#Lisa Fahrenheit
minzart · 2 years
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For a succubus she realy doesn't know the fine details in manipulation does she?
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mr-shimurka · 4 months
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The best!!! version!!! of Dracula!!!
Dracula should be stinky, messy, shaggy, ragged vampire. He's too slick. Now I'm satisfied😌 And OMG Dracula’s armor, from "DRACULA (1992)" >>>>>>>>>> I had to draw this. THIS ARMOR belong to him.
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I want HIM in THIS
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He protec he attac but she does *pat-pat*
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And Lisa in authentic Romanian costume. She looks cozy :з
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asklisafromlupu · 6 months
"Do you fear anything or anyone??"
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"I have answered this a few times, Belladonna. I am afraid of fire. And I do not want my husband to know I have this debilitating fear."
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sabindark · 1 year
Castlevania : Ashes & Blood
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alucarddaily · 9 months
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Official Castlevania artwork by Katie Silva
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Dracula and Alucard to their loved ones
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moonymiw · 1 year
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“I’m not going to get better without you.”
“And I was never going to be better without you.”
Vlad Dracula Tepes & Lisa Tepes from Castlevania❤️
Follow me on Twitter💙 @moonymiw || support me: ko-fi.com/moonymiw
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crimsontangerine · 3 months
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Good morning! Posting on Fridays since Mondays are going to be kind of hectic
Thank you all again for your support.
Please note that some pages are massive and may take a little more time.
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So, lately I've been reading my way through some really good Castlevania fics on A03, and I have to say that while there exists a delicious selection of fix-its....
There is a definitive lack of time-travel fics where the Nocturne-era crew get sent back to 1400s Wallachia.
Imagine the insanity of that scenario? Maria, Richter, Annette, and Juste have never known anything quite as bad as the full power of Dracula's wrath. Even Ezrebet Bathory couldn't hold a candle to carnage and destruction on that scale.
Alucard is just having an all around awful time for obvious reasons, and then you have Trevor and Sypha. Trevor is just doing Trevor, getting drunk and trying to forget his grief when WHABAM!... More Belmonts, two other random hunters, and a super old dhampir with depression. He is not emotionally prepared for any of that, and neither are the others.
Sypha is just doing Sypha, trying to save the world and looking for the right crew to help her out with that. She has no idea what her presence (and Trevor's) mean to Alucard, just that she's found her Hunter and Soldier.
Trevor is immediately both protective of his newly materialized relatives and standoffish with them. He of course has no idea that they've time-traveled or that he's their ancestor, so while he sees Richter as "just a kid" and innocent of any wrongdoing, he holds some resentment towards Juste because his perspective is basically "Why didn't this surviving elder of the Belmont clan come to try and help me when I was alone as a child? Did he genuinely not know that I was alive or did he just not care?"
Richter really wants to say something and set the record straight, but Juste finds it easier to be loathed than to try explaining, so he keeps Richter quiet.
Maria is still just mourning her mother and trying to recover, so she mostly does her own thing while occasionally spending some time practicing magic alongside Sypha and Annette.
Annette isn't sure how to feel about this whole clusterfuck, but she's pretty sure that she hates it, and she definitely hates having to watch as people undergo even greater suffering around her.
Alucard is crying in the corner, he's so fucking exhausted but can't tell anybody because he needs to be strong for "the kids," Oh..... And also this version of Trevor still hates anything and everything night related, even him, so showing weakness just gets him mocked.
And there's Dracula coming in from the left with a steel chair!!!!!!! 😮 🪑
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vqmp1re-br1de · 3 months
Wish I was blonde too..
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arcanemadman · 11 months
Netflixvania fans will hate Mariacard because one's 16 and the other's an adult after shipping and continuing to ship Trephacard, which has a teenager shipped with two adults
EDIT: Okay I know this isn't obvious but it needs to be said, Netflix Maria uses the design of 12 year old Maria, but she's actually 16. SOTN Maria is 17, which makes her a year older than Netflix Maria. If there was a 5 year time skip in the show, that would make Maria 21.
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asklisafromlupu · 6 months
Don't mind Belladonna just coming up to Lisa, tilting her head.
Two glowing Ruby eyes are watching from a distance, narrowed.
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"Good to see you Belladonna," Lisa said. She stuck a finger in her book, closing it and looking at the demon, "Are you in need of something?"
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skylarclarke · 1 year
( open starter )
Ustust was hot as balls this time of year, to use the technical term. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but given the crew's current lodgings away from the Prosperity and lack of functioning a/c in said lodgings, it was too warm to really get comfortable. Historically, Sky probably would have been all over being part of the solution - but Marshall and HJ had it covered. He'd made it clear he was only a message away if it turned into a three-person job or needed his input in some other way, but hell if he was going to become a micromanager over this.
Instead he'd camped out in one of the clubhouse's many free rooms in a tank and shorts, window open in an effort to coax in some kind of breeze - and a small portable fan on the table in front of him to create a crossdraft. Or... just draft, since the window being open really wasn't doing much. Still, the fan was doing its thing well enough that he was mostly thinking about the work on the screen in front of him and the music coming through his headphones, only somewhat distracted from both by the ever-present heat. Until he caught sight of someone else entering the room, anyway. "Please tell me you're here to pass along the news that the a/c's fixed and it'll be kicking on any second now," he joked as he hit pause on his music and tugged his earbuds out, evidently still in decent spirits.
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iamartlaboratory · 3 months
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The pretty boy... 🧡🗡️
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alucarddaily · 3 months
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Lisa and baby Alucard from Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls
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