#LinkedIn Career Pages
ideadeco · 2 years
LinkedIn About Section for HR Recruiters
LinkedIn is a powerful tool for HR recruiters looking to identify and connect with top talent in their industry. #LinkedInTips #HRrecruiters #CopywritingTips
As an HR recruiter, your LinkedIn About section should highlight your professional background, your current role and responsibilities, and your key achievements and skills. In general, LinkedIn provides HR recruiters with a powerful platform for candidate sourcing, networking, and company branding, which can help them do their jobs more effectively and efficiently. Taking into consideration the…
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kajmasterclass · 6 months
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hyper-pixels · 5 months
How to Grow Up
A guide on how to grow up. It was originally posted by @/friendliness but half the links were broken. So I took what links weren't broken and added other links and more things to know.
This is USA based resources
Reasons to Stay Alive – A Tumblr post of 116 reasons to stay alive by @/friendliness.
How to Get Better At Asking for Help – Website is Harvard Business Review. The article is “5 Ways to Get Better At Asking for Help” by Wayne Baker.
What to do if you Can’t Afford Therapy – Website is Psych Central and the article is by Steven Rowe.
How to Quit Smoking – “The 22 Best Ways to Quit Smoking” by Debra L. Gordon and David L. Katz M.D. from the Healthy Digest.
How to Legally Change your Name – Website is Forbes.
Wanna Learn Something New? – A Tumblr post made by @/hamletthedane with various new things to try from language learning to ballet.
Free Harvard Courses – Harvard University’s free online courses.
Getting a New Computer? – A quick and dirty comprehensive guide by WIRED on what to look for.
How to Sew – Website is Autodesk Indestructibles. The article is “How to Sew” by Jessyratfink. Having a small sewing kit (that you can pick up from nearly any craft store) is super handy and has saved my life and clothes.
What to Look For in Clothes A YouTube video by Alyssa Beltempo titled “How to Identify High Quality vs. Poor Quality Clothing | Slow Fashion”. Here’s a WikiHow [x] if a YouTube video isn’t your style.
Dealing with Executive Dysfunction – A Tumblr post made by @/compassionatereminders. It's a list to more links on how to deal with executive dysfunction.
Another List Like this One – A Tumblr post made by a now deactivated account. It's a list much like this one.
What’s a mortgage? – Website is realtor.com and the page is called “What is a Mortgage? Home Loan Basics Explained” by Cathie Ericson.
First Apartment Checklist – A checklist PDF. Here’s another link to a Tumblr checklist [x] 
What to Ask Landlords Before Renting? – “25 Questions To Ask a Landlord When Renting a Home” by Morgen Henderson.
What’s Renter’s Insurance? – Website is Forbes Advisor. The article is by Jason Metz and titled “How to Get Renters Insurance”.
Plant Care – A master list of how to care for plants made by @/difficults
Time Management – Website is Entrepenuer and has 10 time management tips. One I personally recommend is keeping a physical calendar book on hand. I keep mine in my bag with a designated pen.
Finding the right job – Website is The Muse and it has 13 free career assessment tests.
Make a resume – Website is Resume Now. Many hirers look at your name, the middle of the page (where your experience list is) and skim the rest.
Job Interview Tips – Website is Linkedin. The article is titled “10 Job Interview Tips to Land The Career of Your Dreams” by Caren Merrick.
How to Write a Cover Letter – Website is The Writing Center. University of Winsconsin, Madison. It’s titled “Writing Cover Letters” and I can’t find the author.
Couponing! – Website is Coupon Database :: Southern Savers. It has a list of mobile apps for coupons to places.
Call 211 for Help – the website leads to 211.org. It's anonymous and can help you get connected to food programs, paying bills and things like doctor appointments. Here’s a Tumblr post about it [x] by @/poessionisamyth
Groceries! – This is a Tumblr meme post, but scrolling through tags/reblogs/replies and there’s plenty of good tips. The post is by @/charlotten
What To Do if You Can’t Pay Your Bills – Website is Nolo. The article is “When You Can’t Pay Your Bills: Thiings To Know” that was updated by Amy Loftsgordon. 
Are You Paying Too Much for Your Phone Bill? – An article by Beht Beverman titled “How Much is Too Much to Pay for a Cell Phone Bill?”.
54 Ways to Save Money – Website is America Saves.
How to Do Taxes – Website is Wiki-How.
The 70/20/10 Method – Website is Business Insider. The Article is “A Beginners Guide to the 70-20–10 Budgeting Method” by Paul Kim.
Side Hustle Ideas – Website is Forbes. “30 Side Hustle Ideas To Make Extra Money In 2024” by Krista Fabregas.
Your Rights When a Cop Pulls you Over – Website is Business Insider. Cops are allowed to lie to you, and they will, so be careful.
Hotline List – The website is DoSomething.org. Depression/Suicide, domestic abuse, child abuse and runaway/homeless/and at-risk youth hotlines.
What to Keep in Your Car – Website is MentalFloss. I live in a snowy area that gets blizzards and bad ice. I keep blankets, water and other aids in my car as well as a knife and road flare. I also own a self jumping car battery and it has saved my ass more than once. Heimlich Maneuver – A one minute video by the Mayo Clinic.
The Heimlich Maneuver on Yourself – A one minute video by The List Show TV.
What to Keep in Your Wallet – Website is PureWow. The article is by Rachel Bowie. Keep your drivers license, medical insurance card, and an emergency contact in your card. If you have a pet home alone make sure that you have a card detailing this. Free printable one here [x]
Packing List – Website is Smarter Travel.
Traveling with Little to No Money – Website is Nomadic Matt.
How to Pack a Suitcase – Website is Real Simple. The article is by Thersa O’Rourke.
How to Apply for a Passport – Website is WikkiHow.
Making a Travel Budget – Website is Travel Made Simple. “How to Make a Travel Budget” by Ali Garland
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copperbadge · 5 months
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Yes, it is I...Careers Georg.
[ID: A screengrab of a LinkedIn page that is trying to show me companies hiring people with my skills. It reads "Companies with the most job openings in your role." Beneath that is the company it thinks I should work for, which is simply called "Outlier."]
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queenlua · 2 months
ok, this Kevin Woo guy is the most fantastic chad i've heard of in a while:
The journalist who exposed Lambda School wasn't a journalist by trade. Vincent Woo was a successful entrepreneur best known for CoderPad, a collaborative coding website used extensively in programming job interviews. After he sold CoderPad for millions of dollars, he focused on the public interest, such as housing activism.
Woo's work on CoderPad gave him expert insight into the programming job market, and in 2019, Austen's outrageous hiring numbers set off red flags. Whenever pressed for more details on his outrageous claims, Austen said a full report was coming soon, but six months would pass without any updates.
Woo obtained an investment memo Lambda School sent out to Y Combinator titled, "Human Capital: The Last Unoptimized Asset Class." In it, they disclose, “We’re at roughly 50% placement for cohorts that are 6 months graduated,” contradicting the very front page of their website.
Where did the 86% on their homepage come from? In 2018, Lambda School submitted a single report about 72 graduates to CIRR. CIRR is an organization formed by the boot camp industry following the boot camp crackdown of the 2010s, to cleanup their image. Bootcamps are supposed to submit their hiring stats every six months, in one standard format, to prevent underhanded boot camps from fudging the numbers. In two years, Lambda School had produced nothing beyond that single, small report.
Woo reached out to Sabrina Baez, Lambda School's former Director of Career Readiness. Baez oversaw job placement in those early days, and Austen had reprimanded her for low hiring rates. She told Woo that probably only 50% to 60% of graduates found jobs.
Finally, Woo obtained private communications with investors revealing the quiet deals with hedge funds. This flew in the face of their marketing's, "We don’t get paid until you do," and Austen's now-deleted tweet, “We never, ever get paid upfront for ISAs.”
With all the damning evidence, the story was ready. Most reporters would now email their subjects for comment, but Woo elevated the story to performance art. He asked Austen for a recorded interview, without revealing its nature. Austen, lulled into a false sense of security by tech press puff pieces, agreed. What followed was the most riveting hour of tech journalism I've ever heard.
Austen: "Our goal right now, is that if a student is endorsed, call it graduation, that we place 80% within 120 days."
Woo: "Why did you tell investors 50?"
Austen: "What… I don't know… what communication you're referring to."
The interview went downhill from there, as Austen scrambled to invent excuses.
bonus: check out this dude's hilariously understated linkedin:
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(also, the whole article's worth a read. i'd been following the Lambda School saga for a while but there's a bunch of new fuckery here that even i didn't know about. smh)
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parabiota · 3 months
Kaijuno has possibly been lying about being an astrophysicist for 8 years: a compilation
Abstract: Kaijuno made her initial claim to Tumblr fame in 2016 with the release of a few popular posts. In the 8 years which followed, she has been wearing the title of astrophysicist with pride. I call this title into question on behalf of all Tumblr users. All evidence has been gathered with legal and publicly available information. Posts will be screenshotted, as well as embedded with a link to prove I have sourced them publicly. While I cannot prove anything beyond a doubt, I hope this raises suspicion of her past, current, and future actions. I do not wish any harm on her. I just wish to inform people of her alleged lies since she has been taking emergency donations on her Tumblr blog for years.
1. Introduction Jessica Peck -- whose name is public and has been sourced through Paypal, Cashapp, and Venmo accounts linked to her Tumblr -- of Flint, Michigan (also publicly sourced via posts she made) has been running the blog Kaijuno since August 2014. She has been claiming to be an astrophysicist since at least August 2016, and continues to as of today (7.13.24). It is my firm belief that she is not an astrophysicist, but rather had dropped out of an undergraduate physics program during or after 2017. Additionally, I believe the art she has been posting since 2023 to have been made with AI. While I have not looked into her financial situation, I believe that if she is truly lying about her career and art, it is entirely plausible for her to lie about her finances as well.
2. Methods
2.1 Outside Research With a publicly sourced name and location, I was able to use a variety of public resources at my disposal to track any published papers or accounts on other websites. A quick search through Google Scholar yields no results of anybody named Jessica Peck publishing a paper on astrophysics. I have not searched through other databases -- I don't find it necessary but I do implore others to search if they wish.
The next place to check was Linkedin. A similar search yielded a public Linkedin page attributed to someone of the same name and state:
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This page has seemingly not been updated since 2017, during her undergrad. An important thing to note about Linkedin is that does say she graduated in 2020. However, when you link your university to Linkedin it lists your expected graduation year regardless of whether you've graduated or not. This does not prove graduation, but that she has gone for an undergraduate degree in physics at one point with an estimated graduation year of 2020.
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Everything else comes directly from her Tumblr blog. I'm embedding all screenshots with links, however I anticipate most of them being deleted.
2.2 Direct Quotes Jessica has claimed to have a graduate degree, specifically a Ph.D, on numerous occasions. These have generally been played off as jokes, though I do believe the intention of posting them has been to persuade people that she does have a degree.
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Here she claims shes going back to college (10.30.23):
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But here she claims she has '2 PhDs'(10.30.23). The following two screenshots single-handedly contain the bulk of my evidence.
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NOTE: The usernames and icons have been blocked out, as those people are not involved with this post.
The 'free college because I'm 26' appears to be from Michigan Reconnect, a scholarship program which pays for community college for students over the age of 25 who do not have a college degree. The only way Jessica would be benefiting from this program would be if she never completed her undergraduate degree in 2020. This appears to be the only way you can get free or discounted college tuition exclusively based on age in the state of Michigan. While she could get her tuition paid for her by FAFSA, that is income-based, NOT age-based.
If she is currently attending college and benefiting from this age-based aid program, she cannot possess the multitude of prior degrees she has otherwise attested to. This means that, effectively by her own admission/contradiction, she does not have any sort of degree in astrophysics, but rather used to be a physics student that never completed her degree.
This is all of the information I have collected on her academics. Again, every single part of this has been publicly sourced, and any person would have been able to find all of this information the same exact way that I have.
3. Results // AI Art and General Bitchery This is a collection of art she claims to be her own, and how I visually identified it as AI:
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(This is just Heroforge. Maybe with a filter over it. Anyone familiar with Heroforge knows this.)
I present one final screenshot:
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This doesn't prove anything about her academic, art, or financial state. I am simply including this to show people how she truly feels about those who have given her donations over the past several years.
4. Conclusion I'd like to close this out by saying: no, none of this is definitive proof. I have no desire to dig any deeper than the resources that are publicly available. If you've noticed, I have not stated anything about her financial situation. This is because I haven't seen anything she posted which contradicts her financial state, other than the fact that she has been lying about her other personal details for years. It is my opinion that she did not graduate college, but she does appear to be unemployed at the very least. I'd appreciate it if people formed their own beliefs based upon this post rather than taking my word as complete fact, and do their own research as well.
With that being said -- if you disagree with anything I have posted, by all means let me know. And feel free to add if there is something else I missed. I only ask that you take this post into consideration before you donate her money, as the person you're sending it to might not be who she advertises herself as.
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Friends and friends of friends a network make
Boys are back in town, no rings (Real Life, not Instabuzz) and active networking:
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In this case, those who are missing from the pic are as (if not more) important as those who made it, riding in the rain.
Let's unpack:
John Laurie, Managing Director at the Glenturret distillery, where my personal favorite blend (oh, well, The Famous Grouse - I know, really LOL, but it is what it is) is made. A long, interesting career that started in 2000, as General Manager of a fitness club network headquartered in Irvine, California (LA Fitness) and got him more and more involved in whisky business since 2014, as General Manager of Edrington, the Macallan distillery. If it sounds familiar to you, well... always remember that #silly old slogan on the Pall Mall cigarette packs: 'wherever particular people congregate'. I know I do 😎.
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Something immediately piqued my interest in this short bio: 'opened a fine dining restaurant that achieved a Michelin star inside 7 months'. And it is, of course, true: part of the reasons I am always using LinkedIn to place people, is that it would be counterproductive to blatantly lie, there. Or childish: even McSideburns knows that, with his very empty page and 1 contact - but what the hell do I know, though, he's more private than if he worked for the MI-6.
The one starred Michelin restaurant who got 'le macaron' in seven months is The Glenturret Lalique Restaurant, that opened in July 2021, on the distillery's premises and got it by February 2022. The first time a distillery wins a Michelin star, by the way:
Now, where did I read a similar business story, not so long ago and wrote about it? Oh, that's right, Tom Kitchin's first restaurant in EDI apparently followed the same yellow brick road to instant success, back in 2007:
Again, I am sensing a theme, here. Associating with young, dynamic and daring entrepreneurial voices in the whisky business. Not exactly the manwhore, closeted gay, peasant and crook some hypocrites would like to portray. I have to say, I am always, always over the moon glad to see the real thing showing up from time to time: a consistent effort to get things done, properly.
But sure, you believe what you want. I cannot force anyone to go beyond a sometimes very limited world view.
Second person being missed is David Coulthard, F1 legend, but also...
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Company Director at Whisper Films, one of the most dynamic, fastest growing UK media groups. He founded it in 2010, along Jake Humphries, BBC F1 commenter extraordinaire and Sunil Patel, a former BBC producer, but also a Board Member of the Edinburgh TV Festival:
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And for those who might not know it (I didn't), Coulthard hails from Dumfries & Galloway. Mmmhm. Well done, S. Well done.
S knows exactly what he's doing, where he's going and when and with whom he is seen. By this point in time, I think we might safely think his somewhat lackadaisical recent Insta follows (Romanian female MMA athlete? ROFLMAO, really and I howled) as gently trolling this very obsessed invested fandom. As I wrote it many, many times already, the Scottish Mafia is a reality - and good for him, really, to use what is readily available. And if you still had any doubt that was a business informal meeting, The Highland Chieftain tagged SS in his story.
He's going to laugh all the way to the bank, this one. You'll see. Great news and I will always be here to put it in context. Some of the things being heavily peddled around in here might not be very interesting to me - but this yes: this is exciting.
Also, many, many thanks to the two of you who immediately keep me up with these: you know who you are and you are loved, of course, why even ask?😘🙌
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andrebearakovsky · 3 months
Guys I made an amazing discovery
I think it’s very important that you know that Matt Roy, the Matt Roy that the Capitals just signed, has a fucking LinkedIn profile
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I’ve seen former players or like low-level minor league players with LinkedIn pages, but never before have I seen an active NHL player with a LinkedIn before. It’s all filled in with descriptions and everything! This is absolutely a man who went to college and went to the career center at least one time.
Gonna give Nic Dowd some serious competition for guy on the team who went to college and has a brain cell
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csuitebitches · 1 year
Rebranding Yourself Online using ChatGPT
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Summary from “Brand Aid: Taking control of your reputation before everyone else does” by Larry G Linne and Patrick Sitkins. This book is from the early 2010s so some things are outdated and not exactly applicable. It’s also a more corporate/ business focused book. I took away what i felt were the major lessons and were more applicable to young adults/ teens/ people on social media today (because social media in 2013 vs today is very different).
I also wanted to add my own input to the summary. I’ve added prompts for ChatGPT that you can use to help figure your personal brand out better.
When rebranding yourself online, I would highly recommend:
1. Archive all your personal Instagram account’s posts (if you have an online business, create a separate page and show very little of yourself). Remove all your stories and highlights. Deactivate your account for at least 8 months.
2. Spend the next 8 months building your social media strategy, your personal brand and reinventing yourself in any way and form you want to (mental, physical, spiritual, etc).
3. Use Pinterest and figure out a theme that defines you the best. Take a look at @mafeanzures
* A brand is what people think of you.
Questions to ask yourself:
1. What do you think other people think of you?
2. What personal attributes would you benefit from the most if those items were well known to everyone?
Question 1 and 2 in the next few prompts refers to these 2 questions.
ChatGPT prompts after you finish writing down the above answers:
“I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What should I do to be seen as that?”
This will give you a STRATEGY that you can further modify.
Now, ask the same question again but with one change:
“I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What should I post online to be seen as that?”
This will give you CONTENT that you should consider posting.
* It is very likely that if you are to meet someone new and you’re aware you’re going to meet them, you’ll check their social media out. Whether its LinkedIn, facebook, twitter, instagram… keep your online presence clean.
* Before you post ANYTHING online, ask yourself: “how will this affect my brand?” If you post a story about a nasty break up/ a friendship falling apart/ a negative restaurant review… how do you think other people will see you? Be extremely mindful of your brand and what you post online.
* Rather than the age old advice “just be yourself”, look at “just be your best self.”
7 steps to a great brand:
1. Write down what you think people think of you: both positive and negative
2. Determine your goals in life (career, family, etc). What brand items do you need to get there? For example, the brand item “intelligent” to move up the corporate ladder. What will you need in order to be perceived as intelligent?
3. Gap analysis: the difference between point 1 (current situation) and point 2 (desired situation).
4. Develop action items. For example, if you want to be seen as innovative at work, start bringing ideas to meetings.
5. Influences on your brand: your dress, style, voice tone and quality, health, recreation, the car you drive, social environments, where you live, the language you speak, the subjects of your conversations, social media postings all impact your brand.
6. List what you must do to protect your brand. For example: not drinking in public; dressing a certain way; etc.
7. Review every 6 months.
Ask ChatGPT: “I am (ethnicity) (gender), (age) years old based in (City, country). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). My viewers would mostly be people from (conservative/liberal/ rural/ urban/ define audience. In case there are two audience types, ask one at a time) backgrounds. I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What behaviours should I not engage in?”
Using the power of “always”: 5 specific things you pride on yourself for doing regularly.
“I always take the time to be updated in my field of work.”
“I always volunteer every Sunday.”
Things to keep in mind:
A. Are you easy to find online?
B. Is your content consistent?
C. Do your pictures, videos convey your personal brand?
D. What will enhance your brand?
E. What will damage your brand?
Ask ChatGPT: “I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What can potentially damage my brand if I’m not careful?”
If you are willing to see what you are doing and saying on the front page of a newspaper tomorrow, proceed with it. If you wouldn’t want it on the front page of the newspaper, STOP immediately.
More things to keep in mind:
1. The internet amplifies everything
2. Context matters
3. Consistency is everything
4. Your “at home” brand is as important as “outside of home” brand
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celticcrossanon · 29 days
Awwww, Celta, this is so sweet. Lady Louise (Prince Edward's daughter) reportedly is considering a career in either the military, diplomacy or law as stated on her LinkedIn page. She currently is a student at St Andrews University and is also a member of St Andrews' University Officers’ Training Corps as well. I bet Prince William is going to be keeping his eye on his younger cousin to see about Louise doing royal duties someday in the future. :)
Hi Nonny,
That is sweet. I hope she does do some royal duties after university. She seems to be a lovely young lady and will represent the royals very well imo. I'd love to see her have a prominent role in the royal family, but only if that is what she wants.
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izicodes · 8 months
Hello! Do you have any advice on getting into freelance coding or remote jobs in the field? I'm having trouble with my current endeavors of applications and my current customer service job isn't doing me well enough to want to stay, so I'm hoping for progress sooner rather than later. Anything helps, thank you!!
Hiya 🖤
Thanks for reaching out with your question about getting into freelance coding or remote jobs. Making a transition can be challenging, but with dedication and strategic steps, you can definitely progress in your career.
Firstly, consider specializing in a specific field of computer science rather than trying to learn everything. This will help you become an expert in a niche, making you more attractive to potential clients or employers.
The big thing to look at is (1) what specific job do you want? Don't know yet? That's the first thing you need to find out. (2) Found the job you want? Go to this website "roadmap.sh" and click the job title you want and look at the roadmap to become it. (3) Have an idea of what you need to learn? Now study :)
Here are some extra key pieces of advice:
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Public Code Repositories
Showcase your coding skills by contributing to public repositories on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or others. This allows potential employers to see your projects and assess your coding abilities.
Online Certifications
Earn certifications from reputable online courses like Freecodecamp, Codecademy, or SheCodes (if you're a woman). Displaying these certifications on your LinkedIn profile adds credibility for remote work or even freelance work because then clients will trust your skills more if it's back up with evidence (projects and/or certificates).
Links: "Massive List of Thousands of Free Certificates" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "FreeCodeCamp" / "Codecedemy" / "SheCodes" / "Udacity" / "Coursera" / "Google"
LinkedIn Profile
Revamp your LinkedIn profile to reflect your job title. Use a title that aligns with your dream job, and highlight your skills, certifications, and projects. You don't even need work experience OR do what a lot of my developer mates do have no work experience and set your "job" as a self-employed freelance developer... little cheat there~!
Links: "LinkedIn Career Explorer" / "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter" / "Tips for Landing Your First Entry-Level Developer Job" / "Career Services for Web Development" / "The Talent Cloud Community: Careers Workshop"
Help someone out with a project for their business or whatever. For example, I helped a guy I met in a programming discord server build his portfolio page for free, but I care more about the experience. Search online for volunteer jobs with your dream job title e.g. Volunteer App Develope, but in your country would be better. The experience you can you can add to your LinkedIn. the project you work on you can add to your resume/experience.
Link: "SkilledUp Life"
Connect with professionals in your field on LinkedIn, even if you don't know them personally. Growing your network can open up opportunities and expose you to valuable insights. Events in person or online, servers (I found volunteer opportunities here), forums, Twitter (I found some mates on there), Instagram (another place I found developer friends). Networking can even help with building group projects~!
Link: "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter"
Project Building
Work on both small and big projects to demonstrate your capabilities. Highlight these projects on your resume and portfolio.
Links: "Building projects after learning a new concept advice" / "Tips from learning using multiple resources" / "Tips on learning programming with ChatGPT" / "Harvard University Free IT Courses" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "Free Programming Books" / "Coding Advice for beginners" / "800 free Computer Science classes"
Online Presence
Share your learning progress and projects on various platforms like Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Employers often appreciate candidates who actively showcase their work and commitment to learning. I made a post for Tumblr coding blogs:
Link: "Codeblr Blog Advice: 8 Blog Coding Post Ideas"
Good luck!!
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i have not a single work to my name or career or even a linkedin account so the first thing that comes up when you google my name thats actually me is a page that says i condone antisemitism and demonize israel for being in jewish voice for peace in college lol
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reality-detective · 8 months
If you can't see this 👆
Here is his rumble channel 👇
His website 👇
Information about David 👇
To the American People: Hello, my name is David Baumblatt, born and raised in New York, I am a West Point Graduate and Former FBI Agent who has been under an unconstitutional investigation by the corrupt FBI for over a decade. I am considered a National Security Threat who is no longer welcome to return to the USA, the last time I visited the USA in 2019, I was detained, searched, interrogated, spied on, deceived, and physically assaulted by the US Government. I have brought formal allegations against the FBI, Inspector Generals of the DOJ and DHS, and have written every single congressman and senator, however they have all ignored me. To access the formal allegation document and the email communications, please go to my website and at the bottom of the page, click on the "Request Government Complaint" button and you will have access to the documents. http://terebinth.info/david In 2005, I knew that America was headed for Civil War and Collapse, because we have abandoned our values of FAITH, FAMILY, FREEDOM. In 2007 I left the immoral, corrupt, and incompetent FBI. I wanted nothing more to do with this corrupt government agency, however the FBI has continued to spy on me and destroy my life and career. In 2010, I decided to leave America, as I had no desire to continue to argue my point about my America's coming collapse, as most people disagreed with me. I just wanted to move on with my life and did not wish to argue anymore. The FBI then began spying on me overseas and colluding with foreign intelligence agencies to yet again destroy my life. At this time, I knew I had to take a stand, and therefore, here I am, publicly telling my story about the corrupt FBI. I have recently begun producing social media content, however my very first video on YouTube has been censored, and I have also been banned on LinkedIn; so now I am using Rumble. I am trying to get my message to the American Patriotic Media, and I appreciate your support. This is my story 👇
I am a Whistle-Blower trying to expose U.S. Government illegal and immoral conduct.  Mainstream Media has ignored me, therefore, I ask you for your support to please send this message far and wide.  If you are a Media Professional, Podcast Host, etc. I would be happy to be a guest on your show.  Please send me your contact information, or you can email me at [email protected] I have also recently published a book about this affair entitled Patriots Betrayed, A Soldier, Scholar, Spy's warning about America's Leadership Crisis. (E Book, Audio Book, Hard/Soft Cover) https://terebinth.info/book Like myself, there are millions of other innocent American Citizens being unconstitutionally spied upon by our corrupt government. I would have never imagined that as a Military Veteran my own government would illegally and immorally continue to destroy my life, and then to completely ignore me, when I take a stand. If you are still not convinced on how corrupt our government is, please watch this video of me working for the Boeing Corporation (the Military Industrial Complex) in China, and you will see what a Traitorous Corporation Boeing is to the American people. Boeing like other American Globalist Corporations will put China over the welfare of American Citizens.
The number one enemy to the American People is the American Globalist Government and the American Globalist Corporations. America is headed toward Civil War and Collapse, I was convinced of this back in 2005, and I am now even more convinced. To the American Patriots, get ready to fight, it is going to get dangerous in America. We have been betrayed by our Unpatriotic Government and Unpatriotic Corporations. I appreciate your help and may God be with us. 🙏⚔️🛡️
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alica-tech · 1 year
a guide on behavioral interviews💼
ok i've got a behavioral interview coming up so decided to make this quick guide on how i prepare for these if it helps anyone else trying to land internships or full-time jobs in the tech industry!
the process
1. ⭐ Introduction (10-15 min)
The interviewer wants to know more about you, your career goals, skills, and how you align w/ the company's mission.
Like a compelling essay, you want a strong hook or opening statement. The first question asked is often "Tell me about yourself" and this should be a brief elevator pitch (30 seconds) that highlights your current status (student, major, study area), your relevant experience, why you're interested in the company/why you're a good fit for the company, and what you're looking for (in a job). Practice this in front of a mirror if you have to!
Doing company research is really important for the whole interview! You want to look informed and interested. You can use sites such as:
Twitter Linkedin Glassdoor company website (blogs/news/about/careers page) any press releases/news articles to find info about what the company is focused on or what they care about most.
Find things that are genuinely interesting to *you* and write it down on a separate notepad to remember it
Review the job posting you applied to and review where you meet their expectations (your strengths) and be aware of your weaknesses (be ready to answer like "I'm working on improving my..." or "I hope this company can give me more experience in..")
Top questions: Tell me about yourself, why do you want to work for us, what are your strengths? Why should we hire you?
2. ⭐ Situational Questions (15-30 min)
This is where you use the STAR method to craft your responses to questions about your communication, work ethic, and collaboration style
STAR: Situation, Task, Action, Result
Here's a guide + sample questions that you can encounter in any type of interview!
Also, prepare 5-6 solid situations that you can use to anchor your STAR responses. These can come from your resume, where each project can be something you can tie back to another soft/technical skill the company is looking for.
For example, for my hackathon experiences, i can relate it to any collaboration / communication / time crunch / meeting deadlines question. for my research experience, i can relate it to analytical skills / experimental / problem-solving questions.
For me, I put all my projects/experiences on a google doc, and then I write additional bullet points on things I did, problems I solved, challenges, skills I gained, etc. It's kind of like a super expanded resume. It's a great reference at a glance! Reflecting on your experiences/projects is very important as well, whether large or small.
3. ⭐ Closing (5 - 10 min)
This is your opportunity to end on a strong note, re-iterating what makes you a good fit for the company and asking questions that show you've done your research on the role/company!
What are good questions? Questions that aren't easily answerable on the company site, questions that will help YOU make a decision if you want to work for them
Here's some good ones: What is your current work from home / hybrid / in-person policies? What are the most exciting challenges facing your company in the next 6 months? What's the next step in the interview process / when can I expect follow-up? Is there support for junior / entry-level developers (such as mentorship)? How does the company support work-life balance? Can you share any recent projects / initiatives the company has taken on that you're excited about?
Here's some to AVOID: Avoid asking about salary / benefits unless you absolutely need this information before moving forward, Avoid asking questions you can google easily or know by reading the job description, avoid questions that are clearly outside of your interviewers area of expertise
phew, maybe i shouldve broken this into multiple posts, for now this is a quick overview, hope this helps!
additional (free) resources:
interviewbit - variety of questions listed for behaviorals
tech interview handbook - more details on preparing for STAR and example responses
handshake blog post - list of questions you can ask at the end of any interview
exponent's blog post - FAANG interviewing, focusing on company values, finding peer-to-peer mock interviews
pramp.com - practice mock interviews with peers
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cyberstudious · 1 year
hiii, i am also interested in cybersecurity but don't know how to gain skills to start it as a career after graduation next year
Hi! First of all, good luck with your last year before graduation! it can be kinda hectic and kinda scary, but there are lots of good things in store!
The cool thing about cybersecurity (and computer science in general tbh) is that there are lots of opportunities to learn things on your own!
(Brief side note: my recommendations are U.S.-centric, just because that's where I am and where my experience is. The industry may be a bit different if you're in a different country, but lots of things should be the same.)
This got very long, so I'm putting it under a read more. The tl;dr is:
play CTFs
get an entry-level certification (or even just study for one!) - the CompTIA Security+ is a great choice
join or start a cybersecurity club on campus (or join a professional organization like Women in Cybersecurity)
stay up to date with cybersecurity news
learn some skills on your own time: networking, programming, general IT skills, etc.
If anyone wants more information about any of these suggestions, let me know & I'd love to make a separate post about them!
CTFs Capture the Flag games are how I initially got into cybersecurity and they're a fantastic way to practice new skills in a fun, real-world kind of environment. If you've never done one, you absolutely should! Here are a few of my faves:
Cyber FastTrack is my top recommendation. It's only available to current college students in the U.S. (and requires U.S. citizenship), but the challenges are fantastic & they have awesome learning materials. It generally runs October-April each year. I did well in this CTF and got a scholarship for the SANS.edu Undergraduate Certificate in Applied Cybersecurity - that's 4 certifications & nearly $19k of free training. It's ridiculous and I love it. Highly recommend.
CyberStart is the same set of challenges, but you have to pay to access all of it. It also has programs similar to Cyber FastTrack for high school students, high school girls, and UK and Canadian students - check their about page.
picoCTF - I haven't done this one before but it's constantly recommended as a good beginner CTF. It looks like you can practice online at any time, but they also do a yearly high school competition.
OverTheWire Bandit - This site has several different wargames (similar to CTFs) that teach you different topics, but Bandit is the one to start with. It teaches you lots of Linux things & will give you the skills to play the others.
Certifications Certifications are a recommendation or a requirement for many (if not the majority) of cybersecurity jobs. They're not a replacement for experience, but getting one as a student demonstrates that you have the passion and work ethic to pursue cybersecurity on your own. Studying for an entry-level certification is also a fantastic way to get a general understanding of the field and pick up some essential knowledge.
The main one I see recommended is the CompTIA Security+. I studied for this certification very slowly for a long period of time, because I was using it to learn cybersecurity in general. It covers a lot of material but it also goes very in-depth in places. I got this cert because I knew it could get my foot in the door in lots of places, and just telling people that I was studying for it was a way to impress potential employers!
Professor Messer has a ton of fantastic, 100% free training material for the CompTIA certifications. In addition, you can use all the free resources that you have as a student to study for this. I used LinkedIn Learning courses, check if your college or local library give you free access to this.
In addition, there are technically 2 CompTIA certifications you should have before you get the Security+: the A+ and the Network+. The A+ is just general IT knowledge, and you can probably skip it if you're decent with computers. Having a solid understanding of networking is super important, so it's worth going through the material for the Network+ even if you're not going to pay to take the exam.
(Also, taking the Security+ exam while you're a student lets you get the academic discount! I think that saved me $100-$150.)
Clubs and Professional Organizations Join a cybersecurity club at your school if there is one. It's a great way to meet other students interested in the same things and get advice. They may also have tech talks, run CTF events, or have local professionals come and speak. If there's no cybersecurity club at your campus, consider starting one!
You can also join a professional organization. The only one that I know of is Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS), and they do lots of great stuff. Student membership is $20/year, and then you get access to their webinars, a mentorship program, their member community, and student scholarships to the WiCyS conference. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to the conference this past March and it was a really fantastic experience. I was also the president of my campus's student WiCyS chapter! If you're looking to start a cybersecurity club, WiCyS has good support and resources for their student chapters.
Stay Informed About Cybersecurity News Cybersecurity is always evolving, so it's important to have current knowledge of what's happening in the industry. This gives you real-world examples that you can keep in your mind while you're learning new concepts, and it's also a way to impress employers during interviews. These are a few of my favorite sources:
SANS Internet Storm Center StormCast Podcast - 5 minutes of security news every weekday morning
Krebs on Security
Schneier on Security
Malwarebytes Labs
Learn Skills on Your Own Cybersecurity involves working with lots of different technologies. Having solid foundations in these areas will help you a lot:
computer networking (OSI model, ports & protocols, how the internet works, firewalls, etc.)
Linux commands & Windows PowerShell
cryptography basics
"everyday" security: if you're the IT person for your friends & family, know how to answer questions like:
"How do I set a good password?"
"Should I use a password manager?" (yes.)
"Where should I use MFA?" (everywhere.)
"How do I keep my home network secure?"
"How can I avoid getting scammed?"
This DIY Feminist Cybersecurity Guide is one of my favorites for general security hygiene information.
This got really long (over 1k words! wow!), but I hope it was helpful! Please feel free to send me any more questions you might have, whether specific or broad! I think cybersecurity is a great place to be and I love sharing resources and talking about it!
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mywifeleftme · 6 months
364: Various Artists // Israfel
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Israfel Various Artists 1997, Ape
A 1997 vinyl benefit compilation of mostly Middle American grindcore / powerviolence / emo acts, assembled in an edition of about 1000 by Bloomington-based DIY label Ape Records (active 1995 to 2002), in handmade sleeve with a recent release catalogue, a substantial zine, and a few priceless gag inserts (incl. YOUR HARDCORE SELL OUT DECODER RING). I’m not an aficionado of any of the genres Israfel covers by any means, but you’d have to be a real head to know most of these: in terms of notoriety, the Locust (who contribute a 47 second blast of lo-fi outrage) are basically Led Zeppelin compared to the rest of the acts, most of whom topped out with a couple of EPs and compilation appearances.
Of course, hearing music that would otherwise be basically lost to time is the appeal of taking a flyer on a comp like this. One of my favourite tracks is “Untitled” by Roanoke, VA’s the Weak Link Breaks, supposedly the first thing the band ever wrote (and, judging from their discography, nearly the last too). It begins with a very, very quiet spacy-Fugazi-style amble (the vocal harmonies couldn’t be more Ian and Guy) that explodes into a brief screamo-style D-beat section, and then some big heaving riffs that make me want to exaggeratedly lift and stomp my feet like a giant trying to keep his balance. I also dig Murfreesboro, TN’s Serotonin, an emo / post-hardcore act with a steely '80s shred band guitar tone who play like they want people in the pit to twirl around ecstatically instead of slam dancing. A lot of the other nasty yowling cat speedballs on Israfel don’t really catch my ear, but that’s okay—I’m weirdly proud of them 27 years after the fact for being themselves and getting out whatever they needed to get out through this violence.
The package’s tone is all over the place. The zine opens with a haunting description of the compilation’s beneficiaries, the family of a pair of little girls with spinal muscular atrophy (a common birth defect) whose condition worsened until they perished, leaving their parents distraught and financially ruined—and the 21-year-old compiler racked with guilt that he didn’t somehow do more to help. From there, it whips through his heterodox thoughts about the hardcore scene (despicably self-absorbed; unresponsive to requests from label operators); the state of emo (too abstract); the best way to bring about change (working within the capitalist system); rape (it’s bad; consent is black and white; can we stop litigating this in the scene?); calling the cops (fine to do); disrespecting the American flag (played out; tacky); and drinking/drug use (“when did self-destruction become rebellion?”). After he finishes up, each band (that got their artwork in on time anyway) gets a page to talk about themselves. This section is full of old school punk zine/leaflet treasures, with designs that mimic motel newspaper ads, postcards, messy handwritten perzines, and Xeroxed 7” grindcore sleeves.
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It's funny reading his scornful words about pseudo-rebellious drunkards stumbling toward “the day when punk rock is shelved for an 8 hour workday, Budweiser, and television” and then finding his LinkedIn, where he describes himself as “driving omnichannel excellence” and as “whimsical (after coffee).” You wouldn’t believe it from the splenetic angst of the Israfel zine, but the guy seems like he turned out happy and normal, with a few kids and a successful career. I wonder how the 21-year-old would see the 48-year-old, if he’d call him a sell-out or feel relieved that things worked out; if the 48-year-old would pity his former self, or feel ashamed about losing his edge. More one-time zinesters and hardcore kids end up looking square from a distance than you’d think (I certainly do if you catch me during the workday), because you usually stop hearing about them when they drop out of the scene. For most, the quiet part of life is the larger portion by far. It’s your choice whether to embrace that, mourn it, or seek your own alternative. But if Israfel reminds us of nothing else, it’s the importance of having a good scream at least once in your life.
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