#Lira Rux
rainofaugustsith · 5 years
From a discussion yesterday, I’ve been thinking about my Jedi. I’ve made no secret that I intensely dislike both the Jedi Order and the Republic (and my saying that isn’t a slam on anyone who does like them - just stating a personal like/dislike, folks), so playing those characters has been challenging, to say the least. I’ve mostly played them out of curiosity to see the stories, romance certain companions and get the achievements for completing all classes and getting all eight classes to 300 Command Level. 
All of them have made a variety of DS/LS decisions but have gone against the Order/Republic and sided with the Empire on Iokath and after. Would they be Sith? Not necessarily. In thinking about it:  Lira: She would have become Sith, one way or another. She would have wanted to rediscover her heritage as a red Sith and try to find any family left in the Empire. Lira’s not in Viri’s universe at all. 
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Rorjhana: She has become my canon Jedi Knight. I think she would have been happiest as a Revanite - the Dromund Kaas vintage, not the militant ones later. I’ve headcanoned that she has a fascination with Revan, Bastila and Darth Traya. 
In lieu of that, I think she slipped away from the Order after the class story and re-emerged in the fight against Zakuul to join the Alliance. She’s going to be happy there, where she isn’t bound by any Force order. If pressed she’d lean Sith and she likes the Dark Side, but she’d rather remain officially independent, and if the Alliance were ever absorbed into either faction, she’d leave.  On the Alliance base, T7, Rusk, Lana and Viri know her past as the “hero of Tython” and at her request, they have kept it quiet. She deeply wishes she had expressed her love for Kira before they separated and hopes she will have another shot. 
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Jenari: My canon Consular just wants to find a library somewhere and settle down with Nadia. I have her also sneaking off after the class story, somehow getting separated from her crew, and joining the Voss Mystics. When Sana-Rae was recruited to head the Force enclave she thought of Jenari and invited her to come along to Odessen. Jenari now works in the Alliance with Suvia on Force lore and artifacts, and if she ever chose to return to a Force order, it would be the Mystics again. Felix and Qyzen are in the Alliance with her, so she is happy. 
In Viri’s story she will also be reunited with Nadia, but not yet. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
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Lira finally went back and did the missions on Dantooine to complete that little story arc. I sent her out in her Imperial Fangirl No Really I Promise I’m Not a Saboteur *wink* getup. At one point a few Sith players came over to help her when she got into a mob.  *high five*  ...and then got a really nice email from Tau Adair. This saboteur storyline is just going to be awful, isn’t it now?
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
OC lightsabers
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Viri (Sith Warrior) went through several lightsabers before she found “hers.” She did not want to use one stolen from a dead person, so the first thing she did after her Sith apprentice trials was to return the Warrior’s Saber to its owner in Naga Sadow’s tomb. She then forged two different sabers and used them for a time before designing one that was red, blue and gold and very elaborate. Her crystal is blue-indigo. She wanted blue because she loves the color but did not want to be mistaken for a Jedi - hence the very dark core. Metaphorically it also represents how she uses many aspects of the Force but always is Sith. She carries the Revanite’s lightsaber MK-2 in the game. 
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Suvia (Sith Inquisitor) is a sorcerer in the game so she has a single saber, but in headcanon she carries a polesaber. She carried Zash’s saber until her quest to recover Lord Kallig’s weapon, and now she uses that. For Suvia, who grew up without any family or keepsakes, having this lightsaber from her ancestor is extremely meaningful. She guards it carefully and uses it well. In both the game and headcanon, Suvia did switch out Kallig’s red crystal for her own hazel and gold one. Kallig approves and hopes it will remind Suvia of her worth (the weight of gold!) and power (not many people can imbue a crystal with this color scheme). In the game she carries Kallig’s saber. 
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Jia (Sith Inquisitor) carries a polesaber with a black core and red outline. She forged her own saber and based its design on other family members’ weapons. Her rationale was that she wanted something that was hers and hers alone (and not a weapon handed down by family), but paid tribute to those who had gone before her. In the game she carries Kallig’s saber. 
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Jenari (Jedi Consular) has a polesaber with a lavender core. It appears white in certain lighting, and from a distance, but if you look closer, you see the purple. Metaphorically it indicates that Jenari marches to her own beat and is open to aspects of the Force and politics outside the Jedi Code. Her polesaber itself was forged outside Tython, in private, and is more colorful than the average Jedi saber. It is inlaid with some precious stones that were given to her as gifts by various planets for her work with the Rift Alliance. She didn’t feel comfortable wearing elaborate jewelry but felt it would be acceptable to incorporate them into her weapon. In the game she carries the Revanite’s saberstaff MK-2. 
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Lira (Jedi Knight) is pure chaos. When she left the Jedi to join Timmns’ enclave on Nar Shaddaa, she tossed her old lightsabers and made these, which radiate with Dark Side energy. She has always had the orange and green crystals, which raised some eyebrows on Tython, but were explained by Lira’s desire to stand out. In the game she carries Dread Mystics’ lightsabers. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
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Why is my Jedi Knight always depressed? This buff seems to be almot a permanent fixture for her; when the 5 minute timer runs out and it disappears, it’s back very quickly. It doesn’t have any effect on her abilities or health, but she appears to be depressed always.  During the class story I head canoned this as Lira being trapped in the Jedi Order and desperately wanting and needing to leave. I’m really curious as to why it’s always there for her, though. 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
Updated OC sheet
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi (Viri) Darth Viridana Sith Juggernaut; Empire's Wrath, Sith Empire; Commander and Galactic Peacekeeper, Eternal Alliance; Ceremonial Empress, Zakuul Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 39 as of 3630 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Bisexual (very heavily sapphic); demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries  Colors: Blue, purple, red
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Suvia Kallig  Darth Nox Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore Advisor, Eternal Alliance Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 32 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Ashara (former); currently single Western Zodiac would be: Leo Colors: Red, black
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Brynn Sullyh (alias) Cipher Nine Operative, Sith Empire; informant network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Sniper rifle; poison Age: 36 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'4" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Vector Hyllus (husband) Western Zodiac would be: Libra Colors: Blue, silver
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Taran Walrez
Bounty Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians) Weapons: Blasters; grenades; poison Age: 43 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries Colors: Black, white, red
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Amedria Bjornus Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blaster; shotgun; grenades Age: 41 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius Colors: Green, silver
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia)
Darth Imperius Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 37 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio Colors: Blue, black, red
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Liara Rux (Lira) Jedi Knight Jedi Sentinel; Sith apprentice, Timmns' enclave Weapons: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 34 as of 3630 BBY Height: 6'0" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Cancer Colors: Red, yellow
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Jenari Ashaa Former Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order; member of Somminick Timmns’ Force enclave Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 36 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5′10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Eventually Nadia Grell Western Zodiac would be: Libra Colors: Light blue; light purple 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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Lightsaber crystal colors. What do your characters have?
Viri (Sith Warrior; main): Indigo/dark blue
Jiani (Sith Inquisitor): Red/black
Suvia (Sith Inquisitor): Gold (she is head canoned with a polesaber but doesn't have one in the game)
Lira (Jedi Knight): Orange and green
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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Well, now...   Miss Lira (my Jedi Knight) seems to have picked up some Dark Side tricks. In the Copero flashpoint she was getting rid of the barrels for the bonus mission by casting Force lightning at them.   My head canon for Lira is that she secretly trains as a Sith and runs away from the Republic with Kira and Scourge after the class story. In the game, she was so dark sided that she didn't get her Master title (she didn't care), she refused to help the Republic spy on the Empire during SoR, she sided with Darth Marr and Satele commented on her dark side nature in the end of SoR. Lira chose to be a peacekeeper but she also sided with the Empire on Iokath.
So it's not a surprise but it's nice to see the game recognize, in a way, that she has changed sides and is now throwing dark side lightning.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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Acina: You walked away from their corruption once before. Now you can wipe the slate clean...
I found this line a bit spooky because Lira's official head canon is that she literally ran away from the Jedi and Republic after the events of the class story. She was able to take Kira and Scourge with her, but Rusk was horrified and stayed behind with the Republic and unfortunately took T7 with him. :(
(as for the fifth crew member, Lira's head canon is that she refused to ever take him off Balmorra)
Anyway...she's officially defected.
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