#Live Poker Game in Delhi
livepokerdelhi-blog · 5 years
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How to Play The Poker Game | Live Cash Home Games in South Delhi
The Poker Game is a very famous and Interesting Game. Many people are playing this game but some people do not play because they want to play at home they cannot go away. Here in this Platform, you can play the Live Cash Home Games
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playpokerguru · 5 years
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 Play the Live Cash Home Poker Games in South Delhi
The poker game is a very Famous and interesting Game. Many Peoples wants to a play poker game online and offline, there is much difference between offline and online poker game but you can play both online and offline poker with Play Poker Guru. We are providing the cash Home games and regular cash game tournaments in Delhi for more information call on this number + 9999924385 and visit on this site  :  www.playpokerguru.com
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livepokerclub · 4 years
play real money online poker with safe and secure.
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playpokerguru invites you to play real #money online #poker with safe and secure deposit and cash out options. Fast #Deposit & #Withdrawals Cash Out/Deposit #Anytime To 10K/20K/30/50K Buying Minimum TO #Play Daily #Tournament http://playpokerguru.com | +91 9999924385
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kalebanderson · 3 years
Play Online Poker in Indonesia
If you love playing poker and wish to play online in an enjoyable way, then India is one of the best destinations for you. India is one of the world's leading nations when it comes to poker. You can enjoy playing your favorite game in this country. There are many online poker rooms in India which provide you a great gaming experience and provide you great prizes as well. In order to know more about the different types of online poker rooms, you have to take some time out of your hectic schedule and explore the online poker rooms in India.
The best part about playing online poker games in India is that you can do so from the safety of your home. You can play poker games with people from any corner of the world. No matter if you are living in New York or Delhi, you can play poker games in India. There are many players from all around the world who are enjoying the benefits of playing online idn poker games. In fact, India is becoming a hot destination for playing online poker games because there are a number of websites that offer great gaming experience to its visitors.
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When you are looking for a safe and secure gaming site where you can play your favorite games, then India can offer you a lot of options. There are a number of reasons as to why online gambling has flourished in India. One of the reasons is that India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. People from all over the world have been attracted towards the various benefits of online gambling in India. With so much popularity of online casinos in India, more people are trying to get registered as members of these sites.
Moreover, India is one of the safest countries in the world. The government has taken all possible precautions to discourage people from playing online poker in any corner of the world. Hence, you will not be asked for any kind of registration fee when you play poker online in India. Also, there are certain laws which regulate the operation of online casinos and there is no room for money laundering in the country. Thus, you can be sure that you will be safe while playing online poker in India.
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rosy-night-sky · 5 years
Of Treasure and Adventure
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Genre: Treasure hunter/Indiana Jones AU
Pairing: Ot7 x reader
Summary: Your grandmother gave you a gift that she won in a game, so naturally you are curious as to the origins of it. A decision was then made that you should seek the answers to your questions. However, you never expected your decision to lead you on a treasure hunting quest.
Tag List: @sevenincubistolemyheart
Chapter 1
The endless chatter and commotion of the marketplace echoed throughout of New Delhi. Various shopkeepers and traders yelled out their so called amazing products or the astonishing sales. Silks, spices, foods, animals, anything you could think of was there. Products were sold and coin flowed in steadily, although not as rapidly as before.
However, you weren’t here to trade or buy anything, although many things did happen to catch your eye. No, you were a reporter sent by a British newspaper company to cover the events of the growing Indian independence movement. The movement had caused quite a stir back in England, and the people there are anxious on what will become of India.
Honestly, although as a reporter you weren’t allowed to give your opinion, you were in the minority among the British, believing that India had a right to become independent from the imperializing country. The British, of course, acted cruel to the natives of the country, acting like they were no more than servants.
In addition to your assignment, you decided to take care of another issue. In your possession, handed to you from your grandmother, you had a small, ornate tapestry heavily influenced with Indian design. You were rather curious on the origins of the item and whether or not it was deemed valuable. You had already gone to many historians, but they all said that it was nothing of note.
You obviously weren’t going to take that as an answer and realized that you could only find what you were looking for by going to its home country, which was why you were currently entering a building acting like you were about to conduct some shady business. You got in contact with a historian who was willing to look at your tapestry and try to see if he could search for it origins. You were elated when he agreed to help you, and you couldn’t help the bubbly feeling of nervous excitement rush through you as you climbed the steps to the place where you both agreed to meet.
The floor you landed on looked like it was supposed to be a fancy bar, what with the fine tablecloths and baskets upon baskets of flowers littered everywhere. You saw many British military men chatting and drinking with familiar company. You ignored them and looked for the historian, who happened to be seated on the balcony looking over the city.
You strolled over to him and stuck your hand out. “Dr. Kim, I presume,” you greeted with a smile.
The man tore his gaze from the ongoings down below and turned his attention to you, a bright smile stretching from ear to ear. The first thing you noticed was how handsome and professional he appeared. His gray suit was nicely pressed without so much as a single hair or piece of lint on it. He adjusted his round glasses before returning your hand shake. “Miss. Y/l/n, so nice to finally meet you,” he replied. “As much as I’d love to stay and discuss your tapestry, I am currently overlooking a university class trip. So I’m afraid we’ll have to make this meeting quick.”
You nodded in understanding. “This won’t be an issue, doctor. I’m rather eager to hear what you have in store.” You both took a seat, and you found the pillow seats to be rather comfortable although quite worn from use.
“Now then,” Dr. Kim began, “may I?”
Once more, you nodded and grabbed the folded cloth from your leather bag. You placed it on the table before unfolding it to reveal the intricate image woven into it centuries ago. Although many colors graced it, it was beginning to fade from age. You could only imagine how vibrant it must’ve looked when it was first crafted.
Dr. Kim adjusted his glasses once more as he took in the history before him. You could practically see the wheels and gears turn in his mind. His eyes scanned it rather intensely, as if it was the last piece of Indian history on earth. Finally, he lifted his eyes up to you with a questioning look. “May I ask where you got this?” he asked, his hand cupping his chin in thought.
You smiled fondly as you recalled the memory. “My grandmother gave it to me. She told me she won it in a game of poker from an Indian lord back in the day,” you chuckled. You and your grandmother were always very close, and you were sad to remember how she passed away just a year prior to this trip. Perhaps she was the reason why you were so adamant on finding answers to the mystery of this tapestry.
The historian laughed almost breathily, and you noticed the cute dimples form as his lips formed a smile. “I should have figured, this doesn’t look like something that an Indian lord would be willing to part with.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and slight curiousity. “How so?” you prodded further.
He spread out his arms and if to say behold. “Well, this is finely made for starters, only the best quality of thread was used to craft this, and it is nicely preserved as well. The style of design used here suggests that this was made during the classic period of India,” he explained, his eyebrows raised in astonishment.
Unfortunately, you weren’t quite informed on the history of India. So you couldn’t exactly place a year on that given information. “So when’s that?” you asked, feeling a tiny bit embarrassed on how ignorant you were.
“Well...” His voice trailed off as his mind went to work. “If I had to pick a year. I’d say this was made in the early hundreds... B.C.” He rubbed a hand on his neck, as if he couldn’t believe what he was saying.
Your jaw fell unceremoniously as you could feel the air in your lungs disappear instantly. “You’re saying I’ve been carrying an artifact... that’s thousands of years old...?”
He laughed sheepishly and nodded, which only lurched your stomach to your throat. You almost used that tapestry as a napkin on multiple occasions. Also, how on earth has this thing not unraveled or dissolved yet?! “Holy shit...” you breathed out.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “Like I said, this has been preserved very well.”
“Um, yeah, I’d say so...” You ran your fingers through your hair. “How come the other historians back in England didn’t have heart attacks over this?”
Dr. Kim shrugged his shoulders, a small smile gracing his lips. “No offense, but British people aren’t interested in Indian history.” He then looked at his wrist watch abruptly. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Miss. Y/l/n, but I’m afraid I have to get going. I have to make sure my students haven’t wandered off and gotten themselves killed.”
You blinked yourself out of your bewildered daze and redirected your attention to the doctor. “Oh! Erm, of course, doctor. This has all been a very...” Your voice trailed off as you searched for the proper word to use in this situation. “... enlightening experience.” You stood up as you said this and made your way back inside.
“Namjoon, I-”
Suddenly, your body collided into another person, causing yourself to lose your balance all but for a moment. You held up your hands as if show how apologetic you were. Your eyes landed upon a much younger man than Dr. Kim. He had a youthful appearance that made it seem as if he hadn’t even graduated college quite yet. He was dressed in a nice, white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, khakis, and brown leather shoes.
You couldn’t help but admire how handsome he was as his chubby cheeks flushed a faint tinge of pink. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “Ah, sorry, ma’am,” he apologized earnestly. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
You lowered your hands and returned a warm smile of your own. “It’s no problem. The fault’s mine, my mind is a little frazzled at the moment,” you explained, chuckling at the end of your statement.
Dr. Kim then stepped into the exchange. “Jungkook, I’d like you to meet Miss. Y/l/n. She is a reporter covering the independence movement.”
Jungkook bowed his head in greeting, his dark hair brushing over his beautiful eyes. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.” You couldn’t help but feel your heart flutter ever so slightly in your chest.
“Jungkook is one of my students,” Dr. Kim informed, a look of pride glimmering in his eyes. “He’s probably here to tell me about the other students, right?”
The student blinked his eyes, as if suddenly remembering why he came up there in the first place. “Oh, yes. Jaehee wanted to show you some pots she believed were made in the eighteenth century.”
The doctor arched an eyebrow in slight interest, digging his hand in his pockets. “Did she now? Well then, I better go and see for myself.” He nodded his head to you. “Miss Y/l/n.” With that, he left with the student. You were now alone with the ancient tapestry. You suddenly felt as if you were unworthy to carry around such a valuable artifact. Perhaps she could donate it to a national museum? Who was she kidding? The British might get wind of it and steal it for themselves.
You grabbed the tapestry and exited the bar, heading down the stairs, your footsteps echoing off the walls. You couldn’t believe it. Your grandmother won a two millennia tapestry in a game of cards. If you went to the right people, you could end up a millionaire. Finally, you could live an easy life without scrambling around for every odd job.
As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you were just about to put the tapestry back in your leather bag, but a cheery voice suddenly spoke up. “That’s quite a drape you have there.”
You turned your head to the source of the sound and found yourself looking at a small, make-shift shop set up in the far back area of the room. Colorful blankets and curtains hung around to give the shop a rather bohemian appearance. The shopkeeper sat on a comfy looking pillow behind his stand, looking up at you with a sweet smile.
Curiousity piqued your interest as you took a few steps at the shop. You brushed away a few giant leaves from the potted plants arranged at the sides of his stall. His whole vibrant arrangement gave off a rather magical, almost fairytale aesthetic.
“It’s not a drape,” you corrected him. “It’s a tapestry.”
He tilted his head to the side quizzically. “What is the difference between a drape and a tapestry?” he questioned, his chin resting on his folded hands.
You pondered on it for a few moments. “A tapestry has images on it, I suppose.”
“I guess you’re right there,” he replied, a rich laughter escaping his lips.
You looked at a sign standing next to him that was written in both Indian and English. “Hope’s... World...?” you read questioningly.
He smiled sweetly again. “My wish is for my products to be the solution for all your hopes and dreams.” He gestured for you to sit on the pillow laid out on the other side of where he was sitting.
You accepted his invitation and sat down, mostly because you were curious of what this shop exactly was. “So then... Mr...?”
“Hoseok,” he introduced himself, extending a hand out to you, which you shook. You then gave him your name
“Alright then, Hoseok, what is it that you do exactly?” you asked, noticing all the different spices and herbs strewn about on various shelves.
Suddenly, Hoseok got up from his seat and moved toward the back shop. “I’m what you call in your language a tea merchant,” he explained. “I simply sell teas that help ease all your troubles away.” He then returned with two cups and a steaming pot. He sat back down on his pillow and poured the warm liquid in both cups, offering you one.
You gladly accepted the drink and sipped on it, tasting the sweet spices on your tongue. “Is this chai tea?” you questioned, quirking an eyebrow.
He laughed again, setting the pot to the side. “Ah, you British, you know your teas very well.” He then whispered, “It’s a secret recipe of mine. My mother would kill me if I told you.”
You then smiled as you took another drink. “Say no more, I had a grandmother who has an amazing custard tart that she said she’d take to her grave,” you recalled, chuckling at the fond memories. Your mind began to relax and feel calm. You were unsure if it was because of the tea or the soothing atmosphere of the tea shop that calmed you.
Hoseok gave you an excited grin. “May I see your tapestry, please?” He bounced on his pillow like a child opening his presents on Christmas. You couldn’t help but comply with what he asked. After all, it was merely two thousand years old. What’s the worst that could happen?
As you unfolded the tapestry, Hoseok viewed it over intently, running his long fingers over the fabric. He seemed absolutely enthralled by the worn pictures and faded colors. His childlike eyes ran over the tapestry over and over again, taking everything in as if he would never see it ever again. He finally tore his gaze away and looked up with a knowing smile. “This tells a story, you know,” he revealed, catching you off guard.
You raised your eyebrows in astonishment. “Really?”
He nodded eagerly. “Yes, you see these people here...” He pointed to a group of people who appeared to be fleeing away from soldiers on horses, who were firing their bows upon them. You couldn’t help but feel slight pity for them, but nonetheless nodded. “These aren’t Indians at all. They are, in fact, my ancestors, Koreans, fleeing from their homeland from the Chinese in 108 B.C.” He then pointed at the soldiers. “My people fled to protect the most valuable treasure in our kingdom. The Dragon of the Stars, said to be made of every precious gemstone on earth.” He moved his finger back to animated Korean who was carrying something in his arms, but the color was too faded to really decipher what it was. On the other hand, you could barely make out the outline of what appeared to be a small dragon. However, you would have never known it was a dragon if Hoseok hadn’t pointed it out.
The tea seller continued, “My people fled to the one place the Chinese couldn’t reach, where this tapestry was made.”
“India,” you breathed out, followed by a stifled yawn. “I’m sorry, I don’t find this boring. Please continue.”
Hoseok chuckled. “I suppose it has been a very exciting day for you. It certainly has been for me now that I’ve seen this.” His eyes crawled back down to the tapestry. “You are a lucky woman to have this. I’d estimate this would cost a few million.”
You leaned against your propped up arm, finding your eyelids to grow heavier and heavier by the second. “A few million?” You drawled out, yawning once more. “That’s a lot... Say, Hoseok, how could you tell this explained that story just by looking at it?”
Hoseok smiled, finding your drowsy attitude to be rather cute. “I guess you could say I’ve always been interested in the history of my people.”
You mumbled in agreement. “I should be going now. I don’t know why I’m suddenly exhausted right now.” You reached out to grab the tapestry, content with the knowledge Hoseok shared with you. In fact, once you rested up, you were definitely going to find someone who would pay the right price for this.
You could see the deflated look in Hoseok’s eyes, but he reluctantly allowed you to leave. “Here, let me help you,” he offered, folding up the tapestry into a neat pile.
You were about to help him when a huge bout of exhaustion overwhelmed you. You swayed from side to side, finding the floor to sway as you wobbled. Your eyelids felt as if weights hung from them, dragging them down further by the second. You felt as if you hadn’t slept in a week.
“Hoseok...” you mumbled before suddenly collapsing to the floor.
The last thing you saw before you fell into unconsciousness was Hoseok smiling sweetly upon you with the radiance of a thousand suns. He looked absolutely heavenly, as if he was a god come down to bestow his blessings upon you. “Sweet dreams, Y/n...”
You obeyed him and fell into a deep sleep.
“Who are you?”
“You may call me Mr. Kim... Kim Seokjin...”
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pokerindelhi · 2 years
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Let’s fun with Full action Live Poker Games at the best poker club in delhi.
join poker in delhi
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playpokerguru · 8 years
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Poker Players in South Delhi | Live Cash Home Games
#Live #cash house and a #livecashgame #play only place in South Delhi / NCR, #Gurgaon safe place to be is in full action with #home #games. Just contact me at + 91 to 9999924385 to get #poker schedules. #Live #poker in Delhi | Live poker #games on www.playpokerguru.com
#pokerindelhi, #poker, #teenpatti, #Livecashhomegame, #PokerinSouthDelhi
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livepokerclub · 2 years
Poker In Delhi
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We at play poker guru offers the widest range of Real Money poker tournaments (Texas Hold'em and Omaha) round the clock with mammoth cash prizes. Just Call Now +91 9999924385
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pokerindelhi · 2 years
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searching for the top online poker sites? we are at play poker guru, the safest platform to play live and online poker with all type of poker game variations like PLO4, PLO5, TEXAS HOLD'EM, NLH, OFC etc. join live poker in delhi now
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Here’s What You Need To Know About Live Poker Games In Bangalore!
If you are looking for the latest trend in southern India, live poker games in Bangalore are the answer! People are fast taking to its online variant as well but there is a signature charm that comes only with playing the game live. You can look at players around you, observe them and even second guess what they are thinking. There is also a charm in touching that green-coloured felt with your hands and looking at your cards as you place your bets. This article will also offer some insights about how live poker games in India are challenging the misconceptions about this game.
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Put in simple terms, live poker games are the ‘ancestors’ of present day online poker gaming and they are as challenging as anything. It is true that online poker is more comfortable to play and has many other perks but the adrenaline rush that you get from live poker is exemplary. With six players seated around a table turns into an exciting time from the word go. There is a continuous trial of reading each other's body language, the harder trial of maintaining one's poker face and then, celebrating each action without getting compromised before the showdown.
The state capital of Karnataka is fast coming to terms with this new trend, and a lot of thanks should go to live poker games in Bangalore for the same. Being a hi-tech city and the IT capital of the country, it is jam -packed with professionals who work in MNCs throughout the day and they cool off to learn and win through poker. Bangalore has several live poker rooms but also the residents of Bangalore have a special love for poker as well. As one continues to learn and evolve, it becomes clear to him that ‘old is gold.’ Live poker games in India help players to gel with fellow players better and to learn their strategies.
As live poker games in India are on their way up, our country is switching stands with people taking poker as their profession. The popularity of poker is increasing with every passing day and Indian representation at international felts has increased manifold in the past years.
Indian Online Poker In Delhi
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The national capital is not ignorant to poker either. ‘Indian online poker in Delhi’ is another popular search term that the Delhiites are breaking the internet with and this is turning the city into a hub of online gaming. This is because this variant is flexible, mobile and is completely independent of your location. You can play in your home or even as you board metro on your way back. You can play poker and go on winning just as easily with its variety of stakes and buy-ins.
No matter whether you choose to play live or online variants of poker, you need to play on a trusted website that offers you an unbiased view to learning and playing the game. You can check for promotional events and bonuses, and your feasibility to play a particular variant.
Poker is booming in India, and we welcome you to be a part of it!
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livepokerdelhi-blog · 5 years
Join The Delhi Poker Club for Play the Poker Games - PlayPokerGuru
Join The Delhi Poker Club for Play the Poker Games – PlayPokerGuru
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Join The Delhi Poker Club for Play the Poker Games – PlayPokerGuru
Hello Poker Players,
Here we are inviting you to play poker games at a comfortable and affordable platform with lots of fun, fresh & delicious food, drinks, unlimited enjoyment, and also poker players. Just click and call for finding the poker tournaments, poker table booking at affordable prices. Here the Real Poker Games for…
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livepokerclub · 6 years
Sit and Go for Fun in Live Poker!
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Join live poker schedules in Delhi. Get the latest poker schedule here on this website. Poker means simply the set of card games played for money and fun. It is usually played in groups and sometimes alone too. If you are looking for a home environment to host a lavish poker party on your own, then you have come to the right place. Contact us to organize a poker bash at your home for real money. Play for real money from the comfort of your own home. Drop a text or call on Saurabh Jain +91-9999924385 at Poker table start in south Delhi. To More visit:- www.playpokerguru.com
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rummyaddatnbt · 4 years
Top 10 Rummy Game Applications
Currently, we all are in the lockdown mode, trying to decide on which online Rummy app to download from the Playstore or the internet. It is a time-consuming task. Why? Because there are many unsafe websites and applications that indulge in various malicious activities like Phishing for example. So if you’re interested in a good game even if you don’t know how to play Rummy, here is a list of a few trustworthy Rummy online free applications that you can download.
1.Rummy Adda
This is a platform that is steadily rising in popularity every day! It sports a simple and user-friendly interface with high-speed internet connectivity. Gamers can indulge in individual or multiplayer 13-Card Indian online Rummy game with stringent anti-fraud security and world-class payment gateways. Their main aim is to promote Rummy as a game where players need to apply their strategic intellect and quick analytical skills.
2.Rummy Circle
Probably the first name that crops up in anyone’s mind if they wish to play the online Rummy game. With over 10 million downloads on Google PlayStore, it is unmistakably the largest and most well-known platform for Indian Rummy with over 45,00,000 daily users. Their only drawback is the frequent lag-time during multi-player games and while cashing out the amount won.  
3.Indian Rummy by Octro
Another famous game that is played worldwide by over 5 lakh people at a time. It is a verified game that has live tables for online Rummy and is available on Google PlayStore for free. Octro is a technology and gaming company based out of Delhi that was founded in 2006. Their only flaw is probably their outdated UI that has barely changed over time.
4.unglee Rummy
Junglee Rummy is currently ranked 29,016th in the world as per its daily engagements and downloads. One of its biggest strengths is its focus on responsible gaming. They relay advice and tips to all their players about responsibly placing bets and allows users to set a daily wager limit. They fall back, however, when it comes to legitimate gaming. They have often been accused of placing dummy players to have the winning hand.
5.Gin Rummy Plus
If you love playing games that have excellent aesthetic appeal with brilliant graphics than this is the game for you. Widely recognised in India and abroad, Gin Rummy Plus is as fun and entertaining as it claims to be. But it’s far from perfect as they have unprecedented glitches or sudden interruptions.
6.Rummy on MPL Live
MPL Live is a host platform that offers a grand collection of many interesting small games. Online Rummy is one of the most sought after games on their profile. They have recently driven a nationwide TVC campaign of showcasing players who have won big on the app. But like you must have guessed, it doesn’t offer a seamless experience due to large volumes of data on the app.
7.KhelPlay Rummy
This is a niche site that offers a good game of Indian Rummy. Launched in 2012, it has a certification from iTech Labs for the validation of its software. They have worked hard to have a loyal following that bestows them with positive reviews. But unlike many other games, this app doesn’t offer a fancy interface, which may put off users with boredom.
8.Deccan Rummy
Deccan Rummy came into existence in 2013 and since has established a glorious reputation for providing impeccable customer service. They get frequent complaints about having a dummy player or payment failures. However, they have a fairly good interface and offer a smooth gaming experience.
Founded in 2005, as one of the oldest Rummy platforms in India it has managed to garner a consistent following. They provide adequate safety and encourage users to play responsibly as well. However, they have failed to stay abreast with modern times. They need to make necessary interface changes to make it more engaging to younger audiences.
Due to the wide-spread popularity of its parent application Adda52 for Poker, Adda52Rummy is an equally, if not a little more, successful Indian Rummy spin-off of the same app. While it does publish some really responsible gamer policies, this application doesn’t possess any form of certification from any authority.
While all aforementioned apps have their own reasons to be famous, Rummy Adda offers a great balance of excellent interface, payment safety, and great user policies. So what are you waiting for? Join the fun now, download the app from here: rummyadda
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'I completely lost it': the movie scenes that made our writers weep
New Post has been published on https://writingguideto.com/must-see/i-completely-lost-it-the-movie-scenes-that-made-our-writers-weep-2/
'I completely lost it': the movie scenes that made our writers weep
From Toy Story 2 to Under the Skin, writers pick the cinematic moments that made them cry and explain why. Spoilers ahead
Aunt Lucys trip, Paddington 2
On the face of it, Paddington is a fairly broad kids film franchise about the hijinks of a CGI bear, and so probably shouldnt make a grown human cry hot, salty tears. But that description ignores the fact that Paddington is a really, really well-made kids film franchise about the hijinks of a CGI bear, one that completely gets the pathos of its central character, a little lost immigrant searching for something resembling a family. Both films ably tug at the heartstrings, but the second film got me sniffling as early as 15 minutes in when Paddington imagines giving his only living relative, Aunt Lucy, a tour around London, something that in reality is impossible as shes stuck thousands of miles away in darkest Peru. When at the end of the film spoiler alert Aunt Lucy arrives on the Brown familys doorstep and she and Paddington hug, I completely, unapologetically lost it. Lord knows what surprises Paddington 3 has planned for my tear ducts. GM
When She Loved Me, Toy Story 2
Just before writing this, I put When She Loved Me from Toy Story 2 on YouTube once again, just to check. Yep. Just as always, I choke up, in the same abject, lip-wobbling, head-bowed way. It still has that terrible power.
When She Loved Me is the song written by Randy Newman and sung by the devastated toy cowgirl Jessie and in fact performed, beautifully, on the soundtrack by Canadian singer Sarah McLachlan. The song is Jessies way of telling Woody why she has grimly decided to submit to the airless world of the toy museum, because it is better than the inevitable heartbreak and delusion of loving a fickle human child. She reveals her anguish that her owner, Emily, has fallen out of love with her outgrown her, in fact. As Emily entered the world of adolescence, pop music and boys, Jessie was left under the bed and finally dumped.
When I first saw this scene and misled by the size disparity between toy and owner I thought it was a parable for a childs anxiety over being abandoned by the parent. But now that I am a parent I can see the truth which is completely the opposite way around. It is about the parents fear of being abandoned by the child: the terrible fear, actually the terrible certainty, that the kid one day wont want to play with you. They will grow up and want something else. This song is utterly devastating. It is modern cinemas equivalent of the Vesti La Giubba aria from Pagliacci the tragic clown smiling on the outside but crying on the inside. Im afraid to watch it too often. I dont want to break down over and over again. But I also want to preserve its power over me. PB
Ruths death, Fried Green Tomatoes
In many respects, Fried Green Tomatoes is not a movie for the modern age. It is a story about racism in the deep south told largely by way of eliciting our sympathies for wealthy white characters; it is a story about a lesbian relationship that had to slide its lesbian relationship in unnoticed, by presenting it as a very close friendship fulfilled by food fights, poker games and heads leaning meaningfully on shoulders. But I am deeply fond of this 1991 Sunday afternoon classic. Ive seen it more times than is healthy, and so I know exactly what is coming and when, and yet am still unable to resist the inevitable guttural sobbing that comes with the death scene.
There are plenty of teasers for it, too: Buddy on the train tracks, even Mrs Threadgoode talking about the death of her adult son. Nothing, however, can prepare the viewer for Ruth asking Idgie to tell her the old story about the frozen lake thats now somewhere over in Georgia. It doesnt so much pull on heartstrings as play a full symphony on them, and its devastating. As Sipsey puts it, a lady always knows when to leave. RN
The rooftop dance, Eat Pray Love
While I was repelled by the mere existence of the Eat Pray Love book, I found something strangely charming about its big-screen translation. It was a mixture of glossy food porn, glossy travel porn and glossy Julia Roberts emoting porn (she remains one of the best fake criers in Hollywood) all wrapped up in a rather unique tale of a woman trying to unshackle herself from the men in her life. But while that all provided mostly surface-level enjoyment, one scene cut deeper and the extent to which it cuts surprises me still.
As is often with the case with movie tears, these were tied to a real-world experience that had happened not long before I sat down to watch. I was dumped by a long-term boyfriend without much of an explanation and without any sort of warning. I was heartbroken and seeking some form of closure that was kept cruelly out of reach. I didnt understand why it had happened and it was the not knowing that felt harder than the break-up itself.
In the film, Roberts character has left her flighty husband and remains haunted by the heartbreak shes caused. On a rooftop in Delhi, a vision of him appears and they dance to Neil Youngs heart-grabbing Harvest Moon, the song that was supposed to accompany their first wedding dance. She reminds him that she did love him. He tells her he still loves and misses her. They cry and continue to dance. At the end, she tells him that it wont last forever, nothing does. Its a short scene but it hit me like a bus, it still does now. My tears are for the film but theyre also for something deeper: the sting of loving someone who stopped loving me and the ache of an ending I was never allowed in real life. BL
The thunderstorm, Click
Adam Sandler can make me cry harder than hes ever made me laugh, the true test of a clown. Yes, even in the underappreciated comedy Click about a dad who finds a magical remote control in the Beyond section of Bed Bath & Beyond.
Sandlers workaholic architect fast-forwards through the worst parts of his day the dull weeknight frozen dinners with his family, the repetitive arguments, the gross times everyone gets knocked out by the flu in order to get to his next promotion so he can buy his kids whatever they want. His plan doesnt go well, of course. But whats shocking is how gut-rippingly painful it is to see Sandler hit play on his life only to realize hes skipped past everything that matters. His bodys been present, the bills have been paid, but his emotional engagements been staticky a trade-off too many of us can understand.
In the climax, old man Sandler sobs in a thunderstorm as he arrives at his daughters wedding only to learn shed rather her stepdad walk her down the aisle, and his son has grown up to mimic his job-first, family-second example. I rarely cry at unavoidable tragedies where no ones at fault. My weakness is characters regretting choices they cant rewind. Click isnt Ingmar Bergman Sandler gets a happy ending but I barely saw his relief through the rainstorm on my face. AN
The courtroom, Kramer vs Kramer
By all accounts, Robert Bentons film Kramer vs Kramer skews heavily toward Dustin Hoffmans Ted, whose wife Joanna has left him and their six-year-old son Billy. Billy and Ted make french toast together, or argue about eating ice cream before dinner, or visit the nearby jungle gym. Were it not for Meryl Streep and the trenchant, intuitive way she humanizes a woman who, in the 70s, would have otherwise been made to seem mawkish and unstable Kramer vs Kramer might be just a schmaltzy panegyric on fatherhood.
But leave it to our greatest living actor to turn a film on its head with a single scene. You know the one: Joanna, during the custody hearing, is subjected to a string of sexist questions about her failure as a wife and a mother. When asked why shes seeking custody of Billy, she blinks three times, beginning the monologue Streep herself wrote in an effort to redeem her character, who she initially perceived to be an ogre, a princess, an ass.
Billys only seven years old. He needs me, she says, reciting the word need with a whispery uptick as she glances at her ex. Im not saying he doesnt need his father. But I really believe he needs me more. After catching her breath, she becomes more emphatic: I was his mommy for five and a half years. Since I was about Billys age when my parents got divorced, ergo, too young to understand or even care, Ive always been astonished and, by proxy, moved by how compassionately Streep plumbs the depths of Joannas truth. JN
The beach, Under the Skin
Little focuses the mind more effectively on human distress than the arrival of your own kids; scenes in films which I might once have snoozed through now induce boggle-eyed terror OH MY GOD, DONT LEAVE THAT BABY NEAR THAT COFFEE TABLE, IT HASNT GOT A CORNER PROTECTOR! But nothing has topped at least, not yet the scene in Under the Skin where Scarlett Johansson murders a swimmer and drags him off to eat him.
Its not the murder thats so epically upsetting, though its gruesome enough: Johansson, playing an alien visitor permanently on the lookout for human nutrients, simply bangs him over the head with a large stone as he lies prone and exhausted on the beach. Its what goes on in the background that is so awful. A woman goes into the water to try and rescue her drowning dog, and her male partner instinctively rushes in after her, leaving their toddler alone high on the shore. Johanssons chum the only other adult on this lonely Scottish beach goes to help too.
With the speed of falling dominoes, a nice little day out unravels: the mother and father are swept away to who knows where, and the alien takes her chance to acquire their would-be rescuer as a food source. Meanwhile, the suddenly abandoned kid is shrieking in terror as the night closes in. Another, less astute film-maker, might cap the scene with the alien scooping the kid up and adding him to her dinner menu, but what Glazer contrives is absolutely horrifying. Johansson-alien simply ignores it, and leaves it alone. The film moves on, this incident consigned to the past.
I have to confess I was absolutely blindsided by the scene; mostly, I think, because of the its sheer unexpectedness. I think I was gripped by a kind of internal hysteria: shock, hyperventilation, a feeling the back of my head might explode. (I cant say I actually cried though I may have, but in the confusion I cant really remember.) I certainly had to hold on to the seat to stop myself bolting out of the cinema then and there. I am aware theres a some degree of self-indulgence here: the fact that my daughter was about the same age as the kid in the film undoubtedly super-sensitised my reactions. But everyone has their weak spot; this is very much mine. AP
The birth, Cheaper by the Dozen 2
Cheaper by the Dozen 2, if you havent seen it you probably havent, why would you have? is the sequel to the remake of family comedy Cheaper by the Dozen, and Im sure it was made because Steve Martin, the star of the franchise, needed to pay his mortgage. The main gist of the movie is that Martin and his wife, played by Bonnie Hunt, have 12 children who get into various japes. Its asinine. But during a time in my life when I was making a lot of transatlantic flights, Cheaper By the Dozen 2 was always an option on the British Airways seatback televisions, and one day I found, because of the frequency of my flights, I had watched all of the other films.
What choice did I have? At the climactic scene, where the oldest daughter, played by Piper Perabo, gives birth, and then names the baby after her father because he has shown her that there is no way to be a perfect parent, but a million ways to be a really good one, I cried so much the man sitting next to me regarded me with what appeared to be real concern. There may have not been enough cocktail napkins on the whole plane to dry my tears. Was it the recycled air? Was it the two miniature bottles of white wine? Or was it that a joyful childbirth scene can warm the cockles of even the coldest of hearts? JHE
The accidental reunion, Manchester by the Sea
Weve got a real talent for repression back in Massachusetts. Kenneth Lonergans searing Manchester by the Sea plays out a 15-minute drive from my childhood home and, true to life, the characters all struggle to articulate the perfect storms of emotion raging within them.
When Lee (Casey Affleck) has a chance encounter with his ex-wife Randi (Michelle Williams), the shared history between them is literally unspeakable. They sputter out fragments of sentences that act as a shorthand for vast reservoirs of guilt and self-loathing they cant bear to express, and because they know one another so intimately, they can intuit all the meaning they have to. Theyve both shoved a lot deep down inside just so they can look at themselves in the mirror, and when in the presence of the only other person on the planet who understands what theyve been through, some of it has to come out. Randi does most of the talking, inviting Lee to lunch so they can get some closure, and he ends the conversation by walking away. Shes ready to face her past and be fully present in the new life shes built for herself. Lee, a North Shore boy born and bred, feels more comfortable starting a bar fight as his form of therapy. CB
The hotel, Unrelated
Joanna Hoggs first film, Unrelated, has had something of a second life on account of being the debut of Tom Hiddleston, and set during a Tuscan summer, which means swimming pool, which means toplessness, and lots of it. Its nice to imagine the Loki-lovers streaming this masterpiece of English upper-middle-class excruciation. As its ending shows, specificity is no barrier to emotional oomph.
The story sees a woman in her early 40s, Anna (Kathryn Worth), holidaying with old friends and their teenage children. She finds she prefers the company of the kids, especially the charming Oakley (Hiddleston, then 26, playing eight years younger). The holiday implodes. Anna goes to stay at a grim airport hotel. Her friend visits, crossly wanting to know whats behind her behaviour. Anna explains that, quite recently, she thought she was pregnant but no, in fact, it was an early menopause. Shell never be able to have children. She sobs and bends double on the bed. It is shot in one take, from the middle distance, acted with a banal frankness which feels like eavesdropping.
When I saw it a decade back, it floored me: a twist I hadnt foreseen, a pain I could only imagine. A few years ago, I began consciously avoiding the film, fearful a similar fate awaited me. Now I can safely watch it again or, I thought I could, but Hogg is much too superb and mysterious a film-maker for that. It isnt simply the information which is terrible, it is the dreadful catharsis of its expression, coming after so much obfuscation. The stifle has gone; instead there is the most awful sadness. Buttoning up is often the bravest way. CS
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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