#Lord De Sardet
ithinkthiswasabadidea · 6 months
Extremely niche post catering to approximately six of my mutuals and/or followers about how I think the GreedFall characters (in an idealised, good ending where a cure is possible and everyone is happy) would react/interact with the BG3 companions and Tav (well. my original tav, at least)
Vasco is hard to warm up to new people, but then he hears Wyll and Karlach hyping each other up and talking about their adventures, and especially with the way Wyll romanticises things so much, he's now listening SO intently. In return the two of them are enraptured when Vasco describes his life as a Naut, and the range of things he experienced on the seas at such a young age. He has an almost pained sort of reaction when he hears about Wyll growing up as nobility, and circumstances ripping him away from it, but is inspired to know how Wyll grows from that experience to be so much more than just the Duke's son. He really loves how much Karlach loves her people
Siora is also a little stressed about how she would be received but Jaheira and Halsin are super easy to gravitate towards and there is very quickly an understanding as they discuss their deep connections to the land and their people. Siora describes the Nádaig with such reverence and fear and awe and the two druids are positively spellbound. Halsin talks about Thaniel, and then both he and Jaheira take turns describing their wildshaping and giving some demonstrations, much to Siora's delight. I think she would also be quietly in awe of the other women in the group too, and their prowess and experiences
Kurt is pretty standoffish and just wants to keep an eye on De Sardet and Constantin, but at some point he strikes up a conversation with Shadowheart and Astarion. It's tense and cagey for a long while, and I'm not sure how it would even come up, but he learns of the Dark Justiciar training and Astarion's past under Cazador's heel, and then he's gently sharing his own traumatic experiences to show how much he understands. The camp, and the things they were made to do.... Nobody makes mention of the quick, but fiercely protective hugs between the three of them (I headcanon Kurt is a hugger. The man WILL crush someone in a hug). There is a wordless bond of strength and healing through action (and no small amount of revenge)
Aphra and Gale are warily eyeing each other up, but man. You can fit so many 'intense special interest in my chosen field of study' into these bad boys. If you can get one of them to shut up for long enough, the other will just as easily keep the conversation going. They don't quite understand much of what the other is talking about but there is mutual acceptance and respect from a scholarly point of view. Gale mentions the view from his tower in Waterdeep, and Aphra's resolve will crumble as she describes the observatories where she grew up
Petrus is stuck between Lae'zel and Minthara who are both ranting about power struggles and God/s in the Fanatics Corner™️. He quickly learns to keep his mouth shut unless he's asked for an opinion, but there is a great deal of intelligent theological debate, and about how to deal with hierarchy and control of a people, when what they have been told is the truth, simply. Is not.
De Sardet and Tav are passing a bottle of something STRONGLY alcoholic back and forth, lamenting the staggering amount of work that a 'Chosen Leader' has to do to bring people together and broker some sort of peace or alliance, OR make the hard choice and cut ties before things become unsalvageable. The conversation starts off pretty unhappy and painful, but ends with a lot of hope and love
Finally, Constantin has been utterly charmed by Minsc and Boo. So neither the Stone Lord nor our dear, darling ball of curiosity, Constantin, are causing any trouble right now. Boo is pulling every string and eldritch(?) favour he can to keep this duo contained
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
Knowledge To Be Shared
Vasco X De Sardet
Word Count: 1.1K Warnings: None
Author's Note: But it's about the bi-pirate!!! -Thorne
Vasco had to admit that there were plenty of times that De Sardet had proved himself a noble of true and genuine character. The man practically bled a desire to help people, to raise a sword to injustice, and right any and all wrongs. Even as reserved as the noble could be at times, Vasco saw De Sardet for who he truly was—a good person, through and through.
But even if it were all of the times he saw De Sardet proving himself a good person, it was truly the first instance of seeing a noble even associate with a low-born that had made the greatest impact on Vasco.
Vasco had the rare opportunity to brew a cup of coffee and he sat in the corner, nursing his hot cup as he viewed the mess hall. The Coin Guard and the Prince had already finished breakfast, leaving the others to their food as they chittered about fencing on the deck. It was only a few minutes later that their resident Legate had decided to make his appearance, and Vasco expected him to be wearing his entire armor set (as most nobles did to let the Nauts aboard know that they were in the presence of a royal), but the man was wearing a simple black cotton shirt that was tucked into a pair of dark mahogany trousers. His hair, of course, was taken care of and his face washed, so at least he maintained a level of personal hygiene even if his dress stated otherwise.
He watched as De Sardet fixed himself a plate and sat down towards the end of one of the tables where Jonas, Lauro, and Flavia were sitting. He took out a small booklet, no bigger than his palm and cracked it open, quietly reading its contents as he ate. It was only then that Vasco realized that Jonas’ eyes were on the booklet, occasionally shifting to his hands, then to De Sardet’s face, and he heard Flavia encouraging him.
“Um…Lord De Sardet?” Jonas’ voice was quiet, a little unsure and after De Sardet didn’t respond he cleared his throat and asked a little louder, “Lord De Sardet?”
The noble startled, evidently quite absorbed in his book, blinking as he looked to his side, confused expression breaking way to a welcoming smile as he greeted, “Ah, Jonas! Forgive me, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“It’s aright, my Lord.” He fidgeted in his seat. “I was perhaps wondering if…” his eyes met Flavia’s who smiled brightly at him. “If you had the time…would you teach me…how to read?”
De Sardet blinked, his confusion taking hold again as he asked, “Nauts can’t read?”
Flavia spoke this time. “We lot know enough to get by, but only those that are considered for higher rank are taught. That is unless we learn some other way.”
He looked back at Jonas who was still fidgeting slightly in his seat; a calm smile broke across his face, and he nodded. “I’d be honored to teach you, Jonas.”
“R-really? You would teach me?”
“Of course! Knowledge should be shared by everyone. And being able to read? Now that is something that everyone should be taught. What is life without being able to read a good story before bed?”
The three sailors beside him laughed heartily and he waved Jonas to sit beside him. “What is this?”
“A selection of specific poetry. My mother’s favorite little book that held all of her favorites. It was made specially for her.” He smiled fondly if a little heartbroken at the booklet. “There is no other book like it.” De Sardet laid the book in front of him. “Do you know your letters, Jonas?”
“I do…but putting the words together is a bit harder.” He shifted. “Speaking is easier than writing and reading. It’s strange.”
“No, I understand. It is quite a strange phenomena to be able to hear words and emulate others by learning to speak the same way but seeing words on paper and trying to read and write, is much harder.” He waved a hand. “All the same, we will start with this one. It’s short and simple. Easy enough that you’ll be able sound words out.”
Jonas nodded, ready to prove himself, and Vasco couldn’t help but let his heart feel light at the view before him.
Vasco had never felt such an overwhelming yet so calming sense of peace unlike that of being wrapped up in De Sardet’s arms. The man was a giant, stood just a couple inches taller than Kurt and was just as fit, if not more so, and he hugged and held like a bear. Vasco couldn’t even move, not that he wanted to, from where his back was pressed up against the Legate’s chest, legs tangled, the noble’s nose buried in caramel strands, relaxing breath puffing over his neck.
“You’re thinking too loud,” De Sardet muttered into tan skin.
Vasco snorted. “How can you even tell such a thing?”
“Hmm…your thigh tenses whenever you’re in deep thought.” He shifted, resting his chin on his shoulder. “What are you thinking about, my love?”
A giddiness fluttered in the Naut’s chest; he let out a wistful sigh and turned his head. “I was just thinking about when I started viewing you differently.”
De Sardet nodded. “I’ve got to assume it was well into our travels on the island. We’ve certainly met our fair share of opportune moments.”
“Actually, the first moment I thought differently of you was when I saw you teaching Jonas how to read.”
The noble paused, looking down. “You saw?”
“Did you not see me in the corner?”
Vasco laughed, shaking his head. “I can’t believe you didn’t even see me.”
“I mean, in my defense, I was more concerned about getting some breakfast before it was eaten by ravenous sailors.”
“We are not ravenous!”
“Oh, I don’t know, I’ve seen you after a long day of all work. You look like a ulg devouring a deer.”
“I quite literally saw you tear into a turkey leg the other night with nothing but your teeth. Like a ravenous man.”
“Are you sure? Because I distinctly remember dinner occurring differently.”
“I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS SLANDER!” Vasco tried to wriggle out of De Sardet’s arms, but the cage he was in was way too tight and he thrashed around before letting out a growl and settling back.
“Yes,” he grunted begrudgingly.
De Sardet grinned and leaned around, pecking around Vasco’s face until the Naut let out a laugh and shoved at him; the noble eased up and stared down at him with a smile. “I love you, Vasco.”
“I love you, my Tempest.”
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key-of-bones · 1 year
do you ever think For Us will be finished? If not , how would it have ended?
I have pined for many years, great one.
I would like to say, yes... however I burnt myself out quite badly writing the series. I've only recently considered replaying the game and perhaps finishing the fic. I don't want to say that it's done, I left it off at a crossroads as I couldn't decide whether to end it early or see it through. I haven't given up hope on it! Honestly, I didn't know anyone wanted me to continue it.
That said, I will give you a little spoiler. I had planned on Lord d'Orsay making special visit, with Constantin and De Sardet meeting him. It feels anticlimactic to just kill him right there, so I'm leaning towards a longer option. Their unborn child might play into that.
I hope that answers your question! Thank you for loving my series so much.
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nadaig-slendermen · 3 years
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Battle Boyfriends
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commandermorgan · 3 years
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Hello bees! Percy De Sardet for @sleepfight <3
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I don’t know why, but I really love this shot of my beloved boy. So I’m here sharing it with you all.
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simonjadis · 5 years
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my Lucien de Sardet and Vasco from Greedfall, sfw version
by the talented kik_draws
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So a thing happened and I am now playing GreedFall... I’d say oops but I’m not even sorry or worried so like I’m freaking in love with these two idiots ok?! And yes Vasco IS an idiot. Because pretty boy said something last night and I was like literally facepalming because why would you admit that to someone who is kinda, sorta an enemy?! lol I love him though. So yeah totally in love with idiot piratey guy and my Lord De Sardet.
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jiwoonsea · 3 years
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What if spiders gave us party banter in greedfall 😳
Anyway here’s some lord DeSardet because I hardly draw him
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
What Comes Next
Call this a... personalized expansion of the conversation after Kurt’s romance scene. Bc I love it as is in the game so I’m not fixing it or anything, but I got a plot worm off the kiss prompt list and it wouldn’t go away. :D
Were it not for the dark grey gambeson, Coin Guard heraldry clearly visible as it hung off a chair dappled with early morning sun, Vesper might have worried last night was just an exceptionally good dream.
But any such fear would have lasted mere moments, as the comfortable weight of Kurt’s arm draped over her registered. It was followed shortly by the warmth of him at her back and she smiled, muffling a giddy laugh in her hand. Her chest felt too full with the abundance of joy it contained. Not a dream. 
Kurt shifted and mumbled even as she covered his hand with hers, his breath raising goosebumps across her shoulder blades. Vesper’s smile widened and and she bit her lip when he stilled.
“Good morning, Kurt,” she said, giving his hand a squeeze before ghosting her fingers over his knuckles, up the back of his hand to his wrist.
His breath caught, but rather than pull away as she’d half-feared, he kissed that curve where shoulder met neck, the one that made her hum. “Morning, Green Blood,” he said softly. There was a moment of silence, a hesitation before he asked, “What happens now?” His tone clearly dreaded the answer even as his fingers traced gentle lines on her stomach.
“Well,” Vesper twisted around to face him, unable to keep the mischief out of her voice or her fingers from tracing his truly magnificent jawline as she spoke, “I figured you would be wanting to get up and... do things, early riser that you are. I should probably do likewise, with our list of tasks, but was planning to enjoy the comforts of my bed just a little longer.” Her fingers slipped higher, tracing over his brow and then the shell of his ear. “You’re welcome to do so with me. If you’re willing to break your routine just this once.”
Rather than laugh or shake his head at her teasing, the same strange vulnerability as last night--when he confirmed she wanted this, wanted him--filled his eyes. “So you... still want to be with me?”
“Yes,” she replied, firmly and without hesitation, her heart twisting at the disbelief in his voice. She silently cursed everyone who ever made him doubt his worth as she cupped his jaw and held his gaze. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Kurt arched a brow, fingers rubbing absent, hesitant circles against her back.  “Surely, Your Excellency, you have better options than a mere mercenary.”
Vesper almost snorted; he’d been with her every day since they landed, he would know if there were any she considered other options, let alone better ones. Even leaving that aside... “You mean better than my faithful and trustworthy bodyguard?” She kissed the scar that cut into his eyebrow. “Who’s kept me safe for years?” Kissed the lower part of the scar, where it hooked across his cheek to the bridge of his nose. “Who cares a great deal about me and others, whatever he might protest to the contrary?” She arched a playful brow and brushed a kiss over the scar on his chin.
”Green Blood-”
“I’m almost done,” she promised, lightly resting a finger to his lips. “Who’s trained me to fight, to protect myself, and still watches my back with peerless skill?” She moved her finger and kissed the scar scoring his lips. “Who knows me better than just about anyone in the world?” She kissed him again, gently but fierce.  “No, I don’t think I have any options better than that.”
“You make me sound like some kind of saint,” Kurt grumbled against her mouth, but it was half-hearted at best and there was a twinkle in his eye.
“Maybe you are,” Vesper teased. “Between putting up with Constantin and watching out for me so tirelessly and so long with nary a complaint.”
“There hasn’t been anything to complain about. You are...” He laughed softly, his hand sweeping up her spine. The contrast of gentle touch and calloused fingers raised gooseflesh in its wake. “You are everything I want, and everything that I love.” He ran his fingers through her hair, studying her with unmistakable fondness and no small amount of wonder.  “How did I get so lucky?”
“You were due,” she murmured, fingers caressing a lash-scar that curled up over his shoulder. “More than, in my opinion.” She trailed her fingers up his neck, across his cheek, traced his lower lip with her thumb. “I cannot imagine my life without you in it, Kurt. It doesn’t work, and I don’t want it to.” The joyful contentment burst out as another, even wider, grin. “I love you, too.”
Kurt pulled her in for a kiss, his fingers digging deeper into her hair.
Vesper laughed into it as she kissed him back, her hand sliding to the back of his neck. “So, my beloved Captain,” she murmured with an unabated grin when they parted,  “will you be staying with me?”
“My sweet Excellency,” he kissed the corner of her jaw and held her close, eyes twinkling, “I do believe I will. It is a very comfortable bed.”
She was still grinning, unsure she’d ever stop. “Isn’t it?”
Another laugh, another kiss, and the sun had risen much higher by the time they finally made it out of bed. 
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marinadesardet · 3 years
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@merruschka drew my girl?? And I'm so happy??!!?!?! She's literally so beautiful and exactly as I'd pictured her. Spiders, please give us more hair options, babes! 💕
I am literally losing it rn, I love her so much, thank youuuuu.
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defiledtomb · 5 years
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Svala De Sardet ~
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storybook-lili · 3 years
Fun De Sardet x Vasco AU ideas
The Léandre AU (aka “Vasco as a noble”)
Vasco (or Léandre in this case) is never given to the Nauts, and he and Lady De Sardet’s family arranged the two to marry. They practically hate each other as children and don’t want to get married, but they meet again as adults and begin falling for each other. For Lord De Sardet players, the two are rivals since childhood, but meet each other again as adults and become rivals -> lovers.
Cue childhood montage with the song “This Is My Idea” from The Swan Princess playing in the background.
The Sea-Born AU (aka “De Sardet as a Naut”)
De Sardet never gets adopted by the Prince of the Congregation and lives as a Naut. Both they and Vasco are hard-working Nauts who are always competing against each other. By day they’re rivals, by night their lovers.
Naut!De Sardet becomes first-mate on Captain Vasco’s ship, and the two develop a romance (or the other way around. Whatever floats your boat ship).
The Naut and the Islander AU (aka “De Sardet as a native islander”)
De Sardet’s mother is never kidnapped by the Nauts, thus they are born amongst the Sísaíg cnámeis clan. Vasco is still ordered by the Admiral to accompany whoever is made legate of the Congregation (insert your own explanation for why here), and he meets Native!De Sardet one day and two fall in love.
Bonus points is you use the Princess Mononoke meme where Native!De Sardet has their knife at Vasco’s throat and he just responds with, “You’re beautiful”.
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wiltf · 2 years
Many things had been apparent the moment Kurt had been assigned the posting. First and foremost, the upper crust of Serene were just as obnoxiously obtuse as he had been led to believe while out in the field with many who had taken assignments for them before. Secondly, the apologetic looks from his former unit were a lot more telling in hindsight after he had taken his first steps into the browning courtyard, only one tree left standing.
And the third? No sheer amount of preparation or meetings would have given him the understanding that he would spend the first hours of minding noble children following a trail of apple scraps through the d’Orsay manor.
All of it led him to the last tree that still bore leaves within Serene. His assessment, based on the last few weeks of getting familiar with the streets once more. Moved by a wind not felt. Idle whistling, the almost jaunty kind that reminded him of taverns after dark and a small instrument being played he couldn’t place.
One, two, three steps closer. Things he should have known, as he looks up in between leaves, to see those pairs of eyes swivel down. Caught in the sunlight, silver sparkling in hand. Bright red apples in a basket that hung precariously from a branch. If Kurt had to hazard a guess, the children had made themselves quite comfortable in their tree, and he was intruding.
“Apologies, Lord d’Orsay, Lady de Sardet, I did not intend to startle you.”
“You did not startle us!” the boy squarks, clearly more bark than bite already.
Every inch of him spoke of the curl of disgust Kurt had been met with after meeting with the Prince, when speaking of young Constantin. Knobbed knees, marked shirt. There was a shine to his eyes that Kurt would put towards defiance — an explanation why his father perhaps did not speak so highly of him. A dozen training regimes that could be used to temper it into something that could be used, but Constantin pushes himself to stand up in the trees, one finger pointing.
“Who are you to step onto my land?”
Kurt can feel his lips quirk, smothers it. Bows, for effect. “I have been assigned your master-at-arms, my lord, by your father.”
“So, you’re Kurt.”
“Indeed, my lady, you are well informed.”
Whereas the little lord was round faced and smarmy, his cousin sat quiet. Thoughtful. Never a good sign with soldiers, Kurt knew well. Think too hard, and they might come up with ideas. Another thing that had been spoken of, except he remembered the way the Prince seemed to lavish in the way he spoke of his niece’s intellect. Her adaptiveness. The mark that sat on the left side of her face, as if Kurt too should be in awe.
Instead, he offers a hand. To one, both, neither. “Should we begin, your highnesses?”
“He’s the prince, not me.” Thumb hitched towards her cousin. Three second warning, as she unhooks the basket and lets it fall to the ground, sliding knife into pocket. Quick and practiced movements that tell Kurt more time had been spent in the tree than she would admit, and she slides down beside him.
Claps her hands together, ridding herself of any lingering dirt, then looks up. “Come on, Constantin.”
“O-oh, okay!”
Drops the instrument first, which Kurt has a split second notion to dive for.
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nadaig-slendermen · 3 years
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Process pics
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commandermorgan · 3 years
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Progress GIFs from this past week! Blackwall on the left, Percy De Sardet for @sleepfight on the right <3
Finished works here and here.
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