#Lost episodes
animenostalgia · 6 months
News - For decades, episodes 125, 127, and 139 of the original Astro Boy have been "lost" episodes due to film prints and negatives having been misplaced. But recently, both episodes 125 ("Find The Bacteria") and 127 ("The Experimental Robot") were found in Japan! Not only that, but they were restored, and recently streamed on "R Channel", a free streaming service in Japan owned by Rakuten.
It hasn't been disclosed officially how these episodes were found, or where, but it's really cool to hear that a piece of anime history has been found all these years later! That means the only episode of Astro Boy left that's considered "lost" is 139. Hopefully someday it too can be found!
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zoomer02134 · 19 days
ZOOM Lost Episode #6: Episode 118
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This episode featured a “ZOOMdo” segment with Keiko showing different ways to paint, among other segments.
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the-annoying-artist · 1 month
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She's up and ready!!! I've been working really hard on this video so I hope you guys enjoy it!!!
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notgarfield · 5 months
The unsupervised internet access experience by Anastasia McKnight (me :P)
Portion of a video work I made last year on the dangers of minors having unsupervised internet access, reflecting on all the horrors I was exposed to in the mid 2000s to early 2010s
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slightlycreative · 6 months
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lost-inanotherlife · 3 months
"I Do" or when Kate and Jack almost got (figuratively) married
I've previously stated that I don't find "I Do" particularly excellent when it comes to Kate's flashback story. I still stand by that. From a creative point of view Kate reiventing herself as Monica and getting married to a police officer doesn't exactly scream "genius". Conversely, the idea for her flashback in "Left Behind" is way more compelling and allows us to see sides of Kate that aren't necessarily related to her interior romantic love life (in that episode Kate and Cassidy teams up to "con" Kate's mother in order for Kate to have a moment with her without getting arrested).
Having said that, "I Do" is, overall, a fucking great episode. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is written and shot to perfection so I thought to write a little meta about it.
Now, before we move on to the analysis, let's please consider that the previous Kate-centric episode is S2E9 "What Kate Did". I wrote an extensive meta about it and you can find it here. For the sake of this meta, though, all you need to know is this: what Kate sees in Sawyer is herself, specifically what she thinks she is in the present moment based on the things she's done in the past, i.e. a "bad" person or a person capable of doing "bad" things; what Kate sees in Jack is her potential self, what she thinks she can become in the present moment and simply be in the future because she intimately thinks she's capable of being "good" and doing "good" things.
In "What Kate Did" she chooses the black horse representing her "dark" self, therefore she chooses Sawyer. In "I Do" she symbolically chooses Sawyer again but things get a litte bit more complicated because this time Jack says his "I do" and Kate finds that she can't quite say "I do" back yet, but she can't say goodbye to her potential either: in other words she can't leave Jack/her potential behind. You'll see what I mean in this meta.
The episode opens with the song "Slowly" in the background. We hear the following lyrics:
Tell me you love me again but this time slowly 'Cause you're talkin' too fast, baby, much fast Come on and squeeze me again but this time slowly 'Cause I like your grasp but it's much fast
You said that our love will grow together 'Cause your mine all mine
Foreshadowing: this episode will be about "I love yous" and about something that's growing.
It'll also be about make-believe as we see a 50s-styled Kate opening a box containing a wedding veil. A man knocks on her door and we see the following dialogue:
MAN: Police, open the door. KATE: [Nervously] Um. Everything's alright in here. MAN: Ma'am, we have reason to believe that someone extremely dangerous is in the motel. We're conducting a room-to-room search. KATE: [Starting to smile] I'm alone, officer. MAN: The person could be holding you at gunpoint, forcing you to say that. Please open the door. KATE: I don't think I should. MAN: Then you have three seconds before I break this door down. One... two... [Kate stands by and opens the door right before he says "three", revealing the policeman, Kevin.] KEVIN: Hey. Wanna get it on? dialogue from https://lostpedia.fandom.com
We the audience (who already know about Kate's past) are already tipped off to the fact that this is all fake. Kate is clearly wearing a mask, she's being someone else, someone who perhaps she'd like to be or, at least, she's putting on a new persona-dress to see if it fits. Spoiler alert: it doesn't. However, this is also extraordinarily real because Kate's indeed a fugitive, she might as well be "the dangerous someone in the motel" herself. Ironically, in the scenario where Kate is the dangerous person in the motel, she's also the person who's holding at gunpoint... herself, forcing herself to say stuff. Interesting, right? In other words, the show is telling us to pay close attention because the episode will play with the line between fiction and reality.
In the very second scene there's a defeated Sawyer throwing rocks without purpose. Kate sees something's wrong with him, he's slowly giving up. She tells him to get a fish biscuit for her, implicitly telling him: "Provide for me, be here for me, don't give up". Sawyer's not stupid and immediately retorts with a "Psh. What, you trying to keep me feeling productive?".
In the last scene of Act 1, we're introduced to the final protagonist of this episode, Jack, and we discover what's growing as the song alluded in the very first scene: "JACK: [To Ben] The tumor on your spine is borderline inoperable. And at the rate it's growing, that borderline goes away in about one week".
By the end of Act 1 we have all the info we need to understand this episode: it'll be about love, it's gonna make us believe things that are not true and the thing that's growing on Ben's spine will be the keystone to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.
To be continued!
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caughtonwebcam · 10 months
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“̷̛̛͇̩̦̖͐̀̆͒͐̓̾̿̀́̈̀͝ǵ̶̩̦̣͉̅̃͌̎̃̉́̎̑͠o̶̼̬̲̮̻̪̭͈̦̤͖͈̹͛͆͘͜ͅt̵̢͇͈͚̮̥̜̲̺̪̖̤̰̀́̀͒̒͗̕̕ ̶̨̧̧̹͚̫͚̜̲̪̻̲̟̠̒͋͗̉̒͜͝͝a̸̢͑̎̉ṇ̴̫̩̋y̸͍̹̼̺̽̀̑͐͑̀̍̒̑̓͝ ̸̭̮̣̏̔̾̃͒͑͑̔͑̀͂̂̽͝p̴̨̛̛̰̰̤̣̌̽̆̽̂͂r̵̛͇͐̀̂̏̓̈̂̈́̀̈́͘͝͠ò̴̯̝̱͇̮̮͖̘͓̀̕b̷̖͕́̂̽͊̊̈̄͂̏̀̈́͝ļ̸̖͔̮̜̻̙̬͓͌̌ͅē̶̡͚̪̳͋̓͋́͗͌̕m̴̼̲̭͔̬̩̦̻̘̤̘̲̌̎͒̒͑̊̚̚͠?̷̢̨͔͍̳͈̙̮̣̪̦͉̮̯͊̓̓́̎͆̏̄͂͑̈́͌̚͠”̸̧̱͈͆̒̌̃̓̅͋̍̕̕
[South Park- s15 ep08, “Smiling Cherub”]
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gryficowa · 10 months
Guys, I remembered that Miracolous special that probably never came out
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Because if the Christmas episode (which was announced at the same time) came out, this particular special is already forgotten
Interesting fact: The Christmas episode was supposed to last 40 minutes, but it was shortened and we all know how it ended
However, the Halloween episode did not come out, but was announced in a similar period to the Christmas one (At least as I remember it)
So yes, this series has lost media (And those were the times when the series didn't crash)
Thomas, as usual you wasted something good
Seriously, explain to me why Thomas keeps shooting himself in the foot?
Even though we all know this special wasn't as good as antagonizing Chloe because the fandom started liking her and Thomas didn't like it
I understand, many series have episodes thrown to the trash, but we are talking about miracolous here, a series that has been turning over for years because Thomas is Thomas
I know that many new fans may not be familiar with this special, because it was announced during the two-year break between the first and second seasons (Seriously, there was such a long break between all this, and the first season ended on something strong and we had to wait for two years for sequels, old times, right?)
The question is whether they animated anything for this special or whether there is only a script
The same question arises as to what the Christmas episode would have looked like if they had had more time and if it had lasted as long as it was supposed to (I doubt whether there is a script for it, because although there were leaks of scripts, they were probably from later seasons)
I don't really expect a full Christmas and Halloween episode, but it's a bit of a bummer that something so good ended up in the trash.
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dougielombax · 3 months
Lost episode creepypastas be like:
Presenter: Welcome to Kitchen Nightmares! Today we’re gonna show you how to KILL, cook AND eat Gordon Ramsay.
Gordon Ramsay, looking visibly disappointed: Oh, FUCK OFF!
In my mind….
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virtualmc · 10 months
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They're best friends, your honor.
Bootleg Spongebob and Squidward's Sui- uhhh Depressed Squidward, are now best friends and there's nothing you can say to change my mind.
They're obviously anomalies, Spongeboi being the result of a glitch in the hijacking and Squidnose being some sort of phantom or lost soul. They became friends 'cause sad Squidward could no longer feel angry or bitter, and Spongebob is just generally friendly lol
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Ah yes, freakishly tall nightmare creature and lil' goofy goober. My favorite duo dynamic.
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destiel-wings · 1 year
If you could add a supernatural episode what season would you add it to and how would it go (besides the obvious of fixing the finale)
Oh that's such a good question, thank you!!
I have two different ideas for this actually.
One, I would've loved to see a fluffy episode set probably in s13, with Dean, Cas, Sam & Jack doing something domestic/mundane, like finally taking a weekend off to drive to the beach, toes in the sand. Immediately I thought it was impossible for the show to put something so fanfictionesque into the show, except... they could've easily turned it into a funny episode. Like something happens at that beach, some marine witch/monster or a cursed object or anything and weird things begin to happen. But the most important thing would've been... the vibes of the episode. Like, in the wonderful lost beach episode that now lives in my head they were doing something nice & fun all together as a family, and there would've been no horrible drama or consequences... at least for one day. I'm thinking of the vibes of 15x14 Last Holiday (but that episode doesn't feature Cas!!!! And I'll never forgive them for it).
My second idea, i would've loved to see an extra episode in s8 all set in Purgatory, where we follow Dean (and Benny) and really get to see what kind of routine and dangers they faced there. We know Dean stayed there for one year, searching for Cas. Damn. That's A LOT OF TIME. And it's not clear (or at least as in now i don't remember) how much of that time Dean has spent alone, and how much with Benny. Anyway, i think Purgatory is one of the most interesting -and underdeveloped- storylines and i would've loved to see more of it. I'm thinking of an episode entirely set there, told in a series of disconnected scenes that cover the arch of one year and give us a more specific idea of what happened. Where did Dean sleep? What did he eat? What other kinds of monsters hid in the dark? How does the weather work there? And, more importantly, how much was it clear that he missed Cas and longed to find him? What were his thoughts, his rage outbursts towards poor Benny, and what did Dean tell him about the angel they were searching? The one they couldn't seek immediate salvation for? I'm thinking nights around a campfire, with screams in the background and Dean's ache for Cas so visible even in the dark. I'm thinking badass fights in the forest, with angst and survival. I have the vibes of this whole thing so clear in my mind, now, gaah. I need it now.
Ask me more questions if you want <3
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I drew my favorite sesame street lost episode. (With and without watermark.)
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There's some videos on the lost episode on YouTube, here's the best link to it.
That's all, have a sunny day!!
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zoomer02134 · 11 days
PBS ZOOM Season 1
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Does ANYONE have old VHS recordings of this season of ZOOM? It’s one of the biggest cases of PBS Kids Lost Media.
The show was never officially released, and GBH, its main production company, currently has no plans to release it. Most of the season hasn’t been broadcast since the spring of 2002. Currently, about 20 episodes from it are lost, and the only way to find them is to locate blank VHS tapes that someone recorded the episodes on back when they were airing.
Do recordings of the rest of this season still exist? Are they out there? I’m hoping this post will lead to them being found.
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yourfriendbodoque · 4 months
rps but analog horror (TW)
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I was about to make a rps lost episode where the trios leaked the main character's home and other kind and the mc name is Natasha, you heard me that the mc is a female because some mc are male some mc are female and Some mcs don't had a gender(they/them everybody)
heres why the trios leaked it
She watch the episode
They knows that she hit her cousin with a rock means that rock beats scissors but instead of rock beats scissors it's rock beats cousin
They will hurt me after her cousin rock incident
Someone didn't create an lost episode idk how it came from??
They will kidnap her instead here little sister and immediately a*use her or r*pe her or even k!ll her if she tells everyone about the episode which was unknown
So you know how they leaked it?
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a-flipping-thumbtac · 5 months
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Suicide Mouse AVI!
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jt1674 · 8 months
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