#Living Room CAD Designs
shalin-designs · 4 months
Transform Your Living Room with Our CAD Design Services
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Transforming your living room into a space that reflects your unique style and meets your functional needs has never been easier with Shalin Designs CAD design services. By leveraging advanced CAD technology, we provide you with a virtual walkthrough of your dream living room before any physical changes begin. This allows for precise planning, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision and requirements. From visualizing different layouts and maximizing functionality to incorporating custom storage solutions, our CAD designs make your renovation process seamless and stress-free.
Our global network of skilled designers will work closely with you to create a living room that is not only beautiful but also highly functional. We prioritize your needs, optimizing space, and ensuring smooth traffic flow. With our CAD design services, you can make confident decisions, knowing exactly how your living room designs will look and function. Say goodbye to renovation anxiety and hello to a streamlined, efficient process that saves you time and money in the long run.
At Shalin Designs, we are committed to transforming your living room from a dream to reality. Please feel free to contact us today for a free consultation and discover the endless possibilities our CAD design services offer. Let's create a space that truly reflects your personality and enhances your lifestyle.
For more information, visit https://shalindesigns.com/blog/transform-your-living-room-with-cad-design-services/
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live-sofiabulous · 1 year
5 Interior design tips for living room.
1. Focus on functionality: Before you begin decorating, consider how you use the space. If you frequently host guests, consider comfortable seating arrangements and an open layout that encourages conversation. If you prefer to watch TV or movies, consider arranging seating to face the screen and including a comfortable sofa or sectional. 2. Choose a color scheme: Decide on a color scheme that…
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whirligig-girl · 3 months
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Eaurp Guz's roughly 1:30 scale live-steam model of Slaibsgloth Coal Railroad No.32, a ~1.6 meter gauge 2-8-8-2 garratt steam locomotive built on planet Mellanus in (earth-)year 2346 and retired in 2379 (two years ago) for service bringing coal carriages from the coal pits up to the interchange at the Glooiw & North Eastern. It is unusual for a coal burning steam engine to remain in revenue service--the majority that remained in use after the development of Diesel-Hydraulics were decommissioned with nuclear-powered railway electrification in the 2360s, and the ones that remained were mostly converted to oil burning. The Slaibsgloth steam engines meanwhile persisted right up until the closure of the coal mine. Glooiw & North Eastern has acquired the 40 locomotives. Their fates are uncertain but railway preservation groups remain optimistic.
When Guz first came aboard the Cerritos she was overworking herself constantly, which lead to her being so tired that she was leaving residues on the consoles and generally doing sloppier work. It turned out that Guz had been working double shifts, and when Billups found out he put a stop to that. That's when Guz turned to a hobby she'd done a lot of before joining starfleet--model rocketry. Armed with far more advanced tools than she'd had on Mellanus, she made accurate working model replicas of real historical prewarp spacecraft from a variety of planets and would fly them in real space whenever possible.
Eventually, she also found a new appreciation for her childhood love of trains, and her model-making skills and tools translated well to model railroading as well. She has a little shelf layout in storage that she occasionally tinkers with, and she runs large scale model trains on the holodeck. She could run full-scale holographic trains on the holodeck too of course, but it wouldn't be nearly as satisfying. And then there's the 1:5600 scale BM-gauge railroad she's building on a microscope slide! (Bµ gauge is "Byte micrometer" gauge or a track spacing of 256 µm)
Guz eventually wants to build a roughly 1:80 scale modular layout of the Slaibsgloth Coal Mine, with smaller scale electric-powered models of the Slaibsgloth coal-burning steam engines and enough track to wrap around a room and give them a good run, but unless she can rally support for a Cerritos chapter of the Starfleet Rail Transport Modelling Club or she can get her own crew quarters, it's a pipe dream--or maybe something for her retirement.
Replicators and advanced computer aided design tools reduce the amount of time it takes to get modelling projects done by whatever factor is desired. Technically Guz could probably replicate fully assembled working models as long as they fit in the replicator bed, but where's the fun in that? But she's still only got so much time in an off-shift, and doing it 'properly,' scratch-built using machine tools like 'real' modellers on Mellanus, or manually defining all of the geometry in a CAD program like modellers on Earth, would take too much time.
see also: alt versions of the locomotive.
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see-arcane · 2 years
Summary: Within the mad and macabre months caught in Dracula's fangs, we have seen wolves and bats and rats forced to work toward evil results.
Now let's see the difference a cat can make.
For a proper visual for the eponymous Meward, head to Tumblr user @myroomismytardis' amazing blog and take a look at all the cat-ified characters from classic literature on display. Jack Meward, the little black cat with the gigantic eyes, is just one of many fine furry friends in The League of Extraordinary Kittyfolk. Thank you for making such an inspiring design, friend.
Ao3 link here
“Intolerable, unacceptable, and utterly, irrevocably insufferable. That’s you, you pretender. Yes, I said it! Pretender! Fraud! The most insidiously false example of your kind there ever was or will be! No, don’t you dare deny it. These last few weeks have been more than proof enough that you are entirely unsuited to the task required, to say nothing of your whole line. Nay, your full genus. And look at you there gloating! As if you were as proud to disappoint your bloodline as much as me! You little cad!”
Dr. John Seward had been standing outside the door with two attendants for the past five minutes listening to this and similar diatribes concerning some unknown traitor to a joint cause. There had been insults flung their way and apparent insults implied in silence as the man scoffed and gasped over his affronted sensibilities, stalking the room as he did. So far there had been rants and rancor and richest ire thrown about in such a way as to make the most churlish heirs pale before their fathers. Indeed, there was such a lilt to Renfield’s aggravation that it spoke of an almost paternal disappointment. He had worked and he had slaved and reared this unknown other up with his own two hands, and for what? Disobedience! Abuse! Mockery!
And so the ramble would circle around again.
John passed a glance to the men bookending the other side of the doorframe as if he might read an explanation on their faces. But no, his own confusion was reflected there. It was a strange twist in a madman already so full of sporadic facets, but this one doubly so for its seeming divergence from the major habits of his illness. Whether he was plying John for bait and animals to feast on for power’s sake or hailing the sudden religious apparition he had crowned with the imagined ability to bestow nameless gifts, there appeared to be a central focus on acquiring new strength for himself as constant motive. An impetus that always involved turning his gaze upward to cozen or coax for boons.
Now here he was inventing some entity to berate; an accomplice responsible for deceiving him or spoiling some goal outright. It wouldn’t be an entirely shocking result in other patients. Even ordinary prisoners of long sentences were known to either seek out or manifest some subordinate other to exercise authority over. But Renfield, he of the legion of flies, spiders, and birds, oh my, was already a veritable Cronus lording over a throng of tiny lives at his mercy. Perhaps he’d assigned some personification to one them..?
But no. That way laid the issue of many a new farmer or butcher who found themselves abruptly unable to take the blade to whatever livestock they’d made the mistake of naming and petting as they fattened.
“Look at this!” Renfield suddenly barked, stomping his way to another corner of the room. “Just look how simple I made it for you! Sitting there, whole and ready, and still you go for only a sip and nibble of what’s brought in the other way! Disgraceful. Wholly disgraceful. What? Oh, don’t you pretend it’s a matter of inability. You’re well past drinking alone. Yet even with what you’ve gained, still, still you are a mere mote. A speck. A crumb among the veritable giants that slink and prowl so efficiently on their lonesome. I could flick you right back out, do you know that? I could! You are that laughable a specimen!”
Renfield stalked and stomped and huffed. Then, in a conspiring tone:
“In fact, I will. I will flick you out. But not by the way you slunk in, oh no. You’ll not break in again, you cheat, you burglar of time and effort. There are authorities about who can deal with you in expert fashion. You are evicted as of today. Oh? Think I’m bluffing?” There was a sudden pounding against Renfield’s side of the door, so quick and heavy it rattled the thing in its frame. “Doctor! Get Dr. Seward here at once! There is an intruder in my room! Doctor!”
The attendants looked to him. John nodded. When they unlocked the door, Renfield was in his usual safe distance from the threshold, his arms crossed in a manner that seemed more fitting for a landlord smug at the sight of the police coming to remove an itinerant tenant.
“Well, what fair timing that you were passing by.”
“So it was. I heard you have someone here you want to be rid of?”
“Most expediently. I have tried, Dr. Seward. Most earnestly and most fruitlessly I have tried to wring the results and compliance I’d hoped for from this lost cause of a fellow inmate, but I can try no more. The cause with him is hopeless because he is hopeless. Mad I may be, but at least before him I did not suffer the madness of one trying to grow a tree from a beansprout or, more aptly, trying to yield a full harvest from a field of salt. If ever there was an entity made on this Earth who could order their very anatomy to be an instrument of sabotage, it is the preening villain who has imposed on my hospitality and patience.
“Weeks! Nearly an entire month I have tried to make progress with the thing, and I’ve barely an ounce of proof to show for it on him! And his stubbornness! His stubbornness, or else sheer weak-willed cowardice in the face of instinct, has frustrated me as I never thought possible for so insignificant a creature to inflict! I cannot tolerate his presence any longer and I plead, no, demand you excise the lout before I am forced to take my own measures.”
John nodded cautiously at this. Inwardly he was ticking over the possible responses he might have to make to appease the man without sparking some new fury. Did he expect them to pantomime carrying out an invisible intruder? If so, where were they meant to grapple the air? It was as John was pondering this that his eye happened to fall upon two glints of color shining under Renfield’s bed. A pair of emeralds twinkling in shadow.
But his patient had followed his gaze already. With a mix of triumph and irritation, the man darted down and swiped at the dark. Then plucked a piece of the dark away as if scooping up a ball of cinders. The cinders mewed thinly.
“Ah, thought you could hide from your ousting, did you? Think again. This is the criminal himself, Dr. Seward. A thief of potential and promise and, as you can see, a clear failure as a cat. Look!”
With his other hand he gestured to the corner of the cell nearest to the door. A freshly dead bird laid there. As did a small saucer that looked to be of the kind used for the patients’ meals, with some bits of nibbled food still present.
“Again and again, he chooses the plate over the prey! I tried only giving him birds, but he refused anything more than a sniff before he went sulking and starving away. I had no choice but to suffer his spoiled wants and feed him from my own meals or else lose the opportunity entirely. An opportunity that was itself a lie. He is too small, Dr. Seward, and he seems determined to remain so despite my best efforts. Even if he were a veritable rugby ball of a cat it would not matter, for he has no lives in him but his own useless nine! Oh, I know, I know, you will say, ‘But he is only a kitten, Renfield, growth takes time, Renfield, even stray cats will turn to scraps before they deign to hunt, Renfield!’ I tell you, he is an exception. He conspires, Dr. Seward. With his own body, he conspires. I shall suffer him no more.” Then, in a voice so small John almost did not catch the addendum that seemed almost to choke him, “I cannot risk it.”
Before he could register it, John found Renfield had cut the distance between them and thrust the tiny handful into his custody. The attendants tensed to act behind him, but Renfield shot just as quickly away to make a show of glowering out the window with his back to the lot of them. His arms were crossed again and his hands gripped his elbows so tightly they shook.
“Take him away, Doctor. Foist him on some pampering lady or other with room in her reticule for the ridiculous little thing. I wash my hands of him.”
“…Of course. I’ll see what I can do. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Renfield.” The kitten gawped up at him. Then tried to turn and wriggle to face Renfield. Another half-mute mew escaped. Renfield bristled at the sound.
“Get it away, Doctor. Please.” John gestured to the attendants. They all retreated into the hall, locking the door after them. Almost the instant the bolt slid home, there was another shout, “Dr. Seward! Doctor, are you still there? There is one thing more! It’s important!”
“Yes, I’m still here,” he called through the door. “What is it?”
Then, quite clearly, so that the attendants could hear it too and only half-succeed in stifling their grins when they caught it: “His name is Meward.”
“Meward. Doctor Meward in full, but we know each other well enough to dispense with titles.” John would swear he heard a smile in the man’s voice. “That’s all, Doctor.”
This was, naturally, not all.
Not when word of ‘Dr. Meward’ had circulated first through the staff, then the patients, and even to the occasional visitor to the asylum before the week was out. For reasons that defied logic, Dr. Seward found he did not have the heart—or, more pressingly, the appropriate opportunity—to donate the creature to another caretaker. He had thought perhaps there was a chance that Lucy might take him on. It really was a spectacularly pitiful animal and so was prone to pulling heartstrings with the power of his massive evergreen stare.
In fact, he had expected himself fully in the clear when he made a somewhat red-faced return to the Westenra estate in tow with Arthur and Quincey. Lucy, at first showing a slight pale strain under the ruddy vigor she had shown on their last encounter, had bloomed anew with delight on seeing the scanty mound of fur in his palm. Her jubilation doubled on hearing the creature’s regrettably unchanged name.
“Oh, that is a perfect choice, absolutely perfect!” she cooed as she cradled the bundle now purring in her hands. “He’s got much the same eyes as you, John.” But as soon as the compliment dared to light a blaze in his cheeks, her next words doused it: “I do wish I could keep him all to myself, but my mother always falls into hacking fits around cats. I’m afraid I can’t have him here.” She looked plaintively from Meward to John to Arthur. “Maybe..?”
“The dogs are amiable enough,” Arthur admitted, if sheepishly. “Though they’d need to get acclimated. They have a habit of chasing after any little thing that moves. But I’m sure once they got used to each other it would work out well enough.” An unspoken, ‘Maybe,’ hovered at the end of his words and glowed doubtfully in his face.
It was much the same as Quincey’s expression had been when he admitted, “Well, sure, I had a few old mouser cats as a boy. Only, I don’t claim to know anything about raising a kitten. I wouldn’t trust myself not to botch it, Jack.”
Regardless of these snags, Lucy spent the visit thoroughly enraptured with Meward to the point that she took one of her own hair ribbons off her head for him to play with. Once he’d tired of it, he allowed her to fasten the thing about him as a collar.
“You can’t have him going around bare, John. Otherwise they won’t know he’s anything but a stray. You must get him a proper collar soon.”
John had promised to look into it.
Some short and endless months later, the ribbon would remain. Meward would be too fond of it to let it go. Likewise for John.
But that was for later.
For now, John had to reconcile with his tiny shadow. More, with the unignorable fact that his presence seemed to have a positive effect upon the atmosphere of the asylum. Almost irritatingly so. What had begun as him simply running out of friends to trust with the animal, combined with his not having any personal home staff to entrust with the minding of him on top of household duties, was now a matter of ‘improving morale.’ So he languishingly informed his phonograph. Whether in his office or in the hall, Meward’s perching on a shoulder or chasing his feet seemed at once to quell anything from ire to melancholy to simple boredom in onlookers.
Often with shouted cries of, ‘Afternoon, Dr. Meward. And associate.’ Or else just, ‘Hello, Doctors,’ always nodding first to the kitten. Renfield appeared to be in much repaired spirits upon catching wind of this, now demanding to speak with ‘his’ doctor before offering any word to John.
“Ah, see?” he hummed to Meward as the animal stared at him. “Is it not wise that I shooed you from your lacking status as a failed catalyst for my purposes? Clearly your chicanery has endeared you to the medical profession.” Renfield gestured broadly at John. “You even have your own nurse.”
The obvious jab did not land as well as it might have on an earlier date. He had too much of curiosity and worry for the man to feel any real brunt of insult now. From the increasingly wild swings in his mood to the lapses of haunted lucidness, R.M. Renfield now stood nearly even with John’s distress for Lucy’s condition. Though if even a fraction of Arthur’s worry proved as true as his latest message implied, his own worry was due to triple. Laconic though Quincey may be, it was Arthur who was the fellow of infinitely fewer words in their trio. Whenever he deigned to offer a phrase in speech or text, it mattered. For the moment, he shelved such thinking in favor of his patient who sought to agitate to hide agitation.
“And have you anything you wished to share with doctor or nurse tonight, Renfield? You seemed upset over something from what the attendants implied—,”
“No!” Renfield gnawed his tongue so hard that it bled. He sucked at it, his face convulsing between exultation and concern. “No. I was mistaken. Or, no, I cannot say. And I cannot say why I cannot say. Never mind.” He gnawed, sucked, paced. Meward turned his owlish gaze up to John. A small paw swung gingerly at his mouth while his tongue flicked out and tapped his black nose. As he did, a whiff of briny breath puffed out on the air. Memory prickled. John cleared his throat.
“I’ve discovered something he likes to hunt. Other than bootlaces and pens.”
Renfield slowed in his pacing.
“Oh? What is that?” He cast a sidelong glance at Meward, who paused in his assault on John’s lapel to gape back. “He certainly doesn’t look much bigger. Though I suppose his coat is better.”
“As it should be. He’s taken a liking to fish.” He coaxed Meward’s claws out of his shirt collar and moved him to another hand. “It’s only an occasional treat, but he seems to be aware enough of where it comes from that I have caught him trying to prey on market displays of seafood when we’re out. Which I believe shows a clever choice on his part. Marine life is consistently healthier for the plate than any cattle or pork. And,” he was careful not to look directly at Renfield, but in a nigh scheming way into Meward’s eye, “they are almost always bloated with the nutrition of animals they’ve eaten prior to finding themselves in the fisherman’s net.”
Renfield’s pacing slowed to a stop.
“Is that a fact?”
“It is. I don’t often go poking beyond the edges of medical sciences, but recent reading from a French naturalist, Professor Pierre Aronnax, has been most illuminating. While hardly all of the ocean’s livestock are carnivorous, the bulk of sea life we collect for our own dinner is redolent with underwater hunters of little lives versus the farmland’s bevy of coddled cows, pigs, and hens.” He still did not look up any higher than Renfield’s frozen feet or Meward’s glistening stare. “Which is all without mentioning the miracle a man devours whole every time he treats himself to a crustacean. Lobsters especially. Not only are they fellow omnivores, but this Aronnax fellow theorizes that they may have properties suggesting an extraordinary longevity. It is only a hypothesis, he writes, but he believes that if the creatures are left to their devices without a fatal attack by a predator, they can live well over a hundred years.”
“Do you take me for a child?” Renfield snorted. “I am well grown out of such fairy tales as immortal beasts. Especially supposed immortals one can boil and set on a platter with a side of butter sauce.”
“Not immortal, simply endowed with an anatomy that lasts longer than the expected norm. I found it a strange supposition myself, but he makes a fair case, especially in tandem with the examples he’s put forth in the article—,”
“What article would that be? Some journal of quackery? You must not believe everything you read, Doctor.”
“I don’t. I only thought it an interesting concept, and one with impressive enough evidences that it was worth wondering about. Imagine tucking into a bit of shellfish only for taste’s sake, not realizing you were eating an animal who might have had more than a man’s whole lifetime ahead of it before you swallowed it all down. It is almost sad to picture.”
“Yes. Terribly.” Renfield fidgeted another moment. From the corner of his eye, John saw he was eyeing the window suspiciously. Perhaps searching. Apparently satisfied, the man donned one of his more familiar sycophant performances, sidling near enough that the attendants stood up straighter. Then, “Again, Dr. Seward, what article might you refer to? I am certain it will at least be good for a laugh and it would be such a welcome diversion from the usual softcover twaddle I flip through…”
John provided a copy of Aronnax’s piece a quarter of an hour later. That morning, he heard that Renfield’s latest crop of spiders had disappeared—flung out the window in a skittering spray that nearly scared a pedestrian out of their wits when a harvestman landed on his shoe. Not long after, Renfield had started wheedling the attendants to ask the kitchen if there wasn’t any seafood to come on the menu. Summer’s seasonable window was well past, he knew, but he had just now been struck with a terrible craving for seaside cuisine. He would trade every spider in the world for a crabcake and every bird for a lobster tail.
Hearing this, John had looked to Meward. The kitten had his own paperwork to ponder on the desk now; quite blank, but he refused to leave John, his forms, his pen, or his beleaguered hand alone until he had his own work to attend to. His unblinking eyes lifted up to find John’s.
“My thanks for the consultation, Doctor.” He set down his pen. Taking the sign, Meward trotted across the desk and bunched himself up under his palm. “A brilliant idea.” Meward purred his agreement.
A note was made to make inquiries as to budget and ability in getting the kitchen a stock of fresh seafood. He would see to it once this trouble with Lucy was taken care of.
Lucy’s trouble was taken care of. Twice.
R.M. Renfield’s only once.
It was not until after the Harkers’ trouble was seen to—this time finally, finally by seeing to the end of the one seeding trouble all along—not until after Quincey Morris went into the ground as a last miserable toll, that John could bring himself to visit any of the graves alone. Lucy’s. Quincey’s. Renfield’s.
On visiting the last’s simple plot, John brought along Meward in his coat. No longer quite a kitten, but still petite enough to fit in an inner pocket. The cat stared wonderingly at the marker for a time. He then paced away, seeming to search for something among the other graves. He returned on dainty steps with that something in his mouth. A dead bird. He laid it on Renfield’s plot and then curled himself around John’s leg, staring up.  
If asked, even by Van Helsing, he could not have explained why this was the moment that burst the dam anew.
Nor why this eruption was so horridly raw compared to his past collapses. He had wept whole oceans since the loss of Lucy, it seemed. For twice dead Lucy, for Mina and her damned undying, for Quincey bleeding his life out on the snow, and now, here, last and so criminally considered least until it was too late, Renfield. Renfield who had died as a man neither comprehended nor heeded in his last desperate throes. Renfield who had died to shield a young woman he had befriended for all of an hour over simple kindness and equal regard. Renfield who Dr. John Seward had never healed, only housed or hindered or harkened to for study’s sake.
He crumpled to his knees there among the dead who’d died ill and insane for lack of understanding. Face in his hands, all the horror and hate of self folded back on itself a hundred times over. Arthur did not need his shoulder. Van Helsing did not need his confidante. The Harkers did not need his brave face. His staff and his patients did not need his professional posture or imposture. Nothing was needed here, for no one was alive to need anything.
So out it came. All those deepest acidic tides of unshared grief that could never be dared in the audience of friend or phonograph or the fierce eyes of those who saw and judged the faintest failure of mind as failure of soul, because that was what he was, a failure of psyche and ability who was nothing, who could do nothing but look on, be a warm body, a recorder of others’ misery while he sat and stared and failed and failed and failed them—
A warm ball of fur was worming its way onto his lap. Then up under his jaw, trying to squeeze itself between his hands and his tears.
John looked down. Meward looked up. Blinked once, slow. Then resumed trying to grate himself against John’s face and hands and neck and anywhere else he could reach, purring like thunder as he did. John snuffled and swallowed back another hoarse noise. He laid both hands on the cat to stroke him. Minutes passed on and on until they became an hour. John picked himself up, cat in hand.
“Thank you, Doctor,” he breathed, pausing to tidy the skewed ribbon. “You have a true talent.”
Meward mewed. It was a purely affected sound. The kind he made either to win another round of petting or a treat or a dash of catnip. John supposed he could pay for his services with a medley of all three at home.
A year later, with the asylum behind and the future ahead, the private psychiatric practice of Dr. John Seward was making elated waves through the medical grapevine. It was recommended by most anyone in the Purfleet area—likewise for even the most distant neighbors—that Dr. Seward was the man to go to before anyone started throwing around panicked thoughts of sanitorium stays or the druggist or a mesmeric cure. Go to Seward first, comes the suggestion from all walks.
Talk to him. Talk until you’re blue. Let him hear it all, however strange, however haunted or haunting, and he will neither balk nor sentence you to a straitjacket. Dr. Seward actually listens. More, he keeps confidences. He lays out alternatives the patient themselves might take before being flung headlong to the pharmacy or a locked room. Talk. Be heard. Be helped.
And don’t mind the cat staring in the corner.
He is a colleague and he’s there to help too.
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Our floorplan of the week is the stunning "1054 Mountain Ridge". 1st Floor Plan – 780 Sq.Ft. – Large covered deck, 1 x bedroom, Kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, stairs. 2nd Floor Plan – 284 Sq.Ft. – Loft, bathroom, bedroom 2, huge open area to below. Another gorgeous design!
Learn more about this floorplan by clicking here: https://www.cascadehandcrafted.com/log-homes/1054-mountain-ridge/    
Design credit: RCM Cad Design
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soemthingsparkly · 2 years
sleepy grumbrother thoughts
so mumbo basically moves in to help grian look after his brothers while grian calls around looking for their mum
grian also managing his career and applying for his chartering, means he just doesn't have that much time on his hands
Mumbo on the other hand did an engineering apprenticeship right out of school and has been in a relatively comfortable robotics job for a long while
Grian and Mumbo take it in turns to work from home before they get the boys into a school nearby
one evening Grian has worked late, much later than expected, and its gone nine by the time he gets home
his wings ache from being tucked in all day - it was a day of working with CAD designs at his desk - his favourite days are spent on sites, drafting and scoping in his mind.
But today was a desk day and he gets home relatively pissed about it. Then he finds a post-it in the hall:
"ordered chinese, think this is what you usually get? in the microwave"
Keeping hold of the note, Grian wanders into the living room, where he finds Mumbo and the three boys cuddled up on the sofa.
Mumbo is in the middle - of course - Prime is tucked gently into his left side, while Empire seems to be burrowed into his right, and Rift is folded against his twin.
Grian smiles at them, illuminated by the flickering blue light of the muted TV. He finds the remote and switches it off, before going back to the kitchen to get his noodles.
He eats them on the arm chair, content to let the sleeping boys sleep, while he catches up on his news feed.
He'll admit... he could get used to this.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Olivia de Havilland and Montgomery Clift in The Heiress (William Wyler, 1949)
Cast: Olivia de Havilland, Montgomery Clift, Ralph Richardson, Miriam Hopkins, Vanessa Brown, Betty Linley, Ray Collins, Mona Freeman, Selena Royle, Paul Lees, Harry Antrim, Russ Conway, David Thursby. Screenplay: Ruth Goetz, Augustus Goetz, based on their play suggested by a novella by Henry James. Cinematography: Leo Tover. Production design: Harry Horner. Film editing: William Hornbeck. Music: Aaron Copland.
With 12 Oscar nominations and three wins for directing, William Wyler holds a firm place in the history of American movies. But not without some grumbling on the part of auteur critics like Andrew Sarris, who observed, "Wyler's career is a cipher as far as personal direction is concerned." His movies were invariably polished and professionally made, but if what you're looking for is some hint of personality behind the camera, the kind that Alfred Hitchcock or Howard Hawks or John Ford displayed no matter what the subject matter of the film, then Wyler is an enigma. His most personal film, The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), grew out of his wartime experiences, but they are subsumed in the stories he has to tell and not revealed with any assertively personal point of view on them. And anyone who can trace a Wylerian personality latent in movies as varied as Mrs. Miniver (1942), Roman Holiday (1953), Ben-Hur (1959), and Funny Girl (1968) has a subtler analytical mind than mine. What they have in common is that they are well made, the work of a fine craftsman if not an artist. The other thing they have in common is that they won Oscars for their stars: Greer Garson, Audrey Hepburn, Charlton Heston, and Barbra Streisand, respectively. The Heiress, too, won an Oscar for its star, Olivia de Havilland, suggesting that in Wyler we have a director whose virtue lay not in his personal vision but in his skill at packaging, at arranging a showcase not just for performers -- he also directed Oscar-winning performances by Bette Davis in Jezebel (1938) and by Fredric March and Harold Russell in The Best Years of Our Lives -- but also for production designers, costume designers, composers, and cinematographers: Oscars for The Heiress went to John Meehan, Harry Horner, and Emile Kuri for art direction and set decoration, to Edith Head and Gile Steele for costumes, and to Aaron Copland for the score, and Leo Tover was nominated for his cinematography. Wyler lost the directing Oscar to Joseph L. Mankiewicz for A Letter to Three Wives, but is there any doubt that The Heiress would have been a lesser film than it is without Wyler's guidance? All of this is a long-winded way to say that although I honor, and in many ways prefer, the personal vision that shines through in the works of directors like Hitchcock, Hawks, Ford, et al., there is room in my pantheon for the skilled if impersonal professional. As for The Heiress itself, it's a satisfying film with two great performances (de Havilland's Catherine and Ralph Richardson's Dr. Sloper), one hugely entertaining one (Miriam Hopkins's Lavinia Penniman), and one sad miscasting: Montgomery Clift's Morris Townsend. It's a hard role to put across: Morris has to be plausible enough to persuade not only Catherine but also the somewhat more worldly Lavinia that he is genuinely in love with Catherine and not just her money, but he also needs to give the audience a whiff of the cad. Clift's Morris is too callow, too grinningly eager. There is no ambiguity in the performance. If we like Morris too much, we risk seeing Dr. Sloper more as an over-stern paterfamilias and less as the cruelly self-absorbed man he is. Richardson's fine performance goes a long way to righting this imbalance, but he's fighting Clift's sex appeal all the way. 
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khannadigi86 · 27 days
The Art of Space: How Professional Interior Designers Transform Homes
When you walk into a beautifully designed home, there's an immediate sense of harmony, a feeling that every element is exactly where it should be. This is not by chance; it's the result of meticulous planning, creativity, and a deep understanding of space, aesthetics, and functionality. This is the art of interior design—a craft mastered by professional designers who transform ordinary homes into extraordinary living spaces.
In this blog, we'll explore how professional interior designers bring their clients' visions to life, creating spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional and personalized. We'll dive into the process, from initial consultation to the final reveal, and uncover the secrets that make interior design an essential part of modern living.
Understanding the Client's Vision: The Foundation of Design
The first step in any interior design project is understanding the client's needs, preferences, and lifestyle. This is where the art of space begins—by listening and asking the right questions.
Client Consultation:
Professional interior designers start with an in-depth consultation to understand the client's goals. This might involve discussions about the desired look and feel of the home, the purpose of each room, and any specific requirements, such as accommodating children, pets, or special hobbies.
Designers often ask clients to share inspiration, such as Pinterest boards, magazine clippings, or favorite color palettes. This helps the designer to gauge the client's aesthetic preferences and to start forming ideas.
Lifestyle Assessment:
A key aspect of understanding a client's vision is assessing their lifestyle. For example, a family with young children will have different needs compared to a single professional or a retired couple. A designer will consider factors like the amount of entertaining the client does, their cooking habits, and even how they like to relax.
This assessment ensures that the design is not only visually appealing but also practical and aligned with the client's daily life.
The Science of Space Planning: Maximizing Functionality
Once the designer understands the client's vision, the next step is space planning. This is where creativity meets practicality, as the designer maps out the flow and functionality of each room.
Spatial Layout:
Space planning involves creating a layout that maximizes the use of each room. This might include determining the best placement for furniture, lighting, and other elements to ensure that the space is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Designers use tools like CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software to create detailed floor plans and 3D renderings, allowing clients to visualize the proposed layout before any physical changes are made.
Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality:
One of the challenges of space planning is balancing aesthetics with functionality. A professional designer knows that a beautiful room must also be practical. For example, in a kitchen, the layout should facilitate easy movement between the sink, stove, and refrigerator—the so-called "work triangle."
Designers also consider the flow between rooms, ensuring that each space feels connected and cohesive, rather than disjointed.
Zoning is a technique used by designers to define different areas within a space, particularly in open-plan layouts. This might involve using furniture, rugs, or lighting to create distinct zones for living, dining, and working, without the need for walls.
Effective zoning helps to organize the space and makes it easier to navigate, while also contributing to the overall aesthetic.
The Power of Color, Texture, and Lighting: Creating Atmosphere
With the space plan in place, the next phase of design focuses on the elements that bring a room to life: color, texture, and lighting. These are the tools that designers use to create atmosphere and evoke emotions.
Color Theory:
Color is one of the most powerful tools in a designer's arsenal. It can set the mood, define a style, and even influence how we feel in a space. Professional designers have a deep understanding of color theory, knowing how to combine colors to create harmony or contrast.
Designers often start with a base color palette that reflects the client's preferences, then build on it with accent colors and tones. They consider factors like natural light, room size, and the function of the space when selecting colors.
Texture and Materials:
Texture adds depth and interest to a room, transforming it from flat and lifeless to rich and engaging. Designers mix different materials, such as wood, metal, glass, and fabric, to create a layered look that is visually stimulating.
For example, a designer might pair a sleek, glossy kitchen countertop with a rough-hewn wooden dining table, creating a contrast that is both visually and tactilely appealing.
Lighting Design:
Lighting is crucial in interior design, as it affects how a space looks and feels. Designers use a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a balanced and functional lighting scheme.
They consider the placement of windows, the height of ceilings, and the colors of walls and furnishings when planning lighting. The goal is to ensure that each room is well-lit, with the ability to adjust lighting levels to suit different activities and moods.
Personalization: The Key to a Truly Unique Home
One of the hallmarks of professional interior design is the ability to create a space that is truly unique to the client. This is achieved through personalization—infusing the design with elements that reflect the client's personality, interests, and experiences.
Incorporating Personal Artifacts:
Designers often incorporate the client's personal artifacts, such as family heirlooms, travel souvenirs, or artwork, into the design. These items add character and tell a story, making the space feel more personal and meaningful.
For instance, a designer might create a gallery wall featuring a client's collection of vintage maps, or use a beloved antique chair as the focal point of a room.
Bespoke Furniture and Custom Details:
Customization is another way designers add a personal touch to a home. This might involve designing bespoke furniture pieces, such as a custom-built bookshelf or a one-of-a-kind dining table.
Custom details, like tailored window treatments, hand-painted murals, or unique lighting fixtures, also contribute to the personalized feel of the space.
Reflecting the Client's Story:
Ultimately, the goal of personalization is to create a home that reflects the client's story. A professional designer takes the time to understand the client's journey, values, and passions, and then translates these into the design.
This might involve creating a reading nook for an avid book lover, designing a gourmet kitchen for a passionate cook, or incorporating elements of nature for someone who loves the outdoors.
The Final Touches: Bringing the Design to Life
The final stage of interior design is where everything comes together. This is the moment when the designer's vision is realized, and the client's dream home becomes a reality.
Styling and Accessorizing:
The finishing touches, such as accessories, artwork, and soft furnishings, play a crucial role in bringing the design to life. These elements add personality and warmth, making the space feel lived-in and complete.
Designers carefully select and arrange these items, ensuring that they complement the overall design and add to the desired atmosphere.
The Big Reveal:
The culmination of the design process is the big reveal—a moment of excitement and anticipation for both the client and the designer. Seeing the client's reaction as they walk into their transformed home is one of the most rewarding aspects of interior design.
The reveal is also an opportunity for the designer to make any final adjustments, ensuring that everything is perfect before the project is officially completed.
The Impact of Professional Interior Design: More Than Just Aesthetics
While the primary goal of interior design is to create beautiful and functional spaces, its impact goes beyond aesthetics. A well-designed home can enhance the quality of life, improve mental and emotional well-being, and even increase property value.
Improving Quality of Life:
A thoughtfully designed home can improve the quality of life by making daily routines easier, reducing stress, and creating a sense of comfort and security. For example, a well-organized kitchen can make cooking more enjoyable, while a cozy living room can provide a peaceful retreat after a long day.
Design can also support physical health, such as through the use of ergonomic furniture, proper lighting, and good ventilation.
Enhancing Mental and Emotional Well-being:
The environment we live in has a profound effect on our mental and emotional well-being. A home that is aesthetically pleasing, well-organized, and reflective of one's personality can boost mood, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.
Colors, lighting, and layout all play a role in creating a positive atmosphere that supports mental and emotional health.
Increasing Property Value:
Professional interior design can also increase the value of a property. A well-designed home is more attractive to potential buyers, and features like custom cabinetry, high-end finishes, and a cohesive design scheme can make a property stand out in the market.
Investing in professional design can be particularly beneficial when preparing a home for sale, as it can lead to a quicker sale at a higher price.
Conclusion: The Art and Science of Interior Design
Interior design is both an art and a science. It requires creativity, technical skill, and a deep understanding of how people live and interact with their environments. Professional interior designers are masters of this craft, transforming homes into spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional, personalized, and reflective of the client's unique story.
Whether you're looking to update a single room or transform your entire home, working with a professional interior designer can make all the difference. They have the expertise to bring your vision to life, creating a space that you'll love for years to come.
In the end, the art of space is about more than just filling a room with beautiful objects—it's about creating a home that feels like a true reflection of who you are. And that is the true magic of interior design
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reecejames22 · 1 month
Comprehensive Services Offered by Draftsmen in North Shore
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The North Shore of Sydney, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and affluent neighbourhoods, is an area where architectural and construction projects require meticulous planning and design. Draftsmen, often integral to the development process, offer a range of services that cater to the diverse needs of clients in this region. Their expertise is pivotal in translating conceptual ideas into detailed plans and ensuring that projects meet both aesthetic and functional standards.
Detailed Drafting and Documentation
One of the primary services provided by draftsmen in North Shore is the creation of detailed drafting and documentation. This includes producing accurate technical drawings that illustrate the layout, dimensions, and construction details of a project. Draftsmen use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create precise and scalable drawings that serve as the blueprint for construction. These documents are essential for obtaining permits, guiding contractors, and ensuring that the final build adheres to the intended design.
Building and Planning Permit Applications
Navigating the regulatory landscape is a critical aspect of construction and renovation projects. Draftsmen in North Shore assist clients by preparing and submitting building and planning permit applications. They ensure that all necessary documentation is included and that the project complies with local zoning laws, building codes, and environmental regulations. This service helps streamline the approval process and minimises the risk of delays due to regulatory issues.
Renovation and Extension Plans
Many North Shore residents seek to enhance their existing properties through renovations or extensions. Draftsmen play a crucial role in this process by developing detailed plans that outline how new elements will integrate with the existing structure. They consider factors such as structural integrity, spatial functionality, and aesthetic continuity. Their expertise ensures that renovations and extensions are executed smoothly and in line with the client’s expectations.
Interior Layout and Space Planning
Effective interior layout and space planning are essential for creating functional and comfortable living or working environments. Draftsmen in North Shore provide services that focus on optimising the use of space within a building. This includes designing efficient room layouts, selecting appropriate furniture arrangements, and ensuring that all elements work harmoniously together. Their insights help maximise the utility of interior spaces while maintaining aesthetic appeal.
Structural and Technical Detailing
In addition to aesthetic design, draftsmen are responsible for producing detailed structural and technical drawings. These drawings include specifications for construction methods, materials, and structural elements such as beams and columns. By providing comprehensive technical details, draftsmen help ensure that the building is structurally sound and meets all safety and performance standards.
3D Modeling and Visualisation
To assist clients in visualising their projects, draftsmen in North Shore may offer 3D modelling and visualisation services. This involves creating three-dimensional renderings of proposed designs, allowing clients to see how their projects will look once completed. 3D models can help clients make informed decisions about design choices and provide a clearer understanding of the spatial relationships and aesthetic elements of the project.
Draftsmen in North Shore offer a diverse range of services that are essential to the successful planning and execution of construction projects. From detailed drafting and permit applications to custom home design and structural detailing, their expertise ensures that projects meet both functional and aesthetic requirements. By providing comprehensive support throughout the design and planning phases, draftsmen play a crucial role in shaping the built environment of the North Shore, contributing to its continued growth and development.
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decorkitchen · 1 month
Discovering the Excellence of Modular Home Furniture Manufacturers in Pune
When it comes to transforming a house into a home, the role of furniture is paramount. In a dynamic city like Pune, where modern living meets traditional values, the demand for modular home furniture has seen a significant rise. This surge is fueled by the desire for personalized, functional, and aesthetically pleasing furniture that complements contemporary lifestyles. Among the many options available, modular home furniture manufacturers in Pune stand out for their innovation, quality, and ability to cater to diverse customer needs.
The Evolution of Modular Home Furniture in Pune
Modular furniture is not just a trend; it's a reflection of the changing lifestyle in urban spaces. With increasing urbanization and the shrinking size of homes, the need for furniture that maximizes space without compromising on style has never been greater. Modular home furniture manufacturers in Pune have recognized this need and have been at the forefront of this evolution. They have seamlessly blended functionality with design, offering pieces that are not only versatile but also align with the modern homeowner's aesthetic sensibilities.
These manufacturers understand that every home is unique, and so are the requirements of its residents. Whether it's a modular kitchen, a customized wardrobe, or a multifunctional living room setup, the emphasis is on creating furniture that adapts to the space and the lifestyle of the user. This adaptability is one of the key reasons why modular furniture manufacturers in Pune have gained such popularity.
Quality Craftsmanship and Innovative Designs
The hallmark of any reputable modular home furniture manufacturer in Pune is the quality of craftsmanship. These manufacturers employ skilled artisans who are adept at creating furniture that not only looks good but is also built to last. The use of high-quality materials, combined with precision engineering, ensures that the furniture can withstand the rigors of daily use while maintaining its appeal over time.
Innovation is another aspect where modular home furniture manufacturers in Pune excel. They constantly strive to bring new designs to the market, reflecting the latest trends in home décor. From sleek, minimalist designs to more elaborate, traditional styles, there is something for everyone. The ability to customize furniture according to specific requirements further enhances the appeal of modular furniture Pune, making it a preferred choice for many homeowners.
The Role of Technology in Modern Furniture Manufacturing
Technology has played a significant role in revolutionizing the way furniture is designed and manufactured. Modular home furniture manufacturers in Pune have embraced this change, incorporating advanced technology into their production processes. This not only enhances the precision and efficiency of manufacturing but also allows for greater flexibility in design.
For instance, computer-aided design (CAD) software enables manufacturers to create detailed and accurate designs that can be easily modified to meet specific customer needs. Additionally, the use of automated machinery ensures that each piece of furniture is crafted with precision, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring a high level of consistency across products. This technological advancement has allowed modular furniture manufacturers in Pune to deliver high-quality products that meet the expectations of even the most discerning customers.
Sustainability: A Growing Priority
In today's world, sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it's a necessity. Modular home furniture manufacturers in Pune are increasingly focusing on sustainable practices, from sourcing eco-friendly materials to minimizing waste during production. This commitment to sustainability not only helps protect the environment but also appeals to the growing number of consumers who prioritize eco-friendly products.
The use of sustainable materials, such as responsibly sourced wood and recyclable metals, is becoming more common among these manufacturers. Additionally, many are implementing energy-efficient processes in their modular furniture factories in Pune, further reducing their environmental impact. By choosing modular home furniture from these manufacturers, customers can enjoy stylish and functional furniture while also contributing to a greener planet.
The Future of Modular Furniture in Pune
The future of modular furniture in Pune looks promising, with continuous innovation and a strong focus on customer satisfaction. As the city continues to grow and evolve, so too will the demand for modular home furniture that reflects the changing needs and preferences of its residents. Modular home furniture manufacturers in Pune are well-positioned to meet this demand, offering products that are not only functional and stylish but also sustainable and durable.
In conclusion, for those looking to invest in high-quality, customizable, and sustainable furniture, the modular home furniture manufacturers in Pune are an excellent choice. They combine the best of craftsmanship, innovation, and technology to create furniture that enhances the beauty and functionality of any home. Whether you're looking for a new kitchen setup, a modern wardrobe, or a complete home makeover, these manufacturers have the expertise and the products to bring your vision to life.
At Kitchen Decor, we pride ourselves on being a part of this dynamic industry, providing our customers with top-notch modular furniture solutions that cater to their unique needs and preferences.
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shalin-designs · 11 days
Must Know 10 Tips for Hiring the Best Furniture Design Service
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The right furniture can make all the difference when decorating a room, whether it’s a cosy home, a busy office, or a stylish business place. Apart from improving the appearance of a room, furniture significantly affects its comfort and usefulness. Still, designing furniture that exactly meets your wants and vision is no easy chore. Professional Furniture Design Services is thus relevant here. Hiring seasoned furniture designers can help you guarantee that every piece of furniture is made to fit your particular needs.
However, Choosing Furniture Designers may be difficult, given the range of possibilities. We have prepared 10 key pieces of advice for hiring furniture designers who can understand your concept so you can make a wise choice.
Tips for Hiring the Best Furniture Design Services
Define Your Design Needs
You should be well aware of your design requirements before you start your hunt for furniture design services. Do you want only a few unique items or a whole makeover? Which contemporary, classic, or eclectic styles appeal to you? A clearly defined vision will enable the designers to grasp your needs better and aid your search in being more targeted.
 Think about the area the furniture will occupy and its intended purpose. For a bustling workplace, the furniture will be somewhat different from a pleasant living area. Knowing your particular wants will help you ensure the furniture design experts you choose to complement your concept.
 Investigators and Shortlist Designers
Researching the finest furniture design services comes next in the hiring process. Search for designers or businesses focused on the kind and style of furniture you need. Excellent beginning materials include online portfolios, client evaluations, and quotes. 
Shortlisting particular designers depending on their work and customer comments will enable you to evaluate their strengths and shortcomings. Look for designers who have worked on CAD Design Services for Furniture because this technology lets exact and customised designs fit your needs. 
Evaluate Their Expertise and Experience
In the field of furniture design, experience is significant. Although young designers bring fresh ideas, seasoned furniture designers benefit from knowledge and a proven track record of completed projects. When assessing possible designers, inquire about past work, obstacles, and how they overcame them.
Furthermore, ensuring the designers have expertise with the particular kind of furniture you need is crucial. Custom-made workplace furniture, for example, calls for knowledge different from household furniture design. Ask for case studies or samples of tasks they have done.
Search for Affiliations and Professional Credentials
Examining professional certifications of furniture designers is another crucial factor when hiring. Do they have any affiliation with any acknowledged design associations? Exist credentials verifying their knowledge and abilities? Professional affiliations usually show a dedication to the profession and following industry norms.
Furthermore, certificates in CAD Design Services for Furniture might be very beneficial. CAD software-savvy designers can provide exact and thorough drawings that guarantee the result exactly satisfies your needs.
Talk about Your Timeline and Budget
The decision on Top Furniture Design Services often comes down to budget. Discuss your budget candidly before deciding on any designer. A skilled designer will be able to produce excellent work within your budget.
Not less significant is the project’s chronology. Talk about your delivery time expectations and ensure the designer can dedicate herself to them. Delays may throw off your plans, particularly if a house or business remodeling is scheduled tightly.
Know the Design Process
Maintaining good cooperation between you and the Furniture Design Experts depends on your knowledge of the design process. Different designers approach the design process differently hence, one should be aware of what to anticipate.
Usually, the process starts with an initial visit, during which the designer notes your requirements and tastes. The conceptualizing stage comes next when preliminary ideas and drawings are refined. If the designer relies on CAD Design Services for Furniture, you can anticipate thorough 3D models and renderings that provide a clear image of the finished product. 
Ask About Personalisation Choices
Hiring Furniture Design Services has several benefits, including having items tailored to your precise needs. Customising lets you have furniture that fits your room, taste, and practical requirements.
Ask about the degree of customisation available while choosing furniture designers. Can they handle certain materials, sizes, and finishes? Are they tolerant of your tastes? A professional designer should be able to provide a variety of customising choices so that you can design furniture, especially yours. 
Evaluate Their Interpersonal Skills
The success of a furniture design project depends mostly on good communication. The designer should be receptive to your comments and ideas and able to present changes and concepts effectively. Lousy communication could cause misinterpretation, delays, and discontent with the final output.
At the first appointment, evaluate furniture designers’ communication abilities. Do they consider your needs? Do they probe pertinent issues to help to clarify your vision? A designer who is good at communication is more likely to produce a product that satisfies your needs. 
Examine Contract and Terms
Review the contract and conditions of service thoroughly before committing to any furniture design services. The agreement should include every project element, including the scope of work, schedule, payment conditions, warranty or guarantee on the completed good.
Verify that there are no hidden costs or vague provisions and that everything is precisely stated. Ask for an explanation without delay if anything seems confusing. A clear contract guarantees that there will be no surprises down the road and protects the designer and you. 
Seek Post-Installation Support
At last, note the Furniture Design Services’ degree of post-installation assistance. Changes or problems must be fixed after the furniture arrives and is set up. A trustworthy service provider should provide support and aftercare to guarantee that the product makes you happy.
Ask what the warranty or guarantee offered covers. Some furniture designers provide follow-up visits or maintenance services to ensure the furniture stays in perfect shape. Your whole experience is different depending on this degree of assistance.
Hiring the correct furniture design services can help your area to reflect your concept. These 10 guidelines will help you to guarantee that you choose the ideal experts for your requirements. Remember to correctly state your needs, investigate and assess possible designers, and ensure they provide the support and customisation you need.
Shalin Designs is a great source of top-notch furniture design, combining knowledge, experience, and outstanding customer service. If you want to know how to hire and work with furniture designer in the UK, Shalin Designs should be your first choice because of their dedication to quality and love of customizing furniture items. Shalin Designs provides the knowledge to realize your idea whether your search is for unique solutions or CAD Design Services for Furniture. Contact our furniture design experts, here!
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sparticlem · 1 month
CAD Associates - Landed Property Interior Design in Singapore: Elevating Elegance
When it comes to creating captivating interiors for your Singaporean landed property, you're not just renovating; you're reimagining! In the bustling heart of this urban paradise, where every square inch counts, your landed property's interior design is your canvas. So, let's dive right in and explore how to make your space sing with creativity, comfort, and chicness.
1. The Landed Property Advantage
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Landed property interior design in Singapore offers a unique playground for homeowners to showcase their personalities. Unlike high-rise living, landed homes boast spacious interiors, gardens, and perhaps even a poolside area – giving you the opportunity to craft a haven of luxury and style.
2. Setting the Scene: Landed Renovation Singapore Style
Before you dive into the world of landed property interior design in Singapore, it's crucial to understand that every space is like a blank canvas. Just like Singapore's diverse culture, your interior should reflect your unique style. Begin with a vision board that captures your desired aesthetic. Whether it's minimalist modernity or rustic charm, your imagination is the only limit.
3. Choosing the Right Palette
A splash of colour can work wonders on your landed property. Go for earthy tones if you desire a cosy ambiance, or opt for bright hues for a vibrant atmosphere. Remember, the key is balance. You don't want your living room to resemble a kaleidoscope!
4. Furniture Finesse
Furniture is the heart of your landed property interior design in Singapore. Pick pieces that not only look good but also provide comfort. Imagine sinking into a plush sofa after a long day's work. Ah, bliss! Don't forget to arrange your furniture to maximise space and ensure a smooth flow through your home.
5. Light Up Your Life
Illumination can make or break a space. Integrate plenty of natural light where possible. But when the sun takes a break, you'll need artificial lighting. Invest in stylish fixtures that complement your overall theme – pendant lights for an industrial vibe, or chandeliers for a touch of opulence.
6. Textures and Layers
Texture is the unsung hero of landed property interior design and renovation in Singapore. Mixing textures adds depth and character. Imagine running your fingers across a smooth marble countertop or sinking your toes into a plush rug. It's all about the tactile experience.
7. Green Dreams
Singapore's tropical climate provides the perfect backdrop for lush indoor greenery. Incorporate potted plants or even a vertical garden for a breath of fresh air. Not only do they enhance aesthetics, but they also promote a healthy living environment.
8. Landed Property Interior Design Singapore: Practical Elegance
Now, let's sprinkle those sought-after keywords into our delightful journey through landed property interior design in Singapore. We've "landed" in the perfect spot!
9. Storage Secrets
In a compact city-state like Singapore, storage is gold. Utilise space-saving solutions like hidden cabinets, built-in shelves, and multifunctional furniture. A tidy home is a happy home!
10. Artistic Accents
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Inject personality into your interior with art and décor. Hang captivating paintings or display unique sculptures. Remember, your space should reflect your essence.
11. Tech-Savvy Living
Singaporeans love technology, and your landed property should keep up! Invest in smart home systems for convenience and security. Your space will be as intelligent as it is beautiful.
12. Feng Shui Finesse
Incorporating Feng Shui principles can bring harmony and positive energy into your home. Position your furniture and décor items strategically to maximise good vibes.
13. The Finishing Touches
Lastly, the devil is in the details. Choose elegant fixtures, high-quality finishes, and luxurious fabrics to elevate your space. A well-appointed home is a timeless beauty.
A Call to Action: Elevate Your Landed Property
Now that we've traversed the world of landed property interior design in Singapore, it's your turn! Let your imagination soar, and make your living space a reflection of your unique style. Remember, you're not just renovating; you're crafting a masterpiece.
Whether you're a minimalist maven or a maximalist maverick, Singapore's landed property interior design scene has something for everyone. It's time to turn those dreams into reality. Dive into the world of practical elegance and create a home that sings with style and sophistication.
So, don't wait! Embark on your landed property interior design journey today, and let your creativity run wild. Your dream home in Singapore is just a renovation away. Visit CAD Associate for more professional landed property interior design in Singapore. 
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thorncliffe · 2 months
Understanding Assisted Living Costs in Ottawa: A Comprehensive Guide
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When considering assisted living options for yourself or a loved one, understanding the associated costs is crucial for effective financial planning. Ottawa, the capital of Canada, offers various assisted living facilities catering to different needs and preferences. This blog post aims to provide an in-depth look at the costs involved in assisted living in Ottawa, helping you make an informed decision.
What is Assisted Living?
Assisted living is a type of housing designed for individuals who need help with daily activities but do not require the intensive medical care provided in nursing homes. These facilities offer a blend of housing, personal care, and support services tailored to seniors who need assistance with tasks like bathing, dressing, medication management, and meal preparation.
Factors Influencing Assisted Living Costs
Several factors can influence the cost of assisted living in Ottawa:
Location and Facility Type: The cost of assisted living can vary significantly based on the location within Ottawa and the type of facility. Facilities in central or high-demand areas tend to be more expensive than those in suburban regions. Additionally, the level of luxury and amenities offered can affect the cost.
Level of Care Required: Costs are often determined by the level of care needed. Facilities offer various levels of care, from basic assistance with daily living activities to more comprehensive medical support. The more intensive the care, the higher the cost.
Size and Type of Accommodation: Assisted living facilities offer different types of accommodations, such as private or shared rooms, and even apartments. The size and type of the accommodation can significantly impact the cost.
Additional Services and Amenities: Some facilities offer a range of additional services and amenities, such as fitness centers, recreational activities, transportation, and personal grooming services. These extras can add to the overall cost.
Contract and Payment Structure: Different facilities have varying payment structures. Some charge a flat fee that includes all services, while others have a base rate plus additional fees for extra services.
Average Costs of Assisted Living in Ottawa
As of the latest data, the average cost of assisted living in Ottawa ranges from approximately CAD $3,000 to CAD $6,000 per month. This range reflects the diversity in facilities and the level of care provided.
Basic Assisted Living: For basic assisted living services with minimal additional amenities, costs typically start around CAD $3,000 to CAD $4,000 per month. These facilities generally provide essential care services, such as help with daily activities and medication management.
Mid-Range Facilities: Facilities offering a moderate level of care and a decent range of amenities generally cost between CAD $4,000 and CAD $5,000 per month. These may include additional services such as transportation, social activities, and more personalized care plans.
High-End Facilities: High-end assisted living facilities with luxury accommodations and extensive amenities can cost upwards of CAD $5,000 to CAD $6,000 or more per month. These facilities often provide private rooms or suites, gourmet dining options, wellness programs, and a wide array of recreational activities.
Financial Assistance and Funding Options
For those concerned about the cost of assisted living, there are several financial assistance options available:
Government Programs: In Canada, various government programs can provide financial assistance for seniors, including Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). Additionally, provincial programs may offer support for those in need.
Long-Term Care Insurance: Some individuals may have long-term care insurance that helps cover assisted living costs. It's important to review your policy to understand what is covered.
Veteran Benefits: Veterans and their families may be eligible for benefits and financial assistance through Veterans Affairs Canada.
Private Savings and Investments: Many individuals use personal savings or investments to cover assisted living costs. Financial planning and consulting with a financial advisor can help manage these expenses.
Choosing the Right Facility
Selecting the right assisted living facility involves more than just comparing costs. Consider the following factors:
Quality of Care: Research the facility's reputation, staff qualifications, and care standards. Visit the facility, if possible, to get a sense of the environment and services.
Amenities and Services: Evaluate the amenities and services offered to ensure they align with your needs or those of your loved one.
Location: Consider the facility's location in relation to family and friends, as proximity can be important for ongoing support and visits.
Contract Terms: Carefully review the contract terms, including the cost structure, cancellation policies, and any additional fees that may apply.
Understanding the costs associated with assisted living in Ottawa is an essential step in planning for the future. By considering factors such as location, level of care, and additional services, you can find a facility that meets your needs and budget. Exploring financial assistance options can also help ease the financial burden. Take the time to research and visit facilities to make an informed decision that ensures comfort and quality care for yourself or your loved one.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with finding assisted living options in Ottawa, feel free to reach out to local resources or consult with a senior care advisor.
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handcraftedloghomes · 11 months
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Our Floor plan of the week is the "5845 Big Stone Bay."
This stunning lodge or palatial log home has so many gorgeous features and space.
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1st Floor Plan – 2430 Sq.Ft. – Covered deck, 2 x car garage, boat garage, mudroom/laundry room, walk-in closet, bathroom, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, foyer, great room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, screened covered deck, stairs to an open deck.
Basement and Foundation Floor Plan – 2415 Sq.Ft. – Storage area, bedroom 2, bathroom, bedroom 3, rec room, mech room, stairs upwards, workout room, linen closet, bathroom, bedroom 4.
Caretaker Suite Floor Plan – 632 Sq.Ft. – Bedroom, living room, kitchen bathroom, stairs down.
Design: RCM Cad Design
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alluredentalclinic · 6 months
Dental Clinic In CBD Belapur
Enhancing Smiles: Allure Dental Care — Your Premier Dental Clinic in CBD Belapur
Introduction: Welcome to CBD Belapur, where the bustling cityscape meets the tranquil charm of nature. Amidst the urban landscape lies a beacon of oral health and radiant smiles — Allure Dental Care. As your premier dental clinic in CBD Belapur, we take pride in offering comprehensive dental services tailored to meet your unique needs and aspirations. In this blog post, let’s delve into the world of dental care in CBD Belapur and discover why Allure Dental Care stands out as your trusted partner in oral health.
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1. Prime Location in CBD Belapur: Conveniently situated in the heart of CBD Belapur, our dental clinic is easily accessible to residents and professionals alike. Whether you’re strolling through the bustling streets or commuting from nearby areas, Allure Dental Care welcomes you to a warm and inviting environment where your oral health takes center stage. Our central location ensures that you can prioritize your dental wellness amidst your busy schedule without compromising on quality care.
2. Comprehensive Range of Dental Services: At Allure Dental Care, we understand that each smile is unique, and therefore, deserves personalized attention and care. From routine dental check-ups and cleanings to advanced restorative procedures and cosmetic enhancements, our experienced team of dentists offers a comprehensive range of services to address all your dental concerns. Whether you’re seeking preventive care, orthodontic treatment, or smile makeover solutions, we are committed to delivering exceptional results that exceed your expectations.
3. State-of-the-Art Facilities and Advanced Technology: Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology, Allure Dental Care ensures that you receive the highest standard of dental care in CBD Belapur. Our modern treatment rooms are designed to provide a comfortable and relaxing experience, while our advanced diagnostic tools and equipment enable precise diagnosis and effective treatment planning. From digital X-rays and intraoral cameras to laser dentistry and CAD/CAM technology, we leverage innovation to deliver superior outcomes and enhance your overall dental experience.
4. Compassionate and Skilled Dental Team: At the heart of Allure Dental Care is our compassionate and skilled dental team dedicated to your oral health and wellbeing. Our dentists combine expertise with empathy to create a supportive and nurturing environment where you feel valued and cared for throughout your dental journey. Whether you’re visiting us for a routine check-up or undergoing a complex procedure, rest assured that you’re in capable hands, and we are committed to providing personalized attention and exceptional care every step of the way.
Conclusion: In conclusion, Allure Dental Care stands as your premier destination for dental care in CBD Belapur, where passion, expertise, and innovation converge to enhance smiles and transform lives. Whether you’re due for your regular dental check-up or seeking specialized treatment, we invite you to experience the difference at Allure Dental Care and discover the joy of a healthy and beautiful smile. Schedule your appointment today and embark on a journey towards optimal oral health with us — your trusted partner in dental care in CBD Belapur!
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ruth Sheen and Phil Davis in High Hopes (Mike Leigh, 1988)
Cast: Phil Davis, Ruth Sheen, Edna Doré, Heather Tobias, Philip Jackson, Lesley Manville, David Bamber, Jason Watkins. Screenplay: Mike Leigh. Cinematography: Roger Pratt. Production design: Diana Charnley. Music: Andrew Dickson.
Mike Leigh's excoriating satire of Thatcherite Britain, High Hopes, ranges from shrill to droll, from gratingly silly to quietly touching. A film like it from any other director might have been said to be out of control, but as usual Leigh knows exactly what he's doing, and he does it brilliantly if annoyingly. Annoyance is, in fact, part of the process: If we object that his characters are unreal, over the top, his response would have to be yes, but you know who they are, don't you? And we do, from the shabby socialists, Cyril (Phil Davis) and Shirley (Ruth Sheen), to the working-class strivers who can't rise above their bad taste, Valerie (Heather Tobias) and Martin (Philip Jackson), to the parvenu Tories, Laetitia (Lesley Manville) and Rupert (David Bamb er). We've all seen their likes, even in the United States -- perhaps they became even more noticeable in Trumpian America. Fortunately, Leigh knows to ground his satire in people we can sympathize with, namely, Cyril and Shirley. They are menial cogs in the capitalist machine, he's a motorcycle courier, she works for a landscape gardener, and they rage against the system, especially Cyril, who drags Shirley to Highgate Cemetery to worship at the grave of Karl Marx. She's more interested in the foliage -- "That ivy could use a pruning," she notes -- than in the moribund class struggle, but she loves her man, even if he doesn't want to have children because he doesn't want to bring anyone else into an overpopulated world in which socialism has failed. Poor as they are, they have good hearts, taking in the mentally challenged stray Wayne (Jsson Watkins) for a night and putting him up in their "spare room," which is a large closet with a mattress and sleeping bag. But they have to contend with family: Cyril's aging mum (Edna Doré), who precipitates a crisis by locking herself out of her house, and his giddy sister, Valerie, whose husband runs a used-car lot and is a thorough cad. The crisis introduces us to mum's gentrifying next-door neighbors, Laetitia and Rupert, who have bought one of the row houses in a council estate and are renovating it to the height of yuppie chic. Rupert proclaims his mantra: "What made this country great was a place for everyone and everyone in his place." Then he adds, "And this is my place." The scenes from the lives of Laetitia and Rupert and from those of Valerie and Martin are hysterically funny, but Leigh knows that a little of them goes a long way -- a little of Valerie's manic giggle goes a very long way indeed -- so he wisely turns back to the more identifiably human (and humane) Cyril and Shirley to put things into perspective. The film concludes with Cyril and Shirley taking his mum up to the roof of the building in which they live to admire the rather drab view of the St. Pancras railway yards and the gasworks, with just a peek at St. Paul's. For once in the film, mum, who is usually sunk in senile confusion and depression, brightens a little: "This is the top of the world," she says. God help us, but it probably is.
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