#List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005, Tim Burton)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 film directed by Tim Burton.
The film stars Johnny Depp and is based on the novel of the same name by Roald Dahl.
Another adaptation had previously been made from the book in 1971, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, by Mel Stuart, with Gene Wilder, from whom, however, Burton said he did not take inspiration for his, instead trying to return to the spirit original of Dahl's novel.
Charlie Bucket is a poor child who lives with his family, consisting of his parents, his paternal grandparents George and Georgina and his maternal grandparents Joe and Josephine.
One evening grandfather Joe tells Charlie that, years before, he worked in the first shop opened by the man who would become the most famous sweets maker in the world, the enigmatic Willy Wonka. Unfortunately, Wonka's rivals, envious of his sweets and success, sent spies to steal his secret recipes, to the point that Willy Wonka was forced to close the factory, firing his employees.
One day Willy Wonka makes an announcement that shocks the whole world: whoever finds five golden tickets hidden in as many chocolate bars produced by him, which could be found anywhere in the world, will have the opportunity to visit his grandiose factory, and one of the five visitors will win a special prize. As soon as the news spreads, the sweet shops are stormed and, after a short time, the first four tickets are found by four children: Augustus Gloop, from Düsseldorf, Germany, greedy and obese; Veruca Salt, from Buckinghamshire, England, a capricious and spoiled little girl by her rich father; Violet Beauregarde, from Atlanta, Georgia, a vain and arrogant little girl, world bubble gum champion and winner of numerous awards; Mike Teavee from Denver, Colorado, a very intelligent and grumpy child addicted to television and video games.
During the tour of the factory, a series of flashbacks reveal Willy Wonka's past: he was the son of the uncompromising dentist Wilbur Wonka, who made him wear enormous orthodontic braces and didn't allow him even the smallest sweet. One Halloween night, after his father had thrown the sweets he had collected into the fire, little Willy secretly managed to retrieve and eat a chocolate. After closing the factory due to recipe thefts, he decided to reopen it having found new and loyal workers among the indigenous Oompa-Loompas.
During the tour inside the factory, unlike Charlie, the other four children turn out to be unpleasant and disobedient and are involved in various events due to which they leave the scene one after the other: Augustus falls into a river of chocolate from which he was trying to drink and is sucked into a tube that collects the chocolate and takes it to the various departments; Violet tries an experimental chewing gum on herself and swells, transforming into a huge blueberry; Veruca is attacked and thrown into the garbage dump by a group of squirrels trained to shell nets, after trying to catch one; Mike gets teleported by a machine to transfer Wonka Bars to the television and becomes very small.
Charlie Bucket, played by Freddie Highmore.
Willy Wonka, played by Johnny Depp.
Mr. and Mrs. Bucket, played by Noah Taylor and Helena Bonham Carter.
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snickerzanddoodlez · 3 months
Pitched the “Wordgirl as Musicals” animatic a while ago, and got a positive reception~
So something I tried to do was make a brief list of each musical used and which characters used a song from each musical (as my original goal was to only use one song from any given musical. This didn’t work out, which is fine, but I wanted to make sure I at least didn’t overuse anything!)
But then I realized…why not post this? If you’re a theatre nerd, feel free to guess which villain is gonna use each song ;)
Things to Note!
-Any characters with a “/“ in between them instead of a comma means they’re in the same animatic!
-I only plan on using a snippet from each song!
-I tried to avoid being fan-service-y and instead choose songs that I thought fit the canon versions of the characters!
-I tried to find one for every SUPERVILLAIN, even if they were one-offs, as long as I felt they were memorable. (Chazz is the exception, anyone who follows me knows that we have feelings on Chazz here). However, if they aren’t on the list I will still accept suggestions!
ALSO: I couldn’t think of a musical for The Butcher, so suggestions welcome! I also accept suggestions for Nocan the Contrarian and Rhyme and Reason :) and anyone else not on the list.
Beetlejuice - Dr. Two Brains
Hamilton - Wordgirl / Kid Math
Ride the Cyclone - Victoria Best
Something Rotten - Glen Furlblam, Raul Demiglass
Chicago - Lady Redundant Woman, Amazing Rope Guy, Seymour Smooth, Granny May
Mean Girls - Miss Question
Goosebumps - Hal Hardbargai
Be More Chill - Learnerer / Amazing Rope Guy
Bonnie & Clyde - Mr. Big / Leslie
Waitress - Tobey
Heathers - Miss Power
Spongebob - Ensamble, Chuck, Captain Tangent
West Side Story - Chazz
Dick Tracy - Eileen
Legally Blonde - Coach
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Royal Dandy
Little Shop of Horrors - Whammer
Annie Get Your Gun - Big Left Handed Guy / Invisi-Bill
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thenightling · 7 months
Willy Wonka misconceptions
As Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Willy Wonka has become weirdly popular lately because of the successful prequel film and most recently that really botched / rip-off Wonka event in Glasgow Scotland, it felt like a good time for this post.
Here are a list of popular misconceptions about the book and films.
1. Much of the Internet thinks of Wonka as a "Serial killer of children." I pointed out that at the end of the 2006 film and novel you see the children alive, though altered. And in the 1971 film that version of Wonka says that they will all be fine, but a little wiser. Someone tried to argue with me that he was just trying to placate Charlie. Really!? Since when did that Wonka ever lie to make people feel better?
Based on his previous behavior we have no reason to believe Wonka would lie just to make Charlie feel better. It's just a dark, edgy, annoying headcanon to pretend Wonka killed those other kids when every version tells you they survived.
2. Grandpa Joe was not "Faking it" or "being lazy." It seems ironic to me that so many rant and even get genuinely angry about the character Grandpa Joe. It is especially odd to me when the rage is in regard to the depiction in the 1971 film, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory.
The reason it is odd to me is because in the 1971 film Grandpa Joe very clearly was suffering through severe depression, possibly a long bipolar depression phase.
The depression is clear in his "I've got a golden Ticket" song.
"I never thought my life could be Anything but catastrophe"
"I never had a chance to shine Never a happy song to sing"
It seems weird to me that today people shame characters like Cinderella for not being assertive and empowered when she's a live-long abuse victim. And then you have the people against Disney's The Little Mermaid who say she gave up who and what she is for a man but ignore that she had a song number from before she ever saw Eric, where she expressed body dysphoria and made clear she wanted to be human even then.
And you have a large part of the Internet shaming Grampa Joe for being "lazy" and "faking being sick' while he's literally telling us that he he's been in a severe depression.
It's almost like watching a generation that supposedly respects mental illness and understands depression in ways previous generations didn't... suddenly having a justification to shame someone for having all the symptoms of clinical depression.
Hell, even the song "I've got a Golden Ticket" kind of indicates Grandpa Joe is entering a manic phase. If Grandpa Joe's illness is psychological why do we treat it as not-real? I get so annoyed at how many people mock the character or act like he's a con artist exploiting Charlie.
3. The Oompa Loompas were not slaves.
It's true that the earliest depictions of the Oompa Loompas were little African people (before the novel was revised) but in all versions he tells the kids that he pays them in coca-beans. That might sound like he pays them in fallen acorns he found in his garden but it's made clear that to Oompa Loompas, in their society, coca-beans are worth more than gold.
Try to imagine you got a job working for aliens who offer to pay you in large bars of gold if you just help him make some gold jewelry. But because gold isn't worth THAT much to these aliens they think you're a pathetic slave, even though Lofty (the Oompa Loompa from the new Wonka movie) probably now has a palace on Loompa Land that he uses as a summer house.
Interesting bit of trivia: Charlie was originally going to be black.
4. Wonka (2023) is NOT a remake. A lot of people mistakenly think this is yet another remake. No. It's a musical prequel to the Gene Wilder Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie from 1971. ________________________
5. Lots of fans have "figured out" that the shoe shine boy Wonka sees early in Wonka is Charlie. One small problem with that. This is twenty-something Willy Wonka. Wonka was supposed to be pushing fifty or sixty when he went looking for an heir. The timeline wouldn't work. The director has confirmed that for this reason the shoe shine boy is NOT Charlie Bucket.
And there you go. A list of popular Wonka misconceptions debunked.
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princesssarisa · 3 months
Character ask: Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Requested by @comma-after-dearest
Favorite thing about them: Her transformation into a giant blueberry is one of the most (literally) colorful and unforgettable scenes in all of children's literature.
Least favorite thing about them: Her "vice" of chewing gum all the time hardly seems as bad as the other bratty kids' vices. Dahl's attitude about it is clearly the product of his era, when gum-chewing was more widely seen as vulgar, "cow-like," etc. It's no wonder that most adaptations give her a bigger vice, of which her gum-chewing is just one aspect: e.g. bad manners (the 1971 film and the 2004 stage musical), competitiveness (the 2005 film and the 2013 stage musical), or vanity (the 2010 opera, where she's obsessed with beauty and weight loss, and chews gum as a substitute for eating).
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like to chew gum (though not all the time).
*As a child, I was sometimes rude (though not intentionally, but more because I didn't understand social rules) and too competitive (though not in an "I'm the best, you're all losers" way, but an "I have to be the best, or I'll be a loser" way).
*I have brown hair, as she does in the 1971 film.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I couldn't stand to chew the same stale, tasteless piece of gum for three months, not even for a world record.
*I'm not a motor-mouth, either in gum-chewing or talking.
*I've never turned into a blueberry.
Favorite line: Her long introductory speech on TV about her gum-chewing.
brOTP: Her parents, even though they've brought her up badly.
OTP: None.
nOTP: Willy Wonka or any adult.
Random headcanon: When she grows up, she'll have a surprising number of boyfriends who find her permanently purple skin uniquely beautiful. And some of them will insist that she repeatedly tell the story of her blueberry transformation and of the de-juicing process that saved her, because it's fetish fuel for them (see below).
Unpopular opinion: I don't find her transformation sexy or arousing in the least. I know that body inflation is a popular fetish, and pictures of Violet are popular online for that purpose, but it doesn't appeal to me that way at all.
Song I associate with them:
From the 1971 film, her iteration of the “Oompa-Loompa" song:
And the Oompa-Loompas' more elaborate song about her from the 2005 film:
I'm not familiar enough with the other adaptations to list their Violet songs too.
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Joseph Schindelman, showing the very beginning of her transformation when her nose turns blue:
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And his drawing of her in full blueberry form with the Oompa-Loompas:
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This illustration of the same moment by Michael Foreman:
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These illustrations by Quentin Blake:
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Denise Nickerson in the 1971 film:
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AnnaSophia Robb in the 2005 film:
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These girls from the 2013 musical:
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wwillywonka · 4 months
wwillywonka's Interests
(links are in red)
-here is my super long, super detailed list of the things i blog about. if you read the whole thing, you're amazing and i love you. thanks<33 -a more comprehensive list of my interests can be found here. i update it often. -please for the love of god do yourself a favour and listen to blooms by arthur sharpe
Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
special interest since 2014
read my ongoing willy character study fic here
my willy playlist
beside the original dahl books, the 2005 movie is the best and most superior version. i believe this with my whole body, mind, and soul and cannot be convinced otherwise.
other favorite versions of canon: gareth snook on the recent uk tour, gene wilder (of course). see gareth snook’s take on willy’s character here
i have consumed every single piece of wonka related media/content that is reasonably available to the public including horrible elementary school productions on youtube and random college theses. i consider myself the foremost expert about anything and everything regarding willy and can get defensive if that is challenged. i am also aware that i take this way too seriously considering willy is just a silly little fucked up guy who forever ruined my taste in men in my preteens. but i stand by my opinions.
i’ve also been writing a very self-indulgent willy x oc (ross able) fic for nearing 4 years now and have yet to publish it in any capacity. that being said, i tend to talk about it in tags for my own reference, so if you’re ever curious to know more, feel free to ask<3.
i do not support roald dahl, tim burton, or johnny depp in any way. their existences are entirely separate from my enjoyment of catcf. bigotry and prejudice are not tolerated on this blog.
i think the prequel is fine but unnecessary. it’s so whatever to me that i sometimes forget it exists.
i am literally charlie bucket (so obsessed with willy wonka that my parasocial need to be in a weird friendship with him is all-consuming and the only thing that keeps me going). if you ship any of the literal children ticket winners with willy, get off my blog.
willy is my specialist girl, a genius inventor evil capitalist, the blorbo i spin around in my brain 24/7 and want to put in a microwave, my wife, and also the absolute worst guy to ever do it. she is my everything. they’re just a sad gay twink. he’s even bigger than jesus.
Jesus Christ Superstar
the 1973 movie has been one of my favorites since childhood but i became obsessed after seeing the musical on stage in 2023.
yes i connect everything i liked about jcs back to willy and my other fav characters :)
things i write and blog about that are perfectly captured in jcs:
being mortal and being a god are not so different
the line between godhood and celebrityhood being more blurred the further society progresses. both are corruption
toxic, all-consuming co-dependency
sacrificing everything that makes one human for the sake of the “greater good”; becoming unrecognisable, becoming a monster (metaphorically and/or literally)
faith in something that ultimately betrays
being gay and being supppeerr dramatic about it
Alice in Wonderland
i love all versions but have a soft spot for the 2010 movie
fav character: the mad hatter/tarrant hightopp
the 2009 miniseries is weirdly good
alice in wonderland is a war story. to me.
i feel similarly about alice through the looking glass 2016 as i do about wonka 2023
once again, i’ve been writing a fic based off the 2010 movie for years but have yet to publish any part of it. one day, i promise.
my love for loki started in 2012 when i saw the first avengers movie in theaters but has since grown into a love of norse mythology and its extended history and lore. loki by mevlin burgess is one of my favorite books and is, in my opinion, the best portrayal of the character in recent years. neil gaiman’s norse mythology is also great.
i love tom hiddleston so so so so much<33. he is a phenomenal actor and also a really nice man and deserves so much more recognition than just being “that hot guy who played that villain in marvel.” i recently had the pleasure of sitting in the audience for an interview he did and it was the best day of my entire life. only lovers left alive is one of my favorite movies.
i hate the disney+ show except for the literal last 20 minutes of the last episode which gave me everything i’ve ever wanted out of a loki story.
i used to be really, really, really, extremely into marvel but pretty much stopped caring after endgame (which i feel is the case for a lot of people). that being said, i still love tony stark and spider-man, particularly the toby mcguire movies (cough cough…alfred molina as doc ock <3333).
Star Trek
obsessed with tos and tng, particularly the movies (undiscovered country is my fav!). huge fan of picard. don't really care about the aos movies or a lot of the newer series. i'm also currently watching voyager (janeway is insane i love her).
spent a lot of my nerd life not understanding the appeal until i started watching tng in april 2023 and swiftly became Aware of why it's one of the most famous franchises of all time. also as someone who's super interested in fandom history, particularly queer fandom history, i don't know why i didn't get into trek sooner.
spock is my fav character because he is literally me. i am always crying over him. no one understands spock like i do (<- is exaggerating knowing he is one of the most famous characters in all of pop culture history). we are both mixed race and jewish. we are both autistic and queer. there is literally no other character whose mixed identity is portrayed so well and as such a significant aspect of their story, and i (along with so many others) see so many of the internal conflicts he deals with in myself, particularly when it comes to his relationship with his parents.
sarek's biggest hater. like bestie, YOU married the human.
data is my second fav. mccoy is a close third. picard is a very close fourth. unification pt 1&2 are my fav trek episodes!!!
huge spirk/spones/mcspirk shipper. because duh.
Doctor Who
my favorite show since 2012
fav doctor: capaldi
fav companions/other characters: donna, river, missy/the master. and yes, the tardis
fav episode: heaven sent
murray gold invented music and is everything i aspire to be as a composer
please no moffat discourse i will block you
that being said, chibnall ruined doctor who. jodie whittaker deserved so much better and i do not blame her, an amazing actress, for the horrible writing she had to work with.
currently working my way through classic who and the eu
Other Notable Favorites
Nightmare Before Christmas
Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo
The Mighty Boosh/Noel Fielding/BritCom
Flowers/Will Sharpe Films
Good Omens
Dan and Phil
Adventure Time
Wes Anderson Films
The Beatles
The Picture of Dorian Gray/Oscar Wilde
The Adventure Zone/The McElroys
Other Things I Blog About
Robots & cyborgs, dolls
Body segmentation/body horror
Fashion/Fiber Arts
thanks if you read this far xoxo
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havanasroses · 1 year
my favorite christian borle onstage performances and why
1. orin & others, little shop of horrors
even though you know it's him playing these various characters, he brings such different humor to each of them that you can't help but decide that he's stolen the show from the moment he opens his mouth. i've never laughed so hard and watched + listened to so many bootlegs of a show just because i wanted to hear every version of one specific song (the meek shall inherit).
2. marvin, falsettos
this one speaks for itself. if he was nominated any other year (meaning, not against dear ben platt who absolutely earned it), he would have for sure won the tony. man deserves it for the emotion and care he brought to this character.
3. shakespeare, something rotten!
need i say more? he won the tony for a reason. the whole show was built around "or not toby" and i stand by it.
4. emmett, legally blonde
hahaha. i remember having very conflicted feelings when i found out about the behind the scenes (bc i love sutton with my entirety), but no one can deny his chemistry with lbb. such a good show and such great performances by a baby borle.
5. wonka, charlie and the chocolate factory
i remember the cast playing around so much in the creation of the show, mostly led and blocked by cborle himself. despite it being a flop, i enjoyed the show and his wonka, but mostly because of how much fun he had with the cast.
joe/josephine/kip, some like it hot
i'm going to surprise everyone and say that this is actually at the bottom of my list (had i incuded his other characters), hence why it's not numbered. you all know that i love slih to the ends of the earth, but not because of cborle. i'm going to be honest and say that it still makes me uncomfortable to watch sometimes when he's josephine, but i've explained before that my love for joe's familial relationship with daphne soars above it all for me. great performances from christian, but i have to say that this is by far the worst character he's ever had to play and that i don't think that tony nom was justified, imho.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Any submissions so far that made you go "wait how is THAT Web", and that didn't provide convincing justification? Because I know you said you weren't going to talk about active submissions until that stage was concluded, but does 'disqualified for failing to meet minimum requirements' still count?
Surprisingly, there weren't all that many that made me go "The Web would Not fucking say that." There were only a handful that I felt fell more into the realm of other fears, mainly End, Corruption, and occasionally Eye (for spymasters more focused on gathering information than doing anything with it). A short list of characters who didn't quite meet my standards:
Bojack Horseman (just being a toxic friend does not a Web avatar make)
Beverly Moss - Abigail's Party (manipulations too small-scale)
Carly Shay - iCarly (ditto)
Handsome Jack - Borderlands (his horror seems more Stranger-y)
The Hive - The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals (More Corruption-y)
Lucretia - TAZ:Balance (She is kinda manipulative, but I think she was a much better fit for the Lonely)
Spiders Georg (I would argue that a man trapped in a cave eating over 10,000 spiders per day is not an avatar of the Web, but a victim.)
Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways - WH40k (Like Nurgle, had to be excluded for not being an Avatar so much as an Entity)
Willy Wonka - Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (I see where you're all coming from here, but there's a certain amount of distinction to be made over what Wonka did for his own plans and what Roald Dahl did for narrative convenience. Also, dude's way more Spiral-aligned)
Woman in the Red Dress/Babylon - The Dept. of Truth (also very Spiral)
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How come Harold Mews was obsessed with finding Cryptids, when there is magic all around Poptropica?
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You know what I think? Your comment made me fully realize how most humans from "modern" in Poptropica stay away from magic and creatures, unless they can get some entertainment from it.
Like, I knew that before, but it just fully hit me.
As a matter of fact, I'll make a list of all magical/fantastical things from each island, and how humans interact with it. Here we go!
Early Poptropica Island: Giant spider steals the pilgrims' pig. Also, there is a magical land above the clouds that nobody except one explorer knows about.
Shark Tooth Island: A giant monster shark that they worship. Considered normal
Time Tangled Island: Some time machines. Considered cool
24 Carrot Island: No magic
Super Power Island: A radioactive meteor giving people magic powers. And that... phonebooth. Considered normal
Spy Island: No magic
Nabooti Island: Alien. Considered random, but cool
Big Nate Island: Comic book universe...
Astro-Knights Island: Magical weapons and giant crystal portal. Considered cool, since the humans don't use magic anymore
Counterfeit Island: No magic
Reality TV Island: No magic
Mythology Island: Greek mythology characters. Considered normal
Skullduggery Island: Sea monsters. Considered normal
Steamworks Island: No magic
Great Pumpkin Island: Comic book universe...
Cryptids Island: Um, are the cryptids magical? Probably not. Considered cool, and scary
Wild West Island: No magic. Except those potions maybe. Considered normal
Wimpy Wonderland Island: Comic book universe...
Red Dragon Island: Magic Tree House universe XD
Shrink Ray Island: More like science fiction with that shrink ray. Considered cool
Mystery Train Island: No magic
Game Show Island: No magic. There are robots tho. Considered horrifying for the humans
Ghost Story Island: Um... they're ghosts. Considered a cool attraction
S.O.S Island: No magic
Vampire's Curse Island: A vampire yo. The humans stay away from him.
Twisted Thicket Island: A magic forest with Scandinavian mythology
Poptropolis Games Island: I... this island is special. It's considered a special occasion
Wimpy Boardwalk Island: Comic book universe... NOW IN COLOR!
Lunar Colony Island: Aliens
Super Villain Island: See the above worlds
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Island: Just read the book XD Yeah, it's magic
Zomberry Island: Are still-alive zombies magic? Probably not. They're not undead. Considered abnormal and scary
Night Watch Island: No magic
Back Lot Island: No magic
Virus Hunter Island: No magic
Mocktropica Island: Um... I don't know what to say XD Reality is fucked, but no one's freaking out about it
Monster Carnival Island: We got transformations and monsters yo. Considered creepy and abnormal
Survival Island: No magic
Mission Atlantis Island: Aliens
PoptropiCon Island: Comic book world comes to their universe. After it leaves, they think it was a part of the show.
Arabian Nights Island: Genies, potions, some other stuff I might have forgotten. It's considered normal
Galactic Hot Dogs Island: Comic book universe...
Mystery of the Map Island: Just read the books ig But in the island itself, no magic except for the map, but EVERYONE in Poptropica has those maps
Timmy Failure Island: Comic book universe... but there's no magic in there either
Escape from Pelican Rock Island: No magic
Monkey Wrench Island: No magic. Just monkeys :)
Crisis Caverns Island: Mole People and demon worms!!! The people above have no idea.
Greek Sea Odyssey Island: See Mythology Island
Snagglemast Island: Floating Islands... this is considered normal
Reality TV: Wild Safari Island: No magic
Fairy Tale Island: I mean, it's a fairytale world.
Goofball Island: Magic crystals that change your mind, and other things. It's considered normal.
Jade Scarab Island: The Jade Scarab was given to the people to help them.
Anyways, Harold Mews shouldn't be too impressed by those cryptids. They're not even magic, man! wtf
He should be more impressed by the magical creatures and being stuck in kiddie purgatory
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circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
Clownie's F/o List (*COMPLETE LIST*)
Here it is, the extended list and not just the notable characters you can view on my pinned post, with additional basic commentary. This is ever-growing as I consume new media because making self-inserts is one of my favourite pastimes. 🫶
Listed in the order I have their tags in in my personal track-keeping document.
Romantic F/os
Structure: [f/o name] [source] | [relationship status or type] [marriage or engagement date if applicable] | [tag] | [tier]
The Joker [DC Comics] | Married (12•04•21) | 🃏A Joker and His Ace🃏 | #1 Main f/o
Wade Wilson/Deadpool [MARVEL Comics] | Married (07•12•22) | 💣Bulletproof Boys💣 | Main f/o
Charles “Chucky” Lee Ray [Child’s Play franchise] | Married (03•19•20) | 🌈Foul-Mouthed Little Fucker🌈 | Main f/o
Betelgeuse [Beetlejuice] | Married (10•01•20) | 🪲Two Bugs in A Rug🪲 [🐞Two Bugs in A Rug🐞] | Main f/o
Jack Torrance [The Shining] | Married (12•31•22) | 🪓Darling - Light of My Life🪓 | Main f/o
Marcus Holloway & Wrench [Watch Dogs 2] | Dating | 💻Hacked into My Heart💻 | Tertiary f/os, haven't finished watching a play through of the game but I really love these characters
Daniel Robitaille/Candyman [Candyman] | Dating | 🐝Daniel is Orange🐝 | Tertiary f/o, I deeply love him but sometimes I get anxious about shipping with him
John Kramer [Saw franchise] | Married (08•17•23) | 🧩The Missing Pieces🧩 | Secondary f/o
Michael Myers [Halloween franchise] | Dating | 🔪The Night He Came Home🎃 | Secondary f/o, occasionally leaning tertiary
Billy Lenz [Black Christmas] | Dating | ☎️Waiting By The Phone☎️ | Tertiary f/o
V/Codename V [V for Vendetta] | Dating | 📺Love Is A Smoke and Is Made With The Fumes of Sighs🧨 | Tertiary f/o
Herbert West [Re-Animator] | Dating | 💚Love Is Nothing More Than a Chemical Scam (Will You Stay by My Side?)💚 | Tertiary f/o leaning secondary f/o depending on mood
Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus [Raimiverse Spider-Man trilogy] | Dating | 🐙6 Arms to Hold You Tight / Does That Make You an Insect???🐙 | He mainly shows up in an AU where I'm in a relationship with both Otto and Norman nowadays, tertiary f/o
Norman Osborn/Green Goblin [Raimiverse Spider-Man trilogy] | Divorced but Still Seeing Each Other | 💵Norman Osborn🎃 | Tertiary f/o leaning secondary f/o depending on mood
Anton Chigurh [No Country For Old Men] | Dating | 🐮Sugar Bully🐮 | Secondary f/o
Phillip J. Fry [Futurama] | Dating | 🚀I've Been To The Year 3000🍕 | Tertiary f/o
Bender Bending Rodriguez [Futurama] | Dating | 🤖If I Only Had A Heart🍺 | Tertiary f/o
William Afton [FNaF franchise] | Dating | 🐇My Funny Bunny🐇 | Limbo f/o, I don't really ship with this guy anymore but my headcanon version of him is a blorbo I don't know if I'll ever be able to shake, especially with Matthew Lillard now portraying his film counterpart. FNaF is also kind of just a limbo interest of mine, I care more about playing with the characters like paper dolls than paying any attention to canon lore, etc.
Sweeney Todd [Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street] | Married (08•19•21) | 💈I Will Learn to Love Again💈 | Secondary f/o
Cruella de Vil [Cruella] | Dating | 🏎️I Know Something About Love🏎️ | Tertiary f/o
Captain Jack Sparrow [PoTC franchise] | Dating | 🏴‍☠️Drunken Sailor & Bonny Lad🏴‍☠️ | Tertiary f/o leaning secondary f/o depending on mood
Jack Skellington [The Nightmare Before Christmas] | Dating | 💀King of Halloween🎃 | Secondary f/o, childhood comfort character
Oogie Boogie [The Nightmare Before Christmas] | Dating | 🐛Lovebug🐛 | Tertiary f/o
Willy Wonka [Charlie And The Chocolate Factory] | Married (02•24•24) | 🍫Sweetest Moments🍫 | Tertiary f/o
Scott Pilgrim & Ramona Flowers [Scott Pilgrim comics] | Dating | ❗Multiplayer❗ | Tertiary f/os
Dr. Hannibal Lecter [NBC's Hannibal] | Dating | 🍽️Ella et Porcus🍽️ | Tertiary f/o
Spamton G. Spamton [Deltarune] | Dating | 📞MORE PERSISTENT THAN A [Pop-up Ad]📉 | Tertiary f/o
Curtis Vaughn [Mississippi Grind] | Dating | ♠️Lucky In Love♥️ | Tertiary f/o
Eric Brooks/Blade [Blade trilogy] | Dating | 🗡️The Daywalker🩸 | Tertiary f/o
Beverly Sutphin [Serial Mom] | Dating | 👗PUSSYWILLOWS DOTTIE!🔪 | Tertiary f/o
Pickles Oblong [The Oblongs] | Dating | 🥒Pickles🥒 | Tertiary f/o
Tony Stark/Iron Man [MCU] | Married (03•10•23) | ⚙️Empire State of Mind⚙️ | Tertiary f/o
Thor Odinson [MCU] | Dating | ⛈️Riders on The Storm⛈️ | Tertiary f/o
Peter Quill [MCU] | Dating | 🪐All Shook Up🪐 | Tertiary f/o occasionally leaning secondary
Egon Spengler [Ghostbusters] | Married (08•25•24) | 👓Spengler Time With Me👓 | Tertiary f/o
Peter Venkman [Ghostbusters] | Married (08•25•24) | 👻You Talk a Lot of Shit (For Someone That Can’t Talk)👻 | Tertiary f/o
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader [Star Wars] | Dating | 🖤Courage Dear Heart🖤 | Tertiary f/o, the only thing I care about in Star Wars honestly
Hellboy [Hellboy 2004] | Dating | 👹And His Heart Was in Their Hands👹 | Tertiary f/o, used to be a pretty big secondary f/o...
Count Dracula [Dracula 1931] | Dating | 🧛Love as Torrid as Blood🧛 | Tertiary f/o, I mostly use Bela Lugosi's Dracula as a base but I do take inspiration and aesthetic choices from Coppola's Dracula as well, especially for my s/i and his backstory
The Medic [TF2] | Married (08•03•22) | 💉I Need A Doctor (Ohh!~)💉 | Secondary f/o
The Spy [TF2] | Married (01•22•22) | 🕵️‍♂️Mes Affections ne sont pas Un Masque🚬 | Secondary f/o leaning Tertiary f/o depending on mood
The Heavy [TF2] | Married (04•15•22) | 🥪Toll & Smol🥪 | Tertiary f/o
Ash Williams [Evil Dead franchise] | Dating | 🍂Good. Bad. He’s The Guy With My Heart.🍂 | Tertiary f/o
Dr. Jack Griffin/The Invisible Man [The Invisible Man (1933)] | Dating | 🤍An Invisible Heart Still Beats🤍 | Tertiary f/o
Severus Snape [Harry Potter franchise] | Married (date n/a) | ⛅He Saw a Glow in The Darkness⛅ | Tertiary f/o, in an ideal world we'd all pretend that Snape is my original character and has no relation to a certain disgustingly bigoted author, though I don't post about him much here because of that... huge comfort character to this day and the source of my obsession with all things Alan Rickman
Leslie Vernon [Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon] | Dating | 🍎Apple of My Eye🍎 | Tertiary f/o
The Janitor/"Nick" [Willy's Wonderland] | Dating | 🧽Cleanliness is Close to Sexiness🧽 | Tertiary f/o
Stitches the Clown [Stitches] | Dating | 🤡A Stitch in Time is Mine🤡 | Tertiary f/o, I haven't talked about him much since seeing the movie but I'm cursed to find all clowns (with exceptions), especially gross and/or scary clowns, attractive 🙈
Logan Howlett/Wolverine [X-Men franchise] | Dating | ❌Lend Me Your Flannel❌ | Tertiary f/o, another character who's source I'm only vaguely familiar with and I really just started shipping with him bc I though Hugh Jackman was hot in this role
Asgore [Undertale] | Dating | ✨Our Love is Magic✨ | Tertiary f/o, my second-longest lasting Undertale crush
Mettaton [Undertale] | Dating/Crush | 🤩🤖 | Tertiary f/o, forever locked in crush limbo and my longest lasting Undertale crush
The Doctor [Doctor Who] | Dating | 🌌The Eternal Playwrights🌌 | Tertiary f/o, I mainly ship with the 10th and 12th regenerations, another childhood comfort character
Norman Bates [Psycho] | Dating | 🦆Good Old-Fashioned Loverboy🦆 | Tertiary f/o
Pennywise [It 1990 miniseries] | Dating | 🎈Urban Legends🎈 | Tertiary f/o leaning Secondary f/o depending on mood
Ronald McDonald [McDonald's] | Dating | 🍟(Ba-da-ba-ba-ba~) I’m Lovin’ Him!🍟 | Tertiary f/o, I told you, all clowns, even mascots, and he may as well be my own character at this point since he hasn't been used in so long
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papirouge · 1 year
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NEVER forget despite what pathological liars say, mainstream medias were in their vast majority, pro Amber.
Social media/the people, on the other hand, was siding with Johnny.
That's why so many pro Amber freaked out at the actual hate movement against Amber : they simply cannot stomach the fact that media don't control people anymore and that the common citizen can now make their own voice heard (no pun intended) loud and clear.
It was very interesting to see pro Heard complain about "the media circus" surrounding this case, as if the "society of spectacle" wasn't already a well documented observation of modern communications dynamics for the last few decades - and most importantly, not exclusive to the Depp v Heard case or society's (alleged) rampant misogyny.....
They precisely act like legacy medias which, feeling their power & influence significantly lowering by the time, attempt to remove any credibility to grassroot reinfo movement, calling them conspiracy theorists, fake news, etc.
... this reminds you of something? Pro Heard obsessively called the movement in support of Johnny "PR smear campaign" or bots. It wouldn't remotely occur to them that Johnny Depp overwhelming support in the general public was genuine, and could be rationally explained by the fact he's been one of Hollywood's most popular actor for decades with iconic roles (Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow, Cry Baby, etc.) and mostly importantly interpreted one of Disney live action movie most beloved character: Jack Sparrow. Heard was a literally a 'who' next to him, which explains why she would never be able to leverage support in such a conflicting case (so no, it doesn't necessarily has to be misogyny)
They are obsessed in controlling the narrative, even if that means lying consistently about factual reality.
Look at them obsessively keeping tabs on whoever liked Johnny Depp first post trial Instagram post, and making entire lists off of them to be canceled....
Unsurprisingly they also suddenly started cussing out popular jury who aren't "law professionals" just because the court decision didn't give the ruling they expected... Those activists pretending to care about the people are actually the biggest elitists.
Their coping about "the tide is turning" or "I can't wait for the documentary exposing how we all wronged Amber Heard" never fails making me wonder: "who's the we?" Mainstream media were and are still in their vast majority pro Heard. The general public? They mostly moved on and rejoiced at Depp winning his case. They will never apologize or feel sorry for Heard because they don't think she deserves any apology. People don't owe nothing to celebrities. Crime of thought or opinion isn't a thing.
This is the internet: Amber Heard is not the first, last, or the only laughing stock it collectively decided to pick on for any season. And the internet will never feel sorry. Deal with it.
Tbh I also blame the #freebritney movement that made too many of you believe that TMZ and paparazzi harassing celebrities represented regular citizens and that people actively sought out to ruin her... Zoomers don't seem to grasp early 00s people were much more removed from "field reportreport" as we are today, which means they had a more apathetic perspective on celebrity struggles. If media decided to milk this repentance shtick regarding their collective coverage of Britney antics back then to revamp their image, that's on them, but expecting this dynamic onto random people (not media news) who didn't have any say on media narrative is wishful thinking....
Amber Heard is none of your friend, sister, wife or mother. None of you know her. None of you talked to her, and never will. So it's weird to me how some of you are hellbent acting like we owed anything to her.
Why elevating your parasocial involvement in a millionaire celebrity civil case as a cautionary tale for ALL women?
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once-was-muses · 8 months
statistical character personality test.
take the linked quiz from the perspective of your character, then select 5 - 10 results from the complete matches list that you feel resonate with your character the most.
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Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender): 91%
Charlie Bucket (Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory): 88%
Littlefoot (The Land Before Time): 88%
Rubeus Hagrid (Harry Potter): 87%
Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender): 87%
Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump): 87%
Bumblebee (Transformers): 87%
Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings): 86%
Elisa Esposito (The Shape of Water): 84%
Tagged by: @dcwnthercbbithcle
Tagging: you 🫵ovo
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noblehcart · 5 months
Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz
take  the linked  quiz  from  the  perspective  of  your  character or yourself,  then  select  5 - 10   (i picked more) results from  the  complete  matches  list  that  you  feel  resonate  with your  character  the most.
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Penny (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog): 96%
Beth March (Little Women): 95%
Pam Beesly (The Office): 94%
Hilda Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina): 94%
Eliza Hamilton (Hamilton): 94%
Valentine Wiggin (Ender's Game): 94%
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Once Upon a Time): 94%
Belle French (Once Upon a Time): 94%
Mamá Coco (Coco): 93%
Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice): 92%
Francis Mulcahy (M*A*S*H): 92%
Egwene al'Vere (Wheel of Time): 92%
Georgiana Darcy (Pride and Prejudice): 91%
Rita Bennett (Dexter): 91%
Esme Cullen (Twilight): 91%
Rosalind Walker (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina): 91%
Chien-Po (Mulan): 91%
Melanie Hamilton (Gone With the Wind): 91%
Tracy Mills (Se7en): 91%
Charlie Bucket (Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory): 91%
Anastasia Steele (Fifty Shades of Grey): 91%
Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games): 90%
Marmee March (Little Women): 90%
Andrea Sachs (The Devil Wears Prada): 90%
Kes (Star Trek: Voyager): 90%
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thenightling · 1 month
Tim Burton and Racism
Tim Burton and racism
Now that "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice" is coming out people are looking back on an interview Tim Burton did where he unfortunately implied that diverse casting doesn't match his "aesthetic."
And he turned a Jewish folktale (Corpse Bride) into a story set in something that resembles nineteenth century England (even though he said he was heavily inspired by Mexican Dia de los Muertos celebrations.)
I will NOT justify him saying or doing these things (even though I have a soft spot or Corpse Bride). I will NOT justify his lack of diverse casting in the past. What I want to draw attention to is the fact that this sixty-five-year-old man seems willing to grow and change. And I want to give him the benefit of the doubt about this.
I am NOT an apologist. When Tim Burton's film-making quality went down in quality, along with his questionable views, I started to drift away from him when I had been a life long fan. I switched favorite directors over to the charming, kind, friendly, and sweet, approachable, scary-teddy-bear Goth, Guillermo del Toro. (I want that man's house and its contents!)
I will however look back on a few things about Tim Burton's previous films. One of Tim Burton's first projects was a lesser known TV adaptation (back when Disney Channel was experimental) of Hansel and Gretel, made as a homage in appreciation and love for Japanese film making.
Tim Burton had the great James Earl Jones play multiple Genies in Shelley Duval's Fairy Tale Theatre version of Aladdin. Consider how easy it would have been to have a white man in he role ala Robin Williams a few years later. This is not an excuse for his lack-of-diversity. I'm just listing these things as signs of his potential to grow and change.
Tim Burton was the first person to have a black man, Billy Dee Williams, play Harvey Dent (who comic fans will know is meant to later become Two Face.) Today you know someone would whine that this is woke / race-swap casting. But in 1989 it seemed that everyone just accepted it.
In Edward Scissorhands one of the only sympathetic characters- the ONLY good cop character, is a black man. A kind hearted officer who pities Edward and helps make it look like Edward is dead so he can escape toward the end of the movie.
In an episode of the Beetlejuice animated series, it was a little black boy who was the only one who appreciated Lydia's Spooky Boutique that she and Beetlejuice attempted to open in a mall.
When Tim Burton made Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he made sure that Deep Roy (An Indian man who played all of the Oompa Loomps) was paid the same as the lead actor, Johnny Depp.
Deep Roy was also Napoleon Bone-apart (Gotta love the pun that dates back to Beetlejuice the animated series) in Corpse Bride.
Tim Burton's favorite composer is Jewish man, Danny Elfman, who has done nearly all of Tim Burton's movies.
I know that thanks to some statements by Caroline Thompson (who had a bitter falling out with some of the crew of Nightmare before Christmas) it is now believed that Oogie Boogie was a racist caricature and that "Oogie Boogie" started as a slur. I have yet to find actual evidence of this fact.
The notion of a Boogie man Boogying is quite old. "I'm your Boogie Man" is a popular Halloween song. I used to have a "Little bopper" dancing green monster in a fake leather jacket that rocked back and forth to the song.
Oogie Boogie was inspired by Cab Calloway. If he hadn't been played by a black man, THAT would have been racist.
Ken Page (The voice of Oogie Boogie) has debunked claims of racism in regard to the character and in fact the role has been very good to him. It's become a recurring job in his career for Nightmare before Christmas video games, the Haunted Mansion seasonal lay over, and even stage work in the Disney parks. His voice is currently featured in the Hocus Pocus Spooktacular stage show where he sings a slightly modified version of the Oogie Boogie song, this time addressing the Sanderson Sisters instead of "Sandy Claws." Ken Page never viewed the role as racist. And has even played Oogie in Nightmare before Christmas in concert multiple times.
Now we come "present day" Tim Burton where in 2022 Tim Burton became showrunner for Wednesday (the Addams Family spin-off on Netflix).
Here it felt like people were looking for reasons to accuse Tim Burton of racism. Even though the lead actress is a Latina woman, Jenna Ortega, and Luis Guzmán was Gomez people still latched on to things like "The only black characters are bullies!" which tells me they didn't really watch the show. Yes, a black boy is part of a group of bullies but he's also the only one who realizes that they are wrong and quickly turns against his former associates.
Moosa Mostafa (Islamic heritage) plays Wednesday's close friend, Eugene, with the delightful power to control bees.
And the charater Bianca is annoyingly mistaken as Wednesday's bully. Bianca was NEVER a bully! She was Wednesday's rival and frankly, Wednesday deserved to be taken down a peg. Bianca bested her in a fencing match, that is all. Later Bianca showed her true colors as a loyal friend and ally. She helped save Nevermore Academy. She was a hero.
Joy Sunday, the actress who plays Bianca, has repeatedly debunked attempts to claim Tim Burton was racist in casting her to play "The bully" Bianca (again, suggesting that the people making the accusation never watched the show). She has often said how well-treated she was and is treated on the set.
And there's heavy hints that she is going to have a very intriguing story unfold in the next season of Wednesday.
I am not justifying Tim Burton's previous lack of diversity. But I feel that he may have come to realize his mistakes. I think he might be trying to make amends with things like Wednesday. Jenna Ortega has become Tim Burton's favorite actress to work with. And I think she has, perhaps, had a positive influence on his views of diversity.
This isn't an attempt to justify his past failings. This is the suggestion that perhaps he is now willing to grow and change. He's sixty-five. How many sixty-five-year-olds are open minded enough to truly grow? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Actions speak louder than words and I saw a lot of positive change with how he handled / is handling Wednesday.
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swanimagines · 2 years
I’m that weirdo who’s willing to write for fandoms no one else writes for so don’t judge me. :D I like to challenge myself, so if I like the movie/tv show/game, I'll often write for it! Even if it's a "weird" fandom. Please note: this does not mean I write for every fandom there is. If the fandom isn't listed here, it's unlikely I even know it or then I'm just not interested. You can ask if I know it/if I could write for it, but please do not send in requests assuming I write for a fandom even when it's not listed.
The list for my fave characters to write for is below the fandom list in case you're interested!
(My random and unpopular fandoms are below the main list to make this easier to read)
10 Things I Hate About You
(James Cameron's) Avatar franchise
Batman: The Dark Knight Trilogy
Disney & Pixar movies (animated + live action)
Full list here!
Edward Scissorhands
Enola Holmes
Hunger Games
Jumanji (1995, 2017 and 2019)
Little Women (2019)
Lord of the Rings + The Hobbit
Spider-Men (Maguire, Garfield, Holland)
MCU (up to No Way Home)
Venom (1 and 2)
X-Men (2000-2006 + 2011-2019)
Deadpool 1 + 2
Fantastic Four (2005-2007)
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-2017)
Sky High
Star Wars
The Skywalker Saga
Rogue One
Star Wars: Jedi (video game series)
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Maze Runner
Chicago Med
DC Titans
Free Rein
H2O: Just Add Water + Mako Mermaids
His Dark Materials
Julie and the Phantoms
Once Upon A Time
Peaky Blinders
Shadow and Bone/Grishaverse as a whole
Stranger Things
Teen Wolf
The 100
The Queen’s Gambit
The Sandman (Netflix)
The Umbrella Academy
The Witcher
Xena: Warrior Princess
Assassin’s Creed (up to Syndicate)
Baldur's Gate 3
Detroit: Become Human
Dragon Age games
Ghost of Tsushima
God of War & Ragnarok (2018 & 2022)
Horizon Zero Dawn + Forbidden West
Kingdom Hearts games
Marvel’s Spider-Man + Miles Morales
Red Dead Redemption 2
Sly Cooper
Star Wars: Jedi (video game series)
Tomb Raider (the new trilogy)
Uncharted up to Lost Legacy
Watch Dogs/Watch Dogs 2/Bloodline
Freddy Carter’s characters, at the moment these:
Kaz Brekker
Pin Hawthorne
Jason Ripper
Tom (15 Days)
I also write for Ellis through research (from 2018 horror movie The Convent)
Gideon Fletcher
David Friedkin
(Also likely Ray when Recursive Dreams comes out)
(These are all very small and random fandoms so that's why I separated them from the main list)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Ella Enchanted
Garfield movies
Grinch Who Stole Christmas (2000)
Home Alone 1 & 2
Love and Monsters
Moulin Rouge
Notting Hill
Peter Pan (2003)
Red Eye
Rise of the Guardians
The Dark is Rising
The Martian
Warm Bodies
This list is growing all the time!
Below I’ve listed some fandoms I’m not writing for because they get requested a lot. And because people constantly (want to) misunderstand: AGAIN, THIS LIST IS ABOUT FANDOMS I DO NOT WRITE FOR, IT ISN'T A "MAYBE" LIST, IT'S A NO GO LIST!!!
Harry Potter/Wizarding World in general (no longer writing for them because I was constantly forcibly pulled into fandom dramas, especially after JKR started clowning around)
^ Or anything horror since my imagination is too sensitive.
^ Also Doctor Who for now (I know it isn’t horror but there are some really scary episodes I can’t watch, I might change my mind in the future though)
Game of Thrones
^ Or anything where animals get sacrificed/killed slowly because that makes me super anxious for weeks.
The Untamed (not interested)
Twilight (didn’t like them, watched them only because my Twilight superfan friend forced me to watch them with her 😅)
Darkiplier/Antisepticeye (I know they’re fictional, but I’m not interested in watching them)
Studio Ghibli movies/anime (anime drawing style makes me feel physically ill, and no I don’t know why, it’s always been that way)
Youtubers, actors, singers, bands, influencers, I’m not writing for anyone who’s a celebrity/irl person, with an exception if the person’s life has been largely fictionalized in a game/movie/series + they’re a historical character. (Like AC characters)
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nakuzendara · 1 year
Also, I almost forgot, but who would be the kids favorite character from their favorite version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Again, rather than having paragraphs big enough to give someone a stroke, I'll just present this to you in the form of a list.
Koopalings' favourite characters:
Ludwig: Willy Wonka and Charlie
Roy: Mike Teavee
Lemmy: Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas
Wendy: Veruca Salt and Violet
Morton: Augustus Gloop
Iggy: The Oompa Loompas and every background character
Larry: Mike Teavee and Willy Wonka
Koopa Kids' favourite characters:
Bully: Willy Wonka
Cheatsy: Veruca's Dad and Mike Teavee
Kooky: The Oompa Loompas
Big Mouth: Violet's Mom
Kootie Pie: If she had to pick one it would be Veruca
Hip and Hop: Both cannot decide on a favourite character, they love each and every one of them.
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catcfember · 2 years
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Welcome to CATCFember! For each day of November there are several prompts for you to choose from and create something based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Tag your pieces with #catcfember and I'll reblog them here (and share them on my insta)! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
The Prompt List:
1. Willy Wonka
2. factory | machine | dentist
3. Charlie Bucket
4. apology | dream
5. golden egg | mirror
6. Augustus Gloop
7. golden ticket | chocolate bar
8. hug | storm
9. ballet | video game
10. Veruca Salt
11. multi-version (crossover)
12. cat | dog | view from here
13. Violet Beauregarde
14. modern/no factory au | growing up
15. parents | toys
16. success | failure
17. Mike Teavee
18. swap | stars
19. three Charlies | morning
20. squirrels | TV
21. chocolate | gum
22. sleepover | theme park
23. shopping | lost
24. night | home
25. soulmark | muppet au | movie
26. scrapped characters
27. stolen | flowers | lost
28. fairytale | ocean
29. change | costume
30. ending | together
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