#Lucy M. Boston
masterblackoak · 12 days
“He ran out to the Green Deer, but the clearing was empty and quiet. Certainly the Green Deer looked magic enough, ready to spring away. The light was queer too, the sky was dark green, the wind dead. Tolly was half frightened. Something was going to happen.
   As he looked up at St Christopher’s face a snowflake drifted past it, then another, and suddenly it was snowing thickly. Like millions of tiny white birds circling home to roost, the flakes danced in the air. They filled the sky as far up as he could imagine. At the same time all the sounds in the world ceased. The snow was piling up on the branches, on the walls, on the ground, on St Christopher’s face and shoulders, without any sound at all…”  
(This passage comes from a storybook called The Children of Green Knowe, which was written by Lucy M. Boston.)
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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From Time to Time (2009)
My rating: 6/10
It is severely lacking in inane conversations about peacocks, very few things in the house are twice, and nobody even gets Jimmy'd by a statue, but apart from that it's pretty good.
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kunstmull · 2 years
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70s Childhood Starter Pack
Your generation grew up reading H*rry Sodding P*tter but my generation grew up reading THIS
No wonder we all grew up and got into Folk Horror
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xphaiea · 22 days
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Illus. by Peter Boston from ‘The Stones of Green Knowe’ by Lucy M. Boston
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book--brackets · 2 months
The Cemeteries of Amalo by Katherine Addison (2021-present)
When the young half-goblin emperor Maia sought to learn who had set the bombs that killed his father and half-brothers, he turned to an obscure resident of his father’s Court, a Prelate of Ulis and a Witness for the Dead. Thara Celehar found the truth, though it did him no good to discover it. He lost his place as a retainer of his cousin the former Empress, and made far too many enemies among the many factions vying for power in the new Court. The favor of the Emperor is a dangerous coin. 
Now Celehar lives in the city of Amalo, far from the Court though not exactly in exile. He has not escaped from politics, but his position gives him the ability to serve the common people of the city, which is his preference. He lives modestly, but his decency and fundamental honestly will not permit him to live quietly. As a Witness for the Dead, he can, sometimes, speak to the recently dead: see the last thing they saw, know the last thought they had, experience the last thing they felt. It is his duty use that ability to resolve disputes, to ascertain the intent of the dead, to find the killers of the murdered. 
Now Celehar’s skills lead him out of the quiet and into a morass of treachery, murder, and injustice. No matter his own background with the imperial house, Celehar will stand with the commoners, and possibly find a light in the darkness. 
The Children of Green Knowe by Lucy M. Boston (1954-1976)
Tolly's great-grandmother wasn't a witch but both she and her old house, Green Knowe, were full of a very special kind of magic. And Green Knowe turned out not to be the lonely place Tolly had imagined it to be. There were other children living in the house - children who had been happy there centuries before.
The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green (2018-2020)
In a land tinged with magic and a bustling trade in an illicit supernatural substance, destiny will intertwine the fates of five players: 
A visionary princess determined to forge her own path. 
An idealistic solider whose heart is at odds with his duty. 
A streetwise hunter tracking the most dangerous prey. 
A charming thief with a powerful hidden identity. 
A loyal servant on a quest to avenge his kingdom. 
 Their lives intersect with a stolen bottle of demon smoke. As war approaches, they must navigate a tangled web of political intrigue, shifting alliances, and forbidden love in order to uncover the dangerous truth about the strangely powerful smoke that interwines their fates.
Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones (2016)
He was born an outsider, like the rest of his family. Poor yet resilient, he lives in the shadows with his aunt Libby and uncle Darren, folk who stubbornly make their way in a society that does not understand or want them. They are mongrels, mixed blood, neither this nor that. The boy at the center of Mongrels must decide if he belongs on the road with his aunt and uncle, or if he fits with the people on the other side of the tracks.
For ten years, he and his family have lived a life of late-night exits and narrow escapes—always on the move across the South to stay one step ahead of the law. But the time is drawing near when Darren and Libby will finally know if their nephew is like them or not. And the close calls they’ve been running from for so long are catching up fast now. Everything is about to change.
The Door Within by Wayne Thomas Batson (2005-2006)
Aidan Thomas is miserable. And it's much more than the strange nightmares he's been having. Just when life seemed to be coming together for Aidan, his parents suddenly move the family across the country to take care of his wheelchair-bound grandfather. When strange events begin to occur, Aidan is drawn into his grandfather's basement where he discovers three ancient scrolls and an invitation to another world.
No longer confined to the realm of his own imagination, Aidan embarks on an adventure where he joins them in the struggle between good and evil. With the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance, Aidan faces Paragory, the eternal enemy. Will Aidan be willing to risk everything and trust the unseen hand of the one true King? The answer comes from The Door Within.
A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge (2012)
In the underground city of Caverna the world's most skilled craftsmen toil in the darkness to create delicacies beyond compare. They create wines that can remove memories, cheeses that can make you hallucinate and perfumes that convince you to trust the wearer even as they slit your throat. The people of Caverna are more ordinary, but for one thing: their faces are as blank as untouched snow. Expressions must be learned. Only the famous Facesmiths can teach a person to show (or fake) joy, despair or fear — at a price.
Into this dark and distrustful world comes Neverfell, a little girl with no memory of her past and a face so terrifying to those around her that she must wear a mask at all times. For Neverfell's emotions are as obvious on her face as those of the most skilled Facesmiths, though entirely genuine. And that makes her very dangerous indeed...
Squire by Nadia Shammas (2022)
Born a second-class citizen, Aiza has always dreamt of becoming a Knight. It’s the highest military honor in the once-great Bayt-Sajji Empire, and as a member of the Ornu people, her only path to full citizenship.
Now, ravaged by famine, Bayt-Sajji finds itself on the brink of war once again. This means Aiza can finally enlist to the competitive Squire training program.
The camp is nothing like she envisioned. Hiding her Ornu status in order to blend in, Aiza must navigate friendships, rivalries, and rigorous training under the merciless General Hende. As the pressure mounts, Aiza realizes that the “greater good” Bayt-Sajji’s military promises might not include her, and that the recruits might be in more danger than she ever imagined.
Dragon's Bait by Vivian Vande Velde (1992)
Fifteen-year-old Alys is not a witch. But that doesn't matter--the villagers think she is and have staked her out on a hillside as a sacrifice to the local dragon. It's late, it's cold, and it's raining, and Alys can think of only one thing--revenge. But first she's got to escape, and even if she does, how can one girl possibly take on an entire town alone? Then the dragon arrives--a dragon that could quite possibly be the perfect ally. . . .
Tales of Alderly by Alan Garner (1960-2012)
About 150 years ago, my great-great-grandfather, Robert Garner, carved the face of an old man with long hair and beard in the rock of a cliff on a hill where my family has lived for at least 400 years, and still does. He carved the face above a well that is much older. How much older, no one knows, but it's centuries older, or even more. And why did he carve it? He carved it to mark that here is the Wizard's Well.
I am Joseph's grandson, and I grew up on that hill, Alderley Edge in Cheshire, aware of its magic and accepting it. I didn't know that it wasn't the same for everyone. I didn't know that not all children played, by day and by night, the year long, on a wooded hill where heroes slept in the ground. Yet there were strange things. Below another ancient well, the Holy Well, a rock lies in a bog. It fell from the cliff above in 1740 and made the Garners' cottage shake. It landed on an old woman and her cow that, for some reason, were standing in the bog, and, as a result, are still there. When I was seven, the bog was dangerous for somebody of my size and I once got stuck in it and thought I was going to drown, even though I sank only to my hips; but I managed to reach the rock and to climb up it to where a fallen tree was lodged, which spanned the bog, and by sliding along the trunk I was able to reach firm land. Nearby, under the leaf mould, is a layer of white clay that we used as soap to wash ourselves before we went home after playing. But there wasn't anything I could do about my clothes, and Grandad was not pleased.
The Edge is a land of two worlds: above and below. It took me my childhood to learn about above; when I was 19, I went to learn the wonders of below: a world of darkness and silence, so dark that you can see the lights of brain cells discharging; so silent that blood in the veins can be heard.
Stoneheart by Charlie Fletcher (2007-2009)
A city has many lives and layers. London has more than most. Not all the layers are underground, and not all the lives belong to the living. Twelve-year-old George Chapman is about to find this out the hard way. When, in a tiny act of rebellion, George breaks the head from a stone dragon outside the Natural History Museum, he awakes an ancient power. This power has been dormant for centuries but the results are instant and terrifying: A stone Pterodactyl unpeels from the wall and starts chasing George. He runs for his life but it seems that no one can see what he's running from. No one, except Edie, who is also trapped in this strange world. And this is just the beginning as the statues of London awake
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
you did the really great detailed post about green/blue colour theory right? do you have thoughts on buck and eddie’s blue/green phone cases in s6 and how eddie’s switches to black when he calls M?
Yeah, that's me! I made a few actually, here is the first one using just clothes, here's a more in dept one using more elements of the scene, here is another one that complements that because I didn't think to use Eddie and Shannon before.
Also, don't get me started on the phone cases oaksoaksoaks, my first meta was on the phone cases when mixed feelings aired.
But, yeah I have thoughts and they have evolved since that first post, so thank you for the excuse to talk about it. Realistically, Eddie's phone case being black when he calls Marisol could just be due to the fact that that scene is probably a reshoot and they didn't have the original green phone chase at hand when they had Ryan in for that.
But I'm not known for being realistic with my metas, so let's talk about it. Eddie had a generic plastic black phone case for s2 and s3, and no phone case for s4 and s5. And Buck has a darker color, black or charcoal up until 5a, they switched his case after brawl on cell 911 to a navy one, considering the plot of the episode it makes sense.
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Then in season 6, we get the matching blue and green cases. And Buck's is significantly lighter than usual. There's no mistaking that is blue. There are also a lot more scenes of Eddie on his phone than usual, he is on his phone a lot, and a lot of the time the phone is angled in a way we will see the phone case.
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The phone cases are there the whole season, including the beginning of pay it forward.
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So the cases are a prop we are supposed to see, because they are turned to us, even when Eddie is texting here, his phone is slightly tilted, so we are seeing the case.
So we get to the Marisol scene. Not only the case is black, but Eddie himself is blue.
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His shirt is blue, his flannel is blue, his jeans are blue, his damn couch is blue. And Eddie is NOT the blue character when it comes to the blue and green thing. If we believe my madness with Shannon and the detailing on her character, or Ana, or even Buck. He's green.
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He is blue with Shannon on merry xmas, but he is blue because of the uniform, so there's wiggle room there considering the way they can't change the color of his uniform.
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He's also blue for Chris' birth, and there's less wiggle room here, but medical stuff is usually blue, no matter the circumstances, so it could be just because it was more convenient to make Shannon a green gown, like they did for Chim so that he and Maddie could be blue and green after Doug, because everything else in the room is blue, gloves, blankets, like, he could blue for convenience.
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But, still, he's mostly green, there is a lot of blue in his color palette, I'm not saying he doesn't do blue, because he does, he's just usually green while love interests. So, him being blue from head to toe is also a choice, because he's legit monochromatic, and that's odd.
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Because they could've put him in green, yk, Eddie making this call in a green henley would make perfect sense for his character without the "army green armor" implications of a green jacket. He could've also been wearing brown or grey, other colors he wears a lot that don't have the romantic love implications but are the wrong color for him, and again have the same effect.
I have conflicting feelings about this and just believing it's a coincidence, because the show is very careful and they left openings even if they believed the show was gonna get cancelled. But Eddie being in the "wrong" color could be an indication that the relationship is wrong or bound to go wrong or whatever because switching colors mid-crisis is a thing the show does with couples. Maddie and Chim on Boston for instance, Maddie starts as blue and Chim starts as green, but they switch by the end of the episode.
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There's also the way Buck and Taylor switch when Buck kisses Lucy.
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So it could be an indicator that Eddie and Marisol are going nowhere.
But at this point, I think we need more information about Marisol as a whole, I don't think the relationship is gonna last anyway, but she doesn't really exist for us yet, so it's hard to make assumptions involving her.
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dcbbw · 5 months
The Odd Couples
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Hi, tumblrs! I’m back with yet another AU of one of my favorite AUs: it’s the DC gang, paired differently.  
(I know I haven’t written anything DC AU-related in a long ass five minutes, and I swear Chapter 6 of the original series is practically ready to post, just needs a deep-dive edit)  
So, this story is the product of two separate ideas: First, what if I hadn’t followed canon/fanon/personal head canons when pairing the couples up/off?  And the second idea comes from the What If episode of Friends where that gang ends up with someone different (Phoebe x Ross, Monica x Joey, Rachel x Chandler).  
Side note: Using throwback DC crew (Liam, Riley, Max, Leo, Liv, Drake, Madeleine, and Penelope). Also, check out the link to Leo’s shirt (if you make it that far). It’s the Leo-est shirt ever IMHO) 
Side Note 2: Mixing the pairings up means I have/will be writing pairings that others write/have written and are generally associated with said writer(s). While I am fully aware that no one owns ships, I realize this is a fandom and strive to be mindful of those who write rareships and respect their pairings.  
This is simply my take on my version of these characters when coupled differently in my world. 
To those who read over this story in parcels, pieces, and in whole ...THANK YOU!  
For those who do read this fic, THANK YOU! Your likes, comments, and/or reblogs are appreciated more than you realize. 
 Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. Microsoft Editor rates this piece as 99% error free.  
I’ll be back sooner rather than later with a submission for Hana Lee Appreciation Week, an angsty Driam/Riley love triangle, and some Stormholt.  
Song Inspo: Moments We Live For (Acoustic Version), In Paradise 
Word Count:  4,099
Pairings: SGL x Olivia; Drake x Madeleine; Leo x Riley B; Max x Penelope 
Rating: M for Mature themes 
SGL x Liv 
Liam Rys tipsily followed Olivia Nervakis into the hotel room, hip-checking the door to shut it while Olivia occasionally paused her steps to turn on table lamps. Her black stiletto heels made no noise against the carpet; however, the swish of her highly starched black and white polka-dotted dress sounded scratchy in the silent room.  
“Do you have to turn on every light?” Liam complained as he fastened the deadbolt. 
“It’s not every light, and not our electric bill,” his girlfriend responded tartly as she flipped yet another switch.  
The couple was in Baltimore for the weekend, attending a costume party thrown by Liv’s employer. There had been a buffet; an open bar; and a prize for the best costume, which Liam and Olivia did not win. Carlos Santiago, a member of the Environmental Services team, and his wife and three children came costumed as The Birds and The Bees and won the prize.  
Liam and Liv were The Ricardos: Olivia’s red hair was done up in Lucy’s signature poodle hairstyle, and her dress was a dead ringer for the world’s most famous housewife’s iconic frock. He had wanted to wear a tuxedo and carry a conga drum but settled for Ricky’s purple, polka dot silk smoking jacket with shawl collar, black pants, and black velvet slippers.  
“I can’t believe we didn’t win!” Liam muttered beneath his breath as he came behind Olivia, arms encircling her waist; his palms splayed against her flat, toned stomach. She responded by leaning against him, her back pressed against his chest.  
“Don’t hate!” she admonished. “With those Korean features and Boston accent, no way were you a convincing Cuban band leader. Besides, you have to admit Carlos had a pretty creative idea.” 
“Not more creative than my SOCK GAME! I mean, Liv … you gotta admit, it’s damn good tonight!” 
He was wearing black, knee-length socks with red hearts inscribed with “I Love Lucy” scattered all over. Olivia rolled her eyes in exasperation at the mention of his sock game. 
This man and his socks! Liam thought his sock game could cure cancer and bring about world peace. 
 “You’re sock game is great as it always is, darling. But it was a costume contest,” Olivia placated in a soothing tone as his fingers began removing bobby pins from her hair.  
She spun around, facing her boyfriend as her hair fell in soft curls that framed her face. Her green eyes twinkled as she pressed a quick kiss against his lips.  
“You big, spoiled baby,” she teased. “Wanna smoke, take the edge off? I brought a couple of blunts along.” 
He quickly shook his head. “No way am I going to be in BALTIMORE off some loud.” 
Olivia grabbed the lapels of Liam’s smoking jacket, pulling him closer to her. The tip of her tongue swiped his lower lip. “Makes sense,” she agreed. 
Liam pressed his palms against her ass cheeks; he sang softly in her ear as he swayed his hips against hers.  
And life is heaven, you see  'Cause I love Lucy, yes  I love Lucy  And Lucy  Loves me! 
“My name’s Liv”, Olivia corrected with a giggle as she gently wriggled out of Liam’s embrace. “C’mon, let’s get ready for bed,” she urged as she headed for the bathroom.  
Liam stuck out his tongue at her retreating back before glancing around the room. It was a typical hotel room, nothing really standing out or making it different from any other room. 
The door that led to the balcony was all glass with a brass doorknob; the hotel promised a 360◦ view of the city’s famed Harbor from the patio. The couple planned to have breakfast there in the morning. 
There was a workstation; a large, wall-mounted television; coffee maker and microwave; and the bed: queen-sized, four-poster, and centered against the back wall.  
His eyes widened when he saw the wall to the side of the bed. It was covered floor to ceiling, and side to side with a … mirror.  
Well, that was different.  
Liam approached the bed, kicking off his slippers as he went; he stared curiously at his reflection before climbing atop the bed and resting on his haunches. He then lay on his back, turning his head to continue staring at his reflection.  
He impatiently pushed his hair off his forehead before rolling over onto his stomach; pressing his palms against the bedcovers, Liam pushed himself up with his arms, still watching himself. He imagined Liv beneath him, her pale legs scissored across his back as they watched themselves. 
This could be fun.  
“LIVVY!” he yelled excitedly over the sound of water running in the sink. “There’s a MIRROR! On the WALL! By the BED!” 
The water turned off; Olivia sauntered into the room; her face was scrubbed clean of makeup, damp ends of her hair curling, and wearing a red lace bra with matching panties. A sultry smirk curved her lips.  
 Liam caught sight of her in the mirror’s reflection, and visibly gulped. Liv only wore matching underwear when they were going to have sex.  
“Ai yi yi yi”, he muttered as he bounded off the bed and hastily divested himself of the smoking jacket.  
Olivia was now standing directly in front of Liam; after guiding him to the other side of the bed, directly against the wall so he could see them both in the mirror, her red-tipped fingernails trailed a path from his throat to his belt buckle before unfastening the belt. She slid to her knees, pulling the pants zipper down with her teeth. Her eyes looked up at Liam.  
“Care to hear me do some ‘splaining?” she purred as her hand reached inside the opening and pulled his cock out.  
Liam never answered; he was too busy staring at Liv’s reflection as her mouth swallowed his manhood. 
Drake x Madeleine 
“Open your mouth, and stick out your tongue,” Madeleine demanded.  
Drake’s chocolate brown eyes stared up at her before raking over her body, his gaze settling on her chest. “Take off your shirt,” he countered.  
Madeleine exhaled a frustrated sigh that fluttered her bangs as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Damnit, Drake! You’re sick, and I need to take your temperature to make sure the meds are working.” 
Quickly covering his mouth, Drake Walker let out a series of deep, wet coughs that rattled the congestion in his chest.  
“They aren't”, he rasped as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “Tits would help. For sure.” 
With a horrified look, Madeleine hastily grabbed and thrusted a bottle of hand sanitizer in his face. “WIPE!” 
Rolling his eyes, Drake took the bottle; he then complied with his girlfriend’s first request. He slathered the disinfectant over his hands while Madeleine inserted a thermometer under his tongue.  
His temperature was 102◦; two degrees lower than it had been three hours ago. Uneasy relief washed over Madeleine’s features.  
“You should take the meds on a full stomach. You hungry?” 
Drake turned onto his side, adjusting the pillows beneath his head as he did so. “Not really, but we both know you’re gonna harp on it until I give in. I think I have some canned soup in one of the kitchen cabinets.” 
Madeleine nodded absently as she stepped into the bathroom to run the instrument under hot water in an attempt to kill the cooties her boyfriend more than likely transferred onto it. She heard Drake’s question when she turned the water off. 
“When are you giving up that broom closet you’re living in to move in with me?” 
“Don’t start,” Madeleine warned with a shake of her head as she re-entered the bedroom.  
“Start what? You’re paying $1300 a month to RENT A ROOM! You could move in here with me and pay HALF that and it would be a whole ass apartment! You could start saving, pay down that credit card debt of yours …” 
“I prefer to have my own, Drake!” 
Madeleine’s boyfriend rolled his eyes. “You HAVE your own RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!  Clothes! Shoes! Makeup! Oat milk! And if we’re talking preferences, I prefer to wake up with you in my bed every morning. I prefer to glare and glower at you from across the room when we argue instead of sitting on the phone in awkward silence. I prefer to not have to wait for make-up sex!” 
Madeleine shifted uncomfortably, scuffing the toe of her sneaker against the carpet. Her green eyes peeked up to sneak a glance at Drake, whose bleary eyes stared at her with a mixture of frustration and hopefulness. His fingers idly played in his chest hair. 
“Why won’t you just accept this greatness?” he huffed accusingly.  
Madeleine rolled her eyes in a here we go again way. 
She and Drake were in love with each other. They were the odd couple of the group: The WASP and the Blue-Collar Worker, but they fit each other like a glove. Most of the time.  
Cohabitation should have been the next logical step in their relationship. 
Madeleine found it nice to come to his U Street apartment after work and find him cooking them dinner while she mixed killer cocktails to help them unwind from their day.  
Or for her to be the first one awake and cook them breakfast, making sure to prepare the thick-cut bacon he liked, and brew the dark-roast coffee that was his favorite before sharing morning-breath kisses. 
Drake making sure Madeleine had the apricot and cream body wash that cost a small fortune, and high thread count Egyptian cotton towels she insisted upon for her showers. 
While their relationship was highly sexual, it was not sexually based. There were debates and discussions covering a gambit from international events and politics to cooking meats with mustard. The only thing they could never agree on was music: Madeleine was a Swiftie, and Drake was 70s rock and country. They shared a love of exercise and the outdoors; weekends usually found them taking day trips to Shenandoah to hike the trails, snacking on the beef jerky Drake loved and Madeleine tolerated. 
But people broke up all the time … over the most minute and ridiculous things. And Madeleine knew she could be an anal-retentive pill most of the time. She wasn’t going to be heartbroken and house hunting if things went south with Drake.  
Madeleine had been instilled from an early age that God blessed the child that had their own. 
“I’m not going to be that chick if we don’t work out," she stated in a small but firm voice as she sat at the foot of the bed; close enough to show support and comfort, far enough away to maybe being in a germ-free zone.  
“You’re saying that after I just asked you to move in with me for the 100th time?” Drake huffed before another coughing fit overtook him.  
While Drake hacked up a lung, Madeleine looked around the bedroom, wondering if he had any masks around. The couple locked eyes briefly, chocolate fastened on emerald. 
 “You could dump me at Target or something!” she countered as she alternated between awkwardly patting his back and scooting further away from him. 
When the coughing subsided, Drake pointed to the nightstand on Madeleine’s side of the bed.  
“Masks. Bottom drawer.” 
Drake knew her. 
“As for dumping you, you don’t shop at Target; it’d have to be Macy’s.” 
So well.  
Leo x Riley B. 
Leo Rys hefted an oversized, too-full sriracha red snapper taco in both hands before greedily biting into it. He let out a low grunt of satisfaction as flavors and spices exploded over his tongue and crumbles of taco shell fell onto his plate.  
Saturday afternoons couldn’t get much better than this: wearing his most comfortable shirt; hanging with his girlfriend Riley Brooks, who was his favorite person in the world; and lunch at his new favorite eatery, Tia Maria Tacos. Bonus: they had scored an upstairs window booth that overlooked the Potomac River. 
Normally for the pair, Saturdays were for sleeping in and being lazy; 24 hours of partial nudity and horizontal positions suited them just fine after clocking out of work on a Friday afternoon. Especially if they had worked a full week.  
But Riley had been in a funk lately; she had been to five job interviews over the past month; good interviews, where she had been a top-two contender. However, that hadn’t been good enough. Riley had been passed over every time, for each job.  
Requests for feedback had not been helpful; hiring managers told her they couldn’t go wrong regardless of who they chose for the position. Riley’s ego was bruised, her esteem low. Despite her having a job that she had worked for the past 10 years ... a job she did damn well ... she was now comparing herself to Penelope, for Chrissakes.  
Leo knew he had to do something, so he planned Date Day.  
They began at Lincoln’s Waffle House for breakfast followed by a couples’ massage in Cleveland Park. Riley wanted to visit a tarot shop; Leo was agreeable. They both got readings, and she purchased a deck of tarot cards along with a strand of chakra beads.  
From there they went to Georgetown, navigating the crowds and perusing shops. A French bakery was offering a European tea meal; Riley looked at Leo with hopeful eyes that quickly filled with dismay at his emphatic refusal. An hour later, laden with bags from a vintage clothing shop, a sex store, and a spice-filled storefront, they decided they were hungry; Leo suggested tacos.  
He took a long swallow from his bottle of beer, his gaze fixed on Riley who had a plate filled key lime shrimp, Korean BBQ, and spicy chicken tacos, along with a serving of nacho fries. She felt his gaze and looked up to smile at him before taking a healthy bite of the shrimp taco. 
Her eyes widened with surprise before closing in bliss. 
“Hmmmmmm, this is soooooo good, Leo! I mean, it ain’t Chinese food but still like, hella good! Thank you for suggesting this place!” she said around a mouthful of food.  
“Anytime, boo,” he replied with a wink as he reached into her plate for fries covered in nacho cheese and seasoned ground beef.  
“And thank you for cheering me up today. It’s the reminder I needed that the Universe is just doing what it does, and all those hiring managers are just bitches and heifers.” 
Leo dragged his fork through seasoned beans and rice. “They weren’t the jobs for you,” he assured her.  “YOU are smart, funny, kind, and the greatest asset any person or job can have, and the right organization will recognize that. Not to mention you’re fucking gorgeous, and do you have any idea how hot you are?” 
Riley bit into the spicy chicken taco, and quickly took a sip of her Sierra Mist with lemon. She nodded at Leo. “How hot I am? Yeah, I know ...  and the answer is not very.” 
Leo chuckled as he shook his head. This woman.  
He and Riley were the couple that were never supposed to be. Both had had extremely bad luck with love, resulting in deeply rooted trust issues; the issues were more prevalent on Riley’s end than Leo’s.  
They were both ambiverts, which loosely translated meant that there was no guarantee that plans made at 10am would still be in effect at 5pm. And you couldn’t be angry about it. 
Physically, neither was the other’s type. Leo was a touch too lanky and fit for the buxom Riley; for Leo, Riley had a few too many inches in height, and was a tad curvier than he was used to. They met via Tinder, and it was supposed to be a one-night stand. 
But their chemistry was off the charts.  
But the sex was too good.  
But their pillow talk left them curious to know more about each other while fully clothed.  
Long story short … she kept him wild, and he kept her safe.  
Before Leo could reassure his girlfriend that she was indeed VERY hot, her eyes trained on someone at a table near the back wall; they narrowed in anger as she tossed her food onto her plate while muttering, “What the actual FUCK?” 
Leo looked around puzzled, wondering WHO happened. Because with Riley, it was never a what.  If he could change two things about his woman, it would be her incredible grudge-holding talents and her penchant for public confrontation.  
Only one table in the far corner was occupied.  A Latina, facing them, was excitedly showing off one of her purchases to her male companion; Leo squinted, determining that the girl was proudly displaying a pair of earrings.  
He swung back around, a look of confusion on his face. “Who are we hating on here?” 
Riley dramatically pointed her index finger at the Latina. “HER! She told me I was a SHOO-IN for that freaking job!! AND THEN WENT WITH SOMEONE ELSE!” 
Leo looked even more confused. “Which job? There were five of them!” 
Riley didn’t answer. She was too busy scowling at the woman across the room while alternating between shaking her fist and making symbols with her fingers.  
“Babe, what are you doing?”  
“Throwing gang signs!” 
“DC DOESN’T HAVE GANGS!” Leo argued. 
So much for a peaceful outing and letting the Universe do its thing. 
Maxwell x Penelope 
 “I cannot believe you right now, Pen!” Maxwell Beaumont seethed as he rubbed the heels of his hands against his closed eyes.  
The Communications and Marketing Director inhaled and exhaled deeply, slowly. It was rare that anyone or anything upset Maxwell, much less angered him; but if anyone could knock him off his equilibrium, for certain it was his girlfriend, Penelope.  
His girlfriend stared at him with her wide, pansy-blue eyes before quickly licking her pink-glossed lips. She ran slender, pale fingers through her black hair, then tightened the belt of her pink silk robe. Penelope outstretched her arm, her fingertips grazing the fabric of her boyfriend’s shirt; at his look of frustrated rage, she quickly pulled her hand back.   
“Max,” she began in her breathy voice, “I know you’re upset with me, but I HAD to leave that godawful job! The commute sucked and who knew data entry was so … exacting? It’s a miracle I lasted as long as I did!” 
By the time she finished her explanation, her hands were gesticulating wildly about, and her tone of voice had become a shriek.  
Maxwell turned his back on Penelope to go into their kitchen; still hot Italian food sat on the stove, wrapped in plastic bags. He hollered at her while he began unpacking what was supposed to be a celebratory dinner for Penelope’s new job.  
“IT WAS A TELEWORK POSITION! That you were LATE for BOTH DAYS you worked! And it was MAIL MERGE, NOT DATA ENTRY!” He turned to glare daggers at her. “I don’t know what’s worse, the fact you put forth entirely ZERO effort into at least TRYING to become a member of the working class, or that you lied to me the entire week about still having the damn job!” 
An angry retort sprang to her lips; Penelope debated continuing the argument but thought better of it.  She had known the lie would catch up with her, but she had been hoping it would have been after the dinner. Carmine’s had the most amazing food, and Penelope was in love with their broiled Lobster Oreganata, Porterhouse Pizzaiola, and pasta with meatballs and sausage.  
With Maxwell’s back facing her, Penelope quietly tiptoed into the kitchen, trying to neither be seen nor heard. She peered over her potentially ex-boyfriend's shoulder, salivating at the sight and smells of containers filled with pastas, meats, and sauces.  
Maxwell felt his girlfriend’s eyes on him and exhaled a silent breath. He should have known from their first meeting that Penelope was not relationship material.  
They met at 9:30am on the elevator at the office building Max worked in; it was Penelope’s first day at a company occupying the entire third floor. At 11am, Max was back on the elevator hellbent on a Starbucks run; the elevator stopped at the third floor and Penelope entered, her blue eyes filled with tears.  
She had been let go from her new job in less than 90 minutes. 
Max was a sucker for a damsel in distress. He dried Penelope’s tears, treated her to a coffee, and offered to take her out on a date. That had been over two years ago, and if the woman had worked a cumulative 40-hour work week since, he knew nothing about it.  
He had asked the gang if their companies were hiring; Liam laughed so hard, his drink came out of his nose. Riley, who worked with Max, rolled her eyes as she muttered, “You already know.” Everyone else shook their heads vigorously. 
For a brief period, he had even let her be a stay-at-home girlfriend, but that definitely didn’t work out; Penelope couldn’t cook and had no concept of housekeeping. He had to pull from his savings to replace his wardrobe when she tossed his lights, darks and half a bottle of bleach into the washing machine. She was asleep when he left for work, and asleep when he returned home.  
Irresponsible was too inadequate of a word to describe his girlfriend. She was a money pit in addition to being careless, thoughtless, and an emotional vampire. 
But Maxwell Beaumont loved Penelope Ebrim. She could be sweet, buying him small gifts that brought a smile to his face. She mixed mean cocktails, had a killer sense of humor, and was a terrific dancer. She just needed to find her way.  
Apparently, God had chosen Max to help her do so.  
“Pen, you have GOT to find and keep a job!” Max stated in a firm tone that brooked no argument as he prepared her a plate of lobster, pasta with garlic and oil, and shrimp parmigiana.  
When Penelope saw Maxwell piling a plate with Italian yumminess, she had moved to the cabinets to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses. She was setting them on the dinette table as she debated coming clean in her reply. 
“I may have found something; I’m supposed to have an interview Monday.” 
Max set the serving spoon down as be swung his head to look at his girlfriend in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me this?” 
“I was waiting until afterwards so I could surprise you!” Penelope crowed happily.  
“Well, where? With who?” Max’s smile covered his entire face as he resumed plating food. 
Maybe things were looking up.  
Penelope expertly removed the wine bottle’s cork and began pouring sparkling merlot into the glasses.  
“The interview is at The Greene Turtle, and it’s with a temp agency called Daddy’s Little Girl. Basically, I would be having lunches and meetings at hotels with older men for an hourly rate.” 
Maxwell had plates in both hands, which he slowly lowered onto the kitchen counter; his every movement displayed his disbelief. There was no way his girlfriend had applied for a job as an escort.  
“You’re going to be a prostitute?” he choked out.  
Penelope had just taken her seat. She looked up at Maxwell in horror at his words.  
“NO!! Why would you say THAT?  How could you even THINK THAT of me??’ It’s like lunch meetings or something!” 
“NAKED LUNCH! Pen, NO ONE is paying a woman … a PRETTY WOMAN … to just “have lunch”!! And meetings in HOTEL ROOMS? What the ACTUAL fuck?” 
“It’s working lunches, sometimes dinners, with out-of-town business entrepreneurs who need someone to take dictation!” 
Max’s face dropped into his open palm.  
“The going rate is $150 an hour! I was told with my looks and appearance, I could be in huge demand,” Penelope argued.  
“WHEN DID THEY SEE YOU?” Max yelled as he threateningly shook a plastic spatula in Penelope’s direction. 
“I saw the ad on Craigslist and called the number in the listing, then did a Zoom with the manager.” 
Maxwell Beaumont stared at his girlfriend for a long, silent moment before exiting the kitchen and heading for their bedroom.  
“MAX! Where are you going??” 
“To have a talk with God.” 
Penelope stared at his retreating back with a furrowed brow before shrugging and rising to fetch her dinner.  
“Tell Him I said heyyyy.” 
Max’s response was to slam the bedroom door. 
Tagging: @ao719 @jared2612 @marietrinmimi @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @mom2000aggie @liamxs-world @liamrhysstalker2020 @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @beezm @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @gardeningourmet @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @alj4890 @lovingchoices14 @lady-calypso @walkerdrakewalker @queenjilian @kristinamae093 @choicesficwriterscreations
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earlycuntsets · 25 days
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pt. 2
parts (1, 3, 4)
earlycuntsets.org sourced - where I got all my mcr pictures
first of a series. due to tumblr limits on how many links you can post. this full idea will be continued on future posts. here is 2007-2010. this is pictures. will make a separate post for youtube/recordings.
been needing to fully source my website so here we go! wanted to share with other kool mcr fans.
old fansites/website appearances:
08/11/2007 tampa fl - ishotyourband.com
11/13/2007 sheffield england - blackvelvetmagazine.com
04/02/2008 san jose ca - cluelessdoll18
11/30/2010 - iheardradio
12/05/2010 tampa bay - 97x
12/12/2010 91x rex the halls san diego hollywood icon magazine
07/28/2007 san bernadino ca - joey malone & scarlet lark
07/29/2007 mountain view ca - lex
07/31/2007 kevin and beans breakfast hollywood ca - alex rausch
08/03/2007 san antonia tx - diana
08/04/2007 dallas tx - kenneth smith
08/07/2007 charlotte nc - brittany davis
08/11/2007 tampa fl - tracie stockwell, melissa turner, matt downham
08/15/2007 long island ny - maria newman, miles tsang, paul sherwood, carrie musgrave
08/17/2007 blossom music center cuyahoga falls oh - rachael barbash
08/19/2007 bristol va - kyle gustafson
08/21/2007 toronto ca - taylor christina
08/22/2007 detroit michigan - dominique canning
08/24/2007 mansfield boston - dan gonyea, allmyoxygen, ashleyspotlightrocks
08/25/2007 camden nj - steve trager, cary liao
08/31/2007 noblesville in - eatthislight
09/01/2007 tinley park il - april a taylor
09/03/2007 denver co - liz sawyer
11/03/2007 milano italy - fabrizio galeone & luca fill
11/15/2007 london uk - emma webb
11/30/2007 sydney australia - kate walton
12/09/2007 kuala lumpur malaysia - jin lim
12/11/2007 singapore - phook afg
1/27/2008 taipei, taiwan - jo
2/15/2008 rio de janeiro - charline messa
2/18/2008 sao paolo brazil - 115th dream, alexandra m, mariel g.m., fernanda, alfredoow
2/24/2008 santiago chile - sisforstph, felipebored, francisca
2/27/2008 caracas venezuela - natalia feliu, alxgt
03/30/2008 las vegas nv - sarah dope
04/08/2008 portland oregon - ciera walters
04/12/2008 mexico city - tony francois
04/17/2008 chicago il - sarah
04/27/2008 frisco tx - kenneth smith
05/09/2008 nyc ny - maura
08/01/2009 the roxy hollywood ca - jessxrevenge, lex, daniel rodriguez
10/23/2010 london uk - alessia cifali, justine trickett, lucy roth, justin ng, sarah tye, solange moreira-yeoell, emma webb, immy
10/24/2010 manchester uk - emilyisabelle, hayley johnson, sinead granger, frankie cooksie, paul
10/25/2010 edinburgh uk - emilyisabelle, hannah drake
10/30/2010 amsterdam - samantha, kimviciousphotography, stacey van shaik
10/31/2010 london uk - rikdom
11/01/2010 paris france - manuela, apoline mariotti, jem
11/11/2010 mcr in session for bbc radio maida vale - rhodri jones
11/22/2010 los angeles ca - andi tedesco
12/01/2010 nyc ny - ahorsewithnoname
12/03/2010 roseland ballroom nyc ny - kenny shin, rufus, jeremy wood, miwa sakulrat, ludovica ciccarelli,
12/08/2010 kansas city mo - todd zimmer, scott spychalski, wendy vong,
12/10/2010 101 not so silent night san jose ca - theowlmag, shannon gilb, scernea
08/10/2007 west palm beach - pookie_ray
part 3 here
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openheartfanfics · 3 months
Newly Added Fics
Jun 8 - 14, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Ethan x F!MC
Bedtime - @tveitertotwrites 🦚
One night, Claire is not able to get the kids down for bed and Ethan helps and comforts her. [Family; Hurt/Comfort]
Book 1 Rewrite - @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey 📚
[extended: wip] Rewrite of book 1.
CH 1: End of Beginnings
CH 2: Welcome to Boston
CH 3: Annie
Friendship & New Beginnings (OH/Hollywood U crossover) - @theartoflovingthomashunt 🛸
Hunt and Ethan share a drink before Hunt's wedding.
Stranded - @jerzwriter ☁
When Ethan and Kaycee's trip home from a rural Massachusetts hospital goes awry, how will that change?
The Home Stretch - @genevievemd 📸📱
Gen is nearing the end of her pregnancy.
Love Triangle
Mono~poly - @jerzwriter 📚
[extended: wip] What happens when something that was supposed to be just fun turns into something real? Ethan x MC x Tobias
CH 1: Something Big
Rafael x F!MC
Check Ups Are Tiring - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Florence falls asleep in her car seat after her 2 week check up with the health visitor.
Date Night - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey and Raf go out on their first date night three weeks after Florence is born.
Does He Really Want Me? - @rafasgirl23415 🎭
Casey feels insecurity in her new relationship.
Enrique’s First Sleepover - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Enrique has his first sleepover with his best friend Luke & Luke’s mom sends Casey a photo of the boys happily playing in the pool.
Lucy Watches Her Baby Sister - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Whilst Casey uses the bathroom before Florence’s feed, Lucy comforts her baby sister.
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 50: How dare she?
Sleeping Beauty - @rafasgirl23415 📸
After an afternoon feed & some snuggles Casey settles Florence for her usual nap.
Sienna x F!MC
My Best Friend, My Chosen Sister. - @rafasgirl23415
A story about Casey and Sienna's friendship. [Platonic]
Sienna x M!OC
Not My Bestie! - @liaromancewriter 📱
Cassie drills Max about his friendship with Sienna.
Magical - @liaromancewriter ☁
They’re caught up in the magic of a moonlit night.
Tobias x F!MC
No Return - @jerzwriter 🛸
It's de ja vu all over again for Casey when she and Tobias check into a beachside resort for a medical conference, only to find the reservation was for one room only.
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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G.3.1 Is “anarcho”-capitalism American anarchism?
Unlike Rothbard, some “anarcho”-capitalists are more than happy to proclaim themselves “individualist anarchists” and so suggest that their notions are identical, or nearly so, with the likes of Tucker, Ingalls and Labadie. As part of this, they tend to stress that individualist anarchism is uniquely American, an indigenous form of anarchism unlike social anarchism. To do so, however, means ignoring not only the many European influences on individualist anarchism itself (most notably, Proudhon) but also downplaying the realities of American capitalism which quickly made social anarchism the dominant form of Anarchism in America. Ironically, such a position is deeply contradictory as “anarcho”-capitalism itself is most heavily influenced by a European ideology, namely “Austrian” economics, which has lead its proponents to reject key aspects of the indigenous American anarchist tradition.
For example, “anarcho”-capitalist Wendy McElroy does this in a short essay provoked by the Seattle protests in 1999. While Canadian, her rampant American nationalism is at odds with the internationalism of the individualist anarchists, stating that after property destruction in Seattle which placed American anarchists back in the media social anarchism “is not American anarchism. Individualist anarchism, the indigenous form of the political philosophy, stands in rigorous opposition to attacking the person or property of individuals.” Like an ideological protectionist, she argued that “Left [sic!] anarchism (socialist and communist) are foreign imports that flooded the country like cheap goods during the 19th century.” [Anarchism: Two Kinds] Apparently Albert and Lucy Parsons were un-Americans, as was Voltairine de Cleyre who turned from individualist to communist anarchism. And best not mention the social conditions in America which quickly made communist-anarchism predominant in the movement or that individualist anarchists like Tucker proudly proclaimed their ideas socialist!
She argued that ”[m]any of these anarchists (especially those escaping Russia) introduced lamentable traits into American radicalism” such as “propaganda by deed” as well as a class analysis which “divided society into economic classes that were at war with each other.” Taking the issue of “propaganda by the deed” first, it should be noted that use of violence against person or property was hardly alien to American traditions. The Boston Tea Party was just as “lamentable” an attack on “property of individuals” as the window breaking at Seattle while the revolution and revolutionary war were hardly fought using pacifist methods or respecting the “person or property of individuals” who supported imperialist Britain. Similarly, the struggle against slavery was not conducted purely by means Quakers would have supported (John Brown springs to mind), nor was (to use just one example) Shay’s rebellion. So “attacking the person or property of individuals” was hardly alien to American radicalism and so was definitely not imported by “foreign” anarchists.
Of course, anarchism in American became associated with terrorism (or “propaganda by the deed”) due to the Haymarket events of 1886 and Berkman’s assassination attempt against Frick during the Homestead strike. Significantly, McElroy makes no mention of the substantial state and employer violence which provoked many anarchists to advocate violence in self-defence. For example, the great strike of 1877 saw the police opened fire on strikers on July 25th, killing five and injuring many more. “For several days, meetings of workmen were broken up by the police, who again and again interfered with the rights of free speech and assembly.” The Chicago Times called for the use of hand grenades against strikers and state troops were called in, killing a dozen strikers. “In two days of fighting, between 25 and 50 civilians had been killed, some 200 seriously injured, and between 300 and 400 arrested. Not a single policeman or soldier had lost his life.” This context explains why many workers, including those in reformist trade unions as well as anarchist groups like the IWPA, turned to armed self-defence (“violence”). The Haymarket meeting itself was organised in response to the police firing on strikers and killing at least two. The Haymarket bomb was thrown after the police tried to break-up a peaceful meeting by force: “It is clear then that … it was the police and not the anarchists who were the perpetrators of the violence at the Haymarket.” All but one of the deaths and most of the injuries were caused by the police firing indiscriminately in the panic after the explosion. [Paul Avrich, The Maymarket Tragedy, pp. 32–4, p. 189, p. 210, and pp. 208–9] As for Berkman’s assassination attempt, this was provoked by the employer’s Pinkerton police opening fire on strikers, killing and wounding many. [Emma Goldman, Living My Life, vol. 1, p. 86]
In other words, it was not foreign anarchists or alien ideas which associated anarchism with violence but, rather, the reality of American capitalism. As historian Eugenia C. Delamotte puts it, “the view that anarchism stood for violence … spread rapidly in the mainstream press from the 1870s” because of “the use of violence against strikers and demonstrators in the labour agitation that marked these decades — struggles for the eight-hour day, better wages, and the right to unionise, for example. Police, militia, and private security guards harassed, intimidated, bludgeoned, and shot workers routinely in conflicts that were just as routinely portrayed in the media as worker violence rather than state violence; labour activists were also subject to brutal attacks, threats of lynching, and many other forms of physical assault and intimidation … the question of how to respond to such violence became a critical issue in the 1870s, with the upswelling of labour agitation and attempts to suppress it violently.” [Voltairine de Cleyre and the Revolution of the Mind, pp. 51–2]
Joseph Labadie, it should be noted, thought the “Beastly police” got what they deserved at Haymarket as they had attempted to break up a peaceful public meeting and such people should “go at the peril of their lives. If it is necessary to use dynamite to protect the rights of free meeting, free press and free speech, then the sooner we learn its manufacture and use … the better it will be for the toilers of the world.” The radical paper he was involved in, the Labor Leaf, had previously argued that “should trouble come, the capitalists will use the regular army and militia to shoot down those who are not satisfied. It won’t be so if the people are equally ready.” Even reformist unions were arming themselves to protect themselves, with many workers applauding their attempts to organise union militias. As worker put it, ”[w]ith union men well armed and accustomed to military tactics, we could keep Pinkerton’s men at a distance … Employers would think twice, too, before they attempted to use troops against us … Every union ought to have its company of sharpshooters.” [quoted by Richard Jules Oestreicher, Solidarity and Fragmentation, p. 200 and p. 135]
While the violent rhetoric of the Chicago anarchists was used at their trial and is remembered (in part because enemies of anarchism take great glee in repeating it), the state and employer violence which provoked it has been forgotten or ignored. Unless this is mentioned, a seriously distorted picture of both communist-anarchism and capitalism are created. It is significant, of course, that while the words of the Martyrs are taken as evidence of anarchism’s violent nature, the actual violence (up to and including murder) against strikers by state and private police apparently tells us nothing about the nature of the state or capitalist system (Ward Churchill presents an excellent summary such activities in his article “From the Pinkertons to the PATRIOT Act: The Trajectory of Political Policing in the United States, 1870 to the Present” [CR: The New Centennial Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1–72]).
So, as can be seen, McElroy distorts the context of anarchist violence by utterly ignoring the far worse capitalist violence which provoked it. Like more obvious statists, she demonises the resistance to the oppressed while ignoring that of the oppressor. Equally, it should also be noted Tucker rejected violent methods to end class oppression not out of principle, but rather strategy as there “was no doubt in his mind as to the righteousness of resistance to oppression by recourse to violence, but his concern now was with its expedience … he was absolutely convinced that the desired social revolution would be possible only through the utility of peaceful propaganda and passive resistance.” [James J. Martin, Men Against the State, p. 225] For Tucker “as long as freedom of speech and of the press is not struck down, there should be no resort to physical force in the struggle against oppression.” [quoted by Morgan Edwards, “Neither Bombs Nor Ballots: Liberty & the Strategy of Anarchism”, pp. 65–91, Benjamin R. Tucker and the Champions of Liberty, Coughlin, Hamilton and Sullivan (eds.), p. 67] Nor should we forget that Spooner’s rhetoric could be as blood-thirsty as Johann Most’s at times and that American individualist anarchist Dyer Lum was an advocate of insurrection.
As far as class analysis does, which “divided society into economic classes that were at war with each other”, it can be seen that the “left” anarchists were simply acknowledging the reality of the situation — as did, it must be stressed, the individualist anarchists. As we noted in section G.1, the individualist anarchists were well aware that there was a class war going on, one in which the capitalist class used the state to ensure its position (the individualist anarchist “knows very well that the present State is an historical development, that it is simply the tool of the property-owning class; he knows that primitive accumulation began through robbery bold and daring, and that the freebooters then organised the State in its present form for their own self-preservation.” [A.H. Simpson, The Individualist Anarchists, p. 92]). Thus workers had a right to a genuinely free market for ”[i]f the man with labour to sell has not this free market, then his liberty is violated and his property virtually taken from him. Now, such a market has constantly been denied … to labourers of the entire civilised world. And the men who have denied it are … Capitalists … [who] have placed and kept on the statue-books all sorts of prohibitions and taxes designed to limit and effective in limiting the number of bidders for the labour of those who have labour to sell.” [Instead of a Book, p. 454] For Joshua King Ingalls, ”[i]n any question as between the worker and the holder of privilege, [the state] is certain to throw itself into the scale with the latter, for it is itself the source of privilege, the creator of class rule.” [quoted by Bowman N. Hall, “Joshua K. Ingalls, American Individualist: Land Reformer, Opponent of Henry George and Advocate of Land Leasing, Now an Established Mode,” pp. 383–96, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 39, No. 4, p. 292] Ultimately, the state was “a police force to regulate the people in the interests of the plutocracy.” [Ingalls, quoted by Martin, Op. Cit., p. 152]
Discussing Henry Frick, manager of the Homestead steelworkers who was shot by Berkman for using violence against striking workers, Tucker noted that Frick did not “aspire, as I do, to live in a society of mutually helpful equals” but rather it was “his determination to live in luxury produced by the toil and suffering of men whose necks are under his heel. He has deliberately chosen to live on terms of hostility with the greater part of the human race.” While opposing Berkman’s act, Tucker believed that he was “a man with whom I have much in common, — much more at any rate than with such a man as Frick.” Berkman “would like to live on terms of equality with his fellows, doing his share of work for not more than his share of pay.” [The Individualist Anarchists, pp. 307–8] Clearly, Tucker was well aware of the class struggle and why, while not supporting such actions, violence occurred when fighting it.
As Victor Yarros summarised, for the individualist anarchists the “State is the servant of the robbers, and it exists chiefly to prevent the expropriation of the robbers and the restoration of a free and fair field for legitimate competition and wholesome, effective voluntary cooperation.” [“Philosophical Anarchism: Its Rise, Decline, and Eclipse”, pp. 470–483, The American Journal of Sociology, vol. 41, no. 4, p. 475] For “anarcho”-capitalists, the state exploits all classes subject to it (perhaps the rich most, by means of taxation to fund welfare programmes and legal support for union rights and strikes).
So when McElroy states that, “Individualist anarchism rejects the State because it is the institutionalisation of force against peaceful individuals”, she is only partly correct. While it may be true for “anarcho”-capitalism, it fails to note that for the individualist anarchists the modern state was the institutionalisation of force by the capitalist class to deny the working class a free market. The individualist anarchists, in other words, like social anarchists also rejected the state because it imposed certain class monopolies and class legislation which ensured the exploitation of labour by capital — a significant omission on McElroy’s part. “Can it be soberly pretended for a moment that the State … is purely a defensive institution?” asked Tucker. “Surely not … you will find that a good nine-tenths of existing legislation serves … either to prescribe the individual’s personal habits, or, worse still, to create and sustain commercial, industrial, financial, and proprietary monopolies which deprive labour of a large part of the reward that it would receive in a perfectly free market.” [Tucker, Instead of a Book, pp. 25–6] In fact:
“As long as a portion of the products of labour are appropriated for the payment of fat salaries to useless officials and big dividends to idle stockholders, labour is entitled to consider itself defrauded, and all just men will sympathise with its protest.” [Tucker, Liberty, no. 19, p. 1]
It goes without saying that almost all “anarcho”-capitalists follow Rothbard in being totally opposed to labour unions, strikes and other forms of working class protest. As such, the individualist anarchists, just as much as the “left” anarchists McElroy is so keen to disassociate them from, argued that ”[t]hose who made a profit from buying or selling were class criminals and their customers or employees were class victims. It did not matter if the exchanges were voluntary ones. Thus, left anarchists hated the free market as deeply as they hated the State.” [McElroy, Op. Cit.] Yet, as any individualist anarchist of the time would have told her, the “free market” did not exist because the capitalist class used the state to oppress the working class and reduce the options available to choose from so allowing the exploitation of labour to occur. Class analysis, in other words, was not limited to “foreign” anarchism, nor was the notion that making a profit was a form of exploitation (usury). As Tucker continually stressed: “Liberty will abolish interest; it will abolish profit; it will abolish monopolistic rent; it will abolish taxation; it will abolish the exploitation of labour.” [The Individualist Anarchists, p. 157]
It should also be noted that the “left” anarchist opposition to the individualist anarchist “free market” is due to an analysis which argues that it will not, in fact, result in the anarchist aim of ending exploitation nor will it maximise individual freedom (see section G.4). We do not “hate” the free market, rather we love individual liberty and seek the best kind of society to ensure free people. By concentrating on markets being free, “anarcho”-capitalism ensures that it is wilfully blind to the freedom-destroying similarities between capitalist property and the state (as we discussed in section F.1). An analysis which many individualist anarchists recognised, with the likes of Dyer Lum seeing that replacing the authority of the state with that of the boss was no great improvement in terms of freedom and so advocating co-operative workplaces to abolish wage slavery. Equally, in terms of land ownership the individualist anarchists opposed any voluntary exchanges which violated “occupancy and use” and so they, so, “hated the free market as deeply as they hated the State.” Or, more correctly, they recognised that voluntary exchanges can result in concentrations of wealth and so power which made a mockery of individual freedom. In other words, that while the market may be free the individuals within it would not be.
McElroy partly admits this, saying that “the two schools of anarchism had enough in common to shake hands when they first met. To some degree, they spoke a mutual language. For example, they both reviled the State and denounced capitalism. But, by the latter, individualist anarchists meant ‘state-capitalism’ the alliance of government and business.” Yet this “alliance of government and business” has been the only kind of capitalism that has ever existed. They were well aware that such an alliance made the capitalist system what it was, i.e., a system based on the exploitation of labour. William Bailie, in an article entitled “The Rule of the Monopolists” simply repeated the standard socialist analysis of the state when he talked about the “gigantic monopolies, which control not only our industry, but all the machinery of the State, — legislative, judicial, executive, — together with school, college, press, and pulpit.” Thus the “preponderance in the number of injunctions against striking, boycotting, and agitating, compared with the number against locking-out, blacklisting, and the employment of armed mercenaries.” The courts could not ensure justice because of the “subserviency of the judiciary to the capitalist class … and the nature of the reward in store for the accommodating judge.” Government “is the instrument by means of which the monopolist maintains his supremacy” as the law-makers “enact what he desires; the judiciary interprets his will; the executive is his submissive agent; the military arm exists in reality to defend his country, protect his property, and suppress his enemies, the workers on strike.” Ultimately, “when the producer no longer obeys the State, his economic master will have lost his power.” [Liberty, no. 368, p. 4 and p. 5] Little wonder, then, that the individualist anarchists thought that the end of the state and the class monopolies it enforces would produce a radically different society rather than one essentially similar to the current one but without taxes. Their support for the “free market” implied the end of capitalism and its replacement with a new social system, one which would end the exploitation of labour.
She herself admits, in a roundabout way, that “anarcho”-capitalism is significantly different that individualist anarchism. “The schism between the two forms of anarchism has deepened with time,” she asserts. This was ”[l]argely due to the path breaking work of Murray Rothbard” and so, unlike genuine individualist anarchism, the new “individualist anarchism” (i.e., “anarcho”-capitalism) “is no longer inherently suspicious of profit-making practices, such as charging interest. Indeed, it embraces the free market as the voluntary vehicle of economic exchange” (does this mean that the old version of it did not, in fact, embrace “the free market” after all?) This is because it “draws increasingly upon the work of Austrian economists such as Mises and Hayek” and so “it draws increasingly farther away from left anarchism” and, she fails to note, the likes of Warren and Tucker. As such, it would be churlish to note that “Austrian” economics was even more of a “foreign import” much at odds with American anarchist traditions as communist anarchism, but we will! After all, Rothbard’s support of usury (interest, rent and profit) would be unlikely to find much support from someone who looked forward to the development of “an attitude of hostility to usury, in any form, which will ultimately cause any person who charges more than cost for any product to be regarded very much as we now regard a pickpocket.” [Tucker, The Individualist Anarchists, p. 155] Nor, as noted above, would Rothbard’s support for an “Archist” (capitalist) land ownership system have won him anything but dismissal nor would his judge, jurist and lawyer driven political system have been seen as anything other than rule by the few rather than rule by none.
Ultimately, it is a case of influences and the kind of socio-political analysis and aims it inspires. Unsurprisingly, the main influences in individualist anarchism came from social movements and protests. Thus poverty-stricken farmers and labour unions seeking monetary and land reform to ease their position and subservience to capital all plainly played their part in shaping the theory, as did the Single-Tax ideas of Henry George and the radical critiques of capitalism provided by Proudhon and Marx. In contrast, “anarcho”-capitalism’s major (indeed, predominant) influence is “Austrian” economists, an ideology developed (in part) to provide intellectual support against such movements and their proposals for reform. As we will discuss in the next section, this explains the quite fundamental differences between the two systems for all the attempts of “anarcho”-capitalists to appropriate the legacy of the likes of Tucker.
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memetaped · 2 months
the children of green knowe taken from the 1954 lucy m. boston book.
you can play with anything you like if you are careful.
i hate hide-and-seek when you never find anybody.
you’re a good dreamer.
i’ll want to look at you myself before you go.
your shadow looks just like a partridge.
we are going back in my friend’s car, so you will soon be in bed.
hold out your hands.
but you called it that by yourself.
good morning, barefeet.
mouse, where have you been?
finish up your porridge, dear, we don’t want you to get thin.
go the shortest way over the wooden bridge and up the hill.
my room is underneath yours. you can knock on the floor if you want me.
i was just waiting for you to come to yourself again.
that wasn’t silly at all, darling.
for someone who’s lived here always, you ask a lot of questions.
your name should be hopeful.
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mscoffeesq · 1 month
Vampire the Masquerade: Boston is Healing, Session 1
List of Player Characters, including the initial of their player to denote who played who.
(M) Sophia Blanchard - Toreador, Prince of the Boston Camarilla (Survived) 
(Jaq) Cait Harkness - Salubri, Escaped to parts unknown 
(R) Gabriel Sanders - Ghoul, Deceased (Killed by Malkavian Anarch) 
(S) Aksel Palensen- Tremere, Deceased (Killed in Sabbat Raid) 
(Jac) Roy Vestry - Gangrel, Deceased (Ambushed by a Sniper) 
(R) Geoffrey Williamson - Gangrel, Deceased (Botched a Diablerie Roll) 
(Jaq) Jessie Parks - Caitiff, Deceased (Killed in Sabbat Raid) 
(R) Mama Mtshali - Nosferatu, Deceased (Killed in Sabbat Raid) 
The Story So Far -  
The year is 2022. After a brutal Second Inquisition (SI) attack on Boston the population of Kindred in the city dropped drastically, down to about half of what it once was. The Camarilla, who control the city, lost a prominent Harpy, two Primogen members, and the previous Scourge in the attack. The Prince, Coth, is currently trying to hold his position and repair the city while other parties try and squirm their way into power- the Anarchs have been growing restless, and there are rumors that Sabbat forces have been making designs on the city. Even Clan Giovanni, who spend most of their time in Lynn, have been branching out after the attack to try and secure new territory. Coth has been meeting with the Baron, leader of the Anarchs, in order to broker somewhat of a peace between the two sides. Recently, the Prince has invited a select group of Camarilla to a party within Elysium for a very special, but secretive, event. 
Session 1 -  
Gabriel decides to take a walk around his domain to check on things before going off to Elysium. There are currently mortals and ghouls putting up decor and equipment for an event. Some are wearing tiger masks of varying colors. The Keeper, Krow, seems to be talking to a woman, wearing old fashioned dress and heavy dark makeup, a large hat, and orange hair. The woman appears to be being scolded. 
The Elysium is 3 floors, including a hidden basement area. Gabriel sits down at the bar, where a ghoul tells him that the vessels are being reserved for the event coming up. The ghoul offers a boon in exchange for the inconvenience: 2 free vessels the next time Gabriel comes in. 
The ghoul mentions that a very special guest will be coming the following night. Gabriel goes to talk with the Keeper who begins to whisper to the woman before going off to her quarters. Gabriel decides to speak with the woman now that she's alone. The woman is supernaturally beautiful- almost like her features were sculpted to be perfect. 
She introduces herself as Lucy, and offers her hand to be kissed by Gabriel. He notices that her fingernails are long and sharp, and look more like bones pushed out of her fingers to make claws. She says that she arrived in town last week. 
Lucy asks what the crime rate in the city is, and how many crimes Gabriel could pull off without being noticed. He says it depends on the crime. She says that a friend of hers has arrived and leaves to meet up with someone Gabriel didn't notice. 
Aksel is at the closed Boston Aquarium with his sire, Dylan, who asked to meet with him. Richard is wearing casual clothing, with something in his back pocket. Aksel has a plush penguin in his arms as he approaches his sire. 
He gives the penguin to his sire as a gift, before his sire lets him know that a special guest is arriving in the city tonight. He says that it is someone higher up in the ranks of the Camarilla, and that a public announcement of their arrival will be the next evening. 
Dylan also lets Aksel know that he will need to get himself proper attire, as he will be going to the event in his sire's stead. His sire also tells him that his groupies will not be invited to the party, so not to bring them. He also mentions an "accident" (murder) in a theater in town- and to keep an eye out for trouble. The party is scheduled for 9pm the next night. 
His sire says that he'll be returning to his school for thaumaturgy and bids Aksel a good night. Aksel steals a crocodile plushie on his way out. 
Roy is at his house, and hears a knock at the door. Immediately the door is kicked and someone is trying to get into the house. A bird flies into the room before the person manages to break in, 
and it's Roy's sire and wife, Stephanie. 
She is upset after an altercation with a raccoon who stole her ball with her hamster inside. On top of that, the bag she's carrying breaks and spills its contents all over the floor. Some birds come in and help clean it up. 
She asks Roy how he's doing, and Roy says that he's been working on his book. She lets him know that there was a letter for him. It's in a black envelope, and written on very nice paper. 
The letter is from Krow, letting him know of the upcoming event and contact information for him to get in touch with. There is also a threat to not embarrass anyone. 
Stephanie is shocked to see the letter once she reads it. She suggests he go, because she believes it will be some sort of promotion. She also suggests bringing a gift, because the Prince likes gifts, and recommends a dove.  
Roy starts preparing his formal clothes for the next day. 
Sophia takes Cait to her favorite club in town- the Delirium. Carl the bouncer of Delirium lets them in no problem. The bar is jungle themed, but also sort of like an idea of heaven mixed with a jungle. The staff wear animal masks and angel outfits with small angel wings. The wings don't appear to be connected to their clothes though, and move as if they are natural wings. 
The club is very packed. The rules are that you can feast on anyone you want except staff, you just can't kill people. Cait uses Auspex and notices 3 other Kindred in the club, including the owner who seems uninterested in what's going on. 
Sophia scans around the club and sees a gentleman who looks out of place and like he was dragged to the bar. Sophia taps his shoulder and introduces herself. He says that the owner has been throwing him off and says that her tongue is weird.  
Sophia grabs the man, Will, by the arm and takes him to meet Ember. Her tongue sticks out a bit but she pulls it back. Ember offers to take him to show him around the club. He notices her eyes. Will still goes with her, and points out another Toreador in the bar. 
There's another woman in the bar who appears to be very drunk. Sophia passes up the opportunity to drink because she doesn't want to get too drunk and instead takes Cait out to dance. Sophia accidentally steps on a black envelope. The stamp on the envelope is a Krown with a cross on it. The letter is written in Spanish, not in English. 
Ember stops the two of them, whispers something to an angel, and brings out a bottle to give to Sophia that smells extra sweet. Sophia and Cait go off back to Cait's apartment to see if her girlfriend can read the letter for them. 
Cait's fiancée, Maria, is watching TV when they arrive. She translates it for them, but seems confused and concerned. She says that there's a party at the Langham Hotel. The invitation seems to be for someone named Isabelle or Isabella Ferrari. It also seems to mention the Friends of Night. 
 Maria lets Cait know that her friend Sakura was there earlier and left a notepad for her. Sophia decides to leave the two of them alone for the night to go enjoy herself, but tells Cait they will be clothes shopping before the event. 
Maria says that she should go in order to keep Sophia safe, but Cait promises to leave if things go south. She also tells Cait about an attack on the theater, where some audience members were disoriented and some were even still singing when they were found. Police said there were heavy casualties, but are stumped by it. 
Gabriel goes to pick up a suit before the event. Something sensible that won't stand out too much. He also makes sure his car is working well. 
Aksel makes sure that he has a suit ready to go, one that is used for occult gathering. He also attempts to steal a penguin from the aquarium but fails. He calls his mentor, Richard, to ask what the proper attire would be to make sure he is right. 
Roy prepares his suit and then goes to find a dove to give the Prince as a present, but only manages to find pigeons. Even then he's not able to catch any. 
Sophia enjoys a nice bath and the blood she got from Ember while making calls to set up a limo and new clothes for her and Cait. 
Cait decides to call her sire, Deirdre, to ask about the Friends of the Night and the seal on the letter. The Krown symbol appears to be Lasombra, but she isn't familiar with the Friends of the Night. Deirdre also warns Cait to not be out by herself, as things haven't been safe. 
As Sophia goes to pick up Cait, she notices a woman outside struggling. The woman says she's a friend of Cait's from school. Sakura had come over to hang out with Maria while they're out 
Sophia takes one of the coffees meant for Cait which she had to turn down, but Sophia spits it out in a bush once they're all inside. They continue on to the hotel, with Cait changing into 
her nicer outfit Sophia got for her. 
Aksel, Gabriel, and Roy arrive at the hotel together. They are catching up together when Sophia and Cait arrive. They talk together for a bit, when Gabriel notices Lucy arrive. Sophia and Gabriel notice that she's not going into the regular entrance to Elysium. 
The desk attendant, Juliet, asks us for our invites. She is confused by the fact that Sophia and Cait's invite is different from the others. She takes Aksel and Roy's invitation no problem. When she gets to Cait and Sophia’s invite, she calls her partner Romeo to the desk. Romeo is very well dressed, and could be a Ventrue or Toreador. Romeo runs off, while Juliet questions us: Romeo comes back and sends them in, but does not give the invite back like they had for the others. Juliet gives the group five cards, one for each of them. 
Sophia admits to Aksel that they weren't actually invited, and asks if Isabelle or Isabella Ferrari means anything to anyone. Roy thinks the name sounds familiar, they are an important Kindred, but he doesn't know for which clan. Aksel knows that they're an important member of the Camarilla. A high ranking society member. 
Sophia wonders how the invite for such a high up member would have wound up on the floor of Delirium. Isabella Ferrari is the daughter of the Ferrari CEO. She always seems to be near a body of water in every picture. She has a tattoo of a name in German, possibly a company or something. 
When they enter Elysium, Cait activates Auspex. She catches 13 pale auras (Kindred) among a lot of vessels. The Ventrue and Tremere Primogens also appear to be there. 
Aksel goes to speak to the Tremere Primogen briefly before going to a powder room and then rejoining the coterie. 
A bit later, someone approaches us who looks very rough compared to everyone else and is dirty and bloodstained. He plops down next to Aksel and introduces himself as Jakeup Cooper. Jakeup is confused as to why he's at the event. Sophia recognizes him and he recognizes her. She knows that he's a Gangrel. 
He's usually seen conversing with an odd gentleman who visits Elysium now and then. He wonders where the Prince and Sheriff are, and points out that the dress code is odd. They all get into a tiff about tailcoats, before Jakeup points out to the Keeper who looks angry and ready to snap. 
Jakeup wonders who the special guest is. Apparently, we're the only coterie at the event which is why he wanted to hang out with us. He claims that he doesn't want to talk to anyone because they're mostly Tremere or Toreador. He says that he spends most of his time by the harbor. 
He asks us our names, and we introduce ourselves. Aksel performs a sleight of hand trick for everyone. The lights begin to dim. We get on the subject of kids (as in vampire children, who could be any age) because Jakeup mentions a kid he adopted. Aksel says he adopted 3 other people's kids, sort of. 
The Keeper gets everyone's attention and lets the crowd know that the Prince is running late. She says that the special guest is here to speak with the group because of our special skills. A shadow takes the form of a person, who is supernaturally beautiful with a symbol tattoo that none of us recognize. 
She introduces herself as Silhouette. She says she is looking for an object, a sort of black and silver key with three bits. All of us survived the attack, and are loyal to the camarilla. She wants us to search the city for the key, and promises a reward to whoever finds it. Gabriel and Sophia realize that she's heading to the large pool within Elysium after she finishes. 
We ask Jakeup to leave so we can speak alone. Gabriel looks under the cushions to see if the key is under there. They talk for a while before Aksel goes off to get a drink. Suddenly, the doors are pushed open by the Prince, Coth, and his Sheriff, Emma. He starts talking with the Keeper, and asks where the special guest is. 
The Sheriff whispers something to him, and he turns to look at us. Krow hands him a tablet which he checks before handing it back and walks over to our coterie and asks us our names. He's fairly familiar with Sophia, Gabriel, and Roy's sire Stephanie. 
The dress code was apparently a request from Silhouette. He wishes us well, and recommends the blood for the evening. We are all talking again when the Prince suddenly comes back, and demands that the five of us go speak to Silhouette. Aksel asks quickly if the Prince's nickname, The Three Legged King, refers to his endowment or not, and if it's okay to call him that. The Prince seems to be okay with it and finds it humorous. 
We go to meet with Silhouette, and there are tendrils reaching around her in the pool. She confronts us over the fact that most of us were not actually invited to the event, and wonders if someone was trying to get us killed. She invites us to swim with her. Gabriel jumps in and discovers that the tendrils are actually coming off of her dress. 
She asks if we still intend to find the key. We discover that her name is Isabella. She asks if we're associated with the Camarilla, and we explain our ties to the faction. She asks for Romeo to be summoned. Isabella recommends we go to the Empyrium Theater, where the attack happened. She assumes that the attack was caused by something searching for the relic. 
Romeo comes back with the letter Sophia and Cait had found and Isabella tears it up and destroys it. She asks that we not cause any issues in the city while she is observing things. One of the attendants says that Juliet needs Isabella's attention because of trouble in London. 
Aksel remembers the conversation earlier and says that he adopted his brother's kids until they became adults. Gabriel dries himself off. By the time we return to the party, most of the Kindred are gone and only a few people are left. 
Sophia and Cait run back by Sophia's apartment to change into more sensible clothing, and Sophia grabs her pistol. Gabriel runs back to his place to change and grab his rifle. Roys heads back to his place to change and sees his sire sleeping on the sofa, covered in bunnies. Aksel goes home to change, calls his mentor, and sets up a few things for his business. 
Aksel's mentor says that he's familiar with the name Isabella Ferrari, and that she's a Lasombra Antitribu Archon. Richard says he's concerned about things with her in town. 
Sophia finds a letter on her table. White with a rose design on it. The letter is written in messy cursive. 
“Pleasure to meet you! This is weird, but I'm making my way to Boston. We are technically sisters and I'd like to meet you. I should be there in around 3 days, and I'm looking forward to seeing you. I don't really know how to end a letter, 
Okay bye!” 
Sophia is a little upset because this implies that Russel sired another vampire, who is on her way to Boston now. 
End of Session 1 - 3 xp gained per player. 
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highschoolboi · 1 year
Ok I just got put my thoughts about 911 6x17 onto a page before I explode. Heavy spoilers for 6x17!!!!
1. Buck and Natalia situation.
Why is she so pissed off at the fact that buck has dated women before? Yes I know it interrupted their date, so obviously you can be a little annoyed, and she tried to say it in a joking manner, but It really didn't come off like that. It came of like 'you dated other women? How dare you'. And yes his life is messy so it's OK to be overwhelmed by that a bit, but stormy off, and implying that it's completely over for them, at the mere idea of buck being a human with an life outside of her? I instantly thought she didn't like buck, she liked the stories she could get from him about death. As soon as he's anything more than that she bails.
2. The buck and Cameron situation.
As far as I know, they aren't close. Buck and Connor are, but not buck and Cameron so why is she coming to him first and not a close friend, family etc? And they were already weird about the sperm donor situation, so this definitely felt like overstepping of boundaries (addition to this is her just eating the meal he has set out, not even asking if she can have some first). But my main issue with this is where it looks like the writers are heading with this. Cameron and Connor are in a bad spot, and the last scene of buck shows him and her with 'love is in the air' playing in the background, a song they played for the other couples/potentially couples (bobby/athena, hen/karen, chim/mads, /eddie/insulation foam girl), which implies Cameron and buck might become a couple which is just so bad in so many ways. Yes it could just be a scene showing him being gentlemanly, giving her the bed and he takes the couch, bringing her pickles, and maybe him imagining a family of his own (not involving cameron), but with the music it really isn't looking good.
3. Eddie and insulation foam girl.
I forgot her name, I know it's starts with M. They met briefly, once, and I don't remember any chemistry (i barley remember her tbh). And now, with the music, they are implying a potential romance between her and eddie? Feels very rushed, and kind of a last ditch effect because they couldn't think of anything better.
4. The eddie bobby conversation.
I mean it all points to eddie and buck. Buck was the one there to sit with eddie at his lowest moments, buck was the one who always had his back. Making big bobby/Athena and eddie/buck parallels again.
*Also wouldn't of eddie asked buck first to help him build the project? He's always helping chris with school and he built or at least had a hand in building Chris's skateboard, so he has experience with diy. Not that i disliked the eddie + bobby time, it just confused me why it wasn't buck.
5. Eddie and Buck.
Eddie wants to be chosen by a romatic partner, and buck is at an impass where he needs to choose his romantic partner. You can put 2 and 2 together. Buck needs to back away from the Cameron/Connor situation like he did with the chim/mads in Boston situation: he got too involved with someone else's relationship and baby, and he nearly got people hurt/hurt himself, it's the same with the c/c situation now: he's done his part, now he needs to choose to step away. He also needs to choose whether his current(?) relationship with natalia is actually good for him, or whether it will end in hurt just like with his other relationships (hinted at with lucy and taylor). Eddie just wants someone he is already comfortable with, and that he has chemistry with, to make the initiative, he doesn't want to go out searching for love, he wants love to find him: he wants to be chosen.
6. Maddie and Chim.
On a happy note, this was adorable and I love the direction their relationship/dynamic/story is going in. I also really liked the talk mads had with hen: mads came in on offence, but hen handled it, knowing her own intentions were pure, and explained this to Maddie, helping her to work through the fears she had, just like with Chim. I wouldn't mind more hen and Maddie scens in the future, especially considering she is marrying hens best friend.
*Also side note we did not miss the fact that Buck had a ring cutter for 'other things ;)' fanfiction is abundant on the topic of 'other things' and buck.
7. Final odds and ends.
Loved the anniversary talk with Athena and the lady, then with Bobby. Just really sweet and heart-warming. I also saw someone sat that the 4-5 year anniversary they keep bringing up also coincides with how long eddie and buck have known eachother, so there could be a fun Buddy parallel there.
With eddie and tia texting, and the scene cutting to Chris on the laptop, it really looked like Chris was posing as tia, setting eddie up on dates. I assume this isn't what they intended but it was really weird editing and scene choice.
The guy maybe checking out eddie at the golf place, as well as the two women who could be lesbians, was just a real unsubtle hint (hopefully), as well as the general vibe of the sequence where everytime eddie tries to flirt with a woman, something bad happen: stop trying to force this man into a straight relationship, it's clealy ending in disaster each time! /hj
- also the plot thickening on the eddie/Shannon deal. Last episode we learnt that eddie ONLY married her because of Chris, very much implying he maybe didn't actually want to, it's just what he was expected to do, so he did it (comphet much?), and now we learn that eddie didn't even pursue shannon! Clealy she initiated everything, and he just went along with it! If they are not trying to say eddie is bi/gay/didn't like Shannon, then why do they keep framing it that eddie kinda felt forced to go out with Shannon and marry her? (From sociatal expectations, not necessarily forced by shannon herself)
Thank you if you read this very long rant: I just needed to get my thought down before I exploded form frustration :)
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
A Modern Friendship
Premise: Max and Sienna give friendship a chance, but it’s not as easy as they thought.
Book: Open Heart (pre-series AU) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC) Rating/Category: General. Fluff. Format: Text and pic fic
A/N: This is a continuation of my Maxenna pre-series AU, and follows the events of A Modern Romance. I meant to make these edits part of a larger fic, but I can't seem to concentrate on writing. So, I'm posting them as a standalone. I think they work better that way. Late submission to @choices-february2023, Day 17 "Stand by me" and to @choicesmonthlychallenge March - Friends.
Part 1: Status Quo
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A few weeks later...
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Part 2: Moving On
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Part 3: Next Move
Between Sienna and Cassie...
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Between Max and Cassie...
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A/N2: The next part focuses on the trip to Boston where Max and Sienna fall into old habits. I referenced the aftermath of that trip briefly in this text exchange.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @takemyopenheart @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @openheartfanfics
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma @storyofmychoices
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pwlanier · 9 months
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BOSTON, 1750-90
the upper drawer with handwritten paper label: This bureau belonged to Great-grandmother Blake born Lucy Ann Davenport, 1797. married Jeramiah Blake. Then to her Daughter, Grandmother Clapp-b. Lucy Ann Blake m. John Codman Clapp. Then to her daughter, my mother, b. Emma Isadora Clapp, 1843 m. Edw. Payson Brown--Then to her daughter, my sister b. Edith Blake Brown b. 1869 m. John Lincoln Wilkie. Then to her son, John Wilkie. b. 1904. EIB, Mar. 1935.
31 in. high, 35 ½ in. wide, 21 ½ in. deep
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book--brackets · 2 months
Hello, can I submit some suggestions for best childhood books? So far I've got:
The Children of Green Knowe by Lucy M Boston
Switchers (trilogy) by Kate Thompson
Troy by Adele Geras
Book of the Crow (series) by Catherine Fisher
Children of the Dust by Louise Lawrence
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
The Deptford Mice (series) by Robin Jarvis
(also The Whitby Witches and Tales From the Wyrd Museum series by Robin Jarvis)
Gideon the Cutpurse by Linda Buckley-Archer
Bunnicula (series) by Deborah and James Howe
Thanks for running this! And I hope I did this right. ❤️
Added them all! You did it all right, and Book of the Crow is actually under The Clockwork Crow, which is how it's listed on Goodreads
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