#Limelight [oc]
sunnixsunshine · 9 months
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Saw someone on twitter draw their interpretation of the Brozone brothers’ parents so I tried my hand at it; meet Ivy Lovegrass and Billie Byrd Limelight :) Billie Byrd is a rock troll(first name(s) from the folk rock band The Byrds and Micheal Jackson song Billie Jean). Ivy is a pop troll. I’ll talk about em more in another post, just know they love their boys so so so SO much! And also have that ref sheet I made lol yeah it really did get out of hand…. I cant wait to make a SECOND ref sheet thatll showcase their heights and other headcanons 👀👀👀👀
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lairde-lampblack · 10 days
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i was so normal about herby and continue to be normal about him
feat @wally-franks-stan 's joey
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c4fin4t3d-f1sh · 1 month
Limelight Basics
It's finally finished! I would love to see if anyone makes art of it or wants to make our bots friends- Idk, I want to be more prominent in this community, PLEASE... I promise I will draw more,,,
Pronouns: He/It/She
Gender: Aboy
Height: 5’ 8”
Body type: Slim, muscular
Job: Dancer/Performer
Where were they born? Performance Robotics, 1892
What were their childhood experiences like? Pressured, made to be perfect, secretive, was constantly being “repaired” which caused it to malfunction more often
What significant events have shaped their life? Performing in 1915 in a collaboration with Walter Robotics at Balboa Park, traveling the carnival with mostly humans, being put in the spotlight an overwhelming amount as he was the first carnival bot, being scolded after failing to do tasks
What does your character want? To spread joy through dance and lead a more lowkey life after over a century of performing
Strengths (Physical, mental, emotional) Dancing, mobility, comfort, staying calm, grace
Weaknesses (Physical, mental, emotional) Physical malfunctions that cause him to tic, can’t handle criticism, gets angered easily, sensory sensitive
Are they introverted or extroverted? Ambivert
Shy or outgoing? Kind or selfish? Outgoing, king
Create a list of traits that describe their character. Kind, creative, silly, persistent, loyal (specifically after WR bought her), flexible
Do they have a specific way of speaking, It speaks normally, a little quiet
A unique fashion style, 20th Century carnival
Or an unusual hobby? Laying on cold floors
What are their relationships like with family, Very strong now that he doesn’t live primarily with humans
Friends, Loyal and kind, he likes messing with people/bots, but is quick to apologize if he hurts them
And enemies? Forgiving through time, mostly spiteful and angry, though
What inner struggles does your character face? The fear he will never be good enough, fear of abandonment, grudges against Performance
How are they around new people?
Hesitant, but tries to be nice and make a good impression
Do they speak in an accent?
Have they tried learning a new language?
Never had the time to, might eventually? Probably Russian or Dutch
How many languages do they know?
One, English
What is a song that will always make them cry?
Average - Sushi Soucy, I Bet On Losing Dogs - Mitski
How do they cry? heaving? silently? sobbing?
Silently when angry but heaving and loudly when sad or overwhelmed
What is the first thing they notice about a stranger?
Posture and stance, it likes to mimic confidence
What is their humor like?
She would try to match other’s humor, but it’s usually dry and out of pocket
Who would they quote?
He likes to quote his family, especially The Spine as it is very attached to him as it has experienced similar things as him
What could make them change their mind?
Guilt tripping
Who is the first person they'd call?
The Spine (for reasons above) or maybe Whirligig? (Still trying to decide if Whirli and Lime would date)
How are they around animals?
It LOVES animals! Begged Peter VI to get a dog and grew up with a border collie that worked with Lime at the carnival
What is something they've never told anyone?
His memories of being disassembled (Performance didn’t know she could see it happening)
What are habits they've picked up from other people?
He mimics stances and also quotes shows he likes (∞ autism)
What are their guilty pleasures?
Extremely vulgar and loud music
What is something they're staunchly against?
Victim blaming, gaslighting, animal abuse, discrimination, etc.
Do they speak a certain way?
It expresses some signs of vocal tics, like mimicking ambulances (“weewoo!”) and sometimes small things he’s picked up from shows or games (games with Spine and some of his fanbot friends, has specifically picked up the Talking Ben “no” noise)
Can they fall in love?
Uhhhhmm, maybe Whirli, gay robots kissing yay
What would they rather die than do?
Go back to Performance Robotics
What is their biggest mistake?
Traveling the carnival
Found his abandon prototype in the basement one time after hearing metallic clicking, was so disgusted by the sight he didn’t come up for 3 days
Yeah, uhm, I’ll develop this lore more eventually with the whole Performance shit and stuff eventually.
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kelkilou · 2 months
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An updated thing on my HH OC because I really like her and have been thinking about her a bit more! So here's some current details about this silly monochrome lady (subject to change as more universe lore is revealed??) Name: Myra Limelight aka The Silent Demon Type: Sinner Demon Age: 30-40s Died: 1920s Powers: Hypnosis, Film Reel Manipulation, Sonic Offense (?)
Notes: ▪ Was almost an overlord ▪ Distorted voice box (Sounds like a terribly low-quality mic + static) ▪ Knows sign language ▪ Was a famous silent movie actress before she died
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chromateclipse · 7 months
Officially Takes the Stage
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Outfit inspiration from :
Poppy (the singer)
Dorian Electra
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bordonfreeman · 10 months
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Vague limelight lore :]
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galaxyspark-6e16 · 3 months
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did you know that electroswing is a blend of techno AND jazz, yep. i have a headcanon that they're distant relative they share some aspect of similarities like hair color with differents shades of red and wander around. Some are nomadic while other take residence in places where they feel like home, these two wandered a while until Mae took residence in trollstopia vibing with her friends.
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callmegaith · 1 year
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"I loved you once as Logan... and I love you as Max, and I will always love you"
A spiritual kind of love that transcends all that is physical
This one goes out to all the my fellow demis out there ❤️
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i-bite-children · 5 months
minh limelight (1/?)
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My rc9gn oc based on @kito-kat, my best fwend, minh was dragged through a portal by viceroy and mc fist, they eventually escaped and ran away, but having nowhere to stay they slept at a dumpster pile, the next day they wondered and oogled around, finally they saw a high school, decided to explore it and one thing led to another they were an exchange student with a host, randy cunningham. In This AU randy and theresa are twins, hence they both have genetic purple hair, canon in my universe. Norrisville is next to new york so they also have some 'unnatural' friends.
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j0vialmoon · 23 days
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I drew Limelight!
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champmorado · 9 months
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my completely original OCs who are not based off of any existing characters
left is Laney Solario (she/he/they, 30 years old, genderfluid bi), son of Lawrence Solario (aka "The Last Real Movie Star"), born to be a screenwriter, pressured into becoming an actor since she was a child
right is Warren Watson (he/him, 48 years old, bi genderqueer trans man), disgraced action movie star turned soap opera actor turned talkshow host that had a big controversy near the end of his acting career
they are in love <3
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toreytores · 8 months
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just a girl and his inconsistent art style... i LOVE experimenting and having FUN!
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sunnixsunshine · 9 months
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Repost of Ivy and Billie Byrd’s ref sheet(cuz I kinda fixed her hand, it was bugging me) + them as little trollings and old trolls for fun :] theyd be about the same age as King Peppy, maybe a little closer to their 70s tho. When they disappeared, they were in their 50s. When they met, they were younger than 10, about a year or two apart. The leaf vest is basically a family heirloom to the boys, when really Grandma Rosiepuff was just too tired to make new clothes; most of the boys’ clothes before Brozone gained popularity was all hand-me-downs from their dad.
I think living with the pop trolls really influenced Billie Byrd more than she thinks. Shes more vulnerable with her feelings and more open to smiling— still not big on hugging though. Like any hard rock troll, she takes chances, she doesn’t think too much before she jumps. She’s adventurous. Shes the one who suggested the boy band idea to the boys.
Ivy was fairly care free growing up, the looming danger of the Bergens just being another Tuesday for him, but once John Dory came along his attitude changed. He began acting overprotective. By time Bruce came, however, his overprotective nature calmed down a bit. When it came to Brozone, he was on board as long as he got to be the boys’ manager, the guy having an odd talent for organization and time management. He took his role as manager seriously, even going as far as to dress like one. At least the matching earrings he got with Billie Byrd didn’t stick out so much anymore.
A reunion between the boys and their parents probably wouldn’t go as planned…
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deadoctane · 15 days
She Jojo on my Bizarre til I Adventure (VOICES FOR LIMELIGHT TOXICITY PART ONE!!!)
Also I’m thinking this part is going to be a heavy remix of part 4 the same way 7, 8, and 9 are remixes and I know 4 already got the treatment but fuck you I like part 4. And I think the plot will be more similar to 5 anyway
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midnight-illustrator · 9 months
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The last in my Haunt Hunters series!! Relic is the man most often on camera (not that he seems to want to be). He's the one leaping headlong into danger, confronting the ghosts and ghouls, tempting the things lurking in the dark to lash out at him for their own fifteen minutes of fame. Ever since their Kentucky Cave documentary when he joined the team, Relic Reed has been the one pushing boundaries maybe best left alone.
But hey, it gets results, right?
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bronytshirt · 1 year
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i mmade one of those 'two sides' pony pictures with limelight=) touching on anxiety
link to the base i used
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