#Lord Tweedmouth
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13 July 2023
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Golden retrievers at Guisachan, near Tomich (2018)
Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, 1st Baron Tweedmouth, also known as the Laird of Guisachan and Glenaffric (29 December 1820 – 4 March 1894), was a Scottish businessman and a Liberal politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1853 until 1880, when he was elevated to the peerage as Baron Tweedmouth.
He was the breeder of the first golden retriever.
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forestal-ramblings · 10 months
My uncle owns a golden retriever (mandatory pic below) and apparently there's a convention of golden retriever owners and their pets on the state where the breed originated, by Lord Tweedmouth, which is a 100% real name, and that's the most English shit I've ever seen.
Btw here's lola
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toontailsstudio · 3 months
Golden Retrievers: The Perfect Family Companion
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Golden Retrievers, with their friendly disposition and golden coats, have captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. Their origin, characteristics, and endearing love for water and mud make them not just a favorite among pet owners but also an ideal family pet. Let’s delve into the history and qualities that make Golden Retrievers such a beloved breed.
The Origin of Golden Retrievers
The Golden Retriever breed originated in Scotland in the late 19th century. They were developed by crossing the Yellow Retriever with the now-extinct Tweed Water Spaniel, along with some influences from the Bloodhound, Irish Setter, and more Water Spaniel breeds. The aim was to create a dog with a gentle temperament, keen intelligence, and excellent retrieving abilities, particularly suited for the Scottish climate and terrain. Sir Dudley Marjoribanks, later known as Lord Tweedmouth, is credited with developing the breed. His meticulous breeding records from 1835 to 1890 reveal the deliberate creation of this versatile and affectionate dog.
Characteristics of Golden Retrievers
Golden Retrievers are medium to large-sized dogs, typically weighing between 55 to 75 pounds and standing 20 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder. They have a dense, water-repellent outer coat and a thick undercoat, which can range from light golden to dark golden hues. Their friendly eyes, intelligent expression, and wagging tails make them approachable and endearing.
One of the standout characteristics of Golden Retrievers is their temperament. They are known for their friendly, tolerant attitude, making them excellent companions for children and other pets. Their intelligence and eagerness to please make them highly trainable. They excel in obedience training and are often used as service dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, and therapy dogs.
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A Love for Water and Mud
Golden Retrievers have an innate love for water, which can be traced back to their breeding as hunting dogs for retrieving waterfowl. They possess strong swimming abilities and a natural affinity for water, making them enthusiastic participants in water activities. Whether it's swimming in a lake, playing fetch at the beach, or splashing in a backyard pool, Golden Retrievers are in their element when water is involved.
This love for water often extends to a fondness for mud. Golden Retrievers seem to have a natural radar for finding the muddiest spots to roll and play in. While this can mean extra baths and cleaning for owners, it also highlights the breed's playful and adventurous spirit.
Why Golden Retrievers Make Great Family Pets
Golden Retrievers are often hailed as the ideal family pet for several reasons:
Temperament: Their friendly and tolerant nature makes them great companions for children. They are patient, gentle, and rarely show aggression.
Intelligence: Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent and eager to please. They respond well to training and can learn a variety of commands and tricks. This intelligence also makes them suitable for various roles, from family pets to working dogs.
Activity Level: They are active and energetic, requiring regular exercise, which can encourage family members to stay active too. Their love for outdoor activities, especially swimming, can make family outings more fun and engaging.
Social Nature: Golden Retrievers are social dogs that thrive on interaction with their human family. They are known to form strong bonds and are happiest when they are included in family activities.
Versatility: Whether it's a hike in the mountains, a romp at the beach, or a cozy evening at home, Golden Retrievers adapt well to various lifestyles and environments. They are as happy playing fetch in the yard as they are cuddling on the couch.
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Golden Retrievers, with their rich history, outstanding characteristics, and loving nature, truly make for the perfect family pet. Their loyalty, intelligence, and playful spirit ensure that they bring joy and companionship to any household. Whether you're looking for a running buddy, a swimming partner, or a furry friend to share your home with, a Golden Retriever is sure to fill that role with boundless enthusiasm and unconditional love.
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bikepackinguk · 1 year
Day Seventeen
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Another long slog of a day down! But with a very nerded payoff today.
Woke up very early a little south of Alnmouth to star tackling Northumberland's hillier stretch. The south of the county had been wonderful and flat along the coastline, but from here NCN 1 does a lot more meandering to take in many of the castles around the area, and coupled with some poor road surfaces and climbs made for some heavy going for much of the morning.
Eventually the route climbs high up over the other side of the A1, giving an impressive view of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, before a long descent down through Beal, where I carried on to have a quick check out of the causeway.
I'd been advised by other riders coming the other way to avoid the cycle route past there as it was pretty rough going for bioes designed more for roads like mine, but some exploring around showed that the only other option was a run down the busy A1, which sounded hellish, so with a lot of work and sweat the bike path was followed, across some very rough terrain and tracks.
Despite the effort, it turned into a pretty fun time. a sunny Saturday had brought out many other riders along the route, and there was plenty of chatting and trading tales with many other folk on the way.
At one point the path ahead was blocked by a gate behind which was a reasonably sized herd of cows, with two other riders rather concerned about how to continue. Apparently cows can be intimidating if you're not used to them!
The long push along the trail finally finishes on the clifftops overlooking Berwick-Upon-Tweed, the most northerly town in England.
Descending down from there the path runs through Tweedmouth, before over the bridge and into Berwick proper.
Unfortunately the climbs were far from over for the day! Pretty much as soon as the river is crossed the uphills begin again. I had hoped that the pathway along the A1 out of Berwick continued round and would make riding round the coast into Scotland a trivial affair, but alas it finishes a little short of the border and I really didn't feel like messing around on a dual carriageway. So, back down to Berwick again to continue the bike route which departs eastwards.
From what I can tell, the A1 follows a nice flat run around the hills. The bike trail goes directly over them.
So another long climb begins, initially tracing the border between England and Scotland almost straight north, before turning off at Mordrington and officially entering Scotland!
The climb keeps on going to about 650ft above sea level, before finally cresting the top and beginning a long ride back down the other side towards Eyemouth.
I'm honestly still a bit shocked that I've made Scotland already. No way was I ever expecting to progress this quickly, but very happy for it!
And of course being in Scotland means taking advantage of the legally protected wild camping laws, differing wildly to those in England and Wales. For the journey so far, I've had to setup late, wake very early, and ensure stealth when wild camping. Up here, I now have the tent setup next to a beautiful bubbling brook, where I can rest for a couple of nights and finally give the arching muscles sole much needed R&R. And I even got some beers in as a reward to myself.
So, probably no update tomorrow as I plan on spending most of the day having a nice lay down and reading! In the great tradition of reading lists everywhere, I have ignored it and returned to a favourite of mine for nearly 30 years, The Lord Of The Rings. Seems appropriate for an adventure.
See you all on Monday!
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centerspirited · 14 days
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metaldogs · 4 months
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Did you know Golden Retrievers trace their history back to Scotland? Thanks to Lord Tweedmouth, these lovable, intelligent dogs have become one of the most popular breeds! Learn more about Golden Retrievers and other amazing dogs here: https://metalartdogs.com/coll.../golden-retreiver-collection
Golden Retrievers are natural athletes who need lots of exercise. From fetch to hiking, they’re always ready for action!
Golden Retrievers make top-notch therapy dogs, bringing comfort and joy with their endless empathy and unconditional love.
With their soft mouths, Goldens can carry objects gently, even a raw egg without cracking it!
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omagazineparis · 8 months
Histoire et origine de la race Golden Retriever
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Le Golden Retriever est une race de chien qui a une histoire fascinante et des origines intéressantes. Cette race a été développée en Ecosse à la fin du 19ème siècle par Sir Dudley Marjoribanks, plus tard connu sous le nom de Lord Tweedmouth. Son objectif était de produire un chien de chasse polyvalent capable de récupérer le gibier à la fois sur terre et dans l'eau. Le Golden Retriever est issu d'un croisement entre un Retrievers de la Nouvelle-Écosse et un Tweed Water Spaniel, une race aujourd'hui éteinte. Le résultat de ce croisement a donné naissance à quatre chiots, qui sont considérés comme les ancêtres de tous les Golden Retrievers actuels. Au fil des années, la race a été affinée et améliorée pour créer le chien que nous connaissons aujourd'hui. Les Golden Retrievers ont été importés aux États-Unis au début du 20ème siècle et ont rapidement gagné en popularité en tant que chiens de compagnie et de travail. Aujourd'hui, les Golden Retrievers sont l'une des races de chiens les plus populaires au monde. Caractéristiques physiques du Golden Retriever Le Golden Retriever est un chien de taille moyenne à grande, bien équilibré et musclé. Ils ont une tête large avec des yeux sombres et expressifs, des oreilles tombantes et une truffe noire. Leur pelage est l'une de leurs caractéristiques les plus distinctives, avec une couleur allant du doré clair au doré foncé. Leur pelage dense et imperméable leur permet de se protéger du froid et de l'eau lorsqu'ils sont utilisés comme chiens de chasse. Les Golden Retrievers ont également une queue épaisse et touffue, qui est souvent en mouvement constant, exprimant leur joie et leur excitation. En ce qui concerne leur taille, les Golden Retrievers mâles mesurent généralement entre 56 et 61 cm au garrot, tandis que les femelles mesurent entre 51 et 56 cm. Leur poids varie de 25 à 34 kg. A lire également : Qu’est ce que l’octodon ? Comment en prendre soin? Personnalité et tempérament du Golden Retriever Le Golden Retriever est réputé pour son tempérament amical, doux et confiant. Ce sont des chiens extrêmement sociables qui s'entendent bien avec les enfants, les autres animaux de compagnie et même les étrangers. Ils sont rarement agressifs et préfèrent la compagnie des humains à la solitude. Les Golden Retrievers sont également très intelligents et faciles à entraîner. Ils sont connus pour leur capacité à apprendre rapidement et à s'adapter à différentes situations. Ils sont souvent utilisés comme chiens d'assistance, chiens de thérapie et chiens de recherche et de sauvetage en raison de leur nature aimante et de leur disposition calme. Cependant, il est important de noter que chaque chien est unique et que le tempérament d'un Golden Retriever peut varier en fonction de son éducation, de son environnement et de son héritage génétique. Le Golden Retriever en tant qu'animal de compagnie Le Golden Retriever est un choix idéal pour une famille à la recherche d'un chien aimant, loyal et facile à vivre. Ils sont connus pour leur patience avec les enfants et leur capacité à s'adapter à différents modes de vie. Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que les Golden Retrievers ont besoin d'exercice régulier et de stimulation mentale pour être heureux et en bonne santé. Ils sont une race énergique qui aime jouer, courir et faire de l'exercice en plein air. Les propriétaires doivent s'assurer de leur fournir suffisamment d'activités pour éviter l'ennui et les comportements indésirables. En tant que chien de compagnie, les Golden Retrievers ont également besoin d'une socialisation précoce et continue pour les aider à développer des compétences sociales appropriées. L'exposition à différents environnements, personnes et animaux dès leur plus jeune âge les aidera à devenir des chiens bien équilibrés et confiants. Besoins d'entraînement et d'exercice des Golden Retrievers En raison de leur intelligence et de leur nature coopérative, les Golden Retrievers sont relativement faciles à entraîner. Ils répondent bien à des méthodes d'entraînement positives et réactives, telles que les récompenses, les éloges et la motivation par le jeu. L'obéissance de base et la socialisation sont essentielles pour les Golden Retrievers, mais ils peuvent également être formés pour des tâches plus avancées, comme l'obéissance avancée, l'agilité, le travail de recherche et de sauvetage, et même le travail de thérapie. En ce qui concerne l'exercice, les Golden Retrievers ont besoin d'une bonne quantité d'activité physique pour rester en bonne santé et heureux. Au minimum, ils devraient bénéficier d'une promenade quotidienne d'au moins 30 minutes, ainsi que de jeux actifs dans un jardin clôturé ou dans un parc pour chiens. Problèmes de santé courants chez les Golden Retrievers Comme toutes les races de chiens, les Golden Retrievers sont sujets à certains problèmes de santé héréditaires et génétiques. Il est important que les propriétaires soient conscients de ces problèmes potentiels et travaillent en étroite collaboration avec leur vétérinaire pour assurer la santé et le bien-être de leur chien. Certaines des affections de santé les plus courantes chez les Golden Retrievers comprennent la dysplasie de la hanche, la dysplasie du coude, les maladies cardiaques, les allergies, les problèmes de peau et les tumeurs. Des tests génétiques et des examens réguliers chez le vétérinaire peuvent aider à détecter ces problèmes tôt et à prendre les mesures nécessaires pour les traiter. En plus des problèmes de santé héréditaires, les Golden Retrievers sont également sujets à l'obésité. Il est important de surveiller leur alimentation et de leur fournir une alimentation équilibrée et adaptée à leur niveau d'activité. Toilettage et soins des Golden Retrievers Le pelage luxuriant du Golden Retriever nécessite un entretien régulier pour rester propre et sain. Il est recommandé de brosser leur pelage au moins deux fois par semaine pour éliminer les poils morts et les nœuds. Pendant les périodes de mue, un brossage quotidien peut être nécessaire pour contrôler la perte de poils. Les bains ne sont nécessaires que lorsque le chien est sale ou sent mauvais. L'utilisation d'un shampooing doux et adapté aux chiens est recommandée pour éviter d'irriter leur peau sensible. En plus des soins du pelage, il est important de prendre soin des oreilles, des dents et des griffes de votre Golden Retriever. Les oreilles doivent être nettoyées régulièrement pour éviter les infections, les dents doivent être brossées régulièrement pour prévenir les problèmes dentaires, et les griffes doivent être coupées régulièrement pour éviter qu'elles ne deviennent trop longues. Nutrition et alimentation du Golden Retriever Une alimentation saine et équilibrée est essentielle pour maintenir la santé et le bien-être du Golden Retriever. Les propriétaires doivent choisir une alimentation de qualité spécialement formulée pour les chiens de grande race et adaptée à leur niveau d'activité. Il est recommandé de diviser les repas quotidiens en deux ou trois petites portions pour éviter les problèmes digestifs et l'obésité. L'eau fraîche et propre doit toujours être disponible pour le chien. Il est important de surveiller le poids de votre Golden Retriever et de consulter votre vétérinaire pour des conseils sur la quantité et le type d'alimentation adaptés à votre chien. Le Golden Retriever en tant que chien de travail Outre leur rôle de chien de compagnie, les Golden Retrievers sont également très appréciés en tant que chiens de travail. Leur intelligence, leur nature coopérative et leur capacité à apprendre rapidement en font des candidats idéaux pour différentes tâches. Les Golden Retrievers sont souvent utilisés comme chiens de thérapie dans les hôpitaux, les maisons de retraite et les écoles pour apporter du réconfort et de la joie aux personnes dans le besoin. Leur nature aimante et leur tempérament doux en font des compagnons parfaits pour ceux qui ont besoin de soutien émotionnel. Ils sont également utilisés comme chiens d'assistance pour les personnes handicapées, les chiens de recherche et de sauvetage pour retrouver des personnes disparues, et même comme chiens de travail dans les forces de l'ordre pour la détection de drogues et d'explosifs. A lire également : Thérapie par les animaux : un bien-être méconnu à portée de patte Trouver un éleveur de Golden Retriever fiable Si vous envisagez d'ajouter un Golden Retriever à votre famille, il est important de trouver un éleveur de confiance. Recherchez des éleveurs qui se soucient de la santé et du bien-être des chiens, et qui pratiquent des tests génétiques pour réduire les risques de problèmes de santé héréditaires. Visitez les installations de l'éleveur pour vous assurer qu'elles sont propres et adaptées aux besoins des chiens. Posez des questions sur le tempérament des chiens, leur lignée et leur historique de santé. Un bon éleveur sera prêt à répondre à toutes vos questions et à vous fournir des références de clients satisfaits. Assurez-vous également que l'éleveur est membre d'une association canine reconnue et qu'il adhère aux normes éthiques de reproduction. Adoption et organisations de sauvetage de Golden Retrievers Si vous préférez adopter un Golden Retriever plutôt que d'en acheter un chez un éleveur, il existe de nombreuses organisations de sauvetage et de récupération dédiées à cette race. Ces organisations recueillent, réhabilitent et placent les Golden Retrievers dans des foyers aimants. En adoptant un Golden Retriever via une organisation de sauvetage, vous donnez une seconde chance à un chien qui a peut-être connu des difficultés dans sa vie antérieure. Les chiens de sauvetage ont souvent été abandonnés, négligés ou maltraités, mais ils peuvent être des compagnons incroyables avec de l'amour et des soins. Recherchez des organisations de sauvetage de confiance près de chez vous et renseignez-vous sur leurs procédures d'adoption. Vous devrez peut-être remplir une demande d'adoption, passer une entrevue et payer des frais d'adoption pour couvrir les coûts de soins vétérinaires et de logement du chien. Les Golden Retrievers sont des chiens merveilleux qui apportent amour, joie et compagnie à nos vies. Leur histoire riche, leurs caractéristiques physiques distinctives et leur tempérament aimant font d'eux l'un des chiens de race les plus populaires dans le monde entier. Que vous souhaitiez un compagnon fidèle, un chien de travail ou un ami pour la vie, le Golden Retriever est une race qui ne manquera pas de vous combler de bonheur. En choisissant un Golden Retriever, vous vous ouvrez à une expérience de vie remplie de moments inoubliables et d'une amitié inconditionnelle. Alors, pourquoi ne pas vous laisser séduire par le charme, le charisme et l'amour infini que le Golden Retriever apporte à nos vies ? Read the full article
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thuzyblog · 1 year
Golden Retriever Dog Breed – The Truth and Traits
 Male Golden Retrievers stand 23–24 inches tall and weigh 65–75 pounds (29–32 kilograms). Females stand between 21 and 22 inches tall and weigh between 55 and 65 pounds (25 to 29 kilograms).
The dog's head is broad and strong. The ears are small, but they are placed high on the head and hang just below the jaw line. The chest is deep, and the body is in good shape. They have a lifespan of 10 to 13 years.
I. Golden Retriever Dog Breed Introduction
The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They are well-known for being gentle and friendly, making them ideal pets, therapy dogs, and service animals.
Their popularity has lasted a long time because they are intelligent, loyal, and adaptable.
Reasons for their popularity include:
Have grown in popularity for a variety of reasons, including:
1.Temperament: Golden Retrievers have wonderful personalities, making them ideal for families. They are known for being kind and friendly, which makes them excellent friends and caregivers for children.
2.Golden retrievers are extremely intelligent and eager to please. They're also simple to train. They learn quickly and excel at dog sports such as obedience training, agility, and others. They are frequently used as search and rescue dogs, therapy dogs, and assistance dogs due to their ease of training.
3. Versatility: Golden retrievers are adaptable dogs who can fit into a variety of environments. They enjoy going on adventures outside, playing fetch, and doing things in the water because they enjoy swimming. They also make excellent therapy and emotional support animals due to their calm and patient nature.
4.They are naturally friendly and get along with both humans and animals. They enjoy being around people and being a part of a family. They are an excellent choice for people who want an outgoing dog because they are friendly.
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History II
The breed's origins are as follows:
The Golden Retriever breed originated in Scotland in the late 1800s.
Lord Tweedmouth created them in order to create a breed capable of retrieving game when hunting.
Lord Tweedmouth developed the Golden Retriever breed by combining various breeds, including the now-extinct Tweed Water Spaniel, Irish Setter, and Labrador Retriever.
The following are the differences between Golden Retrievers and other Retriever breeds:
People frequently compare Golden Retrievers to Labrador Retrievers and Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. All of these breeds share some characteristics, but they also have their own.
Golden retrievers are well-known for their gleaming golden coats, friendly personalities, and love of water.
Labrador Retrievers are frequently praised for their friendliness, activity, and adaptability. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, on the other hand, are well-known for their ability to protect, toughness, and coat color.
Characteristics III
Physical characteristics:
Golden retrievers are medium to large in size, with well-balanced, muscular bodies.
They have a thick, water-resistant double coat that is typically golden in color but can be light or dark.
Their dark brown eyes make them appear friendly and intelligent.
They have a broad head, a strong neck, and a distinct friendly, alert appearance.
Personality characteristics:
Golden Retrievers are popular because they are friendly, dependable, and trustworthy.
They are generally gentle, kind, and patient, making them ideal pets for families with children and other pets.
They are very social and have a natural desire to make their owners happy. They frequently enjoy spending time with both familiar and new people.
They make excellent therapy dogs because they are friendly and good with people and can make people feel better and provide support.
Males stand between 23 and 24 inches (58 and 61 cm) tall at the shoulder.
Females stand between 21.5 and 22.5 inches (55 and 57 cm) tall at the shoulder.
Golden retrievers are a breed that ranges in size from medium to large.
Males weigh 65 to 75 pounds (29 to 34 kg).
Females weigh 55 to 65 pounds (25 to 29 kg).
The weight of a Golden Retriever can vary depending on factors such as gender, genes, and overall health.
Between the ages of 10 and 12.
However, with proper care, food, exercise, and regular vet visits, some Golden Retrievers may outlive the average.
IV. Education and socialization
The significance of early training socialization:
As puppies, Golden Retrievers must be trained and socialized. When a dog is young and begins training, he or she learns good manners and forms a strong bond with his or her owner.
Socialization is also important because it helps dogs develop into well-rounded, confident individuals by exposing them to a variety of people, animals, places, and situations.
Methods of instruction suggested:
Positive reinforcement training methods work well with Golden Retrievers. Instead of punishment or harsh corrections, this method involves rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, and playtime.
When there is consistency, patience, and clear and positive communication, training works best. Including fun and interactive training activities will keep them interested and motivated.
Behavior issues that are common and how to deal with them:
Golden retrievers typically have a well-balanced personality, but they, like all breeds, can have behavioral issues. The following are some examples of common behavioral issues:
1.Separation anxiety: Because Golden Retrievers have a strong bond with their owners, they can experience separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods of time. Separation anxiety can be alleviated by gradually acclimating to being alone, giving the mind something to do, and making the environment safe and comfortable.
2.Excessive barking: Some Golden Retrievers bark excessively when they are bored, scared, or trying to attract attention. This issue can be resolved by providing the dog with adequate physical and mental exercise and teaching it the "quiet" command.
3.Because Golden Retrievers adore food, some may attempt to steal it from tables or countertops. This behavior can be curtailed by providing consistent training, teaching the "leave it" command, and making food difficult to obtain.
4.When Golden Retrievers are excited, they may leap up on people to greet them. Training them to greet calmly and rewarding them when they sit instead of jumping can help prevent this.
Maintenance and upkeep
Common diseases and symptoms include:
Hip and elbow dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), certain types of cancer, hypothyroidism, and heart conditions such as subvalvular aortic stenosis (SAS) are all common in Golden Retrievers.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and visiting the vet for regular checkups and health screenings can aid in the detection and treatment of these conditions.
Dietary requirements:
To stay healthy and happy, Golden Retrievers must consume certain foods.
It is critical to consume a well-balanced diet that includes high-quality protein, healthy fats, and all of the nutrients you require.
It is best to feed them a diet with portion sizes that are appropriate for their age, weight, and level of activity.
Speaking with a veterinarian can assist in determining what a dog should eat and how frequently it should be fed.
Exercise prerequisites:
Golden retrievers are an active breed that requires frequent walks to keep their bodies and minds active.
Daily walks, interactive play sessions, and activities such as swimming, fetching, and agility training benefit their overall health.
Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day, but adjust the intensity and length according to the dog's age, health, and energy level.
Grooming and sanitation:
Golden retrievers have a thick double coat that must be brushed frequently to stay in good condition. They shed roughly the same amount throughout the year, but shed more when their coats change seasonally. Brush your coat at least once or twice a week to remove loose hair and keep it from becoming tangled.
It is also critical to regularly clean their ears, cut their nails, and care for their teeth.
Reproduction and breeding:
When breeding Golden Retrievers, the breed's health, personality, and appearance should come first. Responsible breeders screen for genetic health issues, adhere to breed standards, and strive to improve the breed by carefully selecting which animals to breed.
It is best to find reputable breeders who are concerned about their dogs' health and happiness and work hard to produce healthy, well-adjusted puppies.
Where to purchase or adopt:
Consider the following methods for locating a Golden Retriever:
Reputable Breeders: Look for breeders who have a good reputation, breed their dogs responsibly, and prioritize their dogs' health and happiness. You must visit the breeder's location, meet the parents, and inquire about health testing and socialization.
Rescue Groups: Consider getting a Golden Retriever from a shelter or rescue group. There are many Golden Retrievers in need of loving homes, and adopting one can be a rewarding way to give them a second chance.
Breed-Specific Rescue Organizations: Look for Golden Retriever-specific rescue organizations. These organizations rescue, rehabilitate, and find new homes for Golden Retrievers in need.
VI. Popular culture's Golden Retriever
Famous Golden Retrievers include:
Despite the fact that many Golden Retrievers are adored by their owners, a few Golden Retrievers have become well-known due to their roles in films and television shows.
A well-known example is "Buddy" from "Air Bud" and its sequels, as is "Shadow" from "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey."
Golden Retrievers in Film and Television:
Because they are friendly and look good in pictures, Golden Retrievers are frequently used in films and television shows.
They are good at doing tasks and playing different characters because they are smart, easy to train, and can do what they are told.
Media representation of the breed:
Because they look good and are associated with family life, loyalty, and friendship, Golden Retrievers are frequently featured in advertisements, commercials, and other forms of media.
They are well-known and popular because they appear in a variety of media.
Conclusion VII.
Golden retrievers are well-known for being friendly, intelligent, and useful. They make excellent family pets, therapy dogs, and working dogs because they are easy to train and friendly.
If properly trained, socialized, and cared for, Golden Retrievers can be loving and loyal pets.
However, people who want to own them must be aware of what they require, such as regular exercise, grooming, and any potential health issues.
If the owner is responsible and provides a loving home for the dog, the dog and owner will have a happy and long-lasting relationship.
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kellieblog · 1 year
Golden Retriever Dog Breed – The Truth and Traits
 Male Golden Retrievers are about 65 to 75 pounds (29 to 32 kilograms) and stand 23 to 24 inches tall. Females are about 55 to 65 pounds (25 to 29 kilograms) and 21 to 22 inches tall.
The head of the dog is strong and wide. The ears aren't very big, but they sit high on the head and hang just below the jaw line. The body is well balanced, and the chest is deep. They usually live 10 to 13 years.
I. A Brief Overview of the Golden Retriever Dog Breed
The Golden Retriever is one of the most well-known dog breeds in the world. They are known for being friendly and kind, which makes them great pets, therapy dogs, and service animals.
Because they are smart, loyal, and able to change, they have been popular for a long time.
They are such a popular breed because:
Reasons why they've become so popular:
1.Temperament: Golden Retrievers are great for families because they have great personalities. They are known for being nice and friendly, which makes them great friends and great with kids.
2.Golden Retrievers are smart and eager to do what their owners want. Also, they are easy to teach. They learn fast and do well in dog sports like obedience training, agility, and more. Because they are easy to train, they are often used as search and rescue dogs, therapy dogs, and assistance dogs.
3.Variety: Golden Retrievers are adaptable dogs that can do well in many different situations. Because they like to swim, they like to go on adventures, play fetch, and do things in the water. Also, they make good therapy animals and emotional support animals because they are calm and patient.
4.They are friendly by nature and get along well with both people and other animals. They like being around other people and feeling like they have a family. They are great for people who want an outgoing dog because they are friendly.
II. The past
Where the breed came from:
The Golden Retriever breed came from Scotland in the late 1800s.
Lord Tweedmouth made them because he wanted to make a breed that was good at bringing back game when hunting.
Lord Tweedmouth was able to make the Golden Retriever breed by crossing different breeds, such as the now-extinct Tweed Water Spaniel, Irish Setter, and Labrador Retriever.
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What makes Golden Retrievers different from other retriever breeds:
People often say that Golden Retrievers are similar to Labrador Retrievers and Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. There are some things that all of these breeds have in common, but they also have their own characteristics.
People know Golden Retrievers by their shiny golden coats, friendly personalities, and love of water.
People often say that Labrador Retrievers are friendly, active, and easy to train. On the other hand, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are known for their ability to protect, how tough they are, and the color of their fur.
III. What they are like
Outward appearance:
Golden Retrievers are between medium and large in size, and their bodies are well-balanced and strong.
They have a double coat that is thick, water-resistant, and usually golden, but it can be light or dark.
They look friendly and smart because of their dark brown eyes.
They have a wide head, a strong neck, and a unique, friendly, alert look.
Traits of character:
Golden Retrievers are liked because they are friendly, reliable, and trustworthy.
In general, they are kind, gentle, and patient, which makes them great pets for families with children and other pets.
They are very social and naturally want to make their owners happy. They like being with both old friends and new ones.
They make great therapy dogs because they are friendly and good with people. They can help people feel better and give them support.
At the shoulder, males are 23 to 24 inches (58 to 61 cm) tall.
At the shoulder, a woman is between 21.5 and 22.5 inches (55 to 57 cm) tall.
Golden Retrievers are a breed of dog that ranges in size from medium to large.
How much:
Males weigh between 29 and 34 kg (65 to 75 lb).
Women weigh between 25 and 29 kg (55 to 65 lb).
The weight of a Golden Retriever can change depending on their gender, their genes, and their overall health.
How long:
From 10 to 12 years.
But with the right care, food, exercise, and regular trips to the vet, some Golden Retrievers may live longer than the average.
IV. Training and getting to know people
How important early socialization is:
Golden Retriever puppies need to be taught how to behave and meet new people. When a dog is young and starts training, it helps them learn good manners and builds a strong relationship with their owner.
Socialization is also important because exposing dogs to different people, animals, places, and situations helps them become well-rounded and confident.
Methods of training that are suggested:
The best way to train a Golden Retriever is to use positive reinforcement. Instead of punishing or harshly correcting good behavior, this method uses treats, praise, and playtime.
Training works best when people are consistent, have patience, and talk to each other in a clear and positive way. Adding fun and interactive training activities will keep them interested and motivated.
Behavior problems that happen often and how to deal with them:
Golden Retrievers usually have well-balanced personalities, but like all breeds, they can have problems with how they act. Some of the most common behavior problems are:
1.Separation anxiety: Golden Retrievers have a strong bond with their owners. If they are left alone for long periods of time, they can get separation anxiety. Getting used to being alone slowly, giving the mind something to do, and making the environment safe and comfortable can help with separation anxiety.
2.Too much barking: Some Golden Retrievers bark too much when they are bored, scared, or trying to get attention. This problem can be solved by giving the dog enough physical and mental exercise and teaching it the "quiet" command.
3.Some Golden Retrievers may try to steal food from tables or countertops because they love food so much. You can stop this behavior by training them consistently, teaching them the "leave it" command, and making it hard for them to get to food.
4.Golden Retrievers may jump up on people to say hello when they are excited. This can be stopped by teaching them to greet calmly and giving them treats when they sit instead of jump.
V. Taking care of things
Symptoms and signs of common diseases:
Golden Retrievers often get hip and elbow dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), certain types of cancer, hypothyroidism, and heart problems like subvalvular aortic stenosis (SAS).
Having a healthy lifestyle and going to the vet for regular checkups and health screenings can help find and treat these conditions.
Needs for food:
To stay healthy and happy as a whole, Golden Retrievers need to eat certain things.
It's important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that gives you all the nutrients you need.
It is best to feed them a controlled diet based on their age, weight, and activity level.
Talking to a vet can help you figure out what a dog should eat and how often it should be fed.
How to do the exercise:
Golden Retrievers are a very active breed that needs to go for walks often to keep their bodies and minds active.
Every day walks, interactive play sessions, and activities like swimming, fetching, and agility training are good for their health as a whole.
Aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day, but change the intensity and length based on the dog's age, health, and energy level.
Personal care and hygiene:
Golden Retrievers have a thick double coat that needs to be brushed often to stay healthy. They lose about the same amount of hair all year, but when their coats change with the seasons, they lose more. You should brush your coat at least once or twice a week to get rid of loose hair and keep it from getting tangled.
It's also important to clean their ears, cut their nails, and take care of their teeth on a regular basis.
Breeding and having children:
When breeding Golden Retrievers, the health, personality, and looks of the breed should come first. Responsible breeders look for health problems that are passed down from generation to generation, follow breed standards, and try to improve the breed by being careful about which animals to breed.
Find breeders with a good reputation who care about their dogs' health and happiness and work hard to make healthy, well-adjusted puppies.
Where to shop or get a pet:
Think about how you could find a Golden Retriever in the following ways:
Look for breeders who have a good reputation, breed their dogs in a responsible way, and put the dogs' health and happiness first. You have to do things like go to the breeder's house, meet the parents, and ask about health tests and getting the puppy used to people.
Rescue Groups: Think about getting a Golden Retriever from a shelter or rescue group. There are a lot of Golden Retrievers that need loving homes, and adopting one can be a fun way to give them a second chance.
Look for rescue groups that focus on Golden Retrievers. These groups help Golden Retrievers who need a new home by rescuing, rehabilitating, and placing them in new homes.
VI. Golden Retrievers in movies, books, and TV shows
Golden Retrievers who are known:
Even though many Golden Retrievers are loved by their owners, a few have become famous because of their roles in movies and TV shows.
"Buddy" from "Air Bud" and its sequels is a well-known example, as is "Shadow" from "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey."
Golden Retrievers are often used in movies and on TV.
Because Golden Retrievers are friendly and look good in pictures, they are often used in movies and TV shows.
They are good at tasks and playing different roles because they are smart, easy to train, and do what they are told.
How the breed is shown in the media:
Golden Retrievers are often shown in ads, commercials, and other forms of media because they look good and are associated with family, loyalty, and friendship.
Because they are in a lot of different kinds of media, they are well-known and popular.
VII. In the end
People like Golden Retrievers because they are friendly, smart, and useful. They are friendly and easy to train, which makes them great family pets, therapy dogs, and working dogs.
Golden Retrievers can be loving and loyal pets if they are trained, socialized, and cared for the right way.
But if you want to own one, it's important to know what it needs, like regular exercise, grooming, and care for any health problems it might have.
If the owner is responsible and gives the dog a loving home, the dog and owner will have a happy and long-lasting relationship.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
Hundreds of golden retrievers gather in Scotland for anniversary of breed’s founding
SCOTLAND - Hundreds of golden retrievers gathered in Scotland Thursday to mark the 155th anniversary of the breed’s founding. 
According to the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland, which organized the celebration, the event was held at the Guisachan Estate of Lord Tweedmouth in the Highlands – where the dog breed was first bred. 
Footage, captured by Darren Stocker, shows hundreds of dogs and their owners congregating in a grassy area on the estate as people take photographs.  
Owners from across the United Kingdom, continental Europe, North America, Australia and Japan have been meeting at the ruins of Guisachan House, according to the BBC. The event was expected to be one of the world's largest gatherings of the breed in one place.
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Carol Henry, secretary of the club, told the news outlet that the aim of the gathering was to keep alive knowledge of the breed.
"We want to hold on to the confidence, the biddability, the companionship and loyalty – all the things the golden retriever was built on," Henry shared.
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sonjatwogreyhounds · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
Guard's Brigade
#Breeder: Dr. E. W. Griffin
#Owner: Lord Tweedmouth
Sire: How D'ye Do
Dam: Grey Maureen
Mar 1918
Winner Waterloo Cup 1922
#source breed archive
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The Ultimate Companion: Unleashing the Love of an English Cream Golden Retriever
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I. Introduction
When it comes to finding the perfect canine companion, the English Cream Golden Retriever stands out as an exceptional breed. With their stunningly beautiful coat, friendly nature, and unwavering loyalty, these dogs have captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of English Cream Golden Retrievers, their origins, unique qualities, and why they make fantastic family pets.
II. Origins and History
The English Cream Golden Retriever, also known as the White or Platinum Golden Retriever, traces its roots back to the original Golden Retrievers in Scotland. In the early 19th century, Lord Tweedmouth developed the breed with the intention of creating an exceptional gundog that was not only skilled in retrieving games but also possessed a beautiful and gentle temperament.
III. Physical Appearance
English Cream Golden Retrievers are known for their strikingly pale, almost white, coats. Their luxurious double coats consist of a thick undercoat and a dense, wavy outer coat that gives them their iconic appearance. With a well-built and sturdy body, they exude elegance and grace. Compared to their American counterparts, English Cream Golden Retrievers often have a more stocky build and a broader skull.
IV. Temperament and Personality
One of the most endearing qualities of English Cream Golden Retrievers is their friendly and gentle nature. They have a natural affinity for people and are known to be patient, calm, and affectionate. These dogs thrive on human companionship and are renowned for their adaptability and willingness to please, making them ideal family pets and therapy dogs.
V. Training and
Training is essential for English Cream Golden Retrievers to ensure they develop into well-behaved companions. They are highly intelligent and eager to learn, responding positively to positive reinforcement techniques. Early socialization and obedience training are crucial to channel their energy and preventing behavioral issues. Engaging them in regular exercise and mentally stimulating activities is also vital for their well-being.
VI. Health and Care
English Cream Golden Retrievers are generally healthy dogs, but like any breed, they may be prone to certain health conditions. These can include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and various eye disorders. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and sufficient exercise are crucial for maintaining their overall health. Additionally, their dense coats require regular grooming to keep them clean and tangle-free.
VII. English Cream Golden Retrievers as Family Pets
English Cream Golden Retrievers are renowned for their compatibility with families. They are excellent with children, patient, and tolerant of their antics. With proper socialization, they can also get along well with other pets in the household. Their loyalty and protective instincts make them wonderful guardians, giving their families an extra sense of security.
VIII. Finding an English Cream Golden Retriever
When searching for an English Cream Golden Retriever, it's important to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs. Reputable breeders perform health clearances and genetic testing to ensure the puppies are healthy and free from inherited diseases. Additionally, adoption options from rescue organizations or breed-specific rescues can provide loving homes for English Cream Golden Retrievers in need.
IX. Conclusion
English Cream Golden Retrievers are truly the ultimate companions. Their stunning appearance, friendly nature, and unwavering loyalty make them an excellent addition to any family. Whether you're seeking a loving family pet or a therapy dog, the English Cream Golden Retriever is sure to bring joy, love, and companionship into your life.
Are English Cream Golden Retrievers the same as European Golden Retrievers?
No, English Cream Golden Retrievers and European Golden Retrievers are terms often used interchangeably to refer to the same breed. The English Cream Golden Retriever is a variation of the Golden Retriever breed with a specific focus on the lighter coat color.
How much exercise do English Cream Golden Retrievers require?
English Cream Golden Retrievers are an active breed and require regular exercise to keep them happy and healthy. They benefit from daily walks, playtime, and mentally stimulating activities. Aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise each day.
How much do English Cream Golden Retrievers shed?
Yes, English Cream Golden Retrievers do shed. They have a dense double coat that sheds moderately throughout the year. Regular grooming and brushing are essential to effectively manage shedding and maintain the health of their skin.
Can English Cream Golden Retrievers be trained as service dogs?
Yes, English Cream Golden Retrievers can be trained as service dogs. Their intelligence, trainability, and calm temperament make them well-suited for various service dog roles, including guide dogs for the visually impaired, hearing dogs, and emotional support dogs.
Where can I find English Cream Golden Retrievers for sale?
To find English Cream Golden Retrievers for sale, it is crucial to research and identify reputable breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs. Websites, online directories, and local breed clubs can provide valuable resources for finding reputable breeders in your area.
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meowk9 · 2 years
Golden Retriever Breed Profile - History, Characteristics, and Care Tips
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If you're a dog lover, chances are you've heard of the Golden Retriever breed. These beautiful dogs are known for their friendly and gentle temperament, intelligence, and loyalty. They make great family pets and are also used as service and therapy dogs. In this article, Meowk9 will explore the history, characteristics, and care tips for the Golden Retriever breed. Meowk9 will cover everything from their origins as hunting dogs to their current status as one of the most popular breeds in the world. Breed Overview: - GROUP: Sporting - HEIGHT: 23 to 24 inches (males); 21.5 to 22.5 inches (females) - WEIGHT: 65 to 75 pounds (males); 55 to 65 pounds (females) - COAT: Medium-length double coat - COAT COLOR: Light to dark gold - LIFE SPAN: 10 to 12 years - TEMPERAMENT: Trustworthy, intelligent, playful, energetic. - HYPOALLERGENIC: No - ORIGIN: United Kingdom, Scotland
History of the Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever breed has its origins in Scotland, where it was developed in the mid-19th century by Sir Dudley Marjoribanks, later known as Lord Tweedmouth. Marjoribanks was looking for a dog that could retrieve birds on land and water, and that was also loyal and obedient. He crossed several breeds, including the Tweed Water Spaniel, Irish Setter, Bloodhound, and St. John's Water Dog, to create the Golden Retriever. The breed was recognized by the Kennel Club of England in 1903 and by the American Kennel Club in 1925. The Golden Retriever quickly gained popularity in the United States and became one of the most popular breeds in the country. Today, they are still used as hunting dogs, but they are also commonly used as guide dogs, service dogs, therapy dogs, and search and rescue dogs.
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Characteristics of the Golden Retriever
Appearance Golden Retrievers are medium to large-sized dogs, typically weighing between 55 and 75 pounds and standing 21 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder. They have a dense, water-repellent coat that can be various shades of gold, from pale to dark. Their coat requires regular brushing and occasional grooming to keep it in good condition. They have a muscular build and a friendly, intelligent expression. Temperament Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly and gentle temperament. They are highly social dogs that thrive on human companionship and attention. They are great family dogs and are known for their patience with children. Golden Retrievers are also highly intelligent and eager to please, which makes them easy to train. They are adaptable dogs that do well in a variety of environments, from apartments to larger homes with yards. Health Like all breeds, Golden Retrievers are prone to certain health issues. Some of the most common health issues in Golden Retrievers include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and eye problems such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy. It's important to have your Golden Retriever checked regularly by a veterinarian and to provide them with a high-quality diet and regular exercise to maintain their health and well-being.
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Training and Exercise for Golden Retrievers
Training Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent and eager to please, which makes them easy to train. They are also very food-motivated, so using treats as rewards during training can be very effective. Positive reinforcement techniques such as praise and treats work well with Golden Retrievers, while punishment or harsh training methods can be counterproductive and even harmful to their sensitive nature. Golden Retrievers excel in obedience and agility training, and they also make great therapy and service dogs. They are often used as guide dogs for the blind and as emotional support animals. Exercise Golden Retrievers are energetic dogs that require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. They enjoy a variety of activities, including walking, running, swimming, and playing fetch. It's important to provide your Golden Retriever with enough exercise to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. A daily walk and playtime in a yard or park can provide sufficient exercise for most Golden Retrievers.
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Grooming and Nutrition for Golden Retrievers
Grooming Golden Retrievers have a dense, water-repellent coat that requires regular brushing to keep it in good condition. Brushing their coat a few times a week can help prevent matting and keep their coat shiny and healthy. They also require occasional grooming, including trimming their nails, cleaning their ears, and bathing them as needed. Nutrition Golden Retrievers require a balanced diet to maintain their health and well-being. High-quality dog food that contains the appropriate balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates is essential. It's important to follow feeding guidelines based on your dog's weight and activity level, and to avoid overfeeding, as Golden Retrievers are prone to obesity.
The Golden Retriever breed is a wonderful choice for families looking for a friendly, loyal, and intelligent dog. They have a rich history as hunting dogs and have since become one of the most popular breeds in the world. With proper training, exercise, grooming, and nutrition, your Golden Retriever can lead a happy and healthy life. As with any breed, it's important to provide regular veterinary care and to be aware of any potential health issues.
Golden Retriever Breed FAQs
Are Golden Retrievers good with children? Yes, Golden Retrievers are known for their gentle and patient nature, which makes them great with children. Do Golden Retrievers shed a lot? Yes, Golden Retrievers have a thick, dense coat that sheds regularly. Regular brushing can help manage shedding. How often should I exercise my Golden Retriever? Golden Retrievers require daily exercise, such as a walk or playtime in a yard or park. Are Golden Retrievers good apartment dogs? Golden Retrievers can adapt to apartment living, but they require regular exercise and attention. How long do Golden Retrievers typically live? The average lifespan of a Golden Retriever is 10-12 years, but with proper care, they can live longer. Read the full article
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animala2z · 2 years
Golden Retriever Puppy, Food, Dog Care, And Special Info
The Golden Retriever is a Scottish breed of medium-sized retriever dog. It is characterized by a gentle and loving nature and an attractive golden coat. It is commonly kept as a pet and is one of the most frequently registered breeds in some western countries.
He is a frequent competitor in dog shows and obedience trials; They are also used as gundogs and can be trained for use as guide dogs.
The breed was created by Sir Dudley Marjorybanks at his Scottish estate Guissachan in the late nineteenth century. He cross-bred Flat-Coated Retrievers with Tweed Water Spaniels, along with some further infusions of Red Setters, Labrador Retrievers, and Bloodhounds.
The breed was recognized by the Kennel Club in 1913 and spread to many parts of the world during the war period.
Golden Retriever Dog Size Chart
Dog Breed Group: Sporting Dogs Height: 21 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder Weight: 55 to 75 pounds Life Span: 10 to 12 years
Breed Characteristics
Adaptability: 5 PointsTrainability: 5 PointsGrooming: 3 PointsApartment Friendly: 2 PointsChild Friendly: 5 PointsShedding Level: 3 PointsDog Friendly: 5 PointsExercise Needs: 5 PointsTerritorial: 3 PointsBarking Tendencies: 3 PointsHealth Issues: 4 PointsSocial Needs: 5 PointsEnergy Level: 5 PointsAffectionate: 5 PointsWatchdog Instincts: 3 PointsCat Friendly: 4 PointsIntelligence: 5 PointsStranger Friendly: 5 Points
History Of Golden Retriever
The Golden is one of the breeds created during the dog-loving Victorian era. Breeds in his background probably include the yellow retriever, the tweed water spaniel, wavy- and flag-coated retrievers, and the red setter.
Dudley Marjoriebex, Lord Widemouth, is generally credited with producing the first known Golden Retrievers, but reviews of recent reports in study books, old filmland, and other sources say that Goldens similar to the Shan, conceivably a type of Setter, survived.
Before Lord Tweedmouth began breeding at his Scottish estate, Guisachan. The Kennel Club of England classified the dog as “Retriever – Yellow or Golden” in 1911, then changed the name to “Retriever – Golden” in 1920.
Golden retrievers were first registered with the American Kennel Club in 1925 and officially recognized as a breed in 1932. Since then they have established themselves as versatile companions, hunting dogs, and working dogs.
Goldens are found in search and rescue, animal-assisted therapy, fire detection, drug discovery, and assistance work for people with disabilities. Their energy, enthusiasm, and intelligence make them suitable for learning and doing almost any task.
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The Golden Retriever is a forcefully erected, medium-sized canine strain; According to the Kennel Club strain standard, tykes stand 56 to 61 centimeters( 22 to 24 elevation) and tykes 51 to 56 centimeters( 20 to 22 elevation). Healthy adult samples generally weigh between 25 and 34 kilograms( 55 and 75 lb).
The Golden Retriever has a broad head with a well-defined stop, well-separated black eyes, a large and important nib, a large black nose, a dark-pigmented and slightly drooping nib, and medium-sized cognizance that are high and hanging. Count a little. The neck is muscular and fairly long with loose- befitting skin, the shoulders are well-set and long-bladed, and the body is deep to the casket with well-sprung caricatures.
The reverse is generally withered to squinched and the long, straight tail is generally flat, nearly in line with the reverse. The frontal legs are straight with good bone, the hind legs are important with well-turned hocks and muscular shanks, and the legs are cat- suchlike.
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puppyexpressions · 4 years
6 Fun Facts About Golden Retrievers
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A gentle, loyal, family companion, the Golden Retriever is a favorite pet for all ages, and you may think you know Golden Retrievers well. Test your knowledge of the breed with these fun facts -- the Golden Retriever's versatility just may surprise you!
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1. Despite their titled heritage, Golden Retrievers didn't win breed recognition until the 1920s.
Golden Retrievers were developed starting in 1850 by the Scotsman Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, the Lord of Tweedmouth. Hunting birds was popular at the time, both as sport and as a practical way of obtaining food. Marjoribanks sought a medium-sized bird dog to support the hunt. The breed was developed by crossing a Retriever with a Water Spaniel, then crossing their offspring with Bloodhounds, Irish Setters, the St. John's Water Dog, and other Retrievers. Golden Retrievers were first shown in 1908, at the U.K.'s Crystal Palace. They were entered as "flat coats (golden)" rather than the name we know them by today.
It took until 1925 for the breed to win official American Kennel Club (AKC) recognition. Today, Golden Retrievers are still used for hunting and field trials, and they also perform obedience and guide dog work.
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2. There are three types of Golden Retrievers.
While you might think all Golden Retrievers look very similar, the breed actually has three different colors -- golden, light golden, and dark golden -- as well as three different types -- English, Canadian, and American. There are subtle differences between the types of Goldens, but they all fall under the same breed.
How do you know what type of Golden Retriever you've got? Check their build and coloring. Canadian and American Golden Retrievers tend to have the same build; however, Canadians have a thinner coat than the Americans. English Golden Retrievers have a stockier build than the other types, and also tend to have a light golden to white color. To get an idea of what color coat your Golden Retriever puppy will have when it matures, take a look at its ears. The tip of the ears usually show what color the pup will be after they lose their puppy coat. No matter which type of Golden you have, they'll have an even, enjoyable temperament. Goldens are renowned for their calm, playful, and friendly disposition.
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3. Two Presidents enjoyed Golden Retrievers as pets while in the White House.
Both President Ford and President Reagan enjoyed Golden Retrievers while in office. President Reagan's Golden Retriever, Victory, was one of six dogs the president owned. President Reagan also enjoyed a stable full of horses at his ranch.
President Ford had a Siamese cat and a mixed-breed dog in addition to Liberty the Golden Retriever and Liberty's puppy, Misty.
Goldens are also popular as celebrity pets. Celebs who own Golden Retrievers include Miranda Lambert, Jimmy Fallon, Emma Stone, Adam Levine, and Oprah.
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4. Golden Retrievers are so popular in movies due to their obedient nature.
Golden Retrievers are often featured in movies and television shows, including Air Bud and Homeward Bound. While the breed is certainly cute, it's not their beauty that gets Goldens so many television spots. It's their mellow nature, combined with their trainability.
Golden Retrievers are easy to train, and they perform reliably and consistently. That's what makes them such popular guide dogs, and it's also what led the breed to take first in AKC obedience trials when they were introduced in 1977.
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5. Golden Retrievers also make great working dogs.
It's not all fame and fortune for these pets. Many Golden Retrievers work as search and rescue dogs. Their tracking abilities and strong sense of smell help them find missing people. Perhaps the most well-known use of Golden Retrievers as rescue dogs was during 9/11, when a two-year-old trained rescue dog named Bretagne helped search for survivors. Bretagne went on to aid in the search and rescue efforts during Hurricanes Rita and Katrina as well.
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6. Golden Retrievers are record holders.
A couple of Golden Retrievers have made it into the Guinness Book of World Records. An Australian Golden holds the world record for the loudest bark, measured at 113.1 decibels -- 3 decibels louder than a buzzing chainsaw. Another Golden Retriever holds the record for the most tennis balls held in the mouth, at five tennis balls.
Golden Retrievers are an impressive bunch, as any Golden lover knows. It's no wonder they are the third most popular dog breed in the U.S.
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mainegolden · 3 years
Golden Retriever Day Fun Facts
Golden Retriever Day Fun Facts
February 3rd is National Golden Retriever Day! To celebrate I’d like to share some fun facts about our favorite breed. The first Golden Retrievers were bred in 1868 by Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, also known as Lord Tweedmouth, at his Scottish Highlands estate of Guisachan. In his quest for the prefect gun dog and retriever for sportsmen, Lord Tweedmouth bred a Yellow Wavy-coated Retriever with a…
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