#Loquāx Rambles
loquaxleemons · 6 months
My head is full of gay
haha I'm a boykisser haha I'm a girlkisser haha I'm a they/them kisser
Anyways. This is my Kinitopet sona, Hazey the Hadal Snailfish
(I'm so cool and you should #likeandscrubscribe)
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loquaxleemons · 4 months
I'm just a guy in this world who makes blingees sometimes.
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Cloud Nine the iterator is from @yoursleepyschedule
You can use the spearmaster one if you like idrc you don't even need to credit me.
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loquaxleemons · 3 months
Jokes on you, I like both Rain Wold and KinitoPET! /lighthearted
You draw silly little guys really great and I get inspiration when seeing your art, you keep it up! :]
Oh wow I think this is the first ask I've gotten that is like actually about me- Congrats. Have a cookie! I'm glad that my hyperfixations have overlaps because I'm everywhere at times- Like I'm really into 3Below/Tales of Arcadia again rn (super good series you should watch it just not the movie) Krel Is my favorite ever, he's just like me fr! Fucking Iconic.
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I try to conect all my interests so I feed everyone but mostly its just me out here having fun. Doing what I like. I'm not great at understanding whats popular so I just shoot into the void and hope something hits.
Other followers, this is your sign to put more random stuff in my inbox
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loquaxleemons · 6 months
Guys I'm actually the best kinito player
I've been playing KinitoPET since he was made
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Kinito Wippity under cut (working on my anthro version)
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loquaxleemons · 5 months
Actually insane...
what the helll... what did I do man...
unrelated topic does anyone have any small kinito discord servers they would like me in. But seriously no mods told me what I did wrong or nothing so what did I do...
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loquaxleemons · 3 days
I was having a good day minding my own damn business scrolling my tumblr for you page and I and forced to bear witness to my sweet aroace space prince and Child predator 3000 mpreg fanart.
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The 903 year age gap is just NOT it. If you are 919 please do not hit on sixteen year olds. if you are 19 please do not hit on sixteen year olds.
Gave me the ew that was NOT for me bro. If you ship krexie get the fuck off my page fr ong.
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loquaxleemons · 4 months
The Arrival.
look at them.
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Dont worry five pebbles was also given his own bottle of water afterwards.
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loquaxleemons · 1 year
Rain World theory thingy
I don't usually do this kinda stuff but I have a cool rw theory I wanna post and have credit for- The puppet chamber (and the rest of the structure with the iterator parts in it) is usually in 0 g, and the 0 g feel is what sensory deprivation tanks try to achieve, sensory deprivation tanks are meant to remove the senses, which enhances the concentration of the mind. It's much easier to just remove the senses artificially rather than trying to take them out of an organism altogether. This however would affect concentration when in pain or experiencing acute failures, being in a state of sensory deprivation for their entire lives, the presence of new stimuli and senses would make it harder for them to concentrate when it used to be second nature. That's why pebbles is so fazed by little creatures coming in and interrupting him, and why moon is unable to work well and prefers to meditate in the middle of the chamber in her final moments during spearmaster. Five Pebbles will never be at the proccessing power he was in his prime and that detriments his ability to cure himself in the first place.
I hope, someone reads this, I've been feeling down lately and I don't know why-
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loquaxleemons · 4 months
Me watching all the people I baited into my account with kinitopet stuff stare at me for posting my shitty rainworld art... Idk, I have to recover from being unjustly banned from kinitocord, and find new kinitofriends. It was a bad breakup and IDK if kinito loves me any more. Five Pebbles wouldn't do this to me.
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loquaxleemons · 4 months
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loquaxleemons · 1 year
More rainworld ramblings: DP spoils under cut
I may get hate for this hc but it's my headcanon not yours, and if you believe otherwise good for you.
Again I don't expect anyone to read these it just makes me happy to ramble.
After reviewing all SRS dialogue with Pebbles and NSH, its pretty clear they really don't get that their actions affected more than just their life. I mean they only mention Moon a few times, and usually it's because NSH brings it up.
I don't hate SRS as a character, they're written really well to make me feel so strongly about how bad of a friend they are to NSH and FP. And I still think they're a silly lil dude despite being, a terrible friend.
I'll review what we know.
First Offence: Spearmaster's pearl
The message seems really sweet at first glance and you think, man FP is being such a douche right now. And well he is, but he's also really young, and he's in pain, being cyberbullied by UI, and upset. Sun's approach is not very good for his current mentality, they come in preaching things FP already knows about, they berate him for not doing the experiment right and acting rashly despite him being in pain as his insides are getting eaten, and they know, him they know that he's emotionally immature and probably really upset, and they chose to send him something they knew would just make him more upset.
Second Offence: Watch in Horror Broadcast
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment SRS: I'm in noticing you are becoming more defensive. This obviously wasn't the end result I was aiming for, you know. SRS: Please respond to my messages. I don't want to leave it like this. I need someone to talk to. NSH: I don't mean to be cold, I'm just very worried. NSH: The activity I'm seeing from Moon's can is becoming increasingly... concerning. NSH: Our available options are rapidly diminishing, and I feel helpless to do anything. NSH: I can just watch in horror. SRS: ... NSH: You should have sent the messenger to Moon instead of Pebbles. SRS: Do you think that would have helped anything? NSH: To be honest, no... I'm not sure that it would.
Suns gets on NSH's ass for being upset Moon is dead. There is no, I'm sorry for your loss, or even comforting NSH. It's just "I need someone to talk to" it's about SRS, and how SRS feels. Not how NSH feels. And this is more apparent in the other broadcasts because it's just about Suns and how they feel about Pebbles or about Spearmaster.
Third Offense: Humiliated Broadcast
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment SRS: I'm just so frustrated. SRS: I feel like I've doomed not one. but two iterators. SRS: And in the whole process I've lost a great friend, who won't even let me help him. NSH: We make mistakes, it'll be okay. You know Five Pebbles really looks up to you. SRS: Yes, I know that, but... NSH: I think he's scared. Scared, and humiliated. Unparalleled Innocence spreading the news probably made him feel even worse. SRS: ...I think you're right.
this one is actually not bad, but still the conversation is about SRS, they don't ask how NSH feels despite being Suns' therapist friend this whole time.
Fourth Offence: Tragic and Big Setback broadcasts
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment SRS: I just don't understand... why hasn't Moon done anything about the situation herself? SRS: She was appointed as Pebbles' superior. She has the power to stop him. NSH: I've been very close with Moon, and I can tell you she is incredibly caring. NSH: And while her kindness is one of her greatest attributes, it is also to her detriment. SRS: Isn't this excessive, though? Surely she at least has a sense of self-preservation. NSH: I'm sure she convinced herself that she could help Pebbles. That she could bring him under control with words rather than forced action. NSH: She's probably still trying that now, unless her systems have degraded past the point of even allowing that. NSH: That's why this is so tragic to me. [LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment SRS: I remember talking with Five Pebbles not too long after he was first put online. He had a bit of defiance, even back then. SRS: It was an odd situation, to be certain. Its quite rare for one iterator to be made the administrator of another. Just as rare as them being built right next to each other. NSH: His lack of appreciation used to bother me. Moon was a great big sister to him! SRS: Yes, absolutely. However. Five Pebbles had a very strong drive for independence. He was never one to want to be told what to do. NSH: I think a lot of us were like that in the beginning. I remember being in that phase a very long time ago. It takes many iterations for our world views to develop and for us to realize the flaws in those lines of thinking. NSH: Unfortunately, from what I've seen, Five Pebbles seems to have plateaued at that phase. SRS: No, that's not true. I was helping him to get past it. We were making good progress, actually! SRS: The current situation, however, is going to be a very big setback...
I don't like the way SRS explains Moon to NSH despite him being closer to Moon than Suns is, you know Pebbles, NSH knows Moon.
And I just hate the whole big setback chat, seems like they're (NSH and SRS) objectifying Pebbles and treating him like a project rather than a person. Also feels like they're forgetting that he's younger than they are so he's still growing.
AGAIN despite saying all this I enjoy SRS's character, their role in the story and their dynamic in the group feels good, and real. It's exactly how a friend group like this would work. It just confuses me a little how people depict Suns often as a caring person when they are really never shown to be considerate of anyone's feelings like Moon or NSH is. I don't think SRS was a good influence on Pebbles, and might be the reason he's the way he is.
This entire thing is partially why I also don't really ship sunstone, but yk I still enjoy the Sunstone art and stuff. I don't waste my time chasing people I don't agree with. You've got your ideas I've got mine, I bet your art/story is beautiful it's just not for me.
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loquaxleemons · 16 days
have you ever thought about doing commissions?
I actually do commissions currently, however I can only accept Nitro and Steam gift cards at the moment since I'm only 17 years old. I have plans to do some through kofi after I get my paypal set up sometime early next year though.
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Trust me when I say I'm gonna be taking a bunch when that happens because I'm gonna need college funds.
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loquaxleemons · 1 month
rain wo
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Jolly Co-op with some random.
Quite eepery today
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loquaxleemons · 11 months
This is my main account! I post art and little text posts about my current hyperfixations. Lets get sillay-
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-About Me- :]
I'm Loquāx, but my friends call me Lo or Loq. I also go by, The Jampire!, Celtic, ScottaLotta, or Ness. They/Them mostly but I do enjoy the occasional He/Him and She/Her I'm a horror artist, expect some uncomfy things sometimes.
This blog may not be suitable for those under 16. Current Fixations : Cult of the Lamb, Splatoon, Rain World, Don't Starve together, ULTRAKILL,Tales of Arcadia, and Invertibrates
My Xwitter
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Other Blogs and Tags I Use
Iterator Ask Blog - @therewillcomestaticpools - Owner
#Loq's Art/#My Art - My Art #Loquāx Scrawls - Sketches and Silliness #Loquāx Reblogs - Reblogs #Other's art/#[Mutual's] art - Friends/People I follow art #Loremaster - LOOOOORRREEEEE! #Loquāx Rambles - Text post #Answering Dumbassery - Answering asks
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List of Cool People (You should follow them.)
@abs0luteanarchy - COQ Brother @yoursleepyschedule - Hi! :3 @sin-simps - I see what you are. @treeheehoohoodraws - werewolf. @overcafenated - Smelly Coffee man.
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That's all folks! <333
Don't feel shy to like too many of my posts in a row- I like seeing people appreciate the work I put into my art! Reblogs > Likes
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loquaxleemons · 11 months
I see all these other artists draw so much faster than me, and so much better at the same time. It just sit here with my mediocre art wondering what I'm doing wrong. Man.
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loquaxleemons · 3 months
Sighs in having to unfollow a cool artist because they won't shut up about politics on their account and now I have to look at people arguing and trading false facts when I could have just been enjoying my gloobers.
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