#Lorenzo scaramella
wwprice1 · 5 months
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Anyone else pick this up on FCBD? It was a lot of fun!
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smashpages · 8 months
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Love Me: A Romance Story #1 (Mad Cave, April 2024) preview pages by writer Francesca Perillo, artist Stefano Cardoselli, colorist Lorenzo Scaramella and letterer Buddy Beaudoin.
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geekcavepodcast · 6 months
Jonny Quest Returns in New Comic Adventures
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Dynamite and Warner Bros. Discovery are bringing back 11-year-old adventurer Jonny Quest. Jonny Quest's new adventures will be written by Joe Casey, illustrated by Sebastián Piriz, colored by Lorenzo Scaramella, and lettered by Taylor Esposito.
Jonny Quest and his father Dr. Benton Quest, adopted brother Hadji, bodyguard Race Bannon, and dog Bandit are "tackling new government assignments, solving mysteries, and apprehending sophisticated villains for the betterment of mankind." (Dynamite)
Jonny Quest's adventures kick off with a 10-page story in Jonny Quest Free Comic Book Day, sporting a cover by Chris Samnee, available on May 4, 2024. The comic will also include previews of ThunderCats and Space Ghost.
The Jonny Quest comic series will release in Summer 2024.
(Image via Dynamite - Chris Samnee's Cover of Jonny Quest Free Comic Book Day)
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graphicpolicy · 14 days
Two lost souls. One dying planet. It’s time to reclaim the future… in Long Cold Winter
Two lost souls. One dying planet. It’s time to reclaim the future… in Long Cold Winter #comics #comicbooks
From Mad Cave Studios, writer Francesca Perillo, and artist Stefano Cardoselli, comes their newest sci-fi dystopian confection, Long Cold Winter. In the not-too-distant future, the air on Earth has become unbreathable. However, a multinational company called Air Co. has constructed generators that provide oxygen for those who can afford it. Peace Dog, a desperate ex-soldier, who has been willing…
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gabbieranting · 3 months
Love Me: A Romance Story reads like a delightful mash-up of WALL-E and Taxi Driver, delivering an unpredictable journey across its first several issues. This colorful story introduces Jojo, a taxi-driving robot who smiles in the face of a city in active protest against his very existence, and takes him on a whirlwind ride in search of love.
Love Me: A Romance Story #1 and #2 – written by Francesca Perillo, with art by Stefano Cardoselli – situates Jojo in a hostile futuristic New York, with graffiti and anti-robot slogans plastered on each colorful and chaotic building. Yet, Jojo seems to be content with his routine, pleased to put on some Nina Simone and help his riders get where they're going. The story of Love Me takes off when Jojo meets passenger Gilda, initiating an adventure that has so far embodied a diverse set of influences and genre conventions.
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Jojo is Willing to Fight the Mob for Gilda
Love Me: A Romance Story #1 – Written By Francesca Perillo; Art By Stefano Cardoselli, Lorenzo Scaramella and Buddy Beaudoin)
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Gilda is a classic-film-and-Nina Simone-loving character, offering Jojo a glimpse of the partnership he craves. When they exchange numbers and make plans to meet that night, the hopeful robot is overwhelmed with joy. Unfortunately, Jojo's brief taste of human connection plunges him into despair when Gilda fails to show up for their movie date. As Frida the cat narrates, Jojo withdraws from the things that typically bring him joy, refraining from work and skipping his daily coffee. Unexpectedly, that is when Gilda reaches back out, asking for help.
The colorful and eclectic artwork of Love Me reflects the beautiful outlook of its hero. The stunning chaos is drawn the way Jojo sees the world – as a kaleidoscope of different people and experiences. It's no surprise, then, that Jojo is so deeply passionate as a character, risking everything for a woman he met once. Further, he continues to pursue her rescue even after he's warned by Wizard of the deadly nature of his situation. Frida may be right that Jojo is too optimistic, but she is wrong to believe he is naive.
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As the plot of Love Me progresses, Jojo in turn calls his boss, Wizard, at the taxi depot, looking for more information on Alfio's. The mob restaurant was only detail given to him by his damsel in distress. Wizard lets him in on the drama Gilda has found herself embroiled in, having rejected marriage proposals from the mafioso heir, Carmelo, twice. Ignoring Wizard's warnings, Jojo goes directly to Alfio's in pursuit of Gilda and her cry for help. Overall, so far, the story of Love Me has moved forward as a powerful imperative, a pleading wish.
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Each frame overflows with imagery, sometimes literally unable to contain the artwork. The narration and dialogue are both raw and emotional, fraught with questions and opinions deeply colored by the environment of the hostile city. Through it all, Jojo hunts love like a cat, quiet and insistent. Having briefly found the missing piece to his happiness, nothing will stop him from getting it back. As calmly as he pursues his daily life, the besotted robot will cut through the city's underbelly like a knife, asking "Where's Gilda?" in this wild tale reminiscent of Taxi Driver meets WALL-E.
Love Me #1-2 are available now from Mad Cave Studios.
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arthistoryanimalia · 4 months
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Portrait of a gyrfalcon, viewed from three sides Lombard Master, c.1540-1560 oil on canvas, unlined via Sotheby's "The sport of falconry, practiced since ancient times, was a pursuit particularly enjoyed at Medieval and Renaissance courts.  The gyrfalcon, shown here, is the largest of the falcon species; the size of the bird, almost certainly painted from life and to scale, suggests it is a female, and the grandeur of the portrait, presenting it from three viewpoints, raised above the clouds, indicates it was both a cherished pet and valued hunting companion.  While incredibly rare, such portraits were not unprecedented.  In a letter in the Gonzaga ducal archives, addressed to one Scaramella, the sender requests that a white gyrfalcon be sent to Mantua to be seen by Costa (likey Lorenzo Costa, the court painter) for a commissioned portrait.... Sumptuary laws of the period dictated that only the most elite nobility be permitted to hunt with gyrfalcons; the owner of this majestic bird must therefore have been a person of elevated status, and the symbolism of the oak and poplar trees, in whose branches the bird sits, most likely holds the key to their identity.  While the oak was an emblem traditionally assumed by the della Rovere, the ducal family of Urbino, this hand does not match any of the artists working for that court during the period.  This striking portrait of a gyrfalcon likely dates between 1540 and 1560 and, while the identity of its author remains unknown, is undoubtedly the work of an extraordinarily accomplished Lombard master. The exceptional preservation of the canvas and paint surface allows us to fully appreciate the artist's prowess in the depiction of light and texture, capturing the dancing movement of the leaves and the varied textures of the plumage.  The accuracy and impeccable detail of the depiction harks to the established tradition of still life painting and the popularity of exact images of naturalia in sixteenth century Lombardy.  These precise representations of animals, birds, insects and plants were circulated by men of science and swiftly became objects highly coveted by aristocratic collectors throughout Europe.2  One artist born of this encyclopedic manner of painting was Giuseppe Arcimboldo; Mauro Natale suggests that the anonymous author of this painting may well have been an artist working within Arcimboldo’s sphere."
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shadowwingtronix · 3 months
"Today's" Comic> Jonny Quest Free Comic Book Day 2024
BW's "Today's" Comic> Jonny Quest Free Comic Book Day 2024
“Look, they retconned mom back to life again!” Jonny Quest Free Comic Book Day Dynamite Entertainment (2024) Three comic previews. In addition to the title one. “Jonny Quest #0″ WRITER: Joe Casey | ARTIST: Sebastián Piriz | COLORIST: Lorenzo Scaramella | LETTERER: Taylor Eposito | EDITOR: Matt Idelson “ThunderCats #1” WRITER: Declan Shalvey | ARTIST: Drew Moss | COLORISTS: Chiara Di Francia &…
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superpoweredfancast · 16 days
Jonny Quest #2 Review
Jonny Quest #2 Dynamite Entertainment Written by Joe Casey Art by Sebastian Piriz Colors by Lorenzo Scaramella Letters by Taylor Esposito The Rundown: Jonny and his family deal with being stuck in the present as an old enemy makes his next move. Jonny, Hadji, Race, Benton and Bandit find themselves in 2024 after confronting a now 70 plus year old Jonny who has been living beneath their old…
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dispatchdcu · 1 month
Jonny Quest #1 Review
Jonny Quest #1 Review #JonnyQuest #comics #comicbooks #news #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #Amazon #dynamite #dynamiteentertainment #dynamitecomics
Writer: Joe Casey Artist: Sebastian Piriz Colorist: Lorenzo Scaramella Letterer: Taylor Esposito Publisher: Dynamite Price: $4.99 Release Date: 14th August 2024 Reviewed by: Samriddh Chaudhary Introduction: The characters from the animated show are back in their latest comic book adventure. Dynamite’s throwback to the cartoon from the 60s will give you a taste of some classic adventure. Jonny and…
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pwlanier · 3 years
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Lombard Master, 1540 – 1560, Portrait of a gyrfalcon, viewed from three sides.
The sport of falconry, practiced since ancient times, was a pursuit particularly enjoyed at Medieval and Renaissance courts. The gyrfalcon, shown here, is the largest of the falcon species; the size of the bird, almost certainly painted from life and to scale, suggests it is a female, and the grandeur of the portrait, presenting it from three viewpoints, raised above the clouds, indicates it was both a cherished pet and valued hunting companion. While incredibly rare, such portraits were not unprecedented. In a letter in the Gonzaga ducal archives, addressed to one Scaramella, the sender requests that a white gyrfalcon be sent to Mantua to be seen by Costa (likey Lorenzo Costa, the court painter) for a commissioned portrait:
"Scaramella, volemo che domani mandi a Mantua, o porti, el nostro ziriflco bianco et lo faccci vedere al Costa a' qual havemo dato comissione che lo retraghi"1
Sumptuary laws of the period dictated that only the most elite nobility be permitted to hunt with gyrfalcons; the owner of this majestic bird must therefore have been a person of elevated status, and the symbolism of the oak and poplar trees, in whose branches the bird sits, most likely holds the key to their identity. While the oak was an emblem traditionally assumed by the della Rovere, the ducal family of Urbino, this hand does not match any of the artists working for that court during the period. This striking portrait of a gyrfalcon likely dates between 1540 and 1560 and, while the identity of its author remains unknown, is undoubtedly the work of an extraordinarily accomplished Lombard master.
Courtesy Alain Truong
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cresy · 6 years
Torna Avalon in Arte, da sabato 5 a Cava a Santa Maria del Rifugio
  Dal 5 al 19 maggio 2018 a Cava de’ Tirreni, presso la prestigiosa Sala Museale di Santa Maria del Rifugio, in Piazza San Francesco, si terrà la settima edizione dell’Expo d’Arte Contemporanea e poesia “Avalon in Arte”, organizzata dall’Associazione Culturale “Avalon Arte” di Salerno.
Tra i poeti partecipanti la poetessa pugliese CRESCENZA CARADONNA (Cresy)
Il vernissage è previsto sabato 5 maggio alle ore 18,00 con la presenza del Sindaco di Cava de’ Tirreni Dr. Vincenzo Servalli. La manifestazione gode del patrocino del Comune.  Partnership con la mostra “Andy Warhol Pop Revolution“, in corso al Marte Mediateca Arte Eventi e con il Festival dell’Artigianato. L’Expo anche quest’anno ospita gli studenti della IVC del Liceo Classico M. Galdi, impegnati nell’alternanza scuola lavoro.
In mostra 34 artisti e 14 poeti, provenienti da tutt’Italia, Svizzera e Bulgaria. La particolarità dell’EXPO è l’unione tra immagine e parola. A ogni poeta è stata assegnata un’opera figurativa e la lirica sarà esposta in sala accanto alla relativa opera.
Ricco il cartellone di eventi: domenica 6 maggio ore 17,00 performance estemporanea dell’artista
con pirografo e fiamma su legno, sabato 12 maggio alle ore 18,30 un momento teatrale ispirato all’EXPO a cura dell’associazione Arcoscenico di Cava de’ Tirreni con  Luigi Sinacori, Mariano Mastuccino, Gianluca Pisapia e  Lorenzo Cammarano e sabato 19 maggio, finissage dell’evento,  la performance di body painting di Roberta Lioy con la modella Meryel Occhionero.
La direzione artistica è della presidente Dina Scalera coadiuvata da Stefania Siano e l’allestimento è a cura di Giovanni Memoli. coadiuvato da Mario Cestaro, critica della prof.ssa Antonella Nigro. Fotografia di Paola Siano. Responsabile alla comunicazione Magrina Di Mauro.
Sponsor tecnici per gli addobbi floreali “Tenere Fantasie” di D. Medolla e il ristorante “Madison”, entrambe di  Cava de’ Tirreni.
Orari: tutti i giorni dalle 16,30 alle 21,00; sabato  domenica e lunedì dalle 9,30 alle 12,30 e dalle 16,30 alle 21,00. Per info e prenotazioni visite: 3332809615, Ingresso libero.
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Tra i poeti partecipanti la poetessa pugliese CRESCENZA CARADONNA (Cresy)
ARTICOLO DI Crescenza Caradonna
Torna Avalon in Arte, da sabato 5 a Cava a Santa Maria del Rifugio Torna Avalon in Arte, da sabato 5 a Cava a Santa Maria del Rifugio Dal 5 al 19 maggio 2018 a Cava de’ Tirreni, presso la prestigiosa Sala Museale di Santa Maria del Rifugio, in Piazza San Francesco, si terrà la settima edizione dell’Expo d’Arte Contemporanea e poesia “Avalon in Arte”, organizzata dall’Associazione Culturale “Avalon Arte” di Salerno.
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graphicpolicy · 2 months
Preview: Love Me: A Romance Story #4
Love Me: A Romance Story #4 preview. Nothing will stop this smitten robot from reuniting with the woman he adores #comics #comicbooks
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graphicpolicy · 3 months
Preview: Love Me: A Romance Story #3
Love Me: A Romance Story #3 preview. After a confrontation with Carmelo when trying to locate his lost love, Gilda, JoJo is now on the run from Carmelo's father and crime boss #comics #comicbooks
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graphicpolicy · 4 months
Preview: Love Me: A Romance Story #2
Love Me: A Romance Story #2 preview. It was love at first sight…or at least it was for JoJo, but Gilda never showed up for their date #comics #comicbooks
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graphicpolicy · 8 months
Romance takes a sci-fi turn in Love Me: A Romance Story
Romance takes a sci-fi turn in Love Me: A Romance Story #comics #comicbooks
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
The 06 Protocol #3 is a choppy return for the series
The 06 Protocol #3 is a choppy return for the series #comics #comicbooks
After the patriarch of the family is killed, a mother finds out he’s part of a super secret government organization. Story: Lee TurnerArt: Cliff RichardsColor: Lorenzo ScaramellaLetterer: Cardinal Rae Get your copy now! To find a comic shop near you, visit http://www.comicshoplocator.com or call 1-888-comicbook or digitally and online with the links below. KindleZeus Comics AfterShock…
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