#Lots of characters to tag when they aren't the focus of the post
Sontails and Knuckles/Vector/Espio crumbs for me??🥺👉👈💖
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thecodeveronica · 9 months
kinda rough being the kind of Resident Evil fan I am on tumblr when 60% of the posts are just lusting after Leon and most of the remaining 40% is RE8-related stuff about Ethan or Dimitrescu
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
cc. your tags on the boudoir post. MAMMON recieving an album of those photos. i'd love to hear your thoughts on his reaction (and everyone else's, if you're feeling particularly inspired?)
Ah, Daisy, my dear, thank you for asking!
I apologize for this late response, but I knew I was gonna be getting wordy with this one. Because I looove the boudoir photos idea in general and OH MAN just thinking about all their reactions is making me crazy lol. I was going to just do my regular sort of response, but this turned into full on headcanons oops.
So just in case anyone missed it, here is the original post!
My thoughts change a little bit depending on whether MC is present when the characters receive the pictures, so I included both! I only did the bros but I might be willing to do the rest upon request!
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the brothers react to MC giving them an album of boudoir photos
Warnings: suggestive but that's about it, nothing explicit
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When you're with him, Lucifer is calm and courteous, but with a flare of arrogance. Of course you would give him such a special gift. It's only natural that you would trust such intimacies to him.
He asks you if you're trying to tell him something. Has he perhaps been neglecting you, MC? Did you give him this so that he wouldn't be able to help himself? He's onto you.
No matter your reason, he can't look through too many of the pictures before wanting the real thing that's sitting right next to him. Tell him you still have some of that lingerie in your possession. Especially if you happen to have some in his colors.
If you aren't with him, he's going to be a lot less arrogant in general. He will find you later, make no mistake. But he's honestly so touched by your gift that he spends a lot of time looking through the album, simply admiring you.
Mammon is freaking out no matter where you are the time. If you're with him, it's definitely a lot worse. Blushing profusely. Opens the album then slams it shut because he can't handle looking at it for very long.
You can't help but giggle at his reaction and then it's all stop laughin' at him MC!! You'll need to take his hands or maybe kiss his cheek, let him know that you genuinely just wanted to give him a nice gift, you aren't trying to tease him or anything.
Ask him if he likes it. You'll get a serious response. Calms down enough to say 'course he likes it. Likes it so much, he suddenly can't keep his hands off you.
If you aren't with him at the time, he buries it under his pillow or otherwise hides it because this is now one of his treasures and nobody gets to see it but him!
Levi is another one who'd be a blushing mess no matter what, but if you're there at the time, he might retreat to his room and not let you in. He needs that barrier between you because if he sees you right now, his heart will explode.
He'll let you back in eventually, but it might be a minute. He needs to calm down. Are you trying to kill him, MC?! Even when he does let you in, he can't look at you directly. He's probably covering his face with his hands.
Reassure him that you gave these photos to him because you trust him with them. They're personal, intimate, and you want him to be close to you. He's going to calm down the more you talk to him. Pull his hands away from his face and when he sees the sincerity in your eyes, it flips a switch. Might even slip into demon form just to wrap his tail around you possessively.
If you're not with him at the time, he's going to need to take care of that raging boner of his right away. He won't be able to focus on anything else until he does. He's so embarrassed, he has to watch several episodes of Ruri Hana to recalibrate.
He will try to keep his expression unreadable. He's not having any over the top reactions, but as he flips through the photos, he keeps getting redder and redder. You're sitting right next to him, how can he not react? At some point, he has to close the album because he feels like he's looking at something he shouldn't.
Satan is quiet about how flustered he is, but he's having a hard time looking at you. He tries to say something and incomprehensible lines about how beautiful you are fall from his lips. He sounds like a broken record of spoken word poetry or perhaps a very drunk beat poet.
Recovers himself after a minute. As soon as he's composed, you're in his arms. You knew what this would do to him, didn't you, MC? You'll find yourself pressed up against the nearest wall in moments.
If you're not with him, Satan will tuck your album into a stack of his other books. He thinks it's well hidden there - in plain sight. But he's hyper aware of it. Keeps coming back to look at it. Ends up having to put it on the bottom of a stack behind a different stack to make it more difficult to get to.
Thrilled. Absolutely thrilled in every way. Oh, wow, MC, you look amazing. He's breathless. He's entranced. He's even blushing because he knows what it means that you've given these to him. He's so in love with you, he can't stand it.
Asks you about everything you may be wearing. Comments on the skill of the photographer. Tells you that next time, you should do one together. He has so many ideas. He wants to do one where all you're wearing is jewelry - bright and sparkling, just like your soul.
Covers you in kisses. He's not shy about how this is making him feel, how much he wants you. He just wants to see your beautiful figure here and now in real life, MC! Won't you let him worship you?
If you're not with him, he will find you immediately so he can say all of the things he needs to say in that moment. You can't leave him alone with all these feelings, both physical and emotional. He brings them all to you without hesitating.
It might take him a minute to understand exactly what he's looking at, mostly because he's never even heard of this. He doesn't know what a boudoir photo shoot is, so you might have to explain it to him. Once he understands, he starts lightly blushing as he looks through them. His expression is serious because he's beginning to see just how special this is.
Honestly surprised that you would give him something so intimate. He's touched. He's going to hug it to himself and look at you with tears in his eyes because he can't believe how lucky he is.
Give him another couple minutes to look through them and then he's having different feelings. He's not sure if he can hold back, MC. Tell him it's okay, that you don't want him to, and you'll find yourself on your back on his bed in zero seconds flat. You're quickly reminded why he's the Avatar of Gluttony.
If you're not with him at the time, he will figure things out on his own, though he'll have a plethora of questions for you later. He keeps it close to him at all times until you answer them because he knows one thing for sure - he doesn't want anyone else seeing these.
Oh, he sees what you're playing at. Trying to fluster him, are you, MC? Trying to rile him up? Are you sure you can handle him when you do that? He's so wound up by the gift he can't act normal about it. He's actually very touched by it, but he's not sure how to deal with the feelings, so he comes on too strong.
You laugh because to you, this is expected. You understand that this is Belphie's way of dealing with his own shyness. You respond by meeting him with just as much intensity. It's all kisses and touching and fumbling in the dark.
It's only later, when both of you are calm, when you're nestled in his arms, that he admits to you how much it means to him. That he tells you how he'll cherish the album you gave him. That he says he's stunned by how gorgeous you are, even more brilliant that the stars in the sky.
If you aren't with him at the time, you'll be dealing with a petulant but horny demon later on. He's going to be annoyed at you for leaving it for him and then not being there when it inevitably turns him on. Just as possessive as his brothers, he hides it in the attic where no one is likely to find it.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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stevelieber · 1 year
Thoughts on giving critiques to comics artists.
Seeing lots of discussion from students about sour experiences with an unhelpful art teacher, so here's a long, long post about giving critiques.
NB: I have no formal training as a teacher, but I was a student, and I've spent decades giving artists feedback on their work.
When someone brings me a portfolio, I like to establish my limitations & clarify my perspective. My work is firmly rooted in traditional US comics storytelling (i.e., not manga or art-comics.) I can give feedback on other approaches but they should know where I’m coming from.
“We've only got a little time for this, so I'm going to spend that time focusing on things to correct. That doesn't mean you're doing everything wrong, or that there’s nothing good here, but it’ll be more helpful if I identify some problems and show you how to fix them.”
Why? Because for many young artists their entire sense of self worth is wrapped up in being good at what they do. (It was for me!) In school they were probably the best artist in their peer group. But now if they're hoping to turn pro, they’re at the bottom.
Sometimes you know what’s up when you see page 1, but try to keep an open mind. Some build their portfolios by sticking new pages at the back & don’t weed out the old stuff up front, so the work gets better as you go. When it’s like that I ask: “Show me your best 8 pages.”
I ask questions: "What's the goal? Do you want to be hired to work on someone else's project, or to get the story you're showing me here published?"
If 1, I steer towards a portfolio that'll showcase hirable skills. If 2, I look for what tweaks will make that particular story more effective.
"Do you have teachers giving you regular feedback? What are they telling you?" Sometimes a student is getting bad advice. In cases like that, I'll do my best to be extra clear WHY I'm giving them advice that's 180 degrees from what they've been hearing.
“What artists are you looking at? Is there someone you admire or try to emulate?” This often helps me understand choices they're making, and I can sometimes incorporate things those artists do into my suggestions.
I ask myself questions about what I’m seeing. First: Is there a narrative? If not, I make it 100% clear I'm not speaking as any sort of expert. I'm good at critiquing storytelling, but don't have anywhere near as much to offer illustrators or designers.
Can I follow the story? Or am I confused about what's going on? Are the characters and settings drawn consistently? If not, is the artist at least making use of tags (distinctive clothing, hair etc.) to keep the characters recognizable?
Does the artist demonstrate a good command of basic academic drawing? If not, Do I think they need it? Do I focus on "how to draw" or on "what to do when you can't draw?" Is the artist putting the viewer’s eye where it needs to be to tell the story effectively?
(At this point I’m usually doing little doodles to go with my instructions. I scribble out ugly little 5 second diagrams that I hope will clarify what I’m talking about. Or they might make me seem demented. Hard to say!)
Is the artist making choices that are creating more work than necessary? Is there a particular weakness? I once spoke to an artist with a portfolio full of great work when he was drawing animals and monsters, but his humans were amateurish in comparison. I spent that critique talking about drawing people.
A crit can be a grab bag. In addition to big-picture advice, I'll point out tangencies, violations of the 180-degree rule, wonky anatomy, weird perspective, places where the artist neglected to do important research, odd choices in how they spotted black, whatever catches my eye.
I also try to make a point of defining the terms, so that jargon like “tangency,” “180-degree rule,” and “spotting black” don't go over their heads. Find simple, concrete ways to talk about these things, & clarify why it's a problem when they aren't done correctly. Draw diagrams!
Recognize that even a perfectly phrased explanation might not sink in. Some lessons can only be learned when a student is ready, and it might take a year or two of work before they can understand what you were saying. It's good to plant seeds.
Are there other artists who are particularly good at solving the problems the student is trying to solve? I steer them towards that artist's work. And I always recommend life drawing & the use of reference to give work specificity, variety, and authority.
Despite what I said earlier about focusing on what's wrong, I try at the end to find something encouraging to say. And if I’ve really piled on the criticism, I emphasize that I only spent the time and energy to do so because I take their efforts seriously.
If I've done my job right, they'll leave my table with tools to make their work better. And maybe in a few years they'll be looking at some younger artist's work, surprised to discover just how much you can learn when you're asked to teach.
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
How do some even think that RWBY has male characters “hijack the narrative?” It’s like they project what their grievances with past stories on what looks like the same but not really.
Like Jaundice in Volume 1 flies right by marathoning the season. No bigger than a single episode of TV at 20+ minutes.
So the answer to that questions ranges from what you said to several things like:
Not watching un years & misremembering what was watched, being misinformed & not having watched at all, lying and such. But, I think I hit on another major reason for this problem and its kind of hilariously twisted so please hear me out.
Every arc I've noticed that a certain strain of "Fans" get very attached to one or two male characters and start projecting the idea that they are the real MCs & then get offended when it turns out they aren't.
In V1 to 3, it was Jaune & Adam. Then in volumes 3 to 6 it was Qrow & then Ozpin, Followed by Ironwood in volumes 4 & 7.
All these guys are introduced either in a typical shounen hero or antagonist or mentor and ally role.
Then have the layers people back to show what exists beneath the archetype and what they either have to overcome to remain on the actual main characters side. IE, Jaune, Qrow & Ozpin.
Or what it is that they long since failed or will fail to overcome and grow from that makes them into villains, IE, Adam and Ironwood.
The reason this keeps happening is because that particular strain of "fan" has such a "Men as default" head-space that they cannot, genuinely cannot grasp that they are watching a story about women. Thus they keep expected ay given guy who shows up to be the "real" main character.
You may also notice Ren, Oscar & Marrow never gets on the above list. The closest they get is being someone else's cheerleader or not mentioned at all. Meanwhile the white (Or perceived as white in Qrow's case) cis and overtly straight men do get said treatment. I wonder why that could be? Such a mystery :/
But I digress, this is important because it reflects a deep subconscious bias in those "fans" & I think said bias also exists in the people making claims like this.
IE, because they treat men as the default & the protagonists in a given scene, while subconsciously placing women below them and more as accessories, their focus on any given scene is always on the men.
Kind of like those tumblr posts that are explicitly about women & have a bunch of people with piss poor reading comprehension tagging it with dudes or even going so far as to say "Just say gay men". & rather similar to that observation that a lot of fandom treats men, any man from a piece of media, as an inherently deep and complicated character with so much to analyze or so much freedom to expand on. Meanwhile dismissing women out of hand as awful & or boring.
Thus, when they see a group conversation scene, they instinctively assume that the one leading the conversation, with the most to gain from the conversation, with the most narrative weight in the conversation is a man.
Even if he barely said anything and all the lot relevant, interesting character stuff and such was being done by women.
This head-space persists consistently and inflames any given scene, story beat or exchange.
But, here's the twist, these "critics" know o a conscious level that RWBY is about women and that, that is a selling point. But then they look back over their memories, subconsciously blurring out the women and think, "Wow, the girls didn't do anything, it was all about the guys!" Even though its actually just cos they refused to pay any attention to a character that wasn't a man.
Then they get mad because "Clearly the writers are doing this wrong" and ten they get madder when these men fail, or are villains or have to learn lessons, because in their eyes, those guys are the righteous protagonists, and super complicated, "Can't these blank slate girls realize that? Can't the writers!?" But again, its just because they weren't paying attention, rather tan it being a problem in the writing.
Its very similar to that trend of, "There was no queer foreshadowing, they were both obviously straight!" & then their evidence is like, she looked at a man once, & so therefore every interaction with women she has is platonic by default and therefore does not contain foreshadowing.
Damn, could have just led with that, its male bias, rather than straight bias, but the end result is the same. They don't perceive the women on the screen, they don't see the queer signals.
Then, when the story develops around those women, when queer characters & events set up across years happens it slaps them across the face & they insist it must have come out of nowhere.
Sadly, nothing you can say is liable to change their minds, because in a way, they really are watching an entirely different show.
It'd be like if I went into Naruto thinking Rock Lee was the main character & then never adjusted from that perspective.
Not an identical situation, but one that conveys my point regarding why they claim so much nonsense with such confidence.
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cryptar · 6 months
yknow i say im a huge multishipper but i wouldnt actually consider myself much of a shipper at all. just open to the idea of trying everything once. the term has typically romantic connotations and follows the assumption that i think, and want, these characters to be good for eachother.
I'm, personally, less interested in the prexisting chemistry than i am in the puzzle of figuring out what differing circumstances could potentially cause two characters who have seemingly nothing in common to become eachothers everything.
This could explain my favorism towards rarepairs and more convoluted dynamics, and my aversion to popular, fluffy pairings that have already been explored a thousand times over, there's no work for me to do there.
Not to mention that when a ship becomes too popular it starts cannibalising itself, and lots of good, interesting characterisations are lost in the sea of people bending characters into pre-orchestrated, saccharine dynamics. alot of which are usually downright fetishy in nature, particularly in mlm pairings.
I mean i would say being able to get ooc and self indulgent is downright mandatory for making a good fic, but there's only so many times i have to read a fic about a big, overprotective, manly-man top who does all the work and the shy, small, swoony, softhearted femme-wifey-bottom before it starts to just be lazy.
I actively have to go out of my way to search 'switch' tags if i want true-to-the-character, mutual emotional reciprocation. which i really, really shouldn't have to do as an ace person who actively skips through nsfw.
And it's not that popular wlw pairings aren't guilty of these problems aswell, but those tend to lean more into the 'soft lesbians who can do no wrong' stereotype, which always completely (butch)ers all nuisance that makes the ship worth shipping in the first place.
As well as that's if they're even the focus of the story at all and aren't just shoved to the side by the main mlm couple. mlw pairings can be culpable of both these things, with the added risk that you find out the author made a twitter post with the characters in front of the 'super straight' flag.
Though i also wonder if me being aspec plays any part as again; im not as interested in the romantic aspects as i am in the possible hurdles they may face throughout the potential relationship.
Anyone else feel like this?
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
FSYY-accurate Nezha: Patricide is back on the menu
That's more JTTW Nezha to me, where Li Jing is constantly terrified of Patricide Arc 2: Electric Boogaloo.
But to expand on what I wrote in the tag (very HC heavy): he's gonna laugh like Li Jing has just told the funniest joke ever, in a "What are you hoping to accomplish?" way.
Seriously? Out of everything, this is what you choose to tell me when the world is about to end? No, am I supposed to find it touching? I am no longer the seven years old kid who's so eager to please a father he rarely even saw growing up, nor am I the raging avenger out for your blood. I don't want, or need your apology. No, I'm not still angry at you. Frankly, you aren't worth the effort. Your guilt, your pride, whatever egocentric gratification you are hoping to get out of your confession——it simply means nothing to me. Hasn't meant anything in a long, long time. If you just have to apologize to someone for whatever reasons, go say it to my dead mother.
...See, as cathartic as the Patricide Arc is in a book and time saturated with filial piety, I also feel like people tend to focus on that part of Nezha's story and ignore his experiences and character development past his forced submission to Li Jing.
Like, even if you are just there for the angst, isn't the War of Investiture a much bigger source of potential trauma?
Nezha is one of the few characters in FSYY who taunts his opponents and be all "sassy lost child", but the deaths of his comrades were still gonna leave an impact——in particular, he was furious when their enemies hang up Huang Tianxiang's body on the guard tower of the city.
As much as people like to HC Erlang/Yang Jian as Nezha's mentor or surrogate parent (usually out of a desire to "find a better dad/guardian figure than Li Jing"), these two are senior and junior brothers in the novel, who not only got paired together on missions a lot, but both have their respective OP quirks.
Yet I hardly ever come across works that explore this more brotherly/comrade-in-arms Jianzha dynamic, as true equals who have been forged for——and by war, in similar, yet different ways.
Or works that involve Nezha's actual brothers on their own terms, instead of reducing them to the roles they played in the Nezha/Li Jing conflict.
...Damn, I've rambled a lot and it's all pretty disjointed (maybe I need another post that's all about FSYY's Nezha?), but TL;DR: I like it more when Li Jing isn't even worth his fucking time anymore, whether it's hating or seeking approval.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 3 months
Frequently Asked Questions
Will you write sub/bottom!Shigaraki or top/dom!Dabi?
No, I have no interest in writing those dynamics for Shigadabi.
When will [x] story update?
I don't have an update schedule, I write whenever I can and work on a lot of different stories! Unless a fic has been marked as "abandoned" all of my stories will continue to update over time (unless something unforeseen happens to me)
What should I call you/What are your pronouns?
You can call me Tanco, and my pronouns are they/them
Can I make fanart for your works?
Yes, absolutely! I would love to see it, and I hope you have fun!
Can I write fanfic based on your stories?
I would highly prefer if you did not do that.
Will you read my fic?
No. When I get involved writing for a specific ship I completely stop consuming any other written works about them. It's something that I find help me focus on my interpretation of the ship's dynamic.
Can you give me resources about BDSM/This is my experience with BDSM...
I am not a resource for education or safety practices when it comes to BDSM/Kink/Sex. What is depicted in a fictionalized setting will likely not reflect reality and a fiction writer is not someone who should be approached to learn more about these topics. Additionally, please do not share any personal details with me about your experience with kink or intimacy-- it makes me extremely uncomfortable.
What program do you use to write?
I use 4thewords to do all of my writing! It's a subscription service that gamifies writing and helps me to be more productive! I use Google Docs for final editing and formatting!
What about Shigadabihawks?
I no longer enjoy that ship or Hawks as a character for personal reasons, the Bonded and Mishap series are on hiatus, but those stories are still not abandoned and will update infrequently, but I am still committed to seeing them completed.
Why don't you tag most of your Shigadabi stuff?
I know my tastes aren't everyone else's so to keep this blog small I tend to not include bigger tags on most of my posts so they don't show up as easily in searches. "My writing" will bring up fics and WIPs, "doodle" or "doodles" will bring up art, and "tanco speaks" will bring up me talking or answering asks, "tanco spoilers" will bring up spoilers from story WIPs
Do you accept commissions?
Yes and you can find my guidelines here!
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educatingmerlin · 2 months
Hi and thank you if you answer this one!
Is it just me or does any content with Gwen/Elyan/both of them gets so much less attention from fandom?
ArWen is much less popular than Merthur, despite it being canon. As an artist, who loves drawing Gwen, it's sad to say that Gwen/ArWen arts don't get as much likes and reblogs than Merlin/Arthur. I don't even want to start on Elyan.
And I wanted to know what if it's about art quality? I tried many different stuff with Gwen. Fast and lively sketches, full rendered arts I spent hours and hours of my life, etc etc. Many experimental things to see if there's any difference. But a simple sketch with Merthur gets much more attention in just minutes :/
I can't understand if that's racism towards the character? Or people in fandom just generally love gay characters, absolutely ignoring one of the main characters who IS a female? ://
It really is frustrating to see. As an artist I, of course, love attention (there aren't much who doesn't). But I also don't want to be stuck drawing two same white dudes just to get more likes&reblogs, considering that I myself AM NOT a white man and I do want more diversity in art.
And there's this dilemma in what should I draw to satisfy fandom's needs or should I draw for myself only and suffer from no attention
Thank you for your submission and for sharing your experience.
I am sorry that you have had to go through this, especially with working countless hours making artwork only for it to go unappreciated.
First of all, it is important to know that this is not due to you personally or the quality of your artwork, but it is an issue with the fandom and how they interact with certain content. So please do not blame yourself!
What you have said is right. The fandom is largely dominated by fans of the white characters or non-canon ships (who are mostly white themselves). Whilst there are fans of Arwen/Gwen/Elyan, there are not nearly as many fans for characters such as Merlin, Arthur or Morgana.
Of course the racism has affected the situation too.
It is likely a mix of both things. As there are more fans for the white characters, they are only interested in seeing content of the people they love. This is not a bad thing, but it does impact the way they interact with content. And with racism they usually do not want to see any content of the Black characters.
With the fandom being majority Merlin/Arthur/Merthur fans it is pretty easy for them to gain a lot of interactions with their content and it has often led to certain posts becoming viral (or at least semi viral with thousands and thousands of reblogs).
It is a really difficult situation to be in when you are constantly trying to get your work out there and appreciated. The fandom needs to be a lot more welcoming to content which celebrates a wider part of the show and the characters.
I have a post about this planned which I will share soon but I am striving to do this within this page. It is so important to support creators and artists of color in the Merlin fandom.
For now, there are a few things that I would suggest:
Try to follow and interact with artists who also focus on Gwen/Elyan. Finding a circle where you are on the same page as other fans may be helpful in building up your page and interactions.
No doubt you are doing this already but make sure that you are tagging correctly. For example on Gwen artwork, do not solely tag Gwen related things. Often the hashtags for Black Merlin characters get bombarded with non-Gwen related posts. Many fans follow Gwen tags to see Gwen content but end up unfollowing as posts about her are usually lost in a sea of white Merlin characters.
Make sure you are on different social media platforms. I have spoken about this before but on each site, the fandom is different. One site may be more welcoming and supportive of your artwork than another.
I know this is difficult as this is something which is out of our control and we have to rely on others to support us. It would not surprise me if you have already tried these things, but if you have not, I hope that they do help.
I also hope that other artists share their own tips about this!
My future post will be asking artists what this page can do to help other artists (of color) in supporting them so please look out for it or feel free to submit something here.
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courtmartialme · 2 months
someone asked under my post basically what's the difference between genderbend and trans aus since i asked my transmasc riza art to not be tagged as genderbend so i'm rambling about that
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someone added this comment when reblogging my transmasc riza where i ask people to not tag it as genderbend since it had been happening to my trans hc posts and i was a lil annoyed. i don't think genderbend is inherently bad obviously because i have my own genderbend au, but there's a clear distinction between genderbend and trans hcs that seem to be obvious but it's also hard to put into words so i felt like talking about it
to me, genderbend is playing with the character's Assigned Gender By The Author and seeing how their traits would translate into the opposite one, since we live in a Society and how we're taught how to think and act is influenced by that, so the way we perceive the character changes and it's fun to play with it... the focus is usually on that regardless of whether the writer/artist makes them cis or trans
As for trans AUs(that make the character a different gender from canon, not necessarily the "opposite" either), or at least my own, it's about taking canon character traits that can be read as signs of being trans and playing with it, with the focus being on the transition process. in my transmasc riza AU the canon timeline is untouched, everything happens exactly as we know it, and only post canon riza starts questioning their gender and then realizes he's male aligned... basically i think all it takes for canon riza to be a guy is to be introduced to the possibility of transitioning lol so it isn't genderbend if it's the same riza as always
so basically, the main difference to me is what you choose to focus on with your AU. genderbends can be trans AUs but trans AUs aren't genderbends most of times. genderbends usually play with gender roles while trans aus are made to play with traits that are already there that could be read as signs, and the transition process...! a lot of people don't like genderbend because of the transphobic connotations the genre is built on, which is very valid, so it's why i and other people don't like it when our trans headcanons built on identification are labeled genderbend. in the end it's about respecting the OP's wishes
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suzyandthefox · 4 months
Blog intro!
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I'm bad at this so bear with me lol.
IMPORTANT SECTION: This page is pro Palestinian!
My Novel length fic (Not vorey) : Of Smoke and Shadows
My Non vorey writing blog: hopewriteszstuff
My Palestine support Blog: hopefulandbored
Call me Suzy, I go by she/her!
I'm +18, and all characters included in my vore fics are 18+ as well (Because I know featuring minors or children in vore is a big no no for a lot people)
Please DNI if you aren't at least 16 and above, there's mature topics on this blog.
If you came from my other blogs, What happens here stays here.
Suzy isn't my name, but it's the name of the main oc this blog revolves around. She is a borrower with mouse features.
Speaking of which, this is a SFW G/t blog with the occasional vore story/artwork here and there, you don't like it? Then don't follow!
All vore here is (mostly) soft and safe, and 100% nonsexual.
(There will be exceptions to the soft and safe part, I will tag accordingly if it happened, it's still 100% oral and nonsexual.)
I'm an artist and a writer, I made this blog to interact with others who share my little fantasies.
I RP! I like rping about anything, But when it comes to vore, only soft-safe g/t vore.
Preds featured on this page will be mostly male preds (Except for my predsona,) , prey can be of any gender.
Suzy would be my main focus would it come to interacts with other moots/rps, but my actual work will have a variety of characters.
Ask me about my nom headcanons for Fandoms!
Masterlist of my fics:
Golden King
Boy and the wolf
An Accident (Sequel to Boy and the wolf)
Anger Issues
Meeting The Ferryman
Sung to the Organs
The Appeal of a Predator
Unique tags: #Suzywrites
This post will be updated frequently.
DNI list:
No DNI list, If I don't like your content I will simply block you
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Banner by @dav8530
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mania-sama · 3 months
Just want to say thanks so much for that post about you prefer Kevin/Neil over Neil/Andrew. Yes, I thought I was the only one. Agree with your answers about them, also not that I hate on Andrew but I don't see and feel the chemistry between him and Neil. FYI, I have said this to my AFTG moots once before and got blocked (that is why I never said it again until I found your blog).
And as fan of Haikyuu, don't you feel that Kevin/Neil kinda remind you of some other duo? Yes, Kageyama/Hinata. Wait, I know their personality is different but somehow their dynamic is kinda similar, right?
Sorry, if it's kinda random, but I got into AFTG because a friend of mine said, "You love Haikyuu, right? It's like that but with mafia and troubled kids" (worst advice ever, but I grew to love AFTG, too). And somehow, as I read them, I thought Neil will end up with Kevin if it's mlm story, and he end up with Andrew instead?
Oh yeah, can I ask what do you mean with "Andrew is the most unrealistic part of AFTG"?
Sorry for this long ask, thanks if you want to answer....
hey!! thanks so much for sending an ask! it was not too long; i love reading anything and everything people send me!
So sorry that people have blocked you over something as silly as a ship preference! I see where Andreil comes from; it has plenty of amazing and good qualities, and I'm happy with it being endgame! I just know, in my heart of hearts, that Kevneil should've been the one to cross the finish line. But that's just my opinion, and everyone is entitled to believe or think otherwise.
As far as comparing Hinata and Kageyama to Neil and Kevin, I'm of the opinion that their similarities start and end with their appearances. Outside of being singularly obsessed with one sport, I don't necessarily see the relation. Neil and Hinata are gingers and relatively short, and Kageyama is tall with dark hair. Their dynamics, to me, are different as well; Kageyama and Hinata both strive to get better together, but it isn't the trade-off and companionship that Kevin and Neil hold. Kevneil's dynamic is special in that it's very hard to find a reasonable comparison. They just have so much going on at all times. Kagehina, while a respectable pair, aren't as complex. They better each other even while at constant odds, and while you can say that is the relationship between Kevin and Neil, I feel that it is far too simple of an explanation, almost to the point that it's false.
Your friend isn't wrong to make the comparison. I've often thought this myself, honestly. It's got the same sport-focus while also being about mafia and troubled kids. I actually really like Haikyuu and think it's great; All for the Game essentially combines what I like about Haikyuu and everything I look for in Haikyuu fanfiction (that is, a focus on the individual characters and adding in insane trauma and lore for no reason at all). I personally think it's hilarious. It's one of the many reasons I'm very drawn to this series; it's like reading self-service fanfiction. I am a dead dove girlie at heart, what can I say?
... But on the same token, I have to talk about Andrew. While I don't disagree with my statement that Andrew is the most unrealistic part of AFTG (because he most certainly is), I will also say that this doesn't mean I dislike his character or don't find his story compelling. I do. I resonate with a lot of the ways he processes information, and I like how he represents that not everyone deals with trauma in socially acceptable or "presentable" ways. He's different, and that's okay.
However, here is where I come to a roadblock. I love the Dead Dove: Do Not Eat tag. I like to read when characters, in fanfiction, go through traumatic things. It's cathartic; it's a way for me to separate fiction from reality. I can experience these things without having to get emotionally involved. It's a curious phenomenon. But here's the other thing: I think it's something that should stay in fanfiction.
When you bring these serious topics into a published work, you have to treat it with the lens of professionalism. A video I watched semi-recently explains this very well while talking about the book A Little Life. The creator uses the term trauma porn to describe the general interest in visual works (books/tv shows/movies) where characters go through an unsubstantiated amount of trauma for the sake of... trauma. It's not there for any significant reason other than to be written. That's why it's so popular in fanfiction, and why I'm okay with indulging in it in that format. It's not serious. Fanfiction can be serious, but it's not serious in the same way that A Little Life is meant to be serious. A Little Life would be a perfect fanfiction, but as a published book, it is juvenile and worth very little in the world of trauma exploration.
This is how I feel about Andrew, and in some parts, Jean, in All for the Game. Andrew is raped about a gajillion times in this work. And for what? There is very little reason to keep making him endure this insanely traumatic experience, only for him to wind back in the same exact place he was before. It adds nothing to the story or his character. His original backstory works fine in the narrative: he is repeatedly traumatized as a youth, and this fundamentally changes who he becomes. That is fine. But then it happens off-book... again? To serve as a punishment to... Neil? Then he comes back like nothing happened. As if he was raped for nothing. Because, well, he was. Narratively, no repercussions occurred because of this action. Andrew didn't hold it against him. Neil still experienced the Nest regardless if Andrew did or didn't get raped. Then, it happens... again. This time on-book, and while we do get the satisfaction of seeing his original rapist murdered, it still does nothing. This encounter with his old abuser could have been worth a lot if there had been a proper set-up of conflict, but instead, the author chose to write a rape scene. Because that makes sense? Especially when the character bounces right back as if nothing happened. Because again, nothing narratively happened due to this scene. Aaron gets locked away for a while, and that's about it. It isn't even really a big deal, because they end up working through the details off-book. The team isn't severely impeded by this situation. Nothing happens. Do you see why this is a problem? It's very, very frustrating, and it makes a mockery of a very serious trauma. It is, point blank, trauma porn, and it has no right to be in a serious, published work. Even most fanfiction writers that do write trauma porn would've handled this with more grace and elegance than Nora did.
This alone wouldn't have made Andrew fully unrealistic. Now I want to talk about the issue of the drug he takes. He takes this made-up insanity pill that makes him loopy and goofy. Because of course it does. Even though there is no medical standing for a drug like this to even exist, nor would it medically make any sense at all to cause him to act this way. Furthermore, I am of the opinion that he didn't need to take them at all! Everyone in the book hyped up Andrew's natural state to be horrifying and unapproachable, only for the reveal to be... a stoic guy. I think that he was scarier on the drugs. He was honestly relaxed and seemed to be happier off the drugs despite everyone saying that he was crueler. In the narrative, he didn't even change. The drugs served only as an inhibitor to his playing in the first two books, and another way to make Andrew experience more trauma.
In short, Andrew, to me, is very clearly just a way for a female author to torture a gay male character. I said it, and I will not take it back. I wouldn't care if this was a fanfiction (I do it all the goddamn time), but it's not. It's a published book, and therefore must be reviewed with a critical eye. And she does a lot of this stuff again with Jean, only with a bit more care and finesse. Jean is far more believable than Andrew, and he still runs into many of the same problems that Andrew's character writing fatally experiences.
To quote you, sorry for the long response! I just had a lot to say. I love All for the Game. I honestly think it's a good book series that explores avenues of trauma responses with a fairly entertaining plot; no piece of media is perfect, and some of the greatest have serious problems with them that a lot of people choose to ignore. I love All for the Game despite its many flaws, and I am very excited for the next book of The Sunshine Court duology.
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shipcestuous · 8 months
Valentine's Day Challenge/Event
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Unfortunately, at Christmas I didn't have the time to make our incest Christmas movie event happen - hopefully happening Christmas 2024! - but there was some discussion about doing something for Valentine's Day instead. I'm not going to call it a contest because I don't want it to be a competition, but it would have the general vibe of a contest, in the sense that people will be encouraged to create and submit. More of a challenge, I guess.
Here's my idea for the event:
Participants will create content [in the medium(s) of their choice] based on a prompt, and then submit it to my blog or send me a link to a rebloggable tumblr post. I'll post the submissions into a specific tag for the event (this tag). (And I'll try to be very timely about this and check my inbox every day.) The plan will be to have all submissions in by February 13th (but I'll still post late submissions, of course), but as I said, there won't be a winner. Submissions can be anonymous, using a nickname, using your username, or whatever you want.
This is what I was thinking for the prompt, which can be for original characters or characters from popular media, as long as it's an incestuous relationship:
Not Together Yet - How the incest pairing of your choice ended up on a date on Valentine's Day. The general idea is that they're not an established couple and this happened accidentally or through a series of unforeseen circumstances. Or it's not supposed to be a date, but by the end of the night it basically was one. Not a date but totally a date.
Established Couple - How the planned romantic date of the incest pairing of your choice ended up going awry and they ended up doing something completely different but still romantic in the end.
(Fantasy/historical settings are welcome to pretend like Valentine's Day exists more or less like it does in the present-day real world, or to create an equivalent holiday. Or to use an anniversary.)
Hopefully those prompts make sense and are sparking ideas already.
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Other Guidelines:
Must focus on a pairing of familial/related characters, who either are already together or aren't together yet but eventually will be/will want to be (whether or not that falls within the events of the submission) = shippy content. Stepcest, cousins, etc. all fine - no restrictions on that.
Submissions can take any form that addresses the prompt - plot summary, fic or ficlet, art, mood board or collage, art, graphics/edits, poem, fanvid, playlist, etc. I assume a typical submission will be a description of events based on the prompt, similar to a movie synopsis, and an accompanying image, but it doesn't have to be that.
You can make multiple submissions if you want to.
No NSFW images or anything that is in conflict with Tumblr's rules. Anything questionable, controversial, risky, or potentially offensive will likely not be posted for the sake of the blog.
The entire submission has to be contained within a single tumblr post. But double posting is fine - put it on AO3 or whatever you want.
I can also create the post myself if you provide me with the content, especially if you're having trouble submitting. (And I believe if you use an incognito browser you should be able to submit anonymously.)
I wanted to have my own submission ready when I posted this, but it's not quite there yet.
What do you guys think? I'll make a second promotional post in a few days that is less long-winded and will be better for reblogging. I imagine this will be a small event, but it will be fun to have even a few to browse through.
I'm definitely interested in suggestions for something low-key that doesn't involve a lot of moderation/facilitation for the future. (And if anyone wants to take on something more ambitious, or a fic-a-thon, I would be happy to step aside and support and promote it.)
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 years
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Logo and header by @black-dread || Intro banner by @aegonx
Hello! Welcome to ewanmitchellcrumbs. Please note that this blog is strictly intended for people aged 18+ as there will often be topics of an adult nature discussed. Please do not interact if you are a minor.
About Me You can call me Ange. She/her/hers. I'm in my dirty 30s and living in South East England. My background is in journalism, specifically the music industry. I am a professional writer, although a novice when it comes to writing fiction. This is a sideblog - my main is @bouncehousedemons so all follow backs will come from that account. I cross post all of my fics to AO3. I co-own a HotD Discord, which is open to all. I also run the @hotd-bigbang account, which hosts regular writing challenges.
About my blog This is a space to be thirsty and unhinged. My ask box is always open. I love to hear from you guys. House of the Dragon is this blog's main focus. I currently write for all Ewan Mitchell characters, Daemon Targaryen, Otto Hightower, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Alicent Hightower and Helaena Targaryen. For other characters from the A Song of Ice and Fire universe or The Last Kingdom, please visit my main blog @bouncehousedemons. Please note that I do not support Team Green vs. Team Black discourse and would prefer not to engage with Lucemond content. This is a safe space to share thoughts without judgement, but please keep it respectful. Bigots and racists will not be tolerated. We thirst hard for Ewan on this blog, but also respect his privacy. Bear that in mind when in engaging with my content. I don't have a tag list, please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
Do You Take Requests?
Requests currently closed.
Yes! I have a few guidelines for sending in requests, please read through these before jumping into my asks.
Please don't send requests for characters that aren't listed in the "about the blog" section..
I will interpret your request as I see fit - I may not always follow it to the letter.
Please keep your requests brief - don't request an entire plot - I work better with basic prompts and ideas
I don't really enjoy writing fluff requests, so please avoid sending these in..
I will not write about underage sexual relationships.
I will not write specified trait reader inserts (i.e. plus size, particular ethnicity) - my characters are either nameless feminine characters or female OCs. Writing from my own experience enables me to keep the narrative accurate and avoids me accidentally causing offence.
Requests for female characters will be paired with a female reader insert..
I don't write RPF (real person fiction).
It takes me a while to work on requests (I get a lot), so please be patient - if I haven't responded it's because I am working on it.
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fraeuleintaka · 1 month
AAIC Allies & Adversaries Trailer
This is the 67th post in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Countdown: 14 days left until release!
Today's topic: the Allies & Adversaries Trailer for the Investigations Collection!
A full new trailer has been released for the Investigations Collection titled "Allies & Adversaries Trailer" which not only introduces said allies and adversaries (or some of them) but also teases the story of both games in an epic way.
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For Investigations 1 we of course get introduced to Kay and Shi-Long, our main new ally and main adversary, with these nice little focus images (including the ever present chess pattern, of course).
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The way I1's story is teased is pretty vague to avoid any too specific spoilers but they use several of the later in-game images as epic teasers (that fire visual from I1-5 is one of my absolute favourites from the whole of AA) and I love how the text references some plot points without directly stating them (the "key to the present" meaning the Yatagarasu's key plus the significance of who the three people in the image are). If I wasn't already beyond hyped to replay this game again, this would definitely do it!
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For Investigations 2 our adversaries, Sebastian (Eustace) and Justine (Verity), don't get these focus images sadly though they're still introduced with a confrontational line each. In the allies category I would've expected to see Ray (Eddie) mentioned but he doesn't show up at all in the trailer. Something interesting I noticed here though is how Sebastian's name tag for when he talks is "Eustace", his first name, whereas it was "Debeste", his last name, in the fan translation. Miles does call him "Prosecutor Debeste" up until the end of case 3 but I always thought "Sebastian" would be more fitting for his name tag since Miles switches to his first name for the rest of the game and it wouldn't lead to Sebastian's father having his first name in the name tag, when Sebastian doesn't, as to not be confused with his son. I don't know if the official localisation will have Blaise (Excelsius) go by "Winner" in his name tag but I do like that they switched to Sebastian's first name for his. Hopefully Miles' change in how he addresses him is kept intact as I adore how it shows how Miles starts to recognize that Sebastian is not that different from how he used to be.
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I2's story gets a lot more focus instead of any individual characters and they aren't nearly as vague about it as they were with I1. Most of the central story questions and general obstacles get teased - again in a pretty epic way! I especially love the way the IS-7 incident is brought in with its connection to DL-6. That means you already know a lot more details from this trailer but since I2's story is so meaty anyway I don't think it's a bad thing. There's still so much more to discover!
And one thing the trailer revealed specifically is the new name of the organisation standing in Miles' way which Justine is a part of and which was called "Prosecutorial Investigation Committee (PIC)" in the fan translation: Committee for Prosecutorial Excellence (CPE). That will definitely take some getting used to from me but it sounds nicely imposing and powerful. I like the focus on specifically investigating any wrongdoings from prosecutors in the fan translated name but depending on how they describe the purpose of this committee being responsible for prosecutors doing the most "excellent" work they can might be more fitting. It sounds a tad too similar to the quest for "perfection" of the von Karmas for my taste if I'm being honest, but I'll have to see how they use it in the game to solidify my opinion.
Apart from that we also got a first listen to Justine's new voice in English and in German since the trailer has also been released in German!
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I love these coloured backgrounds for the voice clips, yellow for Shi-Long and purple for Justine, they look so good! Justine's voice clip stays "Overruled" as expected and her new voice is notably deeper than her fan voice was. But I like it, it sounds effortlessly commanding with a calm authority that really fits her. I get the criticism that it sounds too old but I see that more as a problem with her age in the game simply being too young because Justine sounding as old as she does actually makes more sense.
In German she says "Abgelehnt!" which is exactly what I predicted way back when! It sounds good, I don't have any issues with it, looking forward to hearing it in context. Her German voice is a bit higher than her English counterpart though still mature and authoritative and it even has a little more oomph behind it, she says it more forcefully which I love. Really like the German voice clips so far!
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Since I have the opportunity with the German trailer version I wanted to compare a few lines directly with the new German translation. We get Kay's introductory line where she calls herself "the Great Thief Yatagarasu" or in German "Yatagarasu, die Meisterdiebin". I love "Meisterdiebin" as the choice here (literally "master thief"), it's a great title and has a lot more oomph than any version of "Der große Dieb" or whatever would have! I also kinda love that the German line specifies her as female, she doesn't say "Ich bin der Meisterdieb Yatagarasu" but instead loses the article before Yatagarasu and then characterizes Yatagarasu and herself as "Meisterdiebin". I do wonder how they're going to do that with her father allegedly being the previous Yatagarasu and the confusion around who the Yatagarasu is but they could probably switch it around between "Meisterdieb" and "Meisterdiebin" however they need it. (Side note, the HD chibi sprite of Miles being tied to a post is as glorious as I expected it to be!)
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We also get a line from Shi-Long antagonizing Miles, showing his disdain for prosecutors in general and Miles specifically. I adore Shi-Long's habit of calling Miles some variation of "pretty boy" several times (he really does it an, let's say, interesting amount of times...), it's so deliciously specific! And I'm heartbroken to report that at least for this line they removed the "pretty" connotation from the German version 😭 He calls him "Schnösel" instead which doesn't have an exact English equivalent but means something like a snob, a vain conceited person (often rich but not necessarily) who's only concerned with himself. It does fit the general meaning of the line in that Shi-Long insults Miles' excessive poshness and how he's unfit to be at a crime scene but I hate to lose the specific additional connotations of "pretty boy" in this context. Though to the translators' credit I'm also struggling to come up with a more fitting alternative. The direct translation "hübscher Junge" doesn't have the same connotations as the English version at all and would result in Shi-Long basically calling Miles too good-looking to work. (100% full-on flirting, I'm not kidding here. It would still sound somewhat condescending but it wouldn't be the insult it's supposed to be.) The only similar option I can think of is "Schönling" and I think that'd work pretty well. It keeps the "pretty" connotation (schön = pretty) while also keeping the insult. I would've preferred that to what they went with. I still have hope for Shi-Long's other lines though (as I said, he says this several times and in ways that are a lot harder to remove the playful tone of), let's see what the German translation does with those!
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Moving on, we of course also get the German name of the PIC: Komitee für ausgezeichnete Staatsanwaltsarbeit (KAS?), pretty much a direct translation of the new English name. I like it, no criticisms that I don't already have for the English version.
Finally, the trailer closes with a great amount of different scenes from the games all floating over the screen. There's too many to talk about all of them so I only want to comment on three specifically:
First, the one of Little Thief projecting the Haunted House looks awesome! Especially the Little Thief version of Miles' chibi sprite, even if you can only see part of it, is so cute. Chibi Shi-Long looks like he's trying very hard to look unimpressed.
Second, there's the scene of Miles and Shi-Long exchanging business cards (looking forward to seeing the evidence icon of Shi-Long's in more detail!) and it really looks like the HD animation includes the cards this time! Yay! (The things I get excited about with this game 😄)
Third, there's a scene of Sebastian using his new name as a pun! It might not be representative of all the ways he's going to do that but it shows at least one instance of it. In English he says: "I'm not just ANY rookie! I am a winning rookie!" and in German: "Das will aber nicht viel heißen! Schließlich bin ich ein Winner!" I'm not gonna lie, I vastly prefer the German version here 😅 The English one just sounds kind of... dumb? Which isn't necessarily unusual for Sebastian but it's not even really funny? Whereas the German one uses the double meaning of "Ich bin ein Winner" = "I'm a winner" and "I'm a member of the family Winner". It's still Sebastian-level of cringe but at least it sounds like he tried! Oh I can already tell I'm going to struggle with all of these little differences...
And one last point: The music chosen for the trailer is amazing! It's the arranged versions of I1's Objection theme (for most of it) and I1's Pursuit theme (for the last bit). Very sneaky to tease them like this, I can't wait to hear the other arrangements and the full versions. They sound epic!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 3 months
I was just gonna put this in the tags of the last reblog, but it got a bit away from me. For context, the original post was talking about Shuichi, Kaede, and Kiibo as protags and how Shuichi and Kaede didn't fit into the same role as protags as Hajime or Makoto did. Their character conflicts are more like those of ultimate side characters from previous games rather than a fish out of water everyman like Hajime, Makoto, or Kiibo. Now on to my ramble:
I think that it's extremely cool we get to play as "side characters" in V3. I think it was a really nice change of pace. Makoto and Hajime are fun, but small fish in a big pond type protags who neutrally engage with almost everyone have a kind of personality that hinders their role as characters in the story, and kind of weakens the story through their eyes as a whole. I Get the narrative purpose, especially for THH. It makes it easier to introduce the rules of the world to someone less fully consumed by it, and accentuates the weirdness of all the other ultimates in comparison.
But honestly, I found that Shuichi and Kaede being ultimates with stronger opinions and biases to the world around them gave them much more satisfying arcs, personally. They form specific bonds with many of the other characters, both good and bad ones, and those specific bonds influence their arcs and the plot as a whole.
The downside of a protag like this is that unfortunately, it means not all characters are going to feel equally close to the protag, since the narrative is now focusing on certain characters especially as their friends or enemies. This can feel a bit weird if you, the player, don't end up liking said friends, or really adore their enemies. It could also be argued that this could give certain characters an unfairly lesser role in the story as a whole, but I didn't really feel like that was the case in V3.
The upside of a protag like this for a game series like DR is that often times, I feel like when almost all characters get an equal spotlight in interacting with the protag, they can end up feeling a little flat or ironically distant. Their relationship and character status quo can't be changed too much lest the protag have complicated or different feelings about them, which might divorce our player stand-in from the player themselves who likes said character. And you also can't let one character become much closer than the other, lessening the bond you the player might have with a different character.
Major exceptions to this are characters like Kyoko and Nagito. They get a lot of focus, have a complicated arc, and their relationship with their respective protags is pretty in depth and round. But that's just one special character in each game out of 15 others.
There's only a few other characters that stand out to me as exceptions to this- like Byakuya, or Fuyuhiko. But for them, their character arcs feel to me more like they happen Around the protag than with them. This might be due to the relatable protag's role as a neutral observer, existing to accentuate the weirdness of the others and act as the player's stand in to interact with these characters.
This isn't to say Makoto and Hajime Don't have arcs or Aren't good characters- that's not true at all!! Actually, Hajime's character arc is one of the best and most poignant in the series. And in his case, his normalness is an important part of that. But in general, I feel like in DR, a protag whose main role isn't to act as the player stand in, but rather as a character in the story with distinct alliances, creates a more interesting space for stronger characters that impact the plot as a whole.
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