#Link is a species that’s half dragon
asterias-corner · 10 months
Zelda Ayla and link designs i made for a silly fan universe :^)
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Zelda decided to change her name to ayla at the end! And link is a whole other story- (not an au btw!)
do not repost my art! Reblogs ok!
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lalalian · 4 days
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lifespans and age of riders vs dragons
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date: september 22, 2024
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A fundamental aspect of riders is their is link to dragons, yes, we know that, but what if one part of the link disappears?
The life of a human is a mere speck compared to that of a dragon-- do riders, a species similar to humans, age similarly to their human counterparts?
Today, I'll be tackling these questions!
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dragon age
This has been bothering me for awhile-- if a dragon has a human form (cough cough, your dragon), they will appear to be the same age as you. Dragons are considered mature enough (mentally and physically) in the beginning of your second year to fly with a rider, so about maybe a 1 yr - 1.5 yrs give or take. Imagine teaching a one and a half yr old how to operate a plane or drive... riders and humans do not develop as quickly brain wise as dragons.
Dragons also don't take long to mature to adulthood. They're essentially a young adult by the time you have to graduate. Likewise, they learn fast, and many would be wise enough to support you academically (mostly with magic).
So... now that's out the way, let's get to the more interesting bits.
riders aging
The more you’re in tune with your magic, the more you’re intertwined with your dragon’s soul. After Aethergarde Academy, your lifespan will slow down drastically. Here's a short summary of the stages of life for a rider.
0-20: Pre-Rider Stage - You’re body is still getting used to its qualities in this stage. At 20, your body is about used to your heightened senses and niche (depending on when you go through an awakening).
21-100: Young adult
101-300: Adult
301-400: Older Adult - Some signs of aging may start to appear. Equivalent to your 40s (like this stage of life is considered similar to a human's 40s, but not appearance wise).
401-500: Mid-life - Equivalent to your 50-60s. You stop physically aging around here, most riders maintain an appearance of a 40 yr old because of the many sun protectant trinkets and creams.
501+: Elder - From 600 and above, if your dragon dies, you die! Keeping up sun protecting procedures will maintain your 40s appearance.
Because your lifespan's been lengthened to such an extent, I advise you to form closer bonds with riders rather than humans.
Do all riders, regardless of rank, age like this? No, only riders C and above age this way, though, the lower the rank, the more quickly your body ages. E and D ranked riders do age a little slower appearance wise, and are far more likely to live to 100. They typically don't live past 115~.
Higher ranked riders who retire tend to live for around 600 yrs. Riders who dedicate their lives to battle often die anywhere between 100-200 yrs old, though, more skilled riders tend to live well past this age.
do dragons live longer?
Dragons can be thousands upon thousands of years old. The oldest dragon that is currently alive (when you first shift there, I mean) is around 63,000 yrs old. His name is Siege, and he currently resides in the most opulent care facility in The Rookery. He has visited Aethergarde Academy a few times... he is always accompanied by at least 4 other dragons to help him throughout his trip. Siege is the only dragon who does not need explicit permission to enter Aethergarde and the other four schools outlined in the script, so he literally can just fly onto campus without reporting to Harklorn.
It is not uncommon for dragons to outlive their riders. Many may either die in battle or even be poisoned, but I'm sure you can imagine the amount of grief a dragon feels when their rider passes. Dragons often hide in their nests, or stay near their nests, for 100s of years. Dragons who have developed an extremely close bond to their riders will undergo a very deep depression, causing them to hibernate anywhere from 100 yrs to 300 yrs-- upon waking up, their body's are quite weak. Luckily, The Rookery has many many facilities for these dragons. Either workers will find these dragons and report them to The Rookery, or these dragons will simply fly to The Rookery themselves.
what if your dragon dies?
It really depends on when your dragon dies.
If your dragon dies within the first or second year you bond with them, assuming you're actively attending your magic classes, it's really hard to build yourself up magically. If your dragon dies before you undergo an awakening, you will go through an awakening soon after your dragon dies. This is due to the sudden change/disruption within your aura. Your awakened state will not be as powerful as it would be if your dragon didn't die. It's also not uncommon to get pretty ill, like I mean bedridden ill, soon after their death.
Despite your grief, it's recommended to continue focusing on controlling your mana and practicing magic to ensure that you won't lose the ability to do all forms of magic.
If your dragon dies after 4 yrs, also assuming you're attending your classes, you will not lose your ability to do magic completely, though, it's still recommended to practice casting spells or even just doing some simple mana meditation exercises to retain your skill. Not doing this can easily take you down a rank in terms of magic.
Why does this happen?
For most people, their dragon's aura makes up at least 3/4s of their supply of mana (for higher ranked riders, it's more around 50%). In terms of mana, you and your dragon essentially have a give and take kind of relationship. When one vessel dies, that mana can easily just be absorbed by the environment (some people actually don't try to maintain their skills, usually for religious or sentimental reasons).
Guiding that mana back to you will expand your mana capacity. Because those particles of mana are drawn to you due to your bond with your dragon, you can reabsorb them. This is the only way to expand your mana capacity after 20 yrs of age, though, it's not like you'll be stronger, you're just making up for the space you lost.
There is a way that you can absorb the mana of another dragon that isn't bonded to you-- even another rider-- but that is quite illegal.
dragon aging
Dragons can live for a lonnggg time if they get through the grieving process. Dragons usually die when their riders die, the mourning practices they go through is usually too tough for their bodies to handle even if they're taken care of.
This whole post is making me so sad... Honestly it's hard to continue 😭😭 Let's end this post on a less sad note with... Humans!
how do humans feel about riders' lengthened lifespan?
There is a bit of a divide on this topic-- some humans want their life to be lengthened, while others prefer to live short lives. Rider blood used to be used as an 'antidote to aging' but of course, drinking rider blood will not lengthen your lifespan or stop the aging process. It's the bond between the rider and their dragon that's keeping riders' alive for so long.
The government is always cracking down on 'youth potions' and 'death antidotes', there's always something related to dragons or riders involved in them. It wouldn't surprise me if there was like a 'youth fountain' filled with... rider piss and nail clippings.
Humans cannot drink dragon blood! Even a vial sized portion of dragon blood can cause many health issues, especially related to things like stomach acid regulation or stomach lining thinning. Oh, but some people still try this shit.
Riders actually can drink dragon blood, in fact, there are some potion recipes that do have some blood in them; however, it does have to be from your dragon. Drinking blood from another dragon typically just doesn't digest well, but it's not like it causes serious health issues (unless you drink a ton of it). Instead, riders simply get diarrhea.
If you do need a potion that contains dragon's blood, contact a potionmaker to custom make a potion. Usually, the potionmaker will tell you that a certain potion needs dragon blood. They'll hand you a vial; fill that vial completely and hand it to the potionmaker.
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after reading into inzoi's generative ai controversy more, I just wanted to say that I don't use AI to write the storyline, worldbuilding, or plot of my scripts.
I do and think of everything myself, this is why everything takes so long.
The few things I have used AI for is to get ideas for names (I got Straus' last name from chatgpt) and I used chatgpt to write a summary of the scholarship Laurier offers (I didn't feel like writing that shit).
I would also like to note that it isn't a bad idea to use AI to write your scripts! It's hard to get ideas yall, I don't blame anyone that uses AI to write their scripts!!!
I do use AI to generate images for my scripts and of my DRself, so I'm not completely safe lmao😭😭
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web-novel-polls · 15 days
WN Criminal Upper Bracket
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Dragon half-blood from Lout of the Count’s Family
Submission: So much attempted murder, some successful murder presumably, kinda cannibalism (does it count as cannibalism if you eat other intelligent species?..) but consider: hes BABY (he's like 900yo) and hes a SOPPING WET KITTY CAT
Wiki Link
Xue Yang from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS)
he's kinda...😳
he gets horny about crime and looks good with blood on his face. what else need i say.
[Please be kind and respectful in the notes. Anti-Propaganda is NOT allowed.]
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sol-consort · 1 month
Not to be graphic but do you think Krogan penis' look like those dragon dildos? Like, is Wrex just packing monstrously? Thoughts?
Please be as graphic as your heart desires. In fact, let's theorise with the whole class on which bad dragon dildos fit the biology of the Mass Effect alien species the closest!
Smut below - linked pictures
They are 100% packing monsters down there. Have you seen the size of korgans? I mean, they have heat cycles. There is a possibility they actually knot and have to wait a while, in order for their cock to go soft before pulling out.
Candidate one
A thick head that pops into place, an even thicker shaft that quickly narrows down at the end to make you "swallow" the thing whole in a semi-locking mechanism. It's harder for it to slip out that way, like a plug...a very long and big one.
I like the detail of the blunt spikes on the pubic area. They might feel good to grind against. The subtle ridges at the underside, those must feel amazing sliding against your walls, the bumps increasing and becoming more prominent the deeper it goes.
Humans definitely feel tighter to them. It's borderline painful for krogans. Luckily, the pain and pleasure wires in their brains are usually crossed. There's a noticeable raise below your stomach, where their cock is bulging out. literally making a space for itself amidst your organs and forcing your body to adjust to it. Korgans do get a slight ego boost from it, the humans are so easy to fill out and are as tight as a fist.
Candidate one
While the size is more comfortable and similar to humans, albet slightly bigger and more curved, the shape and function differ a lot.
The upper half is smooth with a very saturated neon-like colour, slightly florescent in the dark—cum too—rather than there being a defined "head" with a urethral orifice, the whole upper half is responsible for semen distribution. Basically, the whole upper half gets wet with pre-cum the more turned on they get, leaking everywhere. Purposely evolved to become self-lubricant and as smooth as possible to slide in seamlessly with no preparation required. It's also the most sensitive part. They can practically feel it kiss the entrance to your womb/rectum with each thrust.
The lower half is made out of many curves wrapping in around themselves. You feel every vein and large bump the more it slides inside. It's a completely different experience than taking the upper half, which should've prepared you for this by now. It clogs your entrance fully, preventing any cum from flowing out.
That's because...well, they cum in noticeably much larger quantities, made to overflow your insides. That's why burying their cock down to the hilt is so important no matter how intimidating it might seem to take in, their instincts won't let them finish unless they're fully inside you, it's etched into their biology.
Sleeping with humans to them is... hmmm.
In the nicest way possible, if turians had our equivalent of "high-end expensive sex dolls," it would be human shaped. Extremely fetishized, kinda? We are soft, very soft in their opinion. It's not just our lack of metallic plates, but the fact that our bodies are filled out in all the right areas. The way they can see our hips curve upwards into our waist, how they can grab a fistful of a human's ass and just squeeze, the plump thighs, the tender soft chest and completely bare and uncovered stomach.
Even a human's cock looks "pretty" in their opinion. Carefully with their claws with it, preferring to wrap their long together around it and squeeze.
We look like we were made to be fucked, as if our whole evaluationary purpose was to be bred.
The final nail in the coffin was them finding out that human insides are somehow ten times as soft as their outside. Turians can fit their entire tongue in there—the taste is strangely sweet to them despite being deathly allergic to literally every other thing in humans. It's like finding a flower with the most poisonous petals yet containing the sweetest necter in its centre.
The more a turian sleeps with a human, the higher the risk of them getting addicted to human sex. You're pliable and pliant. You don't fight back when they pin you. Turian sex is usually more rough. There is a whole lot great deal of teeth, claws, and other stuff involved. Blood is not out of the question sometimes. A battle for dominance.
But humans just...surrender immediately. At least they interpret our enthusiasm in bed as that. The eagerness to obey, the desperation to be fucked, begging for the turian cum and grinding back against them, meeting them halfway through every thrust. It's their wildest dreams come true, what's a wet dream to most turians is a reality with every human.
So, a fun fact about their skin! It's covered in millions and millions of tiny scales, giving it the illusion of seeming smooth. It probably feels more on the rougher side.
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Which is why I think this is fitting
Candidate one
It's firm to the touch rather than fleshy. You can feel each one of the hundred tiny bumps lining its underside. The head is round and thick, a little tricky to get inside. But once it's in, everything else slides in smoothly, perfectly slotting into place.
It makes your insides adjust to its shape, not the other way around. It almost feels like a fully solid object. The scales gliding against your walls, scrubbing them in the best way possible. No amount of wetness will make its shape any less prominent, practically moulding your insides to memorise every curve and bump.
The scales grow towards the base, resulting in them flourishing out whenever the cock is sliding out, making it easier to thrust in than thrust out, the round head staying inside at all times.
The human body barely recognises the drell cock as a reproductive organ. Your brain's natural reaction is to attempt and push it out, even if you try and suppress it.
Resulting in a semi-spasming motion, the constant involuntary contrast and release of your wall muscles against the drell cock is absolutely driving them crazy, they have to fight an early orgasm each time. You try to explain that you can't control it.
While an oral ingestion of any drell fluids may cause hallucinations, that process becomes much faster with their cock inside you, analy or else, humans are slowly lulled into a state of intoxication which may manifest in euphoria, arousal and haziness.
I'd like to think that their cum is an aphrodisiac to humans, each time they finish inside you, the urge to get fucked again becomes stronger and stronger. harmless human/drell sex can easily spiral into the dangerous territory, hours melting into one another, your body overstimulating their cock constantly, while you're pumped full of aphrodisiacs.
While the rough feeling of their cock is amazing at the moment—partly thanks to your brain swimming in happy chemicals—it will leave you sore for days afterwards. The inside of your thighs are reddish and agitated from being brushed back and forth against the drell scales for so many hours, your insides feel like they're on fire, you can barely sit down without wincing.
There are two ways to remedy this:
A week full of rest, medical ointments, oils and painkillers
Let them fuck you & cum inside you again
Because sleeping with them again will completely wash away all feelings of discomfort as the cycle is reset. If you want a middle ground, a kiss or two, maybe even eating you out will be more than enough to get rid of the symptoms without digging yourself into a deeper hole.
To drell, sleeping with humans is extremely pleasant. Much like the turians' experience, everything in that section also applies to them. Drell bodies are made to account for all of these things in their drell partners... but humans are literally defenceless. Your body has no option but to take it. Not only that, but it's confused to what the thing pushing into them is that it's alien in every sense of the world.
Watching you try your hardest to take their cock inside and resist the intoxication each time, nursing a hangover and a sore body the next week. It fills them with immense guilt, which manifests into actual physical pain for them because that's how their emotions work. It's unbearable. That's why most drell avoid penetration when sleeping with humans, despite how being inside you is the closest to heaven they've ever felt.
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Some things that happen in either the main plot/lore of my Twilight Princess retelling that I’m working on
Zelda had two older brothers named Cassius and Alistair
Link and Midna are mortal avatars of the Sun God and Moon Goddess
Link becomes a champion of the God of Darkness
The Cave of Shadows is a trial set up by said God to see if Link is worthy of his power
The Sheikah are not a species, but members multiple races who followed the same faith
Impa from Ocarina of Time taught the Hero of Time the hidden skills
She was also married
Satori from Breath of the Wild was a wedding gift to Impa from the God of Darkness
Majora and Midna are distantly related
The Hero of Time took part in the Interloper War. On the side of the Interlopers.
Stallord used to be a dragon that fought alongside the Interlopers in the war
Ganondorf used to be a normal, friendly guy who was killed by the demon king, who then took his form.
The oocca normally look a lot more majestic, but were cursed to look they way they do in game
When Link and Midna are looking for the Master Sword, the sword radiates a blue aurora
A character gets into a shouting match with the Sages. Link and Midna awkwardly watch.
During the second half of their journey, provided no one was around, Midna usually stayed outside of Link’s shadow
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darkwingphoenix · 1 month
Some of My Ideas for @loominggaia peoples
So, after seeing @kid-az post a thing about a new class of people, I decided to invent my OWN class of people for my AU, although this will NOT be happening in a WHILE.
Essentially, after I do the alt endings for my fic, I have a list of fics to post:
Unnamed fic about Saraia killing the Evangeline siege dragons with Skylie, and introduces the leviathans.
Ascendance: Fic where monsters in my AU gain souls and form a kingdom for themselves
Unnamed fic to help set up Ascendance and a couple other fics. Basically, Saraia and Skylie are vibing in Zareen when Project Starlight fails spectacularly, turning Damijana into the world's biggest creeper crater and forcing the two and King to survive the storm of ejecta in Zareen. Casualties are basically Damijana and like half of Zareen from the ejecta. Swiped this idea from kid-az's thing.
New fics introducing the new classes of people (Yes, multiple: Three, to be exact). Each fic is for each of the new classes encountering the Great Kingdoms (Including the Slegelse Damijani), in small multi chapter arcs. I'm talking like 2-4 chapters per Kingdom arc. Ascendance gets arcs too.
An unnamed Cobalt Evangeline X Sirene (I decided to ship Cobalt with a sirene lmao) where Cobalt, inspired by his big titty sirene GF (Yes, his GF WILL be a busty sirene, prolly with some nice hips too), tries to make slavery less legal in Evangeline. It helps he has trauma from Saraia attacking the Capital and realizing Skylie and Cyana are still alive (His parents said they died some time after they dipped). Skylie shows up to help him while in a disguise
Oneshot with Saraia attacking Evangeline Capital once she makes a mask for Cobalt.
Fic about Cyana and Angeline adopting and caring for a baby sirene
New Royal Gala oneshot set about 25 years after CAIL, with the new High Rulers (Winnie Mogdir, Cobalt Evangeline, Rustafi Fanaka (Yes, he gets to be king), Jaq Yerim-Mor, and whoever's first in line for Etios). May be during the time of the Cobalt fic.
Here's a link to a Google Docs about the species I added.
To add to the disaster that turned Damijana into Slegelse, it basically goes like this (And it gets called The Starblast):
Project Starlight fails so spectacularly Serafeen gets a stupid prize for her stupid game: Big ole fireworks, in the way of Damijana, and Iron Tower to be more precise, being turned into the world's first nuke since the Ancients made Gaia go Titanomachy.
Damijana, obviously, is no more after that, with Serafeen and the Council being right at Ground Zero and thus instantly vaporized, and almost all of Damijana was killed of or turned into ejecta that blasted much of the surrounding area, taking out Driza and Viersen and killing a LOT of people in Slegelse and areas beyond just Driza and Viersen.
Outside of an area like 30 miles away from Driza or Viersen, it didn't really do much beyond that (Saraia and Skylie would be about 15 miles away from Driza, likely going to deliver an environmentalist speech) when it goes off.
As for how it sets up Ascendance, the event is so full of magical energy it gives all monsters souls as Gaia needs to burn off the magic by making new souls. But not enough babies can be born to burn it off fast enough, so she emergency gives all monsters souls for Christmas. And now all monsters get souls now.
The monster soul thingy becomes known as Ascendance.
The portals to summon the new peoples becomes known as the Aftershocks, as many, especially in the World Athenaeum, think it was a sort of recursive ripple after the Starblast happened.
Overall, the whole disaster becomes known as the Ascendant Starblast
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yurki-posts · 2 months
Do you have any oc?? :0
(Not talking 'bout ur persona, im asking like-- an oc or sssstory w ocsss?? lmao---) 👉👈💐
YEESSSSSS I DO!!!!! I have many, many ocs buuuut I lost the pictures of most of them and they don't have a real story yet- so imma just share some of them who I have pictures for and also a little of lore! (please god im begging for the guys in the discord server not to find this or im fucking dead)
Ocs under the cut! (It's quite long and messy so be prepared for lore dump in the second half because it's my personal favorite)
First we have my main oc and the first one I created all by myself! (which means without external help like a character maker or dress up game); Vinn!
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(credits of the art to my irl bestie I luv ya!!!)
As you can see, they're a colorful ball. His desing is obviously based on Polandball/Countryballs, where the countries are balls with white eyes. Originally they were going to be their own countryball but I decided to use him as a persona for many years until Yurki came in ;)
Don't let their colors and cuteness foul you, they were banished to hell after burning down uncountable villages and forests. He was obsessed with fire in such a sick way, he was often called an arsonist (rightfully so) by the passersby.
Once in Hell, they lost most of their already damaged mind. They set Hell itself on fire and flames, and before he could reach the last corner of it, he was captured and kicked out of hell, and found himself in a new planet ready to be set on fire with their flamethrower, although it would bring many surprises he couldn't have ever imagined.
That's pretty much a summary of their lore. He loves fire (what a surprise!) and they are best friends with the element of fire of that universe. They don't have many abilities that aren't just advantages of being a ball, but he can breathe fire if that's something. Their story actually continues but it's all written in spanish so I doubt it's even worth to link it here lol.
And now...We have many here that I actually do want to work on but idk how to write lol
They're made in Gacha Life 2 if anyone wonders why they don't look drawn.
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So in the pictures we have a couple of them, but I actually don't have names for anyone but the green one because I SUCK AT NAMES.
So... anyways the green one is Stunail. The Moth girl is his cousin who has social anxiety and the Butterfly is his older sister. The two dragons are caretakers of a botanical garden and they're friends with Stunail and his cousin.
In that universe, humans are mixed with bugs and other kind of species. There's no racism, but golly there is a lot of specism (discrimination against other species. Not to be confused with Speciesism. Yes I just made that first word out). There's special hatred towards "dirty" and "useless" species, such as Snails, Flies/Mosquitoes, Cockroaches, Rats, and a few more.
Some of them are banned in public spaces in the most specist regions (which are fortunately very few) and have a hard time getting employed, and if they do get employed they usually get paid less than a "normal" species. Some are seen as dangerous and scary, and others as a waste of air and useless to society.
Ofc it's not super obvious at first sight, but it's the subtle things that makes the specism stand out. Looking weird at them, sitting somewhere else if they sit next to you, put your children to play with a different kid in the playground, ignore if they're talking, avoid them if they're seen.
I'm unsure of what this story would follow, but I think it would be about Stunail proving the world that their and other hated species can be as capable and "normal" as any other species, and that they shouldn't be discriminated for their mere existence, and have the same rights as the rest of the species. Alongside Moth Girl's character development where she manages to, slowly, heal from her trauma and social anxiety.
Ohhh and here are some ✨side charaters✨ I also made
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The only one with a name (again😞) is the mermaid, Merman! (although I might change his name because it's a little plain). The sheeps are twin brothers, the squid girl is an important administrator of the Eastern Ocean Empire, and Merman is the Monarch of the sea species in the Western side of this last mentioned Empire.
I plan for all of them to connect in one way or another to Stunail and his friends, but I still need to figure that part out "- -
Damn that was a lot of yapping. Hope whoever read all this liked it ^^ I appretiate any opinions about this last one specifically because it's something I actually wanna end up doing somehow.
(Please suggest names im begging on the floor rn)
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bloodsplatteredcrown · 2 months
Hello! This page is a page dedicated to a Percy Jackson Au of mine I call “Blood Splattered Crown!”
The Au is a medieval fantasy au! It’s mostly focused around Jason as everyone in the au is kind of connected through him!
In the au, demigods have more animal like features based off of the sacred animals of their parents!! (Or just things I thought were cool and kinda related to the god..teehee..)
More down below!⇩
Characters and what they are!:
Percy: Nymph siren
Jason: human/artificially made werewolf
Annabeth: owl
Leo: Quarter dragon (i promise there is a difference between half and quarter dragons in the au!! Trust me!!)
Piper: elf
Nico: necromancer? (He doesn’t have a specific species right now!)
Will: cicada
Luke: Snake
Hazel: witch
Frank: shapeshifter + familiar (also doesn’t have a specific species.)
If you don’t see a character with a species, then they probably don’t have one right now! Only a vague idea to fit them into the lore! If you have any ideas for characters I would LOVE to see them I desperately need them..
If you also have any questions, I might have answers! Just ask! (I might do a lore post with EVVERRRYTHINNGG on there. If people want it of course.. wink wink let me yap..cough cough.. )
Link to the fanfic! (It probably won’t get more than two chapters unfortunately as I can’t commit to writing more than that.)
(I also don’t consider myself much of a writer!! Apologies if it’s extremely bad!)
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washedoutwings · 2 months
making a full list of headmates because uhhhhh why not
format: name, age, roles, species, pronouns, introject or not, sign off, fun fact??
nina, 12-16, beesecutor+chaosnaut, human, she/her, nope, #🧡🐎🌾.nina or just 🧡, she likes horses
castiel, uhhh no clue but he’s an adult, urge holder+guardian/protector+social anxiety holder, no idea, he/it, no (it is NOT castiel from supernatural, he’s green not an actor), -castiel, he’s around 8’ tall
unknown, we don’t think it really has an age, watcher+archivist, we don’t know but definitely not human, it/its, no, it doesn’t front so it doesn’t have one, it doesn’t talk
elijah/elephant man/elephant, 25-26, chaosnaut+adhd holder, not human of some sort but he looks human, he/him but every once in a while (vv infrequently) she/her, yes (camp here and there), #💖🐘.elijah or 💖🐘, he can do stuff other headmates can’t (like vvv abnormal stuff). also he’s gay
sydney, 24, autism holder+trauma holder+possible insomnia holder+possible anxiety holder, mostly human, he/him, yes (camp here and there), #🐌.sydney or 🐌, he died and was revived and also cofronts a lot
bill, all of it, chaosnaut+adhd holder, triangle god, he/angle/brick/it, yes (gravity falls), #🅱️🖕🫷🫷 or 🎱, he speaks in emojis a lot and we don’t really know what he’s saying when he does
chilchuck/chil, equivalent of 43-45, possible assidumate, half foot, he/him, yes (dungeon meshi), he doesn’t have one yet, he is younger than he is in his source material
natsume, 14, not sure yet, human? probably human with some demonic ancestors, he/xe/ce/it/they [xe/xem/xer/xemself, ce/cei/ceir/ceiself], yes (camp here and there), #🥀⚔️.natsume or 🥀⚔️, emooo
stan/stanley, uhhh old????, *shrug*, human, he/him, yes (gravity falls), #💵💵.STAN or -💵💵, BUY SOUVENIRS
jon/magnus, middle aged i suppose, archivist+co-host, it is. complicated, i do not know yet but he seems okay, yes (the magnus archives), #📼.jon/magnus or -📼, i am very new here. hello
adam/up and adam, wouldn’t you like to know (im an adult tho), heh. demon, vampire, he/rot/they/xe/it/blood/wound/fang, yes (camp here and there), #🫀🍎.adam or -🫀🍎, im dating elijah. also, i post about autocannibalism sometimes, but i’ll tag it. oh yeah, im also a marriage counselor lmao
ford/stanford, stan’s age, unsure, he/him, yes (gravity falls), we don’t know yet, he likely won’t front much
narinder, we don’t know, *shrug*, he/they, yes (cult of the lamb), #🐈‍⬛.narinder or -🐈‍⬛, uhhh yeah!
link, young?? like probably 16-19, not sure, he/him, yes (breath of the wild), not sure yet, he doesn’t speak out loud…ever
chris, early middle age, we don’t know yet, he/him, yep (chris dunne factive), fuck if i know man, yeah, that’s me, im here a lot
not sure yet but just call them ghoul or the ghoul, probably 28 ish??, mmmmm no clue but humanoid, they/them (there are more but we don’t know them yet), yes (ghost band/nameless ghouls), they haven’t fronted yet, they hang out in headspace mainly, we don’t know if they’re a fictive or a factive
there’s a dragon headmate but we don’t have any info on them yet
all of my (rook) kintypes and theriotypes are also headmates but they don’t have very specific identities other than what they are
possible/questioning/developing headmates:
soren (chnt)
hunter (toh)
a plague doctor guy
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sorensolsikke · 6 months
Am i a therian? A furry?
People of tumblr, i am gently asking you to help figuring out what the hell is going on
So yeah well
The desire to look non-human accompanies me since such deep from the past that this feeling became the very home, the shelter of my identity.
Yes, of course, i am autistic, i have a paper on it, yes i have ptsd and untreated adhd and i am queer, so i guess wanting to get away from the difficulties of being part of the human society is logical, but like.
Understanding where the feeling comes from shouldn't erase the experience itself.
I recall wanting to growl and purr, moving tail and ears since i was at least two and a half. Of course, i had grown up along many animals, my parents had worked with service dogs, and in one hand, small children learn languages so easily, why would be animals' body language so different? I just got fluent in it– And in the other hand, wanting to have ways for easier self-expression is such a common autistic experience.
But these thoughts lingered, transformed, grew as years passed. Of course i always played with animal toys, or roleplayed the animal company in games with (my very few) friends, but that's not very dramatic, not like other memories linked to the topic, for example.
The very first time i got penalty in school was in the second semester of first grade, when i growled at a girl who bullied me, and then i bit her. That's very strange of a memory, because it made me feel so guilty, so childish, that i didn't let it happen ever again. But that doesn't mean i didn't think about it anymore. When i moved schools and other bullies came and i just couldn't defend myself because of extreme empathy i think, i always imagined myself as a blue dragon, growling and roaring at people. It was, and still is, the easiest way for me to understand my own anger.
What i really feel alone with is that how these fantasies, images became the very pillars of my self-image.
I remember having the idea of wanting to be a dog first, when i was the smallest. I said goodbye to that imaginery when we had to sell my first and only puppy whom i loved dearly, because he was aggressive. I got obsessed with cats instead, then horses, and finally, the perfect mixture of every kind of animal: dragons. Anyone who walks into my room mentions how many dragon related things i have in there. I emphasize that i am 17.
But the reason i started to talk about this all how it forms the way i want to look.
For instance, lately, i've got a long mullett, which i style with a hair straightener in a way it looks like i've got animal ears. While it makes me somehow relieved, at the same time it leaves me with the longing for more.
I want hoop snakebite piercings, so to give the impression of long canines. I cannot stop thinking about this, even though i know very well that my father wouldn't approve it. I just found a really small thing that would make me feel better about myself, and i want to achieve it, quickly, because yk, there are so many things i cannot change.
There are some grotesque ideas in my head how'd i want to look like since i was very little. I've always stepped on tippie toes so to raise my ankle long, up towards my knee, like it is with dogs, cats, horses. I wanted my ears to be pointy, and i crave the black line connecting the eyes with the mouth, what the cheetah's have – therefore i absolutely loved face painting from a very young age. I've always wanted wings and tail, long tongue, and defined muscles; a bunch of these are somehow managable, but others are so distant. It doesn't usually hurt me, like not having a dick hurts me on some masculine days, but the cravings are there, and i think about them a lot.
What i want to ask is: what does it make me be? Am i a furry with a dragon fursona? Am i a therian, am i experiencing some kind of species dysphoria? I know labels aren't quite needed, but is there anyone sharing my experience? Where are my people? Dunno i guess i just don't really want to be alone.
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hnwd · 1 year
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Dream dragon sheet !
More detail ⬇️
Âme :
Appearance :
The appearance of a pre-adolescent child has a truly fragile and innocent appearance. The corruption form of the skeleton form drips through the eye sockets, nose, mouth and neck, the corruption can in rare cases cover the majority of its body but never completely.
Her outfit was made by the Nightmare, he made her the butterfly cape with great care and magic, realizing that Âme loved butterflies which did not exist in her original world nor in the Abyss
The dragon appearance remains at the same age for its species, its beginnings are hidden by its fur. The one-headed dragon inspired by foxes and its movement behavior at times. The scar is very large in its dragon form hidden by its mane, but simply lift it to reveal the areas of missing flesh. In case of corruption the body of the dragon rots more or less partially until the corruption flows from the rot and its mouth, it becomes close to black in case of corruption.
Funfact: Originally before his death, Soul was born as a white dragon, he became golden after absorbing the energy of a god.
History :
Once born in the body of the new white dragon, he was destined to watch over half the kingdoms of the earth with his brother the black dragon. But the latter, hating to have only infertile and sick kingdoms, decided to steal the kingdoms of his younger brother. The white dragon never fought towards his brother, he was passive and he was just a child who wanted his big brother's attention. But the black dragon was plagued by paranoia, and one day he killed his younger brother by ripping his throat, thinking that he had taken an army with him, but in reality it was only their favorite object, a ribbon. double bell which fell to the ground.
Be careful not to be fooled by the age of his body, Âme is both older and at the same time a child which is confusing.
Indeed Âme died as a child and refused death, corrupted by hatred he was locked up by the gods of death in the void of non-life. But Âme's hatred of his unjust death only increased his power and drew other lost souls to him, creating the world of "L'Abime". Âme managed to kill one of the gods coming to force him to detach himself from his old life, he transformed his energy into a mask which created the strange rule that death in this spirit world permanently destroyed the soul in a power mask which will be at the service of the owner.
[...] As this character comes from one of my stories I won't describe everything but if you are curious take a look at the story "l'Abime" on my Wattpad account :D[... ]
When he left the Abume, time resumed for the dragon, but he was in a child's body having spent an eternity in a kingdom of the dead, he could no longer have this adult body but he was happy to contrasted that it was always linked to The Abime and its rules of magic.
Character :
He is someone who is positively fatalistic, and yet he exaggerates about certain things like a child who has never been able to grow up.
Fairly Bipolar
genius manipulator
Loves to say bad words to shock people
try not to cry
Love Butterflies.
Magic Abilities:
Âme has affliction and invocation magic, in itself he has no defensive and offensive magic.
Justice and Injustice: Âme swings in both style of his soul's characteristic, justice and injustice highly depends on the world and the adversary. Injustice is more easily exploited, but justice is much more powerful.
Pearls: The bad luck pearl gives curse and misfortune while the lucky pearl gives prosperity and happiness. Pearls are a natural ability for Âme, but he rarely creates them, usually only black ones that he pretends are positive.
Masks: Âme can still summon the millions of masks he has scavenged from the abyss, devouring their powers for battle or conversely using them to manipulate his opponents and sometimes summon the mask's body directly.
The Abyss: Being able to create a portal and go out and enter as he wants from this purgatory, he uses it from time to time to send people who launch a fight against him. In the abyss the levels go back to 1 as long as you stay inside "alive" magic is also almost impossible without a large source of energy.
Pact: Ability he warped, Âme can make pacts with a person by a simple touch, a simple wish whisper in your mind and he can impose it on you and control you like a doll. These are pacts of injustice, pacts of justice are pure work and healing, they must be announced orally and accepted by both parties and are terribly effective.
Time: By his determination not to die, Âme acquired a skill influencing the timeline, he can block time and prevent the use of saves and Resets. However, he must be aware of this ability to use it.
Levitation: Soul does not possess the magic of souls, however it can itself be levitated whatever its form, it is not against not levitating others
Since he's the first soul in his world to refuse death, and came back to life "illegally" He's still on death's list, and pursued by them, But thanks to Nightmare's cloak, he is hidden from the gaze of death if he did not find himself in front of the reaper.
If Âme attempts to have an adult body, he will pay for every minute of an adult body in a year of childhood which frustrates him greatly, since he is already aging extremely slowly.
Âme's real name is Amae, but the Nightmare ended up calling him Âme by accident and came to believe it was his name. Ultimately the Dream kept that name.
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bigasswritingmagnet · 12 days
An Illustrative Update
Fandom: Dragon Age Pairing: Hawke/Varric Summary: One of the author's portraits on Varrics books depicts him surrounded by many beautiful women. It could perhaps use a little updating, now that he's a married man.
AO3 Link and matching art by snuffes go look look look!!
Hawke lowered her book and listened.
It had gone very quiet in the other room. Far too quiet. Varric had received a letter from his editor, which meant there should have been another hour at least of grumbling, muttering, and the occasional ‘oh come on!’ playing counterpoint to furious scribbling. 
Instead, there was silence. 
Hawke set the book aside and swung her long legs off the bed, biting back the groan as she levered herself up off the dwarfishly low bed. She stuck her head around the corner. Varric was still at the table, surrounded by the detritus that always accumulated when he was working -- loose paper, half-empty glasses, ink pots, crumpled blotting paper. 
Varric wasn’t hunched over writing, or staring thoughtfully into the distance, or flicking crumpled up scraps of paper into the fire. He was holding a thick piece of paper and staring at it with an odd expression on his face. 
“Something wrong?” 
“No,” Varric said slowly. “Just uh… unexpected.” 
“Mm-hmm…” Hawke prompted. 
“Do you remember Apples?” 
“That woman who illustrates your books, yes, I remember. Very nice woman, lovely smile.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “More than willing to help you convince me that Avaar name their children after food.”  
Varric did not respond, apparently transfixed by the paper in his hands. Hawke crossed the room and leaned on the table casually. She was going to give him about a minute before she snatched it out of his hands, and thought that was very generous of her.   
“Right. So, the last time I wrote to her I made a joke about how I’d have to change the author's portrait on the back of my books now that we’re married.” 
“Mm, it is a bit gauche for a married man to depict himself being pawed at by half-dressed women -- especially when they aren’t even the same species as his wife.” 
Varric finally looked up from the paper to grin at Hawke. 
“You’d be less jealous if they were half-dressed human women?” 
“My dearest Varric, I pride myself on not being the sort of wife who gets jealous of any fictional wenches, regardless of species.” 
“Hey, those fictional wenches have rich and varied personal lives. Show a little respect.” 
“And this is your new author portrait?” 
“Apparently she painted it the day after we met her,” Varric said, finally handing it over. “She’s been waiting this whole time to send it to me.” 
Hawke barely heard him. 
Varric's editor had commissioned a few different portraits of Varric, to be used depending on the genre (something about pandering to an audience). In all of them, Varric was depicted as looking outwards, his smugly raised eyebrow directed at the reader. This even -- or perhaps, especially -- in the portrait containing the aforementioned wenches, who, in turn, had eyes only for their cocksure Lothario from the neck down. 
Conversely, in this new portrait, Varric and Hawke seemed to have forgotten there was an audience; their attentions were wholly consumed by each other. 
And the look they were giving each other. 
It was the look of a man about to ravish a woman who expected and intended to enjoy every second of it. Hawke wondered what sort of Avaar magic Apples had used to keep her paintbrushes from catching fire. 
Varric’s shirt was open, exposing his broad chest and famed chest hair. One arm was raised, a quill artfully poised. His other arm was around Hawke’s waist, holding her in a pose that would probably be possible if Hawke went down on one knee and Varric stood on a box. Hawke’s breasts strained at the confines of a ruffled pink, and were apparently the only thing keeping said dress in place. 
 Hawke could see the next moment in her mind’s eye: Varric bringing his hand down, the sharp metal nib of the quill slicing through the flimsy dress material like tissue paper, the pieces fluttering to the floor as Varric pulled her in the rest of the way. 
She very carefully set the picture down on the table, and immediately slid onto her husband’s lap, her eyes shining. 
“It’s perfect.” 
link again to the art
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web-novel-polls · 7 months
Favorite WN Criminal Submissions [Closed]
Last Checked: August 7th, 2024 - Please check the original post for updates
Submissions CLOSED - Masterpost here
One character per response
Submit as many responses as you want
Characters must be from a web novel or media with a web novel source/adaptation; manhua, manhwa, and other similar media without a web novel are at my discretion
"Criminal" can be based on IRL laws or in-world laws
Whether they're innocent/guilty or punished for their crimes doesn't affect eligibility. It's mainly just a "I'll know it when I see it" situation (Ex: If Character A was wrongly punished for a crime Character B committed, both characters would be eligible)
Tournament Tag: #wn criminal tournament
Cale Henituse from Lout of the Count’s Family
Submission: An essential part of absolutely every plan he makes is to steal his enemies' stuff lmao 😂  
Dragon half-blood from Lout of the Count’s Family
Submission: So much attempted murder, some successful murder presumably, kinda cannibalism (does it count as cannibalism if you eat other intelligent species?..) but consider: hes BABY (he's like 900yo) and hes a SOPPING WET KITTY CAT
Wiki Link
Fang Yuan from Reverend Insanity 
Submission: He actually isn't my favorite I mostly like bai ning bing from this webnovel but please appreciate all of this man's crimes someone on Reddit compiled 
Links Submitted: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4; Wiki Link
Gu Mang from Remnants of Filth / Yuwu
Submission: It's complicated... Defected from his kingdom and became an enemy general, killing who knows how many of his former comrades. Stabbed his lover in the heart. Shipped back to original country and punished for high treason. There's the spoilery reason, but he was still branded a criminal and a traitor. Anyway, I love him, one of my favorite characters of all time, and you all need to love him, too. Stop sleeping on Yuwu, people.
Wiki Link
He Xuan from Heaven Official’s Blessing
Submission: Deceiving the emperor, kidnapping, decapitation. 
Wiki Link
Hua Binan from The Husky and His White Cat Shizun / 2ha
[No propaganda submitted]
Wiki Link
Ilvalino from I’ve Been Reincarnated as a Villainess’ Older Brother
Was trained as an assassin since childhood, already did assassinations by the age of 6. In the original story - an otome game - he continues with this career until he's 17, and is known to kill people for minor offenses such as bumping into him or stepping on his foot. Moreover, in his route, he's driven insane by inner conflict and kills all the other capture targets to be alone with the heroine. In the story after titular reincarnation, he's picked up by the reincarnator/MC instead, and ultimately quits assassination altogether - although, again, he already Did Some Murder by that time.
Jiang Yexue from Remnants of Filth / Yuwu
Submission: Incest, kidnapping, mass murder, use of the Zhenlong Chess Formation, curse casting, etc.
Wiki Link
Jing Beiyuan from Qi Ye/Lord Seventh
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Image Link
Jin Guangyao from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Submission: "All my life, I've lied to countless people and I've harmed countless others. It's just like you said. I killed my father, killed my brothers, killed my wife, killed my son, killed my teachers, killed my friends---I've committed every crime there is!"
Wiki Link
Jun Wu from Heaven Official’s Blessing
Submission: This is MAJOR SPOILERS for Heaven Official's Blessing- but as for his crimes, just like. All his actions as Bai Wuxiang were so iconic. Jun Wu was so single mindedly focused, he manipulated so many people and brought so much death, destruction, and despair to ruin Xie Lian's life and to turn him into a Calamity like himself. It's the dedication to the bit for me, he wiped everything from his disastrous past and became emperor of heaven. Jun Wu had all of the heavenly court fooled and under his thumb for centuries and played the part of the caring mentor/father figure to Xie Lian all while gladly placing the cursed shackles on him. 
Wiki Link
Kim Kiryeo from The Hunter of the Other World Who Is Being Misunderstood
Kiryeo is an archmage from an alien civilization who was reincarnated on Earth. During his period of adaptation he is mistaken for being one of the extremely strong S-rank hunters, even though in reality his true magic capabilities are far more meager. After failing to convince the people around him that he's actually very squishy and weak, he decides to lean into the misunderstanding and falsifies the government records stating that he is indeed ranked S. Among the many crimes he's done, some notable ones are: Commited at least 5 murders (mostly in self defence) Attempted to steal a corpse. Succesfully stole a different corpse and accidently exploded it in a research accident. Commited tax avoidance for a whooping 40 bilion Won Agreed to help the police in a raid on illegal narcotics trade because he wanted to steal them from the crime scene, which he did.  Kiryeo also calls himself a war criminal, and admits to causing near extinction of 3 separate inteligent species back on his home planet. 
Ling Wen from Heaven Official’s Blessing (TGCF)
Submission: Created the Brocade Immortal, orchestrated the downfall of her predecessor, aided Jun Wu. Girlboss. 
Li Xian from Female General and Eldest Princess / FGEP
Submission: Ran a secret organization of spies, set up 20 soldiers escorting her back home to be killed by said spies, pretended to have been attacked, gave a vital shipment of food and supplies meant for her kingdom's besieged army to the enemy, framed innocent civilians of treason to improve the reputation of her spouse who caused their deaths, deceived the emperor, faked her spouse's death, faked her own death, etc...
Wiki Link
Mo Ran from The Husky and His White Cat Shizun 
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Crimes: where do I even start. World domination? SA? Murder?
Qi Rong from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Submission: I mean... He dragged a literal child through the city on the back of a carriage. And he kills humans and eats them. He's pathetic. He's basically a cartoon villain, it's pitiful and that's why I love him
Wiki Link
Qiyan Agula from Clear and Muddy Loss of Love / JWQS
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Source: JWQS Wiki
Submission: So many crimes... She is really the criminal of all time… 
Sha Qing/Luo Yi/Li Biqing from Sha Qing / The Killer of Killers
Submission: Serial killer who kills serial killers with their own MOs. 
Novel Updates Link
Shen Jiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Murder, arson, child abuse... Look, some of those crimes were justified (stabbing Wu Yanzi) while some of them were absolutely not (giving a kid a flawed cultivation manual so that he'll die of qi-deviation). But Shen Jiu's life has twisted him so that he believes he's irredeemable, and he hates himself already, so he's just going to do what he wants, okay?  "First, he'd been a rat forced to swallow its anger, cringing while awaiting more beatings. Then he'd become a gutter rat, scurrying back and forth as everyone chased and hit it. No matter how he changed, he ws a rat; cowering with its tail tucked between its legs, unable to see the light; letting years slip by in vain, squandering its time and life." 
Image Link
Shen Zechuan from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submissions: Character of all time. He's done a lot of crimes, but I'll just mention that one time he put a guy in a cage, poured boiling water on him, and sliced off his skin piece by piece while he was still alive. 
Wiki Link
Shi Wudu from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Submission: stole someone's fate which inevitably led to the death of that person and their family, immoral enrichment with complete disregard for other people's lives (capsizes their ships if they haven't offered him enough)
Wiki Link
Wei Wuxian from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Submission: Okay, okay, I know, but the submission rules state that innocence doesn't affect eligibility. Wei Wuxian is innocent of...most of the charges against him, but he is branded a criminal by the cultivation world (and does fight against them). 
Wiki Link
Wen Kexing from Faraway Wanderers
Submission: He makes murder look so sexy. 
Wu Yanzi from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (SVSSS)
Submission: Known criminal and murderer, scum shizun to the scum shizun 
Xue Yang from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 
he's kinda...😳 he gets horny about crime and looks good with blood on his face. what else need i say.
Image Link
Zhou Zishu from Faraway Wanderers and Lord Seventh
Submission: So many crimes... So, so many…
Zhuzhi-lang from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (SVSSS)
Submission: Cute snek <3 also a demon general, murderer and kidnapper
Dealer’s Choice
Choi Noah from Villain Hides His True Colors
I know pretty much no one’s read this novel, but Choi Noah was a young child who awakened the “Gamer” ability due to trauma. He literally thinks he’s in a game & is absolutely unconcerned with common sense, including the laws. He repeatedly kills “mobs” and “monsters” (usually other humans or humanoids) for “coins.” In his first life, he became the first EX-Rank villain and teams with a devil trying to take over the world, who later betrays him for being “too evil.” The story starts with/right after his death as he “resets” the game to return to age 12 and ends up becoming a hero to “win the game.”
Gwon Ohjin from I’m Not a Regressor
“If he had to ignore his conscience for the price of living, he would do it any day.” - Chapter 13
This novel starts with Lee Shinhyuk, the final Awakener of a vicious battle against “the Heavenly Demon,” choosing to regress to kill the Heavenly Demon before so many people died. To do so, he asks a powerful goddess to bestow him her stigma, and once he regresses… he dies. Right in front of the unawakened, scammer Gwon Ohjin he had met years before. Who also happens to be the Heavenly Demon and the Owner of the Black Heaven, which can devour others’ stigmas.
If you’ve put two-and-two together, you’ll know that Gwon Ohjin’s Black Heaven absorbed the stigma that no one had managed to live through being bestowed, causing said goddess to assume GWON OHJIN is a regressor. He isn’t. He doesn’t know what’s going on. But he IS a scammer, and he sure as hell isn’t going to let the goddess know he stole her stigma off of some dead guy. 
Crimes: thievery, fraud, murder (and probably more lol)
Lee Sookyung from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
No propaganda prepared yet
Van Cromwell from Just Because My Apprentice is the Strongest, Doesn’t Mean I’m Strong Too! 
Mod Propaganda: Committed fraud (pretending to be an S-rank) that’s punishable by death just to stay with his childhood best friend. 
Ballister Blackheart from Nimona
Reason: Not from a web novel
Nimona from Nimona
Reason: Not from a web novel
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sinfulwunders · 1 year
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𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢 ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔗𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔐𝔞𝔨𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 2.0
Hey everyone, so as some of you may know, I was in the process of making a baldur's gate inspired townie save a while ago, but due to needing a mental break I never got to finish. I am once again resuming the process of making this save again (including the sims that were made for me previously last time I did this)
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢?
“Baldur’s Gate III is an upcoming role-playing video game that is being developed and published by Larian Studios. It is the third main game in the Baldur’s Gate series, itself based on the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system.“ (via wiki)
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔄𝔠𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡
The purpose of me doing this was out of pure curiosity and my love for these games
In this, I will be taking submissions (everyone accepted) for sims (occult or human) to live in this modern day Baldur’s Gate themed town where I will be sharing gameplay and poses for all the sims included 
*here is the list of races/species in baldur’s gate* 
By the end of this we will accomplish making and populating a town based on a MODERN DAY Baldur’s Gate :)
More below if you’re interested :)
ℜ𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔰/𝔖𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢
Vampire or Vampire spawn (just a vamp xD)
𝔒𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 ℜ𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔰/𝔖𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔑𝔬𝔱 ℑ𝔫𝔠𝔩𝔲𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔫 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢
Werewolf (they’re kinda in there but not really)
𝔖𝔬𝔠𝔦𝔞𝔩 ℭ𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢
Cleric - “representatives of the gods they worship, wielding potent divine magic for good or ill.”
Fighter - “have mastered the art of combat, wielding weapons with unmatched skill and wearing armor like a second skin.“
Druid - “channel the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals. Mastery of Wild Shape allows them to transform into beasts from all over the Realms.”
Ranger - “are unrivalled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favoured prey.“
Rogue - “With stealth, skill and uncanny reflexes, a rogue’s versatility let’s them get the upper hand in almost any situation.”
Warlock - “Bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron, warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique magic.”
Wizard - “Wizards master the arcane by specializing in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research.”
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℭ𝔞𝔫 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔇𝔬? / ℌ𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔲𝔟𝔦𝔱
create a sim or family of any of the races/species listed above (or another species you think I may have missed)
be creative and go wild(if you want to)!
this is a modern day baldur’s gate inspired theme so please dress is modern clothing (It’s fine if you don’t if it matches them well)
pick a social class for your sim above
base aspirations and traits off of the classes and race/species listed above (click on the links for the races/species and classes to read more into it)
can be any gender/age/sexuality
maxis match/mix cc (no alpha hairs tho and I might tweak details on sim to match the theme/my game style, but I will never tweak their facial/body features)
only cc for everyday outfit
make a post with at least one picture of your sim and a brief description of them (like what race/species they are and what social class they’re in)
descriptions don’t have to be descriptive if you don’t want them to be, they can be brief.
tray files including cc (xD) sent to me or public dl (choice is yours) :)
no deadline for now
tag @ sinfulwunders and #baldursgatesimsedition2.0 in your post in case I miss the notification 
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concealeddarkness13 · 8 months
My OC Tournament Round 1 Poll 1
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Information below the cut:
First, here is the Picrew link! I love this Picrew, so you'll probably see it a lot, lol.
Naivi (she/her): She's from All's Fair, and she's gets into an enemies to lovers relationship with Chess. The Powerpoint is a little old, so some of the info isn't correct anymore. She's a lesbian who is half human, half Snake (the species on the powerpoint), and she's been hurt badly by the other species. So much so, that she decides that the other species are evil beyond repair, and she wants to destroy all of them and keep humans alive. To do that, she restarts the prosthetics experiments with Aeflin, not knowing that Aeflin is a Shade who wants to use her as a scapegoat. Luckily, during the story, Chess convinces her that she's being used and that maybe destroying the other sentient species is a bad thing. She's working on it.
Even though she is an antagonist for half of the story, Naivi is the one who talks the most about how important friends are. She has a soft spot for Chess (totally a crush), and she's the first person to show Chess that there is kindness in the world. She's the one who convinces Chess that she needs friends, lol. She's also an engineer who wants to make the magic from the prosthetics less damaging to the people who have them.
Luneth (they/them): They're from Concealed Darkness, and they're friends with Cassian and Tamra. They're a Tenebrus, which means they have darkness magic, and they have to be wary of the empire since it uses Tenebrus as soldiers. They also (spoiler alert) are a half-Celestial, so they have the light and lightning magic and can turn into a small dragon. Which paints an even bigger target on their back.
They're quiet and don't trust easily. And something bad happened in their past that they won't talk about. They have nightmares that Tamra has convinced them to draw and talk about like it's a story. They're very close to Cassian and Tamra, and honestly, all they want is to find someplace safe to hide from the empire.
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stealing-the-smp · 18 days
All character names and species (will link bigger blogs of them and the species as we continue)
Gods and God like Immortals
XD - Xade - God
Foolish - Demi - God of creation, death, life, sharks, and gold
Drista - Dixie - Goddess of chaos
Eret - Mahogany - Glitchis
Lady Death - Foxglove - Avian goddess of death for when Demi stepped away for a bit
Philza - Castiel - Angel of death of a worker for Foxglove
Callahan - Antler - Xade’s “pet”
Slime - Slime tbh I can’t think of anything else - it’s in the name….
Karl - Patch - Time traveler that’s also a dream entity
Inbetween Overseer - Inbetween Overseer - Lower ranking god
Otherside Overseer - Otherside Overseer - Lower ranking god
Velvet(yes he’s here) - Trix - ???
Wilbur - Vian - Avian
Fundy - Cas - Fox anthro
Tommy - Chord - Avian
Tubbo - Bee - Goat hybrid
Ranboo - Ender - Enderman / ???
Purpled - Astin - Skywarian
Punz - Whiterose - Skywarian
Boomer - Frog - Human
Ponk - Aloe - Blaze hybrid
Sam - Sam - He’s a cat centaur creeper combination
Niki - Hydrangea - Cat creature / dragon
Aimsey - Nutmeg - Bunny hybrid
Guqqie(I’m finding her important enough) - Comet - Alien?
Jack - Cypress - Robot
George - Nightshade - ???
Dream - Asphodel - Fallen God
Sapnap - Aries - Part demon part diamond human
Bad - Muffins - Demon
Skeppy - Diamond - Diamond human
Eryn - Coal - Part Demon part Crystal human
Schlatt - Shep - Ram hybrid
Puffy - Komo - Sheep hybrid
Quackity - Franklin - Duck avian
Antfrost - Mantis - Anthro cat
Tina - Carrot - Mimicking Demon
Seapeekay - Wisp - Fox anthro
New characters
Myotis - Vampire
Pumpkin - undecided
Benson - Benson - Starshine duck (he’s technically not new but he’s been made a actual member!)
Jeremy - Human
Kids in order of age
Finley - Fin - Helper God
Sylbee - Beeatrix - Half Skywarian(yellow)
Shroud - Saylor - Spidershifter
Michelle - Morgan - Zombie Piglet
Kiwi - Kiwi - Half Skywarian(lime)
Yogurt - Coin - Arctic Fox anthro
Foolish Jr - Frazer - Helper God
Beenus - Beenedict - Half Skywarian(brown)
Michael - Mac - Zombie piglet
Weird beings
The voices the syndicate hears apparently fallen warriors and anarchists
My apologies to cut characters
Techno I’m sorry but I don’t want to at all steal a dead man’s character so I will be not including him as a show of respect
Hannah bc I don’t understand your lore
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