still soothes his throat.  There’s even the slightest look of relief on his face but he sets the tiny pot down after.  “... Hm. Not bad.”  for something so small. “You realize that doesn’t mean anything just because I tasted it, right? You didn’t even listen to what I said earlier. I meant what I said. I’m fine and I'm going to that photoshoot.” Now hurry along, he needs to get ready still.
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