#Lovers’ interview
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【𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 → 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆】
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1. Describe the first date.
“I remember it was at an amusement park. Though at the time we didn't really do much since someone was too nervous to get on most of the rides~ It was more of an unofficial first date in that sense.”
“...It was just a moment relived of one of the unofficial dates back then when we were still in some kind of situationship kind of thing—like what he said, the first hang out together, specifically. ”
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
“I wake up earlier to prepare..most of the time. But Kuron sleeps in later, since he's always working on things so it's rare to see him go to bed earlier.”
“More like I go for the '5 more minutes' nap before jolting awake to prepare myself a few minutes later before I'm actually late for work—By that time, Kou is most likely all prepared waiting for me in the limo that we used to travel to work every morning.”
“As a teacher, I tend to stay up late to finish my school duties, it's simply inevitable as part of a responsibility that I signed up to harbor.”
3. What was your first impression on each other?
“In a few words, a good looking but very odd teacher that came out of nowhere. Though that was before we properly interacted.”
“He was just the kind that at the time...looked weird, talked weird, dressed weird and acted so snobbish and almighty then just butted in on everything I did....at least that was what it seemed like back then hehe~ ”
“If you mean by when we first met...he was that blonde little boy resembling of a doll, beautiful yet abandoned by the world that had saved me during my weakest moment, thereon as I start to view him as my little young master, that I'd like to always be there next to him to protect, cheer up and make sure he never feels lonely with my presence by his side. ”
“Then the next time we encountered each other again...by then, we've both grown up, and he seemed to not recognize me upon my changed outlook. He was cocky, stuck up, narcissistic, conceited, and especially hostile towards me since I was that sudden unannounced new comer inhabiting his house. Though, despite all of that...I still remain to see the existence of the young master and friend that I'd known of in the days of yore, regardless the outward change of attitude and behavior. To me, he'd always been the same existence of light, the hero that had pulled me out of darkness and brought back a meaning to my life, and I could never bring myself to hate him. ”
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
“I think we do it equally. There's no saying who does it first all the time. Maybe one of us does it more than the other but there's no fix saying who goes first.”
“Its pretty mutual. It's more of a habit than anything since we are both touchy and affectionate when it comes to each other. I like hugging him out of nowhere while he enjoy giving me pecks and kisses anytime he finds the position convenient.”
5. Do you argue often? If so, what are the arguements about?
“Ohh there's definitely arguments. But I wouldn't say they're anything serious. More like bursts of fits that we just argue about over the smallest mundane things.”
“They're mostly about serious matters like work, our personal projects and professional case businesses. Kou isn't the most sharpest person out there I don't care what the love struck fans think— So at times of his blanked out moments when I need him to concentrate, it simply strike a nerve or two and I'd end up ranting on him which...would sometimes get a little more nasty than needed, especially during the times when I'm coicidentally more stressed out on that day.”
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
“Okay well...for me since when Kuron gets angry, half the time, I'd be buying him tiny gifts, or snacks, or get him a rose...or by acting cute to gain his forgiveness.”
“The other half there's not much I could do since Kuron can be scary when he's mad, so I'll just wait until he calms down and then he likely will take over on his own before I can do more...I would just apologize over and over and cling to him and do whatever he wishes.”
“Simply put, I handle all the work when it comes to comforting and making things right again. Isn't that right, hun? ”
“Meanwhile, I'll do so by doing almost the same thing, since act of gift is one of my prior love language and it just doubles the level if its for comforting someone—well, Kou.”
“Its rather easy to make up to him as all he needs after an argument is to feel wanted and loved again. Most of the time I would excuse myself from work or immediately after a concert to get home or to his place just to comfort him by the form of expected approaches. By hugging him and caressing him in my arms, apologizing and reassuring him again and again that I'd not leave him and that everything will be okay since I'm here now—”
“Once he's calmed down enough, then comes the act of gifting, I'd usually get him an undying bouquet, cook or get him some food, or just spoil him with little gifts and whatever that he wants to do or like.”
7. How often do you say “I love you”? to each other
“More times than I can even count. A day doesn't pass until someone says those three words, either vocally or text ~”
“Indeed. To put it simply we never miss a day without saying that to each other—Though more often than other times, I'm the one that initiate it first since I like seeing his reactions whenever I blurt it out of the blue during any kind of moments at all. He's usually quite taken aback by the sudden confessions, but it follows with a soft smile and sometimes a sheepish giggle afterwards, it's cute. It usually comes along with hugs and kisses, I'm general during afternoon or night time cuddling most likely.”
“At other times it happens through casual texting, it's like a habit from me actually—whenever I'm stressed out at work my mind would just randomly thinks of him, and all the stress seems to dissappeared at that instance, so I'll just proceed to send him a random xoxo text of 'I love you' as a way to thank him for appearing in my mind on the jiffy of moment, heh.”
8. What do you love most about the other? Why?
“In terms of physically, those beautiful eyes, marbly, reflective...shiny... beautiful. Ohh and Kuron's body is extra warm to snuggle~” “As for non physically, he's the most caring, loving, spoiling and drop dead amazing lover that always goes above and beyond expectations and of what's even normal just to show he cares and loves someone...as much as I don't like him showing that to other people, it's not a bad thing either, because I know all that extra love and care is only exclusive to me in the end anyway ♪ Kuron's just simply the best lover to me and he always makes me so happy...treated like a baby with everything he ever wants~”
“...Hah well...I simply love his eyes, they're the most captivating part of him, looking into them is like looking into different weather of sky, full of life.”
“His hair is also another trait I like, it's fluffy and soft to touch and ruffle, and the bang ponytail trademark of what I call it...the wheat grass, it's cute, I can never get tired of looking or touching it, and the best part is it's only him that has such a weird hairdo like that, this its exclusively part of him.”
“Then...I love...how he can be so unexpectedly gentle...and openly possessive, territorial, flexibly dominant, hardworking, passionate, fun and cute personality. Especially the fun personality, it's so unique and I love that, I love how open he can be when it comes to expressing. I love how he seeks for my pamper and attention, it's cute. I love the fact he loves being gifted and that he'll always openly appreciate it. I love that...he let me be there for him, and always let me love him by my own way without complaining that it's too much or too little...but through the looks of his reactions, just right.”
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
“Well I wouldn't call it dislike but it's up there...like his temper. And his insatiable need for perfectionism. It would drive any other normal person crazy or mad just from how much he just pushes things and forces it. Not to mention that he gets angry about the tiny details so easily. He really is the living definition of 'Why so serious' ”
“Eh...I dislike how he can be so forgetful sometimes, or just fail to grasp an important point, it makes me so annoyed...”
“But I guess I can't blame him much for the forgetful part, he's hardworking and got tons of work related matters storaged in his mind just like mine—only that I have a bigger storage and always jot down the more important things because frankly...I'm even more forgetful than him, I'm a mere goldfish due to how much plans and ideas that pour out keep stored and end up overloading my brain to function efficiently.”
“Ah...for just a little bit, I don't really enjoy listening to him grumble and curse under his breath whenever he's upset, it just riles up my anger more and I'll end up making him feel worse than he already was. He can be a little too narcissistic and become inconsiderate of others’ cases, and that's one of the traits I detest about him, though that's no biggie.”
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
“I guess we have the same passion for music, and cats above all things. We like to travel to see things and foods. What else do you think dear?”
“I like dancing, he enjoys it too. It's one of our hobbies that are mutually favored. Let's see...what else—oh and stage and off stage performances? That's one of the things that we enjoy doing together and bring us together too. Actually when it comes to filming a movie or drama, we often partake on it as a collab project and had fun through all the makings~”
—𝒯ℴ 𝒷ℯ 𝒸ℴ𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊ℯ𝒹—
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tooth-with-eyes · 4 months
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curehaus · 6 days
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gaypeople · 1 month
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I hated sleeping without you.
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sam-reid · 23 days
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Lestat, in fact, had aroused in me feelings which I hadn't wished to confide in anyone, feelings I'd wished to forget, despite Claudia's death. Hatred had not been one of them. But when I heard this now from Armand it was as if the veil that protected me were thin and transparent, and though it still hung between me and the world of feeling, I percieved through it Lestat, and that I wanted to see him again.
---Interview with the Vampire.
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caitlinsinterlude · 10 months
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jeff buckley in an interview about bob dylan writing for nina simone. bob dylan’s wrote sad-eyed lady about sara.
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rustingways · 4 months
“You’re going to teach me how to be fascinating.”
This line made me fucking feral. This show has been such an elevation of the source material.
Armand will do anything to be loved. He will do whatever it takes. He’s so beautiful and so lethal and so tragic. “You’re going to teach me how to be fascinating” is such a succinct window into who he is as a character. It’s both a threat and a desperate plea for help. Fine! Perhaps I’m boring. I’ll learn to be fascinating. Louis will love me if I’m fascinating. And you’re going to make that happen for me. Or else.
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goryhorroor · 5 months
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horror sub-genres: vampire
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sonofcelluloid · 10 days
Daniel, WAKE UP. Oh, hush, it’s only me, your lover. I simply need your credit card. NOW. Dear, don’t play naive. You know very well I would not ask if I’d not already reached my daily limits. Never mind that, we must make haste! My prized Blade Runner Volume 2 rare Rachael action figure set is being bid upon on the Electronic Bay as we speak! No one else will value her like I will, you see. It comes with two outfits and includes her iconic three tiered blue brocade faux fur coat! There’s a tiny prop cigarette, Daniel! At the current $2,990, it’s a steal! I am not yelling. I’m impassioned. For if you let her slip from my grasp I will never ever forgive you. I’ll weep endlessly
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mirrorhouse · 11 days
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11. How do you feel about nicknames/pet names? If you like them, what pet names do you use? If you hate them, why do you feel that way?
“I like pet names, it's cute and endearing. Naturally I call Kuron my Neko because that's exactly what he is, a cutie and an adorable neko~”
“What kinda couple doesn't use pet names?”
“I'm okay with it— just with him. Though at first I didn't quite like it with him referring me as a cat—But in time I came to accept it because well—Lets just say, it comes with a history.”
“I call him Master...in a sense it pairs playfully with the concept since I'm the 'cat' , the cat and it's Master. But sometimes ‘Master’ is used as a form of respect, since I very much respect Kou like a superior, an impact of which he was a hero to me in the past. And another connotation which lies as the similarity call of a 'Hubby' of another tradition, de rigeur but of the older days. ”
12. Do you have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are you fairly independent?
“I'm okay with a little time apart from work, we both travel for weeks up to a month just for work so it's not in our control at times. But we make time to always keep in touch ~”
“Although, Kuron is the one that's always away from home and working without me.”
“I'm fairly independent, as long as he doesn't vanish without a note for hours without updating me his condition and status quo. The only issue I have with being apart is being over worried over his well being while he's away, he can be ignorant with phonecalls and texts when he becomes very engaged. Sometimes the great anxiety would drive me to the point of landing a flight to the destination of where he is just to make sure he's okay—”
“—Ohh he would definitely do that-”
“There was one time I accidentally passed out from exhaustion after work, right when I was outstation and staying at a hotel. The next thing I knew, Kuron was banging outside my hotel room door with the most worried expression on his face. It was...both cute and worrying at the same time since he just appeared out of nowhere. Though try and I might now, I wouldn't want him doing that again-”
“...Son of a gun—You didn't respond to my spam texts and your phone wasn't going through, I was worried sick and had no information whatsoever of which specific site of the city you're at, I had to ring your company just to make known of which hotel you stayed in—luckily they kept track of it, or else I would've interrogate the entire city of hotels just to look for you—Geez...”
“And now I know better than to let my phone die while I'm away. No telling what this man would've done if I actually went missing. But it's nice to know that I have someone looking out for me~”
“He had the most frantic expression on his face, his whole body was trembling, he was covered in sweat, panting, his eyes were red....meanwhile I literally just got woken up from my supposedly beauty sleep—”
13. How do you keep in contact when apart? Do you write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
“...We mostly keep in touch through mobile devices, I text him more often than normal when he's away, I'm just too much of worrywart when it comes to him...”
“But when it's my turn to be away, we would often connect through the webcam on my PC, given if my outstation from home comes in as an extended period and I happen to stay up late working that night, I don't usually talk while busy working and Kou always suggest to video call in silence where he spectates as I work. ”
“Yup that sounds about right. And during those those times I would actually fall asleep on the chair~”
14. Do you enjoy PDA, or are you more private with affection?
“PDA all the way. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that, hehe~”
“I don't mind it. Well—not in the present, before, I would withdraw from them for the sake of public image and our career concerns. ”
15. What songs remind you of your relationship?
“Ohh what's that one song...you know the one—”
“Theres a few songs that remind us of our relationship actually.”
※Kuron's Edition:
16. Would you ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would they look like?
“Oh yes we did—Though sadly we had to remove them due to the disapproval of our companies back then— But I'm thinking of convincing them again if it's okay to do so now since our relationship has been disclosed, they were very cool and give off a rather dynamic vibe. Kou, do you still have the photos with you?”
“I think I still have that thing stored...somewhere...I think...where is it...Ah, found it~”
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“...Oh, uh—Please don't question of the... scenario poses—”
17. How well do you communicate? Are you open with your feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
“There's not much for us to hide from each other since we're both pretty direct about what we like and don't like. Sometimes I think Kuron's a little too blunt with how he talks and conveys but that's just how he is.”
“Well...it depends, for me. Sometimes I can be too blunt and it'll result to hurting his feelings, when that happens I'll be thrown into the depths of conscience stricken and regret for being too honest...But then again, I'd always prefer to be honest than hide secrets from him. Regardless the consequences I'll be given to bear with later. ”
18. How do you care for each other when one of you are wounded/sick?
“Well of course it's a full step process. But normally when he does get sick, there's all the works. Giving him pets, comfort, helping him get comfortable in any way whether it's needing a change of clothing or helping him clean, making sure he's always kept in my arms while I shower him with love and comfort and assurance.” “And not a moment is allowed where I'm going to let him even more more than 2 feet from the bed so I'll tend to everything that he needs.”
“Eh, the usual cliché or all cliché — Tending to his side at all times— If he's that sick to the point of bedridden then I would take a few days of leaves from work or postpone my concert sessions till the later date, stay home and take care of him up till he recovers. With me by his side he wouldn't so much as get wounded as any attacks towards him will be dodged by me in the nick of time.”
19. Do you wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
“I think we've done that...or I've done that as a gag once before, or a few times but not really that often. He and I have pretty different tastes in style and fashion so there's not much in our closet that we can share with each other.”
“He steals my coat for afternoon naps sometimes, it's weird but I don't mind it—but that's for the purposes of cuddling and nothing to do with fashion. Kou's absolutely right about we have different tastes in style if that's not obvious enough visibly—I like tight fitting clothes that expose skin; he likes loose ones like hoodie that doesn't show off his fitness.”
“Same goes for jewellery, but then again our accessories are pretty constant on us and rarely vary widely. ”
20. How do you comfort each other when one of you are upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
“Ahh, heh, I think I'll leave this question to him—”
“...I think I responded a question that comes off quite similar as this—but whatever.”
“Being present is the best form of comfort for somebody—same goes to him. I tend to be next to him or inside the same room with him as a way to show that he's not alone when facing anything. Depends on what kind of upset this is categorized as, if it's the anger, frustrated kind, I'll see if he wants me around because sometimes solitary is craved for one to cool down from a fuss, but if my presence is welcomed, I'll just sit next to him in silence, and attempt to soothe his condition by giving him gentle rubs and strokes on the back until he's calmed down enough to rest his head on my shoulder, a gradual sign that he'd slowly start to chill out.”
“If it's the miserable, dismal kind, a hug is all it takes for him to slowly settle down at ease again, knowing I'm there to care for him and wipe his tears away. Followed by words of affiliation to drive away his worrie—”
“Why can't you retort your part to this question anyway?? Am I that inconsolable to you that you have nothing to spare—”
“Well of course you're not. I do all the same too. It's just for me, since I don't have a good track record of comforting at times.”
“But if it's all the same, we both do the same. Giving him a hug when he needs it, or giving him space and time to cool off on his own when he needs to. Though if I'm the one he's upset with, that's a different story hehe.”
“But usually when he's stressed out, which is the main reason, and just overwhelmed, being ever present is the best you could do. Stroking his back, hugging him tight, maybe even treating him to his favourite snack or activities, or even a little gift to take his mind of it.”
“It usually works out is what I can say.”
—𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭—
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gilf-armand · 2 months
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if i ever stop lusting after eric bogosian on social media CALL THE POLICE because that’s not me
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ivyithink · 1 month
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don’t worry, they make up by smoking danny’s book and bitching about armand together
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fukutomichi · 3 months
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∙ Favorite Trope - Headbutt of Love ∙ Suite Française (2014) ∙ The Old Guard (2020) ∙ Pacific Rim (2013) ∙ Lady Chatterley's Lover (2022) ∙ Interview with the Vampire (2024) ∙ The Rings of Power (2022) ∙ The Legend of Tarzan (2016) ∙ The Punisher (2017) ∙ Captain Marvel (2019) ∙ Fallout (2024) ∙ The Mummy (1999) ∙ Red, White & Royal Blue (2023) ∙ All the Light We Cannot See (2023) ∙ Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) ∙ The English (2022) ∙ Strange Days (1995)
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lady-disdain221b · 2 months
You look like Blank Space Taylor Swift in this light, we’re loving it
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stella-grier · 13 days
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Loustat + hands 🫶
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