#Like reuniting with Wild’s loftwing
brendathedoodler · 2 years
Ooh I love this concept, can tell me I guess some differences between the journey you thought out so far?
Most of my focus so far has been on the differences in their previous adventures and how it might affect their interactions with each other, rather than any specific plot points on the journey itself. I do have some ideas, though!
First: the meeting. All the links are tossed through a portal all of a sudden and end up in an unfamiliar era with each other. Some handle it better than others.
Wind has seen enough portals in his life to know how this usually goes. Yup, another adventure. He’d been expecting it, since his last adventure had just ended.
Hyrule takes it very well too, especially once he sees Sky and Time. He recognizes them both from a few years prior. For him, anyway. The war across ages was almost 20 years ago for Time, and a mere 3 months for Sky. Poor Sky was just settling down from the war and was in the middle of a much needed nap when the portal yoinked him.
Twilight had a moment of panic when he couldn’t find Midna, but soon she’s back to resting in her spot on his shoulders and he can focus on the situation at hand.
Warriors is cautious and staying back, letting the other links interact with one another first before he joins. He’s used to danger, and doesn’t trust the others at first.
Wild panicked right away, since he couldn’t feel his loftwing anywhere. They’re soul bound, so he knows full well that his loftwing isn’t anywhere near them. His loftwing was his guide since the day he lost his memories, so having that comforting presence taken from him isn’t something he handles well.
The one who takes it the worst is Legend. His adventure took him through many different dimensions (all of which had been put in danger through Zant’s attempt to conquer the Twilight Realm), and his experience with portals is not good at all. He’s quick to lash out at the others, grief stricken and fearing that he’s lost everything all over again.
Beyond the first meeting, there are a few distinct plot points!
The first revolves around Wind. Being the youngest but having the most experience is a tricky thing. Wind is used to people underestimating him. It happens time and time again; every new adventure comes with a new set of people asking him if he’s too young for this. Having his fellow heroes go out of their way to protect him irks him when normally it doesn’t.
Another scene is meeting Marin. By the time this happens, they’ve passed through a few eras that the others recognize, and Legend has stopped showing so much animosity towards the others now that he knows he’ll be able to return home. Legend likes to be a bit mysterious, and hasn’t revealed much about his girlfriend, but he has dropped some hints about her. They arrive at Legend’s place, and he leaps into the pond next to his house. Before he can hit the water, a very large mermaid snatched him out of the air and drags him under (much to everyone’s alarm). He surfaces a moment later, telling them to stop gawking and put their stuff inside, he’ll join them in a minute. Legend doesn’t surface for another half hour, but when he does emerge from the pond, he introduces everyone to Marin! Immediately everyone is teasing him. He’s very easy to get a rise out of.
There’s plenty of other little scenes, but that’s all I have for now.
(Have a pic of Marin and Legend in his mermaid form, taking place sometime during his adventure)
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st0rmyskies · 8 months
Hello I am feeling very tender and mild so let’s have some soft o!Sky thoughts before bed.
One of the quickest ways to Sky’s heart is through his stomach. He LOVES sweets, especially toffee and caramel, and as the alphas catch on to this they’re always on the lookout for little treats while doing supply runs. Alphas love to provide, especially when it comes to food and shelter, and there’s plenty of silent preening that goes on when someone happens to pick up something that makes Sky happy.
As the series goes on, we’ll see Wild become very, very attached to Sky. He looks up to Sky as one of their leaders but also feels this need to protect him, too. Their respective backgrounds are so vastly different — Sky having been kept under an alpha’s thumb while Wild was as free as a kite — that Wild feels somewhere inside like he needs to help Sky make up for lost time. He’s the most likely culprit to talk Sky into misadventures and bring out the playful gremlin in him.
Sky and Time share thoughts and feelings through their bond. When they land in Sky’s era, all the staggering amounts of joy he feels upon being reunited with his Loftwing gets Time distracted from everything else he’s having to deal with in that moment. Of course he can’t say no when Sky invites him to fly! Of course he doesn’t mention that he’s afraid of heights…
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sonicasura · 2 years
An idea involving Kirby and Legend of Zelda specifically Sky(Skyward Sword Link)!
What if Sky wasn't raised in Skyloft but instead on the surface? Now I said surface, not yet exactly his world. Due to a spacial/temporal incident, a baby Sky ends up in the Forgotten Land. He's found and raised by the Beast Pack. Yeah, he's gonna be a very feral boy.
Sky often passed along into the care of the pack's main members but mostly stays with the ditzy Sillydillo. (Leon figures the child can help the armadillo more since prancer isn't that bright. Brains and brawn sorta deal.)
A young 10 year old Sky later comes across and befriends Elfilin just before the events of the game. Now things do take a turn for the worst once Sky turns 16 which is when KatFL fully takes off. His beast family immediately becomes hostile thanks to Fecto Forgo and Sky is forced to flee with Elfilin in tow.
Both are on the run for a few months before coming across Kirby. Sky is separated from his pal and taken into the care of Meta Knight. He learns the way of the blade under the Star Warrior's tutoring. Sky reunites with Elfilin before Kirby fights Gorimondo, the game's first boss.
The young man joins Kirby on the rest of his adventure, even delving into Forgo Dreams to save Leon. It's here that Sky gets a peculiar blessing and eerie warning from Morpho Knight. 'That his true birthplace shall drag him back towards a vile darkness.'
Now what's the blessing the mysterious knight gave Sky? A sample of Fecto Forgo's power, the main one being able to summon portals. These portals allow Sky to call upon the Beast Pack or his friends from Dreamland whenever he needs help.
Our feral Skyloftian is 17 years old when he's dragged back into his world alongside Elfilin. You can say that a certain crimson Loftwing led Sky into these particular events. He arrives in Skyloft about two months before the events of the game. Just enough time to bond and learn to play the harp.
Basically skulking around the place like an unknown cryptid for a week until Zelda(Sun in LU terms) finds him one night with Elfilin. Sky can talk both in Hylian/Human language and in animal. In fact, the young man can communicate with animals thanks to his upbringing in the Beast Pack.
Sky's still a dork who likes to make wood carvings but one that often delves into beast speech during conversation (meows, monkey/bird chirps, mouse/ armadillo chittering, squeaks), won't hesitate to bite or growl at someone who annoys him and use trees as makeshift scratching posts. He was raised in the wild, of course he's gonna have fangs, claws, alongside animalistic tendencies.
Our hero is dubbed the 'Hero of Sky' but also the 'Hero of the Forgotten Land' by Fi since he did help save the latter alongside Kirby. As for Linked Universe...
Sky is the newbie because First ends up taking his place in the line up. He doesn't really tell the Chain about the Forgotten Land, only saying he was mostly raised in the wild than in Skyloft. Elfilin is also tight-lipped but mostly for their best friend's sake.
The group does find out but it's a slow burn. Considering a certain himbo wolf gets injured, Sky finally decides to screw secrecy and takes the group to the Forgotten Land with Elfilin's help. There's plenty of people Kirby knows that could assist Twilight.
I am mulling over Sky showing up in Hyrule Warriors to help out. Battle wise, a tag team fighter similar to Midna and Wolf Link but his partners is Sillydillo and Elfilin. He's able to switch Sillydillo for either Kirby, Meta Knight, Carol, Leon, Gorimondo or King Dedede later on though. (More people to keep Wars from being a self sacrificing idiot.)
Sky uses his claws, teeth and Meta Knight's old sword to fight alongside using tag team attacks with his Forgotten Land/Dream Land partners. He prefers moving on all fours but will walk on two legs if prompted.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back at Hyrule.
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the-delta-42 · 4 years
The Pirate Prince Chapter 16
The Pirate Prince
Chapter 16: The Quest begins
“IT’S BEEN WHAT?!” Came Impaya’s shout, making the various crowd members flinch, before the Sheikah Matriarch threw her doors and stormed down the steps, rage practically sparking off her.
“Where is Yigia?” Impaya grit out, her eyes narrowed.
“He said he had business at the shrine.” Said Kado, as he sharpened an arrowhead, “He said he didn’t want to be disturbed.”
Impaya reached forwards and grabbed Kado by the lapels of his coat, “Bring. Him. Here. Now.”
Kado was silent, before he placed two fingers in his mouth and blew. A lone falcon flew down from the sky and landed on his arm, Kado made a strange jerk with his head, prompting the bird to fly off towards the shrine behind the fairy fountain. Kado turned and faced Impaya, “He’ll be here by noon.”
Impaya gave Kado a glare that could melt steel, before she turned on her heel and stalked towards the graveyard.
“Who’s Yigia?” Whispered Link, leaning towards Zelda.
“Yigia is the grave keeper,” Said Impa, not looking at Link, “The Royal graves are the only graves that are built to be maintained, if the tomb has fallen into such a state that a monster could inhabit it without our notice, it would be a form of desecration that even the Yiga Clan could not ignore.”
“And Yigia is the grave keeper?” Asked Link, making Impa turn towards him.
“Yes, he’s also supposed to be at the Graves at all times, unless he has permission otherwise.” Responded Impa, before an arrow flew towards Zelda.
Impa grabbed the arrow out of the air and launched it back towards it’s origin point. The Arrow fell short, but it had the intended effect of making everyone look at the attacker. A Shiekah with an upside down Shiekah Tattoo snarled at the group, before notching another arrow and losing it at Zelda. Impa caught the arrow, before throwing at knife at the attack. The knife hit home and the attacker fell forwards with a sickening thud.
“Who,” Said Link, “was that?”
“That, was Yigia.” Said Impaya, flipping the corpse over with her foot, “Treacherous slimeball.”
A thunderous scream broke the air. Link gazed upwards, before spotting Skyloft, his wings arched above the village. And then he left, his giant wings creating a massive gust of air that knocked everyone down. Link could’ve sworn that he heard Skyloft singing.
“I don’t understand.” Said Zelda, after a moments silence, “He could’ve destroyed the entire village, but chose to spare it.”
“He was fighting.” Said Impa, narrowing her eyes, “At least we know that they aren’t acting on their own accord.”
The screaming grew louder, He could barely keep his balance as he flew. He spotted Mare and Viribus stalking around Hyrule Field. Oh, how he longed to speak with them once more, but he felt the curse taking over again.
No where in the fifteen regions and five kingdoms would be safe if he allowed the darkness to take hold. The oldest of the Guards felt weary, he flew towards the great gate. The sword must be protected.
Link checked the travelling pack on Epona. The dark brown mare huffed towards her rider, butting her head against his shoulder as she started to circle him. Link ran his hand down her face, he felt, without Epona, he’d be lost.
Link kept his ears open, the Princess’s safety was in his hands, Impaya made that all too clear. He heard Zelda come up behind him.
“Are you ready?” Asked Link, turning to face his friend.
“As I’ll ever be.” Said Zelda, quietly, “Impaya believes that we should go to each of the regions, reunite Hyrule before taking the Castle back.”
“A wise strategy,” Said Link, before moving to check Arawn’s pack. Arawn was a white stallion that was descended from the same white stallion that was found by the Hero of the Wild, “No one in Hyrule would dare turn away their Queen.”
“Link,” Said Zelda, quietly, “we both know they won’t see me as their Queen.”
“The Rito, Zora, Gorons, Sheikah, Gerudo and Kokiri do,” Responded Link, counting them off on his fingers, “That’s six out of fifteen. So, I think we’re going great.”
“The Lord of Akkala barely stood by my mother, the Lord of Hateno and Faron are both dead with no heirs, Hebra, Ridgeland, Lake and Central Lords would rather see me married off and we’re not counting the lesser lords in Lanayru, Eldin, Tabantha and Woodlands.”
Link stopped and looked at Zelda, who was hugging herself, “Zelda, they’re old men, who’d rather live in the past than actually help themselves or the others around them. Yes, the Wolves of the Forests and the Hunters of the plains are gone, but we may find what remains of them. Zel, we’re going to have to keep fighting, even if we don’t go to the Lords, the Colossi and whoever is controlling them are hunting you and anyone with the blood of the Goddess until their dying day.”
Zelda looked at Link, “When did you become so wise?”
“I had a really shitty week, Princess.” Said Link, leaning against Zelda’s horse, “By the way, where did the name ‘Tetra’ come from?”
Zelda blushed and scratched the back of her head, “It’s my middle name.”
“You told me you didn’t have a middle name.” Said Link, folding his arms.
“I lied, my middle name is Tetra,” Said Zelda, blushing, “You know, after the one that rediscovered Hyrule before the seas receded?”
“The same one who was the wife of the Hero of Winds?” Asked Link, raising his eyebrows.
Zelda nodded, before looking at Arawn and stared, “What the hell did you do to my horse?”
Link looked proud of himself, “You like it? It took me two hours to fully plait his mane.”
“He looks ridiculous!” Protested Zelda, her hands going to her hair, “No one is going to take me seriously if my horse looks like he belongs in a show!”
“Isn’t that what a Parade is?” Snarked Link, before Zelda hit him with the map, “Okay, not funny, but seriously, where we’re going, they are going to look at him and see him as a Royal Stallion fit enough for the Queen of Hyrule.”
“I’m not a Queen, Link.” Said Zelda, shaking her head softly.
“That’s how they’re going to see you, Zelda,” Said Link, stepping closer and placing his hand on her shoulder, “They see your parents as dead and the Royal court with them. They’d jump as a chance to aid their monarch.”
Zelda looked up at him, “Hateno is overrun with monsters, Faron is rife with infighting and betrayals and the Guardian Protectors of this land are against us. Link, if we’re going to have any chance of swaying them, we’re going to need the Master Sword.”
“And to get that, we’re going to need the Tokens of the Goddesses.” Said Link, leaning against Epona.
“We already have one,” Said Zelda, gesturing to the bag that held Farore’s Pearl, “The other two are in Hebra and Eldin.”
“And Lord Arnold hasn’t stood with the Royal Family since your mother married your father.” Said Link, folding his arms, “And the Lord of Akkala isn’t known for his hospitality.”
“After what he did to the Wolves and the Hunters?” Asked Zelda, sarcastically.
“But he is your grandfather.” Said Link, straightening up, “That may convince him to allow us to cross his lands.”
Zelda was silent, in truth, she didn’t know how the Lord of Akkala would react to her presence, he barely acknowledged her existence and when he did, it was always to ask why she hadn’t been married off.
There was a scream, making Link and Zelda look towards the north entrance to Kakariko, and both immediately wishing they hadn’t. On a lone horse, was the beheaded corpse, with a giant bird’s head pinned through the body where the head would be. Kado grabbed the horse by the reigns and cut the body free and carefully lowing it to the ground.
“It’s Stritch.” Said Kado, before looking at the bird’s head.
Impaya approached the horse and looked at the markings on the saddle.
“This horse came from Akkala.” Said the Matriarch, her red eyes narrowing.
Link and Zelda watched as Kado, finally, removed the bird’s head.
“And this,” Said Kado, grimly, “is definitely a Loftwing.”
The silence echoed through the village; the implication clear as crystal. The Lord of Akkala now stood against Hyrule.
Link ducked behind a rock, he had joined Kado and a few others in tracking down the Akkalan soldiers, finding them terrorising a village. Courage hummed in his hand, making Link look down at the Sword, Zelda had suggested naming the swords they’d both been given. Link saw Kado notch an arrow, before taking aim at the soldiers.
Link vaulted over the rock, slipping his shield beneath his feet and surfing down to the bottom of the hill, just as Kado’s arrow struck a soldier in the neck. Two others fell to Link, after he rammed courage through one’s chest and removed another’s head. Link spotted two more Soldier’s trying to get away.
An arrow struck one in the back and another struck the second through the back of the knee. Link looked over at Kado, who pointed behind him. Link turned and looked up the hill, spotting Zelda at the top, an ancient bow clasped in her hand.
Link turned around and looked at the surviving soldier, now desperately trying to crawl away. Link and Kado quickly made their way over to him. The soldier grunted as Link kicked him and forced him onto his back.
Zelda watched on as Link and Kado interrogated the soldier. She didn’t hear what they said, but Link took a step back and brought Courage down on the soldier’s head. Zelda glared at the corpses, before turning around and returned to Kakariko. Link watched as the Soldier’s blood drained from his body. He didn’t know his name, but he had met him when his father took him and Aryll to the Castle.
Link and the other warriors followed Zelda back into the village. Link stopped and looked at the shield on one of the soldier’s backs. Picking the shield up, Link examined it. It was circular and looked like it was made of wood, but, at its base, it was steel. Link knew what the wood was for. Noticing that he was falling behind, Link ran back up the hill.
Link saw Zelda by the horses, double checking the supplies he’d packed. Link was a few feet behind Zelda, when she said, “Are you ready to go?”
“I’d follow you into the depths of darkened lands.” Said Link, earning him a small smile from Zelda.
“Then, let’s be off.” Said Zelda, climbing onto Arawn’s back and settling herself into the saddle.
Link followed suit, before gently spurring Epona forwards. As he and Zelda passed, blossom petals were thrown on the ground in front of them. Link smiled, knowing that the village was wishing them luck.
“To Hebra?” Asked Link, looking back at Zelda, before she drew level with him.
“To Hebra.” Confirmed Zelda, a determined look in her eyes.
Link grinned, before spurring Epona into a gallop.
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Why I Like Skyward Sword’s Zelink more than Breath of the Wild’s (Spoilers)
Because y’all need more evidence that I’m a total LxZ dork. There be heavy spoilers
Like, in some ways Breath of the Wild’s interactions between Link and Zelda are superior to that of Skyward Sword. Their relationship goes through more of an arch than SS Zelink. Zelda’s feelings are more complicated, and they have more to relate over (stress, anxiety, etc). We get to see their relationship evolve in Breath of the Wild as opposed to Skyward Sword, where their relationship pretty much stays at the same level of affection from beginning to end.
But most of that is told to us via diaries and journals, other characters telling us about their relationship, etc. We never get any real proof that Link cares for Zelda in any special way in this game (I can’t say the reverse is true, though).In Skyward Sword, however, we get to see their friendship as opposed to just having it described to us by others. 
Heck, just take one of the very first scenes in Skyward Sword: Link wakes up.
Link is woken up by Zelda’s loftwing. He reads a letter that Zelda left for him that basically goes like this:  “Morning sleepyhead! Today’s the wing ceremony and though you promised to meet me early at the Goddess statue today I also know you love sleeping in so I sent my loftwing to deliver this to you. I’m guessing it’ll serve as your alarm clock. Did I guess right?” (Zelda’s a cheeky little mink, isn’t she?) 
This letter is already gushing with information about their relationship, and not to mention personality. But that’s not the most interesting thing about this scene. You see, if I was only judging the Zelink by Zelda herself the two games would probably tie. But after Link reads this letter, this happens:
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That one smirk and eyebrow raise is miraculous. In no other game do I remember Link having such subtle facial expressions. And it speaks volumes about him and Zelda. 
1) Zelda is familiar enough with Link to predict he’ll sleep in and send a freaking loftwing to his window to wake him up
2) Zelda cares about Link and wants him to be ready for his test
3) Link’s reaction to his rude awakening is “This is so typical of her,” like this kind of thing from her is expected, and even kind of welcome. 
 This one scene cements the fact that they’re friends, on excellent terms , and are incredibly familiar with each other. Oh, and before I forget to mention, we get all of this information despite the fact that 1) Zelda isn’t even in this scene 2) We still haven’t even seen her face yet and 3) Link hasn’t said a single word.
Another early scene I loved was when Zelda leaps off the cliff for Link to catch (I can’t find any images, I’ll just assume you know what I mean).  Zelda just knows Link well enough to know he’d catch her without fail. I’d like to reiterate that they live on an island floating thousands of meters above the clouds. Link’s worried for a bit, of course, but she reassures him that she’s fine (Also, Link carrying Zelda? Always appreciated).
These scenes are only the tip of the iceberg in this game. There is just loads and loads of moments in this game of the two of them that elicit emotion from desperation to longing, disappointment and reuniting and separating again... this game isn’t healthy for my feelings.
But the most important thing about Skyward Sword zelink, to me, is that the game makes it clear that Link wants to save Zelda. In Breath of the Wild, once you get all of the memories and learn about Zelda’s character the player themselves might want to save Zelda (because she is just so damn amazing) but we never get any indication that Link himself feels the same way.
But with Skyward Sword, there’s nothing left for interpretation. He wants her safe and home. And it makes THIS moment all the more rewarding.
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(I might be alone on this, but doesn’t that second Gif make them look like equals? I mean, I know Link’s leading but they’re both of equal height, they’re both facing the same direction and walking forward, they’re both coming from what’s probably the most intense and important moments of their lives and still look gorgeous doing so. Like, they both played equally taxing and essential roles in the protection of the world)
Maybe you don’t like Skyward Sword. Maybe you don’t like Zelink in general. But for me, this is the one game in which I really felt their relationship while playing it. I can totally buy that the love between these two is strong enough to last a million reincarnations.
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