#Like it is unfortunately rare to see ppl especially men actually standing up for others
awigglycultist · 1 year
Can you imagine Cory, Ovi and Turner on a season of Big Brother together? They would just be going around shutting down all the bulling and bigotry the whole season, it'd be great
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viviane-lefay · 7 months
Fandom Meme III
Procrastination can make one surprisingly productive - just not in the things one “should” do, apparently. ^^;;
Here’s that one part of the meme that I definitely wanted to post separately, because the content is quite dicey.
You know, there happen to be some subjects that have been grinding my gears for quite a long time by now - and, frankly, I felt the need to vent.
And no, I really couldn’t be arsed to dial down my manner of expression this time, just to keep up apprearances - so this might be moderately to very offensive to some, especially since some of the expressed views might be considered “controversial”, at least according to Tumblr standards.
Not my problem, though! You don’t need to read this, you know.
Hey, there aren’t even tags here (as ppl are wont to do when they post stuff that is intended as more “private” type of content), so I guess if you do happen to read this anyway, you are either someone that happens to know me on a more personal level, are simply curious, or you just want to be offended (as so many on this hellsite) - in the case of which: You’re welcome!
If you, however, want to waste your time being a cheeky little brat about it, then I might suggest you to please consider a variety of far more productive activities, such as choosing an actually interested audience for your diatribe, like your potted plant, for instance.
Thank you very much!
P.S.: Tags are as usual - @mikeilo & @aikoiya (but pls do not reblog this post ^^;;)
Basically, it’s this formula that makes me really dislike a pairing:
*insert OTP character* / any other character than the one I ship him / her with
Quite frankly, I’m allergic to any of these!
I’m prone to jealousy irl, so you can't expect that trait to magically vanish when it comes to fiction.
Anyway, there are some pairings, though, that I harbour a special hatred for, such as:
Ozai / Zuko / Azula,   Ursa / Zuko / Azula, or Zuko / Azula  - This is disgusting - wtf is wrong with you!?
Snape / Harry aka “snarry” - Because nothing’s as “romantic” as a grown-ass man making out with an underage boy, amirite!? Perhaps, your local priest might agree!?
Snape / Hermione - Same reasons as above. And no, both being studious bookworms is no excuse. Pedo!
James Potter / Lily Evans - other than being a rival to my OTP, I really, really can’t stand the Potter dude
Frodo / Sam - What is this mysterious concept of friendship amongst men!? And who is this Rosie Cotton the Gamgee chap keeps talking about!?
Mairon / Celebrimbor - *rolls eyes*
Mairon / Melkor - or “Angbang”, as this abomination is called. I. Just. LOATHE. this. ship!!!
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By all means, whenever I come across any of the above-mentioned ones, I’d really like to call the pest control …
Ah, here we go…
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Sad / Tragic Endings
Thanks, but no thanks! (also see next point)
Post-apocalyptic worlds and Dystopias (aka the “current affairs” topic)
I have grown really averse to these themes over the past years.
Sorry, but there is so. much. shit. going on in real life, so much pain and darkness millions of people are subjected to every day - humanity most certainly does not need further depressing scenarios to be dragged down by (looking at you, George R. R. Martin), but rather desperately needs uplifting things to help it imagine a better future. Sadly, the latter is a terribly rare thing nowadays - especially in Sci-Fi.
Folks, you can do better than that!
Elitist propaganda - e.g. anything pro-monarchy / aristocracy / classism / hierarchy / social darwinism
Unfortunately, fandom is basically an elitist circle jerk, so there is hardly any avoiding of that particular kind of crap.
There is no such thing as a “legitimate king / queen” - no one is inherently better than the rest, let alone has a “right” to rule over anyone - especially if we’re talking about completely unwarranted and ludicrous reasons such as fucking bloodlines! Is that so hard to grasp!?
The concept of the so-called “Chosen One” is every bit as ridiculous, imho!
Pushing your idiotic PC ideology on characters, as well as other fans (such as unnecessary racebending, uglifying characters, etc.)
I hate this in general - like, a lot … especially if it’s done for “woke”, pseudo-moralistic purposes.
How many boxes did you tick today? Did you fulfill the quota? Yes!?
Your status has now been upgraded to Good Person™, and a glittering, rainbow-coloured halo has been given to you as a reward.
the Fridging Trope
Overused and annoying is very mildly put…
Femininity itself, and female gender roles being portrayed as “wrong”, “inferior”, and something no woman can EVER possibly, genuinely want for herself.
Ugh, this shit drives me up the fucking wall!
So, you think women like this are brainwashed!?
Well, then let me assure you that the sentiment is definitely mutual … because same goes for you - at least for assuming such nonsense!
See, the difference between us is that I, for one, wouldn’t even dare to make such presumtions about your personal choices in the first place - because I actually do believe that people are smart enough to figure out for themselves what they want, and what is good for them - instead of this condescending and patronizing shite. And yes, even if it is something I, personally, can’t understand, or disagree with!
Because, you know, it’s not my life. I couldn’t care less what you do with yours, as long as you leave others tf alone.
People hating on female characters that are very feminine (in looks and nature).
I distinctly remember the sheer amount of hate Arwen got back in the day when LotR came out - amongst others for not being as “badass” as Eowyn (despite her assuming Glorfindel’s role in the rescue of Frodo in “Fellowship” - as opposed to the book).
Guess what, there are different types of strength that people can have - other than the physical and fighting variety. Hers was an indomitable heart - a type of strength commonly associated with femininity, so I’m not surprised this gets overlooked (especially by the likes of you).
Today, it’s even worse, as this has, unfortunately, become the dominant mindset.
Female characters being shown as inferior to, or dominated by the male ones - or vice versa, which has become a trend of late.
Again, is the concept of equality so hard to comprehend!?
Not sameness, mind you, but being of equal worth - with all their gender-specific and individual traits.
The assumtion that a pairing that contains a villain (male or female, doesn’t matter) must have an abusive relationship pattern
So much for the complexity of human beings & relationships …
Too great emphasis on the sexual aspect of the relationship
This is not about the healthy expression of affection, mind you, … but love isn’t just about coital activities, you know.
Some things are best left being alluded to, and not shown in too great detail. Just my two cents.
Threesomes / Love Triangles / Polyamory / Cheating
Definitely not my cuppa …
S&M, kinks and other forms of sexual degeneracy
Do whatever you like - it’s your life, but I still find the very thought revolting.
It also disturbs me that the so-called daddy kink has become so prevalent amongst people in fandom nowadays, that it has even informed the common vernacular.
There are so many posts about a male character that someone finds hot, where said character is referred to as “Daddy” - and, even worse, some cases where others are exposed to some diligently described DDLG fantasies on top.
I really don’t mind, if someone means this in the sense of “future father of my children”, if they’re so inclined, but to portray this as a father-daughter sort of dynamic … Fucking gross! What are you!? The lost hellspawn of Aerys Targaryen!? And if we’re already at it - the Lannisters send their regards, too.
Which brings me to…
Pedophilia (such as shotacon and lolicon), incest, m-preg, bestiality
That’s. Just. Plain. SICK!
Please get help!
yaoi / shonen-ai / slash  -  as well as “Zwangsverschwulung”
i.e. the German expression for an especially insufferable breed of fangirls turning virtually every character into an object of their “gay” fetish.
Unfortunately, there are some really skilled artists amongst these pests - I’ll give ‘em that. What a waste of talent, though!
Then, there is the compulsive need to shove it down the throat of absolutely anyone (under the pretense of “activism”, at that), and the insults and far-fetched accusations that ensue if someone dares to dislike their precious yaoi … when in truth they’re nothing but sanctimonious and self-congratulatory little cunts that confuse tolerance & support with their urge to get off to the above-mentioned fetish.
Fun Fact → not liking these things  ≠  homophobia
And now on to the, perhaps, most unpopular opinion on that matter:
Even if there was… So fucking what!?
You cannot dictate people how they have to feel about something. That is THEIR responsibility, and theirs alone - NOT yours!
The actions are what is truly of importance here - not how someone privately feels about the subject in question!
Someone can, on a personal level, think these things are problematic, or even wrong - due to religious belief, or whatever(and they are allowed to do so) - and still be respectful and, yes, supportive about other peoples’ right to live their lives the way they feel is right.
After all, that is what tolerance is really about, isn’t it!? It’s not about the forcible coordination of feelings, thoughts, and (expressed) opinions.
But, I guess, it’s a waste of effort trying to explain this to the kind of ppl here on this website, who are so keen on achieving “Gleichschaltung” (or else…).
People on here just love to blow things out of proportion, make them appear worse than they actually are, or even misconstrue them entirely - and they especially love to play the fucking Internet Gestapo.
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