sturniolos-blog · 8 months
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In trouble again? - Sturniolo little sister oneshot
warnings - swearing, fluff, arguing
Quick backstory behind this oneshot:
When Y/n was 14, her 19 year old older triplet brothers moved to LA. Upsetting her for a while, hard not seeing them around the house.
But after a lot of convincing, when Y/n turned 15, Marylou and Jimmy agreed to let her move in with them.
Obviously, nick, chris, and matt were okay with it.
You may wonder how a girl fit in with three boys, well it was easy for her.
Nick was the one she’d go too for boys, about her period (since he bought her pads and what she needed when she was on it), she'd go to Nick about a breakup, literally about anything that Matt and Chris would freak out about if she told them.
Then Chris was the one she’d go to if she needed too laugh, needed a hug, (chris gives really good ones), He always found a way too make her laugh, even when she was crying. Although when y/n was crying chris usually got emotional with her, so they cried and laughed together.
Now Matt, matt was the one she’d go too for a lot of things. Anxiety was a big one, she had a lot, so she usually asked for tips and stuff. Y/n also gets frustrated, annoyed, anything negative really easily, (like matt) so she usually went to Matt to calm down and take a breath. Y/n also usually slept with Matt, much like chris she hated sleeping alone, so she usually slept with, matt, but occasionally with math and chris because chris was usually found in matt’s bed.
Y/n also gets in trouble at school a lot! (Bad y/n)
I walked inside my house with yet another write up i got this week, it's only thursday and this is my third write up this week, (new record by the way) this time was for yelling at my math teacher how she didn't know how to teach. She seriously doesn't because if she did would not have a D- in her class right now.
"Is anyone home?" I yelled out, kicking my shoes off and throwing my bag down.
I see Nick walk downstairs, "Hey y/n!" He says cheerfully, "Matt and Chris went to return the jeans you didn't like and Chris wanted to go to get a new sweatshirt or something." Nick smiled before his eyes trail down to my hand. He let's out a sigh, "Y/n...Please tell me.." He trails off, his voice filled with disapointment.
I look down at the paper too, "Umm.." I clear my throat, "Sorry I thought they would've called or at least texted you guys already. My bad. Now can you please sign it before Matt gets home?" I pleaded, handing the paper to Nick for him to sign. Matt was the worst one for when i got in trouble, he changes a lot. He's like all sweet and then his face gets red with anger. It's scary.
Nick took the paper and grabbed a pen from the kitchen table, "I'll sign it, but they took Matt's number down. So there is no doubt he got that call or text." Nick says, signing the paper with his signature like it said too do. I let out a groan as nicks eyes glanced over the quick explanation of what happened.
"You went off on your math teacher?" Nick scoffed.
"I already told Ms.Reel I don't play! She kept testing me, literally and figuratively. She tried givin' me a pop quiz like I was 'bouta do all that. Yeah no thanks." I defended. Grabbing a water from the fridge and sitting down at the island.
"What exactly did you say, n/n?" Nick asked, giving me the now signed paper.
"All i said was, 'I'm not doing this.' and when she asked why I said 'because why would i take a pop quiz from a teacher that teaches like she graduated at the university of nowhere.' and when she told me to go to the office i said, 'gladly, i'd rather have 6 months of detention then ever come back too this bootlegged not teachin us nothin' classroom. And then i got kicked out." I explained.
Matt signed the one i got on monday for going off on a girl for making fun of my friend. He told me it was okay and that i was sticking up for somebody i cared about.
The one i got on tuesday was for walking out of the classroom when my science teacher didn’t let me go to the bathroom but let a boy out when he asked. Chris signed that one for me, Matt found out about it, i didn’t know they had his number, he was upset but he said as long as i didn’t get another one it’s fine.
So after this one i am definitely getting yelled at by Matt.
The front door opens and i hear muttering, sounding like bickering.
“Wait, i left my jacket in the car, can you go get it?” I hear Chris ask Matt.
I then hear Matt mutter something along the lines of, “You fucking idiot” before walking away.
Chris then speed walks into the kitchen, “Y/n, you seriously messed up. Matt was already in a bad mood since he woke up, and then at the mall workers were giving him shit for trying to return your jeans without the tags on them, and then he got a call about how you got in trouble. So you’re actually fucked.”
My eyes widened, “Um- yeah i’m just gonna go up-” I start to walk away but bump into Matt.
“Just the person i was looking for!” Matt says. sarcastically, his arms crossing as he stands in front of me.
“Go sit, now.” He demands. I rub my forehead and nod, sitting at the kitchen table.
Matt sits down next to me and grabs the write up slip, “Nick signed it already? That’s great.” Matt continues with the sarcasm.
“Don’t bring me into this!” Nick puts his hands up in defense as him and Chris are watching us.
Matt then gives nick and chris a look that makes them both go to their rooms.
I take a breath in before starting to talk as Matt reads the write up slip, “So on a scale of 1-10 how mad-”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, y/n.” He grits out.
I nod and bite my lip, i’m really fucking scared.
“You can’t- why would you- who even- where- what- the fuck!?” Matt stutters.
“I don’t even know what to say, y/n! This is the third one this week! It’s thursday! There are only five days in a school week! It shouldn’t be this hard to stay out of trouble!” Matt yells.
“I’m sorry i just-” I get cut off.
“No! You don’t just do anything, you can’t just do something like this and keep getting away with it. You don’t need to be acting like this.” Matt says, putting his head in his hands.
“I also don’t need your opinion, i mean why are you even getting so mad? Nick and Chris don’t care this much.” I say, nice going y/n.
Matt scoffs. “Go to your room.”
“Now!” He yells.
“Whatever!” I scoff and get up, literally stomping to my room.
It’s been 8 whole hours since i last talked to Matt.
Which was crazy, Nick and Chris came in to ask me how i was doing but i just shrugged, i got to keep my phone so i was doing alright.
I get another knock on my door, expecting it to be Matt, i quickly say, “Come in!” But it’s Chris. I love him but i lay back down, scrolling on my phone.
He walks up and sits on my bed, rubbing my shoulder.
“I think you should talk to Matt.” Chris says, his voice soft and welcoming.
“He doesn’t wanna talk to me. He’s made it clear, we haven’t talked since the argument.” I sniffle, i was so upset.
“He does wanna talk to you, but he’s stubborn also, so he is not gonna be the first one to say something. If you go and apologize, and really mean it, like not just go in there because i told you too, then he will appreciate it and say sorry too. I promise.” Chris says as i sit up.
I put my pinky out, “Pinky promise?” I whisper.
He interlocks our pinkies, “Pinky promise.” He confirms.
I nod as he leaves my room, about 5 minutes pass and i decide to get up too.
I knock on Matt’s door, I hear some shuffling before the door starts to open, “Nick how many times-” Matt starts but stops when he sees me.
“N/n.” He says, his voice was much softer.
“Matt- i’m so sorry for getting in trouble and i’m sorry for saying that you get too and and it’s just schools been really hard and i hate it and everyone’s annoying and i don’t know what to do and i-” I sob but get cut off when Matt pulls me in for a tight hug.
“Okay, calm down baby.” He whispers, his fingers going through my hair.
I sob into his chest, that’s all it was. Stress and being overwhelmed.
“Shh..” Matt hushed, bringing me into his room with his arms still wrapped around me, kicking the door shut with his foot and bringing me to sit down on his bed.
“Y/n, listen.” He pulls away from the hug.
“You’re right, i have been harsher than normal, but that’s only because i want you to succeed, you’re in highschool! You are growing up so fast and i want the best for you. And i’m sorry that i’m not the fun one all the time. I’ll try, but if i try you have to promise that you will too, and if you’re ever feeling upset or down that you’ll talk to me.” Matt comforts.
I nod and wipe my nose with my sleeve.
“Can i sleep in here tonight?” I ask.
Matt laughs, “Of course you can.”
why is this literally the most basic thing i’ve ever written oh lord goodbye idk what happened with me today but im just gonna start dad matt tmr and it will either be done tmr or thursday (i pinky promise) hope yall enjoy this one!
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elisabeta-darling · 10 months
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My baby sister✨💕
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artdecodude · 2 years
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The beauty of Bioshock. Just got gone playing all the way through Bioshock for the bajillionth time. If for no other reason than to bask in its Art Deco sumptuousness. Took these screenshots along the way.
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heycammiephotography · 2 months
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BioShock | Little Sister | cosplayer: @avatarest_cosplay
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nando161mando · 6 months
Queens Of The Stone Age - Little Sister
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yanderewriter101 · 8 months
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Older Brother Izuku Midoriya x Younger Sister Reader
The house door opened and Inko turned her head as she began dinner, her green eyes focused on the front door but a smile spread across her face as her eldest son entered through the front door his green fluffy hair bright and his hero costume on show.. 
Inko was ever so proud of her eldest son he was now the Number One Pro-Hero of Japan.. it warmed her heart to know her son had achieved his dreams she was the proudest mother in the world each time she saw her son's wide smile and gleaming green eyes..
"Hey mom!" Izuku greeted with a wide grin as he took of his large boots putting them by the front door Inko smiled and once her son was close enough she kissed his freckled cheek with a soft and heart warming smile as she usually did whenever he came to her side..
"Hi Honey.. Just on time for dinner!- your sister will be happy to know her older brother is finally coming for dinner.." Inko rambled softly while stirring the Katsudon in the pot the steam wafting into the air and swimming through the small but loving home the aroma in each corner of the house..
Izuku hummed and smiled as he leaned away from his mothers shoulder his large frame leaning against the kitchen counter his green eyes flickered across the kitchen to the living room as he breathed out gently as the aroma of the katsudon hit his nose "I'll go tell Bunny that I'm back.." He spoke before pushing himself of the counter to the doorway of the kitchen'
Inko nodded muttering a small 'okay honey' she sighed softly.. 'Bunny' was a nickname that was something that Izuku always called his younger Sister a nickname that never died down.. Inko never questioned it.. just like she never questioned why her older son was missing for so long after his missions that finish hours earlier...
Izuku made his way up the stairs.. silent.. eerie.. he reached the top of the stairs his eyes shifting to the left to his old bedroom that he usually stayed in whenever he stayed at his mothers house.. he then turned to the right spotting his younger sisters room the oak door shut firm.. his eyebrow quirked.. that was odd..
He moved forward to the oak door his hand wrapping around the cold silver handle opening it swiftly.. his large form took up half the doorway his eyes scanned the room.. until they landed on the girl sat at the desk.. headphones on as she wrote in a book a grin crept up on his lips...
The number one hero walked inside the door shutting behind him quietly like it was never open in the first place.. he got behind his younger sister sat at the desk.. and made his move.. like a predator capturing his prey.. his hands grasped her shoulders and she jolted immediately a yelp like scream escaping her mouth as her knees slammed up into the desk out of reaction and an elbow to his face
"Ah- Bunny- pfft- I'm sorry!" Izuku laughed gently his large scarred arm wrapping around the girls smaller form to calm her but he was met with a book to the head and a curse out of his sisters mouth he chuckled pushing the book away with his free hand "You idiot- were you trying to make my have a heart attack!?" (Your name) Squealed at him angry
Her expression was scrunched up like an angry bunny he could of sworn he saw her leg stomp on the ground for a second.. he sighed out and ruffled her hair but she grumbled at him for that trying to fix her hair.. like a bunny trying to groom herself back to its usual fluffy form.. he blinked his thoughts away as he sighed out softly.. his bunny was so silly sometimes..
"Wait- are you staying for dinner?" (Your name) questioned her older brother as her (your eye colour) eyes sharpened at him with suspicion crossing her arms on her lap as she twisted her chair around to face him Izuku stared down at her with a small grin.. she could be so serious in the flip of a switch! it always amazed him..
"Yes I am.. and i'm sleeping for the night.." Izuku briefly explained.. now that it was the weekend he had some time to spend with his family since his agency would be taken over by Katsuki for the weekend for once.. (Your name) nodded her head as she sent him a smile "Ah.. that's nice!" 
Before Izuku could utter a word Inko's voice was heard from downstairs calling her children for dinner.. interrupting their moment.. Interrupting Their bonding moment!.. he breathed out.. and moved away from his younger sister shooting her a grin "I'll see you downstairs don't be too long!" He spoke as he waved a hand exiting the room..
It wasn't a joke.. it was a command.. one (Your name) knew too well.. her expression fell from it's smile to it's frown.. her fingers tightened around her knees.. why did he have to come.. it seemed like he was never away for too long! every-time he comes.. things.. become scary weird.. she just hoped that this time he wouldn't-
"(YOUR NAME) YOUR FOOD IS GOING TO GO COLD!" Inko's voice screamed up from the kitchen and (Your name) jolted quickly jumping out of her chair and grabbing her jacket off the bed as she stumbled to the doorway grumbling under her breath "Coming!!"
Dinner was peaceful.. Izuku enjoyed eating his favourite meal and answering his mothers exciting and worrying questions of if his hero career was too much or if he was getting on fine.. but he easily consoled her like he usually did.. but the one question he always dreaded was the 'are you ever going to get a partner?' He knew what his mother meant.. but she just never understood.. Izuku was too focused on protecting and caring for his younger sister!
The night came.. faster than (Your name) hoped.. so she was under her blankets.. her wide (your eye colour) eyes staring blankly ahead her heart was hammering in her chest so hard she was almost scared her ribs would break from the force but she didn't dare move..
She let out a small breath and it seemed like hours passed.. nothing came.. nothing happened.. and relief finally filled her body.. and she calmed down.. maybe she.. was just overreacting.. well.. it only happened once why was she thinking that way anyway.. (Your name) felt her body relax and her eyes fluttered shut.. and her grip loosened around the blankets around her body..
As she was just about to finally drift off.. she heard it.. the.. silent.. eerie.. footsteps reaching her bedroom door.. her eyes flew open.. but she knew better than to try and get up and question who was at her door.. so she just tensed but she quickly relaxed herself to try and make it seem like she was asleep.. her face finding itself buried into the pillow..
then the door opened.. and she could hear the breaths.. heavy.. but still quiet not to 'wake her' she heard the door shut after and almost for a second she believed it was her mother checking in on her.. until she felt the bed behind her sink.. and she heard the bed creek slightly that's how she knew it was her older brother.. because no one else was that heavy to make her bed creek..
She kept herself calm and relaxed but when she heard the voice whisper near her ear.. it was so hard.. she was almost terrified that her heartbeat would be heard from how hard it was racing.. she was so.. so scared.. her older brother was the number one pro hero.. he had sensitive hearing he heard everything.. he knows everything.. and he knew.. no one would believe her..
"Oh Bunny..~ I do this to keep you safe.. to make sure no one hurts you.. to make sure no one even comes near you.. that no one even fucking breaths the same air near you.."
His voice.. it was so.. terrifying in the darkness.. but she didn't have to look to know that his green piercing scary eyes were staring down at her sleeping form.. but then.. something knew happened.. something so different from his usual whispering in the room.. changes from his normal scary threats..
A hand placed on her side.. and she could of swore her heart stopped in her chest real quick.. but what scared her the most was the heavy body pressing against her back.. and the hot breath hitting her cheek.. 
"I know your awake.. your always awake.."
Izuku's eyes stared down at his younger sisters form.. she tensed.. her heart-beat always sped up when he came in.. so much quicker than normal.. and he knew she was awake.. but it didn't sway him.. because what could she do.. 
HE was the number one pro hero.. 
HE was the one their mother always trusted.. 
HE is the one the people will always trust.. 
HE is the symbol of peace..
His hands shifted over her body twisting her onto her back and her wide terrified (your eye colour) eyes stared up at her.. and his right hand paused on her side and the left stopped on her stomach.. She was like a terrified and vulnerable bunny.. his prey.. his bunny.. and he'd protect her.. after all.. she was quirkless.. he vowed the day she looked at him with a smile.. that he'd keep her by his side.. keep her in his eyesight.. keep her in his grasp..
That look in her eyes made him know he was the one in control.. his fingers lightly trailed over her stomach.. she was (Your body type) and he loved her for every curve.. ever dip.. she was young sure.. but still developed... well.. she was 17 now.. his green eyes glinted down at her form.. she was shaking under his hands.. oh his poor bunny so scared.. so terrified.. so.. perfect.
Izuku found himself between her legs.. her thighs over his own.. his large hands enveloping her waist tugging her against him firmly as he let out a breath at her body flushed against his.. he had never been so forward.. so touchy with her.. but he needed to get it through to her head that he was and always will be her protector..
(Your name) trembled terrified unsure what to do.. she couldn't fight back.. she couldn't scream.. she couldn't do anything!.. he was just staring down at her.. his hands gripping her body felt so.. scary.. it made her realise that if she made one wrong move he could easily either pin her so fast and so firm.. or just crush her in his hands.. 
The room was heavy in silence.. tense.. the only light being Izuku's dark green eyes peering down at his younger sister who was beginning to tear up.. his hand moved over her side to her cheek wiping the tears that fell down her face before he leaned forward.. by her ear.. a sick twisted grin painting on his lips.
"I am your protector.."
" I am your symbol of protection.."
" I am your older brother.." 
"and I have always been this way.."
"i have killed for you.." 
"i have ended destruction just to get to your side.."
 "i am what you run to when your scared.."
 "I will be what you see out in the darkness of your life.." 
"And I will make sure you do.."
"Even if it means ending EVERYONE in your life.."
"You will stay mine.."
"My bunny.."
"My sister"
"My only hope."
Thank you for reading children!! :)
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beyxndrxgue · 1 year
Ich fühl mich neben dir immer noch wie ein kleines zerbrechliches Mädchen das von dir beschützt wird und das obwohl ich dich beschütze, vor dir selbst und vor alles andere was dir wehtun möchte.
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ericshoney · 2 years
Imagine being Na Jaemin's baby sister and meeting the rest of NCT....
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Age: 4
Today you was the day you get to meet your big brothers band members. You got your mother to pick out a cute outfit and do your hair.  Now you are sitting on the sofa waiting for him to come pick you up.
''Where's my adorable baby sister?!'' You giggle when hearing his loud voice.
''Nana!'' You exclaim as he runs in, picking you up.
''How's my favourite sister?'' He asks with a big smile.
''Nana I'm your only sister!'' You reply.
''I know, I'm joking sweetheart.'' You smile at him.
''Can we go now?!'' You call. He laughs.
''Yes lets head out, the guys are very excited to meet mini Nana!'' He cheers, making you giggle once again.
You both leave your family home and head to the dorms. Jaemin just listens to you talk excitedly about the guys. Smiling at you. Once you arrive, Jaemin shouts for the guys. You hear the footsteps and then see 22 other males smiling at you, making you shy and hide behind your brothers legs.
''Aww mini Nana! She's so cute!'' You hear a dolphin like screech. You feel your brother pick you up again, placing you on his hip.
''Guys this is Y/n. My adorable little sister. She is very excited to meet all of you.'' Jaemin said, making you smile and give a small wave.
You all head to the living room to sit down and now seeing the guys not standing make you feel better, since they don't all look like trees now. You get each of their names but struggle to remember them all so make up your own nicknames in your head. You spend the day chatting with the guys and happy to meet your brothers band members!
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videogametatts · 2 years
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🌊 Bioshock Big Daddy & Little Sister tattoo by @artbyamberolsen Thanks Amber! - #bioshock #bioshocktattoo #videogametattoo #bigdaddy #littlesister #2k #2kgames https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTr8hnIc3j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sturniolos-blog · 8 months
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Adopted - Sturniolo little sister fic
so i am not taking credit for this whatsoever, @sturniololoco is to take credit for this and i love her work so i hope this is okay. (lmk if it’s not) But i thought of this request and wanted to act on it myself, i don’t believe this is already a fic.
this fic is for anyone who is not white or is of a different race, for example i am hispanic and mixed but deal with lots a racism and get called the n word, so this is a fic about being the sturniolos little sister but dealing with racism.
warning: swearing, complete racism, use of the n word but censored out, mentions of fighting and blood
im only writing this to give examples of real life, no harm is meant to be done ‼️
the reader will take place as a teenager, younger mostly maybe early teens.
enjoy !
Being mixed was hard, especially going to a practically all white school with maybe a few kids of a different race there.
I knew i would eventually have to feel with racism, especially since my older brothers are white and im adopted, but i didn’t know it would be this bad.
I snapped out of my thoughts as i was going to walk towards my group of friends but some girl stops me, monica, no one likes her, she’s literally the talk of the school, we used to be best friends but she was really fake, and she talks to me sometimes, we aren’t tight but we definitely don’t hate each other,
“Hey, it’s your month.” She smirked at me.
I scoffed, “What?” My face turning to a confused one as i looked at her, people walking through the hallways trying to get to their next class.
“Black history month,” She laughed.
“The fuck did you just say to me?” I got in her face as the hallways were clearing.
“Get to class guys!” A teacher yelled before walking in her class room.
Monica began to walk away, i grabbed her arm though, “Finish what you were saying, say it again and see what happens.”
“It’s your month, you fucking weirdo, you’re family is not even your color you’re not even supposed to be with them, no wonder they don’t show you in videos they’re probably too embarrassed to have someone who is dark as fu-”
I cut her off with a shove, her back that had her backpack on it was slammed into the locker.
“Say it again!” I dared her, dropping my bag on the ground.
“You’re a fucking n***** and a sp*c.” She said in my face, i lost it.
I punched her in the face and shoved her again, she went to grab my hair but i grabbed her hand and pushed it back against the locker, kicking her knee before punching her in the face, her nose starting to bleed, she smacked me in the head but literally did nothing.
I grabbed her by her nasty old sweatshirt and swung her to hit the other set of lockers on the opposite wall, she let out a grunt,
“Ow!” She yelled loudly. She was on the ground with tears, not that she was crying but probably involuntary tears from the pain.
“Don’t try me.” I scoffed, grabbing my bag and starting to walk to my class, making it in to spanish.
“Why are you late?” My spanish teacher, Ms.Gonzalez asked.
“I got the schedules mixed up, sorry, it won’t happen again.” I apologized.
“That’s fine.” She said, Ms. Gonzalez was a nice teacher, let everything slide, sort of dumb too but that’s okay.
I went and sat at my desk, shit.
I totally forgot Monica is in this class.
Where is she?
I thought to myself before pulling out my spanish stuff.
“Hey, you okay?” My friend Aliyah leaned over and asked me,
“Yep.” I smiled.
About 15 minutes go by and the phone rings, Ms.Gonzalez answers, picking up the phone,
“Hello?” She asks, getting some sort of answer before she looked around the room, her eyes stopped on me, “Yep, i have her.” She smiled.
I tried to focus on my spanish work, but-
“Y/n? they need you down in the office, bring your stuff.” She said.
I sighed and nodded, packing my stuff up, Aliyah looks at me confused,
“Don’t worry about it.” I whispered before leaving the classroom.
I got down to the office and i saw Matt, Chris, and Nick all sitting there. God, that’s embarrassing.
I opened the office doors and smiled at them, but soon dropped my smile as they all gave me death glares, even Matt, which was crazy because he was supposed to be the nice chill brother.
Matt’s knee was bouncing up and down and he was biting his nails, slouched slightly. Nick was on his phone, biting his lip and Chris was sat with his head back, up at the ceiling.
I see my principle walk out from his office, chris sitting up, nick putting his phone down and matt not slouching anymore.
“May i speak with one of you?” He points at my brothers, mom and dad must be at work.
Matt sits up, “You can talk to me.” He smiles, standing up.
My principle nods, “Great, right this way.”
My principle turns to me first, “Go see Ms.Lee, she wants to talk to you.” He says, talking about the vice principle. My principle was a very nice guy, but i wasn’t the best student ever so you’d find me in the office sometimes, but i usually talked to Ms.Lee, she was a nice lady, i usually filled her in on drama.
Matt and My principle walk into my principles office and he shuts the door.
I see Ms.Lee come out of her office and point at me, a disappointed look on her face, she makes the ‘come here’ motion with her finger.
I give one last glance to chris and nick before walking to her office and sitting down, she shuts the door and walks back behind her desk, sitting down and sighing.
“Whats up, Ms.L?” I laugh.
She gives me that look and i immediately stopped.
“Sorry,” I coughed.
“What were you thinking? Monica already told me the whole story so don’t even think about lying, i mean come on you argue with everyone i get that but hands on fighting? That’s absolutely crazy coming from you, y/n” She said, shaking her head.
“She called me the N word, called me a spic, told me it was my month, said i don’t even belong in my family!” I defended myself.
My vice principle went to talk but i cut her off, “I obviously know fighting is bad and i would usually never hit first.” I clarified, Ms.Lee rolled her eyes.
“-But that really hurt, bad. Plus, actions speak louder than words so,” I shrugged, leaning back in my seat.
“She told us you went crazy on her for nothing.” Ms.Lee said quietly.
“On my life, what i told you is what happened. She was being mad racist towards me.” I said.
Ms.Lee nodded, “You’re suspended for a week, i’m sorry but you drew blood.” Ms.Lee shook her head.
“Okay, does she get anything?” I asked, my knee bouncing up and down.
Ms.Lee hesitated, “We-” she sighed and looked down, “The most we can give her is an in school suspension, maybe two days.”
My mouth dropped, “Ms.L, you’re kidding.” I scoffed. “You understand how unfair this is, right?”
“Yes, but we can’t do much, we don’t have audio from the camera, all we see is you talking and then you shoving her and punching her in the face,” Ms.Lee said softly.
“But- i- i only-” I teared up and shook my head, “This is bullshit.” I whispered.
Ms.L nodded, “I know, honey. I’m sorry.” She said, a knock then came on her door, it opened and it was my principle,
“Y/n, it’s time to go home now. We will see you next week.” He said.
I nodded, “Thanks.” I whispered, walking out.
Matt was standing up, his hands in his pockets, Nick and chris got up when they saw me,
“Ready, kid?” Chris put his hand on my back.
“Chris.” Matt scolded him as we walked out of the office.
We made it to the car and got in.
“On a scale of 1-10, how mad are you guys right now?” I cautiously asked.
Matt scoffed, Nick gave me a sad smile before looking out the window, and chris started to speak.
“Well, i’m actually not that- ow!” He got cut off by Matt hitting him in the arm as we pulled out of the schools parking lot.
I sighed and looked out the window, my fingers tapping on it slightly,
“Where’s mom and dad?” I asked.
“At work.” Matt said. His monotone voice giving me the chills.
“Okay, but do you even know what really happened because-”
“Y/n, shut up! You beat up a girl who just asked you for the homework answers, the fuck is wrong with you?!” Matt yelled harshly, he never yelled at me. Ever.
Tears welled up in my eyes, “Matt!” Nick yelled at him. “Don’t talk to her like that!”
“Calm down bro.” Chris patted Matt’s shoulder.
“That’s not what happened.” I said, my voice cracking.
“Then what happened, huh? Tell us, because your principle gave a very good explanation to us.” Matt said, making a right turn onto our street.
“She-” i took in a breath, i looked at the rearview mirror and see matt with his jaw clenched.
“She called me the n word, a spic, told me it was my month, and that i don’t belong in our family because im dark. She also said thats why you don’t show me in videos.” I said, playing with my hands.
Matt stopped the car as we pulled into our driveway.
“She what?” He turned around after turning the car off.
We got inside and i dropped my bag on the floor.
“Y/n, i’m sorry i had no idea-” Matt started.
“It’s okay,” I said as i took a seat at our island.
“Mom and dad are gonna be so mad.” I whimpered.
Nick put his hand on my shoulder, “We will talk to them. Promise.” He held out his pinky and i interlocked it, smiling at him.
“Great job defending yourself, y/n, not the best way you coulda gone but we are proud.” Chris said, Matt then gave nick and chris a look to give us a moment, so chris nodded kissing my forehead before him and nick walked to their rooms.
Matt sat next to me, “I’m sorry i freaked out. I love you, you know that right?” I nodded at his words.
“I’m sorry i disappointed you guys, it was so bad, matt, it hurt so much-” I let out a sob before he pulled me in for a hug, kissing my cheek and letting me cry in his chest, i heard him sniffle in my ear.
“You didn’t disappoint us, okay? We love you, so so much, nothing will change that. We don’t put you in our videos because you were to young, but your older now so you can be in as many as you want,” Matt pulled away from the hug and took my face in his hands.
“Okay? we love you, i love you. I’m so sorry, you don’t deserve any of that, you are a beautiful young girl, okay?” Matt whispered, i nodded and he kissed my head. Hugging me again.
Maybe it was okay to be adopted.
I wrote this in like an hour, i hope this was okay. And i hope you guys like it, love you!
Also, should i start a tag list?
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riyahartsalot · 1 year
So my birthday is in a couple of months. Instead of drawing something for myself, I'm going to make something for my brother and sister. They left 3 years ago, and now I wanna do smth special for them since it's been a while.
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elisabeta-darling · 1 year
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firelance2361 · 2 years
Spider Siblings (Oliverse)
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Just a little sentimental Oliverse piece I did of Oliver Osnick/Steel Spider having a heart to heart moment with his little sister Sadie Osnick/Spindle.
I did this little piece because since Ollie had a problematic experience as Spider-Kid in his youth, I would think he’d have little moments like this with his sister to make sure she doesn’t make the same mistakes he did.
Hope you like it!
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ceydsmelayne · 2 years
Protector.4. ACTED
There's our backstory. Now we've come to this moment in our journey. I have to say, I'm incredibly drained. I bring her fresh clothes. I tried to sneak in a Reese's, but the office found it. I continued go up to the hospital and stand outside the window and wave to her. We dance and be silly, like we when were kids. She's cries. I cry when I leave. I will move mountains for this girl, and I'll drain myself of every last bit of energy I have. Does she know it? Is she taking advantage of me? Will she return to being cold and emotionless towards me? I have hope this time... The way she cries for my hugs and love; I know I'm her safe place. I know I am. I feel her energy needing the safety of me. Something I'm learning, feeling other's energy; blessing and burden.
The longest week of our story thus far. I hoped the time she spent there would help her see the life she has isnt so bad. Perspective. She is loved and has so much to offer.
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daletraita · 2 months
Testo della canzone “Little Sister” di Elvis Presley
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daletrafra · 3 months
Voir les paroles de la chanson “Little Sister” de Elvis Presley
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