#LoFi Beats 2fybf2
vveakfish · 8 months
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bi-curious boys in bisexual lighting
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vveakfish · 3 months
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Lo-Fi Beats Jayroy vibes
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vveakfish · 11 months
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str8 boy yaoi (colorized, 2023) | [prev] • [next]
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vveakfish · 11 months
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low-res jayroy wip | [next ver.]
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vveakfish · 11 months
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toying w/ Jason & Roy designs for Lo-Fi Beats
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vveakfish · 11 months
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alien princess. loml
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vveakfish · 11 months
gay4pay jayroy ch2 😎
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vveakfish · 1 year
….man i wanna work on my jayroy camboy au fic
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vveakfish · 11 months
i need to redesign LoFi jason’s bat tattoo bc its too complicated and i dont ever want to draw it…
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vveakfish · 11 months
ooooh the boys are kissing sloppy style ;]
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vveakfish · 11 months
writing yaoi of masc4masc bi-curious boys will have you writing shit like “broner.” writing yaoi of masc4masc bi-curious boys will also have you questioning your life choices.
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vveakfish · 11 months
writing LoFi Beats has me designing dicks again.
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vveakfish · 1 year
gay4pay jayroy fic :P
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vveakfish · 2 months
i dont wanna bother but are you stil writing lo-fi beats?
Hi omg, not a bother at all !!
Short answer: yes i am still writing Lo-Fi Beats. I've been chipping away at ch4 since i uploaded ch3 — slowly but surely. I was looking back at the fic the other day and realized its been... like 7 months since i updated it. I hadn't realized it's been that long :0
Real life has been incredibly hectic this past year, and i simply have not had as much time to write as i used to :(
However, yes the next update is in progress, and very much not abandoned. As of writing this it is just over 4k words, and there are still a few scene's i want to add before i feel like i can call it complete.
Also, i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's been keeping up with this fic, I cant tell you how happy it makes me that people are enjoying this story. And so, because y'all have been incredibly patient with me, i'm gonna give you guys a lil snippet of the next chapter ;] (below the cut in case you don't want spoilers)
Lo-Fi Beats 2 Fuck Your Best Friend 2 | chapter 4
The thing about partying with Dick was, you always found yourself far more fucked up than you intended to be. This was, however, entirely by design.
Dick didn’t do anything in half measures — always all or nothing. He never saw the point in living any other way.
Jason sat with his feet in the hot tub, wearing a pair of trunks he’d borrowed from Dick’s boyfriend of the week, which if he were being honest with himself, was not the worst guy Dick could have decided to keep on a leash for however long he found them entertaining.
Which is a pattern that sounded far worse than it actually was, but Jason never liked thinking about Dick’s sex life. Just like he wished he weren’t kicking his feet at the water’s edge while Dick and his boy-toy made out in the pool.
Jason kept his eyes respectfully averted, but considering the three of them were the only people still on the pool deck, it was hard not to catch glimpses. The way they seemed to move so well together, their bodies curling around each other like every curve and plane were molded to a perfect fit. And all Jason could wonder is how Dick always made it look so simple.
That kind of intimacy had never come easily to Jason. It always felt too raw, left him feeling stripped too bare, and had him putting his walls back up almost as quickly as he let them down. Which honestly, was a large part of why sex work had been such a good fit for him. Scenes didn’t come with the expectation of romance — not beyond the heat of being on camera together, anyway.
He'd always had that safety net to fall back on, that layer of separation between his heart, and those of the people he slept with; no matter how passionate they looked on screen.
That’s how he liked things. It was his policy to try and keep work and personal relationships separate. Or, as separate as possible in an industry where your personal circle was one of your most valuable assets.
But here he was, Jacuzzi water bubbling around his ankles, his chest tightening at a blurry picture Roy posted on his story.
The photo wasn’t anything special. A thirst trap, Roy with a towel wrapped around his waist, happy trail peeking out above the plush cotton, and pulling Jason’s eyes down to the bulge clearly visible beneath it. A hasty swipe of his hand all the effort he put into clearing the steam from Jason’s bathroom mirror — tongue peeking through his grin.
He hadn’t seen Roy take it, but Jason knew that just out of frame, he was climbing out of the shower himself. Trying to keep his eyes trained on the floor instead of tracing the lines of Roy’s abdomen to the place they disappeared beneath his fresh white towel.
‘Hey, what are you up to tomorrow?’ Roy asked as Jason dried his hair.
‘Not a damn thing,’ Jason replied, wondering if it was weird that part of him hoped Roy would ask for a repeat performance. ‘Why?’
‘Oh, it’s just–’ Roy hesitated, interrupting himself with a laugh, ‘Kori and I have plans tonight. Some event her agency is making her go to. I’m tagging along for moral support, and–’
Jason let the towel fall from his face, raising an eyebrow at Roy’s rambling. ‘Right, okay. Getting to the point.’ Roy sighed, ‘Come to Metro tomorrow. We could go out… or something.’
‘Go out…?’ Jason asked, trying not to look too hard at the dip of Roy’s clavicles, or the cut of his jaw.
‘Yeah,’ Roy laughed again, swiping his vape from the bathroom counter and taking a hit, ‘there’s a party at some bar on the East Side. Thought we could go. Cause problems for old time’s sake.’ He took another hit, ‘What’d’ya say,’ He smiled, ‘one last night out before I fly back to L.A.?’
He hadn’t known what to say, and Roy seemed to catch on, ending the oddly tense silence with a hummed ‘Think about it, okay? No pressure, jus’ let me know.’ He smiled then disappeared into the bedroom. ‘I think I’m gonna call a car,’  he announced as he got dressed.
‘I’ll walk you down.’ Was all Jason could bring himself to say, because ‘do you have to go?’ felt too close to the kind of intimacy he refused to let himself give into.
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vveakfish · 8 months
I'm loving LoFi Beats, it has to be one of my new favorite fics
this made my morning anon <3
I’m so glad ppl are enjoying it so far! i cant wait to share what i have planned hehe.
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