#Love to love
rowaelinsdaughter · 10 months
list of some of my fav authors (because i love to spread love)
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ @thehighladywrites
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ @danikamariewrites
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ @throneofsapphics
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ @ladybambifae
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗@shadowdaddies
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗@osaemu
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗@whisperingmidnights
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗@bubbles-for-all-of-us
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ @vanserrasswife
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sadnesshasanappeal · 11 months
Their is no instrument with which you can measure love but you have handwritten letters, a call asking you ‘if you’ve been okay, I noticed you weren’t yourself lately” or “ I don’t cook but i made this for you.” It’s always the little things that add up to one wholesome love.
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slouchingwriter · 1 year
Dear Good Omens, with love
I've seen a lot of discussion surrounding Good Omens and it's all heart breaking, hilarious, well written and beautiful but -
Is anyone else just filled to the brim with love? The thought of love, the complication in love, the passion and the lack of it, the fact it might last forever or for only an instant, but that it's wonderful anyway? I want to see the breakdown of every scene, the tiny micro expressions in the gifs because whoever was on set that day believed in it, I want to read about all the various ways it could turn out. What a gift that it's touched so many people and I hope it's not all heartache and yearning, I fancy it's because it's hard not to be invested in love, however it comes. If it's romantic, found family, platonic, enduring or just saving everyone on earth, as grey as we all are.
What a treat that the people who made it seem to love it just as much as we do, and that throughout - and every time we read the book again or watch the show, decades from now - that feeling will still be there?
I read somewhere that every story is a love story, in all its various incarnations and even in the lack of it and in the loneliness that comes with that - there is the appreciation of it. Like looking at where the furniture isn't.
When you're having a tremendously bad day one day, and you will be, you can take a peek through the looking glass at this well told love story - and feel that love again.
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etherealstardustt · 9 months
feeling so bittersweet and nostalgic rn!!! Like it's not even directed at a particular someone or something. it feels like this life is too small to love the people I do rn and I will in the future. it's too small to be amazed by the beauty of pretty flowers and skies and birds. it's too small to be dreamy and loving and overall a whole ball of sunshine and affection ahhh
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uneessencesensible · 7 months
Et oui, même si tu deviens de plus en plus apaisée, la vie reste ce qu’elle est. Avec ses hauts et ses bas. Il ne sert à rien de penser que certaines choses ne peuvent plus nous arriver sous prétexte que nous allons mieux. Quel que soit notre parcours, notre expérience, nous vivons tous des moments plus ou moins durs, plus ou moins faciles. Puis, les mauvais moments n’apportent pas que du négatif, ils servent de leçons. Tout comme les bons moments n’apportent pas tous quelque chose de concret sur du long terme. Parfois, c’est simplement un sentiment éphémère qui nous traverse le corps.
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shree-narayani · 5 months
Won't you let me hold your hand
In the last of my breaths
When light is fading from my eyes
Won't you look into them ?
When death pales my face
Won't you give me a smile so colourful ?
Even if it drains you of all the light
Will you let me go ?
Even if you're dying to hold on..
Embracing me in your arms
Together we'll reminisce
All the moments of joy
As slowly we part
After I'm gone
Please remember me
And move in to a life
Prettier than what we had together....
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brownsugar4hersoul · 6 months
“Love is a funny thing. The ones we love don't always love us back.” | Scylar Tyberius, Sebastian the Great |
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macsoul · 2 years
For what's worth
Pelo amor apenas e nada mais. . .
Então, o que amas?
Eu amo meus gatos e meu cachorro.
Assim como todas essas criaturinhas inocentes que chamamos "animais".
Amo minha mãe e minha avó, e todas as pessoas queridas que carrego no coração, meus amados.
Amo o vento sempre a soprar lá fora e amo cada vez que ele toca meu rosto e bagunça meu cabelo.
Amo a água que purifica meu corpo e quando ela cai do céu?! meu Deus! amo demais a chuva.
Amo o fogo que queima em meu coração, mesmo quando o inverno me atinge com toda força ele me mantém viva.
Amo a terra embaixo dos meus pés, a terra que me abriga e me mantém.
Amo o canto dos pássaros e o quanto eles parecem ser as criaturas mais gratas do planeta, sempre cantando a alegria simples de viver.
Amo o verde das plantas, as cores das flores e sou eternamente apaixonada pelo azul, assim como todos os tons do céu, sempre penso que há uma mão pincelando cada quadro que de presente nos é dado todos os dias enquanto respirarmos.
E não poderia deixar de mencionar que amo meu gosto musical tão particular, tão meu, assim como amo todas as formas de arte que enfeitam meu mundinho.
Amo tudo que me toca, me conforta, me abraça, me aceita e me ama.
E apenas pelo amor vivo, nenhuma outra coisa é capaz de me manter aqui.
Pelo o amor eu vivo, à dor sobrevivo.
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atwas-meme-ing · 1 year
Never woulda guessed a Monkees song would have such Sonamy vibes.
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Take some love if you need it.
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staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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uneessencesensible · 8 months
N°2111 – Samedi 23 janvier 2023
Cela fait cinq ans que nous sommes ensemble officiellement. Jamais, ô grand jamais, je n’aurai pensé que cela pourrait durer autant. Entre ce que je souhaite et ce qui pourrait arriver, il y a un sacré fossé parfois. Je suis heureuse. Je suis apaisée. C’est le mot de l’année. Apaisée. C’est ce que je ressens quand je suis avec toi. Mes doutes m’ont bien fait comprendre que je devenais une adulte, plus mature et plus posée et que notre relation se réajustait. Rien de mal, au contraire. Ce n’est que bénéfique pour tous les deux. Je n’ai jamais les mots pour dire ce que je ressens. Tu m’apportes tant. Tu m’apportes ce dont personne n’a été capable de le faire. Et rien que pour ça, je me battrai jour et nuit pour nous. Je me battrai contre mes périodes de doutes, de manque de confiance en moi. Je ne réalise pas. Vraiment pas. Pourtant, tu es bien là, devant moi. Pourtant, tout ça, c’est bien réel. Je souhaite, et je pourrais faire n’importe quoi pour, que notre relation dure aussi longtemps que ma vie durera. J’espère vieillir à tes côtés. J’espère fonder notre petit cocon, avec ou sans enfants. Rythmer nos vies par nos passions, nos partages, nos discussions et nos folies. Tu t’ouvres de plus en plus, un peu plus à chaque occasion et je suis fière de toi. Vraiment. Tu es un homme formidable, qui me fait sentir encore plus formidable.
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daily--cats · 5 months
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maudiemoods · 2 months
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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