#Lingwa de planeta
Surely THIS time the new international auxiliary language will resonate with the masses and be adopted worldwide, not like the last one
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biglizardofficial · 3 months
i respect anyone who is learning a second language as it is a long and hard road, but that does not extend to lingwa de planeta because its basically an english relex with asian languages thrown in for spice
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linguisticssystem · 3 years
Lidepla Lexika - Hearth and Home
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- Alee: path, lane - Avenu: avenue - Dom: home - Dacha: summer or vacation home - Ferma: farm - Flat: flat, apartment - Hata: hut, cabin - Hostel: hostel, lodging house - Hotel: hotel, Inn - Huta: shack, shed - Kamina: road - Loja: lodge - Siti: city, oldest part of a town, downtown - Urba: city, town - Vilaja: village - Yurta: yurt
Building Parts
- Bilda: building - Dwar: door - Etaja: story, upper floors of a building - Frama: frame - Kapak: shutter - Kurtena: curtain - Mur: wall - Parda: curtain, screen - Poda: floor - Sulam: stairs - Tapis: carpet - Winda: window
- Banishamba: bathroom - Garaja: garage - Garden: garden - Gastadom: guest house - Gastashamba: guest room - Habitilok: living place - Jivishamba: living room - Kamashamba: bedroom - Kavaldom: barn, (lit: horse house) - Kella: cellar, basement - Korta: yard, courtyard - Kukilok/Kukishamba: kitchen - Lok: place - Ruf: roof, attic - Sala: large meeting room - Sauna: sauna - Shamba: room - Sulam-plana: stair landing - Tualet/Tuvalet: WC, toilet, restroom - Vestibul: lobby, foyer, entry hall - Woshilok/Woshishamba: washing room/laundry room
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janmisali · 4 years
Lingwa de Planeta
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“what language should I learn?”
“is it better to learn [x] or [x]?”
“is it worth learning [x]?”
I get this type of question a lot and I see questions like these a lot on language learning forums, but it’s very difficult to answer because ultimately language learning is a highly personal decision. Passion is required to motivate your studies, and if you aren’t in love with your language it will be very hard to put in the time you need. Thus, no language is objectively better or worse, it all comes down to factors in your life. So, I’ve put together a guide to assist your with the kind of factors you can consider when choosing a language for study.
First, address you language-learning priorities.
Think of the reasons why are you interested in learning a new language. Try to really articulate what draws you to languages. Keeping these reasons in mind as you begin study will help keep you focused and motivated. Here are some suggestions to help you get started, complete with wikipedia links so you can learn more:
Linguistic curiosity?
For this, I recommend looking into dead, literary or constructed languages. There are lots of cool linguistic experiments and reconstructions going on and active communities that work on them! Here’s a brief list:
Dead languages:
Egyptian (Ancient Egyptian)
Old Prussian
Older iterations of modern day languages:
Classical Armenian
Classical Nahuatl (language of the Aztec Empire)
Early Modern English (Shakespearean English)
Middle English (Chaucer English)
Middle Persian/Pahlavi
Old English
Old French
Old Spanish
Old Tagalog (+ Baybayin)
Ottoman Turkish
Anglish (experiment to create a purely Anglo-Saxon English)
Láadan (a “feminist language”)
Lingua Franca Nova
Lingwa de Planeta
Toki Pona (a minimalist language)
Wenedyk (what if the Romans had occupied Poland?)
Cultural interests?
Maybe you just want to connect to another culture. A language is often the portal to a culture and are great for broadening your horizons! The world is full of rich cultures; learning the language helps you navigate a culture and appreciate it more fully.
Here are some popular languages and what they are “famous for”:
Cantonese: film
French: culinary arts, film, literature, music, philosophy, tv programs, a prestige language for a long time so lots of historical media, spoken in many countries (especially in Africa)
German: film, literature, philosophy, tv programs, spoken in several Central European countries
Italian: architecture, art history, catholicism (Vatican city!), culinary arts, design, fashion, film, music, opera
Mandarin: culinary arts, literature, music, poetry, tv programs
Japanese: anime, culinary arts, film, manga, music, video games, the longtime isolation of the country has developed a culture that many find interesting, a comparatively large internet presence
Korean: tv dramas, music, film
Portuguese: film, internet culture, music, poetry
Russian: literature, philosophy, spoken in the Eastern Bloc or former-Soviet countries, internet culture
Spanish: film, literature, music, spoken in many countries in the Americas
Swedish: music, tv, film, sometimes thought of as a “buy one, get two free” deal along with Norwegian & Danish
Religious & liturgical languages:
Avestan (Zoroastrianism)
Biblical Hebrew (language of the Tanakh, Old Testament)
Church Slavonic (Eastern Orthodox churches)
Classical Arabic (Islam)
Coptic (Coptic Orthodox Church)
Ecclesiastical Latin (Catholic Church)
Ge’ez (Ethiopian Orthodox Church)
Iyaric (Rastafari movement)
Koine Greek (language of the New Testament)
Mishnaic Hebrew (language of the Talmud)
Pali (language of some Hindu texts and Theravada Buddhism)
Sanskrit (Hinduism)
Syriac (Syriac Orthodox Church, Maronite Church, Church of the East)
Reconnecting with family?
If your immediate family speaks a language that you don’t or if you are a heritage speaker that has been disconnected, then the choice is obvious! If not, you might have to do some family tree digging, and maybe you might find something that makes you feel more connected to your family. Maybe you come from an immigrant community that has an associated immigration or contact language! Or maybe there is a branch of the family that speaks/spoke another language entirely.
Immigrant & Diaspora languages:
Arbëresh (Albanians in Italy)
Arvanitika (Albanians in Greece)
Brazilian German
Canadian Gaelic (Scottish Gaelic in Canada)
Canadian Ukrainian (Ukrainians in Canada)
Caribbean Hindustani (Indian communities in the Caribbean)
Chipilo Venetian (Venetians in Mexico)
Griko (Greeks in Italy)
Hutterite German (German spoken by Hutterite settlers of Canada/US)
Fiji Hindi (Indians in Fiji)
Louisiana French (Cajuns) 
Patagonian Welsh (Welsh in Argentina)
Pennsylvania Dutch (High German spoken by early settlers of Canada/ the US)
Plaudietsch (German spoken by Mennonites)
Talian (Venetian in Brazilian)
Texas Silesian (Poles in the US)
Click here for a list of languages of the African diaspora (there are too many for this post!). 
If you are Jewish, maybe look into the language of your particular diaspora community ( * indicates the language is extinct or moribund - no native speakers or only elderly speakers):
Bukhori (Bukharan Jews)
Italkian (Italian Jews) *
Judeo-Arabic (MENA Jews)
Judeo-Malayalam *
Juhuri (Jews of the Caucasus)
Karaim (Crimean Karaites) *
Kivruli (Georgian Jews)
Krymchak (Krymchaks) *
Ladino (Sephardi)
Lusitanic (Portuguese Jews) *
Shuadit (French Jewish Occitan) *
Yevanic (Romaniotes)*
Yiddish (Ashkenazi)
Finding a job?
Try looking around for what languages are in demand in your field. Most often, competency in a relevant makes you very competitive for positions. English is in demand pretty much anywhere. Here are some other suggestions based on industry (from what I know!):
Business (General): Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish
Design: Italian (especially furniture)
Economics: Arabic, German
Education: French, Spanish
Energy: Arabic, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Engineering: German, Russian
Finance & Investment: French, Cantonese, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish
International Orgs. & Diplomacy (NATO, UN, etc.): Arabic, French, Mandarin, Persian, Russian, Spanish
Medicine: German, Latin, Sign Languages, Spanish
Military: Arabic, Dari, French, Indonesian, Korean, Kurdish, Mandarin, Pashto, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu
Programming: German, Japanese
Sales & Marketing: French, German, Japanese, Portuguese
Service (General): French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Sign Languages, Spanish
Scientific Research (General): German, Japanese, Russian
Tourism: French, Japanese, Mandarin, Sign Languages, Spanish
Translation: Arabic, Russian, Sign Languages
Other special interests?
Learning a language just because is a perfectly valid reason as well! Maybe you are really into a piece of media that has it’s own conlang! 
Atlantean (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Dothraki (Game of Thrones)
Elvish (Lord of the Rings)
Gallifreyan (Doctor Who)
High Valyrian (Game of Thrones)
Klingon (Star Trek)
Nadsat (A Clockwork Orange)
Na’vi (Avatar)
Newspeak (1984)
Trigedasleng (The 100)
Vulcan (Star Trek)
Or if you just like to learn languages, take a look maybe at languages that have lots of speakers but not usually popular among the language-learning community:
If you have still are having trouble, consider the following:
What languages do you already speak?
How many and which languages you already speak will have a huge impact on the ease of learning. 
If you are shy about speaking with natives, you might want to look at languages with similar consonant/vowel sounds. Similarity between languages’ grammars and vocabularies can also help speed up the process. Several families are famous for this such as the Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Romanian), North Germanic languages (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish) or East Slavic languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian). If you are a native English speaker, check out the FSI’s ranking of language difficulty for the approximate amount of hours you’ll need to put into different languages.
You could also take a look at languages’ writing systems to make things easier or for an added challenge.
Another thing to remember is that the languages you already speak will have a huge impact on what resources are available to you. This is especially true with minority languages, as resources are more frequently published in the dominant language of that area. For example, most Ainu resources are in Japanese, most Nheengatu resources are in Portuguese, and most Nahuatl resources are in Spanish.
What are your life circumstances?
Where you live with influence you language studies too! Local universities will often offer resources (or you could even enroll in classes) for specific languages, usually the “big” ones and a few region-specific languages.
Also consider if what communities area near you. Is there a vibrant Deaf community near you that offers classes? Is there a Vietnamese neighborhood you regularly interact with? Sometimes all it takes is someone to understand you in your own language to make your day! Consider what languages you could realistically use in your own day-to-day. If you don’t know where to start, try checking to see if there are any language/cultural meetups in your town!
How much time can you realistically put into your studies? Do you have a fluency goal you want to meet? If you are pressed for time, consider picking up a language similar to ones you already know or maintaining your other languages rather than taking on a new one.
Please remember when choosing a language for study to always respect the feelings and opinions of native speakers/communities, particularly with endangered or minoritized languages. Language is often closely tied to identity, and some communities are “closed” to outsiders. A notable examples are Hopi, several Romani languages, many Aboriginal Australian languages and some Jewish languages. If you are considering a minoritized language, please closely examine your motivations for doing so, as well as do a little research into what is the community consensus on outsiders learning the language. 
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eightfourone · 4 years
Lingwa de planeta but instead i make it better
linkwo te planeto MIJA
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jansegers · 5 years
International Auxiliary Languages
"That international auxiliary language is best which in every point offers the greatest facility to the greatest number" - Otto Jespersen, 1908 International Auxiliary Languages (IALs) are languages constructed with the aim of facilitating communication between people who would otherwise have no other language in common. They are usually designed to be significantly simpler, and thus more easily learnt, than national or "natural" languages. [...]
Here are some links to information on other International Auxiliary Languages. These links should lead you to all the information that is available on each language. Esperanto - Don Harlow's compendious site. Virtual Esperanto Library by Martin Weichert. The International Language Ido maintained by myself. The International Language Ido: improved Esperanto - Includes English-Ido, Ido-English vocabularies. By Robert Carnaghan. Novial - Novial-Informatione, maintained by myself. Novial - Bruce Gilson's pages on the language of Otto Jespersen. Union Mundial pro Interlingua - Official Website of the Internationalllll Uniion for the IALA's Interlingua. Interlingua 2001 - Celebrating 50 years of Interlingua. Pages by Thomas Breinstrup and others. Glosa - Official-looking Glosa site with information in several languages, by Marcel Springer Glosa - a possible second language for the world by Robin Gaskell. Occidental - Naturalistic IAL published by Edgar de Wahl in 1922. Pages (partly in Norwegian) by Morten Svendsen. Cosmoglotta - Electronic journal in Interlingue-Occidental. Pages by Robert Petry. Latino sine flexione - Nice new pages from Jay Bowks on Peano's "Latin without inflexions". Basic English - Simplification of English invented by C. K. Ogden. Pages by Jim Bauer. Volapük - First IAL ever to gain mass acceptance, now looks quite archaic. Pages by Ken Caviness. Dutton Speedwords - Shorthand system also proposed as an international language. Pages by Robert Petry. Dutton Speedwords - Internet resource from the New Congress s.Z. Novial 98 based on the language of Otto Jespersen. Novial Pro - Novial reform by Marcos Franco. Latino Moderne - Highly naturalistic Latin-based IAL proposed by David Stark. Romanova - New naturalistic IAL. Pages by David Crandall and others. LangX/Lang53 - New project to define a hierarchy of languages. Pages by Antony Alexander. Lango - Project for an IAL based on a spelling reformed English, by Robert Craig and Antony Alexander. Ceqli - Language based on English and Mandarin, by Rex F. May Unish - International language project by Sejong University in South Korea. This site is now the home of the Journal of Universal Language, information on Unish can still be found here Lingua Franca Nova - Romance-based IAL by Dr. George Boeree Intal - Novial-like system developed by Erich Weferling Intal - Le INTernational Auksiliari Lingue - new Intal site by Stefan Fisahn, with complete grammar of Intal Folkspraak - Germanic-based IAL, presented by the The Folkspraak Institute Universal Picture Language - context-based picture language, presented by Wally Flint Aiola - New Esperanto-like project by the Aiola Research Group (ARG) Blissymbolics - Symbol system by Charles K. Bliss. New activeBliss site courtesy of Matt Landau Lojban - Logical language developed from James Cooke Brown's Loglan. Presented by the Logical Language Group (LLG) Esata - Based on English cut down for international use. Including complete description of the language Sona - by Kenneth Searight, designed with sonority in mind, based on a limited set of "radicals" Neo Patwa - formerly Dunia Patwa, creole-based system by Jens Wilkinson Atlango - Esperanto-derived system by Richard A. Antonius Mondlango - Another Esperanto-based system, this time with a fair helping of English, by He Yafu Kotava - La langue de communication universelle, aprioristic system developed since 1975 Latinvlo - a development of Stephen Chase Houghton's Master Language, by Paul Bartlett Medilingua is an attempt to reform Novial in the direction of Interlingua (IALA) Europaio / Modern Indo-European is a project to revive Proto-Indo-European, with multilingual website Temenia is an international auxiliary language, or model for constructing one, which is unusual in that it uses the Greek alphabet Pandunia is a constructed language with a cross-cultural vocabulary and phonology with traits from the most widely spoken languages of the world, by Risto Kupsala Toki Pona is a constructed language with a limited vocabulary, simple phonology and positive outlook, by Sonja Elen Kisa Sasxsek - A Language for Earth, a constructed language designed to be used as an auxiliary language, by Dana Nutter Lingwa de Planeta or LdP, a new project based on world languages such as Chinese, Russian and Arabic. By Dmitry Ivanov and others. [...]
#TokiPona #mention #sona #konlan #anno2007
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jansegers · 5 years
Categories of constructed international languages [...] Worldlang Worldlangs use several unrelated source languages from around the world, typically including at least some of the most widely spoken languages today.
List of Worldlangs Publication year Language name(s) Author(s) Current status Link to more information 2012 Pandunia Pandunia Academy Active Pandunia site 2011 Angos Ben Wood, United States Active Angos website 2010 Paqatyl Jorge de Oliveira a.k.a. Kjor Olfaa, Brazil Active Paqatyl website and forum 2010 Vollanjo Niyameddin Kebirov, Azerbaijan Active - 2008 Ardano Zeinelabidin Elhassi, Libya Active Ardano site 2007 Sanua Risto Kupsala, Finland Discontinued Language description 2007 Sambahsa-mundialect Olivier Simon, France Active Sambahsa-mundialect wiki 2006 Lingwa de Planeta (LdP, Lidepla) Dmitri Ivanov, Russia Active Lingwa de Planeta site 2005 Neo Patwa Jens Wilkinson, Japan Discontinued Neo Patwa site 2003 Sasxsek Dana Nutter, USA Discontinued Sasxsek site 2002 Unish Institute for Universal Language, South Korea Re-activated Journal of Universal Language issues 2-1, 3-2 & 4-1 2001 Toki Pona Sonja Elen Kisa, Canada Active Toki Pona site 2000 Big Six Danny Wier, USA Discontinued A message in Conlang mailing list archive 1999 Acadon Leo Moser, USA Active Acadon site and blog 1997 Noxilo Mizuta Sentaro, Japan Active Noxilo site 1996 Ceqli (Tceqli, Txeqli) Rex May, USA Active Ceqli site 1996 Dunia Ed Robertson, Scotland Discontinued Description in LangMaker.com 1995 Vorlin Rick Harrison, USA Discontinued Vorlin site 1993 Jigwa Jigwadx Jungdwei (Jigwa Central Team) Discontinued A draft of Jigwa 1974 Lusane Luis Sainz Lopez-Negrete, Mexico Discontinued A message in Auxlang list Written and compiled by: Risto Kupsala Last update: 2014-09-25
#TokiPona #Worldlang #anno2014
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